Escrow Release Letter 10-7-09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us October 7,2009 Commercial Partners Title, LLC c/o Wells Fargo Escrow Accout 200 S. 6th Street #1300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Re: Release of Security - Walgreens Land Use Review File No. 04-l9/Planning Case File No. 05-03 Upon review of the project, it appears the project has been completed in general conformance with the site plan. Therefore, we are releasing the remaining security escrow and are now closing our files on this project. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN A~ YEI Gordy Stauff Engineering Tech. IV/Construction Manager GS:js g:\eng\projects\t-z\walgreens\release of security letter 2.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 'ifo~ Do List 9/1/09 ENG.OR2 Auoust 2009 S' M T W T F S 1 . 2.... 3'" .4.... 5"" 6.... 7" "8" . 9':"10" '1'1' '12 '13" '14' "1'5 16' '17" '18 '19" 20" 21' '22' 23' 24"25' 26"27' 28':2'9 3cF31"'.................."..".". -,. .- II- Oclober2009> ' 8 M T W T F 8 ,,: 1 2 :3: '4"(' 5.... 6"" 7"" ii'" 9" "10' .11\ '12' '13' '14' '15" '16' :'1'7 16" 19' 20"21"22"23"24 t!L ~~.: 27': ~~:: ~~:: ~q: .:~:~: S: M T W T F "8 2 3 4 ',5 .6....7'... 8' "9"10"1'1':'12' 13'14" 15"16"17' "18' "1ii' 20" 21" 22' 23" 24" 25' '26' t!:: ~~:: ~~:: ~q:."""""" ...,. Wlf Securities I Start Due' 9/1/09 9/1/09 s o p Category .... Securities Description . SECURITY ESCROW REC'D 4/25/05 WALGREENS LUR FILE NO. 04-19 PLANNING CASE 05-03 $3,180 (originally $164,120.00) 12/5/05 - Bill did letter sending a check in the amount of$129,140 to leave a balance of$34,980. Check was made out to Commercial Partners Title, LLC (they supplied the security). 2/23/06 - Alyson, status? js 3/15/06 - Per Alyson, hold for another year. js 5/18/06 - Per Jill (see notes in Finance Files), OK to release $31,800 to leave a balance of$3,180 (10%). 3/1/07 - Gordy, status? Per Gordy, check back 6/1/07. js 6/1 /07 - Gordy, status? js 6/20/07 - Per Gordy, check back in December. js 1/2/08 - Gordy, status? js 1/16/08 - Gordy, status? Still need to replace dead shrubs. Per Jill- need to replace 8 honeylocust in parking lot and I dead tree along Market Blvd. Check back in June, 08. js 6/1/08 - Gordy, status? js 7/14/08 -Gordy, status? Per Gordy, trees and shrubs still not replaced. js 101l/08 - Gordy, status? Still need trees and shrubs replaced. Check back in 6 months. js 4/16/09 - Gordy, status? js 6/24/09 - Gordy, I checked with Jill and she said she notified the Walgreens people months ago about what needed to be replaced and it appears that nothing has been done. Please advise. Per Gordy, he too contacted Walgreens headquarters with no response. Jill - we need a list of what plantings need to be replaced and their locations Then I can write a letter about LC draw down to complete the work. I see the list below but has anything changed? js 9/3/09 - Gordy/Jill - status? js 10/6/09 - Gordy/Jill, status? The trees have not been replaced, but are growing. I think the landscaping is sufficient and that the security can be released. js ...............~.... .. ...." .. , '.:.J"'1!P ki'?' . .."... .. . ..... . ...~ J .. ~~~1i~~Ftk~~?im @2009 Lotus Development Corp. 10nl09 at 11:36 AM S=Status P=Priority Page 1 ~ C1TY OP CHANHASSEN 77.00 MARKET BLVD CHANHASSEN M:N" 55317 Payee: COMMERCIAL Date: 04/25/2005 Receipt Number: DW Clerk: DANIELLE PARTNERS TITLE LLC Time: 2:16pm / 6077 WALGREEN LUR 04"-19 SECURITY ESCROW ITEM REFERENCE AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- ESCRW WALGREENS LUR 04-19 SEC ESC SECURITY 164,120.00 Total: 164,120.00 Check 7204 164,120.00 Change: 0.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT! /2-5- 'oS- ;f..e db cec.9 j/ /;29 //,/0--06 t13 '" /"