1988 08 09 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of July 26 Minutes. - W~ \\ be kAo,..H,:: J -K-: J""-'-'l . 3. Consider Delaying Trail Easement Acquisition, Tim Erhart. 4. Approval of Lake Ann Park Expansion Plan. 5. Discussion of 1989 Capital Improvement Program. 6. Request to Purchase and Develop Parkland in the Pheasant Hills Subdivision Area. e 7. Site Plan Review - Shorewood Oaks. 8. Review Ordinance Amendments: a. Mooring boats and rafts b. Pets in parks and on trails 9. Administrative Section: a. Update on Lake Ann Park Shelter. b. Final draft of Memos sent to the City Council on July 27 c. Letter from Patti Flakne d. Memo to Gary Warren and Dale Gregory e. Summary of objectives for southern park acquisition ------~",~~--------'- -.... " e\J' ~o Please meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. so that a field inspection of Pheasant Hills outlots can be made prior the meeting. If you are unable to meet at 7:00 p.m., please contact me so we do not wait unnecessarily. ,/,-- ~ X" - ~" ~----- AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of July 26 Minutes. 3. Consider Delaying Trail Easement Acquisition, Tim Erhart. 4. Approval of Lake Ann Park Expansion Plan. 5. Discussion of 1989 Capital Improvement Program. 6. Request to Purchase and Develop Parkland in the Pheasant Hills Subdivision Area. 7. Site Plan Review - Shorewood Oaks. 8. Review Ordinance Amendments: a. Mooring boats and rafts b. Pets in parks and on trails 9. Administrative Section: a. Update on Lake Ann Park Shelter. b. Final draft of Memos sent to the City Council on July 27 c. Letter from Patti Flakne d. Memo to Gary Warren and Dale Gregory e. Summary of objectives for southern park acquisition Note: Please meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. so that a field inspection of Pheasant Hills outlots can be made prior to the meeting. If you are unable to meet at 7:00 p.m., please contact me so we do not wait unnecessarily. . . . . . . 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1988 SUBJ: Tim Erhart's Subdivision As you may recall, the Park and Recreation Commission recently reviewed a subdivision plan submitted by Tim Erhart (see attached). Tim has been very instrumental in identifying the nature trails for the trail plan in the southern part of the City and currently maintains a significant portion of such on his property. Upon review of the site plan, the COlnmission recommended that trail easements be acquired on 3 sides of his property. Tim is not proposing that this requirement be waived, but only postponed until development actually occurs, which he does not anticipate doing in the near future. Tim's reasons for this request is that he does not want equestrian traffic on the trails he maintains. He will continue to allow public pedestrian use of the trails, but does not want to be forced to allow horses, as he has found that it does not take long for a horse trail to become an unac- ceptable pedestrian trail. (i2) e:;'ze c; €) ;.--~-~ .~.:.. , \ . . ~ . . ~ . ~ ":'~ .. . s -' _i S '. ~,,'-V-"~pp ~G;;)'" '; eJ-t.-- . aD () : ~ .. WJ~/~I ;..f..'~."OS". .~ . . . . ' "" ~ < CD v. "7\~ ~ ,..,. ..J~ I.LJ< u.. 0:" <~ a..:I v ..:i '" ~~~ '\)~ ~...t RJ S ~~ ~x:) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <U ~ ~ ~ .~;~ '\ 1 ~.J~ I.LJ ~ u~ 10 o:~ <0< a.. v ~ . ill ~ ~...- _nIMH" ",..,,.,0(1.0011 ... , ""~N _",ntlI,+N _"IJD..,., ".......... , i A ~: \1 ~! , 1 f,) ~ 1 . , .. ; ., (). , '" . ~ 1 t ~ ~ < : ~ . . . 4 CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1988 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Expansion Laurie McRostie of OSM will attend our next meeting to discuss the Lake Ann Park Expansion plan. OSM is the planning and engi- neering firm contracted for this project. Laurie is a park planner who has revised the concept plan somewhat to accommodate our foreseeable needs. Due to last minute changes, we were unable to include the revised plan in this packet. Laurie will make the presentation on Tuesday evening to highlight proposed changed. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ August 1, 1988 - ) DATE: SUBJ: 1989 Capital Improvement Program Budget time is fast approaching and part of that process involves the Park and Recreation Commission's Capital Improvement Program recommendation. Staff is confident that most 1988 projects will be completed. Attached please find a copy of the five year Capital Improvement . Plan. This should act as a guideline in preparing the annual Capital Improvement Program. You will note that the 1989 section of the five year plan identifies $570,000 in projects. $430,850 of that total is LAWCON projects, of which 50% would come out of the reserve fund and 50% would be grant money. Remember, that the City is allowed only one grant per year, therefore, even if both are approved, we would have to choose which we would prefer. That leaves approximately $139,000 in projects left to be financed. Also attached please find the 410 Budget sheet that shows the 1988 approved budget and the proposed 1989 budget items. Please review the list and be prepared to discuss any changes you would like to seen. . :. ( ( ( r r ( C ( r r ( ( ( ( ( r r r ( r ( :~ ,~ 't"1 , .~ :~ :~ , " en 000000000000000 0 en .1lI1l111HllllllllllHlIllHlIllIGllIllI la " Q Z 0 > III III 10- ~ U " 000000000000000 0 en 1lI1l11l11l11l11ll001ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll 0 en 00 0 " . . . 00 0 r-O r- llIN N III II 0 000000000000000 0 en 1lI1l11l11l11l11l11l11l11l11l11l11l11l111l1ll 1lI en lI:... < 0: el 0 .".... 0: 0. en 000000000000000 0 <0 1lI1111l10001ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll 0 0: en 000 0 <" . . . . III 001tl I/) > OM III ('II "1lI ... I/) III II . <0 000000000000000 0 <0 .001ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll 0 en 00 0 " . . . 1tl0 III 110 0 ('II ('II 1lI . r- 1Il00000000000000 I/) <0 ~llIll1l1llllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllll 0 en I/) " . . 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"0 o o 1 C iIJ QJ I.. (!) .r: ..... I.. o Z ~ ..... 5 0) . . I . f . . FUND: 410 - PARK ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1989 BUDGET . ,eneral Comment: Park fees (charges established on new construction) are receipte nto this fund. All major park improvements become a budgeted expense of this fund Note: To insure multi-year accountability for individual projects, a separate fund .s typically established to account for the assets/liabilities of that project, i.e. ~ke Ann Boat Access. In instances like the boat access, the City share of the pro- ,ect cost is "reserved" until final approvals are received. At time of receipt of :ederal/stCl.te dollars, the City share (budgeted amount) is "transferred" to the indi- 'idual project fund. All of the revenues/ expenses associated with the project :hereby become easier to monitor - with final balances being "transferred" back to :his fund). As such, this fund represents the master fund reflecting current and future obligations for major park projects, as well as minor park improvements within Jur community. ::::.:oendi tures 4130 - Supplies, Program 4300 - Fees, Service 4701 Lake Ann Park 1988 1989 2,600 15,000 Sewer & Water Connection - Totlot Replacement 5,000 - Totlot Addition 3,000 Greenwood Shores - Hand Launch, Lk. Lucy 500 - Landscape Parking Lot 1,500 - Totlot 5,000 North Lotus Lake Park Tennis Windscreen 600 Boardwalk 2,200 Shelter 5,000 General Impr. Ballfield - Totlot Tennis Court Carver Beach - Totlot Equipment Basketball Court - Offstreet Parking Park ID Sign Carver Beach (Lotus Trail) - Genrl. Meadow Green Shelter - Pave Parking Lot - Tennis Windscreen Rice Marsh Lake Park - Offstreet Parking Bandimere Heights - Basketball Court Offstreet Parking Ice Shelter - Park Sign - Park Shelter Parking Wood Duck Stand Implement Master Plan Tennis Windscreens Hockey Improvements Play Surface Warming House Totlot Interpretive Signage Access Road Chanhassen Estates - Pave Parking Lot 1,500 Archery Range - Location to be determined1,OOO Chanhassen Tree Farm - Restocking Miscellaneous, Tables, Grills, Benches 10,000 5,000 South Lotus Lake Park 1,000 5,000 25,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 . Impr. 2,000 2,000 600 3,000 3,000 350 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 Minnewashta Heights 1,400 400 20,000 Chanhassen Pond 1,000 300 City Center 2,000 500 1,500 1,000 1,500 2,500 40,000 1,000 10,000 . Bluff Creek 72,700 3,000 5.000 139,150 . . . iLJ CITY OF CHANHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: August 4, 1988 SUBJ: Request to Provide Parkland Recently 3 petitions from the residents of Pheasant Hills (located north of Lake Lucy Road) was received. The petitions are requesting that 1) parkland be provided in the area; 2) the outlots be improved as parkland; and 3) the undeveloped lots be cleaned up. I have forwarded the third petition to Code Enforcement Officer, Scott Harr. Pheasant Hills lies within the MUSA Line and is considered part of the urban area. It is one of the few areas within urban Chanhassen that is park deficient. The population of this area is roughly 225 people, which generates the need for at least 3 acres of parkland. There are 3 outlots within the development that are used for ponding purposes. At one time there was discussion involving using these outlots for park purposes. The 3 outlots combined equal 3.68 acres; Outlot A = 23,400 sq. ft., Outlot B = 59,350 sq. ft., and Outlot C = 77,700 sq. ft. Currently the outlots are still under the ownership of the developer. As soon as the City obtains clear title to these parcels, park development can occur. It is anticipated that such will take place within the next 30 to 90 days. The Park and Recreation Commission should look at these parcels to determine what type of development would be appropriate. As no funds are available in the 1988 budget, consideration should be given for such in the 1989 budget. As to acquiring additional property, we typically acquire parkland through the development process. Development may occur in the future in the area south of Pheasant Hills, west of Galpin Blvd. Land acquisition should be considered at that time. ...:".. ,:,. ., .:.~"-;~. . .::~~, .2 . . c '. )0. _." '" 11:...::. :. q" 1j!!"" . ....... ~ ";0' Z'9!!: ","' ~',1 .' C :.c....v ~ .. - ~... cr . III ' ;.>.~;;~:L.r.::~ :-- DAvID L HUGHES -...- ,j ': ; .~ .. I' I. . . ....,~._; , .' , . ----..: ' .CA~.. C. CAR~ICC;' .' aK 147. , to: . . ~ .-...----:;.~-- .- ~:. . . ... ....;.... .r" '>:'.'''r'-~~~. .~. '. '. .~. ~ " i i~ N: .. . L' -.' ~ ~.:~ ~.n i: ... ,".- .....~ . .::~I!. ;.:: ~. ~ ....~ ."~, . -. l:i t " ..i!. -......!.;., '~......? . .' "N . .. .~,to. t4..... :!. --- -.' ".""77 ,-~~ " ~~-.~ - .~:~~( ,.~t~':..(' .'-'. :"~r ....~.. . .~. ;.;.. ~'''' ~ - .'. -. .~ ...:.!I...Hc.... ...,.... ~. ".- --:- ~ <. ' ......... ..;-- ~ '. ~ ..J{' oi" ,;r.... TH.E COU ! CARVE R CO I DRAW BY:JE i AJG;JS r 1970 f DEe _ PUT T PAT l DEe ..7 COllIP rEB. Ill. Pl.'" ".. "'~....(;...I . ;. . . fJ<J""'.~"'.<'" ."""J.:..~..... n.">"\:,... ..."...~: ._~-'I.', TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL: We, the undek~~gned, eoneekned ke~~den~ 06 Phea~ant H~ll Add~t~on to the C~ty 06 Chanh~~en, M~nne~ota, do hekeby 60kmally keque~t that the e~ty 06 Chanha~~en adequate~y ~pkov~and ma~nta~n de~~gnated ex~~ng e~ty pkopekty ~o ~ to eomply w~th appkoved pakk~and ~tandakd~. Sa~d e~~ng pkopekty be~ng ou~~ A, 8, and C ~n the 6~nal p~at. '":-;"}'v .'v'"-t.. (~'u~ J,~L{ (./11.;.U lir..\, ? J ' <~/~, /J~;!~ ,:~d,,~_ry~' &:~d'U:':J:~:+ ~--t/ C/- 177.J~ ~L . ?la-cA' ~~,~ ~( . " c- .' ) , fY"'ce\c 4- ~I~ Uu...Ji~ ~ <I Y}?Q/~~~9~ /YcJcJ ~JI~ Ig-ODnleQj~~. ./JI AJ. 'Y~~J~ /?/O T7/l-U~ ~ C0vr ~ .xf~ /7d'd" /~ 6J~ .JhUi1 y ~ (Ju~ ~~~> ~/ ., ~ ~~~~ . J;IX./~+~It~ pWI U)J.<.lcdwe lir: 1{{1 ~k p~ Nf u uA;J,. Ow<- tL r)fi. >4::i <}- ~~~, ,.j rr~J c, 1 (0 vt/4 l~h Do II'~ ()- er~fr ~ ~ b 'I~() - a)~ ~.,/k.. . NAME ~/~~d"~~ \ \'!,-.'~ \\\)J) ~ \);'\;(l--:';'l ["'\.. ADDRESS 17(;,1 f'/-fEASAjV, (]/~(!L.E \\1 ~(; \)\\(U.~lI.l-J C\'f'l \~ /7 ') )/ . J.' , 4-L _;lU. L1~- ("{ '1.( (<- /:'Zr-/ -/;'~iJc'fZ' t:/u'(:.CL / 77 / ?/.I.'e:cc'Y ilL. C' /,""( IG(J' . - (1 / &1?D uYu;il ;;PLe /~J U.- /?I{J &~~ $.rJ / 1 s:- I /2....-~~"a-.... ill' e~4'-\CcL Deivc ~ LO~1" /1 r; I /?t/1'~ f)~ /JQO ?,u,;.,v,c,c ~,u L b5l/ (A/J,.1G at-x- C,rv/e- TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL: We, the unde~~~gned, conce~ned ~e~~den~ 06 Phea~ant H~ll Add~t~on to the C~ty . 06 Chanha~~en, M~nne~ota, do he~eby 60~mally ~eque~t that the c~ty 06 Chanha~~en adequately ~p~ov~ and ma~nta~n de~~gnated ex~~ng c~ty p~ope~ty ~o a~ to comply w~th app~oved pa~~land ~tanda~d~. Sa~d exo~~ng p~ope~ty be~ng outiao~ A, B, and C ~n the 6~nal plat. NAME ~ L kau: E~ s ~ I (\ ~ SAfl..ltA ~:t ~A-L. ~cU- ~~r; -f ~ Ctno(LfL -(y\ j ~~ mCW-.( h~ ~~J.dJ2u~~~ IJt'itW,t q' d-,.:.w &/1~P ()J.-~ ~ f)J;E1tf ~bcc€ ~ 1 4)?tU~ ~ AVVRESS 6 V60 ltJ tv.A lJ,ve {lv, ~L/ 31 Wh~-f.c b..u f- ~~ /730 A~~ 17~() ~cKf1. /7rtJ ff.7r~' ~ 2. 7''0 eM~~1 ~,. / 38'0 f?aAJt~ { ~~ /i8"5 jJ~ ~ . . TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL: . We, the unde~~~gned conce~ned ~e~~den~ 06 Phea~ant H~ll Add~t~on to the C~ty 06 Chanha~~en, M~nne~ota, do he~eby 60~mally ~eque~t that the C~ty 06 Chanh~~en p~ov~de ~u~table pa~k and playg~ound a~ea to comply w~th ex~t~ng c~ty ~equ~~e- men~. We 6eel that ou~ ne~ghbo~hood ~ pa~kland de6~c~ent and doe~ not meet the nee~ 06 the ~e~~den~ and the~~ 6am~l~e~ now a~ well ~ ~n the 6utu~e when the developement ~ completed. We a~k that add~t~onal land be developed and ma~nta~ned a~ pa~kland and ~ec~ea~on a~ea. We ~k that th~ matte~ be b~ought be60~e the Chanh~~en C~ty Counc~l and co~ed at ~~ ea~l~e~t conven~ence. We w~ll be p~e~ent 60~ que~t~on~ and com- men~ at you~ ~eque~t. l' ( 1 ,114' jiLt ," ^(. t {(,',', i~~ ,< ,i .:; -;-, ( )",.., ,it 1)(.Cu. C~< '- " ,v " 1<.-' V'v '''' C c, (,,~.~ ,i ,/r<' _ ,~/./~./,_ /" L' / Co7--/' ,.1)~1...J4:J~>-- / {/(d...,~( ~. , L~{, './ ...r J'- .z,-,"", '1","'1~_' /j "'/1-' ,:,07Z ~~ 40 ~h7 177! IIrNSt?f7i C.rc~ ~!1,! ,I II ,~ , ,L UI;;JO i O/U-a f)tJt J~L L ' eu't! r/!XJt'tj f{L/}~XY-1 , 11J~ <L- ~~ t,~ /11 Ot:.~~ ff.ru i :;P;f?v1A / ~/.t>'J'~ 8~r~~ ' /7)' / /(ko~L A. ~~ ~ 'i;~ U~~ IIr\ ~~r€c'~. Q ~ o-,J ~a;..I/~=ru.r / 2160 ~ L)", fJk H~ I~O t\~ ~. 5'" /!J' ~ '7'xf~ V~ /.?'/C) ~~..!J-f X)ft 4~ /7,f'tJ 7'~ ~ 5 fi:::~/1vW /7 tJl flN~" tk, ~ ~~ I I~O~6~Fr~(~C /:.. + +- ' 6>1'/ I~.'k ~ Qru-L e,w- t rjr! .. pjAu:1J ~ ~ NAME ADDRESS /1U. li/A-~1kuL~~~ /76/ ~t-I€/1SAIV, ~(~~i.E \\''-1\...\ \\\...:>..:) ~ \\~'(:;,,," \'l~-::., \y~(~)(,r,-'\. (\Y<"\L NUMBER IN FAMILY -.if -3 5 .., -5 Lj 1 L( L{ y )/ ~ ~ .3 .-...-- . TO THE CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL: We, the unde~~~gned conce~ned ~e~~den~ 06 Phea~ant H~!! Add~t~on to the C~ty . 06 Chanha~~en, M~nne~ota, do he~eby 60~ma!!y ~eque~t that the C~ty 06 Chanha~~en p~ov~de ~~tab!e pa~k and p!ayg~ound a~ea to comp!y w~th ex~t~ng c~ty ~equ~~e- men~. We 6ee! that ou~ ne~ghbo~hood ~ pa~k!and de6~c~ent and doe~ not meet the need~ 06 the ~e~~den~ and the~~ 6am~!~e~ now a~ we!! a~ ~n the 6utu~e when the deve!opement ~ comp!eted. We a~k that add~~ona! !and be deve!oped and ma~nta~ned a~ pa~k!and and ~ec~eat~on a~ea. We a~k that th~ matte~ be b~ought be60~e the Chanha~~en C~ty Counc~! and co~ed at ~~ ea~!~e~t conven~ence. We w~!! be p~e~ent 60~ que~t~on~ and com- men~ at you~ ~eque~t. 7~m9X~€ /,rdu- J trf' -t J30Ib ~s~~K 171/~A ct- TA~ f!-..</J kdlu. & (,(~ ;;kS&(lA ~ ~(p 0 ~E ~!~p..SML- (c'4)/ Wh\+~ DOlle. br ~fcll!. (T~ ;Oat C/fWi.nOof'1. t-~ /730 ^oA..v~~d/!e., '-tYJ .. k<<v Ih~ hll-l~ 171?() {J;.nr!"cK ./J" .<J~~cf~./k- J~-<-- /77'P.f?:-.~ AD...-. t! O,u/:/d 1-- h~ Ed/l;UA..-- (,;Zq() M~4? Ak. s f0~ + t),j61lC fJd-LC€ / 88'0 p~~ ~c Y ~ f vff)vJj ~ /'ts"5' jJ~ ~ -3 NAME ADDRESS t <fit tJl.;fe ~(.){)2 ~f': ~~&D lN~~ 0\. C; r (0 vJL.; h O/Jr'( 0,- ~16o w);.L ~ ~. NUMBER IN FAMILY j J r L-( 3 tj -1 . . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 August 4, 1988 Dear Resident: The Park and Recreation Department recently received petitions regarding park concerns in your area. The Park and Recreation Commission will be discussing these items at their next meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9th. The meeting will be held in the lower level of Chanhassen City Hall in the Council Chambers. This notification is to let you know that public comment is welcome. Attached for your infomration please find the staff report to the Commission. Please call me at 937-1900 of you have any questions. Sincerely, J- i 't { ~L 'iSt--1 Vl- (__ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k Enclosure Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moshier 1761 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & - Mrs. Lee Peterson 1760 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Droegerrue11er 1740 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schimnl 1751 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Steinkarrp 1771 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Al Ramsey 6420 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bomstad 1810 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brzezinski 1751 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lewis 1771 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 ':.-: Mr. & Mrs. John Thedinga 1800 Ringdeck Dcive ,,...,Excelsior, Mn .55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Thcxnas 1810 Pheasant Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gabler 1780 Pheasant Circle Excelsior, MN Mr. & Mrs. Todd Coumbe 1791 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Benson 1820 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Slyce 6511 White Dove Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Tan Kraker 6441 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Peshek 6480 White Dove Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prchal 6410 White Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Schmidt 6450 White Dove Drive .- . Excelsior, MN 55331 _.. Mr. & Mrs. Aadne Eliassen 6460 White Dove Drive ,---Excelsior, MN55331 ,~~_:-.:-.""",,~ ~'.-:--....,," '~""'9.~"_~'-~"-- .'~~'4'- .....""'~-.~-~_'n_~_......'- -_ -~_-o~._ Mr. " Mrs. Stan Heinsch -~~'-~"'- Mr. & Mrs. Skip Gjersdal-- '~"V-c '_ _ 1800 PI:teasant Drive __ ~_ _ 6431 White Dove Drive ....~,Excels1.or, MN 55331--- -..,.,: - ;;--.- Excelsior, MN 55331 +-- ..., '.>I:...17"q-'-~ - -- . ,.w'......,.."""'...~........_...-;~...~~.~~~~,. ,:.-__:...._....._,..._~;,;..---.<:,..~...~.....;...-_....-...-.:..-~____.....:-..~. ~ Pat Johnson & Mary Cordell 1730 Lake lucy Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 . Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koester 1780 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Doug Schroeder 1790 Ringneck Drive Excelsior, Mn 55331 Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes 6290 Cardinal Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Dick Pierce 1880 Partridge Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beeset . 1885 Partridge Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 ~ A-~", Uw'S.~ /vco ;:-,.,.'d.-.cJJ R':>A.J ~. ~J 5S-.J ~t./ f. ~ Jic"I' . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 8-9-88 7 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema/k STAFF REPORT PROPPSAL: Subdivision of 10.75 acres into 27 single family lots. I-- Z cd: u :J a.. a.. <( . LOCATION: 6720 Glendale Drive Approximately i mile west of Minnewashta Pkwy. APPLICANT: Shorewood Oaks Development Co. 6100 Auto Club Road Bloomington, MN 55438 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ACREAGE: 10.75 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RSF, Single Family Residential S- RSF, Single Family Residential E- RSF, Single Family Residential w- RSF, Single Family Residential ~ .c;x: a w I-- - C/) . EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: Currently there are no parks serving this area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan calls for park acquisition in this area. It iden- tifies the area around Lake St. Joe as a potential park site. The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for trails on all through streets. . "', '~~'" Shorewood Oaks Subdivision August 9, 1988 Page 2 Recommendation This proposal is clearly in a park deficient area. However, requesting a minimum of 5 acres for park purposes would be con- sidered a taking. The City should continue to look to the area around Lake St. Joe for future acquisition to serve the park needs of this area. The Comprehensive Trail Plan calls for off-street trails along all through streets, of which there is one in this proposed development. It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land. As there is one through street within this proposal, it is also recommended that an off-street trail be constructed along it in lieu of trail dedication fees. . . . I' II ~\" r PUD-R ~ ~ ~ l\';:,~'~r-~.\, _t- ~ I~A7a ~ W' \"" '" .~ :r \sr JOE I!J/f:::[~. t. D~ ~T - ::::- , > I r PaN ~17 j ]~---:-~~ ,~j) -c ~ U I I ~ ---t.. .~ _:--~ \ ~ ~ I J 1 \-4~' , O~' . ~ \,.....:'::: ' 1'/./"/_' MAPLE SHORES -E 5 ~. i~" ..wo J 1~ \\ #J'1CIR 1'- - ~;, R ~ VI' "J~ ~~ ~ft -m~"~ -~::-~I 1-- rrv ~ ~ . ~ rJ. ./' - . .~ o o N .. 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" 84.4 7 -A. .:~ ru --. I Ul \0 I 0 . fT1 .~ I 100.01 150.36 I 100.00 I z CD "93.85" ~ I \0. " ~ 0 I . ~ ~ CT' ;... I"\) I <: 0' pi UI UI 0- UI UI '0 UI ~ I\) 0 \D - --J c: 0 0 0 0 v 0 \OUl 0 0 I"\) 0 0 0 :::: :b 're, 0 I\) 16E.49 \D I I\) v I\) I\) III 0 VI I I _CD " CD v 0' I /7'7 CD ~ . . III ~ I 99.99 I\) '0 CT' -I"\) f:: a- :b W 0 -Ul I /j So u '0 ~Io Ul . , .,. I ~ I\) ~ ' \D ru UI_ / 0 0 168.91 W 0 a- _'L__/ / UI \0 ~ 1"1 80.71 l~ 0 ~ CT' CD W 0 CD I\) LIl ~ 164.29 ~ ~ LIl 0 0 0 -.J 0tJ:j 0 v 165.03 n ~ \DX- LIl 0 0 CJ' of\.) N ~ 165.15 ~ ~ UI 0 0 Ul 0 w ~ 165.28 I"1Ul ~ ~ UI )>\0 0 .j>. VI+> 0 .,. .-;1"\) 0 ~ 0 165.40 ~ ~ UI 0 0 w 0 UI " v 165.53 ~ ~ pi I"\) 0 CT' 0 ~ 171.37 III ru \D 0 ~ \D UI 0 ~ ....11 CD :A 'OJ 0 :0 ~ 0 \D 0 0 0 C) ~ 0 \D 0 0 0 C) ~ \D 0 C) 0 0 C) ~ \D 0 C) 0 0 C) \D C) o C) ~ o C) 396.00 11 76.87 ---- '\ i SOO. 01 ' 28" 'vi ! UI ~ \ VI '1u -.J UI , CD I ~ ...,. . ~ CD \0 , \D - . C) w I v 100.00 \OUl I \i)Ul I CJ' , I i . ~ ,_ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ...:. .J CT' \, . I W CJ' ~ 1"1 \D I ~ .> I ~ 1'~6;"& 197.03 ~/ :.> I ..y I ^ I - ," \D C) I 'OJ Ul 0 w C) I ~ _________...1 197.07 , , . '. f 0 .~ -" ~ I '0 n \D z ," 0 ::0 " +> X- 0 CD .,.- I w 0 \0 - ~ . .' . I <: f ....... .j>. I fTl 197.11 I"\)Ul . ru~ I ~ +> I ! " ~ - -ur--------! ~ w b - , .,. C) 1"1 , " 197.14 , I ~ I ,'oJ \D I " I"\) 0 I .,. 0 ~ 0 I 197.18 , -E,---------! -, '..,.,., , ^ I tr. 0' - ,~OoJ& : CT' 0 W CT' ''b. .,., I 0 t ~ .J ,&. I . 4~---~~--_.J "- !:l 31vfa'f315 \/1 ,- 0 I~ /---------- OU"LOT A 11"1 I I C1 I It! I I ;.,., -..~..:..II .. . . . g CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and RecreationLe August 4, 1988 ) DATE: SUBJ: Park Ordinance Amendments Attached please find ordinance amendments regarding boat and raft mooring and pets. Please review and bring your comments or questions for discussion., It is the recommendation of this office to approve the amendments as presented. ORDINANCE NO. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CHANKASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING BOATS AND WATERWAYS The City council of the City of Chanhassen ordains: SECTION 1. section 6-27{b) is amended in its entirety to read as follows: (b) No watercraft shall be moored, docked or stored overnight on any lakeshore site or on the waters of any lake unless: (l) currently registered, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 361 in the name of the owner of a lakeshore site on the lake or in the name of a member of the owner's household; or (2) If moored in the waters of any lake overnight it . must be moored directly out from and within twenty- five (25) feet of a lakeshore site, upon which a dwelling unit has been constructed, owned by the owner of the watercraft. (3) Currently registered as a guest boat at any privately-owned commercial resort or commercial boat landing located on the lake. SECTION 2. section 6-28 is amended by adding subparagraph (c) to read: (c) Swimming rafts left overnight in the waters of any lake must be anchored directly out from and within one hundred (lOO) feet of a lakeshore site, upon which a dwelling unit has been constructed, owned by the owner of the swimming raft. All swimming rafts must have an identification plaque containing the name, address, and phone number of the owner. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. r07/21/88 . . . . of ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this , 1988. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: day Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor ATTEST: Don Ashworth, City Manager -2- ORDINANCE NO. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE IV OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING ANIMALS IN CITY PARKS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: section 1. Chapter 14, Article IV, section 14-65 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 14-65. Animals. No person shall take any animal, including but not limited to dogs and cats, into a park. Such animals are allowed, however, on designated trails if they are kept under restraint at all times, and provided that if the animal defecates, the excrement must be immediately removed and placed in a proper waste receptacle. section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately . upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen this day of , 1988. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor ATTEST: Don Ashworth, City Manager . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ DATE: August 2, 1988 SUBJ: Carver Beach The Carver Beach residents are concerned about the proposed ordi- nance amendment prohibiting rafts and boat mooring on park prop- erty. The residents feel that since their association dedicated the linear strip around the lake to the City in 1968, that they should retain special rights on the use of the property. Staff feels that a uniform policy is the only way the ordinance can be enforced. Allowing some to moor their boat and not others would be discriminatory. In 1968 the City accepted the Carver Beach Homeowners Association's offer of land. We took this property off of the tax rolls and developed and maintained areas. As this is now public property, we are obligated to allow the general public to use it equally. There is little that law enforcement can do if the rules do not apply equally. The Carver Beach residents feel that they are suddenly being pro- hibited from doing what they've always been allowed to do. Rights are not being taken away. Boat mooring and storage have never been allowed on park property. We are simply revising the ordinance so that it reads more clearly and gives clear direc- tion. I would suggest that the raft in the area of the "mini beach" be turned over to the City so that it. can be brought up to City standards. The Park and Recreation Commission has reviewed this situation and have taken the position to allow the beach, so to change policy would clearly take away a much used facility. Whether the raft is grandfathered in or is turned over to the City, it needs to be repaired to bring it up to safe standards. Don Ashworth August 2, 1988 page 2 The Park and Recreation Commission does not want to limit anyone's rights. It is strongly felt; however, that parkland must be respected as public property and not used as a storage area, dumping grounds, or for any other "personal" use. Should everyone in the City decide to store or moor their boat off of park property - we would surely have a mess. It is the recommendation of this office to amend the ordinance as proposed. cc: JoAnn Olsen, Assistant City Planner Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director . . . . . . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ DATE: August 1, 1988 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Shelter - FYI As you may recall, the Park and Recreation Commission recently reviewed the Lake Ann Park Shelter and how the City could take over the project. The Commission's recommendation was to not amend the budget to pay for its completion and to ask the Legion to proceed as originally planned, i.e., donated labor, etc. The City Council acted as recommended and the Legion was informed that the City was not in a position to take over the project. The Legion has moved ahead with the project with donated labor. They have poured the concrete floor and, as of today, have the interior walls up. They will continue to work on the project until it is completed. Estimated date of completion is August 24,1988. C)OL CITY OF CHANHASSEN qb . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Torn Hamilton, Clark Horn, and Dale Geving FROM: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: July 19, 1988 SUBJ: Greenwood Shores Park We, the Park and Recreation Commission, wish to express our disappointment in your decision to allow Greenwood Shores Park to continue to remain without public parking. Although we are merely an advisory body, we feel somewhat abused for simply following Council direction by both you and the neighborhood. As you may not recall, the City Council and Park and Recreation Co~~ission met in a joint meeting in January of 1987. . At that meeting, the capital improvement program was discussed. Council expressed that no funds should be expended in a park that is not accessible to the public, and that off-street parking should be available at every park. The Council unanimously directed the Commission to look into opening parking at Greenwood Shores Park and at Carver Beach. We held public meetings to get neighborhood input and were met with loud opposition at the Greenwood Shores site by the area residents. A parking plan was designed for both sites and brought to you in June, 1987. At that time, the Greenwood Shores residents described an abused park, expressing that opening parking would only make it worse. The Council postponed the decision to open the park for one year until the problems could be resolved. As no residents were present from the Carver Beach area, the decision was made to open it for one year and monitor the site for problems. After monitoring both sites for one year and finding a minimal amount of calls to the sheriff, we again called public meetings to look at opening parking at Greenwood Shores. We held four . . . . Mr. Tom Hamilton Mr. Clark Horn Mr. Dale Geving July 19, 1988 Page 2 public meetings with residents who were unwilling to offer anything constructive. We felt that four parking spaces would have a minimal impact on the park and addressed the resident's concerns with a revised plan. After It years of work, we were a bit taken aback at your deci- sion and attitude. To the public, you made us appear to be doing this solely on our own and "ramming it down the neighborhood's throat". This is where our disappointment was most acutely felt. We requested a special joint meeting and were given specific direction, only to be made a scapegoat. This letter is only to express our frustration in this matter. If we cannot count on your support of our recommendations to carry out policy, then we are wasting our time and yours. In the future, we ask that your decisions not be conflictive with your directives. cc: Bill Boyt Jay Johnson Staff CITY OF eHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Councilman Bill Boyt Councilman Jay Johnson FROM: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: July 26, 1988 SUBJ: Greenwood Shores Parking Issue By unanimous action passed by the Park and Recreation Commission at our meeting of July 12, 1988, we wish to thank you for your support of the parking plan for Greenwood Shores Park. We feel . the policy to provide parking in all City parks is a valid policy and should be pursued whenever possible. We congratulate you for your courage in speaking in favor of the plan in the face of an adverse audience. We feel that you acted in the best interest of the entire City, rather than a loud minority and applaud your efforts. We remain committed to making all Chanhassen parks accessible to all of our residents, and wish to voice our appreciation for your support. cc: Mayor Torn Hamilton Councilman Dale Geving Councilman Clark Horn Staff . ./1IAJ 7 -.2 /~fY 71& qe- . l:.._...:~,;~ .;.....0 . 7)(t~7P21 Cu,1{I rPrn/VVllMAf:r;;({)-/J, CIT:~;C~~N~~~Uj (r(t~l /tLwJ:XL/rd q/jriLJ ~ (z):/'2J[/ ./tv~ .tc:o; C. ]/.{) '~~/.~.&.-: _.UC.(ll. a.U). (;U.'.l... LJ?- ~/U. ,\ ,J)({/VtW.i.,! ,'~/)l'--J.Jlk!)L.l-L i.,(J CLlCLuj;rlC{ (A"W,- Uy: (]ClCLJ! 'fe, Uv _ L./.'.t-u../"_ /'(JtOll.x!L{;.} ,d/). >4rd - ({t fr. - j ~!-. -'-/1\0. / 7fc.) ~i,.'Va~ (} iLL . /\01 ,1J2/;-Li~>CUXLJ)J/~ ,-7C- (t?no/J~tc ZJ i)LJ 'ttDJ:.jJ 1lJ G..-J&j CUt[!L!-Ir;tel1-f\; ~/J:)yq : J)~cJ: 77~.f.~.'p;j.."ujd-L , ~LdJJ!J-1^f'fC1a;- L{ t;...'~ ceJ . ((t.t! ,I l!t.tfJ ~;i{g.'~}~.,e -." ~ c/},~ VIJ) h.(JJ-Jf! 2) u..LU/VlLf; UJ \/l/cA)'" , f): )' /~ CL{'~, () t r - [lJ( : C'fyJJ.)f '-jllbwcl.flljuvy~~~ ./u~lijJ:;r/J). . Yll._ '.....72J..) '.. ,. ,:fC . o.~. {L.~. fret. '.' l . bL. Jf Lf} '. i .{JLt {j (fLU_ ../... , U4CfJ/IJd ~ AI ~'-L U) .. 'Hfl-M.{]; f .: __. .cv:,- aI tit} . ~LOW . '\ U ,/(lj . . , ! ..{l;LZC/U14lu/flJ ti . /(j fr:.. / .. I, ily, ..' ....~c'Y'- ' ()__ .'V j y/;(t /0 .~~\.jJ.ML tLd-~ 010 .' i . L~~ ~. . U}, /Cf02. /YJ Q/j .1[CwU/ ; / jfU-o<JZ (Z/i'JaJJ!,udJ -c( -- - 7C CO/'v(j ~ c'j Ut/YUj JuUjJ 01 -Ow l~vJ ,,'-tfV2/tJ,,- <jc?ii.. . 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P 17, ~ ~A)LA '1\)'; 7 '11 J rn / at, PO /Y1 ,p/ J rI, it) ~ , _ II qp "r r J{ tfj.,J nfj\ ./J ' ~ OVA.. UtA Ad} ~- i-...nAI 7 ~ /IJ\ fIN +r 'C-f(J) I -.../h A /, I/l \Ii D dJ t I trtH 0 .n:!.P J-J- - ..11 - \ j7'7J n ~ "m. A ','A fJ J /MltrJ -~ roc'; I i nH _ j)JJ /-/V ,,/(1 nn ~(,:JJJiJrlh/V! -I · 'A A IJ(J/-on -i .Jf/ ./In.', ri ^ -liA/7,~) W, 'AJ yJVlQ -f. 'r 7r, -'J ,/U til - 1/ PI" .-I':Jl . .L _ b J).{ I"'fJ fJ " ~ '-'- c 'TlJ /YC," I ~ ~ '" - iA. ~V'- ~ 1/ }I V nn'" i .J fA' ., V ~ 777 t? /II/(' 17 /I '7 T 1.../\tI.v r vi J 7 I J'/o , "Pri A n .A 'V J1 / /l '//tld -0" - - I. -n;., f J II! 17 Ilk:' '" " ,- /r' _ . vII I 7'(/1/ t'.A 'r7.~ J { r ,Ill, _ (. 1.u?1 fA -t 6ft' Of) 7")M7Y f"), . /( ! _ 7 ~.~ ~f_J. ram, f- te4Crrc; ! - - ......: - - - - - ---- - - - - . I . . . . ctd CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Warren, City Engineer Dale Gregory, Park Superintendant FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Coordinator L, DATE: July 28, 1988 ) SUBJ: 1989 Park Maintenance Budget Request The Park and Recreation Commission at their last meeting acted unanimously to recommend approval of the 1989 Park Maintenance budget item requests as attached. Although the Commission does not typically review the park maintenance budget, they requested to do so this year due to the growing number of parks and sched- uled Capital Improvement Program projects. The Commission felt that their support and recommendation may emphasize the need for these items. .,..:- ~--..J. .-. ...:-,j._~'..,. ..~.. ..- '1e.- CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietseman, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ July 28, 1988 DATE: SUBJ: Objectives for South Parkland At our last meeting the Commission agreed upon a decision state- ment and the objectives. Additionally, the objectives were classified as wants and musts as follows: Decision statement - to identify a 50-100 acre parcel of land in the southern part of Chanhassen for park purposes. Objectives 1. At least 50 acres in size 2. Land costs under $300,000 3. South of Lyman Blvd. 4. Centrally located 5. Located near the Bluff Creek Trail 6. Includes natural area 7. Near major roads 8. Buffer to Hwy 212 9. Available within 2 years 10. Accommodates horse trails 11. Land topography conducive for active facilities, i.e. 4 ball diamonds, 2 soccer fields, tennis, etc. 12. 100 acres in size Want or Must . M M M W W W W W W W W W Classifying the objectives allows us to more easily judge our alternatives, i.e. if the alternative does not meet our "must" objectives, it automatically is disqualified. A must objective must be measurable and acheivable. Want objectives are desired, but not mandatory. If you think of any other objectives, please let me know and I will include them for consideration for our next discussion. These objectives will now go to City Council for their approval. The Council will make the ultimate decision, therefore it is . important that they agree with our objectives. . . . Park and Recreation Commission July 28, 1988 Page 2 Our next step in this process is to weigh the want objectives. This step helps to compare and choose alternatives. Look closely at the want objectives and rank them on a scale of 1-5 in order of importance (5 being most important and 1 being least). We will then discuss how each was ranked and agree on a weight for each. Note: This item is included in the packet to keep you current on this issue. It will not be scheduled for discussion until after the Council has reviewed the objectives.