1988 06 28 Agenda . 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Site Plan Reviews: a. Schlotte Addition b. HSZ and Gary Reed Proposal Amendments to Park Ordinance. Schedule for Lake Lucy and Lake Susan Boat Access Process. Setting Objectives for Park Land Acquisition in Southern Chanhassen, Jim Mady Lake Ann Park Shelter Building Fourth of July Celebration Administrative Packet a. Letter from Julie Infanger b. Memo from Jim Chaffee Regarding Eurasian Watermidfoil c. Memo from Gary Warren Regarding Chan Vista Clean-Up d. Memo to Trailway Task Force e. Memo to Gary Warren Regarding Lotus Lake Boat Access f. Memo to Planning Department Regarding Oriole Lane g. Memo to Public Safety Regarding Joint Meeting ***THE COMMISSION IS ASKED TO MEET AT CITY HALL AT 6:45 P.M. TO GO TO VICTORIA TO LOOK AT THE CAROUSEL BLG. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO MEET EARLY, PLEASE CALL ME SO THAT WE DO NOT WAIT NEEDLESSLY.*** CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: June 28, 1988 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 3Ps . Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 1.3 acres into 2 Single Family Lots and One Outlot I- Z <t U :J a. a.. <( LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Frontier Trail and West 77th Street APPLICANT: Virgil Schlotte Rt. 1, Box 299 Cokato, MN 55321 PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: RSF; Residential Single Family 1.3 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND OSE: N- RSF S- RSF ~ ~ W I- - (f) E- RSF w- RSF EXISTING PARKS: This proposal lies at the edge of City Center Park service area and with the ser~ vice area of South Lotus Park. COMP PLAN: The Comp Plan does not identify this. as park deficient area. The trail plan call for an off street trail along Frontier Trail. "" ", " . . . Schlotte Subdivision June 28, 1988 Page 2 This area is adequately served by City Center Park, South Lotus Park or St. Hubert's School. Trails are required along Frontier Trail, however, the contours of this proposal are not conducive to trail construction. As we move into the referendum on trails, residents are asking for a commitment as to which side of the street they will be built. This proposal forces us to make a decision on at least this section of Frontier Trail. Staff has reviewed the length of Frontier Trail and found that the west side will more easily accommodate a trail. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park and trail fees in lieu of parkland and trail development. Also, to pursue trail development on the west side of Frontier Trail. City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 . Date: June 14, 1988 To: Development Plan Referral Agencies From: Planning Department By: Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner Subject: Preliminary plat for the sulxlivision of 1.3 acres into 2 single family lots and one outlot onproperty zonec1 ~t., Resl.Oentl.aJ. ::>IDgJ.e l"arru.ly and located at the northeast comer 01: west 11m ::>treet ana l'Tontier Tral.l. Planning Case: 88-16 SUB (Schlotte) The above described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Planning Department on June 13 . In order for us to provide a canplete analysis of issues for Planning Ccmni.ssion and City Council review, we would appreciate your comnents and recarmendations concerning the inpact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and pro- posed future utility services, stom water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or inprovements, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we would like to have a \<<itten report to this effect from the agency concerned so that we can make a recorrmendation to the Planning Comnission and City Council. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on July 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. We would appreciate receiving your canments by no later than June 27 You may also appear at the Planning Comnission meeting if you so desire. . Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departments 7. MN Dept. of Natural Resources ti1 City Engineer 8. ~one Company b City Attorney (NW 11 or United) ~ City Park Director ~ -.;.;. .,.. '-.~": J:~ - .. Public Safety Director 9. ~iC Canpany Building Inspector NS or MN Valley) O. Riley Watershed District Engineer 10. J:)(W)EN Cable System - 3. Soil Conservation Service II. Roger Machmeier/Jim Anderson 4. MN Dept. of Transportation 12. U. S. Fish and wildlife 5. U. S. Amy Corps of Engineers 13. Carver ~ounty Engineer f!) Minnegasco 14. . Other ~. .-~' ,'.,,:,, ....-. ~" -,.Cy._""~,;;4.I"",,,,-,~'" ..':-'ftIi?...........,:..-...-~...~----~>k .......:...~;:.-~:j. . . . - -~ j. l... W~ST 77TH ~~€T (FOIlHEIlI...... ,~w~ ST.) .-. PRC DATE: June 28, 1988 CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN C.C. DATE: 315 CASE NO: prepared by: . Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT ~ PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 7 acres into 2 Single Family Lots, One Outlot and a new 64th Street Cul-de-sac I- Z <( u :J a. a.. <( LOCATION: 1 mile south of Hwy. 7 on the West Side of Hwy. 41 APPLICANT: Gary Reed 2461 64th Street Excelsior, MN 55331 HSZ Development 123 No. 3rd St., Suite 808 Minneapolis, MN 55401 PRESENT ZONING: RSF; Residential Single Family ACREAGE: 7 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- OI; office industrial S- RSF E- RSF ~ ~ W I- - (I) w- RSF EXISTING PARKS: Herman Field is located to the southwest of the development. MIS is located across Hwy. 41 to the southeast. COMP PLAN: The proximity of existing parks does not make this a park deficient area. Although the Comp Plan does not call for parkland, trail easements should be acquired along the west side of Hwy. 41 to continue that linear system. Additionally, a trail along Oriole Lane would provide a pedestrian access from this neighborhood to Herman Field. . . . Reed/HSZ Subdivision June 28, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal was spurred by the proposed HSZ development at the corner of Highways 7 and 41. It was necessary to vacate and realign West 64th Street through the Gary Reed property. When the vacation of West 64th Street was approved, they requested that a trail easement be retained and an 8 ft. trail be constructed (see attached map). As it is likely that a request to vacate Oriole Lane will be sub- mitted, a formal recommendation should be made to retain at least 20 ft. for trail purposes. This will provide a pedestrian access to Herman Field. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland and trail fees in lieu of trail develop- ment. It is also recommended that a 20 foot trail easement be retained along Oriole Lane and along Hwy. 41, if such cannot be accommodated within the right-of-way. '. . 8 ", ", o ~ o o en N f ,. A RR I I I .... DRIVE @ o I -"''''40-'''-.. ~__ I . o o N c.I 01 ----- R ~ NA"~/$ON ~ z iL ..;....;...~.' .,.-:.... . ',s.. ..~... ,"', . ,-r1(.~ "....~. .--"- ._~'. .. _ ....1st.,,~. ~. "F".~_....'......,..... .~'.":. ....~, . o .0 ~~ ... ~~ .!( f""I. lu.do. -!"\ . ~ 'V ~~~ .~~O ~ h;;; -t::=- " (, (', '--_" I $ ?Oof '-- - \\, ',---__ __ -......._ _ ''-, '::::t. - - --- --.---- -----------.P"PI--------::::...-_.:::::-Z/"/. <::) --. ---- --------001-=----"'::::..__-:_,....... 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(-- - ,\--~--~ ~ \" J~"'" . ........... 'f.,.; ,; \ \! <;." '^-..l~_,} - - k I 4. '" ~~~~.J r--,-->l ~I~ ", <' ~ -- -e- _ .-.- ...: "I"" I \ "\ $, " \ ---&-_ _I ___ Q ~ "~\l ~"\ \:t: . I .-- <i) (j) "\{. :.. ~ ", ''$ ,,"-~ -- --------::- -- ~:--- "', I~ i-\ ~I,+>-- , --- ___ ~ r- - ~ L.____...1 cP~ \~ "-" .......... - _ - <0 I ( .................. "\ ~ 1'", _--10"- I I :: Q)" ,,1' ~ " -- - . If) -I'f) "'-~_,~" " ,,__.......... ~ I z :.lS.Ji!:" ".......---- '" ..: r- _ _ ,-_<:5', __ _ __ _----..... C __ _ _ - ~..e,J> .., , C) ~ --- --......... , I --......... , , " " I I ~ -0--'0 C 114" O"CJ ()lA'f17 "10!/l0 ! . . o ILl.... ~u u- ti: erO:: :iE<l ll. O2 ~<l ~~ ILIa- ...J' ~ N~ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 4 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietseman, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 14, 1988 SUBJ: Park Ordinance Amendments A number of items have been brought up this year that require an amendment to the park ordinance. These items, listed below, have been brought to my attention through complaints and through com- mission discussion. . Prohibiting boat mooring, private dock and rafts on park property Largely due to discussions regarding Carver Beach Park, it is apparant that our current ordinance does not prohibit private rafts or mooring of boats off of park property. If the com- mission feels strongly that this should not be allowed, then an amendment is in order. Staff feels that for better control and enforcement, the ordinance should clearly state all that is pro- hibited. Glass Containers This year we have received an excessive number of complaints about broken glass in the park beach areas. We have park rule signs that prohibit glass containers in beach areas, however, the glass is being broken in all areas. Again for the ease of enfor- cement our ordinance should prohibit glass containers in all areas of the parks. Pets . We have discussed this item to some extent in the past, but not taken any formal action. Although the current ordinanceprohi- bits pets in the park, it does not discuss trails. This should be clearly stated. Additionally, as more people are walking their dogs, staff feels that a pooper scooper ordinance would help the problem of dog fouling. PRC . June 14, 1988 Page 2 These changes are not to restrict people more, but are to more clearly define the intent of the ordinance. If the commission has additional amendments, we should include them in the same recommendation to the City Council. . . . . . r t" 6 LAKE SUSAN July 1, 1988 LAWCON Grant Application is submitted. September, 1988 Preliminary approval awarded to qualified applicants. July - October, 1988 Public hearings are held for residents' input. Final application is prepared and submitted. December, 1988 Final approval is awarded to qualified applicants. May, 1989 Construction of access begins.* September, 1989 Project completed. LAKE LUCY June - December, 1988 Study alternatives; hold public hearings. January, 1989 Present recommendations to City Council. May, 1989 Submit LAWCON Application. August, 1989 Preliminary approval. August - October, 1989 Final approval is prepared and submitted. December, 1989 Final approval. May, 1990 Construction. . * Lake Drive East Extension required. Study complete. Currently on schedule as shown. DECISION ANALYSIS - SOUTHERN PARKLAND - CITY OF CHANHASSEN I: DECISION STATEMENT: WHERE SHOULD THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN LOCATE A 50-100 ACRE PARK IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE CITY? II: ESTABLISH OBJECTIVES: 1) AT LEAST 50 ACRES 2) CENTRAL LOCATION 3) NEAR BLUFF CREEK TRAIL 4) NATURAL AREAS . 5) NEAR MAJOR ROADS 6) LAND COST UNDER $200,000. 7) BUFFER FOR HWY 212 8) AVAILABLE WITHIN 2 YEARS 9) SPACE FOR HORSE TRAILS 10) FLAT LAND FOR ACTIVE AREAS 11) SOUTH OF LYMAN BLVD 12) MINIMUM 4 BASEBALL DIAMONDS 13) SOCCER FIELD TENNIS COURTS III: CLASSIFY OBJECTIVES: MUST OBJECTIVES - MANDATORY MEASURABLE & ACHIEVABLE GO/NO GO DECISION WANT OBJECTIVES - DESIRED NOT MANDATORY WEIGHTED & SCORED IV: GENERATE ALTERNATIVES SET SPECIAL MEETING DATE FOR WORK SESSION V: COMPARE ALTERNATIVES SCORE EACH POSSIBLE SITE CONSIDER ALL ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES VI: MAKE FINAL RECOMMENDATION SEND TO CITY COUNCIL BY EARLY FALL 1988 ~ . . . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator lJ? DATE: June 22, 1988 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Shelter . Attached please find a letter to the Chanhassen Legion outlining the current cost figures of the park shelter. The original cost estimate by Torn Klingelhutz was $25,000. The Council approved $15,000 to be loaned to the Legion for the materials and the Legion agreed to provide the labor and any other costs. The project now exceeds the original cost estimate of $25,000 at $28,300, (not including electrical). It is clear that everyone would like the project to be completed as soon as possible. The question is, will the city authorize a loan increase to $25,000 and are we willing to pay the $3,300 not currently budgeted by either the City or Legion. The Chaska Lion's Club recently made two donations to the Park Department ($6,900 and $4,200). A potential solution is to use this money to fund the completion of the interior and electrical work ($8,000). Staff feels this is a viable alternative 1 however, it should be noted that such will reduce either the reserve fund or the 1989 capital improvement project fund. A second alternative would involve requesting the Legion to pay the $3,3001 after all, had the project been completed in 1986 with volunteer labor, it would have come in under budget. Please realize that the second alter- native may result in bad feelings with the Legion and undoubtedly delay the completion of the building. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 June 21, 1988 Chanhassen Anerican Legion Post 580 Attn: Mr. Bernie Hamilton 7995 Great Plains Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 ,} Dear Bernie: Thank you for the prompt action by the Legion Board on making a decision about the shelter building at Lake Ann Park. As per our recent telephone conversation I understand that the Legion will pay for the completion of the shelter building up to $25,000. The following is a list of expenditures to date: True Value (building materials) Richard Eckroad (structural engineering) Braun Engineering Pladsen Concrete and Masonry Dawn Construction (frffine set-up) South Side Lumber South Side Lumber William Kranz Construction (decking) TO'rAL TO DATE $10,217.77 paid by City 680.00 paid by City 265.33 1,758.00 500.00 paid by Legion 1,539.33 472.11 2,839.93 $18,272.47 . The total cost for the cornpletion of the interior is estimated to be $18 , 000, of which, according to my figUres, the Legion is willing to pay up to $6,727.53. ~ The estimate for the electrical work, to be paid by the City, is roughly $8,000. This leaves approximately $3,300 which is neither being budgeted by the Legion nor the City. I will be taking this i tern to the Park and Recreation Carmission and the City Council for consideration as to who should pay that $3,300. It is my understanding that the Legion Board has approved the quote fran Mike Woitalla for the interior work. I will be contacting Mr. Woitalla as soon as I get Council approval on the additional expenses. Sincerely, ~0 Sv-J~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . Ow' ," -"-~' ... ." It. . /i J J t- ~ Nt..e.,<€/ CIT 0 (...;J.i.;y Y F (!. t:c f""ctl' CHAHHASSEH ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission and City Council FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ~~ DATE: June 23, 1988 SUBJ: 4th of July . Chanhassen's 1988 4th of July celebration is going to be bigger than in past years thanks to the continued support of Chanhassen's businesses and some new involvement of two local civic organiza- tions. The celebration is scheduled for the three day weekend of July 2, 3, and 4. Saturday's events include the return of the Men's Softball Tournament and the addition of a co-rec softball and volleyball tournament, an adult fishing contest and sailboard demonstrations. The Chanhassen Rotary will be operating two concession stands, one for the tournaments and the other at the beach. Sunday is family day at the park with the return of the kid's fishing contest, family games and innertube races. New events include fire truck tours, horse rides, sand castle building and a Ronald McDonald show. The Chanhassen Women of Today will also be providing carnival games and the Rotary will be back with concessions. . Monday night includes the return of the street dance featuring 50's and 60's music by the Hi-Topps, the community picnic and the largest fireworks display ever presented in Chanhassen. New attractions include caricature artists, a face painter, a mime, a juggler, Chanhassen Women of Today carnival games, Chanhassen Rotary concessions and beer garden and a huge red, white and blue balloon release. The location of Monday night's events will be the south half of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre parking lot. This location was chosen for two reasons. It provides us with an opportunity to introduce the residents to the redeveloped down- town area and for the lack of a reasonable alternate location. Banner Fireworks Display Company will no longer launch the fireworks in the City Center Park area and Lake Ann Park is limited by parking capacity and congested traffic patterns. The location for the 1989 celebration is an issue which has yet to be decided. The downtown lighting ceremony will include a speech by Park and Recreation Commission June 23, 1988 Page 2 . Mayor Hamilton, concluding with the lighting of the new street lights and twinkle lights in the boulevard trees, complete with the launching of a burst of fireworks. The celebration location will include a 40' x 80' lighted circus tent, seating for 500 people, a stage and dance area, a beer garden, concessions, car- nival games and satellites. The entire area will be roped off with red, white and blue banners and decorated with festive balloon bouquets. I urge you to pass the word about this years 4th of July celebra- tion. If you are able and willing to assist in any of the events taking place over the three days, please let me know. You do not need to commit yourself for an entire day. Any assistance you can provide on a particular event is needed and would be appre- ciated. The Park and Recreation Department is the driving force behind this celebration, with the continued support of those already involved and with new groups becoming involved each year, this celebration is becoming a tradition residents look forward to. . . . fJ j /VI i t1. :;~1- /t) /} . . q~ . 6740 Powers Blvd. Chanhassen, MN. 55317 June 22, 1988 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Dept. City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Dear Ms. Sietsema, On Tuesday, June 21st, I took my son to Lake Ann for his little league baseball game. I was told at the entrance that there was a new rule this year stating in effect that if you plan to stay and watch the game, you have to pay the entrance fee. Even the coaches, whose help is voluntary, were required to pay! We were at Lake Ann on May 24th, for a game and no such "rule" was in effect. We've never had to pay for these games before either here or any other community we've lived in. Also, the parents have no say in where the games are played. We receive a schedule at the beginning of the season . stating that two games are to be played at Lake Ann. I thought the City of Chanhassen encouraged family partici- pation in sports. Evidently the greater interest is in revenue accumulation which supplements the already high taxes which we continue to pay. The City of Chanhassen needs to reevaluate this preposterous policy which serves only to detract from parental participation in children's athletics. Yours truly, ~~ Y70 -008 / . J ur~ 2 /1 1988 CITY. OF CHANhASS~,' CITY OF CHAHHASSEH t;/; 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director~ June 17, 1988 V FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Eurasian Watermilfoil . I received a call from Cindy Gilman, Co-President of the Lotus Lake Homeowners Association, who stated that an article in the June 13th edition of the Sailor Newspaper is causing their organization some concern. The article is on the front page of the Sailor and concerns a new weed discovered in Lake Minnetonka that chokes out other weeds and destroys zooplankton on which fish feed. The article states that Lake Minnetonka was probably infested by by a boat that had been used in other infested waters and then the weeds being transferred by that boat to Lake Minnetonka. Apparently the weeds get caught in the props of the boat and people fail to clean the props, subsequently taking their boats from one lake to the other spreading the weed. The article states that the DNR will be posting signs on the public accesses to Lake Minnetonka asking that boaters check their props for weeds prior to launch. Mrs. Gilman is asking that we also post signs at our public accesses for boaters to be aware of this new threat to our lakes and ask that they check their props and boats for any weeds that might be transferred. You might want to bring this up to the Park and Recreation Commission for their advice. I am including a copy of the article for their and your perusal. . , " ,,, l' ,;' J'''. Jf' ~ . i',,~ ." ~ ~'. . ;t'. 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CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Warren, City Engineer FROM: Ron Julkowski, Building Official ~ DATE: June 20, 1988 SUBJ: Chan Vista Clean-Up As you are well aware, we have received several complaints about the construction debris at the Chan Vista subdivision. From the beginning, Rick Novak has always been cooperative in keeping the job sites as clean as possible. Dumpsters are provided at each I new home under construction. Labor crews clean the job site daily and as needed along the silt fence and pond. Recently, complaints have been received about the litter in the pond. On . Wednesday, June 15th, I spoke with the job superintendent at Chan Vista about the litter in the pond. That same day his laborer was sent to clean all litter in and around the pond. As of June 13, 1988, Rick Novak has hired a full time laborer, his sole job will be to keep the subdivision clean. Hopefully, this will stop further complaints from residents about the trash in and around the Chan vista subdivision. Try to remember that along with construction, there will always be some litter, muddy streets, dust and noise. I will continue to check on the clean-up not only at Chan Vista but all new developments and construction sites. cc: Jim Chaffee Scott Harr libu ~ i:. r;; /1. OW, '" ~ "'-1#\"" rs -r-lJ.1 ~ 0 ~~~l O~ (r\- 0 @y. C!q.. I\CW'rJ ,P A~ fD{1.--' {e5 . PA~~ {~~ ~~&..~t'O..J . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 CITY OF CHAHHASSEH MEMORANDUM TO: Trailway Task Force FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinatof~ June 15, 1988 V ~ DATE: SUBJ: Council Action Establishing Trailway Task Force Congratulations! The City Council, at their June 13th meeting, acted to appoint all of the applicants to the Trailway Task Force, including the following people: . Sue Boyt Mike Lynch Carol Dunsmore Richard Donnay Karen Hasse The first meeting of the Task Force will be held on July 14 at City Hall. Our first order of business will be to become fami- liar with the trail plan and then try to understand why this item failed in February. The main thrust of this group will be to hold public meetings to explain where the trails are planned, what types of trails are planned, and the time line for the dif- ferent sections of trail. Again, the meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 14. Please call me at 937-1900 if you are unable to attend. . qd C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH q~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 - iMEMORANDUM I , !TO: Dale Gregory, Park Foreman Gary Warren, City Engineer ~FROM: :DATE: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator/d June 21, 1988 ~ SUBJ: Lotus Lake I .1 have received another phone call from Jack Melby regarding :complaints at South Lotus Lake Park and boats on the lake in . 'general. Mr. Melby said that boats continue to be launched at Carver Beach at the old access site. To alleviate this problem, 1 would like to block that area with bollards, trees, berms, or whatever will work. Please let me know as soon as possible what course of action you feel should be taken. . .i.,:: .:..:_:~,.. . . I.~.~ ;., '._r.(~/.. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Barbara Dacy, City Planner JoAnn Olsen, Assistant City Planner FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatofd. June 16, 1988 v-; DATE: SUBJ: Oriole Lane At their last meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission learned that the residents in the area of Highway 7 and 41 may be peti- tioning to vacate Oriole Lane. The Commission would like your office to be aware that they are not against such, but would like to see the City retain a 20 foot easement for trail purposes. This trail easement would provide a pedestrian access to Herman Field Park. 1r CITY OF CRAHRASSEH q~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator\~ June 16, 1988 v I DATE: SUBJ: Scheduling a Joint Park & Recreation/Public Safety Meeting The Park and Recreation Commission has directed staff to set up a joint Park and Recreation/Public Safety meeting. The summer is upon us and they have a number of concerns that involve Public Safety. Some of the things they would like to see placed on the . agenda are: *patrolling parks *controlling drinking and pets in parks *enforcing park hours *patrolling Chanhassen lakes Please let me know if a joint meeting is possible and when would be a good time. ~-:.~..,o't.~.:" ,Jok k ~~rYl; 5~;O~ ~ :JiM. ~ r ~~~,..A_J.ttlC!j 6~t e.... U .; II\. .f M "0 · .fo ~ T/u...Ys dO) ~ -z) u . PI-eA..~ ~ hY1-L ~ i { --fl.-; s Iv! 7 d o...k. f.,t..J,'11 bJd rk... // r r~ < ~<,.,,_. ~ .