1989 03 14 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Appointment of the Acting Chairperson. 3. Approval of February 28, 1989 Minutes. 4. Review the Lake Lucy Road Trail/Parking Issue. 5. Review Southern Parkland Parcels. 6. Review Requests for Concession Stand at Lake Ann Park. 7 . Site Plan Review - AMCON-Empak, Inc. 8. Site Plan Review - Lake Susan Hills West, 3rd Addition. 9. Approval of July 4th Contracts. 10. 1989 Ice Skating Program Review. 11. Softball Update. i? Discussion of Policy of Rotating Chair Position. 13. Commission Presentation. 14. Administrative Packet. CITY OF CHARHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FR OM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: February 21, 1989 SUBJ: Joint City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Meeting The Park and Recreation Commission has requested that a joint meeting with the City Council be scheduled. The Commission would like to introduce themselves to the Mayor and new Council members as well as discuss Park and Recreation related items and policies. Basically, the Commission would like to get a clear understanding . of what the City Council's philosophies are. Items to be considered for discussion include: Chanhassen Trail System Park Deficient Areas Discussion of Philosophies and policies It is anticipated that this is just a matter of touching base with each other and such could be done in a meeting preceding the March 13th City Council meeting. If such is approved, I will schedule the meeting for Monday, March 13, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 3, 1989 SUBJ: Joint Park and Recreation Commission/City Council Meeting The City Council and Park and Recreation Co~nission will have a joint meeting on March 13 at 6:30 p.m. prior to the regular City Council meeting. The Park and Recreation Commission is interested in getting direction from the City Council on policies and philoso?hies. A one-hour time frame is probably not a sufficient amount of time to go into great detail on specific items. Therefore, it was suggested that the discussion concentrate on the expectations the Council has of the Co~nission and how the two groups can work together to accomplish the park and recrea~ional goals of the City. ~. i ':-0" r. \.) ) ~/ CITY OF CHAIHASSEI 4 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 10, 1989 SUBJ: Lake Lucy Road Trail/Parking Issue The City Council has received a petition requesting that parking be allowed along Lake Lucy Road. Attached please find the minu- tes of the last three City Council meetings and the staff reports outlining possible alternatives. In summary, to allow on-street parking would require taking out the bike lanes along Lake Lucy Road (see Engineer's report, . attachment #5). Removing the trail is not acceptable to trail users and the no parking condition is not acceptable to abutting property owners. Therefore, a compromise should be reached. In researching this item with Engineering, there seems to be three options: Option #1 (see attachment A): This option would allow an 8-foot parking lane along the south side of the road, two 12-foot traf- fic lanes, and moving the curb in 3 feet to allow an 8-foot wide off-street multi-purpose trail along the full length of Lake Lucy Road on top of the curb. This option would require a minor variance from MnDOT and has an estimated cost of $75,000. Option #2 (see attachment Bf: This optIon would allow parking along the south side of the street, two full traffic lanes, and an off-street 6-foot wide trail along the north side of the road. This option would require the trail to be scaled down to 5 feet along the retaining wall and has an estimated cost of $50,000. Option #3 (see attachment C) :,.This option would provide off- street parking pads for the residents who live along Lake Lucy Road. The bike lanes would remain as they currently exist. The estimated cost is roughly $2,600 per pad. Staff feels that each of these options will accomplish the needs . of both groups. The Park and Recreation Commission may want to ask for public reaction to each of the options before making a recommendation to the City Council. . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 10, 1989 Page 2 Attachments A. Option 1. B. Option 2. C. Option 3. 1. Second petition from Lake Lucy Road Residents. 2. February 27, 1989 City Council meeting minutes. 3. Staff report from February 27, 1989 City Council meeting. 4. February 13, 1989 City Council meeting minutes. 5. Staff report from February 13, 1989 City Council meeting. 6. First petition from Lake Lucy Road Residents. 7. January 23, 1989 City Council meeting minutes. ~HR OS ',;;.'3 15:01 '=!21-~:2'3'3 .-.",~..~~t. . . .... . . .... 4' 6' BIKEWAY ~ l\T F'.2 41' 33' 12' TRAFFIC LANE 121 ,I TRAFFIC LANE PARKING - OPTION 1 "N 36' 12' TRAFFIC LANE WESTWOOD PAOFESSIO,.'AL SERVICES 7101 VORl( AVEnUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS. &4UWESOTA Gl$4:)S 12' TRAFFIC LANE 6' BIKEWAY , t EXISTING ~N TRAIL LOCATION . OPTIONS a' TRAIL ALL . 4' . ~ ~ SITUMINOUS . CURB . EXHIBIT WWPS-10 .. " I I - - I - J , 1 I I .. I I " I , I J w Z ...J a: w t- Z W o Option 2 1 ' 6' 4' 12' 8' ---. 4' :J: I t- ~AFFIC " < z a.. TWO WAY - w ~ a: 3 ~ I <( - i y~ m .1 a.. I ~r [' I I L --' ~1 3 2' OFFSET ----~ NO SCALE BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION WWPS EXHIBIT 8 _tI.~ ...:.--- I " I Option 3 . I LAKE LUCY ROAD I I PARKING _ It.. STRIPE STRIPE I - . SOLID LINE BITUMINOUS BIKEWAY CURB I I MARKING SOLID LINE I BIKEWAY .. MARKING - I BITUMINOUS 1 CURB I b It) I I FUTURE I ~ TRUNK WATERMAlN . I f!! + ~ ~ ~ 8' 6' 12.' I ~ I BIKEWAY ~I P BIKEWAY x: I C) - 0:' t 12' 6' I I RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS I , PLAN VIEW I PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION I CITY OF CHANHASSEN EXHIBIT LAKE LUCY ROAD WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL PARKING AREA WWPS-9 I SERVICES, INC. CONSTRUCTION 1t~."~:;;tJii," 7("", 'cI ~/:>7 /.., , ""~'"-f , I" " '. ..il'"" , ' c..C ~~ IJ::J!!~/1 ;Z-fD~ :r:~ i~;~,~~. &.-~'f' -' {, .'i"';' '.., , ~ A ce.. (P~1<) 3/z 7 , ,:~~t/>We. the Llnden:i'::Jlied. who li""e Ot' O~>ln ot'ooet'tv on Lake LLI'=v ~ ~i:1' Road= oetition the City of Chanl"'l....ssento allow oaddng on " , ,.'; Lake LLICV Ro....d. ~/~7/17 ~ ,..."i~.~~);;','.', " ".' '~~.'~:t~'r<~;~.~.We feel the best and least e~.(oe~sive. wav. to':accompl ish this "rA\:,~:,};,~',,~ould be to t'emove the "No F'ad::Ing/BIke Lane",slgns and ',.\i~1i',j\]'~:;,mat'k inC}s. We wOLdd ot'efet' oaddnq made 'ava,pab 1 e!' ,on one SIde ~'~J'f.:.fi;,~~,,:t,pf Lake LLlc ~ F:o~d in ac: c:c:wd ane: e with ~ tate . c:o~e~-c:onc:et'n I ng ':<"ffi,:i,' roads of thIS wldth. We feel that thIS solutIon would "'r'~~,'~, ';r1accommoda. te the t-.e.;:: i den tEe and c: i t i zen:o of Chanhassen fot' both ;:~ ;41W~pat'k i ng and bike LI:aqe as i ~ d.~,~ . b,efc:~~e ~t:7 Jri~;'~'! t"oad was :c~':lC.onstt',uc:ted In ,198/. "; ,~ri"'!~,';rf;,'i ,::>'t' )Ji':~'.' JiP":~>"'''''''-' ,',,~, ,t"l .llli';t . "",. ~,,,,,,,.,.,. ,. ';,1 ~ ! ~ ;::' . ~ . ~ 'I' .' '~-,~"~ Phone No. ," t,1l~ ~&~. In/ Lak~' IU~ ~~~ ~ df< ~tUr- ~f J 1 -d J 11/''7 .,J:) J1, ~ ~/ ~': .'....: b. V""""- / fJ '- --- ,. ~ ~ '" ~ / ,'~.:' ...,'J, ': E-J~ ,p~of~ ~ -'(I"" I. ,110 .....~ - #) _ . ~ , Oli 4 ,- - (/ /) ;: ~~:'If:~, ~~ ~ df~ of~~' ..!}~~/~'~ / #1 -~ A tJ v?al2t cf~ 124 ,:'!'!....~ V~ C1 (. y- ..~:';:.'Z;./(6//:/~~~ -97~~~~ . ..'.'.~!'. . Y AlA=-:..' ""':. "'7: . ,: -~ d2R'ot ~ Rd. "}~ . IV VV~ (' .... .' v '.'~..'.,'..V~~~.~ ~.. /6~~ t..te ~...t/.!f) ,i,131~ /? f /ZdUL ....:....~...~..~.~~.,.~il; ~- ~lMD l(P~~ 't&~ ~)( rwJ) \.' ~ ~!~ ~. . . 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Road= petition the City of Channassen to allow carking on ," Lake Lucy Road. ;~f.. ~l~1" .;, .,:';:~ ;" .We feel the best and least e:-(oen:: i ve WCl,V to accomo 1 ish th i:: '-i1:';';{:'":." ,'would be to t'emC'VE the "No F'at'kin9lBike Lane" s19n= and . l~~\,~~:f:fl:o>:;"; mat~~dnqs\ We would Pt'e'fet~ pat'k ~n?made avai 1 ~b Ie on one. Sld:i,\ {.:;,{~"':ti::,;~,;",.pf Lake Lucy Road In accot~dance WIth state cOdesconCe,t"nln9~';J}! ~.:;;;,\.~..in;,.:t"Oads of th is width. We feel that this SO hI t i oni wOLlld ; , .;~~:: . . "'~'~~~t,,:o"~:acc:ommC:lda te the t'es i den ts and c i t i zens of Chanhassen fOt" both 'F. '.,~~r:~f1f' " pat"k inq and bike Llsage as it did befot'e the new road was 'f ,; ,;,:,~ 'f:"<\i.;j~C,on S t t~LIC: t ed in 1987., '; , ~~f:c;~t<. , " ":"S', .~ '.t ';;lff~,i;;',Naine"" . 'f:.Addt~ess" i:, ~,,~A~r~'~';;Qj; l1~d' 'LJeeL..~r' ~~'.}t'~,':\.;, . . l. /!f;.30 M 7&, f 'ii:ll/ft:): ./~ .,..~ ~ ~ ')~t>? ~ 'Y( Va /3.tILJ6,~. rRJ (ff:' . ?:;/'!1 ~t IV 30 ~~ ~ ,WI ?~ f.. ~JJ)A py~~~ c, 13/ G+'71 ~..t~. ,~i<:?'. .l ~ 4J~ /6 S(J ~ak.;r'/ /C'd'. :~-.;1 ~ · e:). · /"-'.,-J ~ lP y!J ~~~~,}., ~'~o./~' 7tJ~t-/Cp~~)~Q . ~.:~ 4~..Jtt~ lito ;;(Uu.<I~Rc{/ . i''.!!i;~~V~ /'1M t..k.l"'"'J /t.i, r;"J' l,J.".~ ~ <. ~ ~../ , j" ,. ,,/ ~.., _ r .. . ./,,~~;;. .,. ,~11 f~~}j~ '11C!w / 1~II.O<oJu~Rd, "'$~j 1;)0 0 k>."'~ l. \Je, i Rc& 'i 14 -'14 Cj J.. ~~~8k . 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" .~) ~"' ~.; ;' ~i: .-"'(,' ."A .u' ../, '. 0,'" ,_., '.,' '. . -. .-~ {. .' , ':~ "City Council Meeting - FE 13ry 27, 1989 . REVIEW LAKE LUCY ROAD TAAIL/PARKING ISSUE. r- Mayor Chmiel: The next item is the review of the Lake Lucy Road trail/parking issue. My suggestion at this time is that I'm going to propose in tabling the issue at this time but we will take public comnents on this. We will bring this back to the Council on March 13th. So anyone wishing to address the issue. To:n Steinkallp: May I ask why you want to table it? Mayor Chmiel: Because there's one council member that's not here. Please state your name and address please. Tom Steinkamp: Torn Steinkamp, 1771 Pheasant Circle. First of all I think there's a bunch of people here. Maybe everybody concerned with this matter should stand up. Ei ther for or agai nst it. Now you want to table thi s? r13yor Chmiel: Yes. Torn Steinkamp: I mean and make us come again. I guess my cooments on the thing, on the situation is I can understand maybe that some people would like to park on Lake Lucy Road. I think the issue is maybe way bigger than that. It is a trail. I've talked to some of you people. I think some of the other people have talked to you people. Some of you people have the idea that the trail doesn't get used. You drive it two times a day. I think Tom you drive 'it two times a day probably at 7: 30 in the morning and 5: 30 in the evening to pick up and deliver your kid from daycare. That's what you told me. . CounciLman ~vork:nan: 5:30? I did not tell you that. l Torn Steinkamp: Okay, well you told me boD times a day. In the morning and evening. It's probably around 5:30. Councilman Workman: It's more like 8:100-8:30 in the morning and about 3:30 in the afternoon. Tom Steinkallp: I think if you got out there and people are home in the evenings on nice evenings you'll see that it gets used. CounciLlllan Workman: I don't disagree that it's not used. That's not my point. Tom Steinkamp: Okay. I think that the trail is a part of a broad comprehensive trail program. Trail system that the city's got in place that I thj nk has been voted on and passed which someday may come to real i ty. Did any of you guys know why Lake Lucy Road was realigned to the south on the 'Nest side of Lake Lucy Road? Does anybody know? Wasn't it to li ne it up to ex tend it to County Road 41 at a future date? Gary Warren: The City's State Aid program does provide for continuing Lake Lucy out to TH 41. Because of the property owner at the time, Merrill Stellar was platting Lake Lucy Highlands, that was at the fulcrum that got the road platted arrl the right-of-way established as it is. . Tom Steinkamp: And that allows for Lake Lucy Road to continue? b 20 Ci ty Council ~eeting - Fe~ruary 27, 1989 , ! , ;, Gary Warren: Because we couldn't push it through the Melody Hills area b2cause those roads are already there. Tom Steinkamp: {mere would that come out on TH 41? About directly across the street fr~~ the park? Gary Warren: Near the church that's going to be constructed up there. Tom Steinkamp: About directly across the street fran the park? Gary Warren: A little bit north of there. Tan Steinkamp: I think that adds to part of the reason why there should be a trail there. These people in Curry Farms. Us people in Pheasant Hills. I think we'd be more apt to use your parks if we could get to them but if you're constructing roads and you're not thinking about trails, this trail's already there. I mean in the long range plan, there's going to be a need for it. Yes, it doesn't go anywhere right now. It goes from Lake Lucy Road to Galpin Blvd. but I think in the long term it's going to go someplace. I voted for the trail system that failed. The reason I voted for it is I looked at how that trail system was going to affect me. It was going to affect me because I could get on it. If you take away the trail on Lake Lucy Road, I'm not going to be able to get on any other trails. I think it's necessary to keep it there. I think the concern of one or two citizens or haneowners. I think there were 11 haneowners, 25 signatures, 11 properties, that signed the petition. I think there's a lot more people that use the trails and want the trails there. I guess when I build a house I have to consider the parking and I guess I can't see th3t I need to go to the ci ty to supply pad:i.ng for me. I live on a cul-de-sac and there isn't much parking on the cul-de-sac. Does that mean th3t I can come to you and ask for parking lot across the street fran me or something? I think you're opening yourself up to building parking lots in this city also. I think the people use it. I thi.nk it's going to get used more. I think it'd be foolish to take so:nething away. Yes, I'd like to have it a 6 foot trail off street but I think that's going to cost some money and people aren't going to want it and it will further encroach their yards and I can certainly understand that but I can't see taking away something that's there already. Thank you. Joe Moran: My name is Joe Moran and I'm building a home right now on Lake Lucy . Road. 1441 Lake Lucy Road and I eXPect to be moving in fran Fden Prairie sometime in April. Wh3t I have here is the peti tion that the previous gentleman referred to and I'd like to present that to you. Also I'd like to have Nancy Tichy provide you sane more background and detailed information. Would you like me to read this? M3yor Chmiel: Yes, if you would. I i Joe Moran: Okay. The petition reads, ve, the undersigned who live on or own property on Lake Lucy Road petition the City of Chanhassen to allow parking on Lake Lucy Road. We feel that the best and least expensive way to accanplish this would be to r6l10ve the no parking bike lane signs and markings. ~-e would prefer parking made available on one side of Lake Lucy Road in accordance with . State Codes concerning roads of this width. W? feel that this solution would accomnodate the residents and citizens of Olanhassen for both parking and bike useage as it did before the new road was constructed in 1987. You'll note that 21 e e e. City Council Meeting - Fs .l3ry 27, 1989 . there are 37 signatures on the petition. I also have two personal comnents I'd like to make. First of all, being new to this area, I think I'm fairly unbiased in terms of the issue. One of the things I was most impressed with was the sensitivity am sincerity of the people that put thjs petition together in addressing the needs and concerns of all of the residents in the area so it makes me feel good about my choice of moving to this area. The secom point i'd like to make is that I think the ~rk petition is kind of an advisarial kind of a word and I don't think we're really peti tioning against anything. What you'll find Nancy talking about is really a proposal for something with some very minor changes to the way things are and I'd like to think of that as more of a constructive proposal, a compromise solution that meets the needs of all the people in the area. So with your permission, I'd like to set up the overhead and have Nancy present the proposal. r . Nancy Tichy: My name is Nancy Tichy and I live at 1471 Lake Lucy Road. I would like to just make a couple corrments to what Mr. Steinkamp stated. The area designated for bike route on Lake Lucy Road is not a trail. They are bike lanes. I think there is a difference. Also, as far as an overall trail syst~ for this city, I believe the referendum carne to a vote for the citizens this past fall and was voted down. It had been brought to a vote previously am had also been voted down at that time. I have several other personal corrments that I'd like to make before I present what the residents who have signed the peti tion feel is a good proposal. First, the majori ty of residents on Lake Lucy Road "JOuld like to be able to park am have the benefit to park on the road as we IM:!re able to before Lake Lucy Road was reconstructed in 1987. The houses that existed prior to the reconstruction depended on parking and many of us who live on that road and lived there before the road was reconstructed, IM:!re never told that 1M:! would not be able to park on that road. As a matter of fact, we were told we \tK)uld be able to park on the road. Secondy, State Aid funded 69% or about 69% of the cost of improvements made to Lake Lucy Road and 31% or about of the cost was assessed to the residents \vi th property which abuts to the road. Since 1M:! are funding part of the cost of the road, 1M:! feel we should have the benefit to park on it. Third, the improvements made on Lake Lucy Road were completed about in August, 1987. The no parkin9 signs and the bike trail signs IM:!re not installed until the following spring in 1988. Now during that time, that was a 9 month period where the road accorrmodated the residents for parking. We parked on the road and it was not often and it also accanmodated bikers and walkers. I bike. I walk and there was no prol:>lem. I think many of the people opposed to leaving the bike lanes there as they are think there's going to be bumper to bumper parking on that road and during that 9 month span, it was rarely parked on and it was just for special occasions when we had guests over or 1M:! wanted to hold meetj ngs or something like that 1M:! would use the street for parking or inclement weather. I guess I'd like to present what we think is a good option for all the residents. We're trying to come up with something that would please everyone or make it available for everyone. I use the road to bi,ke and walk and I ~uld also like to park on it. What Joe is putting up on the overhead is also on this handout. Lake Lucy Road is 36 feet wide and according to the State Aid Engineering office, the traffic lanes must remain at 12 feet. That is the mj nimum which ~uld allow 24 feet of the road used for traffic. If parking would be allowed, I believe the State also requires that you allow 8 feet so that would add up to 32 feet. The other 4 feet could be used as a multiple use route. The only markings, the State requires that you mark the line for the p3rking and the center marking. The centerline marking but they do not allow you, I bel j eve to put the marking for a mul tiple use route. We feel L . b 22 ~ .. J f , City Council ivleetjng - ,C'ebruary 27,1989 that the changes to the road would be minimum and at a mlnJrnum cost to the City. It ~uld be a matter of ranoving the no parking signs on the south side of the street and move the center stripe 2 feet north. Now \oJe don't really care which side the parking is on. The parking could go on the south side or the north side, it doesn't matter. We feel that this proposal meets the MSA guidelines. Is modeled after plans used by the d. ties of Hopkins and Minnetonka Park and Rec Departments. They have had similar problems or many problems where they have roads where people ~uld like to park on then and also use then for biking and walking and they have come up with this solution. It's optional but you.could put up the sign bike route and that's what they have done in the past to handle the parking. It provides needed p3rking on one side of the road and it provides a multiple use route for biking, horseback riding, walking or whatever. we feel tha tit accoomoda tes all the residents. Thank you. Councilman Johnson: Before our next person fran the audience stands up and talks, I'd like to make a statement. 01 the t~ referendums ~ held, we did not vote as to whether ~ will have a plan or not have a plan. The referendum was how ~uld we finance trails in this city. It was not, are ~ going to have trails in the city. The trail plan was not defeated because it was never voted on by the citizens. It's never been brought to that. It has passed the various Planning Co:nrnissions and City Councils and is part of our Comprehensive Plan required t.~rough the Metropolitan Council, etc.. What has been defeated is that the citizens of Chanhassen do not want to pay for the trail system. Narrowly defeat.ed t"wice. The existing system for financing the trail system is through new developnent and charges bei.ng directed to the new developers and the new homes. They each pay a trail fee and industry pays a trail fee as they move in and through this method \ve will eventually have a trail systen throughout the city t."1at our citizens can use. It's just going to take us a lot longer since ~ weren't able to pass bonds or pass a referendum for it. So I wanted to clarify that. I continue hearing from the public that we have voted down a trail systan and that's not true at all. We only voted down how ~ finance a trail systell. Nancy Tichy: Hay I ask a question then? Why on sorne of the sheets it says proposed? en the trail systan that I got, it \vas proposed. Councilman Johnson: All the trails are proposed because they haven't been built ..yet. If they were there then there'd be a trail. Nancy Tichy: I see a proposal as not have been passed yet or needed to be voted . '- on. I don't see it as it's already been voted on and passed. These systems, J from What I've seen, look like they're proposals. Not that they've been passed ..:.already. ,':.. Counci Lllan Johnson: Some of them we have to buy land and everything else and until it's completed, yes. Nancy Tichy: Then it's sti 11 a proposal. It's not a plan. Councilman Johnson: No it's a trail plan. It's part of our Comprehensive Plan required by the State for each city to have a Comprehensive Plan. - Nancy Tichy: But it's still a proposal right? 23 . . . . . . .. ..:. .~ >'City Council Meeting - F 'uary 27, 1989 Co unci Lllan Johnson: Sure, but it has never been, as a tr a il plan we have never come to the citizens am say do you want trails except for the surveys and in the surveys overwhelmingly, the citizens did say they want trails in thi s town. v~ ca~e am said do you want to pay for the trails am by an extremely narrow margin, they lost. They said no, we don't want to pay for the trails. We have to respect that. r John Speiss: My name is John Speiss and I live at 6610' Arlington Court.. I'm relatively new to Chanhassen as a resident. I don't know, a lot of people have moved out of the city for one reason or another and if you've ever lived in a city with parking on both sides of your street and in front of your house, you find out how soon you can't stand it anymore. Every time you look for a parking place, sanebody' s in it. The children can't get out between the cars too easily. A lot of them get hit and I guess one of the big issues about on street parking is that we do have to have our children out there at some times. Usually in the summer when everybody's trying to use the parks. It creates traffic. It creates people driving to our parks and trying to get in there when they're no parking at the parks. It see.ms most sensible that if the people want to use the parks, they can use their bicycles to get there and we won't have a parking problem. But if we start creating parking all along our trail system, we're goin:J to have a big prob18l1 gettin:J rid of it when it's uncontrolled. I don't see a problem in the winter. Nobody can park there anyway because of snow removal. I don't see a problem for the chi Idren in the 'Hinter. They're not going to be out there that much but usually when everybody wants to park is in the summer am it's just going to be overloaded before we know it. Thank you. Eric Rivkin: My name is Eric Rivkj n. I live at 6095 Stellar Court. Stellar Court is a side road that is a new road that comes off of, empties into Lake Lucy Road. I won't have a parking problem necessar ily but I fear for my child's life on Lake Lucy Road when he starts to grmv up. Ride a bike. ~valk along the road and I think this problem of safety is a lot deeper than anybody has mentioned so far. I've had a lot of chance to talk to neighbors here. I know by name most everybody who's involved in this and is sitting here tonight. I've also got a little bit of past history with this. D..lring the past year I built a house, I contracted it myself and I \.;ras there every single day driving along Lake Lucy Road. Before it was paved, I happened to notice that there was a lot of people using the road. It \Vas appealin-3 to walk on it. Horseback ride on it. Jog on it. Even bike on it. There were bike races. Jogging races. Things going along the road and everyti:ne I would drive on it, which was all times of the day, I'd see a constant stream of people. Especially on weekends. Now that the road has been paved over, I don't see, I was here every single day during this past sumner and spring and fall and I'd have to say that the population of strollers and joggers and what not has noticeably decreased and it's because of the design of road. I want to stress that safety is the biggest issue here for me and I think, we had a neighborhood meeting here a couple of Sundays ago and a lot of the residents voiced very loud opinions about the feeling that the road was unsafe. That it was converted from basically a quiet country road, albeit very dusty and something had to be done about that but from a quiet country road to basically to one equivalent to Highway 10'1. The pavement is wider than TH 10'1. TH 10'1' s p3vement is 30' feet. I know. I measured it because I had a developnent there that I had to measure it. So it's designed for motorists. It's not designed for people. It's not designed for developJng or encouraging a corrmunity who's getting an influx of a lot of young fami lies who want a coherent ccmnuni ty. It's designed for people to pass L b 24 , . I j City Council ~1eeting 'ebruary 27, 1989 ; , .. from one em of town to the other. If you're exteooing to TH 41, which I hope you never will, it's just going to aggravate the problem because people are goiTl3 to see this as a nice, snooth way to bypass the traffic on TH 5 between those Powers Blvd. and TH 41. I changed my opinion about parking. I empathize with the residents who feel they need parking. I think it was a right that should not have been taken away or a design feature that should not have been taken away. But I want to propose a compromise solution that I think might solve everybody's, maybe solve some problems. It also creates new ones but I think with some creative legislation, perhaps some work on your parts, maybe this thing could be considered. I'd like to use the overhead if I could. Right now the road is 36 feet. You've got 6 feet on either side for what multiple use as Joe and Nancy have called it. I think it's a very dangerous si tua tion. Almost all of the people here tonight have young chi ldren who are going to be growing up.. . and as more people are moving into the area, they're going to want to visit their frieoos am the only place to walk is in a very dangerous zone. r think for purposes of safety we should consider maybe another proposal in narrowing the road area down and with a curb in it aoo put in some sort of sidewalk off to the side. Now without increasing easements, this has been done on the Lake of the Isles where they were forced because there just wasn't any room to go, to be able to create, take the same ease~ent, narrow the road down, decrease the speed 1 imi t, put in a sidewalk aoo narrow the tar wi th 1 i ttle bump outs in the road where you could park for a stretch of a 100 feet or so. Just park in certain sections so you don't have this problem of a stream of cars or unsafe op;?ning and closing of doors from parked cars. This gentleman over here mentioned the problem of children not going between cars and that. Well, by sp:lcing the p:lrking areas, you can easily get because there's a lot of open space between them. I realize there's some problems maybe getting the State to agree with something like this because we already paid the money but I think maybe we ought to just go to them am admit that thing's a bad design and we want to improve it. The residents are in favor of it and find creative ways to be able to finance it as cheaply as we possibly can. As long as the objectives are met aoo it's making a safe passage, I think we'll all agree, or get some agreement to what useage it actually is going to be or is. Since the road project was proposed 2 years ago, there's a lot more residents there. I think they should have more voice into the use of it. So we'd be able to get, design it properly for what the residents feel is a good and proper design. r really feel that this solves the safety problems and it also would solve the super high\'laY feeling that people get from looking at this road. ~'E basically took a dirt road and converted it into a beautiful highway. It is straight. It's snooth. It's got curves. It's better looking than Galpin Blvd. or Powers. People are going to use it as a passage between the two roads and all the way to TH 41 and I think that's a real mistake. r think we should encourage it as a comnunity street and make it look like one, work like one and be a safe one. I don't think it should look like a passage street with this dividing a cornnunity up. And an unsafe one at that so that's my opinion. Councilman Johnson: Mr. M:iyor, I believe Eric's come up with an j nteresting Alternate #26 or whatever on this. With his basic plan, I think some of his numbers are a li ttle mixed up on his drawing but wi th his basic plan, instead of having to put a full 8 foot side bump out on p:lrking, you'd only need about a 4 foot bump out on parking and you'd have the 34 foot width of travel space at the parking area. We would sti 11 have a 6 foot trail on the north side. I like his idea of trying to separate the trail. The method of separating may not be to bui Id a full concrete or raised area. It may be just to run a beam of, a 25 . . . Ci ty Counci 1 Meeti ng - F( .1ary 27, 1989 . little seam of asphalt like our little islaoos except for not as big as an island to separate the traffic from the people. I think the cost consideration here v~uld be considerably less. We ~uld solve the problems of the people on the north side saying they don't want an off-street trail because that impinges more into their yard. By providing a couple of the cut outs at the proper locations, the cost of the cut outs are going to be half of what they used to be because they're only half as big now. We could put more cut offs in there for parking. By having a slight separation, by having a curb between the'walking area and the driving area, it ~uld be a safer walking area ?nd there are kids walking on that street. Thank you Eric. I appreciate looking at this. I think this is an al ternati ve that needs to be looked into a' li ttle closer. . when it canes out, it's much less expensive than the $47,000.00 to $60,000.00. It may be a little more expensive because I ~uld like to put something to keep the cars to where they don't come over into the walking area to where we have ita little safer. That maintains the trail. It might work. r Joe Moran: I'd like to build on what you just said. I think the idea of the bu:np in the highway along this multiple use route is a very good one indeed. I'm also concerned for the safety of our children. Councilman Johnson: It'd be on the other side. It'd be on the parking side. Joe Moran: This ~uld be the multiple use route for traffic for the trail system. . Councilman Johnson: In Eric's version, the bump outs ~lIOuld be on the south side. L Joe Moran: In Eric's version there were bump outs for parking but I'd like to call your attention to the fact that at the top of the hill at L3ke Lucy Road after the construction, the road was raised about 6 or 8 feet. When I first bought the property there, t:1is ~vas from the gravel road down to my property was a nice li ttle slope of about 3 or 4 feet and now it's a 9 foot cl iff. 'Ihere ~uld be no way you could put a bump out there or on the property on ei ther side of it. So the bump out idea probably isn't feasible in this area but I really do like the idea of having sane separation between the mul tiple use route and the traffic. Councilman Johnson: The bump out will be the where the parking will be. That's what the bump out's for. At the point where you're going to have parking. Joe Moran: I was referring to the raised hump that you talked about rather than a raised sidewalk that would be put in for Pedestrians. Councilman Johnson: On your version of it, I'm not going to drop it down to 4 foot. 4 foot isn't even enough for a residential sidewalk. We have to keep that 6 and then go for a variance from the State to allow for parking at 6 on your version of it because we ~uld be down to less than 34 feet. Eric Rivkin: You could buy an casement, just 4 feet on the edges of the bump outs for the sidewalk. In other words, you don't have to extend it to 40 feet .all the way. Just in the areas where the bump outs are. That might be added so you have enough passage for bikers on the road and correct me if I'm wrong but is it illegal to have biking on a sidewalk? b 26 ~ .,. , 'j ..;.-.,' . Ci ty Council Meeting - ..:ebruary 27, 1989 .j. Councilman Johnson: I'm not worried about the biking because this is a wide enough street for the bikers are compatible with the cars. I'm worried about the walkers. . Eric Rivkin: 24 feet is enough for bikers and cars? Councilman Johnson: Yes. Eric Rivkin: It is? Okay. Joe Moran: I want to make one other point. When you think about the on street parking, we're not imagining a whole stream of parked cars on the side of this road. Most of us have plenty of parking already except in the rare instances where we'd have vistors for Christmas or Thanksgiving or things like that where we'd overflow and then we'd need to have something for people on rare occasions. Councilman Johnson: Can we do parking by permit only? Mayor Chmiel: Anyone else wishing to address? M'3rk Lewis: Mark Lewis at 1771 Ringneck. I've been here since April. I read an article about this street when it was paved over and the people complained that lived there about the cost. The street's fine. Leave the street alone. I use it. The cost of all this is not going to be paid by everyone that is not in favor although we have no choice because we live here. The people that live on the street are complaining of the cost of changing everything. There's joggers on there. There's bikers. There's walkers. The street is not dangerous. The drivers are dangerous. There's no street that's dangerous. lmat's the speed limit? It can't be a highway if it's 35. . Larry Kerber: 30 and 35. Half of it is 30 and the other half is 35. Mark Lewis: I use the street in the morning at 5:30 on a nice day in the morning when I jog and in the evening I'm out and there's no problem with the traffic. The problem I see right now is all the construction in CUrry Hills? Curry Farms? That's where the problem is right now. I don't think that the cost of changing it is going, we're making all these proposals to change it is worth taking apart"a street that's already fine. You can park on one side. Maybe that's a compromise. Park on one side of it and leave one side open. Thank you. Larry Kerber: My name is Larry Kerber. I have property at the corner of Lake Lucy and Powers Blvd.. I agree, our street is wide enough now. It's a 36 foot road. It's wider than any road leading to it or from it. It's the widest road there. It's wider than CR 17, CR 117. It's almost 50% wider than the roads in Pheasant Hills and CUrry Farms. Those roads accommodate parking on either side, two way traffic, biking, jogging, whatever they ~ant. This road is, like I said, almost 50% wider than that. I can't believe we can't work parking on one side alone arrl still accomnodate bikers arrl joggers. It's just a 'Hide enough road. The speed limit is low enough. '!he visibi.1ity, everything was supposed to be increased when they redid it so the road just has to accomnadate this. I can't believe we can't cane up with a solution for it with the road we have. Another thing I'd like to point out. This parking issue is not just . 27 2.:~~) City Cound 1 Meeting - Fet .Jry 27, 1989 . sanething for the Tichy's. There are people all along that road need parking. There's Palmers on the end. Babbi ts. All the way down to the other end where my property is with the 3 little houses on the corner. They park on it virtually every night one of the cars is out there. One of them does babysitting. Another one has another occupation where they've got a car home and just about every night I go by there I'll see a car in the street so it's not just for Tichys. Everybody needs the parking occasionally. We're the people who p3id for the road. We're also the people who had the parking and I think we should have it back. r Kathy Kerber: I'm Kathy Kerber and I guess what I'd like to remind the Council is right now at this time CUrry Farms has scxnething like 6 acres, 7 acres park in it right now? Am the Pheasant Hills is looking at a possible parkland of 11 to 12 acres right in the northeast corner of that subdivision and I guess I don't really see where the trails is something that should be in line because the kids are going to be playing in the parks. And I, myself would much rather see the money spent putting playground equip:nent in those p3rks so the kids play in the park rather than riding alongside of a road without an adult or walking in a street without their parent. They belong playing in a park and I guess one thing that really upsets me is my daughters and I ride Lake Lucy Road. We have for the past 10 years. We walk it. We ride bikes. We've never had a problem. We've always been able to park alongside of our property and I guess I'm just really irri tated by the fact that some people represented their concerns at the last Park and Rec meeting. My understanding at this last Council meeting, this was tabled to t.l1is meeting and yet they discussed it anyway and the people there concerning their problems were people that lived at least within a half a mile off of Lake Lucy Road. I believe children belong playing in parks and not along roads. L . (There was a tape change at this point in the meeting.) Jim Mady: ...1M2 haven't had a problell. Thank God. Knock on wood. A child hasn't been killed in our city. We're trying to prevent that right now. If we wait until that happens, we're all the poorer for it. If there is a way to do this, and I understand tax dollars ar::: very tight but we need to investigate this plan. I ask the Council to allow the Park and Rec Corrrnission to review this item. Your last meeting you wouldn't let us review it because you needed to go forward. Time was of the essence. Mr. Mayor, your motion tonight is to table it again. I believe it's important enough that we need to get heads together and get staff to review this item and let's get a good design that everyone can live with, especially the children in our comnunity. Councilman Boyt: Excuse me Mr. Hayor but it would sean to me that it would be appropriate to rear from people who haven't spoke at all before ~ hear from people the second am third time. Mayor Chmiel: we'll keep the meeting open for anyone who wishes to address anything at all Bill. Nancy Tichy: I would like to just cooment on what Mr. Mady had said with reference to the Park and Rec Corrmission meeting that was held on February 14th. . I was informed via phone conversation and by letter from the Park and Rec Cornnission that the bike trail issue would not be addressed am it would be addressed by the engineering department. On February 13th at the City Council r ~, 28 J \ . I 1 City Council ~eeting ebruary 27, 1989 1 meeting, I believe the City Council voted to have W=stwood Professional Services do a study on alternatives regarding bike and parking useage. The Council decided that Park and Rec would not meet on this issue. On February 14th at the Park and Rec Co:rrnission meeting, discussion was initiated by Park and Rec which was against the vote of the Council and I believe this was unethical. Tom Steinkamp: Were you at the Park and Rec meeting? Nancy Tichy: No, but I have the Minutes and I can read you... Tom Steinkamp: Were the Minutes recorded Minutes? Nancy Tichy: Yes. Torn Steinkamp: Because there was some ccmnent about the trail system in regards to the Pheasant Hills request for parkland. I think I was the one that brought it up. Nancy Tichy: M3ry Cordell was... Torn Steinka~p: But at any rate, I don't know that from what I took from the Park and Rec Co:rmission meeting was not so much that, yeah they were unhappy I think that they M:ren't involved in it but their main thing was, hey you people that want these trails, that use these trails, to stand up and speak your mind or know about it. I guess I read the Council meeting agenda and there was something to the effect of parking on rake Lucy Road but by gosh if I would have knovm that the elimination of a trail was about to be voted on, I'd have shown up so I think it's unfair to the Council not to inform the people about what's going on or what's potentially going to be voted on. I guess I find it hard to believe that without any input from any of the other side of the story that it came that close to a vote to eliminate the trails completely. I don't have a problem with parking on this street but I don't want to give up, I don't see it, to give up the trails in lieu of that. If M: can come up with some sort of a compromise where M: can have parking and we can have a trail, I'm for that. I'm not for, I can understand your position but I think parking and maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong, I think a bike trail on the street you have to have a bike trail both directions then don't you? Okay, so if you eliminate it off of one side of the street, don't you eliminate it off of both sides of the street unless you make it an off street bike trail? Is that correct? So really what you're talking about is if you're going to have a bike trail, you're going to have to have it off street or you're going to have it some way divided from the street. Now if you're going to have parking on one side and i3 small median like the gentleman suggested and then your bike trail, that's fine and I think off street would be the best but that may be costly too. Councilman Johnson: Can I ask you a question? Are you for only a bike trail or . . . Tom Steinkamp: I think it should be multipurpose. Bike or walking or what have you. Councilman Johnson: Because to me bike trail and walking aren't terribly compatible if you get the helmeted 10 speeders or 12 speeders running down through there. I think that the bikers, a trail that a kids on and a 2 wheeler 29 . . . City Counci 1 Meeting - Fc lary 27, 1989 . with training wheels is something different. What lM:luld you feel about having, not a bike trail but just a multiple use trail on one side of the street arrl parking on the other? r Tom Steinkallp: Yes, I don't have any problem with that. I guess it was my understanding that if you eliminate it on one side you eliminate both sides. Counci11lan Johnson: Only if it's a bike trail. Tom Steinkamp: It's a bike trail now, is that right? Counc i 11lan Johnson: Right. Jim Mady: It's a bike lane. Larry Kerber: Now does that allow walkers and joggers or is that specifically for bikes? Councilman Johnson: I have no idea. Larry Kerber: I know the bikers don't because they never use it. Kathy Kerber: Jay, the State Engineers did tell me that if you put the parking in, they can still serve bikers and walkers on that same side that the cars are parked in. That is not a problem. Kathy Kerber: As any other road does. L . Tom Steinkamp: But I don't think that's the way to do it. Tom Steinkallp: I think you're really then, you're just making a parking lane that you can ride bikes on. Councilman Johnson: In drivers ed one of the big things you always look at is the ball coming out fro.l1 behirrl the car. The car just hides the vision of the kid that's there which if you have kids walking along, you don't want to give than something to hide behirrl. Tom Steinkarnp: I think you do that, with putting in parking and not having some means for a trail or a bike lane or walking or mul tiple use or whatever you want to call it, I think you're just compounding the problem then. You're going to have the people out there. Pheasant Hills, it's safe to say that Pheasant Hills park, if it does go through, it isn't going to happen for 5 years anYWaYs and we're goin:J to want to use CUrry Farms park. If Lake Lucy Road ever goes to TH 41, we're going to want to go to the park there and I think you people are too. I think to make it more dangerous than it is is foolish. I'd like to see some way that you can park on it but I don't want it, not at the expense of giving up a trail or a bike lane or whatever you want to call it. . Mary Cordell: Hi, my name is Mary Cordell and I live at 1730 Lake Lucy Lane and our property does abut Lake Lucy Road. It goes down to Lake Lucy Road. I've been listening to a lot of the different proposals tonight and a lot of the different opinions on the bike lanes or the multiple use trails. I'm definitely in favor of keeping some sort of a multiple use trail and I guess the proposal b 30 'l { { I City Council Meeting ebruary 27, 1989 that struck me as meeting my needs the best and possibly the needs of the ~ comnuni ty was Eric's. Tha t ~uld narrOvl the road which make it seem li ke not such a high~vay going through a purely residential area and putting sane type of a barrier for multiple use. For biking. Whatever and then having the, I don't know what they're called, the little butt outs in the road for the parking. That ~uld seem to me, it ~uld meet the needs of the people that ~uld need parking and it ~uld also provide a safer road for our children to bike on or to walk on and retain our trail system. Ej Hasek: My name is Ed Hasek. I'm a resident of Olanhassen. I live at 65713 Kirkwood Circle. I'm also a member of the Park Board. I guess there's been a lot of discussion tonight about design. I guess I'm really impressed at the amount of engineers v.e have here in town. I also called MnDot today arrl talked to a Mr. Chuck Weisenbaum who is the head of the State Aid Section Deparbnent at MnDot. I asked him I guess for a number of options that might be available to us on this trail. As a member of the Park board it's important to me that v.e keep a trail of sane sort through this alignment to eventually connect to MIS school and to the County p:irk over on Lake Minnewashta. He informed me that if v.e were to put parking on one side of the road we'd have to completely eliminate any sort of a trail on the road surface itself. It takes 36 feet to get 2 lanes of traffic and parking into a State Aid design road so the option of putting some sort of a trail on with parking has been eliminated if v.e should so choose to do that. I asked then about other designs that might fit into a 36 foot wide road surface and he said there is one alternative but they frown on even implementing it and the reason for that is because how far the center line has to be moved. If you're to put parking on one side and two lanes of traffic, a the center line now is off center on the road. In instances where you have snow _ on the road surface and an unfamiliar driver, they're 9riving down the road thin:dng that the middle of the road is the center line of the road when in fact j t' s not. That's why they hesi tate and really frown on even approving that and they'll only approve it in the worse case scenario if there are no other options. I guess related to design, I would like to suggest that perhaps the City's engineering staff and any engineering consultants they have, sit down with the State, as long as the State is funding this thing 61% and we'd like to keep that funding, and see if they can't come up with a design that would work for both of us. The thing that I liked about this particular project, the way that it v.ent in was the fact that v.e got the State to pay for a part of our trail system. Something that is difficult, it going to be difficult for this City to do. Living on the other side of Lake Minnewashta, we have no parks and v.e have:no trails. We have nothing over there. All v.e have are our neighborhood streets to play on. We have no way of getting from Cathcart Park -down to our neighborhood on the side street on any sort of a trail system. We - have to cross TH 7 to get to that park. The next closest park is over in . 'Minnewashta Heights and that's just a small neighborhood park and v.e have to travel down '!'Ii 7 to get to it. If v.e wanted to go down to the Arboretum, \ve ~uld have to go about 2 miles do\~ Minnewashta Parkway. Talk about a narrow street with no trails marked on it whatsoever so as a member of the Park Board a~ I v.o~ld certainly hope that the Council would consider the possibility, if thIS traIl were to come off of this alignment, they ~uld consider the possibility of working in my neighborhood before they would look at speming mo:e dO~lars putting a trail into this alignment when v.e've already got on in thIS a17gnment. I've got a lot of irri tated neighbors out there that forced me ~~aonto thlS, p~an~i.ng comnission to keep harping on the issue of getting a trai.l am a parK m my neighborhood. W? haven't been able as a park board to fund 31 . . . ... -- -Cj ty Council Meeting - F uary 27, 1989 dollar one to even study the possibil i ty out there yet am now we're talking about maybe putting in another trail on this alignment and spending $45,0'00.00 to $65,000.00 in addition to what's already been spent out there. If we were to change the design, I was informed by QlUck W2isenbaum that we'd lose our State Aid funding \vhich to me would sean to irrlicate that the residents who p3id for the first 31% would then be burdened with an additional 69%. Either that or the rest of the residents in town would have to pick that up and I'm sure that if you brought the issue before the rest of the residents who are now going to be paying for that particular road, that they would want to see that trail in place before they had to p3y for perhaps a road that they don't even use. I think I have to agree. t think safety is a primary issue in this thing and that was the concern that we had when we put the trail in in the first place. 6 feet is a minimum design standard by the State for each side. You can't have it on only one side because of bicycle traffic. If you take the bicycle traffic off of it, then you don't have a multi-purpose trail at that point so I stronly urge the Council to consider leaving in place the trail before they look at any other options. The one other thing I wanted to mention was the bump outs. I guess by State Aid standards, I don't believe that the bump outs, and it's not a question that I asked specifically Jay but I think it's one that needs to be asked, I don't think that they 'MJuld approve bump outs but I'm not sure of that. '!hat's something that I think the engineers should talk about a little bit. There was a comnent made about TH 101 being narrower than this. Yes, it's narrower than this simply because it's a rural section road. It's no.t an urban section road and it ~oes under completely different design standards and it also doesn't have trails on other sides so there is no comparison between TH 101 am this particular piece of road. '!he traffic counts on that road as of 1987 as counted by the City were 587 ADT. That's average daily trips. That's simply a car going on direction or another on that road. It's projected to carry 1,000 by the time that it's through and it's projected to carry more than that if Lake Lucy Road should be extended to TH 101 so it joes qualify as a collector and maybe even a high collector by the time the whole thing is built and collectors are those areas that are looked at, and when Met Council considers alignment for trail systei11S so we're not out of line thinking about thj s corridor for a trail. I guess the only question is under which design and again I'd like to stress that I'd like to see it stay there so we can spend the money that it :llight cost to put that trail off of the road and service some other areas of the city where residents like myself and my neighbors have no recreational facilities whatsoever. Thank you. r L Eric Rivkin: I agree. We need a trail syste:n but we need a safe trail system. If you're going to have trails, when people think of trails they think well I can walk from one park to the next or my kid can bicycle from one park to the next with his friends and my son and daughter can go visit their friends in other parts of the neighborhood and stuff and I like the idea of the trail system. I appauld it. I think it's wonderful that someday there will be something that will link all these beautiful parts of the city with one another but we have to do it safely. Putting pedestrians, small children out onto the road surface is foolish. {oVe should not do it. We can not do it. If it's the State's standards, then the State standard is bad. Okay? And \~ don't have to follow that. We just do what's right and that's what I want to say. Ted Coey: I'm Ted Coey. I Eve on Lake Lucy Road and I really don't have an ax to grind as far as the parking because I'm 800 feet off the road so I'm kind of looking at this from both sides and we've wasted over an hour here talking back b 32 .: I \, . City Council ~1eeting - r'ebruary 27, 1989 aJX1 forth on an issue th::lt should be settled in about 5 minutes. It's obvious that what Council's got themselves into and this is the reason you guys are si tting up here and not somebody else because the doedoes th3t voted for this thing about 3 years ago and got this road in place which we didn't want have got us in this mess. ~oJe're sitting with a road that the resioents on the road did not want and if we would have had the road we wanted, we would have probably paid about the same assessnents. ~';e wouldn't have had the State involved and you wouldn't be messing around with all this stuff because you could have put your trail off the road. Now I hop:! you learned something from this because we were telling you this for 3 years. D:m't get the State involved. We don't want this road. It's too wide and people are coming back from all the neighborhooos and saying the same thing. '!he thing's a free\'lay. '!he mess we're in is because the Council didn't listen to what we were saying and now you've got a problan wi th the highway out there. You've got people doing 50 mph, 60 mph on the road because it was designed that way. You've got a trail systan that is on the road. It shouldn't be. It should be off the road and you're sitting with a situation where you've got all the residents going back and forth against each other and it's stupid. So let's sit down and try to figure out something wi thout getting the goo damn State involved. They're already into this too much. That's \~y we've got all the problems. In the future, if you get in a neighborhood situation like this, don't use the State money. If you get your hand out and they get into you and now you I re stuck with all their rules. That's my observ3tion. Al Harvey: Al Harvey, 1430 Lake Lucy Road. I agree with Ted. We petitioned against the road. wi: indicated we did not like our assessnent. At that time there wasn't anyone of these people from the development come and say oh, we'd be glad to pick up our fair share. I would like to see the Council consider re-evaluating our assessments. If this is such an important thing to all these new develoJ;rnents, apparently they didn't devote enough lam for the parks in their areas, I would like to recorrrnend the Counci 1 reconsider our assessments and realign them. It's definitely a benefit to this City. It's definitely a benefit to the Park and Rec. I'm satisfied with what we got now only because we've got it. We voted against it. We petitioned against it. It came to deaf ears on the Council. They listened to us a little bit and come time to vote, they didn't know us so that's why some of them aren't here and some of them that are still here ranember this going on. I even brought a piece of blacktop that we did have a blacktop and I gave it to the Mayor showing that it was a blacktop road at one time. But the heavy construction tore it all apart. We would much rather have a 24 foot wide road with parking on either side and then if you wanted to put a trail on the side, you could have. Now like Ted said, we're 'stuck wj,th what we've got but needless to say, the residents are not happy from what we got stuck with and the Council did not listen to us and I would suggest that maybe you go back and if the City wants to do what they want to do, pay for it. Don't stick us residents. We're sick with it and we've had enough of it so that's where it's at. Tom Crocker: Tom Crocker, 6441 White Dove and I also own some property off of Lake Lucy Road on Stellar Court. I think it's been expressed that there's a lot of unhappy people with the Lake Lucy Road decision but unfortunately that's what we're stuck with. I think the recorrmendation that was ffiadeby a couple of J?9Ople that the City really take a look at this and try and learn something from It. Try to listen to the citizens. Let's not compourrl one problan with another. I think the gentleman from the Park and Planning Comnissi,on, have than 33 " . . . . . . ~ ~-~.. .' City Council Meeting -. ruary 27, 1989 take a look at that or maybe there's a city engineering staff. I'm not certain which is the right group but I think the Council is in a li ttle over their head here. You need to get some facts. You need to get some figures. Obviously \oJe have very high taxes. One of the highest taxed comnunities in the State, particularly in the metro area so money is an issue. One thing that wasn't mentioned, I have children that are a little older than 4 or 5 or 6 am they do ride their bikes on that trail and I ride a bike on the trail so I'm in favor of the trail. It's unfortunate that people that live along the road lost their parking rights and maybe there is someway to work out with the State some restricted parkiI1g' arrangement for certain times over holidays or at night or something ljke that when most people aren't biking anyway. Later at night when the safety conditions aren't there but I think the main issue is that the Council needs to listen. Needs to study and doesn't need to react imnediately to this concern. The signs have been on the road for a while for no parking and a little study to try to figure out a good metqod to this would be time well spent in my opinion. r Mayor Chmiel: Anymore ccmnents? CounciLman Boyt: M:1ybe we can comnent and that might stir them to further remarks. Councilman Johnson: I think we've heard most of the re:llarks Bill. I think it would be nice for each of us to have a comnent but I think we've got more things going on the agenda and move thjs along. Hayor Chmiel: I made a comnent previously that I think we should table this until we have the remaining council person here so there would be 5 people to come up with conclusions and I'd like to make that into a motion that we table thi s to March 13th. L Councilman Boyt: Before W2 look at a second to that, I would like to make a co~ent. First, W2 are under some tjme pressure. It may be a little hard to see that now but when July comes along and we don't have this well connection in place, we're all goi'Y:J to pay the price for this delay. I think that this trail is a compromise at best. I assume that the previous Council and I wasn't here when they voted on it, but I assume that they placed this trail on the road as a compromise. If you look at Kerber Blvd., they did exactly the same thing and we now have off street trail there because it was not safe. It was something that an adult could use but it was nothing that a parent would trust their child to be on. So it's an attempt to reduce the jmpact of neighboring properties and to minimize the cost for the construction and work out some kind of a balance. I've heard the figure about 69% but I can tell you that the City Council gave the residents the maxlinum allowable State credit for that road. It's my understanding that that's 80%. I don't know what it is. I won't stand up and tell you absolutely it is but when \oJe conducted the assessnent hearings, that was the figure I was given and I do know one thing for certain, it was the max imum amount allowed. It happens to be a collecter. If I was 1i viI1g' on Lake Lucy Road, I wouldn't have wanted it to go in either because a collecter means traffic and there aren't many people that choose to live on a road that has high traffic by choice. I wasn't here to vote on that so I couldn't tell you how I would have voted. I can see the pressure on the Ci ty to have more east/west connecters. As it would turn out, this is the one that got chosen. I don't know if that was the right choice but the trail was put on there as a means, as b 34 ; I J 1 , \ f City Council Meeting - february 27, 1989 was mentioned. It was an economical "NaY to do something that needed to be done arrl it was a compromise. It \vas not the safest choice. It was an attempt to balance the need both to limit the intrusion on the property along there and to try and give the people a safe means of walking or riding in the area. Now Mayor, you campaigned against the trail referendum on economic priori ties as I heard several times arrl not because you said you were against the trail am I think we need to make it clear that this is not an economic issue. The trail is already in am it's already paid for so I don't think: we can use economics to say we should take it out of there so that means it's an issue of public safety am general welfare am how do we balance those two together arrl that's why everybody's here. Wa all have a slightly different opinion about how that balance should fall. The trail is part of the comprehensive trail plan. You . can call it a proposal. You can call it a plan. Regardless, it's been approved by the City Council am it is in writing and I'm sure you've seen a copy of it. Now we need some way, I would maintain, to allow people to bike and walk to get to the parks in the area. Eventually in this case, maybe out to Minnewashta and the City p3rk down in Lake Ann. There needs to be some way to do that. So how do we balance the need against the request for the neighbors to have parking? The City has gone through this in other places. This is not a new issue. You can see any number of places in which the City has posted no parking and those people have lost the right to park in street in front of their house. Generally those have been for safety reasons and I would maintain that that's what they're doing now. They're saying that this is a safety issue and as it's currently drawn up, doesn't allow parking. Now, if we put parking on there, and given the current road without changes, I don't think anybody is going to say that that improves the safety situation. It does improve the parking problem so let's look at that for a minute. Not being able to park in front of your house is an inconvenience. No one would argue with that. I've always preferred off road trails. One of the things I campaigned on 2 years ago was I thought the Ci ty Council was very short sighted in putting trails on the road and 1'11 never vote to put one on the road. It's money saved but it's risk assu~ed. Now if 'Ne look at the engineering report which was done by a third party, they say there's only one family on all Lake Lucy Road that absolutely needs some additional parking. Now we can argue they don't know what they're talking about, whatever and you can say that about any engineering report but that's \vhat they said. As it would happen, the Tichey's told me last night th:it they have b/o 4-wheel drive cars and that getting up and down their parking area is not the proble.ll. As ,Brian told me last night, the problen is that when they want to have people over, guests over, . they need additional parking. The City has alt.-lays worked with the Sheriff's department to allow additional parking in those situations so it's not a matter that parking is absolutely not available. It's a matter of .inconvenience because clearly it's an inconvenience to have to call the Sheriff's Department and tell them I'm going to be parking out there. I'm going -.to have guests. Don't give then a ticket but it's possible to do it that way. So how do ....12 balance the inconvenience and the need to make a phone call against the trail which at best is not the safest trail? Do we come back and spend $47,000.00, assuming we're not going to take out the wall and tree, we'll figure some way aroum that, to put in an off road trail? Now Ed, it wouldn't come out of Park and Rec money and it's not money that we could take and spend on a trail someplace else. As it works out, j t comes out of \.oJater money. Ironic that water money would build a trail but in this case, because we're tearing up the groum anYwaY, that's a possibility. -I don't think we've ever asked this town if they want a trail system and maybe that would be a legitimate thing to put on the vote sometime. Do you want a trail system? But there hasn't been a vote 35 .1-....-; . '" - I.' . . .-- - ~- 'Ci ty Council Meeting - r ')ruary 27, 1989 . other than by the Council and the Park and Rec Department. I personally can't imagine that a majori ty of the citizens in this town VwDuld say that we don't want trails on our collecters. Even the people that voted, many of the people lNho voted against the last referendum told me they voted against it because they didn't want in front of their house. I had one guy on L3ke Minnewashta who said to me, I don't want it on Minnewashta. I never had it and I don't think it's dangerous but I'll bet he's not in the maj or i ty. I think if we can figure out a way to put them on the collecters, the thing will pass because there's definitely a safety need there but nobody has ever voted to remove the trails once they've already been built. So I think we should leave the trail as it is on the road. Now we've heard some options. From what I've gathered in talking to staff, those options VwDn't fly through the State and the system. That we run into problems when we try to put a bike route on one side of the road. I don't know about the problems when we put a ridge in there and I agree that that ~uld certainly make for study and worthwhile study but we've got a choice of spending $2,600.00 in building the pad, and by the way I don't think the City ~hould spend that money, or we can spend $47,000.00 and build an off road trail. The parking pad really doesn't meet the Tichey's need for additional guest parking because it only has enough room for 3 spots so that's not going to work. So how do v~ strike the balance? For my part, we can't lose the trail. Give me one of the options that the engineering department and the State says they'll accept and I can live with that but if it comes down to pulling the trails off the road, I can tell you that I'll vote against it. I may not vote in the majority but I'll never vote to pull a trail off that, we've already built, off a road in Chanhassen. r . Mayor Chmiel: Bill, when you say built a trail. Basically there's not a trail. It's just the markings that are on that street right? L Councilman Boyt: Designated and paid for and the road was built to that width to accommodate it. vfLlat VwDuld you call that? Mayor Chmiel: I still would call it just a marked street. Basically it's not a trail. Councilman Boyt: 'dell, we disagree. Mayor Chmiel: Any other corrrnent? Jay do you want to say something? Quickly please. CounciLman Johnson: Yes. I think Bill said it :nore eloquently than I will. I'm for the trail. I ~uld like to move this to Park and Rec for them to review it officially. Trails is under their jurisdiction. They should be having a say so. They're our advisory board. I think we should ask then. I do not think that this is going to delay, the only way this delays the contract on the watermain is, I don't think it delays it anyway to tell you the truth because this is, the $47,000.00 to $60,000.00 off street trail is an option that can be added at any time to the contract. ve already authorized them to go out for bid and that's of the utmost importance is to get that watermain connected. I'm in agreement. I think there's several options we need to continue looking at. I'm not sure if we need this designated as a bike trail. A bike route is a different designation which allows you to ride a bike, it designates and warns . people that there are bicycles on the same street as there are cars. Hopkins has bike routes throughout the City and the street is no different. It's just a ~ 36 or-- j ~ ~ City Council Meeting ebruary 27, 1989 bike route. I would like to see it look<:?d at to whether the State Y.Duld look to a variance under certain areas of this. Certain small sections to allow parking on a variance on one side. Take out the south side trail designation. Bike trails. Take the bike trail designation off. Hopefully put a little chunk of asphalt down to kind of a free standing curb to separate the two areas that we can have as almost an off street trail. It Y.Duldn't be what I'd want. I'd want the off street but like you said, this is a compromise that was made a long time ago. I think there's room for more study on this. I don't think we need to knee jerk on this tonight or even the last time. I think we came real close, it was very scary last meeting arrl I think we need some more study and I think that that study should not be done at the Council level. I think it can be done at Park and Rec level and we want to attend a P~rk and Rec meeting and give our comnent to Park and Rec and talk to the people. More, I think it needs to be better advertised as a trail issue and not a parking issue only. But the safety issue there is my main concern. If we can accomnodate parking, I think that as far as the cost of putting the bump outs, the Ci ty caused the problem by extending the street further to the south. I think primarily if the Tichey's, I think a lot of their property, the street went their way. In my recollection of driving the street a little bi t, I didn't drive ita lot when it was gravel. I don't reme.nber very many people parking along it. It was pretty narrow. You'd take your car into your own risk if you parked along it. You'd get side swiped. Rocks hitting it as the people drove by so I don't think th3t there was that much parking before. If you wanted to park it, you might have parked" it there. Especially at a party or something but I'm for moving this to Park and Rec like we tried last time and letting them look this over in the next couple weeks and come back to us sometime in April because I don't think we're ready to decide on thi s in March. Counci111an vvorkman: I don't think there's any doubt about what Park and Rec is going to say about this trail. At all. They're the ones that, and I do have the Minutes, they're the ones that brought it up. They intended to bring it up the whole time, you know, and they did. "Mary, since you brought up Lake Lucy Road, I don't know if you attened the Council meeting last night but they discussed taking the trails off Lake Lucy Road and I'd just like to say if any of you live out there you might want to let the Council know if you don't agree with what they're doing." We know wh3t the Park and Ree's going to do. Councilman Boyt: Would you prefer that they didn't inform them? Councilman Workman: No, absolutely not. Absolutely not. Jim Mady: That's what you did to those people... Mayor Chmiel: Just a minute. It's here at the Council. We're dis~ussing it. Thank you. Councilman Work:nan: I think it'd be fine. I think it'would be fine if they Y.Duld discuss it. I think the information that they're going to come back to us with is exactly what Bill has said so eloquently tonight. If they'd like to discuss it and it's not going to tie things up, that's fine. They can discuss it for an hour and a half too. That's fine. I don't see what it's going to accomplish but if that's what they want. They want to get it on their docket and talk about it for an hour and a half or tY.D hours, that's fine but I think we know exactly where. It's not a negative to like trails. The Ticheys have 37 . . . . . . Ci ty Counc i 1 Meet; ng - F .uary 27, 1989 said they use the trail. They like the trail. That's great. They ride their bi~<es on it. They use it. People all along it. That's fine but nobody has said, nobody here tonight that has said keep the trail has said this is my plan for the p3rking so the Ticheys and everybody else can p3rk. That's the problem. It is a parking problen. That's the question. How can we get those people sane parking? If we decide to go with an off road trail, I can tell you that Elizabeth Ann Glaccum will be here and going nuts. There's going to be a loser here somehow no matter what. I have told people on the phone, I'm not excited about removing a trail. If we can keep trails, let's keep trails. Let's work something out. I think it was made to believe at the Council meeting that night, we're going to yank them off. That's it. Too bad. And if you're misguided and I don't think that was ever the point. I don't think it was scary at all but there are people here with rights as far as their property. The Ticheys also had to spend excessive amounts of dollars to redo their entire driveway because of the level of the road as constructed was higher than they were told. They spent more than even the assessed values. So it's a tough posi tion for then. I would hope aoo I'm still staooing where I hop2 we can work out a trail situation. I talked to G:lry Warren today. He said that realistically an off road trail on the north side could go between the road aoo the retaining wall so it would be $47,000.00 instead of $63,000.00 or $68,0013.00. I'd prefer to see the money spent for Well #5 as I iooicated that night. This is a unique situation. This is a unique road. It is putting unique stress on property owners who live on the road. r Councilinan Johnson: What's your solution? , Councilman Workman: That's the point. That's the point. What's the solution and that's what I'm still trying to, that's why I want it tabled so we can figure out a solution. If we want to table it tonight and seoo it to Park and Rec, that's fine too. Maybe they can come up with a solution. L Councilman Johnson: There's been some new ideas come up out of the audience. Councilman Work;nan: I like the idea of Eric Rivkin. Making it :nore narrow. It is incredibly difficult to go down that road at or near 30 mph. That is a chore. I don't know, if there are people in this road who are allo\'ling their kids with training wheels to ride their bike on that road, that's scary. That whi te stripe is protecting nobody on th:lt road. It's a shoulder. They're riding on the shoulder of the road. It's a cheap iJ!li tation for any kioo of a trail and somebody is going to get killed on that road with the white stripes because that's not going to, like I said last time, kids going down that road ahead of me in a car no where near the trail, right down the center of that east side hill. It's a difficult situation but I don't think the trail as it is now is anywhere near adequate. But again, getting back to, we need a solution so that these people can park also. Again I'11 mention it, these people have had to put up with thousands of dollars of assessments for this road. '!hey're putting up with the construction of Pheasant Hills and Curry Farms am the dirt and everything else. Now the watermain and the possibility of an off street trail on the north side, which is another situation. Again, I'm for tabling it. I'll second Don' s motion to table it tonight. I don't think we're going to do anything with it anyway. If you would like to bring up the motion to seoo it to Park and Rec, after that I'd vote for it. b Councilman Boyt: Why don't we do it all in one motioll? 38 City Council Meeting - ebruary 27, 1989 l 1 Councilman Workman: Okay. I make the motion that Council... e CounciL~an Boyt: Refer this to Park and Rec. Councilman Workman: Don, you have the motion? Mayor O1rniel: I' 11 withdraw my motion and you can make your motion Tom. Councilman Workman: Did you want to throw your two cents in? Mayor O1rniel: No. Go ahead. There's no sense in digressing any further. Councilman Workman: Let me just add, I'm not against trails anymore than say Don is other than for the economic reasons. I think we need them. I think we're going to get them. I think that's fine but let's do it properly. Councilman Johnson: It's a cost of suburbanization and this town is becoming suburban. Mayor O1rniel: Isn't it time now? CounciLilan Workfnan: The motion is that Council table this action this evening to serrl it to Park and Rec tomorrow night. For two weeks? 15 days from now? . i , Lori Sietsema: OUr next meeting is the 14th of March. e .. CounciLllan Johnson: I think they would like to get some more information. Take a couple v~ks from some of the ideas that have been talked about here. Councilman vvorkman: I' 11 start my motion over. Hy motion is to tabl~ Council action this evening and send it to the Park and Rec Corrmission for further review. Mayor O1rniel: I' 11 second it. Councilman vvorkman moved, Mayor Chmiel seconded to table action on the Lake Lucy - Road Trail/Parking issue and to send the issue onto the Park and Recreation .Comnission for review. All voted in favor and the motion carried. . . "- ~ APPROVE TH 101 DEVELOH1ENT CONCEPTS/STAGING (PAT HALLISEY LOTS 1 AND 2, HIDDEN VALLEY 2ND ADDITION AND SINCLAIR STATION ACCESS) . Gary Ehret: I believe the Council has in their packet Figure 2 from our report arrl the staff cover memo. Essentially what it's dealing with is a staging as we perceive it based on a number of issues. The need to provide access to Rosemount. The need to work with MlDot for the TH 5 schedule, etc. but basically to deal with the staging of Market Blvd. am how it would be constructed. The staging as we are proposing at this time looks at a three phase process. The first phase would build Market Blvd. from TH 5 down to what we refer to as Lake Drive East. That would provide the primary access to the Rosemount facility. The construction of Phase 1 would be in 1989. That would e. 39 f. f . r I I I I J I 1 I. t ~ L l t l I .... L Le 8 CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 ActIort bY City M.,rt~'~~ Endcrsed~ 4:)W~ MEMORANDUM M,'tj~flj~~__. TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Rel&ct~:L-___~_ Dar, ~.L~-~tj Ilste S:;!:l:nittM t, Cc:nm~sidl ": FROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer . - 1>2te ~'~~~".::~ L'J (;~u'ciJ DATE: February 22, 1989 2.-2i-&j .. LI SUBJ: Review Lake Lucy Road Trail/Parking Issue File No. 88-25 At the February 13, 1989 City Council meeting, staff was directed to prepare a "mini" feasibility study to address the possibility of providing off-street parking pads at selected locations along Lake Lucy Road to address the no parking difficulties encountered by select properties along Lak~ Lucy Road, in particular the Brian Tichy property located at 1471 Lake Lucy Road. The attached report prepared by Westwood Professional Services has reviewed this issue. Alternative 3 of the report is the new alternative researched, which deals with the construction of an off-street parking pad in front of the Tichy property. The off-street pad could be constructed to accommodate two vehicles at an estimated cost of $2,600.00, exclusive of any property/easement acquisition. This is a similar approach to that utilized in the City of Minnetonka in areas where topography and parking restrictions limit access to residential propert~es. While this parking pad area would not be able to accommodate~the parking demand normally associated with a residential par'ty,this would address the concerns of the Tichys as it relates to inclement weather access. - :-;;..:;':~.r..:...,: .." As noted in the report, Brian Tichy favors Alternate 2 - construction of the off-street trail. Our field review and discussions with several other property owners in the area concluded that this problem is unique to the Tichy property and that the remaining properties along Lake Lucy Road have access alternatives available to them such that this construction would not be required. 417 J .1 I I I I I 1 I ., 1 minutes. 1 February 23, 1989. ~ L L L .L L Don Ashworth February 22, 1989 Page 2 The report also reviews the off-road trail option to better define the likelihood of implementation. As will be remembered, removal of one bike path from Lake Lucy Road would result in a 30-foot road section. This road section is 4 feet deficient in width from the State Aid standards published by MnDOT for accom- modating one-side, on-street parking. It is unknown how MnDOT would react to this request until a formal variance is applied for. As reviewed at the previous City Council meeting, elimination of both on-street bike paths would provide a 36-foot road width which would allow the City to establish one-side parking on Lake Lucy Road without the need for any variance. Attached is a copy of the Park and Recreation minutes from the February 14, 1989 meeting where this item was discussed. No action was taken by the Park and Recreation Commission. This is the time in the staff report where a recommendation is normally given. Since this decision goes beyond pure engineering consideration, I find it difficult and perhaps out of place to recommend an alternative. What is important is that a decision needs to be made Monday night if construction is to be included with the trunk watermain project. Attachments 1. February 13, 1989 City Council minutes (see pages 25 through 46 of this agenda packet). February 14, 1989 Park and Recreation Commission Report from Westwood Professional Services dated 2. 3. cc: Dick Koppy, Westwood Brian Tichy, 1471 Lake Lucy Road " l . Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 14, 1989 - Page 5 i ~ very strongly in favor of this. Particul3rly this parcel... ; - -,Boyt: Mary, since you brought up Lake Lucy Road. r don't know if you r attended the Council meeting last night but they discussed taking the J trails off of Lake Lucy Road and I'd just like to say, if any of you live out there, you might want to let the Council know if you don't agree with what they're doing or if you agree with it. They'll be discussing it again in two weeks. J I 1 Torn Steinkamp: r~king the trail off? Boyt: Yes, and changing it to a parking area. Steinkamp: Who would want to park along Lake Lucy Road? 4 Boyt: The people who live on Lake Lucy Road. I Steinkamp: They all have half mile driveways. Mady: The problem, the way have a bike trail with bike car traffic. Bikes have to L can not just move the trail can't do that. Lewatson: Unless it's off. Mady: Unless it's off road. 1 . ~ i t L L I "'- I Mark Cordell: where they're which I think trails. They're talking about putting the bike trails up on top of putting the water lines. Having a bike trail off the road would be an advantage because most people don't ride on bike Boyt: I don't think that was the consensus of the Council that they would take off the on road and put an off road. I think just take it off was it. I think it would be helpful to talk to them because any park that goes into this area is going to be accessed by Lake Lucy Road and it's going to be pretty dangerous if there's no trail out there. Sietsema: The Council's trying to be very receptive to what the residents of the City want and there are people that have come that have expressed a need to park on the road and not necessarily a need for the trail. They need to hear if there is a need for a trail. If you want it, then you should probably let them know. Hasek: I think it would also be helpful, our Minutes are verbatim too so if you do have a comment on that, now wouldn't be a bad time to get it into the record. Resident: ...parking along side the road? Boyt: No, they're talking about taking it off both sides. trail is, because it's on road, you can traffic going the opposite direction of travel the S3me direction as traffic so to just one side of the street legally. not the you We Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 14, 1989 - Page 6 .r r Schroers: I would like to officially comment on that. That is currently my jogging route and I don't want to jog in traffic. I definitely want a trail on the side of Lake Lucy. Mady: Who are you? 1 I I I I I Sietsema: You're right. There was talk about putting an off street trail on top of the trunk watermain and that is an option and then they could have had off street trail with an on street trail on the north side for bikes and then parking on the south side. But the City Council has not heard that there's a need for a trail there at all. The people that have lived, that have been corning to the meetings have expressed that there is no need. The people aren't using it and there isn't a need for a trail so if your views are different than that, they need to hear that because they want to be responsive to the residents. ~ Tom Steinkamp: Someone should go out there on an evening in the summer and look at all the poeple..walking up and down that road. I guess I'd better make some formal comments rather than sitting back there. First of all, as far as the parkland is concerned. Torn Steinkamp: Torn Steinkamp. 1771 Pheasant Circle. First of all, as far as the parkland is concerned, I guess I would most favor, or mostly C..( the Carrico property as well. I think A might be a good piece of propert~ for parkland but I think it's kind of out of the area where I'm concerned about and I think if you look at it, just look at the population of the area, it looks like most of it quite a bit farther north and closer to C so I would favor C. I know that you mentioned, just skimmed over it but I think that there is a legitimate access from, is it Wood Duck that's into that Carrico property so as that gets developed more, so we wouldn't have a problem with people cutting through people's yard as those homes get built in there. In talking about the trail along Lake Lucy Road, I guess I would strongly object to removing the trail. I guess if we were looking at an alternative for a trail along Lake Lucy Road, I'd be interested in hearing what that is but abolish a trail on Lake Lucy Road to me would be foolish. That road was 15 feet wide 2 years ago and nobody could park on it. Why all of a sudden do people need to park on it now? I don't understand. That it's a nice wide road. You go out there in the evening in the summertime and you meet dozens of people along Lake Lucy Road. As Curry Farms gets built up later this fall, we saw more and more people walking on Lake Lucy Road. I know my wife walks to CR 17 every night on Lake Lucy Road so I think that it's important to keep a trail of some sort there on Lake Lucy Road. If it's acceptable, if there's. the possibility of putting it off the road, that'd be fine with me but to abolish it or get rid of it completely, I'd be strongly against that. Torn Steinkamp: Oh yes. They'll hear about it. l L ~ l L l .L L Hasek: it? Is it safe to say that your neighbors would be strongly against I . I. I i . ~ Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 14, 1989 - Page 7 Hasek: If you can't make it to these meetings, you can contact Council by letter too. Or the City or phone. f Tom Steinkamp: Has there been ongoing talk about this? J r .1 Mady: They discussed it at the meeting last night. There was a motion made to have it come back to Park and Rec for review and Council voted against having the Park and Rec Commission review it. They thought they could handle it on their own at the Council meetings. I believe it's a very important issue that I think you need to... f Sietsema: This is the second time it's been discussed at the Council level. Last night was. It was brought up and they discussed it so this is the second discussion of it. l ~ j ~ t 4 Mady: Actually, we're not even supposed to be discussing it tonight. That was the impression I got from the Council but it's important enough... 1 J Hasek: We are the Commission and I don't think that unless Council shows up here that they can really tell us what we can and can not talk about as long as it's related to Park and Recreation. Tom Steinkamp: I would think that it should be you the ones talking about it instead of them. I. I Joe Schimml: I'm Joe Schimml, 1751 Pheasant Circle and located right here. I will heartily agree with, I cnose C as the option for the park is concerned. I think it's necessary, it has to be where the people are and just in Pheasant Hill, right here, there are 87 lots. If you look at the families out there, there are probably 2.4 or 2.8 kids per family. L L L l I Boyt: Li t tIe k ids too. Joe Schimml: Little kids. Our youngest is 23 so I don't care if there1s a park there or not but I think it's important for the neighbors to have a ~park there. On the Lake Lucy Road, I can't imagine sound judgment going into taking both of the paths off. If there's an alternative to putting them on the side of the road, I can see that but it is basically going to get busier isn't it so certainly I'd like to go on record as saying we do need, at the least, a trail along Lake Lucy Road. Tom Steinkamp: The traffic gets going pretty good now that you've made that nice road. The traffic gets going pretty quick on that road too. I think it's important to have something set aside for people for that reason too because it would be quite dangerous without it. L .MadY: One .Of the things I tried to bring to the attention of the Council L last night in the discussion, the residents who were in attendance indicated there was a lot of .traffic there and I mentioned to the Council that as we are developing Curry Farms park in the next couple years, Boyt: Well, and as the park at Curry Farms is developed too...park area. I l_ Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 14, 1989 - Page 8 e' I I I I I I I I informed them that the Commission is aggresively seeking parkland in the Pheasant Hills area. That we now have reasons for people going from one end of Lake Lucy Road to the other end. Those things there, people start to move and there isn't anything there right now does not mean 5 years from now it's not going to be a great need. We need to keep the future in mind when we do these things. We can't just do what's politically expediate today and find out that we made a big mistake 2-3 years down the road. Anything that we can do to help condemn it, just let us know. Hasek: I think one other thing about the trail that is currently placed along Lake Lucy Road is that it's not only there for the people that abut the property and use it from the park to wherever. It's part of a much larger system that's actually put in place and was thought about being in place for once again, all the residents of the city as opposed to just the people that abut the property and that's a concern often time forgotten. I think it's important that it's kept in mind. This body is here to represent all of the people of the City, not just the abutting property owners. Tom Steinkamp: When I looked at your trail system that was voted on at the last referendum, that's one thing I looked at. How do I sit in on this whole trail program? If the trails are all going to be on the other side of the City, well I'm not going to vote for it but it looked to me . like you people did a good job of getting trails throughout the city and I part of that trail is that trail on Lake Lucy and how does that connect me now to Lake Ann? I looked and I specifically looked and I can ride a bike on a trail from my house to Lake Ann once the trail system gets in and that's one of the reasons I voted for the trail system. Not you're taking away that link if they do indeed do that. Boyt: And it is a link. one road. It's part of the whole system. It's not just I I ~ L L l L, el Mary Cordell: I just want to add too. trail system when it was up there but... I didn't really comment on the Hady: You are who again? Mary Cordell: Mary Cordell and I live on Lake Lucy Lane but our property is also on Lake Lucy Road. To me personally the parking is not an issue but I definitely would be in favor of an off street bike path because I think it would be safer. The road is getting so busy that I probably won't let my kids bike on there until they're 12. I don't know. ~'lhich is 10 years from now. I would definitely favor putting in an off street walking, biking trail,. whatever, but I would not want to see the trail abolished by any means. If it has to stay on street, I guess on street is okay although I do notice that a lot of the bikers don't really bike in the trail because of the gravel runoff and that they bike in the road. Sietsema: That should be slowing down once construction slows down in tha t area too. I I I' . . Park and Rec Commission Meetjng February 14, 1989 - Page 9 ~ i . j Mary Cordell: Yes, but if it was off street, that'd be nice. We moved here from Minneapolis and the bike trail system around the lakes and that was wonderful and very safe. I f I 1 Mady: I'll defend Don at this point because Don you'll at least be able to keep it for the next two weeks without Don's help it wouldn't even have been there. Hasek: Keep it? What do you mean? Madyf Remove it last night. Hasek: Somebody made that motion? Mady: Ursula. 1 I i Hasek: You may want to wri~e a letter or contact Ursula too. 1 , , Mady: It's still there. Don's got some ideas on how we can keep it there so thank you both. Torn Steinkamp: You mean without any notice to any of the concerned people, I can come in here and speak my piece and if I put on a good enough speech, I can get something passed without somebody taking a look at it? . i -. :i . ... Boyt: Not at this level. We just recommend. Council. I don't know about the Torn Steinkamp: But that's what happened at City Council last night. l L L L L Boyt: Almost. Mady: Any other comments on the Carrico property? Lori, have you gotten any indications from Carrico's what their estimate of the park is going to be? Sietsema: Their appraisal is not completed because their appraiser has been ill. He had some preliminary numbers. I was supposed to meet with him today and I was ill but what he said is he was willing to sell to the City but not for a mere $55,000.00. He felt the property was worth $225,000.00 and he has a purchase agreement to that affect and that's how much he would be asking for the property so I have a hunch that's based definitely on water and sewer being available to the property. He can not get, the way I understand it, he can not get water and sewer without the support of the City and if the City should decide that they want the property, I don't see us supporting him pursuing water and sewer. Getting I approval from the Met Council. Therefore, the property would be worth as ~ a rural piece. I don't know if he would ever agree to that. That's where . the Attorney comes in and negotiations start and if we can't come to l terms, then we'd have to go through the condemnation process. Mady: Is there any other discussion? L . .. - -, - - Chy Council Meeting - FE lary 13, 1989 Gary Warren: we sure hope so. That's the idea is to tap the... Councilman Workman: This sumner? Gary Warren: well, we're intending, if we stay on our schedule and we are on our schedule right now, to have this project awarded at the March 13th City Council meeting. Providing favorable bids and all those other good things, the construction schedule we're ccxnfortable with, this line would be in service by July of this year. Typically, and last year was not typical, but we typically are. . . Councilman Workman: So people that are out there right now and this is going to be running down Lake Lucy Road, they're going to be charged basically $32.00 a year and that's about all until they tap in? Gary Warren: Right. If there's a dwelling on the parcel, a residential dwelling, they will be charged $32.00. Councilman Workman: But $32.00 a year is it am a little inconvenience? CounciLl1an Johnson: They should also check with their insurance companies. Now that they have a fire hydrant closer, what effect that has on their household insurance. I asswne if you're under fire protection versus no fire protection. That's a question my insurance company asked. How far it is to your nearest fire hydrant. Right now it's a couple miles. M3ybe, you're an insurance man, you might know better. !-1.3yor Chmiel: I'd like someone to provide a motion to accept the Supplement Report No.1, the feasibility study and set a date for public hearing. What date for the public hearing have you indicated Gary? Gary Warren: March 13th. Resolution #89-22: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Boyt seconded to accept Supplemental Report No. 1 to the Feasibility Study and to set the public hearing date for March 13, 1989. All voted in favor and the motion carried. kUllCilman Johnson: Can we discuss the bike trail option? Mayor O1miel: '!hat's the next one. Councilman Boyt: I think that we should point out though that this will not relieve the city from the prospects of a watering ban for an even/odd day or same sort of combination if we have a summer like we had last sU~er. Gary Warren: That's correct. we would be able to tolerate it a little bit better but if you have that kind of a condition, every city just about had a sprinkling bans and watering restrictions. It \...as 'that dry. Councilman Boyt: I just don't want to set up false expectations. It might be a little safer fran the terms of fighting a fire standpoint but People's lawns are still going to suffer. 24 , tt ~ .. 1 . ~. . City Council Meeting - February 13, 1989 Gary Warren: We haven't made up for very much moisture content in the soil yet. CounciLllan Johnson: But \Me are in better shar::e having that new water reservoir on line this year than \Me were last year without the water reservoir. It's not all gloomy. Mayor Olmiel: Okay, let's move to the trail issue portion. Gary Warren: At the last Council meeting, the Council was presented with a petition from the neighbors concerning the persistent issue that we've been trying to resolve concerning on-street trails arrl the lack of parking that's available as a result of that. I guess my thinking is that we were looking at the feasibility study is that well, we don't have a quick fix to that problen but to pose one alternative here, I had Westwood prepare a cost estimate for an option that I thought might have some potential. That was, at the time of construction of the watermain, we're going to have this 10 foot basically area that we'll be clearing arrl restoring as a part of construction. What if we take one of the trails off the Lake Lucy Road and put it right over the watermain? Obviously there are sane costs involving that...arrl maybe we could turn one of the lanes, in this case I had said the south bike path, turn that into a parking zone. We looked at that. The dollars are in the report. It was $47,000.00 to $64,000.00, roughly, depending on whether \Me have to move our retaining wall on Yosenite Avenue but just to touch on the highlights aside fran the costs here \Ilhich I don 't..., there are some hurdles with MnDot. Basically, this is looking north, so this would be the north side of the road and this YJOuld be the south side. The current road section is a 36 foot road section from face of curb to face of curb. We would go up...to 6 foot bike path lanes, one in each direction. As you will recall from the previous discussions on this, State Statute requires that \Me can't have bike lanes going opposite directions on the same side of the road. We pose a traffic, Statute problem... The road section under MnDot's criteria, being a State Aid Road, in order to have a sufficient road section that would allow one lane of parking, MnDot likes to recomnend a 34 foot road. If we look at the section from here over because we YJOuldn't be aole to include the bike path and if you take the bike path off on the south side of Lake Lucy Road arrl put it off over the watermain, \Me have a 30 foot section. We're 4 feet short which, not to say that it couldn't happen but MnDot would have to look at that as a variance to the road section requirements in their State Aid ManuaL.. We didn't have time to get into all of that or even discuss it very much with MnDot. I just wanted to point that out that it's not a given. If we decide for example that yes, let's do that. Let's bear the expense of putting the trail over on this side for this for parking, MnDot would have to waive on their road section requirements so \Me've got a 4 foot issue there that needs to be dealt with. Construction wise, it can be done. Again, the toughest part of it is going to be the Yosemite Avenue area where our retaining wall. Right now \Me have 5 feet in back of the curb...about the maple tree arrl there are some important things that \Me' 11 have to be careful about. There are some construction challenges to it.:. There's budget in the surplus furrls here that could be used for tha t where \Me haven't exceeded our $530,000.00... That's I guess the alternate that we did include in the report here. Councilman Workman: What do the neighbors think about the trail? Mayor Chniel: I've had a couple calls. 25 , - ~ u.:.~..; City Council Meeting - Feoruary 13, 1989 CounciLl1an Workman: It's not going to bother me but what's it going to do for you folks? Mayor Chmiel: Would anyone like to address the issue from the neighborhood? Brian Tichy: My nal1e is Brian Tichy and I live at 1471 Lake Lucy Road. How do we feel about the trail? I happen to like bike trails but I'd much prefer par~ing. Right now with the state of the bicycle trails in the area, there really aren't any trails to hook up to the Lake Lucy trail at the moment. I feel the idea of a trail over the water trunk is a goed one. The added cost is a lot of money to spend and it's the City's money that, not just we would be spending but the rest of the conmunity would be spen:Hng and I don't know if that's worthwhile. We contacted the State and a gentleman named Roy Hanson handles the State Aid on roads. He mentioned that the State does not dictate that that road has to have a bike path. It is up to the City to determine whether or not there will be a bike path there. As far as the bike path, the \'lay it's used now, I don't know if it's necessary that there be a bike trail. There are no other bike trails coming fran the east or west side or coming from the north or south. It really doesn't seem to be beneficial at this point. Councilwoman Dimler: Brian, do you use the bike path? Brian Tichy: I use a bike quite often. Try to stay wi thin the bike trail but. . . Counci 1 woman Dirnler: Would you miss it if it were gone? Bd an Tichy: No, I';j ride in the same spot. Councilman ~vorkman: So you're basically what? You're against, not real interested in the trail? Brian Tichy: I'm not interested in the trail so much. I would rather not have a trail there if it would mean that we could par~ in the road. Councilman Johnson: You're for parking? Brian Tichy: I'm for parking, yes. Councilman Johnson: If the trail meant you can't have parking, you don't want the trail? Brian Tichy: Right. Councilman Johnson: If you can have both, would you like both? Brian Tichy: That would be fine. If there's a solution that would meet that, I'd be all in favor of it. Councilman Johnson: Your objective is parking? Brian Tichy: Right. And one side of the road is fine. We're looking for some type of a compromise. 26 ~- ~ -\ , . 1 . . Ci ty Cound 1 ~1eeting - F2bruary 13, 1989 ~../ Gary Warren: As I pointed out in the staff report, the maximum I believe that we could get wi thin the State cd teria, even if both bike paths were pulled off of that road, we only have enough road section to put in one side parking. Counci111an Boyt: Brian, I grant that you live at the bottom of a difficult driveway. I'm glad I don't have that driveway. Brian Tichy: I didn't when I built. Councilman Boyt: Well, you do now Brian and we have an ordinance about parking on streets in the wintertime. Wnere you're hurt the most, as I understam it, or at least looking at your driveway, is when conditions, driving conditions are otherwise poor. If they start to be poor in your driveway, they're already terrible. My concern is that even if there were no bike trail there, by ordinance, you still couldn't park up there. So the bike trail really isn't the issue. The issue is a city ordinance in effect from November 1st through April 1st and it says one, you can't park there overnight basically. 'TWo, you can't p3rk there anytime that there's snow to be removed which is the very time you most need to park there. So I don't think the trail is the issue here. I think the issue is that we have a person who is inconvenienced by a city ordinance and I don't know that there's a way to resolve that Brian. To me, the issue is the city ordinance and the issue isn't a $60,000.00 trail. Bd an Tichy: I'm not necessarily most concerned about emergency parking. As I say, it's other residents along the road also. The concern is when people cane over. There's not access to provide parking for those people, whether it's spring, sumner, fall, winter snow storms, it doesn't matter. Those cars are, where do you put th~l1? Wnat do you do when you have more than a couple of people over? It's not just a problem with me, it's a problem with other residents along the road also. Councilman Boyt: Granted, but they have the sa'TIe problem with the ordinance. The problem wi th what to do with people when you're going to hold a gathering of sane sort and have more than the nor:nal number of cars, is one that we face all over the City. I think we know how to deal with that problem. If that's the only hold-up is where do I put people ,men I'm having a gathering at my house, what most people do in the City Brian is they call the Sheriff's Department am tell them, I've got an unusual situation and I believe, and I don't see Jim Chaffee here but it's my understanding that the Sheriff's Department has been very cooperative in that area. In giving people temporary ability to park where they might not otherwise be able to do that. Brian Tichy: That's an option. It becomes an inconvenience, not all events are planned a W-..."ek or two days ahead of time to be able to do that. '!he convenience of having parking on the street, especially in an instance like this where the road is wide enough, we're not in a very restricted or confined area, to provide no parking in an area like that is definitely a burden on the residents along the road. Counc i lman Boyt: I rec<X:}nize that us that the road it, legally. I don't disagree with you about the burden at all and you are particularly burdened by it but Gary has already. told isn't wide enough to allow parking unless there's no traIl on 27 cfty Council Meeting - F uary 13, 1989 Gary Ivarren: Without a variance fra.'ll the State. Councilman Boyt: Right, and maybe ~ can get a variance but my point is that, I think to build this parking situation so that ~ can allow people to sort of have adhoc gatherings that they can't put in their driveway, is to give up a situation that does benefit the city aoo will continue to do that more so in the future because Lake Lucy is a main connector. It is going to have continuingly large amounts of traffic on it. Brian, I think you've got a situation here that from my perspective, the City can't afford to correct. It's just simply too expensive to move that trail aoo that doesn't correct it because it's an ordinance problem. That's my point of view. Brian Tichy: If the expense is the problem, removing signs is a very inexpensive solution. Councilman Boyt: No, we're talking about building a trail so that ~ can maintain that expense. Brian Tichy: I realize that. If that is an expensive solution to the problem, tha t may be the way to go. What I'm saying is the one thing you could do is remove signs, no p:lrking signs and then provide p:lrking on the road. That becomes a very minimal expense. Gary Harren: The ci ty snow emergency signs would be back up if the no parking signs were taken down. Mayor Corniel: In talking to a few people that I I ve talked to wi thin your n2ighborhood, they've indicated too that as far as the bike trail is concerned, \omen the bike trail ~nt in, no one was ever asked if they really wanted one. I guess the posi Hon that I see prGsently i.s that bike trail really serves no one other than Lake Lucy Road lx.."Cause it doesn't go beyond that particular part. It does not go onto CR 117 nor does it go on CR 17. I guess one of my concerns is, maybe those bike paths should be eliminated and provide some off street parking for than on one side of that particular road. I can understand some of the concerns that they have and I think some of those concerns are basically is they just don't have that accessibility. Councilman Johnson: To argue the other point of view on this, ~ have an infant trail system here where all the connections aren't made. W= had an opportunity to put a trail between two major roads on a major road in the city. We're running trails up CR 17 now and there's a new trail that was constructed last year running up to about Kerber Blvd.. That will be extending on and should be connecting here within the next few years. We should be connecting. The trail plans, our Comprehensive Plan calls for a trail in this area. I have seen quite a few people on this trail in the summer. I would love to see this one off the highway. I've seen kids on tr icycles. Kids on bicycles with training wheels, not exactly going straight, on the same roadway as we have people speeding. This is one of the roads that is nice, very wide. You get the impression of wideness with this road. You figure it's a 55 mph road. You go up over the hill and here's a family with a couple people walking, a couple dogs and a horse and two triCYcles aoo you're doing 55 over the top of the hill. I think if we can build an off street trail at this location along the north side of here for future use, even though it doesn't connect tcx:1ay. If we don't build it tcx:1ay 28 . r tt t e: 1 . fi . City Council Meeting Gbruary 13, 1989 J ,,_" utilizing thGse monies that are non-trail monies, then jn the future we'll be building it. We'll be building it for more because here we already have construction material going in there. We're already going to be working. It's the cheap2st time, the best time to build this trail for the future. Once we have a full trail systsn, we can dedicate our trail systen money for making connections to this trail. '!his is used. '!here are people out there during the sumner. Especially sumner evenings when I've been out on this road, I've seen a lot of people out there walking along and primarily on the north side in the area of, just drew a blank on the name of the road where we have the problen wi th the retaining wall. Yosemite. Where people cane down off of Yosemite onto here, walk down a ways. I'm totally for this trail. I believe to get that trail off the roads will be a benefit to the City overall as an interconnection. It helps connect our city and connect us to Lake Minnewashta area which is an area of town that feels isolated and this is one more method of saying, hey, you're part of Chanhassen. I think it's well needed and this is the time to do it. It would be the least expensi ve time to do it. with a variance from the State, will be able to help with the parking situation also. So I'm in favor of this. Councilwoman Dimler: I have a question of Gary. If we opted not to do the bike trails on the north side, then would we have to get a variance from the State or would we have the 34 that we are required to have? Gary Warren: I didn't follow you. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, if we opted not to do the bike trails on the north side as shown. Gary Warren: Both of them? Councilwoman Dimler: Yes. And you said that the State required that you have 34 feet. Gary Warren: 34 feet minimum. Councilwoman Dimler: If you didn't do the bike trails there, would you have that 34 feet? Gary Warren: Yes, the total section exclusive of bike paths is 36 feet from the front of each curb to the other curb so with both trails off, we would not theoretically have any problem with MnDot. Councilwoman Dimler: So then you wouldn't need the variance fran the State. Gary Warren: Rj ght. Then we would be able to put one parking lane on the road without a variance. Councilwoman Dimler: And I have a few more comnents. I guess I would stick wi th the residents on this. I would like to hear from a few more of them a little bit later but as was stated earlier, they had never been consulted whether they wanted the trails or not. They were just put in. ...50 we changed the situation out there without their consent. I have gone out there and I have seen people on the road because they were unable, the bikes would be on the road and people walking on the road because they couldn't use the trails because 29 -. ....~ ..'" ~ ' ~ ~~; - City Council Meeting - FL _uary 13, 1989 there was gravel on them and that is dangerous too. So if they're not going to b? well ,naintained am the people still end up using the road, then I don't th i nk we've accompli shed an ythi ng . ~ Brian Tichy: With all the construction going on at the present time, that's the case. The bike paths are not used. Councilrnan Johnson: I would support having just a 6 foot trail off of the entire road which still gives us the trail through the area. It becomes a walking trail at that time because you could have put a two-way bike trail so this could not become part of the '!Win Cities bike path where they have these trails going throughout the Twin Cities if you didn't put the two separate ones. But as a compromise, I'd like to see mayb? just the 6 foot wide off street trail for the people who are walking and the kids with tricycles and that kind of thing. There's a lot of people that walk there and the only place they have to walk is in the bike path which is p:irt of the street. Anytime we can get an off street path and when we get it down to where we're talking just an off street walking path, 5 foot's probably wide enough at that section with the retaining \..a 11 . Counci11lan Workman: It's supposed to be a two way deal. O"le path going one way and the other path going the other way. Now you're talking about t'WO t'WO way paths right? G3ry Warren: He's talking about a walking path. r13yor Chmiel: Just str ictly one way. ~- Councilman Johnson: But if we break it down to a wal~dng path to where we're not looking at people at people doing 10 speed bikes at 30 mph. Councilman ~vorkman: What I'm saying is then what you I ve got is you've got a bike path on the road that bikers are using to go both ways which defeats... Councilman Johnson: lve'd eliminate that bike path all tCX3ether. Not put any bike path on the road at all and only a walking trail along the edge of the road versus, if they want to keep a bike fEth on the road and a bike path off the road, what you're going to have on the off road bike path is people walking on that and people trying to drive bikes. I'm not sure if that becomes compatible use. When you get a 36 foot wide road\~y, a bicyclist without having a designated bike path, as long as there's not four lanes there, a bicyclist can ride that road. OUr kids ride a lot narrower road to grade school everyday here in the downtown area. 28 foot roads with curved gutters that are nice and dangerous for than. My basic posi tion is that I'm supporting the off stra::t trail in this location because I think it will be a vital link in our trail systan am this is the time to build it because it's cheapest at this point. Mayor Chmiel: $63,000.00? Are you talking about the expenditure of that $47,000.00 to Councilman Johnson: Yes. Anytime in the future it will be more expensive. , . Hayor Chmiel: That's probably very true but I guess, let me just state my position, as I see it. I think trails are necessary items within a city but I 30 e. :l . ... . ., v Ci ty Council Meeting :~bruary 13, 1989 think, in fact I know I clarified that a couple meetings ago. I feel there are certain areas within this city that really needs trails. I'm not one for putting trails in for trails. I think the areas that are needed withj n this ci ty is TH 101, CR 17, CR 15 and then TH 101 extending fran north and south of TH 5. To me those are probably one of the better areas to have because there you're going to bring PeOple into the corrmunity arrl utilize that a little more. I think putting trails into other areas right now aren't really needed. Streets are there. People utilize those streets. People can walk on thEm. I think I mentioned at one time, if somebody wanted to walk on my lawn, that's fine. All well am good too. But I think that I can see expecji ting dollars as such is just not my forte. I just don't feel comfortable in spending $47,000.00 as opposed to almost $63,000.00, depeming on which way it goes. Councilwoman Dimler: I agree with Mr. Mayor and I think that we should add Minnewashta Parkway to that list. Mayor Quniel: And Minnewashta Parkway. That was the other one I was thinking of. Councilman Boyt: You have listed a series of major collectors. Lake Lucy Road is a major collector. Wnat was the percentage of funds that went into Lake Lucy Road? Gary Harren: 80%. CounciL'TIan Boyt: This is basically a highway that was funded by the State that the City used with it's discretionary ability to place those monies where we think it will most benefit the city and the rest of the people in the area. I'Ve very heavily subsidized, if you will, that road. What we're saying is that, am I take no issue with the neighbors who say they have a parking problem. I agree with them. You have a parking problem. My difficulty Brian, arrl we talked about this last fall, was I think that we're asking the City, and I guess to sane extent we're saying to the State, we spent more of your money that we should have because we buil t a wider road than we ever would have buil t wi thout those trails added onto it. Now we're going to take the ability to protect part of those roads as a trail and we're going to sacrifice that so a few people can park when it's convenient for than to park. I think that you're right ~. Mayor in saying that the major collectors in this city need trails. R-ACognize that the trail referendum failed by 8 votes. That means roughly half of the PeOple in town fel t that there should be qui te an integrated network of trails. Now half of them didn't. They clearly have a message to say but I think we both agree that the majority of the people in the city would support trails on the major collectors. This is a major collector. It already has a trail on it. To now pull that trail off, it's a loss for the city as a whole. Counci lman Johnson: east/west for trails? All the roads you listed were north/south. We need east/west trails also. What do we do Mayor Chmiel: I'd like to ask any of the other residents that live wi thin the area, their opinions. Larry Kerber: I've got a problem with Mr. Boyt's corrment. I know the road was buil t as a major collector. Is it a major collector? It is not. The traffic count is, the Sta te gave me a fi gure, 700 and somethi ng a day on j t. It's 31 City Council Meeting - E~ ,:uary 13, 1989 nothing close to CR 17 or TH 101 in traffic count. True, the road was buil t that way. Nobody out there \vanted that road or needed it. Maybe you will 10 years fran now. I don't know. If more subdivisions empty out onto it but why can't the bike trails be off? People can still ride their bikes dOvffi it. You've got a 25 mph speed limit on half of it. Park cars on the south side am let people ride their bikes on it. Before we had a road 20 feet wide, all broken up. We could park off of it and you could ride your bikes on it if you wanted. Now we've got a road 36 feet wide and we can either, you're saying we can either park on it or ride our bikes. One or the other, we can't do both. It just seems like the people of the area, we all got short changed. We paid a lot of money for a road that now we can't do what we did before with our old road. I think the parking issue is something that was never brought up at the meeting. That we were going to lose our parking and move a bike trail. I'd like to know who decided to put the bike trails on there and is every bike path in this City tVK> ways? Every time there's a bike trail it's goes two directions? How many roads like this do we have with bike trails on both sides? Mayor Chmiel: I think you're the only one. Larry Kerber: I guess that's the only comments I have. Councilman Boyt: Kerber Blvd. has a bike trail on both sides. It was also built on the road. It's just been recently that we built off road trails. :13yor Chmiel: Is ita bike trail or a walking path? CoundLllan Boyt: What's off the road is a walking path. ~oJhat's on the road is suddde as far as I'm concerned but it was planned by the earlier Council as a trail. Larry Kerber: But Kerber Blvd. has no dd ve'.vays coming out to it. All streets. You won't fioo one driveway coming on Kerber Blvd. so those people have their parking proble:n taken care of because they all have off street parking. hnere Lake Lucy Road, all the houses were there am then we put the road in. lJe didn't put the road in to meet the needs of the P20ple there. \^Je put the road in that somebody else wanted and now we're tryinJ to make it work for the residents. I think what the residents need and want should be considered more than just for the sake of just having the bike trails there. Let's take bike trails out. People can still ride their bikes on that road. '!he speed limit is low enough. There isn't that much traffic on it and I think the situation would be solved by putting parking on the south and eliminate both bike trails. '!he path, if sanebody feels it necessary on the north side, fine. Dick Lash: My name is Dick Lash and I don't even live on Lake Lucy Road but was this bike trail part of the trail referendum that was voted down? Counc i lman Boyt: No . Dick Lash: It was not on the drawing at all? Councilman Boyt: It might have been on the drawing Dick as part of the overall trail plan. '!his was designed to be there several years ago. 32 , ~ . . L . ~ .' ..J' City Council Meeting - ebruary 13, 1989 Dick Lash: If it was on G,e drawing L~at was voted on, that's been voted once, I know I voted on it twice. It appears to me that you're trying to portions of this bike trail in piece by piece and eliminate a vote again. don't know. I keep hearing bike trails and walking trails but it's been down twice. on not put I voted CoundLllan Boyt: There is a comprehensive trail plan for the City. What we all voted on was how we might furrl that trail plan. We d idn' t vote on whether or not we would have a trail plan. It's how we would fund it and that's what got turned down. Dick Lash: It does appear, you see trails going in on Kerber. You see trails going in on Lake Lucy Road. Pretty soon, like Jay says, they're going to connect up. CR 17 wi 11 have a trail on it. It's coming down CR 17 now. We won't have much... The trail system would be going in in small sections. You just add a little bit of pavement then they'll all be hooked up but twice this has been voted down. Councilman Johnson: The referendum was to accelerate the trail plan and make the connections earlier. Now without the money from the referendum, it's going to take many more years to have a comprehensive trail plan in this city. Dick Lash: And this is the way to do it, right? In 1 i ttle sections? CounciLman Johnson: This particular section is already there. We've got a trail. What we're looking at is should we change this trail. Dick Lash: At the expense of these people's parking though. Councilman Johnson: Right. That was done three years ago. Prior to any member of this Council being there. That was approved by the Council several years, 4 years ago or something. The question tonight is should we get rid of the existing trails and allOYl parking? Should we save the existing trails? Should we get rid of it as a bike trail? Put only a walking trail in, which is the $47,000.00 to $60,000.00? On a walking trail if we can go down to 5 feet, we probably won't need the $60,000.00 but the $47,000.00. There's a number of issues. What's best for the whole future of the City here and will this be a collector in the future. I agree that right now there's not a lot of traffic on it. I sat with a radar gun there one way trying to, only two cars came by in the half hour I was trying to see what the speeds were out there. But I think in the future, as the west side develops and as the MUSA line changes, you'll see a lot more traffic on there. I think the trail is something that we'll want to see for those kids that are out there on their tricycles on the pavement right now. I'd rather see them off the street. $60,000.00 is not a lot of money, I don't think, for this many miles of trail system. It's a long trail. Councilman Boyt: I YX)uld like to recomnend that we send this to the Park and Rec Cornnission tomorrow night for further discussion. Councilman Johnson: Or when it can be placed on their agenda rather than necessarily tomorrow night? Councilman Boyt: It needs to happen fairly fast. We don't want to hold up any part of this project. Is tyx) weeks from now holding up the project Gary? That 33 ~ fi.-::,,--) __:. C~ ~ ~ City Council Meeting - F, .:uary 13, 1989 means it puts it back to us roughly a month from now. Gary Warren: We will proceed based on Council direction here tonight to advertise for bids. We're lookiTB to open those bids on the 10th of March. If there is an addendum, which is the way that this trail issue would be handled from my perspective, \.Ve should be getting an addendun out within comfortably the next v.>eek or two at the most. Counci lman Johnson: Could \.Ve bid this with an addendum for the trails and say that that bid will or will not be awarded. In other words, give us a price. Let's get actual numbers. Whether it's $47,000.00 or $63,000.00. Get them to bid on the trails am at that point decide whether we're going to award that bid. Gary Warren: The construction documents could be modified to include the trail and have it bid as an alternate, yes. CounciL~an Johnson: And then \.Ve approve the alternate after Park and Rec has reviewed it and \.Ve get all the facts together. This way we don't delay the proj ect. We get more facts. I thi nk that \-.Quld be the best way to go. , Councilman Boyt: But Jay, you're proposing a 5 foot trail. I've heard 6 foot trails. I know Park and Rec has occasionally looked at 8 foot trails out in the rural parts of town. I don't know that we're in a position where we can even ask for a reasonable bid. '!hat's why I was suggesting that Park and Rec discuss this tanorrow night. You certainly have the interested neighbors here so they _ would know that it's going to be discussed. ....." Gary ~varren: Park and Rec. I'll agree with you to go, in fact I'll second you to go to the I '11 second it. Councilwoman Dimler: I'd like to discuss that. If you remember in the Council Minutes that we just approved tonight, that was, originally what we proposed to do to put it on the February 14th agenda for the Park and Rec and I spoke with then today am they indicated that they didn't need to review it because of this plan that Gary was proposing. '!hey felt that Council could make the decision. Mayor Dimler: I see another person from the area who'd like to address. Kathy Kerber: I'm Kathy Kerber and we have property on 6700 Powers Blvd.. I guess one of the questions I want to ask is, where did these bike trails come from initially? They never were talked about to the residents in the beginning. We never were allowed to say, yes, we wante:1 them. No, we didn't want thEm. I'd like to know where they initially carne from. Councilman Johnson: If you actually look back to when they did hold the public hearings on the Lake Lucy Road imprOVEments, they were included at that time 4 years ago or 3 years ago. I do remember the plans at that time, even though I wasn't on Council at that time but I believe they were discussed with the Lake Lucy Road improvements prior to authorizing the bonds arrl all for this. I'm just, this is back memory a long time ago. Lori might know better if she recollects that. 34 . .' l . . . -'-- Ci ty Council Meeting lebruary 13, 1989 Lori sietsema: No, I don't know. I know they were included with the road construction. Gary Warren: The construction plans did include the trail. '1l1at was not added as an afterthought but it predates most of here unfortunately. It did show in the feasibility study for the Lake Lucy Road project so that would have been a public hearing document. Councilman Johnson: They've never been a secret. '1l1ey've always been as part of that. I guess you're in charge now Tom. Kathy Kerber: I'm not insinuating that they ware secret. I just wanted to know initially where it came frame I guess one of the other problems I have is, at the time when the road went in and everybody at that time, on the road believed that we were going to have parking on the road. The road got stripped and all of a sudden the signs went up saying bike trails only. When some people called into the City Hall and asked the engineering department what happenerl here to the parking, they told us that the State made this requirement. '1l1at they had to have bike trails. That is not true because we have spoken to the State Department and they told us they do not put any restrictions or tell the Ci ty how the extra footage is to be userl. In fact they told us we could take down the bike trail signs and we can use it just as the road was before. I think as all the neighbors are here tonight, we want a road with the same options that anyone of you live on. Not one of you have a no parking and it only says, only bike trails. We're asking for the same option. That's all. Councilman Boyt: You will find that there are a few councilmembers that live on a street that has no parking in front of their house. Kathy Kerber: Well, most of the people who live here within this city does not have that. Being that this road operated underneath those same functions before, I don't see \-mat the problem is now. I think it's just being blown totally out of proportion. I think we should still have the same option that we had before and after speaking with several neighbors this morning, they all feel the saIne way. They YwDuld like to see our same options given to us that we had before. We're being deprived of not being able to park as we did before. Now if we're going to receive a benefit from this road, we should receive all the benefits we had before and it shouldn't change because we have a new road. That's all I have to say. Councilman Johnson: The changes that seem to be occurring right now that YwDuld warrant this going back for Park and Rec to discuss it tomorrow night, would be the total el imination of bike trails completely off both sides of the street and going to a walking trail which was my idea. That YwDuld allow for the parking without a variance. We may want to look at parking with a variance or parking without a variance. I'm not sure if we need a bike trail through here. I firmly bel ieve that thj s is vi tal east/west connection of our trail system. We have a real east/west problem here in the city, eSPecially on the north side because of our the lakes we have to run around. We can't have a trail system that only runs north and south because we have the people on the west side of town that don't feel they're part of the town and we need to give them that connection and there's people using it. I'm just going over old ground again here so I'm going to shut up. 35 .. --' .....~ Ci ty Counci 1 Meet i ng - E _'uary 13, 1989 Councilwanan Dimler: Jay, didn't we just establish that Park and Rec didn't know where the bike trails originated? The idea did not originate with them. , CounciL~an Johnson: I don't know that. If we established that. She said she doesn't know. Lori Sietsema: I don't recall that. I'd have to do some research to find out where it originated. Councilman Johnson: It's on our comprehensive trail plan and that originated wi th the Park and Rec. Councilwoman Dimler: Again, it was proposed to go on their agenda and it didn't go on because of Gary's proposal and they felt that the Council could handle it. Councilman Johnson: We've modified Gary's proposal a little bit. Gary's proposal includes two bike paths and one option we're coming up with, which Bill would like to hear their opinion on, is eliminating both bike paths and putting only a walking path. I would like to see us find out what the actual price is as putting it as an addendum so that Gary can go ahead putting in his addendum on a 6 foot. Have Park and Rec consider it and see if they want to look at maybe two options. 6 foot-8 foot so have Park and Rec look at it again tomorrow night. The Council go ahead and authorize the, I guess that's the next action we have to take. Authorize plans and specs and include in there addendums for the bidders to give us a pr ice to put in a 6 foot tra i1 or an 8 foot trail wi th the option of narrowing it at the point that there's that retaining wall to avoid that retaining wall. Then we'll all be working from a more solid basis. ~- Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, but delaying the action then, would that delay their right to park on the road or could they start parking there? Councilrnan Johnson: They can't park there now. Councilwanan Dimler: I know but I mean we can change that. That's why I'm saying, we can change that tonight if we don't delay it. Councilman Johnson: No, we can't. We can't change ti1is no parking tonight. We're going to change a city ordinance tonight that's not on the agenda? Councilwanan Dimler: I'm talking about just letting then park there and they would abide by the restrictive ordinance. Councilman Johnson: So they can park there during the day but not at night? Councilwoman Dimler: Yes. Gary Warren: The bike trail signs would have to come down. '!he designation would have to cane off the road, in my opinion. Roger would like to address it before we would be able to allow parking on it. Councilman Johnson: I think this is a long tenn issue. I don't think we should jerk too quickly on this one and quickly drop everything until we've considered all the facts. I think that we should move towards getting parking on this street. It does make some sense for those people to have on street parking in . 36 , . ~ . .....- ...., Ci ty Council Meeting. 'ebruary 13, 1989 this area. How's the best way to do it. It also makes sense to me to have an off street trail running along side of this area. Councilman Boyt: Can vJe hear from Jim Mady so he can sit down? Jim Mady: I just wanted to bring some additional information to you concerning the trail on Lake Lucy Road. CUrrently there really isn't anyplace for those residents to go along that trail. You're right in that there are no trail connections. CUrry Farms Park hopefully be developed wi thin the next couple of years. That's on the east side of that area. 'It1e Park Corrrnission is aggresively seeking parkland in the Pheasant Hills area. HOpefully we'll be finding some within the next few months. Upon getting those two parks in place, we should be increasing the amount of east/west traffic along Lake Lucy Road for trail use dramatically because we will be providing those residents with actual places to go which is the reason we have a trail system. That's why we have it is to provide a method for our residents to safety get from their residence to an area. Be it a school, a park, shopping area, what have you, without having to actually drive or be on the street. That's what the reason is for a trail system. Just to make you aware, that's where we're heading right now on the Park Commission. Although maybe right now the residents don't have a place to go, within a couple years, there are going to be a couple places for them to go and it should definitely increase the a~ount of pedestrian and bike traffic on that street. CounciL-nan Johnson: 'i'le're going to have a park on both ends of this trail. Councilman Boyt: 'i1e11, we have a motion to refer this to the Park and Rec Corrmission tomorrow night. Betsy Glaccum: I'm Betsy Glaccum. I live at 15113 Lake Lucy Road where the retaining wall is. I'd just like to be on record that I'd hate to see that wall come down. It's beautiful and quite an expense and people say, what about the tree and of course, I'd hate to lose that because it's my shelter and it keeps me cool and stuff. The parking is a problem for some of the neighbors. It doesn't really include me. I'm doing okay wi th that. I would like to see the problem solved for people with bad driveways but I do not want to see a bike path moved over and have it doubled and come down the road on our grass, our front lawns and do a lot of damage so I'd just like to be on record that I'm against that. Okay? For the parking, when the road was built and the feasibility study, I believe this is an urban road, minimum width was 44 feet, two traffic lanes and parallel parking. This width can be reduced by the City Council if it passes resolution banning parking on the roadway. 'It1e recoomended design is 36 feet and that's what we've got. I'd like to see the bike paths stay there. Councilman Johnson: 'iVhat'd you say? You want to see them stay? Betsy Glaccum: The bicycle paths stay where they are. I'd like to see that. I don't want them to come over my front lawn and move it over further and then damage the retaining wall, my neighbors front lawns am like that. I'd prefer to leave the road as is. Councilman Johnson: Which w::mld eliminate parking then? 37 -r ,--, ~ .:-~~LCj ty Counci 1 Meeting - T :-uary 13, 1989 Betsy Glaccum: Yes, we don't have parking now so, I mean I'd like to SE?-e something to solve Brian Tichy's problem especially. I think that's terrible wi th their dd veway so high and so dangerous but in the feasibil i ty study it said, 44 feet wide and we went to 36 feet wide, right? Two traffic lanes and parallel parking. But there is a footnote to that that \-las in the feasibi li ty study. '!he footnote says, this width can be reduced if the City Counci 1 passes resolution banning parking on the roadway. The whole thing was that they would have to get 19 petitions, 19 of us neighbors to give them easements. 19 of us to give you easements to make the road wider so the Council knew we were so upset about this road as is, getting so wide, that's why I think it was left at 36 feet. Now Gary I don't know... Gary Warren: '!he 44 foot section is what M1Dot requires on a State Aid road to have parallel parking on both sides of two travel lanes. And as a result of the process, the road section could be shrunk, dollars and other concerns were a factor and also the inclusion the bituminous curbing was another factor to comply with MnDot's clear zone requirements, if you will, so this section was shrunk and as a result of that, the no parking came from that also because it was a 36 foot instead of a 44 foot wide road. Betsy Glaccum: I think that's why the bike trails were put there. Counci Iman Boyt: .. . as would any of us faced wi th that kind of increase, I'm sure their reaction was we don't think so in terms of approving it. ve have already agreed, the City has already agreed that in order to reduce that to 36 feet, there would be no parking. Is that right? Betsy Glaccum: It's in the feasibility study of February, correct. The thing I'd like to see the neighbors problem solved with the parking situation but you know, I can't go along with the thousands of dollars that would be spent and all our lawns and trees da~aged to bring another bicycle path in when the Council already agreed to keep it less width and put in the bike paths so we 'M)uldn' t have to walk in the road. CounciLman Boyt: It's clearly not my option to remove, or my preference to remove your 100 year old maple tree. Gary, you sean to have some hesitation about, and I thought earlier you said with 36 feet we can have parking on one side of the road. If the feasibility says, if you agree to 36 feet, you agree to no parking. Can you clarify this? Gary Warren: I can't attest to the discussion on the feasibility but what I can say is that the State Aid Manual which we've reviewed as a part of the preparation of this report, shows that an urban section roadway width, in order to have one lane of parking on an urban section roadway, you need a 34 foot wide road section. We have 36. So whether the discussion at that time was that, I guess I don't know how they interpretted that at that time. Today's standards shows that if you have a 36 foot road section, you should be able to accomooate one lane of parking. Councilman Boyt: I would like to see us take the time to look at this issue in more depth so as I speak in favor of the motion that's on the floor, to seoo this to Park and Rec as part of it. 38 , ~. . .' .f : . I .. City Council Meeting' "ebruary 13, 1989 - '- :._,/ Councilwoman Dimler: agenda for tomorrow. I would favor that motion only if we can get it on the Lori, is that a possibility? Lori Sietsema: Yes. Councilwoman Dimler: Then the neighbors, would you notify the neighbors Betsy to have them come out for this meeting tomorrow? Betsy Glaccum: Okay. Where will that be? Right here? Mayor Chmiel: 7: 30 right in this room. Councilman Johnson: Gary, for putting this trail in, will anything be disturbed that is not disturbed by the waterrnain construction already? We're going to be digging a pretty good sized hole to put in an 8 inch waterrnain more than 4 foot underground. CounciL~an Boyt: It's across the road though Jay. Gary Warren: The only area that would be impacted by the trail is if you decided to p..1t the trail, a full 6 foot trail, in front of the Glaccum property and get the total 10 feet of width basically from face of the curb then back. Otherwise, the rest of the construction from the Lake Lucy Road waterrnain would be integral with the trail construction. Councilman Johnson: The trail's right over the top of where we're digging the watermain? Gary Warren: There \'1Ouldn't be any additional disruption as a result of that except for where you got to the retaining wall area. Councilman Johnson: If we're talking a walking trail, 5 foot's no problem. Al Harvey: Al Harvey, 1430 Lake Lucy Road. I'll take objections to what Gary, I've been trying to get him out to show him. \~ buH t in '65. OJr sewer goes to the front. vle've li.mited for our drainfield system the way it is now. Coming further closer to our house will definitely cause a problem. Either the City will have to move our septic system somewhere, I don't know where. We've been disturbed now through the road construction. 1 can not tolerate any more of it coming north. We've accepted where your bike trail is now. If you come any closer to our house, it's going to cause a real hardship to us. I've been trying to get Gary out. Unfortunately we haven't made connections yet. Another tl1ing that I would like to suggest is that, take down the bicycle signs. I have horses. I have 11 acres up there. We're still rural up there. I've had to rename my horses bicycle in order to ride on your road. I would prefer to see one side row of p3rking. 'The people that go by there on bicycles now, they're riding 4 abreast anyway. They're not using the trail to the effect what it was designed for. They're coming down the center of the road. They've got hard hats on and they're buzzing. So are the cars. It's not a safe road anymore. We used to have a nice rural road. We now have a speeder up there. 'There's some consideration about any type of trail going on other than what you have already. We've lived there a number of years and we've seen the increase in speed since the new road. My suggestion would be, leave us where we're at. Please don't come any further north and take down the bicycle signs. We'd like 39 ....;.....~ ... City Coul1cil Meeting - F\.. _uary 13, 1989 to ride our horses there too. Counci 111an Johnson: Gary, will this waterrnain be on any private property or is this all public property that \'vB have this on? Gary Warren: Mr. Harvey and I have talked, he's been out of town and just got back in. When we last talked I said, let me know when you're back in town and we'll go out and look at it so tomorrow or whenever it's convenient \'vB'11 do that. His gray water tanks, or septic tanks may be in the city right-of-way because the trail is proposed or if it would go in, would be totally wi thin city right-of-way but stranger things have happened. CounciL'ilan Johnson: But the trail is not going to affect his gray water tanks as much as putting a watermain through. we definitely don't want to put a watermain through a septic system. If this septic system happens to be on city property, then we're going to have to work on that. Al Harvey: If you stay within your right-of-way, which is the telephone poles, I'm on my own pri va te property wi th the systems but the damage, the seepage arrl such going into the construction. It was disturbed when the other thing...so I just would like a solution of some kirrl developed if you're coming further north. I'd prefer that you didn't but we're 90 feet from the road but everything keeps coming on the north side of the road. I can not even agree with your feasbility study. You look down and you see a whole row of telephone poles. Nothing on the south side of the road. 'i'E need sewer up in our area much more than we need the watermain on the north side of the road. You've got to have a distance between your sewer line and your water line. 10 feet? You put the waterline on the north side and and the people on the north side who need sewer. There's a lot of proble.11s in that area. I'd like to see the City develop a comprehensive plan that would do more than one thing at a time. 'iVe petitioned against the city for the road. All we wanted was a blacktoppe:j road. He didn't want bike trails. We didn't want curb and gutter and all this other. The City didn't at that time listen to us. \'le've Jdrrl of had our hardships up through there. Now we'd Ii ke to see somethi ng resolved at the benefit to the people who live there. Gary Warren: The Harvey property is outside of the MUSA area which is the reason why it doesn't have sewer. Al Harvey: It's 200 feet...when you run down the hill. Gary Warren: There's no physical problem wi th connecting. It's just the fact that M:t Council won't allow it. Councilman Boyt: Could \'vB vote on the motion? Mayor Chmi.el: I was just going to suggest that if I could stop coughing. We have a motion on the floor arrl there's a secorrl to s~rrl this back to Park arrl Rec for tomorrow and then come up with some conclusions on it and get back with Council. 40 , tt_ ~ .' .J . . 1 ~ ,/ City Council Meeting - ebruary 13, 1989 Counci lman Boyt moved, Counci lman Johnson seconded to sem the i ten of bi ke trails along Lake Lucy Road back to the Park and Recreation Comnission for their review. Councilmans Boyt and Councilman Johnson voted in favor. Councilman Workman, Councilwoman Oimler and Mayor Chmiel voted against the motion and the motion failed with a vote of 2 to 3. Councilman Johnson: If that failed, then something needs to be resolved doesn't it? Mayor C1miel: '!hat's right. What we do need is another motion on the floor as to what are we going to do. Councilman Johnson: I'll make another motion. I'll try this one. We add an addendum to 8(b), which is caning up next, to add as options the construction of, so we can get the cost, construction of off street trails over the disturbed area of the watermain 6 foot am avoiding the trees am the retaining wall at Yosemite. Tnat we place that on the bids of plans and specifications to be added as an option to be approved or disapproved at a later time. We can hold some meetings on that and Park and Rec look at that under a less strenuous schedule than tomorrow night. We can collect more information to look at the whole issue. Councilman 1;'Jorkman: You're saying accept everything except the trail part? Councilman Johnson: No. We put out a bid that has the trail as an option. In other words, \Ye' 11 collect a cost to build a 6 foot trail over the top of where they're goi.ng to dig up for the watermain and that will be an option on the contract to get an exact bid price for then. Tnen we'll have Park and Rec take a look at that over the future so this doesn't delay the plans and specs for putting the watermain in because the watermain is very important to the City. The trail seems to be a side issue. Councilwoman Oimler: We already voted on the watermain. CounciL~an Johnson: Not the plans and specs. Counc i 1 woman Oimler: I know. Tha t 's the nex tone. CounciL~an Johnson: Exactly. Councilwoman Oimler: motion didn't pass. to deal with it. ... their motion to not leave this hanging since the other We're not going to take it to Park and Rec so now we've got Councilman Johnson: Tne trail? Mayor Chmiel: That's correct. Councilman Johnson: I was dealing with it by getting exact costs and putting it on as an option. Gary Warren: Do we remove the on street trails then as a part of it? 41 ~ ,~;~:~=~ .- -: City Council Me~ting - FE:. .Jary 13, 1989 Councilman Johnson: Yes, am then we'd remove the on street trails as part of that to where all we'd have is an off street trail. Then we could have parking on one side. ,- Counci1~an Ivorkman: It seems to me Jay, the problem really isn't the cost of the trail for these people because they're not going to pay for it. It's their property being abutted by a trail or the retaining wall problem or the oak tree problem or septic problems or anything else. This again is one of the things about the trail referendum. People concerned about a trail going over their property. I haven't made too many conments on this issue yet arrl maybe I should make a few quickly now. I've seen a lot of lost love for this Lake Lucy Road. I haven't seen or heard anything good about this road. First there was the construction of it. Now the watermain. Bike trails. No parking. Retaining walls. I don't think the stripes and signs are followed very carefully and the horse named bike is using them and everything else. I've seen little kids on their wheely bikes going down that hi 11 faster than me, and I speed but I'm for speed traps too. I would like to see possibly that extra money used for Well #5 so we can water our lawns in the coming years. It's an awful lot of money for a trail that again, the people in this area aren't real excited about. It seems to me that, unless we can figure out an option with the existing trail systS'll, p:lrking on one side, trail on the other somehow, it's a problem. Toe elaborate off road trail, taking again the people on the north side of this road, is again adding insult to injury. They've had to take a lot I think. Even though they're not going to have to pay for the trail, al though they will one way or the other, \~ all will, it seems to me that they've pretty much been picked on a Ii ttle bit am they're not about to get exci ted about this. I don't know how we can expect them to. - Councilman Jolmson: They live on a country road and then it's turned into an east/west connecti.n~ road as we suburbanize the city. Councilman Ivorkman: It is though a unique road in how it was built. The width. From what it \vas to what it now is. It hasn't made than happy. It is a country road. I had to thrO~1 a mud turtle or whatever it was about this size that was sitting in the middle of that road one day. It's a beautiful area but I thinl< again we've got a lot of signs, stripes, ""jde. I think we've made it into a super high'.vay. I don't know that parking on it is going to slow anybody down but it seems to me that we've got to give d little bit to this area on this road issue because how much can we beat on these folks up in this area with this road which has become the scurge of the ir lives. Councilwoman Dimler: I would just like to see us move in the direction of giving the residents what they W3nt and that we focus not on the trail but on the par:dng. That we do whatever is required, and Roger maybe you can help us in this area, is do whatever is required to get the signs changed and whatever to allow them to park there just as soon as possible. RCXJer Knutson: All it takes to undo that is, the bike trail is a decision of the Council. If you made it a bike trail, you can take down the signs by your own direction with a motion. Mayor Chmiel: u:t me just throw out something in addi Hon. Would it help those few who have problems with accessibility with their driveways, to have a pad put in adjacent to that road for parking? Would that be of any benefit? . 42 tp .:a . . . ...., City Council Meeting - _oruary 13, 1989 Councilman Johnson: At a cost to all the taxp3yers of the City? Councilman Boyt: But wait. There is some logic to this idea of solving the problem where the problan is rather than eliminating what we have. If it amounts to building 100 yards of p3d, that's a heck of a lot less disruption than putting in an off road trail over the whole length. VE still keep our on road trail. I think the M3yor may well have found a solution here that's quite a bit cheaper than a $40,000.00 trail. It gives you closer access parking than you're going to have otherwise and keeps us from being the first Council that's actually pulled trails off the map. Councilman Johnson: We certainly w::>uldn't want to be known as that. Counci lman Boyt: So I would sure support your plan. Councilman Johnson: That would be on the north side then where the construction of the watermain is taken. ~~ vJOuld put some expansions to the street. The south side, like in Brian's area, is kind of a cliff. It w::>uld be kind of hard to expand there and there's no construction going on there so it would be at a great additional cost. As long as we have construction already going off, grading, digging on the north side, I believe that's where it would be done. M3yor Chmiel: Yes. Counci lrnan Boyt: It would avoid the wall. It w::>uld avoid the tree. CounciL'11an Johnson: That's right. It sounds like we may have come up with a good compromise. Counci lwoman Dimler: Hould that be acceptable to the residents? Do you want to corrrnent on it? M3yor Chmiel: That's what I'm waiting for. Councilman Workman: I'm not sure I have the concept of this plan. Councilman Johnson: I think engineering needs to do some drawings here. Mayor Chmiel: I think staff should come up with some kind of alternative to it to see if that could resolve the problems that the people are l1eving presently. Councilman Boyt: Maybe they could discuss it tomorrow night a bit. Brian Tichy: The only concern I would have is where, first of all where the pad would be located. The south side of the road does fall off... Secondly, it would have to be equi table for everybody... Your compromise here is worth thinking about.. .all the residents. Councilman Johnson: ~Ve may not be able to solve every problem in the world every time. I would t.e against removing the trail, even though temporary while we study an option. Councilwoman Oimler: Just removing the signs Jay. 43 , City Council Meeting -, ,:uary 13, 1989 Counci111an Johnson: You remove the signs, you remove the trail. ~ Mayor Chmiel: The no parking signs. Councilman Johnson: Right. '!hat means you can park in the bike trail so if you renove, from what I gather, if you remove the no parking signs, you've got to remove the trails because you can't have parking in the middle of bike trails. The two uses are not compa tible. Councilwoman Dimler: Yes, but they're not being used as such right now. Counci11lan Johnson: Not during the winter. They're being used during the sumner. Don Ashworth: I think there's another problem. I thought that the initial issue was one of being able to get up to the properties in the winter and therefore some necessity for parking down below during the snows. Even taking down the signs, you still have the parking ban during snowfalls. They still would not be able to park on the streets. CounciLllan Johnson: You take down the signs, they still have the problem. The signs won't solve their problem. The winter's right now. Councilwoman Dimler: I know but only when it snows and v..B haven't had a whole lot of that. Coul1ciLman Johnson: You cal1't park overnight 011 any city street right now. ~-men it snows, you can't even park there during the day. . L Gary \'Jarren: We've got pavement markings that are painted on the road'Nay and I don't know, Roger I guess I hate to put you on the spot here but don't we also have to remove those pavement markings before legally the trail is gone? Roger Knutson: I haven't seen th:ll. vlliat do you have them marked in just "3 yellow line? Gary Warren: vJe have a \mile line on each side of the road at the 6 foot mark plus we've got bikeway sign painted on the road, diamonds arrl such. Mayor Olmiel: I would like to recomnend that staff come up with some conclusions as to parking availability for those people that have problems. Then have this come back to Council within 2 weeks. Councilman Boyt: Would you be open to having Park and Rec discuss it in the meantime? &..'"'Cause this n~ally still affects them. Mayor Chmiel: I think it will be getting to the posi tion that I'm not sure whether they should have it back to discuss it or even go along with it. I think what we're trying to do is resolve a problem here. ~'le' re trying to resolve a problem that the people have and I think we can do it right here. At least that's my opinion. I don't know if anyone has any others. . 44 . J .. . . Ci ty Council Meeting ebruary 13, 1989 Al Harvey: I think some of the parking problen is also for entertaining. If you have friends there, whether it's sumner or winter or whatever. You've got a problem with parking when there are people there...so I think a pad located in the right situation probably would help the situation. Some of us, although we're closer, we have parking off the road but if you do have friends, 8 or 10. cars and... Mayor O1miel: I don't know if we need a motion on that, to proceed with it. Is there a requirement for a motion on that Roger? If we were to request staff to come up with some solutions \vi th pads and in conjunction with that, showing it to the residents so they're aware as to what they're thinking. Roger Knutson: I don't think a full motion is necessary unless someone wants to call for one. CounciLman Johnson: It clarifies t.~e issue if you have it in motion form. It clarifies that it's got three-fifths staff approval if you make a motion that's voted on and it passes. M3yor Chmiel: Alright, I'll make that motion. The motion is that staff should review the areas of concern with parking and to design a pad that would be acceptable to the property owners. CoundL'llan Johnson: Actually what you're asking for is a mini-feasibility study of placing pads that will alleviate the parking problem. I'll second a mini-feasibility study of such. Councilwoman Dimler: I think that's a good idea but I would still like to see than able to park in the meantime. We don't know how long this is going to take. Counc i lman Boyt: Let's vote on them one at a time maybe. Councilman Johnson: They've been without it for two years, a couple more weeks is not going to disturb them. Councilwoman Dimler: \~ say 2 weeks but we don't know. Councilman Johnson: Even a month. Mayor O1miel: At least we're trying to resolve the issue and trying to assist as much as we possibly can without causing a real big concern. Gary Warren: \\t2'd like to see it resolved quickly so that if it needs to be incorporated with the construction of the watermain project, that we can factor that into the plans so we will try to bring it back as soon as possible. Mayor Chmiel: I'd like it back wi thin a 2 week period. Mayor O1miel moved, Councilman Johnson seconded to direct staff to prepare a mini-feasibility study for installing a parking pad to alleviate the parking problemon Lake Lucy Road to be brought back to the City Council in two ~ks. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 45 - I .~ . . .' City Council Meeting - Feuruary 13, 1989 Don Ashworth: Just for clarification. With limited staff, we would be going outside to get this work down. I don't anticipate it being a lot of money but we would be spending some on some outside help. , Councilman Johnson: I would recomnend Westwood Professional Services who have done this feasibility study arrl are familiar with all the details so there would be no cost to bring them up to speed. I believe they're also sitting here listening to all this. Mayor Chmiel: I'd like them to go out in the field and take a look at what's there existing. Not just at the papers that we have. Alright, we'll move on to item 8(b). Approve plans and specs and authorize taking bids for Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain project. Counci 1111an Boyt: Can we do this \men we don't have all the information? ;~yor Chmiel: I think v~ can. Gary Warren: I think you should proceed on. We would be able to mod ify wi th an addendum any further changes to the plan as far as a trail is concerned. Counci lman Johnson: Would we want to note that in our plans and speci fica bons? I don I t think there's any need to ei ther . I move we approve the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain plans as prepared by the firm of Westwood Professional Services and authori ze the taking of bids. ~. Counci lwoman Dimler: I' 11 second it. Resolution #89-23: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to approve the L3ke Lucy Road trunk watermain plans as prepared by the finn of ~Vestwood Professional Services and authorize the taking of bids. All voted in favor and the motion carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY, UPDATE, CITY ENGINEER. Gary Warren: I can mentioned a few comnents fram notes that 1 took about it. Basically Cbmmissioner Savanich was present to seek the County's, Carver County's comnibnent, if you will, to supporting acquisition of right-of-way and supporting the light rail transit concept. I guess my interpretation was that he received some support in that regard although not any comnibnent of funds at this time. The discussion was that 1995 would be the start of construction of the 1-35 piece so that would be phased in after we got out first corridor established out here which would go out as far as Hopkins. 1 guess the real impact as far as 1 read it for Carver County was a continued solicitation of the County's SUpport and acquisition of right-of-way and'properties that would impact this area. He also, 1 thought, had an interesting slide presentation, aerial slide presentation of the corridor from Chaska on through which 1 thought was a pretty good way to visualize how this would run. And he talked about that they had made a comni tment to the hi.gh platform loading concept which seemed to make sense too as far as the access for handicapped arrl those types of difficult access. Also that allowed them to rapdily load and unload cars which added to . 46 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 9~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission //J FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: March 9, 1989 SUBJ: 4th of July Celebration, Street Dance Band Selection Attached please find an engagement contract between the Hi-Tops and the City of Chanhassen. The Hi-Tops remain to be our best entertainment value for the 4th of July street dance. They have provided great performances the past three years. Once the dancing started last year, you could not get the crowd off the pavement. . The street dance is scheduled for Saturday evening, July 1, and it will be held in the back of City Hall in the parking lot adja- cent to City Center Park. The cost of their performance has not increased the past two years and remains at $1200 for three 60 minute sets this year. It is staff's recommendation to accept the contract for the Hi-Tops to perform at the 1989 4th of July street dance in the amount of $1200. Update (March 22, 1989): The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item and felt an entertaining show had been provided the past three years by the Hi-Tops. In looking for a band which plays appropriate music combined with a quality stage show at a reasonable price, the Hi-Tops can not be beat. Other similiar groups cost $2500.00 to $3000.00 per performance. The Commission recomended unanimously to award the July 4th band contract to the 50's, 60's and 70's band, the Hi-Topps, in the amount of $1200.00. . ~B Todd Hoffman (Name) City of Chanhassen (Corporate Name, it any) Box 147 (Address) . . ~~n L/llifUlJ~onogement ~. Box 26037 MO Mpls., MN 55426 "~., . ENGAGEMENT CONTRACT 1. PARTIES. The parties to this contraCt are: ARTIST: John K~umm (Name of Leader) Hi-Tops (5) % W.arnof/~JWd/A<:t/C'....ololop. nurobar of musiciansl . P~O. Box.26037 . (Address) PURCHASER: Mpls., MN 55426 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (City, State, Zip) (City, State, Zip) 2. PURPOSE. This contract sets forth the terms and conditions for an engagement in which the Purchaser employs the artist's professional services as a musician/musical group. 3. PURCHASER'S DUTIES. Purchaser agrees to employ the Artist for professional services as a musician/ musical group. Purchaser agrees to the terms and conditions of the engagement and compensation for the Artist as set forth below in paragraph seven. 4. ARTISrS DUTIES. Artist agrees to provide professional services as a musician/musical group and to perform the engagement according to the terms and conditions as set forth below i~ paragraph seven. t 5. ARTIST'S WARRANTIES. Artist/leader warrants that the individual band/group members working this engagement have given him/her the power to bind them to the terms and conditions of this contract. Each musician may enforce this engagement contract. 6. PURCHASER'S WARRANTIES. Purchaser warrants there will be no recording, reproduction or transmission . from the place of the engagement in any manner or by any means whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Artist and Hoffman Talent Management. 7. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (j;q() (A) Name and place of engagement City of Chanhassen..-96e- Coulte~. Chanhassen. MN (8) Dates; starting and finishing time of engagement Ju' y 1, 1989/3-60 minute sets between 8PM & 12AM (C) Type of engagement(specify whether dance, stage show, banquet, nightclub, etc.) dance/show/outdoo~ (D) Compensation (amount, terms, when payable) $1200.00 (One thousand two hund~ed dolla~s) flat gua~antee. A deposit of $400 is due with employe~ signed cont~act made payable to HTM. Balance of payment to be made in cash only immediately following pe~fo~mance. . (E) Additional provisions Not withstanding inclement weathe~ ~ende~ing pe~fo~mance impo~sible, fu" payment wi' I neve~theless ,(A'/Ai 0(// #I1T~ I 5v#~~f' V/?/tf/ 2' . . en .J>W -.J- 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Artist is an independent contractor and is not an employee of the Purchasw !z slr while rendering services as a musician/musical group. en :;:).. c( - -0. 9. LIABILITY. Purchaser agrees to indemnify, defend and hold artist and Hoffman Talent Management harmle~ !z ~ :J: from and against any and all claims, costs or liability for damage or injury to any person or property during artisW W ... ... engagement, including time of set-up and take-down.' Ei ~ 0 0 10. ARBITRATION. Any controversy or claim arising out of this contract shall be settled by arbitration in accof( ~ ~ ~ dance with the latest rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered hi c( ... m ar~itration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. ~ C) ~ 0 '1. BOOK-BACK. Artist and Purchaser agree that future engagements in this establishment or any establishme~ ffi 0 ~ owned or controlled by Purchaser, shall be booked through Hoffman Talent Management for a period of twelve (1 ~ en en ::> months from lt1e date of this engagement. The book-back term of those future engagement contracts will be twelve I I 0 (12) months to run from the end of the engagement. Artist and Purchaser shall be jointly and severally liable to .... ... ~ Hoffman Talent Management for payment of the fee agreed on by the Artist and Hoffman Talent Management and . W recorded on the booking slip kept for each engagement by Hoffman Talent Management. 12. RIDER. Theattached rider, if any, is to be considered part of this engagement contract. HOFFMAN TALENT. /NC . DATED: Jan 31 1989 ACTS HEREIN ONLY AS AGENT . , MD OR MANAGER FOR ARTIST AND FOR THE ARTIST: .' FOR THE PURCHASER: .... NO UASlUTY HERfUNDEA. be made. r .~. . . r r J I J I J 4 . 1 L L l l l I. L r:~ ...... dd CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5'5317 (612) 937-1900 ktP," h Clfv M/l'!!nl'1~f\i1 fl!dD! S':I' / ~'A- MEMORANDUM ~,~cljif:~~_.. .~ TO: '-'~~I'" '.c 1 1 Don Ashworth, City Manager t.~!:'~'-:~m 19--: Gary Warren, Ci ty Eng ineer 15 :::~t:'d tv CC~l:nr')~~ ~ ~bmltttd 10 Gild';:' :: February 8, 1989 ~Zj-_~ Accept Addendum Report No. 1 to Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain Feasibility Study; Set Public Hearing Date File No. 88-25 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Attached is Addendum Report No. 1 to the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain feasibility study which was originally accepted by the Council at its December 12, 1988 meeting. Recognizing the impor- tance of this trunk watermain construction to the City's water supply system, Council authorized that preparation of plans and specifications commence i!nmeaiate1y following the December 12, 1988 meeting. Sufficient time was not available then to deal with the service policy for abutting properties along Lake Lucy Road. Therefore, staff was directed to prepare this addendum report which specifically lays out the funding scenario for the project and a connection policy for those properties which abut Lake Lucy Road. In addition, a public information workshop meeting was also held on January 24, 1989 which was well attended by the majority of the abutting residents. The addendum report goes into detail in explaining the proposed connection and fee policy; however, I think it would be benefi- cial if I attempt to summarize in outline form the key policy elements. 1. The project is proposed to be funded from the surplus pro- ceeds which are available from the general obligation bonds of 1986. This totals to approximately $550,000. The esti- mated construction cost for the watermain, including booster station improvements, is $472,481. 2. Existing dwellings will not be required to connect to the trunk watermain. 3. No assessments are proposed for the project unless a property owner chooses to connect to the watermain and wishes the con- nection fees and hookup charges to be assessed against his property. 4? ftilfL- l/ 2- Don Ashworth February 8, 1989 Page 2 4. In order to recognize the residential benefit provided by this trunk watermain to the abutting properties, the connec- tion charge of $3,035.43 per unit is proposed in accordance with Section 19-20 of the City Code. This fee will accrue at a discounted interest rate of 4t% interest commencing with the "in-service" date (July, 1989) of the trunk watermain until the service connection date. 5. A hookup charge (currently $650/unit) will be charged per connection in accordance with Section 19-21 of the City Code. This fee can be periodically updated at the discretion of the City Council. 6. The connection and hookup charges can be paid fully at the time of connection or assessed against the properties at the request of the property owner at the following rates: Hookup charge at 8% for a four (4) year term Connection charge at 9% for a six (6) year term 7. Individual property owners will be responsible for their respective cost to bring the water service from the City's stub into their property and connection to their internal piping. 8. In accordance with Section 19-19 of the City Code, any new dwellings and any existing dwellings whose private well system fails will be required to connect to the public water supply system. 9. A fire safety availability charge (currently So/quarter) shall be billed against all existing dwellings that choose not to connect to the watermain system to recognize the fire safety benefit the trunk main provides to these properties. That concludes the summary of the proposed service pOlicy for the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain. I believe that it is a flexible arrangement which recognizes the disparity of the larger proper- ties which are not able to subdivide at this time and also provides a vehicle for the City to recapture the residential benefit of this trunk main at such time as development progresses in this area. -.} BIKE TRAIL OPTION /'J'Within this addendum report we have also included a brief discussion concerning the Lake Lucy Road trail/No-Parking issue. While the search for an interim, "quick-fix" solution to the removal of No-Parking restrictions on one side of Lake Lucy Road does not appear imminent, I have had our consultants take a look at the feasibility of constructing a 6-foot wide bituminous trail I . el " i . ~ r J I I I , el I l ~ l l l eL L i - I - . J r f J I . 1 1 S ~ I . ~ . l i ~ t l l l l , ... ~ L Don Ashworth February 8, 1989 Page 3 on top of the trunk watermain alignment as a part of this pro- ject. If MnDOT approves, this would allow us to eliminate one of the on-street existing bike trails and place it on the new path over the watermain. we should not underestimate, however, the difficulties and expense to accomplish this. There are some construction challenges, the most significant being the existing retaining wall in front of the Glaccum property at Yosemite which might need to be rebuilt. If so, we would need to protect the lOa-year old maple tree on the Glaccum property. In addition, even if one trail were removed from the road, it is unclear at this time if the road section is wide enough to accommodate on-street parking. This would have to be reviewed with MnDOT and may result in a variance appeal. Further, if parking is allowed it would still be restricted during snow emergencies (see Section 12-16 of the City Code, attached). The feasibility study has estimated the construction cost including engineering and contingencies for this trail to range from $47,500 to $63,800 depending on whether the retaining wall needs to be moved. It is therefore my recommendation that the City Council accept the attached Addendum No. 1 to the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain feasibility study and adopt the connection and fee policy as laid out in the staff report and addendum. The City Attorney has advised the City that a public hearing for the watermain construction is not required. However, as yuestions may exist as to the connection policy, effects of construction on property owners, the bike trail proposal, etc. it is recommended that a hearing be set for March 13, 1989 to address these issues. In addition, it is recommended that staff be directed to investi- gate the off-street trail option and meet with MnDOT to determine the possib1ity of implementing this option. Attachments 1. Addendum Report No.1 2. City Code Section 19 excerpts. 3. Bikeway Street Section. 4. Section 12-16 of City Code - Snow Emergencies. cc: Dick Koppy, Westwood Engineering Lake Lucy Road Abutting Property Owners ~ 19-18 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE will not be cut off until after the hearing is held. If the customer requests a hearing before the date specified. a hearing shall be held on the matter by the city council at their next regular meeting, but not to exceed three (3) weeks after the date on which the request is made. If as a result of the hearing, the city council finds that the amount claimed to be owing is actually due and unpaid and that there is no legal reason why the water supply of the delinquent customer may not be shut off, the city may shut off the supply. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 10.01, 3-11-85) a ssuance of building permits for new construction where the p~operty is adjacent to a municipal watermain, or in a block through or to which the watermain extends, or is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the water system shall be conditioned upon connection to said municipal water system, unless in the opinion of the city it is neither feasible nor practical to make such connection. ,. '- J (b) The drilling of new wells shall not be permitted for existing dwellings which can be serviced by the municipal water system. Upon failure of a private water supply, connection to the municipal system shall be required. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 1.01,3-11-85) State law reference-Authority to require connections, M.S..~ 412.221, subd. 31. c;:: 19-2~nnection charges. (a) No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any watermain of the city either directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless the city clerk shall have certified: (1) That the lot or tract of land, or portion of said lot or tract, to be served by such connection to tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the watermain with which the connection is made; or (2) If no assessment has been levied for said construction cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (3) If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, that a sum equal to the portion of cost of constructing said watermain has been paid to the city pursuant to subsection (b). (b) Unless covered by subsection (aX1) or (aX2), the applicant shall pay a connection fee equal to the proportionate cost of construction of the main. The cost is to be determined by the city using the same formulas as was used for assessments previously levied against other property for the main and shall include equivalency charges as required to arrive at the present day worth of the water service. This equivalency charge shall be equal to simple interest calculated from the project assessment date to the service connection date at the rate of interest at which the bonds sold to finance the project were issued minus a depreciation factor of three (3) percent per year. If no such assessment has been levied, the cost shall be determined by the city council, and in determining said cost the council shall take into consideration the front footage, shape and area of the benefitted lot or tract of land. Upon 1064 =#-~ ~I i ! i I I I I I 'I I L L l L L ~ L .- '- i ,j f i -..- J 1 '2 i I , ~ . .. , ., t j . j i .. . '- L L l L le L - . '- WATER, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ~ 19-22 written request of the owner of the benefitted property showing good cause, the city council may provide that the connection charge be specially assessed as a lien against the benefitted property payable in semi-annual installments for a term of eight (8) years at an interest rate equal to that at which the project bonds were sold. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all connection charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction of said benefitted property. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 7,3-11-85) ~ ~OOk-UP charges. . (a) In addition to the connection charges set forth herein, a hook-up charge, unless assessed as a part of public improvement project, shall be levied against each lot or tract of land, or portion thereof served by the system, for usage of the wells, pumping stations, water storage facilities, and equipment of the city water system. The amount of this charge shall be set by the C!ty cou~cil and may periodically be revised to reflect construction cost changes evidenced by the Engineering News - Record Construction Cost Index. (b) The number of unit hook-up charges to be levied against each benefitted lot or tract of land, portion thereof, shall be established using the following criteria: (1) Single-family houses, townhouses, condominiums and duplex units shall each com- prise one (1) unit; (2) Apartments shall each comprise eighty (80) percent of a unit; (3) Mobile homes shall each comprise one hundred (100) percent of a unit; (4) Other buildings and structures shall be assigned one unit for each two hundred seventy four (274) gallons of water usage and sewage flow which it is estimated they will discharge, and commercial and industrial building units shall be assigned a minimum of one (1) unit. (c) The number of unit hook-up charges to be levied against the premises may thereafter be revised by resolution of the city council to more accurately establish the use, and the council in making said redetermination may take into account the actual quantity of water consumed on said premises. (d) Upon written request of the owner of the benefitted premises showing good cause, the city council may provide that the hook-up charge be specially assessed against the benefitted property payable in semi-annual installments for such period and on such terms as the council may determine. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all hook-up charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction on the property. (Ord. No. 6, ~8.01, 3-11-85) Sec. 19-22. Persons authorized to make connections, etc.; bond. (a) Any work which in any way affects the city's water lines or connections thereto shall be performed only under the direct supervision of a master plumber licensed by the state. 1065 / f I' .' I I I I I 3 I I~ I ~.I 1 l F; 14 6 12 12 6 4 BIKE BIKE TWO WAY FARKING PATH PATH TRAFFIC .0\5 ,/, .0/51; , ...- ,.. (' 3 ::?J 3 _ ~ PROPOSED IS" 0--- TRUNK WATERMAIN L l WWPS EXHIBIT 8 L L l .L ~I ----~ NO seAL E '\\. ~~ ~ _;.:.:~..;;-.:::.~.~-r::- ;~.-..;:. ;....;.;;;,...::<-,...~...:;:J ~ t~ f ~'<~~;~~~~i;o';:':;~l:~ BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION - ---- =R=3 1 ~ j ~ ;S f j f 1 J 3 f 1 J ! i i ~ L L l , L ~ L MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ~ 12-31 (b) When a fire lane has been ordered to be established pursuant to this section it shall be marked by a sign bearing the words "No Parking-Fire Lane-by Order of Fire Department" or striped in a manner to indicate no parking. When the fire lane is on public property or a public right-of-way, the sign or signs shall be erected by the city, and when on private property they shall be erected by owner at his own expense within thirty (30) days after he has been notified of the order. (c) After a sign has been erected in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, no person shall park a vehicle or otherwise occupy or obstruct the fire lane. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.01,8.1-77; Ord. No. 3-J, ~ 1,7-23-84) Cross reference-Parking near fire hydrant, ~ 9-1. State law reference-Authority to regulate standing or parking, M.S. ~ 169.04(1). Sec. 12-15. Parking or standing of vehicles exceeding specified height. No person shall park or permit to stand any vehicle exceeding six (6) feet six (6) inches in height on West 78th Street between its intersection with Great Plains Boulevard and Laredo Drive. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.02,8-1-77) State law reference-Authority to regulate parking or standing of vehicles, M.S 9 169.04(1). .' Sec. 12-16. Snow emergencies. In order to expeuite the prompt and efficient removal of snow from the streets of the city, no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle or permit it to stand on any street within the city between November 1 and April 1, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day. No person shall park or allow to stand any vehicle on any street within the city when snowfall necessitates removal and until such street has been plowed and the snow removed to the edge of the pavement. (Ord. No. 3H, ~ 11.05, 8-1-77; Ord. No.3-I, 9 1, 10-4-82) State law reference-Authority to regulate parking or standing of vehicles, M.S 9 169.04(1). 'f 't Reserved. ARTICLE II. SNOWMOBILES. Sec. 12-31. Definitions. The definitions in Minnesota Statutes section 84.81 apply to this article. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Boulevard means that portion of the street right-of-way between the curbline and the street boundary line in platted areas. .State law references-Snowmobiles, M.S. ~ 84.81 et seq.; local regulations authorized, M.S. ~ 84.87, subd. 3. 669 -=fFY- 'r ., .. r r I r r , , I I I I L L L L L L r I .... 8b CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 j"~tlljn :.v l;r:'/I'(:".1;~:"'~' ,r Er.dur::;c"~ ~ MEMORANDUM :,..... :ii~C.~_ __... ____~ ._..__ TO: ~~:~ct:l~ -?'7.-"'-- :J ..---..I._____J.f__ Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer Zll~ff.J.._ D6t~ S:Jnrl'::-:::~1 ~: ':'~";~",:;-:~V' --...... Date ,';",rc:,:Gd to L<I1clj DATE: February a, 1989 4 SUBJ: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Taking Bids for Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain Project File ~o. 88-25 Attached are the construction pl~ns for the Lake Lucy Road trunk wat2rmain project. These plans were prepared in accordance with the accepted feasibility study and have had the benefit of citi- zen input from our January 24, 1989 workshop session. The plans have been reviewed by the fire inspector and fire chief and fire hydrants have been placed in accord3nce with their wishes along . thi5 alignment. In addition, there are seven (7) service crossing5 under Lake Lucy Road wnich needed to be added to the scope of the project to provide service to the southerly proper- ties when they ultimately reque~t it. The plans at this time do not include any provi5ions for construction of a bike path over the propo~ed alignment for the trunk wa~ermain. As noted in the previous agenda item, this alternative needs to be further reviewed ~ith MnDOT before pro- ceeding. There is some question whether there is sufficient road width, even without one bike lane, to allow parking. This will need to receive MnDOT'g blessing before proceeding. The total engineer's estimate for the project, including con- tingencies, and $40,000 for service jackings under Lake Lucy Road is $472,500. It is estimated that construction of the bike path over the trunk watermain would add an additional $47,500 to $63,800 to the project costs, exclusive of any easement costs which might be needed. It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve the attached Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain-plans as prepared by the firm of Westwood Professional Services and authorize the taking of bids. It i5 further reco~~ended that staff conduct an eva- l~ati?n and review with MnDOT concerning the acceptability of eli- . mlnatlng the eastbound bike path from Lake Lucy Road and I . Mr. Don Ashworth February d, 1989 Page 2 I 1. Plan set. 2. Road section with off-street bike path. r I I I I I I I I converting this area to a 6' parking lane. If this is agreeable to MnDOT, staff is hereby directed to modify the construction plans for Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain to incorporate moving and construction of the off-road eastbound bike path. Attachments cc: Dick Koppy, Westwood . . l ~ L L L L I '-- l 4;" ~ / .ff f .t . f J I J I I I I I L L II 4' 6' 121 121 61 41 BIKE PATH BIKE PATH TWO WAY TRAFFIC FARl<ING :3 :=?' :3 .0\5'0- .015 Y. , ~ 11:3 . ..- {' _______ PROPOSED IS" 0---- TRUNK WATERMAIN L L ----~ NO SCALE '"~' 'I'. ::::'.:'~'~:-:".""',r::- :~..._;...,;;~~,-\,~...:; ~t . .. " '. .. f;.;:t";'~.~~"!3.:/.;:.:~~~.....:::.;.::~~;.;,~,::,,:::;;.~ . "S.'.~' . .: WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL - , . SERVICES, INC. BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION WWPS EXHIBIT 8 I L --- i , '( - · _' '.1 , ~' ~. ./ I - ) ~ . I " .. " \ ~ ).. ,i ~L.. - 7 ,,-.., , '~4 J " )1 \ . ( .' ,\'. '\ ~, ~. . .- ~ "~t ~ t/.Y11.4 /I.l~-=dJ ~ 7r~ ~ ~ /:J-z:ud a-,~ ~ ~1~~/~~~ . . _n.a;k~ -t4 tU~ ~ M ~1';Ut.J ..P~ /1 c/)<- ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ -~- ~ 1d~~~-, 7tnJ~~~~ ~ . ~'\. ~ (!t~~ a.tJ' ~ . ~ ~ J;~2.. ~ ~ Ile-~f l14 ~ ~ fU- 7~~1 c/k:. ~~1 d;~, Al~ , ~ :-I. ... 7. I, W~ f h Ib7/ ~ ~ K~ :,<llU01L ~h, \\Pf; l' I . .~ ~~ ) ~. ~ j/~ ::~1.t~-:;r/(( S-/~J ? /tvu L"~ L<J'/, ;(4 t ~ .,6'. /6S,j X'a.k- ~ /?d. '1 ?tu~l~:' I:)~O ~ ~ 4 M. 0. ~LOIV.~~ . 1. tXf';'/Jl ~ /3'01 !Alc.. ~ jD rX;~ /rUJ-e.. G7t7rP ~~ · (; 1frr/ · ';y~ kJl ~4~ I~. )1]~ ) I /I Ir /~I /..~ ./~~~ /)(/ ~ Z~ &/ 1'5 ~~ . _ ~ ILfII ,:f~ rJ:~ y2d, . ( ~. ~ @<1fJ 11lcO --J:a..~ a( ~ RJ- ~. ~ .jetty Council Meeting -.. Jary 23, 1989 c. Chanhassen City Hall Expansion, Confirm Expansion Request, Chanhassen Library Board for Interim Utilization. VISITORS PRESENTATION: Brian Tichy: My name is Brian Tichy. I live at 1471 Lake Lucy Road. '!he presentation is concernirg the no parking signs on both sides of Lake Lucy Road. I have a petition that I'd like to present to the Council from the residents of Lake Lucy Road to try to reconfigure the street so that we are allowed to park at least on one side of the street or during the winter months due to snow problems, space problems when you have people over for company am that nature. Right now, if you have more than 1 or 2 cars, fr iends of yours over, there's no place for them to park. It becomes a problem particularly in the winter. In the summer there are places where you can put your visitor's cars but during the winter there is no space. Mayor Chmiel: Very fine, may I have that petition please. '!he petition that we've received, is there any discussion from Council? Councilman Boyt: Yes. Having seen Brian's driveway, he's got quite a problem there. Anytime we get 2 or 3 inches of snow, he's going to have a hard time getting up and down that driveway. 'furning into it much less what happens once he's into it. I don't know exactly what the City can do because I think there's some pretty clear State Statutes limiting what the City can do and I'm sure Brian's aware of those. I'm not sure how many people ride their bicycles out there after a 2 or 3 inch snowfall but somehow or another I'd sure like to see the City work to come up with a solution for people who have no place to park. Councilwoman Dimler: I agree with that. I think that since the bike paths are not being used during the winter months, the least we can do is to allow them to park there during the winter months when the parking problem is compounded with the snow. I'm sure that you'd like to see it to summer months as well. Brian Tichy: we'd appreciate it if we could park there in the summer months. It would help if you have more than 2 or 3 friends. we do use the bike lanes. '!here's a problem obviously with the bike lane that goes to nowhere. '!here are no bike lanes on CR 117 to the west and CR 17 to the east. People do use the bike lanes although.. .stay within them. we use them ourselves. Again, if they could be somehow moved to one side of the road, that may satisfy I guess the bicycling problems. '!hese are alternatives. Councilwoman Dimler: I know that Larry, you've already written a letter to Brian haven't you and in there it stated some of the State Statutes that you found out and we appreciate the work you did on that. However, I still would like to see if we can't get together and work out partial parking. Mayor Chmiel: Any further discussion? Councilman Workman: '!here are bike lanes on both sides right now? Mayor Chmiel: Yes there are. 10 ;"\" 1 .r i r r J I I I , l L ~ l L l iJ _ 4 Ie- ".. ,* J if i '01 . f J J . I ! ~ i i i. , ::i _ ' ; 1 , l l l 1 I ~ L4I L '_:'J City Council Meeting - January 23, 1989 Counci lman Workman: Have the people who signed the peti tion decided which side the bike lane would be on or does that not matter to the people? Councilman Boyt: We can't put it on the same side. State Statute won't allow us to put two bike lanes on the same side of the road. Councilman Workman: We only need one bike lane on one side of the road don't we? Counci lman Boyt: You can't have a one way bi ke lane. Or two way, one wid th bike lane. It's very specific. It's sort of like, if you have a highway, you have to meet limits. If you have a bike lane, you have to live with limits too. That's what has created the problem. Councilman Workman: I'm just asking the question. I'm not speaking as an authori ty . Councilman Johnson: We built this with State Aid money. Some of the 5 year plan we're talking about several years ago, in fact it was before Bill and I were on the Council that this State Aid money was approved. Again, once the State's got their money involved in the project, we lose same control. Larry Brown: '!he Ci ty Attorney can veri fy this but from what I dragged out of the State Statutes, State Statute was very specific in saying that all bicyclsts shall ride as close as practical to the right hand side of the roadway and that was the real reason why we're limi ted to putting a two-way bike lane. It was very clear that it had to be to the right hand side with the direction of traffic . Councilman Workman: So do v.e even have to have them or not have them and can v.e remove them? How are people going to park there then if v.e have to have it on both sides? Larry Brown: Sure, that would certainly be an option if you'd like to. Councilman Workman: We could remove the bike lanes? Larry Brown: Yes, you could. Councilman Workman: Would Park and Rec have a problem with that? Mayor Chmiel: They conceivably could. Councilman Johnson: I think this should go to Park and Rec. Have they considered this at this point? Brian Tichy: I spoke wi th, I can I t remember the gentlanan I s name wi th Park and Rec and he had it go to Larry Brown. Don Ashworth: Staff would reconmend that the item be tabled this evening. Allow us to advertise it. It would be on the next agenda. If there was any reason it, would not be on that agenda, we would contact Brian. A staff report would be prepared and look at sane alternatives. I know in the Carver Beach area v.e have similiar problems and I think that Y.e got around most of those. 11 --_ .-0, ~':J City Council Meeting - January 23, 1989 The biggest problem was being able to clear snow out at the same time that vehicles are parked out in the roadway itself. So in some of those instances, we had to look at trying to work with the imividual owners in fiming some other spot where they may be able to park, we could still clear snow, etc.. Councilman Johnson: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to suggest also that we get Park am Ree's feedback on this because it's their trail. Not their trail, it's the City's trails but they're the keeper of the trail so rather than bring it imnediately back to the Council before Park and Rec has a chance to put their 2 cents in, I'd like to pass it through to the Park and Rec Cornnission on it's way back here. Councilwoman Dirnler: I think Park and Rec meets tomorrow. Can we plt it on their agenda for tomorrow? Mayor Olrniel: I'm not sure as to what their agenda would be. .. Councilman Johnson: I'm not sure staff would be ready for it tomorrow. Don Ashworth: I was just trying to look at their agenda here. '!hey do have a meeting tomorrow night. We can take am see if it could be verbally presented and whether or not they would take action. '!hey, like the Council, like to have their information early. Get a chance to study it, etc.. Otherwise, that would put the item to February 27th for City Council. Lori Sietsema: It would be February 14th is our next meeting. Don Ashworth: But the next City council following Park and Rec would be the 27th. Mayor Olrniel: I suggest too that we table it and do as a recorrmendation by Mr. Ashworth has indicated that this go to the Park and Rec at their February 14th meeting and then back to the Council on February 27th. Councilman Johnson: Mr. Mayor, could I suggest that if staff can come up with an interim solution before Park and Rec looks at it, that we consider that at our next Council meeting because February 27th, that's a lot of wintertime so go at a two-prong, interim solution right now. Right away. As quickly as possible with the full review through Park and Rec also. Conceivably it could be the 13th or the 27th, '!he City will notify and let you know for sure. Councilman Boyt: I'd just like to point out that it's probably unreasonable to give this to the Park and Rec Cornnission with no notice. Expect them to make a corrment on it that means anything am get it back to us for our next meeting. Councilman Johnson: '!hat's not what I said. Here's a motion. I move that we sem this to the Park and Recreation Cornnission on February 14th am have it back to us for February 27th, I believe is our last -meeting in February unless staff can come up with an interim solution to this, which will be interim until Park and Rec has had time to review it. In which case, we'd like to see that interim solution at our next Council meeting which I believe is February 13th. 'Iha t way, we may be able to get something going a little sooner for them. Staff may cane up am say, hey, we don't see an interim solution that we want to give to Council without Park and Rec looking at it. In which case, then it delays it 12 , I .1 fi I I I J I j ~ I l 1 l [ l l ~ $ .~ ~ f J I J j 1 ~ ! ~ I ! ~ . i 1 l l l l L l. L I I L City Council Meeting ~"1> f""'? ) .J January 23, 1989 another 2 weeks. That's my motion. Councilwoman Dimler: I second that. Counci1.l1an Johnson moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to direct the Park and Recreation Commission to review the bike lanes on Lake Lucy Road at their February 14, 1989 meeting and make a recomnendation to City Council. In the interim, if staff can come up with a temporary solution to the no parking problem on Lake Lucy Road, to present that to the City Council at their February 13, 1989 City Council meeting. All votoo in favor am the motion carrioo. AWARD OF BIDS: PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT. Gary Warren: Public Works, we have four vehicles that we had budgeted in the 1989 vehicle replacement fume 'll1ree of the vehicles are replacement vehicles for equipnent that has many good years of service on it am one of the other vehicles is a new vehicle to recognize the budgeted expansion in the Park and Rec Department of a new employee this year. We also have included with the bids here and the 1 ton vehicle, the equipment for snow plowing. 'll1e plow box and the sander since this vehicle will be utilizoo for plowing snow in the Carver Beach area. We feel we've got some very good competi ti ve bids and we've attachoo the vehicle specifications to the packet here. Basically, as an overview, including radios and sales tax, etc., we're looking at a total award of $69,287.04. OUr budget for these items was $75,200.00 so we're very pleased with the bids that went on and it's equipment that I'm sure we'll be putting to good use this year. Resolution #89-07: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Workman seconded to award the Public Works Equipnent bid to Superior Ford for the 1/2 ton pickup at $11,187.00; the two 3/4 ton pickups from Waconia Ford at $14,070.00 each; the 1 ton cab am chassis from Bob Ryan Ford for $14.757.00; the box am sander from Midland Equipment at $5,584.00 and $1,596.00; and the snowplow from Crysteel Truck Equipnent at $1,598.00. All votoo in favor am the motion carrioo. AWARD OF BIDS: TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT FOR CITY HALL/FIRE STATION. Jim Chaffee: A few months ago we started looking at expaming our present system, telephone system in the new addition to the City Hall. At the same time we were looking at upgrading the system at the Fire Station. Recognizing that 8 years ago we purchased our present existing system in City Hall for a little under $15,000.00, we also recognizoo that the present system is at it's capacity right now am it is considered obsolete with the advances that are being made in the high tech industry of telephone comnunications. With that "in mind, we set out to look at either overhauling the entire system or expanding the present system with it's outdatoo features. We did get together with many vendors, 18 as I've ind icated in the memo, to seek bids for upgrad ing our present system to include the addition to City Hall am the Fire Station. We did initially get interest from 18 vendors. However, when it came time to bid, we only received 6 bids. Of those 6, as I've outlinoo in the memo, AT&T was the highest. Executorte was the lowest. Unfortunately, only one system met all our 13 Centex Real Estate Corp. 5959 Baker Rd., Ste. 300 MinnetoIlKa, MN 55345 , & K Pasthumius 0550 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 J Cook & K Huntington 1291 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 K. Broughton 1301 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 H & S Bergquist 1311 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 B & K Erdahl 1.321 Stratton Court lanhassen, MN 55317 C & L Carlson 1341 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 '- B & A Kotzian 1340 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & M Thanpson 1330 Stratton Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & J Thornberg 1320 Stratton Court Chanbassen, MN 55317 J & M Benson 1310 Stratton Court Chanhassen, ~~~ 55317 T & K Clarke 6510 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & M O'Niel 6511 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 D Bearroad & T Nelson 6490 Bretton Way Chanhassen, MN 55317 T & J Schaffer 6501 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 C & J Hughes 6480 Bretton Way Chanhassen, MN 55317 D & D George 6491 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & DOrgan 6470 Bretton Way Chanhassen, MN 55317 F Kenyon & N Christianson 6500 We1s1ey Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & L Borders 6491 Bretton Way Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & M Willman 6510 Welsely Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 G & J Brower 6611 Arlington Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 . M Mieson & S Loftus . 6520 Welsley Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 D & A Dye 6621 Arlington Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 T & D Given 6521 We1sely Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & B Spiess 6610 Arlington Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & M Jetlund 6511 We1s1ey Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 S & S Hullander 6541 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 K & D Cooksey 6501 Welsely Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 T & P Potter 6531 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 J & N Donovan 1375 Lilac Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 S & M BielsKi 6521 Devonshire Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 . Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moshier 1761 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 .. & Mrs. Lee Peterson ~760 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom DroegeIIUleller 1740 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schirnml 1751 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Steinkamp 1771 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 .. & Mrs. Al Ramsey 20 White Dove Drive celsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bomstad 1810 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brzezinski 1751 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lewis 1771 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. John Thedinga 1800 Ringdeck Drive 411Jce1sior, Mn 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Stan Heinsch 1800 Pheasant Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Thomas 1810 Pheasant Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gabler 1780 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN Mr. & Mrs. Todd Coumbe 1791 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Benson 1820 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Slyce 6511 White Dove Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kraker 6441 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Peshek 6480 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prchal 6410 White Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Schmidt 6450 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Aadne Eliassen 6460 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Skip Gjersdal 6431 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Pat Johnson & Mary Cordell 1730 Lake Lucy Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koester 1780 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Doug Schroeder 1790 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, Mn 55331 Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes 6290 Cardinal Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dick Pierce 1880 Partridge Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beeset 1885 Partridge Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 -. B & M Johnson 6621 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 M & C Riddersen 13532 W. Arthur Street Minnetonka, MN 55343 & W Buresh 133 18th Ave. South Hopkins, MN 55343 . S & K Gavin 705 Grant Street Excelsior, MN 55331 C & S Ramsey 6681 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 M & T Williams 1655 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 M & D Manlove 6691 Galpin Blvd.- Excelsior, MN 55331 D & M Shrader 14433 Fairway Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 J & M Waldron 338 Tyler Ave. North Hopkins, MN 55343 J & T Kraker 6441 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 J & M Gorczyca . ~50 Lake Lucy Road .celsior, MN 55331 M&KSanda 1685 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 . A & K Peterson 6697 Countryside Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E & N Rivkin 5525 Conifer Trail Minnetonka, MN 55345 M & D Steinkraus - 1800 Lake Lucy Road . Excelsior, MN 55317 A & B Finstad 1701 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 J & C Gill 1800 W. 67th St. Excelsior, MN 55331 Judith Dirks 9799 Brighton Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55344 P. Johnson & M. Cordell 1730 Lake Lucy Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Greenery Co. Attn: Don Mezzenga 5816 Dickens Ave. Minnetonka, MN 55345 . P. McAllister 7510 Erie Ave. Chanhassen, MN 55317 R & L Guthmiller 1801 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 John Clark 1215 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 .chard Ersbo 1251 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55331 Richard Ortenblad 1351 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Thecrlore Coey 1381 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55331 Joseph Morin 15820 South Eden Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 ~. an Tichy 1 Lake Lucy Road .celsior, MN 55331 Robert Christiansen 1511 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Warren Phillips 1571 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Rosalee Dodd 200 First Federal Building 320 North 4th Street Bismark, NO 58501 Janes Mielke 1645 Lake Lucy Road .elsior, MN 55331 Mark Williams 1655 ~e Lu~ Road Excelslor, MN 55331 Daniel Shrader 14433 Fairway Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Helen Jacques 1210 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Allen Finstad 1710 Steller Court Excelsior, MN 55331 Alfred Harvey 1430 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Judith Dirks 808 East Breu Avenue Olivia, MN 56277 Elizabeth Glaccum 1510 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Magnus Manlove 6691 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior, MN 55331 Terrance O'Brien 1420 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 John Waldron 338 Tyler Avenue North Hopkins, MN 55343 Alm::>nd Krueger 1600 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 John Gorczyca 1850 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 The Greenery COmpany c/o Don Mezzenga 5816 Dickens Avenue Minnetonka, MN 55345 Alan Peterson 6697 Countryside Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Reinhold Guthmiller 1801 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Merle Steinkraus 1800 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55317 Melvin Babatz 1650 Lake Lucy ~oad Excelsior, MN 55331 Jerry Gill 1800 West 67th Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Philip Mathiowetz 1630 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Patrick Johnson 1730 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Janes Pal.mer 1670 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Paul McAllister 7510 Erie Avenue Chanhassen, MN 55317 Larry Kerber 6420 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Christopher Eiman 1206 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 . Diane Stegner 1180 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Daniel Rogers & Sharon Peterson Rogers 1200 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 . ----- .<- .... - --- .. . CITY OF CBANBASSEN !J- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator 17 DATE: March 9, 1989 SUBJ: Southern Parkland Acquisition . Attached please find a map with the different potential park sites highlighted. As you may recall, the Commission looked at each of the sites and directed staff to contact landowners for prices and willingness to sell. Unfortunately, some of the pieces are grandfathered in on the 2t acre minimum lot size and, therefore, the owners are unwilling to sell. I have asked Al Klingelhutz to attend our next meeting as he is most familiar with this area and has talked with most of the landowners. Hopefully he will be able to shed some light as to the availabi- lity of land parcels in the southern area. . . 4 CITY OF 0iAtI-iASSEN USE .....P t 5 ~ - w, ~~ DEn. C_SSDI . _.._ -- 6 I ~ - =. ~t. ". 7 ~----- ~" -=----;-c~0 .r'." , , I L-_ b . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission '111 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: February 23, 1989 SUBJ: Vending License Request, Lake Ann Park Gary Lindgren . As can be seen from the attached letter, Gary Lindgren, President of Domo Products, Inc., would like to operate a concession wagon at Lake Ann Park beach for the summer of 1989. A representative of Domo Products will be present on Tuesday evening to discuss this proposal in detail and to answer any questions from the Co~~ission. Domo Products worked with the City on one previous occasion when serving popcorn at the Oktoberfest event early last fall. The provision of this service at Lake Ann Park would enhance the recreational experience at the beach area, as many requests for concessions are received each year; however, to ensure this result, careful selection of a generator would be necessary. It would be very undesireable to operate this wagon with a generator which is loud enough to create a distraction. An additional request to vend at Lake Ann Park has been received through a phone conversation from a representative of Blue Bell Ice Cream. However, staff recommends that only one vendor be licensed to operate in Lake Ann Park per year. As Domo Products, Inc.'s proposal includes a greater variety of items, it is recom- mended that their request be approved. ~ ~f~1 Update (March 9, 1989): This item was tabled from the February N 28, 1989 agenda to allow all intereted parties to submit a propo- sal. Since that time a written proposal from Blue Belle Ice Cream ~ has been received and the newly formed Lion's Club has withdrawn Attached is an updated agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Domo Products, Inc. Upon the satisfaction of the Commission that this arrangement and the terms of this agreement are accep- table, and upon Mr. Lindgren verifying that he will comply with the terms of the agreement, a copy will be executed. Park and Recreation Commission Update - March 9, 1989 Page 2 . their request. The two proposals which have been received are different in a number of ways. Domo Products, Inc., proposes to vend from a wagon which is transported with a separate vehicle, and Blue Belle would vend from a concession vehicle. Domo's wagon would be operated by a local couple, and Blue Belle's vehicle would be operated by an independent contractor. The items to be served are different in each proposal. Lastly, both companies or representatives of each have previously requested to vend in the City of Chanhassen. Domo Products, Inc., was granted approval to sell popcorn and peanuts at the Oktoberfest Celebration held last fall. Blue Belle Ice Cream and/or representatives of that company, have requested permission to vend in the City of Chanhassen and Lake Ann Park. They were never granted approval to do so, but on occasions have attempted to vend despite this. My personal experience with this occurred last summer when a Blue Belle Ice Cream salesman called and requested to vend at Lake Ann Park over the 4th of July. His request was denied; however, two trucks did arrive at Lake Ann Park and had to be asked to leave. It remains the recommendation of staff to accept the request from Domo Products, Inc., to provide concessions at Lake Ann Park. . Update March 22, 1989): Upon receiving the staff report update of March 9, 1989, a representative of Blue Belle Ice Cream called to withdraw their proposal. Therefore, the Park and Recreation Commission accepted the proposal from Domo Products, Inc., with the following clarifications being made. Domo Products will not act as the "concessionaire". They are selling a vending wagon to a local couple who will be the "concessionaire". Emphasis was put on item #4 of the agreement concerning refuse pick up. It was also emphasized that the generator being purchased to operate the wagon must operate at a very minimal noise level. Lastly, the Commission directed staff to work with the "concessionaire" in choosing an appropriate location for the vending wagon to operate from. . . . . _ _ _ A . ':".: =- '-=.= :: ~- "," ," ,-, ~ ~ i: ::: - - :' ::. :~;,:'-= ~ ~, :. 1_' c. : r; '; ... - ., :- = + + + t ml1ue mleU ~ae: (~ream ~ 't~ ~ :lINe 3218 Snelling Ave. Minneapolis. MN 55406 612.729-5205 =- - -- , - ,<"",::" ~....' '-' ...,-. ,. ~- _c . '-- ~ f-~ ;:: ..I. _ _': _"-'.it ~-, ::.. ,- ~-. . ,,-'. ;- 1- \.'"-lC:.." ...._t~ cc:;l 11 .i- . g 1"' D~~r-:;~- -.AC .... c ',- .-. ... _ . _ >-' :-.,:.: p ~ .:- .. IT, C' ~-l ~ >' :i :- -, ~- - .:.. '.' .:.. ,-' C< L ~:; =-.':' . ~ ::: - -'- ~ '- - L_,l..1[ .:; J.. :' e ... '_' - 1 '... '.... '= ~ -, + 2 ){ r>=- r. :: "_ ... -::-- c. ,;. ':e ::12::0.; c- - -' = ".- ,-, - .- - ...- - - w.s: .....= .r'S :pE-f' in ~- -or r-'';' '.. ':' . i. :. c. '.-. ,-,",?"" ~ ,-. '-' =. '. :=.2;'- ...... l:'S ,:;me f Fe; S~. s:'2.nC:~dr:d e 2. ~-; ,- ... -' " -. '.-, -- -, .- --: ~ ,-' - - - - - - t - =- = ':--, . \..,'e \,,; :: LE: ~- ',::. ~-, -r - . .-' ",. - '- .,:: .... r :. ... - - - - .... . -: ~-, .;. =: ~~;vi~:qak~ ,~ r_ '-, ;.:.: enC2 :' r essi i 1-, e :=:: -= . J. i. Xl :.. = .-~ . . 'r y,e , , ... - - - -:;=.. .... :. E '1- ,:.:- - - E- F e =:cftt:2 p. ':. r: =- t i ri g ._n Eo -, - Die. ;; n ~ [ -. ; c '" c. /1.;-;d .-, ,-. ,-. -. ;- j- i: CIl:l] 4-~+ -4> ~-------' nZ ~I -- ~~ 0 >J : : ~ (CO '-= '-- 4-~ (--------+- ~ ~ tD :i:' ',0 m >0 :z:I ~ - :ac: 'c: D~ CIl ~. ~ - . m CIl , ~ ~' ~, .- +:1. t 'C+ m n -I '" ~ -------..: ----= rr. ~1!~ m' ,.:::IJ. CO ~~ CIl .~~ ~-t;~ Z 0 ~ 1 ~ n '-= n :z:I ~b- 0 m z .~ ~. m a g~"t: (=)n CIl(=)Z = - = :z '~mm to" f;;~~ mO cnte >c: ":t (')0 :e::ao :z:IC im ':z:I~ -mr- C'l ~:1:.1 gl!;l n>- m m :I:~~ III ~z ~_ V'l !~ g ,.m I . 'S J .' ~ l ~~~ I CJ'dll ::rc: >"'0 "m m:lJ . . . . . Domo Products, Inc. 15202 Crestview Lane Minnetonka, Minnesota USA 55345 612-933-7343 January 24, 1989 Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 Dear Todd, As per our phone conversation of January 23, 1989, we are requesting approval of the following by the City Council. We will be providing a concession wagon at the Lake Ann Beach for the summer of 1989 beginning Memorial Day weekend and ending Labor Day weekend. The hours of service would of course be subject to weather conditions on a day to day basis however, a seven day week is planned with hours of between 10 to 11 A.M. to 6 to 8 P.M. depending on the needs. The wagon will be brought in daily and removed at the end of use each day. A portable generator will be used for the source of power. Items to be served will be as follows: Soft Ice Cream Cones and Frozen Ice Cream Products Hot Dogs Popcorn Nachos and Cheese Peanuts and Candy Bars Four Flavors of Soft Drinks The wagon to be used the first year will be a 7' X 10' unit. The construction and equipment meet all NSF standards. If the first season goes well, we could provide a larger unit in 1990 which could serve more food products. We would also like to request the 1st option for serving the Lake Ann Beach for the next years until such time as a permanent facility is built by the City of Chanhassen. Your prompt consideration for our service to your beach is greatly appreciated as we will have to reserve one of our wagons specifically for this purpose. ,-",,;.C.::.. v &;.;.].) Sincerely, ry M. Lindgren, Pres. ~ tVlw . ~'fJ'^- JAN 25 1989 CITY-OF CHANHASSEN AGREEMENT ~ THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of 1989, between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter HCityH), and DOMO PRODUCTS, INC., (hereinafter HConcessionaireH). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants the parties agree as follows: 1. The Concessionaire may operate a mobile food concession wagon in Lake Ann Park. 2. Ten percent (10%) of the Concessionaire's gross revenue, excluding sales tax, from the concession shall be paid to the City. Concessionaire shall provide weekly reports of business profits to the City Manager and shall pay the fee to the ~ City on the 1st day of each month for the previous month during the term of this Agreement. 3. Concessionaire shall have a current license from the State Board of Health to prepare and sell food from the concession and the license shall be prominently posted on the concession wagon. 4. Concessionaire shall pick up refuse within a reasonable are surrounding the concession wagon on a daily basis. 5. Concessionaire shall not dispense any items of food or drink in glass containers from the concession wagon. 6. Concessionaire shall maintain regular business hours as weather permits for the convenience of park users. Hours of operation shall be posted on the concession wagon in full view of ~ . the public; however, said concession wagon shall not open sooner than 9:00 a.m. nor close later than 10:00 p.m. daily. 7. The concession wagon shall be located only in areas of Lake Ann Park authorized and approved by the City Manager and Concessionaire shall not drive on the lawn when the grounds are wet and damage to the sod may occur. 8. The Concessionaire agrees not to sell tobacco or beer. 9. Concessionaire shall indemnify and hold harmless the city Council, agents, and employees of the City from and against all claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorney's fees, which the City Council, agents, or employees of the City may suffer or for which it may be held liable arising out of or ~ resulting from the assertion against them of any claims, debts, obligations, consequence of the performance of this Agreement by Concessionaire, its employees or agents. 10. Concessionaire acknowledges that it is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the City. 11. The City reserves the right to authorize other vendors in the Park. 12. Concessionaire shall take out and maintain during the term of this Agreement liability and property damage insurance covering its business in the park. Limits for bodily injury or death shall be not less than $300,000 for one person and $500,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $100,000 for each occurrence. The City shall be named as an ~ additional insured on the policy. -2- 13. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from ~ May 1, 1989, through September 5, 1990. The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Don Ashworth, City Manager DOMO PRODUCTS, INC. BY: Gary M. Lindgren, President ~ ~ -3- CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 14, 1989 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 89-3 SUB 7 Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Replat of Two Lots Into One Lot and Site Plan Review for an Office/Manufacturing/Warehouse Facility I- z <( u :J c... a. <( . LOCATION: Northeast Corner of CR 17 and Lake Drive APPLICANT: AMCON Corporation 200 W. Hwy. 13 Burnsville, MN 55337 Empak, Inc. 1501 Park Road Chanhassen, MN 5531 PRESENT ZONING: lOP, Industrial Office Park ACREAGE: 12.61 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- lOP S- Lake Susan Park E- lOP ~ ~ W I- - (/) . w- lOP PARKS & TRAILS: This parcel lies within the service area of Lak Susan Park. Sidewalks will be constructed alon Lake Drive. The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along Powers Boulevard. AMCON/Empak, Inc. March 14, 1989 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION This proposal lies within the service area of Lake Susan Park and therefore would not require a dedication of parkland. Although the sidewalk along Lake Drive will be installed with street construction, the 8 foot wide trail along Powers Boulevard should be continued. It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. Also, it is recommended that the developer install an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along Powers Boulevard to continue that alignment. Additionally, it is recom- mended that a 100% trail fee credit be given for the trail construction. . . . _fi'l" --:~~*~;;;~~~ , ../I~I. - Nnd 3J.IS .u.a..,.. '0 ..0.....:) ""'_-0 ....... ., ....... ....Io'd ......00( YJ.OS_" 'Nn.~ .lUIlOU.IaSOH -. . . ~ ___ ...I>._~.~_~.~_~.~jo_._~.~_~o~~_~~O=~ oQ^,e l3')1YYW M,3 ~O__~ --.. I~{~ ~ .~ , < ~~ ~,~.~ K~ ///':--;/ i0f\:.lf':';~-i~~I\ II I I' 1\11' f' /.1:"" I ;:;.~:-. :U:k=-\ i hll.~ / / ~ \\ i i \ \ \ ~ ; ~ \: 1/ ~, I:::: )0 I 1.'''/4-- CL a f .~ e ..k \ i I. ~ ,.-WI.. I ~, II I, ~ I: '.. e. , r. ~I , ,-:\'- r""">-' e I // " I /:/~ [ i \ 0 C) ,..., , /I! -~, ;: I)' I":~/ ~}/ ~ c= ~ IJ L~\ \ I. t j-'~~ I~~"~ /: /' ';'~~-II <= i ~ ~ !;~ . - . ,.~ \:." ---....-y- ---.. .' I 'i I! " . II' - /' '/:i~;' I; !! - i:"~ I' /4,') 'j'" I I Ii ~'-li;- ~~ ~ : ; ,;, II' / I / ~ fl : . It ~ /. - t-' - I ,! /,. / I 11/ Ii t" I! /,( ~ r ~ i' \i , I! II .. \ I ~f \\ / 1........1': : i ! \ ...: ~ \\"1 / 'i 1\ , ~! i i ., '! i ~ ~ '"'" - ll.1 ~ \i .i , d I ~/ r.... ~ I B \\ ; :"~~I v !i L I II y, ~ ,[ ~~ I I. I I~ ~ Ii (!' .... . /' ~ r.. i ll. i :1 Ii ! Ii.! i' 1..-- ..~ ~! ! I ; ~ L 'Ii ! !' H, (I' ~ Ji" I....! .!j iU,\~:; ) ~.:~ l '';'':; . '---- - J 1,-,: i! - Ii" i ..J. ~. . ' " ..., ;;. 11 i.' /l ~ # . ".,1 \( , " ii' \'~ L' ill, ,;/ ':,\.... '--1'!\ i~ ( l \ '\;'1 /i Ii., .\ '\\ I.{ .. , '<i \ ,/. '. II: \ '\ \ .. \ IF \\.... .~~%. \, \\ ,f,! \ \\~c> .~. , .,.-.:;;<<, /,- I,'. \~ \~\ ~.. -..0- \'\~",..; .-~;.:.~;-:i "". '\ \(~ ... \ .--c.;;;;" \\' ~~~~~t-'-.i" , \~ ' ......-;"-,- .~ ,.,.- I \0: ~ \\ \-11 d ,\ ~ J'~ \\ \ \\\ \: \~ ',J t\ v>< *~ \ \ \ /J \\. Ii :!! ;. ;! ~; ~ II;: \ . . b~ _ \\ \\ I! 3 i g \ X ~ )1 Ii /'~!/ Iii. siP'iP'IJI l'k. 1---=:-;:;_1; ;1 oj d Hid II, Ii l !II! " ~~"_.,, ~i I(J )! I!!! ! I I .. ~ . "~Y . z < f/l ~ III '" < ... f/l .5~ ~n i .E~5~.t i I!SEqil i~HiSiq eiiialUIl )( III .. ~iiiiiiii / , II !' :n II, hill! . ..J .." ~::>d iEa ~,... ~I ~! ~' wi 1-1 in! ~ Ii I I ~ CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 14, 1989 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 87-3 PUD i Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 50.49 Acres into 76 Single Family Lot J- Z <( u :J a.. a. <( LOCATION: East and West Of Powers Boulevard, South of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park APPLICANT: Argus Development 18133 Cedar Avenue Farmington, MN 55024 PRESENT ZONING: PUD-R, Planned Unit Development Residential ACREAGE: 50.49 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND L~ND USE: N- lOP; Industrial/Office Park ~ ~ W I- - C/) S- A2; Agricultural Estate E- PUD-R; Lake Susan Hills W- A2; Agricultural Estate PARKS & TRAILS: Lake Susan Park is the only existing park in the area which serves as a community park. The Lake Susan Hills West PUD agreement calls for the dedication of outlots for park purposes, and the grading of those outlots. Additionally the agreement states that sidewalks and trails shall be installed by the developer and a 20 foo trail easement dedicated along Powers Blvd. . . . Lake Susan Hills West March 14, 1989 Page 2 BACKGROUND The Lake Susan Hills West Development was just brought before the City to get PUD Approval. At that time, the developer and the City entered into an agreement outlining the specifics that went along with approval (see attached). The agreement states that the developer will dedicate the outlots for parkland and grade those parcels to the city's specifications. For such dedi- cation, the city agreed to allow a 50% credit on park dedication fees. Additionally, the developer agreed to install 5 foot wide sidewalks along the through streets within the development, 8 foot wide bituminous trails along the east side of Powers Boulevard and the east side of Audubon Road, and dedicate a 20 foot wide trail easement along the west side of Powers Boulevard. The City has agree to allow 100% reduction in trail dedication fees for such. The Recreation Section of the Comp Plan has been revised to include these parcels and such should be required. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to request park dedica- tion of Outlots A and B and require the grading of those outlots in accordiance with grading plans to be provided by the City. Also, to require the installation of 5 foot wide sidewalks along the through streets within the development, 8 foot wide trails along the east side of Powers Boulevard and east side of Audubon Road, and a 20 foot wide trail easement be dedicated along the west side of Powers Boulevard; as is outlined in Sections 4 and 5 of the Planned Unit Development Contract dated November 16, 1987. ~t.t. .. 'I-~ ~\'" \PUsfl~Cf \J>Vlt/ ~ \1IUd "1f\'tlO WO ffla-t R8 RSF ! ~ ..I C II: ... RSF t; ;I) z ~ III LYPtI ~ A2 - ._. _w___ I \~-''''''''' " "'z o L 11 lOP . ...--- - LAKE RD ~ 'PUD-R . A: '.' .. .- , JI . .. :-- . PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, dated November 16, 1987, between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the Ncity"), and LAKE SUSAN HILLS, a Minnesota general partnership, and JAMES A. CURRY and BARBARA CURRY, husband and wife (the NDeveloperN). 1. Request for Planned unit Development Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a Planned Unit Development to be known as "LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST PUD" (the NDevelopment") on the land legally described on the attached Exhibit NA". 2. Planned Unit Development Concept Approval. The City hereby grants general Concept Plan approval of the plan attached as Exhibit "B". Approval is subject to the following: development and final stage . approval, a negative declaration of the EAW, compliance with the EAW review findings and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Except as modified herein, each plat shall also be subject to the standards of the City's zoning and Subdivision Ordinances as may be amended from time to time. 3. Density and Use. The following densities are approximate and subject to change: A. Single Family Residential. The total number of single family lots in the development shall not exceed 411. Except as modified herein, single family lots shall be developed in accordance with the uses, standards, and requirements of the RSF Zoning District. B. Multiple Family (High Density Residential). The development shall provide a minimum of 21.5 acres of high density .- multiple family residential units. The total number of dwellinijEKni~~~f NOV 1 9 1987 r11/16/87 CITY OF CHANHA~SEN ~ ", '1 " high density multiple family residential property shall not exceed 375, ~ or a density greater than 17.4 units per acre. Except as modified herein, the development of the high density multiple family residential shall be in accordance with the uses, standards, and requirements of the R-12 Zoning District. C. Multiple Family (Mixed Medium Density Residential). The development shall provide a minimum of 23.6 acres of mixed medium density residential units. The total number of dwelling units of mixed medium density residential property shall not exceed 221, or a density greater than 9.3 units per acre. Except as modified herein, the development of the mixed medium density residential shall be in accordance with the uses, standards, and requirements of the R-8 Zoning District. 4. Parks. The Developer shall dedicate to the City Outlot F ~ (18.1 acres), Outlot G (9.8 acres), Outlot H (3.9 acres), and Outlot E. A credit of 6.7 acres for park dedication will be given for Outlot E. Unless otherwise required by the City, conveyances of the park land shall be made when the final plat, wherein a park is located, is signed by the city. The land shall be platted as Outlots and transferred to the City by warranty deed. The Developer, at its sole cost, shall grade the land for the City in accordance with a timetable and plans to be furnished by the City. The Developer shall be given a credit of 50% of the park fee per dwelling unit in the plat for the conveyance of the above described land to the City. The balance of the park dedication fees shall be paid in cash in an amount and- at the time required by City ordinance and policies in effect when final plats are approved. ~ -2- , . ~ , . 5. Trail and Sidewalk Development. The Developer shall dedicate trails and sidewalks throughout the Development to the City as indicated on the Comprehensive Trail Plan. This dedication satisfies the City's trail dedication fee requirements. Trails shall be completed at the time street improvements are constructed in the phase where the trails and sidewalks or portions thereof are located. The Developer shall construct the following trails and sidewalks: (1). Eight (8) foot wide bituminous trail along the west side of Lake Susan. (2). Eight (8) foot wide bituminous off-street trail along the east side of Audobon Road: and an eight (8) foot wide bituminous off-street trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard. (3). Five (5) foot wide concrete off-street trail-sidewalk along one side of all internal streets except cul- de-sacs when the streets are constructed. . (4) . Twenty (20) foot wide bituminous off-street trail easement on the west side of Powers Boulevard. This trail segment shall only be constructed if ordered by the city Council. If ordered, the Developer will convey the easement to the City without cost, but the City will pay for the construction. Construction timing will be at the discretion of the City Council. 6. Additional Conditions of Approval. A. The Developer shall provide buffer areas, acceptable to the City, between multiple family and single family areas to assure adequate transition between uses, including use of berms, landscaping, and setbacks from lot lines. B. The Developer shall not damage or remove any trees except as indicated on the grading and tree removal plans to be approved by the City and submitted with each plat. Trees shall be protected from destruction by snow fences, flagging, staking, or other similar means . during grading and construction. -3- , . . , C. Wetlands Nos. 14-10 and 23-01 as shown in Exhibit "G~ ~ shall be preserved in their natural state. D. The following shall be the maximum percentage of allowable impervious surface: Outlot A 32%, Outlot B 30%, Outlot C 31%, and Outlot D 27%. E. The Developer shall provide $500.00 of landscaping per multiple family unit and $150.00 per single family unit. 7. Effect of Planned Unit Development Approval. For five (5) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development, density, lot size, lot layout, or dedications of the development unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitte~ by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedicating requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. 8. Phased Development. The Developer shall develop the development in eleven (11) phases in accordance with the EAW. No earth moving or other development shall be done in any phase prior to approval of final plats and development contract for the phase by the City. 9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Developer represents to the City that the proposed development complies with all applicable City, County, Metropolitan, State, and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: SUbdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and Environmental Regulations. The Developer agrees to comply with such laws and regulations. ~ -4- /D . C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission d FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: March 9, 1989 SUBJ: 1989 Ice Skating Program Review . As can be seen from the attached sheet, six varieties of skating lessons were offered over two separate time periods. Returning Instructor Toni Swiggum, with the help of her daughter Nikki, were hired to teach all lessons. The amount of positive comments and praise we receive concerning Toni's ability to instruct these classes continues to be tremendous. All lessons were originally scheduled to be held outdoors at City Center Park. Unpredictable weather eventually forced us to move all lessons to the indoor rink. Depending on the status of the indoor rink next year, all lessons would be held indoors. An inquiry to the Ice Skating Institute of America will be made to explore the possibility of implementing their lesson program in Chanhassen next year. Toni is a certified instructor under the ISlA and is very willing to assist in this process. Attached is a breakdown of registration numbers and costs. The overwhelming popularity of beginning lessons will allow staff to adapt next years lessons to meet these needs. This program is catagorized as self-supporting and met that requirement this year. . . SCHOOL VACATION LESSONS (Instructor Cost) Attendance Revenue Expenditures Adult and Tot 5 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Beginning Adult 0 0 0 Hockey/Boys Power 6 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 JANUARY/FEBRUARY LESSONS Tots 9 $108.00 $ 60.00 Adult & Tot 0 0 0 . School Kids Beginners 24 $288.00 $270.00 School Kids Skaters 7 $ 84.00 $ 70.00 TOTALS 51 $546.00 $460.00 Excess revenue covers cost of advertising. . ~ <~: "-;1- c: .1 ;. SKATING I ICE SKATING RINKS Chanhassen has both indoor and outdoor ice skating facilities for figure skating and hockey enthusiasts. Skating is free on all out- door rinks and it is free during family "open skating" hours at the indoor rink. OUTDOOR RINKS Outdoor rinks can be found at several locations throughout the City. They will be flooded and opened about Dee. 15, or as soon as weather permits. Open skating rinks are located at Carver Beach Playground, Rice Marsh Lake Park, Minnewashta Heights Park, North Lotus Lake Park and City Center Park. The City Center Park site also includes two hockey rinks. All outdoor rinks will be closed when the wind chill factor reaches 25 degrees below zero one hour before scheduled open- ing. Rinks are also closed when school is cancelled due to weather. A warminghouse is available at City Center Park and an attendant will be on duty during the following hours: Weekdays 3:30-9 p.m. Sundays Noon-9 p.m. Saturdays 10:00-9 p.m. The hours during Christmas vacation will be: December 23 thru January 2 December 24 December 25 . INDOOR RINKS Now in its fourth season, the Chanhassen Indoor Ice Rink will open about Dee. 15. It is located just south of the Dinner Theatre complex in the old scene shop. A natural ice rink, it is % the size of a standard rink and it is ideal for youth hockey, adult four-man hockey, adult four-man broom- ball and skating parties. A schedule for activities has been developed and ice time is available to groups interested in renting the arena. For rental in- formation or reservations call The Chanhassen Park and Recrea- tion Department at 937-1900. Below is the tentative schedule for the indoor facility: Weekdays 10 a.m.-9 p.m. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed Open Skating Hockey Adult Recreation 3:30-5:30 p.m. 6-8:00 p.m. 8-10:00 p.m. Weekends . Hockey 9-3:00 p.m. Open Skating 3-8:00 p.m. Adult Recreation 8-10:00 p.m. If you are a member of a group interested in reserving ice time at either the indoor or outdoor rinks call the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department at 937-1900. ICE SKATING LESSONS Skating lessons for children age 3 and up and adults of all ages are being offered at City Center Park. Returning instructor Toni Swig- gum will be teaching with help from an additional teacher if re- quired. Each lesson is '12 hour long, with time for practice skating afterwards. ARRIVE 30 MINUTES EARLY FOR YOUR FIRST LESSON. Registrations for classes will close one week prior to classes beginning. NOTE: Classes and class time may be subject to cancellations or change depending on the number of registrations received. Par- ticipants will be notified in advance of any changes. SCHOOL V ACA liON LESSONS ADULT & TOT For preschool tots, 3 and 4 years old and a parent. Emphasis is on learning to stand, fall and move on the ice while having fun. Class Max: 10 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 3 Fee: $6.00 Wednesday Thursday Friday December 28 December 29 December 30 1:30-2:00 p.m. 1:30-2:00 p.m. 10:30-11:00 a.m. BEGINNING ADULT CLASS For any age adults looking for some guidance in getting started in this life long recreational activity. Class Max: 8 Class Min: 6 Fee: $6.00 Wednesday Thursday Friday Number of Sessions: 3 December 28 December 29 December 30 1 :30-2:00 p.m. 1 :30-2:00 p.m. 10:30-11:00 a.m. . HOCKEY/BOYS POWER For boys ages 5 to 10 years. Classes are separated into two groups . 5-7 years and 8-10 years. No sticks are used, emphasis is on . skating skills. Class Max: 8 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 3 Fee: $6.00 Ages 5-7 years Wednesday Thursday Friday Ages 8-10 years Wednesday Thursday Friday December 28 December 29 December 30 2:00-2:30 p.m. 2:00-2:30 p.m. 11 :00-11 :30 a.m. December 28 December 29 December 30 2:00-2:30 p.m. 2:00-2:30 p.m. 11 :00-11 :30 a.m. JANUARY/FEBRUARY LESSONS TOTS For preschool tots, 3 and 4 years old. Emphasis is on learning to stand, fall and move on the ice while having fun. Class Max: 8 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 7 Fee: $12.00 Wednesdays Jan. 11-Feb. 22 3:30-4:00 p.m. ADULT & TOT For preschool tots, 3 and 4 years old and a parent. Emphasis is on learning to stand, fall and move on the ice while having fun. Class Max: 10 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 7 Fee: $12.00 Wednesdays Jan. ll-Feb. 22 4:00-4:30 p.m. SCHOOL KIDS BEGINNERS For school age kids grades K-S. with little or no skating ex- perience. Will learn basic skating skills including how to glide and stop. Class Max: 8 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 7 Fee: $12.00 Thursdays Jan. 12-Feb. 23 3:30-4:00 p.m. SCHOOL KIDS SKATERS For school age kids grade K-5 with some ~kJting experience. Will learn backward skating and work on strengthening overall skating skills. Class Max: 10 Class Min: 6 Number of Sessions: 7 Fee: $12.00 Thursdays Jan. 12-Feb. 23 4:00-4:30 p.m. 19 CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN I J . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -# FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: March 9, 1989 SUBJ: Softball Update League meetings for the Women's, 35 and Over, Men's Open and Co-Rec Leagues were held on March 7 and 8 to discuss alternatives to the new eligibility rules established for 1989. As a result of those meetings, all the above named leagues have agreed to operate under the following eligibility rules: 1. All 1988 players who are on file on the 1988 rosters at City Hall can continue to play in the league. 2. Any new teams which enter the league must meet the new eligi- bility requirement of having all players live or work within the physical boundaries of Chanhassen with the exception of four outside players being allowed. . 3. Any non-resident who discontinues to be a rostered player will not be allowed to re-enter the league unless that person accounts for one of the four outside players. 4. Grandfathered players may switch teams in the league and teams may change sponsors if the above guidelines are still fulfilled. 5. Any new players entering the league must provide proof of residence and/or work location. This includes a copy of a current drivers license or pay check stub listing the player's and company name. Any grandfathered player whose work or residence location is questioned, must provide proof of one or both. 6. All teams have agreed to accept flexibility in the scheduling of league games. This may include, but is not limited to, playing games on Friday evening and/or playing games at field locations other than Lake Ann. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE RULES WILL BE CONSIDERED. . . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 9, 1989 Page 2 The key element of these new rules is that all teams have agreed to be flexible in scheduling games to allow greater use of the field space by Babe Ruth and Little League. It was fortunate that DataServ agreed to allow the City use of their two fields or this compromise would not have been feasible. Although it may seem the process which was used to reach these new eligibility rules was a painful one, staff believes a similar fate would have resulted if different steps were taken. We can now move ahead with the softball leagues knowing that future conflicts will be resolved by referring to the eligibility rules which were ado9ted by these four leagues. CITY OF CHANHASSEN //.; . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Ls DATE: March 10, 1989 SUBJ: Rotating Chair As was discussed at our last meeting, there is some concern over the rotation of the chairperson position. Don Ashworth has asked the City Attorney, Roger Knutson, to determine whether or not this procedure is legal. Mr. Knutson's response indicated that under the current ordinance such is indeed legal. He suggested that if this procedure is not acceptable to the City Council, . they should revise the current ordinance. The Park and Recreation Commission must determine at this point if they wish to continue the pOlicy of rotating the chair posi- tion and push the issue. I have scheduled this item on the agenda so that time is reserved for your discussion. . C,,) :z - ~ ..... . ('I) (0 C,,) LU V C\I ~-J::g g <<CI)~~g~ ~, Z.~g LUOCOCO CI) ::E F- co ,.!.. a: ~CJN(.I) ~ .., ~ (0 f-: :z CO~_~ c:( ~O :> .0>0 Z LI.. -J ::E ...J a:l a: 15 . . PLAYGROUND INSTALLATIONS - 1988 - '\4t1~ t1l~ ~ \;f t C~ City of Oak Park Heights Especially for Children 42nd Bryant Eagan Eden prairie Holy Trinity 749 6th Ave. So. South St. Paul City of Minnetonka City of Blaine Eastside Park 107th & National Burnamwood Homes 193 Burnamwood Drive Burnsville Children at Work 8885 Evergreen Coon Rapids .-:Jt- City of Edina - f\ Lake Cornelia Pool Park 4300 W. 66th Street Como Specialty School 780 W. Wheelock Pkwy. St. Paul Lakeaires School 3963 Van Dyke White Bear Lake City of Spring Park North Star Elementary 2410 Girard Ave. No. Minneapolis Zachary Lane Elementary 4350 Zachary Lane Plymouth Centenial High School 4707 North Rd Circle Pine.s d k ~ ~ rsc1b- ~ Weod ~ - ... Redwood #8746 $7,000 Redwood ~oAde...e v~. sand, ON~Y $2610 Border, Play, Install $23,285 Border, Install $25,691 I ~ PB Blue Alum. SI1,500 ~ 1'-t!> = PI ~ Iooc>s~ - CD/or ... ~t'i( Redwood $4,000 PB Brown Sand & Border $20,000 Redwood Sand & Border $7 , 000 2 PB, Swings Etc. $13,700 PB Blue Alum. $9,600 f\Cht ~~~ - Jt RW Phase III - Sand & Border $6,000 Jf.. f<.c~ ~ PB Phase II Sand & Border $5,900 RW & Border $4,200 PB $10,200 PB-Phase II $7,300 5 Bleachers Steel Frames $17,000 ./..... ~Ol>S'ft'V -2- Cooper Elementary 3212 39th Ave. So. Minneapolis Pied Piper Day Care Spring Brook Apt.-105 NE Hartman Cir. Fridley Hennepin Avenue Methodist Lyndale & Groveland Minneapolis City of Woodbury Kinder Kollege 202 E. Hayden Lake Rd. Champlin ~City of Golden Valley ""f\. Gearty Park Apple Valley Palomino ~ark, Cedar Ave & Palomino Dr Apple Valley Lachavon Apple Valley Huntington, Pilot Knobb & Diamond Path Apple Valley Green Leaf, 134-135 Fordham Ave. Apple Valley Park? PB-Add on & Swing $1,800 . PB, Sand & Border $9,110 RW- Sand & Border $4,000 PE & Border $6,000 PB & Swing $5,000 PB, Swings etc $15,000 PB $10,600 PB $10,600 PB $10,600 . PB $4,000 Swings, 2 Units $1,600 Apple Valley PB Briar Oaks Park, Gantry S. of l2lst St. $10,600 Duluth MacArthur West Elementary 727 Central Avenue ~ City of St. Louis Park f\ Birchwood Park-28th & Zarthar International School of MN 6385 Beach Road Eden Prairie City of Coon Rapids Riverwind Park Northdale & Clover City of Woodbury Colby Lake Park PB Install Only $5,800 PB $15,000 PB $15,000 RW-Sand & Border . $18,000 PB & Border $11,200 . . . -3- Wenonah School 5625 23rd Ave. So. Mpls. Mallard Ridge Apts. 13201 Maple Knoll Way Maple Grove Garden City Elementary 3501 65th Ave. No. City of Rosemount New Hope Terrace Apts. 7601 36th Ave. No. New Hope -* Eden Lake School Anderson Lakes Pkwy. & Preserve BId. Eden Prairie Wayzata Community Church 125 E. Wayzata Blvd. City of Blaine Austin Park, 86th & Austin City of Blaine Sunnyside Pk, Cloverleaf Pkwy & Jackson St. ~ City of Golden Valley ~ !\ Yosemite Park Coon Rapids Woodland Oaks Park Especially for Children 6223 Dell Road Eden Prairie Rockford Elementary City of Burnsville Alimagnet Park Cty. Rd 11-3 Bl. North of Cty. Rd. 42 ~ Echo Park 140th Sts. & Cty. Rd. 11 Hollows Park Southcross Dr. S. of Cty Rd 42 Roosevelt Elementary Virginia Independent Play Add ons $4,000 RW #8746 $7,600 PB $15,400 RW $3,750 :RW - Sand & Border, Tables, Benches ,Bike Racks,Grills $7,500 PB-Phase II $15,000 Swings & Misc $1,500 2 PB, Sand & Border $23,000 PB, Swings, $19,600 PB & Swings $11,000 RW Benches,Tree Sand & Border $38,600 PB-Advenscapes Sand & Border $27,000 RW #8756 $10,000 RW $20,500 PB $13,500 RW $17,600 PB $20,600 -4- * Edinbrook Elementary 8925 Zane North Brooklyn Park AlumaC 2000 BB, Swings $20,900 Duluth Lakeside Elementary 4628 Pitt St. PB,Swings, $29,500 A10~Vt.. Uu./ . etc Cobb Elementary 3917 Woodland Ave. PB,Swings B Ball, etc $31,700 Lincoln Elementary 2427 W 4th St. PB, etc. ;$24,000 , Bloomington Oak Grove 'Elemetary 104th & Humboldt So. PB, Sand & Border, Blackt $24,700 ~ Indian Mounds Elementary 12th Ave. So. & 98th St. PB, Sand & Bord Blacktop, etc $30,300 Pleasant Play lot 10323 Pleasant Ave. So. PB & Blacktop $9,300 Hampshire Hills Park 106th & Lousiana PB $ Mississippi Art School 796 E. Sherwood St. Paul, PB, Sand & Border $10,000 . Otter Lake School 1401 County Road H-2 B Balls, Swings Tetherballs $4,500 Especially for Children 3370 Coachman Road Eagan PB,AdventureSc Sand & Border $21,600 Lake Elmo Park Reserve Washington county PB, etc. Border $70,000 Anoka County Coon Rapids Regional Park Dam Fishing Piers $50,000 Vadnais Heights Elementary 3645 Centerville Road PB Phase III P Table,Benches $6,200 . . . , . 10. variations from Approved Plans. Minor variances from the approved plans may be approved by the City's Planning Director. Substantial departures from the approved plans shall require an amend- ment to the Planned unit Development, in accordance with the Chanhassen zoning Ordinance. 11. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, and officers a license to enter the plat to inspect the work to be done by the Developer and to perform all work required hereunder if Developer fails to perform in accordance herewith. 12. utility, Pond, and Drainage Easements. The Developer shall dedicate to the City at the time of final plat approvals utility, drainage, and ponding easements located within the plat, including access, as required to serve the plat. 13. Responsibility for Costs. A. The Developer shall hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from claims by the Developer and third parties, including, but not limited to, lot purchasers, other property owners, contractors, subcontractors, and materialmen, for damages sustained, costs incurred, or injuries resulting from approval of the Agreement, the development, final plats, plans and specifications, and from the resulting construction and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses, including reasonable engineering and attorney's fees, which the City may payor incur in consequence of such claims. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including reasonable . engineering and attorney's fees. The Developer shall pay in full all -5- . . bills submitted to it by the City for such reimbursements within sixty ~ (60) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all development work until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within sixty (60) days shall be subject to an eight (8%) percent per annum interest charge. 14. Miscellaneous. A. Breach of any material term of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, plats, and certificates of occupancy. B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Planned Unit Development Agreement is for any reason held invalid as a result of a challenge brought by the Developer, its agents or assigns, the City may, at its option, declare the entire Agreement null and void and approval of the Final Development~ Plan shall thereby be revoked. C. The action or inaction of any party shall not consti- tute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. Any party's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement after expiration of time in which the work is to be completed shall not be a waiver or release. D. This Agreement shall run with the land and may be recorded in the Carver County Recorder's Office. E. This Agreement shall be liberally construed to protect the pUblic's interest. ~ -6- '. ~ F. Due to the preliminary nature of many of the exhibits and plans and the timing of the overall Development, addendums to this Agreement may be required to address concerns not specifically set forth herein. G. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. H. The Developer represents to the City that the plat is not of "metropolitan significance" and that a state environmental impact statement is not required. However, if the city or another governmental entity or agency determines that a federal or state impact statement or any other review, permit, or approval is required, the Developer shall prepare or obtain it at its own expense. The Developer shall reimburse the city for all expenses, including staff time and reasonable ~ attorney's fees, that the City may incur in assisting in preparation. 15. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, their employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified or registered mail at the following address: 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, Minnesota 55435. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk or mailed to the City by certified or registered mail in care of the City Clerk at the following address: P.o. Box 147, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. ~ -7- '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands ~ the day and year first above written. BY: LAKE SUSAN HILLS BY:~ A p rtner - r 4. ~~7 JAMES A. URRY @~~ BARBARA CURRY STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SSe COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this g~ day of ~~~ ,1987, by Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor, and by Don Ashworth, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. ~ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) f(.,...."'N J EI",-"" ".~"'IT r/ L .. (ss . NOl~~~yj~c~:,r '.,_~~~OTA COUNTY OF'>LKf''ltf!./~IL') My comrr.;"'on t"..' ',: _' '!::..: /I!.rhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,I ~ day of~;l:/d/:!..1___. ,1987, by '::::TJl-1Yj 84 J9, L/Q'/JJson/ , a partner of Lake Susan Hills, a Minnesota, general partners~n its behalf. r-- ~ . // ;-- \~~~aM(~d-~,{ NOTARY PUBLIC /.;:;:.".... BARBARA FISHER ~..!!!.~ NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA \~n}' HENNEPIN COUNTY ~.- ")I COmmiS:lIOn Expires JUly 10. 11:92 ~ -8- ",' t.. . . ~ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF '1'tN,\j't.P. ,.... ) ( ss. ) " .. ,', :;;--l~,~~t ;;1:",:.; \r,' U:-""N.:',t(5U:'i ;: r.~y r:,)mr-~. i);.'rc') _:'1 .'n. 11)..JC ;; V\lVV'....N/\/'./'.,.../\/..'v'y.'V".;v y ..,"../'... VV\.. ..\....,,'.....\1."'... ., . . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of OE.c:.lMb..:.<. ,1987, by JAMES A. CURRY and BARBARA CURRY, husband and wife. J3,Ul1lTl~'ifLIt DRAFTED BY: Grannis, Grannis, Farrell & Knutson, P.A. 403 Norwest Bank Building 161 North Concord Exchange South st. Paul, MN 55075 (612) 455-1661 -9- . E.XHO!::>ff l\A (> (e - LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR LOCATION PURPOSE ONLY . All that part of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 14 and the north one-half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, all in Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota lying south- erly of Outlot D, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Carver County, and lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of new County Road No. 17. EXCEPT that part of the Northwest Quarter of said Northwest Quarter lying westerly of the following described line and its northerly and southerly extension: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds West, bearing assumed, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 790.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 1 degree 57 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 460.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 32 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 330.00 feet; thence North 52 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 638.57 feet; thence North 1 degree 57 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 150.59 feet to a point on the north line of said Northwest Q~arter of the Northwest Quarter distant 156.07 feet westerly of the northwest corner of said . Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter as measured along said north line and there terminating. ALSO EXCEPT that part of the east one-half of said Northwest Quarter lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of said New County Road No. 17 and southerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 23; thence South 1 degree ,50 minutes 17 seconds East, bearing assumed, along the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 675.00 feet; thence East, a distance of 305.00 feet; thence North 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 270.00 feet; thence North 2 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 200.00 feet; thence North 19 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 323.00 feet; thence North 69 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence North 20 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 410.00 feet; thence North 89 deg~ees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 395.74 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of New County Road No. 17 and there terminating. . ~ '~ ) Q)" . ~ h. , ~~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ - e LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR LOCATION PURPOSE ONLY All that part of the east one-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota lying easterly of the centerline of old County Road No. 17 as travelled. .' 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CITY OF q!J CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor -/ TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: March 6, 1989 SUBJ: July 4th Fireworks Display Quotes . Attached please find quotes from two companies for the 4th of July fireworks display. A letter from Vitale Fireworks Display Company is also attached. As you may recall, Vitale was the high bidder in 1988 and has elected not to submit a bid in 1989. A copy of the bid awarded to Banner Fireworks Display Company in 1988 was included in the correspondance requesting bids for 1989. As a result, you will notice the two bids which were received appear to be very similar. One noticeable difference is the number of shots per show. Banner quotes 352 whereas Arrowhead quotes 540. A simple comparison shows the two bids to be more equal, 216 of the shots in the Arrowhead bid are from two 108 shot finale boxes which retail for under $40.00 each. A greater number of small shells are also included in the Arrowhead bid. Banner Fireworks Display Company has presented the past five fireworks displays for Chanhassen. All of them have been of extr~mely high quality from the standpoints of safety, pro- fessionalism and level of excitement. They have always shown an interest in giving us the best show possible by visiting the display site before the actual shoot. It is staff's recommendation to accept the bid from Banner Fireworks Display Company in the amount of $5,000 for the 1989 fireworks display. . Update (March 22, 1989): The Park and Recreation Department reviewed this item and felt Banner Fireworks Display Company con- tinues to be the best qualified company to produce the Annual 4th of July fireworks display. Banner has always been very concerned about the personal safety of the spectators and their staff. They are very willing to visit the site prior to the show to discuss necessary preparations. The Park and Recreation Com- mission unanimously agreed to award Banner Fireworks Display Company the 1989 contract in the amount of $5,000.00 The fireworks display has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 4, 1989, at Lake Ann Park as the finale to the three day 4th of July Celebration. DULUTH, MINN. :i""~"""""". 4~'; -"~r;~j.,. .:"i '?:.l~"h"" r..\ '_- '~';'~y'- ( .- "'---. . ~ ~ . . WATERTOWN. SOUTH DAKOTA ''4:\,\~ . \; ~)'l./ .~-'::,#~, >. .- ". :,' ..J. ')/ /,/ "J'--~ ._'~ .~<............\)~..,',".~:,'~":; -( ST. LOUIS PARK, MINN. ARROWHEAD FIREWORKS CO., Inc. ,.t:~_;. . ,~.: ::.. :....~:;;:.;.:,., . '~'.<9'" ... ~..).. .... ",."."....... 8400 R~piJB(,IC\'AVENU'E...~ '''~''-~1 -'_;"',;}.t,'.~.r '..<:\,;>11'.,. "i PH~~E '612.9~5''''/ . ' '~~": ~?bI.: ~W.;.d. \. ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 55426 r.1arch:3 1:}Q9 Todd Hof'f":'li'ln Rpcreatio~ Supervisor 590 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dpi'lr ~r.. Hoffman) '.'l=> are encIosinJ our quotation rmd cont~act fOe a $4, F3 77.00 firc',,'ori<: rlicpIi'lY on Jul~' /1., 1989. If ~'ou rli?c~,-de on ()ur fir'O".-JOrk rlisplClY "'~ woulr:l "'lDpreci;;te if you "'omId sign the enclosed contr.'3r:t r>nrl>:,etllrn thr:? whi tl=> r:..)~'); to us. 'l";'"lnkin'} ~'Oll -FOe '11. "i.ng us thl=> ()r~ortllni ty t~ <;i ve you ", C:'1ote "mo hnping we mi'l~' he of service ;-0 '!O'l. Sincerely, ARRO',V}IEAD FIRJ:;'.vORKS CO.. INC. ~~~/z:~ c2Zf:--~ 'rhr,:T1as::. Atol 'rEA :vbj MAR 6 1989 Commerdal and Display fireworks . . . C1TY OF CHANHASS~ DULUTH. MINN. . . ( "' . . ,........~., ~ WATER!~WN\~?UT~ DAKOTA .,\\ WL~ f~~~\\l ~! ~ ARROWHEAD._~REWOB.KS CO., InC. ...-~ .,~' -' .~ 'I~'.~~~1:~1~U~1 ~ .. .,/; 1'0' ~\\'\.~ PijONE' 612-929-8255 . .)~--~\ ( ST. LOUIS PARK. MINN. ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55426 SPECL\L P:~OGi,,\lI FO;~ 'l':1:~ CE'Y 0:2 C:-1:\;;; 1,'\33::\) ,_'lTL~:: ~ ~ '--~, OPENING SET 24 3" Asst. Colored Star Shells 12 3" Atomic Salutes 12 3" Titaniuo Salutes BODY OF SHOW 6 2 1 1 3" Asst. Color,=d Star Shells 3" Cracklin<] Shells 3" T""o Break - '1\.,,0 Color 3" Two Break - Color & Report 3" Three B':eak - Three Color 3" Three Break - Two Color Rc Rep;:)rt 3" Four Break - Four Color 3" Four Break - Three Color & Report 3" Artillery & Hei'ivy Heport 3" G'Ceen Peony with Red Hearts 3" White Chrysanthemum 3" Glittering GeITl 3" Silver Swallow 3" Blue Diamond 3" 1":010r CVl.n<Jing Peony 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 4" Asst. Colored Star Shells 5 4" Asst. Fancy Star Shells 1 4" Stickless Rocket 1 4" Spider Web 1 4" Crossett 1 4" Yellow Strobe 1 4" Color Changing Spider vleb to Red 1 4" Color Silk 1 4" Red Rose 1 4" Full Bloom in Garden 1 4" Red Lightning 1 4" 'l'ri-\.olor Ball 1 4" Blue Chrysanthemum 1 4" Bright Moon Commerdal and Display fireworb ( 15 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 ( 1 1 1 15 . 4" Sound Cicada 4" Butterflies 4" The Spring 4" Asst. Oriental Shells 5" Asst. Colored Star Shells 5" Asst. Fancy Star Shells 5" Willow Shell 5" Color Changing Blue to Gold Flitter 5" Silver Ring Red Center 5" '!:Wo Break-'I\4Q Color 5" 3 Color Flower Ring 5" Yellow Chrysanthemum 5" Crackling Glower 5" Blossom After Thunder 5" I'lhi te Silk 5" Red Ring with Blue Heart 5" Green Ring 5" Bumper Harvest 5" Flower Bed 5" Garland 5" Color Flower 5" Red Flag 5" Glittering Gem 5" Red Waves 5" Peacock Tail 5" Spring VJillow 5" Asst. Oriental Shells . 8 6" Asst. Colored Star SIhells 2 6" Asst. Fancy Star Shells 1 6" Strobe Shell 1 6" Comet 1 6" Shell of Shells (16 Shells in one) 1 6" Three Color Flower Ring 1 .;" Silver Drago:! 1 is'' ':Ie lco'1le 5pri:!(] 1 6" Red & Blue '1',"0 Ring 12 6" Asst. Oriental Shells 1 8" Color Peony 1 8" Bumper Harvest with Crackers 1 8" Gold Wave to Blue Chrysanthemum 1 8" Gold Rippling <1rysanthemu'll 1 8" Tiger Tails 1 8" Red to White To Blue Peony 1 10" Whi te Chrysanthemum 1 10" Three Color Changing Peony 1 10" Green to Red Chrysan themum with Ehcircled Dews 1 1 12" Red Chrysanthemum 12" Golden Kamuro to Flash . . ( ( .. . GRAND FINALE 60 3" Asst. Colored Star Shells 48 3" Atomic Salutes 6 4" Asst. Colored Star Shells 6 4" Atomic Salutes 3 ~" Asst. Oriental Shells 3 6" Asst. Colored Star Shells 1 10" Red Chrysanthemum 2 108 Shot Finale Boxes OPENING SET - 48 shots BODY -160 Shots FINALE -343 Shots . TOTAL SHOTS 540 Shots This Display includes insurance and our expert operators to set up and shoot the Bisplay. . 2/25/89 ( ,....-.'.........:.t.".. ",./""( )-_ , '!"~'f::~)~'tL::,,.,t' .' "/ ",O:;:><~~i(--' ". .. J' r..... ....~....,.....~...,...''\ .,.... '.- I - - . I.- , f. /:'::,/ '//':~:~~'~::~~~:>("~'\.~I}.~J..!~.~:'A.;.,.:' ; \..' \' . . . . iI ._,. f t-" " .,,"" ,.. ...~. .... ~ . . ~ . . A.'..... -.......-" ,""..,. '1', {. I . ~ : " ;;: ,'::' .,-.!' J: . !..."",~t."_'::': ~~~ :;.'" iJ 10 , ',~' ..~' .:.. : .... .' .:~"';'~~.~~"JIlt" ':"; ~ I ',r~..: l ;.. t" .;.>,'t,r' "~~"'.\...... :" ~~:... ....\ r '" ,,\.... " .1. '.'''.'' ..' ... f ,." '0 /:.... ;\- 1",' 'I, \:'". I. t.1 f. . ~ " ,"" :.. "". '.": '... ; <<1:- t',;!... ".-\'.", ..: " ." ,. "t:. ,': :.~ .. \ 'to '. '0' \; '.: ;:~' ,," .;":1" .~;.f ~ ..-: \.. ~<~\ ~ .:..... ., t ..' :.... t J ... l . t .. . I .~ f';';~, 1:; ':~. 1~'.i'. \. \"? ~:!; '; .: r\ 't." \ I I, t:':I : ..; ,~ . "\" I 'J ,v: '. :: : l';} f :; .:. ~ :., " , \ \ .... . \ '1.... " \ :.. : , : \ " " : BANNER FIREWORKS DISPLA Y CO. 9840 - 271 st Avenue ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA 55398 (612) 856-2838 I . \ CHENHASSAN JULY 4,1989 This show contains 352 aerial breaks,all personel to set up and shoot the show, Insurance in the sum of $300.000.00 and is designed to last approx 30 min. FINALE 84-3" ASS.COLOR SHELLS 36-3" TI.SALUTES 8-4" ASS.COLOR & EFFECTS 4-4" SALUTES 12-5" ASS. COLOR & SHELL OF SHELLS 6-6" ASS.COLOR SHELLS 6-4" MAGNUM SALUTES 1-10"SALUTE 72-2~ SHELLS & MINES \ ", ; . ~ I .\ . I "I ' . .~, ~ ~ I: . ~\ : :~ : ,\ : . ~l ;,1 ri ASS.FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS GOLDEN SPIDERS COLOR CHANGE DIADEM SILVER RING 2 BREAK COLOR TO COLOR 2 BREAK COLOR TO SPIDER BATTLE IN CLOUDS THUNDER & RAINBOW 3 BREAK COLOR,COLOR,REPORT 4 BREAL RED ELECTRIC '" ,:; :\:; ):, ,~ ~ i :! .. MAIN BODY 12-4" 3-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 1-4" 14-5" 5-5" 4-5" 6-5" 2-5" 1-5" 1-5" 1-5" 1-5" 1-5" :~ .::: :., ,., : .~ I j :~ VOLLY ,. j't :\ '.1 , .' :: i :: t ;: I . 'f: :/: :J~ ASS. FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS FANCY COLOR & EFFECT SHELLS GOLDEN RAIN SHELLS TREMALON CROSSETTS COMETS MARRIED 2 BREAK 2 BREAK 3 BREAK 3 BREAK ',. !;;' COMETS COLOR TO COLOR COLOR TO REPORT COLOR,COLOR,SPIDER SILVER ELECTRIC .',.. <: i~ FEe 28 1989 CiTy . OFCH~^'H ~, ~SEAI . .' . ~. :1 ( 1-511 1-511 1-511 1-511 4 BREAK 7 TIMED DRAWOUT DRAWOUT COLOR,4 REPORTS COLOR,6 REPORTS,HEAVY REPORT COLOR, 6 REPORTS,CROSSETTS TIMED REPORTS,COLOR,HEAVY REPORT " ...-...... ..., ( /' :.'.. ""'. ~,.,'/" ". )..-. . r ?..:. "', ..... ," ...... . _'~ }.....-...7...'" "t":~;: ,.' "... .,0 ... r t~. ,'.........,.t............::.>~~.:\./'......l.....:.~....... I . i .......;.:.~~:~~..:(:.~.\\ ,;.:.>...~;..:...,..',..,l... ,: . ..~-c...~....:.~.., ~ . .t l~ .~. '.. 1...-.;.....- . I 0' . p ,..~..~ '\ : ; (' /'>?i~~;f:.t:'~0J:~;'~\::' ,\.;\i : . !I t' f.. ........ ,: .......... ...''t.'''..-:f.~,''t. ~~l:'o .:.-:. . . 'f-' fi. t.: .... ~.....",.. - -.....'~ ':'" .....'" 1,' \ \/~.~~" ..'~:.. ;.,...../.::~':~,~,~~'1';:~::...f\ r ,'.' " l "';" -I. "''i.. . ..' .. ; ." ,'. I.... ~. .. ;.\'. 1\..\. ......: l' i ...~: ,.. . t ~.: ." . ,i'.\', ',' ; '~.', .: y' f/ .f. ::/ .~""i ~':\ ";\~'~',,\: \\ ), , ~ .; i ,I..; . :.. \;. ...... .., '0, f I~ .....:. ,:: I j ..: 1 ''r\ tt' 0, J ~ .; a : ~: '.. '\ ~ ! f .. . t' 'I .. : . : .~ !,'. i. ~. ,~ : ~ *.: .: t '\ ~. '- ; ~ :; ~::J .; .: . j ~ ~ '"., . 1.1, :. ! 'I... ~ i :; ,j : . .. \ : .; \ , \ \ " BANNER · FIREWORKS DISPLA Y CO. 9840 . 271 st Avenue ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA 55398 (612) 856-2838 \ \ , I \ \ 6-811 ASS. FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS ':, \ \ : \ \ : . . , I . . . , . , \ .. . ~ \ '~\ : t . '. :. : ., ,\ : \1 i 'I'; 'I~: ~ .i .... :.\ ~i }:i 14-6" ASS. FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS 4-611 SPECIAL EFFECTS SHELLS 6-611 SHELL OF SHELLS VOLLY . 5-10"ASS.FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS l-lOIlGOLDEN CAVITY COMETS W/TI.REPORTS W/CRACKLING CORE 1-12"FANCY CHRY. 1-12I1TREMALON CROSSETT TOTAL $5,000.00 ~. I ~~ ; :i; :t. :~ !i :~ t. ... All multy break shells are full size shells,not small shells placed in one container. ~h&:~ Pete Cermak :~ !':. 7" ~ ;: I:; : :~ 1.. ::' ; l ;; i ': I i: I ~ : << II: . I ;:!' ..~ I:: . '.' , ':I .--.....f...,...]' iT]': ~]'\"~f1~" "'1".' ('.)' 1):;- ,.~ <: "',t. ':, \ :'~T f:~ {;" . .~ . < ; -' ,: . ....~,' ';,\ i~'.~ [::~ l'''f!' ~-'-!." ---..... _.,.~..:' _........ \_',;'.. ,', ~1.iJ......." ~ -- :,=;':?'-1';C~~'S f-"~::;l {\'v (....0 1 \5C .. i;jlt:.J'J ~.~., ~J,-"~ .-1114.1 '~J _, ~~'.I . P.O. BOX 1753. j'.JEW CASTLE::. PErINSYLVANIA 16103 March 2, 1989 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Thank you for including Vitale on your requests for bid proposals for the 1989 fireworks presentations. We regret we are unable to submit a bid for your display, due to the nature of the bid specifications. Thank you for allowing Vitale to participate in your bidding program. We would appreciate being continued on your bid list for . future events. Respectfully, VITALE FIREWORKS DISPLAY CO., INC. .~ .. .)~----, Greg Z':.ms Senior Account Executive GA/bjm MAR 6 1989 CITY OF CHANHASe :\ lJmdy lrJditi\,1n \,)f IIrework cxpencncc ~1f1Ce 1889 FACTORY. OFFICE 302 WILSON ROAD -~._- >.~~..:.:, ; ...~...... " OFFICE AND DAY PHONE (-'12) 654.9841 TO Ad \'VI' V\ EARL F. ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9808 James Circle · Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 (612) 884-7300 · MN Toll Free No. 1-800-862-6026 MEMO-LETTER 1Af?-\ ~1tr~A: ~..p-t~~1oN ~ ... 0h-Y OF C)! AfJHf\sSB~ tr'j{) Cn~Wf-1:f2-lW CHAH~~/~I M/'J,~t;33r7 Lo~1 ~ A-rtMlM 1<c?A l{<;,r or= ~ ir ~.. ('{'I- .e([UlfMt~/drl! r ~.gf) Y71~ C:'WASJ:-- ~~ - M,L/~:f5" ~O - lo/f:JB - ~~ l1J~ "CfJe 'tiiO ~ -- !:3o~ ~- ~OOf)~~ r'~ '-pr? Cf0 V~D}J l)lv'Tl~ ~;I6: iu, cA1L '100 rHw I ~~~ h~;.-6 ~989 0A"_-Y2-~9 SUBJECT CIl:Y. OF CHANt tA~.JUlI her;> r r.1l...:r,'-: Tl;f- Dra'....I:')Q Boa~d, Dallas, Texas 75266~0429 Wht:€'O;-I GrQup_lnc. 'S62~ . FOLD AT (-) TO FIT ORA WING BOARD ENVELOPE. EW' OP or-------~-~----~-~~-~~~~... . ... ; A. 1"..' '". J. J ~ }o 1.1..... ; . J. . ! j J , ~ J I J J J j- J 1 '.. a . , . ' I , J. ) I J J j j ;, . I.. . ... i , l l~ J It' ; , r t... Q . .. ' . ) J ". I j i J , , i.... . ... )'t. } ..': .... 6 _ _ . . ... t .e. . !I . LAW OFflCiS GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARRELL & KNursON PlOf1l5S:0NAL MsocL'T1f)N PosT OFfICE Box 57 403 NOU'UT BANK BUILDING 161 NOIITJol CONCOJ.D ExCH^NG~ SoUTH Sr, PAUL, MINN!IOTA "075 ~oN!(612)4".1661 TILleOPllR . (A12) 4H.23'9 ~on B. KNmcH MICHAlLJ. MAYl1 TIMOTHY J. BEkG j: f lot DA\'ID L GII.ANNI~. 1874-1961 O^\':~ t. GUNNl~. J", - 1910-1980 V ...."'Ci B GlANSI~ VAloSCE B. G,,^~to.":!, ;J.,. PAftlCK A. FADFU DAVID L. G"^NNIS, III IOGEr. N. KNv't$ON DAVID L. HAJ.NIYD. 1. H- I . i ' r , I . 1 : f : '4 : t :. 'j ..' I . A.:.IO AIlI/ln'IIl to I'J..\CIlO IN 'l'IKOIlIIN March 10, 1989 Mr. Don Ashworth Chanhassen City Hall 690 Coulter Orive, Box Chanhasssn, Minnesota 147 55317 RE: Rotating Chairs ~ ~ ~ , i I' " , I Dear Don: . : . 'f .::( 1( i / . You have asked this offioe whether the Park and Recreation CCI..!iiission's pc.licy to have rotating ohairs meet,s State statutes/City Ordinance. . . ' '. ' Robert's R~lEs of Order requires a chair and vice-chair. Ci ty O:.-dir:.aT"'~;e states that "Each Commission shall establish rules of procedure". J , I: .! : 'f. 'I: r I ~. t : 1 :t: ~l : t I I. , ,f :: d, ; t " . . f;' i 1 . ! , Ii:' il I . . !n CH:C.:U.:-Jdflt;t: wIlli Lllt; C1LuVId, LuLaL:u\:j ~LQ~.L:;> ~::. 1~~Cl.1. If t~e (v~~cil fee~ that this policy is undesirable, modification of local ordinance shculd consider adding a sentence stating "Chai r~:!arJ election shall be for not less than one year". Very truly yours, GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARRELL & KNUTSON, P.A. BY: Roger N. Knutson RNK:srn .