1988 03 08 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes: January 26, 1988 & February 2, 1988 Old Business 3. Item deleted. New Business 4. Site Plan Review - Minnewashta Meadows. 5. Site Plan Review - McGlynn Bakeries. 6. Site Plan Review - Lake Riley Woods South. 7. Site Plan Review for TH 7/41 - HSZ Development. 8. Approve Contracts for July 4th Fireworks and Band. . 9. Approve CORE Application for Fishing Pier at Lake Ann Park. 10. Review Trail Alignment - Pleasant Hill Subdivision. 11. Updates: a) Lake Ann Park Entrance Fee Schedule b) Condition of the Indoor Ice Arena Ceiling c) Referendum Results NOte: 0... P \ -eo.. ~ e- ~e~ . --rn \ S *'("O~~ OY" 1l,.Ae.. vu', +h L\ W\ \ -t '#..l I'r\ -t~'.5 M-e.. KV'\ouJ' ~ '1~ '131- '<:100 \~ \-e~crth'j D-~ ~V\~~ . ~ \ ~ N"\ 0.- -\-L\r\ ~ \. ()...n 0. Q.A \ \ ~ -.e.- 0 ~ tJ\~ Y'. . o..n L.( ct ~ ~ti D h ~ ()o O-~ d \ ~ C{j.. {)s i D V'\ . A \ 't>O) p\-e.~ ().. ( e. (..A. ~ Cl \1 \ -e.. -+0 0- \-k.n 6. ~ lL-+ ~j . M CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 8, 1988 CASE NO: 88-2 SUB ~. C.C. DATE: Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 8.6 Acres into 12 Single Family Lots and 4 Two Family Lots ..... Z cd: u ::i (L a.. <( LOCATION: Northwest Corner of Church Road and TH 7 APPLICANT: Gary Carlson PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential ACREAGE: 8.6 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Cathcart Park S- RSF ~ ~ W I- - (f) E- RSF w- RSF EXISTING PARKS: This proposal abuts the Shorewood owned Cathcart Park. COMP PLAN: The Comp Plan does not identify this as a park deficient area and the trail plan does not call for trails in this area. . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 8, 1988 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION As this parcel will be served by the existing Cathcart Park to the north. It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. Additionally, it is recommended to accept trail fees in lieu of trail construction. CHANHASSEN NNESOTA L A K E . CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE.-.....'" '...~ l.....~. w~ ~~ FEB ? f) ~A.~.' ..... LJ '''' ..'J CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ": . ~: G S q 0 ~ 0 =- 1~. V.::.\;, .. \\, \~~ ' . . BRU ARY, 1988 ~ 'IEWASHTA VICINITY MAP Mr. Gary D. Carlson 'l n"" ".. . SCALE: ," = 2000' OWNER AND DEVELOPER: LOT AREAS: . Block 1, Lot 1 ]S.nnn ~ ~ I ~ I - ~lIl:t __ I I ~ 1- . r - - ALTER-NATE PRE \ SCHMID'S ACRE TRACTS Tannlf c.....,. \ ~ '-, \ ."", 5 , \ "'- II ,,\. Y ".9F SHOR~WOOD PARK _". \ " \- ..~. '. .~", ..,.,', ' '..,,' I ". '- " , -- ............~..-5Z0.6$ ~..- I "I a" I," S . Q 10" ' . 100,' \....;;.; " t j , , I. 'f"S. '.' 11'li,~ -' - 1-., ----1- -, "r ~ ---, 1-:-\ :.\' ~: : ~-T :l I :..., rsLOCK I ; I I " \ ceo,' 1 ~; 'H/~i ]'., t I .'" I I I:. I I~ I ;1 ,....:. '\ .,' tr! 11~ ':", 5 I ~ ' , 4', I ~ I / 3 I~ I 2 ,,: : __ n ;J I~~ I ". 1.,[', : I L' ~ L'~ ~ L--;- I -~ L' -1 ,_;---1 . _ , , L' ~ '".-. ',6 I "---'~--- rEM~U"'-AJ(r erA 'I]E-\_14e, ' , '. 'I MI H. CAMPBELL C 11 ----- -- .-- MEADOW LANE \ ~ JJ'O ' J.' FRIZZELL' -- , , ~o 100' SCALE ./ ./"" K. DURR '>. c. a D. MILLER CITY ore RE~ FEE CHANHASSEt ../" PREPARED BY: WILLIAM R. ENGELHARDT ASSOCIAT CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1107 HAZELTINE BLVD., SUITE 480 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 (612) 448-8838 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 8, 1988 C.C. DATE: 5 CASE NO, 88-3 Site Pla~ Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review for a 127,0090 sq. ft. building for bakery, warehouse & office use. I- Z <t U :J 0- a.. <( LOCATION: On the southwest corner of the TH 5 and Audubon Road Intersection. APPLICANT: McGlynn Bakeries, Inc. 7752 Mitchell Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 PRESENT ZONING: lOP, Industrial Office Park ACREAGE: 18.5 Acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RR, Rural Residential S- A-2, Agricultural Estates E- lOP, Industrial Office Park ~ ~ W I- - (f) w- A-2, Agricultural Estates EXISTING PARKS: Lake Ann Park lies to the north of this site across Highway 5. COMP PLAN: The Comp Plan does not identify this as park deficient land due to the close proximity of Lake Ann Park. The trail plan calls for a trail along Audubon Road and Highway 5. . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 8, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal is located at the southwest corner of Audubon Road and TH 5 and includes the construction of a 127,000 square foot building on the southwestern portion of the 18.5 acre parcel. The entire site will be graded at the time of construction, with future plans to expand to the west and potentially sell the area to the north. The Comprehensive Plan does not identify this area as being park deficient as it is not a residential area and is close to Lake Ann Park. The trail plan calls for trail alignments along Audubon Road, which will be scheduled for upgrading as the area develops. Gary Warren, City Engineer, has indicated that the 66 foot right-of-way may not be sufficient to accommodate a trail and suggested obtaining an additional easement. The trail plan also calls for a trail along the north side of TH 5, which does not affect this proposal. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland and to require a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of Audubon Road. As trail construction would not be required, it is recommended that no trail dedication cre- dit be given. ~ I~\" ...'";0, \) II .. ,: LAKE " ~ z iL c I /"'\g"~f""'oo.. .,....; ,...... ! -'-, ~\, \ ~ .,~ ./ ,l "-. "--J I Fi RR . R1 r""'l '1"::-.. A2 z - Go J e-- ~i:..t~::: '~'''_/ ~,. ("') '~' " ........... .~""';;-' .~-. ..:~.. MY O~~~--;::; ,=-=~" . ~~ - ~-..~l(' I, /1 . \ :IC--:- ... ..".; iN . :~ " , , , , , ., , , , , .... - ........... ............ ... .-"-:1 '96~.~ : l.:~."', r=;'c= " (jt-,'.~ / ------- (J . '.~......: '- c::S' '" ... .. ~''--, '''1... r--.,...... _.. ..qf;>E..l--'" , I');: ~ Or" ' ~ I r" !!:l ,! {) ~..,:., ..-"- - , -- " , ' //'\ ..,......< -> ~ )1891.1 i l.._>.-/"" ,/' "89A.' ;; 2 n~ ." " i j 5 .11 f !! ! Iii ~ ~ i I . . t .. " 2 . i ~ " .. i CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 8, 1988 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 87-2 SUB h. Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 77.44 Acres into 16 Single Family Lots I- Z <t U :J (L a. <( LOCATION: South of pioneer Trail (CR 14), 1 mile east of TH 101 APPLICANT: George Nelson Associates, Inc. 1660 So. Hwy. 100, Suite 428 Minneapolis, MN 55416 PRESENT ZONING: A-2, Agricultural Estate ACREAGE: 77.44 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- A-2 ~ ~ W I- - C/) S- A-2 E- A-2 w- A-2 EXISTING PARKS: The closest parkland to this site is Bluff Creek Park, a linear park system. No neighborhood parks currently serve this area. This proposal lies outside the MUSA line in the rural ara. The trail plan calls for trai along the north side of CR 14. COMP PLAN: . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 8, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal involves the subdivision of 77.44 acres into 16 single family lots in the rural portion of the City. This area was looked at last year by the Park and Recreation Commission for potential parkland and it was determined that it was not centrally located enough to serve as a community park. The trail plan identifies trail alignment along Pioneer Trail. It was determined by the Commission that the trail should be constructed on the north side of the road due to difficulties within the Riley Lake Meadows development. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park and trail dedication fees in lieu of parkland and trail construction. LAKE .. ~ 91 97 I 98 A?_ 10< . -- .~( ....... ,300 400 , 500 600 700 ". ., 0'" ...., ......' 8. L 900 1000 m I ~ j: '{j'l! "i)rl: ~ : :! Vi~'l ,'; !f~_;; '" I r, I" .r, ,! ~ ;' j il 1 ! I ;1 ; 'X' ~ > ,'-1 ~ > } 1"0 - i I : - L_J 0 ! f l~g t ~ : ~ ~ 0 t ( ~ . no ~ . ~ ~g~ ;/ i F ~ // r . ~ // ; . ~~~ r ~ " ~ ~ c~ ~ ' .... - .,"-- ~ 1 N~' /. .' , - . ~~ '-/ ,/ ./' ~ a ~ ~ / ,,' 1 " . ~ ~~ .. . /~ b ~ ,,!/ -:C' ~ ""~ QO(k <",,(~\ / "'l'; .4 <='U' ~ f~ B ~ ~ ~UL - ~.... Ii · ~ · -l .(, ~ ~ t > ~ l'r, ) ... 0 '" " t ~ ~ :"l > > . t o 0 0 ~ / -..- I I i' , I i \ \ 1" o , \ \ ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 8, 1988 C.C. DATE: ~ CASE NO: 85-7 SUB . Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary Plat to Create 3 Commercial Lots and Site Plan for a 31,920 sq. ft. Retail Center J- Z <( u :J a. a.. <( LOCATION: Southwest Corner of TH 7 and TH 41 intersection APPLICANT: HSZ Development 123 North 3rd Street, #808 Minneapolis, MN 55407 ~ ~ l1J I- - (J) PRESENT ZONING: 10, Office Institutional ACREAGE: 7.63 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Shorewood Mall S- RSF E- RSF w- RSF EXISTING PARKS: The property lies within the service area of Herman Field. Road configurations involving this development would have a direct affect on Herman Field. COMP PLAN: The Comp Plan does not identify this as a park deficient area. Although trails are not identified on the trail plan, consideration should be given to requiring trail constructi along Hwy. 41. . . . HSZ Development March 8, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal is located at the southwest intersection of Hwy. 7 and 41 across from the Shorewood Mall. The southern 5.53 acres of the site is being developed at this time with future develop- ment proposed on the north end of the site. This proposal involves a retail center of 31,920 square feet. The development of this site includes the vacation of 64th Street right-of-way, in efforts to isolate the commercial area and its traffic from the residential area. This vacation, however, eli- minates a second access to the neighborhood via TH 41. Two alternatives have been shown that will remedy both of these con- cerns, see alternatives #1 and #2. The first alternative shows Oriole Lane extended to the south, turning east just north of Herman Field to TH 41. The second alternative makes the connec- tion by extending 64th Street 250 feet from Oriole Lane, then turning south through the Gary Reed property to his south pro- perty line, where it then turns east to TH 41. These alternatives are of interest to the Park and Recreation Commission as either one could potentially provide access to Her- man Field without changing the original park design. As Mark Koegler had been asked to revise the Herman Field master park plan to accomodate an access from the north, off of Forest Avenue, I have asked him to delay the revisions until a decision has been made on this development. The Comprehensive Plan does not call for park land in this area as it is within the service of area of Herman Field. A trail easement may be needed along TH 41. However, the right-of-way is 150 feet wide and the state has indicated that they would give approval on trail construction within that right-of-way. If such is not the case, additional easement should be obtained. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park and trail dedication fees and to require a 20 foot trail easement along TH 41 if trails cannot be constructed within the right-of-way. c o o It) N o o . N 8 t ,0 ~-= ~ ~ ~ g o ~rro. I 1__ _ ~.AH J "W 'l'V!. \I ~ 9 fiBil 0-- - A<./:-=.m.H~ I,"" !t . ~ r ~.. ~I ICIr (~ILl' ~ RE 1:11 A' ! ~ i"~",," _~f'HONlttC OiL I fLL .;~. \~,. Yf" T S1l ~ 'Pc.o~n fl ." ............ ,.L'~ CRESrV IE' "..","" ,fR----l TJ""'" LAI( Ell l-:. (J ......) o o 1 o o f .... ~.~ ....r--: ~~~\L20-- ~~ En ~rJ~ y ;"u.. <<= l \~ 1 ~I~~.$). 0....... r n ~~~~7 -~' ~~V . ~ ~~.f ~/t~~~ ~~f~:d~~:~~;.~~. ~.i;;;;; 4 : :--,''j 4t' ...., r.. ~ : ~ff~<< \ ~:\ ) ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~J - i(~ V'/ ~ ~\~ i/ r , 1 o 8 ~~ ~ "~R RD II l .' ~ 01 - W. 67 ~ STREE T RR ~ \' \' \\ \\ n, \\ L---\\ ~" ,,\, II II ,; ~ - "- ~ ......... --+= I ~j L ......... r '-~7J~PUD-Ei . . .J ~ ~J. ~ -Ii ft ::::-- LAKE /l:' n~ ~E~ H"ltIlISON .::: V 1. II 1/ ~ ~ S/ o Q) ~) L \ \ , ~ =--- , ,--1/::1 ~ ..-,1; , /' . . (. L, ~' \ "\\ , , : ., ) I \ ~ /'-' r..... @ ;T ~-...- .-v ~ ~.~ l~; - ~._-,- -. Q ! t ..u., " j ......., .1'\.... ,........, . --- ......,..-.: . '- l'~U t I r z ~ ..... c( .. ~ '1 r-- l ~ ~?~~-- \ OUTLOT oA: 5":" __ ;.:u-;i:""I>'I.lr,. l>arl~":~ ~ ~ I ..1 \ ID 10 ~B <'"- ~. ,.' ~'.~;~c;c '-. - - 1+' , .:2 "'5",' ; 9 8 -~ N, I' : lJ'd :: H(,!31 @rjd .0: RETAIL .g _'T"II!A!>H .....y- .. .. . " ~.. -,,..- ---...,.~ ~~O~ ---I , UI~ I . OUTLOT oBo ..... ..... ~~,...., -.~ "' :'- " .... 10 ,. +, I -.. ~ , ......... , I I !~ "" ;1 gl ~ ~ ::c o 5: ~ Z ~I 1-0, , J - I I : L-- L - L ... La // ::::---" "\'--" ~ L 11\ WYlCL ~~Ve. .:I:L 1 -.' L~-I- .. .. p .. n SUdJECT ,..oJ(lcP~~T"'" . . . '-... · 't- \4) l'o'l ~ . . ~;.--... r. "I t.~e rf'~~~X6 . , l . , J j ~. , ~ ~ o l - ..' - -. -----. <J ..-'" ,/ : ( f/t;fl.fIlAN . tfLb I i . ..~ -a--. -w- ~ \ ~ V' (\0.. i.\ "e :IJ z- ... SU15Jt!cr ~~ao~TY -T." - C- CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission II FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: February 8, 1988 SUBJ: July 4th Band Selection Attached please find quotes from two companies for the July 4th entertainment. Two things were requested when inquiring about bands; entertainment for the entire family and a reasonable cost. The date chosen for the street dance and fireworks display was Monday, July 4. Other activities will take place the Saturday and Sunday preceding the Holiday. Hoffman Talent Management provided a band in 1987 called the X-Rays, they have since changed their name to the Hi-Topps but their performance remained basically the same. In considering the cost and quality of family entertainment, it is staff's recommendation to accept the bid of $1,200.00 for a performance by the Hi-Topps on July 4, 1988. ib . . . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 10 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: February 29, 1988 SUBJ: Pleasant Hill Trail Easement . Pleasant Hill, located at the end of Murray Hill Road, was given final plat approval in 1983. As a part of the development contract, the developer, Curt Ostrum, was given a 50% reduction in park dedication fees for a 10 foot trail easement along Lots 3, 4 and 5, see attached site plan. A pedestrian gate would allow entrance to the school property thus connecting the neighborhood along West 65th Street to the school. The trail easement was not recorded immediately as the developer was interested in moving the trail alignment. The suggested alignment would move the trail easement between Lots 5 and 6 and across the north property line of Lot 1. It appears that nothing was agreed upon at that time and the easement remained unre- corded. Recently, I have had discussions with Mr. Ostrum involving locating the easement along the east and north property lines of Lot 6 and to continue it on city water tower property to the north of Lot 1. This would only involve one lot and would utilize the City's property which also has a gate to the school property. The Park and Recreation Commission is being requested to review this item and make a recommendation as to where the trail ease- ment should be located, i.e. as originally intended across Lots 3, 4, and 5; or along two sides of Lot 6 and on city property. The original alignment allows a more direct route to the school, however, the developer may have difficulty obtaining the ease- ments from the owners of lots 3, 4, and 5. . N .., 12~ 3 o CD I !'>I" Il0 to I MELODY .,).;)1;.1;. / ".~.... ---_ ____.tfL~L__-~l~~- L 20 :.. DISTRICT 181 ....-.- "-. .. I . ~ 0 ~ C3 c:: _~ c'tf-'1 .... ~- Tower ' \\~ . . . I ,'" ~ /1 I\~.,. Y r \ \ 'it 3 .'-. ...-,,".- - 31-......-.. LA("~ e., gQ.~ ~ 2 N\~.~ -:JV\ic.<~-eJ.\ ^ ,- C. I "" \oC... .:x..~0() \ pro:po~~& 4 o.\~o..t\~ ~ S 'MOL\NE'I ,.., NO. 276 65TH .....---- II -., Ji......" -._ _ "'IV'-'o '" - ... .,0 - ., . .4"-, I I JAMES McMUlLOL'~H I BK 115, f 514 I ~i '~.<~i""'-,-""'''''''''''''''' -.'~--"~, 4 . ~( - t App\'b"~~ ~ bort\O~ - \i m' + """ 2 L N8'o /50 WelD v'-lD W.r.r ....~~ cr ..: wi lD:. cr "'" .:rlZl:!J ~~ WQ Q. -.r woe " _lZl -6,.M:t- \ \ ~ ~'" \(., _.. ! 160.67 PAUL J. WCI.F ;. ~ BK 158, P. 74 ~ '" z 4/6.9 2' j ~ STREET 8K to! 3 P. II 4 ",-C- ! JAMES 8lXLEIl 8k 113, P. 303 ~ 7e. e 64 "859.5'" \ \ 'elM , .- .., . 11 ().; CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ February 29, 1988 DATE: SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Fee Schedule Each year the Park and Recreation Commission has reviewed the Lake Ann Park fee schedule on an annual basis and submitted a recommendation to the City Council. Currently, the fee structure is as follows: . Annual Resident Annual Non-Resident Daily fee Seniors Bus $ 5.00 $10.00 $ 3.00 Free $10.00 The revenue generated at Lake Ann Park is put into the General Fund and used toward its upkeep. Last year $17,239 was collected in annual and daily fees, an increase of $3,611 over the 1986 season. It is the recommendation of this office to establish the same fee schedule for the 1988 season as is outlined above. NOTE: I have included this item in the update section as it does not require immediate action. If the Commission is in agreement a motion can be made, otherwise it will scheduled this on a future agenda for discussion with any additional information requested. . / / !3 CITY OF CHARHASSER . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ~ DATE: February 8, 1988 SUBJ: Condition of Ceiling in the Chanhassen Indoor Ice Arena Due to the concern of staff and the Commission over the condition of the ceiling in the indoor ice arena, an inspection by the Building Inspector and Engineering Department was scheduled. On Wednesday, February 3, staff from these departments and the Park and Recreation Department visited the site and made a visual inspection of the ceiling material and the insulation above it. . The ceiling consists of steel mesh attached to the lower ceiling members covered with a lightweight plaster and sprayed with K-13, a cellulose fiber insulation. Upon inspection, the plaster was found to be in sound condition, without any heavy build-up of moisture. The blown insulation was matted down due to moisture for approximately the first three feet back from where the existing ceiling material stops, thereafter it appeared in good condition. It was the conclusion of both the building and engi- neering staff that the present ceiling material is in satisfac- tory condition and is not in need of immediate repair or replacement. Furthermore, it was recommended that if the ceiling was to be completed in the future that an outside engineer be consulted to determine specific load-bearing capacity of the building. cc: Larry Brown Ron Julkowski . . C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH /(v 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~ February 29, 1988 ~ DATE: SUBJ: Referendum Results . The results of the recent referendum brought to the Park and Recreation Commission "some good news and some bad news". As you are probably aware by now, Lake Ann Park development and park acquisition were approved, the trails and community center failed. Attached please find detail results. The Commission should set aside some time on Tuesday night to discuss these results and to decide how we should proceed from here. As there is a general election in November, we have the opportunity of submitting a proposal to the voters at that time on the items that failed. . ~~ .{'<\ ~. ...-l ...... ...... NOOO ...... l""l ~ l""l...-l ~...-l ""'0 N~ ~...... ~O \0 ...... . 1'--- fll ......~ l""l I' I' l""l l""l I' ""' ""' ""' ""' "t 4.J 1'00 ...... ""' I' 0\ 0\ I' 00 00 00 00 ~ 0 H ......~ ...... t~1 M I' 0\ N NO ~ 0\0 0 l""l00 NO ""' I' ...-l 0 0\ l""l ...... 0 0 I' I' N l""l \0 ...-l00 00 ...... 00...... ~ ...... N...... ...... N N...... ...... N ...... N ..... E~ ...-l p,. 81 ~~ 0\ ~ N ""' ...... ...-l l""l ""' 0...... ...... I' 00 ""' N...... ...... \0 N 0...... ...... ~ 0 ...... I'~ 0\ N \0 ""' 0\ N ~.~ l""l 00 N ...... ...... ...-l ...-l...-l ...... ...... ...-l...... U C1) ~ p,. . ~:I N ""' ""' ""' NO I'~ ......0 I' l""l NO 00 NO \O~ NO 0\ I' ""' l""l 000 0\ 0\ l""l \0 0\ 0\ :l~.~ N 0 ...... ...... N ...... ...... ...... ...... U ...... . C1) ~ p,. ,....q ~ I' ""' \OOOl""lO 0\ \0 NO l""l l""l ...... 0 N,,", 00 l""l..... l""l0 0\ ~ 0\ 0\ I' ...-l l""l \0 I' N I' N \0 I' ~...-l l""l l""l ~ N l""l l""l l""ll""l ~ .... ...... C1) ~ p,. 8/ ~ 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0\ ...-l ~ N tI) ~ >c ~ ~ H 0 ~ :>- ~ ~ \ ~ P=l Q \ ~ ~ ~ ~ rz. ~ ~ ..... .v Z tI) H .' ..., ~ tI) \\. ~ ('/ . ~ H H ~ -.) 0 ~ w :>- ~ ...... C1) N C1) l""l C1) ~ C1) ""' ~ ...:l ~ > ~ > ~ > ~ > ~ ~ rz. rz. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...:l 00 Z 4.J Z 4.J Z 4.J Z 4.J Z 4.J 0 ,.!<: u 0 ,.!<: u 0 ,.!<: u 0 ,.!<: u 0 ,.!<: u < ~~ H c: C1) H c: C1) H c: C1) H c: C1) H c: C1) H ~~ H Ul C\l~ H CIJ fll~ H CIJ fll~ H Ul fll~ H CIJ fll~ U ~~ tI) C1) O...-l C1) tI) C1) 0 ...-l C1) tI) C1) O...-l C1) tI) C1) O...-l C1) tI) C1) 0 ...-l C1) W ~>CZP=lQ ~>CZP=l Q ~>CZP=lQ ~ >CZP=lQ ~>CZP=lQ p,. p~ p ~ ~ p ~ tI) ZZ 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 March 4, 1988 FYI Mr. John Dorek Chanhassen Bowl - Filly's 581 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Nightclub Dear Mr. Dorek: . On behalf of all that took part in the Referendum Vote Results Party of Wednesday, February 24, I extend a hearty thank you. Even though everything did not pass, i.e. community center, trail system, we still celebrated the victories and all the hard work put into the Referendum. Your staff was very helpful in making us comfortable; the hospitality you provided is appreciated. From all of us, Thank you John! Sincerely, ~f~ Todd Hoffman Recreation Supervisor TH:ktm . C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 February 26, 1988 FYI Mr. Brook Hansen 11185 Anderson Lakes Parkway #322 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear Brook, The pizza was a hit! We had approximately forty people come celebrate the referendum vote results. Although everything did not pass, i.e. community center, trail system, everyone enjoyed the great pizza. Domino's of Chanhassen has come to be known as a good friend to the community through all the support you have . given us. Thank the pizza crew down at the store, we look for- ward to working with them again on the 4th of July Festival. Thank you, Brook. Sincerely, ~%~ Todd Hoffman Recreation Supervisor TH/cd . . . National Recreation and "ark ~J\I1I.. \ '\ assocl.Oon . ~ 1\1~ <( "\ l\efPJu~~~~:'':=::;;':.:I:~: NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION' 1800 SILAS DEANE HIGHWAY, SUITE 1 . ROCKY HILL CONNECTICUT 06067 WINTER 1988 . PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE "Partners in Progress" by Ted Flickinger . I bave been overwbelmed by tbe APRS me~bersbip's response to tbe last issue of Keeping You Current. in wbicb we conveyed tbe goals of our Society. Tbe APRS Board of Directors is pleased to learn tbat tbe membersbip bas responded favorably to our goals and. more importantly. a nu~ber of tbe individual members bave offered to volunteer tbeir expertise and time in assisting tbe Society in accomplisbing tbese goals. Most of the letters received in my office focused on tbe desire to advance our profession. to carry out tbe recommendations of tbe President's Commission on Americans Outdoors (PCAO). to get mo r e c it iz ens involved in our cause. and to study tbe economic significance of parks and recreation. . It is our desire to have all of the goals accomplisbed in 1988. and I plan to keep you abreast of our progress in each issue of this newsletter. For instance. in the next issue. we will identify how you can become a part of the nationwide APRS LEG I SLATIVE HOTLINE. For now. however. I am appeal ing to every APRS ~ember to demonstrate their professional commit~ent in accompl isbing the following goals. 14any of you have indicated you want to become involved in APRS your professional branch of NRPA. Fere is what you can do in the next two ~onths. APRS GOALS -. and recreation agencies with information collected by each state association and forwarded to NRPA. This data can be used in public awareness and legislative programs sponsored by the state/national association.) RECOMMENDED ACTIONS A. Write to NRPA Executive Director Dean Tice. and copy your letter to NRPA Board Chairperson Anne Close. Pres- ident Jim Peterson. and the APRS office. You should encourage NRPA's support to fund the development of a research instrument which measures the economic signif- icance of parks and recreation. Emphasize that the profession needs documentation which legislators. the mass media and the public will recognize as being highly significant to our economy and the advancement of parks and recreation. B. Encourage your state association to solicit your Governor's support for a Governor's Conference on the Economic Significance of Parks and Recreation. If possible. conduct a statewide study on the economic significance of parks and recreation should precede the Governor's Conference. We have examples of studies and research referrals to assist you in these efforts. Congratulations to Illinois. Pennsylvania. and California for their successful efforts in this area. Please let the APRS office know if your state is currently working on such a program. C. Conduct economic impact studies at the local level. There are number of park and recreation agencies that are currently pursuing studies in this area. I will be happy to supply a list of contact people to anyone who desires to pursue a study in their community. GOAL 12 Conduct a national APRS/CBM symposium to focus on legislative advocacy. public awareness and the economic significance of recreation. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS A. Plan now to bring your board members to an outstanding symposium that is scheduled for March 23- 26. 1989. at Myrtle Beach. South Carolina. B. Encourage your state association to develop a section. branch. or division for citizen/board members if one does not already exist. For those state assoc- iations which have membership categories for citizen board members. we encourage you to offer your assistance to recruit more citizens to join your state association. Remember. citizens can effectively carry the parks and recreation banner in the political arena. 2 1;1 \ I I ( , ~ ~ GOAL 13 Furthermore. we recommend that state associations conduct statewide and regional workshops to prepare citizens for their role as board members and legislative leaders. Several states have increased the number of sessions for citizen/board members at their state conferences. C. Increase Citizen/Board Member Branch membership by joining N~PA as an agency member. Initiate with state associations a "prairie fire" forum to promote the recommendations of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors culminating in a White House Conference in 1989. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS A. Conduct a statewide forum. seminar or symposium addressing the recommendations of the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. Invite members of PCAO to be key speakers or panelists at your state meeting. Invite state and federal legislators to participate as panelists or speakers. addressing the PCAO's recommendations. B. Call or write Ron Chase. President-Elect of APRS. or contact an APRS board member from your region if you would like APRS input at your state forum. (Congratu- lations Ohio for accomplishing a successful Prairie Fire Forum.) For your information. we are investigating goal 14 in an attempt to integrate a Futures Workshop with the White House Conference in 1989. Finally. the APRS Board of Directors would like to obtain your feedback on the following goals before we recommend further action. GOAL #5 Develop a national legal symposium which investigates a variety of legal issues including. but not limited to. the insurance crisis and tort issues. recreation liability and risk management. Would you attend a symposium? If your response is yes. what would be your preference for a location? (sug- gested cities include Chicago. Washington. D. C.. and Denver) In responding to this question. please let us know what subjects you would like to see addressed at this symposium. We would. also. appreciate any suggestions you have for speakers. 3 GOAL 16 Investigate the development of a national tourism "Calendar of Events" highlighting festivals. historic sites and recreation areas that promote local. regional and state park and recreation agencies. (We would seek grants from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. the Office of Tourism or the Department of the Interior.) Do you currently have a major festival. historical area or cultural event that you would like to see listed in national Tourism "Calendar of Events" brochure? Please contact us regarding what you would like to see listed encouraging tourism in your area. The APRS Board of Directors only establishes policies and offers guidelines directing the Society. It takes a groundswell of membership involvement to accomplish our professional goals. Won't you help? If not you. who? If not now. when? I look forward to receiving your suggestions to accomplish our "Partners in Progress" goals for 1988. Write to: Ted Flickinger. APRS President c/o Illinois Association of Park Districts 211 East Monroe Springfield. Illinios 62701 217/523-4554 4 . , t: 'i , A.P.R.S. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1987~88 PRESIDENT: Ted Flickenger. Exec. Director. Illinois Association of Park Districts. 217 E. Monroe St. #101. Springfi~ld. IL 62701 (217) 523-4554 PRESIDENT-ELECT: Ronald W. Chase. Director. Cincir.nati Recreation Commission. Tower Bldg/Holiday Office Park. 644 Linn Street. Cincinnati. OH 45203 (217) 523-4554 PAST PRESIDENT: John Williams. Director Parks & Recreation. City of Sunnyvale. P.O. Box 3707. Sunnyvale. CA 94086-3707 (408) 730-7516 NEW ENGLAND ELECTORAL REGION Bruce O'Neill. Dir. So. Burlington. VT (802) 658-7956 Harold Barenz. Dir. P&R Dept. Bloomfield. CT (203) 243-2923 William Gurney. Jr.. Dir. Rec. Dept. Newport. RI (401) 846-1398 MIDDLE ATLANTIC ELECTORAL REGION Alice Conkey. MNCPPC. Hyattsville. MD (301) 445-4500 David Ell~nberg. Mgr.Muddy Run Rec. Park. Holtwood. PA (717) 284-4325 Gail Elder-White. Rec.Spec. New Castle County. Wilmington. PA (302) 995-7629 ~ MIDWEST ELECTORAL REGION David Romero. Dir. P&R. Cheyenne. WY (307) 637-6424 Marlene Natoli. Dir. P&R. Olathe. KS (913) 782-2600 Lori Daniel. Mgr. Rec. & Leisure. Aurora. CO (303) 695-7200 ~ 5 9 ( . 91~L-OEL (80~) ~I cPla1;gu1~ds c~agu1~~1t! pa~ :uem~1eq~ "a~nq~o~q d1qs~aqmam ug1sap cs~aqmam AaU l1n~~a~ :d1HS~~gH~W ~~OI-tZL (EOZ) ~~at~~eg Aqle~ 1~elUO~ :uem~1eq~ "Spoq~am cseap1 Csatdmexa ap1AO~d csme~go~d u01~ea~~a~ pue ~~ed U1 su01~etndod te1~ads ;0 U011e~2alU1 a2e~no~u~ :SNOI~v~ndOd ~V1~~dS ~O! SWV~~O~d a~SVg X~1NnWWO~ ~IIZ-086 (ZIE) 11 cg~aqmneq~s CuotpueH A~~ar :uem~1eq~ "ssa~guo~ Vd~N ~o; s1uamague~~e me~go~d tte a~em pue s~a~eads a~n~as cS~1d01 me~go~d 10 te^o~dde 2u1A1a~a~ uodn "1Sa~alu1}0 s~1d01 u01ssas teU011e~npa aU1m~a1ap 01 d1qs~aqmam S~dV 11~1tOS :~NINNV1d SS~~~NO~ ILOO-Z~E (LIZ) 11 cug1edmeq~ cuosteo~ ~~aqo~ :uem~1eq~ "luam~^a1q~v te1~ads pue uazJl1~ cleuoJssa10~d 2unox ~01 sp~eAV a~1^~as snonl~01J~aw CAolla! paqslngul1s1a ~01 s1ualdJ~a~ ~~atas csuolleulmou a^la~a~ cu011em~01ul u011eulmou sp~eAe S~dV a1nq1~ls1a :Sa~VMV S2~~~IWWO~ S~dV 8861 S~OI-IZL (EOZ) 1seaq1~oN - Vd~N c~01~a~1a teuolga~ c11atl~eg "r Aqle~ NOSIVI1 !!V~S H~NV~g S~dV I 91~L-OEL (80~) V~ Cate^^uuns C"1daa ~~d "~la csmeJltJM uqor ~~~snd~ S~dV . 90E~-16~ (90Z) VM cemo~e~ C"~1a c~~1Alsog la~eg~ew 9IZ~-889 (~09) "ue~ ce1qmnto~"11~g c~aAno~ueA C"~la "X2 c~a1sqaM melttJM ~EE~-9ZL (EO~)~O CPtaJlguJ~dS c~~d "~1a cgu01 "M q1auua~ 1V~O~~212 ~S2MHtHON JI!I~Vd 0609-LZS (808) IH CntntouoH "1daa d~H "1SSV "~aX2 c2u1q~ 1~aqllM 161Z-6E8/00E8-IEL (Z09) ZV cadma~ C"~1a csa1d PleuoH lEEL-698 (EIZ) V~ cAauAOa cuoJsJAla uOl1ea~~aH "~gw Caoqa~ a1uuog N01~2~ 1VHO~J212 ~S2MH~nos JI!1~Vd tlEE-688 (~IE) OW cuo~Aet~ "1daa ~~d clleH "r 1~aqoH 008Z-6~S (ZI9) NW cqlnomAld cA~lSa~O! ~ ~~d "~1a c~uelg ~1~2 096Z-16Z (ZIE) 11 c~oo~qql~o~ C"1S1a ~~ed ~00~qq1~oN cpnoa aor NOI~2H S2~V1 ~V2~~ I \ 8L9S-~99 (EOL) VA c~alsaq~u1~ c~~d "~la cIII Ataaq~ paN OZSZ-LZL (616) ~N Cmates-u01su1~ cH~d "~SSV cpuommn~a ans ~0~6-EZ~ (t06) N~ .uos~~er c~~d "~1a "~aX2 .ls1~ A~~ar NOID2H 1V~O~~212 N~~H~nOS - tLt~-Z86 (tOS) ~V .attl^uos~~er .~~d "~1a .sl^ea a~oow attaqeuuv LL8L-Z6S (916) ~o .es!n~ "Ala sme~go~d odS "~gw .uos1eM puod euuoa Vg~ NOID2H 1V~O~J214 tSaMH~nOS . , NATIO~AL ISSUES: Help identify those national issues that are of significant interest to membership. Assist in conveying the attitude and official position of the Board on national issues. Chairman: Peter Murphy. Springfield. IL (408) 730-7516 NATIONAL SPORTS GOVERNING BODY LIAISON: To establish and maintain a liaison and dialogue with the National Sports Governing Bodies which make up the United States Olympic Committee. To appraise leisure service agencies of the services and resources to local sport athletic programs through the NGB's and their respective membership structure. Chairman: Larry Schenk. Colorado Springs. CO (303) 578-6640 RECREATION AND RELIGION: To strengthen the role of Recreation and Religion in APRS. Collect resource information. submit articles for publication. and program ideas for NRPA Congress. Chairman: Wilton Dennis. Atlanta. GA (404) 266-2373 RESOLUTIO~S COMMITTEE: Solicit from APRS committees and NRPA affiliates concerns and issues. Chairman: Robert Porter. Lemont. IL (312) 257-6787 STATE ADVISORY SERVICE: Develop a comprehensive listing of all technical assistance providers in the United States to use as a basis for an Information Exchange Network. Continue to support Municipal and County Parks and Recreation Study (MACPARS). Chairman: Candace Good. Raleigh. ND i WOMEN'S OPPORTUNITIES: Promote Seminars especially designed for women on a regional basis. Conduct ~ work force analysis of women in Recreation and Park profession. Chairman: Joan Harvey. Cerritos. CA (213) 860-0311 INTERNAL OPERATIONS: Budget: Ronald W. Chase. Cincinnati. OH (513) 352-4004 Election: Christy Dlugolenski. Rocky Hill. CT (203) 563-1451.ext 285 Manual Procedures: Ned Cheely III. Winchester. VA (703) 665-5678 Nominating: John Williams. Sunnyvale. CA (408) 730-7516 Charter & By-Laws: David Ellenberg. Holtwood. PA (717) 284-4325 CALL FOR APRS EDUCATION SESSION FOR 1988 CONGRESS Jerry Handlon. Chairman of the APRS Congress Program Committee is soliciting proposals for APRS sponsored educational sessions in the following areas: Marketing Leisure Services. economic impact of leisure on the communities. prairie fire projects. maintaining an identity as part of the public works department. creating greenways. Public Recreation's role in tourism.. and fitness management. Generally topics are geared to professionals in either a community or school recreation and park setting. Sessions should be either 1-1/4 hours or 3 hours in length. ~ 7 8 . I :auoqd :ssa~PPY :a~eN :~q pa~~~~qns uo~~saSSns s1q~ :spaau ~oo~ Su~~aa~ pUB tenS~A o~pne ap~Ao~d tteqs YdHN (O~~a '~ua~d~nba te~~ads 's~n1ue~ouoq se q~nS) sasuadxa pa~ed~~~~ue ~ue ~s~~ LuaqA/a~aqA 'os II ON saA La~aqAaSta pa~uasa~d uaaq me~So~d 8lq~ seH :auoqd :ssa~PPY :ameN O(Al~t~q~suodsa~ aq~ ~da~~e o~ 8u~tt~A aq ~sn~ pue pa~~olu~ aq ~snm uos~ad s~q~) uO~le~~olu1 alatd~o~ aA~S aseatd - ~o~eu~p~oo~ ~e~So~d pa~saSSns o~aq~o o~a~~e~So~d u011ea~~aH Otauuos~ad a~~nosaH/~~ed :a~ua~pnB ~aS~e~ ~ll~uapI os~q 9 os~q v/t-v os~q E os~q v/t-t---- (auo ~~aq~):uol~8~np pasodo~d . . :(S)a~O~lno Su~u~eat papua~u~ ~l~~uap1 'sa~ II O(s~noq E 10 mnm~u~m e aq lSnw) .ON---- .saA---- Lme~So~d ni~ atq~ssod 8 slq~ 8I :(a~eds s~ql u~ ~~1 ~sn~) me~So~d lO sn~oa ~oreW lO uOl~dl~~8.a l.l~g :.t~l~ me~So~d p.80do~d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS1todeue1puI u1 ssa~Suo~ 8861 .q~ ~e UO~88.8 p.~osuod. SHdY ue se uOF~e~ap~suo~ ~ol .a~~l~~o~ SUluuetd .s.~Suo~ tt.~.AO .q~ O~ .a~~lmmo~ 'ssa~Suo~ SHdY aq~ ~q pa~l~~qns .q tt1A me~So~d p.8odo~d ~no~ 'p.~~.t.s II , oE6109 ~I 'S~.qmn8q~s '.A1~a q~..g oi 'Et 'uo~~ea~~aH pue s~~ed '~o~~.~la 'uolPueH ~~~.r o~ q~61 ~~8n~q.a ueq~ . ~aet ou ~~ puas pue m~ol 8lq~ .~.tdmo~ ....td '.~.q~o ~o .~ldo~ ..aql lO auo uo uo~ssas e SU1~8UlP~OO~ ~o/pu. SUl~U.s.~d u1 p.~8.~.~ul .~8 no~ II 6 1988 APRS AWARD NOMINATIONS Robert Toalson. Chairman of the Awards Committee. announces that applications for the 1988 APRS Award Nominations will be accepted until May 1. 1988. Flyers announcing the annual award program will be mailed in late January. Check your mail for it. CALL FOR ARTICLES FOR "KEEPING YOU CURRENT" "Keeping You Current" is a quarterly publication for members of NRPA's American Park and Recreation Society branch. Its intent is to present topics of interest in an uP-to-date fashion for professionals in the Parks and Recreation field. The best resource for articles is from the membership who benefit from the publication's focus on various topics. Articles for publication are accepted and reviewed regularly at the Northeast Service Center. Position papers. letters and "tricks of the trade" ideas will also be accepted. Let's make our Society stronger by creating a voice for the professional in the field. Consider sending an article today. Submit articles to Kathy J. Bartlett. APRS Staff Liaison. Northeast Service Center. 1800 Silas Deane Highway. Rocky Hill. CT 06067. UPDATED PUBLICATION NOW AVAILABLE ~ The 1988 edition of "Nationally Sponsored Programs: Inexpensive Program Resources for Communities" is now available at the NRPA Regional Offices. Updated yearly. this resource aid is an essential tool for the recreational programmers. Filled with program resources in the areas of biking. fitness. nature. special events. Special Populations. sports. tennis. and other topics. Brief descriptions and contact information of over seventy-five programs for all ages are included. Order your copy today as only a limited number are available. Contact your NRPA Regional Office. Information on various other programs suitable for entry in future editions should be sent to Kathy J. Bartlett. Regional Director. 1800 Silas Deane Highway. Suite 1. Rocky Hill. CT 06067 (203) 727-1055. APRS MID YEAR MEETING SCHEDULE February 19023. 1988 Crystal City Marriott. VA Saturday. February 20th 3:30 - 5:00 PM APRS Executive Com~ittee 10:00 - 11:30 AM APRS Nominating Committee 1:00 - 3:00 PM APRS National Issues 3:00 - 5:eO PM APRS Budget Committee 7:00 - 10:00 PM APRS Social 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM APRS Board of Directors Evening (TBA) Congressional Reception Sunday. February 21st Monday. February 22nd ~ 9 01 . . 19090 ~~ .tt~H A~~O~ t a~~ns .AeAqS~H aueaa 8et~s OOSt ~a~ua~ a~~A~as ~8eaq~~oN Vd~N uos~e~1 ~~8~S S~dY .~~at~~ei er Aq~8~ :O~ u~n~a~ :(Uo~~e~Ot .a~ep) ~~do~ 8~q~ UO UaA~S aAeq nOA .AU8 ~~ .suo~~e~uasa~d :a8~~~adxi ~o ea~y ( ) :iNOHd SSi~aav . i1~l~ 1.~Ni~V . a~8a :aWVN I^~o~~a~~a a~~nosall SlIdY aq~ u~ pa~s~t aq o~ a~~t PIl .sa1. If. If. If. If. If. If. .. If. .. .. .. If. .. .. .. e8teuo~ssa~0~d AOtta~ ~noA q~~A as~~~adxa ~noA a~eqs o~ ssauSUftt~A ~noA ~O~ a~ueApe u~ nOA ~ueq~ eL9090 ~~ .tt~H A~~Oll .AeAqS~H aueaa set~s OOSt .~a~ua~ a~J^~as ~seaq~~ON aq~ ~e .~~at~~ei er Aq~e~ .UOSf8~1 )~8~S S~dV aq~ o~ ~~ u~n~a~ pue m~o~ paq~8~~e aq~ ~no ttl} a88atd ~s8d aq~ ul pa~sfl aaaq aA8q A8m OqA asoq~ S8 ttaA 8e A~o~~a~lP aq~ uf papnt~ul SUlaq Uf pa~sa~a~u~ St8uotssa}0~d ~eq~ SUt~S8 a~8 a~ .A~o~~a~~p aq~ .~8pdn o~ .m~~ AOU 8~ ~I eA~o~~a~tP aq~ Ut papnt~u~ OSt8 81 8a~ua~a~uo~ PU8 8doq8~~OA ~O} .~a~8ad8 }O SUt~Stt V .8~sanba~ a~u8~fs88 18~luq~a~ SU1~aAsue uaqA 8t1~uno~ A~OStAPY a~8~S pue csu01~e1~08sy a~e~s Ctauuos~ad .~l})O t8u01Sa~ Vd~N Aq pasn St A~o~~a~lP aq~ .a81~~adxa 8n01~8A q~JA s~uam~~8daP/'t8nptA1Pu1 }O s~aqmnu auoqdata~ pue csa8sa~pp. csam8u 8u1.~uo~ A~o~~a~lP a~~n08a~ aq~ . .u01~8a~~.~ PU8 8~~8d O~ SU1~81a~ .~~a~qn8 .n01~8A UO sa~~nosa~ PU8 u01~8m~0)ut SUlA)l~uap~ U~ ~8~88e o~ A~o~~a~~a sa~~n08a~ uO~~8a~~a~ 8 padolaAap 88q A~a1~oS ~~8d PU8 u01~8a~~a~ u8~1~amy aq~ 1.lIO~~illla i~~nOSi~ 1YNOI~YN S~dV . ... .," ",;,7;" ...- ~. .'.- "":::;'~'7:~",.,~>: ~~~_'''''''_.''''''''';:r''''-,-- -:'l"!"".~,...~~.~....i . . .. NATIONAL FITNESS COALITION The National Fitness Coalition is currently developing a mailing list of fitness providers and activists interested in joining the Coalition improve the level of service in the areas of health. fitness and nutrition. To be placed on the mailing list. fill out the attached registration and return to Kathy J. Bartlett. Northeast Service Center. 1800 Silas Deane Highway. Rocky Hill. CT 06067. ,- - - - - - - - , , , Name: , , Position: , , Address: , , , , , , , , ,- - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , NATIONAL FITNESS COALITION Telephone: AGENCY: Yes. I would like to be placed on the mailing list. Yes. I would like to serve on a Coalition Committee. No. I'm not able to serve on a committee. but would like to receive information. ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11