1988 11 22 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Introduction to newly elected Council Members. 3. Approval of November 1, 1988 Minutes. 4. Review potential acquisition of parkland around Lake St. Joe. 5. Review responses to Tim Erhart's letter regarding equestrian use on trails. 6. Review election results. 7. Commission appointment procedure. - e~-\':'-b\~b'" ~xi k.....~'^- E., qu,\d<2- \iVles, ~ 'Se\ec*-'\o",- . A6c\-e d " 6. v.poo...k 0<',. ~k.... ~ \-e.,-\ ~l (\. 0 ~ IA--lu~ ~("oj c.J- Cj. lAp 6o,)..-t.- 0"'- Lu.. L ~IA V\. PlJ..-1'"' L (6 r~\ d Pl CJ....\A ' 1 G. LLr Cil0:.t 01'\ C-, B, 2- Lu...V-'€ 60 \ rc...:l \5, . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Elect Chmiel Councilwoman Elect Dim1er Councilman Elect Workman FROM: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Jim Mady, Larry Schroers, Carol Watson Sue Boyt, Ed Hasek, Curt Robinson DATE: November 17, 1988 We, the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission would like to invite you to our next Park and Recreation Commission meeting. The purpose of this invitation is to introduce ourselves to you and to answer any questions you may have of us. . c:J. . . . 5" TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Nov. 1, '988 Subject: Chanhassen Trail System Nature Trails Mr. Erhart's letter of Oct. 5, 1988 seems to be a personal affront againt the horse. His lack of in- formation and knowledge regarding horses only makes his letter more ludicrous. Horses have been a part of my everyday life since I moved to Chanhassen in 1971. At that time there were hitching rails in town, plus the "Frontier" image was just getting startea:- We chose Chanhassen because horses were a welcome image to "Frontier" times. Horses don't have sharp hooves, and riders don't run out to saddle their horses the minute it stops raining. The horse trail turf in Carver Park is minimally dis- turbed and not dug up at all. Does Mr. Erhart think grass won't die if joggers, bikers or walkers use the trail? If he wants "undisturbed turf" on a trail, then he is being unrealistic! . In my many years of horse ownership, I have found there is NOTHING better for kids than a horse. Besides teach- ing the kids responsibility, compassion, horse knowledge and maturity, they find the time spent with a horse be- comes more important than trying cigarets, beer, sex, dope or drugs. Horses are good for the community young people. Does Mr. Erhart realize the local economic impact gen- erated by the horse? There's the farmer who sells hay, corn and oats, the veterinarian, the farrier, the farm stores, the tack stores and the statewide horse racing industry. The horse supplements the ~ncome of many Carver County residents. Horse riders deserve the same trail accessibility as anyone. There is no denying that where there's a horse, there will eventually be manure. They are not toilet-trained, but then neither are deer, fox,raccoon, dogs, cats, or the huge flocks of ducks and geese! Let's make the Chanhassen trail for all nature lovers, athletic watchers and serenity seekers. all of these! system a welcome place enthusiasts, wildlife The horseback rider is Sincerely, y/id-f! c;W&0/ JoAnn Hallgren 6860 Minnewashta Pkwy 474-8315 . . . .:,.)' i;'<," . . .' "!.\ Parks and Recreation Committee City C,;:.uncil Planning Commission .10/31/88 , .' R. Headla The i'I~~~~V'ot' ~hi!i;'~ape~ \s I~~~' to"'di~C}t~i t tf~:::i~o~i;~l~n ..... .... "'i paper prepared by Tim Erhart regarding trails and horse-!f, but ;:.'4~'i!'~H to pr...sent "atlotherpoint of view and p6int'Out some ~.''t:..i<' ,r:~~"~S~;+P.OSi,~iv~aspectS,?f. permi ttillg. hor;~eS9n~jr..ai 1.s.'j,f,.f,~el...J. can '''(c~mrrient mlJ,cfJ;more~bQjecti Vel y than,:TimY!fpr~~ii n 'tfteYf.iot.,;.1lilace '.I};'?,h~~~Lh~t. taken.:'~' s~esi Ji$. .pos~t~on'J1a",yt},~c:~.Cl,r.::s;~ave.~~' be 01151 derei:1'.i.'n" estabh shing.,;a . horse/pedestr lan. 'trah,'.however ..':rim's .paper 'onlytouched on the emotional tss\.i~s. I have' been ~.:.~..:;';J~~ll.:in,xol v...dwith .hor,:-e:- for over .25 years,don~ a considerable ~.~"'~~>"~1'..~amount of trail .rldlng, atld have been the cIty horse :.JJiJti~'i:t,:;>jnspector ever since the city council .approved the horse. ""~!'1.'... "''ordinance. '\" . ..1~. ' . , !t .Please refer tCI Tim's paper and item no 1, "the sharp shoe incident". At one time the area clf west Lake Minn..washta supp,;:.rt'ed over 100 hors..s and it still has a significant hors.. population. Now if w.. assuCl',.. each h';:.rse. has fClur sharp shc,es and they. "l., .,.i'mo've arowld 'sc. e-ach sho.. strikes the ground on an av..rag.. of' ,on,:e e-very fOLlr s€;.:6nds fc.r t",n ho::.'Llrs a day ( a c.;:.nservati ve calculation), then there would b.. 3,600,000 "sharp shoes striking the groundeve-ry24 hours. If the "sharp shoe'" had thedisastorous impact that Tim's paper would have you to I ,,,,"'(' b",l ieve, th",n we w,;:.uld have no pastLlres and no lawns for i~ :.~~.~;I;~".; all WI;)Llld have eroded and been wash",d into Lake Minnewasht,~. :i~rL:'~{ No~:i..r", all kn,;:)"" that jLtstdid 11.:.t happen,oLlr pastures are r):i}... q::;'1;;::',.,: still viabl", and when it rains th", pasture retains the water.... t",:l~~ I. .i~ ..~;"andany runoff doe!'i/ not COtl t ai n the poi sonS,fOLt~1di.?1 aWI'\....;;~f};;r:.::f1~/. . ';1~r~~~:fi~~n~~er' 2'c on~~i.;,.s 'shte~e~ts" tf1at . '~;~e;:~i~;i~;~Jji-;~~~~;1~::.'<~;~~;~:";""~~~' . nd~j:ateS.lack;;'ofkribwhdge '::If tfl.. .real situation.)"hen one"".:--.\i;.t,;J,~~~':." . ,.'\~':t-..~;..'1';,g. 0"'5 riding, 011e, w~l~ brush their horse a~1d cl.ea~ ~Ile.i.r.f&"'t{~.;\i'::'.~.i.. ..."",:~8't'~'~'.J;.before and aft.er rldlng. otle- d,;:.",s not walt for It tof.stop .. " ':;,,\' , I}k~'~\';.~~.r!-ining an~ ~he-n go .trai 1 ~iding uimm,:,diate~y~'"I d~?~.t.~ know tX~:~ "'f';?~i.s,;."..anYOtl'" who l1k",s to stand III mud tryltlg to g&t' thelr, '/jorse ,\?~;;~:'T -"'.:'f~~~'1f ,>ready to ride. One. the other fland, it may be raining....,or "';U."t,,';': ..... :"jl..lstquit raining, and everything is softan.d,.~uddy; ..l!-you " ." .. :.. .~:iit;1: :;,arear'unner, especially acompetitiveon.~'foY~bav.'..n";1".ll- ,.,?ft k".!~~~ terrait' bicycle, YOLt geo out and us", the trail.:Jhe Hyland bi kepaths and Lake .Calhoutl are excellent~)(amples: oCh..ow... ...,.. damaging runner.s can b", when they "have toget".iii'~the~~i';'~~'1::.' mileage", for~1l11the horseback trail riding I have-,don~and._J seen, rLlntHi'rsand'di rt bi ke 'riders d,;:. .mLlch mori'damag'e,::~;)'es,~'} I have been part. O'fthat. running groLlp. Onejustifi.~tt\. .,~:t.~... .....tf5'~~-;,;,.yunRing on.'w~t grO\Jndl:le~au:o.. you "hav~. to get, YoU!;I.lli1ft~ge_:t-'i;'-r~;'~;f:;,'~' ~-..;.:;, ?~~!._i~~'~ _0 ~:''.e'~ . ;'-;~\ -:: .. ;~~f:;' :".. 1.r:n':..~' ~ 1f>!~'.-~P." "'- -,~"; _" . "-,' :--;">' -'~,~-: . ; ~iJJt-'j:~':rA-:-:. ~::~!.~.t,_, :-.~~n~~~\~-..' 7 ;7: ~;'"~I 1i. " ,:<tt~~~-, r_~:',,; _ /.:::~'~--<'S~~i:t.~>t':/'r:;r:~f ....; ;:- <";:j :'-~I~- -~~~:::-'~:'L':' -~~~:;~~~~~~~r. ," ~;=~~;::;=~~;~,;;~:;~~:~~;;~:t~~jt.. .f~J.>4.<:~:, . <~;~}.~:~~~~ .~~~.- . ..... r,,_.!. ~~;.. ~- '\,~kf-? . 'r fo' ''!',' . ~;t<tLX #HX:~~~?;;1';~ . ~ , , ~>".J!i~~:r~:< in." 'Unless you have experi",nced this compelling urg"" it is ,~;'''''''...,.,. very diffi,:ult to .:c'mprehend. ~":~~~'::;'-f;~::i(,{:', -,.}. "'i~i!;;i~r'",. On item numb",r 3, a r esp.:.nsi b 1 e hor seper s,:;.n does nClt get :1' fj~ '::)~\,,;'(;their horse into tht?se situatic,ns simply, if for no other f"...r"~~.~.~I&t,.,:.;"trea;;o..n, ...~.hi..S.. .1.'.S ~n ex.:el:",nt way t.:;, injLlr", y.,OLlr horse~. ..N....OW .;~J:':lfi' i~ tIS fan,t,:;,say there IS a cer,taltl p",rcentage that wq,~ " i'~",~~f,;i"r:::'.r:ide itl the~luck, likewise there is a certain percentageClf "'.;'/:,>';"pedestrians that pi,:k prc.tected fl.:;.w",rs and ca1;tails. Each ., ,'Y: 'group has a ,sma.Il percentage that pr".sent a bad imag"" don't j~;,.'>:A:.,...t.!...j. ....~(."..". jUdg. ....-.'a.ll;;,by\...... ,few~ . I.. thi nkthe >horse. peopl e c. .atl c.. on. .t r. ,.0. 1 ,Al~f);"'; . ,:a. gr",at e~;.te,t1t the '-"bad" horsepec'ple the sam~ as the. "., ~t;:;;';,,11M:'f!>nown\obile clubs have :done 5.:;. wEoll :in'creating"'ilil'c,sitivEo ,./:~p:'.'::i t magEo. 0 f. snowmobiler so" ". ' ',~ ,<', :_t;~~.(~il~~'e:.>~!\ ,'~)~~"," -' , ';\' , ' ." !"J:-;'W' '~').'''' ;.(.-:j~'!I'--':;L~.,"'::;:' <., ~:;;/-r'\', ;;"Item number.4 :ries to imply an imp,:;.ssible situa~ion. ~f we ;,r",., 'loc,k at th". 10u h':.rse e~;ampl", and a h,:;.rse g.:;,es SIX to eIght ':;t:';.,.: :';:, times a day, that means thet-'" would be 800 piles Cof horse '~~ manure a day flCowing into Lake Minnewashta. Why, it WCould be a virtual cesspool within two years. The truth is Lake '.Minnewashta is sti 11 the- s",.:c,nd ,:l",an",st lake itl the metr.=, -area. If Tim's real int",r",st is in ke",ping feces out of the :Jlakes and streams, I think h. would want to shoot every duck ~iandgoose in the county, two hours of having geese on my '.~beach or swimming platform is literally disgusting. ~'~Incid~ntally,since I see an ordinance mentioned here, I ~ould like t~ bring up Ordinanc", Number 56. It is a horse ~rdinance that requir",s people owning a hors", in Chanhassen to fill out a hors", ownership application annually. On Page ,1 of the l",tter to the Parks and Recreation Committ",e and the City Council, dated October 5, 1988, the last sent",nce starts , "Due to the h.:;,rse traffic (inclLlding OLlr own)"" et.:. N,;:)w, I "~,have be",n the .:ity horse inspector since approval of the . ~horse ordinance. I have never seen an application nor have I . ':"yisited tfl'" Tim Erhart r",sidence f.:,r a. fK.rse inspection.. N,:,w . ,i., ~r;'}i'(i .;-'fjl in fa.:t yc.u d.;:) have a horse C.tl y':;'Llr prc'perty. I ,wou!d ,lil.<e 'f.~~5~ ,;~',;>'i' ,~;>~:to ktlOW why you a.v~ ded obeyi ng the or9i nanc e atld ~ .:.. :oec'ot),d, "1#,'",,,;,,' ~~.~,..~.~,:./I/....., ijff~#,~';~1".;~xpect an application to be completed and senttocl,ty:~all:#,:,:'"/', ":fI.""..n~: . ~(~i,th ,~h,e ~et}. ,clojlfr fee) bef.:;.re the etld, of N.=,vemb,er., ,.I!--::' .,.....,. .:1.;, c,":...;.",.' ;::-,,,,,,",',~,',"',"".,.'''''~'...~:,,. -:.~~f _:'-,.-; ~1 .,.-~. f~." ',1' 'f ,. . -". " ...... ~ ';;:__:~t. _', .~"'.. ; "jltemnumber .5 demonstrates the 1 ac k of ktK,wl edge of, what.. ,,;;;(,:4;.:, \~r,~any flapP€'tls ,wfl,;,.n trail riding.' We had a nestitlg 'duck in 'r..~our p.asture one:year and used to ride up to'it on hors'e.back :..";ifil~ ...",:;,,"'," 'and observe her sittitlg on the t1est. I .:,rigitlally fOWld the ' Jj ?~i~;~l~'H'::"nest be,:ause I was wal king on the gr.:;,und and frightened .her >'.;.}:~ -;~",~:':,r.:'::" ,into flight. S",veral times .:;,n horst-back on the Minnesqta . ",._ '~;~~fkW';~"'~~~:,: b~~t~~~ ~;l~~~eb~~~et;~i~i~\~~:tl~::~a~~~ ~~:~~'i:~tl~ ;~j!,)~ l"~::~ ':Zde-er while Y'unnit1g and sent the-m off- in ful1_flight.r~ Whil.e Yi;:.{:~~ '~;:,,; \rUtlt1ing the W.:u:.d Lake Pr",s-a-rv", w",startl",d ducks and g~EoS~. ~':"i.,"t ., ~'''.?'~:!:>iCOt1t ~ nuoLlsl y ~ Wi 1 d 1 i f ~ tends, t.::, not spc.c.k at, anoth~<ranimal.;.....,.;.~:: >-;:'';iJi::''~~ /~','Walk1ng by, but they are condItIoned t,:;. be startled by human '-' ..~; <;''.;kcloseness. ;~;_. '", .it;" .;.'.o:"~~' ':f;j~$ 'fit;.::>.;,;:~;._. ;:{r.',~ '/:'~,,,' :;~:Z51' 1h.~;t5:' .ljl'i;;::::,:~~~::~~,,,,~,,~.~.~~~~~~~t~~t~ . . .A;.) OIl, ;~'fu;~;y~(t". ,1'" "'$!".qr"",,,(c,, , .~.t:' 'j .For number 7 I ....'::on't use my 100 rlCorst.' example again. '~:i.:X~i''"i'''N::'W for SCHlie .:.f the m.;:.re p.;:.sitive aspeds. .:!t:.~-.,.""~,, i/i,":\ '. .'. I< ~",;,;;',My con"ipc\t1y has assi gt1ed '::ot1e of thei I" personnelt.;:. the " "Minneap':Jlis area. He callE.-d me this mQrning (10/31/88) and :~IJ~~:' ~,;i,was:a"Skit1g about 'a particular pla.:e itl}:Chatlhass~n. The '.~,~..;.. "";.,,,:~Yeasot1he had pickE.-d this place was it had thyee':woc.ded .acyes " i~/' ',;' ":;,;';',,.'J,(i1';r,Landan.excellent place to kE.-ep a h.;:.ysE.-. The family isfyom ,i!i'<~j~ t: it:;. .;:,'~;< Huntsville and the daughter is into fwrses. It is mandatoyy '>I,'~ ."1", J~~~t:~{}4;'~~~J.,it'Jtl).~iY family' that .they find a place where thei "'paughter, > .:/ ..... \...'rl' 4il;i:)~~"f;:;:','ran.lV"ve aryorse~ ';,(Th~i y! yat"i onale is thE.-~ wan~her ~I'--:t.."., ,:;:ti;r.:ii'~,;,.~Ii" . ~PM\:;'!~<; ,inteyested +'t1 )10YSE.-S ,Just~s, long ,as P?sslble~'~:There 1:S,~ /;\y ,,~i;T,,:;::tt;..; ..3,~\~~~t:. .:o,f ,:tl,~~a ft er;.tha~;iorl:i,~Y.rt.~" f 1 rBg':;l~,:,a~,~~~.~,oY;~'7t?t'J.'!-~;w,1iljf. :,:~ '~.~;there 'aye 1;1.1':) YOLlt1g girls that each have a yearling and they :~~'~):;r~ ~:,,'\;,alk past our pla':e just abc.ut every day. f one takes time to watch them, they are trying to leayn about the animal :they c, love. What better ....ay to have thesE.- young ladies spet1d their time as opposed to being involved ....ith otheys and doing ....hat "peer pressure di.:tates. I feel we should struo:ture our .tyails". to help thE.-se young people rather than present the negative.)i nature c,f h,:.rses. 'i~' /:~j;, , , ".,4i ,.~ ri:.';. . .~"''',.'' 'I" , . i "1 ",l. I - -1"--. ~ ~ r, ' We USE.- t.o have a "Fr'c'ntier' the!'n..", in our city. Businesses . ",', (. h d r- 't' . t' ' tf ~ Fr.-.t1tl''''r SaddlA' Club ',,\,4.,' ,a . ~,..':C.t1 le.ru1 rlelr narne, lere ....as ~ - ~ ~ "'1 "" and when there was a parade Y';:'LI could count on the saddie .) . ~'t. ",: .:. " . 'club":arlc:r~h;" Carver C.:,unty Posse to::> supp':,rt the parade (and ." ;-n,'" .,~} ". k"h Id ) N . ,. . '. ," ,fJ:(*!~Ii_~~~~1!~,,~~;e up .~w .a lot of that support ha~.b_~e.t::Y'l,~st"Y;'tJtt';,~.~~~, ..,... ... iil(lliybeiore this trai I syste-m is really set', -whY"~';vEin~t'';,~;~ """NJ.(;{ ~t":he~se.peopl e, been h~~rd) fro0l7. We need at Jeast_Rtl....~t,raili.....l.r,;;..i1' ,"_~~}t, OW~~"~O. ,the MinnE.-sota Rlver bottom.-- ::"\~ ~ ".<' '1",;", :'l;:;j/~;c':': ..... '. ,:::!'(t:i': , :' '. ('_.I";:' en..:the, horse, ordit1ance ....as being forra"Ltlated horse pepple }/:~~i; ,~d flpn,}'lorse peopl e 10101" ked tc'gethey for a fai Y, ef fecti ve:''r:':>,~t " . y,dinance. Why is there not such an ad hoc cc'mmittee t'o ""~~ , ,.:~~\,('l"~rO.lV~ .thellt:li" se t I" ai I issue?,. ~:~~;~ -.:;:;",Y'.hi;.,/ ;~) ';," L;,. ....',:' "r' . ,', 3~~.:*-. '''~~_7 .-..:>~ ..,~~., '.'.if,; '. , ,I ' /'J,j~" :~.;);~_-'., o~:S-~~;~~1i:: My daughter ....as one of just several young ladies in our area that lived eVE.-ry day just so they could bE.- ....ith their horse. This ,:an be E.i 'Very p.::>sitive asset t,:. the city. S,;:. matlY of OUI' young pE.-ople can feel ....eekends are made for horseback riding. Others may fE.-el "....E.-ekends are made for Michelob". Which should ....e support? :) . ..~ . ') ".\\-" 'i(~:; ~',~- :~)~:ce:,,'c;:~~;~k .....,.-. ,...-';:.1(,:- ~f~7" ~ :""i~~ -;::: >- ~ ~...';:: ':'~:': . ,;.. 'J~:~)-'" _-'<t:~;'~, ~~~':: '0~::~~~~., ~: '~:.}i&, .-"-. ~$.:W",,"4r. ,2i'~!:"~;~fii,;{:?b.l!::;""~.,,-~~';.'i.,,., ~:'~"c"'-' ...." ......- ,,---0.........:1,1"'.:. V",*1KIlki~,';Io.oR'~.~..., , , . ~.'..'. ~'~.i,::.;,... ~;.""i/:. 7~.. ""~. 0, . '....~.~iJ:..' ~j'!}._.._.,-:. ~W:- ,~_. ..::...- ;.....~~'~-;..> ll~ i(,~\jj'. ''''''ir.J', .' ...... :"*#~~:~!;.,~,~~~f~'~~:~r(' ,- ,., >--' ~..'" . j'(" ',~JL~ ':~,~o.;{,i. .:~;:~~>,'~!f--~ ..'~... ~~"~ <, ..i!.,........,-~.'. . ~-~ " ~,.. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH lo 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 10, 1988 SUBJ: Election Results As you probably know by now, the referendum on the Safe Sidewalk and Trailway Plan failed by 8 votes on election day. The Trailway Task Force worked long and hard to get the information out to residents -- they are to be commended on a job well done. . I do not know why the plan failed: but I believe there were still a number of people who did not understand what was being proposed. Attached please find a tally of how the votes came in. The Commission may want to set aside some time to discuss this issue further. . ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~nN ~~~N~O ~~~~~~N~om . ~~ m~~ ~O~ n~ m~n~~~~ O~ ~O ~ ~ ~~~. v~O~O~ 0 ~~ N ~N ~ N ~ . i .. ~~ ~ ,~ ~ 0 "n 0 ~ 0 1,~,n m n 0 ~ 1 ;:,. ~~~ ~~. ~~ ~ .~:n~~n ~ j ~ ~ L ~ II. i ~" ,,11 ,,~-i1 ~:~~1~:-~~ 1 ~ nN~ mON1 1nno~N ~~~l~~~o~o ..., "'CO-tl (ON6f) "'.... 11") N.oU">D-COMI"'> N-t 1 U N"'O v.n .....1"'>.... . M........ II"> C ~ ~ ... . ~ ~ ~ j 1'1 ~~~o 1NN~m~ ~11~~m1N~m 1{ . CD~. mon o.om CD _I"') 11">.....'" -tlM m m~ m~n m n~N~ n c L ! II. i i 0 Ill).. III L .. 0 .0 ~ ... .. Or~ ~ ~u :>0. L ..... ~ ""' III .. ~...,c >c ~Q ~~5 ~ :~~ ~ 0 III--U 01 <<Ie :3~" IllU "'w 0' -c: W'II eJtEII3 OIl III C . .~"'lll - iEU~~L LOll - ....'011 Z > ....>>-c: > EJt .CC .lIe > ~~o z : !~~-: ~~~~480~- : ~.> 0 ~u U IIJtu 2.~- ....~u ""' - ell 1II.""c. - ~~~~CX""CIl -.- ~~ .~ O::lc--...... euc.">ltI...... ...... millO-ill OO.....L-. ~O...."~."-L-Ill "'0'" w>zmo >com3mo ~~U~~343mo 0_0 ~ 4 ~~~ 0 r u . . "i', . .-" t .. .;..~ '~'lf..~ . " . ~' 4: i"- Ut. ~l oJ.i-,_ , ",.r ~' .~: , .. .. .. 1 - 1 -~ -- ~ :~ ~t "1 -.., ~ ::::j '.~~ - I ~~ - 6 -hf.. t - t 7 ..~ .~ .;: aTY /IF .MMI 5. -- ~I \..~-,',_., \' I _:' j ~ -- . , Ii'". i - - T ..' . ~~.'~ ,~jf. .~~.o-. _ ,~'--.s..____ . . , CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O, BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Applicants PROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 10, 1988 ~ SUBJ: Application Procedures Thank you for your application and interest in serving on the Park and Recreation Commission. Typically the Park and Recreation Commission advertises for applicants to the Commission when a position is available. Once . applications are received, the Commission interviews the appli- cants and ranks them. The applications are then presented to the City Council, who reviews the minutes of the interviews and the ranking. The Council then makes the appointment to the Park and Recreation Commission. It has come to my attention that a Commissioner's term will expire at the end of the year, in addition to the already vacant position. Therefore, I will advertise this position, continue to take applications through November and the Commission will inter- view for both positions in December. Please call me if you have any questions. I will contact you as to time and date of your interview. ~ ~ \'eL,'. lh,";' ',~ ju~ 40 I.d YD"'- lu-\o<.U l.O~e. wI!.. o...re. 't V\ ~ I->,"or...e"-S o..n6 ~i'ie 'lOv\.. (l..\'\ i6~o.... o~ wv>o we've ~~~,~.(b<, o.pP\;u...,,~, 'I. N..-Jt- o..'bW 41~ 'l\\~ -+0, ,,,,,n ~ ()K~ c.\-t ~~'^ l?'~ (). ~\i<\.l o+- Dee., II<>. ~ I . . . . Partnerships for the Future Judith Robbins Rose of Littleto~' Colo., has won the 1988 NRP A An. nual Report Cover Contest. Her win- ning photo appears on the cover of the Annual Report, which is now available. The theme of the 1988 report is "Partnerships for the Fu- ture.' A panel of judges comprised of recreation professionals and lay people in public relations, jour- nalism, education and marketing said Rose's photo best-captured the contest's theme, "The Essence of Parks and Recreation." Developed to renew enthusiasm for the report, the contest drew 15 entries - all of which, according to one judge, deserved 'honorable men- tion. ' Ms. Rose, an amateur photog- rapher, is a community relations specialist for the South Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park District in Littleton. The Annual Report historically is sent to Trustees (past and present), Regional Directors (who distribute to Regional Councils), Branch Liaisons (who distn"bute to Branch Boards) and the National Forum (comprised of the Regional Council Chairs and Branch Presidents). Copies are also provided to potential corporate sponsors. Other excellent entries were sub- mitted by: Diane Palacio of San Francisco, Calif.; Myshell Lyday of Denver, Colo.; Tom Grennan of Rochelle, Ill.; Conner Shepherd of Grand Junction, Colo.; Marge Dem- bowski of Toledo, Ohio; Keith Bleichner of New Orleans, La.; Bar- bara Miller of Ridgway, 111.; Charles Szabuniewitz of College Station, Texas; Margaret McCormick of Tacoma, Wash.; Greg Query of Rochelle, Ill.; Clarence Towers of San Francisco, Calif.; Martha Towell of Rockford, 111.; Mary Jane Rust of Maniton Springs, Colo.; and Marilyn Pavia of Tuckerton, NJ. The Annual Report is available to the public upon request by sending a 9" x U' postage paid envelope to: NRP A, Annual Report, 3101 Park Center Dr., Alexandria, VA 22302. SUrviving Your Term In Office Citizen- er Branch (C-BM) of NRPA has published an informative and lively guide for park and recreation board members: HOW TO SURV/JIEAS A PARK AND RECREA TION BOARD MEMBER. The 36-page booklet is fun and easy to read. Here are some excerpts: · Learn to count fast _lfyou are one of seven, unless you can get three others to agree with you, move on to the next agenda Item. · Never reduce your budget by cutting 10 percent of everything. · Watcb the chair carefully _ you may get the gavel next. Authors Donald F. Bresnan and Regina B. Glover draw on more than 40 years of combined experience on park and non-profit boards to offer suggestions, advice and warnings regarding the role of park and recreation board members. For the nearly 30,000 members of park and recreation boards in the United States, this booklet gives im- portant insights for solving problems board members face as they try to do a good job providing park and recreation services to their com- munities. Particularly helpful for newly appointed board members, the publication covers such basics as meeting preparation and execution, pitfalls, money, relationship witb ad- ministrator and community support. Note: Pi(~,~ If t . (' ,. jJ:-{ f;...;:Ol..J \ +- 'Y tv. ,1 \. y:...<= ,...\ -c 10 --- Dateline: NRPA FYI NRP A President James A. Peter- son described the booklet as, 'the most practical, easily understood publication ever written by and for park and recreation board mem- bers." HOWTOSURV/JIEASAPARK AND RECREA TION BOARD MEMBER is available for S8 per copy or in sets of five for S36 per set. NRP A members may deduct 20 per- cent from these prices. Orders should be sent to the NRPA Publications Center, 3101 Park Center Dr., Alexandria, Va. 22302. Orders under S2S must be prepaid. Orders more than $25 must be prepaid or accompanied by an agency purchase order. undlng Prepares Inorlties, Disabled for Therapeutic Recreation Careers The Department of Recreation and Leisure at the University of Utah has received a special grant from the Office of Special Education' and Rehabilitation Services of the United States Department of Educa~ lion to support a program to prepare lninorities and individuals with dis. abilities for' eareers in Therapeutic Recreation. The Utah University projectisknown as "Training, Educating and Advancement of ~inorities in.' Therapeutic Reaeit" tion,' or TEAM TR'i TEAMTR prepares stude.nts;lt ~different levels, including:l~l t....paraprofessional; levelZ"" ~rofessional(lJachelor'sDegree); and level 3 * professional (Masters Degree). At ~ch level both didacti~ and experiential methods will be util~ ized,a1ongWith supervised direct service to prepare minority and dis- abled students for eareers in TR. ,,-- Funded student positions arc available at all three levels.1f you have comments or questions, contact either David M. Compton, project director, or Terry Robertson, project coordinator at: TEAM TR, College of Health, HPR N-226, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 or call (801) 581- ~2 - * l' u",''''''~ 4;t.. \ S I . "'- IXISIING smlAllY \IWlM NOtmI SC....: '''100' 6' .~.. ;.. . --. lJaIUlII"KII,.l~ l.cd....~U1an/bK.rdi. I.'~" . tlHI.um QSM. g~t.I.. ,,_,.croft .. A...oct."... IDO. - - ..:;:-::::.: :..~:=:: :,'..:.:': .....- LAKE ANN PARK Chanh....n, MN ?~!~~i-Elf=.E.~ . . ~ . bllunllnous IICwstrianlbKyclc U.'I 01- -1- ~.~ <.lIt; III III \ tree'arm New Berm E)(ISTIN<; SANlT ARY SH\'tK ---..:. TOTAL PARKING SPACES 382 (SERVE PL. 't'ING FIELDS) 6' 2;::' ~~ - QS;t1. On Scbelen W.,eron . i...oc/.et.., IDC. _ _ ..::;_::::.: ::::::':"_:'1-:,::': .,.__ LAKE ANN PARK Cllanhatlen. MN ,""- --- . .; ~ . LAKE ANN. CHANHASSEN PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE AUGUST 8. 1988 Park Roads 1370 L.F. x 24 3.653 sq. yd. @ $7.00 sq. yd. Parking Lots (No curb and gutter 30 on 40 base) 11 (50 spaces) 1849 s.y. 12 (28 spaces) 926 s.y. 13 (50 spaces) 1849 s.y. 14 (74 spaces) 2346 s.Y. TOTAL 6971 S.y. @ $7.00 sq. yd Common Excavation (Does not include ballfields) 38.888 cu. yd. x $1.50 Seed - 12 ac (No ballfields) $800/ac SUBTOTAL 3 Softball Fields/l Overlay Soccer Field Includes rough and fine grading. backstop. seed + 1100 L.F. galvanized chain link fence 7' high Soccer Field Includes rough and fine grading. goal posts. seed SUBTOTAL TOTAL ROADS. PARKING. fIELDS Future Entry Road - 710 L.F. x 24' . 1893 S.Y. @ $7.00/S.Y. landscaping (Preliminary) CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL Engineering fee - 7.0% Planning Fee CONSTRUCTION AND FEES TOTAL Electrical Service Extension Collins Electric has provided cost estimate for electrical extension to park shelter . $ 25.570 48.797 58.333 9.600 $142.300 $ 10.900 12.988 . 23.888 x 3 fields 71.664 11 .900 $ 83.564 $225.864 $ 13.250 30.000 $269.114 18.838 $287.952 3.500 ~~59 .