1987 04 07 Agenda
TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1987, 7:30 P.M.
Call to Order.
Minutes of March 3, 1987.
Introduction of the Park and Recreation Assistant, Todd
Site Plan Reviews:
A) North Lotus Lake 1st Addition, Bloomberg Companies, applicant
B) South Bay, James R. Hill, Inc., applicant
C) West Village Townhomes, William Jacobson applicant
D) Curry Farms, Centex Homes, applicant
5. Request to install lights and park benches at Minnewashta
Heights Park, Mike Schacterle.
6. Update of City Council action on
A. Park Needs Survey
B. Fourth of July Fireworks
C. North Lotus Revisions
D. Saddlebrook
7. 1986 Goose Control Program Review
8. Review Preliminary Trail Plan.
9. Review Potential 1987 LAWCON Application Projects.
Lake Ann Shelter
Phase I Development and Lake Lucy Access
Lake Susan Boat Access, Fishing Dock, Trail, Access
Road, Grading
Chanhassen Estates
Trails to Connect Chanhassen to Chaska Schools
R.'i?~~ I} }juhi,.., ~~
(612) 937-1900
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator 1 ~
March 20, 1987
Park and Recreation Assistant
Attached please find the employment application and resume of
Todd Hoffman. I have hired Todd for the Park and Recreation
Assistant position, which is a budgeted temporary position. Todd
will be handling most of the programming and helping with running
Upon your approval, Todd will work 24 hours per week at $4.50 per
hour for 24 weeks.
Todd Joseph Hoffman
14725 Portland Avenue S. #304
Burnsville, MN 55337
(612) 435-2978
- Mankato State University
Major: Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services
Emphasis: Resource Management
Graduation: March 1987
Practicum: Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District
Administrative Intern
- Mankato State University, RPLS Club Scholarship
Award for 1985-1986.
- Mankato State University Dean's List - Winter 1983,
Fall 1985, Winter 1986.
- Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District - Outstanding
Dedication and Service Award, March 12, 1987.
CAREER OBJECTIVE - Administrative position in a Public Park System
- Dave Pfeffer Construction, Mankato, Minnesota.
Carpenter/Laboror in construction of homes, remodeling,
concrete work, and construction of grain bins. Senior
member of work crew. Full-time Summer/Fall 1982-1986.
- Orr's Farmer Seed and Nursery, Mankato, Minnesota.
Salesperson for all areas of store. Responsible for
inventory, ordering, and maintenance of pet
department. December 1985-May 1986.
- Pillsbury Green Giant Company, Montgomery Minnesota.
Production line work. Secured advancements in the
two months of employment. August-September 1984.
- Miscellaneous - Carpenter's Assistant, Al Hoffman
Construction Company. Summer 1981.
Self-employed residential painter (partnership).
Salesperson for Aqua Terra Pet Store. Part-time 1977-1979.
- Member Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association
Member Mankato State University Alumni
Former Executive Member of Mankato State University RPLS Club
Outdoor recreation and travel
- Strong leadership qualities; high level of organizational
skills; advanced carpentry and masonary skills.
- Douglas Bryant, Division Manager, Hennepin Parks
8737 East Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, MN 55438
- Mankato State University, Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Leisure Services, Mankato, MN 56001
- Dave Pfeffer, 219 Glen Ellen Road, Mankato, MN 56001
PRC. DATE: April 7, 1987
C.C. DATE: April 20, 1987
CASE NOd: b87-17.SUB ~
Prepare y: Sletsema:k
Subdivision of 4.88 Acres into Twelve Single
Family Lots
Outlot A, North Lotus Lake Addition
Southeast corner of Pleasant View Road
Herb Bloomberg
P.O. Box 100
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RSF, Residential Single Family
4.88 acres
PUD-R; Pleasant View Rd./Near Mountain
RSF; future city park
PUD-R; Fox Hollow
RSF; single family residence
North Lotus Lake Park (18 Acres) is directly
south of the proposed development~
Because of the close proximity to North Lotus Lake Park the
Comprehensive Plan does not identify this as a park deficient
area. However, possible trail connections should be obtained
to connect the park to other existing trails. The 1990 Land
Use Plan does not outline specifically where trails should be
placed within a subdivision.
North Lotus Lake Park
April 7, 1987
Page 2
The proposed parcel was at one time park land owned by the City.
In efforts to provide access to Lotus Lake, the City exchanged
this parcel with Mr. Bloomberg for a parcel at the south side of
the lake.
Due to the development being adjacent to North Lotus Lake Park,
it is not recommended that park land be obtained. Ideally, a
trail along the eastern boundary of the development would tie
into the trail proposed in the park plan. This is undesirable,
hoewver, due to the drainage area along that border. Therefore,
alternative trail routes should be looked at, such as along
Pleasant View Road along the west and north sides of the develop-
ment. Another option would be to acquire a trail easement along
the cul-de-sac and between Lots 5, 6 and 7 to Pleasant View Road.
This is least desirable as easements between lots can potentially
create problems in the future.
This office is recommending that a trail easement be obtained
along Pleasant View Road to the west and north of the devleopment
and that park fees be accepted in lieu of park land.
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PRC DATE: April 7, 1987
C.C. DATE: April 20, 1987
CASE NO: 87-15 SUB .
87-2 Site Plan
Prepared by: Sietsema:k
I} Preliminary Plat Approval for Three Multiple
Family Lots
2) Site Plan Review for 64 Townhome Units
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Village West Townhouses
(500 feet north of West 78th Street, between
Kerber and Powers Boulevard)
APPLICANT: William Jacobson
9979 Valley View Rd.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Charles James
6640 Shady Oak Rd., Suite 500
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
R-12, High Density Residential
24.1 acres
Proposed R-12; vacant
S- BG; vacant commercial
E- OI; School, Fire Station, City Hall
w- R-12; vacant high density residential
The proposed development lies within the
service area of City Center Park,
Chanhassen Elementary Playground and
Chanhassen Pond Park. This is not a park
deficient area. The trail plan currently
under development shows an off-street trail
along Kerber Blvd.
Park and Recreation Commission
Page 2
This property lies south of Saddlebrook, which was reviewed by
the Commission last month. The City Council requested an off-
street trail along Kerber Blvd. in the development. The same
request should be made of this developer as well to continue that
This office is recommending that the City acquire an off-street
trail easement along Kerber Blvd. and to accept park fees in lieu
of park land.
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PRC DATE: 4-7-87
Prepared by: L. Sietsema
To subdivide 56 acres of land into approximately
81 single family lots.
North of Lake Lucy Road approximately 500 feet
west of County Road 17
Centex Homes Corporation
Thomas Boyce
5959 Baker Road, Suite 300
Minnetonka, MN 55345
RSF - Single Family Residential District
51.3 Acres
N- RSF- Residential Single Family
S- RSF- Residential Single Family
E- RSF- Residential Single Family
w- Rural Residential District
There are no parks in the immediate area.
An on-street trail is to be constructed
with the Lake Lucy Road improvements.
The Comprehensive Plan identifies this as
a park deficient area where priority
Centex Homes Subdivision
February 10, 1987
Page 2
should be given for a 5 to 10 acre park if
development should occur. The 1990 Land
Use Plan does not identify a specific par-
cel in the area for potential park/open
This proposal is located in the northern section of the City in
the urban area. Attention should be given to the acquisition of
a 5 to 10 acre neighborhood park.
The developer is planning to provide a 6.38 acre park within the
development. The area shown on the plan is currently two
deteriorated wetlands, part of which the developer plans to
restore. Staff indicated to the developer that the City may be
looking for no less than 5 acres of active park land in this
development that would accommodate facilities such as tennis
courts, a ballfield, and a totlot. The developer has agreed to
fill and grade the park area so that will be suitable for active
park uses. It is questionable, however, whether the area within
the 6.38 acres that is not slopes or ponds, is equal to 5 acres.
The developer has also agreed to develop the park and is willing
to work with the Park and Recreation Commission as to the facili-
ties to be included. The plan includes sidewalks/trails along
one side of the major streets within the development which the
developer will construct as well. Park credit should be given
for this dedication and should be negotiated with the developer,
staff and City Council.
The developer will be attending the meeting to answer any
questions the Commission may have and to gain your input.
Although wetlands are often considered open space, the City
should be assured that the land acquired for park purposes is
developable, giving little or no credit for the wet areas.
It is the recommendation of this office to accept park land with
at least 5 acres suitable for active use, the off-street trails
through the development along the major streets, and the develop-
ment and construction of such as directed by the City~ and that a
park dedication credit be given as negotiated by Council and the
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(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema
DATE: April 3, 1987
RE: Park facilities request at Minnewashta Heights
Attached is a letter from Mike Schacterle requesting 2 park
benches and lights at Minnewashta Heights Park. Minnewashta
Heights is a 2 acre park with tot lot equipment, volleyball court
and ice rink. The residents feel that lights in the park are
necessary as there are few street lights in the area.
There would be no problem with bringing park benches to this
park. There are a number of benches at Lake Ann Park and 2-3
could easily be transplanted. NSP can install lights on the
existing pole in the park and will charge the City roughly $5-$10
per month for their operation.
It is the recommendation of this office to approve this request
by taking 2 park benches from Lake Ann and having NSP install 2
lights on the existing pole.
Update (4-7-87): The Park and Recreation Commission felt this
--as a ~ow cost item that could be handled in-house very easily.
They d1rected staff to contact NSP to have lights installed and
to move 2 benches from Lake Ann Park to Minnewashta Heights.
Mc:"wch 4, 1987
Ms. Lori Sietsema
Park Commission
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Re: lwo park lights and two benches for Minnewashta Heights
City F'at'-k
Dear Ms. Sietsema:
I have been asked to represent the seventy homeowners In
the Minnewashta Heights Association.
Our Association would like to request two over-head park
lights and two benches for the public park in the Minnewashta
Heights area. The homeowners would like to see the lights
there because of the ice skating rink and the play ground
t::~qu:i prnE'nt',"
Our Association feels this is a reasonable request as we
have very few street lights in this area.
If \/OLl ha.'v'E:0 "my qUE.~s;t:ic:ms, please fE7el fn=~e in contacting
me pF:.'I'"sonall '/.
Mike Schachter-Ie
MAR 0 5 iJ87 .
Park and Rec Commission Meeting
April 7, 1987 - Page 8
~dY: So that's really the first part of development then?
acquired off-street trail easement along the proposed road.
The City
Mady moved, Hasek seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommends that the City place an off-street trail easement along the west
side of Kerber Blvd. in the existing road right-of-way and to accept park
fees in lieu of parkland. All voted in favor and motion carried.
William Jacobson: I was not really aware of park fees in lieu of land but I
would happy to give you 180 feet of land there in place of fees if you would
let me create a tennis court or something down there. Or if you would like
to just have it as dedicated park space.
Lynch: We're normally pretty selective and are becoming more so about what
land we pick up based on our overall key program for the city. I don't know
if you caught that initially, Lori was mentioning that you are across the
street from or close to being across the street from the Chan Pond's nature
area. You're just down the street from the Meadow Green area and one of the
closer subdivisions to Lake Ann and across the street south is the City
Center so based on that, we're saying no, we would rather have the money.
Robinson moved, Hasek seconded to approve installing lights and park benches
at Minnewashta Heights Park as consistent with Staff's recommendation. All
voted in favor and motion carried.
Sietsema: Basically, the proposal is north of Lake Lucy Road. It's in a
park deficient area and an area that the Comprehensive Plan identified as
one of the neediest areas for neighborhood parks. It suggests that the City
look at a 5 to 10 acre park within each neighborhood that comes in in this
area. There are a lot of small lots all the way along that northern piece
or small parcels that are going to be divided into 3, 4, 5 or 6 acres and
we're not going to have a chance to get a real nice neighborhood park so
when a big parcel comes in like this, we want to jump at the chance to get
our decent sized neighborhood park.
Hasek: This is within the MUSA line isn't it?
Sietsema: Yes, it is. It is urban. The developer is planning to provide a
6.3 acre park which is located in this area here. The area here and the
.ea here are two deteriorated wetlands and what they are planning to do is
11 that in and have some drainage ponds. I think the drainage ponds are e
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~
April 1, 1987
City Council Action on Park and Recreation Items
A. Park Needs Survey: The City Council acted to approve the
Park Needs survey as recommended (see attached minutes). The
survey has been distributed with lists of people to be called.
I would like to thank all of the Commissioners for their help
in making phone calls and also encourage you to keep at it.
We need to have the phone calling done by Monday, April 13 if
we want survey results at the May meeting.
Fourth of July Fireworks Contract: The City Council awarded
the 4th of July fireworks contract to Banner Fireworks
Display Company as recommended.
North Lotus Lake Park: At the March meeting, the Commission
rejected a proposal to revise the North Lotus Lake Park plan
that would wind the access road around the tennis court.
Staff prepared a new proposal that include tight curves to
deter traffic, yet did not interfere with park users. This
alternative (attached) was supported by Fox Hollow residents
and was approved by the City Council.
Saddlebrook: The City Council acted to accept trails along
Kerber Blvd., Powers Blvd., and the main streets within the
development as recommended by the Commission. In addition,
the Council accepted the 2i acres proposed for parkland along
the north boundary of the development, for a credit in the
park dedication fees to be negotiated.
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City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
12. Submit to the City Engineer and Watershed District an acceptable
erosion control detail prior to construction of the storm and
sanitary sewer connections proposed for the drainage area north of
OUtlet C.
13. Dust control measures be undertaken should they be needed.
14. That the City Engineer review drainage into Chan pooo aoo if he deems
it necessary to change that, to modify it.
15. Erosion control protection of the City protected wetlaoos on the east
boundary to be approved by the City Engineer prior to construction.
All voted in favor and motion carried.
Don Ashworth: City Council has the proposed 1987-88 liquor licenses. They
really are the same as previous years. We did not receive Bluff Creek Golf
Course Association for non-intoxicating at time of preparation of this report.
That has been received. It does conform to the Ordinance. Should Council act
to approve the other applications, we would also recommend approval of that
Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamil ton seconded to approve the 1987-88 liquor
licenses as recommended by the City Manager. All voted in favor and motion
Lori Sietsema: I'm just going to give you an upjate on what the Park and
Recreation Commission did and then let Mark address the different options.
Park and Recreation Commission reviewed an alternative as directed by the City
Council to move the entrance of the North Lotus Lake Park so it would wind
around the tennis court creating a difficult journey straight into the Fox
Hollow subdivision. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed that and felt
that the plan did not make for a good park plan. They didn't like the idea of
the driveway winding around the tennis court and they felt that alternatives
could be come up with that would make for a better park plan aoo also serve
the concerns that the Council had. With that motion we asked Mark to corne up
with some other designs aoo he has done so for this evening.
Councilman Horn: other than what was presented to the Park and Rec?
Lori Sietsema: Right, these alternatives have not been seen by Park and Rec.
Mark Koegler: As a follow-up to that meeting, we looked at the whole thing.
I think I have in your packet a sketch of the follow-up result of that
meeting. Since then we have another one that is just a minor derivation. For .
point of reference, Pleasant View Road sits down here, the Fox Hollow Drive
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
connection, the 'right-of-way goes through this portion of the property, Mr.
Bloomberg's is proposing a development on this section. This is essentially
the existing cul-de-sac that is there right now. The previous plan, as you
recall, brought a driveway in, around the tennis court, back around and
looping to the north. The Park Commission at it's meeting expressed some
concerns about essentially taking an active facility and ringing it with what
is a driveway. It was interpretted by some as somewhat of a street system.
As an alternative to that, it's possible to bring what we have shown as a 20 .
foot park road drive through. You would wind through on a rather sequei tous
fashion. We would also recommend that we use some fairly heavy landscaping
throughout to cut sight lines through both ways and then in the center here we
would show that there would be six parking spaces which would be identified
again as primarily to serve the tennis court area. The driveway itself is
designed for a speed limit of about 10 mph maximum. Anything over that is not
going to be terrifically comfortable and it is designed to accommodate all of
the City snowplowing equipment during the winter months. We have proposed
that as an alternative to the plan that was previously prepared and given to
the Park and Recreation Commission. This type of an option was discussed in
generalities with that group and this seemed to be the direction they were
heading and they have representatives here this evening and perhaps they could
provide any changes.
Councilman Geving: Is this a derivation of Alternate #2?
Mark Koegler: Yes it is. That's a good point. The second alternate put the
park in this area. It came out here essentially and we had the option of
putting it in either way. This one obviously has the benefit of providing
better surface ties to the tennis court that it is designed to serve. The
only other point that I would add is that this still does give us the same
flexibility which has always been in the plan for eventual landscape buffering
up in this portion so we can help assist the buffering between residents and
the tennis court area. I can answer any questions that you might have.
Mayor Hamilton: Did you consider moving the tennis court as far towards the
cul-de-sac as possible?
Mark Koegler: I would call it essentially north'to the left and just make a
reference to the left. The tennis court positioning on the original plan was
actually right about where the parking lot is right now.
Mayor Hamilton: But I'm saying if we left them in the same direction they
were, I guess they still aren't.
Mark Koegler: They still face the same direction.
Mayor Hamilton: Just move the tennis courts as far over as you possibly can,
actually into the road right-of-way arrl still have the road arourrl it, you
wouldn't be going around it quite as much but I still like the deterrent that
you get by driving arourrl that.
Mark Koegler: That's a possible scenario. What you actually do is right now,
the previous plan I've got a donut hole with the tennis court in the middle
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
- ~.
and now you're making a bigger donut hole. You're still surrounding the .
facility itself with a driveway system and that specifically is what the Park
Commission was not particularly in favor of. I'm reasonably comfortable with
landscaping the curvatures and I think the City Staff had indicated that if
need be some stop signs will be added, that that movement can be controlled
through there.
Councilman Geving: I like the parking better on, let's call that Alternative
#3. I like the parking on that better than what you had on #2 and I think
that circuitous route that you showed on the original plan and the one that
the Park and Rec PeOple didn't really like, I don't particularly like. It
certainly accomplishes the objective we set out which was to make it difficult
to get through there. I think I can go with Alternative #3.
Mark Koegler: I should add t~at Alternative #3 also will minimize any
disruption to the new residential lots that we've platted off of that cul-de-
sac so that gives us the best setback distance from those lots as well.
Councilman Geving: How about the road that Bloomberg would put in there on
the north portion of his plan?
Mark Koegler: You can just catch a corner of that here. That runs from off of
Pleasant View and turns in and terminates in a cul-de-sac.
Councilman Geving: So he could get in off of this park drive?
Mark Koegler: Yes. This would access off of his new road that he would put
Don Ashworth: Except you should note again that there would be two lots off
of that cul-de-sac that would come off of that existing.
Councilman Boyt: Mark, have you gotten any feedback from the neighborhood on
their reaction to Alternate #2 or #3?
Mark Koegler: To my knowledge, they perhaps are seeing that for the first
time this evening. The reaction from the neighbors that were present at the
Park Commission meeting were very much against the ringing of the road because
they felt, I think probably rightfully so, that it would have a fairly
substantial impact on their rearyard situation. This would take care of that
particular concern.
Councilman Boyt: Lori, have you heard anything?
Lori Sietsema: I haven't gotten anybody that has come in to look at this plan
but I do know, as Mark stated, at the Park and Rec Commission meeting that one
of the residents did propose something similar to this so they didn't want the
road to go around the tennis court.
Mayor Hamil ton: Are there any residents here that want to comment on this?
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Jeff Hall: 41 Fox Hollow Drive which is just as you come in off of TH 101.
My main concern with extending Fox Hollow out is mostly just traffic control.
Whether you do it with a park drive or whatever, I still have a concern that
Fox Hollow Drive is a straight shot until you get to the cul-de-sac. I have a
3 year old son who loves to run around the yard and has a tendency to like to
run out into streets and basically my concern is if we made Fox Hollow Drive
just a unappealing road with 4-way stops every so often. Right now the
construction traffic goes through there lickety split and just a couple of 4-.
way stops where I'm at, which is on the corner of Fox Hollow and Grey Fox at
the top of the hill, a 4-way there and a 4-way I believe it's down another 2
blocks, there's another juncture down there, another 4-way stop just to
control the speed of the traffic coming through there. Whether you extended
the road on not, I don't think was the big problem. '!he big problem was how
do you control the traffic flow?
Bob Cunnard: 120 Fox Hollow which is right down at the bottom of the S-curve.
I have three children so I have concerns but I like this approach myself
because I think it will stop traffic from coming through and at the same time
give us the access to get out if we want to that way. That's what I like
about it. I do have a concern like he did about the traffic coming down fast
and that's maybe the big issue.
Dave Fel thouse: 6557 Grey Fox Curve and that would be just approximately over
the corner of the tennis court. I like this park proposal because it does
give us access through and it also will slow down traffic to practically a
crawl which should eliminate any safety hazards. I was the one who was there
at the Park and Rec Commission meeting and I didn't care for the other
alternative going around the tennis courts due to noise and lights and stuff
in our backyards and along that area but I don't see any problem with this
from the neighborhood standpoint.
Jerry Johnson: I live at 6561 which is right on the east side of the tennis
courts and my question is, there is a substantial stand of trees along the
tennis courts and I was wondering what the plan was for those. Whether those
are going to be moved?
Mark Koegler: That area itself does not have a substantial amount of trees.
Jerry Johnson: Right along the east side of the tennis courts there are quite
a few trees. Right on the lot lines between the park.
Mark Koegler: The lot line itself is approximatly 50 feet from the tennis
court. There is a swale that goes right through there approximatey a year and
a half ago and again, I would differ that there is a substantial tree stand in
there. I don't know if we're talking about the same location or not.
Jerry Johnson: Right on the lot lines. I'm on Lot 24. Right along here
there are qui te a few trees. From my lot, Lot 24 over to this corner..
Mark Koegler: As indicated before, there was a drainage swale that was cut
all the way through here to about that point previously. We will not be doing
any disturbance along that.
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Councilman Boyt: It sounds to me like the neighborhood supports the last
alternative. Orignally I was against this going through at all because Fox
Hollow Drive is narrow, the houses have a 25 foot setback, there are no
sidewalks but if the neighborhood can live with Alternative #3, I can live
with it.
Councilman Johnson: Is this going to be a platted street? I would like to
see this as a driveway. As a park access road or something but not as a
platted street. Many years ago in my wild youth I was ticketed in Texas for
taking a shortcut through an area like this where normal driving through a
non-platted street to avoid intersections, at least in the State of Texas is
illegal and I believe that it would be here. Therefore, if traffic does
start to utilize this driveway, private driveway, it's a city owned driveway
that we could, I want to make sure that we could enforce, if you're not going
there to play tennis. If you're going there to take it as a shortcut through
if it's now a platted street.
Mayor Hamilton: 'll1en what you're telling the neighbors is if they do that and
drive through there we give them a ticket? I don't think that's what the
neighbors want.
Councilman Johnson: Do the neighbors want to use this as platted to drive
through too?
Don Ashworth: Itls not a platted street. This section in through here is not .
a platted street. It's being treated as a driveway. It will be a driveway.
Councilman Johnson: It would be built to City street set standards?
Don Ashworth: No, it's going to be built as a driveway. A narrow width.
Councilman Johnson: I mean as far as base and stuff. If it start getting
heavy use, are we going to see it deteriorate?
Don Ashworth: No, this will accommodate vehicular traffic to allow for snow
plowing, etc..
Councilman Boyt moved, Mayor Hamilton seconded to approve Alternative #3 as
recomended by Mark Koegler for the Fox Hollow Drive extension and North Lotus
Lake Park. All voted in favor and motion carried.
Lori Sietsema: Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the survey that was
included in your packet. It's a final proposal. They had some questions and
concerns and discussed them and decided at the end that it was a good survey.
It will be a telephone survey so it's written in telephone script. It's
estimated that it takes about 5 to 7 minutes depending on how much discussion
the person being surveyed generates. The Park and Recreation Commission has
volunteered to make the phone calls as well as some temporary help that I
have, myself and Pat. Pat is not here tonight and I apologize for that. I
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
don't know what happened to him but I think I'm prepared to answer any
questions that you might have. The Minutes relate any discussion that was in
the Park and Recreation Commission had and outlined their questions and
Mayor Hamilton: The concern I have is we're asking questions and asking
people if they found too many of this, not enough or too few about things that
we obviously don't in some cases even have any of. Jogging trails, we don't
have jogging trails and you're going to ask sanebody if we have too many?
Councilman Geving: They will respond too few. That's what you want.
Lori Sietsema: It will give us an imication of whether they want them or
not. It will eventually give us an imication of if they want them or not.
Mayor Hamil ton: I guess I couldn't see that asking a question that you
already know the answer to is going to give you anything. I would guess you
maybe have a hard time finding people who want to talk to you.
Lori Sietsema: We will be advertising in advance that we are making these
calls and I think there are enough people who are interested in what's
happening wi th parks and will take the time. I may be wrong but I don't think
we're going to have a big problem with that. We'll be letting them know ahead
of time that it does take 5 to 7 minutes and ask them if they have the time
and if they don't, then we won't pursue it wi th them am make another call.
Councilman Horn: I think it said in here that they would need about six hours
per day but I miss somewhere what the hours would be.
Lori Sietsema: They will be in the evening.
Councilman Horn: I hope you don't call over the dinner hour.
Lori Sietsema: No. It will probably start around 7:00 until 9:00 or 9:30.
Councilman Boyt: Is it fair to assume that Pat maybe tested this survey out
on a few people?
Lori Sietsema: Yes, he did.
Councilman Boyt: Okay, then I'm comfortable with that. I guess the question
that I have, I've talked wi th a few people about their interest in being
surveyed and I think we're going to find that there is quite a bit of interest
out there am people are going to want their opinion counted. I'm a 1i ttle
concerned that 340 households, although it seems like a great many if I was
making the phone call, seems like a very small percentage of the ones we have.
Was Pat real comfortable that that was the right number or was it limited by
just the number of callers we had?
Lori Sietsema: No, the number of callers wasn't taken into consideration at
all. He did a lot of research with Met Council am the surveys they had done
in the late 70's and early 80's when there was fuming for that, they did a
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
number of them, and he also contacted other cities that have done surveys and
with his statistics professors at St. Thomas, he felt that that would give us
a clear reading.
Councilman Boyt: I think it's an excellent piece of work and I'm real excited
to see what the answers are.
Councilman Geving: I think the survey is very good. A vast improvement over
what we saw before. There are a couple of questions however. I'm wondering
if we aren't repeating or getting ahead of ourselves, particularly now on the
communi ty center. We have a committee set up to survey that and we're going
to hopefully get to the point where we are going to move ahead in that area
anyway, I'm wondering if that is a significant question. If you are thinking
of some items that we might want to trim from this. en the other hand, I
could possibly see that if you have an overwhelming yes here that might just
spur this committee on and say, hey let's get moving too so maybe I'll leave
that one for now. Item 10, and I think in terms of the need survey here, what
is the value of asking someone for example of whether or not they want to
increase the services, reduce the services or pay for the services with user
fees? I'm not so sure that the user really wants that at this point. We
don't need that at this point in the user survey. We're trying to find out
the kinds of interest that are out there and the kinds of activities that we
should or should not be providing. We're going to provide them if the need is
there, I susPect this Council will vote to fund that whether it comes out of
user fees or we fund it out of the general obligation so I'm not so sure that
I would particularly like item 10 or for example asking a person their age. I
don't know how significant that is going to be if you ask a person at the end
of your survey whether they are 17 or under, or over 60? If you're going to
try and correlate that somehow that would be one thing but I don't know how
you're going to bring this all together to make that response meaningful.
Lori Sietsema: The age question is in there basically to see who we're
talking to. If we're talking to all women who are 34 years old or within that
age bracket, we've done a poor survey and that's more or less a test for us.
Mayor Hamilton: I think we should word it what is your age group and give
than a range.
Councilman Geving: And then, the next to the last one, number 12, why is it
significant to ask whether a person is a homemaker or retired or has a full-
time paying job or is unemployed? Will you get a good response here do you
Lori Sietsema: It's another test. Basically it was another test for us to
make sure that we were hitting more than one type of person.
Councilman Geving: I don't have any problem leaving it in but I don't see the
significance of it. Then finally, the last o~ was on item ,4. I thin~ you
could probaby strike the second item. We don't have any moblle homes 10
Chanhassen. I think it's great and let's go ahead with it.
!1 r.. ,'"
1. \iU
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Mayor Hamil ton: Jim Mady from Park and Rec is here. Do you have anything to
add Jim?
Jim Mady: No, not really. '!he concerns about those final questions, asking
more or less demographic questions are engineered to make sure we do have a
well rounded sample.
Councilman Johnson: I have concern in how we're selecting the people. In all
my experience in this type of action, we've done a random selection. Not
selecting every third, fourth or fifth or whatever phone number it was. It
seemed to be a lot more work to be done to make sure we covererl everybody from
some of these phone lists you're going to be working from. Do you have a
better handle on it than what the Park and Rec COmmission Minutes?
Lori Sietsema: I think what we'll use is probably the poll directory which
will have everybody in it. What the Park and Recreation Commission really
wanted to do is make sure that they ask out of each area and that's why it's
going every fifth one. We can find out where we askerl the questions and who
we asked. If we ask every fifth person in the Minnewashta Heights area and
every person in Chaparral, then we want to make sure we hit the people in the
rural area and the developed area and all the way around.
Jim Mady: One thing about that Jay, to make that statistic valid, to make a
meaningful report, if you make a random selection of where you start and from
that point it is that just straight down.
Councilman Johnson: I think it looks some pretty good work.
Mayor .Hamil ton moved, Councilman Horn seconded to move ahead with the Park
Needs Survey. All voted in favor and motion carried.
Barbara Dacy: Approximately one year ago today, or I should say until
tomorrow, that the preliminary plat for Bluff Creek Greens was being
considered by the Council. '!he action here tonight would be the last step that
developers neerl to take in securing total approval from the Council. Plans
and specs were approved and a development contract was approved by the Council
at the September 8, 1986 meeting. Since the delivery of the packet we have
also been able to substantiate some of the items that I have flagged in my
memorandum and I would like to briefly go through those four points. One, you
have in your packet a revised set of Restrictions and Covenants that were
stamped Received March 13th. They have been revised to address the Council's
concern for providing adequate storm sewer maintenance as well as the private
street maintenance. On page 11 of the Restrictions it addresses the concern
by the Council where a hold harmless clause would be reserved so that the City
would not be responsible for any cost for maintenance or problems that would
occur with the storm sewer system or the street system. I marked on the
overhead here where the storm sewer systems will be going down the lot lines.
Therefore, Staff at this point is satisfied that item one has been complied
with. However, we would still like the City Attorney to have a final reading
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
that a pipe be installed rather than overland drainage. We had a meeting
right before the Planning Commission meeting with the applicant and we were
discussing the options of drainage for that area. The pipe versus the
overland drainage. We will be working with the Watershed District, Staff and
the applicant, to corne up with an optimum alternative to reduce any erosion
and to hold the water and allow sedimentation of the water. We are also
recommending the final erosion control grading plan as part of the final plat
and we also recommended an easement around the ponding area to the south at
approximately the 960 elevation. We found the 960 doesn't work the best, what
we will do is have the applicant submit a ordinary high water mark for this
ponding area and we will take that setback from the pond to maintain as much
open space as possible. As far as the Park and Recreation Commission, they
reviewed the site and the applicant is providing a 2.1 acre park to the north
adjacent to the existing part of Chaparral. The Park and Recreation
Commission thought it was a good idea for a park but they did not feel that it
was necessary and did not want to take it in lieu of park dedication fees.
The applicant has proposed another plan that will provide more lots there and
remove some of this park area as an option if they do not get any park
dedication fees reduced. The Park and Recreation Commission is also
requesting trailways along the 60 foot right-of-way, the 50 foot right-of-ways
and then the internal streets. They are also along Powers and Kerber Blvd..
There is adequate right-of-way now along the street sections to provide the
off-street trails.
Councilman Boyt: WOuld you go over those internal trails for me?
Jo Ann Olsen: Sure. As far as the wetland alteration permit, they are
providing ponding areas within the wetland district. When we went out to the
site with Elizabeth Rockwell, it looked like the wetland vegetation actually
carne all the way up to where the ponding areas are. The applicant has shown
as the wetland as being over in the souther corner here. Again, Staff is
recommending that they provide ordinary high water mark of the wetland to
provide the actual boundaries of it. From there we will have to maintain the
75 foot structure setback from the wetland. Staff is recommending approval of
the land use plan amendment, the rezoning and preliminary plat with the
conditions set in the Staff Report. Some of those conditions are different
than what was in the engineer's report and that is again a result of that
meeting that we had at the last minute before the Planning Commission meeting.
Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 6 and 11 have been changed. Number 1 was changed so
that we would state that off-street trails shall be provided along three main
streets in the development along the westerly edge of Powers Blvd.. Prior to
that the condition had recommended that additional right-of-way be acquired
but we found out that we did not need that. Condition 2, previously had
stated that the developer will provide the curb and gutter on Kerber Blvd. and
the question of who was actually going to be paying for it is still being
worked out between Staff and the developer. Condition 3, is when we establish
.the setback from the ponding area. It was set at 960 which was not actually
the best. We can work out a better one and study the setback from the
wetlands. Number 6 is where we will work with the applicant and the Watershed
District to review the best alternative of conveying the storm water from the
site. Number 11, just to establish the 75 foot setback fram the ordinary high
water mark. The Planning Commission recommended approval and added the
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
condition that the R-4 district's southerly boundary be established at the
northerly street alignment rather than at the rear of the lot line as
proposed. '!hey also added that the EAW address the Met Council's comments as
far as the impact of the site's storm water run-off to Lake Riley and Lotus
Councilman Boyt: I went over and walked the property yesterday and first, I
agree with the statement in here, I think it was from MPCA, that the EAW
looked real good. I thought it looked real good. I was impressed that they
talked about the drawbacks as well as the pluses. I was also impressed that
they are putting berms up to do something to shield the sound of the grading.
Can you tell me what the hours are for grading? Do we set that dependant upon
whether they are in a residential area or whether they are out in the
middle. . .
Gary Warren: We usually restrict them to 7:00 to 6:00 or 7:00. Sometimes we
allow Saturdays but never SUndays or holidays.
Councilman Boyt: I would be very appreciative when we're in a residential
area if we didn't grade on Saturdays and Sundays and I think 7:00 to 6:00 is
reasonable. I agree with the Park and Rec on the trail easement
possibilities. I think that probably the City should get involved in building
them but I think we should get the easements from the developer. I would like
to see the conservation easement go on this southern most area around the
ponds that are going to be created. I would like to see the conservation
easement go to the top of that ridge line and I would rather see it in a
conservation easement than I would in a development covenant. I want
something the City is going to enforce so I think you might need to add point
13 or 14 or whatever that that conservation easement be established up to that
southern ridge line. I agree with the R-4, moving it over to the middle of
the street. Fox Hollow, which I think was also developed by the same
development group and they have a pond over there that is similar to what they
are proposing to develop here on the north edge, if they develop this pond
that way, I would assume that you are either going to have to dig it out or
berm it up or something. Is that in your plan? I thought the pond over in
Fox Hollow was quite nice and I noticed that you have some pretty small lots
. that abut up to it and yet maybe because of the pond they seemed reasonable.
I'm surprised that I'd say a small lot could seem reasonable. A concern that
I have is you mention in your wri te-up that you're going to grade 19 feet out
of some areas. I think one of the things that we lose when we look at this is
that we don't have any kind of a way of judging how much of the terrain is
going to be shuffled around. I feel pretty strongly that property has a basic
integrity and that when people decide to develop a piece of property, we
shouldn't take something and make it look like Death Valley if it starts out
looking like a mountain or probably what would be more typical to happen, make
it look flat instead of having variations. This piece of property has a lot
of rollingness to it and I'm real concerned but not having a map, I can't tell
how much they are knocking down 19 feet. If there is a peak somewhere but 19
feet is a lot of ground .to take out.
Gary Warren: It basically is a peak like you're saying in the southwest
corner. I think the road elevation proposed there was 984. We don't have the
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Councilman Geving: I'm a little bit surprised that the Park and Rec people
didn't give you a little bit more of a problem asking for more parkland to
abut adjacent to the park to the north of this property. It would have been
very logical to me at least as I drew it on my plan to have acquired another 3
or 4 acres rather than a lousy little 2 acres which is very low and probably
not very useable for park purposes. I walked that myself arrl I know what's
down there. That's a ravine. '!here's not much there so we're not really
getting anything so I'm surprised that the Park and Rec people didn't see this
opportunity to expand the park. What were the discussions? Does anybody
remember? Were they satisfied with the trail system arrl the park fees in
lieu of taking this land?
Jo Ann Olsen: '!he Park Commission looked at the overall demand in that area
and felt with all the parks in this area, there was not a need for more
parkland. What was needed was money to develop the parkland that they had.
Councilman Geving: So even though they are adjacent to Lake Ann Park arrl the
school, we're talking about 140 units that are going to be built here. Do you
know how many people that is? That's a lot of people. That's 500-600 people.
A lot of kids and they're not going to be wanting to walk to the park. Let's
face it, that's still half a mile away. I'm very surprised that the Park
people didn't ask for more park dedication.
Rick Murray: Their response was that the area was not a good addition.
Councilman Horn: Not only that but they said they had planned both along
Powers and Kerber Blvd..
Councilman Geving: That's alright to walk. I like to hike myself but you're
talking about a lot of young kids that are going to be in this development.
Councilman Horn: They're thinking of getting them to other parts of the City.
This is where they drew it.
Councilman Geving: That particular piece of ground, that 2.some acres is
going to dedicated, is that right Rick?
Rick Murray: We will dedicate the 2.some acres of ground to the City if I get
an off-set in cash.
Counc i Iman Gev ing : You won't get that.
Rick Murray: Then we have an alternative that shows reducing this trail
corridor and expanding the lot.
Councilman Geving: I didn't see any discussion of that from the park people.
Their recommendation was to take the 2.1 acres or whatever it was arrl ask for
no reduction in the park dedication fees. What was their recommendation?
Mayor Hamilton: They didn't want it.
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Councilman Geving: I wouldn't really want it either because it's nothing more
than just a ravine. I don't think that's buildable. If there was you would
have put a house there. So we'll take it for nothing.
Rick Murray: Why?
Councilman Geving: What are you going to do with it if we give it back to
Rick Murray: We'll extend the cul-de-sac and we'll plat it out into duplex
lots. There was some other discussion I think which will come up later about
adding an access which this trailway could be shifted to make emergency access
out the back.
Councilman Geving: What kind of credit are you asking for the 2.1 acres?
we're not talking about a lot of money.
Rick Murray: Gentlemen, I've always been reasonable in the past.
Rick Sathre: I know this is very small but this shows, the park area that we
show on the preliminary plat is right in here. '!his border of the park that
we've shown is basically a ravine that is wooded and you can see the treeline
on the edge. '!he land that lies to the west of that, this nice open space
area in there is a high and relatively flat area. It slopes about 6 feet
across that area. I think it's a wonderful park space. It's buffered from
the single family by the trees and the ravine and it's all park to the north.
On that other big map, the red area is the existing park in the Chaparall area
so a majority of this 2.1 acres, not a majority but sayan acre or acre and a
hal~ of it, the major open space area is a relatively flat and certainly high
Councilman Geving: Well, I think we would have to talk about that.
Mayor Hamilton: I think a solution is take the 2.1 acres or whatever the
acreage is. .
Councilman Geving: I would too. I personally would rather have the park area
as a park in our overall park.
Rick Murray: Some of it, an acre or acre and a half which is useable.
Councilman Geving: I would rather have the land because I can see an awful
lot of people in this area who might want to use that area just for walking.
There are a number of trees down there.
Rick Murray: This is an enlargement Dale of the existing proposal.
Councilman Geving: I guess my personal preference would be for us to take
tha t land, the 2.1 acres.
Rick Murray: It seemed a reasonable place for us to provide a buffer between
single family and high density.
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Councilman Geving: I agree. I understand what you're saying and I also can
agree to what Clark eluded to. I don't have problem with what you're
proposing. Let me see if I have another comment or two. The other thing is I
think the off-street trails. Do you have any comments on that? There was
some surprise on your part or the planner's part on what the Park and Rec were
asking for.
Rick Murray: Philosophically, I think it's probably a good plan to have some"
off-street trails, especially on major thoroughfares. Along Kerber and
Powers. Practically, on the interior lots, people won't want a sidewalk in
their front yard. That's why it's been in so many plans a lack of requirements
of sidewalks. People didn't want them there. From a Ci ty's point of view, if
you don't build these sidewalks or trails, at the time we're doing the
streets, I think you have a hard time ever getting them in. We've done three
subdivisions in Eden prairie now which are on the only three that I've
developed that require sidewalks and every time you're always pushing the end
of the construction season arrl you're lucky to get your curb down and
especially last year with the terrible rain. We didn't get the sidewalks in.
The calls that we've getting is are why did you put in the sidewalk there. I
get 10 a week and now they're starting to double up. People are calling back
because they forgot what I told them two weeks ago.
Councilman Boyt: What are you building them out of?
Rick Murray: Those are concrete. That's their requirement. Whatever you
build them out of, they have to be hard enough. Either asphalt or concrete.
Councilman Boyt: We just had a lot of discussion about what's appropriate so
I was just curious.
Rick Murray: Their bike trails in Eden Prairie work a lot better and are more
designed toward the rear yard as with these along here. The interior
sidewalks, whichever side of the street you put them on, it's always the wrong
side and people would have bought the other side of the street if they had
known that there was going to be a sidewalk.
Councilman Geving: How does that work out for maintenance after you've built
them? .Who pays for the upkeep and maintenance?
Rick Murray: The City. The public works department. And they have to be
Councilman Geving: I know in many communities if it's in front of your house,
it's yours and you have to replace it.
Councilman Horn: The bicycle trail?
Councilman Geving: No, the one that we're talking" about here if it were
concrete. The interior concrete off-street trail. I don't want to keep
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Rick Murray: If you don't have the City taking care of them you're going to
get exactly what Clark just mentioned. This one looks real nice because they
had a good year. This guy lost his job and has economic difficulties.
Councilman Geving: I'm pleased with what I see here Rick. I just feel we
have to negotiate a little bit more about the 2.1 acres and that can be worked
out with our City Staff. Otherwise I'm in favor of the project.
Councilman Johnson: Actually, overall I very much like this project. I like
how the natural features have been utilized to separate types of housing. I
like a lot of things about this project. I'm going to start on the FA since
that was brought up first. We're missing several points on the ~ that, since
they weren't considered, I personally would like to see it go back and the
points added in because as a regulating unit, the FA is not complete. There
is no discussion about what's going to happen to the buildings that are
currently there. From what I've gathered, they are right now planning to be
burned as fire practice or whatever but there is on discussion. They are
either going to be buried, bum or carried off-site. Either way, it's a solid
waste or an air pollution so it has to be in an FA for an FA to be complete.
The Staff knows that any FA that impacts eventually Lake Riley has to have the
phosphates statement in there for this FA to be a complete and thorough EA so
I think the FA should be rewritten.
Barbara Dacy: It's in there. They addressed the phosphate issue in their
amendmen t.
Rick Sathre: Basically the findings of the addendum were that 4 pounds of
phospherous more than the norm would be carried upon completion of the
Councilman Johnson: On the EA, the earlier one, it was put out for public
notice. The public did not get the amendment.
Jo Ann Olsen: It's in the report.
Councilman Johnson: That was available this friday. That was not available
when this was public notice 30 days ago when that was supposed to be
available. When you ~~end it, you have a 30 day notice period for your
amendment. We've got to follow the State Rules on this.
Barbara Dacy: The DTB says that is up to the RG to determine.
Councilman Johnson: That's right. That's us. And the air pollution is not
addressed but that's a minor thing. That's not going to stop this project. I
think we can go along with the other parts of this and have the FA amended and
put to it's proof. In general, I believe this is the best EA I've seen for a
housing project. Unfortunately, it missed a couple points. The next item is
on the recorrunendations. Recorrunendation 1, I think we better change that to
easterly edge of Powers Blvd. so we're not doing the property across the
street for the trail. I don't think the owners of the property across the
street would appreciate it too much.
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Rick Murray: Actually when you look at the extensions Jay, if you ever do
want to put this trail north of our property and you look at all the property
owners up there and you look at the property owners on this side of the road,
you've got six of them to deal wi th over here and you've probably got 40 of
them to deal with over here.
Councilman Johnson: To tell you the truth, if I were platting the trails, I
would have the trails on this side of Kerber and on the west side of Powers at
this point.
Rick Murray: The east side of Kerber?
Councilman Geving: I disagree.
Councilman Johnson: '!hat's where they already are. Now we have to cross the
street. We have to cross Kerber Blvd. to get to you. As you go down Kerber
there's a natural place where you go down to the cow path and take the cow
path under and through but the Park and Rec Comnission wanted the other way.
Rick Murray: When you see the trail to there, you're going to force yourself
to crossing it. You're dealing not only with these homeowners, you're dealing
with the Association there to get that trail behind all of this.
Rick Sathre: There's no room either.
Rick Murray: Those quads corne right to the edge. If you're going to have a
fight, pick on nine guys.
Councilman Johnson: The other thing, I need some assurances that this cul-de-
sac with twins on it, is a pretty long cul-de-sac. I've seen in the past a
lot of talk about long cul-de-sacs and here we've got 1,200 foot long cul-de-
Councilman Boyt: What did the Fire Department say when they reviewed this?
Rick Murray: I think it's 850.
Barbara Dacy: A 500 to 1,000 foot range for an urban density is standards.
we have no specifics in the Subdivision Ordinance.
Councilman Johnson: I think most people put in 600 foot cul-de-sacs last
year. Anyway, we've got a trail corning out the back there. We've got a trail
going across to the other place and hopefully it can be maintained as a
possible emergency access to that end which may need some grading of the steep
slopes in there which looks like you're already going to do so.
Rick Murray: We're above the trees right there. Both of those trails that
access point would be above where the topo shows.
Councilman Johnson: I personally agree with the R-12. I think if done
tastefully and placed within those trees, it won't be too bad. I do agree
with Bill's point that R-4 would also be just as appropriate there but I can't
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
argue either way. RSF does not make any sense at all for that hilltop. Are 4It
you into apartments? Is that part of your repetoire? Or is this going to be
like James and farm it out to someone else to build?
Rick Murray: ()Jr repetoire, so to speak Jay, is to own the property, we bring
the builders with us to the site. I don't build. I will approve every plan
that goes on am we would do the same thing with the apartments. I would not
build. We have four builders that we're dealing with right now and we've been
approached for townhouse si tes. Townhouse si tes right now, at least good
townhouse sites, which we envision this to be, will be nice walk-out
townhouses with that bluff area for some adequate parking. The problem I have
with R-4, I have two problems with R-4. Number one, this is R-12. We don't
know that that's not going to be a high rise apartment building. If this was
rental units it would certainly impact what I'm going to try and do with my 8
acres am if it did happen to go rental units, I would not be able to convince
those builders to put their $100,000.00 townhouses there. If it's done
tastefully and I understam it's coming up this next month, I got a notice, if
it is done in townhouses then it allows some more flexibility but what the
City is requiring or the City is looking for off of this piece of acreage,
granted, I think there is a desire to maintain slope. We've shown the desire
as much as possible on this side and I think we will continue that on this
side. I have to be able to bring the density that's within there and
tastefully work it along the slope. With an R-4, I get duplexes am singles.
I can't very do that. There just isn't room there at R-4.
Mayor Hamil ton: I like the project too. Rick, you've done a gooo job. I e
think we need an R-12 because it's adjacent to another R-12 and we need that
type of housing in the City. The trail system, two questions, the trail
system for the park area, I would be in favor of keeping the 2 acres and
working out an equitable solution with you Rick on how we're going to arrive
at a price for that which I think we can do. I think we should take advantage
of that piece of groum am keep it as a park. Then, the off-street trail
system, I still have a problem with that with the internal streets having a
trail system on them. I'm not in favor of that. I'm not in favor of having a
trail that doesn't go anywhere. I know we're going through a process of
working on our trails system am trying to figure out how we're going to
arrive at a trail system that goes somewhere and hooks up with somebody else
in the system and I think that whole process is being reviewed as a part of
this. Personally, I don't see the need for sidewalks...
Resolution #87-24: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Horn to approve the
first reading to reZOlJe approximately 23 acres of RSF, Single Family
Residential to R-4, Mixed Low Density am 8.2 acres of Residential Single
Family to R-12, High Density Residential. All voted in favor except
Councilman Boyt who opposed am motion carried.
Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Horn seconded to approve the land use
plan amendment to amem the 8.2 acres of Residential Low Density to
Residential High Density. All voted in favor except Councilman Boyt and
motion carried.
City Council Meeting - March 16, 1987
Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Horn seconded to approve the preliminary
plat as shown on the plat dated December 30, 1986, am the wetland alteration
permit with the following conditions:
1. Off-street trails shall be provided along the three main streets in
the development am along the easterly edge of Powers Blvd. and
westerly edge of Kerber Blvd..
2. '!he westerly edge of Kerber Blvd. shall be upgraded with curb and
3. '!he City and the developer shall establish a trail and conservation
easement along the ponding areas prior to final plat approval.
4. SUbmittal of a final grading and drainage and erosion control plan
acceptable to the City, Watershed District, and DNR am adherence to
all conditions...
5. If construction phasing is proposed, the submittal of an acceptable
phasing plan along with execution of a developer's agreement with the
6. The City and Watershed District shall review alternatives for
conveying storm water from the northern pond to mitigate erosion
7. All street and utility construction shall be consistent with City
standards for urban residential development.
8. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated as necessary for
placement of all utility lines.
9. Sanitary sewer extensions off-site in order to connect with existing
municipal utilities shall be at the developer's expense.
10. Mass grading of the site will not be permitted without adequate
assurances and guarantees being provided to the City.
11. '!he applicant shall establish the OHWM of the Class B wetland and
establish the 75 foot setback.
12. '!he City will negotiate with the developer for the purchase of the
2.1 acre park.
All voted in favor and motion carried.
Councilman Johnson moved, Councilman Geving seconded to approve the negative
declaration for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet with the condition that
it be amended to address the removal of the existing buildings on site, and if
they are burned, their impact to air pollution. All voted in favor and motion
Van Doren
Arch'tecl~. Engineers. Planners
3030 Harbor Lane North,
Suite 104
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441
'10: Park and Recreation Canmission and Staff
~: R. Mark Koegler ~
DATE: March 31, 1987
SOBJ: Tra il Plan
The schedule for assembly of the Chanhassen Trail Plan calls for the next
discussion to focus on two topics: a preliminary trail plan and trail
standards. The attached map constitutes a draft of a preliminary trail plan
which has been prepared for further review and comment by the Park and
Recrea tion Commission. The plan represents linkages between parks, schools,
neighbortxx>ds arrl other features throughout the city and it provides connecting
points consistent with plans prepared by Eden Prairie am Chaska.
At this stage, it is suggested that the Park Commission critique the draft
preliminary trail plan and reach a concensus on all future desired trail
alignments. After alignments have been identified, the Commission will be
involved in the task of prioritizing am establishing recanmemed phasing for
actual implementation of the system.
In essence, the preliminary trail plan is actually a representation of an
ultimate trail plan after implementation over an extended period of time.
Most public improvements are built in accordance with sets of standards.
Standards are particularly important in the development of trail systems because
consistency both for motoring am cycling memers of the public helps reduce the
occurrence of accidents. Consistency in design helps ensure user canfort.
Standards for trails can be numerous and complicated. Basically, most trail
systems are developed consistent with the following standards:
1. Trails will be 8' wide to accanmodate two-way bicycle and pedestrian
traffic. Six foot wide trails will be constructed only to adapt to
the continuity of existing 6' trails.
2. Bikeway/Bikeway trails will be separated from motor vehicle traffic
thus reducing conflicts and interactions with these transportation
3. Avoid long steep grades: 6.0% maximum slope preferred, 8% maximum
where unavoidable by existing terrain.
4. Use flatter grade or slope at intersection with streets or other
trailway; 2.0% maximum to allow adequate time to stop.
5. For drainage purposes, 1.0% preferred minimum slope: not less than
0.5% to be used.
6. Use 0.02'/foot minimum cross-slope or crown: 0.04'/foot maximum.
7. Provide clearance for vertical obstructions (trees, power poles,
signs, etc.); four-foot preferred minimum, two-foot absolute minimum
for bicycle facilities.
Shape and compact subgrade to 100% standard density. Excavate and
remove all topsoil, black dirt, peat, muck or silt soils from beneath
pathway: backfill with select grading material.
9. Provide positive surface water drainage away from trailway with
shallow drainage swales or ditches, culverts and/or storm sewer as
required. Subgrade of trailway to be minimum of two feet above water
10. Avoid sharp or sudden changes in horizontal and vertical alignment.
Provide adequate site distance for bicycles at intersections and on
vertical changes in alignment. Extra width and/or flatter curves
required on long downhill slopes for additional reaction space.
11. Bicycle tra ils to be marked and signed in accordance with the manual
on uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition.
12. Minimum standards shall be increased as necessary where required by
poor subgrade soil, traffic volumes, hazardous conditions, or other
special circumstances.
(612) 937-1900 ~:~rm ':'\~.
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Don Ashworth, City Manager
. ._--.~-_.....~
. Date S~b:ni~:~j 10 CO,iln115:.
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
1988 LAWCON Grant Applications
&. -..------.
ii3lr: Su:'mi~'.j IfJ ';'-iunCI!
~........---_. ....--.-
April 1, 1987
Applications for 1988 LAWCON Grant projects are due on May 4.
Due to the short time frame until the application deadline, I am
requesting input from the City Council on this item before it
goes to the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday evening.
This office is recommending that the City make three or four
grant applications. A number of potential projects have been
identified which are listed below.
Lake Ann Ballfield Development: We have made application
for this project in the past and it ranked very high. This
project has been identified as high priority due to the needs
of the CAA for a regulation size soccer field and Little
League field. The project includes grading, access road,
additional parking, a regulation size soccer field, and a
softball field/fall soccer field.
The construction of a new softball field may allow us to con-
vert field #3 into a Little League field. This will allow
the CAA to offer all of the youth baseball and soccer
programs within Chanhassen rather than travelling outside the
City limits. Because this is such a great need for CAA it
will not be difficult to gain community support, which is
needed to be considered for funding.
The estimated cost of this project is roughly $200,000.
Lake Susan Park Development: This project would include an
unpaved park entrance roadi boat access, trails, fishing
dock, and a fish cleaning house. The project is considered a
high priority due .to the park's proximity to the business
park. It was felt that the development of this park
(especially trails) would attract industries and businesses
.to the area. In addition, this office receives an increasing
amount of calls each year requesting use of Lake Susan Park.
The estimated cost of this project is roughly $50,000.
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