1988 07 26 Agenda . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. . CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA July 26, 1988 Call to order. Approval of June 28 and July 12 minutes ,:(~z.,"6. vVl-'LL.l-\",(,._,>~.J-Li .~t- 0... \-- ti u.. LA- '" ~ tv" t- '1 ) Recommendation supporting Park Maintenance 1989 budget items. Public Information gathering on public access to Lake Lucy. Setting goals and objectives for park acquisition in southern Chanhassen. Administrative Section a. Letter from Jan Lash b. Letter to Julie Infanger c. Update on Hockey Rink, Todd Hoffman j Vi...!.l BJ!aft :&~LL'-4 L~ 9'lL~ iaaft....it e. IPD Conference - Who wants to go? f. 1988 Goose Report C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinato~ DA'rE: July 20, 1988 CS SUBJ: July 26th Agenda At the June 28th meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission decided to make the July 26th meeting a worksession. After taking care of 2 items of business (minutes and budget . recommendations>, we will have only 2 items - public information gathering session for Lake Lucy, and setting the objectives to make a park selection in southern Chanhassen. . 3 . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: July 13, 1988 SUBJ: Park Equipment and Manpower - 1989 Budget Personnel A One additional person to maintain the downtown and all city buildings. This person will also work with other park projects and maintenance. . Equipment A 72" Groundsmaster lawn mower. B Trailer able to handle 2 Groundsmaster lawn mowers. C New 3/4 ton pick up for additional personnel. D New small pick up for summer help to use. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH if . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lake Lucy Area Homeowners FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: July 13, 1988 SUBJ: Public Information Gathering Meeting for Lake Lucy Public Access The City Council recently approved a resolution making a commit- ment to obtaining public access on Lakes Lucy and Susan. The Council assigned these projects to the Park and Recreation Com- . mission. As a result of this direction, the commission will be holding public meetings to gather information on potential access sites for each lake. The Lake Lucy information meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 26th at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Background The City was recently notified by the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District that a Lake Riley chain of lakes clean up project was approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA). This million dollar project will be funded pri- marily by the PCA (sO%) and the DNR (sO%). The lakes involved in the clean up are Lakes Lucy, Ann, Susan and Riley. Before any work or money can be spent, it is both DNR and PCA policy that public access be available on all lakes involved. As the Council feels this is an important project and a unique opportunity to improve the water and fishing quality of our lakes, they have made a commitment to obtain access on the lakes currently without access, i.e. Lakes Lucy and Susan. Your input on this item would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please con- . tact me at 937-1900. )- . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 20, 1988 ~ SUBJ: Site Selection Objectives for Southern Park Acquisition . Last spring, Councilman Boyt walked us through a decision-making process. The process involves; 1) making a decision statement, 2) establishing objectives, 3) classifying objectives, 4) generating alternatives, and 5) making comparisons and selection (see attached). Jim Mady has started this process to get us going. Your assign- ment (should you choose to accept it), is to come up with your idea of a decision statement and objectives. This will be a brainstorming session, so do not critique your ideas yet. At the meeting we will pool our statements and make a group deci- sion on how it should read, then objectives will be listed and selected. Our last task will be to classify each of the selected objectives as needs or wants. This may be an ambitious schedule, but I believe if we each do our homework before the meeting, we will get much accomplished. . ~ . '" DECISION ANALYSIS - SOUTHERN PARKLAND - CITY OF CHANHASSEN b" ~ ~'* I: DECISION STATEMENT: WHERE SHOULD THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN LOCATE A 50-100 ACRE PARK IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE CITY? II: ESTABLISH OBJECTIVES: 7) BUFFER FOR m~Y 212 ~ 8 ) AVAILABLE WI THIN 2 YEARS W 9) SPACE FOR HORSE TRAILS ~ 10) FLAT LAND FOR ACTIVE AREAS vJ "r Ill", 11) SOUTH OF LYMAN BLVD "^ i~ ~ :~~~:~~qFiE~~g~:~~is D~~~~~~~:~~~ 12) ICI!' ~ - I,.}', . \. I~) '. ~ jrorJ ~~ 17) ~o.b.' ~ tr~\ F I b) . 1) AT LEAST 50 ACRES "" 2) CENTRAL LOCATION vJ 3) NEAR BLUFF CREEK TRAILW 4) NATURAL AREAS'-\fJ . 5) NEAR MAJOR ROADS vJ 6) LAND COST UNDER $JOO,OOO.~ t^ ,. /2-) /f>D ~ 1_ ~ \ /3) ().J.hw~~ ~ _ ~ /4) o.J~ .rr~ 2- . ~("ejP~rJ.,":> - ~ /5) 2. ~ ~.k~ - ~ III: CLASSIFY OBJECTIVES: MUST OBJECTIVES - MANDATORY MEASURABLE & ACHIEVABLE GO/NO GO DECISION WANT OBJECTIVES - DESIRED NOT MANDATORY WEIGHTED & SCORED IV: GENERATE ALTERNATIVES SET SPECIAL MEETING DATE FOR WORK SESSION V: COMPARE ALTERNATIVES SCORE EACH POSSIBLE SITE CONSIDER ALL ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES VI: MAKE FINAL RECOMMENDATION SEND TO CITY COUNCIL BY EARLY FALL 1988 ( . . D.A. FU~,!NEL ----------- ALTERNATIVES - ALTERNATIVES - ALTERNATIVES .;ghted &::.; Scored o R MAT I ~\c~ ~c ~~ VJ\.~ ~~s 'C, An ACTION & an END RESULT. Mandatory Measurable> Achievable 'Y.,SS \\ sVJCC~\~ -4\() ~c \,)" ~\~\. ~e r,ss'Y.,~ o~'t. ee~ sc,{ Desired/not Essential Evaluate the relative fit. Check step Compare & Choose Best relative fit. What could go wrong close to limits. Adverse Consequences Assessment of ~ Best performance at lowest acceptable risk. . BEST BALANCED CHOICE! J. . DECISION ANALYSIS D.A. ... - -- - -. - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - -- 1 . Decision Statement 0" . 0 "ao ,..,,0 \ , , . 0 "or ~ ,,0 \ PUR:OSE } LEVEL CHOOSE What am I trying to decide & why?~ AN ACTION 2. Establish Ob;ectives - Results expected t\,\e ~ 'flaO t . ce. d c\,\O\ ~ . - Resources available 3 . , , CIa s s i f y 0 b i e c t i v e s . "~O Go "~ - Musts - Mandatory - Measurable - Achievable d . '_"'ted~ - Wants - Desired/not essential ~ ~- - - - - - - - --- - -- _ ~ eAll important objectives identified? " CHECK STEP: eAre must objs. correct & appropriate? eAre wants weighted appropriate? it . Generate - Number A 1 t ern a t i v e s m\~ed \0 oat\."es alter . "es1 A.re. a~'{ ob)ect \ r"' Off \ t \'\ - Range 5 . Compare . 1'\0 \ ce . teotat\"C c; ~a",e a s - Test against objectives ---- ~ ser\OUsnes b b \ , \ t'f - Cons i der adverse consequences ?t"o a S S '" . & Choose ~. . July 14, 1988 City Council of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Councilmembers, . I am writing to express my appreciation and that of many other residents for the outcome of the July 11 meeting regarding Greenwood Shores Park. This meeting renewed our faith in government. With all of the cynacism regarding politicians these days, it's refreshing and comforting to know that there are still some who are willing to listen to the people. To those of you who listened---my hat is off to you: I hope that you continue to do so in the future. You deserve our votes. After all, isn't that what democracy is all about? Sincerely, ~~ Janet Lash 6850 Utica Lane Greenwood Shores . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH (.ph . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 July 15, 1988 Ms. Julie Infanger 6740 Powers Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Infanger: Thank you for your recent letter regarding parking fees at Lake Ann Park. The Park and Recreation Commission and City Council are con- sidering the elimination of the parking fees altogether. Because of the impact this would have on the budget, such was not possible without reducing programs. A phased approach gives the . City time to switch revenue sources without eliminating existing programs. The parking fee, however, is enforced through the 1988 season. The City requires that all park users be charged the parking fee. This is not a new policy; the gate attendants did not start until after Memorial Day, therefore, park users were not charged the parking fee before that time. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 937-1900. Sincerely, /-tJIJ SuJ~ Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator LS:cd . &e-, . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor ;1A1 DATE: July 21, 1988 SUBJ: Outcome of Meeting Concerning Future Use of the Indoor Ice Arena . On Tuesday, July 19, a meeting was held at Chanhassen City Hall to discuss the future of the building which houses the Chanhassen Indoor Ice arena. Individuals present included Richard Larson of the Chaska/Chanhassen Hockey Association, Clayton Johnson of Bloomberg Companies, Larry Schroers, Lori Sietsema, and myself. For the past three years, the ice arena has been leased from Bloomberg Companies by the City of Chanhassen. The Park and Recreation Department then operated the rink, charging a fee for ice time. Bloomberg Companies received fifty percent of the gross receipts as payment for the use of the building. The amount of money paid Bloomberg has been minimal, never amounting to over $2,000. This year it has become necessary for Bloomberg Companies to look to utilizing the building for operation of the Dinner Theatre Scene Shop, which originally occupied the space. This shifting of location has become necessary with the development of the downtown area. Hooked on Classics is being forced to vacate to allow for the development of the downtown hotel. They are sche- duled to move into the old lumber yard building behind Merlin's Hardware where the Scene Shop is presently located. Thus, the Scene Shop is displaced creating a need for a new location. . Mr. Johnson stated that it is the position of the Bloomberg Companies to either reclaim use of this building or receive rent in the amount of $2.00 to $3.00/sq. ft. According to Mr. Larson, the Hockey Association is not in a position to pay that high of rent, but may be able to make some kind of offer if some finan- cial backing was available from the City. Rent of $l.OO/sq. ft., for example, would amount to an annual cost of $9,000. A deadline for reaching rental agreement or agreeing to move out was set at August 31, 1988. At present, Mr. Larson's exploring what amount of financial obligation can be met by the Hockey Association. He will then be contacting the Park and Recreation Department to discuss our next step. ~F lID I UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA College of Forestry TWIN CITIES Department of Fisheries & Wildlife 200 Hodson Hall 1980 Folwell Avenue 51. Paul, Minnesota 55108 . 11 July 1988 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: Attached is a summary of Canada goose removal for the Twin Cities in 1988. We captured and removed 123 birds (81 young and 42 adults) from Lake Lucy and Lake Minnewashta in three drives. Detailed . information on each site is also included, pllus the results of our surveys of lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Marsh-Rice Lake. The reduction of has not been what I predicted based the results in Golden Valley, Lake of The Isles, etc.. There apparently are enough birds breeding in the general area to fill in many the nest sites left vacant by our removals. I still believe we will be able to achieve significant reductions as the number of breeding geese declines, but it going to take a bit longer than expected. A statement of our charges is enclosed. Thanks. Sincerely yours, ~\. /' Jf7J~mes A. Co er Associate Professor, Wildlife (612-624-1223 ) . r~~C~; ",/ ~~W JUL 18 1988 CITY. OF CHANhASSEN . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u z ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ o ~ ~ Q ~ ~ < u o ~ ~ z < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < Q < Z < U ~ o ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ z< Q~ zO <~ Zz OZ ~~ ~~ < u o ~ . ~ ~s ~~ !~ ~ ~ ~ I s ~ I~~~~OOO~OO~~N~OOO~~~~OONOON_~ < NN~-~~~~~~~~NN~~~~~~N~~NO S ~ - - -- ~ ~~N~~O~~~-~OO~O~~~~~~~ON~- ~ ~-N-NN ------ ~NN~ - ON~-~O~~~N~~~OO~~OO~--~OOON~ NNOO-N~-~~~~N--~NN~N~_~~~~ N _ g I ~ zzzzll~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~g~ ~~~~8~~81Iz~~<<<<<<ffi9ffi9~g~~~~ Ub ~~~~ 8~~~~~~~~ ~Qz~~~ ~~~~~~ UQ~~~~~~~88~~~~~~ g ~ ~ * s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~~ 0 ~ 8 ~ d @ ~~~ u ~~: ~ ~ i ~ <~~8 ~ ~ @~ ~ ~ s ~~ ~ ~8~1~~~O~ ~~ ~g ~ ~~-~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~8~ ~~ ~ ~~;~~~gi~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~i~~~!~~~ls~~~~i;~~~~~ t'--~~Ot'--~\O~ 00 . ~II')II')OO 00t'--0\ t'-- - - II') ~ N 0\0 0\0\ 11')\0 N\O ~ ~--- 0\ N ~ \0 fI5 00 -0 = =' 0 .... bl) OO~~-NOO~t'-- ~ U = O\~~\O 00 II') II') - - t'-- ~ vr - - - ..... ~ ::E - == ~ .... > (I) ~ = Cf.) (I) ~ 0 S ~~ ! 0 ~ Vol (I) Illi~~~~ .... - ..... Cf.) s . ~ ~ - u~~C5o Cf.) N a:a:a:~~~~~ ~ -0 ~ (I) -0 =' - u . r: (I) -~ * ~ * ~ -0 .- Vol (I) ~..... * ~:E * ~ .~ * ~ =~ .a s (I) 0 E3 a~ (I) Vol ~ I ~~o ::= (I) - ..... >oS .0 ~ -oe+.;; ~~~~~~~~ ~N 2-0 ~Cf.)O ~ ~~ fi'(I) u] ~;~@~~~~ ~ - Vol u -0 = ~ ....- . ~~~~eJ~N~ .... * ~* * * . . . SITE LAKE MINNEWASHTA CITY CHANHASSEN LOCATION NORTHOFHWY7 AND WEST OF HAZELTINE BLVD. CAPTUREDON RED CEDER POINT AND IRONWOOD AVE FIRST HOUSE ON LEFT REMOV ALORBANDING REMOV AL88 DATE PLANNED 01 JULY PM DATE DRIVEN NUMBER OF DRIVES 01 JULY PM 2 TOTAL YOUNG CAUGHT TOTAL ADULTS TOTAL CAPTURED 64 29 93 ESTIMATED BIRDS NOT CAPTURED o SITE LAKE LUCY CITY CHANHASSEN LOCATION NORTH OF HWY 7 ON WEST OF UTICA LANE (TAKE POWERS ROAD . NORTH) REMOV ALORBANDING REMOV AL88 DATE PLANNED 01 JULY AM DATE DRIVEN NUMBER OF DRIVES 01 JULY AM 1 TOTAL YOUNG CAUGHT TOTAL ADULTS TOTAL CAPTURED 17 13 30 ESTIMATED BIRDS NOT CAPTURED o . . . . . . SUMMER 1988 CANADA GOOSE POPULATION SURVEY REPORT--DR. JIM COOPER, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE, COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, ST. PAUL, MN 55108 (612-624-1223) SITE CHANHASSEN-RICE MARSH LAKE CITY CHANHASSEN NUMBER OF YOUNG NUMBER OF BREEDERS NONBREEDERS TOTAL BIRDS 20 SITE LAKE ANN . CITY CHANHASSEN NUMBER OFYOU~ NUMBER OF BREEDERS NONBREEDERS TOTAL~BIRDS o . . . . . SITE LAKE SUSAN CITY CHANHASSEN NUMBER OF YOUNG NUMBER OF BREEDERS NQNBREEDERS TOTAL BIRDS 2 2 4