1987 07 14 Agenda ~ e e e AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes of June 16 and June 30, 1987. 3. Site Plan Review: West Village Heights. 4. Plans and Specifications for Tennis Courts. 5. Updates: a. North Lotus Lake Park Development b. 4th of July Celebration c. South Lotus Lake Boat Access Commissioners are asked to meet at 6:45 p.m. at City Hall for a site inspection. .. - I- Z <t U - ...J a.. a.. <( e ~ ~ w .... - en e CITY 0 F CHANHASStN PRe DATE: 7-14-87 3 c.c. DATE: CASE NO: Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Retail/Office Space on 3.18 Acres of Property LOCATION: Nor~heast corner of West 78th Street and Powers Blvd. (CR 17). APPLICANT: Charles James P.O. Box 24137 Minneapolis, MN 55424 PRESENT ZONING: BG, General Business ACREAGE: 3.18 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- R-12, High Density Residential S- BG, General Business E- BG, General Business w- R-12, High Density Residential EXISTING PARKS: City Center Park is located i mile east of the proposal. Lake Ann is located i mile west. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not identify this as a park deficient area. The 1990 Land Use Plan does not identify any part of this parcel for potential park land. TRAIL PLAN: The trail plan identifies a trail need along Powers Blvd. and West 78th Stree~. . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 10, 1987 ~ SUBJ: Tennis Court Plans and Specifications e The 1987 Capital Improvement Budget includes funds for the construction of tennis courts at Meadow Green Park and at North Lotus Lake Park. Plans and specifications for these projects have been prepared by Mark Koegler. Attached for your review, please find the plans for such. Larry Brown, Assistant City Engineer has reviewed the plans and specifications and prepared his comments. Mark will be present at Tuesday's meeting to answer any questions you may have. e . . . James Property July 14, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND West 78th Street will be realigned to move the intersection with Powers Blvd. to the north. This will put this proposal south of West 78th Street. The project includes the construction of an off- street trail. The Comprehensive Trail Plan also identifies the need for a trail along Powers Blvd. We will have a section of this trail ~nstalled with the Saddlebrook development to the north within the road right-of-way. This should be continued with this development. As this is not a park deficient area, parkland should not be con- sidered on this site. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland, to request the construction of a trail along Powers Blvd. in lieu of trail dedication fees. . I + I. . I '-- ~ . .... r ,--"j -::"7r:,; :t.: ~' . > I ' > ~, -1 ("e, y,':; \. , rt" ----, I ,- - . I I I I _I () . If) . )> . 'I C.S.A. HIGHWAY NO.17 POVVERS BLVD. - - I ~~ I I I I I I I -----, tIl :I: on -00 -\J~ ,,-~ cZ~ ~G>C ::OnZ fTI - -fTl-4 Z-< -4 JT1 ;0 -:::- I I I I I I I I - KERBER DRIVE -- ~~ NC cr Z~ =i- (1')' -~ f) ;oS (11- e( -- - ~ ~ ,.-1 < - r ~~ r .)> (j) .\ ~ .[!J I~ I- I; 10 ;0, m CJ'. () 00 ^ ~ '~,- ~ V Y.-~(~. 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I I I I / I I I , o o oi en " / I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ,,/ .0> I I , I , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ , \ , I I I I , I I I I J I I I I / / / / ~ C\J 0> r (:) I (:) V Q) "0 (:) en Net Post (Typ.) _I "5 o 0 C\l1J.l - Q) u c Q) l.L r' l loa'-o" 1 Chain Link Fence 12'-0" (Typ.) 1 STRIPING b I 10 I'- o <!> (:) _I o v o _I C\l NET ANCHOR (Pipe Type) Chain Link Fence DETAILS TENNIS COURT LAYOUT 0-5 1- Bit. Wear. Cours. (2341) 2- Bit. Base Course (2331) 6- Aggr. Base (CI. 5) Mod. (100" Crushed) Tennis Net as Specified. Tie to Net Anchor at Center of Court. . y ('I') 3 112- ID. (Sched. 40) Galv. Pipe wi Cast Aluminum Caps and Self-Locking Rachet on One Post per Court. 18- Square Concrete Footing. 1- Crown for Drainage. Tennis Court Surface (as Specified) . 5' ('I') 18- Square Compacted ~ubgrade 1/2- Dia. x 12- Anchor Pin Concrete Footing ASTM C-150 Class 1 - II/J == ~\ \\\\; ;, 24- Square . TENNIS DETAILS NET AND POSTS 0-6 Ties it centers r T its it 1." centers . .;~~::::: :::::.:.:-::::.:~:~ ~Iv. 7 gige coil spring steel tension wire 10' 0" Center to Center 1-112" lapprax. t line Post Un. Past line Post LINE SECTION (No Scale) . 2" Terminal Post (Pull. End or Corner Postl "- Chiin link fabric Brace Rail Connect to posts with brie. bind w/cup. 318" di&. trun rad ~Iv. 7 gage coil spring steel tension wire " , ;~ 2" Brace Rail j IT Alternate design to diaojONI it terminil post. 10' 0" Center to Center lMillimum) ~ID'I PULL, END OR CORNER POST AND ADJACENT LINE POST (No Scale) . CHAIN DETAILS LINK FENCE 0-7 CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Larry Brown, Assistant City Engineer DATE: July 10, 1987 SUBJ: North Lotus Lake Park Tennis Courts Parkinq The plans for North Lotus Lake Park indicate that the parking lot shall be improved under a separate contract. Drainaqe . The proposed tennis courts will be constructed 4 feet above the surrounding area. Proposed side slopes are approximately 11%. Drainage has been directed away from the tennis courts in a manner that preserves the existing drainage pattern. Tree Removal The plans do not indicate any trees to be removed. Any trees that are found to be in conflict with the construction process, shall be removed and relocated under the direction of the engineer. . CITY 0 F eBANBASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Larry Brown, Assistant City Engineer DATE: July 10, 1987 SUBJ: Meadow Green Park Tennis Courts Parking . Inspection of Meadow Green Park indicated that at present, the existing parking lot has the capacity required for the park, with the exception of major events such as league softball games. The addition of the proposed tennis courts should not be a major fac- tor in increasing the number of spaces required. Drainage The site grading required for construction of the tennis courts will be minimal, thus preserving the existing drainage patterns. The plans sufficiently indicate that drainage shall be directed around and away from the tennis courts. Tree Preservation The proposed tennis courts are positioned such that only two small trees are to be removed. It is recommended that trees to be removed be replaced in another location in Meadow Green Park. Special attention must be paid to the amount of fill material to be placed around the base of existing trees. The trees that are called out on the plans to be saved should have no more than 2 inches of fill material placed near the base. . .i CITY'OF eHARHASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 11, 1987 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator RE: July 4th Celebration Attached for your information is an evaluation of the 1987 Fourth of July Celebration. The event was a super success and many people and businesses are to be thanked for their help and sup- port. 5b . . . . . . Fourth of July Evaluations FRIDAY - JULY 3RD 1. Men's Open Softball Tournament Nine teams registered for the 1987 Softball Tournament. The tournament was held over two days, Friday, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4th. The Dick Fredrick Umpiring Service was contracted to umpire the games. Their service was excellent with all umpires showing up as scheduled and no controversial calls being made. John Lumpkin acted as Tournament Director. His help in running the tournament is greatly appreciated. He should be considered next year when looking for a tour- nament director. Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place were awarded. The trophies were purchased from Minnesota Trophies and Gifts, Hopkins. Future Recommendations In an effort to increase the number of teams registered, a number of steps should be taken. The tournament should be advertised in the local papers and flyers distributed to all league managers by May 15, 1988. Registration forms should be printed and distributed to area business on or before this date. The registration fee of $45.00 is adequate to cover trophies and umpiring fees. If any additional prizes would be added, the fee would have to be raised accordingly. Although the services of the local Boyscout Troop #346 were not used in 1987, they should be contacted by April 1, 1988 to make arrangements for field maintenance and first aid services for 1988. A food service of some kind should be on hand for the soft- ball tournament. A local organization such as the boy scouts, girl scouts, hockey association, etc., should be con- sidered. Trophies should be ordered by June 1, 1988. Minnesota Trophies and Gifts had excellent service and reaso- nable prices, and should be considered when purchasing trophies. The use of a league director should be considered again in 1988. A dependable person should be found since, I think, more responsibility could be given to that person. Expenditures Trophies $ 87.00 Umpires 240.00 T-Shirts 52.50 $379.50 Revenue Registration Fee $405.00 $405.00 July 4, 1987 - Evaluations Page 2 . 2 . Kids Fishing Contest The fishing contest was held Friday, July 3rd from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children ages 5-15 were invited to enter. Registration began at 10:30 a.m. near the Lake Ann Boat Access. Thirty children, along with their parents, entered the contest. They were divided into two age groups, 5-9 and 10-15. Bait was provided by Chanhassen Bait and Tackle, who also donated prizes. A baby scale was used to weigh the fish entered and a measuring tape was used to measure the fish. Participants were instructed to fish only from shore when registering. There were some people who brought boats to fish out of since clarification of this rule was not made prior to the contest. Prizes were given for the biggest, longest, and smallest fish in each age group. Inexpensive rod and reel combo's and tackle boxes were given as prizes. A small trophy from Minnesota Trophies and Gifts was also awarded to each winner. Future Recommendations The contest was a successful event and should be offered . again in 1988. Publicity for the contest should begin by May 1, 1988. This would include advertising in local papers, posters in local businesses, and including it in the schedule of events flyer. Chanhassen Bait and Tackle was very helpful and should be asked to sponsor this event again in 1988. Clarification of the rules should be made and these should be included in all publicity. The area in which the contest was held was very acceptable and should be used again in 1988. The majority of prizes for this event were purchased with donated funds. This type of arrangement would probably have to be used again in 1988, since there is a lack of businesses in Chanhassen which deal in merchandise appropriate for pri- zes. A final consideration for 1988 would be to expand this program to include the entire family or create a separate contest for adults. Expenditures Trophies $18.00 Prizes 56.00 Revenue Cash Donations $70.00 3. Co-Rec Duck Soup Tournament This event was cancelled for 1987 Future Recommendations The Duck Soup Tournament brings about much interest due to its zany nature. Advertisement of the tournament should co- . . . . July 4, 1987 - Evaluations Page 3 incide with that of the Open Tournament. Rules and an expla- nation of the game should be included in all material distributed. The registration fee of $45.00 could be reduced to $35.00 in an attempt to increase registration. This drop in revenue would not greatly effect the self supportive sta- tus of the event. 4. Cinnamon Sticks and Company Cinnamon Sticks and Company presented Mother Goose and Jack-Out-Of-The-Box at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 3rd. Their skits delighted the children present and they even got the kids to play along. The show took place in the open area adjacent to the asphalt trail leading to the beach area. This event entertains a young population which might other- wise be neglected in the celebration. Future Recommendations Cinnamon Sticks and Company has previously given superb per- formances on other occassions. This appearance proved to be another success. Their service should be used whenever a special occasion, with a large number of children, is planned. Use their name in any publicity, since people have come to recognize it. Expenditures Fee $90.00 Revenues - 0 - 5. Family Games Family games were run at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, July 3rd. Over 100 children and parents participated throughout the after- noon. The games played included Balloon Toss, Family Relay, Orange Pass Relay, Wheelbarrel Race, and Watermelon Eating Contest. The games were held atop the hill overlooking the park. Domino's Pizza of Chanhassen set up a tent on site in order to distribute free pizza, balloons, buttons, and fris- bees. Prizes for the games were donated by area businesses. Additional prizes were purchased. Every person present was awarded with some Kind of prize just for participating. Future Recommendations The games were a great success. The addition of Domino's Pizza, as a sponsor, played a major attributing role in this outcome. They should be contacted by April 1, 1988 to make arrangements for the 1988 celebration. Obtaining prizes for the games was a time consuming task. Next year, a letter of inquiry should be sent to all businesses stating the need for prizes and what steps to take to donate them. Follow up July 4, 1987 - Evaluations Page 4 visits could then be made much more effectively. Advertisement for this event should be included in all event publications. ~ 1fvf:, ~ ~~.. Expenditures Watermelon $15.00 Oranges 2.00 Prizes 27.29 Revenue - 0 - pre- . . . FOURTH OF JULY EVALUATIONS 4It SATURDAY - JULY 4TH 1. Family Bike Outing The family bike outing was held as a non-structured self guided event. A flyer with guidelines and a suggested course were distributed to those who were interested. 6 people par- ticipated in the bike outing. Future Recommendations A family bike outing can be a successful adventure. Most families own bikes and an organized program provides a chance for families to use them. Re-structuring this event to make it a guided tour may increase participation. Interpretive talks about the history of the area, wildlife or plants could be incorporated. Rest stops with refreshments and first aid could be established along the route. The boy scouts or other groups could be involved in these areas. A charitable organization could sponsor this event, organizing a "pledge for miles" fund raiser. Something like this would need to be started months before the celebration. Expenditure - 0 - Revenue - 0 - . 2. Inner Tube Races The families on hand for Saturday's events had another chance to get involved with the inner tube races. This event was held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday at Lake Ann Beach. The life- quards cleared the beach for this event as a safety measure and a means in which to gain participants as well. Ten races were held with six teams in each race. Teams were comprised of a variety of ages, including pre-school and an adult, child and an adult, and adults only. The races were held in the center of the beach between the docks. Grand prizes were awarded to each winning team and every participant received a consolation prize. Two tubes for the race were donated by Big A Auto of Chanhassen. The remaining four were purchased from Big A. Future Recommendations . The inner tube races were very successful. Mainly because of the cooperation of the beach crowd in clearing the beach and in participating. The format for running the races was suc- cessful and should be used again next year. Prizes for the races consisted mainly of gift certificates of approximately a $10.00 value for the winners and Domino frisbee's and McDonalds Gift Certificates for consolation prizes. July 4, 1987 - Evaluations Page 2 These proved adequate for all participants. The use of the life guard's bull horn proved to be of great assistance and should be used in future years. . Expenditures Inner Tubes $21.52 Revenue - 0 - 3. Canoe Races A canoe race was held for all those willing to bring a canoe and participate. As it turned out one team of an adult and child was willing. The race was held at the boat landing using a "Dummy" as a turning marker in the center of the lake. This format would prove successful with larger groups. Future Recommendations Additional pre-event publicity, including posters at the boat access and bait store, earlier ads in the paper, and inclu- sion in the schedule of events, would increase participation in this event. The barrier to making this a big event is the fact that you must have your own canoe to participate. A twist to the traditional canoe race, such as a rubber raft race or anything that floats race might be more effective. Make certain all boating laws and safety precautions are . followed. Expeditures - 0 - Revenue - 0 - 4. Street Dance The street dance for 1987 was held at City Center Park and featured music by the "Ex-Rays". The "Ex-Rays" are a family oriented 50's, 60's band contracted through Hoffman Talent Management of Wayzata. This year the street dance was held jointly with the ground breaking ceremony for the Downtown Redevelopement Project. The majority of the people present got involved in the music, either by dancing or simply lending an ear. The "Ex-Rays" did a commendable job of entertaining the crowd and should be considered for next years's celebration. Patrick Minger and Jeff Swedlund pro- vided trailers to use as a stage for the band. Problems arose, ho~ever, since the stage was located to far from the electrical hook-up. A concessionaire was present at the street dance and business was brisk all evening, even with the free food available. The beer stand was again sponsored by Filly's Nightclub. They charged $1.25 for a 10 oz cup and grossed $1001.50 in . beer and pop sales. Their expenses including donation for July 4, 1987 - Evaluations Page 3 . band, bouncers, beer servers, beer, cups, and trailer totaled $935.00. Domino's Pizza was again on hand distributing free balloons, frisbees, and buttons, adding to the festive atmosphere. . Future Recommendations Arrangements for the band should again be made early in the planning. Care should be taken in positioning the stage to accomodate for use of the 220 AMP service in the N.E. corner of the West parking lot. Care should also be taken in posi- tioning the concession stand. It was brought to my attention by Public Safety that the generator running the stand was positioned too close to the above ground LP tank located near the warming house. Domino's pizza should be invited back and the opportunity of providing a chance for other businesses to come out should be explored. The fencing off of the entire area was successful in controlling the crowd and should again be done in 1988. The availablity of tables was limited but adequate for the crowd size. Additional seating should be looked into if participation is expected to increase. Expenditures Band $1,250.00 Revenue T-shirt sales Chan Bowl donation Concession percent $362,00 250.00 67.00 . e 6. Fireworks Display The Banner Fireworks Display Company was again contracted in 1987 to provide the fireworks display. They arrived on loca- tion at approximately 7:00 p.m. and had adequate time to set up before the show. The display began at precisely 10:00 p.m. and lasted until approximately 10:20 p.m. The show was spectacular, with no major interruptions. Future Recommendations Banner Fireworks presented a commendable display and should again be considered for the 1988 celebration. Parking arrangements should be established earlier and enforced on the evening of the fireworks to prevent any mishaps. The roping off and patrolling of the launch area was very accep- table but should be completed in the early evening to prevent any difficutlites with spectators. The size and length of the show was adequate for the size of the crowd watching the display. The fireworks is an essential component of the celebration which is enjoyed by all ages. e Expenditures Fireworks Contract $3,300.00 Revenue Donations $2,350.00 .