1987 05 26 Agenda . e e . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1987, 6:45 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Note: We will meet at Greenwood Shores Park at 6:45 p.m. to discuss tot lot equipment. Please bring along Item 6 from your last packet for reference. If you cannot locate your copy, please contact me and I will forward another copy to you. 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of Minutes - May 5, 1987. 3. Ordinance Codification Process. 4. Site Plan Review, Eight Acre Wood Addition, Robert Sommer, Applicant. 5. Park and Recreation Meeting Schedule. 6. Updates: a. 1987 Easter Egg Hunt o. Herman Field c. Pets in Parks 7. Commissioner Presentations: This item will be reserved for discussion of any comments, questions, or concerns that Commissioners may have on items not listed on the agenda. Please call me at 937-1900 if you are unable to attend the meeting. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 3 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Assistant DATE: May 20, 1987 SUBJ: Ordinance Codification Process Don Ashworth, City Manager will make an oral presentation on this item at Tuesday's meeting. . . 1:.- I I ; t- ,~ / l (~,--,I' ( U"',/ . )/.",f ( C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 5, 1987 Mr. Roger Knutson Grannis, Grannis, Farrell & Knutson P.O. Box 57 South St. Paul, MN 55075 Re: Park Trail Funding Dear Roger: During our meeting this past week we had an opportunity to discuss the attached letters. This letter is to confirm the conclusion reached during that meeting regarding trail funding. The question arose in regards to a recommendation from the Park Commission, to the City Council, recommending that the Saddlebrook Development (Rick Murray's development to the west and north of City Hall) be required to dedicate two boundary trails as well as three interior trails through the development. The City Council endorsed this recommendation. During review by the City Council, the City Engineer stated that the trailway construction could occur within the right-of-way on the interior streets. Should the City Council approve the urban section for Kerber Blvd., such could also accommodate an off-street trail, similar to the Chaparral area, within the right-of-way. The County Road 17 trail construction could only occur within the right-of-way area if agreed to by the County. Mr. Murray contacted this office shortly after the City Council meeting. He asked that the City Council's action be placed in writing so as to provide him guidance as he moves through the development process. The attached response was prepared based on conversations with the City Planner, City Engineer, and myself as to our interpretation of the City Council's action. This response was not sent to Mr. Murray as additional questions started to arise. Specifically, could the City reclassify cer- tain trails as "sidewalks" and thus force the developer into paying for such? Could they remain with the designation as approved, i.e. "trails" and still be considered as a cost to be borne by the developer? Your conclusions to these questions were as follows: Trail Dedication: State statute is specific in authorizing a City to require the dedication of trails through new . . . . Mr. Roger Knutson May 5, 1987 Page 2 developments. Statute is silent in terms of whether the developer can be required to install the trail and/or receive credit for such construction as a part of his park dedication fees. Case law would strongly support the necessity to provide a park credit equal to the actual construction costs incurred by the developer, including a reasonable credit for land dedicated for the trails them- selves. . Sidewalks: A city may require the installation of sidewalks as a part of new development. The cost would be borne by the developer with no credits for park dedication. Cities desiring to require sidewalk construction must have developed a comprehensive sidewalk plan identifying the public need for such walkways, i.e. a definition of walk- ways as they would lead to and from schools, central busi- ness district, etc. An alternative would be to simply require that all new subdivisions have sidewalk on one or both sides of the roadway. This form of ordinance pre- supposes that this type of construction is a continuation of an existing sidewalk program or that means to install sidewalks in older areas is accomplished, i.e. a special assessment program to rebuild or install such. Absent either a comprehensive plan dealing with sidewalk standards and an ordinance requiring sidewalks to be constructed in conformance with the plan, a requirement for a new builder to construct sidewalks on one or more streets would be held invalid. - Trail Ordinance: The City of Lakeville has recently passed an ordinance requiring the payment of $135.00 per lot in each new subdivision for trail construction. The ordinance is based upon the desire of the City to complete an adopted trail plan and to assure that new development provided their fair share of new trail construction. It is the belief of your office that this ordinance is valid and pro- vides an alternative to problems denoted in the two sec- tions above. In effect, the City of Lakeville is increasing their overall park dedication fees by the $135 - such solely being dedicated for trail construction. Although very few cities have a similar ordinance, there appears to be significant interest in such by other cities. Conclusion . Requiring the Saddlebrook development to construct either sidewalks or trails, without giving a park credit, appears arbitrary when similar requirements have not been placed on other developments nor does the City currently have an adopted trail plan/ordinance requiring construction of such. If the City wishes to pursue requiring trail construction, adoption of a Mr. Roger Knutson May 5, 1987 Page 3 comprehensive trail plan should occur as soon as possible together with an ordinance modification requiring development to carry out such construction as a part of all new development applications. The alternative to this would be the adoption of a comprehensive trail plan together with an ordinance requiring the payment of a trail fee at time of building permit. Since Saddlebrook is currently required to pay park fees at time of permit, a majority of the lots would be paying the new trail fee (if adopted). Sincerely, flJ ()lg;;(j Don Ashworth City Manager DA:k . . . 1055 East Wayzata Blvd., P.O. Box 637, Wayzata, MN 55391 (612) 473-8511 March 27, 1987 Lor" / '&.r6. / G~r7 ~.... ~ t/ (3o,",..-.-J ~ LL ~ 'rill f7 ~,-r L Mr. Don Ashworth City Manager City of Chanhassen 7610 Laredo Drive P.O. Box #147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~ ( II.. RE: Saddlebrook Subdivision Dear Don: . This letter will confirm our telephone conversations concerning our understanding of the trail condition included in the resolution for approval for our Saddlebrook subdivision. It is our understanding that these trails will be placed within the right of way areas along the perspective streets. The cost of installing the trails will be borne by the city, either through park credits or as a direct payment to us if we include them with our development improvments. The timing of the improvements would be determined, presumably, based on the estimated cost for the improvements from our contractor when we are doing the subdivision improvements and the city's financial situation at that time. The only on-going concern is the question of dealing with Carver county to secure permission to place the trail easement within the county right of way. Within the next few days we will be meeting with Carver county attempting to resolve this question. I believe this accurately portrays the public discussion and resolu- tion of this issue. Please let me know if you have any questions or if the city is of a different opinion. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, B~VELOPMENT' RIck D. Murray ,President INC. HEC;::-.; -::::> RDM/pkh h1AR 3 0 1~87 . CITy OF CHA!\lHA~SE~1 Formerly B- T Investors, Inc. C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH 5' 0.- . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 28, 1987 RE: Meeting Schedule At the April meeting the Commission discussed meeting more fre- quently. The City Council currently meets the first and third Monday of each month and the Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Wednesday. I would suggest that the Park and Recreation Commission meet the second and fourth Tuesday - always . meeting on the second Tuesday and meeting on the fourth only when there are enough items to warrant an additional meeting. Changing to the second Tuesday will put us in the same time frame as Planning in regards to planning application deadlines. Hopefully, this will help eliminate last minute site plan reviews. This schedule will help to eliminate the lengthy meetings that we have experienced lately. If the Commission should desire to make this change, a motion would be in order. This action does not need Council approval. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH H 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Assistant DATE: May 20, 1987 SUBJ: Meeting Schedule If the motion to change the meeting dates is approved, it is the request of Lori Sietsema to meet again on June 16. The final Trail Plan would be presented for your review at that meeting. . . CITY 0 F (p(A; CHAHHASSEH · 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 22, 1987 SUBJ: 1987 Easter Egg Hunt Todd Hoffman, the Park and Recreation Assistant, did an excellent job of organizing the 1987 Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Contest. Over 200 children turned out for the event with about 50 entering the coloring contest. The event started at 10:00 a.m. with Hannah Hare and the Pink Pobble entertaining the children with a skit called, "There's No One Eggs-actly Like You". They did a great job of getting children involved and entertained. The children then made their Easter baskets before they went out to hunt Easter candy. No one went without after scrambling for the hidden goodies. . There were seven winners on the color contest; Susan Heinzerline, Erin Shea, Molly Goers, Brandice Kelzenberg, Sarah Lenz, Brandi Thompson and Denise Schlenk. All contestants were given a prize for entering and the winners each received a board game. This is one of the many events that is possible due to the generous contributions from the business community and volun- teers. We received over $400 in donations (a record!) and had plenty of help to man the event. Special thanks goes to the following volunteers; Stacy Ashworth, Lynne Pilgrim, Nancy Robinson, Jim Mady, Dan Anderson, Karen Engelhardt and the Chanhassen Boy Scouts. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~h 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 29, 1987 SUBJ: Update on Herman Field The City Council reviewed the access plan for Herman Field at their last meeting. The Council acted to authorize a more detailed feasibility study to be done on the proposed sites. . Residents from the Herman Field area attended the City Council meeting and questioned the development plan for the park as well as the access plan. I will be writing a letter to the homeowners of that area describing the history of the park and how we got to this point. I will be scheduling this item on the June agenda and inviting the residents in to voice their concerns. . C ITV 0 F CHANHASSEN ~G . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: April 28, 1987 Ltb RE: Letter from Roberta Brunberg Attached is a letter from Roberta Brunberg expressing her concern about pets in parks and on public property. I have responded to Ms. Brunberg's concerns in a letter, (also attached), stating that the Commission is in the process of developing a trail plan and will be addressing items such as this. . Typically it is permissable to allow pets on trailways, but not in parks where people are encouraged to use the grassy areas. Once trail construction is underway this office will be encouraging the Commission to address these types of concerns in more detail. - No action is required at this time. I have included this item for your information only. . I; "I.. . REC~:- .-::;:J /) APR 1 0 1087 . ci1/J. '7:/ /9J7 ". 7 l,;ITY o~ ~n"";>ih~~.;.t;.;'1 /?~ /~ ~~1~/~ &u~.' ~#J~. tZ, ~ (J~ ~ ~ 1; ~ t~1;:; ;:Y::r ~r;;Z~- m_ :_/l~,J~ jJ~~.-....e''-7/''-'' {.../1- ~ (~~ /1 , ,0 . ??t~ nv /CluJ ~ erA.< ~ (~V-~ <1..,f iC.J.e /c~,. f /L<. ~~ ((1 ,h L~(r ~ Cn'~--- (,(.,Jv~f ;Y'-T-:J ~ ~~ c--l!Cc,~J 6. ~ ~ .;? . - t! ,1 .4 /1 /-/ · _ ?'- /,'~. Ci.-?rV t;?t C'~. lfl.A'~ ~~ C.z-lA.-V1 i,-<,J/ /1OV ct.!. I"Y'- _ ~ ~ .' . ~ ~~ c/~~ 4u-<, ,~u, f4 1:~~ ~.df: ILJ /~.L, '-1 u~~-:I;, ~ :-1 ~"J.--." v~ 1 C<X C/L.e ~ "6&'71 .~ <-<li~ .,-?...v ~ .~J !~ ,q- 0 ~ u-:-l-~ <I ~1"~ · (J df · . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 1, 1987 Ms. Roberta Brunberg 402 Santa Fe Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Brunberg: Thank you for your concern. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~Ju' ~S0vv-- Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k .