1989 04 11 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989, 6:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Note: The Park and Recreation Commission will be meeting with the City Council prior to the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Welcome New Commissioner, Jan Lash. 3. Appointment of Acting Chair, Sue Boyt. 4. Approval of March 21, 1989 Minutes (2nd half) and March 28, 1989 Minutes. 5. Public Hearing on Master Park Plan for Carver Beach Park along Lotus Lake. 6. Site Plan Review, Oak View Heights. 7. 1990 CIP Budget Worksession. 8. Discussion of Totlot Equipment Purchase. 9. Update on South Parkland Acquisition. 10. Commission Presentation. 11. Administrative Section. CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission SUBJ: Rotating Chair Schedule FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinato DATE: April 3, 1989 Below please find a tentative schedule for acting Chair. We will keep to this schedule unless an item is tabled and carried to the next meeting. In such cases, the Chair will be carried over as well. . April 11 April 25 May 9 May 23 June 13 June 27 July 11 . Sue Boyt Curt Robinson Ed Hasek Larry Schroers Jim Mady Dawne Erhart Jan Lash . s- . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator> DATE: April 4, 1989 SUBJ: Master Park Plan for Carver Beach Park This item is being placed on the agenda to brainstorm as to how the linear park along the west side of Lotus Lake should be developed. The Commission has had tentative plans to improve this park since the old boat access was removed. Since that time, the Commission has heard from the residents in the area . that improvements are needed. Residents from the Carver Beach are have been invited to attend our meeting to share their ideas. Again, this is a brainstorm- ining session. Staff will then take the ideas expressed and develop a concept plan. The Commission and residents will have a chance to review the concept plan and make any changes before a final plan is done and forwarded for approval to the City Council. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 April 6, 1989 Dear Carver Beach Resident: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission would like to invite you to their next meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11th. They would like to hear from you as to what improvements you would like to see in Carver Beach Park along Lotus Trail. The Park and Recreation Commission has had plans to improve that park since the old boat access was closed. The Commission would . like public input before proceeding with a master park plan. Please feel free to call me at 937-1900 if you have any questions. Sincerely, JoJv: ~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:v . I \ i~~' ~" :Ji.. ~... .J,',".' . "v' ";;."' .....1!i... l ,. ; .. "" "r - !:~ I ..-:":" .~4'. -:::- ,.f~F~;-~ . / . ; . i' t - . ....... "'--. ~ ~ S \ ;ak:- ~-7 . t-~\ ~ ~\) ~~ ~~. W ~ ~~ ~ ~ :I~ ~~ oz.", ):J Vi ~ VI 3> ~ I')> ~Irr~ N ~- ~ -.: ~ ~ . V' VI l" ~ ~g ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ ~\; . r; ~~i\ ~ ~~~ !f ~);>m ~ ~ ! ~ \ ..~. .f ~ =- :-- "- , US . I "'" \i\.!:. .. 0 f. ft\ nt ~ ~ fi ~ i ~ ~ ~~~~~"'IQ 1\ e ~~ ~ ~ ; ~:!1 \I' % r - ! ^~ a." ~ ~.. .~8 ~ \9l ~~ t 1 ~~,.. ill ~tfl i ~ ~ ,~ 0 '^ .J' , . ~..,- ;' / . . :l /.f .. 'tJ i~ ,'/ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 4-11-89 G C.C. DATE: CASE NO: . Prepared by: Sietsema/k STAFF PROPOSAL: .... Z <( U - -I 0- eL <t LOCATION: APPLICANT: REPORT Planned Unit Development of 18.9 acres into three high density lots for 140 townhouse units. Between Kerber Blvd. and Powers Blvd., approximately; mile north of West 78th Street. Cenvesco, Inc. 3650 Annapolis Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 ACREAGE: PRESENT ZONING: R-12, High Density Residential ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: ~ ~ W I- - en EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: 18.9 acres N- R-12; High Density Residential S- BG; General Business E- 01; Office Industrial w- R-12; High Density Residential The proposal does not lie within a park deficient area and the Comprehensive Plan does not call for additional park land. The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for sidewalks along thru streets and a trail along Powers Boulevard. . . . Cenvesco, Inc. March 28, 1989 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal lies just west of the West Village Heights Apartments. The development will require the extension of an access road to West Village Heights. The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for sidewalks along all through streets. Given the high density in this development and development to the west, the sidewalk should be considered. Currently the access road to West Village Heights Apartments is a private service road. When Oakview Heights Apartments are constructed, the City will improve the portion of the street through the existing development and the developers of this pro- posal will construct the new portion. A 50 ft. street right-of- way is being proposed. As the street will be 36 ft. wide, an additional 10 ft. trail easement should be obtained to accom- modate the sidewalk. As noted, this application is for a PUD, the City Code requires the developer to go above and beyond the minimum requirements to received PUD approval. Although the development lies within the service area of City Center and Chan Pond Parks, it is likely to attract young families. Therefore, there will be a need for park/recreational facilities in the immediate vicinity to serve these future residents. ~ tot lot area is recommended similar to what is attached. As this development is seeking PUD approval, no park credit would be recommended. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to require that a 10 ft. trail easement be dedicated and a 5 ft. wide sidewalk be constructed along Jenny Lane, and an 20 ft. wide trail easement be dedicated with an 8 ft. wide trail constructed along Powers Boulevard. It is recommended that 100% of the trail dedication fee be credited for the trail and sidewalk construction and ease- ments. Additionally, it is recommended that the city require the attached totlot equipment be installed and that park dedication fees be required. . ( f"-.. ......... "'- .......... .......... '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) ,/ +~ (5'. ~- "J'. {' I' <t> ..>;, NOO' 29' S3' E I / 60S. 34 I I I '- " ',,\ ( , ;' i ~ \\ ' ---:=:) , I \ ".="S~/ ! I _, to 11 ...,.,.,..~ "'''-'. __ _ . __ ('(,1 () ;jn II ~ I" f'l ~7 In i i ~ L- l- --.. ._~-..r;.... I:;: ~ 000 l> ~D 0 ~ () 00 - -- :2 1 ...- () r.) .." U - . "'- .' c.) .. ,. I ,., U., ~.. ,., .: ~ ': ;5i ----- " EB ~ 000 . 0 ~ ClO 0 <> M - Lr- -~ ~ (~ --- --. -r-' ""'- I \ 01~ ( --~( o l":) \1 j----J ~, \\ . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ April 4, 1989 '-7 1990 Budget DATE: SUBJ: Attached please find the list of budget items discussed at our last meeting with cost estimates. During this worksession the Commission should narrow the list down to a realistic budget. Below please find a brief summary of the anticipated funds in the 1990 Capital Improvement Fund. ~ Unused 1989 Expenditures Anticipated Park Dedication Fees Anticipated Trail Dedication Fees $100,000 110,000 37,000 $247,000 ~ . . . 1990 Proposed Capital Improverrent proqram Park Improverrents Lake A..'1n Trail thru woods picnic Shelter Playground Equip. Move trees No. Lotus Phase 2 Totlot Equip. Chan Pond Landscaping Grade trail Chan Hills General development So. Lotus Master Park Plan Rollover 1989 Funds Bandimere Hts. Phase 2 totlot equip. City Center Master Park Plan Park Development Rollover 1989 Funds Carver Beach Playground Landscaping Curry Farms General development Lake Susan Hills West NW Outlot General development Trails -krbE:.r Mwta feasibility G\:l!lhman VeaiclQ Miscellaneous Eagle Scout Projects Tables, benches, etc. Tree Farm Consultant Fees $ 4,880' 30,000 lO,OOtr _5,090 ~ -1, eoo- ~5,980 -9,000 -25,QOO 1,500 60,000 -? -5,000 2,000 25,000 44,000 -3,Q90 ~5, t)DO -25, sea Budget Reserve * Herman Field Lake Lucy access carrico Acquisition W. Mwta Acquisition * Lake Ann Shelter * Fund Reserve * Budget reserve items rolled over from 1989. -55,000 7,500 5, eM ') ""'Cl"" e- -\--b tJ\o..\ '^ .\c.V\.a.-V\.C.-e. 3,000 5,000 3,000 10,000 $380,000 35,000 75,000 60,000 50,000 55,000 100,000 $375,000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ?r . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordina tor~ DATE: AprilS, 1989 SUBJ: Totlot Equipment Purchase The 1989 Capital Improvement Program includes $6,000 for totlot equipment for Lake Ann Park to replace the existing totlot by the ballfields. The Commission previously expressed that they would like to look at different types of equipment before purchasing, and staff provided a list of different sites. If equipment is to be ordered and delivered so installation can . occur in conjunction with ballfield development, it must be ordered soon. Please take the time to visit the different sites so that we can discuss what should be purchased. . u z - ~ ,... . (I') (!) u W v (\J C ,10 0 CI) -' 10 (!) CI).~~g~ ().o:::;(I')CO -~6 _Cf.lZvo w WOCOCO CI):EFCO~ f;Q ~~~~ .... - (!) - z co:E-~ <go ;> . eno Z U. -l :E ....J CD a: LJ5 . . .'t. PLAYGROUND INSTALLATIONS - 1988 - 'w,'kU di1e~ lM.i ~~ C~ " City of Oak Park Heights Especially for Children 42nd Bryant Eagan Eden Prairie Holy Trinity 749 6th Ave. So. South St. Paul City of Minnetonka City of Blaine Eastside Park 107th & National Burnamwood Homes 193 Burnamwood Drive Burnsville Children" at Work 8885 Evergreen Coon Rapids .--JI- Ci ty of Edina - {\ Lake Cornelia Pool Park 4300 W. 66th Street Como Specialty School 780 W. Wheelock Pkwy. St. Paul Lakeaires School 3963 Van Dyke White Bear Lake City of Spring Park North Star Elementary 2410 Girard Ave. No. Minneapolis Zachary Lane Elementary 4350 Zachary Lane Plymouth ~ (, T/)~~~'inU) Redwood #8746 $7,000 Redwood ,8oAde...e .,.,~. . sand, Oi/.l-Y $2610 Border, Play, Install $23,285 Border, Install $;25,691 I JI.. PB Blue Alum. $l1,500 ~~- I- r~~I@s-P ... Cl'lor ~ ~.elf Redwood $4,000 PB Brown Sand & Border $20,000 Redwood Sand & Border $7,000 2 PB, Swings Etc. $13,700 PB Blue Alum. f\~~~~- $9,600 .It RW Phase III S'a"nd & Border $6,000 Ji.- f<l~ ~ PB Phase II Sand & Border $5,900 RW & Border $4,200 PB $10,200 PB-Phase II $7,300 5 Bleachers Steel Frames $17,000 ~( (htltJoosktr -2- - Cooper Elementary 3212 39th Ave. So. Minneapolis Pied Piper Day Care Spring Brook Apt.-105 NE Hartman Cir. Fridley Hennepin Avenue Methodist Lyndale & Groveland Minneapolis City of Woodbury Kinder Kollege 202 E. Hayden Lake Rd. Champlin ~City of Golden Valley ""f\ Gearty Park Apple Valley Palomino Park, Cedar Ave & Palomino Dr Apple Valley Lachavon " Apple Valley Huntington, Pilot Knobb & Diamond Path Apple Valley Green Leaf, 134-135 Fordham Ave. Apple Valley Park? PB-Add on & Swing $1,800 . PB, Sand & Border $9,110 RW- Sand & Border $4,000 PB & Border $6,000 PB & Swing $5,000 PB, Swings etc $15,000 PB $10,600 PB $10,600 PB $10,600 . PB $4,000 Swings, 2 Units $1,600 Apple Valley PB Briar Oaks Park, Gantry S. of 121st St. $10,600 Duluth MacArthur West Elementary 727 Central Avenue y- City of St. Louis Park f\ Birchwood Park-28th & Zarthar International School of MN 6385 Beach Road Eden Prairie / City of Coon Rapids Riverwind Park Northdale & Clover City of Woodbury Colby Lake Park PB Install Only $5,800 PB $15,000 PB $15,000 RW-Sand & Border $18,000 . PB & Border $11,200 . . . -3- Wenonah School 5625 23rd Ave. So. Mpls. Mallard Ridge Apts. 13201 Maple Knoll Way Maple Grove Garden City Elementary 3501 65th Ave. No. City of Rosemount New Hope Terrace Apts. 7601 36th Ave. No. New Hope -1 Eden Lake School Anderson Lakes Pkwy. & Preserve Bld. Eden Prairie Wayzata Community Church 125 E. Wayzata Blvd. City of Blaine Austin Park, 86th & Austin City of Blaine Sunnyside Pk, Cloverleaf Pkwy & Jackson St. ~ City of Golden Valley ~{\ Yosemite Park Coon Rapids Woodland Oaks Park Especially for Children 6223 Dell Road Eden Prairie Rockford Elementary City of Burnsville Alimagnet Park Cty. Rd 11-3 Bl. North of Cty. Rd. 42 ~ Echo Park l40th Sts. & Cty. Rd. 11 Hollows Park Southcross Dr. S. of Cty Rd 42 Roosevelt Elementary Virginia Independent Play Add ons $4,000 RW #8746 $7,600 PB $15,400 RW $3,750 :RW - Sand & Border, Tables, Benches,Bike Racks,Grills $7,500 PB-Phase II $15,000 Swings & Misc $1,500 2 PB, Sand & Border $23,000 PB, Swings, $19,600 PB & Swings $11, 0 00 RW Benches,Tree Sand & Border $38,600 PB-Advenscapes Sand & Border $27,000 RW #8756 $10,000 RW $20,500 PB $13,500 R~v $17,600 PB $20,600 , I -':1 - * . Edinbrook Elementary 8925 Zane North Brooklyn Park At0~Vt:. uu) AlumaC 2000 BB, S\'lings $20,900 Duluth Lakeside Elementary 4628 Pitt St. . PB,Swings, etc $29,500 Cobb Elementary 3917 Woodland Ave. PB,Swings B Ball, etc $31,700 Lincoln Elementary 2427 W 4th St. PB, etc. :$24,000 . Bloomington Oak Grove 'Elemetary 104th & Humboldt So. PB, Sand & Border, Blackt $24,700 ~ Indian Mounds Elementary 12th Ave. So. & 98th St. PB, Sand & Bord Blacktop, etc $30,300 Pleasant Playlot 10323 Pleasant Ave. So. PB & Blacktop $9,300 Hampshire Hills Park 106th & Lousiana PB $ Mississippi Art School 796 E. Sherwood St. Paul, . PB, Sand & Border $10,000 Otter Lake School 1401 County Road H-2 B Balls, Swings Tetherballs $4,500 Especially for Children 3370 Coachman Road Eagan PB,AdventureSc Sand & Border $21,600 Lake Elmo Park Reserve Washington county PB, etc. Border $70,000 Anoka County Coon Rapids Regional Park Dam Fishing Piers $50,000 Vadnais Heights Elementary 3645 Centerville Road PB Phase III P Table,Benches $ 6 , 200 . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH q 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinators DATE: April 4, 1989 SUBJ: South Parkland Al Klingelhutz is assisting the City in finding available land in the southern part of the City for potential parkland acquisition. He has done a lot of research in this area and found the availability of land is limited and land costs are much higher then anticipated. . At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, Al identified 3-4 parcels that are available and would like to take the Commission and any Council members interested out to those sites. As weekends were difficult to coordinate, staff has scheduled the tour on Thursday, April 13th. We will meet at City Hall at 5:45 p.m. Please wear footwear for mud and appropriate outer wear. cc: City Council Al Klingelhutz . Carver County Historical Society AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION MUSEUM AT 119 CHERRY STREET WACONIA, MINNESOTA 55387 PHONE (612) 442-4234 . The Honorable Don Chmiel Mayor of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Chanhassen, MN 55317 March 24, 1989 J /#()tI/~ A"/-<'c ,7'e::? ~~?~.p;;-- # /..e"'~~#~ ..LL!",;P/~;r- C7# 7~.f //d~ .T~..:7 ////A'Y~ _A~/1 /T ..6& ~"PP..etJt/E 'l d,u# ~~~c7""""'-'#'-Y ... 2. ~L# .#<<t?//4/- V- Dear Mr. Chmiel: For the past three summers, the Carver County Historical Society has been offering a week-long series of proqrams for children aged 4 to 8. The series, "The Way We Were," has been so popular that for the past two years we have had to offer both a morning and an afternoon session. Because of the staff time it requires, however, we have only been able to offer the series for one week each summer, and only at the museum in Waconia. This summer, however, we may be able to offer this popular program to your community's children, at a location right in Chanhassen as we take the program "on the road" around the county. Up to 50 children from your community could benefit from this . educational and entertaining series. We can accommodate a maximum of 25 children per session, and we can offer both morning and afternoon sessions each week. The program consists of five 90-minute segments, one each day Monday through Friday. Each day, the participants learn about a different pioneer activity through hands-on activity. They make butter, bread, and candles, carry water and do laundry, and go to school. Every day they bring something home to show their families, and every day they enjoy a snack of pioneer foods. We would like to hold this program for a week at a location in your community. The Carver County Historical Society will take care of the entire program in return for a fee of $250 a week (which includes 1 or 2 sessions per day, depending on demand) and the use of a suitable room or location which you arrange. Each participant will also pay a registration fee of $12 per week (or $10, for the children of CCHS members). We will schedule locations on a first come--first served basis. Please call me to reserve a week of this program in your community, or if you have any questions about this program or the arrangements. Give the children of your community the benefit of this popular summer program. Cordially, ~o.. (}1 ~ ~I Susan M. Dreydoppel Executive Director . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION A. Letter from Rosemount B. Letter from Mark Koegler C. Park and Recreation Commission Letter to City Council D. Letter from Scott Harr E. City Council's April 10, 1989 Agenda F. Memo regarding Joint Meeting G. Future Agenda Items H. Letters to Park and Recreation Commission Applicants I. Staff Report to City Council re: Eagle Scout Project. J. Staff Report Regarding 1989 Budget Adjustment Request. It ROSEMOUNT INC. 12001 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 U.S.A. (612) 941-5560 TWX: 4310012 or 4310024 FAX: (612) 828.3088 . Rosemonnt' March 29, 1989 Ms. Lori sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: As the new owner of a larger portion of land on the South shore of Lake Susan, Rosemount Inc. is very interested in the proposed plans for the Lake Susan Park. Unfortunately no one was able to attend the pUblic hearing on March 28th, 1989. I would be most grateful if you could send me a copy of the minutes of the Park & Recreation Committee meeting for that night, as they pertain to Lake Susan. . Thank you in advance for your assistance. If there is a problem in fulfilling this request, could you call me at 828-3000. JWSjsmh Sincerely, ClltW-tvv ~ &k~~#ey W. Schmitt Vice President Company Services --~ . MAR 3 0 1989 \,.i IY Of CHANHASSEN . . R 10'S tc.', C.f", '\ C. (<5. !3 ~ VanDoren Hazard Stallings March 31, 1989 Architects. Engineers. Planners Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Lori: As a part of the completion of the plans for the walkway/trail along Carver Beach Road, we have reviewed the issue of realigning the park entrance. The new walkway will cross Carver Beach Road at the southeast corner of the park making this location the logical choice for the relocation of the entrance. Based on previous discussions with the Park Commission, it is assumed that the new entrance will consist of a paved walkway, plantings and signage. Realignment of the entrance is complicated by the existence of a chain link backstop in the extreme southeast corner of the park. In order to create a proper entrance, the backstop should be moved to another portion of the park property. Unfortunately, this will also require relocating an ag-lime infield area. Because of the location of the backstop, it is our recommendation that the City not create a formal entrance to the park at this time. In lieu of a paved and landscaped entrance, it is suggested that the plans merely show an opening in the fence in the southeast corner similar to the existing park entrance. If the ball field is relocated in the future, the full entrance treatment can be accomplished. We are proceeding to complete the plans with the simplified fence opening. If you desire to handle this issue in any other way, please contact me. Sincerely, VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS, INC. by: e tl(.,.t k- -- + <0 ~ '" __', _....-..,1 R. Mark Koegler Vice President APR 0 3 1989 L;ll' vi- CrlANhASSEN RMK:sd cc: Scott Harri 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2175 612/553-1950 CITY OF CHAHHASSEH f) /~q c" . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: Park and Recreation Commission ~ ~ DATE: March 30, 1989 SUBJ: Commission Candidate Selection We were updated by staff on Tuesday evening that the City Council will be interviewing candidates for the vacant Park and Recreation Commission position. Attached please find the list of criteria that we used when selecting finalists to be further con- . sidered by you. The Park and Recreation Commission's charge is to research park and recreation related items to the best of our ability, so that the City Council is able to make knowledgeable, informed deci- sions. Therefore, we appeal to you, as you consider your choices, to select the candidate who offers the most expertise, experience and background knowledge. It is our sincere belief that such would be the most beneficial to you, the decision making body, and the community as a whole. cc: Park and Recreation Commission . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ January 13, 1989 DATE: SUBJ: Criteria for Commission Selection The Park and Recreation Commission is currently reviewing 13 applicants for 2 Commission positions. As directed by Council, the Commission has developed the list of criteria below by which to consider each candidate. . 1. Membership should represent all areas of the City to the extent possible. 2. Membership should be representative of all areas in propor- tion to the total population. 3. Membership should consider re-appointment of current outstanding members wishing to be re-appointed 4. cMembership should be composed of a variety of careers and interest groups throughout the community, i.e. business COln- munity, CAA, school representatives, lawyers, architects, maintenance workers, etc. 5. Membership.should, to the extent possible, include a variety of age groups. 6. Candidate selection should be based on the interview. The Commission will be holding interviews with the 13 candidates at a special meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. The Commission has extended an invitation to Council members wishing to be involved in the interview process. UponCouncil approval the Commission will proceed with the selection of can- didates based on the proposed criteria. . ~ /t.jo 13 CITY OF D CHANHASSEN · 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Scott Harr, Asst. Public Safety Director DATE: March 28, 1989 SUBJ: Eurasion Water Milfoil Don, this memo is to provide you with a brief update as to the status of city efforts to deal with this apparent weed infiltra- tion. Lotus Lake Homeowner Association representative Steve Decatur has picked up the ball and is running with it, requesting assistance from the city. I did meet with Mr. Decatur, as well as a DNR Representative and a representative from Lake Restoration Incorporated. The purpose . of this meeting was to brainstorm ideas, as well as to identify the concern. The basics that Mr. Decatur is proposing are: 1. A co~nunity educational program; 2. Signing of access points; 3. A contingency fund for chemical eradication once the weed is identified. Frankly, the concern sounds very legitimate, and I think the city would be well advised to establish a plan. Mr. Decatur is putting a good deal of effort into assisting with plans, and prior to taking any action, I will meet with you for your advise on what direction to go. cc: Jim Chaffee Steve Decatur Lori Sietsema . . c TENT~TIVE AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, -7600 LAREDO DRIVE CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA (City Council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the Council packet for each staff report.) l.@ . d. e. f. g. h. i. j . . Approval of Eagle Scout Project, Scott Dummer. Approval of 1989 Capital Improvement Project Budget Adjustment. c. Country Oaks Addition: 1) Final Plat Approval, Country Oaks Addition. 2) Approve Plans and Specifications 3) Approve Development Contract Zoning Ordinance Amendment Rezoning Audubon Court, Final Reading. Accept Utilities for Lake Susan Hills West, Phase I (Project 37-32) and Phase II (Project 88-a). Authorize Execution of Railroad Crossing Permit for Audubon Road Watermain. Authorize Execution of Railroad Crossing Permit for Audubon Road Watermain. Authorize Readvertising for Bids, Minnewashta Meadows Project 88-2. Accept Storm Sewer Management Proposal from Enviroscience, Inc. Authorize Feasibility Study for Utility and Roadway Improvements to Frontier Trail from Highland Drive to Kiowa. k. Approve Resolution Electing to Designate Certain Bonds Issued in 1986 as Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations: 1) $195,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates 2) $4,615,000 G.O. Bonds of 1986 1. Approve Resolution Calling for Public Hearing on the Modification of Development District #2 and Tax Increment Financing District No.2-I. ~ . m. Approval of Ordinance Amendment Authorizing Certain Public Safety Personnel to Issue Burning Permits, First Reading. n. Approval of Accounts. o. Approval of Minutes. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Council Procedures allow for the presentation of items. If action is required, the item will be tabled to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review of items prior to final consideration. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Empac, Inc., Lots I and 2, Block 2, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park Second Addition: a. Vacation of Utility Easement. b. Preliminary Plat Approval. c. Site Plan Approval. ~WARD OF BIDS . 3. City Hall Security System. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 4. Conditional Use Permit for the Construction of a Church, t Mile North of Highway 5 and West of Powers Blvd., Eckankar Church, Peter BecK. 5. Reoate of Interest Payment Request, 1811 Lake Lucy Lane, Mark Ridderson. 6. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids for TH 101 Realignment/Lake Drive Improvement Project No. 88-22. 7. West 78th Street Detac~ment Project No. 87-2: a. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids. b. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for County Road 17 Improvements. . 8. Accept Sewer Rehabilitation Report. . . . COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS Council Procedures allow Council members to present items for discussion. If action is required, the item will be tabled to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review of items prior to final consideration. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 9. Establish No Smoking Policy, City Hall, City Manager. ADJOURNMENT A copy or the staff report and supporting documentation being sent to the City Council will be available after 2:00 p.m. on Friday. Please contact City Hall to verify that your item has not been deleted from the agenda any time after 1:00 p.m. on Friday. FUTURE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA ITEMS April 25, 1989 Finalize 1990 Capital Improvement Program Budget. Review Master Plan for Lake Susan Hills West, Chanhassen Hills, and Curry Farms, Public Hearing. Lake Lucy Access, Public Hearing. May 9, 1989 Minnewashta Parkway Trail, Public Hearing. Minnewashta Area Parkland Acquisition, Public Hearing. b . . . . CITY OF CHARHASSEH A-d mJ (1. ~ H 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 AprilS, 1989 Ms. Janet Lash 6850 Utica Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Janet: Congratulations! You have been selected by the City Council to serve on the Park and Recreation COlnmission. I look forward to working with you. Typically new members meet with me to review current issues and answer any questions you may have. Please contact me at 937-1900 if you are interested in doing so. . The Park and Recreation Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The week before each meeting, staff prepares an agenda with a packet of background information. You should receive the packet on the Saturday before the meeting. Please review the information prior to the meeting so that you will be prepared to discuss each item. The next meeting is Tuesday, April 11, 1989. We will be holding a special meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the City Council to bring them up to date on the Lake Lucy access issue. Please call me if you are ever unable to attend a meeting as there are times when the meeting must be cancelled for lack of a quorum, and it is best to know in advance. Also, the City Code requires that Commissioners attend at least 75% of the meetings scheduled. That takes care of the basics, please feel free to call if you have any questions. If you would like to set up a meeting, please let me know. Sincerely, ~~ . Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 AprilS, 1989 Mr. Michael Schroeder 6600 Lotus Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Michael: I am sorry to inform you that the City Council did not select you for the Park and Recreation Commission position. All of the applications and interviews were very strong, however, only one candidate could be selected. Unless otherwise notified, I will keep your application on file for future consideration. . Thank you for your interest in serving on the Commission. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, --f . Q....t ~O/"r.A ~m~Cr- Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 AprilS, 1989 Mr. Wes Dunsmore 730 West 96th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Wes: . I am sorry to inform you that the City Council did not select you for the Park and Recreation CO~TIission position. All of the applications and interviews were very strong, however, only one candidate could be selected. Unless otherwise notified, I will keep your application on file for future consideration. Thank you for your interest in serving on the Co~~ission. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincere~ly , de /'u:- Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . CITY OF eHANHASSEN /a-., Ie 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Ar~:c:. t. li~. 'r. _ MEMORANDUM f ,.' ~. J::1AJA- TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Commission , ,( DATE: March 23, 1989 ? SUBJ: Eagle Scout Project [" 1 '1-5'.19 to., ,_ ~~-.~~_., _. LISt" . . " _,._':f~l~~. ~~ ~_ Attached please find a proposal for an Eagle Scout Project by Scott Dummer. The project involves constructing a 24 ft. bridge over the wet channel on the southwest side of Chanhassen Pond Park. The total cost estimate of the project is $1,750, a figure Scott feels is conservatively high. Upon approval, Scott plans to e begin construction this spring. Scott has discussed his project in detail with staff. It is the reco~~endation of this office to approve the project as proposed and to adjust the 1989 Capital Improvement Program Budget to include expenditures up to $2,000. / Park and Recreation Commission Update (4-5-89 )-'7. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed Scott s proposal at their March 28, 1989 meeting. The Co~~ission felt this project would enhance the usefulness of the park and felt Scott's cost estimates were reasonable. The funds were not allocated in the 1989 Capital Improvement Project budget for this project. During preparation of the 1989 Budget, it was anticipated that the trail referendum would be approved. If such had occurred, it was felt that an access to the Bluff Creek Trail system would be necessary. As the referen- dum failed, and trail development in that area will not occur immediately, the Commission felt the $10,000 for access should be reallocated. The Park and Recreation Commission acted to recommend approval of Scott DU~~er's proposal to construct a bridge at Chanhassen Pond Park and to adjust the 1989 Capital Improvement Project budget to reallocate $2,000 of the $10,000 for Bluff Creek access to this Eagle Scout project. The motion carried unanimously. e " . .-- SCOTT DUHNER I S , EAGU SCOu.J .. . ." ~ . SERVICE PROJECT -.J . MAR 2 .i. 1989 i,;ITV OF CHANHASSEN Scott Dummer's Eagle Scout Project Description: . r FOOT & MAINTENACE EQUIPMENT BRIDGE AT POND PARK. (1989) 24' Bridge of 3, 8' Sections 6' wide, with the Middle Section Centerd over a 4' Channel, Approximately I' off the Ground. It will be able to Hold a Minimum of 1,000 lbs., will Consist of 8 Support Posts, Two Each on Both Sides of the Channel, and 2 at Each end of the Bridge with Handrails on Each side and a Dirt Ramp on each end. , . What Group will it help? PARK SYSTEM OF CHANHASSEN Name of church, school, or community CHANHASSEN, POND PARK Location ( . ----..... ,; ." "& ~ . '" . .. . .. . ." . :; . .. .. ~ .. . . .. '" j ,g :e . . ;; " 5 ~ .. 0 . c. " 0. ~ " . ~ ." . 0 .. c ,g c . ." ~ I '" . " .. ~ ~ ,g " >- . '" :<i < . . ;; " u .. s " ~ ,. ;; ." ;; i '" c . '" .. .. CI) .. '" ~ @) S '6 c ~ ';; 0 0 ';; Ii c 3i . .. i .. E .. '" ii . ." ~ < '" ;;: . 3i u ~ 'c c i ~ u .. . 0 ~ i'i .. ~ .. z '0 S '" 3 ,51 c ~ . ;.;. 2 Q) ~ ." :.:: '" .!! 0 ~ ~ .. . E D ;; " " , 0 0 E -; E 0 .. u .~ u .. ~ .. ;; . E . "" c . .. 0. a: ~ iIi ';; z .. 0 :. ~ . Q i z w ::l; :<i ::l; . 0 :; () '" w a: W -' .. ~ 0 a: ... w a: z ::> w ... CI ----- . . " ~ ~~:;:.. . . .. ~ .s.. .A.s~. .! 0"'"" ;; a: ~jl lD ,.~~ .. .. ;!d J ,tse ~ j~: ~. :; () .a JH ~ i.es 8~:; ~ .. E IC ~ .,,~lD . II: " C >- . a: . a: i 0 .. CI ~ II. W . ~ lD . ~ .. .: () '3 .:: WI,! ... u - . gll~ ~ ;ij ~1 u . ~ ~ .. " ~ ~ z '" .. ;; -' - ... " . '" .I : I: a.. _ .-, u 10'" .. ~ "" 1,' a _lD o 1 o~ Z em': rr ~ o . " :: w '" ~ 0 ~u u i . .. .. . . . . a ~ ~ > l l C.&.IT~ ;0 ~ ... c.c.a~c 'To CbJTE:.t: .- , .. , .. 8-0 .. a . , ~ 8-0 5 Jp.. ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ rJ 7 C ~ I ! c.e ~ " c ~ f ~ 6' (' ~ I" ~ 1..0 " 'l ~ i 0 : <4' " 1 , .. .. - i J gJ't:J ~ I~ ~x..b TeEA'\<:;O C.OI.."',,",N$ I I ~ I I I I I 3 I I I . i "" ~ c1 i .,.. . ., l'll " " . . ij.\O .. .,.. , /- ....~\'2.. .~:'for:.j~ - ~ ~ ')<.'=-" Z 'lC. '" c:..;a . ~.l'"'3 4'Z" h" '" o-..)e\l"" <:- -:.+ rea. ~ . f,,"'+\Oll\ z x.. 'Z. Pi L.k.e;t-s ".. 9a.P~ z.)C 10 . <.. -:0 . ... 2.lC.l'z. 2,,..,, pl~ 2.~ 10 '2..)(10 l JO\ST h4e\"~ -- .L OJ~ c _ 7J~ -',= L ZIC.I'O ~IO .)."- .)." ..I.~ ~ N .. ~ )C- o ~IO 4-410 'Z..oc. , 0 ~ ~, '- .)O\~ T ~\........., J."'- .\. .. J.h I" ... ~ ~ x rJ 5 0 Z~IO Z."IO 2.1(10 .) . '" ( . . . . Bill of Materials for Foot & Maintenace Bridge at Pond Park (72) 2x2 48" pickets (49) 2x6 6' planking (12) 2x 10 6" (9) 2x10 7' 3" joists (8) 2X10 7' joist supports (8) 6x6 10' posts. (6) 2x6 7'6" railing caps (2) 2x12 7' end Pfeces $53.28 126.42 49.95 44.40 127.92 17.29 18.18 $437.43 (18) joist hangers (24) 1/2x10" plated bolts (10)lbs. of 12p Galvenized common for planking (10)lbs. of 12p Galvenized casing nails for pickets (5)lbs. of 12p Galvenized.common nails for joists & misc. (1 ) Cu yd. of concrete (for 8 holes 48" deepx12d ia. ) (8) card board tubing 48' deepx12dia.) @ City provides backfill for ramps DELIVERY *= estimation Cost Estimation= $1,750 -/+ $200 $12.42 13.20 7.80 8.90 3.90 $46.22 $24.00 . BENEFITS FROM MY EAGLE PROJECT (BRIDGE AT POND PARK) 1989 I think my project will benefit the community by completing the foo~~ath around the trail in Pond Park. This 'I is especially critical during high water periods such as springtime. This project will also be a benefit as the Park Maintance Staff will be able to use this bridge to cross the marsh area to mow both sides of Pond Park. ,. ; . The concept was discussed with my Scoutmaster on " ~l; ,~(. -' 3/ ~ / gc; (/ Date , 1 . ~'/1. ;:..-. t.......,-/..---.-t-1,.v....__/ . Name . The project concept was approved by: --.. ~---/ . ,/ J ~ It / I f, -rl/L-,r,-~ ;-- 'h;~ Ye C ,'"'(J. ~/?( c; 37-/'7()(} Phone Number of ,.3- 7 -~ / Date ( '\. . -5- . . . P 1 ann in g Det a i1 s Plan your work by describing the present condition, the method, materials to be used, project helpers, and a time schedule. Add other pages as needed. Before and after photographs may, in some cases, be helpful to portray the condition and the finished product. , .- . Approvals After getting Scoutmaster I S approval, make arrangements to present your plan to the Troop Committee for their helpful suggestions and approval. Project plans approved "./ g. f1' Date }IIJ/~" Date Project plans approved Z-I.1-:?' Date Project plans approved by (Dist. Advancement Comm.) Date Suggestions made by Troop Committee -6- CHANHASSEN PARK ~ND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEE'rING MAR:::H 28, 1989 . Chairman Mady called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Boyt, Curt Robinson, Jim Mady, Dawne Erhart, Larry Schroers and Ed Hasek STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Rec Coordinator and Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Schroers moved, Robinson seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 21, 1989 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PRESENTATION OF EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT PROPOSAL, SCOTT DUMMER. Sietsema: Scott Dummer is here to present his Eagle Scout project and I think I'll let him just go right into it. Scott Dummer: My name is Scott Dummer and I'm from Chanhassen Boy Scout Troop 330 and I'm working on my Eagle Scout project and I need your approval so I can go onto City Council. What I have been working on with Lori and Me Gregory, maintenance equipment bridge. It's a 24 foot . bridge. Three equal sections. 6 feet wide. The middle section centered over. a 4 foot channel and a foot off the ground will be able to hold a minimum of 1,000 pounds. Consist of 8 support posts. Two each on both sides. A channel with a dirt ramp on each end and this will be located in the southwest corner of Chanhassen Pond Park. It's on the east side of Kerber Blvd.. The benefits from it will be that hikers can get...through the marsh anymore and it will benefit the City because maintenance staff will be able to cross easier across the bridge and mow both sides of the pond quicker. Otherwise they're going to have to go back and swing back and go on the other side. The building materials, I've got all the ...costs on it, an estimation of $1,750.00 plus or minus $200.00. Right now I've priced out all the lumber and metal hardware use for it so it will come to about $525.00 plus delivery which is $24.00 but I still have to price out the cost of what a cubic yard of concrete plus delivery and maybe any other tools that I might need to rent like a power generator to bring down there and stuff but it might be underneath that. That's why my price is different with that margin of error. That's it. Schroers: When do you plan to get started on this Scott? Scott Dummer: As soon as I get it approved from the City Council and I plan on working on it as soon as the ground, the frost is out so you can dig. Boyt: Do you know approximately how long the project will take? Scott Dummer: I'm planning on g~tting it done in two weekends. I'm gOing. to be digging the holes and pourlng the concrete I think the first weekend and then the next weekend I can get the assembly and the building done. p:nk and R2C Commission i12eting March 29, 1.)89 - Pag.~ :2 . It will be done before school is out which is before June. Mady: Do you have any idea how high the bridge is actually going to be raised above the ground level? Scott Dummer: It's 1 foot and it's back down to the pond by, Dale and I figure it's about 10 feet back from the original water line right now so if it does flood, there won't be any problem. Mady: Do you have any idea how long you're going to extend the ramps? It's fairly marshy down there? Scott Dummer: It's actually, that part what we're doing is it's fairly marshy but it's got black dirt on it. It doesn't really say on our blueprint but I figure about 3 or 4 feet. Sietsema: What is needed here is an approval of the project and also a recommendation to do a budget adjustment. If you'd like, I can go over how we would accomplish that. As you recall, when we were talking about adjusting the budget, we talked about the Bluff Creek access road which we have $10,000.00 in the budget. At the time that that was put into the budget, we were anticipating that the trail plan funding would go through on the referenedum. Since it did not go through, it would be premature to put an access road in at this point in time at that location and I .WOUld suggest that we recommend that we transfer some of that money into an Eagle Scout project or ta~e that out of the budget all together and ~llocate $2,000.00 of that money to the Eagle Scout project. So again, what is needed is for Scott to proceed is a recommendation to approve the project and to adjust the budget. Schroers: I'll make that recommendation to approve Scott's plan and recommend that it goes onto the City Council and amending the budget. To allocate the funds, transfer them to where they can be used for Scott's project. Mady: Do you need that in two separate motions Lori? Sietsema: No. If it's alright with you I'd like to word it, to allocate $2,000.00 of the $10,000.00 for the Bluff Creek Access Road to this project. Mady: I'll second it. Schroers moved, Mady seconded to approve the Eagle Scout project as presented by Scott Dummer. and recommend that it go onto the City Council. Also, to allocate $2,000.00 of the $10,000.00 for the Bluff Creek Access Road to this Eagle Scout project. All voted in favor. and the motion carried. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH lb. czr. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Ac\~.;r !", :.. !.":. V' ~A-- MEMORANDUM I'.' . , k{'. TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ April 5, 1989 ;/ r.._ "f-~-g-, li';'. , 0 FROM: --. --. .-- I)Bm 0~: .- ,,-. f: II,"" _ '1_-/l! J_i... DATE: SUBJ: 1989 Capital Improvement Program Budget Adjustment Request The Park and Recreation Commission received a request to install basketball hoops on the tennis courts at North Lotus Lake Park. The Commission felt that such would increase the usage of the ten- nis court area and were in favor of the request until such time that the 2 uses conflict, at which time the construction of a basket- ball court will be necessary. In a previous memo the Commission recommended that funds allo- . cated for the Bluff Creek access be used for Scott Dummer's $2,000 Eagle Scout Project. Similarly, they felt that the remaining $8,000 should be reallocated so as to be available for unbudgeted items such as the basketball hoops at North Lotus, future Eagle Scout Projects, etc. It is the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission to reallocate the $10,000 for the Bluff Creek access as follows: $ 2,000 $ 1,200 $ 6,800 $10,000 Scott Dummer's Eagle Scout project Basketball Equipment for North Lotus Lake Park Miscellaneous Future Unforeseen Requests The motion carried unanimously. Manager's Comment: This office interprets the above request as one which would specifically set a miscellaneous account through which future recommendations for allocations could be considered. Even though the budget amount would be set, each recommendation for specific usage of the funds would require City Council action. Should the City Council act to approve this item, I will take the position that my interpretation of the request will . be required to be followed unless the Council modifies such. ~A flu . ce ce . JOHN MCKANNA SCHORGL 6533 Gray Fox Curve, Chanhassen, MN 55317 612-934-9255 January 4, 1989 Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori, As per our phone conversation today this Is a formal request for a basketball court to be et:>>tablished at the North Lotus Lake Park. As we discussed, the minimum requirement for a basketball court would be a pole, backboard, hoop and a net. The actual basketball court would be the tennis courts already in place. This shared court construction is already In place at a number of parks in Eden Prairie (e.g. Duck Lake Park on Duck Lake Trail). I have attached a rough layout of what it would look Ii ke for an installed court. If there Is any concern of overcrowding on the 'shared' court, rest assured that traffic at the tennis court is almost nonexistence, and the stamina of we "future first round draft picks" is at the level of a coach potato, i.e. so our games would be short. Finally, there is a number of us Fox Hollowians that would volunteer our labor in the installation of the basketball cou rt. Thank you for considering this proposal and I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience. Any questions please call. ~e~r~ V/ 0 v/~~~~z . . John SChOrgl~ P.S. What would you recommend for our team to be called, the L.A. Lakers (Lotus Area) or the TlmberFoxes?! cc. Don Chmiel Mayor (w/o attached) Don Ashworth City Manager (w/o attached) R1:.C~IVi:.D JAN 0 6 1989 CITY OF CHANHASSEN r - \. I " "< 0 0:: o ~ ( " < ~ 1,- ~ cg \) ~ \J ~-- -- o \t --~ \'-.j . ~ . I ! i :'\1 ill ,\I) "- .~ :~ . I ~ !~ iQ: I ., I !~ .~ ....... ~ ~ ;1-=- I .