1988 07 12 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of Eagle Scout Project. 3. Request to Sign Trail, Chanhassen Pond Park. 4. New Proposal for Community Center, Jim Mady. 5. Subdivision Review, Tim Erhart. 6. Administrative Section: a. Letter to NSP from Gary Warren. b. Sample Ordinance from City Attorney. c. Letter to Lotus Lake Homeowners Association from Scott Harr. - e~ ~ N'v 1W~ I-L \i . -h'''c.-J ~u ~'" Pco..v UkJw..r- u..-k 4--h \"'. Pc....< It- Ea Ie l~s, 0"""1 - (.Pt> Co \^:Ce..-re.-~ FROM: JON PAHL TO: CHANHASSEN PARK AND REC PROPOSED EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT AT CARVER BEACH PARK Mark off four parking stalls and trail install chains and posts spread out and level rock for trail place wheel-stops city to remove excess rock and install signs Landscape around parking area and trail seed or sod as needed where rock is removed plant bushes and trees as indicated by plan C). . . f...':="Cb v 1.::.0 . JUl 06 1988 CITY OF CHANIiASSEl\J MATERIAL LIST . PLANTS Red Splendor Crab (3) Bachmans-$30.00 each Hartman-$ Isanti Dogwood (23) Bachmans-unavailable Hartman-$ Halla-$15.00-18.00 WHEEL-STOPS wheel-stops are already at site. I will cut them to size and place them where indicated on plan. POSTS Menards-$-unavailable SEE ATTATCHED BLACK DIRT $20.00 to $25.00/yard delivered. SOD/SEED . sod will probably be unavailable due to drought seed- $20.00/1000 square feet CHAIN-galvanized steel Olsen chain and cable- 1/2 guage 5.30/foot GRAVEL free-gravel will be taken from existing parking area . Regarding the posts or bollards needed for this project: . Since I was having trouble locating the 10 inch diameter, round cedar posts specified on the plan, I called John Krantz, WOOD PRODUCTS SPECIALIST for the DNR to get some informa~on. John told me that the posts chosen for this project would be hard to impossible to find. He also said that they wg~e not the best posts for this job due to the following reasons: 1. 10 " round posts made out of cedar are fast to rot (they usually last less than 10 years) 2. they are costly 3. their size is not consistent 4. they may be hollow in the middle I was able to get one price quote for a similar post: Bell Lumb~r and Pole Co. 633-4334 778 NW first St New Brighton, MN Western Red Cedar Poles-class 3 . 35' long, 37" circumferance at 6' from butt. 2-3 posts/pole poles are tapered. COST- 129.00 plus shipping and handling/pole (150-250.00 per pole to-bring to plans spec.) TOTAL COST-$750. to 1750. ( As an alternative to the proposed post I received the following bid: Timber Wall Landscaping-Chaska 443-2808 8"x8"x8' brown treated cedar $18.00 each $126.00 delivery- $15.00 $141. 00* *price does not include tax Note: Labor free to make design cuts in brown treated cedar . . . . TIME SCHEDULE AND FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Time Schedule August 13-14 establish four parking stalls spread gravel over trail spread black dirt place wheel-stops install posts and chains August 20-21 plant bushes and trees lay sod or spread grass seed aater all areas August 27-28 complete any finishing work FUNDING-(estimated based on current plan) plants - "/'3S",D0 1:0 6~S 00 sod - see d - "-J I) DO black dirt - 400 DO posts_Il-/I.OD chain - 3/' 00 wheel-stops - O.oD \y, ,sc - n CJ.->.-L:) e -+r.. - "5 O. 00 "h.l..~ - qo.o<.) -, "/~"60 ~ 177 O~;.~ TOTAL /5 J.. 7.00 J- /D (IJ ~0 rIv:;:'.. Note: Plants will be watered every other day(if no rain) for 2-3 weeks after planting and as needed after that. Sod or seed will also be watered accordingly. 3 . 7261 Sierra Court Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 June 30, 1988 Lori Sietsema Farks and Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, y~. 55317 Dear Lori, As per our telephone conversation ot June 28, I am requesting cooperation from the Parks and Recreation Department to clearly mark the public access around Chanhassen Pond. My husband and I live at the end of the cul-de-sac next to the pond, at 7261 Sierra Court, lot 'number 4. Since we moved into our new home in January, we have experienced constant and continual traffic of skiers, bicyclists, dog walkers, and family outings through our back yard. Apparently, these people think that the public access to Chanhassen Pond runs through the back . of our lot. Indeed, it appears that way atter hundreds ot feet have formed a visible path mark at the back border of our yard. We have posted signs on the limits of our property, stating the land as private, but this has not helped. We are preparing to grade and seed this particular portion ot the yard and this continual traffic would destroy our efforts. I have heard that there is a possibility of a paved path leading from another location in our cul-de-sac to the pond. Is it possible, at this time to simply grade this path so people will have a visible alternati'~: route to the pond? Additionally, I ask for your cooperation by posting signs at the end of the footbridge, stating the direction of the public path, specitically noting that to continue north of the bridge would be trespassing on private property. I trust you have an accurate map of the area to show the commissioners on July 12. I am planning to attend that meeting, but please feel free to contact me at home at 937-5992 it you have any questions betore then. Sincerely, ~K dab~ / Patti R. Flakne . RiSCt;,J" i::.O JUL 0 5 1988 CITY OF CHANhASSEN . I- Z <t () :J a.. a.. .<t. ~ ~ W I- - ~ s- PRC DATE: July 12, 1988 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 88-18 SUB Prepared by: Sietsema STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 76.5 Acres into Two Single Family Lots LOCATION: 775 West 96th Street APPLICANT: Tim Erhart 775 West 96th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: A-2, Agricultural Estate ACREAGE: 76.5 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- S- E- w- A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 EXISTING PARKS: Currently, there are no neighborhood parks serving this area. Trails are planned in the area but have not yet been developed. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comp Plan identifies the southern portion. of Chanhassen as deficient in community parks. As this is within the rural area, neighborhood type parks are not required. Th~ trail plan calls for nature trails along the northwest corner of the parcel, along the eastern boun- dary, and along the southern boundary. Erhart Subdivision July 12, 1988 Page 2 . BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing to subdivide this 76.5 acre parcel into two lots; 66.5 acres and 10 acres. The applicant currently lives in the existing buildings on the site. As mentioned, the comprehensive trail plan identifies trail segments along the southern and eastern boundaries and northwest corner. The applicant, Tim Erhart, helped us to identify these natural trail segments which will connect to the Bluff Creek nature trail system. These trail sections should be requested as 20 foot wide easements. Although the neighborhood parks are not required in this area, the 66.5 acre lot should not be overlooked as a potential park site to be acquired with referendum bonds. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to approve the proposal contingent upon dedication of 20 foot wide trail easements along the southern and eastern boundaries and along the wetlands in the northwest corner. Also, staff would recommend that this parcel . be considered for the south parkland, approved in February's referendum. Staff does not recommend the acquisition of a por- tion of the land for neighborhood park use. . B'~ .- ct I.IJ 0:: C> ~ A2' .,:;!- L00T1C4 ~ f'~"5F....o 5 0t?olV lCJ{ 0-...-1 ..:~ .o\.:w' _.~ -- ~-- - ".-f , I . . ";" ., I . &, 4.-. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 July 5, 1988 Northern States Power Company Minnetonka Division Attn: Mr. Marlow Peterson Manager of Community Services 5505 County Road 19 P.o. Box 10 Excelsior, MN 55331 Re: South Lotus Lake Park-Light Request File No. PW003 Dear Marlow: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission has requested that ~ a light be installed at the South Lotus Lake Boat Access in the City of Chanhassen. The light would be used primarily for security lighting purposes. The preferred location for the street light would be in the area of the City sanitary sewer lift station near the boat ramp. I would appreciate receiving your estimate of cost for the installation of this light and a recom- mendation as to the type of light fixture most appropriate to this need, i.e. security and vandal proof. I would appreciate receiving this information at your earliest opportunity. I have enclosed a map to help you with the location of this light. Sincerely, CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ rren, P.E. neer GGW:ktm Attachment: Location Map ~ cc: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ftb V AN(E B. GkANNIS VANCE B. GRANNIS, JR. PATRIlK A. FARREll. DAVID 1. GkANNIS, 111 ROGER N. KNUTSON LAW OffiCES GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARREll & KNUTSON PROfESSIONAL ASSOCIATION POST OffiCE Box 57 403 NOR WEST BANK BUILOING 161 NORTH CONCORD EXCHANGE SoUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55075 TELEPHONE (612) 455-1661 TEUCOPIER; (612) 455-2359 DAVJI) L. HARMEYER ELLIOTT D. KNETSCH MICHAEL J. MAYER TIMOTHY J. BERG .DAVID 1. GRANNIS - 1874-1961 DAvJIl 1. GRANNIS,JR. - 1910-1980 June 28, 1988 Mr. Don Ashworth Chanhassen City Hall 690 Coulter Drive, Box Chanhassen, Minnesota 147 55317 RE: Mooring Boats and Location of Swimming Rafts Dear Don: . Enclosed is an ordinance amendment which addresses your concern about the above-matter. The ordinance amendment would require DNR approval. RNK: srn Enclosure cc: B;:,~acy Z;i ~ietsema Jim Chaffee urs, --~ . t'oi_:'::::": \j L:.U JUN 30 1988 CITY OF CHANHASSE.C ORDINANCE NO. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING BOATS AND WATERWAYS The City Council of the City of Chanhassen ordains: SECTION 1. Section 6-27(b) is amended in its entirety to read as follows: (b) No watercraft shall be moored, docked or stored overnight on any lakeshore site or on the waters of any lake unless: (1) currently registered, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 361 in the name of the owner of a lakeshore site on the lake or in the name of a member of the owner's household; or (2) If moored in the waters of any lake overnight it . must be moored directly out from and within twenty- five (25) feet of a lakeshore site owned by the owner of the watercraft. Currently registered as a guest boat at any privately-owned commercial resort or commercial boat landing located on the lake. SECTION 2. Section 6-28 is amended by adding subparagraph (c) to read: (3) (c) Swimming rafts left overnight in the waters of any lake must be anchored directly out from and within twenty-five (25) feet of a lakeshore site owner by the owner of the swimming raft. All swimming rafts must have an identification plaque containing the name, address, and phone number of the owner. ~. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. . ~ . . . of ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this , 1988. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: day Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor ATTEST: Don Ashworth, City Manager -2- CITY OF CHAHHASSEH I ;? /o~ -'- ~ fee IJdMilt ~ b. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 June 28, 1988 Lotus Lake Hareowners Association Attn: Ms. Cindy Gilman 6613 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Friends: First, I enjoyed attending your meeting last night. I thought that excellent points were raised, with productive discussion occurring. Secondly, as promised, I have begun to research the issues brought up. I would like to remind you that I will be frank in advising you of the areas that we can and cannot be of assistance. The following is what I have learned to date: 1. I have established contact with the Hennepin County Sheriff's Water Patrol in order to utilize their expertise in the area of watercraft enforc~-Ot. 2. I have met with Lori Sietsema and obtained the following inforrration: . a. The gate attendants are keeping records of park use; b. The gate attendants were trained on how to deal with unruly people, as well as how to sumron help when needed; c. The gate attendants are handing out the rules; d. Lori advised me that there is presently no law against swimning in the access area and that she questions the need for such a law at this time; e. There is a phone in the attendant shack. 3. I also discussed the matter of City Code amendments with Lori (specifically the areas of limiting horsepower of watercraft on the lake; further regu- lating hours of watercraft operation; and restricting the operation of jet ski-type watercraft). She advises me that the proper way to pursue such is to obtain arrendments to the Water Surface Zoning Ordinance, and that she is the City staff person to work with in order to develop such additions to our . Code. .-f/.....z;.-.~~,,- I .~'I ',-1 ~_.'~; . . ~ ,. 00 D ~ -II . " ~ ""'9 ..;)./) ~/~'-"" S-, ~.... /"".....8 [ ~ r J .3 -l r ~{ ~ Ii . - vi ] ., , ~ .:.: '" t r. r :;J . 4- ~ LJ "'i -1 ..j ~ ,.. ,j ...J . ~ VI w U M -~TI '"0:) , j t 4 ~ .jo l.. VI r >> , <l. q.. o " 4l ~ II -J CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: July 13, 1988 SUBJ: Joint Meeting with Public Safety Commission The Park and Recreation Commission requested to meet with the Public Safety Commission to discuss a number of park issues. This meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, July 21 at 8:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Main Fire Station, 7610 Laredo Drive. Please plan to attend this special meeting, but if you are unable to so, call me at 937-1900. . Tentative Agenda 1. Officers Patrolling Parks. 2. Glass Ordinance Amendment. 3. Alcohol in Parks and Existing Problems with Minors. 4. Complaints at South Lotus Lake Access. cc: Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director .