1987 03 03 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes of February 20, 1987. 3. Park Need Survey Recommendation, Pat Pfahl. 4. 4th of July Fireworks Contract. 5. Annual Easter Egg Hunt. 6. Update on City Council Action Regarding Park Related Items. 7. North Lotus Lake Park Revisions. 8. Trail Plan Review, Mark Koegler. 9. Herman Field Access Plan. 'D. 'S ,,~\ l..- 'Q (boIL.. CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION R ULAR MEETING FE UARY 10, 1987 2, MEMBERS Corpian, Recreation Commission meeting was called to order b . ESENT: Jim Mady, Curt Robinson, Ed Hasek, Carol W tson, Gloria Larry Schroers. Election of and Vice-Chairperson. ike Lynch for All voted in favor and MEMBERS ABS Mike Lynch Curt Robinson m ~ed, Ed Hasek seconded to nominated Chairperson of to and Recreation Commission. motion carried. Curt Robinson moved, Carol Watson seconded to n Chairperson of the Pa k and Recreation Commis motion carried. inate Jim Mady for Vice- All voted in favor and Approval of Minutes: Curt Robinson moved, Jim dy seconded approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission m etings dat January 6, 1987 and January 20, 1987. All voted in favor exc pt the n w Commission members who abstained and motion carried. . Carol Watson: There were comme t made about specific parks, you and I talked briefly about it, about Gr en wood Shores Park which is just about a block down the road from me I g s and the no parking signs and whether they deny access and whether p rk m ney should be predicated on access. I've lived there for 15 years and thI is the fi rst time we have been on the park budget. Jim Mady: Clark raised t into the park. we should be putting any money Carol Watson: Clark a d I have waltzed this one around several times. Jim Mady: We, pret means we fix it as a commission, fe t that if we have a park that what happened last Councilman John night on this you maybe What are you talking about? Councilma Johnson: On the capital improvements That's what you're d'scussing right? The no parking signs and the endment to the capita improvements budget that was approved last night was only areas with ree access will be allowed to spend their budget. other words, i.. the 0 parking signs stay up in Greenwood Shores and Carve~ Beach, then ~ I . . . tv 3 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: February 25, 1987 Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Committee Patrick J. Pfahl Proposed Draft of Parks and Recreation Survey Attached you will find a copy of the proposed draft of the Parks and Recreation survey commissioned by the Chanhassen Parks Department. The survey form is written as a telephone script for completing the study. The survey will be discussed at the next meeting of the Parks Committee, please bring any suggestions or comments to that meeting. TOPICS STUDIED The major topical areas covered in the survey include; -Facilities -Programs -Funding ~Personal/Household Information Other specific conclusions which may be extrapolated either directly or indirectly from the data are public interests in: -trail system, -indoor recreational community center, -local demographics (for comparison), and -relative importance of major park and recreation services. SURVEY FORMAT The survey has been developed in the form of a telephone script. It takes approximately seven minutes to complete one survey. At an estimated five surveys per hour, with six people calling 6 hours per day, approximately 180 surveys will be done per day. In order to achieve a statistically valid sample of the population 340 of the 3000 households in Chanhassen must be contacted. A telephone survey was chosen as the form for the survey over a personal interview and mail survey due to cost and time requirements. Please review the enclosed draft and feel free to make any comments or suggestions. If you have any further questions regarding the survey, please contact me at 224-6040. Thank you. , CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION STUDY PROPOSED SCRIPT Hello! My name is [your name], and I am working with Chanhassen's Park and Recreation department. We are doing a public interest survey on the city's parks and recreation needs. I would like to ask you a few questions which will greatly help in defining the future direction of . our city's park and recreation facilities. Do you have a few minutes to answer some questions? 1- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2. 3. 4. [I. HOUSEHOLDS] How long have you lived in Chanhassen? Less than 1 year. 1 to 5 years. 6 to 10 years. 11 to 25 years. more than 25 years. I do not live in Chanhassen. How many people live in your household? (1) (write nuIDber) Do you have any children in your household? [under 18] (1) no (2) yes (how many?) (3) _ (write number) How (1) (2) (3 ) (4) could your residence be described? Single family house. MaBile aElme. Multi unit dwelling. (apartment, townhouse, duplex, etc) Other . [II. FACILITIES] 5. I will read off a list of recreation facilities and for each one please tell me if you think there are either TOO MANY, JUST ENOUGH, or TOO FEW adequate facilities of that kind convenient to you. Please answer for your household even if you are not interested in a particular facility. (1) Beaches............TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (2) Boat Launches......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (3) Paved bike paths...TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (4) Camp grounds.......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (5) Walking paths......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (6) Tennis courts......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (7) CC Ski trails......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (8) Natural areas......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (9) Fishing docks......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (10) Jogging trails.....TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW Does your HOUSEHOLD think there are: (11) Golf courses.......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (12) picnic areas.......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW . "( 13) Hiking trails......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (14) Nature centers.....TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (15) Skating rinks......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (16) Baseball fields....TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (17) Playground Equip...TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (18) Ice arena..........TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (19) Open Air Shelter...TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW . (20 ) Neighborhood parks. TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW ( 21) Racket ball courts.TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (22) Swimming pool......TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (23) Wht lifting equip..TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW (24 ) Indoor tennis crts.TOO MANY JUST ENOUGH TOO FEW [III. PROGRAMS] The next question deals with programs. 6. I will read you a list of activities, and for each activity please indicate wether or not you would participate if the activity were.o~fered in c~anhassen, the~ wether or not you currently part~c~pate. Aga~n, let me rem~nd you that you are answering for your household. Would your household participate in: (1) Open swimming in pool......YES NO (2) Swimming lessons...........YES NO (3) Martial arts (karate)......YES NO (4) Aerobics...................YES NO (5) Childrens dance.classes....YES NO (6) Youth gymnastics...........YES NO . (7) Basketball.................YES NO (8) Tennis (league or lessons).YES NO (9) Softball...................YES NO (10) Soccer.....................YES NO Again keeping in mind your entire household. (11) Little league baseball.....YES NO (12) Youth Hockey...............YES NO (13) Adult Hockey...............YES NO (14) Racketball.................YES NO (15) Indoor tennis .............YES NO (16) Weight lifting.............YES NO (17) Indoor running/track.......YES NO (18) Indoor skating.............YES NO [Past 12 months] Does your household currently participate? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 7. What park do you most often use in Chanhassen? [write out] [v. COMMUNITY CENTER] 8. Do you think that the City of Chanhassen needs an indoor recreational community center offering such facilities as a swimming pool, tennis courts racketball, a gymnasium, meeting facilities,. or an ice arena? (1) '2) . YES NO [comment] [IV. FUNDING] 9. Next I will read a list of major services provided by the parks department. For each of the services please indicate if you think we should spend LESS, the SAME, or MORE for each service. L S M (1) L S M (2) L S M (3) L S M (4) L S M (5) L S M (6) Organized recreation programs [more activities like swimming lessons, little league etc]. Acquiring additional park land. Physical improvements to enable specific programs [ball fields-picnic areas-beaches] Improvement and enlargement of trail network. Landscaping and maintenance of existing parks. Park supervision and police surveillance. . 10. Park and recreation operating costs are increasing. There are generally three ways to meet these increased costs; REDUCED SERVICES, INCREASED TAXES, OR USER FEES. Do you feel the following method is acceptable to meeting increased costs? (1) Reduced services (2) Increased taxes (3) User fees (4) Other [specify] 1l. (1) (2) (3) (4) 12. ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) YES YES YES NO NO NO [VI. The last questions are What is your age? 17 or under 18 - 34 35 - 59 60 or over PERSONAL] personal in nature directed toward you. . Do you work full time or part time? Full time paying job Part time paying job Currently no paying job Homemaker Student Retired 13. What city do you work in? [write in] Thank you for your participation in the parks survey, your input is greatly appreciated. Goodbye. [14. (1) (2) Was the respondent?] Male Female Comments or particular circumstances: . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~~~~_ February 26, 1987 FROM: SUBJ: Fireworks Display Quotes . I will have quotes from at least two fireworks display companies on Tuesday evening. I apologize for not including them in this packet, however, the companies will not have them to me until Monday. We have in the past awarded the contract to Banner Fireworks Display Company. Unless the quotes come in vastly dif- ferent, I would like to continue to use Banner as they have been very professional and responsible in the past. . BANNER FIREWORKS DISPLA Y CO. ROUTE 1 BOX 183 ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA 55398 (612) 389-4060 CHANHASSEN---1987 SHOW .......-..... ~....-., r'" .>' ", ..;tl'......: .:/.... .-.. -. )..-" ;...............~< ....,...f,: 1 .....:~................ ....:.:... '........... ,...,-......... A /..... t. \ 1 .'. ..........i, ". '. 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J t 'i?" . \ :!: \'. ,', ''\ \ \, FINALE 48--)" SAWTES 84--)" ASSORTED FANCY COlDRED SHELIS 6--4" FANCY COLOR FINALE 6--4" MAGNUM SAWTES 1--8" SAWTE 1-10" FANCY CHRYSANTHEltUM SHOW OPENER 1 CASE THUNDER CANDLES (11.52 ATOMIC SAWTES) 6--- 61 SHOT GREEN---GROUP OF ) 4--- COMET RACKS---96 SHOTS ~ 5--)" SILVER SPACOLE 1--)" 2 BREAK SHELIS 1--)" ) BREAK SHELIS 1--)" 4 BREAK SHELIS 1--)" 5 BREAK SHELIS 14--4" ASSORTED FANCY OOlDRED ORIENTAL SHELIS 6--4" ASSORTED FANCY COLORED SHELIS 6--4" SPIDER 1--4" COMET 1--4" COWR CHANG 2--4" 2 BREAK--COlDR TO COWR 1--4" 2 BREAK---COlDR TO REPORT 1--4" TOURBILLION 1--4" WHISTIE TO COlDR 1--4" THUNDER AND RAINBOW 1--4" SERPENT AND COWR 1--4" ) BREAK SHELL 1--4" 4 BREAK SHELL 1--4" DRAWOUT---COWR TO 6 REPORT TO OOWR TO REPORT 1--4" SILVER SP.J:DER 1--4" BATTLE IN CLOUDS 1--4" ARTILLERY 1--4" HUMMER ,\ I \\ \ .' . -:,. , .;: \ ';;', '. \ ': \ I " . . . . , , ' , \ '. ; . ~, ;" : I 0, . \ '.~ : .! .;:: \ ~ RECr:::-o'E::l '. . :,j: .. !:! I;' ~ .\~ .'., :\. :.1 ." /, '" '" :~ il' .~ ') I. , a ;:1 :'f ,0: ::1 U i:i .': !il I: I ~; I .: I !: ! I. , j I! . I .1, ". ::i . . ". :;;. J.1 " }~'1 :'.:t. ., j:) :f .~ :t :1i ;'f J., continued. · . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN MAR 0 2 IJ87 :..' .:., I:li . . . PAGE TWO---CHANHASSEN---JULY 4, 1987 14--5" ASSORTED FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS 6-5" FANCY COlDR BALL 1--5" FANCY COlDR SHELL 1--.5" COLOR CHANGE TO WHITE MAGNUM 1--.5" TOURBILLION WITH TITANIUM REPORT 1--.5" WHISTLE AND STARS 1--.5" WHITE STREAMER 1--.5" STARBURST 1--.5" COMET 1--.5" DRAWOUT--COLOR TO 6 REPORT TO CROSSETT 6--.5" CROSSETTS 1--.5" SPIDER 1--.5" GREEN EIECffiIC TO 7 REPORT TO HEAVY REPORT )--.5" 2 BREAK SHELLS 1--.5" ) BREAK SHELLS 1--.5" 4 BREAK SHE LLS 1--.5" BWE WITH GOLD COMET TO BlUE STARS 12--6" ASSORTED FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS 1--6" SHELL OF SHELLS 1--6" 2 BREAK SHELLS 1--6" MARRIED COMETS 1--6" CROSSETTS TO COLOR TO 12 REPORTS 6--8" ASSORTED FANCY COlDR ORIENTAL SHELLS 1--8" TREMAlDN CROSSETTS 1--8" HAMMER NOTE: BANNER FIREWORKS BIDS ALL SHELLS ON DIAMETER AS OPPOSED TO CIRCUMFERENCE THIS SHOW INCWDES INSURANCE AND ALL lERSONNEL TO SET UP AND SHOOT THE SHOW. TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE: $),250.00 DULUTH, MINN. ST. LOUIS PARK, MINN. . February 25, 1987 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55426 SPECIAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY PROGRAM FOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN JULY 4, 19(37 6 each 6 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" 9" Atomic Salutes White Carnation Atomic Salute Red Star Shell Green Star Shell Yellow Star Shell White Star Shell Red & Green Star Shell Red, White & Blue Star Shell Blue & Green Star Shells Red & Yellow Star Shells Green & White Star Shells Blue & Yellow Star Sh~lls Red & White Star Shells Veriegated Star Shells Green & Yellow Star Shells White & Yellow Star Shells Red & Blue Star Shells White & Blue Star Shells Red, Green & Yellow Star Shells Red, White & Green Star Shells Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell White Flitter Fancy Star Shell Red & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell Blue & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell Yellow & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell Red & White Flitter Fancy Star Shell Green & White Flitter Fancy Star Shell Green & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell Yellow & White Magnesium Fancy Star Shell Whi te Magnesium Fancy Star Shell Gold Magnesium Fancy Star Shell Green & White Magnesium Fancy Star Shell Silver Fancy Star Shells Red & Silver Fancy Star Shells Green & Silver Fancy Star Shells Blue & Silver Fancy Star Shells Yellow & Silver Fancy Star Shells Variegated & Silver Fancy Star Shells CcmmQrdal and Display firQwcrb . REC~;-,,'E:O FE B 2 6 1387 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 2 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 2 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 18 each . 1 each 1 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 6 each . 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 9" Stickless Rocket Shells 9" Comet Shells 9" Willow Shells 9" Color Changing Spider Web 'to Red Shell 9" Color Changing Blue to Gold Flitter Shell 9" Color Changing Green to Gold Flitter Shell 9" Color Changing Blue to Silver Shell 9" Spider Web Shells 9" Serpent & Color Shell 9" Fish & Whistle Shell 9" Artillery Shell 9" Thunder & Rainbow Shell 9" Two Break - Two Color Shell 9" Color & Report Shell 9" Strobe Shell 9" Asst. Import Shells 12" Red star Shell 12" Green Star Shell 12" Yellow Star Shell 12" White Star Shells 12" Red & Green Star Shells 12" Red, White & Blue Star Shells 12" Blue & Green Star ShellS 12" Red & Yellow Star Shells 12" Veriegated Star Shells 12" Red & Gold Flitter Fancy StarsShells 12" Green & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell 12" Red & White Flitter Fancy Star Shell 12" Red & White Magnesium Fancy Star Shell 12" Red & Silver Fancy Star Shell 12" Comet Shell 12" Willow Shell 12" Spider Web Shell 12" Whistle & Color Shell (Whistles have Silver Tails) 12" Shell of Shells 12" Color & Report Shell 12" Thunder & Rainbow Shell 12" Strobe Shell 12" Color Changing Blue to Gold Flitter Shell 12" Color Changing Blue to Silver Shell 12" Two Break. Two Colors Shell 12" Asst. Import Shells 15" Red Star Shel 15" Green Star Shell 15" Yellow Star Shell 15" White Star Shell 15" Red & White Star Sbell 15" White & Blue Star Shell 15" Green & White Star Shell 15" Blue & Yellow Star Shells 15" Red & Yellow Star Shells 15" Variegated Star Shells 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 5 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 3 each 1 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 8 each 9" 1 each 9" 1 each 9" 15" Red & White Magnesium Fancy Star Shell 15" Yellow & White Magnesium Baney Star Shell 15" Blue & Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell 15" Red & White Flitter Fancy Star Shell 15" Green & Silver Facny Star Shell 15" Willow Shell 15" Color & Report Shell 15" Strobe Shell 15" Comet Shell 15" Silver Ring, Red Center Shell 15" Silver Ring, Blue Center Shell 15" Silver Ring, Green Center Shell 15" Serpent & Color Shell 15" Whistle & Color Shell w/Silver Tails 15" Shell of Shells 15" Color Changing Spider Web to Red Shell 15" Asst. Import Shells 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 18" 2~" 9" Green & Yellow Star Shell Red & Green Star Shell Red, White & Blue Star Shell Red & Yellow Star Shell Gold Flitter Fancy Star Shell Green & Magnesium Fancy Star Shell Strobe Shell Asst. Import Shells Yellow & White Flitter Fancy Star Shell 12 shot Finale Boxes (24 Shells) 12 Shet Finale Boxes (24 Shells) The following will be added if the display is $3,500.00. Whistle & Thunder Shells Stickless & Report Shells w/Silver Splatter Willow & Report Shells w/Silver Splatter Color Changing Spider Web to Red Shell Color Changing Blue to Gold Flitter Shell Color Changing Green to Gold Flitter Shell Color Changing Blue to Silver Shell Whistle & Color Shell w/Silver Tails Three Break Shells Four Break Shells Artillery & Heavy Report Shell Asst. Import Shells Stickless Rocket & Color Shell Strobe Shell . . $3,000.00 . . 1 each 12" Color Changing Spider Web to Red Shell 1 each 12" Serpent & Color Shell 1 each 12" Willow & Report w/Silver Splatter Shell 1 each 12" Fish & Whistle Shell 1 each 12" Battle in Clouds Shell (Heavy reports & 1 extra heavy) _, wISH ver Splatter 1 each 12" Hammer Shell (Drawout) 1 each 12" Crossett Shell 1 each 12" Hwmner Shell 2 each 12" Asst. Import Shells 1 each 18" Comet Shells 3 each 18" Asst. Import Shells $3,500.00 This display includes services of our profssional pyrotechnicians insurance, and cleaning up after the display. ARROWHEAD FIREWORKS CO,. INe. . Thomas E. Atol TEA:vbj . CITY OF eBANBASSEN 5 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~ February 26, 1987 1987 Easter Egg Hunt DATE: SUBJ: The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department sponsors an Easter Egg Hunt each year on the Saturday before Easter. The Easter Egg Hunts in the past have included making Easter Baskets, a coloring contest, a kite flying contest, and hunting for hidden Easter candy. . This year this event will see a few changes. I will be deleting the kite flying contest altogether as it has not attracted the participants as I had hoped. The kite contest was originally intended for the kids who were too old to hunt for Easter candy. I will be looking for an activity to replace this one and am open to any suggestions that you may have. The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday morning, April 18, from 10:00 until noon. Please keep this date open as I will be needing your help to run this event. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~ February 26, 1987 DATE: SUBJ: Update on City Council Action Regarding Park Items Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees The City Council acted to establish to establish the 1987 Lake Ann Park entrance fee schedule the same as the 1986 season, as recommended by the Commission. . Community Center Task Force Jim Mady was appointed as recommended to serve on the Community Center Task Force. This 10 member committee is tentatively sche- duled to hold their first meeting on Tuesday, March 24. 4th of July Band Contract The Stingrays will be performing at the second Chanhassen Fourth of July Street dance, as the Council authorized execution of the band contract as recommended. Reestablishing Parking Areas at Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach Staff will be looking at design elements at both park sites to make this recommendation easier to accept by both the City Coun- cil and the residents near these parks. I will bring these recommendations to you for your review before forwarding them to the City Council. . CITY OF eBARBASSER 7 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ,,\Sr - 1..... February 26, 1987 DATE: SUBJ: Fox Hollow Drive Extension and North Lotus Lake Park In late fall 1986, citizens of the Fox Hollow subdivision peti- tioned to delete the connection of their neighborhood to Pleasant View Road. The City Council's initial reaction was a positive . one. North Lotus Lake Park's access was also proposed via the road to be deleted. Staff reviewed alternatives and requested the Coun- cil to table final action until all alternatives could be explored. We believe a tentative agreement has been reached with the neighborhood, Bloomberg Companies (developer to the north of the park), and City Council. This alternative would involve moving the tennis court to the north, constructing the parking area to the south, and constructing a driveway to pro- vide a secondary access to the neighborhood. This tentative agreement was subject to refinement by staff and review by the Park and Recreation Commission for their input and thoughts. Although the Commission may be disturbed with the proposed change in plans, the City Council did need to find some alternative, i.e. after review by the City Engineer it was demonstrated that significant non-neighborhood traffic would occur within the Fox Hollow development if the street was constructed as originally proposed. Attached please find the revised park plan which shows the changes noted above. Mark Koegler will attend Tuesday's meeting to present these changes. . 33C-:. '. PA~L ROJINA etol Kill. P.643 NEAR MTN PROP. BKIII,P6!l 13023' ___ E: "6.7---- , I I I I I Vi:%: Ol~ vi:;:) NI~ I I I I 10 ai 10 10 WEST 420.5 ~\o~ -s,. t;J.. <:;) <:;) \ 3 (~~,p~~ ~ ~ " .... Q (<'1-. "./' ..to~ \'>~ ~ ~ X "J..~ ~"O 22 ~ 20 O\,) 21 19 20 10 19 / 18 , ,', \ " ,.::~ .- \. ~, :";:) " 8. ~ Van Doren Hazard stallings . . _'~'PIanners 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 6121553.1950 MIM>RANIXJM 'ro: Park and Recreation Ccmmission and Staff FROM: Mark Koegler~ DATE: February 25, 1987 SUPJECl': Trail Discussion At the March Park and Recreation Commission meeting, we have scheduled an initial discussion on the trail component of the park element of the 1980 . Canprehensive Plan Update. The discussion will focus on the following issues: 1. Trail types including advantages and disadvantages 2. Acquisition methods 3. Preliminary cost range 4. Existing facilities 5. Neighboring community facilities (existing and proposed) 6. Regional facilities 7. Local and regional points of interest Of these topics, items 4 through 7 will be reviewed and discussed at the meeting. Background infonnation on the first three topics is presented herein to allow review prior to the meeting. Trail Types A key component in the assembly of any trail plan is a definition of various trail types. Prior to the identification of trail types, the city needs to agree on trail usage by specifically defining their function and permitted users. Walking, roller skating, skate boarding, bicycling, horseback riding, cross country Skiing, snowmobile riding and motorcycle riding are all activities whim can take place within a trail system. The Park and Recreation Commission needs to define which of these activities are appropriate for the Chanhassen system. . . . . The trail plan contained wi thin the 1980 Comprehensive Plan was intended for non-motorized uses specifically focusing on walking, cross country skiing and bicycling. Due to recent ordinance changes, the city is considering the provision of parks wi thin the rural area if trails are a part of rural park services, it seems logical that the city will receive pressure for the installation of equestrian trails. The 1980 plan contained three classifications of bikeways (Exhibit 1). These classifications relate primarily to the relationship between bicycles, pedestrians and motorized vehicles. In addition to these classifications, trails can also be categorized by locational criteria such as those along streets, those within parks and open space areas and those that follow corridors between private lot lines. The following is a comparison of some of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these types of trails. Trail Location Advantages o Easy monitoring o Readily identifiable route o Easier to finance - construction can be canbined wi th street improvements Along Streets Within Parks o Few vehicle conflicts o Trails can follow natural features such as drainageways o Development cost may be grant eligible Between Lot Lines o Few vehicle conflicts o Trails can follow natural features such as drainageways Acquisition Methods Disadvantages o Motor vehicle conflicts o Maintenance may require specialized equipment o Abutting property conflicts o Very difficult to moni tor o Public familiarity requires promotional effort o Abutting property conflicts o Perceived security problems o Additional sidewalk system may be needed o Higher level of maintenance required Essentially, two acquisition methods exist for trail systems: dedication and easement. The major difference between the two is simply ownership. When land for trails is dedicated, the property is actually owned by the city. In easement situations, the city receives only the right to use the property and ownership remains in private hands. Easement agreements typically contain language specifying allowed uses and restrictions for both parties. Despite these agreements, problems can occur. Setbacks for buildings are measured from lot lines, not from easement lines. This can result in structures such as houses which are located very close to trails. More frequent problems experienced by cities involve fences. Homeowners will sometimes install fences along trail areas despite the fact that r-36 exhibit 1 . Bikeway Classification Class I I. Bikeway Walk Roadway Class II ,.., Bikeway/Walk Parking Roadway Bikeway . Class III Bikeway/Walk Bikeway/Roadway Class I - Total separation / dividing strip between right-of-ways on separate surfaces. Class II - Total or partial separation / Ad- jacent, but separated right-of-ways on same surface. Class III - Partial or no separation / shared right-of-way on same surface. . . . . they may be well within easement boundaries. This situation has led to many communities such as Eden Prairie who will acquire trails only through dedication. Trail easements and dedications typically range from 20 to 100 feet in width. Preliminary Cost Range The cost of trail construction varies depending on the type of trail, base conditions, etc. As a general rule of thumb, an 8 foot wide bituminous trail wi th a compacted aggregate base averages approximately $42,000 per mile. Based on this figure, replacement of the existing tra il from Co. Rd. 17 to Lake Ann Park would cost approximately $21,000. A trail along Co. Rd. 17 from the Excelsior border to LYman Boulevard would cost over $100,000. CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: February 26, 1987 SUBJ: Herman Field Access Plan Attached please find the Herman Field Access Feasibility Study as completed by Mark Koegler of VanDoren Hazard Stallings. The study looks at three possible access points for Herman Field and describes the costs, advantages and disadvantages to each. Mark will attend Tuesday's meeting to discuss the study further. The Park and Recreation Commission is asked to review the study and to make a recommendation as to how the City should proceed with access to the park. It is staff's recommendation to go with the Forest Avenue alternative, which is centrally located to the north of the park. I would also recommend that the Com- mission request the City Council to determine if Forest Avenue can be constructed as a public improvement project. This would allow the City to pay for that portion of the project through assessments and general obligation bonds, rather than using the park fund. q . . . . e I -'I' () I t I. I,. /If./f "-../. J /.8') l::--, ///. , \ (.j/ ",<,_"_,,.,,~.....c ~(Ii " l, ".') ,_/~:J / J I (; / \J (~_~A</ l' / .~ /--) LSf <.~) " it' ,t--/ .J {c. Q U {// (I .I . I L-/ \.J) // .( c,/u (/ ' \ ). \ ..,' ,