1988 11 01 Agenda . 1. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. 6 . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to order. Approve Minutes of October 18, 1988. Site Plan Review, Carrico Addition. Review Aerials for Southern Park Land. Update on Lake Riley Chain of Lakes Clean Up Project. Update on LAWCON Grant Projects. CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: Nov. 1, 1988 c.c. DATE: 3 CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema/k . STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 12 acres into 16 single family lots. I- Z <( u :J a... a.. <( LOCATION: Lake Lucy Lane, ! Mile West of Yosemite APPLICANT: Tom Carrico ~ ~ W I- - C/) PRESENT ZONING: RR, Rural Residential ACREAGE: 12 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- PUD-R S- RR E- RR W- PUD-R EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS: There are no parks in this area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this as a park deficient area and advises the acquisition of park land. . . . Park and Recreation Commission November 1, 1988 Page 2 BACKGROUND The Park and Recreation Commission recently reviewed a request to acquire park property in the Pheasant Hills area. The Carrico proposal lies directly to the south of the Pheasant Hills develop- ment and would add 16 additional lots to an already park defi- cient area. The proposed development includes a wetland that is to be altered by filling and creating a ponding area. The developer has pro- posed to dedicate this 1.8 acre area for park land as the soils would support park facilities, but not homes. In preliminary discussions with the developer, staff has indicated that a 5 acre parcel is needed in the area. The developer indicated that 3.5 acres could reasonably be given up, eliminating 3 lots, but 5 acres would be less acceptable. He indicated that the 1.8 acres could be dedicated and the additional 1.7 acres could be purchased for an amount yet to be determined. The thru street within the development intersects Wood Duck Lane and Lake Lucy Lane. As it is a thru street with houses fronting on it, the trail plan calls for a 5 ft. wide concrete sidewalk. RECOMMENDATION Based on the standard of one acre per 75 people, this area (Carrico, Pheasant Hills and Lake Lucy Highlands) produces the need for 3.5 to 4 acres of park land. The Commission must deter- mine if a parcel less than 5 acres is suitable. The 3.5 acre park site discussed would include a ponding area. As this area is currently a wetland, soil testing should be required to deter- mine if the area would indeed support park facilities. If such is not the case, additional property would be needed to meet the park needs of this area. It is the recommendation of this office to require the developer to provide soil testing results to ensure the useability of the proposed park land. Such tests should be reviewed by the City Engineering Department to make a determination. It is also recommended that this item be brought back to the Park and Recreation Commission for review when the financing details of the park land are more clearly worked out. Additionally, a 5 ft. wide sidewalk should be required along the west side of the pro- posed Carrico Lane in lieu of trail dedication fees. '4IrT- - -', -J. '1"\ , I \ ,~ L I ,,, ~:t .J' j:; / r ~ ' ~,- . h__ "_ ..." ~~~ J. .Qo I;; , . / ~_.....// ./ L-'" - L L- " /' i I~ i: ~;~ ::''':i, - j (.... ~~~ 1 :::: l"~ ~~r'\_Q,.,U't .:il#!:~=- ~z..~ "-~.' ...!~~ "'1ht. . / "'IV :::: ,,0 ~ ~'. I ;z.... -. e, '! :\ :, ~ .\...,. .~" ;.~ ~ I . r :, ;-,\ ,I '~\ ~ "/--'.,, . -, ,.4 ..... ." '.\ 1 P:'j'f.:':~.:~~.~;tl' T ,/ .4 D [: : -( ; .:) r'J' HI" , ,'-.. ~ n r. .": flv !; 4- WEST liNe oF SE' v. or 'liE 'I. ~ ,-Sf:'r,.,,~, rllo, RZJ I -. -., " .~ ,./ 1 - - -..., ~:..~-i~~.~ --.!!!.o~ ---t - -- .C1R,'.:L~ \ >~ . I ,. t I ! 1 <' "' I ~ u "' I,' , .., "' ~ .r J! : I ~: I I I ... ... ......... '. 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"..4....... ~ ...~ - ~ ...~ .. ~,+. !- 1" , ' _., ,'" I' I -1'S_50- N o'..&',o'E. .' " ~ _ AI :. ~ i .!:. :;1 .; ....1 ...., '"11 , (~'~ .1 ---- . CITY OF CHANHASSEN )./ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinato~~ October 27, 1988 ~ DATE: SUBJ: Potential Park Land in Southern Chanhassen Attached please find a map of the City outlining areas of poten- tial park land in southern Chanhassen. I will have aerial maps available at our meeting to identify features of each area. . It looks as though it will be difficult for the Commission to meet on a weekend or early in the evening. Therefore, I would encourage you to visit these sites on your own. Please feel free to call me if you need directions or would like me to accompany you. . /- -- 3-- .,. 8~00-4 I o ~ 900J ~ .. N CITY OF CHANHASSEN BASE MAP !~"eo..cy~.') K~~J ~'\ ,""\-t~ 9100-- 9200- 3 9300--' 9400-- ~o O-L."e~~ rer"'o-k. LI'\D(OC\(\~c...eS:)J OCJ..ULt... i,(\~e~fiy~- lOD 0... '- oc-~s I ( .(t.,-\ t; \e.. I ~'\ J e.. ~ p I A b II n ~ h4. ~ a..l ;~. -( ( ~- 9700 ~60 o...C-< es; ~CLe~r';;;:. ~ ?,C(\-E>€< \" o...C.- ~ i '" e ~ f\q,\~~L 6:.J c-...c_ '( eo 5 . I flD+- c.ev'\~o..\) (\O......~J."\ ~"'" d-\"~J ().C.~'\'..Je'~. (\(l ()...f:..L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i (>or'. C~ I,;).. '<:- ~e."';:)~ \Ol, f-.A~-\-\~ o..L4~lJe I I."",,', k-~ Cl~6}t\\'(l\ ~"'1\;\ V\~"~I\' ~ 20')- PREPARED BY: CHANiASSEN ENGINEERING DEPT. l, c tJ U-<" c- e., , ~ } 1000 I i 0 I I * CYO:Y- 400- ~oo- REVISED JAN., 'M8 600- 700 800 900 0000 1100- ~ - 1200- - -- 1300- - --.. 1400--- . 1000 I 4000 I I~OO- - ~oo I 2000 I 1600- - SCALE IN FEEt {/ " , l i_~z.... (' --r 7. ./ - '",...)\ rfl 6vp / ..' I . r) r',' I ( J : ..1:.. j '-/ '- ~/ '( , "- t. . ve ~ , ~..) \. \' eLf (t nr: Cl J."'r l~_ . "" o o I i I ~ ~ 1 . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ,..- J 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: October 27, 1988 SUBJ: Update on Lake Riley Chain of Lakes Clean Up Project As you may recall, the Park and Recreation Commission held a meeting in June with homeowners in the Lake Lucy area regarding public access to the lake. City Council directed the Commission to pursue access, as such is a requirement for the Lake Riley Chain of Lakes Clean Up Project and grant. . Since that time, I have received a number of inquiries regarding the status of obtaining access. I have not been able to proceed as quickly as was intended because we still have not gotten notice that the grant was given final approval. If the grant is not approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), access is not necessary. Recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recom- mended that MPCA allocate the funds elsewhere due to the lack of activity with the project. Watershed (the local agency in the grant) has indicated that they cannot proceed without execution of the substate agreement by MPCA. Bob Obermeyer, Watershed District Engineer, has asked MPCA to call a meeting of all par- ties involved to push forward with the project. Until this meeting is held, the substate agreement is signed, and final approval is given for the grant, staff is unable to proceed with the access process. Once grant approval is received and the work program is completed, I will be able to gather the infor- mation needed to proceed. cc: Lake Lucy Area Homeowners . CITY OF CHANHASSEN o . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: October 28, 1988 Commission Ls FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation SUBJ: 1989 LAWCON Grant Applications I was notified recently that our 1989 LAWCON Grant application for Lake Susan Park has been given preliminary approval. This is a 50% matching grant for a $222,000 project, i.e. grant amount is $111,000. . The City will submit a final application in January with required revisions. Final approval on the grant can be expected in March or April. The Lake Ann Park Shelter project was not approved. Grant admi- nistrators have advised us not to submit this project in the future, as it is not the type of project that will score enough points to qualify. They suggested finding alternative funding sources. .