1988 09 14 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of August 9, 1988 Minutes. 3. Public Hearing on Proposed Trail Construction. a. Carver Beach Road b. Laredo Drive 4. Request to Waive Trail Dedication Fees, Gary Brown. 5. Site Plan Review, Oak View Apartments. 6. Review Objectives for Southern Park Acquisition. 7. Review Park Dedication, Country Oaks. 8. Administrative Section: a. Letter Regarding Core Application b. Memo Regarding Carousel Building c. Letter Regarding Rosemount d. Memo Regarding Todd's Performance e. Memo Regarding July 4th Evaluation f. City Council Minutes Regarding Lake Ann Park Expansion CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ September 7, 1988 DATE: SUBJ: Proposed Trail/Sidewalk along Carver Beach Road The 1988 CIP includes funds to construct off-street trails (sidewalks) along Carver Beach Road and Laredo Drive. This is roughly 4000 feet of trail which will serve to move people safely to parks, school, downtown, etc., along two busy streets. The Commission has conducted a long study of the trail issue. As walking and jogging/running are the top participant exercises, trails/sidewalks are becomming increasingly more important in our community. These trail segments were included in the 1988 CIP due to the concern for safety of children and adults who move about our community on foot or bike. . In discussing these two items, the Commission must determine the following issues: - Which side of the street the sidewalk should appear; - Which surface material is most appropriate; concrete or bituminous; and - Types of use allowed. . . . . 3tl. Park and Recreation Commission September 8, 1988 Page 2 CARVER BEACH ROAD The proposed trail/sidewalk along Carver Beach Road is approxi- mately 1500 feet from Powers Boulevard to Carver Beach Playground. The purpose of the trail is to keep pedestrians safe along a busy street where traffic picks up speed. Upon reviewing the site with City Engineer, Gary Warren, it was found that the existing right-of-way is 40 feet wide, of which 24 feet is paved roadway. That leaves 8 feet on each side, enough room to construct a sidewalk according to Mr. Warren. Due to topography, sight lines, utilities, and other obstructions, it was determined that the north side would be best suited for the sidewalk. Staff also felt that crosswalks should be placed so as to more easily allow pedestrians to cross Carver Beach Road more safely. As trail construction can occur within the existing right-of-way, no additional right-of-way is needed. Carver Beach Road is the frontage for most of the homes along that street and therefore a 5 foot concrete sidewalk would be the appropriate surface material. Had the trail been placed along side or rear yards, the bituminous surface would have been recom- mended. Types of uses to be allowed along trails continues to be a concern for many people. As motorized vehicles, i.e. motor bikes, three wheelers, etc., would be conflictive with pedestrian use, such should be prohibited. Pets should be allowed along trails/ sidewalks, but only on leashes. It is suggested that as many types of non-conflicting uses be allowed as possible to get the best use from the trail system. These types of policy statements will be outlined in the City Code, however, staff felt that for the public's benefit, such should be discussed. Recommendation It is the recommendation of this office that a 5 foot concrete sidewalk be constructed along the north side of Carver Beach Road within the existing 40 ft. right-of-way. ~b Park and Recreation Commission September 8, 1988 Page 3 . LAREDO DRIVE The proposed trail/sidewalk along Laredo Drive is roughly 2500 feet, from Frontier Trail to the Chanhassen Elementary. The sec- tion from Chanhassen Elementary to West 78th Street is being built by the HRA as a part of the downtown redevelopment project. The purpose of the trail is to safely move the children within walking and biking distance to the school. Laredo Drive is increasingly becoming a busy through street, no longer an area that can safely be shared by traffic and pedestrians. Laredo Drive has a 60 foot right-of-way, of which 28 feet is street pavement. This leaves 16 feet on each side of the street, plenty of room for sidewalk construction. City Engineer, Gary Warren, has indicated that due to topography and physical obstructions, the west side of the street would be the best location for the sidewalk. Additionally, the trail from West 78th Street to the elementary school is located on the west side, which should be continued if possible. Laredo Drive is the frontage for most of the homes along that street and therefore a 5 foot concrete sidewalk would be the appropriate surface material. Had the trail been placed along side or rear yards, the bituminous surface would have been recom- mended. . Types of uses to be allowed along trails continues to be a concern for many people. As motorized vehicles, i.e. motor bikes, three wheelers, etc., would be conflictive with pedestrian use, such should be prohibited. Pets should be allowed along trails/ sidewalks, but only on leashes. It would be suggested that as many types of non-conflicting uses be allowed as possible to get the best use from the trail system. These types of pOlicy state- ments will be outlined in the City Code, however, staff felt that for the public's benefit, such should be discussed. Recommendation It is the recommendation of this office that a 5 foot concrete sidewalk be constructed along the west side of Laredo Drive within the existing 60 foot right-of-way. . . CITY OF eHAHHASSEN 1.1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 8, 1988 SUBJ: Request to Waive Trail Fees . Attached please find a report that went to City Council regarding a request by Gary Brown to waive trail dedication fees on the first phase of his mini storage development project. The City Council tabled action on this item pending the Park and Recreation Commission's review and recommendation. . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 16 - . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 II' r. t. ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ August 16, 1988 J ~-19-~'t FROM: DATE: i.. ~ ~ .~ SUBJ: Gary Brown's Request to Waive Trail Dedication Fees Attached please find a letter from Gary Brown of Progress Valley Mini Storage objecting to the trail dedication fees charged on his building permits. Mr. Brown feels that he should be exempt from the trail dedication fee as it was adopted into ordinance after Phase I of his development was started. BACKGROUND . Phase I of Progress Valley Storage began in June of 1987. As dedication for commercial development is based on acreage, not per unit, the full amount is charged with the first building per- mit. Mr. Brown received approval from the City Council to pay park dedication fees for only Phase I of his development with the first building permit, delaying payment of the remaining until he develops further. In February of 1988, the City adopted an ordinance requiring a dedication of trails or fees in lieu of trails. With the passage of this ordinance, all developers are required to make that dedication, regardless of when construction approval was given. Mr. Brown carne in to get a building permit for his third building within Phase I in June of 1988, and was charged for the full trail dedication fee of Phase I, again based on acreage. Mr. Brown states in his letter that the trail fee increases each building permit fee in Phase I by roughly $1,000. This is a misconception on his part, as the fee for the entire acreage of Phase I is $1165, a one time fee for Phase I. . . . . Mr. Don Ashworth August 16, 1988 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION As all developers are responsible for paying park and trail fees, regardless of when they were given approval, it is the recommen- dation of this office that Mr. Brown pay the trail dedication fees currently due. To waive the fees for one individual, would set a precedent for future requests. Aug. 11, 1988 . Progress Valley Storage 1900 Stoughton Ave. Chaska, Mn. 55318 - City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 Don Ashworth: Tom Hamilton; City Council: Dear Sirs; On June 24, 1987 the city of Chanhassen issued a building permit to Progress Valley Storage, to build a Mini Storage facility, 8 buildings, in 3 phases. At that time there was as established amount for all the permits. In June of this year you changed the rules of the game, calling for an increased amount of approximately $1,000.00 per building. The added amount to cover your trail systems. When planning these projects we also plan hard costs, of which this wasn't in the plans. The additional increase to the building permit is very unfair and we can not afford the additional expense. Chanhassen has been progressing very nicely over the past five years, I do not understand why you people want to ruin progress. . ~ y Brown Progress Valley Storage . CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 22, 1988 ,. Mayor Hami 1 ton called the meeting to order. '!he meeting was opened wi th the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Boyt, Councilman Horn, Councilman Geving and Councilman Johnson STAFF PRESENT: D:>n Ashworth, Barbara Dacy, Jo Ann Olsen, Gary Warren, Jim Chaffee, Todd Gerhardt and Pat Farrell, City Attorney. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Geving moved, Councilman Johnson seconded to approve the agenda as amended with the following additions and changes: Councilman Johnson wanted to discuss a change to the Zoning Ordinance for Conditional Use Permits, Councilman Boyt wanted to discuss the Fire Marshall, D:>n Ashworth wanted to discuss the water restrictions, Barbara Dacy wanted to discuss Reuter Canpost, and Councilman Geving wanted to move i tern 9 to after Visitor Presentation and to move item 11 to the Consent Agenda as item (1). All voted in favor of the agenda as amended and the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Horn moved, Councilman Geving seconded to approve the following Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recorrmendations: p e. Resolution #88-84: South Lotus Lake 2nd Addition, Accept Roadway and Utility Improvements. i. Ci ty Council Minutes dated August 8, 1988 Planning Corrmission Minutes dated August 3, 1988 Park and Recreation Corrmission Minutes dated August 9, 1988 j. Resolution #88-85: Set Date of Bond Sale for Various City Bonds. k. Resolution #88-86: Approve Resolution Designating Polling Places and Election Judges for the Primary Election on September 13, 1988 and the General Election on November 8, 1988 1. Resolution #88-87: Approve Supplemental Assessment Roll for Chanhassen Hills Trunk Watermain Project 86-2 and Set Assessment Hearing Date for September 26, 1988 All voted in favor and the motion carried. ~B) REQUEST TO WAIVE TRAIL DEDICATION FEES, GARY BROON. M:iyor Hamilton: en (b), I certainly didn't agree with the corrments that \Ere It made by staff that says regardless of when construction approval is given, we can assess, go back and assess a trail fee. ~w, I didn't know Lori was an attorney but I'd like to ask our Attorney if in fact that's true. If it is true, that means \E can go back and assess anybody for anything we wanted to. rf \E wanted to change the rules as we're going along here, we'll just go back 1 '";-; 4L:1 City Council Meeting - August 22, 1988 and keep assessing right along. Don Ashworth: Roger is the one who reviewed it. I did not alert Pat to the question. We're not charging the previous buildings. What you're charging is the new construction. If there's a way in which you can divide out the acreage associated with the new permits versus old, then we should do it in that fashion. The problem is, I believe there were 8 buildings in that first phase. -r Mayor Hamil ton: Well you and I had talked and I guess I 'm a li ttle disappointed. You and I talked about having this as an agenda item so we could discuss how the Council wanted to even handle items like this and here we have it caning back. Don Ashworth: I'd suggest doing just that. If you'd table the item and I think the Park and Recreation Comnission should look at it as well. Mayor Hamil ton: I agree. Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamilton seconded to table the request to waive trail dedication fees for Gary Brown until the Park and Recreation Comnission has looked at this i tern. All voted in favor and the motion carried. (C) APPROVAL OF LAKE ANN PARK EXPANSION SITE PLAN. ~ Councilman Johnson: It's a good plan. I think we need to go forward with this. One thing I want to do is, they show some soccer fields on here which one of them has a fence running through the middle of it and it won't be too effective. I'd like them to take a look to see if they can maintain two soccer fields on he;re. That I s really my only canment. They show two proposed soccer fields but one of them, when they put up a fence for the softball field, it will be tough to play soccer with a fence through the center of the field. I'd like to just make that as my only comnent. Otherwise, it really is becaning an all softball place. I'd like to see it be multiple sports too. Not just softball. Mayor Hamilton: I see softball, baseball, Little League, soccer. Councilman Johnson: Soccer's down to one field out there. Mayor Hamilton: There's two. sure that that can be done. you could address the issue would you handle that? I think the intent is to use two of them and I 'm Dale, did you have any ccmnents? Laurie, perhaps that Jay has. W::mld it be a removeable fence or how Councilman Johnson: This isn't a final. Nothing's to scale or anything so you'd still have to do the design. This is just concept. Laurie ~Rostie: The Park Corrmission would like to see the overlapping field there. The discussion that happened at their meeting two weeks ago was that for the time being we not put that 300 foot fence all around the edge of the field so you could use the soccer at the same time that you'd be using softball. Until Chanhassen is able to acquire more parkland and additional comnunity play so you can have a larger soccer... , 2 .. PRC DATE: 9-14-88 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN C.C. DATE: CASE NO: ~ Prepared by: Sietsema/k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: To subdivide 18.9 acres into four R-12 lots and two outlots and to develop 17 eightplex buildin s I- Z <( u :J C- o... . LOCATION: County Road 17 approximately 1/2 mile north of Highway 5 APPLICANT: Duffy Development Company c/o John Duffy 10850 Hwy 55 Plymouth, MN 55429 PRESENT ZONING: R-12, High Density Residential ACREAGE: 28.7 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- R-4 Mixed Low Density Residential S- BG General Business District E- 01 Office Institutional District ~ ~ W I- - . W- R12 High Density Residential EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: This proposed development lies within the service areas of Chanhassen Pond Park and City Center Park. Trails along the east boundary, Kerber Blvd., are currently under construction. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comp Plan does not identify this as a par deficient area nor call for parkland within this proposed development. The Trail plan calls for trails/sidewalks along Powers Blvd. and the through street (West Village Road). Oak View Apartments Plan Review September 8, 1988 Page 2 . Background This proposal lies just west of the recently constructed West Village Apartments on Kerber Boulevard. At the time West Village Apartments was reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission, it was felt that a trail should be constructed along West Village Road if it became a through street. As such will be the case if this proposal is approved, an off-street trail/sidewalk should be considered at this time. Additionally, consistent with the Comprehensive Trail Plan, a 20 foot trail easement should be obtained along the west boundary of this site. The proposed development involves 136 units with a potential popula- tion of 275 people. 275 people create the need for 3.6 acres of parkland. This area is not park deficient, however, and will be adequately served by City Center Park and Chanhassen Pond Park if trails (sidewalks) are installed to move this population safely. Recommendation It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication . fees in lieu of parkland and to require the construction of a trail along West Village Road, and a 20 ft. trail easement along the east side of Powers Boulevard in lieu of the trail dedication fees. . ; liP i ,L l V'.J:.----.:I\.- jl L - ~ ~~Q~~~1I 'I'J ..... 'IIi' _ .,-~ ~\\1T I .' I , "'" /l ,-~ ".. -- ><;"!'rr::z.: ~ " · '. ,if,,:, f-- ",' -1\'T.. ~ ~ ------t.M ~ 'III ~ '. LAKE LUCY " ~/-.l? y '1..,.,_=-~u/Ll.-y' ~'"l~~~ ~ "R ~ II - r-t. ~lj, I -E'11 IlI==\C----).. \-. ~" ~~D " ~.r~~II-1'f'J\~ _:~~ · Ii.; ~~,~~\& .. I .:...- ' :>IL-i...{ In f-,[ H .. "'. ~\\ CRL I: L ,"-" In .or _ !E:3 w ~ I j,.j~ -; w"IJ ' ..- ~\ ,>>j .. . ~ , '\ -TtlY:6~ . J LA~~ ~UD-R' 1 ~ ~~~ 4: ' ~,~,.~ ,j " r \\ ' 0; ~ .cd> ",. X'; V" ~- . 'i:~ -- ct..t.... - c,.) j:) I .-- .J lD ( 1 l g~ I ,..... L I "-. ' r,(.'JJ 7''- T , ~100..l .: C r. -- , - . I ~f t>f'$-~ A(J l'C>l&- ' ... \ /:' _ RR Car;(-" p-e;'t# 10 ~I r.;; '\: I ,,~~ :-- ~ . tc~ ~ ........ L. " f '~"\." E~.~QD _ 1(1 / R12" R1 ~ 'j'~ ,Ii ~ .~ . 1~u ~ _\ I\. \ ~!...I~. ~1 01 ~.. LEVAR ~ . .. = o I ... ,-' I," - · - 100'- ;~~.I.. I w-~:; ~ ~ I~ l \~IP~. ~,.,-flt ~: L- ,,_;. ~ - ifi!. QT ~ ~ '" \ I: . ~~ . " _~il _ -.:.: iIi. /....__~ .' -/ ~ .~G rlL.J 'I --'-.,~ ST .../I to '- . l.: - ' · ~l~'li<< '" - . \l 1\ 1,- 7'''l'rE -?' ~l\'" _ .. . ~\' ", ,lOp -. - "IGHW"''l ......- J. , \ . IP" '{j - \ 'I ' _ I~ t:-~--'" I ; j r-H ,,~(I I'~ L '.. -- i ' ~ -.:-..J ~~ --. ~ L.. I' I LAKE ANN RD ..~ :.~ .-.;; - - . -' ~. jT'~ T ...-" I - - ~ '~- ~ ---~ .~ . 6 ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ", '., ... w: "'- // , / , / , ~ " .'- '- ')- " // " / V " /", I , I , "'- , ..,. I / .... / .......; . -.. 7 I I I .....j $ 4- <t. S ~ . - :> .)J ~ () , . ,( " ..... ..... .... r-... " I I I I .... r----l I . I I I I I I I +-____...1 'ti. OG=><;?e I f I I '.. (I.I'~ 'Y\o\"'~) sanN3^'\;l" ~O!!a""o..- ~ . b CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ August 9, 1988 Objectives for Southern Parkland Acquisition The City Council recently reviewed the Park and Recreation Commission's objectives for the southern park acquisition. The Council felt the objectives were good and amended them as follows: . *l. * 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8. 9. 10. *11. 12. *13. Objectives Want or Must At least 80 acres in size Land costs up to $3,500/acre not to exceed $300,000 South of Lyman Blvd. Centrally located Located near the Bluff Creek Trail Includes natural area Near major roads Buffer to Hwy 212 Available within 2 years Accommodates horse trails Land topography conducive for active facilities, i.e. ballfields, soccer fields, tennis, etc. 100 acres in size Offer unique opportunity M M M W W W W W W W M W W *denotes changes from attached list. . 29'~ity Council M:eting - August 8, 1988 Councilman Boyt: I'd like to see us resolve this. ,- Counci lman Horn: So would I. Larry Kerber: this easanent? So would I but Gary, when did you cane out and talk to me about About this 50 foot easanent? Gary Warren: I haven't talked to you about the 50 foot easanent. We talked about the need for the easement out there. Larry Kerber: Exactly. You said you'd like an easement. I said fine. We can work sanething out. That was what, 2 months ago? 3 months ago? Gary Warren: What size easanent would you be willing to give? Larry Kerber: Let's talk about this. Councilman Geving: Let's not negotiate here tonight. Mayor Hamil ton moved, Councilman Geving seconded to table the developnent contract for CUrry Farms 2nd Addition. All voted in favor except Councilman Boyt who opposed and the motion carried. ,VCONSENT AGENDA: (K) J'r'SOUTHERN CHANHASSEN. APPROVAL OF OBJECTIVES FOR SITE SELECTION OF PARK IN ~ Councilman Geving: I just wanted to say I comnend the Park and Rec Corrmission for moving ahead on this southern park selection criteria. I think they've done a lot of hanework here with their musts and wants. I would like to discuss however item 11. I'd really like to change that want to a must and at least talk about it. '!he reason I say that, when we picked up the addi tional 20 acres at Lake Ann, I thought it would be relatively easy to construct and redevelop that area so we could put sane ball diamonds and tennis courts there. '!he first estimate that we got for reconstruction was several hundred thousand dollars. It was considerable so I would like to reconmend in 1 (k) that that w be changed fran a want to a must. That it's very desirable that the land that's selected accanodate ball diamonds, tennis courts, whatever else is planned. Soccer fields and that we consider the cost of alteration in that area. So my only suggestion here is to change that w to an m and consider the cost and the possibility for same topography that will be conducive to that. otherwise, I like what they're doing and I cannend them and want them to move ahead. Any comments on that? Councilman Johnson: If you're going to move that to an m, I'd like to remove the numbers of 4 ball diamonds and 2 soccer fields and just say, it's getting too concrete there. Councilman Geving: We don't know what we're going to put there. 4: Councilman Johnson: Exactly so there's no reason to say, it's a must that we have to have 4 baseball or softball fields or whatever. Being a soccer fanatic, 10 .. ~ ~ . City Council Meeting - August 8, 1988 297 I'd go for 4 soccer fields~ Mayor Hamilton: Under item 1, I'd like to see us say 813 acres rather than 513. On number 2, land costs under $31313,131313.1313, I'd prefer to see us look at a per acre cost not to exceed $3,51313.1313 or something rather than just saying we're going to go out and spend $31313,131313.1313. If you look at it on a per acre basis, it gives you a little better guideline when you're looking at property. Councilman Geving: The other thing too Tan is that if you give someone a target and this is public information, they know we've got $31313,131313.1313 to spend and the bid is going to be $31313,131313.1313. Councilman Johnson: Since we approved a referendum for $31313,131313.1313, it's pretty general knowledge that we have $31313,131313.1313. Councilman Geving: I know. That's why I like Tan's suggestion. Mayor Hamil ton: But that doesn't mean that you have to blast it all. You don't just walk up to a farmer and say I'll give you $31313,131313.1313 for your land when it's only worth $21313,131313.1313. Item 8, I didn't quite understand what the buffer to TH 212 was supposed to be. Was that the future one that might be here in the year 3131313 or so? Is that what they meant? Councilman Horn: I suggest that we think about planning for transportation just like TH 1131. Mayor Hamilton: Well, a buffer to TH 212. Explain to me what that means. Bill, you've probably had first hand information on that. Councilman Boyt: I think a buffer meant that the park might serve as a barrier between a residential area and the road. That seemed way down on my list by the way. Mayor Hamil ton: Yes, it's a want so we don't know if the road will ever be there. Councilman Geving: So would you get rid of 12 then Tom if you changed number 1 to 813? Just eliminate 12? Mayor Hamilton: I think rather than put a number to it again, I'd like to see at least 813 acres and if you could get 1513 acres and get a good buy on it and stay within the budget, that's fine. I don't see why you have to put a number on it. Get the maximum number of acres for the dollars available. Councilman Johnson: So you want to change number 2 to under $3,51313.1313 an acre? Mayor Hamilton: Not to exceed $3,51313.1313 an acre. Councilman Boyt: I think there's a good reason for leaving it like it is. I think $3,51313.1313 an acre, the way this kind of matrix works, you could put that in a want. Weight it as a very important want. I think the must is just there to drop things out. It's really not there to tell you which is the best answer. It's there to tell you what you don't want to look at and we don't want to look at anything that costs more than $31313,131313.1313 because we don't have it so that's 11 298ty Council M=eting - August 8, 1988 why that ends up as a must. It's just a screen. Mayor Hamil ton: '!hen it I S worded wrong. It should say land costs not to exceed $300,000.00. It doesn't have to be under $300,000.00. ,- Councilman Boyt: So $3,500.00 an acre might be an excellent guideline and you could just say, put that in a want. I don't want it to be more than $3,500.00 or you could put I want it to be as inexpensive as it can. Councilman Horn: I think welre getting too picky over general objectives. Obviously if something carnes along that fits into the overall objectives, they I re going to go for it. I think we have to agree with the concept in order to get the details. Councilman Boyt: I think what theylre looking for Clark though, is this something that we I re going to support so it is important to talk about. Councilman Geving: I think we made some major modifications just by dropping out specifics. Councilman Boyt: I would like to say that we have as a want, if 80 is the minimum size, that anything in excess of 80 acres ought to get credit for being over that. '!his is an opportuni ty, it might be worth having a want that says, offers unique recreational opportunities. Something we don't have in our other parks. lid like to see that added. Councilman Geving: 13? ~ Counc i lman Boyt: 13 . Councilman Geving: I would move approval of the objectives for the southern park selection wi th the amended i tens and the addi tion of one other i tan, 13. Counci lman Horn: Second. Councilman Johnson: Can I ask how i tern 2 ended up? Councilman Geving: Number 2, land costs not to exceed $300,000.00 as a must and a guideline of $3,500.00 per acre as a want. Councilman Johnson: Okay, so that'd be like a 14? Councilman Geving moved, Councilman Horn seconded to approve the objectives for the southern park selection with the amended itens and the addition of itens 13 and 14. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESE~IONS: Henry Sosin, 7400 Olanhassen Road: I'm sure that to several of you people the sound of my voice is not only repulsive but onerous. I hope it is because that I s exactly what I'm here to talk about is the sound that to me is repulsive. It keeps me awake at night. It wakes me up in the morning and it destroys the . 12 .. 1 . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ September 8, 1988 ~7 DATE: SUBJ: Country Oaks Site Plan . The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the proposed site plan for Country Oaks at the last meeting, directing staff to work with the developer to provide parkland along the south boundary or private open space (see Aug.9 minutes, pages 50-56, in this packet). The feeling of the Commission was that the small developments in this area would not be provided with park/open space at all if small parcels were not acquired at the time of development. Two lots along the south boun- dary would provide the opportunity to expand the park if the area to the south develops. I have had the opportunity to discuss this with the developer, Dave Johnson. Mr. Johnson is not in favor of dedicating two lots, as such would have a definite economical impact on his 10.75 acre development. Mr. Johnson also pointed out that open space is provided as the development has rights to Pleasant Acres beach lot on Lake Min- newashta. This is a 31,080 square foot beachlot. Mr. Johnson also feels this is an unfair request as no parkland was required of the Stratford Ridge development to the southeast. Recommendation: Although staff does not feel that the acquisition of small parcels in this area is unreasonable, such may ~ot be necessary given the lake rights this development has. It is a valid concern to provide future residents of Chanhasssen with Qpen space, smaller than what is typi- cally accepted, in park deficient areas. The Commission should con- tinue to review each development individually for park needs. . Therefore, it is the recommendation of this office to consider the beachlot as open space. As the beach lot will not meet all of this development's recreational needs, park dedication fees should be required in lieu of parkland to help acquire and develop the area around Lake St. Joe. Additionally it is recommended that trails be constructed along the through street and the street connecting to the south, in lieu of trail dedication fees. R /0.) "I PHONE NO. STATE OF ~~rn~@Lr~ DEPARTMENT REGION FISHERIES, (612) 296-2959 lT~ OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN 55106 FILE NO. . August. 4, 1988 Todd Ho~~man, Recreat.ion Supervisor Cit.y o~ Chanhassen 690 Coult.er Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dea~ M~. Ho~~mant I am sorry t.o in~orm you, t.hat. we were unable t.o appropria~e ~unding ~rom our 1989 Fisheries budget., ~or your Cooperat.ive Opport.unit.ies ~or Resource Enhancement. (CORE> ~ishing pier proposal on Ann Lake. Funding ~or special project.s declined in FY 89 due t.o a 5X reduct.ion in t.he Fisheries budget.. Your CORE proposal ranked sixt.h, out. o~ ~i~t.een proposals submit.t.ed in FY 88, ~or FY 89 ~unding. The Met.ro Region, . received t.wo ~ishing piers ~or FY 89, wit.h t.he possibilit.y a t.hird pier could be ~unded. Funding ~or a t.hird pier could only be allocat.ed i~ ot.her Fisheries programs or special project.s, are complet.ed under budget.. Your CORE proposal will be carried ~orward ~or considerat.ion next. June, wit.h all new CORE proposals received ~or FY 1990, and a new rank order det.ermined. You do not. have t.o reapply. To append in~ormat.ion on your current. CORE proposal, please submit. a new applicat.ion. I~ you wish t.o wit.hdraw your CORE proposal, please correspond t.o me in writ.ing by March 15, 1989. The Legislat.ive Commission on Minnesot.a Resources, is current.ly reviewing a ~unding proposal, ~or an Excelerat.ed Fishing Pier Program. This proposal, sponsored joint.ly by t.he Sect.ion o~ Fisheries and Trails and Wat.erways Unit., would increase t.he ~unding ~or ~ishing piers by .200,000 (approximat.ely 10-12 piers>, in 1990. It. is int.ended primarily t.o relieve t.he backlog o~ ~ishing pier proposals received in t.he Met.ro area. We hope it. receives ~avorable considerat.ion. Should you have any concerns, ~eel ~ree t.o call. . . ~...J AUG 101988 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER \,.., j r Of CHANhASSEN . . . Mr. Todd Hof'f'man August 4,1988 Page Two Sincerely, ~.J~ Lee Sundmark Fisheries Specialist LJS/annf'und:ls cc. Duane Shodeen, Regional Fisheries Supervisor Delos Barber, Trails and Waterways Coordinator Martha Reger, West Area, Trails and Waterways Manager .' /lk ~~ CITY 0 F LC, f'~ ~~ eHARHASSER ~b · 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: July 28, 1988 SUBJ: Moving Costs, Old Carousel Building from Excelsior Amusement Park Approximately one month ago the City Council endorsed moving the old carousel building, currently in Victoria, to Lake Ann Park. The approval anticipated a moving cost not to exceed $15,000 and a resurrection cost not to exceed $50,000. The $50,000 was anti- cipated as a cost which would corne out of the bond proceeds as so- . ciated with Lake Ann Park. The previous consulting estimate for the Lake Ann Expansion was approximately $230,000. With bonding costs, the total amount needed to accomplish Lake Ann expansion would be $250,000. This would then leave approximately $50,000 for Lake Ann projects such as the carousel building. Again, the City Council approved the above points. This office has received a bid for moving and resurrecting the carousel building. The amount is $23,700. Mr. Stubbs has been asked to separate the bid for moving versus resurrection to insure that the $15,000 guideline will be met. I am confident that it will. Additionally, resurrecting the building within the $50,000 guideline can be achieved, i.e. pouring floor, footings, board replacement, etc., will bring the total cost up to the $50,000 amount. The Park and Recreation Commission and City Council should be aware of the fact that eventually the City will be required to spend another $50,000 on the structure. Specifically, the moving/ resurrection costs would leave the existing roof on the struc- ture. The roof is currently in poor condition and can be antici- pated to be replaced within the next 5 year period. To best blend in with Lake Ann Park, cedar shakes should be considered ($15,000 to $20,000>. Similarly, the structure could best be utilized if electricity was available. The cost of running the, electricity to the building would be the greatest expense, i.e. . $10,000. Wiring itself would be the lesser expense, i.e. $5,000. . Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission July 28, 1988 Page 2 In addition to amounts shown above, the Council/Park and Recreation Commission should anticipate that the lower siding (under the windows) should be replaced and protective boards put on the inside to insure that the new siding was not broken out from the inside. Again, a total estimated expense of $100,000 is not unreasonable. Again, I would not anticipate this level of expense occurring for five years. This office considers that the conditions set by the City Council have been met and, accordingly, I am having Mr. Stubbs present his contract for City approval. Should any Council member/ Park and Recreation Commission member wish to have this item reconsidered or believe that the authorization given by the Council should have considered the long range costs as a con- dition of approval, please contact me as soon as possible. An emergency meeting of the Council may be necessary to resolve this issue should Council members believe that the original conditions of approval have not been met. ~ L J ~~,...", J /~ C2..<:t,.,.rrt:'.......~ . ~cLfe (1)/llcPt? ) /'VI 0 v..c.... ~ sir'^- t..1..-.. ,..~ ~ ...,r J #/1 tI /i-.. . cI <. c. f,.,..J 0--- ,..d I Yo - <fa ;'h..tJ;""'....."'" ~ "'0 fA, v...... I . 'jG ~ r/tv- r~c;r~ i_oJ ~ r. ,wtov~~ ,.......J-_r,.. .-J Iv. ""..-.! f ~...., c.h,.. ~tJ ~o k ,-"..r ilV ciJ . "';'.--.-<- ~'ll/J ~ ~/- ~ ^_.JJL. cc-l/.;. . ~ tI~ ~~/ 1#',1/ -/'"r '-y ~ 1/'L,dll.ld .--d- ~~ ~.~ S()j~. 'AJ~ 'I'roJ J ~,/ ft -' ~~ ROSEMOUNT INC. 12001 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 U.S.A. (612) 941-5560 TWX: 4310012 or 4310024 FAX: (612) 828.3088 . Rosemount~ August 17, 1988 Mr. Todd Gerhardt Administrative Assistant CITY OF CHANHASSEN P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd: I am happy to inform you that Rosemount Inc. has chosen Chanhassen as the future site of our world-class manufacturing facility. We were impressed with the proposed . property, the thoroughness and professionalism of the Chanhassen site team, and with the economic assistance offered by the City and Opus Corporation. Contingent upon: (1) the satisfactory completion of our internal environmental assessment; (2) the finalization of the agreed upon financial assistance; and (3) mutual agreement to the develcp~ent documentation; terms of the (4) verification that soil conditions are suitable for the building plans; (5) attainment of necessary permits, approvals, and variances; we intend to enter into a purchase and/or development agreement with the City of Chanhassen as soon as possible. . .' . Mr. Todd Gerhart CITY OF CHANHASSEN Page 2 August 17, 1988 We look forward to an exciting and cooperative project, and many years of growth within your community. Sincerely, Ojft{fJ M1MkfJ ~ffrey W. Schmitt Director, Company Services and Human Resources JWS/smh . cc: Mr. Fred Hedberg - Welsh Companies Ms. Christine Peterson - Opus corporation Mr. John McKenzie - Opus Corporation Mr. Fred Hoisington - Hoisington Group Inc. Mr. Vern Heath - Rosemount Mr. John Berra - Rosemount Mr. Bob Cox - Rosemount Mr. Steve Quist - Rosemount . . Deanna Juergens 828-7801 August 17, 1988 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROSEMOUNT INC. TO CONSTRUCT NEW MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN CHANHASSEN Rosemount Inc., Eden Prairie, MN, announced today that it will construct a new world class manufacturing facility in . Chanhassen, MN. The facility will be in excess of 300,000 square feet and initially will employ over 700 employees. Plans are that it will be fully occupied in the summer of 1990. The facility will manufacture precision instruments for the process industries which are currently manufactured in owned or leased facilities at other Minnesota locations. The new facility will permit expansion of other product lines at Rosemount's Eden Prairie, MN locations. Rosemount Inc. has other facilities located in Burnsville and Eagan. Rosemount Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of instrumentation for the measurement and control of temperature, flow, level and pressure, serving Aerospace and Process Control markets. . R. (;;J. 716 CITY OF CHANHASSEN <Cd 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Supervisor FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ August 17, 1988 DATE: SUBJ: July 4th . This memo is to congratulate you for the excellent job you did on the 4th of July Celebration this year. I believe that all of the follow-up work has been completed and I must say I was impressed from beginning to end. A 3 day event is a big undertaking and could have been much less of an event had it not been Eor your organizational skills. You have shown a good deal of talent in the solicitation of donations, preparing and displaying promotion material, organizing and sche- duling, and executing individual events. Thanks for all your hard work on a community event that truly brought the community together. ;:~J :r /t,-I-JL, eo-~ . 713.1'( Y. ." ?' ~o r .. ct"j 0.'"' D?Ccrz.-/Ic-.J rio6. 4-~ 11/ '(j/ Cc.. f>'" 1"'& . iJ ~ .... I s;. k . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH De . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor j1~ FROM: SUBJ: August 9, 1988 1988 4th of July Celebration Evaluation DATE: Please find attached an evaluation of the 1988 4th of July Celebration activities. This evaluation has been prepared to document what activities took place in 1988 and how successful they were, and to provide recommendations for future celebrations. A list of itemized expenditures and the amount of revenue generated is also included to aid in the revision of this item in the budget process. The overall success of the 1988 celebration . can be attributed to a number of factors, however a few stand out. They are the involvement of the Chanhassen Rotary, increased promotion, the addition of the big tent, great entertainment and warm weather, even though the weather also prompted the cancellation of the fireworks. Looking towards the 1989 celebration, a number of new ideas would be incorporated. These ideas may include the formation of a planning committee and the addition of new attractions such as a parade, a fun run, and hopefully the return of the fireworks. cc: Don Ashworth, City Manager Coordinator's Comment \J-] Todd should be commended for doing an excellent job coordinating all of the events and activities. As we add new programs and activities to this speical event, we add many additional details to be handled. Todd showed excellent organizational skills throughout the planning and implementation stages. We have thanked the many businesses and volunteers who donated time, energy and money to make this event a success. I would also like to thank the City Council and the Park and Recreation Commission for supporting an event which staff feels brings the entire community together. . . . . 1988 4TH OF JULY EVALUATION Saturday, July 2nd 1. Chanhassen Rotary Concessions The Rotary set up a concession booth and beer wagon at the east end of Lake Ann Beach. Products sold included hot dogs, pop, beer, chips, popcorn and snow cones. Saturday turned out to be a slow day at the beach. Future Recommendations Attempt to minimize generator noise by location in a dif- ferent area or by renting different generators. 2 . Adult Fishing Contest Thirty nine people registered for the contest which was held from 9 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at Lake Ann Park. Pre-registration for the contest was required. Check-in the day of the contest was from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Entry forms were available at Chan Bait & Tackle, Q-Superette and City Hall. The entry fee was $10.00 per person which entitled them to a $5.00 gift certificate from Chan Bait and Tackle and a twelve pack of pop or beer. Five cases of pop were donated from Q- Superette, seven cases were purchased and ten cases of beer were donated by Coors Distributing. Prizes included a Minnkota Trolling Motor, a Fish Finder Depth Sounder, four reels and two rods. Prizes were purchased from Chan Bait & Tackle and Johnson Fishing at wholesale cost. Check-in was held on the asphalt trail adjacent to the boat access. Future Recommendations Registrations almost filled but a majority of the registra- tions came in the last two days before the contest. This made it difficult to estimate the number of prizes which could be purchased until the last minute. In an attempt to alleviate this problem pre-registration should be more aggressively pursued. Information can go out two to three months in advance to ensure full registrations. The maximum number of registrants was set at 50 people and 25 boats, these numbers should be used again. The contest should be lengthened by beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 11:00 a.m. or 12:00. The quiting time should be controlled better by establishing a check-in time for all boats. The contestants would then be allowed to fish as long as they wish, but must return by check-in time. The prizes and prize catagories were acceptable and should remain the same again next year. Boats should not be allowed to stray from the access after launching. Solicitation for sponsors should start in December or January with the emphasis being placed on the fact that Lake Ann is a beautiful non-motorized lake. Dona- tion of prizes would allow higher quality prizes to be 4th of July Evaluation Page 2 . purchased and would allow funds collected for the adult con- test to be used for the kids contest. The largest fish caught in 1988 were a 6 lb. 1 oz. northern, a 3 lb. 1 oz. bass, a 7 oz. sunfish and a 4 oz crappie. Expenditures - $319.60 prizes Revenue - $320.00 entry fees 3. Sailboard Demonstrations Mark Layborn of Bavarian Surf was contacted in March to inquire about the possibility of having sailboard demonstra- tions at Lake Ann over the 4th of July weekend. An agreement was made that Bavarian Surf would provide free sailboard demonstrations from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, July 2nd. Three instructors were on hand during this time, however, adequate wind was not available to make deomonstrations possible. Future Recommendations Bavarian Surf should be contacted again in 1989 to see if they are interested in doing this again. Other potential organi- zations willing to do demonstrations should be contacted 6 months before the event. These demonstrations add festivity . to the day at minimal or no cost. Sunday, July 3rd 1. Chanhassen Rotary Concessions The Rotory did a fine job providing concessions booths at the beach and near the ballfields~ Sales increased on Sunday as a result of the increased crowds in the park. 2. Kid's Fishing Contest The fishing contest was held from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Children participated in two categories, 5-9 and 10-15 years of age. Check-in was held from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. A total of 80 children registered. Bait was provided by Chanhassen Bait & Tackle and was delivered on-site. Prizes were purchased from the Future Fisherman Foundation, Johnson Fishing and Chanhassen Bait & Tackle. Prizes included caps, patches, fishing poles, tackle boxes, savings bonds and Twins tickets. Prizes were awarded in three categories, largest fish, longest fish and smallest fish. The majority of prizes were given away through a random prize drawing. Check-in table was set up near the gate at the boat access. Balloons were . used to decorate the area adding a festive touch. . 4th of July Evaluation Page 3 Future Recommendations Solicitation for sponsors should begin in January of 1989. Johnson Fishing and Holiday Stores should be contacted to inquire whether they would like to be major sponsors. The continued involvement of Chanhassen Bait & Tackle should be investigated. Their involvement is very helpfull. The for- mat of awarding the prizes can continue to be refined to minimize emphasis on winning. The majority of prizes should again be given away in a drawing. Every child should also go home with something. Future Fisherman's Fishing Fun for Kids Booklet was handed out in 1988. Attempts to make arrange- ments for a television, VCR and power source to be available on site should be made. This would allow the Future Fisher- man's Foundation audio video tape to be shown. Hopefully the application for a fishing pier will be approved and we will not have to wade next year! Expenditures - $258.70 prizes $ 16.50 trophies Revenue - $152.50 Donations 3 . Men's and Co-Rec Softball Tournaments . Eight men's teams and four co-rec teams entered the 1988 tournaments. Originally scheduled for both July 2 and 3, the tournament was shortened to one day, Sunday, July 3, due to the lack of registrations. Umpires were provided by Bob Lanzi of Eden prairie Park and Recreation. Concessions were available at the Rotary concession booth and field main- tenance was provided by Daryl Schmieg, Park Maintenance. The registration fee was very reasonable at $45.00 per team. Trophies and twelve packs of beer were awarded to the top three finishing teams. The two first place teams also received 15 Chanhassen 4th of July t-shirts per team. Future Recommendations . Similar to last year, registrations fell short of expec- tations. This can probably be most attributed to the reluc- tance of teams to committ their entire 4th of July weekend to playa softball tournament. The idea of offering a variety of one day tournaments should be investigated. Avertisement of the tournaments should be upgraded to include publication in the MRPA Tournament Listings. Mailing to other area leagues should also be sent. The entry fee should be increased to $65.00 to enable the provision of game balls and more attractive prizes. Bob Lanzi provided excellent umpiring service and should be contacted again to provide this service. The Chanhassen Rotary should also be contacted to provide concessions again in 1989. Expenditures - $330.00 umpires Revenue - $540.00 entry fees $124.00 prizes $ 98.00 trophies 4th of July Evaluation Page 4 . 5. Sand Castle Building An area on the west end of the beach was staked out and roped off with flag material. The contest was held from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Judging was held at 4 p.m., prizes and ribbons were awarded. Recommendations The contest was great fun. A larger area should be roped off and advertise that other sand creations are eligible. More prizes should be provided in 1989, ribbons are already purchased. Expenditures - $42.00 ribbons 6. Ronald McDonald Revenue - $0.00 Ronald put on a tremendous show. He should be reserved early in 1989. The show was located just inside the gate at the beach underneath the big oak tree. This is a good location and should be used again in 1989. Expenditures - $0.00 Revenue - $0.00 . 7. Family Games Family games included: squirt gun contests, watermelon con- test, family relays, water balloon toss, change relay. We had about 150 people, which was almost too many. I would suggest breaking it into 2 groups if there are that many again. The volunteers were good. We need about six to keep the guns full & hand out the equipment. Having relay or race with preschoolers at end was nice. Future Recommendations We need at least 15-20 squirt guns. 6 watermelons were enough. 15 pieces of rope, jump ropes, balls, etc. would be a minimum. Labeling the prizes before hand would help. Having 2 groups would speed it up if the turn out is large. 8. Horse Rides A ring consisting of snow fence was erected on top of the east hill near the back parking lot. The ring was the size of a hockey rink. Six horses were used for rides and were lead by the Eden prairie Horsemen's Saddle Club. Rides were given from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. City Hall provided a sign posted . on the ring advertising the rides. . . . 4th of July Evaluation Page 5 Future Recommendations The hours of the rides should be coordinated around the other various activities and games so as not to overlap with each other. The number of riders was down from the estimated number expected because of the heat and other activities going on. The hours of the ride could be increased if time allows. The City could provide more signs around the beach and park area advertising the rides. Expenditures - $0.00 Revenue - $0.00 9. Inner Tube Relays Inner tube relays were held at Lake Ann Park at the beach from approximately 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. The beach was cleared b the life guards and the megaphone was used to organize the crowd. Six tubes were used and races were held in the following categories: 1 adult and 1 child 6 or younger 1 adult and 1 child 7 to 11 1 adult and 1 child 12 or older 2 teens 2 adults Three people were on hand to organize the races and one per- son distributed prizes. Prizes included free Domino's pizza coupons, Domino's frisbees and McDonald's coupons. Three new tubes had to be purchased as a result of three of last year' tubes acquiring leaks. Make sure to check the condition of tubes prior to the 1989 event. Future Recommendations Spice it up with some new twists. Expenditures - $24.00 tubes Revenue - $0.00 Monday, July 4th 1. Community Picnic Preparation for the picnic which was held from 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre began at 6:00 a.m. Three full-time and two part-time maintenance workers moved picnic tables to the location, and cleaned them. They also installed parking barricades and set up banquet tables and chairs. Metro Tent Company was 4th of July Evaluation Page 6 . contracted to provide a 40'x80' tent. A generator from Ziegler Commpany was rented to provide power. Pat Minger and Jeff Swedlund provided flat bed trailers for the stage. The banquet tables were rented from A-Z Rental of Eden Prairie. The Hi Topps were contracted through Hoffman Talent Agency to provide music from 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. Entertainment including a juggler, a mime, two caricature artists and a face painter were provided by Personal Performance Arts of Mpls. They entertained from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. The food was provided by the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Todd Gerhardt and Karen Engelhardt coordinated this portion of the evening. They did a super job again this year! The Chanhassen Rotary provided a beer truck and other refreshments for the evening. A balloon release was held at 8:00 p.m. to coincide with the start of the band. Approxima- tely 1000 balloons were inflated beginning at 2:00 p.m. Other decorations included red, white and blue balloons and ribbons. Eight portable toilets were rented from BFI Industries. A banner advertising the weekend was purchased from The Ad Master and displayed starting the first week in June. Six thousand flyers were distributed by inserting them in the Chanhassen Village Newspaper and distributing them to local businesses. Newspaper coverage began three weeks prior to the event and continued two weeks after. The only disap- pointment of the evening was the cancellation of the fireworks. A decision was reached the Thursday before the event to cancel the fireworks due to the dry conditions. An alternate date for the display has not been decided at this time. . Future Recommendations The preparation for the 1988 street dance went very smoothly with the assistance of the Park Maintenance Department. They should be worked closely with in 1988 to ensure another suc- cess. The generator which was rented provided more than enough power, a smaller one should be rented in 1989. Eight portable toilets proved to be more than adequate, six to eight should be ordered in 1989. However, the mime, face painter and caricature artist were very popular. An addi- tional face painter or two should be added to accommodate the crowd. An informational sign showing the hours for entertainment should also be displayed. Balloons for the balloon release should not be blown up until more than four hours prior to the release, they lose their helium. Adver- tisement for the 1988 event went very well; the flyer inserted in the Villager worked very well and should be done again. . . . . 4th of July Evaluation Page 7 Expenditures - $4289.00 $1200.00 $1218.75 $ 575.00 $ 450.00 $ 448.00 $ 465.27 $ 140.00 $ 63.40 $10,175.74 Revenue - $3065.00 $1479.75 $ 874.00 fireworks band t-shirts entertainment banner portable toilets flyers, posters generator misc., film, decorations Grand Totals $6,643.75 donations gate receipts t-shirt sales ,on 4Lt City Council Meeting - August 22, 1988 and keep assessing right along. FyI Don Ashworth: Roger is the one who reviewed it. I did not alert Pat to the question. We're not charging the previous buildings. What you're charging i.s the new construction. If there's a way in which you can divide out the acreage associated with the new permits versus old, then we should do it in that fashion. 'lhe problem is, I believe there were 8 buildings in that first phase. Mayor Hamil ton: Well you and I had talked and I guess I'm a li ttle disappointed. You and I talked about having this as an agenda item so we could discuss how the Council wanted to even handle i terns like this am here we have it caning back. Don Ashworth: I'd suggest doing just that. If you'd table the item and I think the Park and Recreation Commission should look at it as well. Mayor Hami 1 ton: I agree. Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamilton seconded to table the request to waive trail dedication fees for Gary Brown until the Park am Recreation Commission has looked at this item. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ~ (C) APPROVAL OF LAKE ANN PARK EXPANSION SITE PLAN. Councilman Johnson: It's a good plan. I think we need to go forward with this. One thing I want to do is, they show some soccer fields on here which one of them has a fence running through the middle of it and it won't be too effective. I'd like them to take a look to see if they can maintain two soccer fields on here. That's really my only comment. They show two proposed soccer fields but one of them, when they put up a fence for the softball field, it will be tough to play soccer with a fence through the center of the field. I'd like to just make that as my only comnent. Otherwise, it really is becaning an all softball place. I'd like to see it be multiple sports too. Not just softball. Mayor Hamilton: I see softball, baseball, Little League, soccer. Councilman Johnson: Soccer's down to one field out there. Mayor Hamil ton: There's two. sure that that can be done. you could address the issue would you handle that? I think the intent is to use two of them and I'm Dale, did you have any carments? Laurie, perhaps that Jay has. Would it be a removeable fence or how Councilman Johnson: '!his isn't a final. Nothing's to scale or anything so you'd still have to do the design. This is just concept. Laurie M::Rostie: The Park Commission would like to see the overlapping field there. The discussion that happened at their meeting two weeks ago was that for the time being we not put that 300 foot fence all around the edge of the field so you could use the soccer at the same time that you'd be using softball. Until Olanhassen is able to acquire more parkland and additional comnunity play so you can have a larger soccer... 2 - . 1~. , ~ , , , . ~ '4'; J :-0 City Council Meeting - August 22, 1988 Councilman Johnson: Okay. '!hat was different than we were told at the Athletic Association meeting the other night. W: were told there was definitely going to be a fence there and there wasn't going to be a soccer field so now I've heard two stories. Sounds goOO to me. Mayor Hamilton: I would suspect there are fences that could be put up on a temporary basis to use for softball and then they can take them down for soccer. Councilman Horn: I just had one ccmnent on transportation. I would like to see us develop a plan where we don't need entrance through TH 5. I would like to get that off of TH 5 and I know we talked about an alternate going through a residential area but I think there might be a frontage road type of option that could eliminate that. I'd like to elllninate totally a park entrance on TH 5. Mayor Hamilton: That's significant dollars. We're trying to work within the budget. Lori is given a budget to work with. Councilman Horn: I think we have to look at the developnents that take place and plan it with developnents. Councilman Johnson: As Eckankar develops, or the land to the east, we need to look to, I'm sure that's in their plan. Mayor Hamilton: We've always, in years past, said as that property develops we would try to piggy back off that as far as access to the property in any way. Counci lman Johnson moved, Counci lman Gev ing seconded to approve the Lake Ann Park Expansion Site Plan as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried . (D) APPROVAL OF CURRY FARMS SOCOND ADDITION DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. Councilman Johnson: I was a little concerned, we got the Remmer's letter and their concerns about this. We've already done final plat on this and this is the final step? Barbara Dacy: '!he final plat has been approved but it has not been signed. We're waiting to sign it until the developnent contract has been approved. Councilman Johnson: Has any more work been done with the Remmers on this one? Mrs. Remner: No . Mr. ReTmer: No . Councilman Johnson: It seems to me we're at a small inpass here. While it is kind of an odd thing to do to say that a developnent next door to me means they should redo my yard, which in this case happens to be weeds, they've offered to put the dirt in but then they've got the concrete curb. I'm wondering if they can bring a bulldozer up and dig up the concrete curb. It won't take much to dig that up. The problem with it is how to get rid of that curb once it's 3 .. . ~.