1988 05 24 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Please Call Lori at 937-1900 if You Will be Absent or if You Will be Late 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes of April 26 and May 10. Old Business 3. Greenwood Shores Revised Parking Plan - Mark Koegler. 4. Master Park Plan for Chanhassen Pond Park - Mark Koegler. 5. Final Comprehensive Plan Review - Mark Koegler 6. Revised 5 Year Capital Improvement Program. New Business 7. 1989 LAWCON Grant Applications. 8. Lake Ann Park Development, Verbal Report. 9. Approve Purchase of Totlot Equipment. 10. City Council Updates. 11. Establish List of Commissioners Attending City Council Meetings. Commission Presentations 12. City Center Park Layout - Jim Mady. **Please Meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. to Visit Chan Pond park** CITY 0 F CRANRASSEN 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Greenwood Shores Residents FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: May 19, 1988 SUBJ: Parking Plan for Greenwood Shores Park At the April meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission, staff was directed to prepare a parking plan for Greenwood Shores Park that would provide off-street parking closer to the road. Attached please find the revised plan. This item will be discussed at the May 24, 1988, Park and Recreation Commission . meeting at 7:30 p.m. . '-I o Van Doren Hazard Stallings ArchitectS. Engineers. Planners 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 612/553-1950 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: May 17, 1988 SUBJECT: Chanhassen Pond Park . At Tuesday's Park and Recreation Commission meeting, we would like to present an analysis of the Chanhassen Pond area and specifically solicit the Commission1s input on the use of the park. To serve as a catalyst for that discussion, I am presenting some preliminary thoughts and observations on the area. Chanhassen Pond park is an attractive, tranquil area that is unique since it consists of a large bowl shape that can be seen from all portions of the park1s perimeter. The area is not apparently used heavily at the present time despite being surrounded by various housing developments. From my observations, primary users are children who play along the existing path and bridge area and occasional adult walkers. With increased home building in the Chanhassen Vista subdivision, the park will undoubtedly see increased usage. The Park and Recreation Commission is now in the process of formulating a master plan for the area so that appropriate improvements can be programmed over the next few years. In order to complete the master plan, it is essential that all potential uses be identified, discussed and agreed upon by the Commission. To facilitate that discussion, I have identified a series of assumptions that should be critiqued by the Park and Recreation Commission. . Assumptions 1. Chanhassen Pond Park is and always will be a passive park area whose primary purpose is the accommodation of wi ldl ife and the opportunity for residents to observe wildlife in natural conditions. 2. The park will remain unstructured ie: a self guided nature trail with keyed stations for the observation of wildlife and plant materials will not be included in the plan. 3. The park plan will be sensitive to the views from surrounding private land. 4. A crushed rock walkway will encircle the entire pond area. The walkway will not be plowed in the winter months but will be available for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The trail will not be used for any type of motorized vehicle with the exception of electric wheel chairs where feasible. 5. The park will primarily serve walk-in users. street parking will be included in the plan. 6. The park will be designed to serve as a place of food and shelter for a variety of species of wildlife. Limited off 7. It may be advantageous or necessary to plant witnin the conservation easement on the north side of the park. If plant materials are placed within the conservation easement, the City of Chanhassen will be responsible for their maintenance. (little if any maintenance is anticipated) Consideration of tne above assumptions raises a series of questions and comments about the park area. If the assumption is correct that the park's primary purpose is to attract and accommodate wildlife, a list of desired wildlife species should be discussed. The existing and potential habitat in the area could accommodate waterfowl, song birds, bees, butterfl ies, hummingbirds, rabbits, deer (at least until further development in t he are a 0 c cur s ) s n a k e san d sma 11 mamma 1 s . T he s e 1 e c t ion 0 f plant materials included in the plan is dependent on which of these or other species the Commission wants to attract. If all species are desirable, the plan will need to provide a variety of habitat types such as conifers, grasses and legumes and specific shrubs and semi-aquatic plants to serve as food sources. In thinking about the use of the park, the Commission may want to consider the following questions: 1. Is it appropriate to add additional observation platforms at scattered locations around the park? Is there interest in having a floating observation platform in the pond itself? . . . . . . 2. Should the west end of the pond around the small storm water holding pond be used as part of the park? 3. Should man-made wildlife shelters be provided ie. nesting platforms and bird houses? 4. Should every effort be made to accommodate handicapped users? 5. Is the area likely to be used by classes from the elementary school and if so, what specific needs or interests do they have? Please consider these questions and comments as you prepare for next Tuesday's meeting. 5 ~ . Van Doren Hazard Stallings ArchitectS. Engineers- Planners 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. II, Suite 104 Minneapolis, MN 55447-2175 612/553-1950 MEMORANDUM h..;"C,.:.'. " TO: Lori Sietsema FROM: Mark Koegler ~ MJ\Y 1 0 '1988 DATE: May 16, 1988 .CITy.oF CHANrl/....",;;l~;~ SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan - Recreation Section In reviewing my notes on the recreation section of the comprehensive plan update, I find that two items still need to be . added to the text. Additionally, I have a number of editorial notes that need to be added once the City has compiled a typed final draft copy. The two remaining items pertain to trails and Moon Valley. Suggested draft text is included for each of these topics as follows: (Page TR-9 - Add at the bottom of the page) Walkways/Trails The trail plan identifies trail alignments which consist primarily of 8 foot wide major trail segments. In addition to the delineated trails, Chanhassen has an adopted policy of placing walkways/sidewalks adjacent to all new public streets excluding cul-de-sacs. Such walkways are considered part of the improvements installed by the developer or part of an assessed public improvement depending upon the nature of the project. Although 8 feet is the minimum recommended trail width, it is realized that physical constraints and existing conditions may warrant narrower trail sections. In areas adjacent to residential streets, 5-6 foot wide bituminous or concrete . walkways/trails may be appropriate. Walkways and trails along . . . major collector and arterial streets should conform to the recommended 8 foot width standard. In reviewing new plats, the Park and Recreation Commission will analyze each development on a case by case basis to determine a recommended walkway/trail width. (Page R-59 - Add a new paragraph at the bottom of the page) Moon Valley Chanhassen is currently the site of a unique privately owned recreational resource which serves a broad base of users. Moon Valley which is a gravel pit and former ski area is presently the site of a shooting/target range. This use is viewed as a legitimate recreational activity, one which should be encouraged to continue as long as it can be accommodated in a safe manner. Chanhassen may consider acquisition of the Moon Valley property for the purpose of continuing the target range if it becomes available in the future. A decision to acquire the property will be dependent on cost, an assessment of need and the perceived value to the total park system and specifically, to Chanhassen residents. q C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ DATE: May 19, 1988 SUBJ: Purchase of Totlot Equipment Attached please find sketch plans for totlot equipment for Lake Ann beach, Greenwood Shores, and Rice Marsh Lake Park (Chanhassen Estates). The 1988 budget includes $10,000 for the equipment at Lake Ann and Greenwood Shores and the Commission revised the CIP to transfer the $5,000 allocated for Carver Beach playground to . Rice Marsh Lake Park. Also attached, please find a quote from Earl F. Anderson for the equipment. The total comes to $14,831, which includes the border around the pea gravel play surface. The City has purchased play equipment from this company for years and has been satisfied with the product. Recently, comparative quotes were taken and E. F. Anderson continued to come in with the low quote. As this park equipment matches the style equipment in other areas, and it has come in under budget, it is staff's recommen- dation to approve the purchase of totlot equipment for the three park sites as shown. . 'r" , e. t:. . I I ~ (\ 1 . II I ... '" , L..~ ....... @j .J 0. '" ~- @ .' "... ,..., '..~ II; @ -@ i---- 'Ill W Y ~~ J ~ ~ 2 .. UI ?- 2 oJ :5 <( ~ ~ Q. W " ! I )l OJ Cl 1=2 ~ j w& ~ ~ ... ~I ~ 3 tx: ~ ;( \li j~ ;: OJ::! 1.1 ,. T I~. .r F r- (. ;. L " , f ~ ~ ~. F. .' Ik I.. It.. I'. f.-: f' If" I: ' i~' . I~,~' l~" :(. j~ . :f~ 11 1:.: . .!;.~. " i.. , ] , ~ .. ; ;j ! 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" I \ .1 I-l ~ J ~ 0 tt t " ~ .. 111 2 /:) i e ~ i u - .- ,Il i ~ i ; J 2 .. ~ !~~ dL~,~ · ~~~ij~~~1tf~~~:l~j ~:2~3~5~~~..~~1t1~ ~<~~~~if.~.~~~~8~o81 :J: 5 ~ :3 a: ~ :l ~ ;; ~.Q I; u. ~ 0 J: 2 of ~ (j ~Of~,J...J:O ~ :J ... ~. ... 0 r o 0 ~ ~ S ~ g ~ J: 0 ... 0 0 o ~ ... ,.. I'" a ... S - T 2,., g . .. I- - <$ - .. - - - - - ~ 1 I: t' ... .. 8y -< UI V I)' III I'- o. % H \II ... ~"':lI:.J~2 - ~-' t '=FA I EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9808 James Circle Bloomington. MN 55431 Toll-Free WATS Line 1 -800-862-6026 .612-884-7300 Complete consulting. design. layout and installation services. . Park and Recreational Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . Bleacher/Stadium Sealing . Interior/Exterior Signa:Je . Traffic Products . . Custom Signs and Ma . Traffic Making Produ . Scoreboards QUOTATION Date Ua y 18, 19 8 8 . City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation Dept. Attn: Lori Sietsema 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Your Ref. No. Playqround Equipment . We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY TERMS: Net 30 Days ~ To Be Arranged 0 DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL Custom designed redwood playstructure with redwood decks by Landscape Structures Lake Ann Park Playstructure 5/16/88 plan Redwood borderwood - 4"x6" & 6"x6" Total Lake Ann Park $4,501.00 713.00 $5,214.00 Chan Estates Playstructure as 4/25/88 plan Redwood borderwood 4"x6" & 6"x6" Total Chan Estates 3,496.00 750.00 4,246.00 Greenwood Shores Playstructure as 5/16/88 plan - phase I Redwood borderwood 4"x6" & 6"x6" Total Greenwood Shores 4,616.00 755.00 5,371.00 Phase II Playstructure $1,720.00 Note: Does not include installation or resilient surface SUB TOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT INST ALLA T10N paid by EFA TOTAL F.O.B. Factory 0 Destination Q Shipmentapprox. 30-45 days after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid for 30 days. Please write for confirmation after that date. RTUNITY EMPLOYER By . 10 CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: May 17, 1988 SUBJ: Council Action on Park Dedication Fees The Council acted to approve the increase in park dedication fees as recommended by the Commission. There was no discussion on the item, which staff interpreted to mean that the Commission was thorough enough to answer all questions. . Please note that this increase affects the trail fee as it is equal to 1/3 of the park dedication fee. The new fee for trails is as follows: Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial/Industrial $142/unit $142/unit $lOO/unit $350/acre . CITY OF CHAHHASSEN 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietseman, Park and Recreation coordinatort May 6, 1988 /' DATE: SUBJ: Goose Removal Program In 1986, the City began a goose removal program facilitated by Dr. James Cooper of the University of Minnesota. Due to the number of complaints received regarding flocks of geese, the City Council approved a three to four year removal program, requesting that it be reviewed each year. The program involves the removal of all geese on Lakes Ann, Lucy . and Minnewashta. The adult geese are shipped to Oklahoma where the environment is such that it entices them to stay there. The younger geese are relocated in southern Minnesota. The return rate of the geese is approximately 50%. By conducting the removal program three to four years in a row, we reduce the goose population to a number that is no longer considered a nuisance (one goose family per lake). Attached please find a letter from Dr. Cooper reviewing the 1987 capture. The "Goose Team" is prepared to conduct the third year of capture pending approval. It is the recommendation of this office to approve the goose removal program for the 1988 season. The estimated cost is $2,100 - a budgeted expense. . . . . lSTI UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES College of Forestry Department of Fisheries & Wildlife 200 Hodson Hall 1980 Folwell Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 27 April 1988 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinaior City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: Attached is a summary of Canada goose removal for the Twin Cities in 1987. We captured and removed 112 birds (71 young and 41 adults) from two Chanhassen sites in three drives. Detailed information on each site is also included. Per our phone conversation today, I will plan removals at Lake Ann, Lake Lucy, and Lake Minnewashta in the last week of June 1988. Based on a rate of $700/drive, the bill for 1987 work is $2,100. Please make the check payable to James A. Cooper- -Canada Goose Project. Thanks. Sincerely yours, ~~ Dr. James A. Cooper Associate Professor, Wildlife (612-624-1223) 1*"___ ___ ._. '" _';..) APR 29 1988 CITY. OF CHANhASSEN SUMMARY OF CANADA GOOSE POPULATION MANAGEMENT . IN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 9 JULY 1987 Breeding Canada geese and their young were captured and removed from three sites in Chanhassen in 1986 and two sites in 1987. Trapping locations, dates, and results are as follows: 1986 Location Date Captured and Removed Adults Immatures Lake Lucy 25 June 9 1 3 Lake Ann 2 July 2 24 Lake Minnewashta 25 June 44 52 Lake Minnewashta 8 July 1 1 15 Total 66 104 1987 . Location Date Captured and Removed Adults Immatures Lake Lucy 18 June 22 25 Lake Minnewashta 18 June 12 3 1 Lake Minnewashta 9 July 7 15 Total 41 71 The adult geese were shipped to Oklahoma and released by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife; the goslings were released by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in southern and southeastern Minnesota. The reduction of 35% is lower than expected. There were apparently more young non-breeding geese associated with these sites than normal. Based of the 1987 results, a reduction of 60-70 % (a total of 50 to 70 birds) below the 1986 level is projected for 1988, and 80-90% (17 to 34 birds) by 1990. .