1987 05 05 Agenda . e e -.v .0 AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to Order. 2 . Minutes of April 7, 1987. 3. 4. Park Needs Survey - Pat Pfahl. Proposed Eagle Scout Project - Jeremy Jenson. \ 1.-:... '. , , \). "V. \.. (. e',""" Ordinance Codif ication Process - Oral presentation- \ ;':-.,..... ";;-' '. Totlot Plans for Greenwood Shores, North Lotus Lake Park, and Bandimere Heights. I. " 0J' ,,~.'- -5] g 7. Site Plan Reviews: A) Mackendale Addition, Dave Stockdale Applicant. B) Shadowmere, Hilloway Corporation Applicant. C) Creek Run, Robert Engstrom Associates Applicant. Park and Recreation Meeting Schedule. Updates: A) 1987 Easter Egg Hunt B) Herman Field C) Pets in Parks -10. Fire Department Request to Hold their Annual Softball Tournament. 11. Carver Beach and Greenwood Shores Parking Plan - Mark Koegler. 12. Comprehensive Trail Plan - Mark Koegler. 13. Commissioner Presentations - This time will be reserved for discussion of any comments, questions, or concerns that Commissioners may have on items not listed on the agenda. * We will meet at City Hall at 6:45 p.m. to visit Chanhassen Pond Park. ** PLEASE call me at 937-1900 if you are unable to attend the meeting. . 3 CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 30, 1987 SUBJ: Park Needs Survey e Pat Pfahl will present the findings of the Park Needs Survey at Tuesday's meeting. He was not able to get all of the data entered to have the results available for this packet; therefore, he will be giving an oral presentation. e CITY OF, CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 5, 1987 .~\....~w-:................,,,...._~--........ ...,..._........~.....< r>",,~ . . Mr. Roger Knutson Grannis, Grannis, P.O. Box 57 South St. Paul, MN Farrell & Knutson 55075 '. Re: Park Trail Funding Dear Roger: During our meeting this past week we had an opportunity to discuss the attached letters. This letter is to confirm the conclusion reached during that meeting regarding trail funding. The question arose in regards to a recommendation from the Park Commission, to the City Council, recommending that the Saddlebrook Development (Rick Murray's development to the west and north of City Hall) be required to dedicate two boundary trails as well as three interior trails through the development. The City Council endorsed this recommendation. During review by the City Council, the City Engineer stated that the trailway construction could occur within the right-of-way on the interior streets. Should the City Council approve the urban section for Kerber Blvd., such could also accommodate an off-street trail, similar to the Chaparral area, within the right-of-way. The County Road 17 trail construction could only occur within the right-of-way area if agreed to by the County. Mr. Murray contacted this office shortly after the City Council meeting. He asked that the City Council's action be placed in writing so as to provide him guidance as he moves through the development process. The attached response was prepared based on conversations with the City Planner, City Engineer, and myself as to our interpretation of the City Council's action. This response was not sent to Mr. Murray as additional questions started to arise. Specifically, could the City reclassify cer- tain trails as "sidewalks" and thus force the developer into paying for such? Could they remain with the designation as approved, i.e. "trails" and still be considered as a cost to be borne by the developer? Your conclusions to these questions were as follows: - Trail Dedication: State statute is specific in authorizing a City to require the dedication of trails through new Mr. Roger Knutson May 5, 1987 Page 2 . _.--..-..,' '. .,...~. ',.-' .-. .....,~... ' developments. Statute is silent in terms of whether the developer can be required to install the trail and/or receive credit for such construction as a part of his park dedication fees. Case law would strongly support the necessity to provide a park credit equal to the actual construction costs incurred by the developer, including a reasonable credit for land dedicated for the trails them- selves. Sidewalks: A city may require the installation of sidewalks as a part of new development. The cost would be borne by the developer with no credits for park dedication. Cities desiring to requir~ sidewalk construction must have developed a comprehensive sidewalk plan identifying the public need for such walkways, i.e. a definition of walk- ways as they would lead to and from schools, central busi- ness district, etc. An alternative would be to simply require that all new subdivisions have sidewalk on one or both sides of the roadway. This form of ordinance pre- supposes that this type of construction is a continuation of an existing sidewalk program or that means to install sidewalks in older areas is accomplished, i.e. a special assessment program to rebuild or install such. Absent .. either a comprehensive plan dealing with sidewalk standards and an ordinance requiring sidewalks to be constructed in conformance with the plan, a requirement for a new builder to construct sidewalks on one or more streets would be held invalid. - Trail Ordinance: The City of Lakeville has recently passed an ordinance requiring the payment of $135.00 per lot in each new subdivision for trail construction. The ordinance is based upon the desire of the City to complete an adopted trail plan and to assure that new development provided their fair share of new trail construction. It is the belief of your office that this ordinance is valid and pro- vides an alternative to problems denoted in the two sec- tions above. In effect, the City of Lakeville is increasing their overall park dedication fees by the $135 - such solely being dedicated for trail construction. Although very few cities have a similar ordinance, there appears to be significant interest in such by other cities. Conclusion Requiring the Saddlebrook development to construct either sidewalks or trails, without giving a park credit, appears arbitrary when similar requirements have not been placed on other . developments nor does the City currently have an adopted trail plan/ordinance requiring construction of such. If the City wishes to pursue requiring trail construction, adoption of a . . . Mr. Roger Knutson May 5, 1987 Page 3 comprehensive trail plan should occur as soon as possible together with an ordinance modification requiring development to carry out such construction as a part of all new development applications. The alternative to this would be the adoption of a comprehensive trail plan together with an ordinance requiring the payment of a trail fee at time of building permit. Since Saddlebrook is currently required to pay park fees at time of permit, a majority of the lots would be paying the new trail fee (if adopted). Sincerely, fl~ Don Ashworth City Manager ()lg;]j '. DA:k to CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 29, 1987 SUBJ: Totlot Plans The 1987 Capital Improvement Budget includes tot lot equipment for Bandimere Heights Park, Greenwood Shores and North Lotus Lake Park. Earl F. Anderson and Associates has supplied us with playground equipment in the past and has been very helpful with designing plans. Attached are proposed plans for each park. All include a pea gravel play surface and wood borders. I have also included a catalogue so that you can see what is available. The Bandimere Heights plan includes a five deck main structure, chain net climber, slide, 56" vertical ladder, and 42" vertical ladder. The budget allocates $3,000. The proposed plan has a cost of $2,916 for equipment and $525 for wood border, totaling $3,441. . The plan for tot lot equipment at North Lotus Lake includes a five deck main structure, chain net climber, fire pole, pipe wall, tire swing, spiral slide and vertical ladder. The cost of the equipment in this plan is $4,483 and the border is $675. The budget allocates $5,000 for this project and the total of Phase I is $5,158. We have shown a possible addition to this (Phase II) which has a cost of $5,060. The Greenwood Shores plan includes a five deck main structure, chain net climber, vertical ladder, pipe wall, and slide. The cost of the equipment is $2,934 and the border is $694 for a total of $3,628. The budget allocates $3,000 for tot lot equipment at this park. The proposed Phase II, as shown, would cost approximately $2,977. All of these plans are over budget as the design consultant did not originally include the price of the border in each plan. These plans can be cut back. Also, the consultant showed future expansion at two of the parks, shown as Phase II. The border quoted allows for this expansion. This office is recommending that staff be authorized to order play . equipment for Greenwood Shores, North Lotus Lake Park and Bandimere Heights Park making cutbacks where possible so as to stay within the approved budget. I~~% c_ . ~ ~ ~ !~ ,~@j~::;: .~~~.~ ~~~~~ ]! fii;J ~~ ,~~ i' ~ \9 ~ il;9;~ ~ t:;M1 _: .Si' ~ " ~ . ~ __::J: :v ~ ll:~' ~Q ~.ut-. i ~ ' . ~~ ~ ' ~ ifjlj Iffi1] ;= Wi dQJ ~ ~ w. ~~(O) 4!~J~ ' @ Llt,ll . Ll ~ ~~.: ..:( .~\~ \'- " S\1~ ~ I iV;J , :I: I~ _l:t ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. " ~ ~ -1 f tt :~~ -.~ ~f . r-., / ) ~ ~t ;., ~,~. ~..;- ~ :'- . 1 . ! J\ ~ 1- Q.~ -'" l'> ~$ I .~ ! . .~ t ---. 1-- . f ; i \J r w .' ~~ ~ E ~ ~t tl ~ : ~ ..t ~ o{....(}I...o '- I" - \1'\ '() . . I;.r- ~ - -!~ fir ~ I ~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ . !1; ~ ~, ~ '*\ b\-. ~" ~ _ '0 V. .I:- I ~ ~ /r- ---1 ~ - - - - ~ Ul ~ ~ ~ If'i g, / ~~ ~d ~' ,,; "l 01 ~ jU 16: /-1'< \" ~ ~~ t, ,', " C" Fi .fJ ~ y : ' ~: '\ I' ~ {QJ n'; I ~ "".; ~ I ~ ~ J ~;J ~ ~ :~ J.~ : ~;I; I t>.~ .:sr~.; ~ I ~ c:~ tt' _._n ~. I ~~ ~ ~. I ~ ~ @JI I:~ . - I ~w ~ l:~ I - \ : ~,~ ,= i .~~. I",~ ~)! : ~ E. I ; ~5- :~t F ~~ t~FI ~ ~ (0) I : -:'" crt :f:q"'4 ;i~8~~: ./'ii~~~~ ." ~ '~I\ CEo DD ~ \" ;~,,'-: t' :' ~ '-:--L - -,J ~ ~ ~t " A. Q.~ " : ' -< co. ,p. '\ ' ~ ~'o - . , ~). ( . \\ it I J ~ ~Z! i~l-} tij ! ~i -J :~.tl j ~ I " "aM I (f L __ _____~ ~ .. ) . . . r:::a :>-+ , ~1j , .s:" Cl 3t t' ::r: ~ ~ '1t ~.. {-4 ~- : n-a.' ~ -<:. r.::::t: ;.. PO I: ~,...- . ~%-.' -' I ~~ (ru~-.--;~; .':!J~ Ii1fJ r . \ \ it . '" 0 "- ~." . if" 1 . \(\ t. . ~ ~I f :z~l ~ ~\ ~ ~\ .~f~ ~ ~ I! f -r- toe 1 ~ ~ .~: ~ } L-~-~~/ ~, ;' \ i~l.' ~.:~jr: 3 ~~~! ~ :> " .~~ j ~ ( ~ W {-'$' F\ ..i-j, ~ --" j i\~ i., l-l , ..e:. ..f:- =- I r~ 'IJr, ; r--- /~~ .Tj; / ~~ '~1.' . '... :' ?r I' , \'-\, ' '\\ I ; , I ~I ~ ~ I ~~ ~' ~ I a. I. ~I - ,~ ' _ -.-..J . r=a ~r.~ -rr ,_, ~&- ::C d r ,:rr U'- ~ ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: May 5, 1987 Prepared by: 1A . Sietsema/v C.C. DATE: CASE NO: STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 12.51 Acres into Three Single Family Lots and One Agricultural Lot. I- Z <3: u :J a.. 0... <( LOCATION: One-half mile North of TH 5 on the West Side of County Road 117 APPLICANT: Dave Stockdale 7210 Galpin Boulevard Excelsior, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: A-2, Agricultural Estate ACREAGE: 12.51 acres DENSITY: .29 per acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- A-2 S- A-2 ~ ~ W I- - C/) E- A-2 w- A-2 EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: The proposal is located within one mile of Lake Ann Park. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposal lies within the rural area with only four lots of more than 3 acres each, it would not be considered park deficient. . . . Stockdale Subdivision May 5, 1987 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION This proposed subdivision lies along Galpin Boulevard (CR 117) where a proposed trail system is shown on the preliminary trail plan. Although park land would not be required, a 20 foot trail dedication should be obtained. It is the recommendation of this office to acquire a 20 foot trail along Galpin Boulevard to serve as a future trail connec- tion and to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land. ~ g ~ ~ xi ~ ~ ~J · T T i 2 '-' · · J i J:1-,~ i~ I #I /:'...."'.~" ~ i 1~-i~~~\~. f_'~~iIDt .~~U~~- -~ .Jt.~ ~tJ \~~ ~ ~ ~ ~U~.:r' "" \':....1-1 ~('JU[ ~". '~~:~ ;;'" I ;=~_J, L l-;m W- .:: 1 H: -='<~ =-r CliP _ _ ,,_ IlIDl' ~ 1'-1) ,"--~ ", =Jl~ . IJ I- .~ ''''''':"'~ ~. :... " . Wir-i' bJ.-~ '.~ ~'=F JCI -' :1, ~ '", ",' ,..L. ! '- ~I Q ~ .~. -. '" · · . 'J - _ . _ \\ \\ j ,/ Ii >' - r: J '::'''H L ~J i: LrA:~ LU~~I '~:,,~ I /7/i ~, (/1 __ ,'.' , "\" ", I. ... II. LAU ANN '. " <) rL' ~, ~ '. I I · '(/1//11_ r r~ Ot.-e(] _~,_ .-.-- I .' V J 7 L.J. " ~I . ... ..... ~ I f--j .. · ueVqOp - :.....- i tp' 1/)] n r--g~ ~I ~r~ ~~ ~ --- ~ - . I "\. _ I ' n "t6 ;" /~<<I-'_ ~ \ ~ ---- "'~ -~) ~~ I ~ L 01 B ffJ. ' ;t i~ .,d" _ I _~_~~I f---- "." t" ~ I """\y' ,- I I l~ ) L - .J l ~ : .roo-: ~ -' - --.1, .~' T ; ~~:Bi · · ..oo~:1 " () \ -i ' n.r I,~::, i..,,- '~I (I I 9100 -- .: \ ~ J'!) , (Il -~~\ I ) ~ j A ~~- /. , 1> 1 ~~I(D 'ASHTA \: 2 (~/' -- (I , '~. r--oa:h "If 5/ ,{' l- f I ,) I ~ tr- "," ;< ;' I~ I '-.., ~- ~E I I STA ---- - ~ - UNO ~TlIl(n -.lJ! - iASSEN ? Il I r I 1 I I l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,;; Sl ~ .. ::l .. .. ! 'J - AY .J I I L-.J 1/ f; I I :""'1'0"0 --.v 1--- 9200--- 9)00 - I ..,j 113 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 5-5-87 C.C. DATE: CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 15 acres into 27 single family lots. I- Z <t U - --I a. n. <! . LOCATION: Just north of Frontier Trail on Lotus Lake, east of Chanhasen Vista and Triple Crown Estates APPLICANT: Hilloway Corporation Attn: Mr. Jim Fennig 2440 Byrnes Road Minnetonka, MN 55343 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential District ACREAGE: 15 acres DENSITY: 1.8 units per acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RSF S- RSF E- Lotus Lake w- PUD-R, Planned Unit Development, Residential ~ S W I- - C/) . EXISTING PARKS: This proposed development lies within the service area of Carver Beach, Meadow Green and Chanhassen'Vista Parks. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not show this to be a park deficient area as it lies in the service area of 3 existing parks. The proposed trail plan calls for a trail to connect Carver Beach Road and Frontier Trail. Hilloway Subdivision May 5, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND This City has plans to extend Carver Beach Road to Frontier Trail. A major portion of the street right-of-way has already been obtained through Triple Crown Estates and Chanhassen Vista. The proosed trail plan identifies a trail segment along that extension. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office for the City to acquire a street easement wide enough to accommodate a trail for the Carver Beach Road extension, along the west side of the proposed develop- ment. In addition, I am recommending that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land as this is not a park defi- cient area. . . . ~ '~ F o goo 000 00 o .. 2 0 0 0 pi' 0 0 0 0 0 .0 . - - eft CO r- I.D to g It) N 0 ~ T I II; ~HRI.~r~A.~ III I I HE:~NEPtN. couJTY ~~~'':::: ~ lo~~ ~ ~y LAKE I!tf - ~ JI C ARVt.11 C!Crrm IY P'W.:I'7~ ~'I lfJlD ~~~ow ~ (f On _~ ~ I . '.. Ib _ g;' T"\IW ~-~m~K ~~~'l_RD\JJ~ . ~l~~D-R.,;"~j;-,,~~~~~~~ 0-'/.. TRAP~'~~ ol ~T . -1"-oG '\. ~., is' ~ ~..1jI QRCLE. . 'Y"l:!J--, . v, ~~ \.olo~ """ v....y/ ~.1-1 __ ~. ~ ~~.:\\. .'c', , - 0 -::-1/ P AN "1 /l. ~l\~. C' ~~ .MoUN'~';"'-I.uT.:.u~ ~'r1).. '..0.' ~ -....;; ~ RI(:\ rU !- ~ ~"'- ;; ..... 71 ~iiIiIIj .. I A '.~ 3 or.~ ~/D1l').-'" ~l ''\ \~ ~. '1/ .BLUFF K H~~.T ~.;). ~ ,\ \ . ~'J ~~ ~J:~ ~ '.. .~.a<> . ~ ~o~ ' GF'l v.. " "~ilIi~?~ '~" k~- iO ~ ~ ~~ r~ ~~, I~ ,~ ~1X1I ",""L W,e. '-' ,....., ~,"''il"fJ. '1"::: ol ~I Iii' ~, 'Yl II COURT v ~)~~ . r-; l.Jdr tl;lbr u,,",," I ~ r! I. I "PI:~' - ~ ~~ F~ "Y . - 1~1;J- ~!C'/~ ~ ~. I '~J .. ~~ ,:;t - ~.-F .UJ J:::' ( . , ~,.. ~~ _._ ~1 ~ ~ p r ~~~. :RE~~~ t (~~ ...,,~e==.Y'm4/~' ~---ri ~ -= ~t:: ~ ~ ~ "'v= ,~~.. ~'~. ~:--1 7 -"l J.. ;.) f ..:..\<;\..... ~ ~ ~ I ('lJ~~~~ If RD \~t f/Kf~ E 1" ~ 'J'\-f~ uf. ~ M~~ '~~'V.'ij; ~~tl ~ .., -, -" li:7 "'\~-- ~ ~~)" - . 't~VTA\~i /q, .~;::: -- - L-_l:=-~..)~< 1"1. l' ~ ,:-:~\\ ~~ '". 1\ ~~ .~,,~~.,--);;:,\t CR ~ L orus ~~ ~--' w~ aaE~~'~ ~ ~ -_----t)~\ f't<:.opo=;;,EA:;:> ~l\J(~~ '- ~t1 ~ ~ rTT \'-t-n _\.~~, ..... ' '11 :I'lflll\\\ PUID-R' 1 ~') ~H~lM~ t '" . t LA ~ ~ ~\l ,~ ~ 'lo..' '1' c,"(. ~"'I\ ~ 111 I ~ /" ~\:-I , W .,..000 '<. t..V . III ( -=-~('~ _ . . t;.~ ~ -__' ff~r ~ II ~l~~ RSJ- ~ "I ~ l ~ J~ ___~~Fo ~.' / ~~~LAKE '~~ ! 1 . 1l, ":12.-'7 ~ ,~ ~~ R4 R1k~_ r-"~ ?tTJrJ; l!flLl. l~~1'A '1 ~'<i ~ ~~' 7A(;J;L ru ~~ - ~ - , - '\l \. ~~ E~ :;;',f .l~~.... ~ CITY OF CHAHHASSEN PRC DATE: May 5, 1987 C.C. DATE: Prepared by: 1e- . Sietsema/v CASE NO: - STAFF REPORT PRO?OSAL: To Subdivide 4.8 acres into 10 Single Family Lots ..... Z <t U :J a. a.. <( LOCATION: Approximately i mile North of Lake Lucy Road on the West Side of Yosemite Avenue APPLICANT: Robert Engstrom -Associates, Inc. 4801 West 81st Street, Suite 101 Minneapolis, MN 55437 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential ACREAGE: 4.8 acres DENSITY: .48 units per acre ~ ~ W .... - en ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- S- E- w- RSF RSF RSF RSF EXISTING PARKS: There are no existing parks in this area. There is a 6 acre park proposed in the Centex Homes development within which ser vice area Creek Run would lie. There are no trails in this area except the propose on-street trail along Lake Lucy Road. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comp Plan shows this to be a park deficient area. However, when Centex Homes is development it will lie within that service area. . . . Engstrom & Associates May 5, 1987 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION As this is a development of less than 5 acres, it is not a can- didate for parkland. However, residents in this area have expressed a need for trails. A trail along Yosemite would be the first section of a potential connection to Lake Lucy Road. It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland and to request a 20 foot trail easement along the west side of Yosmite Avenue. ~ '. ~ 8 0 D f'~eo ~O\V\QkIL\ , ~ ~ ~-= ~ ~ ~ RuLJ ~ - 1, I j{ 0 ~ T _ ~ -./ - &~ '~ ~ ..-", ClIl~1 III" ~'j:Jk~t ir~1d "~1 !It :- I~ I -.' II: :j~ ~ ~ Id~11CI1 63Rdl ~ -cr . ~ IL l ~:z: >01 ~.,.:r IRINO..ECK DL ST . ~ _.f.t, ( ,~iJ.ON4 'HL.LlEiL ~,~r ~bfll~ \ IIU '--- Pl. ill:n\ ~ \,..0 r--:- ~ 6 T 51. ~ ..:'..,,- 'LIlI..,I ......r~ I I ~ I~ ~ CRE!trVIF r'rU.~ I~IR ~ lAI<E 1 ! ~ ~ L\ 1--' ~, --- - ~ ' ,~A..~\ ~ 1 /~~ ~ ~~!~ -=:, .\ It. ff'. ..........-~ ,~ I. ' ~ ,\ ~ ~ I ~., -~-- . ;' .Ay~ /\ '. ~ dil,: l-- 'f y/ ...... .- ~\ LAKE LUCY .: ~ '-_ Q ,tIE- ~ ~~ r~ ;r '- ~t .n ~ - - RD ~ - - ... to- >-< ~ . . :;)11 - -l - ~ t- .). I -]I ~~ ~ - ~ ' ~ I '-, U Ie. "I ., ~ ~~ ct..~ R~ 01 (),./ ~ -- W. 67 Tli STREE T RR -\\ \\ \\ \\ \\. '\ -'\ \'\, - ,) II II I' -~ "- - - -If 'I LAKE -: /, ~~E HA""'SON ;'J ~ h II , 41 -.J .::> o Q) ~ // " ~; ~ -'j, - l"~ ~ \\ '- ~ f\..') U ~ .......,..- ~ I.~...",~ g ,,,,: N T - ~ ~ ~ i K~ A: ROA G'r-J I/~ o '0 ft) T- A~'P ~ 2 III tr) o ~ JL:~ - It '1::1 r ') '-., ~/ '\\ ~~ ;/ I' I .. E -1-.-- f \ 9 \ LAKE ANN j . RD .J; ~ {"'-~;.'--' ._~ .,-" . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH i 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 28, 1987 RE: Meeting Schedule . At the April meeting the Commission discussed meeting more fre- quently. The City Council currently meets the first and third Monday of each month and the Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Wednesday. I would suggest that the Park and Recreation Commission meet the second and fourth Tuesday - always meeting on the second Tuesday and meeting on the fourth only when there are enough items to warrant an additional meeting. Changing to the second Tuesday will put us in the same time frame as Planning in regards to planning application deadlines. Hopefully, this will help eliminate last minute site plan reviews. This schedule will help to eliminate the lengthy meetings that we have experienced lately. If the Commission should desire to make this change, a motion would be in order. This action does not need Council approval. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 9t'- . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 22, 1987 SUBJ: 1987 Easter Egg Hunt Todd Hoffman, the Park and Recreation Assistant, did an excellent job of organizing the 1987 Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Contest. Over 200 children turned out for the event with about 50 entering the coloring contest. The event started at 10:00 a.m. with Hannah Hare and the Pink Pobble entertaining the children with a skit called, "There's No One Eggs-actly Like You". They did a great job of getting children involved and entertained. The children then made their Easter baskets before they went out to hunt Easter candy. No one went without after scrambling for the hidden goodies. . There were seven winners on the color contest; Susan Heinzerline, Erin Shea, Molly Goers, Brandice Kelzenberg, Sarah Lenz, Brandi Thompson and Denise Schlenk. All contestants were given a prize for entering and the winners each received a board game. This is one of the many events that is possible due to the generous contributions from the business community and volun- teers. We received over $400 in donations (a record!) and had plenty of help to man the event. Special thanks goes to the following volunteers; Stacy Ashworth, Lynne Pilgrim, Nancy Robinson, Jim Mady, Dan Anderson, Karen Engelhardt and the Chanhassen Boy Scouts. . CJ6 . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 29, 1987 SUBJ: Update on Herman Field The City Council reviewed the access plan for Herman Field at their last meeting. The Council acted to authorize a more detailed feasibility study to be done on the proposed sites. . Residents from the Herman Field area attended the City Council meeting and questioned the development plan for the park as well as the access plan. I will be writing a letter to the homeowners of that area describing the history of the park and how we got to this point. I will be scheduling this item on the June agenda and inviting the residents in to voice their concerns. . C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 28, 1987 Ltb RE: Letter from Roberta Brunberg Attached is a letter from Roberta Brunberg expressing her concern about pets in parks and on public property. I have responded to Ms. Brunberg's concerns in a letter, (also attached), stating that the Commission is in the process of developing a trail plan and will be addressing items such as this. Typically it is permissable to allow pets on trailways, but not in parks where people are encouraged to use the grassy areas. Once trail construction is underway this office will be encouraging the Commission to address these types of concerns in more detail. No action is required at this time. I have included this item for your information only. 9~ . . . RECi::"_"~:J . APR 1 0 ~J87 f2 ,': ~. 19J7, ~~ITY o!- lii,....~h~~t;.;l cZ, c-f (J~ ~ c4 y (~ ~ ~ b ~ qz~~ /) ~ " <:- e T;v'..t / --f UA<--, ~ :-1"1 ,e...- (I /,-<:~,J<-cL~ /f..{<--U-./1.'--r:"'-7""'/ t..../l- r~ (--L.______ t-~cf1.. --- ' /J~- (.n;/~(../7l--<-:1 /) z.~/(./U',-7 ;FcC; CL--:._< p",-",--"T /', (,1/(7 ti-. U ___ :I ';/ " " .. ~ f/.." ' l."--\..--'I... ....~ '-t""'\. ''-- .~ /C~L.. /<-.:... ~'?cL, (. /- - .- l:~ /' (,Z" ~1/ C~1'~ (L,-JU:..AJ.~?1......-<( - I~~ 7c-H ~/~C~41~yj 1'; ,~C;:,--=-,- _:2;~_T LL,"71-V t~ r~~ C/~--t ~~~ L.z-':-c--< r ,,,.j/: ,'1/)</ a.; h~ _ ?:- /~, -I-:t~~ ec~. c/~ff-?~-- ., /'. , ~ V /) ~'-'<' 14..U. LA.(., i:'7 ~7 r--/ ,'iL-<-~J.., "'t U'-4-t~_ Vt' '~ 1 ~v~.-r v~ ~ C-J-{ G/,--~ ~~l ----~"t ~,,~ ,~~ ./~ L.V-/J .", cfJ k".' u~ c.'- ~-::-. ; I- /:? T ,-- c{ . .. a(~ ~.f /V( ~ ~ '-~ q ~(.~~_i> t CI. ... or ~'. .~. ~ 1.// / U7 ( c. '. Kdv"0.Ttl- ':T ~/?-7 o I: ,,~.L.-;,---c--- ::~ ') :') ,') . .,.' r .r r r. ".. ~...-'~"-1 ( ~cQ.( .__ _ _. ..) ..: J j ) '-:J .,) ) ) . ) _'. 0 . ~~~..__..._-- (0' , CJ ~ Ie. (): ( I . \... '<11 a: Ie. '- .. /f./JZ t: L~.Y-~ ~ ~ c?--~ ~~ &~~,~ ' .'.. ~').. :,. .. .. .. ";1 . . {"'7V . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May I, 1987 Ms. Roberta Brunberg 402 Santa Fe Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Brunberg: Thank you for your letter of April 7th v01c1ng your concerns regarding pets and public property. The Park and Recreation Commission is working on a comprehensive trail plan that is scheduled to be completed this summer. As a part of the trail plan, the Commission will need to address . a variety of items including the pet issue. I will be forwarding your letter to the Commission and advising them to consider such when developing those trails. Thank you for your concern. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~Ju.~~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . J/() CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 30, 1987 RE: Annual Chanhassen Fire Department Softball Tournament Attached is a request from the Chanhassen Fire Department to use Lake Ann Park for their annual softball tournament. The request includes permission to use all three fields on June 12, 13, and 14 and to waive the park entrance fee for the weekend. . The people involved in planning the tournament do a great job of preparing the fields and taking care of the park. As this request is consistent with past years, it is the recommendation of this office to approve the request. . CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT . P.O. BOX 97 7610 LAREDO DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BUS. PHONE 934-9191 MINNEWASHTA STATION NO.2 PHONE 474.7094 April 27, 1987 Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: The Chanhassen Fire Department is requesting the use of the three ballfields at Lake Ann Park for their 11th Annual Softball Tournament on the weekend of June 12, 13, and 14, also, to waive the park fee for that weekend. . Sincerely, Dak~, Dale Gregory ~ Assistant Chief . Ii CITY 0 F eHAHHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 28, 1987 RE: Parking plan at Greenwood Shores & Carver Beach . The Park and Recreation Commission, at their March meeting, recommended that the City open parking areas at Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach. I have asked Mark Koegler to design a parking plan for each park which involves opening parking this year, including ways to contain that parking. A second phase will show a planting plan that could be implemented next year to make the parking areas more attractive and more permanent. Mark will present this plan at Tuesdays meeting. Staff felt that a parking plan would be better received by the City Council. It is the recommendation of this office to open parking in Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach according to the proposed parking plan. . ~ 1;2- . Van Doren Hazard Stallings Architects- Engineers- Planners 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 6121553-1950 MmCRANOOM 'lO: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Ccmnission and Staff FRCJIf: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: April 28, 1987 SOBJ: Trail Plan At the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting, we reviewed trail alignments within the City of Chanhassen. The ultimate trail system is extensive, connecting all major points of interest within the City as well as providing linkages to the trails in Eden Prairie, Shakopee and Chaska. Obviously, it is impossible to develop the entire system at one time. Therefore, the next step is to determine an appropriate phasing schedule for the system. . The amount of trail construction in anyone phase is directly tied to available funding. Funding for trails is available through a limited number of sources. !hose currently available include: General O:>ligation Park Improvement Bonds General Fund Monies LA~/LCMR Grants Municipal State Aid Street Construction Use of Park Dedica tion Fees Reserve Funds RE-C=:-. -::::J APR 2 9 i~S7 Cln~ Of CHANHA~;:)t.:N . . The following is a brief corrment on each of these sources: . Park Improvement Bonds - Municipalities commonly utilize Park Improvement Bonds for construction of major facilities. The authority to sell such bonds usually requires voter approval. Chanhassen has not had a Park Bond Issue since the late 1960's when Lake Ann Park was originally acquirErl and developed. General Fund Money - If trails were determined to be a community priority, the City Council could allocate an amount of money from the General Fund for construction purposes. The Ci ty of Maple Grove, for example, currently allocates $40,000 amually for trail development. LAWCON/LCMR Grants - Trails are still grant-eligible items under the LAW:X:>N/LCMR grant program. In order to enhance the probability of trails being fundErl, most ccmnunities combine them with other improvements which enhance public access to lakes. Park Dedication Fees - Park dedication fees collected from residential, commercial and industrial development can be appliErl to the construction of trail systems. In lieu of a cash contribution, a municipality can negotiate to have the developer provide the land and install the trails as a part of overall park credits. Reserve Funds - Reserve funds which have been accumulated from a variety of sources can be used to construct trail systems. BasErl upon the discussion at the March meeting, the identified trail alignment has been broken down into three phases. Phase I improvements are recommended for completion within the next five years. Phase II improvements are to occur wi thin the next 5 to 10 years and Phase III improvements are 10 years plus. In compiling a general phasing recommendation, the following factors were taken into consideration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . Safety Property OWner Acceptance Capi tal Cost Maintenance Cost COntinuity with Existing Trails Nurrt>er of Users Served Linkage with Regional or other Municipal Trails Accommodation of School Pedestrian Traffic Recommended Phase I improvements are sh:>wn on Exhibit 1. The Phase I trail network focuses on supplying trails in and around the downtown/Lotus Lake area . which contains the city's highest concentration of residents. Additionally, the system addresses safety concerns along Minnewashta Parkway and connects major points such as the Minnewashta Regional Park, city parks and trails in Eden Prairie and Chaska. The Phase I system contains a total of 16 miles of trails. The total estimated cost for first phase improvements is $699,000. Phase II trails (Exhibit 2) exparrl the system started in Phase I. This phase contains additional connections to Chaska arrl Eden Prairie and ties into the Minnesota National Wildlife Refuge regional trail in Shakopee. Phase II totals 16.5 miles of trails and has an estimated cost of $627,000 (1987). Canpletion of the ultimate trail system is called for in Phase III (Exhibit 3). This phase includes 17.5 miles of trails and has a projected cost of $650,000 (1987). Routes in the thil:d phase canplete the internal system and further expand the connection opportunities to adjacent municipalities. Chanhassen's ultimate trail plan carries a 1987 price tag of almost $2,000,000. Due to the magni tude of the cost involved, it may be necessary for the phases to be adjusted into 10 or more year increments. After further input from the Park and Recreation Commission, estimates of potential funding levels will be provided and additional phasing recommendations will be prepared. As a part of Tuesday's meeting, it would be helpful if the Park and Recreation Commission would offer canments on the proposed priority of trail canponents within each of the three phases. In canpiling these priorities, it is suggested that the criteria listed earlier in this memorandum be applied to . each trail segment. .