1989 11 14 Agenda . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 1989, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to order. Approve Minutes of October 24, 1989. Prioritization of Park Projects and Five Year Capital Improvement Program. Review 1989 Softball Evaluation Survey. Review Lake Ann Park Gate Fees. Continue Discussion of Accessability. Commission Presentations. Administrative Section. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission SUBJ: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ November 9, 1989 ') Five Year Capital Improvement Program FROM: DATE: In the past, the Park and Recreation Commission has put together the attached capital improvement program. The capital improve- ment program identifies and prioritizes park projects for the next five years. This plan is somewhat out of date, therefore, I am bringing it back to you fo~. updating. The purpose of the capital improvement program is to help plan for the upcoming . years and can be used as a guideline at budget time. . . . . _ '\0.. ~~~ --~ ~ ~. ~~~ Q\ ~ --,,""" ~ ~ ~ o . ~ * ~ !C '" ~ r -i o oof > (;; r-\PE"''tJUl-iUl >>>~>OOE X~-iUllO"'-i~ t:l lII:Z:lI:-ir-:z lOH \PO:Z B~~~~~-i~ CbE'Or- H lIl~oof'" t:l Ulr-lOlIIlII~ 0 HH lOlOG n -i(ln lII: ~:Z:O O-ill!: XUlll!: ~ -i H H :z '0 lO ~ ~ III X -i Ul -i o -i > r- Cl oof . ~ -i '0 lO III < H o C Ul '" >c 'tJ . ~ ~ '" ~ 10 Ol Ol lJI < III ~> IOlO Ol 10'0 lIO g lO > ~:z 10 10 o 'O>~'O lJI >n > lOlIO lIO -< 1II:,">lI: III > -i" > -i(lH lO <,"0 'O"lI!: n III.. > '0 ~ -i > r- n o :z :z c lI!: H -i < '0 > lO lII: l€ .- H :z '0 .. lO o < III :z III lI!: -i '0 lO o (l lO > :z ~~ Ulll: -illl 0> XZ Z :I: E'O -<> lIO lJIlI: ..,. ~ -. ~.... . .,.., <:::1 ~ ~ C ~. ~ '"""*- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~. __ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ -, tV tV . ~ ~ g~ ~ ~.. ,.. ~ "':::oIL'- -'8 !!.!.!. 8 8 · · · · · · ~ ~~ ~ 0 0 0 000000 Q ~ ~~ ~ til ,~ ~~?o.:- -i _~ "'"' ~~ \P ~~.~ ~~ ~ ~ ""~~ ~~ X ~ ~ ~~ t:l ~ '- "": ~ ~ \' :8 ~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~~ ~ @ ~~"t <;;> ~~ ~ c--... 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CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission -;1 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: October 17, 1989 SUBJ: 1989 Summer Adult Softball Evaluation Results At the conclusion of the 1989 summer softball season, an eval- uation form was sent to all team managers. A self-addressed, stamped envelope was enclosed with the evaluation to increase convenience in responding. This is the first year a softball evaluation form has been used in an attempt to improve this program. . Of the 54 evaluations sent, 19 were returned for a 35% response rate. Response rates based upon the different leagues varied a great deal. The chart below shows the individual response percentages. Industrial C Womens D 35 & Over B Mens Open C Co-Rec B 21% 17% 57% 43% 17% A tabulation of the survey results is attached for your infor- mation. Items included are a copy of the original survey showing the number of responses for each question, Numbers 1-8; a graph illustrating those results; a list of the additional responses to Questions 1-8; a list of suggestions on how possibly to improve each league. The responses to the question "Why do you par- ticipate in this program?n; and any additional comments. . The overall rating of the program is consistently high; however, a number of things can be worked on to improve this program. - Officiating: 1989 marked a year in transition for our Umpires Association. Many rookie umpires were beginning their careers leading to some inconsistent calls being made. This situation should improve as these new umpires gain experience. I will work more closely with the Association in future years to ensure that all rules specific to our league are understood. Park and Recreation Commission October 17, 1989 Page 2 Game Times: The debate over the 6:00 p.m. start time con- tinues. A vote will be taken at the organization meeting in the spring. All league game times will remain con- sistent; however, being either 6:00, 7:15 and 8:30 or 6:15, 7:30 and 8:45. - Receivinq Leaque Information/League Meeting: League material will be distributed in a more timely manner in 1990 and all questions will be addresed in the league meetings. More time will be allowed for the meetings to make this possible. - Fees: Fees will continue to increase until our fees are comparable to the "norm". Many communities build in in- direct costs (satellites, ag lime, field maintenance, lighting systems, etc.) along with the direct costs of umpires, balls and trophies. Other issues which will arise in the coming year are the increased use of DataServ fields, the structure of the 35 and Over League and playoffs, the possibility of an Over 40 league, and the continuing question of player eligibility. The survey proved to be an effective tool in initiating changes in the Chanhassen Adult Summer Softball Program. . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 937-1900 1989 SOFTBALL EVALUATION In order to better serve our softball players in Chanhassen, we need as much information as possible from participating teams to further improve this program. Each evaluation will be taken into consideration. The form may be returned using the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope. Please take a few minutes of your time to better improve YOUR program! Thank you. LEAGUE: Mens C 6 Womens D 1 Co-Rec B 1 TEAM NAME (Optional) Industrial C 35 and Over B 3 8 . 1. OVERALL RATING OF PROGRAM 5. RECEIVING LEAGUE 8 Excellent INFORMATION/LEAGUE MEETING 10 Good 12 Excellent 1 Fair 3 Good Poor 4 Fair Poor 2. PLAYING NIGHTS/GAME TIMES 5 Excellent 6. PLAY-OFF STRUCTURE & PLACEMENT 11 Good 7 Excellent 2 Fair 10 Good 1 Poor 2 Fair Poor 3. WEATHER, MAKE-UP PROCEDURE 8 Excellent 7. FACILITIES 11 Good 9 Excellent Fair 8 Good Poor 2 Fair Poor 4. OFFICIATING 1 Excellent 8. FEES 9 Good 3 Excellent 8 Fair 13 Good 1 Poor 3 Fair Poor Additional comments on number . Do you have any suggestions for changes concerning league classi- . fication, season length, league scheduling, playoff format, etc. that would improve your league or this program? Why do you participate in this program? Meet with friends/social Competition Evening out Physical activity Other What other leisure activity would you like for the City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to provide? Additional Comments: Thank you for your suggestions! -2- . . ~......~,;,- . ..,' ~ I.d ~ ,.... t ... -l tC ~ ... \L () U1 0- tX:) 0- - . ~.~ _'::~: ~ .-- ~ Lu :at W QJ V\ ~ ~ t, A: ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~~ ~ k) 2:"J ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~, c :s ~~ DL ~ ~~ l- e 0. i==> ~~ - ~ ~ " " '-. '. ;a ~ -.) c ':It 1M _ -J\- w ~ IU ! s: ~ ~- .., ~ : 1M 'Z ~- ~ 0- -W_N + ~ \ CO' I '-- ~ ~~!J. \S 0 1l ~ ~~~~ I I , I ~ ~ - a Q. .. a :a ~ - , ~ ~ c <..J . ~ ~ CJ\ '% III \J . ~~J~'= ~ ! III ~ a jq · 0... ~ C'( ~ ~~J ~ .. .., " ~ z < - It t- III < 00:: w ... () z. '"' . -1\ ... ~ ~I ell 1&1 ~ . . '\) ~ :: '" S ~ ~ ~ ". ~ ~ ~ t- '- M ~ '= ~ au ~[~; ! " .. C ,.. -' . C A.. " ~ ~.. - Additional Comments on Number ~ 2. Like the system of Thursday nights and some Fridays (Mens C). Working women have hard time with early game, need more lights, we need longer time so we can play full game or go to 3 balls, 2 strikes (Womens 0). 6:15 start time much better than 6:00 p.m. (35 and Over B). Game times should be moved back to a 6:15 game time start (35 and Over B). 3. Umpires are not consistent and do not always know the rules. 4. tended to try to get the game over too often and reflected that in his calls, or at least it seemed that way (35 and Over B). The umpiring was inconsistent, except for , the "League Umpire Manager". For the dollars Chanhassen and the teams spend, it would be nice to have consistent, experienced umpires (Mens C). ~ For the first time since we have been in the league we really felt there were some umpires that did not know the rules (35 and Over). Umpires are very inconsistent with the same call from play-to- play and game-to-game (Mens C). 5. League information was excellent. more than just reading the rules. agreement between the leagues and (Mens C). League meeting should be There should be some teams on questionable rules 6. We liked the Wednesday-Saturday-Sunday schedule (35 & Over). Would like to see playoff dates go back to a Wednesday-Friday- Sunday schedule (35 & Over). I thought we were supposed to have a double elimination tour- nament with a consolation bracket - also 2! days does not make it as much of a family outing as it previously has been (35 & Over). 7. Two nights fields were in poor condition (Mens C). Fields not in as good of condition, especially outfields #1 and #2, as in previous years. Have had some trouble getting Field #1 lights turned on early enough for late games (35 & Over). ~ 8. Good, but grow more and more expensive each year. Do you have any suggestions for changes concerning league classi- . fication, season length, league scheduling, playoff format, etc., that would improve your league or this program. Industrial C: If it is the last game of the night there should not be a time limit. 35 and Over: Only issue in the league is to police the over 35 issue. Still think there are some youngsters sneaking into the program. Create an "A: and "B" system within the 35 and over so that the same teams do not dominate every year or invite them to join the Industrial league. Mens C: Our team would like to see more games played during the season. Also would like to play 2 games in one night such as Shakopee does. Co-Rec: I think scheduling should be done as the outline stated, 12 games. Purchasing extra balls was ridiculous. Shorten the season by playing double headers each night. Why do you participate in this program? 11 Meet with friends/social 10 Competition . 8 Evening out 9 Physical activity 2 Other Additional Comments: League is being managed better as time goes on (35 & Over). You did a great job of running the league and keeping the playoffs together after the rain (Mens C). Once again, thanks for a great season (Industrial C). Summer league has gone very well! However, it would be nice if the Fall League umpires would be better able to control the lights, as one of our games was can- celled totally and one ended early (Industrial C). Good year Todd, job well done! (35 & Over). . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 6 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 14 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: November 8, 1989 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Fees . This item was presented at the October 24 Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Upon conclusion of the discussion that evening, the Commission directed staff to investigate park facil- ity fees in other communities. A telephone survey of 12 other metropolitan communities resulted in the information shown on the attached chart. As can be seen, no other community surveyed charges a general parking fee to enter a community park. Of the eight communities which operate fully staffed public beaches, four charge an entry fee and four do not. The final point of information which can be derived from this chart is that it is standard practice to charge for the use of a municipal pool. Ccmnunity Do you charge general entrance pr · parking fee at any corrmmity park? Do you charge for the use of public beaches? Do you charge for the use of municipal pools? Shakopee Eden prairie Hopkins/Minnetonka Shorewood Edina Blocmington Burnsville Eagan Apple Valley Plyrrouth Chaska St. Louis Park No No No No No No No No No No No No None Yes None None None Yes Yes Yes None Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No None Yes No Yes None No Yes None . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ '- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ November 8, 1989 ? DATE: SUBJ: Accessability Since our last discussion on accessability, I have received the attached information: - Minnesota State Building ~ode - Accessability information from Bloomington - Hennepin Parks Accessibility Study . I have attached this information to assist in our definition of "accessability". . . . . I CHAPTER 1340 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE FACILITIES FOR THE HANDICAPPED c SPECIAL FACILITIES 1340.0200 WHERE REQUIRED. Subpart 1. General. In addition to other provlslons in this code, facilities for the handicapped must be provided in accordance with parts 1340.0200 to 1340.0900 and 1340.9000 to 1340.9900. See UBC Sections 510 and 511 as amended for additional requirements. Subp. 2. Scope. Parts 1340.0200 to 1340.0900 and 1340.9000 to 1340.9900 apply to all buildings ~~sep~ the following: A. R-3, R-4, and M occupancies; B. temporary buildings; C. one-story buildings not exceeding 2,000 square feet in floor area with an occupant load of ten or less and not primarily for the use of the general public; D. floors of buildings not used by the general public and not normally occupied by the owner, lessee, sublessee, or employees; or E. R-l occupancies in which dwelling units are individually owned and there is no public space or shared area for more than two units within the building. All portions of public space or shared areas which are located on the floor of building access must be accessible. ( MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 9 SR 1557; 11 SR 1405 1340.0300 BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY. Subpart 1. Definitions. A. "Ramp" means a sloped walking surface not exposed to external climatic conditions connecting levels of a building or connecting buildings (pedestrian ways) and must be part of an exit in accordance with UBC Sections 1307 and 509, as amended in part 1305.1590. B. "Slip-resistant" is any surfacing of a floor, ramp, or walk which has an antislip coefficient of not less than 0.40 as defined in Research Paper No. RP-1879 of the National Bureau of Standards. C. "Walk" is a continuous, permanently defined pathway at grade between public ways and buildings, parking areas and buildings, or between buildings. D. "General public" means persons other than the owner, lessee, or sublessee of a building or their employees. e * Subp. 2. Site approaches. Access to building entrances shall be by walks. Such walks shall be of concrete, asphaltic paving, or similar permanent materials with slip-resistant 166 - ( F "- . surface, and shall be not less than 48 inches wide with a slope not to exceed one vertical to 20 horizontal. \ ) Subp. 3. Floor of building access. At least one required entrance or exit of a building must be accessible for use by the handicapped, and must be identified for that use. The building entrance or exit must be at the main lobby or corridor and must provide access to all levels of the floor of access. Access to these levels must be by ramp or elevator. Subp. 4. Access to other stories or levels. Access for the handicapped to other stories or levels of the building used by the general public or employees must be by elevator or ramp. Exception: 1. Group R Division 1 occupancies not exceeding three stories in height. 2. Other buildings two stories or less in height which have an occupant load of less than 100 persons on floors, levels, and mezzanines other than the floor of building access. A ramp must have a slip-resistant surface. It must have a slope not to exceed one foot vertical to 12 feet horizontal and a landing at top and bottom, and where the rise exceeds three feet vertically, it must have an intermediate landing located not to exceed two feet six inches vertically. The bottom landing must have a minimum dimension of six feet measured in the direction of the ramp, and top and intermediate landings must have a minimum dimension of five feet measured in the direction of the ramp. Handrails and guardrails must be provided as required for stairs. ~ Subp. 5. Automobile parking areas. Where automobile l' parking spaces are provided at least one space per 50 spaces or fraction thereof, shall be provided for the use of the handicapped, and shall be identified for such use. Such parking spaces shall be not less than 12 feet in width, and located as near as practicable to the building entrance specified in part 1340.0300, subpart 3. . Subp. 6. Doors and doorways. Doors and doorways serving buildings or portions thereof regulated by this chapter shall comply with the following: A. Doorways or doors in an open position shall have a clear opening width of not less than 31 inches. B. Doors shall be operable by a single effort with one hand. C. In doorways consisting of two door leaves, at least one door leaf shall comply with the provisions of this section. See use Section 3304(e) for minimum exit door width. D. Where access regulated by this chapter is through two or more sets of doors, as in a foyer, vestibule, or lobby, the space separating the doorways shall be not less than seven feet. E. The floor or landing at doorways shall be level with or not more than one-half inch lower than the threshold. Where the door swings over floor or landing such floor or landing shall extend not less than one foot beyond the door on the latch side. F. In dwelling units specified in part 1340.0400, subpart 2, entrances specified in subpart 3 of this part, and tOllet rooms or compartments specified in part 1340.0500, subpart 1, door opening latch hardware shall have lever handles, and shall be not more chan three feet six inches above the floor. . 167 -n . . . ..... -- ( .~ '- l shall have an outside diameter of 1-1/2 inches and shall have 1-1/2 inches clearance from walls and partitions. A horizontal grab bar shall be mounted so that the lowest point is ten inches above the toilet seat, and extends not less than six inches in front of the toilet bowl. Grab bar shall be not less than 12 inches long. A vertical grab bar shall be mounted 12 inches from the front of the toilet bowl extending from 12 inches above the height of the toilet seat to 30 inches above the toilet seat. Subp. 2. Urinals. When provided, urinals shall have a clear access width of not less than 31 inches. The front lip of the bowl of wall-mounted urinals shall be not more than 18 inches above the floor. Subp. 3. Lavatories. Lavatories shall have a clear access width of not less than 31 inches, clear height of not less than 29 inches to the bottom of the fixture apron, clear height of not more than 34 inches to the rim of the fixture, and a clear depth of not less than 12 inches under the fixture exclusive of bowl and waste pipe. The water control valves shall have lever handles. Subp. 4. Bathtubs. When provided, and shower is not furnished, the bathtub shall be equipped with a flexible hose hand shower not less than six feet in length, and a vertical height adjustment bar for the shower head of not less than four feet in length. The bathtub shall have a seat, either folding, retractable, or fixed, not less than 17 inches nor more than 20 inches above the tub floor and not less than 15 inches deep, and of water-resistive material. Grab bars shall be provided at one side of the bathtub. Such grab bars shall be securely fastened to support a load of not less than 250 pounds. They shall have an outside diameter of 1-1/2 inches and shall have 1-1/2 inches clearance from walls and partitions. A horizontal grab bar shall be mounted not less than four inches nor more than six inches above the rim of the bathtub. Grab bar shall be not less than 36 inches long. A vertical grab bar shall be mounted 30 inches from the end of the tub extending from a height of nine inches to a height of 3-1/2 feet above the rim of the tub. Water valves shall be single lever control, and shall be accessible from the seat. Subp. 5. Showers. When provided, the shower stall shall be accessible for the handicapped with a lip or curb at entry no higher than one-half inch above floor of room or stall. The shower stall shall have a seat, either folding, retractable, or fixed, not less than 17 inches nor more than 20 inches above the shower floor, and not less than 15 inches deep, and of water-resistive material. Grab bars shall be provided at two sides of the shower compartment. Such grab bars shall be securely fastened to support a load of not less than 250 pounds. They shall have an outside diameter of 1-1/2 inches and shall have 1-1/2 inches clearance from walls and partitions. A vertical grab bar shall be mounted on the wall opposite the seat extending from a height of three feet to a height of five feet above the floor of the shower. A horizontal grab bar shall be mounted on the wall adjacent to the seat ten inches above the seat. Grab bar shall be not less than 18 inches long. Water valves shall be single lever control and shall be accessible from the seat. 169 ."04~_..1'...'-~"'_ ..- ..... - ( ( -.....- . MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 1340.0900 TACTILE IDENTIFICATION. Subpart 1. Where required. Spaces normally used by the general public shall have tactile identification, such as raised or recessed letters, labels, or plaques. The tactile identification shall not be less than 4-1/2 feet nor more than 5-1/2 feet above the floor, mounted on the wall adjacent to the door of the space identified, on the side nearest the door handle. Subp. 2. Floor numbers at elevators. Floor numbers shall be tactilely identified for the visually handicapped by raised or recessed numbers attached to the elevator door jamb at each floor, not less than 3-1/2 feet nor more than 4-1/2 feet above the floor. Subp. 3. Elevator controls. Elevator controls shall have tactile identification by raised or recessed letters, labels, or plaques. Subp. 4. Door handles. Doors to stairs other than exit stairs, loading platforms, boiler rooms, stages, and doors serving other hazardous locations shall have knurled or similarly marked door handles. MS 5 16B.59 to 16B.73 SYMSOL OF ACCESSIBILITY . 1340.1100 TITLE AND RULES. The rules contained in parts 1340.1100 to 1340.1900 shall be part of the Minnesota State Building Code. MS s l6B.59 to 16B.73 1340.1200 DEFINITIONS. Subpart 1. Scope. All terms in these rules shall have the meaning as defined in this code except for the following which shall be defined as indicated. Subp. 2. Existing buildings. "Existing buildings" means any building built prior to January 1, 1976. Subp. 3. Symbol. "Symbol" means the symbol adopted by Rehabilitation International's Eleventh World Congress, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section l6B.61, subdivision 5, paragraph (e) . MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 1340.1300 AUTHORIZATION AND PURPOSE. Parts 1340.1100 to 1340.1900 are authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1978, section 16.8632, regarding display of the symbol of accessibility indicating access to bUildings, facilities, and grounds which are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons. MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 . 1340.1400 SCOPE. 171 ,..;p.... .:- . . . ... ( to I '-- door of the accessible entrance 36 inches above the walking surface and within 12 inches of the latch, pull, or lever handle. B. Facilities: eight-inch by 12-inch sign inches above grade (center said facility. the symbol shall be affixed to an blank or board mounted on a post 42 line of sign) within 60 inches of C. Grounds: the symbol shall be affixed to an eight-inch by 12-inch sign blank or board mounted on a post 42 inches above grade (center line of sign) within 60 inches of a public way. MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 1340.9000 FIGURES. Parts 1340.9300 to 1340.9900 of this chapter are illustrative only. See appropriate parts for specific provisions. MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 1340.9100 SANITATION FACILITIES FOR THE HANDICAPPED. Number of Dwelling Units/ Guest Rooms in Building Number of Dwelling Units/ Guest Rooms Requiring Sanitation Facilities 0- 7 8- 39 40- 59 60- 79 80- 99 100-119 120-139 140-159 160-179 180-199 200- o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 plus 1 per each 50 units exceeding 200 MS s 16B.59 to 16B.73 1340.9200 VIEWING POSITIONS. Motion Picture Auditoriums Occupant Load Minimum Viewing Positions 500 and Less 4 Over 500 8 Other Assembly Occupancies 500 and Less 501-1000 1001-1500 Over 1500 4 12 16 16 plus 1 per 500 additional MS s 16B.59 to 163.73 173 .. . r '- . v ;; u '" o ... -0 c '" OIl .5 ~ '" .... Q Statutory Authority: ,\;IS s /68.59 to /68.73 ( "- . 175 . . . ( .r ( '- 1340.9500 STAIR TREAD NOSING. See part 1340.0300, subpart 7. lil.. \ " M,\Y., ,.......... ~~.. .. .. . . . . ,'. . ", . '. , ~: P..'. '" . .~. .. . ' r'o. ~""!"...;;\""'; ;."./,.:Y' ~ '~'.~ ",: . . ,::: ' :1, . . '. ' ~..' . 7 Drawings not to scale r'''''' ',"', ":;~" . ,., . ;. . {1:{,<r::.'>-:-:: " .. ' I.. I, . ".'" . " . . ;J:5.:::::~.': ',' "':' ' .:.\,:..... ~';.' 8 Statutory Authority: MS s 168.59 (0 16B.73 177 ....:.. . . . . ( l t J .-t-'C. C.!. · 2 'r. l . '. , .-.t < :'. --,'~ > ""1 . ,..- "'d, ".'.-: .,.,. ~; ~nNf ~L~_. IpZ:l:.,,!.[V -' -to t .".'t'/V .~ f:;' II ~~ om ~~ I ~ 'Nl:.'!. b~ f. -t .XY~ 31'S k. ~. Q ~ 'It czc.:.'LJ< 10\ - u'_" .' -:: -----__..__ JrL__ J ..- 0;'. ." _0-;"'.. ';"::.~... .;. ~'1~.7..:';;" ';.'.i......,? . ~ 9 \l)~ C) c- t:l ~ ""~ . ..~ ~o ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i~ J \- r-ri NIW 9..l.. I l ~p: ..... ~" r '-J '1 ~CZ:J~':"U ~~ ==--"} ") 0 ~ .. tj:. ~ I" t..~'. ...."..~ -, "~'"o .".-/~:...:::.:.:~~~....;...,..::.~: ~;.::...~ .:......~~::. l . 179 . . . ( ", l 1340.9700 KITCHEN FACILITIES. See part 1340.0600, subpart 1. iz ~I 0.. =x: 1\12 I.U.:I: o"~ ..A -.9'::1 . uJ tJ Cf '" ILl o t- 0. o r tD 1il~ tt~ ~~ \0 Ifl~ &g; ~~ 1iJ6 ~!E ~~ Statutory Authority: .\IS s /6R59 lU loll. 73 ~ '" U en .s - c C en llll C ~ .. Q 181 III city of I bloomington, minnesota . 2215 West Old Shakopee Road. Bloomington. Minnesota 55431-3096 . (612) 881-5811 · FAX 887-9684 October 31, 1989 Lori Sietsma Park and Recreation Division City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Sietsma: In a recent phone conversation with Ed Hasek, he requested that I send you the enclosed materials relatIve to accessibility of parks. I find it very commendable that Chanhassen is developing a pro- active philosophy towards accessibility of park facilities which fits closely with Bloomington's - planning and designing facilities and programs so that everyone in the community may use them! . As I mentioned to Ed, the City of Bloomington has recently completed improvements which now make all of the City's major parks (those with permanent shelters) accessible. All new playground equipment installed is accessible. In addition, several materials have been developed over the course of a decade which are available to share with other cities. The City of Bloomington offers in-service consultation on park accessibility through our Architectural Barriers Removal program. This is charged at a rate of $17.00/hour. We'd be happy to provide your staff and/or Commissioners with further information/suggestions on planning for good access. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any of these materials or the possibility of an inservice. I can be reached by calling 881-5811, ext. 320. Sincerely, D~:MENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Cindy~ren, Accessibility Specialist Architectural Barriers Removal Program Human Services Division cc: Ed Hasek, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commissioner ... NOV 031989 ~Il" OF CHANHASSEN AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Telecommunications Device for the Deaf: (612) 887-9677 'SUO!~eln6aJ 6upellS 9nU9MJ 911~!0 99'L9 UOl~:>9S U! p9Ule~uoo S~U9W9J!nb9J uo!~eu!w!J:>S!PUOU all~ 1I1!M a:>ue!ldwo:> 91eulpJOOO 01 pa1eu6!sap U99q sell sa:>!/Uas le!:>9ds !O a:>lHO 9111 JO! J01eulPJOO:> a1l1 'S9!1!^!~:>e JO !;weJ60Jd s1l 'U! 1U9WAoldw9 JO ~U9W1eaJ1 JO '01 SS9:>:>e JO UO!ss!wpe 941 U! sme~s padde:>!pUell !O s!seq 941 lio 9~eU!Wp:>s!P 10U S90p U016u!w0018 !O A1!O 941 Sn.1V.1S 03ddV:>IONVH ::10 SISV9 3H.1 NO NOI.1VNIWI~:>SIONON ::10 A:>110d The City of Bloomington's Architectural Barriers Removal Program assists the City in creating an environment which enables individuals who are physically disabled to function independently in all aspects of community life. The Architectural Barriers Removal Program is funded by the Community Development Block Grant funds allocated by the Bloomington City Council, and administered by the Department of Community Services with technical expertise provided by the E ngi neering 0 ivision and the Bu i1d ing and Inspection 0 ivision. REMOVAL PROGRAM -r1 o ~ -r1 c: ~ ::z: I'T'l ~ ... o CXl ; III -l NESBITT AVE ::_~ II) :> C. 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By Jackie Juengel, Summer Assistant Office of Special Services Summer means PICNIC TIME! The weather is warm, the grass is green and the barbeques are cooking! The good news for people with disabilities -- Accessible picnic areas are present in Bloomington. An accessible picnic area has paved paths leading to the grills and tables. The table itself is constructed to accommodate wheelchairs. An accessible picnic table has more leg space at the end of the table so a person using a wheelchair can wheel up to the end of the table, sit comfortably, and enjoy the picnic! One accessible picnic area in Bloomington is located on West Bush Lake at the Hyland Recreation Center, 10145 E. Bush Lake Road. Another is Moir Park, 104th St. and Morgan Avenue South, in central Bloomington. Both sites also have handicapped parking spaces .E'ovided. ~ the summer, school is out and so are the kids, and the place to be is the playground! Bloomington has many accessible playgrounds. Au 6- . l-[ 010 H~ndicapped parking available. A paved path which gives access to the park or play equipment. Ramps; handrails; therapeutic or tire swings on the play equipment. Water fountains which are lowered to a height of 33" and bathrooms marked with the blue and white access symbol are accessible. Many Bloomington playgrounds and have accessible play equipment. these playstructures: play lots Check out Brookside Park 10010 Xerxes Ave So Cooks Play lot 8301 - 13th Ave So . Countryside Park Bloomington Ferry Road R. 102nd St Hohag Play lot 9113 - 16th Ave S Hoir Park 104th St & Horgan Ave So Normandale Hills School 9501 Toledo Ave So Wyoming Play10t 107th St & Wyoming Ave So Quail Ridge 7301 Hinnesota Bluffs Dr lidgeview School 94th St & Nesbitt Ave So Sunrise Park 9401 Bloomington Ferry Rd Tarnhil1 Park 98th St, just west of Normandale College Valley View Park 90th St & Nesbitt Ave So Washburn Elementary School 8402 Xerxes Ave So Xavier Court 11276 Xavier Court ~. Logan Playlot ., 1900 W. 91st St Haplewood Park 131 E. 95th St Smith Park 8155 Park Ave So Hillcrest Elementary School 9301 Thomas Rd Tennis Courts Two tennis courts currently being Accommodations are in Bloomington are made accessible. being made at Valley 8RtJOKSID! PARI( t.-.pU/..i.e-6 h.onrJ.i.aJppe paII1Wtg and. aeu.u poiJ&.6 JA.od.,ing iD acUA-UU& play ~ and. Lvv&.iA c.DIJAi.I,. 8 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS . PHILOSOPHY Playground structures and/or equipment should be challenging and accessible to ALL children, including those with physical limitations and developmental delays. ~ Play structures should accommodate children between the ages of two and fourteen. A structure should consist of areas having components which are geared to various age groups and ability levels. PATHWAY SYSTEM At least one asphalt path must be provided, leading to the playstructure. The path must be a minimum of 4' wide, should not exceed 1:20 slope and must not be located under any play equipment. POINT(S) OF ACCESS . Provide at least one accessible point of access onto structure via ramp(s) or platforms. ~: at the accessible point should be no steeper than 1:20 grade, and must be at least 36" wide. Handrails must be provided on both sides of ramp (as specified below). Platforms: there should be no more than one foot intervals between platforms which are used to gain access to the structure from the ground. (Steps may be substituted for platforms if they are at least two feet deep from front to back and as wide as the platforms.) Intervals between the platforms, at heights over five feet, can be greater than one foot. Provide a gradual transition from low-positioned platforms to high-positioned platforms, building to possible heights of ten feet. A variety of components should be accessible by way of these platform systems. HANDRAILS Handrails must be placed at the standard height and also one-half that height on all open sided platforms, ramps, and bridges, etc., which are four feet or higher. Handrails must be It" in diameter. Open or closed wood walls, vertical metal bars, or . curved hand-hold bars are acceptable alternatives to handrails. . .. . PARKS/PLAYGROUNDS ACCESSIBILITY REPORT Name of Park: Address: Handicapped Parking Y N 1) Are any handicapped spaces reserved and identified? a) How many? Are they 12' wide? b) Is the signage legal? c) Does a person have to cross a traffic lane to gain access to park? 2) How many total parking spaces are present? COMMENTS: ,- Park Activities Check major park activities available: ____ park building ball fields ____ play equipment ____ hockey rink ____ hiking other ____ soccer field ____ tennis courts ____ volleyball court horseshoes ____ picnic area Park Access Y N 1) Are curb cuts or ramps present to provide access to park, or is there level access? 2) Are hard-surface paths present? a) Are they 48" wide? b) Are they on level terrain with no more than 1:20 slope? c) Which park activities are accessible via path? Parks/Playgrounds Accessibility Report Page 3 Water Fountains 1) Is a water fountain present inside park building? a) Is it operated by a push bar in front or a lever on either side? b) Is the spout no higher than 33'''? 2) Is a water fountain present outdoors? a) Does path provide access to the fountain? b) Is it operated by a push bar in front or a lever on either side? c) Is the spout no higher than 33"? Picnic Area 1) Is a shelter present? a) Do hard surface paths provide access to shelter? 2) Are picnic tables present? a) Do paths provide access to tables? b) Do tables have 29" verticle clearance underneath? c) Do tables have 18" depth clearance underneath (from table end to table legs)? d) Do tables have 30" lateral space clearance? 4: \ ~ / ~ . ~ . J-~" JI . I " tl-/f~ / J 3) Are grills located near picnic tables with cooking surfaces no higher than 36"? . Y N N/A Y ,- N/A . N Y N N/A. . . HENNEPIN PARKS.~ -ACCESSIBILITY .lIlIlIfllI"Umarla . EXECOTIVE SUMMARY The Hennepin County Park System provides programs and services at 15 sites totaling thousands of acres with structures and programs ranging from educational contracts with school districts at the nature centers to leisure opportunities, such as walking on paths for individual use. The system has previously incorporated features of accessible design into many of its buildings and programs. The park system has recently undertook the challenge of exceeding building codes and government mandates to provide an environment truly accessible to and usable by all persons. Through this contracted study, the Hennepin County Park System has demonstrated its interest in its parks to make them useful by all persons. In line with this philosophy, the park system will be incorporating the recommendations of this study into their planning and promotional materials. The following recommendations are listed in their order of priority. They are: 1. Installation of a passenger elevator at the Headquarters facilities. 2. Provision of accessibility features to the Clifton Fr~ch Gate House to meet the needs of future handicap employees, including the possibility of restroom modifications. . 3. Pathways at the Hyland Park Facility from the recreational building to the boat rental and from the parking area to the new play structure. 4. Improvements to the Hyland Park Ski Chalet for access, including improved parking, drop-off zone, building access, restrooms, and signage. 5. Provision of outdoor restroom facilities which provide access to the Lake Rebecca facility, appropriate park~ng, hard surface pathways to major activity areas such as the picnic and beach areas, provision of accessible docks and fishing piers, and signage. General recommendations for improvements include: 1. Provision of 5 - 10% of the picnic tables to be provided with an 18" extension at one end for wheelchair access. 2. Provision of a minimum of one (1) set of accessible restrooms at each park where specified. 3. Other modifications as specified and listed in the specific site recommendations which follow. . . . . Page 2 Baker Park Golf Course Club House Modifications as per plan review. ~ w Baker Park (The Barn) Based on a plan review, ~he provision of handicap parking, a curb cu~, tactile signage, provision 'of closed risers on ~he s~airs leading to the loft, additional usable handrails on ~he s~airwell to the loft, lowering of ~he drinking fountain ~o 33" with a push bar, cabinet hardware to be of s~aple design, the ba~h ~o be fully accessible, signage on the door indica~ing it as accessible, ~he . provision of the shower stall to comply with all handicap access · features such as handheld shower and fold down sea~, and final~y, -~ the provision and documentation of the long range plan for ~hep provision of an elevator to service both floors of ~he facility. Baker Park Maintenance Shop Modifying the door knobs to door levers in a long range plan. No interior access is provided between both levels, however, access is provided from the exterior. Modifications ~o ~he open riser grate stairways at a time that a person has difficulty with ~he . stairways. Lowering of the drinking fountain to 33" ~o the spout from the floor. Modifications to ~he kitchenet~e area a~ such ~ime as an employee requires those modifica~ions. Modifications to ~he bathroom shower facilities ~o remove ~he 4" lip a~ ~he shower and provide with all accessibility features, such as handheld shower and fold down seat. Finally, modifications ~o ~he carpenter's bay to remove the 1" threshold at ~he entry door and replace ~he entry door knob with a door lever. Campground Facilities We recommend modifications ~o campground facili~ies in ~his order: 1. Oak Knoll 2. Provides accessible restrooms. Provide signage on ~he en~ry doors to ~he restrooms as indicating ~em as acce.sible and do marketing of ~his facili~y as ~he firs~ choice for accessibility of camping. Balf Moon Balf Moon Campground requires ~e following modifica~ions: Removal of the 4" lip at the man door and ramp that en~ry. Modify the existing outhouses, and replace ~hem wi~ a new design providing ramped access, adequate door wid~h, and grab bars. Finally, the boat landing is steep and has a wooden dock with a bark chip trail. Modification to this trail of . BRYANT LAKE PARR Modifications for increased access would include: Provision of a portable accessible satellite facility near the beach area, lowering of the telephone to 54w from the ground surface to the coin slot, and provision of a boardwalk to the compacted sand of the beach are~. . . . . . Page 2 Designation of a handicap parking stall with appropriate signage at such time as an employee requires this. F.E. King Observation Facility There is one (1) step at the entry door that should be ramped. There needs to be an assurance of a minimum of one (1) designated handicap parking stall. Steiger Boat Launch Designation of handicap parking, including the appropriate signage. Provision of a hard surface parking lot, such as crushed limestone. Future possibility of asphalt. Consideration may be given to the provision of restroom facilities for all launch users. At the time that they are installed, it should be assured that the restroom facilities comply with handicap access requirements. Campground Facilities LAKE AUBURN .- . Improvements and modifications include: Lake Auburn Gate House Recommended changes as per plan. Modifications to the curb surrounding the gate house area to provide a curb cut with a maximum slope of 1:9.6. Signage on outhouses indicating them as being accessible. Trail signage throughout the campground area indicating the length of the trails, the slope in percentages of the trails, and improve the surface of the trails with compacted limestone or asphalt. The trail that leads down to the fishing pier should provide bench seating at a midpoint that is out of the path of travel. There should be provided outhouses at the bottom of the fishing pier area. It is recommended that the 6" timbers surrounding the play structure area have a 36" section removed for access of strollers, wheelchairs, and individuals who have a difficult time stepping over the timbers surrounding the play structure area. . . CLEARY PARK Improvements and modifications include: .. Gate House As per plan, including curb cut and modification to the entry door. Rec Center Buildinq Door knobs throughout the facility should be modified with door' levers to common use doors. Long range plans should inelude the consideration of door levers on all door hardware. " Recommendation to incorporate a handrail to the lower level from the exterior at the existing ramp. The drinking fountain spout is at 36w. Long range plans eall for the provision of an additional d~inking fountain with the spout at 33ft and up front activation eontrol. The current blow dryer in the handicap restroom is mounted at 44w. Code calls for the button to be at 40w. This is low priority. Until such time as required by eonsumers, the provision of~and towels on the counter would be appropriate. The toilet paper dispenser in the handicap stall should be moved so that it is not obstructing the use of the grab bar. It should be mounted either farther forward or below the grab bar. Pavilion er A curb cut near the handicap parking stall. The provision of 5 - 10' of the picnie tables with the lSw extension. There is an abrupt edge at the threshold at the entry door. This should be ramped. Restroom Facilities Modifications to the abrupt threshold. The provision of an aeeess symbol on the door. Modifications or changing of the faucet hardware to an easy operable either single lever or tip-tap. The bath accessories should be lowered so that one (1) each has the . ~perating mechanism no higher than 40w from the floor. . . . ELM CREEK PARK . Improvements and modifications include: Gate House As per plan. Trail signage including adding benches off of the path system at intermittent areas for rest. Picnic Area No. l--Chipmunk Requires the addition of a curb cut 'from the designated parking to the picnic pavilion. Provision of extensions on picnic tables of a minimum' 5 - 10' of the picnic tables this year. Provision of accessible restroom facilities, including a level entry, no threshold, adequate door width, proper door hardware, and appropriate grab bars. Group Camp Site Provision of accessible restrooms incorporating all access features, such as level entry, no threshold, adequate door width, proper door hardware, grab bars, and circul.tion space would be appropriate. ..r Playground Structure There should be provided a cut out in the timber surrounding the pea gravel area. The most appropriate location would be near the equipment that is designed to accommodate younger children near the benches. Beach Providing curb cuts near the restrooms. Extend the boardwalk from the changing rooms down to the area of the beach consisting of compacted sand. Lower the public telephone.to 54w from the ground to the coin slot. The provision of standard toilets, and the installation appropriate grab bars, being both vertical and horizontal and 1 1/2w in diameter and 1 1/2w away from the wall. Signage on the door indicating them as being accessible. EASTMAN NATURE CENTER Improvements and modifications include: Relocate the designated handicap parking stall away from the drainage area. Modifications to the entry vest~bu1eto provide the 7' requirement between doors. The provision of door lever hardware throughout on all doors. Signage indicating that the only means of access be~een the levels is an exterior path. Provision of a hard surface compacted crushed limestone or asphalt would be appropriate. Provision of signage at the.res~room doors indicating them as accessible. Modifications to the observation deck railing to provide improved sight lines. '.'..~ . . . . . . CLIFTON FRENCH BUILDING Improvements and modifications include: Gate House .. Modifications as per plan. Provision of an accessible outdoor restroom facility such as a satellite that incorporates adequate maneuvering space, grab bars, and ramped entry. OUtdoor Recreation Buildinq The addition of handicap parking stalls in the north lot with " appropriate permanent signage. The removal of the outer set of grab bars in both men's and women's restrooms. Adjust the tension on the entry door, and adjust the tension on the doors into the restrooms. or Provision of hanging privacy curtains instead of the existing doors on the stalls designated as accessible. Recommend the removal of the second interior vestibule door into the restrooms as it is not necessary for pr~vacy. The provision of some.parson style, rather than pedestal, tables for furniture in the different community rooms. Playqround No modifications required as per plan review. Maintenance Buildinq Provision of handicap parking stalls. Modification of all door hardware to door levera.' Lowering of drinking fountain to 33- to the spout with up front controls. Improvements into the restroom facilities providing grab bars, signage at the door, and appropriate height of bath accessories. Note that the door hardware on the women's restroom is very high and difficult to operate. '- .- HEADQUARTERS BUILDING Improvements and modifications include: Adding two (2) additional handicap parking stalls with permanent signage. Modify the existing entry where .the pavement has settled so that there is a maximum of 1/2. abrupt change. Add an elevator for interior access between 1st and 2nd floor. There are double entry doors to the conference room and the lunch area providing only 29 1/2. for wheelchair access. It would be appropriate to rehinge using the swingclear hinges to get the appropriate width for wheelchair access. Placement of the public telephone on a lower surface like the coffee table rather than the pod~um. The employee kitchenette area is not fully accessible. Should an employee require special features, those modifications should be made immediately. They may include such things as a wheelchair access space below counter, lever operation on the sink ar,a, and . removal of the base cabinetry below the sink. The restrooms that do provide access features should have the access symbol on them. Recommend the provision of kick plates on the entry restroom doors as if wheelchair users are present, the doors will take much abuse. Modification to the showers provided within the women's restroom to remove the lip at such time as an employee requires it. The provision of adjustable closet rods for coat hanging. The consideration of lowering the top row of mail box slots if an employee has a difficult time reaching those as they are currently at 67. - 70., and a maximum 54. height is recommended. . . . . MURPHY HANREHAN PARK Improvements and modifications include: The outdoor restroom facilities should have additional vertical grab bars and siqnage on the doors. Signage should be instituted at ,this facility regarding access, such as the length of the trails and the slope. Additional seating for .rest areas may be provided. The lip at the threshold of the shelter building should be removed, and the door should be provided with door lever hardware. Ji- . . FISH LAKE RECREATION FACILITY As per plans that were reviewed, it should provide total access. ~ ~. . . . . . NOERENBERG GARDEN No modifications other than ~he possible provision of hard surface pa~hways of crushed limestone and assure ~he maintenance of the existing pathways for safety to eliminate any abrupt level changes. . .' SOOTHERN PIVISION OFFICE FACILITIES It is recommended that no modifications be made at this time - unless required by a specific employee. Long range plans call for construction of a new building complying with all access requirements. f . I . .: . . . Page 2 , operating mechanism. The toilet paper dispensers in both the men's and women's designated handicap stalls should be moved so that they are located below the grab bar. .. First Aid Station The First Aid Station is located within the chalet. There are currently steps for interior use, and a long dimly lit ramp for exiting from this area to the ambulance pick up area. Modifications to this facility should be given high priority because of its specialty use by populations benefiting from these modifications and activities at this site. It is very important tp consider the use of this facility by individuals rather than exclusively by groups. F Page 2 . , .. Hilltop picnic Area Improve it to provide the picnic tables with 18" extensions. Remove the step at the door to the accessible restroom. The toilet paper dispenser is currently mounted awkward and sho_1d be located below the grab bar. The women's restroom need. the provision of an additional vertical grab bar. Chestnut Picnic Area Requires a curb cut near the accessible parkinq stall, and accessible restroom facilities should have appropriate signage. Maintenance Shop The maintenance shop has no designated handicap parking. A minimum of one (1) stall should be provided with a permanent sign. All door hardware should be modified to door levers. The existing Orestrooms should have signage indicating it as accessible. ..... . Group Camp Sites Accessibility to the south facility to make it accessible and modification to the restrooms to provide handicap access features. . I. !'. . paqe '2 , Edqewood picnic Area Provision of a minimum of 5 - 10' of picnic tables with IS" extensions. Path surfaces of preferably asphalt from parkinq to activity areas. Wood crest Area Additional handicapparkinq stalls with appropriate permanent siqnaqe. Modification of the outdoor restroom facilities to provide handicap access features. The provision of picnic tables with 1S- extensions. . . Maintenance Buildinq The provision of a minimum of one' (1) parkinq stall with appropriate door siqnaqe that is consistent with park policy. There are inaccessible levels within the facility. :.,,- All door hardware should be modified to be door levers. Currently, the restrooms are used as storaqe areas. They should be cleaned out and made usable by employees. There were no rear qrab bars, and the urinal was hiqh. The showers were used as a storaqe area at this time, and they should be cleaned. CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 11 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: October 16, 1989 SUBJ: 1989 Lake Ann Park Receipts The 1989 summer season at Lake Ann Park was not only cooler than 1988 in respect to temperatures, but gate receipts as well. The total revenue for 1989 was $11,943.00, slightly greater than half of the $23,461 collected in 1988. A total of 3,029 daily passes, 839 resident seasonal passes and 169 non-resident seasonal passes . were sold. Subtract a 6% sales tax and the total collected equals $11,226.42. The decrease in revenue can be attributed to several factors; the decrease in price of a daily pass from $3.00 to $2.00, not charging participants of City sponsored sports and activities, and a normal summer in respect to weather. Over 3000 daily passes were sold accounting for a possible loss of $3,000. Approximately 1,000 participants in organized activities, i.e. softball, base- ball, playground, swimming lessons were not required to purchase a $5.00 seasonal pass accounting for another possible loss of $5,000. Combine these factors and the season revenue figure begins to come into focus. This report is solely meant to report the revenue received through the Lake Ann Park fee program. However, when the cost of paying the gate attendants (approximately $5,500) and the cost of printing passes ($800) are taken into consideration, one begins to question the value of charging a fee. The outright and hidden negativism towards paying to use a City Park may be a greater price to pay than the monetary gain of $4,926.42 can justify. The park fee is established by resolution each year; normally during the month of January. This issue will be brought back to the Park and Recreation Commission again to establish a recommen- dation to pass along to the City Council later this year. In the . meantime, you have an opportunity to develop an opinion on this item. . . . Update (October 24, 1989) Page 2 The Park and Recreation Commission felt this information would be helpful as the Council goes through the budgetary process. No action was taken by the Commission, however, a recommendation regarding Lake Ann fees will be rendered in early 1990. ~7 PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION A. Park and Recreation Commission Recommendation for Oakview Heights. B. Letter Regarding Trails in Chanhassen Hills Area. C. Letter to Carrico. D. Letter to Chaska Lions Club. E. Future Agenda Items. F. Letters to Lake Lucy Property Owners. ~. //d{~1..~ ft' <.)AI12- ct . . . . . . Ie CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 See -pit- k-€(OyY1(Y7t'f1[CJ;O~ O-~ <;;-eVl ,+- 0 ~'\ -{ 0 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator PI u... V1 V1 ; 6 ls DATE: October 20, 1989 SUBJ: Oak View Heights At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, staff was directed to prepare a potenital park design for the proposed land dedication on the Oak View Heights site plan. Mark Koegler has prepared two concept plans for the site, one that shows the ravine filled and one that does not. The Commission also questioned whether the ravine could be filled. There i~ nothing in the City ordinances that specificaly prohibits the filling of a ravine. The developer or the City - whoever owns the property at that time - would have to obtain a grading permit which would be reviewed by the Engineering Department and the Watershed District to determine the effect such would have on drainage, etc. Additionally, if grading is done within 200 feet of the wetland area a wetland alteration permit would be needed to insure that the wetlands are not adver- sely affected. As the ponding areas are protected wetlands, no structures would be allowed within 75 feet of those areas. Staff feels this 5+ acre site has the potential to be a unique and interesting neighborhood park. The ravine provides a natural explore and discover area that is not available in .anyother neighborhood park. The desired facilities; basketball, tennis, totlot, parking, picnic area and open space, can a11be accom- modated without filling the ravine. It is the recommendation of this ice to approve the Oak View Heights site plan with the following conditions: 1. The developer shall dedicate the proposed 5+ acres of parkland. 2. The developer shall do the rough and fine grading on the park site in accordance with a grading plan prepared by the City. Park and Recreation Commission October 20, 1989 Page 2 . 3. The developer provide a 20 foot trail easement along the sloped area above the wetlands from the park site to Powers Boulevard. 4. The developer construct an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard, the entire length of the proposed development and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. 5. The developer construct a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Jenny Lane and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. Park and Recreation Commission Update (October 24, 1989): The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item at their last meeting. Upon walking the site and reviewing the park con- cept plan prepared by Mark Koegler (attached), they felt that the proposed dedicated area of 5+ acres would be well suited for park property. The Commission agreed the ravine should not be filled and choose the design ideas on Exhibit 3. The developer expressed that the requirement of grading and seeding the park site in addition to land dedication was asking . too much. Staff explained that this was typically required as in Chanhassen Hills and Lake Susan Hills West. Staff would also like to point out that of the 5+ acres being dedicated, only 3.75+ are developable due to the wetlands and the 75 ft. wetland setbacks. The City does not tyically accept undevelopable prop- erty in lieu of fees. (A case in point would be Chanhassen Hills. They were required to dedicate 7.8 acres of developable land for which they were given 50% credit on their park dedica- tion fees. They also dedicated roughly 22 acres of wetlands for which no credit was given.) The park dedication fee requirement for property with a density of 9.6 units per acre is 17% of the land value. The developerhas indicated he has paid $40,000 per acre bringing the fee require- ment to roughly $180,000. A land dedication of 3.75 acres would be valued at roughly $150,000, thus the grading and seeding does not represent a requirement above and beyond what is typical. Park and Recreation Commission Recommendation: The recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission is to require the following conditions before fi~al approval is given: 1. The developer shall dedicate the proposed 5+ acres of parkland. . . . . Park and Recreation Commission October 20, 1989 Page 3 2. The developer shall do the rough and fine grading on the park site in accordance with a grading plan prepared by the City. The developer shall seed the park site with park grade all- purpose grass seed. 3. 4. The developer provide a 20 foot trail easement along the sloped area above the wetlands from the park site to Powers Boulevard. 5. The developer construct an 8 foot wide bituminous trail along the east side of Powers Boulevard, the entire length of the proposed development and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. 6. The developer construct a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Jenny Lane and that such be constructed at the time the street improvements are made. ) 8621 Chanhassen Hills Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 MS. Lori SietseMa 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. SietseMa, I aM writing you in regards to the future of our Chanhassen biking, running, and walking trails. Recently, MY faMily Moved to Chanhassen frOM Eden Prairie to settle in a SMall country-style village setting. In the process of buying our hOMe, Meritor DevelopMent Co. gave us a copy of the 26 Mile trail Map proposed for the City of Chanhassen. This was the final and Most iMportant factor in our decision to Move here. Unfortunately, it was not until we Moved, that we and others in our neighbohood, found out that the trail network had been voted down. This presents the Chanhassen Hills' developMent with SOMe serious potential risk of harM to ourselves, our children, and our pets. Due to the rapid growth of this popular area, nearby roadways are constantl~ being traveled by us as well as Many construction crews. These roadways(Hwy. 5, Hwy. 101, LYMan Blvd., Cty. 17) are the only Means , in which we have for our fitness and recreation. Kids on bikes, dogs on leashes, and people walking along these roadshoulders are taking their lives into danger every tiMe they want to partake in these activities. I would be glad to help this COMMunity define the Major trails that we need for our safety and pleasure. The ones our developMent could use iMMediately are: along Hwy. 101, around Lake Susan, the parkland connecting to Lake Susan, and along Hwy. 5 to connect tD Eden Prairie's intricate trail systeM. qJ4-/1.,<7'~ 6 . . . a._ '._t ~_., .: ...._ . OCT 231989 CITY OF CHANHASSEN . . . There are Many people in Chanhassen that are in favor of this, and especially in our sub-division. I can get naMes, I also could get people involved to plan, raise Money, and petition the entire cOMMunity. Please help Make Chanhassen a fun, safe, beautiful place to live and to be proud of. Very sicerely yours, ~..I/- / ~#: " !ld1;-{11j fA; // I~~ TiMOthy W. Collins C ITV 0 F CHANHASSEN u . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA ~317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 October 30, 1989 Mr. Carl Carrico 4445 West 77th Street Edina, MN 55435 Dear Mr. Carrico: The City Council at their October 23, 1989 meeting acted to discontinue condemnation proceedings to acquire your entire 11 acre parcel on Lake Lucy Lane. As we have discussed, the City is interested in working with you to acquire a portion of the . property. I have indicated to the Planning Department that you wish your site plan to be taken off hold so as to proceed with the review process. However, you should contact either Jo Ann Olsen or Paul Krauss formally if such is the case. Please feel free to contact me at 937-1900 if you have any other questions. Sincerely, ~ n oft~ ;lir~TI't~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . . C ITV OF CHARHASSER D 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 . FAX (612) 937.5739 October 30, 1989 Mr. Luke Melchert Chaska Lions Club 112 West 2nd Street Chaska, MN 55318 Dear Mr. Melchert: . Thank you for the generous donation of $15,850 to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department. As you may recall, past dona- tions have been put into our LAWCON Grant fund. The funds are then used as the local share of the matching grant. Chanhassen received a $220,000 grant for the development of Lake Susan Park. Of the $110,000 local share, almost $50,000 came from the Chaska Lions' donations. The most recent contribution was recently put into two funds. A portion will be used to construct a fireplace in the community picnic building we are planning to build at Lake Ann Park. The Park and Recreation Commission plans to install a plaque into the stone to recognize the Chaska Lions for their continued support. The Commission also plans to start a new fund to be added to each year as we go through the budget process. This fund will be used to pay for lighting on the new soccer field at Lake Ann Park. As we have no lighted soccer fields in the City, they will be well used in summer soccer as well as fall soccer. I speak for the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission when I offer my sincere gratitude for your generous suport of our park system. The members of the Chaska Lions can feel a sense of pride in the coming years as these projects reach completion. Again, thank you. . Sincerely, /1 ) . ; . . /~ /lA " ~L;:[:dL '{ rU'--"/ ~o?;, Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordiantor LS:k FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Trail Modifications and Prioritization - November 28. Friends of Herman Field Committee - November 28. Park Possibilities on Ziegler Property west of Lake Minnewashta - November 28. Authorization to Purchase Second Phase of Lake Ann Park Totlot Equipment - January 9. South Lotus Lake Park Master Park Plan - January 9. Selection of Totlot Equipment for Lake Susan Park - January 9. Authorize Minnewashta Parkway Trail Feasibility Study - January 9. Review Changes in Lake Susan Park Development Project and Revised Cost Estimate - January 9. - ~ . . . . F CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5S317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1989 Mr. R. Christiansen 1511 Lake Lucy Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. Christiansen: . The Chanhassen City Council recently decided not to acquire your property for a boat access on Lake Lucy. This is to notify you that you are free to proceed with your plans for the property. I would like to thank you for your patience while the City' studied the Lake Clean Up project and boat access issue. Sincerely, vft~ ~<U~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dirks 9799 Brighton Lane Eden prairie, MN 55344 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Dirks: The Chanhassen City Council recently decided not to acquire your property for a boat access on Lake Lucy. This is to notify you . that you are free to proceed with your plans for the property. I would like to thank you for your patience while the City studied the Lake Clean Up project and boat access issue. Sincerely, l)lM p-~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . ?L?~ tt2M-rr"/-'<- .~ C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 November 7, 1989 Mr. Paul Swenson, Director Trails and Waterways Unit Department of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 Dear Mr. Swenson: . This is in response to your letter of September 12, 1989 offering to construct a boat access at Greenwood Shores Park. The City appreciates the willingness of DNR to assist us in solving this dilemna. However, the MPCA has indicated that the funds for the Riley Chain of Lakes Clean Up Project will be diverted to other projects and therefore an access is not necessary at this time. If and when an application for this project is resubmitted, the City would again be looking for access. However, as an access would require compromising delicate wetland areas or a small neighborhood park, the City has decided that such will not be pursued at this time. Again, thank you for your offer to assist us in this matter. Sincerely, p.O.. v}cJh.-c "~.-e-771~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k .