1988 09 27 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. 3. Approval of September 14, 1988 minutes. Public Input and Discussion of Chanhassen Pond Park. 4. Approval of 1989 Capital Improvement Program. Review Site Plan for 330,000 sq. ft. Industrial Building, Rosemount, Inc. 5. 6. Review Proposal for 1989 Playground Program. 7. Review Standards for Equestrian Trails. 8 . Update on Oktoberfest. . 9. Update on Trails Task Force. . 3 ~ . Van Doren Hazard Stallings Architects. Engineers- Paannen'i 3030 Harbor Lane North Bldg. II, Suite 104 Minneapolis. MN 55447-2175 612/553-1950 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: September 21, 1988 SUBJECT: Chanhassen Pond Master Plan Enclosed, please find a copy of a draft master plan for Chanhassen Pond Park. This plan has been assembled as a tool to solicit . further input from both the Commission and the general public. It contains many of the features that have been identified and discussed by the Park and Recreation Commission to date. This plan will be further refined and modified in accordance with the Commission's direction. Please note that the plan does not contain a sliding hill at the present time. The best location for a sliding hill is along the west side which is also the best location for an at grade ramp access from the upper portion of the park to the lower portion of the park. Additionally, the plan has not identified appropriate materials for trails. The Commission's input on this topic would be appreciated. . . . f ~ I ~=i: " !~ii "'~..::. " .. . "-, "'-''''-..... '.., 'i'l, " .. ~ ::: .. ., '" , fD !j;~ '" . , \r \ ., ~ . ./ " POND ..0...........1.. PURPOSE GENERAL CAT ~ Gr....~ Dee Frull & E ~ -.:. ':'.:: -rr-:::F. ... -=- ...... ... . =:::.---- -. ..- ! ~~/ff% ~jJ~~~~V\ -JrrU-.~p~4'~.... . . ---7~d -- ~... Z~_~_:-.-.- )-- u_. ".' ~~-.- -ti{ _jJ~ ;::0-- .. .... /:_ 7)" -. . _ ~--~EadJjJd -- .______J:?d- ;J ~.~ -.-- ---- -.. . p L~ ~ ._~.- ~i--~~ --&~.S- . '. .'--=..~~..z1&_~ ....~~ ~".. ..~~-~-rft~ tp-..__A, _j)~ _.~.~ --.--~~~ . / _Om __~_._. __ _____ -/:0 ;.' ~ ----. ....-.. ._.~~ . . ._--Q~-~ ---- {___ . ."c;n.&L ~~ .... I!.~ __.__._ .__ . ~~"/"I. ~J~ ' ~ ~_ .~~-. ~ c,'~ ~/ /t&.. .~ ..--~ _._~--~~JtfaJ~- '. .-~ __...h.__ A_ IV e:. ~~_ . ..._~~ 4~""', .hpv-1J~~_ -----~~:::::: ~~r<~dJ;/=5jp:;;t~)== -------.. 'C-,- ...~ )~~~.... .?'~i - ___~__~~..-/~ ~_,__ .. .. '.. ____._ . ,___~ ___I ----- -~'~, .;;(;0 . j.~ ffi.e.... ''- .. . i Ilk r ~..I :.~~~....- ~~. ~~.'~. Cu.._.: _ ~ U . . ~ ~ . '__mw.-O' -..--.-- ..-. . _ _ ----- -'.--.---- -.-. -----. (..0 ?- ---. - . -.5----- I :i1.- - -.-..------.----- .. -- - I ~ -----_._--------~-~ . ---, ~ -.------. -i&t__ _.._ __ __/JoJ) CITY OF L(- eHAIfHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: September 22, 1988 Coordinator Ltj FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation SUBJ: 1989 Capital Improvement Program Attached please find a revised preliminary Capital Improvement Program budget for 1989 as directed by the Park and Recreation Commission in August. The new total comes to $169,250. Please be prepared to make final adjustments on Tuesday. . Also attached please find a list of projects scheduled for 1988 and the current status of each. As you can see, most of the pro- jects are completed or underway. I have included for your information the budget summary report showing how much money has been collected in park dedication fees to date. . LAKE ANN PARK Park Shelter Electrical to shelter Totlot LAKE SUSAN PARK Boat Access and dev. MEADOW GREEN PARK NORTH LOTUS PARK Little League mound SOUTH LOTUS PARK General Imp. and land Totlot Ballfield Tenn is GREENWOOD SHORES CARVER BEACH PLAYGROUND Basketball Off-street parking Park ID sign LINEAR CARVER BEACH General Improvements CARVER BEACH * CHAN POND PARK Park ID sign RICE MARSH LAKE PARK Pave parking BANDIMERE HEIGHTS Basketball Parking BLUFF CREEK Interpretive signage Access Road MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS PARK Park shelter HERMAN FIELD Development RESERVE AND MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANT PROJECTS REGULAR CIP 10,000- 6,000 -0- 500 10,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 -0- -0- (done in '88) 3,000 350 3,000 -0- 400 -0- (done in '88) 2,000 1,000 1,000. 10,000. 20,000. . 55,000 111,000 . 35,000 . I __ . . REGULAR CIP CITY CENTER PARK Upgrade warming house 2,500 Play surface 1 ,500 Totlot 40,000 CHAN HILLS PARK -0- CURRY FARMS PARK -0- TREE FARM 3,000 MISCELLANEOUS Tables, grills 5,000 TOTALS 169,250 RESERVE AND MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANT PROJECTS 201,000 *Should include funds for trail development and plantings North lotus South lotus Laredo/Carver Beach Road Trails lake Susan Lake Ann Park Chanhassen Ibnd Park Chanhassen Estates Bandimere Meada.v Green Park Minnewashta Heights Carver Beach Playground Chanhassen Hills Carver Beach Tree Farm 1988 CIP PROJECT ST~ruS Fine grading, seeding........................COMPLETED Volleyball, ballfield, totlot, parking...... . COMPLETED Bc>a.rdw'alk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On order? . Cleanup, seeding, dredging...................CCMPLETED Installation of light........................OOMPLETED Public Hearing...............................September 14 Bids.........................................Sept. - Ck::t. Ca1struction.................................Nov. - Spring '89 Preliminary Master Plan......................OOMPLETED Acx::ess Road.................................. Smmer '89 Totlot at beach..............................COMPLETED EXJ?aI1si()Il. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grading plan underway Master Plan..................................Revie'N' SEl?t. 27 Parking and development......................Summer '89 Pave parking................................. COMPIE'I'EI:> Master Plan..................................I:>E?cenber '88 r.1a.ster Plan.................................. ~snber '88 . Finish Tennis OOurts.........................COMPLETED Pave parking................................. CrnPI..ErED Pave basketball..............................CrnPI..ErED Park Identification Sign (Xlo1PLETED Expand play surface..........................End of Sept. Remove teeter totter.........................OOMPLETED Tree screen plantings........................Fall-end of Oct. Pave basketball..........~...................COMPLETED ~ster Plan.................................. I:::>E?cE!nber '88 Landscape parking............................ln process Re-stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spr ing . ... . ~ Ill: n ~ e: % w . VI > VI W CO :1:' %% CO %... V'" ... ....'" 1':)'" ::l .,~ ; >t ex: C ~ . . .... u Z w ex: w u.. .... ... o ... ~ . ., N ,... .. ,... "' N w .., C A. *** *** I I I I . . . *** *** ex: V 0- N . In o 0' .. N .0 w V Z C -' C III VI w ex: ex: c r :r: ~ 11'1 w ~ ~ C ... 0 I .... 0 ~ o I ~ Z Z ~ w 0 :r: ~ c >< :) :) 0.&.1 .... . '-II .., . 0 . ~ I Ul I I I I I *........... I ex: I t) I w IX) I u Ul . % . I C 0 . -' a:> Ie... 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C ~* '" .., o 0 ex: 0 ~ 0 . PRC DATE: 9-37-88 5 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 88-12 Site P1~ prepared by: Sietsema/k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan review for the construction of a 330,000 sq. ft. Industrial Building. t- Z <( u :J a.. a.. <( LOCATION: North side of Lake Susan just east of Lake Susan Park APPLICANT: Rosemount, Inc. PRESENT ZONING: lOP, Industrial Office Park ACREAGE: 57.75 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: lOP ~ ~ W I- - C/) EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: Property lies immediately to the east of Lake Susan Park which serves the entire industrial park. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not identify this area as park deficient. The Trail Plan calls for off-street trails to continue along Lake Drive East. . . . Park and Recreation Commission September 27, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND Rosemount, Inc., is proposing to build a 330,000 sq. ft. building on the property next to Lake Susan Park. The HRA has been working to provide incentives to attract this company as it will bring 700 new jobs to Chanhassen and over $839,000 in new taxes annually. In early 1988, the Park and Recreation Commission made applica- tion to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for the park development at Lake Susan Park. Part of that park design involves boat access on Lake Susan. The logical place to put the access would be along the east boundary of the park; however, doing so would require the removal of a stand of large mature oak trees. Staff has felt that the acquisition of additional land to the east would allow us to construct the access without endangering the stand of trees. In conceptual discussions, Rosemount has agreed to dedicate the 2 acres needed along our eastern park boundary. They would expect a credit on park dedication fees for the amount the land cost them, $24,000 per acre. This 57.75 acre project would generate $60,637 in park dedication. With the dedication of 2 acres of parkland, the balance due would be $12,637. The Safe Sidewalk and Trailway Plan calls for an off-street sidewalk along Lake Drive East. As this street will be constructed by the City, a credit on the trail dedication fee would not be appropriate. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to request the dedication of 2 acres of parkland on the eastern boundary of Lake Susan Park, allowing a $48,000 credit to park dedication. Additionally, it is recommended that the City include the sidewalk in the Lake Drive East street improvement project and that the developer be required to pay 100% of the trail dedication fee ($20,212). ..;a- uiPiR 'I ~ llili I h Ii Ii P I d i 'I /' 1/ 1'~ EXIS11NQc,s.AJf.100. 17 IH i II n ~ · ~ ~ i I I. ~( '-- I . . I" · P I! . o.~ I' I "' i ~ .! v' Iii I yl ~. . \ dii ;., ~ I .c ' \ I \s ~ I ....,. .-.~~: .' ~' \ /\.f!~.,_.~-~~~t~~."#;,,.'"i(-="'~\.;-'~ '\' ~ ,7 - - 51 \,..,. ~ 'I B' ~ .I!"'- \ \ if' '~ II ,!; ~ \\ \ t <J. - ~ \\ . ' !; ry, .e \~\ \ ~ l ""s;: i I ilf-, --'-' ~I # ~ I i I ~ i~.,l -c.. I II I' )' f,r I rl I /1 I jl I ,l I' - lill i i 17 -- ,"/1 , L.-/ li/ I !I II' p ~ f i~1 i I IiI ii/ -il 'I i ' n. 1/ I 'I 1% / ~ 5i I 1 1 ~ I \\ Ii I~~ l' 1\ . ii I / ~ / "il I / i / . i\ I / ' -., \1\ . Ii J /' . ' ' il I' II i tl / .Ii I /111 /' ~il t;ii ~ I il ~I % IT 7: ;::();z:".r~~' /' I 11 L-' I \ ~ ~i i I '\Y! 1 f/ - l~~~~l:~__~~_~.=~:~",F~_~,.-.LlI .-" ~', ':-:~, . . , /~ NEW MARKIT ILVO. . -... -Rosernount. --' pC 1 _ CW""l~."", IIIIItMHOTA ::".. =.'::- SITE PLAN ::".... ~ i J i I !I! II: 110111 IPI II Ii !!!!?l.l.?2 ., ; : .. ~ )C IIlil!!!i nilS.~n~ I.i.n~n I ~ ~ I. III 5~ , ! . ~ :0: 1ft l!! III ~ Z . .. ;: it ! i .. . - , OPUS CORPORATION DlSlGIlllIS'_'_ ~:.: -....... ---- . -.. pC2 1 , , / I j/ I , , , I i I I , I I i - Rosemount CHAMtASHN. .._SOTA -... - -.. - ~------~:. ",\ ",' " ,;:/~~", . . ",'/. 1':""'/"'.'..:.';::,,';'':' I , /'111 III I " ,'/~I/ / " : . .' ::': ,,:.' ,',',' t .. f . ~ / . \.\. ......,' ~ ,'//:;,' " I ')..:, ///.',','/., ,,' I " . ~/: /':'~':' /,/.' " . ,>,,', ,',',' / /",:::,'/ /. :' I ,. 'I I I "I' '" , I' ii, I I r \1', '. l:~ /: :,.:.1:...., ---\ I / : ,';:: " " l 'I I",': " : : " I I ,': .,' / : : l I . ,',' "~I I : " I' " I I ' , , I "I . ; " ,:/:' ,'.' . ') , , , , ' ) " , " .., .:...- - FIGURE 6. , , . . - I -- , .. ,",- . .~ ~~f):._ ~l .. ._- - ,hI ::: ~ ~.: ': :~~ , , , I I I .. ~ ;or I ~ i Co ........ .- C--.. 0.""" - - , opus CORPORATION lll_'_'_=-__ \ \ ~ .\ R,;~ t~ ~\. .i4I . . I ;) .\t.t .~;,) , .. ." . . ~ ' ., . . i. , ! .' t ~ .- \J' 1 . / / , / , / .- / / , / / ~ '.lIIj ~ . \ ~ t \ i. \ " \ ,.J / \ ~. " / , / \ .. / / .,... / <// ( . . . . ~ CITY OF CHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 11 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor DATE: September 22, 1988 SUBJ: 1989 Summer Playground Programs Summer playground programs in Chanhassen are currently operated by two separate organizations, Chaska School District 112 Community Education and Minnetonka School District 276 Community Education. District 112 operates the program at Chanhassen Elementary School and District 276 operates the programs at Lake Ann Park, Meadow Green Park, and Carver Beach Playground (see attachments). As part of the developmental process which was undertaken in publishing the new Joint Education and Recreation Brochure, a number of agreements were reached between the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, the Chaska Park and Recreation Department, and District 112 Community Education. One of these agreements was to clear up the definition of an education program versus a recreation program. It was determined that education programs generally took place in a classroom setting and recreation programs generally utilized a gymnasium Or outdoor recreation area. As a result of this agreement, programs such as CPR, stained glass, and stop smoking were switched from park and recreation to community education: and programs such as Kellogg's LeBody Shop and ski lessons were switched from community edu- cation to park and recreation. The question of whether the summer playground program should be switched to park and recreation remains undecided .at this time since Minnetonka Community Services was not involved in the joint brochure and process before. What is needed from the Commission is your review of the programs presently in place and a recommendation as to whether the City's Park and Recreation Department should pursue the proposal of switching coordination of this program from the community education departments to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department or leave the programs in place as they exist. .".~ T-Ball Boys and Girls - Ages 4-7 June 20-August 12 4-572-117 Fee: $12.50 We will get your young ball player throwing, catching, batting and running bases while he/she has a great time learning to play T -Ball! Using a softball and a batting tee, children will learn the basics, play games and participate in a tournament against the other playground teams. FUN and team participation are ttle number one goals. A team t-shirt is provided. Each child should bring his/her own glove. There will be a maximum number per park as well as per. team. Minimum enrollment numbers per park will be enforced to hold the program. T-Ball will start the week of June 20 and the end of the week of August 12. To Register: Use registration forms at the back of this brochure. SCHEDULE Excelsior Commons A. Mon. 9-10 B. Mon. 10:15-11:15 C. Wed. 3-4 D. Mon. 3-4 E. Tues. 3-4 , F. Mon. 1 :30-2:30 G. Tues. 4:30-5:30 H. Fri. 9-10 I. Fri. 10:15-11:15 J. Fri. 11:30-12:30 K. Tues. 9-10 L. Tues. 10:15-11:15 M. Mon. 4:30-5:30 N. Mon. 12-1 O. Tues. 12-1 P. Wed. 4:30-5:30 Q. Thurs. 12-1 R. Tues. 1 :30-2:30 S. Wed. 9-10 T. Wed. 10:15-11:15 U. Thurs. 3-4 V. Thurs. 4:15-5:15 W. Wed. 12-1 X. Thurs. 1 :30-2:30 Y. Thurs. 9-10 Z. Thurs. 10:15-11:15 Groveland School Cathcart Park Minnetonka Jr. High Clear Springs School Manor Park Scenic Heights School Badger Park I Thorpe Park Chapparell Park Deephaven School Carver Beach Park ( ~ ,;. . 't>!~. Summer Playgrounds ,,~ , .,5 4-578-120 ,',-~5 June 20-August 120, .\ ~, i Sign up for playgrounds and your name will automatically be' - ;':1 included in a drawing to win this huge bear valued at $501 Deadline ';'-9:~ for drawing: June 1. Pictured with the bear is Robby Mcinerny. ';" ~,;~s. r ..~, . , ,.'\ Have fun at the playgrounds this summer! -" ,',;ft., Your child may participate in games, songs, storytelling, ;.;.t" informal sports and crafts designed for children ages 3-1/2 '~3 to 12. Each playground meets one or two days a -week:~ (Excelsior is the exception). Everyone from all the play- ,t ~i grounds are invited to come to Excelsior on Wed. for, a:;; special activity. These will include a trip to the zoo or.; museums, crazy carnivals, special shows and much more! i Use the registration forms at the end of the book. ..~ Register by age: TOTS: Ages 3-1/2 to 5-1/2/. C~ILD: Ages 6-12 PLAYGROUND SCHEDULE --~ :. . .. Carver Beach Tots Mon. 9-10:30 a.m. $4 .~i Carver Beach Child Mon. 10:30-12 noon $4 Cottagewood Tots Mon. 1-2:30 p.m. $6 ,Ii" Cottagewood Child Mon. 2:30-4 p.m. "" Thorpe Tots Mon. 1-2:30 p.m. $6 . 'il Thorpe Child 'Mon. 2:30-4 p.m. .~ Lake Ann Tots Tues. & Thurs. 1-2:30 p.m. $6 ,.~~ '1 Lake Ann Child Tues. & Thurs. 2:30-4 p.m. ,';t~ Cathcart Tots Tues. & Thurs. 9-1-0:30 a.m. $8 Cathcart Child Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-12 noon ....;.,.., -[" . Deephaven Tots Tues. 1-2:30 p.m. $6 7""......, Deephaven Child Tues. 2:30-4 p.m. Manor Tots Wed. & Fri. 9-10:30 a.m. $8 ;~ Manor Child Wed. & Fri. 10:30-12 noon -',t Tonka Bay Tots Fri. 1-2:30 p.m. $6 . .... Tonka Bay Child Fri. 2:30-4 p.m. Chaparel Tots Fri. 9-10:30 a.m. $4 Chaparel Child Fri. 10:30-12 noon Excelsior Tots *Mon. &'Tues. / Thurs. & Fri. $12 9:30-11:30 a.m. Excelsior Child *Mon. & Tues./Thurs. & Fri. .$12 1-3 p.m. ~Wednesdays are special event days. 8 Join us for our first "Special Event" of the summer! . We will again enjoy the sounds of "Kids Song & Company' (formerly "Music-on-the-Mo ve") at the Excelsior Commons I" on Wednesday, June 22 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. A cold, refreshing treat will be served. This program is open to . ALL playground children. Don't miss out!! " . . ~ ,,' -- , ..'j. . .... -: ( r Sponsored by DistrIct 11e.. Communiry .l'd"t.Y'...8rion., fll1, f !rh Sr~ Cl:aska/118-6:J66 . . 1988 "SUMMER DISCOVERY PLA YGRO'UNO" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~---~~- A summer recreation program for ages '3-12 is made possible by contnbutlons from the cities of Chaska Chanhassen and Victoria. The Carver/East Union program is funded by the Carver Lions. East Union Lutheran Church and indivldual contributions \THEN ? rEr? Ju..~e 20 through August 5 There is no charge for Tot Lot or Dyna-Mites, but pre-registration is required. Use the attached form. REGISTER ONLY ONE CHILD ON EACH rORM Additional forms are available at the Commut1ity Education Offlce, Chaska and Chanhasser.. Public Libraries. Jonathon Association Offlce. East UnionSchool and Vlctoria Village Hall . TOT-LOT.' Pre-school program of cra.fts.. games.. .sjr.gl~7g: .storJes and dr<:ma fer ageS' .1 ~ 5 D YIr"A -hllT.FS Arts and cralt:r: games.. races:. drama and na17.J.re 8Cti vitIe.s tor c.luldren ages 6-1 i' Ages 6-) C lZlay also register lOr ''SlIP Ii( IVIhPTS ': Registration IOrms lor OUtIngs are available at the Communiry Ie-deaDen Off)ce Warc.h lor :nlOrm8Don Ol2 the OZJDngs in the COOi01lJ..71ry BWlel'1n Board:n tbe Carver COlJ..7ty Herald ~7d on Playgrou.7d flyers eacll week (NOTE Please dress approprIately lor "WI?" weather or 'Y.ESSY"crafts. It soroe!'1mes gets cold lor tho.se Tots and MItes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :MllNDAY nrESIlAY WEDNESDAY naJRSDAY FRIDAY ------------~------------ ------------------------------------ 10 :00-1 1 .30 Chaska L lons Chanhasse>n Victoria Tot lot "9- 1 0 Tot Lot 9-1 0 Tot lot 9-10 Dy na-Mites : Dyna-Mites : Dy na-Mite>s : 1 0 :00-11 :30 10 -00-1 1 :30 10 :00-1 1 :30 Carver lions Pk. Chanhasse>n Tot lot 9- 1 0 Tot Lot 9-10 Dy na-Mite>s : 10 :00-11 :30 Dy r,a-Mitfs : ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -------------- Victoria Jonathan Wing Dmg SUPER EVENTS Br andonda lE' . Dy na-MitE's : Dy na-Mite>s : At Old Jr. High Dy na-MltE'S : 1 :00- 2 :30 1 :00-2 :30 Chaska COOP 1 :00- 2 :30 Tot Lot: Tot Lot : CE'ntf'r : Tot Lot : 2 :30-3 :30 2 :30- 3 :30 1 :00 2 :30-3 :30 ....:.. - ',. . - <..~.....,. -- C' (, Sponsored tJyPJstrict llZ, ComroW1ity.E'd'iJC8f'JO/2.- ~Ol E ~'rJ.. Cha.rk.a/~~8"'6;J66 .. " 'I .. 'f ..' . WEDNESDAY. WING-DINGS 1988 ************************************** . Special guests and' activities ~llbe at the Chaslta .Dld Junior High Cooperative Center June 22-July 27. V~g-Dingsare span- sored entirely by the city o:f Cb~.a. Jio registration is necessary. Programs and activities take place in the andi- toriurn in case o:f rain. ALL OF DIE FOLLOWING ARE fREE !! .;: .).",", ~,," r.. ~~ .... "." "'". WlIJNESDAY TIlING-DINGS (Chaska Old Junior Higl2) 1,00 to 2:00 pm. Chil dren ana Adul. t.s are Wel come ( .t June 22 - -MITZI E THE CLOWN- - t1ate- up # magic tricks and lots of fun ~ June 29- See p18ljground flvers for detaHs. Jullj 6 - MI NHESOTA ZOOMOBIlE - fnjolj some out-of-the-ordi nary . ani mals ",ith special visitors from the zoo. July 1 3- NI NI - CARNIVAL - 3rd annual mi ni -carnival promises to be even more successful and exciti ng than ever' Jullj 20- MOVIE AND POPCORN DAY~ - Come join us ybile ye munch and enjoy our favorite stories come to life ~ July 27- RASCALS AND RIVERBOATS - Get in tbe mood for River City " Days ",ith fort tales from the Mississippi (a play performed by the PlalJ"'rights. Center). " .~ RIVER CITY DAYS SPECIAL EVENT!@ **SA TUROA Y. JilL Y 30** , Lets see all you Tom Sawyers, Becky Thatchers and Hockleberry Finns on Saturday morning for: *.. FROG JUMPING ** "VHIlEVASHING" .... COSTUME CONTEST ..* .- ,. ~-<: .~-'-'.- ~'''N'''''~'''''4''''''''',.;..i:!:__'.:; ~ . ~-~j' . .. . . . #. , Spt>n~ b1j Ol( "li:t ! ! 2" Commumty Educ~fion" 4.01 eM Sf, Ch.1s*~/44B-63SS SUMMER DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND REGISTRATION - 1988 ( ONE CHILD PER PJ:GISTRATION FOR11 ) Return thls form to your- school officE' in an E'nvE'lope marked "COMMUN ITY EDUC AT ION" or mail to. D!STRICT 112 - COMMUNITY EDUCATION, 401 E 4TH ST, CHASKA, MN 55318. PRINT CHILD'S NAHE AGE ADDRESS CITY HM PHONE W'K PHONE PARENT'S 5 IGN A TURE PRINT PARENT NAHE AL TERN ATE PERSON TO C ALL IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: DAY PHONE NAME REL AT IONSP MEDICAL OR OTHER CONCERNS OUR PLAYGROUND 5T AFF SHOULD KNOW': PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIA TEL 0:' A TIOIY. TOT LOT - agE's 3,.:1 and 5 CarvE>r- Lion '$ P ar-k (Monday 9 :00-1 0 :00 am) Victoria (Monday 230-3 :30 pm and Fnday 9 :00-10 :00 am) Chaska Lion's Park ('n'E'dnesday 900-10:00 am) Jonathan Association Offlce (Tuesday 2 :30-3 :30 pm) Chanhassen Eleme>ntary(Tuesday and Thursday 9 :00-1 0 :00 am) Brandondale EntrancE' Park (Frid~y 2 :30-3 :30 pm) DYNA MITES - AGES 6 - 13 Carver Lion's Park (Monday 10:00-11 :30 am) Vlctoria (Monday 1 :00-2 :30 pm and Friday 10 :00-11 :30am) Chaska Lion's Park (WE'dnesday 10 :00-11 :30 am) Jonathan Association OfflCE' (Tuesday 1 :00-2 :30 pm) Chanhass.n ElemE'ntary (TuE'sday and Thursday 10 :00-11 :30 am) Brandondale Entrance Park (Friday 1 :00-2 :30 pm) SUPER 8UI~~f~lS *Please understand that all times are approximate. CEDAR LAKE FARMS JUNE 23 Pick-up Return CHAN 12110 5:05 VICT 12120 4155 JON 12:30 4:45 CMS 12:35 4135 OJH 12:45 4130 ..... .~ "\.. ABBREVIATIONS . OJH Old Junior High School CMS ChRskR Middle School JON Jonathan Village Center VICT Victoria Village Hall CHAN Chanhaesen Elementary School OMNI/SCIENCE MUSEUM JUNE 30 OJH CMS JON VICT CHAN Pick-up 12115 12120 12:25 12135 12.45 Return 5:40 5.30 5:30 5.20 5:10 MINNESOTA ZOO JULY 7 BAKER PARK RESERVES JULY 14 Pick-up Return Pick-up Return CHAN 12:15 5115 OJH 12:20 4:40 . VICT 12:25 5.05 CMS 12:25 4.30 JON 12:35 4.55 CMS 12140 4:45 JON 12:30 4.30 VICT 12:40 4.20 OJH 12:50 4.40 CHAN 12:50 4: 10 'NINS GAME FRIDAY NIGHT JULY 22 Pick-up 5115 5:25 5:25 5:35 5145 OJH CMS JON VICT CHAN CHEEPSKATE AUGUST 4 Pick-up 12.15 12115 1='1='5 12130 12145 OJH CMS JON VIeT CIIAN Return 11.10 p.m. 11 :00 11 :00 10:50 10:45 CHUCK E. CHEESE JULY 28 Pick-up 1::>.30 12.40 12:50 12:50 1 :00 Return 4:45 4:35 4:25 4:20 4: 15 CHAN VICT JON CMS OJH Return 4130 4:20 4.20 4110 4100 . . . . <( Sponsored byIJiSlrJ( l1Z CODUllu.niryEducatIon. ~&~ E ~th St~ Chaska/~~8-6J66 SUPER EVENTSI '* '* '* '* (Ages 6 yo 1 c) '* '* '* '* Ti:u.rsYi3;rs: June 2.J to A 1€US'! 1., a ''SUPER EVEHT"u' planned ror cluldren ages 6 - 1 c: P8~"'en ts are in vited to attend.an y or all 'SUper.EVen ts "at the prIces I1sted below. In tlleeven!ofraln.. please call tbeCommu7iry EcrucatIon Off)ce d"ue to the potential ror cancellatIon. PRE-R.E6ISTRA TIOH IS REQUIREP A $200 handling tee Mil be charged ror proceSSIng each re/Und. A registr8tIon form &7d bUS' .sched'ule are arrac.l1ed Please call the COUlmLL.7iry EdUcatIon Off)ce at ~~8-6;J55 if' you need more inrormation Watch /Or 'SUper .Events "remInders .ren r home Mfb chJld."1!?n dUrir~ (be weekly playgrou.nd program and on OUtIngs June 23 - CEDAR lAKE fARMS - Join us for a variety of fun 'tr'lth a hayridel pontoon ridel pony ridel and a .close-up. experience 'tr'lth farm animals. fEE: $1'.00 June 30 - Ot1"I/SCIENCE MUSEUM - Investigate and bro'tr'se through the museum before seeing the exciting .NIAGARA- in the OMNI theater. fEE: $6.00 July 7 - Mt "N[SOTA ZOO - What"s ne'tr' at the zoo? Explore and fj nd out 'tr'ith us on our tri p to the Mi nnesota Zoo. fEE: $4.00 JuJY 14 - BAKER PARK RESERVE - Come and picnic as 'tr'ell as play on the fantastic playgroundl .Chutes and ladders. lone of the largest playgrounds in Mi nnesota. FEE: $3.00 July 22- MINNESOTA TWINS - A chance to get together vith family and freinds to cheer on the Minnesota Tvins' Parents and children _ everyone is 'tr'elcome ~ NOTE: This is I Frida.., night outi ngl so sign up no'tr' because there is' a 11 mlted number of seats available. fEE: $6.00 July 28- CHUCK E. CHEESE - Meet the famous Chuct E. Chees and enjo.., an afternoon of games and piZZI. 2 pieces af pizzal a medium drink and 2 CJame tokens i ncl uded. fEE: $5.00 AUIJ. 4- CHEEPSKATE - RollerskatinCJ 1S alva..,s a CJreat valJ to spend an afternoon. Arcldesl concess1ons and lacter rental are estra. FEE: $4.00 n.~+"....,..+ "", (",.,,,,,,,,,..,..,.,;+,, rr?,ra+iol'l 401 E ..,......."""....,,- .~.....J _V"""""",; ....y _......v........... J \.. ~~~ st . chaska / 4~8-6J66 /" t "SUPffi EVENTS - 1988" Registration Infonnation and Fonn 1) Complete the form below and return it with fel"s enclosE'd, by mail or in person, to Communlty Educatlon, 401 E ~th St i Chaska, MN 55318. 2) Pleas€' \.,ritf a separatE' check for each outing, payabll" to "Community Education" Refunds \IIill be lssued only if you canee 1 48 hours bl"forl" the l"vent 3) Parents are invited to attend any and all events at the prices hsted Indicatl" on this form which events you will attend and enclose the appropnate forms 4) REGISTRATION DEADLINES. Form and fees must be received at the Community offlce by Tuesday noor. preceeding each trip . Education "SUPER EVENTS 1988" REGISTRATION The: reg1sterC'd md1V1dual h2S my Der-mlss;on to participate in the "Super EVE'nts" indicatE'd below I wm i10t hOld D15tnct 112 hable nor any of its employees, voluntE'er leadeors, or co-sponsors JUU.(E (print.) AIJIIII:f: S S CITY P ARE)i7 S I G:Wcr"UR:E AGE IICIME PIt 'W'CIRK PIt . Bus F.l.ck-up and Ret\lrn (Check one): DJIt c:tAJ.1 JCDl VIer ocs PLEASE F-URI APPROP!l1 A Ti J1'D'l'S . D CN-ckD (PLEASE ENCL OS! FEES) . TOT AL A?1 aUNT ENCL OSED $ P A RE1.'T \\-'ILL A TTE1\.TD EVENT CaEh . CITY OF CHAIHASSEI 1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator 7 September 21, 1988 DATE: SUBJ: Allowable Uses on Nature Trails The Park and Recreation Commission discussed this item at an earlier meeting. At that time it was agreed that motorized vehicles (snowmobiles, 3-wheelers, motor bikes, etc.) would not be allowed on trails. Although we talked about equestrian use on nature trails, a policy statement was not adopted at that time. . Many questions arose during the discussion regarding standard widths of horse trails, standard base material, the ability to combine pedestrian and equestrian uses on the same trail, typical maintenance required, etc. Larry Schroers has offered to research equestrian trails with the experts at Hennepin Parks. He will be prepared to answer our questions and advise us on a policy statement. A number of options are available to the City at this time. It is hoped that we would not eliminate the possibility of equestrian use without knowing there will be a problem. For instance, the City will be obtaining 20 ft. trail easements for nature trails. As these easements are acquired, a mowed path may be adequate surface to serve the trail users. As use increases, the path may be made wider. If it appears the use is at a level that equestrians and pedestrians are conflicting, a gravel trail along one side of the easement could serve trail users on foot, while the mowed area on the other side would serve the horseback riders. Another option would be to acquire 30 to 40 ft. ease- ments rather than 20 ft. easements. This would allow further separation. t . Staff feels that it is appropriate in this case to take a reac- tive approach rather than pro-active. It would seem presumptuous to eliminate a valid use of our trail system before knowing there is a problem. Park and Recreation Commission September 21, 1988 Page 2 Therefore, it is the recommendation of this office to adopt a policy to allow equestrian use on non-paved nature trails and to prohibit any motorized vehicles. This would be a policy adopted by the Park and Recreation Commission for inclusion in the trail section of the Comprehensive Plan. . . . CITY OF CHARHASSER '6 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Recreation Supervisor j1Af DATE: September 22, 1988 SUBJ: Oktoberfest . Planning for the upcoming Oktoberfest is complete with the exception of recruitment of all the volunteers necessary to pre- pare and serve the concessions and to staff the beer garden. The development of Oktoberfest came about because of a number of fac- tors; number one being we needed an opportunity to show the fireworks display which was cancelled during the 4th of July Celebration. Additionally, it was felt that an opportunity for the residents to congregate in the newly completed downtown area for a social event would be beneficial in raising morale after a grueling summer of continuous construction. This is a new special event for the City and promises to be both fun and exciting. Thoughts of continuing this event in future years are pending, awaiting the response and input of the participants. Initially the Chanhassen Rotary was approached to help sponsor this event. Their response was somewhat light-hearted, however. Some members felt that after being involved with both the 4th of July Celebration and District Softball Tournament, a break was necessary. Being on a short time scale, it was decided that City staff, along with other volunteers, would be capable of handling the work load of putting this event together. The response from both the Public Works Department personnel and Administrative staff has been positive. This is an excellent opportunity for members of the Commission to get involved in a community func- tion; providing you the chance to meet and get acquainted with City staff, other Board members, and members of the com- munity. No specific duties will be assigned. The only require- ment is a commitment from those interested in helping out. . __ ... ~,. IJddve<;'5 ~-/AA . .__ . u ._. _ .... ..__.... .._ .-_.. . . - r~. _~__o_?~'f~ ~__o__o~qC2____~~-_?Gh oH_o_oo___~!?-d- .- _.._.~t_k:~~"'-c:Xrk.-l.t.;l.;lQS;.,..""'. c.t_ .... ..... .... c:k...-. fod tb-...t -----ft2;2{ ~ ..l)~g,__. DL ~_ESdyY_--:J~ J___2~~___R~______._L.ftJoP (JA<- /c- ._,._ ._))~ ':"-0-...& ~ s :'::"i\"_._.22'~:?o _ ~ "'-- ~ ~ .____ c l....:=....€.o0 <?"-~-< _______.___ _ _.0_ ~,,=s.o~_--.1:t:r~~~~_.o_. __~~_ .\\ .. l I __.. ... ..... '. .. _~~7~~----- ._- . ~ -.._-~ f ~'X. ?;i~5~~.a.-..-~f/;:; 111 . .. .__, ___.~'__'___O<" ~.~____~~..__.~_._. - _.~-_._----~--"--._, ~.--_.. --e.