1988 03 22 Agenda . AGENDA Park and Recreation Commission Meeting 7:30 p.m. Chanhassen City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order. Old Business 2. Lake Ann Park Parking Fee Schedule. 3. Park Dedication Fees. 4. Discussion of Referendum Results. New Business 5. Site Plan Review - Trappers Pass. 6. Site Plan Review - Woodland Addition. 7. Site Plan Review - Chanhassen Lawn and Sport. 8. Set Special Meeting Date and Agenda (Saturday). 9. Set City Council Meeting Schedule. . 10. Review and Prioritize 1988 Capital Improvement Program. . . FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PARK AND. RECREATION FUNCTION: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1988 BUDGET .. . Commentary Function: To provide advice to the City Council in matters pertaining to recreation and parks and to cooperate with other groups in advancing sound recreation and park planning and programs throughout the community. The Park and Recreation Commission is composed of five members who are appointed by the City Council for staggered terms. . fI Expenditures: General Comment: Normal expenditures are anticipated for this function. [I 4300 - Fees paid for preparing the minutes. II 4360 - Board membership to MRPA 4370 - 2 Commissioners - MRPA Conference. . . III . . . . . . -39- ( ..I I fUND 101 GENERAL fUND DEPARTMENT 141 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION '. 1988 BUDGET - EXPENDITURES I BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 1987 1988 I PERSONAL SERVICES 101141 4020 Salaries & Wages, Temporary 200 0 0 I 101141 4099 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 200 MATERIALS! SUPPLIES I 101141 4110. Supplies, Office 200 50 200 101141 4299 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 200 50 200 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I 101141 4300 101141 4360 101141 4370 I 101141 4599 Le 101141 4999 I I I I I I ~e I ,I fees, Servies 0 3,050 3,600 Subscription & Memberships 100 100 200 Travel & Training 300 300 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400 3,450 4,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 800 3,500 4,500 -40- fUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PARK AND RECREATION fUNCTION: PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION . 1988 BUDGET 41 . Commentary function: To administer the planning, development, and coordination of leisure time activities within the community. This function is responsible for physi- cal planning and development of parks, open space, trails, etc. It is also responsible for park and recreation administration including overall develop- ment of park planning programs in conjunction with the Community Services Commission and School Districts, and social planning and program development in coordination with the Community Services Athletic Association, Senior Citizens, etc. . II This office works closely with the City Public Works Department to complete development and to coordinate maintenance of facilities. II Expenditures: h Personal Services: full-time employees are as follows: A Park and Recreation Coordinator Program Assistant 1 1 1 1 . tI. Number 1986 .!..2!2 ~ 4020 - Summer Program Assistance 1 o . 4703 - Printer - $400 4370 - State MRPA Conference (2) _ National NRPA Conference _ Community Ed. Conference _ MSU Classes _ Other Travel $ 350 600 200 500 100 . . . . . -41- . . r I I . . . . . ill . . . . . . :- . 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 101142 fUND 101 GENERAL fUND DEPARTMENT 142 PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1988 BUDGET - EXPENDITURES BUDGET 1987 ESTIMATED 1987 PERSONAL SERVICES 4010 Salaries & Wages, Regular 4020 Salaries & Wages, Temp. 4030 Contrib., Retirement 4040 Contrib., Insurance 4050 Workmen's Compo 24,600 2 , 500 3,150 1,250 900 24,620 10,910 4,000 1,240 1,250 4099 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 32 ,400 42,020 MATERIALS! SUPPLIES 100 100 4110 Supplies, Office 4299 100 100 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4310 4340 4360 4370 4380 4599 Telephone Printing & Publishing Subscription & Memberships Travel & Training Mileage 100 100 200 650 100 100 200 200 700 100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,150 1,300 4703 CAPITAL OUTLAY 400 175 4799 4999 Office Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 400 175 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 34,050 43,595 -42- BUDGET 1988 55,930 o 6,600 2,300 2,200 67,030 200 200 100 250 300 1,750 100 2,500 400 400 70,130 I '. I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I. I I 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 101145 FUND 101 DEPARTMENT 1~5 GENERAL FUND RECREATION PROGRAMS 1988 BUDGET - EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 4011 Overtime, Regular 4020 Salaries & Wages, Temporary 4030 Contrib., Retirement 4050 Workmens Compo 4099 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES MATERIALS! SUPPLIES 4120 4130 Supplies, Equipment Supplies, Program 4299 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4300 Fees, Service. 4320 Utilities 4340 Printing & Publishing 4370 Travel & Training 4400 Rental, Land & Bldgs. 4599 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4999 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -44- BUDGET 1987 ESTIMATED 1987 BUDGET 1988 JOO 900 500 15,500 15,500 IJ,500 100 200 200 0 0 0 15 ,900 16,600 14,200 200 300 200 300 200 JOO 500 500 500 3,800 3,120 3,800 650 600 650 150 500 550 0 0 0 150 0 0 4,750 4,220 5,000 21,150 21,320 19,700 II FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: PARK AND RECREATION FUNCTION: SELF-SUPPORTING PROGRAMS . 1988 BUDGET II Commentary Function: To supplement overall recreation programs by providing a budgetary vehicle by which new programs, which are primarily self-supporting (revenues generated by user charges equals costs), can be accomplished. II . Expenditures: General Comment: Programs funded under this function are self-supporting, i.e. men's softball, gymnastics, hobby and craft courses, inatructional cour- ses, etc. In total, $18,000 is proposed under expenditures with $16,000 being proposed under revenues. The offsetting revenue for this expenditure account is separately accounted for under the General Fund - Revenue section of the budget. . . In addition to self-supporting recreational programs, four community events are also included in this function, i.e. 4th of July Celebration, Easter Egg Hunt, Golf Tournament, and Halloween Party. These activities are generally self- supporting. . Expenditures with in this account may exceed budgetary limitations so long as aggregate revenues for all programs are within $2,000 of aggregate expense, i.e. it is possible that 31,000 total program expense may occur so long as 29,000 total program revenues are received. . , 4020 - Attendant at Indoor Hockey Facility. . 4300 - Umpire Salaries Fireworks Band Instructors for Classes Shows . . 4340 - Advertising 4702 - Hockey Rink Bldg. - $1,000 (1987), $3,000 (1988) . . . -45- ~ ~ r I rUND 101 GENERAL rUND DEPARTMENT 146 SELr -SUPPOR T ING PROGRAMS '- 1988 8UDGET - EXPENDITURES BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET I 1987 1987 1988 PERSONAL SERVICES I 101146 4020 Salaries & Wages, Temp. 3,500 2,500 3,500 I 101146 4099 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,500 2,500 3,500 MATERIALS! SUPPLIES I 101146 4110 Supplies, Office 0 0 0 101146 4130 Supplies, Program 2,200 1,500 4,400 I 101146 4299 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,200 1,500 4,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I 101146 4300 rees, Service 11,550 11 ,000 12,000 101146 4310 Telephone 350 400 400 101146 4320 Utilities 0 1,500 1,500 I 101146 4340 Printing and Publishing 0 0 600 101146 4400 Rental, Land & B1dgs. 1,400 1,000 2,000 ,. 101146 4599 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,300 13 ,900 16,500 CAP IT AL OUTLAY I 101146 101146 4702 4799 Buildings & Structures TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,000 1,000 o o o o I I 101146 4999 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,000 17,900 24,400 I I I I. I I -46- fUND: 410 - PARK ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT fUNCTION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT General Comment: Park fees (chsrges established on new construction) are receipted into this fund. All major park improvements become a budgeted expense of this fund (Note: To insure multi-year accountability for individual projects, a separate fund is typically established to account for the assets/liabilities of that project, i.e. lake Ann Boat Access. In instances like the boat access, the City shsre of the pro- ject cost is "reserved" until final approvals are received. At time of receipt of federal/state dollars, the City share (budgeted amount) ia "transferred" to the indi- vidual project fund. All of the revenues/ expenses associated with the project thereby become easier to monitor - with final b'alances being "transferred" back to this fund). As such, this fund represents the master fund reflecting current and future obligations for major park projects, as well as minor park improvements within our community. 4701 - lake Ann Park - Swimming Dock - Totlot Replacement - Totlot Addition Lake Susan Park - Sign Greenwood Shores - Sign - Hand LaunCh, Lk. Lucy - Landscape Parking Lot - Tot10t North Lotus Lake Park - Sign 249 - Field Constr. 1,000 - Tennis Court 22,000 - Play Equipment 5,158 - Tennis Windscreen - Boardwalk - Shel tar South Lotus Lake Park - Sign - Gate House - fishing Dock - Ball field - Totlot - Tennis Court Carver Beach - Totlot Equipment Bandimere Heights - Tot10t Equipment Meadow Green - Big Swings - Tennis Courts. - Shelter - Pave Parking Lot - Tennis Windscreen Miscellaneous - Tables & Benches - Projects Minnewashta Heighta - Ice Shelter - Park Sign Chanhassen Pond - Parking - Implement Master Plan City Center - Tennis Windscreens - Hockey fencing Chanhassen Estates - Pave Parking Lot Archery Range - Location to be determined 74,773 1988 BUDGET Commentary Expenditures 4130 Supplies, Program 4300 - fees, Service _7A_ t e- M B o u ll!l 2 ,423 .!ill 2,600 ~ 15,050 15 ,000 1,505 n 5,000 3,000 249 249 b .. 500 1,500 5,000 - 600 2,200 5,000 - 249 800 1 , SO 5 II 570 3,441 750 22,000 1,000 5,000 25,000 5,000 - - 2,000 2,000 600 . 6,330 8,718 1,400 400 1,000 2,000 500 1,500 1,500 1.000 72,700 ~ . t ~ I ! lit . . II II II II . (tt . . . . I I \t I I 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 3303 3399 3801 3807 3899 3999 4130 4299 4300 4599 4701 4799 4801 4802 4899 4999 rUND 1410 - PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT 1988 BUDGET REVENUE Charoes for Service Park Development rees TOTAL CHARGES rOR SERVICE ~ ! ~ Revenue Interest Donations TOTAL INTEREST & OTHER REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE EXPEND ITURES: Materials! Supplies Supplies, Program TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Contractual Services rees, Service TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Capital Outlay land or Building Improvement TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Debt Payments Principal Interest TOTAL DEBT PAYMENTS TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenue over (under) Expenditures Other increases(decreases): Transfer from (to) Lake Ann Ballfield lighting South Lotus Lake Saddlebrook Trails Total increases (decreased): rund Balance rorward Less Require& Reserve lake Ann Phase I Grading lake Susan Park Lake Ann Ballfield Lighting rund Reserve Herman rield TOTAL RESERVE Total Resources over (under) Expenditure -79- BUDGET 1987 60,000 60,000 11 ,000 o 11 ,000 71 ,000 o o 5,000 5,000 35,000 35,000 o o o 40,000 31 ,000 o 21,000 21,000 259,165 o o o 100,000 35,000 135,000 134,165 ESTIMATED 1987 130 , 500 130,500 18,300 10,000 28,300 158,800 6,330 6,330 12,800 12,800 74 , 620 74,620 93,750 65,050 -21,000 -21,000 260,760 o o o 100,000 35,000 13 5,000 169,810 BUDGE 1988 100 ,oor 100,00( 18,50( 10,OO( 28,50( 128,50C 2,60C 2,600 15,000 15,000 74,700 74,700 o o o o o o 92,300 36 ,200 -15,000 -18,000 -33 ,000 304,810 100,000 50,000 o 100,000 _ 35,000 285,000 23,010 CITY OF eHANHASSEN 3- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: February 10, 1988 SUBJ: Park Dedication Fees At the January Park and Recreation Commission meeting, this item was tabled and staff was directed to research further our basis for charging a fee. The Park Dedication Ordinance was written so that parkland would be available to meet the needs of the areas being developed. A developer is not required to dedicate more than the need he is _ creating with the development. The State allows municipalities to require a "reasonable" dedica- tion of land for neighborhood park purposes. In lieu of parkland, the City may accept the equivalent in cash. The City has adopted 1 acre per 75 people in residential areas and 10% of the land in industrial areas as a "reasonable" standard. This standard was established in 1978 in the Comprehensive Plan and has proven to be a sound requirement. As dedication fees are collected at the time building permits are issued, it is necessary to have a park dedication fee that is uniform. The amount of the fee is determined by the City's average raw land value. The last survey done by the County esti- mated the average raw land value to be approximately $10,500. To illustrate how this translates, I have shown 3 examples: 1. 100-acre single-family urban development: 100 acres x 2.5 units/acre = 250 units 250 units x 3 persons/unit = 750 people 750 ~ 75/acre = 10 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: 10 acres x $10,600/acre = $106,000 $106,000 ~ 250 units = $424 per unit - . . . Park and Recreation Commission February 10, 1988 Page 2 2. 100-acre single-family rural development: 100 acres x 1 unit/lO acres = 10 units 10 units x 3 people/unit = 30 people 30 ~ 75/acre = .40 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: .40 acres x $10,500/acre = $4,200 $4,200 ~ 10 units = $420 per unit 3. 100-acre industrial site: 100 acres x 10% requirement = 10 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: 4. 10 acres x $10,500/acre = $105,000 $105,000 ~ 100 acres = $1,050 per acre 100-acre multi-family (R-12): 100 acres x 12 units per acre = 1,200 units 1,200 units x 2 per unit = 2,400 people 2,400 ~ 7S/acre = 32 acres of parkland required If cash is to be required in lieu of land: 32 acres x $10,500/acre = $336,000 $336,000 ~ 1,200 units = $280 per unit These examples illustrate that our current fee schedule is right on target. By including the park acreage standard of one acre per 75 people and basing the cash requirement on raw land values, the City Attorney is confident that we are meeting the intent of the state statute. For future reference, these standards have been included in the park dedication ordinance, attached. --:> .. ~ T6, ~C;., ~ Chapter 14 . 10...- ing. Or the planning commission, planning agency, divisions, the council may adopt additional regula- or city council may initiate a rezoning. Rezoning is tions. Cities must file copies of subdivision regula- a legislative act and needs only some rational basis tions with the county register of deeds or registrar relating tO/ublic health, safety, morals, or general of titles. welfare. 3 Because of the legal difficulties in making spe- Subdivision Control cial assessments, cities should require subdividers to install all improvements before the council ap- Subdivision control is an effective means of im- proves the plat. 38 plementing the city plan. It can promote an ade- Review or Proposed Subdivisions quate street and city utility system, desirable population distribution, and necessary open spaces An important part of any subdivision ordinance for light, air, health, and recreation. To be effec- tive, a city must control new building developments is the procedure for reviewing proposed subdivi- at the time it subdivides or plats the land. sions. These procedures should include the follow- ing steps. City councils have statutory authority to approve subdivision plats. 33 The law states that the coun- l. Pre-application meeting. City officials cil must approve all plats before recording them in should meet with the subdivider to discuss the office of the register of deeds. Before approv- applicable regulations, giving the sub- ing the subdivision, the council may employ divider positive guidance and enough qualified people to check and verify the plat to freedom to help build the community. determine its suitability from the standpoint of 2. Preliminary plat. Following the pre- community planning. The city may require the sub- divider to pay the cost of checking the plat. application meeting, the subdivider should prepare a preliminary map or plat of the . #' The second authorization is part of the planning proposed subdivision. The map should in- act. 34 After a city has adopted a plan and platting clude the location and approximate dim en- regulations, all proposed plats in the city must go sions of the lots, easements, streets, public to the council, which, after a public hearing, may utilities, and other public lands on, and ad- deny approval if the plat does not conform to the jacent to, the tract. This preliminary plat city plan or to subdivision regulations. 35 The should go to the planning commission, council may refer the proposed plat to the planning together with all specific information commission for recommendations. about the proposal. Before making a deci- sion, the commission should solicit com- The planning statute sets platting regulations ments and recommendations from other which the council may adopt. 36 They include interested groups and individuals and hold rules concerning street improvements and the in- a public hearing on the matter. The coun- stallation of water, sewer, utility services, and cil should review the commission's findings storm water drainage and holding areas. The re- and actions. The council should follow the quirements may dedicate a given percentage of time restrictions in the statute. land in residential subdivisions to public use for parks, playgrounds, trails, and open space. They 3. Final plat. The planning commission may also require a subdivider to contribute an should review the final proposed plat to equivalent amount in cash, based on the fair determine its conformance with the ap- market value of the undeveloped land. Payments proved preliminary plat. Following a the city receives under such regulations must go public hearing, the council should review into a special fund to acquire land for parks, the entire project, including plans and playgrounds, public open space, and storm water specifications. The city may require a con- holding areas or ponds, development of existing tract with the subdivider to assure com- areas, and debt retirement for land the city pliance with all necessary arrangements. previously acquired for such public purposes. 37 The council should accept the final plat by resolution and file it with the county , Because the statutes do not cover everything register of deeds or registrar of titles. The . needed to insure harmonious development of sub- city must file resolutions approving plats Handbook for Minnesota Cities Page 229 ~ . . /' ORDINANCE NO. ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING PARK LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS The City Council of Chanhassen ordains as follows: Section 1. following sections: . Section 2. following sections: section 18-78. Park Land Dedication Requirements. The Chanhassen City Code is amended by deleting the 14-33, 14-34, 14-35, 14-36, 14-37, and 18-77B. The Chanhassen City Code is amended by adding the (B) (A) As a prerequisite to subdivision approval, subdividers shall dedicate land for parks, playgrounds; public open spaces and trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the City's Park Fund as provided by this Section. Land to be dedicated shall be reasonably suitable for its intended use and shall be at a location convenient to the people to be served. Factors used in evaluating the adequacy of proposed park and recreation areas shall include size, shape, topography, geology, hydrology, tree cover, access, and location. . (C) The Park and Recreation Committee shall recommend to the City Council the land dedication and cash contribution requirements for proposed subdivisions. (D) Changes in density'of plats shall be reviewed by the Park and Recreation Committee for reconsideration of park dedication and cash contribution requirements. (E) When a proposed park, playground, recreational area, school site or other public ground has been indicated in the City'S official map or comprehensive plan and is located in whole or in part within a proposed plat, it shall be designated as such on the plat and shall be dedicated to the appropriate governmental unit. If the subdivider elects not to dedicate an area in excess of the land required hereunder for such proposed public site, the City may consider acquiring the site through purchase or condemnation. (F) Land area conveyed or dedicated to the City shall not be used in calculating density requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance and shall be in addition tv ~lld not in lieu of open space requirements for planned unit developments. . fr~~ (G) Where private open space for park and recreation purposes is provided in a proposed subdivision, such areas may be used for credit, at the discretion of the City Council, against the requirement of dedication for park and recreation purposes, provided the City Council finds it is in the public interest to do so. (H) The City, upon consideration of the particular type of development, may require larger or lesser parcels of land to be dedicated if the City determines that present or future residents would require greater or lesser land for park and playground pUrposes. In residential plats one acre of land shall be conveyed to the City as an outlot by warranty deed for every seventy-five (75) people the platted land could house based upon the following population calculations: (I) Single-family detached dwelling lots Two-family dwelling lots 3.0 persons 6.0 persons Apartments, townhouses, condo- miniums and other dwelling units 1.0 person per bedroom (J) In plats other than residential plats, a cash donation equal to ten percent (10%) of the fair market value of the undeveloped property . shall be paid. (K) In lieu of a park land donation, the City may require an equivalent cash donation based upon average undeveloped land value in the City. The cash dedication requirement shall be established annually by the City Council. (L) In lieu of a trail land donation, the City may require the following cash donations for the multi-purpose pedestrian trail system: For each lot or dwelling unit e $ 13~.00 (M) The City may elect to receive a combination of cash, land, and development of the land for park use. The fair market value of the land the City wants and the value of the development of the land shall be calculated. That amount shall be subtracted from the cash contribution required by subsection K above. The remainder shall be the cash contribution requirement. (N) -Fair market value" shall be determined as of the time of filing the final plat in accordance with the following: (1) The City and the developer may agree as to the fair market value, or . -2- . (2) The fair market value may be based upon a current appraisal submitted to the City by the subdivider at the subdivider's expense. (3) If the City disputes such appraisal the City may, at the subdivider's expense, obtain an appraisal of the property by a qualified real estate appraiser, which appraisal shall be conclusive evidence of the fair market value of the land. (0) Planned developments with mixed land uses shall make cash and/or land contributions in accordance with this Section based upon the percentage of land devoted to the various uses. (P) Park and trail cash contributions are to be calculated at the time building permits are issued and shall be paid when the permit is issued by the person requesting the permit. (Q) The cash contributions for parks and trails shall be deposited in either the City's Park and Recreation Development Fund or Multi- purpose Pedestrian Trail Fund and shall be used only for park acquisition or development and trail acquisition or development. . (S) (R) If a subdivider is unwilling or unable to make a commitment to the City as to the type of building that will be constructed on lots in the proposed plat, then the land and cash contribution requirement will be a reasonable amount as determined by the City Council. Wetlands, ponding areas, and drainage ways accepted by the City shall not be considered in the park land and/or cash contribution to the City. Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately . upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the City Council of Chanhassen this , 1988. . daY"Jf CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~Y: Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor ATTEST: Don Ashworth, City Manager . -3- CITY OF CBANBASSEN Lf . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 16, 1988 SUBJ: Referendum Discussion The City Council tabled discussion of the referendum results and set up a special worksession for April 4th. Their discussion will include the items that passed as well as the ones that failed. Staff is anticipating that they will appoint a study group task force for both the trail plan and the community center. Any comments or recommendations that you would like the Council to consider can be discussed at Tuesday's meeting. Also, . anyone can attend the worksession on Monday, April 4th. I will let you know the time of the meeting. . ~ 9 ~ $.- ~ ~ _-4) ...... , t ~ ~ I \ , e. e - .. . . I .. --- . - -....... . I ~ . .~.. .ol......;.---- ~ -..MolY. ~ .~ . -:II. ~-. JIIICII:l.... r~ It 11m NlYJNnOII NY.... J.llilWO ~ l3lA30 lYlI3I"~ HI] .- - d #- j] ~ ~ ~ ~ o .~ t:.. I ~ I a .!\ , CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH PRC DATE: March 22, 1988 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: ~ . STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 32.5 acres into 34 single family lots I- Z <( u :J 0.. a.. <( LOCATION: North of Pleasant View Road, approximately 1/2 mile west of TH 101 APPLICANT: Lundgren Brothers Construction, Inc. PRESENT ZONING: RSF - Residential Single Family and PUD-R - Planned Urban Development-Residential ACREAGE: 32.5 acres . ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- PUD-R S- RSF ~ 8 w I- - (f) E- RSF w- PUD~R EXISTING PARKS: This proposal lies within the service area of North Lotus Lake Park. COMP PLAN: The Comp Plan does not call for addi- tional park land in this area. The trail plan calls for off-street trails to be constructed along through streets within the development. . . . Trappers Pass March 22, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND This plan is located adjacent to the existing Near Mountain sub- division. There currently exists right-of-way for an on street trail along Near Mountain Boulevard and Trappers Pass. This trail alignment leads you to this proposed development and should be continued along Trappers Pass, through the neighorhood to Pleasant View Road as this will provide safe access to North Lotus Lake Park. ' As parkland currently exists to serve this area, additional parkland is not needed. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to request that trails be constructed along Trappers Pass, Oxbow Bend and Timber Hill Road with 100% credit in trail dedication. It is also recommended that park dedication fees be accepted in lieu of parkland. o 00 0 0 0 i aD ~" 0 ~ "Sr~AS tJ I' ill" I ~ YE ~ ~ tQ{~- ~- -' I~'~ ,..;.;. ~ ,.:l L..t.}:;<~, - - ~L I L)...1 .. '. ~ I ~r f~1> \.- 1Il \ '\ --.:. '. ~ ,~ 'j~ , . ./ XCC ........ - Jr.... ~ hi. ~'\I;;;I/ iJ, ':Jf!!Ill) . . /~ p.... ""'" ~ .." ,.-;;! ~~wi~~/J!/ y./ ~)f y~. - . ;w- 1~Jl:~ _I( \~.\. . 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(J ~ \, ~ -- -=------ ,/' --- -... ~ @ CITY OF CHAHHASSEN PRC DATE: March 22, 198E C.C. DATE: CASE NO: ~ Prepared by: Sietsema/c STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 3.5 acres into 7 single family lots I- Z <t U :J a.. Q. <( LOCATION: South side of Woodhill Road, 1/4 mile east of Nez Perce APPLICANT: R & R Land Ventures 8080 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ACREAGE: 3.5 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RSF S- RSF ~ ~ W I- - (f) E- RSF W- RSF EXISTING PARKS: This proposal lies within the service area of Carver Beach, Meadow Green Park, and Chan Pond Park. COMP PLAN: As this area is currently served by 3 parks, additional park land is not called for. The trail plan does not call for trails in this area. - Rand R Land Ventures March 22, 1988 . Page 2 RECOMMENDATION As this area is not included on the trail plan, and it is currently served by three existing parks. It is the recommen- dation of this office to accept park and trail dedication fees in lieu of parkland or trail construction. . . - ~~~/ ""~..L,I I I I 'V ~~/. _ "!f P ANt hi A f- t- C' . / ~ .\.. ~ ! 1~'U ~>i~~ ~.<~ ~, fc.~. I- __ ~ '~~ . ~, ~ "'.. ,.... I~ -< \ . . ~ .. ') jrr V~ ,''''g . ~~ ~- .. lIt 'I~?_ :1--) I ~ \" (I ~ fWT'AL y l~ ,..:.;; CJ R2- ~~~ 11/lfllJ/ -_ ' ~ r ~ COllWT;:..ytI,6 .':':: _ ~ _ ~: ~\r/ ;~~ ~~_;~~-~ ~ t- I"f',~. \: ~ i/'~ - ..,1 ~!~~~ ::::JJ..J . ~~ ~.~ ~_. IA ~1-: I' .~ ~ - ...4 >!" (1! I Lit' & " '\ 'd, Ill.J... ~ ""1" ,--t J ~~~ ~ B J!!~~is E-~I' ~~ If R' ~II: LOTUS~~~'~ ~ fl. ~ _ w ~\ I~ ~ ~ _ ...... ~__ ----1))\ ~ 0 I J - " rKl"'....v. f'~. /.<-I~l..4-IO. -,~--.. ,~; ~ ~ l !If . . ~cu ~'T 1 ~~, .~ ~.. ~ . · ~r;lc..a..~T" . I 1 i.' ~Iu '\ ':O\) .,,-. ".-- ~~( \~~ Rt'~~ ,. ~ ot I tr~ ' .. ~'r r'~ U I '-'h ~t % !I~.' ./ ~ ~ . 'lff.~ H ..,,~~ ~~ R, ...... ~.-. r.l) fwl ,\) 1..1' 7.2 ~, - \\ 1 "/. " . ~l~ .) \ \'I\: ~~ 1 - · -y,?r7 - (" ..~ ~1I - If ~ _' . !!!III Y ~,~ 'ttI 1( \ j ~-;- v'" ..- /A'U - ~MOUN~IE~ '~l-~(~J- l.-. COlMT 0-~~ :'\'" .): ~ cs> . R4 R 1 j IPl ..~. . ~. . R 12-- , c 01 .... I" r.iOlIl" ~12" . SG II: " ... . I,~ I"! J_ ,~~~ pso Wllw . ....... ~. ~\\~ T ~~ . R~ I I_~:t ~X" .... - ~ l- I- - 1 ......... ._~ . ~ i . n'4 ~ I 1f " I ST ,..,. . I. ?"'" ( -- if ....,. . .- ~ "'I . City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN .55317 (612)937-1900 Date: March 15, 1988 To: Deve10];Inent Plan Referral Agencies From: Plarming Department By: Jo Arm Olsen, Asst. City Planner Subject: Preliminary plat and 'Wetland Alteration Pennit for subdivision of 3.5 acres into 7 sinqle family lots and to develOp w~thln :lUU J:eet: ot a l.1ass J:) wetland on property zoned RSF and located on the south s~oe OJ: w:>odn1l1 MJad, ~ mile east of Nez Perce, WXXicrest Addition Plarming Case: 88-5 SUB and 88-6 WAF The above described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Plarming Department on March 14, 1.988 . In order for us to provide a complete analysis of issues for Plarming eaImi.ssion and City Council review, we would appreciate your carments and reccmnendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro- posed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring' . public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or improvements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect fram the agency concerned so that we can make a reccmnendation to the Planning Comnission and City Council. . This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Plarming Conmission on APril 6 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your corrments by no later than March 28 You may also appear at the Plarming Comnission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. G MN Dept. of Natural Resources @~e Company 'CNW ~iL or United) ~. ~tric Company ~)or MN Valley) 10. O<:Y/il)EN Cable System 11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson :12:' U. S. Fish and wildlife -.- 1. City Departments ({f;; City Engineer b. City Attorney ~ City Park Director Public Safety Director e Building Inspector c-. Riley Purgatory Bluff creek G" Watershed District Engineer (J;) Soil Conservation Service 4. MN Dept. of Transportation 5. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers t;) Minnegasco ... 13. Carver County Engineer 14. Other ,/ '-~--1 ~ I~" f ------.1 , L.....-- ___ ---.. __ I I ~ I I / ~ vF r ~ Z T II Lw II :!-r~,i:rj!/ ~ if"/ ~ I i I I . :-';'~/ut'.. },i ~ ; -L.I>---.; J --1-t-.s=:=-- ,"-J77-/~//r~ co, ~ ~--~~g ;:;;~ '~F . -- ~ ...-fJ--- -::::::.:...~~ ~..: \! ._ \ ~~ -- =::;:;;- :.---..... IDC._ -..' ~ I ~~-.-ooo~, ___, ; i ~,.,;?>-< f' ~"( I ~ i--~J~';~'.1 H'J~l: ~ -@--__ : /~~-=-~ ~ 1l~~\ '._ '" ~_ . /~V--t;;;it>--=~~.g~_-,;::::'i-- ~t!=--t- /;"/ ......)~;~.;,v::..H- ^.,~ . _-+ i / /~'~7J'~!~-~";~~ :~ - - ----. 77 /I'J:-~~..-//____~ ~ ' / M'L.... -:-- .Sl "'" _ _ __ - /('/ /~~~~O~_---- _~ 1. . '//jj;i~-~-=~~ , :- ~~/~ ~v~~;;f~/ -:~ ~~=i==E ( '~ /~/;/~ PI ill ~ /1':= -_,,.o--'~ ~'I ! -, ~ li'l 'r l7V7:z'o.----:::=;~.. ~ I , I'l i I r~ : ~I '/ T7~ ------ ti' ~ 1" =f= "-- ~ T7(1j ,: 0 7 /~ --~"\, 'E ri;i , ) l ,'t-'/, ] " 7 '0:1- . . - _ I r ~ . O~ W ~ I~I/ ll'D0D: T71/ /7 7' ~1 E~ _ ! 7 2f~ /, r {/1 ,t7 7~ , -+- __~ I '0 : '/ TIT ,7 : i/ j ./ _. I J,:" I 1:./ 2(~7 , I If/j " 1-7 ~ ,J 7 - NI!.~i ~ r . -'7 'f;;~ ! In' 11/ '( _ rKr.. !f ->- ~ --;7___ ;' i~1f7~!f;,,1.?/7i"J -I--.Z- n1ErrrZ~7' ~(i) L ~ ' ~,/U '....,.,.. 'Y/.77 F./ iU~ I = 1- . ~--:.///;~~W/~~~7'/ :-.,7 -Ell' 7id.lG..~/s~~llj j .,....y ~ / (// '" / /7. -..~ -/.il / 'FIr l~ [,..--J....--. ' I.:. .~/ ~ i'!" /'.i/., ] (f:1/4 ~/;' '/l!//!J ~~o .. 0., ~ I '/I ('.rr!t--.~ ~'Yf . I,/' WI ~/')(:> . .. ~ \' ~~-lA~;p ~ ~: :... .~ ~f0\~~ \ '~~t: E ...... ~-~\\~\\\~\* B>~. ~~ \ \\ \ \ \__~ I~~:~\ \. \ - \ \ \.,,\ j f' ~\v \', \~-\- - \, \,/(\ I> , ... (V - - ----- ::::::-- '\ "t"'_~""""4.NalI '........ ~ - ~ . ~ ~ o -0 c- y ~Z '0 \:/ A ../ ~ ;.. I- Z cd: u :J a. a. <( . ~ ~ w .... - (/) . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: March 22, 1988 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 7 Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review of a 19,048 Sq. Ft. Commercial Building LOCATION: West 79th Street, next to MGM Liquor APPLICANT: Bernie Hanson 4125 Thomas Avenue Minnetonka, MN 55345 PRESENT ZONING: BH, Business Highway ACREAGE: 2.25 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- CBD; Central Business District S- Highway 5 E- BH; Business Highway w- BH; Business Highway There are no parks currently serving this area. EXISTING PARKS: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The downtown plan includes an open area that could serve as open space for this area. As this is the business district, the Comp Plan does not call for parkland acquisition in this area. The trail plan does not call for trails in this area. Bernie Hanson March 22, 1988 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park and trail dedication fees in lieu of parkland and trail construction. . . . -7400 ~ - rR1 8 !! a: ~ 0:: a I ~'- 4 . W -:J ,nTH - :rr - ~J-I ,..... ....-- - ... --- . . . \C - ,lOP .. . .. . . . .- -- ~,..~. City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN '55317 (612)937-1900 . Date: March 16, 1988 To: Developnent Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department _ . By: Barbara racy, City Planner Subject: !=:i TP Pl;:ln 'RPV}F'W ann (hn~i nnal 11SP- ~nni t r@view for constnlction of a 19,048 sq. t. conmerc buildinq for snaIl vehicle sales, autorcotive service center. and retail activities on property zoned BH, Business Highway and located on west 79th Street Planning Case: Site Plan 88-4 and CUP 88-3 The above described application for approval of a ~and developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on MaJ;:ch 14. 1988 In order for us to provide a canplete analysis of issues for Planning Carmission and City Council review, we would appreciate your ccmnents and recannendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro- posed future utility services, stonn water drainage, and the .need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or inprovements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a written report to this effect fran the agency concerned so that we can make a recarmendation to the Planning Comnission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Conmission on April II at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your camnents by no later than M=lrC"'n 10. 1 qRR You may also appear at the Planning Comnission meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. . 1. Ci ty Departments /a) City Engineer b. _ Ci ty Attorney ~..c Ci ty Park Director.. . Public Safety Director e Building Inspector (i) Watershed District Engineer 3. Soil Conservation Service (j) MN Dept. of Transportation 5. U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers [) Minnegasco 7'. MN Dept. of Natural Resources @ ~je Conpany ~ or United) (21 ~ic Conpany r~IVor MN Valley) - 10. DaVDEN Cable System 11. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson 12. U. S. Fish and Wildlife 13. Carver County Engineer 14. Other . I Or .. --- "- --- ---1 I _I ---t-___ I I I I I I ------ -....... --- ------ ENCLOSED STORAGE ~ ~ LOADING DOCK\ . ~REA FFE 1152.5' ..--- ---- - "'" \ \1 \ \ \ - \ ~ \ \ c( \ ILl > \ I- FFE lI52.S' ::J , \ , i= :;) \ '0 N ,z - /" -/ - 8' SIDEWALK III W U IIlf Will UeI fz 1Il- ~ "II: If ~IL II:c fu eC ...z c z cot o Cll W U ~ II: :::l III III :::l o z i :::l ~ iii. TIACK . S'1~~~'1 DRIVE ~ 19\\\ ------- .. ------- o .. ... cot MGM UquOl \ \ \ \ '-- /<:: : - I ...i - - ......- CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 16, 1988 SUBJ: Special Meeting Dates and Agendas The Commission discussed meeting on a Saturday to visit sites around the city that will be brought to the group for discussion. Bill Boyt has also offered to hold a special session on park site selection. This session would take roughly four hours. The Commission had indicated that an early evening meeting with dinner brought in may be appropriate. I have listed below the items that have been brought to my atten- . tion that should be scheduled for the Saturday meeting. We do not want to wait too long, but, as it is an outdoor meeting, we may want to wait until it is warmer and dryer. April 2nd is Easter weekend, so I would think sometime after that would be a good time. I have included on the agenda: Old Chanhassen Depot Kurvers Barn Lake Ann Shelter South Pa~k Ac~isitio~ Bluff Creek Park ~~-r ~-~ Pl~~~~ As for the evening meeting, I realize our schedules are full and it will be difficult to find a day that everyone can make. Please look through your schedules in April for a time that you could meet. . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH OJ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 16, 1988 SUBJ: City Council Meeting Schedule It has been Commission policy for a Park and Recreation Commission representative to attend the City Council meetings. Below is a schedule of those meetings. City Council meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Please check your schedule to see which meetings you will be able to attend. . March April April May May June June 2 8 - '^' 11 (.)') 11.. 13-'1T 25 - l<oh~,..~'1 9 - ~'(DeI'S 23- ma.O'i 13 - l""a-/!,Of") 27-~ . . .. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH /0 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatol ~ March 15, 1988 ~ DATE: SUBJ: 1988 CIP This item has been included on the agenda for discussion, pri- marily to prioritize projects. Additionally, there are some problems with some of the projects that I wanted to bring to you and get your input. Below you will find the list of Capital Improvement Projects as staff has ranked them. I have made notes by some of the items to bring you up to status: #1 North Lotus Lake - Fine grading Installation of ballfield, parking, picnic and tot lot Completion of tennis courts . NOTE: This was a 1987 project that we were unable to complete and should be done immediately this spring. #2 South Lotus Lake - Clean up NOTE: This will complete this project and improve its appearance. #3 Lake Susan - Master park plan Access road NOTE: Money has been put on reserve for this project in case Opus does not proceed. #4 Lake Ann Park - Totlot replacement at beach NOTE: The budget also includes tot lot equipment near the ballfield area to be added to existing equipment. The existing equipment was homemade by a volunteer group, and therefore cannot be added to. Staff is suggesting that this project be postponed until the new fields are in, at which time equipment at an addi- . tional sight could be installed. . . . Park and Recreation Commission March 15, 1988 Page 2 *5 Chanhassen Pond Park - Parking Park development #6 Greenwood Shores - Hand launch to Lake Lucy Landscape parking Totlot NOTE: Staff would recommend that the parking issue be resolved before development occurs. Also, the neighborhood should be con- tacted for their input on the proposed projects, before develop- ment begins. #7 City Center Park - Fence hockey rinks #8 Chanhassen Estates - Master Park Plan Pave parking area NOTE: $5,000 was budgeted for totlot replacement at Carver Beach playground. As the equipment there is less than five years old, staff is suggesting this money be used to replace dangerously outdated equipment at Chanhassen Estates instead. #9 Bandimere Heights - Master Park Plan #10 Meadow Green Park - Finish tennis courts Pave parking NOTE: The budget allocates $2,000 for a park shelter at this site. Shelter kits are available, but prices are cons~derably higher - $10,000 to $15,000. Shelters are also budgeted for North Lotus and Minnewashta Heights. Staff would recommend that all shelter money be pooled for one sight and include the others in a future budget. #11 South Lotus Lake - Ballfield Tennis courts Totlots NOTE: These items appear lower on the list as the fill sitting on this site will not be removed until mid to late summer. #12 North Lotus Lake - Boardwalk #13 Minnewashta Heights - Park identification sign #14 Archery Range - A locations should be determined 1988 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM October 1, 1987 Park Name: Improvement: Minnewashta Heights Ice Shelter Park Sign Herman Field Access Carver Beach Playground New Totlot Equipment North Lotus Lake Tennis Windscreen 100' of Boardwalk Open Shelter with fireplace Meadow Green Open Shelter Pave Parking Lot Tennis Windscreen Greenwood Shores Hand Launch to Lake Lucy Landscape Parking Lot Totlot Chanhassen Pond Parking Implement Master Plan Benches City Center Tennis Windscreens Fencing around Hockey Chanhassen Estates Master Park Plan Pave Parking Lot Master Park Plan Access Road Lake Susan Bandimere Heights Master Plan with Parking South Lotus Lake Ballfield Totlot Tennis (well-house site) Chanhassen Hills Master Plan Lake Ann Totlot Replacement - Beach Totlot Addition - Ballfields Phase I Development Archery Range Location to be Determined Tree Farm Restocking for projects Tables/Benches Cost: $ 2,000 400 RESERVE 5,000 600 2,200 5,000 2,000 2,000 600 500 1,500 5,000 1,000 2,000 600 500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 RESERVE 1,000 1,000 5,000 25,000 1,500 5,000 3,000 RESERVE 1,000 2,000 2,000 $ 83,400 . . .