1989 03 28 Agenda . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of March 21, 1989 minutes. 3. Presentation of Eagle Scout project Proposal, Scott Dummer. 4. Public Hearing on Lake Susan Park Development Plan and Boat Access. 5. Site Plan Review, Country Suites. 6 . Appoint Conference Attendees. 7. Initial Discussion of 1990 Budget to be Finalized in April. 8. Discussion Regard the Collection of Park Dedication Fees. 9 . Commission Presentations. a. Playground Surface Material, Larry Schroers. 10. Administrative Section '--, -. ,f --}rJ;V.I U/~~ 15D ,V~\/ IL- \/I~'Ifr7 . . -> SCOTT DD.HHER I S , '! ! ~ . SERVICE PROJECT . . _ __~ _ ~ ._~i MAR 2 1 1989 . CITY. Of CHANHASSEN . . . Scott Dummer's Eagle Scout Project Description: FOOT & MAINTENACE EQUIPMENT BRIDGE AT POND PARK. (1989) 24' Bridge of 3, 8' Sections 6' wide, with the Middle Section Centerd over a 4' Channel, Approximately l' off the Ground. It will be able to Hold a Minimum of 1,000 lbs., will Consist of 8 Support Posts, Two Each on Both Sides of the Channel, and 2 at Each end of the Bridge with Handrails on Each side and a Dirt Ramp on each end. What Group will it help? PARK SYSTEM OF CHANHASSEN Name of church, school, or community CHANHASSEN, POND PARK Location r I I ----- w ~ _ 0 z . !! .g . o ~ c. .. ~ .. .. c .2 ;; " .P. " " .. ~ .. .5 " ;; c .. : Ul g@ .~ II E ii " ~ u ~ .. . i . . 1 ~ ~I 'i ~ ~ ~CL. i~ 8;G~i ,g ~ ~ ~~~ > ~ c .. I ~ ~ E (/Joe: iij ~ ~ ~ ! .Q ~ ,," c S:6 ~ l CD"; 0 "" · ~~ ~~ l 'i~~: ~ ~ .! ... .. :.: .. :!1 e "j -a & - .. o ~ c 0 o u "= c .. .. ~ 0 .. - .. " .g : CD ~ . =.s ~ ~ ! ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~: eo g ~ ~ e i CD 8 J! ~ .! ...! U) · =!~f... ... C' w _=_.& .eE ;;l!li;~"'~ll.. ..< .. ~~el.l...!l ~;;~ .~ ~ ~ d~!.t 1i~'= :: 0 ~ ~ a: 0 i:~ ~ ~ : z mii.: . ~ w '. ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ > .: ~ g E w ~ ~ i ~~ !c8 & ~ u ~~ .. .. .. ~ .~ u 0: ~ >. Cll ~ ,; li! i ~.....'.' -- ~" ~t..-.........~~- iij ! . .. . . . " .. ;; .. g " " ~ . .. .5 ~ ~ c: ~ ~!~ .. = CD.! ~ ~ fi .!!: :1.1:= S!.:~ _ ..2.5 u~... ~_u 1 '-~ ti ~~ 8,ql! ..sj= ,t!.! .!ii-Ii 00;1- 1~ 8 II: . .. i!. ... ' _=c lie i .. ... .. .. .. .. j ~ , > , I i I L_ Gg.,T4C io~ .. c.E"'~c ~o CWT~t: v , .. 8'-0 ~ . .t>cf 8-0 ., ~ Q '" ~ ~ i~ ;" i'J ~' N ~ 7 .,. c ! ice .. " (~ ~ {" ~ ~ (' lJ r I" ~ '-0 ~ l. ~ ~ 0 G' : " 1 ~ . .. ;;~ PS f '=-X.b TeEA'\G:;D C.Ol...:'"",tJ,S ~ I I I ; I I I I 3 I I I i '" ~ ~ i "" o I'" . . - " . _,:;1-'0 . .... , :/ ....23t\'2. .~:~o:.d~ - <- - G>)t..~ c..o\ v ""^ ~ ~ I . -Nd,"'g Lt'Z" h.\~ \.. ~,-,e~ <:;-- ~1" Y'ea ~ fClY"~O\.\ Z x. 'Z. P I U::.e;t-s "," sa.p~ z)( 10 .... -- x OJ 1'1: ~:r ~= !.- 2. 1C. ro ~IO .)."- .).~ ~'" )J ~ N ao g >>' 6 0 t5 ~IO 2."4 '0 ~lC ~, - .)o\';T ~\........, .>."-- .\. . J.h \'I " '" III ~ )( " - 0 l5 0 ~ Z~IO z.." 10 2. lC. '0 .)."'- J.~ . Bill of Materials for Foot & Maintenace Bridge at Pond Park (72) (49) (12 ) (9 ) (8 ) (8 ) ( 6 ) (2 ) 2x2 48" pickets 2x6 6' planking 2x 10 6" 2x10 7'3" joists 2X10 7' joist supports 6x6 10' posts _ 2x6 7'6" railing caps 2x12 7' end ~rces $53.28 126.42 49.95 44.40 127.92 17.29 18.18 $437.43 (18) joist hangers (24) 1/2x10" plated bolts (10)lbs. of 12p Galvenized common for planking (10)lbs. of 12p Galvenized casing nails for pickets (5)lbs. of 12p Galvenized.-common nails for joists & misc. (l)Cu yd. of concrete (for 8 holes 48"deepx12dia.) (8) card board tubing 48' deepx12dia.) @ City provides backfill for ramps DELIVERY *= estimation Cost Estimation= $1,750 -/+ $200 $12.42 13.20 7.80 8.90 3.90 $46.22 $24.00 . . . . . . BENEFITS FROM MY EAGLE PROJECT (BRIDGE AT POND PARK) 1989 I think my project will benefit the community by completing the foo~ath around the trail in Pond Park. This t . is especially critical during high water periods such as springtime. This project will also be a benefit as the Park Maintance Staff will be able to use this bridge to cross the marsh area to mow both sides of Pond Park. 3/ ~ / gc; i < Date (vi ~V1/v..~ / Name 72- L ~ c: 7 L/f.A(./ i ~~c d)(J/Ll ./ . itle c:; 37-/'70 () Phone Number The concept was discussed with my Scoutmaster on 1 The project concept was approved by: ~~ h-t of ,'::f- 7 -)s / Date -5- Planning Details Plan your work by describing the present condition, the method, materials to be used, project helpers, and a time schedule. Add other pages as needed. Before and after photographs may, in some cases, be helpful to portray the condition and the finished product. . ,. t i Approvals After getti ng Scoutmaster's approval, make arrangements to present your pl an to the Troop Committee for their helpful suggestions and approval. . Project plans approved by ~h Jh,,- Dale Project plans approved by 3-IJ-' , Date ,../1-" Date Project plans approved by Date (Dist. Advancement Comm.) Suggestions made by Troop Committee . -6- 3 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation commiSSion~ DATE: March 23, 1989 SUBJ: Eagle Scout Project Attached please find a proposal for an Eagle Scout Project by Scott Dummer. The project involves constructing a 24 ft. bridge over the wet channel on the southwest side of Chanhassen Pond Park. . The total cost estimate of the project is $1,750, a figure Scott feels is conservatively high. Upon approval, Scott plans to begin construction this spring. Scott has discussed his project in detail with staff. It is the recommendation of this office to approve the project as proposed and to adjust the 1989 Capital Improvement Program Budget to include expenditures up to $2,000. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN if . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~ DATE: March 21, 1989 SUBJ: Lake Susan Park Plan and Boat Access As you know, the City has received preliminary approval for a LAWCON grant for the development of Lake Susan Park. Although preliminary plans have been approved by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council, it is necessary to hold a public hearing before final approval is given. This item is being scheduled to present the plan to the residents . and to invite their discussion of the plan. The minutes of this meeting will be forwarded to the grant analyst to show that we are being receptive to the needs of the residents. No action is required. . I- Z <( u :J a.. a.. <( . ~ ~ W I- - en . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 3-28-89 C.C. DATE: 5" CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema/k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review for a 54,848 sq. ft. Hotel with 84 suites on 2.2 acres. LOCATION: Southeast corner of Market Blvd. and West 78th Street. APPLICANT: Truman Howell Architects and Associates, Inc. Attn: Mike Simon 620 Mendelsohn Ave. #130 Minneapolis, MN 55427 PRESENT ZONING: COB; Central Business District ACREAGE: 2.2 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- COB S- COB E- COB W- COB COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not call for additional parks or trails in this area. Country Suites Site Plan March 28, 1989 Page 2 . RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to recommend that park and trail dedication fees be accepted in lieu of parkland or trail construction. . . cu.=J . , ~~ " ii Ii :1 , I }--,~~ \ 1- ...J ,/ , " :, , . ( J . r , J (- ~,':"~--::J; ;:[~.. I I, I " I 1\ , j j -.::..:..;;-- ---.....- 1\\ } (\ ~~ F~ I ,__ _l.i_ I 1o~ II -llr"1 f: , , I ' r- _...~~J _ ______ '" ,.. ,; ,e:, ,c-:..,- I ~~ -~~ " -~/. " D~ b~ "- .. tL" ~ c' i ~ V~ ~ b-(y , el' " iij_ " :.-' ! I n k..'~< ~I ' I ' .J . IOV ~""t .:'-1 'jl i I I ) ! i ) \~.., ~1, J <\,\, l~ S~ ~ ;0-) ! I I I :O,r--- ~I I II " -J Y. ... " .. '" " 7 I ,Ill' ~ 'j '"lll III 1 ~ '> ~) "I !L) r \ ~:1 >' 1:-:, ,1\\ ,I 0('\ " ,~. ,',\ ., 1'- I r- ":",. .. Z 0: - l- e z :I. .. ..' IOc::. ,L / <;, " I - " ~ '\ ~ , " ~:I ~~ '/ ..,... ,/ .... ,oz.l .J.L__..I' .~ I_~- c: .- "C .- :3 to C'l c: .- - .~ >< W '. 1\ .\ /' \.' \ \ \ ,,\ , \ 1\;.0,\ 1.)1,' i't, 0- .-l\ 11 l(l ~ I "~ .oJ . 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NE . ~Ii~. IUTI\\\\~~ I\..~' ..~~.~ 1 I' \ \~ I /( ~ I i I! \ y/w 86 TH 'iT t. ,. ; - ..' I " L.....- '~P(WD(~~ V- R 4' T ~. I R4 ~ I ~ o Q. R12' ~ .. ~ i --- /'- - ~ :-1 - . .' ~~I( I / ~.~ ~[T ? p~C\f\C I'" \ ~ I I '..,... ,__... '____ ./' .: --.. .: '/~: . ~\ ,. Z ~'~/ -- ~"'" -- (t7li~ '-= lOP , '. a > ...J CD I ~ I PU~-R I , -1 n' \ I . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH fc:, 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Co~~ission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator (~ DATE: March 24, 1989 SUBJ: Spring MRPA Conference The annual MRPA conference will be held in Rochester on April 19, 20 and 21. Attached please find a brochure. The 1989 budget has funds allocated for two commissioners to attend all or part of the conference. Staff will need Commission direction to register anyone interested in attending. . . . -- .. 5_<.,~11;.!11f:g I 021Jfg re 1JC ~ April 19-21, 1989 Mayo Civic Center-Kahler Hotel . Rochester, Minnesota . . . Dear MRPA Member: The Southern Minnesota Park and Recreation Association extends a warm invita- tion to all of you to join us in Rochester, Minnesota for the 1989 MRPA Annual Conference. We are excited about some of the new innovative concepts in the Conference. Because of the many changes in our organization, it is important that each and everyone of us takes the time to be a part of these changes. We are the organization, and you will be missed if you pass up this important time in the life of the MRPA. ,~ Sincerely, ... ~lSOTl' R[CR["1~ ~\""'\,.~Ri' ASSOCI'1,jOt. ~Q , rlo \" :', '" 1- The 1989 Conference Committee: Roy Sutherland, Co-Chair Fay Miller, Co-Chair Tom Anderson, Program Chair Bob Welch, Brochure Chair Donna Drews, Publicity Chair Roger Lowe, Exhibit Chair Jim Ebeling, Meals Chair Bob Burke, Physical Facilities Chair Denny Maschka, Evaluation Chair Dave McDonald, Tours Chair Jeff McKay, Presiders Chair Curt Taylor, Host Agency Clif French, MRPA Executive Director Leo Rudolph, MRPA President ... .-. ~_ -110. - ""T" l. ~ M 14 PA 1111 DOUGlAS [)HtVf NOI4TH GOl.DEN VAlI-Fl', MN 55422 /~~--"'" <:J~~~ M/~~'" ~/,' "~c--l~(<'cI'\ 4/~ I 0' .: ,.1.' <::) \ RECREATION . I'" ;...4)".' i. en i A~O / ~ \ ! ! I PARK ,/ ! \t !, ASSOCIATION \~\~) f \\\ ' - ~' \\ '. ~ ~" ~~~ "..... ---.:lIo.. 2r.... 'ill. 'V r-:~ . t'~ r-,'~ ~~-~-""'n~. T ,-..'.~ j :; 11;1, ~ '.~ ; ',1 ~ ._....,,; -~ ..:- .. -........ _ u----l.._. ---" ___ -...J ~ .~-~""~---:""""'Il--. -r T""""'!""" .~ ',.;,~ ' -!-1 .) .1J' L .1 ,_ . '---". c __ .----J __ . .. . u . :~~'._,': ~~ _. .':; ;~~ '.~.~~"'''~T.:::;'''''''~ ~0.J r-r""~ '~\1".~I~.~;r;r1iO;\.I J. t.1....IL ~.4 ;....... aI .. _....I.l. '\.. ...... 1 . ~ _ .~.....) ~ .i.. .l.. _'\..1 ...... ; ~. ,J ..... ...... ._~_.... 1.. T - -. T' -. j '.' a.f~no~-~ll~lY .', ~fJ}.1 J ;.,....... ~ J. '\,.. oJ '4... k J" .J. 'L' .... ~r' ~"'-'9 ~.:;i (1 ~_:/O ""' ~ '7'-- ~ :r . , 1. He .;..\al1Aer;-~G~'cl 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Kahler East/Lower Lobby COXFERE:'\C::: ~EGISTr(,A TION 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. i~O>;TE\E:';T /':.1. BriE.-\lG").c.ST Windsor 11/ and IV "IT IS THROUGH CHANGE THAT WE GROW" 9:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m. ~=F?"C~.' ~ _~ ~=~0i~;E~E~.~'(~= "\'~LC!)_",..~ ~~ Heritage I and /I Speaker: Leo Rudolph, President MRPA and Director of Parks and Recreation, Owatonna Presiding: Curt Taylor, Superintendent Rochester Park and Recreation Department Welcome: Chuck Hazama, Mayor, City of Rochester "WHERE THERE IS AN OPEN MIA'll, THERE WILL ALWA YS BE A FRONT/ER" 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m. OPEi\~~;~~; G~~'~~:::/~L ~~SSiC?'~ Heritage I and /I Presiding: Leo Rudolph, Director of Parks and Recreation, Owatonna Speaker: Dr. Chuck Lofy, Mankato State University Born in Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin, Dr. Lofy received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in philoso- phy from St. Louis University. Following six years of study in Europe, he completed post doctorate work at the Men- ninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas. Dr. Lofy has also held a number of teaching and ad- ministrative positions at Mankato State Univer- sity. Dr. Chuck Lofy is a nationally recognized speaker, workshop leader and consultant who helps individuals and organizations deal with change. Dr. Lofy will address M.R.P.A. on how we, as an association, use "transition" to ef- fectuate positive organizational resurgence. ~'[F';r~;:-:~E~<T ~:ES51C~S 10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Session I Heritage I Therapeutic Recreation and Programming Sections Whether at a personal or organizational level, change evokes strong reactions. If these reac- . tions are not processed or worked through, they will remain as "unfinished business" within the person or organization. In this presentation Dr. Lofy will discuss specific techniques for finishing the business of change so that one can move into the future freely. He will then apply his material to the changes experienced by MRPA in its recent past. Dr. LOfy, along with section chairs, will com- municate the principles for which MRPA ex- ists, and will through a "working" session, re- quest sections to formulate structure and goals that conform to the association's prin- ciples. Presiding: Pat Tuma, Programming Chairper- son, Lois Nilson, T.R. Chairperson Speaker: Dr. Chuck Lofy "Partners In Transition" "THE FOUNDA TlON OF UNDERSTANDING IS THE Wll.LlNGNf.'SS TO LlSTE;\," 10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Session /I Heritage /I . "State Parks: 1989.2000" This presentation will cover the priority of cur- rent needs as well as looking ahead to the . . . decade of the 90's. It will also address the coordination of in-park trails with other State trails. Presiding: 12:00 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Windsor Hall -)~OFESS!ONAL HOST STUDENT LUNCHEON (Professional Host-Student table assignment will be on a card in your conference packet) "Ethical Leadership - Is There a Problem?" As a recipient of a Bush Foundation Sabbatical Award to study ethical leadership and ethical followership, Dr. Shapiro will give a most in- teresting presentation of his findings and their application to leaders in government, education, community and business. Presiding: Greg Mack, MRPA President Elect Speaker: George L. Shapiro, PhD Professor Department of Speech Communication, University of Min- nesota Speaker: Dave McDonald, Director of Parks, City of Rochester Bill Morrissey, Director of Min- nesota State Parks "MAKE TODA Y BETTER THAN YESTERDA Y AND TOMORROW BETTER THAN TODA Y" 10:30 a.m.-11 :45 a.m. Session III Viking Room "Transition and Motivation" This session will deal with changes in the park-recreation field over the past few years that have affected the practitioner personally as well as professionally. Another aspect of change is how we will motivate ourselves as well as those who work with us and for us. Presiding: Tracy Laliberte, Student Chairper- son Speaker: Leah Just, Consultant "KNOW WHEN IT IS BEST TO FL Y IN FORMA TlON" "WE CANNOT DISCOVER NEW OCEANS UNLESS WE HA VE THE COURAGE TO LOSE SIGHT OF THE SHORE" '::::'''~C:T:~;~ENT SESSiONS 1:15 p,m.-2:30 p.m. Session I Heritage I "Parks/Facilities Operations & Administration Sections Dr. Lofy, along with section chairs, will com- municate the principles for which MRPA ex- ists, and will through a "working" session, re- quest sections to formulate structure and goals that conform to the association's prin- ciples. Presiding: 10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Session IV Centennial Room ;'~::ulDture Gum3n - ;. P!Jbli~. ,-:ri'late 03veiopment ?ro;ect The nationally renowned Sculpture Garden Pro- ject, which opened in 1988, was developed in partnership between the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Walker Art Center. In connects the regional chain-of-Iakes parks through Kenwood Parkway to downtown Min- neapolis. Dave Fisher will relate how the pro- ject was conceived, planned, and im- plemented, including costs, contractual ar- rangements, problems and public acceptance. Slides of the garden project will be shown. Presiding: Bruce Anderson, Director Parks and Recreation, Inver Grove Heights Speaker: Dave Fisher, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Minneapolis Park Board Speaker: Robert Bierscheid, Administrative Chairperson and Bruce Thielen, Parks/Facilities Operations Chairperson Dr. Chuck LOfy, Mankato State UniverSity "A LIFE WITHOUT CHAUENGES WOULD BE LIKE A BEACH WITHOUT WA VES" 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Session II Windsor Hall (For Briefing) Therapeutic Section on Site Institute Those professionals and students wishing to attend the tour of the Federal Medical Center must supply your name and Social Security "THE RIGHT IDEA OFFERED A T THE RIGHT TIME TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN THE RIGIIT WAY IS A THING OF GREA T POWER" number on your pre.registration form for security check purposes. You will not be able to attend this session if not properly pre- registered. Each site institute will be providing a general topic as well as specific information regarding therapeutic recreation. 1:15 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Max. Number 30 Federal Medical Center: The focus will be on programming, problems with community re- entry facing inmates and general assessments. This is one of the newest Federal Medical facilities. We will also observe recreational ac- tivities provided for the imprisoned population. 3:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Unlimited Number Mayo Medical Center at St. Mary's Hospital St. Mary's Hospital is one of the largest private, not-for-profit hospitals in the world with more than 1,000 beds now in use. You will visit psychiatric, rehabilitation, and chemical dependency units. Departments will focus on individual programs and practices including assessments, intervention techniques and community integration or re-entry procedures. "WE CANNOT DIRECT THE WIND BUT HE CAN ADJUST THE SAILS" 1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Session 1/1 Heritage 1/ -, ~;C~~5 Ji.O .~.;cr:]~:i;cn2i '-::':~;'~:':;~~~~=s .::; --. '. < '. . - - '-.';.~L~:r..;n Jf1Q ";',,u~;r:3 "';',.1 '::,": "'-:i .~~:;n'..,":'~~-:~l. This session will benefit MRPA members who are responsible for designing and implement- ing recreational programs for handicapped citizens. Presiding: Speaker: Debbie Backstrom, Adaptive Recreation Supervisor, Bloomington Park and Recreation Dennis Brueggemann, Executive Director, Minnesota Special Olympics "ONLY THOSE WHO WILL RISK GOING TOO FAR, CAN POSSIBLY FIND OUT HOW FAR THEY CAN GO" 1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Session IV Viking Room ~'Cn .~'~~ Jeb ':~""n~itjGn The objective of this session is to provide practical information for students on making the transition from student to professional in the field of recreation. Guest speakers will in- clude: Dolf Moon, Acting Director New Ulm Park and Recreation Department Graduate from Mankato State University Mark Casey, Program Coordinator Faribault Park and Recreation Department Graduate from University of Minnesota Bret Heitkamp, Parks and Recreation Coor- dinator Champlin Park and Recreation Department Graduate from Mankato State University William Wellner Jr., Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Crystal Lake Health Care Center, Robbinsdale Graduate from Mankato State University Presiding: Dolf Moon, Director of Parks and Recreation, City of New Ulm . "THE VIEW FROM THE SUMMIT IS WORTH THE EFFORT" 2:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Heritage I (For Briefing) ._,,~" J ~>~-.~~~ . "- '5T=~:J~~S . Presiding: Dave McDonald, Director of Parks, City of Rochester and Fred Fibeger, Director of Olmsted Recreation Center, City of Rochester On Site Institute #1 A. Biking and Hiking Trails How the City of Rochester has financed and developed a recreational transportation system along its urban waterways. Will em- phasize master planning and coordinated efforts of City, County and State agencies. B. Flood Control Program Outdoor recreation facilities that will be a part of the massive $80M Federal/City pro- ject coordinated by the Corps of Engineers that will minimize periodic flood damage the city has faced for more than fifty years. C. Soldiers Memorial Field A 145 acre community park in the heart of downtown Rochester that provides a variety of outdoor recreation experience for resi- dent and visitor alike. On Site Institute #2 A. Rochester-Olmsted Recreation Center A visit to the Rochester-Olmsted Recreation Center and its indoor recreation facilities. Find out how it may become an Olympic Training Center for volleyball. . . . . B. Foster-Arend Park How a forty acre stone quarry was con- verted to one of the most popular water- based recreation resources in Southeastern Minnesota. C. Northern Hills Golf Course A publically owned and operated golf course. Find out how you can virtually cover all operational expenses through user fees. "A SHIP IN A HARBOR IS SAFE, BUT THA T IS NOT WHA T SHIPS ARE BUlL T FOR" 5:30 p.m.-6:[30 p.m. SOCIAL :-IOUR Cash Bar Windsor III and IV '-'WI ~ ..1 :.:: .~~..~~ '~,.t:: ~ll ':" -, y - ~" . . I!-- 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Mayo Civic Center Lobby ,', ~~=-~?2. .~,.~ ~~_. -,,-.'.... .. -,;:..'; 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Mayo Civic Center Lobby -~.~ ,J:'~~";:\' Z..~ .~'.~ :~l>.L ~.J:'~~[_;..._:~~,'... ~~ -i"' 7:45 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Mayo Civic Center Lobby \'\'i~;{.I~r; 'TiJU;:: !~.:; "[;-IE MAYO CIVIC CENTER Mayo Civic Center Staff 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ADOPT r'~ STUDENT DA Y This is an opportunity for professionals to make the conference more meaningful and educa- tional for students. Professionals are asked to "adopt a student" so a student has the oppor- tunity to participate in, listen to, andlor ask questions about the dialogue a professional engages in during the course of this day's ses- sions. Students and professionals participating in this program will meet at the Opening General Session through a numbered reserved seat process. Reserved seat numbers will be in 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. ,Y f\~DS Ji\.>:l;t);~T Presiding: Roy Sutherland, Director of Mayo Civic Center, City of Rochester; MRPA Conference Chairperson Awards: John VonDelinde, 1989 Awards Chairperson Heritage Hall "BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED" 9:00 p.m. Windsor 11/ and IV SMRP A HOSTED SOCIAL Cash Bar This is the time to meet old and new friends and do a little after-hour socializing and general hob- nobing. -...... / -~ :::~ ., :'''r+'; ....~ ~ n~'n .;... ..... '.J" ..... _~ ~J" ..-l....." ,;_~ -., -2 ::",' i-:).~" _........:.c.<l..t...-.t m~ < ..~... ... ! ..~. " . .. J .... the conference packet. This is on a volunteer basis. See registration form for adopting a stu- dent. 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Mayo Civic Center Theatre ~; -= ~~ ~ ~4: :;'i~. L __: ~~ S 1 ~-; i'~ Presiding: Clif French, MRPA Execu- tive Director Speaker: R. Dean Tlce, Executive Di- rector National Recreation and Parks Associa- tion, Lieutenant General, USA (Ret) From his vantage point as Executive Director of N.R.P.A., Dean Tice will comment on the challenges and changes confronting the N.R.P.A. and the field of recreation, parks and leisure services today and into the 1990's. He will also comment on the relationship between the N.R.P.A., it's national and regional offices with State affiliates. "DON'T GO WHERE TilE PA TH LEADS. RA TilER, GO WHERE THERE IS NO PATH AND LEA VE.4 TRAIL" 10:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Riverview Suites ~1.t-\LL~;i~~ 10~_~.:.~' This session has been designed to focus of MRPA members who will be sharing informa. tion about unique and special projects and facilities. Participants include: 1. Lakeville Parks and Recreation Dept. "Multi.Purpose Trail Uses and Dedication Fees", a new and innovative approach to financing and operating trails. 2. Owatonna Parks and Recreation Dept. "Recognition Policy", recognition of volunteer time and financial contribu. tions. 3. Rochester Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Dept. "Focus on 4", $9.9 million dollar sports faci I ities project. 4. Eagan Parks and Recreation Dept. "Passport to Good Health", public/private sponsorship of a walking program. 5. Crystal Parks and Recreation Dept. "Arts in the Park", non.fee based perform- ing arts program. 6. North Mankato Parks Department "Caswell Park", four diamond softball complex designed for players, spectators, and media. 7. Winona Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Dept. "Winona Aquatics Center", aquatic center design and considerations. 8. Edina Parks and Recreation Dept. "Edinborough Park", two acre public park, with one acre enclosed under glass. 9. Sister Kenney Institute "Wheel Chair Sports and Exercise", video tape presentation. 10. Plymouth Parks and Recreation Dept. "Plymouth Community Center", multi- million dollar center design. 11. Bloomington Parks and Recreation Div. "Older Adult Programming", what older adults like and how to develop programs. 12. Hennepin Parks "Baker Golf Course", $2.7 million golf ex- pansion and renovation project. 13. Owatonna Parks and Recreation Dept. "Kaplan's Woods Parkway", acquisition and development of 225 acre natural area. 14. Courage Center "Aquatic Services", diversified therapeutic and recreational aquatic offer- ing. 15. St. Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation "Employee Recognition and Employee Services", recognition and services af- forded employees. 16. Plymouth Parks and Recreation Dept. "Unofficiated Recreational Sports Pro- grams", how to offer lower cost, yet suc- cessful sports programs. 17. Austin Park and Recreation Dept. "104' Waterslide for Fun and Profit", how a waterslide will improve your swimming pool. . "DISCOVERY CONSISTS IN SEEING WHA T EVERYONE ELSE HAS SEEN AND THINKING WHAT NOBODY ELSE HAS THOUGHT" 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Mayo Civic Arena . Over 75 exhibitors will be participating in this year's conference. Manufacturers and distributors will provide exhibits of the newest equipment, ideas, and services available to the Park Recreation and Therapeutic profes- sion. Plan to spend time viewing the displays and mingling with exhibitors. 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall "~r;~"J -~.DUn PICTlT:<.E ~r/~~{EN - .i~~EE" The Conference Committee has made ar- rangements with Varsity Photo to photograph all registered delegates. Our objective is to have a picture of all members for MRPA use. As a bonus for having your picture taken, you will receive free, a 3%" by 5" colored photo. Present the coupon with your name on it to the photographer at the Varsity Photo exhibit booth: "PEACE ISN'T THE ABSENCE OF CONFLICT, BUT THE ABILITY TO COPE WITH IT" . . 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Committee Meetings Riverview Suites 1. Awards - Chair, John VonDelinde A 2. Conference - Chair, Fay Miller and Roy Sutherland B 3. Continuing Education - Chair, Gene Hackel B 4. Legislative - Chair, Gretchen Blank 0-1 5. Membership - Chair, Mark McQuillan 0-2 6. Publications - Chair, Terry Just 0-2 7. Walk Minnesota - Chair, Mel Bailey E 8. NYSCA - Chair, Denny Maschka C-1 9. R.S.C. - Chair, John Keprios C-2 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. :50C!AL ~10UR Cash Bar Mayo Civic Center Lobby 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Mayo Civic Center Aud. HAWAIIAN LUAU AND CASINO NIGHT Dress up for a real Hawaiian Luau. Bring your Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts - prizes for the best costumes. Door prizes donated by SMRPA communities will be auctioned off at 10:30 p.m. The Casino Night voucher will be included with a full conference registration package; additional vouchers will be available at the Casino Night. Progress is when everyone pUShes in the same direction. Lend a hand! Do more than your . share. Get Involved in a Committee This Year! "INTEGRITY LEADS AND LASTS" . .{/-~ 'f'...-;_.,J I ::~~~~~ ,,,-- '":.-..: ~~.~ :~~"'t~;:~~ -; :"'J~-Jn~T ____ .....~ ....1(.-., ,w ~ i.l~Jl.~A .:~~, . .., nQ c. ',". .........-1 '-'./ .'-~ ,-~ :: .-. -1 'o~;.. _i. . ! _ ;,~,.';,""H.1.....i~..:.Oiej ~. - .,;;:;:' ...:.x ,-~"" 01.'1" T' .:-~~ 9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Heritage I management firm. He also served as the Direc- tor of Athletics at the Ohio State University from 1984 to 1987 before resigning in protest over the firing of football coach, Earle Bruce. Prior to that time, Rick Bay had been the Athletic Director at the University of Oregon where he teamed up with Chris Voelz, current Director of Women's Athletics at Minnesota. He has an untarnished reputation as an ad- ministrator and has been a leader in numerous areas including a strong stand on substance abuse. Rick Bay and his wife, Denice, have a track record that stresses community involvement, and they appear to be as at home in theatre groups as they are in athletic arenas. GENERi.l.L SESSION Presiding: Curt Taylor, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City of Rochester Speaker: Rick Bay, University of Minnesota Ath- letic Director Rick Bay was named Director of Men's Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Minnesota on December 9, 1988. He first served as Chief Operating Officer for the New York Yankees baseball team and more recently as the Chief Operating Officer of the StarBright Group, Inc., a communications "BE NOT AFRAID OF MOI'ING SLOWL }': BE AFRAID ONL Y OF STANDl^'G STILl. .. . Presiding: Bob Piram, Su- perintendent of Parks and Rec- reation, St. Paul. St. Paul will host the 1991 International Special Olym- pics. Speaker: Roy Smalley, Executive Direc- tor 1991 International Summer Special Olym- pics Games Roy Smalley is a well known member of the Minnesota Twins Baseball team which won the 1987 World Championship. A 13 year Ma- jor League veteran, Roy was the starting shortstop in the 1979 All Star game and is a two time Twins Most Valuable Player. He holds the New York Yankees all-time single season homerun record for a shortstop and also holds the Twins single-season and all- time record for home runs by a shortstop. Roy has received numerous awards for most community involvement by a Twins player. Some of his involvements include: Board of Directors, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; Chair- man of Cystic Fibrosis "Bring Home a Dream" night at the Dome (largest single fund raising event in Minnesota Cystic Fibrosis 10:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. BRUNe!; Heritage 1/ and 11/ history - $13,000); Chairman of Marine Corps . Toys for Tots Program 1987 - largest number of toys donated in Minnesota history and has ongoing regular appearances at Minneapolis Children's Hospital and University of Min- nesota Varsity Club Hospital. "THOSE WHO SA Y IT CAN'T BE DONE ARE USUALL Y INTERRUPTED BY OTHERS DOING IT" 11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Heritage /I and III CLOSING REMARKS Leo Rudolph, MRPA President Clit French, MRPA Executive Director " WE MA Y HA VE ARRIVED ON DIFFERENT SHIPS, BUT WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME BOA T NOW" POST CONFERENCE TOURS There are a number of interesting tours . available in Rochester that you can take on your own such as Mayowood, Mayo Clinic, Plummer House and others. Information on these tours will be available at the Registra- tion Desk. Have a great Summer and Thank You for making this a conference second to none! II II ! I ; I . I ~ i ! i ! ! :! II , , i i ~ The Conference Committee . . . . Minnesota Recreation and Park Association '" -, :..i.nnun.L ~, .", - -"'I '1-) ,,1'\ '1' ~ ~~ ..., .'-' "" --,...~, ',',- :.., '-. - It c'Cl'~,:~ If'!~. ,', :'~ :4",,: " \1.. ",' , ~ --' 1 ' '-1 "1' - J l] . "I'.... ..".\ ~ _,_1."".1 :1- I _/ ,)..~. 1 --1.'''- .-' /_-'--"-;~" ;".,1........""-"'..... ___.....'J:".i:1.-.. :....J'..~...'" -~_.L' _...~-J/ REGISTRATION INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ADVANCED REGISTRATION DEADLINE - MONDAY, APRIL 3,1989 "Reaistration should be mailedtothe MRPAoffice. 1111 Douglas Drive North. Golden Valley. MN 55422." Complete the reaistration form and return it with a purchase order or check made payable to the MRPA Annual Conference. CANCELLATION POLICY - A $10 handling fee will be assessed on all cancellation requests received by April 7, 1989. No refund will be given after this date. Alternatives will be accepted at any time. Conference materials will be available in the lower lobby at the Kahler Hotel. :939 1V1RP A Annmli Ccnlerence April 19-20-21. J.989 - :':ah!er Hotel and l\1ayo Civic Center. Rochester, I\1N Name Title Agency Mailing Address City Disability Meal Diet Requirements Phone State Zip Specify Special Needs MRPA Non Member Member* Student Retiree FULL PACKAGE (Pre-Registration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D $140 D $200 D $105 0 $110 FULLPACKAGE(AtConference) .................. 0$155 0$215 0$105 0$110 ADVANCED REGISTRATION (3 day no meals). ....... 0 $110 0 $170 0 $ 75 0 $ 80 LATE REGISTRATION (3 day no meals) ............. 0 $125 0 $205 0 $ 75 0 $ 80 DAILY REGISTRATION (no meals) Indicate day _ 0 $ 55 0 $ 85 0 $ 20 0 $ 25 * Non-Members MAY join MRPA at the conference and take advantage of the member registration fee. Full package registration includes: Admission to all education sessions, exhibits, coffee breaks, social hours, two lunches, two dinners, brunch, entertainment, and on site Institutes. Daily registration includes: Admission to all education sessions, exhibits, coffee breaks and social hours. Call the MRPA office for more information, 544-1592. Wed. Dinner Meat Choice o Chicken o Dinner - $18.75 0 Steak o Dinner - $18.75 Please check type of registration: o Luncheon - $11.75 o Luncheon - $ 9.00 o Brunch - $13.75 Individual Meals: Wednesday, April 19 Thursday, April 20 Friday, April 21 On Site Institutes (Check one) o #1 See Wed. 2:45 for description 0 #2 See Wed. 2:45 for description 0 #3 See Wed. 1:15 for description Social Security # (Required for TR Tour) .3TUD::r'-JT/?ROFESSl\XjAl ;=UNCiiONS Professionals: Your are cordially invited to host a student for Wednesday's Student Luncheon. Tickets are available at a discounted rate of $9.50. If you wish to sponsor a specific student, please write their name in below. o YES, I wish to sponsor a student for the Luncheon - Student's Name o YES, I wish to "Adopt a Student" on Thursday Students: If you wish to be sponsored for the student lunch, check here. 0 If you wish to be "Adopted" for Thursday, check here. 0 Students and professionals will receive a card informing them of their luncheon table assignments in their conference packet. ~:OT ~L :";\'; ~'~E~.JT ~U8:';1'T7::D:; :'~J :1CH :~S:= .:? 0 E~ j\! U~}j 8 ER -;;- ;..~:; .JT.=L :.....i ~-\(:' ,:~.'~1 !I-- ; ~ r I' Ii- ,J c::J I~ r--" I, u o 0 W1PiDSOR I n ~-----.o--.~.-r= c=!.J W1PiDSOR /I . L---.D-.....~ 9 1'/ ' W1PiDSOR III :W1PiDSORI! ~" n IV ~~ I ." .L--~c:::!J -TO LOBBY Il II I ,I b o STORES o Mezz.nine Level ~ i L 0 I: L ----" ll-:~,MO~:~ _ ==:D . REGENCY 'i\> r-v-1 "~ c;' I, HIAWATI1A /I 'I I, II 1WA:J b II il lL"~ '~ Su......y level ~r ~~II HERITAGE I HERITAGE II HERITAGE : ~ STORAQf ~~~8:= , I I I ~~ TO LOBBY_ = = 0 . ,;' '9r t-'~'~-:' t..~BVO Ci'v'IC Cd~t(~r . . . . ~~.~. '.,...._.~'-y.i.....::, ""'~.ii'<'T.'''''''.;.r.~'..l':t~~;.,. "'''i,f;'.~''''''4i'':'"'t.\iiI:'"~.. ."~. ...."t\.".. . ....r.<.~.:<!. . '.-:-'~...:''-::.-:,=,~'. '..:',.,*' .:1."":",,, . ", ~"C;;,'~ :'. .......~:.';~,:):4';'"~:~~~~~:~:~;~~>!~f.;/::~;f~ , :'?~:.: 1;~)iN PAIU<: & It~~EAtION ASSOCIATIO~, ..')~)]l:r-tl,"~;. j)~i( ':i~k:;*:.,,"'~" . APRIL 19-21, _1999 .;;:._~~J.t.:, ,,~r:'.'7".'" ~ "~""'~: . <:~;,-~~, , .-, ." - ':. ~\_ i ;'~:f.j'",-:~~:" ^" '" ,,!~,~.., " ,.' ,.;>., ~",,~';';;';"f~~}''''''': '" ",j, :..,;./:-' 1'''\ rt-:'fi"''1:'' t-'~:~">.lrl;)!~~'''' ,!:"\~i.,,,,-.:,. #..-~~ r ',' Please reserve' "C" '~~"r''''room (s) for " "'.' !:.~..;~l"'p8rsons"Io ". .:: ~'''', ,,' )'~' . :~ss'<"~~;:':=~:~,;::':~~~;:::;::~;r~~ i"~ ;;' ,,';:;'\ '- ';,.;!' . ',' ,,,ii, 0 DOUBLE'~ ~~:E;t~ ,:;~~:,:~,.::. . ~ ' -.:~';;~r;~o9. O~ ~~~.5'S:~~ FIRM or ORGANIzATION "::',:9 ~~~~";itJ'rf~~) Amval date $59.00 ., ;:'1>t~'.;</~ o QUAD":~'" ~. : \J~.;:,;'Jf,~: ~ .1" .f 4.:el_~~. Departure date Or call toll free 800-533-1655 ~, NOTE: .,' ,"r Reservations will be held until 6 P.M. unless late arrival is requested and payment is guaranteed. $59.00 o GUARANTEED . ~,;.~:,~\; ~ :' ,.~~~::M~'.iYl . ;i-~~l>\.~'" ,;"'.':.",'1:~'. -- - -- - ~-,:! - CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Commission '7 DATE: March 22, 1989 SUBJ: 1990 Capital Improvement Program Budget Budget preparation time is early this year. We are to have our Capital Improvement Program budget ready to go to the City Council by the end of April. I have scheduled this time to brainstorm as to what we would like to accomplish as far as parks and trails in 1990. Below please find a short list to get discussion started. . - Minnewashta Parkway Feasibility - Park Development, Curry Farms - Park Development, Chanhassen Hills - Park Development, Lake Susan Hills West - Boat Access Development - Lake Lucy - Park Acquisition - Carrico Property - Reallocation of Totlot Equipment, City Center Park - Miscellaneous Eagle Scout Projects . ~. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ts DATE: March 23, 1989 SUBJ: Minnewashta Parkway Trail . At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, staff was directed to find out the cost of a feasibility study for a trail along Minnewashta Parkway. Obviously, the most cost effective time to have a feasibility study done and the trail constructed, would be in conjunction with street improvements. The City Engineer has indicated that the 5 year plan for the State Aid Construction Fund, recently submitted to MNDOT, calls for the improvement of Minnewashta Parkway in 1991. The feasibility study for the 8,100 foot road section alone would cost roughly $7,500. Preliminary cost estimates for trail construction are $150,000 to $200,000, depending on if the trail is on-street or off-street. (It is likely that conditions are such that the trail would be a combination of both.) Waiting to install the trail with the street improvements could decrease the cost of the trail by as much as 50%, depending upon how costs are assigned. The need for a trail in this area is still warranted. However, staff feels that the most economic way to have it constructed is at the same time the road improvements are made in 1991. A feasibility study will be done in 1990 for the street section, therefore, it is the recommendation of this office to budget $5,000 to $7,500 in the 1990 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the trail por- tion of the feasibility study. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH o . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 24, 1989 SUBJ: Park Dedication Fee Collections At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting staff was directed to schedule this item for discussion. Currently, the City Code specifically states that park and trail dedication fees should be paid at the time the building permit is issued. This is common practice throughout the metropolitan area. If there is a desire to change the City Code to require . payment of fees at the time the plats are signed, staff should be directed to research the implications of such. . &'1 ~ IC.4- . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatL~ DATE: March 24, 1989 SUBJ: Playground Surface Material In your last packet I included an article regarding playground surface material and what types have been determined to be unsafe. Pea gravel (or buckshot> is considered to be one of the unsafe types. Unfortunately, pea gravel is what we have recently been converting all of our totlots and playgrounds to. . Larry Schroers is aware of alternatives. He will be prepared to discuss these alternatives in greater detail at Tuesday's meeting. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 4 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 10, 1989 SUBJ: Lake Lucy Road Trail/Parking Issue The City Council has received a petition requesting that parking be allowed along Lake Lucy Road. Attached please find the minu- tes of the last three City Council meetings and the staff reports outlining possible alternatives. In summary, to allow on-street parking would require taking out the bike lanes along Lake Lucy Road (see Engineer's report, attachment #5). Removing the trail is not acceptable to trail users and the no parking condition is not acceptable to abutting property owners. Therefore, a compromise should be reached. In researching this item with Engineering, there seems to be three options: . Option #1 (see attachment A): This option would allow an 8-foot parking lane along the south side of the road, two 12-foot traf- fic lanes, and moving the curb in 3 feet to allow an a-foot wide off-street multi-purpose trail along the full length of Lake Lucy Road on top of the curb. This option would require a minor variance from MnDOT and has an estimated cost of $75,000. Option #2 (see attachment B): This option would allow parking along the south side of the street, two full traffic lanes, and an off-street 6-foot wide trail along the north side of the road. This option would require the trail to be scaled down to 5 feet along the retaining wall and has an estimated cost of $50,000. Option #3 (see attachment C): This option would provide off- street parking pads for the residents who live along Lake Lucy Road. The bike lanes would remain as they currently exist. The estimated cost is roughly $2,600 per pad. Staff feels that each of these options will accomplish the needs . of both groups. The Park and Recreation Commission may want to ask for public reaction to each of the options before making a recommendation to th~ City Council. ~ t,.... ,v' 1:. .f1;".;... ~~~""'~J!t"~~~~-'t~.~;. - rMR 0::; ,.:.=, 1=:01 ,?21-32::<} .. - J8..~ .~.,..., . '. 8' PARKING . .. . ...... ~. -. '" . 41 l\' 6' BIKEWAY \. '- 41' 33' 12' TRAFFIC LANE 12' TRAFFIC LANE PARKING - OPTION 1 "N 36' 12' TRAFFIC L.ANE 12' TRAFFIC LAt4E E:CISiING ~N WESTWOOD flAOFESSK)HA1. SERVICES "N' YORI( AVEHU( SOUTH ...N!APOLll'i. 1....U~SOTA U.U I 6' BlI<EW4Y TRAIL LOCATION . OPTIONS 8' TRAIL. ;:'.2 -. ... -~ '" - -. .... 4' . elTUMlNOUS CURB EXHIBIT WWPS-10 ... r I .- ., ... ... - - I , J t f 1 ' 8' 4' I - ~ .- C A. W 3 ~ y,m ==-.J 1 3 ~ J .. I ,. J .. I , I r I I I ,...~- ~ .~ w z - .... ~ Option 2 .- z w o 12' i 1.\FFIC I .1 / 2' OFFSET TWO WAY ~ I r 8' 4' ~ z - :x: at < L , I I i I r I I -------I ~~ ! . ""'--~ NO SCALE BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION ------ - WWPS . EXHIBIT 8 J J J I 1 J .. J ] ~ . . .. 1 ., ." 1 .. ) I . 'I 1 I 1 I ~ I I J . \ ~... Option 3 LAKE LUCY ROAD t. STRIPE - . SOLID .... 8IT\.M.otJ'S IIKEWAY . CURl I MARKINCI SOLID LINE I BIKEWAY MARKING - BITUMINOUS 1 CURB I , FUTURE J. TRUNK WA'l"'ERMAIH . ~ ;} ~ ::i j rI fl' ~%. . alKEW~Y ~I I t!-' I % IIKEWAY C) - ~ t r.Z' 5' I 4'R (TYPJ R1GHT-OF-WAY LIMITS PLAN VIEW PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION WESTWOOD PROfESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. CITY OF CHANHASSEN LAKE LUCY ROAD PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT' WW,PS-9 .,.., 'R .....-. ~.............. '.IH....::> , . ..~::~.. ~- , . !lW~~~StlllAJM"~;~""'~~'- ~--' '~9 l~:Ol 921-3~~9 ;::'.2 " -- 411 33' 12' TRAFFIC LANE 81 TRAIL 8' PARKING 12" r 12' TRAFFIC LANE . -. ,. .. - '-'.. '.. - PARKING - OPTION 1 "N -. .. -... -.'''' - _... . 36' . ~ 41 61 - 12' I 121 6' 4' . BIKEWAY TRAFFIC LANE T TRAFFIC LANE BIKEWAY , ~ v--- ~ .~8ITUMINOUS CURS EXISTING ~N '" WESTWOOD PROFESSIOtlAt. SERVICES TRAIL LOCATION EXHIBIT 7101 VOItI( AVE)WE SOUTH MUlH€4POLI:i. LlUlUeSOTA 1liS4311 OPTIONS WWPS-10 . i I J I I I I I I I J J I , I ) I ) J PARKING _ STRIPE BITUMINOUS CURB 'b It) I I J. ~ ~ ::i ~ :: I 151 P :t C) cr 8' 4' R (TYP.) BIKEWAY t ~ Option 3 LAKE LUCY ROAD <t STRIPE SOLID LINE BIKEWAY MARKING SOLID LINE BIKEWAY MARKING . , BITUMINOUS CURB - 1 FUTURE TRUNK ... ATERMAlN - I RIGHT-OF-WAY LIt.4ITS PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. ,_ _e ':"' , ~' t. 12.' BIKEWAY 12' 6' PLAN VIEW CITY OF CHANHASSEN LAKE LUCY ROAD PARKING AREA CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT WWPS-9 -. ~ '.. ... :).,tI :J,. "~7-'- ;L, .1.':L~.'{ . : '~. 'We. th~ '_I.nder': 1 ':.:ried, ~"Jho 1 i \Ie C1tO, o~'o/n Co to'ooet-.tv on L~.ke Luc.... , Road; petition the City of Channassen to allow oarkinq on /\.,:.}:,:~;"i" Lake Lucv Roa.d. , ,:;,bnh;!;': :', ,We fee I the best and least e.~:oens i \ie We-.V to accomo Ii sh th i 5: " "l ~~rI'fi~{rt~'{'..;'t;,';woLtld be to t'e:Tlc've the "Nc. F'a.t'l::ln~J!Bike Lane" s19n: and " ;\:'''''i'!~s,:.;t'\~~:~'}\;lTladdnqs\ ,We ~'%Ltld ot'E,fet' oad::i~gmade avallableon one 5:1de ,I ;~~{~;~};~'~~;;pj..;/Pf Lake LLl.c~ Ra~,d ,in accot'dance with state. co~es . conce,t'n i~9M~~>'" ,,'?~; ;) ~~:~:'i;'\:/A~.~;,,::.'~'oads of th 15 Wl d tn. We feel that th 1 s so I Lt t lon would ";~,L ".<;.', ..,. I~>'~:~.'r.~W'~k:":..,accommc'date the t'esldents and citizens of Chanha.ssen fOt' both ';, J n.':," l~T ".~ " ':,i.;~f-,;,~f7' ,:,:,;":,pat'kinq and blke Ll::aqe as it did befot'e the ne~1 t'oad was "I,'" , I.," :,~~\),~,~~~:~~.,~ ~,~,~;Lt~ ted in 1987 ~ ,', < . .,;,\ " l' " ~. ,:.:t(,':';' '" ,;\:':J:;';4f'Jir':f;iW!,-:),,: . ll~-'~ijl'1:\:~Na'me :";~,,', . ", " ,<.Addt'ess' - L. " , '..... F'hone No "..:.~ll;";f\~'l':"r' . !~~/"'!::::~:? G:;(; . ;", ..... ~ '< . . '<-i1 Y'~<i<1'-{ ~":\~ff>'i:!i~F', ~~:',~ l?~~~~ t?~-1;~ ':.~.l-..:i~11.' j')'. ' ',__ /' f) ~.1 ~ .I. r III /J "7 4. -/ 2.. 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"" Ci ty Council ~!eeting - F(?~ruary 27, 1989 Gary ~'i1arren: Because I.Ye couldn't push it through the Melody Hills area recause those roads are al ready th.:lre. Tom Steinkamp: Nhere would that come out on TH 41? About directly across the street frQ~ the park? Gary ~varren: Near the church that's going to be constructed up there. Tom Steinka'11p: About directly across the street from the park? Gary Warren: A little bit north of there. Tom Steinkamp: I think that adds to part of the reason why there should be a trail there. These people in Curry Farms. Us people in Pheasant Hills. I think we'd be more apt to use your parks if we could get to them but if you're constructing roads and you're not thinking about trails, this trail's already there. I mean in the lon:] range plan, there's going to be a need for it. Yes, it doesn I t go anywhere right now. It goes from Lake Lucy Road to Galpin Blvd. but I think in the long term it's going to go someplace. I voted for the trail systan that failed. The reason I voted for it is I looked at how that trail system was going to affect me. It was going to affect me because I could get on it. If you take away the trail on Lake Lucy Road, I'm not going to be able to get on any other trails. I think it's necessary to keep it there. I think the concern of one or two citizens or homeowners. I think there were 11 homeowners, 25 signatures, 11 properties, that signed the petition. I think there's a lot more people that use the trails and want the trails there. I guess when I build a house I h3ve to consider the parking and I guess I can't see that I need to go to the city to supply padd.ng for me. I live on a cul-de-sac and there isn't much parking on the cul-de-sac. Does that mean that I can come to you and ask for parking lot across the street from me or something? I think you're opening yourself up to building parking lots in this city also. I think the people use it. I think it's going to get used more. I think it'd be foolish to take so:nething away. Yes, I'd like to have it a 6 foot trail off street but I think that's going to cost some money and people aren't going to want it and it will further encroach their yards and I can certainly understand that but I can't see taking away something that's there already. Thank you. Joe Moran: Ny name is Joe Moran and I'm building a home right now on Lake Lucy . Road. 1441 Lake Lucy Road and I expect to be moving in from Fden prairie sometime in April. What I have here is the petition that the previous gentleman referred to and I'd like to present that to you. Also I'd like to _. have Nancy Tichy provide you some more background and detailed information. Would you like me to read this? Mayor Chmiel: Yes, if you would. Joe Moran: Okay. The petition r'2ads, lV=, the undersign<o..">(] who live on or own property on Lake Lucy Road petition the City of Chanhassen to allow parking on Lake Lucy Road. We feel that the best and least expensive way to accomplish this would be to remove the no parking bike lane signs and markings. t-e would prefer parking made available on one side of Lake Lucy Road in accordance with . State Codes concerning roads of this width. We feel that this solution would accomnodate the residents and citizens of Olanhassen for both parking and bike useage as it did before the new road was constructed in 1987. You'll note that 21 _or- ...... , # .. J - , f . - Cj ty Council :--~eetj ng - FelJruary 27, 1989 too t the changes to the road would be mlnJ mum and at a :mm mum cost to the City. It ltXluld be a matter of ranoving the no parking signs on the south side of the street and move the center stripe 2 feet north. ~lQw we don't redly care which side the parking is on. The parldng could go on the south side or the north side, it doesn't :natter. We feel that this proposal meets the MSA guidelines. Is mooelej after plans used by the cities of Hopkins and Minnetonka Park and Rec Departments. They have had similar problems or many problems where they have roads where people ltXluld like to park on them and also use them for biking and walking and they have come up with this solution. It's optional but you .could put up the sign bike route and that's what they have done in the past to handle the parking. It provides needed parking on one side of the road and it provides a multiple use route for biking, horseback riding, walking or whatev.er. We feel that it accornnodates all the residents. Thank you. Councilman Johnson: Before our next person fran the audience starns up and talks, I'd like to make a statement. 01 tIle tltXl referendums we held, we did not vote as to whether we will .have a plan or not have a plan. The referendum was how ltXluld we finance trails in this city. It was not, are we going to have trails in the city. The trail plan was not defeated because it was never voted on by the citizens. It's never been brought to that. It has passed the various Planning Co:rrnissions and City Councils and is part of our Comprehensive Plan required t,rough the M2tropoHtan Council, etc.. What has been defeated is that the citizens of Chanhassen do not want to pay for the trail system. Narrowly defeat.2d twice. The existing system for financing the trail system is through new developnent and charges being directed to the new developers and the new ho:nes. They each pay a trail fee and industry pays a trail fee as they move in am through this method we will eventually have a trail system throughout the city t,at our citizens can use. It's just going to take us a lot longer since we weren't able to pass bonds or pass a referendum for it. So I \vanted to clarify that. I continue hearing from the public that we have voted down a trail syst~ and that's not true at all. 'i~ only voted down how \-12 finance a trail system. Nancy Tichy: :13y I ask a question then? ~Vhy on sorne of the sheets it says proposed? en the trail system that I got, it \vas proposed. Councilman Johnson: All the trails are proposed because they haven't been built ..yet. If th2ywere there then there'd be a trail. ",- ../ ... 'Nancy Tichy: I see a proposal as not have been ~ssed yet or needed to be voted .';,. on. I don't see j.t as it's already been voted on and passed. These systems, )". .from What I've..seen, look like they're proposals. Not that they've been passed . "already. ....... CounciLllan Johnson: Some of them ',Ie h;Jve to buy land and everything else and until it's completed, yes. Nancy Tichy: Then it's still a propos;]l. It's not a plan. Councilman Johnson: No it's a trail plun. It's part of our Comprehensive Plan required by the State for each city to have a Comprehensive Plan. ~ancy Tichy: But it's still a proposal right? 23 . . -- . ,-, , , . . -- , J . - City Council ~leeting - FGbru::lry 27, 1989 from one em of town to the other. If you're extending to TH 41, which I hope you never will, it's just going to aggravate the problem because people are going to see this as a nice, snooth way to bypass the traffic on TH 5 between those Powers Blvd. and TH 41. I changed my opinion about parking. I empathize with the residents who feel they need parking. I think it was a right that should not have been taken away or a design feature that should not have been taken away. But I \.oJant to propose a compromise solution that I think might solve everybody's, maybe solve some problems. It also creates new ones but I think with some creative legislation, perhaps some work on your parts, maybe this thing could be considered. I'd like to use the overhead if I could. Right now the road is 36 feet. You've got 6 feet on either side for what multiple use as Joe and Nancy have called it. I think it's a very dangerous si tua tion. Almost all of the people here tonight have young chi ldren who are going to be growing up...and as more people are moving into the area, they're going to want to visit their friends and the only place to walk is in a very dangerous zone. I think for purposes of safety we should consider maybe another proposal in narrowi ng the road area down and wi th a curb in it and put in some sort of sidewalk off to the side. Now without increasing easements, this has been done on the Lake of the Isles where they were forced because there just wasn't any room to go, to be able to create, take the same ease~ent, narrow the road down, decrease the speed 1 irni t, put in a sidewalk and narrow the tar wi th li ttle bump outs in the road where you could park for a stretch of a 100 feet or so. Just park in certain sections so you don't have this problem of a stream of cars or unsafe opening and closing of doors from parked cars. This gentleman over here mentioned the problem of children not going between cars and that. ~vell, by spacing the p:1rking areas, you can easily get because there's a lot of open space between them. I realize there's some problems maybe getting the State to agree with something like thj.s because we already paid the money but I think maybe we ought to just go to them aoo admit that thing's a bad design aoo we want to improve it. The residents are in favor of it and find creative ways to be able to finance it as cheaply as we possibly can. As long as th~ objectives are met and it's making a safe p3ssage, I think we'll all agree, or get some agreement to what useage it actually is going to be or is. Since the road project was proposed 2 years ago, there's a lot more residents there. I think they should have more voice into the use of it. So we'd be able to get, des ign it properly for what the residents feel is a good and proper design. I really feel that this solves the safety problems and it also WDuld solve the super high\vay feeling that PeOple get from 100Jd.ng at this road. \~ basically took a dirt road and converted it into a beautiful highway. It is straight. It's snooth. It's got curves. It's better looking than Galpin Blvd. or Powers. People are going to use it as a passage betWL~n the two roads and all the way to TH 41 and I think that's a real mistake. I think we should encourage it as a conmunity street and make it look like one, work like one and be a safe one. I don't think it should look like a passage street with this dividing a co:rrnunity up. And an unsafe one at that so that's my opinion. Councilman Johnson: Me. Hayor, I beliC?ve Eric's come up with an interesting Alternate #26 or whatever on this. with his basic plan, I think some of his numbers are a little mixed up on his drawil1<.] but wi th his basic plan, instead of having to put a full 8 foot side bump out on parldng, you'd only need about a 4 foot bump out on parking and you'd have the 34 foot width of travel space at the parking area. We WDuld sti 11 have a 6 foot trail on the north side. I like his idea of trying to separate the trail. The method of separating may not be to bui Id a full concrete or raised area. It may be just to run a beam of, a 25 ,,:;' . Ci ty Counci 1 Meeting - February 27, 1989 ,- . .:> Councilman Johnson: I'm not worried about the biking because this is a ,tlide enough street for the bi kers are com?atible wi th the cars. I'm worried about the \valkers. Eric Rivkin: 24 feet is enough for bikers and cars? Counci lman Johnson: Yes. Eric Rivkin: It is? Okay. Joe Moran: I want to make one other point. When you think about the on street parking, we're not imagining a whole stream of parked cars on the side of this road. Most of us have plenty of parking already except in the rare instances where we'd have vistors for Christmas or Thanksgiving or things like that where we'd overflow and then we'd need to have something for people on rare occasions. CounciL'T\an Johnson: Can we do parkilY:} by permit only? Mayor Chmiel: Anyone else wishing to address? 'l. , M3rk Lewis: Mark Lewis at 1771 Ringneck. I've been here since April. I read an article about this street when it was paved over and the people complained that lived there about the cost. The street I s fine. Leave the street alone. I use it. The cost of all this is not going to be paid by everyone that is not in favor although we have no choice because we live here. The people that live on the street are complaining of ~"'e cost of changing everything. There's joggers on there. There's bikers. There's walkers. The street is not dangerous. The drivers are dangerous. There's no street that's dangerous. lmat's the speed limit? It can't be a high~vay if it's 35. . Larry Kerber: 30 and 35. Half of it is 30 and the other half is 35. Mark Le'tlis: I use the street in the morning at 5: 30 on a nice day in the morning when I jog and in the evening I'm out and there's no problan with the traffic. The problem I see right now is all the construction in CUrry Hills? CUrry Farms? That's where the problem is right now. I don't think that the cost of changing it is going, we're making all thGse proposals to change it is worth taking apart'a street,that's already fine. You can park on one side. Maybe that's a compromise. Park on one side of it and leave one side open. Thank you. I '{ ) Larry Kerber: Hy name is Larry Kerber. I have property at the corner of Lake Lucy and Powers Blvd.. I agree, our street is wide enough now. It's a 36 foot road. It's wider than any road leading to it or from it. It's the widest road there. It's wider than CR 17, CR 117. It's almost Sa% wider than the roads in Pheasant Hills and CUrry Farms. Those roads accolMlooate parking on either side, two \vay traffic, biking, jogging, whatever they \vant. This road is, like I said, almost 50% wider than that. I can't beli..?ve W? can't work parking on one side alone arrl still accornnooate bikers arrl joggers. It's just a wide enough road. The speed limit is low enough. '!he visibility, everything was supposed to be increased when they redid it so the road just has to accornnooate this. I can't believe ~ can't cane up wi.th a solution for it wi.th the road we have. Another thing I'd like to point out. This parking issue is not just . 27 -- ..... 1 . --, .. - Ci ty Council ~leeting - February 27, 1989 meeting, I believe the City Council voted to have VEstwood Professional Services do a study on alternatives regarding bike and parldng useage. The Council decided that Park Cli'1d Rec would not meet on this issue. On February 14th at the Park and Rec Co:nnission meeting, discussion \vas initiated by Park and Rec which was against the vote of the Council and I believe this was unethical. Tom Steinkamp: Were you at the Park and Rec meeting? Nancy Tichy: No, but I have the Minutes and I can read you... Tom Steinkamp: vlere the Minutes recorded Minutes? Nancy Tichy: Yes. Tom Steinkarnp: Because there was some comnent about the trail system in regards to the Pheasant Hills reql.1est for parklarrl. I think I was the one that brought it up. Nancy Tichy: Mary Cordell was... Tom Steinkamp: But at any rate, I don't know that from what I took from the Park and Rec Co:nnission meeting was not so much that, yeah they were unhappy I think that they weren I t involved in it but their main thing was, hey you people that want these trails, that use these trails, to stand up and speak your mind or know about it. I guess I Iead the Council meeting agenda and there was something to the effect of parking on Lake Lucy Road but by gosh if I would have known that the elimination of a trail was about to be voted on, I'd have shown up so I think it's unfair to the Council not to inform the people about what's going on or what's potentially going to be voted on. I guess I find it hard to believe that without any input from any of the other side of the story that it carne that close to a vote to eliminate the trails completely. I don't have a problem wiG' parking on this street but I don't want to give up, I don't see it, to give up the trails in lieu of that. If we can come up with some sort of a compromise where we can have parking and we can have a trail, I'm for that. I'm not for, I can urrlerstand your position but I think parking and maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong, I think a bike trail on the street you have to have a bike trail both directions then don't you? Okay, so if you eliminate it off of one side of the street, don't you eliminate it off of both sides of the street unless you make it an off street bike trail? Is that correct? So really what you're talking about is if you're going to have a bike trail, you're going to have to h3ve it off street or you're going to have it some way divided from the street. Now if you're going to have parking on one side arrl .:3 small median like the gentleman suggested and then your bike trail, that's fine and I think off street would be the best but that may be costly too. Councilman Johnson: Can I ask you a question? Are you for only a b.i ke trail or . . . Tom Steinkamp: I think it should be mul tipurpose. Bike or \\Glking or \mat have you. Counc i 11\an Johnson: Because to me bike trail and walking aren't terri bly compatible if you get the helmeted l~ speeders or 12 speeders running down through there. I think that the bikers, a trail that a kids on and a 2 wheeler 29 r ....! ., , -' . , , , i - Cj ty Coullc.il ~leeting - F2bruary 27, 1989 that struck m2 as meeting my needs the best aoo possibly the needs of the comnunity tvas Eric's. That VwDuld narrow the road which make it seem like not such a high~vay going through a purely residential area am puttin] sane type of a barrier for multiple use. For biking. TtJhatever and then having the, I don't know what they're called, the little butt outs in the road for the parking. That VwDuld seen to me, it VwDuld meet the needs of the people that VwDuld need parkin] am it would also provide a safer road for our children to bike on or to walk on and retain our trail system. . Ej Hasek: My name is Fd Hasek. I'm a resident of Chanhassen. I live at 657fJ Kirkwood Circle. I'm also a member of the Park Board. I guess there's been a lot of discussion tonight about design. I guess I'm really impressed at the amount of engineers we have here in town. I also called MnDot today and talked to a Mr. Chuck Weisenbaum who is the head of the State Aid Section Deparbnent at MnDot. I asked hi.m I guess for a number of options that might be available to us on this trail. As a member of the Park board it's important to me that we keep a trail of some sort through this alignment to eventually connect to MIS school and to the County park over on Lake Minnetvashta. He informed me that if we were to put parkin] on one side of the road we'd have to completely eliminate any sort of a trail on the road surface itself. It takes 36 feet to get 2 lanes of traffic and parkin] into a State Aid design road so the option of putting some sort of a trail on with parking has been eliminated if we should so choose to do that. I asked than about other designs that might fit into a 36 foot wide road surface and he said there is one alternative but they frown on even implementing it aoo the reason for that is because how far the center line . has to be moved. If you're to put parking on one side alld two lanes of traffic, the center line nm... is off center on the road. In instances where you have snow on t.l1e road sur face and an unfalli liar driver, they're 9ri ving down the road thinbng that the middle of the road is the center line of the road when in fact it's not. That's tmy they hesitate and really frown on even approving that and they'll only approve it in the worse case scenario if there are no other options. I guess related to design, I would like to suggest that perhaps the City's engineering staff and any engineering consultants they have, sit down with the State, as long as the State is fuooing this thing 61% and we'd like to keep that funding, and see jf they can't come up with a design that would work for both of us. The thing that I liked about this particular project, the way that it went in was the fact that we got the State to pay for a part of our trail syste:l1. Something that is difficult, it going to be difficult for this City to do. Living on the other side of Lake Minnetvashta, we have no parks and we have:no trails. we have nothing over there. All we have are our neighborhood streets to play on. We have no tvay of getting from Cathcart Park ' 'downto our neighborhood on the side street on any sort of a trail systan. We - have to cross TH 7 to get to tl1at park. The next closest park is over in ., Minnewashta Heights and tha t' s just a small neighborhood park and we have to ~ravel down TH 7 to get to it. If we wanted to go down to the Arboretum, tve would have to go about 2 miles down Minnewashta Parkway. Talk about a narrow street with no trails marked on it whatsoever so as a mEmber of the Park Board and I would certainly hope that the Council would consider the possibility, if this trail were to come off of this alignment, they would consider the possibility of workin] in my neighborhood before they would look at spending . more dollars putting () trail into this alignment when we've already got on in this alignment. I've got a lot of irri. tate:1 neighbors out there that forced me onto this planning comnission to keep harping on the issue of getting a traJ.l . am a park .i n my neighborhood. ~-e haven't been able as a park board to fuoo 31 ,. " .; . I . - .' Ci ty Council ~!eeting - February 27, 1989 am forth on an issue that should be settled in about 5 minutes. It's obvious that what Council's got themselves into and this is the reason you guys are si tting up here am not somebody else because the doedoes that voted for this thing about 3 years ago and got this road in place which we didn't want have got us in this mess. vJe're sitting with a road that the resic1ents on the road did not want and if we \vould have had the road we wanted, we would have probably paid about th2 same assessnents. ~'~ v'uuldn't have had the State involved and you v'uuldn' t be messing arouoo with all this stuff because you could have put your trail off the road. Now I hope you learned somethin; from this because we were telling you this for 3 years. Don't get the State involved. We don't want this road. It's too wide and people are coming back from all the neighborhoods and saying the same thing. '!he thing's a freet'/ay. '!be mess we're in is because the Council didn't listen to what we were saying and now you've got a problem wi th the highway out there. You've got people doing 50' mph, 60' mph on the road because it was designed that way. You've got a trail system that is on the road. It shouldn't be. It should be off the road and you're sitting with a situation where you've got all the residents goin; back aoo forth against each oth2r and it's stupid. So let's sit down and try to figure out something wi thout getting the god damn State involved. They're already into this too much. That's t~y we've got all the problems. In the future, if you get in a neighborhooo situation like this, don't use the State money. If you get your hand out and they get into you and now you're stuck with all their rules. That's my observation. Al Harvey: Al Harvey, 1430 Lake Lucy Road. I agree with Ted. We petitioned against the road. ~V2 indicated we did not like our assessnent. At that time there wasn't anyone of these people from-the development come and say oh, tYe'd be glad to pick up our fair share. I would like to see the Council consider re-evaluating our assessments. If this is such an important thing to all these n'2W develop.nents, apparently they djdn' t devote enough laoo for the parks in their areas, I would like to recomnend the Counci 1 reconsider our assessnents and realign the:n. It's definitely a benefit to this City. It's definitely a benefit to the Park and Rec. I'm satisfied t'/ith what we got now only because we've got it. We voted against it. We petitioned against it. It carne to deaf ears on the Council. They listened to us a li ttle bit aoo come time to vote, they didn't know us so that's why some of them aren't here and some of them that "are still here remember this going on. I even brought a piece of blacktop that we did have a blacktop and I gave it to the Mayor showing that it was a blacktop road at one time. But the heavy construction tore it all apart. We v'uuld much rather have a 24 foot wide road with parking on either side and then if you wanted to put a trail on the side, you could have. Now like Ted said, we're .stuck with what we've got but needless to say, the residents are not happy from what we got stuck with and the Council did not listen to us and I would suggest that maybe you go back and if the City wants to do what they tV3nt to do, pay for it. Don't stick us residents. We're sick with it and we've had enough of it so ,that's where it's at. Torn Crocker: Tom Crocker, 6441 ~.oJhi te Dove and I a Iso ovm some property off of Lake Lucy Road on Stellar Court. I think it's been expressed that there's a lot of unhappy r>eople with the Lake Lucy ROdd decision but unfortunately that's tvhat we're stuck with. I think the recomnendation that was made by a couple of people that. the City really take a look at this and try and learn something from i~. Try to listen to the citizens. Let's not cornpourrl one problem with another. I think the gentleman from the Park and Planning Cornnission, have them 33 r~ .... , 1 J 1 , J , . Ci ty Council i'-1eeting - February 27, 1989 was mentioned. It was an economical ~vay to do something that needed to be done am it \vas a compromise. It ~vas not the safest choice. It was an attempt to balance the need ooth to limit the intrusion on the property along there and to try and give the people a safe means of walking or riding in the area. Now Mayor, you campaigned against the trail referendlIt1 on economic priori ties as I heard several times am not because you said you were against the trail and I think we need to make it clear that this is not an economic issue. 'l11e trail is already in am it's already paid for so I don't think \ve can use economics to say we should take it out of there so that means it's an issue of public safety and general welfare and how do we balance those two together and that's why everybody's here. ~Va all have a slightly different opinion about how that balance should fall. The trail is part of the comprehensive trail plan. You 'can call it a proposal. You can call it a plan. Regardless, it's been approved by the City Council arrl it is in writing arrl I'm sure you've seen a copy of it. Now we need some way, I would maintain, to allow people to bike and walk to get to the parks in the arei3. Eventually in this case, maybe out to Minnewashta and the City p::lrk down in Lake Ann. There needs to be some way to do that. So how do we balance the need against the request for the neighbors to have parking? The City has gone through t.f1is in other places. This is not a new issue. You can see any number of places in which the City has posted no parking and those people have lost the right to park in street in front of their house. Generally those have been for safety reasons and I would maintain that that's what they're doing now. They're saying that this is a safety issue and as it's currently drawn up, doesn't allow parking. Now, if we put parking on there, and given the current road without changes, I don't think anybody is going to say that that improves the safety situation. It does improve the parking proble:n so let's look at that for a minute. Not being able to park in front of your housa is an inconvenience. No one would argue with that. I' 'Ie always preferred off road trails. O1e of the things I campaigned on 2 years ago was I thought the Ci ty Council was very short sighted in putting tDils on the road and 1'11 nevar vote to put one on the road. It's money saved but it's risk assuned. Now if we look at the engineering report which was done by a third party, they say thert?'s only one family on all Lake Lucy Road that absolutely needs some additional parking. Now we can argue they don't know what they're talking about, whatever am you can Si:lY that about any engineering report but that's what they said. As it would happen, the Tichey's told me last night that they have two 4-wheel drive cars and that getting up and down their parking area is not the proble.ll. As ,Brian told me last night, the proble:n is th.:lt when they want to have people over, guests over, _ they need additional parking. The City has ahvays \vorked , : with the Sheriff's department to allow additional parking in those situations so it's not a matter that par}d.ng is absolutelv not available. It's a matter of ,': ,i.nconvenience because clearly it's an incon~enience to have to call the Sheri ff' s Department and tell them I'm going to be parking out there. I'm going 'to have guests. Don't give th3TI a ticket but it's possible to do it that \vay. So how do \tie balance the inconveni ence and the need to make a phone call against the tr.ail which at best is not the safest trail? Do we come back and sp=nd $47,000.00, assuming \ve're not going to take out the wall and tree, we'll figure some way around that, to put in an off road trail? Now Ed, it wouldn't come out of Pa r k and Rec money and it's no t mon'2Y tha t we cou ld ta ke and spend on a trail someplace else. As it works out, it comes out of water money. Ironic that water money \vould build a trail but in thi.s case, because we're tearing up the groum anyway, that's a possibility. -r don't thi.nk we've ever asked this town if they want a trail system and maybe that t<I.Ould be a legitimate thing to put on the vote sometime. Do you wdnt a trail system? But there hasn't been a vote 35 . . .- .- j . . -- Cj ty Council i'-ieeti ng - F(>bruary 27, 198'1 bike route. I would like to see it look2d at to whether the State would look to a variance under certain areas of this. Certain small sections to allow parking on a variance on one side. Take out the south side trail designation. Bike trails. Take the bike trail designation off. Hopefully put a little chunk of asphalt down to kind of a free standing curb to separate the two areas that we can have as alinost an off street trail. It wouldn't be what I'd want. I'd want the off street but like you said, this is a compromise that was made a long time ago. I think there's room for more study on this. I don't think we need to knee jerk on this tonight or even the last time. I think we came real close, it was very scary last meeting and I think we need some more study and I think that that study should not be done at the Council level. I think it can be done at Park and Rec level and we want to attend a Park and Rec meeting and give our comnent to Park and Rec and talk to the people. ~re, I think it needs to be better advertised as a trail issue and not a parking issue only. But the safety issue there is my main concern. If we can accomnodate parking, I think that as far as the cost of putting the bump outs, the Ci ty caused the problem by extending the street further to the south. I think primarily if the Tichey's, I think a lot of their property, the street went their way. In my recollection of driving the street a little bit, I didn't drive it a lot when it was gravel. I don't reme.nber very many people parking along it. It was pretty narrow. You'd take your car into your own risk if you parked along it. You'd get side swiped. Rocks hitting it as the people drove by so I don't think that there was that much parking before. If you wanted to park it, you might have parked- it there. Especially at a party or sO:'1lething but I'm for moving this to Park and Rec like we tried last time and letting them look this over in the next couple weeks and come back to us sometLl1e in Apr il because I don't think we're ready to decide on this in March. Councilman Workman: I don't think there's any doubt about what Park and Rec is goiJY:J to say about this trail. At all. They're the ones that, and I do have the t1inutes, they're the ones that brought it up. They intended to bring it up the whole time, you know, and they did. "Mary, since you brought up L3.ke Lucy Road, I don't know if you attened the Council meeting last night but they discussed taking the trails off L3.ke Lucy Road and I'd just like to say if any of you live out there you might want to let the Council know if you don't agree with what they're doing." 'i\le know what the Park and Ree's going to do. Councilman Boyt: Would you prefer that they didn't inform them? Councilman Workman: No, absolutely not. Absolutely not. Jim Mady: That's what you did to those people... Mayor Chmiel: Just a minute. It's here at the Council. We're discussing it. Thank you. Councilinan'i-JorK.l1::m: I think it'd be fine. I think it'would be fine if they would discuss it. I think the informa tion that they're going to come back to us with is exactly what l3ill h::ls said so eloquently tonight. If they'd like to discuss it and it's not going to tie things up, that's fine. They can discuss it for an hour and a half too. That's fine. I don't see what it's going to accomplish but if that's what they want. They want to get it on their docket and talk about it for an hour and a half or two hours, that's fine but I think we know exactly where. It's not a negative to like trails. The Ticheys have 37 City Council Meeting - F(?bruary 27, 1989 .. - ~ 1 Councilman Workmi:m: Okay. I make the motion that Cound 1. .. . _or-- Counci L11an Boyt: Refer this to Park and Rec. Councilman Workman: Don, you have the motion? Mayor 01Iniel: I'll withdraw my motion and you can make your motion Tom. Councilman Workman: Did you want to throw your blO cents in? Mayor O1miel: No. Go ahead. There's no sense in digressing any further. Councilman Workman: Let me just add, I'm not against trails anymore than say Don is other than for the economic reasons. I think we need them. I think we're going to get them. I think that's fine but let's do it properly. Councilman Johnson: It's a cost of suburbanization and this town is becoming suburban. Mayor O1miel: Isn't it time now? CounciL'1\an Workman: The motion is that Council table this action this evening to serrl it to Park and Rec tomorrow night. For boX> weeks? 15 days from now? .. i .' Lori Sietsema: OUr next meeting is the 14th of March. . - . CounciLllan Johnson: I think they would like to get some more information. Take a couple v~eks from some of the ideas that have been talked about here. Councilman ~vork;nan: I'll start illY motion over. i'ly moti on is to table. Council action this evening and send it to the P3rk and Rec Commission for further review. Mayor O1miel: I'll sGcond it. Councilman Horkman moved, Mayor Chmiel seconded to table action on the Lake Lucy Road Trail/Parking issue arrl to send the issue onto the Park and Recreation . Cornnission for revie\v. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVE TH 101 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS/STl\.GING (PAT ffiLLISEY LOTS 1 AND 2, HIDDEN VALLEY 2ND ADDITION AND SINCLAIR STATION ACCESS) . -- Gary Ehret: I believe the Council has in their p~lcket Figure 2 from our report arrl the staff cover mano. Essentially what it's dealing with is a staging as we perceive it based on a number of issues. Tile need to provide access to Rosemount. The need to \r-iOrk with MnDot for the TH 5 schedule, etc. but basically to deal wi th the stagirl) of M.~rket Blvd. and how it would be constructed. The staging as we are proposing at this time looks at a three phase process. The first phase would build Market Blvd. fran TH 5 down to what we refer to as Lake Drive East. 'Ihat would provide the primary access to the Rosernount facility. The construction of Phase 1 would 00 in 1989. That would .' 39 ~ l I I I ( I ( I I . Don Ashworth February 22, 1989 Page 2 The report also reviews the off-road trail option to better define the likelihood of implementation. As will be remembered, removal of one bike path from Lake Lucy Road would result in a 3D-foot road section. This road section is 4 feet deficient in width from the State Aid standards published by MnDOT for accom- modating one-side, on-street parking. It is unknown how MnDOT would react to this request until a formal variance is applied for. As reviewed at the previous City Council meeting, elimination of both on-street bike paths would provide a 36-foot road width which would allow the City to establish one-side parking on Lake Lucy Road without the need for any variance. Attached is a copy of the Park and Recreation minutes from the February 14, 1989 meeting where this item was discussed. No action was taken by the Park and Recreation Commission. . This is the time in the staff report where a recommendation is normally given. Since this decision goes beyond pure engineering consideration, I find it difficult and perhaps out of place to recommend an alternative. What is important is that a decision needs to be made Monday night if construction is to be included with the trunk watermain project. I t . Attachments 1. February 13, 1989 City Council minutes (see pages 25 through 46 of this agenda packet). 2. February 14, 1989 Park and Recreation Commission minutes. 3. Report from westwood Professional Services dated February 23, 1989. r i cc: Dick Koppy, westwood Brian Tichy, 1471 Lake Lucy Road I ~ l l l L L . Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 1~, 1989 - ?3ge 6 .' I Schroers: I would like to officially comment on that. That is currently my jogging route and I don't want to jog in traffic. I definitely want a trail on the side of Lake Lucy. Sietsema: You're right. There was talk about putting an off street trail on top of the trunk watermain and that is an option and then they could have had off street trail with an on street trail on the north side for bikes and then parking on the south side. But the City Council has not heard that there's a need for a trail there at all. The people that have lived, that have been coming to the meetings have expressed that there is no need. The people aren't using it and there isn't a need for a trail so if your views are different than that, they need to hear that because they want to be responsive to the residents. . Tom Steinkamp: Someone should go out there on an evening in the summer and look at all the poeple--walking up and down that road. I guess I'd better make some formal comments rather than sitting back there. First of all, as far as the parkland is concerned. I I Tom Steinkamp: Tom Steinkamp. 1771 Pheasant Circle. First of all, as . far ~s the parkland is concerned, I guess I would most favor, or mostly f the Carrico property as well. I think A might be a good piece of property . for parkland but I think it's kind of out of the area where I'm concerned about and I think if you look at it, just look at the population of the area, it looks like most of it quite a bit farther north and closer to C so I would favor C. I know that you mentioned, just skimmed over it but I think that there is a legitimate access from, is it Wood Duck that's into that Carrico property so as that gets developed more, so we wouldn't have a problem with people cutting through people's yard as those homes get built in there. In talking about the trail along Lake Lucy Road, I guess I would strongly object to removing the trail. I guess if we were looking at an alternative for a trail along Lake Lucy Road, I'd be interested in hearing what that is but abolish a trail on Lake Lucy Road to me would be foolish. That road was 15 feet wide 2 years ago and nobody could park on it. Why all of a sudden do people need to park on it now? I don't understand. That it's a nice wide road. You go out there in the evening in the summertime and you meet dozens of people along Lake Lucy Road. As Curry Farms gets built up later this fall, we saw more and more people walking on Lake Lucy Road. I know my wife walks to CR 17 every night on Lake Lucy Road so I think that it's important to keep a trail of some sort there on Lake Lucy Road. If it's acceptable, if there's. the possibility of putting it off the road, that'd be fine with me but to abolish it or get rid of it completely, I'd be strongly against that. Mady: Who are you? ~ " - Tom Steinkamp: Oh yes. They'll hear about it. ( ! I 1 l .t l Hasek: it? Is it safe to say that your neighbors would be strongly against Park and Rec Commission Meeting February 14, 1989 - Page 8 . I informed them that the Commission is aggresively seeking parkland in the Pheasant Hills area. That we now have reasons for people going from one end of Lake Lucy Road to the other end. Those things there, people start to move and there isn't anything there right now does not mean 5 years from now it's not going to be a great need. We need to keep the future in mind when we do these things. We can't just do what's politically expediate today and find out that we made a big mistake 2-3 years down the road. Anything that we can do to help condemn it, just let us know. Hasek: I think one other thing about the trail that is currently placed along Lake Lucy Road is that it's not only there for the people that abut the property and use it from the park to wherever. It's part of a much larger system that's actually put in place and was thought about being in place for once again, all the residents of the city as opposed to just the people that abut the property and that's a concern often time forgotten. I think it's important that it's kept in mind. This body is here to represent all of the people of the City, not just the abutting property owners. I 1 I I I I I I I . Tom Steinkamp: When I looked at your trail system that was voted on at the last referendum, that's one thing I looked at. How do I sit in on this whole trail program? If the trails are all going to be on the other side of the City, well I'm not going to vote for it but it looked to me like you people did a good job of getting trails throughout the city and part of that trail is that trail on Lake Lucy and how does that connect me now to Lake Ann? I looked and I specifically looked and I can ride a bike on a trail from my house to Lake Ann once the trail system gets in and that's one of the reasons I voted for the trail system. Not you're taking away that link if they do indeed do that. Boyt: And it is a link. one road. It's part of the whole system. It's not just , I ! l 1 l l l Mary Cordell: I just want to add too. I didn't really comment on the trail system when it was up there but... Hady: You are who again? Mary Cordell: Mary Cordell and I live on Lake Lucy Lane but our property is also on Lake Lucy Road. To me personally the parking is not an issue but I definitely would be in favor of an off street bike path because I think it would be safer. The road is getting so busy that I probably won't let my kids bike on there until they're 12. I don't know. Which is 10 years from now. I would definitely favor putting in an off street walking, biking trail ,whatever, but I would not want to see the trail abolished by any means. If it has to stay on street, I guess on street is okay although I do notice that a lot of the bikers don't really bike in the trail because of the gravel runoff and that they bike in the road. . " Sietsema: That should be slowing down once construction slows down in that area too. - .- Chy Council Meeting - February 13, 1989 Gary Warren: ve sure hop:? so. That's the idea is to tap the... '- Cound lman Workman: This sumner? Gary Warren: Well, we're intending, if we stay on our schedule and we are on our schedule right now, to have this project awarded at the March 13th City Council meeting. Providing favorable bids and all those other good things, the construction schedule we're comfortable wi th, this line would re in service by July of this year. Typically, and last year was not typical, but we typically are. . . Counci11lan Workman: So people that are out there right now and this is going to be runni~ down Lake Lucy Road, they're goi~ to be charged basically $32.00 a year and that's about all until they tap in? Gary ~varren: Right. If there's a dwelli~ on the parcel, a residential d\~lling, they will be charged $32.00. Councilman Workman: But $32.00 a year is it arrl a little inconvenience? CounciLllan Johnson: They should also check with their insurance comp3nies. Now that they have a fire hydrant closer, what effect that has on their household insurance. I assume if you're under fire protection versus no fire protection. That's a question my insurance company asked. How far it is to your nearest fire hydrant. Right now it's a couple miles. Maybe, you're an insurance man, you might know better. '- ;-13yor Chmiel: I'd like someone to provide a motion to accept the Supplement Report NO.1, the feasibility study and set a date for public hearing. What date for the publ ic hearing have you indicated Gary? G~ry Warren: March 13th. Resolution #89-22: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Boyt seconded to accept Supplemental Report No. 1 to the Feasibility Study arrl to set the public hearing date for March 13, 1989. All voted in favor and the motion carried. kUncilman Johnson: Can "" discuss the bike trail option? Mayor Chmiel: That's the next one. Councilman Boyt: I think that we should point out though that this will not relieve the city from the prospects of a watering ban for an even/odd day or some sort of combination if we have a summer like we had last SU1lmer. Gary Warren: That's correct. ve would be able to tolerate it a little bit better but if you have that kind of a condition, every city just about had a sprinkling bans and watering restrictions. It was 'that dry. ..- Councilman Boyt: I just don't want to set up f.)lse expectations. It might be a H ttle safer from the terms of fighti~ a fire standpoint but people's lawns are sti 11 going to suffer. 24 111L , L , ~ 4 / ;/-d . . . - ... -.... . City Council Meeting - Februa.ry 13, 1989 Counci1rnan Horman: It's not gOln::J' to bother me but what's it goirr;J to do for you folks? r Mayor Chmiel: Would anyone like to address the issue from the neighborhood? Brian Tichy: My narne is Brian Tichy and I live at 1471 L3ke Lucy Road. How do we feel about the trail? I happen to like bike trails but I'd much prefer par~ing. Right now with the state of the bicycle trails in the area, there really aren't any trails to hook up to t.he Lake Lucy trail at the moment. I feel the idea of a trail over the water trunk is a good one. The added cost is a lot of money to spend and it's the City's money that, not just we w::>uld be speooing but the rest of the conmunity w::>uld be sperrling and I don't know if that's w::>rthwhile. We contacted the State and a gentlenan named Roy Hanson handles the State Aid on roads. He mentioned that the State does not dictate that that road has to have a bike path. It is up to the City to determine whether or not there will be a bike path there. As far as the bike path, the ~vay it's used now, I don't know if it's necessary that there be a bike trail. There are no other bike trails coming fran the east or west side or corning from the north or south. It really doesn't seem to be beneficial at this point. Councilwoman Dimler: Brian, do you use the bike path? Brian Tichy: I use a bike qui te often. Try to stay \vi thin the bike trail but. . . Councilwoman Dimler: Would you miss it if j t were gone? f i Brian Tichy: No, I'j ride in the same spot. Counci Lman ~lorl('l1an: So you're basically \-Jnat? You I re against, not real interested in the trail? Brian Tichy: I'm not interest2d in the trail so m'..lch. I would rather not have a trail there if it \'lOuld mean that we cO'Jld p.1r~ in the road. Councilman Johnson: You're for par~dng? Brian Tichy: I'm for parking, yes. Councilman Johnson: If the trail meant you can't have parking, you don't \oJant the trail? Brian Tichy: Right. Counci11lan Johnson: If you can have both, would you like both? Brian Tichy: That would be fine. If there's () solution tInt would meet that, I'd be all in favor of it. Councilman Johnson: Your objective is parking? b Brian Tichy: Right. And one side of the road is fine. type of a compromise. We're looking for some 26 City Counci 1 (-leeting - Febru3ry 13, 1989 ~ Gary Ivarren: Without a variance from the State. " Councilman Boyt: Right, and maybe v.e can get a variance but my point is that, I think to build this parking situation so th7:it we can allow people to sort of have adhoc gatherings that they can't put in their driveway, is to give up a si tuation that does benefi t the city and wi 11 con tinue to do that more so in the future because Lake Lucy is a main connector. It is going to have continuingly large amounts of traffic on it. Brian, I think you've got a situation here that from my perspective, the City can't afford to correct. It's just simply too expensive to move that trail and that doesn't correct it because it's an ordinance problem. That's my point of view. Brian Tichy: If the expense is the problem, ranoving signs is a very inexpensive solution. Councilrn,:;m Boyt: No, we're talking about building a trail so that we can maintain that expense. Brian Tichy: I realize that. If that is an eX?2nsive solution to the problem, that may be the way to go. What I'm saying is the one thing you could do is ranove signs, no p:lrking signs and then provide parking on the road. That becomes a very minimal expense. G3.ry Ivarren: The ci ty snow ~llergency signs tvould be back up if the no p:lrking signs were taken down. ,. :-1ayor Comiel: In talking to a few E^-=>ople that I've td lked to wi thin your 002ighborhood, they've indicate;] too that as far as the bike trail is concerned, vlh"m t...~e bike trail '/Jent in, no one was ever asked if they really wanted one. I guess the posi tion that I s~ prc:sently i.s that bike trail really serves no one other t...~an Lake Lucy Road b.:..>cause it doesn't go beyond that particular part. It does not go onto CR 117 nor does it go on c:~ 17. I guess one of my concerns is, maybe those bike p:lths should be eliminated and provide some off street parking for than on one side of that particular road. I can understand some of the concerns that they have and I think some of those concerns are basically is they just don't have that accessibility. Councilman Johnson: To argue the other point of view on this, we have an infant trail system here where all the connections aren't made. W? had an opportunity to put a trail between twu major roads on a major road in the city. \\e're running trails up CR 17 now am there's a new trail that was constructed last year running up to about Kerber Blvd.. Tha t will be extend ing on and should be connecting here within the next few years. i~ should be connecting. The trail plans, our Comprehensive Plan calls for a trail in this area. I have seen qui te a few people on this trail in the sumner. I would love to see this one off the highway. I've seen kids on tricycles. Kids on bicycles tvith training tvheels, not exactly going straight, on the same roadway as we have people speeding. This is one of the roads that is nice, very wide. You get the impressj on of wid(?ness wi th this road. You figure it's a 55 mph road. You go up over the hill and here's a family with a couple people walking, a couple dogs and a horse and two tricycles and you're doing 55 over the top of the hi 11. I think if we can build an off street trail at this location along the north side of here for futur~ use, even though it doesn't connect tcx3ay. If we don't build it tcx3ay 28 . [ ~- \ .." .- " J.. ' d ~ -~; . City Council rleetjng - February 13, 1989 . there was gravel on them and tJ1at is dangerous too. So if they're not going to te well inaintained and the people still end up using the road, then I don 't think tve've accomplished anything. r Brian Tichy: With all the construction going on at the present time, that's the case. The bike paths are not used. CounciL~an Johnson: I would support having just a 6 foot trail off of the entire road which still gives us the trail through the area. It becomes a walking trail at that time because you could have put a two-way bike trail so this could not become part of the 'IWin Ci ties bike path where they have these trails going throughout the Twin Cities if you didn't put the two separate ones. But as a compromise, I'd like to see maybe just the 6 foot wide off street trail for the people who are walking and the kids with tricycles and that kind of thing. There's a lot of people that walk there and the only place they have to walk is in the bike path which is p3rt of the street. Anytime we can get an off street path and when we get it down to where we're talking just an off street walking path, 5 foot's probably wide enough at that section with the retaining wa 11 . CounciL~an Workman: It's supposed to be a two way deal. Ole path going one way and the other path going the other W3y. Now you're talking about t'WO t'WO way paths right? Gary Warren: He's talking about a walking path. . :13yor Chmiel: Just str ictly one way. Counci Lrnan Johnson: But if we break it down to a waD~ing path to where we're not looking at people at people doing 10 speed bikes at 30 mph. { CounciL~an ~vork:11an: Wnat I'm saying is then what you've got is you've got a bike path on the road that bikers are using to go both 'o"laYs which defeats... CounciL'llan Johnson: ~ve'd eliminate that bi:<:e path all together. Not put any bike path on the road at all am only a wal:<:ing trail along the edge of the road versus, if they tvant to keep a bike path on the road and a bike path off the road, what you're going to have on the off road bike path is people walking on that and people trying to drive bikes. I'm not sure if that becomes compatible use. When you get a 36 foot wide road\vay, a bicyclist without having a designated bike path, as long as there's not four lanes there, a bicyclist can ride that road. Our kids ride a lot narrower road to grade school everyday here in the downtown area. 28 foot roads with curved gutters that are nice and dangerous for them. My basic posi tion is that I'm supporting the off street trail in this location because I think it will be a vital link in our trail system am this is the time to bui Id j t because it's cheapest at this point. Mayor Chmiel: $63,000.00? Are you talking about the expenditure of that $47,000.00 to . CounciLrnan Johnson: Yes. Anytime in the future it will be more expensive. b 113yor Chmiel: That's probably very true but I guess, let me just state my posit jon, as I see it. I think trails are necessary items within a city but I 30 - '" . City Council Meeti ng - February 13, 1939 nothin:j close to CR 17 or TH 101 in traffic count. True, the road was built that way. Nobody out there \vant~ that road or needed it. Maybe YCJU will 10 years fran now. I don I t know. If more sul::dbisions empty out onto it but why can I t the bike trails be off? People can still ride their bikes dovm it. You've got a 25 mph speed limit on half of it. Park cars on the south side and let people ride their bikes on it. Before ~ had a road 20 feet wide, all broken up. We could park off of it am you could ride your bikes on it if you wanted. Now ~'ve got a road 36 feet wide and we can either, you're saying we can either park on it or ride our bikes. One or the other, we can't do bot..l-t. It just seems like the people of the area, we all got short changed. We paid a lot of money for a road that now ~ can't do what we did before wi th our old road. I think the p:;lrking issue is something that was never brought up at the meeting. That ~ were going to lose our par:d.ng and move a bike trail. I'd like to know who decided to put the bike trails on there and is every bike p:;lth in this Ci ty tw::> ways? Every time there's a bike trail it's goes two directions? How many roads like this do ~ have with bike trails on both sides? f13yor Chmiel: I think you're the only one. Larry Kerber: I guess that's the only comments I have. Councilman Boyt: Kerber Blvd. has a bike trail on both sides. It was also built on the road. It's just been recently that we built off road trails. !13yor Chmiel: Is ita bike trail or a wal~ir:19 path? -r Councill1an Boyt: ~-Jhat's off the road is a waning path. I'inat's on the road is sucicide as far as I'm concerned but it ,.,ras plannerj by the earl ier Council as a trail. Larry Kerber: But Kerber Blvd. has no dri ve'..,rays coming out to it. All streets. You won't fim one drive\.,ray coming on Kerber i31vd. so those people have their parking proble:n taken care of because they all have off street parking. hnere Lake Lucy Road, all the houses were there aoo t:1en we put the road in. \~ didn't put the road in to meet the needs of the p--::>ople there. \-Je put the road in that somebody else wanted and now we're tryinj to make it work for the residents. I think what the residents need and want should be considered more than just for the sake of just having the bike trails there. Let's take bike trails out. People can still ride their bikes on that road. The sp....-=>ed limit is low enough. There isn't that much traffic on it am I think the situation would be solved by putti.ng parking on the south and eliminate both bike trails. The path, if sanebody feels it necessary on the north side, fine. Dick Lash: My name is Dick Lash and I don't even live on Lake Lucy Road but was this bike trail part of the trail referendum tlBt \<las voted down? Counei lman Boyt: No . Dick Lash: It was not on the drawing at all? Councilman Boyt: It might have been on the dnwing Dick as part of the overall trail plan. '!his was designed to be there several years ago. 32 . r , 4t . '- . . ~...~n~~, , ~. "I .~ ...~~... ~ ~. City Council Meeting - February 13, 1989 means it puts it back to us roughly a month from now. r Gary Warren: We will proceed based on Council direction here tonight to advertise for bids. We're lookil19 to open those bids on the 10th of March. If there is an addendum, which is the way that this trail issue would be handled from my perspective, we should be gettinj an addendun out within comfortably the next week or two at the most. Councilman Johnson: Could we bid this with an addendum for the trails and say that that bid will or will not be awarded. In other words, give us a price. Let's get actual numbers. l~ether it's $47,000.00 or $63,000.00. Get them to bid on the trails am at that point decide whether we're going to award that bid. G3ry Warren: '!he construction documents could be modified to include the trail and have it bid as an alternate, yes. Counci1:nan Johnson: And then we approve the alternate after Park and Rec has reviewed it and we get all the facts together. This way we don't delay the project. We get more facts. I think that w:::>uld be the best way to go. Jay, you're proposing a 5 foot trail. I' 'Ie heard 6 foot and Rec has occasionally looked at 8 foot trails out in the I don't know that we're in a position where we can even bid. '!hat's why I was suggesting that Park and Rec discuss You certainly have the interested neighbors here so they going to be discussed. Councilman Boyt: But trails. I know Park rural parts of town. ask for a reasonable this tanorrow night. would know that it's ( Gary Harren: Park and Rec. I' 11 agree wi th you to go, in fact I' 11 second you to go to the I '11 second it. Councilwoman Oimler: I'd like to discuss that. If you reme.:nber in the Council Minutes that we just approved tonight, that was, originally what \'J2 proposed to do to put it on t..'1e February 14th agenda for the Park and Rec and I spoke with than today am they indicated that they djdn't need to review it because of this plan that Gary was proposing. Tney felt that Council could make the decision. Mayor Oimler: I see another person from the ar2a who'd like to address. Kathy Kerber: I'm Kathy Kerber and we have property on 6700 Powers Blvd.. I guess one of the questions I want to ask is, where did these bike trails come from initially? They never ~re talked about to the residents in the beginning. We never were allowed to say, yes, we wanted the.'ll. No, we didn't want then. I'd like to know where they initially came from. Councilman Johnson: If you actually look back to when they did hold the publ ic hearings on the Lake Lucy Road jmprovements, they were included at that time 4 years ago or 3 years ago. I do remember the plans .at that time, even though I wasn't on Council at that tj me but I believe they W2re discussed with the Lake Lucy Road improvements prior to authorizing the bonds and all for this. I'm just, this is back memory a long time ago. Lori might know better if she recollects that. b 34 . --..;.~ . City Council Meeting - February 13, 1989 - Councilwc:man Oimler: Jay, didn't we just establish that Park and Rec didn't know where the bike trails originated? The idea did not originate with them. , Councilman Johnson: I don't know that. If we established that. She said she doesn't know. Lori Siets~~a: I don't recall that. I'd have to do some research to find out where it originated. Councilman Johnson: It's on our comprehensive trail plan and that originated wi th the Park aoo Rec. Councilwoman Oimler: Again, it was proposed to go on their agenda and it didn't go on because of Gary's proposal and they felt that the Council could haoole it. Councilman Johnson: we've modified Gary's proposal a little bit. Gary's proposal includes two bike paths aoo one option we're coming up with, which Bill would like to hear their opinion on, is eliminating both bike paths and putting only a walkinJ path. I would like to see us find out what the actual price is as putting it as an addendum so that Gary can go ahead putting in his addendum on a 6 foot. Have Park aoo Rec consider it arrl see if they want to look at maybe two options. 6 foot-8 foot so have Park and Rec look at it again tomorrow night. The Council go ahead aoo authorize the, I guess that's the next action we have to take. Authorize plans and specs and include in there addendums for the bidders to give us a price to put in a 6 foot trail or an 8 foot trail with the option of narrowing it at the point that there's that retaining wall to avoid that retaining wall. Then we'll all be working from a more solid basis. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, but delaying the action then, \."ould that delay their right to park on the road or could they start parking there? It. , Councilman Johnson: They can't park there now. Councilwc:man Dimler: I know but I mean \ve can change that. That's why I'm saying, we can change that tonight if we don't delay it. Councilman Johnson: No, \V\: can't. ~-e can't change this no par~ing tonight. We're going to change a city ordinance tonight that's not on the agenda? Councilwc:man Oimler: I'm tal:d.nJ about just letting than park there arrl they would abide by the restrictive ordinance. Councilman Johnson: So they can park there during the day but not at night? Councilwoman Oimler: Yes. Gary Warren: The bike trail signs \~uld have to come down. The designation would have to come off the road, in my opinion. Roger would like to address it before we would be able to allow parking on it. CounciLllan Johnson: I think this is a lOll] term issue. I don't think we should jerk too quickly on this one and quickly drop everything until we've considered all the facts. I think that we should move towards getting parking on thi s street. It does make some sense for those people to have on street parking in ~ 36 . . . --1 .~..... , :; "~L. - '.~ Clty Council Meeting - February 13, 1989 Betsy Glaccum: Yes, we don't have parking now so, I mean I'd like to Se-2 something to solve Brian Tichy's problem especially. I think that's terrible with their driveway so high am so dangerous but in the feasibility study it s<lid, 44 feet wide and we went to 36 feet wide, right? 'IWo traffic lanes and parallel parking. But there is a footnote to that that \vas in the feasibi lity study. The footnote says, this width can be reduced if the City Counci I passes resolution banning parkiJ:l:j on the roadway. The whole thing was that they would have to get 19 peti tions, 19 of us neighbors to give them easements. 19 of us to give you easements to make the road wider so the Council knew we were so upset about this road as is, getting so wide, that's why I think it was left at 36 fe-et. Now Gary I don't know... [ Gary Warren: The 44 foot section is what MlDot requires on a State Aid road to have parallel parking on both sides of two travel lanes. And as a result of the process, the road se-ction could be shrunk, dollars and other concerns were a factor and also the inclusion the bituminous curbing was another factor to comply with MnDot' s clear zone requirements, if you wHl, so this section was shrunk and as a result of that, the no parking came from that also because it ~~s a 36 foot instead of a 44 foot wide road. Betsy Glaccum: I think that's why the bike trails were put there. Counc ilman Boyt: .. . as 'M:>uld any of us faced wi th that kind of increase, I'm sure their reaction \vas we don't think so in terms of approving it. W2 have already agreed, the City has already agreed that in order to reduce that to 36 feet, there 'M:>uld be no parking. Is that right? l Betsy Glaccum: It's in the feasibility study of February, correct. The thing I'd like to se-e the neighbors problan solved with the par~ing situation but you know, I can't go along with the thousands of dollars that would be spent and all our la\Vns and trees da~aged to bring another bicycle path in when the Council already agreed to keep it less width and put in the bike paths so we \'wDuldn' t have to walk in the road. CounciL~an Boyt: It's clearly not my option to remove, or my preference to remove your 100 year old maple tree. Gary, you see:n to have some hesitation about, and I thought earlier you said with 36 feet we can have parking on one side of the road. If the feasibility says, if you agree to 36 feet, you agree to no parking. Can you clarify this? Gary Warren: I can't attest to the discussion on the feasibility but what I can say is that the State Aid Manual which we've reviewed as a part of the preparation of this report, shows that an urban section roadway width, in order to have one lane of parking on an urban section road\vay, you need a 34 foot wide road section. We have 36. So whether the discussion at that time was that, I guess I don't know how they interpretted that ::It that time. Today's standards shows that if you have a 36 foot road section, you should be able to accomooate one lane of parking. Councilman Boyt: I would like to S8e us take the time to look at this issue in more depth so as I speak in favor of the motion that's on the floor, to sem this to Park and Rec as part of it. b 38 -- ",,-' ..... . Ci ty Counci 1 Meeting - Febru3ry 13, 1989 to ride our horses there too. " CounciLllan Johnson: G3ry, will this waterrnain be on any private property or is this all public property that ~ have this on? G3ry Warren: Mr. Harvey and I have talked, he's been out of town and just got back in. ~Vhen we last talked I said, let me know when you're back in town and we'll go out and look at it so tomorrow or whenever it's convenient we'll do that. His gray water tanks, or septic tanks may be in the city right-of-way because the trail is proposed or if it would go in, would be totally within city right-of-way but stranger things have happened. CounciL'llan Johnson: But the trail is not going to affect his gray water tanks as much as putting a watermain through. we definitely don't want to put a waterrnain through a septic system. If this septic system happens to be on ci ty property, then we're going to have to work on that. Al Harvey: If you stay within your right-of-way, which is the telephone poles, I'm on my own pri va te property wi th the systems but the damage, the seepage and such going into the construction. It was disturbed when the other thing...so I just would like a solution of some kind develoPed if you're corning further north. I'd prefer that you didn't but ~'re 90 feet from the road but everything keeps corning on the north side of the road. I can not even agree with your feasbility study. You look down and you see a whole row of telephone poles. Nothing on the south side of the road. 'i~ need sewer up in our area much more than ~ need the watermain on the north side of the road. You've got to have a distance between your sewer line and your water line. 10 feet? You put the waterline on the north side and and the people on the north side who need sewer. There's a lot of proble:ns in that area. I'd like to see the City develop a comprehensive plan that would do more than one thing at a time. 'iVe petitioned against the city for the road. All w.e wanted was a blacktoppe-J road. He didn't want bike trails. We didn't want curb and gutter and all this other. The City didn't at that time listen to us. \'le've kind of had our hardships up through there. Now we'd like to see so;nething resolved at the benefit to the PeOple who live there. G3ry Warren: The Harvey property is outside of the MUSA area which is the reason why it doesn't have sewer. Al Harvey: It's 200 feet...when you run down the hill. Gary Warren: There's no physical problem with connecting. It's just th= fact that M:t Council won't allow it. Councilman Boyt: Could ~ vote on the motion? Mayor Chmi.el: I was just going to suggest that if I could stop coughing. We have a motion on the floor and there's a second to sem this back to Park am Rec for tomorrow and then corne up with some conclusions on it and get back with Council. "" 40 ~ ~- , . '- . . - -' ~ - . -". . .'" :;';\ ---:City Council ~el2ting - February 13,1989 Councilman Johnson: Yes, arU then we'd remove the on street trails as part of that to where all we'd have is an off street trail. 'Then we could have parking on one side. r Counci11lan ~'iork;nan: It seems to me Jay, the problem really isn't the cost of the trail for these people because they're not goin:J to pay for it. It's their proP2rty being abutted by a trail or the retainin:] wall problem or the oak tree problem or septic problems or anything else. This a:]ain is one of the thinJs about the trail referendull. P20ple concerned about a trail going over their property. I haven't made too many comnents on this issue yet arrl maybe I should make a few quickly now. I've seen a lot of lost love for this Lake Lucy Road. I haven I t seen or heard anythinJ good about this road. Fi rst there was the construction of it. Now the watermain. Bike trails. No parking. Retaining walls. I don't think the stripes and signs are followed very carefully and the horse named bi ke is using them and everything else. I' 'Ie seen li ttle kids on their wheely bikes goin::} down that hill faster than me, and I speed but I'm for speed traps too. I would like to see possibly that extra money used for well #5 so we can water our lawns in the comit'B years. It's an a,.,rful lot of money for a trail that again, the people in this area aren't real excited about. It seC?ms to me that, unless we can figure out an option with the existinj trail system, parking on one side, trail on the other somehow, jt's a problem. Toe elaborate off road trail, taking again the people on the north side of this road, is again adding insult to injury. They've had to take a lot I think. Even though they're not going to have to p-J.Y for the trail, although they will one way or the other, we all will, it seems to me that they've pretty much been picked on a little bit and they're not about to get excited about this. I don't know how we can expect b~em to. I CounciLman Johnson: They live on a country road and then it's turned into an east/west connectinj road 3S VJe suburbani ze the ci ty. Councilman ~York:nan: It is though a unique road in how it was built. The width. From what it \vas to '",hat it now is. It hasn't made th-::m happy. It is a country road. I had to thrml a mud turtle or whatever it was about this size that was sitting in the middle of that road one day. It's a bl2dutiful area but I thinl< again W2've got a lot of signs, stripes, ',vjde. I think we've made it into a super highway. I don't knm.,r that parking on it is going to slow anybody down but it see.TIS to me that we've got to give d little bit to this area on b~is road issue because how much can we beat on thc:se folks up in this area with this road which has become the scurge of their lives. Councilwoman Oimler: I \vould just like to see us move in the direction of giving the residents what they W3nt and that we focus not on the trail but on the par~dng. That we do whatever is required, and RO:Jer maybe you can help us in this area, is do whatever is required to get the signs changed and whatever to allow them to park there just as soon .:lS possible. Rcxjer Knutson: All it takes to undo that is, the bike trail is a decision of the Council. If you made ita bike trail, you can t.:lke down the signs by your own direction with a motion. Mayor Olmiel: Let me just throw out somet11ing in addition. Would it help those few who have problems wi th accessibil i ty wi th their driveways, to have a pad put in adjacent to that road for parking? Would that be of any benefit? b 42 , City Coun:::i 1 ~""'-2tjng - Fe!Jruary 13, 1989 .... Counci111an Johnson: You re.llove the signs, you remove the trail. l"layor Chmiel: 'The no parking signs. Councilman Johnson: Right. That means you can park in the bike trail so if you ranove, from what I gather, if you remove the no parking signs, you've got to ranove the trails because you can't have parking in the middle of bike trails. The two uses are not compa tible. Councilwoman Dimler: Yes, but they're not being used as such right now. Counci111an Johnson: Not during the winter. They're bei!l:3 used during the sumner. Don Ashworth: I think there's another problem. I thought that the initial issue was one of being able to get up to the properties in the winter and therefore some necessity for parking down below during the snows. Even taking down the signs, you still have the parking ban during sno'Nfalls. They still would not be able to park on the streets. Counci111an Johnson: You take down the signs, they still have the problem. The signs won't solve their problem. The winter's right now. ':ouncilwornan Dimler: I know but only when it snO'.vs and ~~ haven I t had a \'Jhole lot of that. Counci Lman Johnson: You can't park overnight on any ci ty street right now. ~'Jhen it snows, you can't even park there durin) the Jay. G:lry \V3rren: We've got p3veuent ;narkings tl13t are painted on the roadway .:mJ I don I t kno;'v', Roger I guess I hate to put you on the s90t here but don I t '.,,-e also have to remove those pavement markings before legally the trdil is gone? Roger Knutson: I haven't seen th'2.11. ~i1Bt do you h:we than marked in jUSi: ) yellow line? Gary Warren: vJe have a ~mile line on each side of the road at the 6 foot :nark plus we've got bikeway sign painted on th2 road, diamonds and such. Mayor Olmiel: I would like to recomnend that staff come up with some conclusions as to par:d.ng availabil i ty for those people that have problems. Then have this come back to Council within 2 weeks. Councilman Boyt: Would you be open to h<11/ing P.1.rk and Rec discuss it in the meantime? &.""Cause this really still affects them. r13yor Chmiel: I think it will be getting to the posi tion that I'm not sure whether they should have it back to discuss it or even go along with it. I think what we're tryi!l:3 to do is resolve a problem hl2re. ~ve' re trying to resolve a problem that the people have anu I think \'v'e can do it dght here. At least that's my opinion. I don't know if anyone has any others. - 44 -r ~ L , . " . . Ci ty Council r-1eeting - February 13, 1989 Don Ashworth: Just for clarific3tion. With limited staff, we v.Duld be going outside to get this v.Drk down. I don't anticipate it being a lot of money but we would b2 spending sane on some outside help. r Councilman Johnson: I would recomnend Westwood Professional Services who have done this fe3sibili ty study am are familiar with all the details so there v.Duld be no cost to bring them up to speed. I believe they're also sitting here listening to all this. Mayor Chmiel: I'd like them to go out in the field and take a look at what's there existing. Not just at the papers that we have. Alright, we'll move on to item 8(b). Approve plans and specs and authorize taking bids for Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain project. Counci111an Boyt: Can we do this when we don't have all the information? :~yor Chmiel: I think v~ can. Gary Warren: I think you should proceed on. We v.Duld be able to modify wi th an addendun any further changes to the plan as far as a trail is concerned. Councilman Johnson: Would we want to note that in our plans and specifications? I don't think there I s any need to ei ther . I move we approve the Lake Lucy Road trunk heter:nain plans as prepared by the fir;u of Westwood Professional Services and authorize the taking of bids. L Counci h-Joman Oimler: I'll second it. Resolution #89-23: Counci11lan Johnson moved, Councilwoman Oimler seconded to approve the L3ke Lucy Road trunk water.nain plans as prepared by the firm of tvestwood Professional Services and authoriz~ the taking of bids. All voted in favor aoo the motion carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL ~~IL AUTHORITY, UPDATE, CITY ENGI~EER. Gary Warren: I can mentioned ~ few comments from notes that I took about it. Basically Corrmissioner Savanich was present to seek the County's, Carver County's commi trnent, if you will, to supporting acquisition of right-of-way and supporting the light rail transit concept. I guess my interpretation \vas that he received some support in that regard although not any cOlnnitrnent of funds at this time. The discussion was that 1995 would be the start of construction of the 1-35 piece so that v.Duld be phased in after \-Je got out first corriJor established out here which WJuld go out as far as Hopkins. I guess the real impact as far as I read it for Carver County was a continued solicitation of the County's support and acquisition of right-of-\vay and. properties that v.Duld impact this area. He also, I thought, had an interesting slide present3tion, aerial slide presentation of the corridor from Chaska on through which I thought was a pretty good way to visualize how thi s v.Duld run. And he talked about that they had made a comnitment to the high platform loading concept which seemed to make sense too as far as the access for hand icapped am those types of d i f ficul t access. Also that allo~ them to rapdily load and unload cars which added to k 46 Don Ashworth February 8, 1989 Page 2 '- 4. In order to recognize the residential benefit provided by this trunk watermain to the abutting properties, the connec- tion charge of $3,035.43 per unit is proposed in accordance with Section 19-20 of the City Code. This fee will accrue at a discounted interest rate of 4!% interest commencing with the "in-service" date (July, 1989) of the trunk watermain until the service connection date. 5. A hookup charge (currently $650/unit) will be charged per connection in accordance with Section 19-21 of the City Code. This fee can be periodically updated at the discretion of the City Council. 6. The connection and hookup charges can be paid fully at the time of connection or assessed against the properties at the request of the property owner at the following rates: Hookup charge at 8% for a four (4) year term Connection charge at 9% for a six (6) year term . 7. Individual property owners will be responsible for their respective cost to bring the water service from the City's . stub into their property and connection to their internal piping. - 8. In accordance with Section 19-19 of the City Coae, any new dwellings and any existing dwellings whose private well system fails will be required to connect to the public water supply system. 9. A fire safety availability charge (currently So/quarter) shall be billed against all existing dwellings that choose not to connect to the watermain system to recognize the fire safety benefit the trunk main provides to these properties. ~ That concludes the summary of the proposed service policy for the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain. I believe that it is a flexible arrangement which recognizes the disparity of the larger proper- ties which are not able to subdivide at this time and also provides a vehicle for the City to recapture the residential benefit of this trunk main at such time as development progresses in this area. *- BIKE TRAIL OPTION . Within this addendum report we have also included a brief discussion concerning the Lake Lucy Road trail/No-Parking issue. While the search for an interim, "quick-fix" solution to the removal of No-Parking restrictions on one side of Lake Lucy Road does not appear imminent, I have had our consultants take a look at the feasibility of constructing a 6-foot wide bituminous trail ! l I 1 t .l l ~ 19-18 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE . will not be cut ofT until after the hearing is held. If the customer requests a hearing before the date specified. a hearing shall be held on the matter by the city council at their next regular meeting, but not to exceed three (3) weeks after the date on which the request is made. If as a result of the hearing, the city council finds that the amount claimed to be owing is actually due and unpaid and that there is no legal reason why the water supply of the delinquent customer may not be shut off, the city may shut ofT the supply. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 10.01, 3-11-85) a ssuance of building permits for new construction where the px:operty is adjacent to a municipal watermain, or in a block through or to which the watermain extends, or is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the water system shall be conditioned upon connection to said municipal water system, unless in the opinion of the city it is neither feasible nor practical to make such connection. . - (b) The drilling of new wells shall not be permitted for existing dwellings which can be serviced by the municipal water system. Upon failure of a private water supply, connection to the municipal system shall be required. (Ord. No. 6, ~ 1.01,3-11-85) State law reference-Authority to require connections. M.S..~ 412.221. subd. 31. ~ 19'~nnection charges. (a) No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any watermain of the city either directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless the city clerk shall have certified: (1) That the lot or tract of land. or portion of said lot or tract, to be sened by :;uch connection to tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the watermain with which the connection is made; or . (2) If no assessment has been levied for said construction cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have been or will be commenced in due course; or (3) If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, that a sum equal to the portion of cost of constructing said watermain has been paid to the city pursuant to subsection (b). (b) Unless covered by subsection (aX1) or (aX2), the applicant shall pay a connection fee equal to the proportionate cost of construction of the main. The cost is to be determined by the city using the same formulas as was used for assessments previously levied against other property for the main and shall include equivalency chargcs as rcquired to arrive at the present day worth of the watcr servicc. This equivalency charge shall be equal to simple interest calculated from the project assessment date to the service connection datc at the rate of interest at which the bonds sold to finance the project were issued minus a depreciation factor of three (3) percent per year. If no such assessment has been levied, the cost shall be determined by the city council. and in determining said cost the council shall take into consideration the front footage, shape and area of the benefitted lot or tract of land. Upon 1064 =#:-2. ( (I , .. !.. I ! L l l L eT L / ( ... 3 ::?I. 3 II , '4' 6' BIKE PATH BIKE PATH p 12' 12' 6' TWO WAY TRAFFIC FAFV<ING .0\5 'L .0/51. 7' ...- _ _____ PROPOSED IS" 0---- TRUNK WATER MAIN ,- ~.~. .-..:.~V..i'=.::.-':.r:' .,'-..." ;...:..:f:.:?-,....,:?:...~:f '. J~.',:: .~ It::.~..;.;.I"':..~"!:}.;~;;;~~-::..;:~;;.,. ','~r::::;".'1 '- ';. '. \ . .' '.~ WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL . I - SERVICES, INC. - ---. el I I I I 3 I ~I 113 el I 4' .. ! 1 WWPS EXHIBIT 8 I 1 l l l ----~ NO seAL E BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION =1+-3 J l. I f r 1 1 I . I L L L L ~ ,'- L 8b CITY OF CHARHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 ,,~tlr,n ~'I V~I ,,(:~;~:,,'~' .r Cr.~,......] V' ~ ~ ....UI,}<.. __.._____ MEMORANDUM ;.,'."; ~ i i.;~._t~_ _.... _____~. ......__ TO: !<~ject:IL__ _. _.,_.,_... ..._ 'J1t~I.f.L_c$J.__ Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: .__.., Z/lUff.7._ List~ $:Jl)rl':'.-:-:,:1 ~: ,:~..::..t-:...v, Gary Warren, City Engineer --...... Date S';'~~:,~cd to C-c...:iJ)crj DATE: February a, 1989 SUBJ: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Taking Bids for Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain Project File No. 88-25 Attached are the construction pl3ns for the Lake Lucy Road trunk watermain project. These plans ~ere prepared in accordance with the accepced feasibility study and have had the benefit of citi- zen input from our January 24, 1989 workshop session. The plans have been reviewed by the fire ins~ector and fire chief and fire hydrants have been placed in accord~nce with their wishes along this alignment. In addition, there are seven (7) service crossings under Lake Lucy Road wnich needed to be added to the scope of the project to provide service to the southerly proper- ties when they ultimately request it. The plans at this time do not inclJde any provisions for construction of a bi~e path over the pr~po~ed alignment for the trunk wacermain. As noted in the previous agenda item, this alternative needs to be f~rther reviewed with MnDOT before pro- ceeding. There is some question whether there is sufficient road width, even without one bike lane, to allow parking. This will need to receive MnDOT's blessing before proceeding. The total engineer's estimate for the project, including con- tingencies, and $40,000 for service jackings under Lake Lucy Road is $472,500. It is estimated that construction of the bike path over the trunk watermain would add an additional $47,500 to $63,800 to the project costs, exclusive of any easement costs which might be needed. It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve the attached LaKe Lucy Road Trunk Watermain ~lans as prepared by the firm of Westwood Professional Services and authorize the taking of bids. It is further reco~~ended that staff conduct an eva- luation and review with MnDOT concerning the acceptability or eli- minating the eastbound bike path from Lake Lucy Road and ..; . -' - 1L r . f i j I 1 I 3 ::?I, 3 . .. I L L L L II , '4' 6' BIKE PATH BIKE PATH {1 . 12' 121 ,6' 4" TWO WAY TRAFFIC PARKING .O\5~ .GI5Y. , ...-- _______ PROPOSED IS" 0--- TRUNK WATERMAIN "~-I." r-"_'.:_;7",;::~'-:'~,._,'~_2__'":.' ;~.;':';~:.--'-~':.",:::J '. ; '. .:t" ~ = ~ ~ ~-: .. . ., ..1.- ~ r.;.,!:.;.~...-:."!:...,::::;.;:;.!....~.:.::.......;-::~~~J. '.'~.-::.-:.:;;.'J "2. -. \. ' .,'~ WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL . . , -. SERVICES, INC. 1- L --- ~ Il3 . ----~ NO seAL E BICYCLE TRAIL OPTION WWPS EXHIBIT 8 ~.': /.":::Crty Counci I Meeti ng - January 23, 1989 . c. Chanhassen Ci ty Hall Expansion, Confirm Expansion Request, Chanhassen Library Board for Interim Utilization. 1 I U I I I I f I ~ I l ~ l l l ~ VISITORS PRESENTATION: Brian Tichy: My name is Brian Tichy. I live at 1471 Lake Lucy Road. The presentation is concerning the no parking signs on both sides of Lake Lucy Road. I have a petition that I'd like to present to the Council from the residents of Lake Lucy Road to try to reconfigure the street so that we are allowed to park at least on one side of the street or during the winter months due to snow problems, space problems when you have people over for company am that nature. Right now, if you have more than 1 or 2 cars, friends of yours over, there's no place for them to park. It becames a problem particularly in the winter. In the summer there are places where you can put your visitor's cars but during the winter there is no space. Mayor Chmiel: Very fine, may I have that petition please. The petition that we've received, is there any discussion from Council? . Councilman 8oyt: Yes. Having seen Brian's driveway, he's got qui te a problem there. Anytime we get 2 or 3 inches of snow, he's going to have a hard time getting up and down that driveway. 'I\.1rning into it much less what happens once he's into it. I don't know exactly what the City can do because I think there's some pretty clear State Statutes limiti.ng what the City can do and I'm sure Brian's aware of those. I'm not sure how many people ride their bicycles out there after a 2 or 3 inch snowfall but somehow or another I'd sure like to see the City work to come up with a solution for people who have no place to park. Councilwoman Dimler: I agree with that. I think that since the bi.ke paths are not being used during the winter months, the least we can do is to allow them to park there during the winter months when the parking problem is compounded with the snow. I'm sure that you'd like to see it to summer months as well. Brian Tichy: We'd appreciate it if we could park there in the summer months. It would help if you have more than 2 or 3 friends. We do use the bike lanes. There's a problem obviously with the bike lane that goes to nowhere. There are no bike lanes on CR 117 to the west and CR 17 to the east. People do use the bike lanes although...stay within them. We use them ourselves. Again, if they could be somehow moved to one side of the road, that may satisfy I guess the bicycling problems. These are alternatives. Councilwoman Dimler: I know that Larry, you've already written a letter to Brian haven't you and in there it stated some of the State Statutes that you foum out am we appreciate the work you did on that. However, I still would like to See if we can't get together and work out parti al parking. Mayor Chmiel: Any further discussion? Councilman Workman: There are bike lanes on both sides right now? . Mayor Chmiel: Yes there are. 10 .- ~-:) ..,:.. .:'J ;. Ci ty Council Meeting - January 23, 1989 '- The biggest problem was being able to clear snow out at the same time that vehicles are parked out in the roadway itself. So in some of those instances, we had to look at trying to work with the individual owners in finding sane other spot where they may be able to park, we could still clear snow, etc.. Councilman Johnson: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to suggest also that we get Park and Rec's feedback on this because it's their trail. ~t their trail, it's the City's trails but they're the keeper of the trail so rather than bring it irrmediately back to the Council before Park and Rec has a chance to put their 2 cents in, I'd like to pass it through to the Park and Rec Corrmission on it's way back here. Councilwoman Dimler: I think Park and Rec meets tomorrow. Can we put it on their agenda for tomorrow? Mayor Chmiel: I'm not sure as to what their agenda would be. 4 Councilman Johnson: I'm not sure staff would be ready for it tomorrow. Don Ashworth: I was just trying to look at their agenda here. '!hey do have a meeting tanorrow night. We can take am see if it could be verbally presented and whether or not they would take action. '!hey, like the Council, like to have their information early. Get a chance to study it, etc.. Otherwise, that would put the item to February 27th for City Council. Lori Sietsema: It would be February 14th is our next meeting. Don Ashworth: But the next City council following Park and Rec would be t.l-)e 27th. Mayor Chmiel: I suggest too that we table it and do as a recorrmendation by Mr. Ashworth has indicated that this go to the Park and Rec at their February 14th meeting and then back to the Council on February 27th. Councilman Johnson: Mr. Mayor, could I suggest that if staff can come up with an interim solution before Park and Rec looks at it, that we consider that at our next Council meeting because February 27th, that's a lot of wintertime so go at a two-prong, interim solution right now. Right away. As quickly as possible with the full review through Park and Rec also. Conceivably it could be the 13th or the 27th, '!he City will notify and let you know for sure. Councilman Boyt: I'd just like to point out that it's probably unreasonable to give this to the Park and Rec Corrmission with no notice. Expect them to make a corrment on it that means anything am get it back to us for our next meeting. "- Councilman Johnson: That's not what I said. Here's a motion. 1 move that we sem this to the Park and Recreation Corrmission on February 14th am have it back to us for February 27th, I believe is our last meeting in February unless staff can cane up with an interim solution to this, which will be interim until Park and Rec has had time to review it. In which case, we'd like to see that interim solution at our next Council meeting which I believe is February 13th. That way, we may be able to get something going a little sooner for them. Staff may cane up am say, hey, we don't see an interim solution that we want to give to Council without Park and Rec looking at it. In which case, then it delays it 12 .1 .1 f! ~ 1 .. l ! I ~