1989 04 25 Agenda
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1989, 7:30 P.M.
Call to Order.
2 .
Appointment Acting Chair, Curt Robinson.
Item Delete (No Minutes).
Update of Lake Lucy Access and Chain of Lakes Improvement
Public Hearings on Park Development Plans:
a. Chanhassen Hills
b. Curry Farms
c. Lake Susan Hills West
6. Public Hearing on Purchase of Bandimere Property.
7. Commission Presentations.
8. Administrative Section.
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~
.April 18, 1989
Lake Lucy Access
Attached please find a memo with the status of access for Lake
Lucy. I had hoped to have met with DNR officials by now to
discuss alternatives in greater detail. However, that meeting
will not occur until next Monday. Therefore, I will be prepared
to give a verbal update as to the outcome of that meeting.
Although I do not feel optimistic about the DNR changing their
position on the portage access, I do feel there may be other
options not yet explored that would be suitable. Again, I will
have more details after Monday's meeting.
(612) 937-1900
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator~
April 4, 1989 )
Joint City Council/Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
The City Council requested a second joint meeting with the Park
and Recreation Commission on April 11 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss
access to Lake Lucy. A considerable amount of research has been
done in this area.
The Park and Recreation Commission held a public hearing with
Lake Lucy residents to review the access study done by Mark
Koegler (attached). Based on the study, the general concensus
was to pursue the idea of a portage from Lake Ann to Lake Lucy.
Although a portage arrangement, if acceptable to DNR, would require
making Lake Lucy a quiet lake, this was the most favorable
option. I have contacted DNR as to whether or not they would
approve a portage access. Initially the reaction from Del Barber
and Duane Shodeen was positive. However, upon discussions with
the Central Office, such was determined to be unacceptable (see
attached letter).
The second option that seemed most favorable was shown as Option
D in the study. Staff was directed to have a mini feasibility
study done on the outlot to determine layout and cost (see
attached). The outlot would accommodate the necessary components
of an access~ however, due to poor soil conditions, a con-
siderable amount of correction is needed. Additionally, this
site will require dredging a 500 ft. channel to get to open
water. This brings the cost of the access on this site to almost
$120,000 for construction alone. Although the owner of the
outlot has not named a price or expressed a willingness to sell,
the property was sold to him for $49,000 one and one-half years
It is my feeling that Lake Lucy is an exceptional lake with
characteristics that warrant special considerations. I have ten-
tatively set up a meeting with the DNR Central Office to appeal
to them to reconsider their position given facts that I have
Mr. Don Ashworth
April 4, 1989
Page 2
attached here. Unfortunately, the meeting is not until after the
joint meeting, at which time the City Council was to be updated.
As the funding of the Lake Riley Chain of Lakes Clean Up Project
is contingent upon this access, staff will continue to pursue a
reasonable solution.
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Soil borings and a boundary and topogr~phic survey are
recom~ended to be obt~in~d prior to meking a major fina~cial
co!'!';~1tment. The layout and cost estimate were based on a
nJ~ber of assumptions. A study update should then be
Add $15.000 to condense the construction period to one secson.
5 .
\l:e trust the information presented herein wl1l assist you in
evaluating tbe overall merits of this prcject.
We will be glad to review this report in detail at your
Very truly yours,
~ t..t #- l~tuI~
R. Scott Harrf. PIE.
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The proposed boat access channe' w11t include marsh land excavation
and b€'ow ~ater lake dredgino. The channel in the lake area would
extend e~ estimated distance of 500 fe~t based on 0 le~e bottom
contour map and information received from an adjoining homeowner
who is contemplating the same activity.
ThE co~struction work includes miner grading. b~tuminous peving,
CU'~Ert insta'l~tion, marsh area elcavation, lake dredging. bo~t.
r a f~[ p . s ; ~ n i rl ~ and res tor a t ion . N 0 con ere tee u r ban d gut t e r 1 ~
included nor recommended. It is anticipated that the most
ecc~cmical approach to the access constructio~ is to .floatM the
driv~ acrcs~ the marsh area. With this approach, long-term
set t 1 € 1':: e n t s are pre die tab 1 e 8 n d w 0 u 1 d c a use the cur b to bee 0 m e
dysfunst1o~al. A1' surplus excavated material ~nd the marsh and
lake brea dredgings are projected to be disposed of off-site.
Thfre 1~ no space available on this site for disposal of excavated
T~o ~ethcds of lake dredging were studied. One method involved
Con y e r, t i Co na 1 e x c a vat ion e q ti i p!:'t ~ n t . 1. e . b a c k hoe s 0 r d rag , i r: e s .
Th1~ m~th0d could only be done in the winter when the ice cover was
sufficient to support the equipment. The second method involves
a ~~t ~=~uum process. The material ~culd be pumped to a lay down
area w~fre natural drying would occur. It cou'd then be lo~ded and
tru:keC: off-site. This procedure could be done during the summer
m0nths. The more conventional exc!votion method resulted in the
lower ~cst end, t~erefore, is used in the following cost summary:
C1eering & Srubb1~g
Excay~tion & Fill
Drive & Farking lot Paving
Boat Ra:!1p
Boat Access C~annel
Erosion Control
Seeding & Sodding
lump sum
3600 ty
3900 SY
115 LF
lump surn
3750 CY
1500 IF
lump sum
$ 1.500
$ 91.000
Eng1neer1ng. testing, legal,
adminittrative. contingency
and m1scel'~neou~ - 30~
$ 27.300
J. ,~
1. Parking ond access cen fit on outlot A.
2. Ldyout of facilities is consistent with DNR regulations.
ihe project would require 0 winter end summer season to
Aprll S. lSS9
I'\L Lori Sietsema
Per( t Relre(.t~on Co~rdi~atoi
C1tw 0f Ch~nha~sen
f. c. f: - r ;- .. , t "r' 0 r 1 v Q
f.I ~.... "'.... \II I '" ~
f' '- ,. '. I . , s e '" .. l' "I net Q t.. 5 5 3 1 7
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Rr; Fees1b11ity Study for
L~~t Lucy Boat AccEss
\' "! :: P r c. j e c t No. 8 9 - j 0 4
DE~r lv!";:
We hr~ p~~a!~d to prtsent to yDU t~e reiu'ts of the feasibility
~\:..:y .:::-;l",cerldr,~ bOflt c:CCf:SS to Lake Lucy. Th~ st~dy was conductec
per YC'.:'" ~..f.hor'izat1on datf!dM~rch 16, 19B9. The study set cut to
! . :, ':1 t~' t y: c q ',! e So t ion s : I} H 0" ct \) i S the ace e ~ s a I'i d p CI :" k i r\ 9 f ; ton
t',~ ,,"cpert).? an.j 2) What wi11 it cost? \.Ie ,.111 adcress each .
~~!';;'i:'\;:,r\ in (lyder therl foi'iow w1th our summary.
l~~ r,r~;ertj in question is Outlot A. Lake lucy Highlands. lccoted
~~ ~~~ ~o~th side of Ltks Lu:y Roed in the northwest CDrner of lake
LJ~;. 1he property i~ approx1mately 1080 feet long by a nominal
~1cth ~f 30e feet. Nc~r'y 70 percent of the are~ 15 ~arshy with
t h (; r E :1: e i i1 d to reo n s i s t 1 !1 Q 0 f s' i g h t 1 y h i g her g r 0 u n d . The pre p e !" t )'
is r~rt ~f th~ City's d€s)onated wetland.
P1~te Xc, 1 i11ustretei one possibie 1ayout. The fac111ties would
i L: 1 :.J d r a 2 0 f 0 0 t W .; d e d r h' e . ve !'" ~ 1 n g fer s eve n (7 ) C ! r S wit ~;
ifan~..S. boat ramp cnd is ;fifty feet (5&C) wide access chal'inel to
re?ch e nev{g3tional depth of w~ter to operate an outboard roDtor.
The lbyout 1s consistent with current D~R standards. Two culvtrts
M~11 b~ nee~ed to maintain present drainage patterns.
A Dcrtio~ Of the cccess drive near Leke lucy Road would cross e
~crt10r, of t~e designated wetland. There is no other alternative
10~dt1C~ to t\'oid the wetland ~hnE: keeping the drive on t~,e
pr~perty. There is, however, some land area noted as high ground
which cc~ld be r~cl~in~6 as wetland to ~ompensate for the t5kin~.
~:s,) r...li;~' L",;.e tIler\/; lie~ n, Suite 10. M>r,_!polli, ~.~, Sb.U7'-217& 01:/663-'.50
Lake Lucy Access Study
City of Chanhassen
February, 1989
~ VanDoren
architEctS. EnginEErs. plannErs
topeka . wichita. minneapolis · kansas city
This report provides an overview of potential public access
locations on Lake Lucy in north central Chanhassen. For the
purposes of this study, "public access" is defined as a publicly
owned or controlled parcel of land whose purpose is to provide
access to Lake Lucy. Lake Lucy is categorized by the State of
Minnesota as public waters.
Facilities at a public access include required entrance roads,
parking, a boat ramp and associated facilities. Standards utilized .
by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) require the
provision of one parking space for every 20 acres of surface water.
Lake Lucy consists of a total of 135 acres necessitating the
provision of seven parking spaces.
Public access to Lake Lucy
watershed affecting Lake Riley has a number of tributary lakes
including Rice Marsh, Lake Susan, Lake Ann and at the north end,
Lake Lucy (Figure 1). All of these lakes and their surrounding
drainage areas have an impact on Lake Riley. Because of the
physical connection each of the lakes, the clean up of Lake Riley
requires clean up efforts on each of the lakes in the watershed
including Lake Lucy.
In August of 1985, a report entitled "Lake Riley Diagnostic Study"
was completed by Barr Engineering. The report identified water
quality problems in a number of lakes including Lake Lucy. Based
partially on that report, the Riley-Purgatory Watershed District
in conjunction with other state and local agencies applied for
federal (EPA) funding under the Clean Lakes Act to specifically
identify problems and effectuate clean up procedures. The total
project which carries a cost of just under one million dollars
involves a thorough analysis of problems in the watershed area and
follow up actions including but not limited to fish kills and
restocking, fish barriers, aeration systems, weed harvesting and
chemical treatments.
Under federal guidelines utilized for the Clean Lakes Program, all
lakes within a watershed area that receives federal assistance are
required to provide public access. Additionally, it is the policy
of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to require public
access prior to the restocking and continued stocking of game fish.
. At the present time, Lake Lucy is the only lake in the Lake Riley
Scale in Miles
o 1 2
Scale In Kilometers
~ Areas not Contlbuting to Surface
Water Drainage.
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Figure '1
lake Riley Watershed
lake lucy Access Study
Watershed without either an existing public access or an access
under construction. As a result, this study is investigating
potential locations that will satisfy both federal and state
criteria for public accesses. Federal and state agencies are on
record as stating that without a public access to Lake Lucy, the
Lake Riley Watershed clean up project will not be funded.
In addition to the federal and state access requirements tied to
the clean up funding, policies adopted by the City of Chanhassen
encourage public access. The 1980 Comprehensive Plan states,
"Chanhassen has a long standing goal of providing a public access
on each lake within the city. The community contains all or part
of ten lakes which are legally public waters and, as such, should
be accessible. Because it is impossible for everyone to live on
a lake, the establishment of public accesses is imperative if the
entire community is to enjoy the amenities associated with lakes."
The provision of an access to Lake Lucy would also fulfill the goal
identified in the Comprehensive Plan.
With two exceptions, Lake Lucy is surrounded entirely by privately
owned land. Exhibit 2 identifies the ownership of parcels
contiguous to Lake Lucy. The City of Chanhassen maintains a
neighborhood park (Greenwood Shores) on the east side which is
labeled as parcel 1. The DNR owns a parcel on the north end of the
. lake that is designated as parcel 19. The remaining shoreland is
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1 City of Chanhassen 9 Dale Carlson 17 R. Christensen Figure 2
2 Jeff Farmakes 10 Alfred Olsen 18 Warren Phillips
3 Dan Fisher 11 Ron Knudlen 19 DNR
4 Tom Folsom 12 Gerald Hoffllan 20 Rosa 1 h Dodd Property Ownership
5 James Buehring 13 Jim Schluck 21 Nark Sanda
6 Tom Hickey 14 Theodore Coey 22 Eric Rivkin
7 Wi 11 iam Ward 15 Joseph Norin 23 Judith Dirks
8 Ed Neuinski 16 Brian Tichy 24 Prince R. Nelson
1500 11000 200J
lake lucy Access Study
privately owned with the majority associated with single family
residences. One notable exception exists. Prince R. Nelson owns
a substantial tract of land along the south and western shorelines
of the lake. The total frontage owned by this individual
constitutes approximately 33% of the entire lakeshore.
The identification of an access site on Lake Lucy is hindered by
a number of factors including property ownership, wetlands and the
limited size of the lake which results in limited shoreline
availability. In general, the northern end of the lake contains
wetland areas which either prohibit access or result in expensive
. dredging operations. The eastern side of the lake is developed
into single family lots. As was noted previously, the southern
and western shores are under one ownership. Privacy and security
concerns of the property owner realistically preclude acquisition
of any of the southern and western shoreline areas. Additionally,
large portions of this area are designated as Class A wetlands by
the City of Chanhassen. Despite these limitations, four sites have
been identified as possible access points to the lake. The sites
are shown on Exhibit 3.
Site A - Greenwood Shores Park
Greenwood Shores Park contains approximately 3.5 acres. Because
. of its location, the park has lakeshore on both Lake Ann and Lake
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Figure 3
Potential Sites
lake lucy Access Study
lucy. The lake lucy shoreline is approximately 100 feet in length.
The park is classified as a neighborhood park and primarily serves
the surrounding Greenwood Shores residential area.
The land area of Greenwood Shores Park is sufficient for
construction of a boat access and associated parking. Use of the
parcel for an access would, however, terminate use of the property
as a neighborhood park. Due to the shape and size of the site,
accommodation of both uses would be impossible. Additionally,
construction of an access would have a detrimental impact on
adjacent residences due to the close proximity of existing homes
and on the entire neighborhood area. Access to the park is via
Utica lane which is designed to serve as a local street.
Site B - Dodd Property
The shape of lake lucy creates a peninsula on the north end. The
peninsula, in plan view, appears to be a good location for a public
access. The owner of the peninsula also owns a 33 foot wide parcel
of land which connects to lake lucy Road (Exhibit 3). This parcel
could be used to provide road access to the peninsula area.
In the field, however, one gains a different perspective of the
Dodd property. The 7.9 acre parcel consists of a heavily wooded
knob bordered on the northwest side by a large wetland area. The
wetland area is designated as Class A by the City of Chanhassen.
. Development of the parcel as an access is possible, however, the
project would substantially impact the wetland areas and the cost
of the road and the boat ramp construction would be extremely high
due to soil conditions and topography. According to the Carver
County Soil Survey, soils in the wetland area are exclusively
marsh, muck and deep peat.
Site C - DNR Property
Site C consists of approximately 1.5 acres of land owned by the
Minnesota Wildlife Heritage Foundation which is administered by
the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The property which lies
immediately north of Site B presently contains a trail used by
pedestrians, skiers and snowmobiles and an identification sign.
Road access to the DNR property could be via the 33 foot wide strip
of land identified on Exhibit 3 as "Road Access".
The land comprising the DNR site is virtually 100% wetland. The
area which is designated Class A by the City of Chanhassen contains
exclusively marsh soils according to the Carver County Soil Survey.
As such, the land is essentially undevelopable due to soil
conditions and adverse impacts to the extensive wetland area.
Site D - Dirks Property
Site D which lies on the northwest side of Lake Lucy contains
approximately 7 acres of land. The parcel which is presently
vacant contains a mix of upland and wetland areas. According to .
. the Carver County Soils Survey, the southwestern portion of the
property consists of Terril Loam soils which can support road
construction. Wetlands on the property occur along the lakeshore
and along the northeastern portion of the site. The upland area
has been used for agricultural purposes in the past.
Construction of an access on the property appears to be feasible
with some disturbance of the wetland area. The wetlands along the
shoreline would have to be modified to allow the placement of a
boat ramp and some modification of the wetlands along the northeast
may be required for turn around construction. The site is large
enough to allow for the creation of new wetland areas to replace
the disturbed areas as a migitation technique.
Installation of a boat access will require dredging in Lake Lucy.
At the present time, the quantity of dredging is impossible to
estimate because of the lack of accurate bottom contour
information. In general, the northern portion of the lake
including Site 0 is shallow requiring excavation at the access and
in all probability, a channel from the access to areas of the lake
with adequate depth for boating.
One additional option for providing access to Lake Lucy has been
has been mentioned in recent years. The option consists of
connecting Lake Lucy to Lake Ann via a new channel along the route
of the existing natural creek.
investigated but preliminary
major problems.
This option has not been seriously
inquiries have revealed potential
The primary problems are water quality and lake elevations. At
the present time, Lake Ann has significantly better water quality
than Lake Lucy. Lake Ann has a normal water elevation
approximately 1 foot above Lake Lucy. If the two lakes are
connected by a major channel, the flow into Lake Ann may increase
adversely affecting the water quality in Lake Ann. Additionally,
restrictions on Lake Ann limit boats to electric motors only. It
would present operational problems to require boat launching at
Lake Ann which prohibits gasoline motors as the method of reaching
Lake Lucy on which gasoline motors are presently permitted.
In light of the information presented herein, only one option
appears viable if the City of Chanhassen elects to install a boat
access on Lake Lucy. Site 0, the Dirks property, has the highest
potential of providing an access site which minimizes the
disturbance of wetlands. Additionally, the site is located along
Lake Lucy Road which is classified as a collector route. Based on
the information available at this time, the site has the ability
to accommodate an access that will meet DNR criteria while
satisfying the EPA funding requirements for the Clean Lakes
Project. .
Home phone 474-0330
Work " 341-2861
1701 Steller Court
Excelsior, Mn. 55331
April 20, 1989
Mr. Mike Iviarkell
Trails and Waterways Unit
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Mn. 55155-4052
Dear Mr. Markell:
I am writing out of concern for the environmental impact of a
proposed access road from Lake Lucy Road to Lake Lucy.
Our home is directly adjacent to the outlot slated for construc-
tion. My husband and I regularly observe deer, ducks, geese,
pheasants, racoons, fox etc. traversing and nesting on this
property. In addition, Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets regu-
larly feed on the south shore of the lake.
The access road as proposed would severly disrupt the habitat of
these animals.
I talked to Lori Sietsemaat the City of Chanhassen and told her
I would be more than happy to meet with your personnel to walk
the property and point out the trails and nesting areas that would
be affected.
I know that you share my concern for protecting the environment
and preventing unnecessary disruption of a delicate environmental
I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience so
that we can arrange a time to show you the property.
Barbara F'
APR 21 1989
cc: Lori Sietsema
~----------- ----------.-------- ------------
\ ",-.I;: C KAr...: Ht\$SEN
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator I~
April 13, 1989 ~
Development of Park Plans
The 1989 Capital Improvement Program budget includes funds to
develop park plans for parks in Chanhassen Hills, Curry Farms,
and Lake Susan Hills West. Mark Koegler has been retained to
come up with preliminary plans to be presented at the meeting to
generate discussion. We have invited the affected neighborhoods
in for their input as well.
Chanhassen Hills
The Chanhassen Hills development is located on south Highway 101
and north of Lyman Blvd. The first two phases of the development
are nearly filled and they are ready to begin Phase III. The 7.8
acre park lies within Phase III and rough grading will occur with
street development. During initial discussions at the time of
site plan review, it was felt the park could acommodate off-
street parking, a ballfield, basketball, and totlot equipment. I
have received 2-3 calls requesting development of this site.
Curry Farms
This development is in its final stages and filling steadily.
The 6+ acre park lies in the center of the development and houses
have been constructed around it. During the site plan review it
was discussed that this site would accommodate a ballfield,
totlot, basketball court, 2 tennis courts and parking. I have
received 4-5 calls requesting development of this site.
Lake Susan Hills West
The park site within this development is known as Outlot G is a
9.8 acre parcel. Although no homes are built in this area to
date, it is important to come up with a park plan as soon as
possible as the developer will be required to do the appropriate
grading. No calls have been received to date requesting the .
development of this park.
Park and Recreation Commission
April 13, 1989
Page 2
Besides coming up with park plans, park names are also needed.
In many cases the park has taken the same name as the develop-
ment. In others, such as Meadow Green and Chan Pond, the parks
were renamed. Although the subdivision name would work well for
parks at Curry Farms and Chanhassen Hills, there are 4 separate
park sites within the Lake Susan Hills West development.
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: April 18, 1989
SUBJ: Purchase of Bandimere Property
The City Council met on Saturday, April 15, 1989 to discuss the
purchase of the Bandimere property. The general concensus of the
Council was that they liked the property and the lake lot access
from Bandimere Heights Park. Al Klingelhutz informed the group;
however, that the lake lot had been sold.
The City Council acted to enter into a purchase agreement to .
purchase the Bandimere farm. They also directed Mr. Klingelhutz
to look into the purchase of the lake lot from the new owners.
The Council has directed the Park and Recreation Commission to
hold a public hearing with the residents in the area of the
Bandimere property to get their input.
The public hearing is to inform the residents in the area that
the City is considering purchase of the property and to outline
what the initial plans are for the park. Additionally, it is to
get the concerns and ideas from the residents who will live near
the park.
(612) 937-1900
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager
DATE: April 15, 1989
SUBJ: Special Meeting of the City Council
Saturday, April 15, 1989
Pursuant to Section 1.02 of the City Council's official rules of
procedure, this office is calling a special meeting of the City
Council for Saturday morning, April 15, 1989 at 8:00 a.m.,
Chanhassen City Council chambers. The purpose of the meeting
will be one item - considering entering into a purchase agreement
to purchase land in southern Chanhassen.
I will be out of town Friday through Tuesday. I will attempt to
have Lori or Todd available Saturday morning.
Lori is preparing the staff report for this item and, hope-
fully, has completed such for enclosure with this memorandum. It
is my understanding that the Council would be considering
entering into a purchase agreement for a rather nominal amount,
i.e. $1,000 to $2,000. That purchase agreement would require the
City to execute the purchase agreement within 60 to 90 days or
lose its earnest money. During the 60 to 90 day period the Park
Commission/City Council would conduct hearings to gain
public input on the proposed acquisition prior to consummating
The funds to carry out the acquisition would corne through our
1989 bonding program. That is currently scheduled for November.
The City maintains adequate cash balances to insure that interim
financing is available for acquisition/construction projects,
such as this, which are proposed to occur prior to the sale of
bonds. Accordingly, the City would be in a position to not only
pay the earnest money, but could also consummate the purchase in
60 to 90 days without incurring a financial hardship.
(612) 937-1900
Don Ashworth, City Nanager
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~
April 13, 1989
Southern Parkland
The City Council and the Park and Recreation Carmission visited to the Bandimere
Farm in southern Chanhassen on Tuesday evening (April ll) with Al Klingelhutz.
Al infonned us that the 33 acre parcel will be going on the market next week and
he does not expect it to take long to sell. He indicated that if the City was
interested in the property for parkland, we should act quickly.
The Bandimere property is located one-quarter mile south of Lyman Boulevard on .
the east side of Highway 101. '!he land is high and rolling agricultural pro-
perty with the hanestead on the southwest corner. It abuts the neighl:x>rhood
park known as Bandimere Heights off of Kiowa Trail. Directly across the street
fran Kiowa Trail is a lake lot for sale. ScIre in the group felt this was a
natural extent ion of the park and should be acquired if the rest is acquired.
The asking price for the Bandirnere farm is $210,000 and the lake lot is $68,000.
The group also visited a 40-acre site located just west of Highway 101 on the
south side of Lyman Boulevard. '!his property is also rolling and inclwes a
drainagevlaY through the south section. '!he asking price for this site is
$270,000, although the urgency does not exist on this site.
I will be walking the site on Friday with l-Jark Koegler who will give his initial
feeling on how active facilities could be accan:oodated. 1!he Park and Recreation
Carmission's feeling is that both sites are quality sites, each with positives
and negatives. '!he Bandimere property has a beautiful view of Lake Riley and
the pond on the west side of Highway 101. '!he location is optimal and the
lakeshore property is also an attraction. '!he property on Lyman has better
street access and a natural windbreak~ however, the location was sanewhat less
centrally located within the southern Olanhassen area.
The Park and Recreation Carmission unanirrously r~nded that, due to the
urgency of the property being put on the market, the City proceed with nego-
tiations to acquire the Bandimere property and the lake lot. '!hey suggested
that the negotiations allow time for the City to hold public hearings prior to .
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Apri I 21, 1989
C lty of Chanhassen
Mayor Chmiel and City Council Members,
C~ - ~o...Jrc.+~.~
We wish to express our concern and strong disapproval over discussions
by trle City Council related to the condemnation of property on Lake Riley
for use as a park/picnic area. (We are referring to the three lots on Kiowa
Trail errentl)' owned by Craig and Kate Halverso~ and Sid and Marion
Mosman). We are very much opposed to trlis p}an for the foliowing
1. Lake Riiey currently has saturated use wrlicrl will be greatly
increas,ed with the additional access from the Lake Riley
Woods development. Increased traffic, noise and
pollution would result from the proposed park use.
2. There already is, one maior park area (In trle lave.
Eden Prairie already has expansion plans for the existing park at
tr!e ea:,t end of the la~~e. This wi 11 also add increased traff ie,
noise, and pcllution.
3. ~1ost of thE' natural hC"1tlitat has aiready been altered
with the development on Lake Riley. Presently there are nesting
WOOd ducks, geese, and other wildlife using this particular area
and we w is!"1 to leave some natural beauty left intact
The owner:. and nearby res idents desire to maintain the Quiet peaceful
settirig trlat now exis.ts on trlis residentla! street. We are committed on
thl5 i~slJe cll'''Id appreciate your time and considtr-ation.
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A. Letter to American Legion.
B. Letter Regarding Eurasian Water Milfoil.
C. Memo Regarding Marty Schmidt's Eagle Scout Project.
D. Memo Regarding Scott Dummer's Eagle Scout Project.
E. Letter to Chuck Schmidt Regarding Eagle Scout Projects.
F. Letter Regarding Carrico Property from Roger Knutson.
Me M.C> {u
~~."''-f I. \. lo..... L L . S.. r t"-.. \"
- I 'V'J 1'-4- 0.- ~ ...-~ r-t... ~ "-" .
(612) 937-1900
April 7, 1989
Mr. Ozzie Chadderdon
Chanhassen American Legion Post 580
7995 Great Plains Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Chadderdon:
This letter is regarding the park shelter constructed by the
Chanhassen American Legion at Lake Ann Park. According to the
enclosed agreement, the Legion is to repay the City for materials
in monthly payments of $250 for five years. Payments were to
begin as soon as the project was completed.
According to my records, the structure was completed in July,
1988. The Legion made two early payments in July of 1987.
Therefore, your bill is paid through September of 1988 with
payments for October, Novelnber, December, January February, March,
and April are currently due. Attached please find a statement
for $1750, which will bring your account up to date.
Please feel free to call me at 937-1900 if you have any
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation
UpclI1Je.', Oc--z:\<.- Qo..\\-e.a bc...c..k. ~+t>-.+~~ +VWU-t
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~OLk-,^ -t- I bv...t v-..)ov...\ 0. ~o.,,'1 ~ ~ M L.A..c. h
().:, ~'1 e..olAi d . Is
880 COULTER DR.. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA !l!l317 . (812) 837.1800
Chanhassen American Leqion Post #580
7995 Great Plains Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
10/88 Monthly
11/88 "
12/88 "
1/89 "
2/89 "
. 3/89 "
4/89 "
payment for Shelter Construction Materia
$ 250.00
I f"'
- -
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this
day of
, 1986, by and between CHANHASSEN POST 580 OF THE AMERICAN
LEGION ("Chanhassen Legion") and the CITY OF CHANHASSEN ("City").
WHEREAS, the City owns and maintains a public park at Lake
Ann in Chanhassen, and
WHEREAS, Chanhassen Legion is a social organization which
uses the park for various functions; and
WHEREAS, Lake Ann Park now lacks any structure to shelter
park users or concession vendors; and
WHEREAS, construction of a shelter within Lake Ann Park
would be beneficial and enchance Park use by the community.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration for their mutual promises, .
it is agreed as follows:
1. The Chanhassen Legion has developed a specific listing
of various materials to be supplied by various vendors to complete
sa~~~QAstruction. The City of Chanhassen hereby agrees to prepare
a p~rchase order for the purchase of each material order after
being supplied a listing of such materials and a quotation from
~~... :~.
~"'..- .
at~~~~~t two different suppliers for said materials. The City shall
fotlow~other bidding requirements as set forth in Minnesota Statutes
::&i~' ~~.'~
an~~~as quickly as possible, make the purchase to the lowest respon-
sible bidder.
2. The City shall supply the Chanhassen Legion with the
materials for the construction of a park shelter. The materials
for construction shall be purchased so that the City will not buy .
items from anyone source or vendor in an amount in excess of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00).
3. The City shall provide Chanhassen Legion with specifi-
cations for the construction of the proposed park shelter.
4. Chanhassen Legion shall construct a park shelter according
to the plans and specifications and with the materials provided
to it by the City. The shelter shall be constructed at a location
within Lake Ann Park designated by the City.
5. The City shall contract for the digging of a well at
the shelter site, so that the park shelter will be supplied with
running water.
6. Chanhassen Legion shall repay the City for all the
City's costs and expenses incurred in purchasing materials for
the park shelter and for digging the well. This debt shall be amortized
over five (5) years, into sixty (60) equal monthly payments, each
due on the 15th day of the month. Payment on the debt shall commence
in the month following substantial completion of construction.
No interest shall be charged on the debt. Chanhassen Legion's obli-
gation to repay the debt, however, shall be suspended during any
year in which they are unable to obtain a charitable gambling license
through no fault of their own.
7. Following completion of construction, the City shall
assume all responsibility for maintenance and repair of the park
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement
the day and year first above written.
(612) 937-1900
April 6, 1989
Mr. Steve DeCatur
6645 Horseshoe Curve
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Steve:
This letter is to update you on the progress that I have been
able to make on my end concerning our discussions about Eurasian
Water Milfoil. I have received a cost estimate from Anderson
Signs, with whom the City does business, as follows:
For a quantity of 40, 24" x 18", reflective, thick aluminum
signs (similar to our crime watch signs), the cost would be .
$30.50 each, plus an approximate cost of $10.00 per sign
90st (2 posts per sign required).
Also attached is a card with information regarding this weed,
whi~h was sent to me by Steve Coleman from the MnDNR. He sent me
approximately 200, and I have a call into him to inquire as to
whether we can get more or if we could reprint these.
Lori Sietsema has advised me that she is only aware of five
public accesses within Chanhassen. I feel, however, that we
should purchase more signs so that they can be placed at all
official and unofficial access ooints. She also advised me that
she has checked with Shorewood ~nd Eden prairie regarding Riley
and Christmas Lakes, and Stuart Fox at Eden prairie would be
interested in working jointly, but that Shorewood has no one from
the City involved in such a project.
I am still of the opinion that our best approach at this point
would be to consider posting signs and distributing literature to
increase public awareness, while establishing a contingency fund
to chemically erradicate the weed once it is observed. In all
likelihood, any special fund would need to be included in the
1990 budget; however, action would need to be taken if it were
discovered this year.
Mr. Steve DeCatur
April 6, 1989
Page 2
When you get a chance would you please call me, Steve. Thank
Assistant Public Safety Director
cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager
Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director
~ Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
Bill Boyt, Councilman
Ursula Dimler, Councilwoman
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~
DATE: April 17, 1989 "7
SUBJ: Eagle Scout Project Request, Marty Schmidt
Marty Schmidt recently contacted me looking for a project that
would qualify as an Eagle Scout project. I offered a few ideas,
and Marty was most interested in building wood duck houses, blue
bird houses, and goose nesting platforms for Chanhassen Pond .
Park. There is $400 allocated in the budget for this project;
however, it is likely that additional funds will be needed.
Marty will be preparing a cost estimate with his proposal.
This item requires no action. However, if the Commission has any
reservations about this project, this item should be placed on
the agenda for Commission presentation.
(612) 937-1900
April 17, 1989
Mr. Scott Dummer
417 Santa Fe Trail
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Re: Eagle Scout Project
Dear Scott:
The City Council acted to approve your proposed project of a
bridge for Chanhassen Pond Park at last Monday's meeting. One
condition of approval; however, was to have the City Engineer look
at the soils in the area to see if such will support the bridge.
Please contact City Engineer Gary Warren at 937-1900 to review
the project.
Also, I understand that the Building Department has some concerns
about the bridge sU9Porting park maintenance equipment. Please
check with Dale Gregory to see what equipment he foresees taking
over the bridge and what weight and width they are. At that
point the Building Department (Steve Kirchman or Ron Julkowski)
can help you to make adjustments if necessary.
If any adjustments are made in the project and/or budget, please
let me know as soon as possible. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to call me at 937-1900.
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
(612) 937-1900
April 17, 1989
Mr. Chuck Schmidt
6843 Rolling Acres Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Chuck:
After our meeting last week about Marty's Eagle Scout project, I
got to thinking there should be more planning for these projects.
You indicated that there will be more scouts looking for projects
within the next year.
We are currently working on the 1990 budget. I would like to
have the Park and Recreation Commission identify 4-5 potential
projects and have funds allocated in the budget; however, park .
funds are limited. Therefore, if you could take a head count and
let me know how many scouts could realistically be looking for
projects, we could plan for them more efficiently. This will
expedite the process for both parties.
Additionally, it would be helpful to have the list of require-
ments for an Eagle Scout Project when we are planning. If you
have such a list, I would appreciate a copy of it.
Hopefully, I will be able to come up with a handout that out-
lines the Eagle Scout Project procedure. If you have any
questions, please call me at 937-1900.
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
DA Vii) L. GRANNIS - 1874-1961
DAVU> L. GRANNIS. )R. - 1910-1980
POST OffICE Box 57
TELEPHONE (612) 455-1661
(612) 455-2359
April 11, 1989
'ALso AONrnw To
Mr. Don Ashworth
Chanhassen City Hall
690 Coulter Drive, Box
Chanhassen, Minnesota
RE: Carrico Property
Dear Don:
The City's Park and Recreation Committee has expressed an
interest in acquiring an 11.67 acre parcel owned by Mr. Carl
Carrico on Lake Lucy Lane for a park. At your request, I have
reviewed the appraisal prepared by the landowner, the opinion of
value prepared by an appraiser selected by the City, and have met
with Mr. Carrico twice.
Mr. Carrico's appraiser has estimated the market value of
the property at $333,000. The City's appraiser estimates the value
at $58,500. One of the reasons for such a large difference in
opinion is that Mr. Carrico's appraiser assumed the property would
be placed inside the MUSA line and the City's appraiser assumed it
would not. Mr. Carrico has indicated that he would probably take
$250,000 for his property. I told him that based upon our
condemnation experience in the area the property might be worth as
much as $10,000 an acre or $116,700. We are still miles apart.
Before proceeding, I would like further instructions from
you. Do you want me to continue negotiations or commence
condemnation if we can't agree on a price?
Very truly yours,
Roger N. Knutson
cc: ~ri Sietsema
Carl Carrico
~ - -.....
,'0' ;...:-1
APR 1 3 1989
(612) 937-1900
Gary Warren, City Engineer
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~_
April 18, 1989 -;;
Lake Susan Park
The Park and Recreation Commission recently held a public hearing
with Lake Susan residents to discuss park development plans.
During that discussion there were concerns expressed regarding
the holding pond and the drainage into the lake. I have attached
the minutes with those concerns highlighted. Could you please
respond to those items mentioned so that I can keep the Park and
Recreation Commission updated?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 3
Publ ic Present:
Ed Weidmer
Ronald & Cindi Tann
Walter E. & Marian Paulson.
Waynette Meier
Al & Mary Klingelhutz
7031 Redwing Lane
8300 West Lake Court
8528 Great Plains Blvd.
8524 Great Plains Blvd.
8600 Great Plains Blvd.
Sietsema: The Lake Susan Park plan is being presented tonight to the
residents to get their input to see if they have any problems with the
plan which is being done as part of the LAWCON grant process. I don't
know if you are aware, we received preliminary approval for a LAWCON grant
which is actually a State bonded grant to develop a Lake Susan Park and
boat access which is located on the northwest side of Lake Susan where the
park shelter is right now. The overall project is $220,000.00 project of
which the State bond grant will cover 50% so it's $110,000.00 grant. The
plan includes, once the Lake Drive goes in all the way to Powers Blvd.,
we'll be getting access off of that road similar to where we come around
.f;rom the railroad tracks and come donw into the park now. This area right
,lere is the existing park shelter with the existing parking lot here. So
coming in here there would be another parking area with 2 tennis courts
and full sized ballfield, a basketball court and an area for a skating
rink. The volleyball would stay where it currently is. As you travel
further down there would be a turn around for a boat access just to the
east of that stand of trees that's down there. If you look down from the
park shelter right over here is a stand of trees, it would be to the east
of that so it wouldn't be in the direct line of view from the park
shelter. There are 2 handicap parking spaces down here. They would come
back up and park up here and walk down. That keeps the bulk of the
parking away from the lake minimizing the runoff and that kind of thing
that goes directly into the lake. The other thing that the major part of
the project is the trail system. It comes in along the access road into
the park shelter and down and it goes around, this is the north side of
the lake. This is the west side of the lake, so it would be along the
full north and west side of the lake coming out in Lake Susan Hills West
to their subdivision. At a future time that would come down further and
go out between Lake Susan West and Chanhassen Hills and down to Lyman
Blvd., if you can get all of those developments straight. That's it in a
nutshell. The boat access is here and there would be a fishing pier down
at this area where the creek currently comes out into the lake. We're
talking about possibly doing some dredging there so that would be a good
fishing area. And with that I will entertain any questions that you have.
Al Klingelhutz: First question, how many boat trailer spaces are you
~'Oing to have for the lake?
Sietsema: Five car-trailer spaces is what's required. It's a 190 acre
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 4
Al Klingelhutz:
That includes the 2 handicap?
Sietsema: I,don't think so. I think the handicap is in addition to that.
Al Klingelhutz: Now it's 1 space for each 20 acres of lake?
Sietsema: Right and it's 98 acres so it's 100 acres. We're required to
have 5 and they want handiaap available as well so we've got 7 total. 5
up here and 2 down here.
Schroers: Are we limiting horsepower on the lake?
Sietsema: No. This is a full trailerable access.
Resident: Is it going to be cemented?
Sietsema: It will be a concrete slab that goes in...that DNR specs out
and when it's available.
Boyt: Similiar to Lake Ann?
Sietsema: Right and similar to what's at Lotus Lake as well.
~~l Klingelhutz: Is that going to be a pond, that circle?
Sietsema: Yes, this is a future ponding area and I really don't know if
that's what it's going to look like or not. I don't think that that's all
been determined. That's part of the street improvement so that the runoff
that does come down from this area will settle out in this pond before
hitting the lake.
-iC~ln9Edhutz :.,:':';:;;..Part ofRosemourif~~Eng ineer lng' s"""'wate.t~o'rng~o"~me;;,j,.nt.
that pond?
Sietsema: I don't know that AI.
Robinson: Where is the Rosemount building on the property?
Sietsema: Rosemount would be, this is their property over here and
they're about over here somewhere.
Hasek: I would have to believe that Rosemount is probably required to
pond their own storm drainage.
Sietsema: I wouldn't even venture a guess. J wouldn't want to stick my
neck out to tell you one way or the other because I honestly don't know.
Mady: One thing I want to hear from the residents, something we did
, 'ith Lotus Lake, with the boat access there, to attempt to minimize the .
-c!mount of traffic that comes into the park is to make it illegal to park
boat trailers on the street and in nearby streets so you are really
restricting the access to basically 5, probably 5 trailer boats so we can
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 5
minimize the effects on the lake as much as possible. I want to see what
the residents here have any ideas, any thoughts on that because currently
there's no restriction in the City unless we do like we did at the Lotus
Lake area.
Al Klingelhutz: Personally I think 5 boats with any amount of horsepower
on that lake plus the boats that are owned by the residents are more than
Resident: If you see more than 2 boats out there that are potentially
skiing or more than 40 or 50 horse, and it's dangerous out there. I guess
my concern is how do you go about policing that? Does it police itself
because they limit the number of boats or what the number of potential
boats on the lake?
Sietsema: We've had that question in other instances and what the DNR's
response is that it does have a tendency to police itself because the more
boats there are, the more people watch out more. People limit their
activity if there's a lot of traffic on the lake so it doesn't, the
statistics are that with increased traffic on the lake, it does not
statisically show that there's increase of accidents. That's the response
I've gotten from DNR.
eC)chroers: Also, if there is a particular problem, the water patrol can be
lotified and they will come out and patrol the lake.
Sietsema: Yes, they have done that at Lotus and we have public safety
working on working with the Carver County Sheriff Department to upgrade
the amoung of water patrol we have in the City of Chanhassen now that we
do have more public accesses on our lakes.
Resident: A question I have. The trail system I think is fine. I think
those of us on the lake along with the others are certainly going to be
using that. That area right now is prone to beer parties. In fact
walking along the north side of this lake several weeks ago, there must
have been 50 cans and bottles thrown on the lake. What kind of clean up,
what kind of responsibility is the City going to have to make sure that if
there are parties over there or if there are other activities that create
a mess, trash, litter, that will be cleaned up?
Sietsema: I think that it's going to be more easily policed with an open
park. Once it's open to the public all the time. The Sheriff's
department will be able to drive through into the park without getting out
and opening the chain and going along the little road. Also there will be
other people in the park which tends to limit the amount of beer parties
and that kind of thing. Also, the park maintenance crews will be at that
park site more often as well.
Resident: I'm not talking specifically the park. It's the trail system I
auess that I'm more concerned about because that's where the activity
eems to be occurring at this point.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 6
Sietsema: Also, right above this area is where Rosemount is going to be
and if their development comes in, I would imagine that there would be
more policing. But the trail system is part of the park system so our
park maintenance crew will be policing litter and that kind of thing once
that develops.
Al Klingelhutz: I think I'd have to agree last winter before the snow got
very deep, they were coming off of TH 101, the cars were and driving up
that area where the shoreline went in and I think that's where the biggest
problem was as far as beer cans and parties. They weren't coming in
through the park so if there could be something put by TH 101 that cars
couldn't come up that trail easement there, I think it would benefit an
awful lot.
Sietsema: I think that's a good idea. I don't see any problem with doing
that. I don't think that would be a problem to put up some bollards or
something in that area so that would...
Resident: Yes, I think that's good. I think my concern is that there's
enough city staff so if there is a litter problem that it's cleaned up
before it gets into the lake. I took a half hour to throw the cans and
the beer bottles and whatever at least back up on the land so that it
wouldn't be floating around on the lake this spring but I didn't have
{,nything to carry it beyond that, if they're still there. If that is a .
~roblem, if people aren't going to use it, they're finding beer cans and
bottles and whatever thrown out in that area.
Sietsema: Again, once the park is open and the trail system is in, I
believe that our park maintenance crew will be spending more time in that
area and policing it for litter and maintenance problems and that kind of
that would
litter and
We have addressed that issue on the Commission and asked for an
seasonal person and a vehicle of the type that would serve that
purpose., I don't know exactly where we're at with that. If
come on line this year or not but we are concenred about the
would certainly want to keep it cleaned up.
Hasek: It's also nice to hear that some of the neighbors are doing that.
I live out on the other side of Lake Minnewashta and it's our
neighborhood's responsibility every year to clean up from our Linden
Circle all the way out to TH 7 in both directions where the snowmobile
trail is. We've just kind of taken the responsibility for doing that
every year...picking up cans of pop.
Resident: Is there any discussion on limiting motors on lakes in
Chanhassen? Again, I'm concerned about this being a small lake and the
potential for the impact on the lake which a number of the large motor
I boats or whatever on the lake. Is there or has there been any diScUSSiOn?
~ietsema: On this lake no there hasn't because what would happen is if we
limit the boat size, the boat motor size, we have to limit, the residents
have to be limited to that size motor as well. We can't limit just the
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 7
public access users as far as motor size. That's a State law. We have no
way of doing that and we have to comply with what DNR regulations are for
this boat access to qualify as an adequate public access for the chain of
lakes clean up project. And I don't know if you are all aware of that but
that's one of the reasons why this became a priority for the City is that
this watershed district, in conjunction with Eden prairie and the City of
Chanhassen became eligible for a million dollar grant from the EPA, PCA
and DNR for Lake Riley Chain of Lakes clean up project which involves Lake
Lucy, Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lake Riley. But the stipulation is that
you have to have public access on each of the lakes so we needed access on
Lake Susan and we're still working on Lake Lucy so that we will continue
to be qualified for that funding.
Resident: How long do you have to have the accesses put in before...
Sietsema: We gave them a time line that they were agreeable to and we
told them that we had the funding in line for this, for LAWCON and that
this could be done in 1989 and that we would apply for LAWCON grants for
the Lake Lucy access in 1989 for 1990 construction. So our time line is
that we are supposed to have both accesses in and completed and in use by
Resident: Has the Park Commission given any consideration for all the
.1.akes in Chanhassen? Has the City...opening up for access to the milfoil
roblem? Susan is 20 feet deep. We have that problem with the lake and
we have no lake anymore. Are there any plans in the works that deal with
that issue?
Sietsema: There is a plan that the weed inspector is working with Steve
Decater who's a resident on Lotus Lake who's very active in coming up with
a plan that he's going to be presenting to the City and having money
available to eradicate the weed if it's spotted and to get volunteers that
live around the lakes and use the lakes to go out periodically and check
for the weed because if you find it in a small patch, you can take care of
it and get rid of it right away but if it's too big of an amount, it takes
too much of a hold, then you've got to live with it and all you can do is
harvest it. So what Steve is proposing is a plan that would get the
lakeshore homeowners active in keeping an eye out for the weed. And the
City would be involved in that in watching for it on our own property as
Resident: I guess I would be more comfortable if that plan would be in
place before we open up Lake Susan and other lakes for boat access. I
guess I'd like to see those go hand in hand.
Sietsema: The plan that he's proposing, he wants to be able to take to
the City Council before the ice is off the lakes this year so I would
imagine that...
.esident: Does the City have money available to help eradicate the weed
f it's found?
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 8
Sietsema: I am not familiar with the details of how much money they're
looking for or where it's going to come from because the weed inspector's
been more closely involved with that. I can't tell you for sure that
there's going to be money in 1989 available because our budget is already
set for 1989 and it would take a budget adjustment and I'm sure what fund
that would come out of so I'm not sure but I do know that the City Council
is aware of it and concerned about it and eager to take some action to
have something in place to be able to control it. I've heard that from
them on a couple of occasions.
Al Klingelhutz:
sort of a control
that they have to
the propeller and
Would it be appropriate to have in that ordinance some
of any boats being transferred from one lake to another,
be manually inspected as far as carrying any weeds on
anchors and things?
Well part of the plan is to have signs up in all the public
I don't know if they're considering an ordinance or not.
Al Klingelhutz: It just seems to me if there's an ordinance in effect
stating that that wouldn't be allowed, even if it would be hard to check
on it on every single boat that comes in, that it would alert the people
to the fact that you can't do this. That if you're caught, there's a
would that
Do you think that the City can adopt an ordinance like that or. .
have to come from the State?
Al Klingelhutz:
I think the City could do it to pr.otect their lakes.
Boyt: I think they tried to do that at one of our neighboring cities.
Was trying to close all th~ir lake accesses this year.
Schroers: We could probably make a recommendation to Council to check in
to see, ask them the feasibility of that.
Resident: My concern is that again there would be some policy in place
before we move too far along with these types of projects. I guess I'm
concerned not just with Lake Susan but the other lakes in Chanhassen
because once it gets in one lake, the potential to spr.ead it is a lot
greater. I guess it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to be opening up a
boat access without giving people consideration and consideration at the
same time to deal with that problem because if that gets into Lake Susan,
nobody's going to want to put their boat in there anyway.
Sietsema: Again, the plan is for the Eurasian Water Milfoil plan to go to
the City Council before the ice goes off and I'~ hearing what you're
Resident: It sounds like there should be more coordination between the .
( 'eed inspector and the parks commission because I think it's a problem
~chat certainly goes in both courts.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 9
Robinson: What would be the earliest possible time, if everything went
smoothly, that this access would go in?
Sietsema: It would be very optimistic to say that it would open in 1989.
I think that it will be constructed in 1989 and not open until like the
spring of 1990 because we haven't gotten final approval on the grant. We
have to have an archeological survey done on the property. Then that has
to go down to the National Park Service for approval for the whole grant
process. Then we have to have the plans and specifications done and bids
and go through that and all those have to be approved by Council along the
way so it's every two weeks before you can get. I don't see us breaking
ground until mid-summer and we will be trying to coordinate a lot of the
work with the road construction and they're planning to do that in July,
as I recall.
Al Klingelhutz: I talked to Don yesterday on Lake Drive there and he
didn't think that would be complete, he said we'd be lucky to have it
completed by the 1st of October and it was more than likely it would be
the first of November.
Sietsema: Right, but they're going to be working on it so that when they
do the grading along here, they can do some grading...
.~l Klingelhutz:
.Lake this year?
But they won't be allowing any boats to come in to the
Sietsema: No, I don't see this being open for boat access in 1989 at all.
Al Klingelhutz: I guess there's another thing I have to bring up. I ~
brought it up before last year's City Council and you probably noticed it
there yourself if you went out on the beach. The peninsula of black dirt
that's forming in front of the creek and encroaching on the dock. -r-The r
first thaw we had this year, I walked over to the other side of the lake
, and there was water coming in from someplace tha t looked worse than mud..
~~think the people living on the lake were horrified that they could see
this black stuff on top of the ice over there. I think what happened is
when.Rosemount Engineering did their grading, that they broke into a tile
up~there someplace and water from that fresh pile of dirt... It threw the
tile down into that ditch on the north side of the park that flows into
the_~creek and comes out onto the lake.
Schroers: So you're getting siltation, is that what it is or black dirt?
Al Klingelhutz: There's a lot of siltation on top of the ice.
Sietsema: Well I will make a note of that to the City Engineer and alert
him to that.
Al Klingelhutz: Since I saw it, I've been more watchful as far as where
.:he sil tation is coming from. Monday I drove down CR 17 over where LakE!
'usan Hills has got that berm along the west side of the road. The day
before that was all filled wi.th water. and after we got that l:'ain and it
goes through that berm and all the water just gushed r.ight out of there.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 10
That's another place I think we're getting a lot of siltation from.
Sietsema: I'll make a note of that to the inspectors too and the City
Engineer...because we want to protect our lakes for sure.
Al Klingelhutz: I'm a little bit concerned that Rosemount Engineering is
going to put their ponding area. . Empak, where it's going to be built,
directly north of Lake Drive. Where is all that, the Empak water, it's
going to have to come through this area someplace?
Sietsema: I don't have the answers on anything about Rosemount's water. I
just don't know. I can ask the City Engineer to call you or get back to
you on that and answer some of those questions but I myself don't know.
Al Klingelhutz: I know we're suppose to be discussing the park but
there's no need to having a park if the lake is ruined.
Sietsema: That's right and that's why I will alert the engineer to what
your concerns are and if you'd like me to AI, I can have Gary call you
about that water runoff.
Al Klingelhutz: I did mention it to Gerhardt last night
was going to talk to him about it but I thought I should
f")ark board here.
Resident: You've got barriers going across the creek instead of along the
creek over by the park, the barriers go across the creek.
and he said he
mention it to the
(A tape change occurred at this point.)
Sietsema: I'll remind them to take a look at this.
Al Klingelhutz: Not only remind them Lori. We want some action on that.
We've been complaining about this for about a year now.
Sietsema: Okay, I will definitely alert him. Are there any other
comments or questions?
Resident: What is the timing on this? Can the people use the park when
it opens all night? All the time?
Sietsema: No. Once the park is open on a regular basis, it will be
opened at 7:00 in the morning and close at 10:00 at night is what the
hours will be. Possibly 6:00 in the morning. Is it 6:00?
Hoffman: 6:00 to 10:00.
Sietsema: The DNR requires that the boat access be open 16 hours a day
between 5: 00 in the morning and midnight so we have to leave it open for a.
( 'inimum amount of time for that boat access. So it would be 6:00 in the
~oorning until 10:00.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 11
Al Klingelhutz: Looking at that map, is that line just below the pond
area, is that where the creek is?
Sietsema: That's the interceptor.
Al Klingelhutz: I guess my recommendation is to make that pond as big as
possible because all of the industrial park comes down through there and
Rosemount Eng ineering is going to come through there.. Empak is going to
come through there and it's going to take an awful big sediment pond to
take care of everything that's going to come through that area. I'm very
concerned about the oil from the parking lots all coming into the lake.
It's possible I think that some pond prior to it getting to the lake
should have a skimmer on it.>
Sietsema: They were talking at one time about putting some apparatus in
this and I wasn't part of that conversation so I'm not sure of the details
but we have a lot of room here to make this pond bigger than what is shown
here because we're not planning to do anything as far as park facilities
down in this area because it's wet anyway. The most we would do is try
and mow it and make it look pretty. But I have a hunch that it's very
likely that that pond will expand and then it will be quite natural around
that area. Our focus is up, for park development is up in this area.
.~l Klingelhutz:
Would the creek run into the pond before it came into the
Sietsema: Yes.
I believe that is correct.
Resident: Is the park going to be open year round so if you're a winter
fishermen or whatever, you can drive through there and get on in the
Sietsema: I don't think there's any regulations from DNR on that. That
would have to be something that Park and Rec and City Council would
decide. I know on Lotus Lake it is open.
Schroers: I think if it is declared a public access, it has to be open to
the public.
Sietsema: Yes, but I'm not aware of winter regulations as far as DNR is
Resident: The question was more related to the City.
Sietsema: That is the case in other parts so it's likely that it hasn't
really been addressed so that could be something that got changed.
Al Klingelhutz: One full ballfield. Two tennis courts did you say?
eietsema: Two tennis courts. A full sized ballfield w~th 3?0 foot fence
ine. Parking lot. Basketball court. Area for a skatIng rInk. The
volleyball court is already in. This parking lot is in and the shelter
there and well house and then the boat access and the fishing pier.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
Mar.ch 29, 1989 - Page 12
Al Klingelhutz: You've got a lot of trees around that lower part. I know
some of them are there already. What about the row of trees along the
highway there at Lake Drive? On both sides?
Sietsema: That's not a bad idea. There hasn't been a landscaping plan
done for this yet. I don't know if you noticed at Lake Ann we have a row
of trees around the ballfield and around parking lot screening those and
we would do more landscaping in the park area too. Your concern was
screening what's going to be across the road?
Al Klingelhutz: I know it's going to be there already. It's a pretty
good sized plant. In fact it looks like the first stages of it and I'm
not against the plant going in there...
Sietsema: I think that might be to the interest of the Park and
Recreation Commission to do that too because I don't think park users are
that crazy about looking at a big industrial building.
Al Klingelhutz: The first phase of it looks like it's going to be about
90,000 square feet and the second phase is at least that big or bigger so
you're looking at almost 5 acres on the roof.
{'khroers: At our last meeting we did make a recommendation to the
~~lanning Commission to consider a buffer area there.
Sietsema: On this side and we could include it again on this side too.
It'd be a pretty drive coming into the park.
Al Klingelhutz: Did Rosemount or somebody give a little more land on the
east end of the park? It looks like it's a little further than it used to
Sietsema: Yes. This line used to come about here. There's 2 acres of a
thin sliver which enabled us to move this boat access over here so we
could leave this large stand of trees that's right here. Otherwise that
probably would have been where we would have had to go so with their
development, we required park dedication and an additional 2 acres to
accommodate that boat access. And we do plantings around in this area
too. If there's no other questions.
Mady: One thing I'd like to, since we have a nice group of neighbors
here who's interested in the park and live on the lake or near the lake,
make sure, do we have a sign-up sheet Lori?
Sietsema: Yes.
Mady: Because every time when we talk about developing this park, as the
grading plan comes in and you will probably find that it will come up on .
( 'he agenda from time to time, we will be able to notify you as to that
~eeting so if you think it's of interest to you, you can come in and let
us know your feelings one way or the other on it. It's always important
to get community information on items so we definitely encourage you to
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 13
put your name and address down under the item you're interested in so you
can be notified about that when it comes up to us.
Sietsema: And for the public record too we would need your name and
address if you could sign it.
Schroers: I would like staff to update it as to the progress of what's
going on.
Mady: The one comment I guess I have on this item was the parking thing
on the streets. It seems to work on Lotus Lake and recognizing their
concern over the number of boats being on the lake, that might be a
beneficial thing to do in that area too. To restrict off street parking
for a boat trailer.
Sietsema: I would recommend that we do that in a reaction stage rather
than proactive because given the size of the lake, I just don't anticipate
that there's going to be the heavy use of it. If it turns out that there
is, I think that that would be the time to start putting the signs up to
prohibit the on street parking. That's just staff's feelings.
Mady: I guess my concern is to avoid the problem instead of waiting for
it to occur and then having to react to it. That action seems to have
~'vorked on Lotus Lake.
Boyt: It doesn't make us very popular when we do it the other way?
Siestema: The only concern is that it's not a friendly looking thing to
do for a park.
Boyt: No parking?
Sietsema: Yes.
Hasek: Except I think what we're talking about is not how many p3rking,
it's just parking boat trailers on the street so what we can do is
probably put a sign up that says no boat trailer parking.
Sietsema: Parking isn't our expertise.
Hasek: That's true except when it's related to a recreational use area.
Boyt: We can make a recommendation.
Mady: Council's the one who does that.
Hasek: I think waiting for something to break here before we fix it is
not the right approach. Planning is suppose to have foresight to try to
.take care of problems before ~hey happen and I think t~at's ~n excellen~
'dea. If there's a way that It can be done, I'd certainly lIke to see It
done. Only for the boats though. Not for public parking.
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
March 29, 1989 - Page 14
sietsema: What I'll do is I'll ask engineering to review that and they
can address that. Is that what you'd like to do?
Mady: Okay. Any other comments?
Hasek: Is there a possibility that a second hill would be able to be
constructed between the pond and the existing ballfield or is that really
extremely crummy soil in there?
Siestema: No. It slopes. It's extreme slope and it's wet. When it gets
down there, it's wet. We looked at that and there's no way.
I have a big plan here.
If you're interested, I can put it up.
Mady: I wasn't real sure where the street was on this parcel.
Sietsema: Okay, if you look at it, turn the page so the reading is the
right direction. Across the top is West 78th Street and on what would be
the west side would be Market Blvd.. Then it's an 84 room hotel and then
you've got the existing buildings which would be where the old
(.mA building. I'm sure you're familiar with that. .
Boyt: I don't know, is it planning that would r.ecommend this but I'd like
to see some green in here somewhere.
Sietsema: This is not the landscape plan. This is just the site plan and
part of the, I believe there's a section in the ordinance that requires so
much green space or landscaping and that kind of thing and that is a
planning issue and they would address. That doesn't prohibit us from
recommending to the Planning Commission to double check it.
Mady: It's a good comment because when I look at this, it just appeat"s
the whole front of the building on West 78th Street is parking lot and
since West 78th Street is our main street.
Boyt: And we need a trail on West 78th Str.eet.
parking right out to the street.
It looks like there's
Sietsema: We hav a sidewalk across the street.
Boyt: But I would think in our downtown area...
Sietsema: The trail plan for. the downtown area has a sidewalk on the
north side of West 78th and then si.dewalks along the buildings on the
south si.de. It doesn't go up along the street. For bike traffic, it
along the south side of the bowling center and then up that way.
-Masek: So
new hotel?
then really only maybe our main concern is that there is a walk.
along the bowling side between the existing building and the