1987 06 30 Agenda . e e AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of May 26, 1987, Minutes. 3. Site Plan Reviews: a. Eight Acre Wood Addition, Robert Sommer b. Lake Riley Woods South, George Nelson c. Kurvers Point, Franklin and Melvin Kurvers d. Grams Subdivision, Rod Grams 4. 4th of July Celebration - Plan to Help! 3,4 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: June 26, 1987 SUBJ: ' Sommers Eight Acre Addition The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item at their May 26th meeting. The item was tabled at that time pending addi- tional information on Melody Hill Road. e Melody Hill Road will not be extended as there are existing homes that would be prohibitive. Therefore, staff continues to recom- _ mend acquiring trails along Chaska Road, the utility easement, and along Lot 15. These trail connections will provide a major link to Minnetonka West Junior High. . CITY OF CHANHASSEH PRC DATE: 5-26-87 if C.C. DATE: CASE NO: 87-24 SUB Prepared by: Hoffman:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 8.5 acres into 15 single family lots. I- Z <( u :J a. a. <( . . ~ LOCATION: Off State Highway 41 on Chaska Road, adjacent on the north to the City of Shorewood. Access is available from the east via Murray Hill Road. APPLICANT: Robert F. Sommer 6239 Chaska Road Excelsior, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: Single Family Residential ACREAGE: 8.5 acres DENSITY: 1.76 lots/acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Residential Single Family S- Residential Single Family ~ ~ W I- - -I) . E- Residential Single Family W- Residential Single Family EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: Minnetonka West Junior High 1990 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density Sommer Subdivision Request May 20, 1987 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: The proposal is located in close proximity to Minnetonka West Junior High School. Although park land would not be required, trail dedication should be obtained. It is the recommendation of this office to acquire a 20 ft. ease- ment along Chaska Road, a 12 ft. easement along the utility ease- ment, and a 12 ft. easement along the east side of Lot 15. . . . LOCATIOO OF SUBDIVISION .0 COO 0 0 0 0 D o 8 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 8-:::: ~ (1) ~ ~ N N N N' c'"' N-o -J..iNMAN~..D ,,'II ~ L~ ~o ~~\" ~~ .\\ ii= I . \r- I .J.<C' :~J). u.. 0 I {~ ~~ Pi~4~ '-- . .'LL. "'~~:z: .j" _ ~~\- ;;;: ~RIN , 1)1 . _ . ~,; f'lI/L-... 'v ~ 01 - \\ .-- !:::! CRE!l Vlf_ "ire. ::J:l IR ~(A.~, t~"n - \~...... 1~ .\,\ ~ ~ ~ U - - ~!/~, " ~ ~ .~\\ ) II ~ ~. , \ .. y) ~' ~~ ~\ , ~ L:- (:1 ~II ~)t \ ' ~~ ~ 8 i o i T - ilK db ~ .J LAI<[ W. 67 ni STREE T RR " \' \\ \\ \\ \\ _\\ \~" ", II .. I II I, - l -~V ;:::::. .s~ r . 7--PUD-B Cfif - I\.. - ~ - fr:;'--- 'I LAKE 0::' '\NE "M'It/SON 1 V II II ~ l<<J S o (l) ........ I PINt. . ~ z ~ f'14 \ " L_ r0J1J ~ l(~ { ~\ ,"'- v /.....) r..... ~ "~': X ..." . . ~ . I /" j., ~ Q J lff\ r I :! ~ ~'t~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 6-30-87 C.C. DATE: 7-20-87 CASE NO: 87-2 SUB Prepared by: Sietsema:k ~ STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 76.4 Acres into 16 single family lots I- Z <( u :J (L (1- <( LOCATION: South on Pioneer Trail, approximately t mile east of TH 101 APPLICANT: George Nelson Associates Suite 428, South Highway 100 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ~ g W I- - (I) PRESENT ZONING: A-2, Agricultural Estates ACREAGE: 76.4 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- A-2, Agricultural Estates S- A-2, Agricultural Estates E- A-2, Agricultural Estates w- A-2, Agricultural Estates EXISTING PARKS: There are currently no parks in the vicinity of this proposed development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows this develop- ment to lie outside the MUSA Line within the rural area. The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies an off-street trail to be acquired along Pioneer Trail. . . . Nelson Subdivision June 26, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND The City has requested a trail on the south side of Pioneer Trail from the Halla development. The acquisition of a 20 ft. trail along Pioneer Trail from this proposal would provide a major portion of this system. The Park and Recreation Commission has stated in the past that a 15 acre parcel should be acquired in the south end of the City. This development is quite hilly and would not be suitable for active park purposes, as is the intent of the Commission. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land and to request a 20 ft. trail easement along Pioneer Trial in lieu of trail dedication fees. ---- I A? l -L -- LAKE RILEY -. ~ 9( 97! 981 loe ---~c .. 300 400 ,. 500 600 700 .' i.'.,. .... . :...:~; ~'.'.-..,: -, ..-.~ 8. 900 1000 --. -- ~\u ~~\e,,\ Wood~ . -.... ,,----. / __ vrVI/ ---- ~._ ~loc ~ .-.... "'rIO", 0" I..... --............. 1>'0", -- ~~I/ \ ______. rl/""l \ \ ~ \ " __~~< I ,........ '-.... -- ;>-' /.-f..-r \ '" _ _.r' '\....-' I \ ~ I \ \ I --- \ \ \ '- ~~ \\ --, \ \ \ \ -. / /' / /' ~-t: C ~/:)/' /0+ _--20'29 ---_ CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 6-30-87 3C.. C.C. DATE: 7-20-87 CASE NO: 87-14 SUB . Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 36.3 acres into 42 single family lots. ~ Z <t U :J a.. a. <{ LOCATION: East side of Lotus Lake, west of TH 101, approximately one-half mile north of TH 5 APPLICANT: Franklin Kurvers 7220 Chanhassen Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Melvin Kurvers 7240 Chanhassen Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~ ~ W J- - C/) PRESENT ZONING: RSF - Residential Single Family ACREAGE: 36.3 acres DENSITY: 1.17 units per acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- RSF - Single Family S- RSF - Single Family E- Eden Prairie - Single Family w- Lotus Lake EXISTING PARKS: South Lotus Lake Park/Boat Access lies about! mile south of the development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as trail deficient, but says it is not cost effective to develop neigh- borhood parks in this area due to the beachlots provided by each neighborhood. The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies TH 101 as a potential trail system. "..~. . . . Kurvers Subdivision June 26, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND This development lies within the service area of South Lotus Lake Park. The proposal will create the need for approximately 1.5 acres of park land which the developer is providing in the pro- posed beachlot. The new trail plan calls for an off-street trail along TH 101. In addition, consideration should be given to requesting the construction of an off-street trail within the street right-of- way of Kurvers Point Road, as this would be consistent with what has been required in other developments. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land, to request a 20 ft. trail easement along TH 101, and the construction of an 8 ft. bituminous off- street trail within the street right-of-way of Kurvers Point Road in lieu of trail dedication fees. , ..u .,,~. _.-/ '- " D I ' . ~j l"\~ ,'l,..._J L --. - - ~ i 'tl~H ~~,,' TO"L",_I!<:~~~' -7,j\ ~<>.1ki"" ; .. Ie (',,1 ..J~~ COO", - ~ ""'-~ · >..~ ,'.' - ~ riD ~"-!. 7 ~'\~ ~b~ - P;"",,'~'E-\Y'''~ ';;::..:i.~ '- CAST" ""'" be lSkrt /1:: ' F""'::'~ ). -' "'LOT '1] l rln~~ COURT _to- _ I If I ~ ~,1.. ... \~ ... f ". '\ (f;:;;;.;c] 1 /c~ II- ,... ". ~ 'Bl.UFfl--r j II -64 _ i .:....:..~ .;';- _->\ \ ~, ,j C '-' """'''' · r~' ".2 "'" '" ,;. - !k'J (,g" ' _ I I I "r~ ~V' ~. ~ ''1k' ;I.("IK JlC'" '""oR~~iU>W ~ < ' . " ,~ff "" T G-r{'''VJ. ~ - RSF \ I ;~'HP~ o:t/; ) ~~..- - "'LOT /:(;, "Jo>~ I ~ll. mw _ K r.f iJ!' , "r \' 0 ,,- .... \\ \ -A " '- '" n -"" ./ ~t1 ~ .~~~~~~ ~\\. ;t .~~~~~,~U-R ~ M :t ~e&~~~~d~~\ ~ Y r)) H' 'd- ~ ,."....." I r T\~~~~ ' r . (11 l-."- ~P7ii: ~~~~~ ~ I~ RD,~ t:< I;:.~'" . -I.....I~-Y ~\~~) ""':?-<' ~\t.Lf ~ Rft' \.... \<;10.. /It(1I -:lUll( \~ r. WI I fi . I (L ~~w..~ i!!>l-""\lll L OrUS~(@f~-~- -:~'\...;;:; ~ ' Dl........ ~\ iiIJ I ~-:cdk.. ' . l r Hie , ,~jl (K J .N""\ \<.."" . . I'. ~ I ," '" r") I -:\1:.."" (I~ ~, ....0. ,;:.0[ r.:n- -1 LA' ~~\ UD-R ' ~ ,-?'\}-~' jm~ 0::: fi ~~~ /" ~l~: 4 ,~~~ ~ _~ooo c,"" \G~ ,~ "" i"r"f', ~' i/ ~ ~ ~ I~' e'" ,'__ . f ",'" ,p ~.~ ~~ ~ \ ...llt ---,I ,~I I I ~Ir ~ "'..... - - . ~v'" ", ['_ J' \~ - -.. "'T' mi' ,,1, ,M~I- " f'~...o ,_ ~ I ~\..J 1 t'"...., ,a . . ((~.;:,.:.. ";;. ':' I ~ ~~ i I R~ - - Jl1l ~ 'f;\J"- ~~, ~. iF "oR ~ e.:,D - n " ~~ '1 t 1 ~ ,~Ll ~.. ".~.... II' <<~, \'\C ~. \ ~ 54 ,'~. '.. ~~": mrr l.~pi<.. )~ =- ;; ," It"" ;<:!'ll'LE ~', ~hj ~ 7 ~ - J ~ II: '.H 12 I \ JIIIi!!! . '- ~, 51. ~ --". ~~ . . _, ,~ 01 ~ '- - ~J:(;Jr gl J _ ~ V --' = _~ - I ~I' Q T~A. ~~~~~~i~r;;]~~r~~ ~Ii :'~' '-1 I U~ i~ u.. 'I (I ~ 7 ~ ' J BG -~ Ii :1""' "ST '. ST ,., II II T I, p ;;;J fo;; '" r \"I=flll I~'- ~ ~~.I;il , u~D IlJf~ ~ ~Ri=4 I -- ", I IIp,,i~., . . ~I ,/'" =- D ~ 6€ -67 -6S 69 7C -n ~ 7400 rR12~ , 0 CI ~' i -. w, -ti TH ST - I . I- Z cd: u :J a.. a.. <( . ~ ~ W J- - C/) . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 6-30-87 3D C.C. DATE: 7-20-87 CASE NO: 87-25 SUB Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 73 acres into 6 single family lots and one outlot. LOCATION: Northwest corner of Audubon Road and Lyman Blvd. APPLICANT: Mr. Rod Grams 6471 Fox Path Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: A-2, Agricultural Estates ACREAGE: 73 Acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- A-2, Agricultural Estates S- A-2, Agricultural Estates E- A-2, Agricultural Estates W- A-2, Agricultural Estates EXISTING PARKS: There are no parks in this area at this time. However, a proposal is now under consideration that would provide an 18 acre parcel to the east, Lake Susan West. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This proposal lies within the rural area and is not considered a high priority area for park land acquisi- tion. The 1990 Land Use Plan does not identify any of this parcel as poten- tial park land. The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies trail needs along Audubon Road, Lyman Blvd. and Bluff Creek. Grams Subdivision June 26, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND This proposal shows 33.5 acres to be split into 6 single family lots and a 39.8 acre outlot. As this development lies outside the MUSA Line and is not centrally located in the southern part of the City, park land acquisition is not suggested at this time. The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies Lyman Blvd. and Audubon Road for off-street trails and consideration should be given for the acquisition of 20 ft. trail easements along those roads. In addition, the Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies Bluff Creek as a natural trail system and a trail easement should be obtained. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation of this office is to accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land and to require trail easements along Audubon Road, Lyman Blvd., and Bluff Creek in lieu of the trail dedication fee. . . . ~ RSF 0 IZ) ::l 0 .:) q ~ 0 c ~ . 0 t- It) N t '" z ;) ., lO LYW ~ C R~IVI5'O A2 R1~ 3 ) RSF RB -. z o CD :::> o :::> cr , .__ __J ' --- .. / L " , - .-r' 0 ...,.- a -+- c:n , ~ '\ ~ 0 ~ '~ .: ~ I .--::: ~ I ,5/$/ 1" \ l"t f--P .. 5 ~ /1 /_ I ! 2 <2 fi.