1989 05 30 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER 7/ 1. Appoint Acting Chair. 2. Approval of May 16, 1989 Minutes. 3. Public Hearing on Herman Field Park. 4. Review Playground Design for Lake Ann Park and Authorize Purchase. 5. Discussion of Playground Equipment Purchase at City Center Park. 6. 7. /. 8. 9. Consider Location of Babe Ruth Baseball Field. Discussion of Playground Equipment for Curry Farms Park Commission Presentation Administration Section . CITY OF CBAHBASSEN 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: May 16, 1989 -r -7 SUBJ: Herman Field The Park and Recreation Commission delayed the development of Herman Field until the street configurations for the development at TH 7 and 41 were determined. Such has since been determined and access from the east end of the park is not feasible. As there has been a considerable amount of time that has lapsed since the master plan was approved, staff felt it should be pre- . sented to the surrounding neighborhoods. It seems that the people in the area are interested in what is being planned and have some input as to the park's development. Attached please find a copy of the Herman Field Master Park Plan. This plan is revised showing the parking on the north end off of Forest Circle. A motion is needed if the plan is to be revised further, or if staff is to proceed with development. . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 22, 1989 Dear Herman Field Resident: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission will be reviewing the Herman Field Park Plan at their next meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 30th at 7:30 p.m. at the Chanhassen Ci ty Hall. The plan for Herman Field was developed a number of years ago. It will be presented to the area neighborhoods to determine if it is still a valid plan. Your comments and ideas are welcome. . Again, the meeting will be held on May 30th at 7:30 p.m. Please feel free to attend as public input is invited. Sincerely, , (, ~O ,10 ~jf<J-l~-.J / Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:ks . Lawrence & Pam Freiberg 2730 Orchard Lane Excelsior, t-N 55331 ~ames O. Irving i670 Orchard Lane Excelsior, t-N 55331 Patrick & Virginia Hanily 2660 Orchard Lane Excelsior, t-N 55331 Rick G. Bateson 6440 Oriole Avenue Excelsior, t-JN 55331 James & JlXiy 1-Iajeres 6450 Oriole Avenue Excelsior, NN 55331 Agnes Anderson 6470 Oriole Avenue ~lsior, t-IN 55331 Kelly Lee Ziegler 6480 Oriole Avenue Excelsior, IoN 55331 Wm M. & D. Ziegler 6441 Oriole Avenue Excelsior, NN 55331 Frank L. Reese 6200 Chaska Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Gary & Janet Reed 2461 W. 64th Street Excelsior, loIN 55331 Gary & Pennie Reed 2471 W. 64th Street Excelsior, lwIN 55331 Robert W. Ruetiman 5915 Galpin Lake Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Gee Baer 6300 Chaska Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Donald Duiycha 6451 Galpin Lake Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 . Gary Reed 2461 w. 64th Street Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Sandra K. Lehmer 6461 Oriole Avenue Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Iee & Elizabeth t-lcAbee 2791 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Richard G. Sctmi.dt 5136 Willow Lane t-tinnetonka, loIN 55343 Daniel & t-Iary Jo Dornan 2771 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Wn SWearengen 6250 Chaska Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Nark & Florence Gray 2751 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Philip Bonthius 2300 Melody Hill Road Excelsior, lwIN 55331 Darrell & Laurice Johnson 2731 Piper Ridge Lane . Excelsior, ~IN 55331 Greg Golroon Junie Hoff-Golrnen 2220 t-1elody Hill Road Excelsior, loIN 55331 t-Iatthew LErlvina 2711 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, NN 55331 Robert & Dolores Aman 2250 f.lelody Hill Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 William & 'Iheresa Bevan 2701 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, loIN 55331 Richard Nicoli 2280 f.1elody Hill Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Henry & Donna Bechthold 2722 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, ~IN 55331 Karen s. Peterson 2240 Melody Hill Road Excelsior, t-IN 55331 Kevin & Ivy Pettis 2742 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, t-IN 55331 . Joseph S. t-Iassee Sui te 234 Southdale Nedical Bldg Edina, lwIN 55435 Dean & Delores Erickson 5053 Woodland Road t-tinnetonka, ~JN 55345 Charles Rosenberger, III 2772 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, lvIN 55331 J & S Senst 282U Washta Bay Road Excelsior, lv~ 55331 H. & R. Schmidt . 2810 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior,!-~ 55331 Amer & Karin Stuhr "782 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior, loIN 55331 G&EHock 2861 North ~anor Excelsior, lvIN 55331 T. & E. Schoenecker 2820 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, lv~ 55331 Randolph & Kelly Hennan 2792 Piper Ridge Lane Excelsior,!-IN 55331 W. Kilby 2930 Washta Bay Road Excelsior,!-IN 55331 G. & L. Goede 2851 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, lv~ 55331 S & lvl Peterson 2810 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, lvIN 55331 W. & t-l. Kilby Route 5, Box 217C Excelsior, lvIN 55331 M. & K. Arone 2841 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, NN 55331 S. 'l'hanpson & D. Theide 2800 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, lvIN 55331 G. Ferm 2920 Washta Bay Road EXcelsior, lvIN 55331 T. & L. Pederson 2837 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, loIN 55331 T. & C. Engmark _821 North lvanor ~celsior, lvIN 55331 R. & S. Bauer 2700 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, lvIN 55331 K. Olsen 2821 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, !wIN 55331 N. Bri sley 2811 North l-anor Excelsior, lvIN 55331 R. & R. Stevens 2720 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, lvh.~ 55331 N. & J. Caspersen 2921 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, ivlN 55331 R. Luiwig 2831 North lvanor Excelsior, ~IN 55331 F. & J. Scott 2730 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, i\IN 55331 W. Holzer 2911 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, !wIN 55331 A. & R. Kimber 2820 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, lvIN 55331 H. & B. Ninow 2740 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, lvIN 55331 H. Nierrela 2841 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, ~IN 55331 I. lvtielke 2830 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, l-IN 55331 . f-l. & J. Kinnich 2750 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, !wIN 55331 D. & H. Anderson 2851 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, f-IN 55331 B. & P. lv1ackedanz 2840 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, lvIN 55331 L. & D. Spooner 2800 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, ivIN 55331 lvlinnetonka Transfer, Inc. 14719 lvlinnetonka Drive f-linnetonka, t-IN 55343 K. Ortlip 2831 Washta Bay Road Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 ~. & A. Fury i82l Washta Bay Road Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 P. & E. Jacobson 2840 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 H. & P. Pfeffer 2850 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 1-1innewashta HCl1leOWI1ers Assoc. c/o Lois Goede 2851 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 H. & L. Ahren Hamburg, 1-lN 55339 Credit Processing Systems 2511 Highway 7 Excelsior, I-lN 55331 L. & G. Cermak P.o. Box l4Al Lester Prairie, I-lN 55354 Obed Luke 1-1elan 2540 Orchard Lane Excelsior, ~lN 55331 R. & Y. Brown 2630 Orchard Lane Excelsior, ~lN 55331 G. Pc:pe 2740 Orchard Lane Excelsior, HN 55331 O. llJeurnann 2841 Sandpiper Trail EXcelsior, I-IN 55331 A. & A. weimerskirch 2831 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, l-lN 55331 K. & B. Lang 2631 Fbrest Avenue Excelsior, !tIN 55331 1-1. Schiferli 325 George Street Excelsior, !tIN 55331 Rhonda Studer 2611 Orchard Lane Excelsior, 1-lN 55331 R. & E. Livingston 2631 Orchard Lane Excelsior, !wIN 55331 J. & N. Schumacher 428 S. Hississippi River Blvd St. Paul, 1-IN 55105 D. Hansen & K. Caldwell 2841 North ~lanor Road Excelsior, l-IN 55331 R. & J. Newman 2721 Sandpiper Trail EXcelsior, t-IN 55331 1-1. & D. t-1cCalister 6310 Ninnewashta woods Drive Excelsior, NN 55331 J. & B. Cone 6320 Minnewashta Woods Dr. EXcelsior, ~lN 55331 T. & K. Blakenship 2731 Sandpiper Trail EXcelsior, ~lN 55331 O. & A. DeGray . 2741 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, l-IN 55331 W. & C. Wefring 6350 1-linnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, !tIN 55331 W. & P. Wisniewski 6340 Minnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, ~IN 55331 D. & K. Roper 2751 Sandpiper Trail Excelsior, t-IN 55331 R. & K. Hegman 6361 t-linnewashta Woods ~ Excelsior, 1-IN 55331 . R. Alford 6355 ~tinnewashta woods Dr. Excelsior, ~IN 55331 P. & C. prenevost 6351 t-tinnewashta ~oods Dr. Excelsior, LoIN 55331 T. Fisher 6349 1-linnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, pIN 55331 T. & B. Harer 6347 Minnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, ~1N 55331 . J. & t-1. Jacobsen 6341 Minnewashta Woods Dr. EXcelsior, i'oIN 55331 . . . ~.-"'.. J. & L. Smith 6331 r-linnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, ~~ 55331 K. Kladek 6321 Minnewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, ~~ 55331 J. & W. Kamrath 2731 orchard lane Excelsior, 1-~ 55331 C. Butterfield 2671 orchard lane Excelsior, 1-~ 55331 J. & 1-1. Kendall 2661 Orchard lane Excelsior, ~~ 55331 J. & J. Huber 2651 Orchard lane Excelsior, ~~ 55331 G. Knutson 2641 Orchard Lane Excelsior, ~~ 55331 R. & J. Rieslernan 6320 Forest Circle Excelsior, ~~ 55331 T. & v. Stodola 6330 Forest Circle Excelsior, v~ 55331 P. & C. Huttner 6340 Forest Circle Excelsior, ~~ 55331 K. spurbeck 6350 Forest Circle Excelsior, ~~ 55331 J. & C. storm 6360 Forest Circle Excelsior, 1-~ 55331 R. & B. Wagner 2511 Orchard lane Excelsior, MN 55331 G. & L. Cooner 2521 orchard lane Excelsior, 1-1N 55331 T. & V. Rcxle 6275 Chaska Road Excelsior, 1-1N 55331 Juiy Hinklin 6345 ~1innewashta Woods Dr. Excelsior, ~IN 55331 ;j:'"" .:~~, CITY OF CHANHASSEN 4 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator It May 25, 1989 7 DATE: SUBJ: Playground Equipment for Lake Ann Park A sum of $10,000 has been allocated in the 1989 CIP Budget to replace the totlot equipment at Lake Ann Park in the area of the ballfields. Considering the Park and Recreation Commission's previous comments regarding the types of equipment that would be suitable, Dave Owen of Earl F. Anderson has prepared a plan for a two phased design; see attached. Phase I of this is a custom redwood structure including two deck . structures, spiral slide, "S" pipe climber, vertical ladder, clatter bridge, a tunnel slide, chain net ladder, and steel steps. The cost of phase I, with border for both phases is $9,659.00. Phase II of the design includes two deck structures, balance beam, chain walk, turning bar, track ride, double poly slide, vertical ladders, horizontal ladder, pipe wall, chinning bar, flat slide, tire swing, belt swing, tot swings, and double ring bridge. Super scoop diggers are also recommended for phase II bringing the total to $9,476.00. It is the recommendation of this office to authorize the purchase of phase I as shown with the border for both phases for a cost of $9,653.00. . EFA EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC.. INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington. MN 55431 Toll-Free WATS Line 1-800-862-6026 .612-884-7300 Complete conlUlting. design. layout end Installation 18l'Vices. . Park and RecreatiONlI Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . Bleacher/Stadium Seating . Interior/Exterior Signa:J8 . Traffic Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Making Products . Scoreboards QUOTATION Date May 18, 1989 . City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. Attn: Lori Sietsema 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Your Ref. No. Lake Ann Park Playground Plan Date 5-17-89 . TERMS: Net 30 Days 1m To Be Arranged 0 We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Lake Ann Park Playground Phase I 1 Custom Redwood Playstructure with Redwood Decks, Phase I, 5-17-89 Plan Lin. Ft. Redwood Borderwood-4"X6" & 6"X6" Total Phase I $8,346.00 280 1,313.00 9,659.00 2 Add Alternate (Phase I or II) Super Scoop Diggers 210.00 420.00 1 PHASE II Redwood Playstructure with Redwood Decks Phase II 9,056.00 Note: Does not include installation. Redwood border pick up at EFA. Equipment by Landscape Structures, In . SUB TOTAL SALES TAX Paid by EFA FREIGHT INST ALLA nON TOTAL 0.00 aO.B. Factory 0 Destination ~ WE ARE AN EQ ~hipment approx. 4 - 6 weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. By (p~ /~~" I \ I I \ / '- / --~ //~'\ / I I I \ I , '...... -..... '0 (:2..) ~"'.;C.O?P (fW?;: 1: c;f.. JL) ~~~ (1 ~u&l'tr 0Jf'f'1-a: B",o 1 d' ";kil> Cl'- ~OT~ ",~,~W~ '2. ~, (p ft><;f:;, 'CO)f:i,..e Fa-Y 8-IP~ /4'- -,g I'- ~I~ ~ '- ~~7 (ft{~ -i) ~ v/t.I,.' ~ 4"'/.10" -\0" 1fT': p :z. 1VT ~NG,=- 1. ~..,.. '6IliN6j ...., " \ \ I I I / ./ -- ~ SW1N61 QC;;70 /'^AIH~ '?~,"~ M-r ~ThIN~* ~ ~Ipe.. OI\H~IN" ~~ fHA$. JI ~'e ~ ~ 11 -e:Ef-M ~ -e~t:. (---- -------. ----------, I fHk~:r: ~ -:.~ t I I I I I 01"'1/'1 ~ I I 'Sf1F-AL \...k'P~R I I ~~ I I 1&>Z70 IlI/-:Irlo;,TF\JC.~ I :<.. ~, 'oft6~ I I I I ~~~ I I ~~~ I , I I I I ~~~ I I ~~ I 'fH~ I I L__________________~_______~ 1 1 LAKE ANr~ PA~K FLAY~ROUND L t ~WOOD "fI-.Ay'S~~/~a2P ~ 't:;ly \...~~~ ~Tt)~oJINV. m-N'ID,MN. Gt1Y Of GHAr-\t-\~r'\ 'p, ~~ . /='?j';;j;,'l'-" . ~_.:=. e"(.~~ ~ t~. JiG. ~~...~, . , 1;;,m . 'J. . . . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 5" 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator\~ May 17, 1989 "7 DATE: SUBJ: City Center Park Playground Equipment . The Park and Recreation Commission postponed purchasing playground equipment at City Center Park pending the Community Center Task Force's decision on site location. Unfortunately, the Community Center Task Force has postponed their decision on a location until the Eckankar issue is settled. Without knowing whether or not the community center would be located at City Center Park, the Commission felt they could not proceed with a new layout for the park. In the interim, the APT has been raising funds for equipment and to date have roughly $6,000. Their plans are to upgrade the existing equipment on the north side of the school and would like to do so during the 1989 season. Although it is planned to reallocate the $40,000 in the 1990 Budget, this office feels that two park plans should be done on the entire site that show a layout with a community center and without. This would help both the City and the school to best determine how to use the funds available. I have contacted Mark Koegler, who is available to prepare such plans. As this is a budgeted item this work can be ordered immediately. . Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 2 -j . DISCUSSION OF TOTLOT PURCHASE AT CITY CENTER PARK - APPOINT PRESIDENT _ CAROL OLSON. Sietsema: As you may recall, the 1989 Capital Improvement Program includes $40,000.00 for totlot equipment for City Center Park. It has come to our attention that the APT and the School are also working on fundraising to purchase totlot equipment and playground equipment for the City site. They heard about our money and we heard about theirs and we thought, hey, let's get together. So this is basically just an information discussion back and forth, kind of informal thing to find out what we each have in mind. I think what the Commission has in mind may vary as well so if you just want to open it up for discussion. Robinson: Can we hear from Carol Olson? Is Carol here? Carol Olson: Yes, I'm here. -. Robinson: Could you tell us what you had in mind? Carol Olson: Our major block of fund raising this year has been for the playground. We're spending money on other things too so we're hoping that after Fun Fair we might have about $10,000.00. That's not going to do much but it will get a start. The obvious place where we feel we need to. do something is, what side of the building is that for the little kids? The north end. That is the oldest equipment over there and it's very outdated. That's what we're trying to find out. Where are you putting yours? Is it going to go in that same area? Is it going to go somewhere else because if you were going to put $40,000.00 into that area, then we won't work so hard towards playground equipment. We've got other things we could spend the money on and just put something smaller in there. We're committed to do playground equipment because we've told everybody that's what we're doing so we've got to get something but maybe we don't have to work towards a $20,000.00 or $30,000.00 unit if the City's putting something in there. '- Mady: Our discussions have pretty much revolved around the idea of creating a play structure the size of, some of the very nice ones you see in some of the major parks like Eden Prairie. We want something very nice. The City Center Park is a focal point really for the real town of Chanhassen. The kids need a nice structure. St. Hubert's has got a fairly nice structure now in their play area. It's a little bit smaller than what I think we were envisioning but we want something very nice. Location wise, I don't think we've really specified. One of the things we were looking at is having the park redesigned. Having it laid out so it can be utilized better. Personally I recognize the fact that the equipment on the north side of the school especially needs some work. There are concerns about some of the equipment being safe and that, so what we want to do is create a nice play structure up there. Something that the kids can use a lot of imagination on and will accommodate a lot . of kids. Be a focal point. We want to bring their children up of all ages so they have something they can all do. Exact location at this time, I don't know. That site is being considered for our Community Center too Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 3 ./ at this time so a plan will be coming up. Robinson: Is some of that land city land and some of school district property? Sietsema: The City owns to just the other side of the warming house and then the School District owns everything to the north of that. Mady: The warming house south is the City. 2 to 3 acres of City property to about 10 to 11 acres of school property. Robinson: So anything we were going to do, we would not put on school district property, like to the north of the school? Mady: No, not necessarily because it's kind of a joint... . Sietsema: Because we maintain the whole park. The agreement that we've had with the school district, as I understand it is that when school session is out, the whole site is ours to schedule and during school hours, it's the school. The whole site. So during school hours they come over and they go ice skating or they play ball on all three fields, even the one that's on ours and after school, we schedule it for the T-Ball and Ragball and that kind of thing and schedule tennis lessons. We share jointly the cost of maintenance on the tennis courts and the facilities. I don't know if we've shared the cost of anything on the playground equipment. I think it's everything that's been behind the school basically. The tennis courts and the ballfields, the running track and the ice rinks. Schroers: Do we have a time frame that we're working with here? Carol Olson: We want to know, if we're going to do something, we want to get something obviously that's a big structure there also because that's where all the, it's kindergarten, first and second use that area at recess. That's a lot of kids so you can't just put up a small unit but we're going to have do something in a phasing. We can't raise $20,000.00 in one year. We just can't do it. Boyt: Do you have the option of buying materials and having parents assemble it? Carol Olson: That idea has been kicked around. I don't know about liability and I don't know how much, we've talked about it. Bob Ostlund: That's been done at other school sites...a year ago. Boyt: It was done at St. Hubert's. It was done in an elementary school north of the Twin Cities. They had their own architect come in. . Watson: Minnetonka School District does it, like out at Minnewashta. The parents put up all the playground equipment out there and they simply had someone from the school was there and checked everything and made sure that they were in fact. Of course they had people who knew how to use Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 4 ""'- . tools and were reasonably competent to begin with but that has cut the cost way down. Boyt: I think you can get at least four times the playground, in talking to the parents at St. Hubert's, they were astounded that anyone would have $10,000.00 to spend on playground equipment. I've been thinking of the City Center Park, working on the southern end. The southern playground that the older kids use. Partly because I think one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment is there right now. The jungle gym. Carol Olson: That's not the one that has the most problems. It's the stuff on the other end. That seems to be the bigger problem. Watson: You mean from the standpoint of injuries and kids getting hurt and stuff? It's up on the north one where the littler kids are? Carol Olson: Yes. Watson: That stands to reason. Carol Olson: We just thought, if you were going to spend $40,000.00, I don't see that that whole area warrants $80,000.00 worth of playground equipment. For us to go into a phasing thing, it would be real nice to be able to work it so it could be located in an area where the school COUld. use it also. "- Boyt: Does the school district have any plans to get rid of some of the equipment that's had many injuries? Carol Olson: It's something that we're looking at right now in terms of what can we, if we take it down right now... Boyt: I think that's something that I'd like to know. If we're going to take out 4 pieces over here and 2 pieces here, what's going to be left...? I think there's some that really need to go. Carol Olson: You have that money in your budget. You're not sure where but what's your timeframe? When are you looking at some kind of action on it? Boyt: It could happen this spring. Robinson: We're going to prioritize. We've got a number of items and we're going to prioritize them tonight. Sometime in 1989. Mady: It's our goal to have that in place. . '-- Schroers: Does the City already have someone that we use for this on a budget thing and architect that would design it or would it go on bids? . Sietsema: Well, $40,000.00 would have to go out on bids because anything over $15,000.00 but typically we've worked with Earl F. Anderson with our playground equipment. We've gotten real good service from them and Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 5 .' they've been willing to come out and help us design what we want and that kind of thing. They're very reputable and their equipment holds up very well. Carol Watson: Is that from Mexican 'Forge? Sietsema: Yes, I believe so. They are not necessarily the cheapest but they go by, there's a handbook on playground equipment that has become the Bible in liability cases. And if your structures are not built to the specifications that are in this handbook that was set up as a guideline, then you are more likely to lose your case if someone's hurt on that equipment and they build all of their equipment by those specifications. Schroers: Okay, and to obtain his services, does that have to go out on bid or can we just hire that straight out as far as having him come and look and see what we have? Sietsema: He can come and look at what we have and make recommendations and draw things up but the actual purchase is probably going to have to go out on bids. We may want to hire someone that would be independent that would help us decide what, with that amount of money, help us decide what we want and then go from there. . Schroers: To have them go out and take a look and see what's what, how much money do you think we'd be talking about for that? Sietsema: The guy at Earl F. Anderson would come out and do it for nothing if he was pretty sure that he'd be awarded the job. Schroers: Or if he had a good chance at it? Sietsema: Yes. That's part of the services that he's provided in the past. Schroers: That seems like that would be a good way to get the ball rolling. Contact them and have someone come out and look things over. Give us some advice. Sietsema: Location really is the key point here because if the community center, if the City Center Park site is chosen for the community center in the next couple years, that's not where we want to sink $43,333.33 of equipment and then have to move it within the next year or two. Boyt: But the north playground? Sietsema: On the north side, that wouldn't be affected then. Mady: Not necessarily. We are talking about asking, at the Task Force meetings, we talked about looking at the 4 or 5 acres that are directly . north of there. I know when I met at communi ty meetings wi th the community center, I will be asking the residents who attend those meetings their thoughts on acquiring that 4 acres of land since we have fairly Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 6 ~ . accurate counts for that. bit. It would just open up things for us a little Sietsema: DO'yoU think that's where the playground equipment would be going out? Mady: It would maybe allow us to expand over because it's 100 feet wide there I believe, at that spot. It just gives a little bit more room to position the equipment there. Watson: And maybe move away from that parking lot a little bit better because. it really is pretty close to the parking lot. When the kids are out there and the parking situation has gotten to the point that that school, where it's very difficult to find a parking space and there doesn't necessarily have to be anything going on there of a significant nature so that lot is being used a lot more. It didn't used to be used that much. The kids were relatively safe over there because people usually parked up in front or on this side, for some reason, but now that lot is used alot and I think there's a much more significant hazard for those kids. Boyt: Do you know when the Community Center Task Force is going to make a recommendation? ~ Mady: I would guess we're going to start holding public meetings, I'm going to think late February, I'm hoping to start. We're meeting next week to go over some things. I would hope we're going to start scheduling some meetings and getting input. I would think if we do the meetings properly and people attend, we should have some input to the Council I would think by early April. . Boyt: That's getting pretty late to order any equipment. Mady: Well, I think we can order equipment. Boyt: But they have to know the site to decide what playground. That's pretty important for the architect. Sietsema: All he needs to know is if it's going to be a square spot, a round spot, a rectangular spot and how big and what we're working around. Boyt: So if it's a high priority for us, to get the playground equipment in this year, we might not get two... Mady: Two? Boyt: North and South. Mady: Oh, for the equipment. I would like to see the whole site designed l by the park... I think that's probably the most important thing we have. '- to look at things like the tennis court is running down. If you really want that tennis court. The ground is full of cracks. The posts have been risen through frost heave, they've come up out of the ground a little Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 7 . bit. It needs to be reworked and we're probably going to be looking at having to redo that site in the next couple years so we need to have a plan for the entire site that kind of makes sense. Because right now, the way the fields are laid out... Boyt: We don't have that in our budget for this year but we do have the playground equipment in our budget for this year. Mady: But we can find room in our budget as we have in the past to design, a couple thousand dollars to design a park area. Boyt: I think Lori was saying it's pretty expensive because they have to survey the property. Sietsema: They can probably do it for $1,500.00, come up with a design because typically what it's cost us in the past. I think it's a good idea that the sequence that things shoul~ go in is have a plan and then put your things where they're supposed to go according to the plan but it's difficult to put a plan if you don't know if there's going to be a big huge building in the middle of it or not. Perhaps we're not going to be able to work together with the APT and the school. We're going to have to put ours on hold until we know what the community center is doing. . Robinson: I really thing we should do that. Sietsema: For $40,000.00, I think we should put it where we want it go. In the right spot and $40,000.00 worth of equipment is going to big thing to work around if we put it in and then try to work around and put in a building and ballfields and what not. to be a it Boyt: You guys need to get going. Mady: Well we're meeting next week. We don't build a consensus quickly. It's somewhat of a different group. Robinson: I think we should put it on the agenda for an equal time frame and we'll get specific about it to look at it again or review it. Put it off in other words. Sietsema: As soon as we have a clearer understanding of what the community center is doing. Robinson: Jim thought that could be in April so let's get it on the agenda for April. If we know anything more then, fine. If we don't, well, at least we look at it. Watson: Is April going to be kind of late for you? Carol Olson: We wanted to do something but it doesn't make sense for us . to do something just in order to spend money. Watson: And we have the constraints of this potential building, etc.. At any rate, we need a park plan or something should be done out there so Park and Recreation Commission Meeting January 24, 1989 - Page 8 that when, even after the building's there and we do start to plan your ba1lfie1ds and all that stuff, that we do know where we're going. . ... Sietsema: We need to work with the school to find out if they want to rearrange the ballfields too and the tennis court and everything else too. We're making some assumptions here. Watson: venture. What they need done because it's always going to be a joint So they get their equipment too. Sietsema: Do you have some criteria as far as how far away from the school you want it? Carol Olson: We've really been listening to what you have to say too. What the whole design is going to be. It's really crazy for us right now to say we want it here if there might be a building there. Bob Ostlund: I totally agree with ihat Jim said. A site plan to coordinate on is what really is necessary right now so where the playground equipment goes can fit with what the overall plan for the site is. With or without the community center. I think that really is the first step and then we'll have to take a look at it and try to think of possibilities with APT or other interested parties on something once we have that in place. joint venture to get the design because the school ha_ playground and three on another. '- Boyt: We'll need a three grades on one Mady: I move to table to our first meeting in April and that if a decision is made in the City prior to concerning the community center site, move it to an earlier agenda. Watson: Second. Mady moved, Watson seconded to table action on the totlot equipment for the City Center Park until the first meeting in April or if a decision regarding the community center is made prior to this date, that it be moved to an earlier agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REVIEW GRADING PLAN FOR LAKE ANN PARK, LAURIE MCROSTI. Sietsema: Laurie's with our discussion when she gets here. to go longer. not here yet. I told her that it might take a while so if we want to move on and then come back to this I also told Richard. I anticipated this discussion '- RECREATION SUPERVISOR'S UPDATE ON PROGRAMS. Hoffman: 8(a} discusses ballfield scheduling. that have arisen in the past year specifically. Some of the situations If you've read through . . CITY OF CHANHASSEH 10 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator I DATE: May 23, 1989 7 SUBJ: Babe Ruth Baseball Field At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission directed staff to look into converting what will be Field #6 at Lake Ann Park to a Babe Ruth field. It was the intention of the Commission to provide a "really nice" facility for the youth to play sanctioned Babe Ruth Baseball. . In discussing such with Laurie McRostie (see attached letter), we discovered that a baseball field would fit on Field #6, but not with dugouts or a practice mound. The backstop area would be the minimum of 40 ft. and the fence line 300 ft. This design, however, this design would require a rather steep drainage ditch between the ballfield and soccer field, as a good portion of the water from the site flows through this area. The cost of the new design would be roughly $5,000 to $7,000 in materials and hard costs. Other hidden costs become a factor, however. Plans and specifications would need to be amended, grading quantities would change, the change to the plans would require City Council approval - all of which would move the completion date back at least one month, which would also mean additional costs. This becomes a complicated item when all the pieces are thrown together, and the outcome is still not the best arrangement and requires compromises that less than ideal. Looking outside Lake Ann Park for the answer to a Babe Ruth field, Lake Susan Park comes to view. This project is still in the infant stages and, therefore, amendments would be negligible. The park will accommodate dugouts, 350 ft. fence line, 50-60 ft. backstop area, and possibly room for a practice mound and batting cage. . The Lake Susan alternative does not require altering the already underway Lake Ann Plan and allows us to keep a much needed softball field. Therefore, it is the recommendation of this office to change the Lake Susan Park Plan to include a standard Babe Ruth Baseball field. This design change will be presented to the City Council at the time plans and specifications for the project are submitted. OSU =,. ~ , AsSociates, ~(. 2021 b."! Her,r~epln AVenue Minneapolis. M~: 554]:?' 611-33 Hi66C fAX:..:,1-3806 fngjnt:er~ Surveyors P;anner~ . May 23, 1989 ! : Ms. lori Sietsema Park &nd Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen; MN 5317 RE: Ballfield DevE~opment L2ke Ann Park OS~1 COGlm. No. 4207.2 Dear Lori: This l~:re( is written to explain the consequences of changing softball field #6 to ~ reSJ:~tion bEebal1 field at lake Ann Park. It is possible to build an adequatf: regulatic:"' bc:$t~t,all fi~ld without dugouts, but the time, costs and aesthetic ramificatiJ!ls must be cOrlsidered. Constfu:tion was started at Lake Ann approximately three weeks ago, so work is well und~rw~j. Any cha~ges at this time would result in delays of at least a month in th~ project. The dE'l ay wCiuld come mostly from tht: length of the approval process . req~ir;d to ~ake a contract change of this size. The Parks Commission will need to a~prcve ~he change and give direction to proceed. Plans would need to be modified and 2 change orear wo~ld be prepared. This change order must be approved by the City Ccu'lcil befor"e work can be done. This cannot happen until mid-June at the earliest. ' It is ;'ossiblE: to construct an adequate baseball field in place of softball field #6. A 300 foot baseline, a 350 foot center field and 40 feet behind homeplate to th~ backstop .,.,il1 fit on site. There is no room for dugouts. There is impact to the drainage swale th&t separates the present softball field from the soccer field on the e~s:. This is a major drainage way for the whole site. Increasing the si2e of the ballfield squt:eze~ th~ drainage area so that: the side slopes are very steep and the ditch botto~ is very narrow. It would be possible to run off the edge of the soccer field and fa11 a foot and a half to the bot~om of the ditch. A fence would ~r~ve~t running off the edge of the baseball field. Water will move through this dit~h and not cause erosion, however, in mY opinion, this will be an unattractive an,j p0tentially dangerous area in the. park. An alternative t.o the ditch is to install 420 feet of storm sewer in thi$ area to carry the water. The grading cou1d then be done in a more gentle and attractive manner. The costs for changing the field are described below. Four items may change; chain link fence, sod, ag 1ime ar.d storm sewer. The new costs are compared with the original costs. The city has also requested a six foot outfield fence be installed for softball field #6 if it remains in the plan. . E....al C;llX'rtunlly employ,r ------------------------------~----------- - -- - it Fence Original Softba 11 (4') 400 L. F. New Baseba 11 $2,200 (6') 1,200 L.F. $8,400 Sod 26 sq. yd at 1.35 $ 35 264 tons at 10.00 $2.640 . $4t875 : 694 sq. yd at 1.35 S 934 Ag Lim~ 61 tons at 10.00 S 61 $9t395 Subtotal Storm SevJer 420"12" RCP at S20/foct 1 catchbasin 1 outlet $8,400 $1,000 $ 300 $9,700 Cilj'in Unk Fence 6' 520 L.F. at 7.00 $3,640 (cdd~d to softball field per City r~quest) CONSTRUC1ION TOTAL $8,515 $19,095 . Therevl1"!l ~.1so be administrative and engineering costs involved with this change. The cos.t~ for plan:hang€'s and other administra.tive procedures are very difficult to d~terrr:ri~ and this work would be performed on an hourly basis under the standard contrart OSM has with the City. It is ~05S~t.~S to construct a baseball field that will function. However, th@ cost considf::"atior.s are great, timing delays may be lengthy and without the cost of storm S€;llc", aesthetics may suffer. I strongly urge you to consider this change very cartfully and to be open to any oth~r options that may be available. I will be atte~ding the Parks Commission meeting on May 30 to discuss this change with you in person. Best regards, ~~rnl~ Laurie McRostie cc: Gary Warren Scott Spisak, Imperial Developers i I ; /lmt . -- - -- ------- ------- CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator In May 24, 1989 ~ DATE: SUBJ: Council Action on Curry Farms At the May 22, 1989 meeting, the City Council acted to approve the request by Centex to make park improvements in Curry Farms Park. In doing so, they have allocated $3,000 for playground equipment and a volleyball net and poles. As stated at our last meeting, there is equipment on hand that was originally purchased for Greenwood Shores Park. This equip- . ment is the first of two phases and includes the main platform structure, a chain ladder, a slide and vertical ladder. The cost of this structure was roughly $5,400 and, with the addition of tot swings, would meet some of the needs of this neighborhood. The swings would cost roughly $650. This equipment, at one time, was earmarked to go to the Pheasant Hills area. However, staff does not feel there is sufficient space to put it on any of the outlots, and the Carrico issue will not likely be resolved this season. Therefore, this office would suggest earmarking the funds from Curry Farms for the Pheasant Hills area in 1990 and putting the equipment on hand at Curry Farms Park; as the value of each are nearly the same. . . . . PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION A. Memo regarding appraised for Carrico and Bandimere Properties- B. Memo from Centex Homes regarding trail construction C. Letter to Centex Homes regarding park development - .- / T I"') ,""'.?' / /!+ J /tQJ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 LYlELYI0RAND U~1 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: May 8, 1989 SUBJ: Authorize Appraisals, Bandimere Park and Carrico Property Bandimere Acquisition The City Council on April 15, 1989 authorized entering into a purchase agreement for the Bandimere property. The amount of the earnest money is small, i.e. $2,000. This was set by the Council so as to allow time for public hearings prior to closing. Similarly, before closing would occur, this office would recom- mend that an appraisal be completed and received by the City Council to verify that the amounts proposed to be paid are reaso- nable and a prudent use of the general taxpayer's money. I Carrico Acquisition The City has completed one appraisal on the Carrico property. The property owner, knowing that the City was considering purchasing the property, also hired an appraiser. The two appraisals are significantly different, i.e. $60,000 versus $330,000. In discussing this issue with the City Attorney it is the belief of both of our offices that a second appraisal should be obtained before condemnation is instituted. If the property owner's appraisal is in any way correct, major budget modifica- tions would have to be considered to even consider condemnation. In fact, I question whether sufficient monies could be found. Recognizing the amount of citizen input previously received favoring the Carrico acquisition, this office would feel far more comfortable having a second opinion in hand before informing the neighborhood that sufficient monies are not available to carry out acquisition. Recommendation This office would recommend that the City Attorney's office be authorized to obtain appraisals for both the Carrico and Bandimere properties. .'1 1\ ....,. 00/ f:;- -, . ~. . ~/ /1\~~ 6 . ~ntex Homes . . Baker Technology Plaza 5969 Baker Road SUite 300 Mlnnelonka, Minnesota 55345 May 17, 1989 Lori Siestema City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation P.O. Box 147 649 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: CURRY FARMS TRAILS Dear Lori: On May 22, 1989, Centex Homes will begin grading and installing the bike trails as shown on the attached plan. Please contact me at 936-7833 if you have any questions. Sincerely, CENTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION ~t~ John Spiess VP Production encls. MAY Z 3 1989 cc: T. Boyce, R. Huss file l,;ITX OF. CHANHASSEN Baker Technology Plaza, 5959 Baker Road, Suite 300, Minnetonka, Minnesota / (612) 936-7833 ~ UJ g C'J Wz 11/ ~o ...., 5., t") 0- enC'J t") X!;t 0: CD ~ Cz ... -J a: 0:1 cl> ><0 IE: . 4 Wa. IE:C t") ... ~ 11/:11: 0 ....a: :ll:Z ZO cO - ~ iii'" w We) .11/ ... ~ .,z CD 0 .~ - ..., lIt:l :,. Z :I '0 Z - , ~ ~ I --0 lL .UN 1 Z I ~ ..I VI ~ < ::t: Z . . < u . ::t: c ! . U 'a . ii 1! U . . IE: . a IE: .E a it .E ;:; it 11/ ;:; 11/ . .. .. i . . - .. " - I I c .. . . IE: r 0;; I ~: - ..: . ..... ....... ~: . =L fRe- . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 23, 1989 Centex Real Estate Corporation Attn: Mr. Tom Boyce Baker Technology Plaza 5959 Baker Road Suite 300 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Dear Mr. Boyce: . At their May 22, 1989 meeting, the City Council approved your proposal to begin park development at Curry Farms Park. In doing so, they also approved the conditions upon which your proposal was contingent and allocated $3,000 to be spent on volleyball poles and net and tot1ot equipment. Typically tot10t equipment takes about 3-6 weeks to be delivered. I will be working with members of the Curry Farms neighborhood to make equipment selections. Our park maintenance department will schedule construction of the tot1ot as soon as they are able. The City Council, Park and Recreation Commission, and Curry Farms neighborhood would like to thank you for this generous offer. It is refreshing to find a developer who is willing to go above and beyond the legal requirements. Thanks for being a good neighbor! Sincerely, . jJ . (J'-4- O)O.A-f ~~c-- Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k .