1987 06 16 Agenda
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1987, 7:30 P.M.
The Commission will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the City Hall lower
parking lot to visit the Lake Susan West proposal.
Call to order.
2 .
Introduction of Public Safety Director, Jim Chaffee.
a. Review City Council action on Greenwood Shores Parking Plan.
b. Discussion of Public Safety Devotion to Parks.
3. Final Trail Plan Review.
. 4. Site Plan Reviews:
a. Lake Susan West
b. Peaceful Hills
c. Zimmerman Farm Property
d. Sommer Subdivision
5. Updates:
a. Task Force - Jim Mady
b. Steve White's Eagle Scout Project
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: June 12, 1987
SUBJ: Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach Parks
The City Council met to discuss the recommendation to open
parking spaces at Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach Parks. The
Council looked at the issue extensively and were concerned about
a number of things (see minutes).
First of all, the Council was surprised to hear from the resi- .
dents of the Greenwood Shores subdivision that there still
remained unsolved nuisances and park abuse problems, and they were
concerned about the park being used as a boat access.
The Council took the position that parking should not be con-
sidered in this park until the current problems were resolved,
i.e. recreational vehicles driving through the park; loud, late
parties; garbage and debris littering the area; etc. The Council
acted to reject the parking plan for Greenwood Shores Park and
directed staff to meet with the Public Safety Director, Jim
Chaffee, to police the area more closely. In addition, staff was
directed to design a new gate that would not allow vehicular
traffic (except utility vehicles) to gain access to the park and
to prohibit boat launching. The Council also noted that the
existing no parking signs should be kept in place.
Attached please find a memo from Jim Chaffee regarding this
issue. Jim has visited Greenwood Shores Park to review the
problems noted in the minutes and has made some suggestions to
help make policing the area possible. For instance, Jim has
hired a police officer who will devote a large portion of his
time to patrolling parks. He has also contacted the Carver
County Sheriff's Department to alert them to these problems.
Jim has made other suggestions regarding the facilities within
the park, which staff will be acting on.
I feel confident that together Jim and I will be able to tackle
these problems and concerns this summer. Jim will be on hand at
Tuesday's meeting to answer any questions that you may have.
Park and Recreation Commission
June 12, 1987
Page 2
The Carver Beach parking plan was approved as presented. I have
since received calls from that neighborhood stating that they are
unhappy with this decision and that similar problems exist at
this site as well. I have made Jim aware of these complaints and
he will be keeping an eye on this area as well.
(612) 937-1900
Lori Sietsema, Park
Park and Recreation
and Recreation Coordinator
Safety Director r
Jim Chaffee, Public
June 10, 1987
SUBJ: Greenwood Shores Park
I recently had the opportunity to tour Greenwood Shores Park and
to speak with some of the residents in the area. I listened to
their concerns and assured them that Public Safety would do
everything in our power to assist them in alleviating their
problems. This will include strong enforcement action, frequent
patrols, and a dedication by the Chanhassen part-time police .
officer to the city parks.
I would like to suggest, however, some changes that would make
patrolling Greenwood Shores somewhat easier. The satellite faci-
lity should be relocated from its present hidden position in the
trees. In addition, the existing light should be placed in a
more central location within the clearing. Finally, the picnic
tables could be locked to imbedded concrete to insure that they
are not moved or otherwise tampered with.
I am making these suggestions for you consideration in making
preventive patrol easier for the Public Safety personnel.
In an expanding effort to meet some of the parks enforcement
issues head on, we have hired a part time police officer. Officer
Frank Ellering will be working approximately 32 hours a week and
his primary responsibility will be patrolling the city parks in
Chanhassen. In his capacity as a sworn police officer, he will
have the ability to respond in a timely manner to the city parks
when called. Unfortunately, there will be days when Officer
Ellering is not on duty so the responsibility falls back to the
Carver County Sheriff's Deputies. Please be assured that the
Sheriff's Deputies will also be making themselves much more
visible in and around the parks.
The summer is young and I think that by taking a strong position
now we can prevent these problems from becoming worse. We will
JUNE 1, 1987
Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order. 'n1e meeting was opened with the
Pledge to the Flag.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Boyt, Councilman Horn, Councilman Geving and
Councilman Johnson
STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Gary Warren, Todd Gerhardt, Barbara Dacy and Jo
Ann Olsen
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Geving moved, Councilman Johnson seconded to
approve the agenda as presented with the following additions: Councilman Boyt
wanted to discuss Council packets and delivery, Councilman Geving wanted to
discuss the sprinkling ban and Councilman Johnson wanted an update on Westside
Baptist Church. All voted in favor of the agenda as amended and motion
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamil ton seconded to approve the
following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations:
a. North Lotus Lake Addition, Herb Bloomberg:
1) Resolution #87-50: Approval of Plans and SPecifications
2) Approval of Development Contract
b. West Village Heights, Charlie James:
1) Resolution #87-51: Approval of Plans and SPecifications
c. Approval of Development Contract for Chanhassen Vista 3rd Addition
f. Home Energy Check-Up Program, Authorize Chanhassen's Participation in
Applicaton for Funding.
g. City Council Minutes dated May 11, 1987
City Council Minutes dated May 18, 1987
Planning Commission Minutes dated May 13, 1987
All voted in favor and motion carried.
Mark Koegler: The direction that we received from the Park and Recreation
Commission and from the City Park Director was to take a look at two of the
park sites, Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach and look at essentially what you
would call a phased parking program. The first phase being on an experimenta-
tion basis. A low cost overall approach to see if parking being put back into
those parks was workable. If that is proven over the course of this summer,
the thinking is we would move into a second phase probably next year. At that
time do a little bit more embellishment to the parking area. Again, assuming
Lori Sietsema
June 10, 1987
Page 2
do the best we can, pro-actively with Officer Ellering and re-
actively with the Carver County Sheriff's Deputies.
I look forward to meeting with members of the Park and Recreation
Commission to respond to any suggestions or questions you might
Don Ashworth
City Council
Public Safety Commission
City Cbuncil Meeting - June 1, 1987
it's successful. Let me run through very briefly both of the schemes. I
think you're mostly familiar with the Greenwood Shores area. The city lift
station down there is a fairly large gravel area. There are gates posted, a
control entry right not at this point. What we've proposed very simply in
phase 1, there is adequate space right now with the existing gravel base to ad
in four parking stalls in that location. Additionally, we have shown a
bollard and chain or bollard and cable installation along that portion of the
side simply to protect the lift station in order to keep that from being
blocked off. The expenditure that is involved with that is in the
neighborhood of approximately $1,000.00. If for some reason that does not
work, it is proven that it is to be removed, all the materials that we've used
in the design are salvagable and can be used in other parks so there really is
no waste. If the parking in Greenwood Shores proves to be successful, in the
2nd Phase we have looked at kind of a minimal amount of planting. We've done
some ornamental, crab apples are on this side to add color interest and to
create a little bit of a backdrop and screen from that edge and we've also
proposed to expand the bollard and chain system to come around the perimeter
of the parking area itself. I'm sure you've noted in your packets the Staff
recommendation did include segments of both phase 1 and Phase 2. The portion
of Phase 2 that is being included as a part of the initial construction would
be to put an installation of bollards right across the trail entry point here
now. That has proven to be a problem wi th vehicles that are wandering in
there that obviously should not be in that area. So the second Phase of the
Greenwood Shores, approximately $3,400.00 in cost and again, with the
exception of the plantings here that could be transplanted, all materials are
removable if at some point in time in the future that is desirable and could
be relocated in other parks. Mr. Mayor, I'll defer to you. Do you want to
cover Carver Beach very quickly or would you like to focus on this one?
Mayor Hamil ton: Why don't you cover Carver Beach quickly and then we'll ask
Mark Koegler: The same general thinking in the Carver Beach area in terms of
the phased approach. In this area right now, I think most of you are familiar
with the steps that go down to the park that border on the lake. There is an
existing area that's gravel. Approximately in this vicinity there is a grass
side of it. There is adequate depth there that in first phase we would come
in and put in four parking stalls that would be head in and use the bollard
and chains along the sides just simply to define those spaces. We would use
some wheel stops across the front and possibly some signs that would indicate
that the people should center their vehicles. A very minimal installation.
Total cost on that one is about $800.00. If that proves to be successful, the
second phase again is somewhat of an embellishment. We're looking at
plantings. What we do first of all is we create a couple of planting islands
off of either side and we would call for a walkway that would come in and feed
from both sides down to the stairway. We've got some Sandy Dogwood and again
some Red Splendor Crabs that we're proposing to put in there for color and
interest. We would expand then the bollards along this portion just as kind
of a safety and a control measure because that is a fairly steep embankment
through that portion. The total cost of the second phase improvements of
Carver Beach is approximately $2,700.00. That's the proposal then. You have
a two tier system. It's a very modest expenditure the first year to see if it
City COuncil Meeting - June 1, 1987
works. If it works, then you carry it through to the secorrl year.
Mayor Hamilton: So what you're saying is the Park and Rec Commission wanted
to try this for a year? Is that correct?
Mark Koegler: That's my understanding yes.
Mayor Hamilton: To see if it works and how will we know if it works?
Mark Koegler: Presumably it will be monitored by the Park COmmission, by the
City's police forces and obviously I'm sure by the neighbors.
Mayor Hamilton: Jim, did you have anything more specific than that? Do you
have any standard on how you saw this proving to be successful?
Jim Mady: What we wanted to do is allow some parking inside the park, putting
in just a few minimal spots to begin with. To try to prevent some of the
problems that existed in the past and currently still exist with people
dri ving through the park. What we would like to do is try to monitor it.
Probably the best way through the neighborhood input and then also through
Public Safety. Try to monitor what kind of response we get.
Mayor Hamilton: I guess what I was curious about is, I think it's fine to see
if it's going to work but what standards do we have to measure it against?
There doesn't seem to be anything in place to say it didn't work or did work.
Ei ther way.
Jim Mady: I think we're looking mainly for a gut feel on complaints really.
If the problems that existed five or so years ago with the number of beer
parties that were taking place down at the foot of the, chain was put up
across the entrance of both parks to close it off. If PeOple from the outside
community corne back and start utilizing the park in that way again, that will
be deem closing it off again or attempting something else. This is a way of
allowing the community to utilize the parks that currently is rather difficult
for most of the community to use.
Mayor Hamilton: I wonder Mark if you could go back to the Greenwood Shores
and I had a couple of questions on it. Is there adequate room once a car is
parked head on there to turn around to leave? It appears as though, when I
was down there looking it looks like there is enough room but the way you have
the chain and bollards on here, it looks like you probably won't have enough
Mark Koegler: The limits shown on here as the aggregates, they are
approximate. They are fairly close. There is, we feel adequate manuevering
room down there to get in and out of. There is about 40 feet of depth. Yes,
it will take a little bit of maneuvering to get it out but we think for a low
scale park facility, there is adequate space. Fbr sPaces that are not going
to be used intensively. Fortunately, Utica Lane sits up higher so someone can
see down there to see if the SPaces are occupied before they have to dd ve all
the way down.
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Mayor Hamilton: My prime concern was when a car is in there and they back up.
It would seem that we have the space there to swing the chain am bollard to
swing it out further so they have adequate room. Why have them bang into it
am continually bust them or something?
Mark Koegler: In defining the limits, we simply have tried to keep, that is a
small park to begin with. We tried to keep everything as tight as possible
and not bring in any additional material into the first phase.
Mayor Hamil ton: I don't think it will take additional. I'm just saying let's
make room for PeOple so they can get out once they're there without having to
drive on the grass.
Mark Koegler: We can do that. It may ultimately require a little bit of
expansion of the gravel base but that can be accomplished.
Mayor Hamilton: Was any consideration given to just putting up four parking
spots in there am blacktopping from utica down am doing the whole lot?
Mark Koegler: No there was not and that's really in response to specific
direction from the commission which was to look at a temporary situation first
to see if it works and there are no complaints then we will move on into the
secom phase so it was never looked at as being a permanent installation right
Councilman Boyt: I think you bring up some good points. Maybe Jim or Mark
you can tell me what the purpose of that park is?
Jim Mady: Right now it's a low usage beachlot. It's two picnic tables down
there. It's a neighborhood park. It serves the Greenwood Shores neighborhood
and lesser extent Chapparal and even some people I would imagine in the Carver
Beach area.
Counci lman Boyt: And it looks like you're looking to put a totlot in?
Jim Mady: At our last meeting we recommended to put in a totlot down there.
We also looked at the possibility of a volleyball court but decided that just
really isn't enough room to put that in at the same time am pretty much
abandoned that idea. We though a tot lot would go in ver nicely down there for
the mothers in the area that are walking down with their kids to the park.
Councilman Boyt: Do we have people from the neighborhood here?
Mayor Hamil ton: Yes we do.
Councilman Boyt: Are we going to hear from them?
Mayor Hamilton: Yes we will.
Councilman Boyt: I would like to reserve a few questions for after we've
heard from them.
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Councilman Horn: D:> we allow boat mooring down there?
Jim Mady: No .
Mayor Hamilton: There's a floating dock isn't there?
Jim Mady: Yes, there is a dock down there.
Councilman Horn: There's a dock but there's also a few boats down there.
Jim Mady: The boats are on their private property.
Counci lman Horn:
So they're not on this dock?
Jim Mady: The one on the far edge of the park is private property.
Councilman Geving: I guess I had the same question you did Tom. I would like
to see just a couple more feet on the turnaroum area. You could move it out
to make ita lot easier to turn around. When is that totlot going to be
built? Is that this summer? Is is part of 1987 fuming?
Jim Mady: The recommemation was made in our budget and I bel ieve you
approverl the budget so I think we sent a recommemation up to you to have it
down. We would like to see it this summer.
Councilman Geving: The other question I have is what have we done with the no
parking signs that we have scattered throughout that neighborhood? Have they
been pulled from the area? Are they still there am what does this proposal
have to do with the signs that are there? Are we going to change anything?
Leave everything as it is. I thought at one time we made a statement that if
we were going to close off the parks we didn't want to invest any money in
them. Is that still true? I think Clark made that suggestion this January.
Is that still the thinking of the Park and Rec?
Jim Mady: I'm not necessarily sure that's the Park thinking. We would like
to see all the parks fully utilized and upgrade them. The survey we just had
completerl recently imicaterl to us that the community would like to see us put
our efforts more toward upgrading present facilities than to expanding new
Councilman Geving: And the connection between this park and Lake Ann park,
that trail now is very well used?
Jim Mady: Yes.
Councilman Geving: People are getting accustomed to come from Greenwood
Shores all the way over to Lake Ann am vice versa.
Jim Mady: Yes, there has been traffic back and forth.
Councilman Geving: Very good, that's all I have.
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Councilman Johnson: I think earlier we talked about trying to protect some of
the neighbors and the private property to either side of this Park as far as
putting up some signage. Is that still in the proposal as far as indicating
the boundaries of the park?
Jim Mady: We discussed it at our last meeting and we would like to see some
type of signage put in. I don't believe it was the Park recommendation
Councilman Johnson: Okay, so that's not part of the cost in this Mark?
Mark Koegler: That's correct. It's not in there. I think there was reference
in the packet that the Park Commission around this site recommended to leave
the volleyball with possible expenitures of some of those funds for signage
and things that you're talking about.
Councilman Johnson: Even though it's a neighborhood park it's hard to tell
where the park ems am the private property begins without some kim of
signage or fence or something. 1he other thing I really don't like on the
final plan is hamicap accessibility. I can not see that this Park is
accessible for handicap persons. We've got to up the hill and around the
bollards to get to the park. By blocking off the path to the 4-wheel drives,
we also seem to be blocking it off to the handicap and I would like to look at
Mark Koegler: 1his really focuses on one situation. It doesn't incorporate
all of the aspects of the planning that's been done for this Greenwood Park.
There are two ways I can respond to that. First of all that this bollards
right now are 3 feet apart which is pretty tight. They could be spaced a
little wider for wheelchair usage. 1hat may open it up for motorcycles but
they can probably get through there anyway. The thing that's not shown is
the Park and Recreation Commission right now is working on their trail plan.
That plan presently calls for a continuation of that Lake Ann trail with an
eventual tie in up to Utica. So we would have an at grade, wheelchair
accessible access not only to that park but to the bike path going aroum Lake
Ann so I think it's fairly easy to accommodate that concern.
Councilman Johnson: I want to make sure that the people that come down there
am park and get out of their car can have access too. 1he first phase, we
have wheel stops in Carver Beach but we don't have them over in Greenwood
Shores. ~y do we feel that we don't need to stop the cars?
Mark Koegler: The only way I can respom to that is we tried to hold the line
on cost in everything. If you've seen the Carver Beach Park, you look out
across Lotus Lake from the parking spaces. It's obviously critical that we
provide a stop for vehicles there. It's the case so much with this park.
It's easy to see where the em of the parking lot is but that could be put in.
It's simply a timber being placed there but it was due to the terrain
Councilman Johnson: I still don't understand what all the bollards are for in
Phase 1. Is there a chain across the lift station?
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Mark Koegler:
Councilman Johnson: Why did we run 50 feet up or whatever?
Mark Koegler: All we've done there is try to prevent anybody from getting in
and parking a vehicle there.
Councilman Johnson: By going aroum?
Mark Koegler: Yes, by going around. 'Ihere would be a chain across here and
there would be chains exteming off in both directions. Just enough to
discourage a vehicle. That's a pretty inviting space if you go down there.
It's really easy to park another car or two in there easily.
Councilman Johnson: That's about 30 feet on either side?
Mark Koegler: Across that? It's probably 30 feet deep am it's probably only
14, 15 feet...
Councilman Johnson: No, I mean 30 feet of bollards and chain. That's what my
scale shows.
Mark Koegler: Yes, about that.
Counci lman Johnson: If we took a few of those off, could we, there seems to
be a 4-wheel drive problem in that area. For the same price we could
hopefully work to solve some of that problem in Phase I?
Mark Koegler: Yes. It came out of the Park Commission meeting that
occasionally that is a problem and there are a couple of ways we talked
about to stop them. First of all, we don't want to make a fortress of the
park. It defeats the purpose of everything. It destroys the area. There was
discussion of, the chain is here. The facility would presumably still be
chained off after normal park hours. There is a boulder I believe on this
side am there was talk about putting some additional rock in to discourage
vehicles from trying to get around when the park is closed. From the comments
that at least I heard and I don't have intimate knowledge of when these
infractions occurred but apparently it is during off-hours for the most part.
At night and so forth so that was discussed.
Councilman Johnson: I believe the Park and Rec also discussed and some other
folks discussed stepping up the trouble in the area.
Mayor Hamilton: There are some residents here who may want to comnent.
Bruce Arnold, 6850 Utica Circle: I've been there almost 12 years now. These
gentlemen here, I doubt very much if they 1i ve on Utica Lane or any of you and
have been in bed Sleeping nicely at 12:30-1:00 at night am have these cars
come down with their stereos blaring in them, throwing beer cans in your yard
and this gentleman said that this stopped 5 years ago. It hasn't stopped.
Maybe the complaints have stopped because nothing was done about it. I think
you should think of that am also, the park is there, the swimming beach is
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
there. People walk down with their little kids and they get there. They've
been getting there ever since I've li v 00 there. Now to bring four cars or
parking places for four cars in there, it doesn't mean that they're going to
bring down their li ttle kids to the beach. It means outsiders are going to
come in for beer parties and stuff like that and the neighborhood people who
bring their little kids down there are going to be out. SO think of these
things too when you make your vote on this. FOur more places isn't going to
make that much difference to the park for four cars. Four more cars ain't
going to mean nothing to it so why not leave it just like it is. It's not
hurting anything. I'm sure there are no complaints because it isn't big
enough. If it isn't big enough, go over to Ann or someplace else. Lotus Lake
or something else. There's no reason to have to go down there to swim at
10:00-11:00 at night and have their beer parties there and that's just what
it's going to invite. Just more beer parties and I'll have more cans in my
yard to pick-up the next day and this does happen in spite of what this
gentleman said.
Jan Lash, 6850 utica Lane: We've 1i vOO there for 10 years. I have two small
children. We use the beach extensively. If the sun is out, we are at the
beach. We live in probably the farthest lot in the neighborhood. We've
walkOO or ridden our bikes for 10 years down there. It hasn't ki 1100 me one
bit. I can't see that it's going to kill anybody else one bit to walk down
there if they want to use that beach. In the last month the chain has been
down. I have been down there many days, there have been 5 to 7 cars parkOO.
There is no monitoring. There is no policing. The garbage cans are dumpaj
over. Right now the Satellite is dumPed over. Q1e day down there, 5 dogs
dumping allover down there. Broken glass allover. Jeeps driving on that
paved dd veway thing you guys put in from last year. ori ving over from Lake
Ann to our beach. That's a bike trail for children to ride on. Someone's
going to get killed there. You're hauling all kinds of people by putting in
parking spots. Somebody's going to drown. There's no lifeguard. There's no
policing. Unless you want to put in a lifeguard or put a guy sitting in a
little seat up at the top to monitor this, it is not going to work. There is
going to be more parties. There is more abuse. It's just not going to work.
Just in the last month I've seen that beach go totally downhill because people
who don't care about it are driving in there and using it. It's the people
who are within waking distance and biking distance who take care of it. We
pick up the litter. We don't throw glass around. We don't bring our dogs
down. We try to keep it nice and that's the way we want it to stay.
Councilman Geving: Do you see the presence of our Carver County Police
patrolling that area at all?
Jan Lash: No. I personally patrol the beach. I walk down there almost
everyday in the summer and there are people parkOO all over where it says no
parking and I go down and I say, you know I just saw a squad car up the road
and there's no parking. He's going to give you a ticket and they look at me
and half the time they give me the finger and they don't move. They don't
care. There is no one now taking care of it and I don't see anyway that it's
going to be taken care of in the future.
City COuncil Meeting - June 1, 1987
Dick Lash: For once in my life I agree with her on every count but she missed
a couple. This fellow here says that 5 years ago we'll see if the problem
clears up for 5 years ago. Why the hell would the problem clear up when the
god damn population is about twice...
Mayor Hamilton: Can you keep your language the way it ought to be? I would
certainly appreciate it. Otherwise, don't make any comnents.
Dick Lash: Your signs won't work. What's going to keep people from driving
around your chains? The signs and the chains will be destroyed. I've seen
picnic tables down there in the last 5 years destroyed. Everybody here has
seen them all destroyed and there was a little bit of worry about handicap.
Well, I believe the handicaps are down there right now because a lot of people
down there must be blind because they're not paying any attention to the
parking signs. '!hey are parking up and down where there is no parking now.
That's all I've got.
Gerry Maher, 7101 utica Lane: I'm directly across from the park. I've lived
there for 10 years. I'm not so. concerned about the parking and what happens
with the plans at this particular point is that I think a lot of the people in
the neighborhood are very concerned with th broken promises that we've had so
far. '!he idea of the park and to expand it as we were explained to by the
Park and Rec Commission was to allow more people to use it and to get better
usage. upon discussion that evening it was decided and understood by all the
people involved that the area number one, is not in a situation to allow for .
an extensive use. Because of the type of the road that goes through there and
the number of children that go across to the park from the neighborhood.
Secondly, the area as it's now designed with the bollards that you have in,
has nothing to do with the left hand side of the beach which is really the
problem more than anything with the driving vehicles as far as 4-wheel drives,
3-wheel recreational vehicles and motorcycles. The park for a long time we
were told a year ago would be policed more than it was. Several people called
up and nothing was done about it. Beyond that we were told at the last Park
and Rec meeting about 6 weeks ago or so that Lori was told at that meeting to
make sure that the chain was put up the following day. Directed to do so. It
was put up last week. Now, the other thing is that they said they could
direct the public safety to patrol the area more. We were told that last
year. Nothing was done about it. What's to say it's going to happen now?
Under the present circumstances, we get people who Park directly in front of
no p3rking signs. '!hey park on our yards. I've come home at night, 4:00 in
the afternoon and had people parking in my driveway. If we're going to get
more use out of the park, you put four cars down there so four people in the
neighborhood can park. For the most part, none of the people in the
neighborhood are really upset with the walking. It's a recreational park.
Why not walk down there to take advantage of it? Under the circumstances, if
you start expanding the park, you're going to bring in more traffic. The
possibilities of more traffic problems as far as kids running back and forth
to the park are going to be increased substantially and I think it's going to
create a safety hazard. Those people that say you can see from the top of
Utica Lane down into the parking area are quite misleading because although I
may be short, if I stand at the top where the chain is, you would have to .
dri ve into the area right now to where the chain is to be able to look down
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
into the area. N::>w you're talking about a car backing out of an area that has
a very good traffic pattern both left and right through a circle that although
the speed should be reduced in that area, for the most part is not. You
increase that traffic, you increase the chances of people backing up and
causing problems. Why they have bollards on the right hand side right now, if
I may show you, which I can't understand for the life of me. This right now
is about a 3 foot drop down to this parking area. What purpose do these
bollards serve? Who is going to park down here and how is anybody going to
get in here in the first place? This drop right down here has rocks through
this area and this drop down here is a substantial task for even a 4-wheel
drive or a motorcycle. These bollards are a total waste of money through
here. More to the point, these trees as we were told at the Park and Rec
meeting are supposed to serve to see that people don't park along this area.
If we have people Parking right here now in front of a no Parking sign, we
have people parking here on this side of the street and over here, why aren't
they going to park all the way down this line. What you're asking us to do
now to take our time again for a year for which we've already done at this
point and make calls to the City Hall. Make calls to the public safety and
say we have four cars parked down there. 20 minutes later they show up and
for the most part they don't issue very many tickets if you look on the
record. What they do is say, you're not supposed to park there. They move
their cars. Very seldom do they ticket the people. How are they going to
learn not to park there? As I said, it really comes down to broken promises
and I think that is just what this is going to be and it's more hassle for the
people in the neighborhood. That is a neighborhood park, enjoy it.
Wendy Folsom, 7050 utica Lane: My main concern is the safety of the area. I
do feel that the entrance to the park is not conducive to safety. I had an
experience just tonight on my way home from work. There were five boys on
bicycles, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old coming up from the swimming beach. They had
swam I suwose 2-3 hours this afternoon. It was hot and humid and they were
tired and as they come up the hill on the bicycle, I did because I live in the
neighborhood and I am very well aware of the park there, am aware of all the
bicycles and all the children in my neighborhood, had my foot on the brake all
the way down to my house. The boys were coming up pumping on their bicycles
like this right in the middle of the road. Two on each side and one right in
the middle.
Don Chmiel, 7100 Tecumseh Lane: I guess everyone has addressed much of the
issues except for a couple that I see. For the period of time as we have said
the chain has been down since last winter, kids with vehicles coming in and
out of that bigger park, more specifically now when it's dry, have been
spinning wheels, doing wheelies within there, 3-wheelers and 4-wheelers and so
on. That creates a problem within the neighborhood with dust in itself. If
you would care to come over to my house and sit on the deck which overlooks
that complete full area you're more than welcome to because you can see on a
weekend exactly what happens. The other part that I wanted to address was
that there are approximately 76 homes wi thin the Greenwood Shores area. In
addition to that it's utilized by Chaparral with a lot of people walking from
their area down to the park. When someone says that park is not being
utilized as it should, I beg to differ with that opinion. Only because I do
know how full that particular area is. I've been down there and I've
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
discussed with different people who have driven cars down there as to whether
or not they are from Chanhassen and about 98% of those who were there and did
park were not from town. Q1e of the other points is, as we're talking
distance of parking to where the no parking signs are located, if you were to
walk from Lake Ann Park down to the beach, it would be just about 50 feet less
in distance than it would be in parking in Greenwood Shores area from a no
parking sign to walk down to the beach in Greenwood Shores. So there isn't
the distance that really becomes a problem. I think it's something that is
there. We do see what's there. We know the distances and the other aspect is
the safety and I've seen this happen. Wi th the gates being closed, the gates
have never been closed at 10:00 when that particular chain was down. '!he
other question as others addressed, how the enforcement be done. Wi th the
kids too with their biCYCles, with the incline as you go down into the area,
most of the kids leave their bicycles at the top of that hill because they
don't want to pump back up. Cars coming out of there do not have the
visibility nor is it clear for them to see. I guess those are the concerns
tha t I ha ve. '!hank you.
Jeff Farmakus, 7100 utica Lane: I live next door to the park. I'm often the
one to call the police in the middle of the night when parties are going on.
For the most part, I think everything has been touched upon here. I don't
need to repeat it. There are few things that I would like to mention. One is
the level of communication that has evolved. I read several of the Minutes
from your meeting in January. The distance differences have been touched
upon. I believe it was mentioned that there was no parking on Utica within
two blocks was the distance given. It's less than a quarter of a block. It's
three house blocks on either side of the entrance. I also think if you're
going to consider solutions to the park based on aesthetics anyway, that when
you look at a plan that you see how it relates to the rest of the surrounding
areas. They do, for instance, on landscaping in a home you certainly want to
see how the landscaping relates to the rest of the area. A lot of
misconceptions I think in the discussion of the Greenwood Shores and how
parking would relate to it centered around basically how many parking spots
you could get in there when in fact the useable part of the parking lot is
about 45 by 50 yards, or excuse me the beach area itself. If you look beyond
the ridge where there is a parking lot available now and which has been
expanded last year when they came in and put in additional fill, that's really
all that's left in a park area that's suwosedly suwose to be, I believe if
there were to build a development now the size of Greenwood Shores that you
would allow 4 acres I believe. Is that correct?
Mayor Hamilton: I'm not sure.
Jeff Farmakus: Anyway, my point is you have 70 some homes which basically
have a neighborhood park now that's about 45 by 50 yards and to make half of
that existing acreage a parking lot seems unnecessary to me based on the
parking that's available there now. I will mention one other thing, there is
no signage nor has there ever been, telling people where there is parking
available and I think maybe that's something to be considered also. It
certainly would be much cheaper than the option plans here and would still
allow for a concentrated access.
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Councilman Geving: Jeff, I would like to ask you a question. When you call
in to the City arrl report a violation in the area, what kirrl of response do
you get?
Jeff Farmakus: Primarily my response has been very good. I will say however
that when they do come, they usually just ask the people to leave arrl they
leave. I have called in personally 2 DWI's and people bringing their cars
down there, particularly in the winter. They drive up on Jerry's property has
a steep incline and they love to drive their cars up there and come back down
again. I'm sure some of you are familiar with the area. In the Minutes that
went on in that meeting, from your earlier meeting, it was pretty obvious and
in talking to the Park Commission, that there were same misconceptions as to
what the situation really was in the park. Also, the damage the park has
received from allowing ice fishing down there. Same of things that have not
been taken into consideration is that people continue to ice fish and drive
into the park when there is no snow there or if they drive through, they
literally tear up the ground. There are big ruts everywhere along the ridge
there am you can see by coming there, the actual track marks. Not
necessarily in the wintertime...
Councilman Geving: you've answered my question. I was more concerned about
the response by our patrols.
Jeff Farmakus: '!hey have been very good but they really do not enforce your
rules other than asking them to leave and I guess my answer to that is they
have been good when they have been called. We called on a person who was
camping. They came down but didn't do anything about it because they couldn't
find him so they left the tent up I believe for almost a month. '!hey
eventually, he built an open air fire during the dry period that we had down
there and they did come down and he left in the morning except he left all his
litter including his shoes and clothes laying around the beach.
Jan Lash: I don't know exactly what a totlot is. What all are you talking
about putting in as far as a totlot?
Jim Mady: Typically a totlot consists of a couple of swings, a slide, monkey
bars, that type of set-up. We haven't determined exactly the piece of
Jan Lash: Where would you be planning on locating that?
Jim Mady: The recommendation was there is a slight knoll just off from the
trail coming in from Lake Ann. When you're coming on that trail coning into
the park, it would be off to the right side so it would be away from the
parking area and up from the beach.
Jan Lash: en the weekends, it does have a tendency to get kind of crowded.
People come and they have big blankets and everybody is laying around. I just
can't see where there is enough room for it myself and I have small children.
They probably would like it but when I'm down there, I like to know that
they're in the water so I can keep my eye on the water and I don't have to be
looking behind at one that's on monkey bars and one that's in the water. Kids
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
are allover everywhere going to get hurt instead of just in the lake going to
get hurt. I personally don't see the need for a totlot down there.
Gerry Maher: <:he of the things that was brought up at the Park and Rec
meeting was that under the circumstances people that live across from a beach
in many resPeCts want to enjoy it and yet try to hold back maybe that it gets
to be very public arrl use.:3 by many people. I, myself, we have people that
park in our driveways, neighbors and everything else, and kids put their bikes
in the yard that live in the area so it doesn't matter, as I said before, it's
easy to park there. <:he of the things that creates a problem at this point,
as a homeowner, what you're asking for a year, which is an idea or a
projection of the Park and Rec Board or you people at this particular point,
that we're going to become much better policeman than you were in the past.
So you put a burden on us that really as a homeowner shouldn't be aske.:3 of us
under the circumstances. We're there to enjoy the park. We pay our taxes arrl
use it but what you're going to ask us to do and in Jeff's case probably even
more so than myself, although I have the same problem across from it, that
we're going to be calling the police with the addition of that being opened
which has already been proven in the last three months since it has been open
that there are going to be substantially more cars down there than the four
cars arrl we're going to have to call the police that much more often. So at
the end of the year then you're going to say, okay, now that we've spent x
amount of dollars calling the police waiting for them to show up. You've got
to give them your name, put it on record and go through all of that, that's
the burden you put on four or five of the people who live close by it arrl I
don't think it's a very fair thing to do.
Councilman Boyt: I think there are several issues that have certainly been
brought up and I'm glad to see such a nice turn out here to discuss this
issue. It's certainly important. The idea of neighborhood parks. I wish you
People would go to the Park arrl Rec Commission and tell them you want
neighborhood parks in Chanhassen. What I've seen in reading the Minutes is
pretty consistently saying we're not in a park deficient area when they're
talking about your area or when they're talking about the areas arourrl this
location and therefore we're not adding parkspace. By not having that space
it prevents other neighborhoods from having your feeling about a park or
having your access to a park. We have a great many people here who have no
way of walking to a park. They have to get into a car arrl go there. I think
as you've indicated, your park, and I hope you do feel it's your park, gets
abuse.:3 arrl this is not going to help it. It may make it worse. It may not
make it worse. Listening to your description, it sounds like it's pretty bad
already in terms of the abuse the park has taken. Being a member in a lake
lot association, we have all kinds of problems and we have a private park so
I'm afraid Jerry that a lot of responsibility does fall on your shoulders
living in that area to call attention to problems that occur. I think you've
been calling attention to problems that occur. We have a dilemma. We can't
have a public park without having public access so I think the question falls
onto then what is public access? Is 76 or 72 homes sufficient pressure to put
on that particular park? So I think in looking at how do we police or protect
your park or neighborhood arrl your kids? How do we have access to a park that
is a public park and do those things together? I'm wOndering, one of your
neighbors came in not long ago, maybe six months ago, arrl aske.:3 to have the no
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
parking signs taken down. I'm wondering if that is a reasonable compromise to
this situation. To take down the no parking signs on the p.lblic street and to
see if we can't spend that money that would go into the bollards and chains
creating some sort of entrance that could be closed. You shake your head that
that's not possible.
Mayor Hamilton: Is there someway we can not have a debate I guess. I realize
you want to make some comments but Bill's creating a debate here and I don't
think we want to do that. '!hat's not the purpose here. I think we've covered
all the issues am we need to get ahead with deciding what we're going to do.
Councilman Boyt: Well, it is and I would propose that we solve this problem
by taking down the no parking signs am not building parking.
Councilman Horn: My original intention in bringing this up was that I had no
intention of setting this up as a expansion of the park. My concern was
spending money on an area that we had closed off and it's still my contention
that we shouldn't spend money am then close an area off. I think that has
happened in this case. I think it's been masked as a safety issue on the
corner but if you look at the area, the no parking signs runs far beyond the
corner of utica. '!hey run up on Tecumseh and several other streets adj acent
to it so it's an obvious attempt to close off access in my opinion. I have no
problem with that as long as we don't spend money down there. I think if they
want a private park that's only good for pedestrian access, that's fine as
long as it fits in the park plan but I can't see spending public money for
that kim of a park. Also, on the Carver Beach Park, I was a little concerned
when I looked at Phase 2 because it appears to me that we're using about a
third of the available space over there. It seems to me that if this area
works out, which it should now because we do have the other public access on
the lake, this does not have to be the prime p.lblic access point which caused
the problem in the first place. People would drive down to the Carver Beach
boat launching area am bring their trailers up to here. It seems to me that
if things go well in Phase 1, we can expand this parking room and expand it
beyom four spaces. This is a great park area for people to come am picnic.
In fact I used to use it for that until they closed it off so I have a problem
with the Phase 2 portion of the Carver Beach Park also.
Councilman Johnson: I think we have to become very hard core on our
enforcement down there and I think we need to start issuing tickets. If
somebody is breaking the law, we need to cite them. I think this can work.
Four parking spots is not much. I know it's more than is there now. If there
are cars parking in no parking spaces, I would like our officers to
immediately ticket them. There is no warning. Everybody that has a drivers
license can theoretically read. I would like to see a lot of tickets issued.
I think we can teach some folks real quickly that we mean business out here.
I agree with Clark on Phase 2 of Carver Beach. We may want to look into
expaming that after Phase 1.
Councilman Geving: I guess I was a little bit surprised tonight to hear that
we are having problems in this particular park am have had some problems for
some time. We thought we were going to resolve a lot of this a few years ago
with the no parking signs. I like to use the lakes as much as anybody and
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
have found that I had to park my own car way up by Carol Watson's home just to
walk to the park. We have a real problem policing all the parks in the City.
There are times when we need the citizens to call in complaints. We need the
citizens to advise us when there is a problem in your area because you live
there and you know what's going on and I encourage Jeff to continue to do what
you've been doing and we'll try to beef up the patrol in that area arrl will
try to get the Carver County people down there and look at that from time to
time. We'll make sure that that happens. I'm not really sure that our
direction to the Park and Rec people back in January meant that we were going
to expand this wi th a bollard arrl chain arrl four parking spots. I hadn't
really thought that this was going to come out of all this until tonight when
I saw these plans over the weekerrl arrl started reading my notes arrl I realized
we may be creating more of a problem than we're trying to solve. I guess I
would be in favor of leaving those no parking signs up. Doing a lot more
patrolling than we apparently have been doing and not expand this park at this
time. Not expand it at all until we get the area under control. I would just
as soon take these plans and put them on hold and if we have a good summer and
things seem to be coming along fine with the policing aspect, maybe we can
bring it back again next year but for this particular park, I think we ought
to place our plans on hold arrl not exparrl it.
Mayor Hamilton: I think ever since I've been here I don't have a particular
problem with neighborhood parks arrl it seems to me that it is a Park that is
being used by the community. If you have 70 some homes there, we have 3.some
people per home, that's 200 some people have access to the park. If I want to
go to that park, I hop on my bicycle and I can ride over there the same as
anybody else in the community can or you can drive over as Dale has done and
park up on the hill up by Don's house or further up and walk down. I don't
have any problems spending money on a park that is or could be classified as a
neighborhood park. After all, it's still the city's taxpayers that are using
that park arrl that's why it was developed in the first place. So
consequently, I would like to see us, I'll agree with Dale and I'll even go a
step further and say that I would like to see all the parking taken out of
there and just have access so we can get to the lift station, so our city
truck can get in there and close the park completely to outside vehicles other
than the city's and to use the space that's being used for parking now perhaps
for a totlot type of facility or swings or whatever else we can put in there
and leave it for the neighborhood. If somebody else wants to use the park,
they can walk over from Lake Ann. They can ride their bike. 1'hey can walk.
They can do whatever else they want to get there so I think that becomes a
viable way to use the park and I think it serves a very good purpose at that
Wendy Folsom: When we first moved down there about 10 years ago, the squad
car used to go by our house several times a week to the point where I said to
my husband, I think we moved into a neighborhood that has to be watched a lot.
There must be a lot of problems. I've never seen the police go by the house
so much. '!hen we had an opportunity about a year later, we don't see the
police very often or have a need to talk to them very often but our cars were
broken into because of a beer party on Memorial Day weekend, the first year we
had been there, and I said to him, do you have a lot of problems in this
neighborhood? I see you a lot. He said, no we don't because it's such a
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
pleasant neighborhood we like to drive by here. Last year we had an
automobile accident, they hit a bicycle last year and it was the first time I
got to speak to the policeman for a long time and I said to him, you know, I
haven't seen you around as much as I did when I first moved in here almost 10
years ago. He said, that's true. We can't. Chanhassen has grown so much that
we don't have time to come down in here as much as would like to.
Mayor Hamil ton: There's no question about that. I think all of you realize
that Chanhassen is growing and the demands for patrol are much greater than
what they used to be. Even though we continue to put on more patrolmen and
have additional hours of patrol people on the road, it continues to be a
problem and it's going to be as we continue to grow but we continue to try to
address that problem and to take care of all those types of activities.
Councilman Horn: In regards to the Minutes from the Park and Rec meeting, I
was disturbed to find out that people had been using that as a boat launching
area. Apparently people take their trailers down there and launch their boats
with their garden tractors. That's not the intent of this park. I was also
disturbed, it was very obvious that there was all kinds of 3-whee1er tracks
down there. That's totally unrelated to the no parking signs. It's totally
unrelated to whether we have this chain up or not. To me that Park is being
ruined by those kinds of things and regardless of what we do tonight, that has
got to be patrolled. I don't think these no parking signs are even relevant
to that issue but the park is being torn up. There is litter allover
everywhere. You walk between there and Lake Ann and there are cans
everywhere. You see evidence of tracks and they're not 4-whee1ers. Those are
dirt bikes and things that go in there and I can't believe those come from
outside the city. Those are from inside the city and that has to be cleaned
up. I go along with all your recommendations on this except for spending
money down there. I don't think we should put that tot10t in. We should keep
it chained as you say. Keep the no parking signs there and we don't spend any
more money on equipment but we do enforce it.
Mayor Hamilton: Just to finish my comments because I want to say something
about Carver Beach too, I do like the plans for Carver Beach. It is an
entirely different beach. Again, the access to that is very poor. It's a
hilly area. I think four parking spaces at that particular beach would be
good just for the people who live there because it's a difficult beach to get
to. The streets are not good there and it's difficult to ride your bike or
even walk in that neighborhood so four parking spots in the Carver Beach area
I think would be a posi ti ve thing to see how it works out because we've had
problems there in the past also.
Councilman Boyt: I agree that it looks like we may need to look at this in
phases and maybe the phase to look at is to get the park cleaned up and safe
and secure. As you've pointed out Tom, a lot of people do use the park in the
neighborhood. I've got to tell you that eventually I would like to see that
park opened up to people in Chanhassen as a whole but I think your issue is an
important one so let's see if we can get it polica:1 and stop what's happening
there that's inappropriate.
City Council Meeting - June 1, 1987
Jeff Farmakes: The present chain has enough slack where you restrict access
am you can easily ~ll it up am drive a car underneath it am that's what
happens when PeOple accessed it before. You've got to tighten that chain.
Put a secom lower chain in. You would also be restricting access to these 4-
wheelers and dirt bikes.
Mayor Hamilton: What we should do is put a gate on there similar to what we
have at the South Lotus Lake access now so the gate can swing shut am our
city PeOple can just open it am you can't lift it up or down. You have to
have a key or a lock to get in. That would be much more secure.
Councilman Geving: Could I add to your motion Mr. Mayor. I want to go back
to Greenwood Shores. I want to pick up an item. You mentione1 three items.
I want to add a fourth one that there be no boat launching. That we direct
Staff to meet with Carver County police patrol am have that area patrolled
regularly. That somehow we need to clean up the debris. Whether we hire it
done or have the Boy Scouts do it or some other means. Then finally, the
last one that you had I think should be in the Minutes as a motion and that is
to instruct Staff to look at the gate am devise a new gate system instead of
that chain and I would like to add to your motion those three other comnents.
Mayor Hamilton: I'll add them changing the one to say that the policing of
the area should be done through Jim Chaffee, the Public Safety Director of the
City am it should be an enforceable type of enforcement where if there are
violations, there will be tickets issued and we would like to see the reports
back for review. Either here or at the Public Safety Commission so we know
that it is being taken care of and the problem is hopefully being solved.
Mayor Hamil ton move1, Councilman Geving seconded that the Greenwood Shores
Beach not have any parking at it. That the no parking signs on the streets
remain as they are. Access to that beach be available only to City personnel
to work at the lift station and it remain a neighborhood park. There be no
boat launching at Greenwood Shores. Staff should meet with Jim Chaffee to
patrol and enforce violations occurring at Greenwood Shores and the City
Council or Public Safety Commission receive reports for review am that Staff
be instructed to look at devising a new gate system for the entrance into
Greenwood Shores Park. Also, that the Carver Beach Park have four parking
stalls installed as depicted on the plan with the chain and bollard system as
outline1 by Mark Koegler. All vote1 in favor am motion carried.
Mayor Hamilton: I would just like to make one comment. I agree with the
plan. If you look at the recommendation which would be the rural recreational
beachlot portion of the recommendation as suggested to the Council by the city
staff, I was not comfortable with the last sentence. Rural recreational
beachlots. I would like to strike "any future lots resulting from subdivision
shall obtain permission to use the recreational beachlot from the Homeowners
Prepared by: Sietsema:k
Planned Unit Development of 342 acres into 892
residential units.
On the east and west side of Powers Blvd., one-
half mile south of TH 5.
Lake Susan Hills Partnership
7600 Parklawn Ave.
Edina, MN 55435
PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential; R-4, Mixed
Low Density; R-8, Mixed Medium Density; R-12
High Density
ACREAGE: 342 Acres
N- lOP: Industrial Office Park District
S- A2: Agricultural Estate District
Planned Unit Development
w- A2:
Agricultural Estate District
Lake Susan
located on
ment, will
Park, a community park, is
the north side of Lake Susan.
Hills, to the east of this develop-
have a 7.8 acre neighborhood park.
Lake Susan PUD
June 12, 1987
Page 3
Based on the formula set forth in the Park Dedication Ordinance,
this development will generate the need for a minumum of 33 acres
of park land. With this dedication a credit of 50% of the Park
Dedication fee should be given to the developer. This will allow
the City the funds to make park improvements. This park dedica-
tion is consistent with what was requested eight years ago when
the original proposal was considered.
A minumum of 25 acres of park land should be dedicated on the
west side of CR 17. It is recommended that this land be in two
parcels, one at each end of the neighborhood or one large parcel
centrally located. A minimum of 8 acres should be acquired on
the east side of CR 17 that is centrally located within that
This office is recommending that off-street trails be constructed
on both sides of CR 17, one side of the interior sub-collectors
and minor residential streets shown on attachment B, and on the
east side of Audobon Road. Based on the formula in the Trail
Dedication section of the Park Dedication Ordinance, the deve- .
loper should receive a 100% credit for this trail construction.
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June 16, 1987
Prepared by: Sietsema/v
Subdivision of 10 Acres into 15 Single Family
The southeast corner of Pleasant View Road and
Peaceful Lane
Art Owens
6535 Peaceful Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RSF, Residential Single Family
10 acres
w- RSF
EXISTING PARKS/OPEN SPACE: A portion of the proposed development
lies within the service area of Carver
Beach playground, the remainder is
park deficient.
The Comprehensive Plan identifies this
as a high priority area for parks.
Owens Subdivision
June 16, 1987
Page 2
Peaceful Hills lies just south of Pleasant View road with one
street <Peaceful Lane) serving it. It is being recommended by
the Planning Department that this development be connected to the
neighboring development to the south via Peaceful Lane. To be
consistent with previous developments, consideration should be
given to an off street trail along Peaceful Lane.
This site is park deficient and noted in the Comprehensive Plan as
a high priority area for park land. As the entire development is
only 10 acres, it is not probable that acquisition of a reason-
able size park from this development alone can be made.
However, requesting the dedication of a 2 acre parcel on the east
side of this development at this time, would be feasible with
plans to acquire additional land when the area to the east develops.
The land to be acquired should be conducive to active park use
and adjacent to the eastern boundary.
It is the recommendation of this office to accept a 15 ft. trail
dedication along the east side of Peaceful Lane in lieu of trail
dedication fees and to request a parkland dedication of 1.5 to 2
acres in the area of Lots 7, 8, and 9.
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Prepared by: Sietsema:k
Subdivision of 100 acres into 3 single family
lots and one outlot.
On the west side of Highway 41, i mile north of
Highway 5.
Timothy Foster
7200 Metro Blvd.
Edina, MN 55435
RR - Rural Residential
100 acres
LOT SIZES: One lot is 10 acres, two are 5 acres, and
the outlot is 76.5 acres.
ADJACENT ZONING: RR - Rural Residential
This proposal lies within the service area
of Minnewashta Regional Park and is within
close proximity to the Landscape Arboretum.
The Comp Plan shows this parcel to lie
within the rural area and therefore not a
high priority for park land. The
Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies a trail
from TH 5 to Minnewashta Regional Park.
The trail alignment runs along the east
property line of the South Bay Subdivision
to the south, through this proposed deve-
lopment and through Tanadoona Camp.
Foster Subdivision
June 9, 1987
Page 2
Although there are no municipal parks within the area of this
proposal, it is recommended that park land not be considered at
this time. This proposal involves only 3 lots which are 5 and 10
acres. At the time that Outlot A is subdivided, a 5 to 10 acre
neighborhood park should be considered.
The Comprehensive Trail Plan being developed calls for a trail
through this development along Dogwood to Tanadoona Drive. This
is an important trail link that will connect Minnewashta Regional
Park to other major trail corridors.
It is the recommendation of this office to accept park land dedi-
cation fees in lieu of park land, and to request a 15 ft. trail
easement through Lot 3 and along the entire length of Dogwood in
lieu of the trail dedication fee.
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(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: June 12, 1987
SUBJ: Steve White's Eagle Scout Project
Attached please find a letter from Steve White regarding his
Eagle Scout project at Chanhassen Pond Park. Steve has completed
the construction of the steps and has done a good job. I walked
the site this afternoon and found everything to be in order.
Mike Lynch will give the project a final inspection and give a
report on Tuesday. .
To get credit for the project, Steve needs a letter from the City
stating that the project was completed satisfactorily. Upon the
direction of the Commission, I will write such a letter.