1989 10 24 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE * Please arrive at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. to review the Cenvesco site. 1. Call to order. 2. Appoint Acting Chairperson, Jan Lash. 3. Approval of Minutes, October 10, 1989. 4. Review Cenvesco Park Dedication Proposal. 5. Review Park and Recreation Commission Mission Statement. 6. City Council Action on Park and Recreation Commission Items, Verbal Update. 7. Review of 1989 Lake Ann Gate Receipts. 8. Volunteers for Halloween Party. 9. Commission Presentations: a. Discussion of Trail Plan Revisions and priorities, Jim Mady. b. Definition of Accessability, Ed Hasek. c. Community Center Task Force Update, Jim Mady. 10. Administration Section. . , CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Ls DATE: October 20, 1989 SUBJ: Oak View Heights At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, staff was directed to prepare a potenital park design for the proposed land dedication on the Oak View Heights site plan. Mark Koegler has prepared two concept plans for the site, one that shows the ravine filled and one that does not. The Commission also questioned whether the ravine could be . filled. There i9 nothing in the City ordinances that specificaly prohibits the filling of a ravine. The developer or the City - whoever owns the property at that time - would have to obtain a grading permit which would be reviewed by the Engineering Department and the Watershed District to determine the effect such would have on drainage, etc. Additionally, if grading is done within 200 feet of the wetland area~ wetland alteration permit would be needed to insure that the wetlands are not adver- sely affected. As theponding areas are protected wetlands, no structures would be allowed within 75 feet of those areas. Staff feels this 5+ acre site has. the. potential to be a unique and interesting neighborhood park.~he ravine provides a natural explore and discoverarea~bat :is>notavail,.able .inanyother neighborhood park. The desired facilities~ basketballj tennis, totlot, parking, picnic area and open space, can all. be accom- modated without filling the J:'avine. It is the recommendation of this office to approve the Oak View Heights site plan with the folloWing conditions: 1. The developer shall dedicate the proposed 5+ acres of parkland. " ~.. 2. The developer shall do the rough and fine grading on the park site in accordance with a grading plan prepared by the City. . . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE * Please arrive at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. to review the Cenvesco site. 1. Call to order. 2. Appoint Acting Chairperson, Jan Lash. 3. Approval of Minutes, October 10, 1989. 4. Review Cenvesco Park Dedication Proposal. 5. Review Park and Recreation Commission Mission Statement. 6. City Council Action on Park and Recreation Commission Items, Verbal Update. 7. Review of 1989 Lake Ann Gate Receipts. 8. Volunteers for Halloween Party. 9. Commission Presentations: a. Discussion of Trail Plan Revisions and priorities, Jim Mady. b. Definition of Accessability, Ed Hasek. c. Community Center Task Force Update, Jim Mady. 10. Administration Section. . . . Park and Recreation Commission October 20, 1989 Page 2 3. The developer provide a 20 foot trail easement along the sloped area above the wetlands from the park site to Powers Boulevard. 4. The developer construct an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard, the entire length of the proposed development and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. 5. The developer construct a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Jenny Lane and that such be constructed at he time the street improvements are made. Recreation Commission U date (October 24 1989): and Recreation Commission reviewed this item at their tinge Upon walking the site and reviewing the park con- n prepared by Mark Koegler (attached), they felt that the dedicated area of 5+ acres would be well suited for park The Commission agreed the ravine should not be filled se the design ideas on Exhibit 3. loper expressed that the requirement of grading and the park site in addition to land dedication was asking Staff explained that this was typically required as in en Hills and Lake Susan Hills West. Staff would also point out that of the 5+ acres being dedicated, only e developable due to the wetlands and the 75 ft. wetland The City does not tyically accept undevelopable prop- lieu of fees. (A case in point would be Chanhassen They were required to dedicate 7.8 acres of developable which they were given 50% credit on their park dedica- They also dedicated roughly 22 acres of wetlands for credit was given.) dedication fee requirement for property with a density units per acre is 17%-20% of the land value. The develo- indicated he has paid $40,000 per acre bringing the fee requlre ent to roughly $180,000-$216,000. A land dedication of 3.75 acres would be valued at roughly $150,000, thus the grading and see ing does not represent a requirement above and beyond what is typical. Recreation Commission Recommendation: The re ommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission is to requir the following conditions before final approval is given: shall dedicate the proposed 5+ acres of 1. Th pa " '. Park and Recreation Commission October 20, 1989 Page 3 2. The developer shall do the rough and fine grading on the park site in accordance with a grading plan prepared by the City. 3. The developer shall seed the park site with park grade all- purpose grass seed. 4. The developer provide a 20 foot trail easement along the sloped area above the wetlands from the park site to Powers Boulevard. 5. The developer construct an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard, the entire length of the proposed development and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. 6. The developer construct a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Jenny Lane and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. 5 . . . ~ Van Doren Hazard Stallings Architects. Engineers. Planners MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegl er ~ DATE: October 17, 1989 SUBJECT: Oak View Heights Park . As per the request from Lori Sietsema, we have reviewed the proposed 5+ acre park dedication for the Oak View Heights development. The primary purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of the abil ity of the parcel to accommodate needed recreational facilities. Other than to provide general comments, the review does not cover the acceptabi 1 ity of the property for park purposes. That decision needs to be made by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council based on input from a number of sources including the information contained herein. . Exhibit 1 is a copy of a site plan for the park area submitted by the developer. The plan identifies locations for a ball field, parking, basketball, tot lot, tennis and open skating. These facilities are consistent with the list of desired facilities previously prepared by the Park and Recreation Commission. The plan calls for filling the major ravine area that drains to the ponds on the north end of the site. Filling the ravine and grading along the southern property line would necessitate removal of one large oak and one medium sized ash. All active facilities would be placed on the upland flat area and the pond at the north end has been identified as an open skating area. This plan contains the desired facil ities, however, it has a number of shortcomings. Even with the filling of the ravine, the flat area of the park is inadequate to accommodate all of the identified facilities. The developer's plan compromises the locations of some of the facilities in the name of accommodating all of the desired uses. For example, the location of the tot lot adjacent to the ball field outfield area is undesirable due to potential interference with fly balls. The tennis court should have a north/south orientation, however, the amount of open land will only allow an east/west placement. Additionally, the plan calls for open skating on the pond area which is classified by the city as a protected wetland. This area is also hard to reach with a truck mounted sprayer which is the method used by the city for maintaining quality ice on all skating areas. 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg.II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN. 55447-2176 612/663-1960 Memorandum October 17, 1989 Page 2 Concept Plans For review purposes, we have prepared two additional concept plans to assist the Commission in the decision process. Exhibit 2 contains concept plan "A" which provides parking, a play area (tot lot), a tennis court, a full basketball court and a picnic/overlook area. This plan which calls for filling the ravine area does not include the open skating area that has been featured on other plans. The ball field, as shown, has a 180 foot outfield area and is suitable for casual neighborhood "pick-up" games. The plan contains a trail meandering through the park which would provide a link in the city.s overall trail plan. Exhibit 3 contains concept plan "B" which is different from the other two because it preserves the ravine and the specimen red oak and correspondingly, accommodates less intensive facilities. Plan "B" features a play area and picnic/overlook area on the top of the knoll at the 1000 foot contour in the south central portion of the site. From this location, users of the park will have a vista that stretches beyond Chanhassen Pond to the northeast and to portions of Lake Ann Park to the west and northwest. All of the tree cover on the east, north and west sides of the knoll would remain undisturbed. A trail could be installed linking the passive area of the park to the active area on the eastern side of the ravine. This trail would serve as a connecting link in the overall trail system. The trail could even feature a small bridge crossing at the head of the ravine for added interest. On the active side, the park could accommodate one tennis court, a full basketball court, a small (150.) backstop area for casual ball games, and a four car parking lot with access off of Kerber Boulevard. The remainder of the site would consist of open space available for hiking, exploring, sledding and cross country skiing. Structured ball fields and open skating are available in City Center Park located across Kerber Boulevard. Conclusion . . A final decision on the acceptability of the 5 acre park rests on the flexibility of the City of Chanhassen.s park programming. If a 200 or 250 foot ball field is necessary along with a tennis court, basketball court, parking lot, play area and skating area, then the five acre parcel is insufficient for park purposes and additional land now containing proposed housing units should be added to the park area. If, however, the city can do without a skating area and can accept a backstop area suitable only for casual play activities, plan "B" could establish a neighborhood park in Chanhassen that is truly unique. The play area and . picnic/overlook at the top of the knoll have a commanding view of . . . Memorandum October 17, 1989 Page 3 the surrounding countryside. excellent open space areas activities. The ravine, for hiking hillside and pond are and adventurous play. Exhibit 1 . 1U J I , en , ::r ~ , , , \ \ I , ~ , I , I , tL ~ \ (..... ,~ ~l " . ( 'O^ 19 Stt3MOd ) -------------. ...'" ...., - '" , - -, "" , ,-", " .. " ......... -- " _.......~ '-......... \ , , , .. "" "'- , \ "- .. "" I , , , , , \. "'. ... .... .....-....." . \ ~. , I I ....... / / / I / / / / ,/ \ ,/ \ ,/,/ ,'/ \ /"" /"" /"" 17 ( PowERS BLVD) ::--") . - I . '" Z' lC S- f g, (j :l 0 ~o ." :J 0 n , < tn _.~ a: ID "0 0Cl'1' Cl. l""P :::r r:r tir< -c "tl % ~ -. ~I ~~ t ,." :J -,,(1) . )( ~ ~ ::r . '" & ~ ~ :l '1' OIl ;:t. 5' ID ~ ID 5' OIl . . l' . .. I .'111 t.rlJW'lo.... _ ::.- ....... ........ ~l.Irll11€ ........ ........ ........ ........ '\ "" \ -~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ """ ........... \ ...................... ,.... - ........ ................... ..................., /' ...... I \ /...., . / . " / ] /1 \ \ ,. --........... D'lo,...."t ~ IIr'L1rr --- --- -- t4.rt"f'~r " \ ). / \ \ /~ / " { \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~\ /\ /' .~ \ .-9~ \ \ "1...... \ ~ c;;' /' /' /' > / /~ . I I / / / / /, -.-- --- --- 17 I POWERS BLVD. 1 .--~ -- 17' .,. --~- . . . ."l~'l."" ---- --- -~ ....... ....... ""\ \. "'" ..0 \. .,p \. ~~ \. :\. +... \. . .. ~ \. 1'''" \. /'^ \. . /' '> '. /' - """\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - -- ,-..... -..... -- -..... -..... -..... -..... -..... -..... /--...... .......... I \ ,- . ",,"" '" "" ',,- ",,] /' \ """,,"" ..:. . \ .) ",,/ \ / \ "" \ ). /// \ /'/ \ /~ / " I \ \ \ \ \ \ ~,~ #f' ~ ""( 'r, f.t '.r - - ....... FUr ....... "liE .............. /' /' /' /' ./ III ~ n 0 < ~ 0 " ~ ::I: ~ ll" I'D ~.~ .... :r "C " ~ [ ,.,., "'0 =r"'" )( ~ ,.... :r C/) < i er -c -. i' ;:;: = s>>t'D ~I .... ~ j' IoN - "'" ~ 'ar.. ~ . CITY OF CRARRASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: October 19, 1989 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Mission Statement At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, staff was directed to list each mission statement formulated to date as shown below: . Sue's: To provide quality facilities and recreational programs for all ages that will encourage a wholesome and fun leisure time experience. Jan's: The basic goal of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission is to provide high quality and a large variety of recreational facilities, taking into concern the needs, wants and concerns of all our citizens now and in the future. Our aim is to provide the services in a safe and financially responsible manner while keeping an eye on the preservation and protection of our natural ameni- ties. Ed's: The City of Chanhassen will provide recreational oppor- tunities which will reasonably meet the recreational needs of the community's present and future residents. Dawne & Jan's: We are an advisory board appointed by the City Council to provide input to Council by researching information, needs, and concerns of the citizens. We are to preserve and protect our natural amenities, while providing recreational facilities for a growing community. We will respond to the citizens and Council in a timely and fiscally responsible manner. Brooklyn Park's: The basic goal of the Brooklyn Park Recreation and Parks Department program is to provide facilities and a program of wholesome leisure- time activities to as many residents as . Park and Recreation Commission October 19, 1989 Page 2 possible, and to help them gain satisfaction, joy and benefit from a wide variety of recreational experiences. Further, it is hoped that the activities offered the men, women, and childen in the community can provide an oppor- tunity to improve skills, to develop and refine appreciation and form new friendships. The department is determined that you will carry away something more than just the memories of the program....rather a WHOLESOME AND MEANINGFUL LEISURE TIME EXPERIENCE. South St. Paul's: The central mission of the South St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department is to provide a full range of wholesome leisure opportunities and services that will enrich the quality of life and meet the needs and interests of all residents in the City of South St. Paul. . . . . . . AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA RECYCLING PRIZE DRAWING (The Council will draw a name for the recycling prize.) (City Council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the Council packet for each staff report.) 1. a. Item Deleted ** CONSENT AGENDA b. Petition to Establish School Zone on TH 101 in Front of St. Huberts School. c. Approve Development Contract for Cedar Heights Addition, Kelly Bosworth. d. Item Deleted ** e. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids for 1989 Sewer Rehabilitation Program. f. Item Deleted ** g. Establish In-Service Date for Lake Lucy Road Trunk Watermain Improvement Project 88-25. h. Authorize Inspection Study for Rehabilitation of Murray Hill Water Tower. i. Moved to Item 9. j. Site Plan Review for a Bank and Office Building, Northeast Corner of Market Boulevard and West 79th Street, Crossroads National Bank. k. Site Plan Review for a Church (Assemblies of God) to be Located in the Upper Level of Bloomberg's Dinner Theatre Building, Bloomberg Companies. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ~ Discussion of Lake Lucy Public Access. . 5. Request for the Placement of a Deck on a Recreational Beachlot, Lotus Lake Homeowners Association: a. Shoreland Setback Variance Request b. Conditional Use Permit Request. 6. Reconsideration of Decision to Cancel Recycling Contract. NEW BUSINESS . 7. Request to Amend Building Permit Fees, Heritage Park Apartments, Brad Johnson. 8. Adoption of Official Map for Highway 212. 9. Site Plan Review for an Industrial/Office/Warehouse Facility, Northwest Corner of Park Road and Park Court, Rome Corporation. . . CITY OF eHAHHASSEN ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission ~;!/ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: October 19, 1989 SUBJ: Halloween Party . Since I will not be present at the October 24th Park and Recreation Commission meeting, I have asked Lori to discuss this item. To make this community event a success, 20 to 30 volun- teers will be needed. Set-up can begin only after school is out for the day, which means we can begin at 3:30 p.m. and must be completed by 6:00 p.m. Eight costumed characters are needed for both the scary and friendly hallways. Currently we are short on friendly characters. Assistance will also be needed for the hay rides. Diamond T Ranch will need help organizing groups and getting them on and off the hay rack. Clean up help will also be needed after the event is over at approximately 8:00 p.m. Please help with this annual event if you are able. Just leave word with Lori or call me anytime. Grab a friend or family member, everyone is welcome to help. Helpers Needed: Costumed Characters (most important element) Decorators Hay Ride Helpers Refreshment Servers (coffee, cider, cookies) Clean-up Crew \.Av0o. tAo~1-- c. o.\'\ - CN-'(~ ((...0'0\('\ rn- \'"\\'1 Co't,.~i,\;\-(..... "" A:\.1,\.-, (t.\-, Ltp'" ....\ \ ,,,,, ,J '{~Ji" \ C" " ~ru.Pt\ ~..\.-<{. \ - (f .00 CJ.. e "".." IA. P . ,,', ,JO" "'~" (.\, ~.. '2 _ i "- ~ \' \... \ -,. i, ,j--C.i..,. ..;.~ .~:" ,", , , \, . . ',' -\ 'l-~ " betc (ALi.v); >t (\{l\\ .~'D (e.\v1'\{ o CITY OF CHAHHASSEH q . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: October 19, 1989 SUBJ: Commission Presentations These items were requested to be scheduled on the agenda by indi- vidual commissioners. These items are to generate discussion and can be placed on a future agenda if additional information is needed and/or formal action should be taken. A. Major trail connections and modifications to the Trail Plan - Jim Mady. . B. Defining "Accessibility" - Ed Hasek. C. Community Center Task Force Update - Jim Mady. . . ADMINISTATIVE SECTION Future Agenda Items Correspondence Regarding Herman Field Letter to Brad Johnson Regarding Babe Ruth Field Letter to Jim Chaffee Regarding Archery Range' Correspondence Regarding Park Complaint Correspondence Regarding Snowmobile Club Chanhassen Legion Baseball Information . . FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Prioritization of Park projects - November 4. Friends of Herman Field Park Committee Petition - November 14. Review Conceptual Plan for South Park and Determine Name - November 14. Park possibilities on Ziegler Property west of Lake Minnewashta - November 21. Prioritization of Park projects - November 14. Review 1989 Softball Evaluation Survey - November 14. Authorization to Purchase Second Phase of Lake Ann Park Totlot Equipment - January 9. South Lotus Lake Park Master Park Plan - January 9. Selection of Totlot Equipment for Lake Susan Park - January 9. Authorize Minnewashta Parkway Trail Feasibility Study - January 9. Review Changes in Lake Susan Park Development Project and Revised Cost Estimate - January 9. . . . . CITY.OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 11, 1989 Mr. Jim Storm 6360 Fbrest Circle Excelsior, ~JN 55331 Dear ~Jr. Storm: . Thank you for your letter regarding Hernan Field Park and it' s developnent and your points regarding the nature trail. The Park and Recreation Carmission' s initial plans for that trail is to be a m:::>wed path that will involve minimal disturbance to the area. '!he carmission feels that by starting with a roowed trail it will allow us to determine pedestrian traffic patterns and heavy use areas. Signage is an important part of a natural park system. As you suggested, signage to outline the "don' ts" is as important as infonnati ve signage that helps to identify special natural amenities. Your point regarding using available experts to help design the trail is well taken, as well as the idea of forming a resident group to be involved in the planning and implemantation of the park plan. I will be contacting the Landscape Arboretum to request their assistance. I will be sending out a letter to the neighborhoods in the Herman Field area to ask anyone interested in becani.ng involved. Thank you for your input. It is wonderful to see neighborhoods take an interest in the parks in their area. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional ccmnents or concerns. Sincerely, cfl;/U" jur~~~ Lori Sietseaa Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . c: Don Ashworth, Ci ty ~Janager ~Jayor and City Council Park and Recreation eamdssion ... /' if. r"'. . . 6360 Forest Circle Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 SePtember 19, 1989 City Council City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 I ...--. Dear Council Members: On September 11 th, I received written notification that the plan for Herman Field Park would be on the City Council agenda the evening of the 11 tho The lack of proper notification on the timetable for this item is disturbing and should be corrected; however, not wishing to lose the focus of my thought, I will take this opportunity to write you on this subject. My comments relate to that portion of the plan in the far left of the master plan . entitled "Nature Trail/Explore" around the pond. If done correctly, this nature trail has the potential to be a real asset to the entire park plan. If done poorly, it will add very little and may in fact detract from the park. My thoughts on how we can make the most of this nature trail include the following: 1) First, there is a real difference between a trail and a path. The former is planned to blend with the landscape and fit into the environment. It is much more than cutting an opening. It must be planned with the environment in mind. Time spent to think through the exact location and composition is time well spent. . 2) Some "don'ts" that are part of any nature trail should be clearly under- stood by all potential users via signs and notice: a. Don't litter b. Don't pick flowers or disturb the foliage c. Don't let dogs run freely on the trail d. Don't allow any motorized vehicles on the trail 3) Some "dos" that can be very helpful for a successful trail are: a. Do provide housekeeping for the trail b. Do provide information which helps people understand the natural environment of which they are a part c. Do allow access for young and old, able-bodied and handicapped . .. .-...--- ~':-U SEP 211989 CITY OF CHANHASSEN . . . ".' .. In an area where we are blessed with so much experience related to nature and the natural environment, I would strongly encourage responsible individuals to reach out to these experts when designing this trail. This need not be a costly process .~t all. Finally. I encourage those responsible for development to draw together a group of local residents who could help on the development and upkeep of the trail. If local residents feel a sense of ownership in this project, there will be many hands available to make the trail a positive experience. If they are not involved responsibly, upkeep will rest largely with an already committed staff. This letter is in the form of an invitation to staff to contact us to work on the development of a group of -friends of the Herman Field Nature Trail.- This should be done prior to any actual work on the site and should involve the group in all phases of the decision-making process. . A path around a pond or a nature trail. The plan calls for the latter. We are committed to this becoming a reality. Sincerely, I~<ST~' Jim Storm ~J)~c CITY 0 F CBAIBASSEI . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October ll, 1989 Mr. Brad Johnson 7425 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Brad: Thank you for subni. tting your questions and concerns regarding the Babe Ruth field at rake Susan Park, and allowing me to attend your baseball coaches meeting. As I indicated at the meeting, Il'Dst of the concerns that you and the other coaches had can be addressed in the park plan. I recently met with Scott Barri, the Project Engineer, to discuss those concerns in detail. - '!he orientation of the field is in accordance with l<rtinnesota Guidelines. Although it is not the optimal layout, it works best on the site with the parking and accessory uses that are needed (bitting cage, etc.). - 'lhe batting and pitching cages can easily be included along the left side of the field and electrical can be made available. . - '!here is rocxn for practice Il'Dunds on the site. - Spectator seating will be placed behind the backstop. - Although lighting is not included in this project, the site will accan- m:xiatesuch at a future time. - '!he typical roofed, masonry dugouts will be included in the project. - A hooded, chain1ink backstop will be included in the project. - '!he distance along the baseline will be 320 ft. and 350 ft. to center field. I believe this addresses the carments aOO concerns that were expressed at the coaches meeting. Please let me know if you have anything to add. ~. e1y, tM..' J~ nut-! i Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Park and Recreation Carmission City Council Scott Harri, Van Doren Hazard Stallings . . CITY OF CHARHASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatorLt October 17, 1989 -7 DATE: SUBJ: Archery Range . The Park and Recreation Commission recently reviewed a park design for Lake Susan Park that includes an archery range. An archery range is a recreational facility that to date has not been offered in Chanhassen. Recognizing the need for such, it was determined that Lake Susan Park is best suited for this type of activity. The Park and Recreation Commission is recommending that the Public Safety Commission review this plan before sending a recommendation for the City Council for approval. Attached please find the park plan for Lake Susan Park. Also attached is a memo from Todd Hoffman describing the facility. Please have the Public Safety Commission review this item at their next meeting. If you would like someone there to present this item, please let me know and either Todd or I will attend the meeting. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Boyt, Park and Recreation Commission Me:b~~ Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Directo~J October 17, 1989 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Clearing Of Public Park Property This memo is to follow up on the complaint that you made to Lori regarding possible clearing on park property. I initially had the Carver County Sheriff's Department, and Dale Gregory inspect the area, and they were unable to locate the specific damage. . Lori did follow up on this, however, and did identify the area that she believes you were talking about. I did ask Lori whether it was such that the City of Chanhassen should refer this matter to court, or require some restitution, but she did not feel this was necessary. I have sent the attached letter to the suspects, and will be happy to follow up if need be. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. cc: Lori Sietsema . . CITY OF CRARRASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 17, 1989 Craig Brandt 7260 Sierra Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Brandt, . This letter is to advise you that the City of Chanhassen has received a report of clearing of public park property to the rear of your residence. Upon our inspection, it does appear that Chanhassen park property has been cut; however, it is questionable whether such damage to property could have been intentional. Assuming that it was not, we did want to bring this matter to your attention so that future problems do not occur. If you have any questions, I would appreciate you contacting myself or Park and Recreation Director Lori Sietsema. ::f;Y~ Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Director SH:lf . CITY.OF CHArHASSEI . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 11, 1989 Ms. Sue Boyt 7204 Kiowa Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Sue: Thank you for your call regarding Chanhassen Pond Park. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been given authorization to clear anything in that park. I have contacted the Chanhassen Public Safety Department who will make the proper inquiries. I will also be going out to the site with Park Foreman Dale Gregory to assess the damages. Again, thank you for the call as clear-cutting park property is . most definitely inappropriate. Sincerely, cyM- Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator. LS:k cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager City Council Park and Recreation Commission Jim Chaffee, PUblic Safety Director . :......'.'<<,.. ,-. ~ . "_. 6. . . . - , ~ ~ t'F.\ u r..' ~ ~ ~ 1: Ij t-rr r ? t'1 i ~ ~, ~') r ~ (::' ..-. ~ t' ~ ~ ~ ... ~ . -- '-- -- . ----- - Oe- I- ((j). ~ -J ~ ~6" LAST: rei! FIRST: -. COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY:~7)'~~ ~ COMPLAINANT MIDDLE: DOB: . STREET NUMBER: STREET NAME: CITY: ST: ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: q37-F~~1 TYPE OF COMPLAINT: f1VIl'Lti70 ~G ~ ~, DATE {/ ,. , LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: -He-!un Nl& #...L /i?fJlV!. RECEIVED: /6/ C; / X7 J 1:1../ {i~;? ;/dL- I SUBJECT HARD- FILE: CASE NUMBER: LAST: 3rc~JI d+ NUMBER: 71 ffi ZIP: FIRST: ~ ra(f.a MIDDLE: ~'~ c:;, CITY: DOB: STREET STREET NAME: ST: PHONE NUMBER: ACTION TAKEN/COMMENTS (INCLUDE DATE): fI/?Ii' /1 /1 h' <S (.? /7 .a,/?,r-( PVl A:.. ~ /' ( (1 /;__lU ~ ...hJ ' ..,.C~ /u [uJ III i /1; > I '/7:;: /.) / ( ,/.,~,{ c2 ~ .r,. ""'( / ')i/ 'I--/,'{l/ttjICCLt''Jf . r... / /III/! 7 b~')1 ,,' Z4~ Iu!:..., <k~"; 6- )' I./JZk I)(UI/1/ o :lu.. /7.L 1;.-....* /iv'l,' _/ (1' ..... -./ ./~ ~.//I. 1_," v~-- , I' d ~; /i!t..? /;',':V ,d bO. 7~(bO . ' ~& ~ /'u)f- .1')1'1;;;; .7 . -LI .-"t.t ijL( /:5..1 t -.LlCLIG--~ .'~ /J11/J/-' <'74? r 7 tfi... /'I(Y,} ""Lh ~. f}f c/!.t.' '.:fj!IL, ~ /(.) ;/ ~ . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 18, 1989 LeRoy Biteler 910 Penamint Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear LeRoy, I am writing to thank you for taking the time to come into City Hall to discuss issues regarding snowmobiles. I think it was an excellent opportunity to share thoughts and perspectives, with the final goal remaining the same for everyone: keeping Chanhassen a fun place to live! . I anticipate a wonderful season of snowmobiling, and invite you to contact us at any time we can be of assistance. Again, thank you for taking time to come in and talk with us. Sinr.:J"? 6~~~ Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Director SH:lf cc: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator . CITY OF CHARHASSER . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 18, 1989 Dave Holub 6670 Mohawk Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Dave, I am writing to thank you for taking the time to come into City Hall to discuss issues regarding snowmobiles. I think it was an excellent opportunity to share thoughts and perspectives, with the final goal remaining the same for everyone: keeping Chanhassen a fun place to live! I anticipate a wonderful season of snowmobiling, and invite you to contact us at any time we can be of assistance. Again, thank . you for taking time to come in and talk with us. Si~Y., cs.~ Scott Harr, Assistant Public Safety Director SH:lf cc: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator . COMPLAINANT COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: ~/~ eLAS,.: If +e Ie r STREET NUMBER: FIRST: Le..r uV /' MIDDLE: DOB: STREET NAME: CITY: ST: ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: TrPB OF COMPLAIN,.: -S~,-,l11o ~:!J ~ (J~'" J LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: C. ~ C-J. '.J4. 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