1987 07 28 Agenda . . e 1. 2. / if. AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Call to order. Minutes of July 14, 1987. Presentation by the Public Safety Commission Chairman, Dick Wing. 4. Review Plans and Specifications for Tennis Courts at Meadow Green Park. 5. Authorize Staff to Proceed with the Master Park Plan for Chanhassen Pond Park. 6 . Continuation of Trail Plan Discussion and Completing the Updating Process of the Comprehensive Plan. Herman Field Access Plan Review. 8. Consideration of Acquiring a 14 Acre Parcel Adjacent to Lake Susan Hills West. 9. Administrative Section: a. Goose Removal Program Update b. Update on City Council Action on South Bay, Kurvers Point, and Peaceful Hills c. Jim Chaffee's Memo Regarding to Parking Violations in Parks d. Park and Recreation Commission Attendance Record e. Memo Regarding Vacation of a Portion of Valhalla Avenue 10, L.oo\.uS~ ~ ~~ ca~ A-~ ************ Commissioners are asked ************ 6:45 p.m. to allow time to to arrive at *********** visit a site *********** . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Par~ and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 29, 1987 \ >~ SUBJ: Rescheduling of July 28, 1987, Meeting . The July 28th Park and Recreation Commmission meeting was can- celled due to the lack of a quorum. Because of the number of items on the agenda, I have rescheduled the meeting for Tuesday, August 4th at 7:30 p.m. The same agenda will be scheduled, so please bring your packet. I realize that we all have heavy schedules, especially during the summer, and we are not able to make every meeting. I would like to impress upon you~ however, that it is very important to let me know in advance if you are unable to make a meeting. It costs the City and the Commissioners who attend time and money to hold a meeting that is later cancelled for lack of a quorum, i.e: consultant fees, mailings to residents, etc. If I know before the meeting that we do not have a quorum, I can cancel with the guests. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Also, please remember that we will have our regular meeting, as sche- duled, on August 11th as well. Again, please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend. . ,r AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, ~1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHA~SEN CITY HALL,\690 COULTER DRIVE ~. 4 . 1. Call to order. , j. ~ , 2. Minutes of July 14, 1987. 3. Presentation by the Public Safety Commission Chairman, Dick Wing. 4. Review Plans and Specifications for Tennis Courts at Meadow Green Park. 5. Authorize Staff to Proceed with the Master Park Plan for Chanhassen Pond Park. 6. Continuation of Trail Plan Discussion and Completing the Updating Process of the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Herman Field Access Plan Review. r, 8. Consideration of Acquiring a 14 Acre Parcel Adjacent to Lake Susan Hills West. . 9. Administrative Section: a. Goose Removal Program Update b. Update on City Council Action on South Bay, Kurvers Point, and Peaceful Hills c. Jim Chaffee's Memo Regarding to Parking Violations in Parks d. Park and Recreation Commission Attendance Record e. Memo Regarding Vacation of a Portion of Valhalla Avenue - - ---- . CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN 3 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~~ July 23, 1987 . ~ DATE: SUBJ: Presentation by Public Safety Commission Chairman, Dick Wing . The Chairman of the Public Safety Commission, Dick Wing, has requested to be put on the agenda. Mr. Wing would like to bring the Park and Recreation Commission up to date as to what is hap- pening in the area of public safety. . ~ Lf Van Doren Hazard Stallings Inc. . July 23, 1987 A1chilect~. Engineers. Plannen; 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator Ci ty of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Lori: As directed by the Park & Recreation Commission on July 14, 1987, we have prepared sketches and cost estimates for relocating the basketball court or the parking lot in conjunction with the tennis court construction at Meadow Green Park. Sketches for each alternate are attached and the estimated construction costs are as follows: 1. Relocating Parking Lot 2. Relocating Basketball Court $1,850.00 $2,200.00 . Fran these figures, relocating the parking lot would be the least costly. In our original discussion for the location of the tennis court, one of the items mentioned was the possibility of expanding the existing parking lot, therefore, we did not consider relocating the lot an option at that time. If you have any questions, please contact us. Also, we will be available to answer questions at the Park & Recreation Canmission meeting on July 28, 1987. Sincerely, VAN OOREN-HAZARD-srALLI~, INC. by: R~ L. S~~.,;% Robert L. Sellers Senior Engineering Technician RLS: fa enc. . ~1.: lot ~ .If ~ <~ LU ~ lU CI) ~~ ~~ C) ....... 0 a ~ S2. ~ ~ ~~ . . C) ~ ~ b> .J ~ IJ V) \} c ~ ..J U -'" ..... "" t ~ --------- I ~ ~ ~ ~ :::>~ '\)~ ~~.~ ,:g~ tC'-' --- ~- ~ -----------, ~ I - - -- I I I I I I I ~ , I ~~ I , I ~\j , I I I .~ ~ I , ~'U J I , II , ~~ , I ~\: J I I , I I --- - I I r:.~~ -- I , / , I --- r; I 'I 'I I L.i ..... .\... I :::> G~ \J ..........'" ..........~ I ~u ~Q ~ ......... ~~ \J <I)~ ....... I li ~ rt::} ~ ~ I ~ lI) () I lQ -- --- I j I (l) I {) (/) I rn ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ J;CiJ 'b...... C\ \)lh c: I tt ~l;I v~ I "l ~ r: --.J " !..t I , " " - -/ c:.:-"':1 c" ~ :cr- ~~I I ~~~ I .. t (:) I I ~"" I In"'........ o I L-. - - --. ~ l"I ~ rl c: ~ I~ l I '-'~ ,[0 I ~ Ui ~~ I ' ~ "" ~ "to );- , ~~ i ~~ :. S' I \...V f' ~ ~,~ ~ ')J; j t\ L _ _ I ~ ~ . \ ~~ , , ~ \:J /;p I ~- n . . o (1\ ('l l> r " ~ ~~ "0 f\ tl ~~~ 2 ~ ....G) a~ ~~ ~< S ~. ~~ . CITY OF eRANRASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 July 23, 1987 Re: Consideration of Tennis Court Construction at Meadow Green Park Dear Homeowner: . The Park and Recreation Commission is reviewing plans and speci- fications for construction of 2 tennis courts at Meadow Green Park on Tuesday, July 28. This meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the lower level of City Hall. Tennis court construction is being proposed on the east side of the existing parking lot. Residents in the area are welcome to attend this meeting to voice any concerns or ideas they may have regarding this matter. Sincerely, UM" &J~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . Mark Winkel 983 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Robert Mickelsen 981 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Roger Walsh 99LJ Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 .met Dunser 980 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Brett C. Stinar 970 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Jerry D. Martin . 960 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Eugene George 950 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Deanna K. Stranley 940 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Judith C.cace 930 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 David O'Malley 920 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Louis Naber 910 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Bradley Peterson 900 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Donald Stroth 880 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 P. Fe1dhege & R. Carruth 870 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Paul Ellioe 860 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lillian Pitte1 "'71 Pontiac Lane .lanhassen, MN 55317 Mark Olson 861 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Steven Cherro 851 Pontiac Lane . Chanhassen, MN 55317 ,= CLifford Gustafson 804 Buckingwood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Leonard J. Swanson 806 Bucking-wood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Barb & Bev Scna cz 808 Buckingwood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 John C. Ebensteiner 810 Buckingwood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 John Green 811 Buckingwood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ronald T. Tnomp30n 809 Buckingwood Ct. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Genieve Lubbers 7081 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dennis Winrow 7083 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 David Anjersoil 7101 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Susan Bode 7105 Pontiac Circle t"''Klnhassen, MN 55317 Charles Smo-rdon 7103 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Bradley R. Allen 7107 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 . J. Paulson & G. IDgelin 7111 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Todd Isbenne..c 7115 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 John Rlnll 7113 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 David BecKman 7117 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Deborah M-..~rdy 7201 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 .osePh Meuwissen 203 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Brenda Skeate 7207 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Steven Jorgenson 7215 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Eleanor Thompson 7213 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Steven Best 7221 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 K. Jamison & M. Monroe 7225 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 . . Rayrrond Preston 7205 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Charles Becker 7211 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Lydia Porter 7217 Pontiac Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 ;: : s CITY 0 F CBARBASSER . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatorkrlA July 22, 1987 ''":::) DATE: SUBJ: Master Park Plan for Chanhassen Pond Park The 1987 Capital Improvement Program includes funds to develop a master park plan. This park has been the site for two very suc- cessful Eagle Scout projects. Before any further development occurs a plan should be approved so that we have a clear direction as to how this park is to develop. I have discussed this with Mark Koegler and he has estimated that such a plan will cost approximately $1,500. As this is a budgeted item, it is the recommendation of this office to authorize the expenditure of funds for the development of a master park plan for Chanhassen Pond Park. . . ~ 10 Van Doren Hazard Stallings Inc. Architects. Engineers. Planners 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 ~ '10: Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator FRCJt!: Mark Koegler ~ DATE: July 23, 1987 SOBJ: Phase I Trail Plan - Capital Improvements Programming . The Phase I Trail Plan (Exhibit A) that was preliminarily approved by the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Canmission has been reviewed and further refined. The trail segments identified in Phase I represent a total cost of $1,341,325. The 1.3 million dollar cost includes property acquisition/easements, construction, engineering, staking, legal and administration. Phase I trails can be funded through a variety of sources. Anticipated sources include existing park funds, Chapter 429 assessments, trail dedication fees paid by new construction, tax increment financing and referendum proceeds. Projected funding levels include the following: Referendum $ ??? TarAt $240,000 $200,000 (five years) $ 33,000 $473,000 Tax Increment Financing Trail Dedication Fees Existing Funds plus Chapter 429 . If all of Phase I is to be constructed in the first five year period, approximately $868,000 of referendum proceeds will.be necessary. In reviewing this nunber with the City Manager and other staff menbers, $868,000 may not be acceptable to Chanhassen voters. In general, a trail referendum in the range of $500,000 to $600,000 may be more feasible. This would require approximately $268,000 of trail construction to be withdrawn until later phases of the project. Exhibit B contains a trail plan with a total cost of $1,022,005 which is within the $500,000 to $600,000 referendum range. At Tuesday's meeting, large scale maps will be available to further discuss Phase I trails, funding sources and a breakdown of construction on an annual basis. ~ 1 Van Doren Hazard Stallings Inc. . July 23, 1987 Arch.tects. Engmeers. Planners 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park & Recreation Coordinator Ci ty of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Herman Field Feasibili ty Study Dear Lori: As directed by the City Council we are working on updating the Herman Field Access Feasibility study up to full Chapter 429 feasibility study status. The completed report will not be ready by Friday, July 24, to be included with the Park & Recreation Canmission meeting. The full report will be ready for the . Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 2, and we can make a verbal presentation at that time. Sincerely, VAN 00REN-HAZARD-5I'ALLI~S, INC. by: R J..J t. sL- Robert L. Sellers Senior Engineering Technician RLS: fa . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Commission ~ July 23, 1987 DATE: SUBJ: Review Suitability for Park Land and Potential Acquisition by the City The City Council recently authorized an amendment to a develop- ment contract for the Rime subdivision to remove a building restriction placed on the 14 acre parcel. This parcel abuts the 18 acre proposed park within the Lake Susan West PUD. . The question before the Commission is whether all or part of that 14 acre parcel is needed tor park purposes. The City Council did not delay the plat process, recognzing that a recommendation by the Commission to acquire the parcel would not affect the sub- division. Although it was not mandated by Counc1l that the Commission consider acquisition, staff needs assistance in determining whether the parks proposed within the PUD will truly meet the recreational needs of the almost 3000 residents it will produce. I am asking the Commission to authorize up to $1000 for the development of tentative plans for the parcels proposed for park dedication within Lake Susan West to determine if there is an additional need. Given the magnitude of this development, we will investi- -ate the ability of charging these fees off to the developer of Lake Susan West. Attachments 1. Barbara Dacy's Report to the City Council 2. Location Map . BLVD. -)~ ..::~ ...0..-, '''"'' I o o . .. d o o .. N l-c~0x\ .{{."-L o+- 8900 900J - ~ ~ C.R IB) );. 9100 9200- 9300 9400- - 9~00--u__ 9600----- 9700 -- 0'9800-- - 100 20~- )00-- _ ____ to " 400---. ~OO-- 6 J~)__ ".0()- ICO_ 000 . .~, ",# ,-,~ . t.,,,. -\~~ ~~ -(. . " CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 1 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM - TO: w Don Ashworth, City Manag~ Barbara Dacy, City Planner~ FROM: DATE: July 16, 1987 SUBJ: Review Rime Property Development Contract, Al Klingelhutz PROPOSAL .~ The attached letter from Al Klingelhutz requests the City Council to consider amending the development contract for the Rime Subdivision to remove the building restriction placed on the 14 acre parcel. The following describes the background on the sub- division which took place in 1984. BACKGROUND On August 6, 1984, the City Council approved a metes and bounds subdivision request to create a 14 acre parcel, however, it would not be buildable until public street frontage could be provided. The 14 acre parcel was originally part of the former Lake Susan West Planned Residential development property and was under the ownership of Mr. Jim Curry. The Rimes in 1984, bought the prop- erty and petitioned for the subdivision. Because the parcel was landlocked and served only by an easement, the City Council directed th..City Attorney's Office to prepare the development contract to prevent building on the 14 acre parcel until such time as the property is consolidated with other property so that it abuts a public street. The Rimes are now intending to sell the 14 acre parcel. Al Klingelhutz i~ representing the Rimes who are out of state. ANALYSIS At the time that the subdivision was approved, the city did not allow the creation of private drives to serve parcels as now written (up to four lots can be served by"a private easement). Although the subject parcel does have rights to use an ingress and egress easement over the land within the Jim Curry property, this area is now being considered for subdivision. Access to this parcel could be gained by an easement from another location . f \. REX:;UIAR CHANHASSEN C( COUOCIL MEETING AUGUST 6, 1984 ( j Mayor Hamil ton called the meeting to order. 'The meeting was opened wi th the Pledge to the Flag. . Menters Present Councilman Horn, Councilwonan Swenson, Councilman Geving Mem.ter Absent Councilwanan Watson Staff Present \ , Don Ashwor~, Bill Monk, Scott Martin Barbara Dacy APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Geving m::>ved to approve the agenda as as presented wi th the following additions: Weed Cutting and rake Virginia Forcemain. Motion se~nded by Mayor Hamilton. '!be following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwanan Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: '!he following i terns were raroved fran the consent agenda for further discussion: d. Sale of Electronic Ballot Counters. f. Resol ution, wst Bond Coupons. Mayor Hamilton m::>ved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager's . recorrmendations: a. A};;proval of Sunmary Wetland Ordinance for Publication. b. Authorize 1984 Bond Sale Date. c. Set Budget Review Meeting Dates. (September 5th and 24th) e. Joint Resolution regarding Highway Irrprovernents. RESOLUTION #84-40. g. Fox Chase Development Contract Amendment. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. '!he following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwanan Swenson, Councilmen Geving and Horn. No negative votes. M::>tion carried. ~ VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: METES AND fOUNDS SUBDIVISION RmUEST, AUDUBON ROAD: On July 9th the Council approved this subdivision. Mr. AI Klingelhutz was present requesting the Council stamp the contract for deed stating that the 14 acres are not eligible for building sites without the approval of the City Council. He explained that the 14 acres will carry a contract for deed and if this property is canbined with the original pro- perty the m::>rtgage on the original property will take first precedence over the contract for deed. Scott M3rtin - I talked with the City Attorney about this and he is not sure this is real proper. He did want to think about it. If you do act it should be subject to his review and approval of any legal instnnnent that is to be filed. Councilwanan Swenson m::>ved to grant the request by AI Klingelhutz that the City stamp the contract for deed on 14 acres "rot eligible for building sites without future approval of the City Council" with the condition that the City Attorney . review the document. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. '!he following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwanan Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No nega- ti ve votes. Motion carried. . klingelhutz-crGvens, ]eGii~rs July 16, 1987 City of Chanhassen To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Al H. Klingelhutz Thomas r~. Rime and Joan C. Rime having moved to Denver, Colorado have asked me, Al H. Klingelhutz, to represent them in the following matter. They felt my knowledge of the transaction that took place in '1984 would be helpful in sOlving the problem. I will be at the Council meeting on Monday, July 20, 1987, and will be available for any further questi ons you may have at that time. On August 10, 1984, Thomas M. Rime and Joan E. Rime, husband and wife, purchased property as shown on attached Exhibit "A" from Al H. Klinglehutz and Mary Jane Klingelhutz. The property in consideration is 13+ acres in size with an easement to what was Carver Co. Rd. 17 and is now known as Adubon Rd. . At the time of this sale the City of Chanhassen was not allowing building permits on any land in the unsewered area. Therefore, in order to record this parcel of land a Development Contract was drawn between the City of Chanhassen, the Rimes, who are the contract owners, and the Klingelhutzs who are the Warranty Deed owners. Copy of the Development Contract is attached, disallowing a building permit for the property. The Rimes are. now being transferred to Denver, Colorado and have a purchaser for the property, but in order for the sale to be consumated, the purchaser is insisting that the building permit restriction be removed. The City of Chanhassen since 1984 has changed the ordinance for the unsewered area and this parcel of land would now be eligible for a building permit. The request of the Rimes is that the City of Chanhassen now determine that the property be eligible for a building permit and take the action necessary to allow this and remove the noneligibility from the Development Contract. . .. Sincerely, ~ qJ JJ. ' Al H. Kl inge AHKjep enc . cc: Thomas M. and Joan C. Rime 7811 GREAT PLAINS BLVD., P.O. BOX 427, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 · (612) 934-0000 ~ DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT . AGREEMENT dated '1. _<'., '''1'-/ I ( , 1984, by and be- / tween the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("City"), and AL H. & MARY JANE KLINGELHUTZ AND THOMAS M. & JOAN E. RIME, (lithe Developer ") . 1. Request for Subdivision Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a metes and bounds subdivision of the following described land: That part of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 116 north, Range 23 west, Carver County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line and its northerly and southerly extensions: Commencing at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter; thence S 890 04' 49" W, bearing assumed, along the south line of said north- west quarter of the northwest quarter, a distance of 790.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be . described; thence N 10 57' 27" W, a distance of 460.00 feet; thence N 180 32' 33" E, a distance of 330.00 feet; thence N 520 00' 00" W, a distance of 638.57 feet; thence N 10 57' 27" W, a distance of 150.59 feet to a point on the north line of said northwest quarter " of the northwest quarter distant 156.07 feet westerly of the northwest corner of said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter as measured along said north line and there terminating, subject to a perpetual easement for roadway purposes. 2. Conditions of Approval. The City hereby approves the subdivision on the condition that the Developer enter into this Agr~ement and comply with its terms. 3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Developer represents to the City that the subdivision complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regula- tions, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the subdivision does not comply, the city may, at its . 8-8-84 .. . . . the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Thomas L. Hamilton and Don Ashworth acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. ...... ~~~ !~~~ ........... I"...:" i I J. t :..J(;~LHARDT I.'. .!I..... '..' .;.. MINNESOTA \~ f':~" . COUNTY :l '~'.~.!." M) c" ,..... ." w....s (<;1. 11 198:; ",,,,.,..~.,.,,...,.,...._...... STATE OFJI. NESOTA) ) ss COUNTY 0 '.1.--7.-..~'-') /-.-~ . ~The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me If) day of LU.~/Y..L.~..r , 1984 by Al H. and Mary Jane Klingelhutz as hislher free act and deed. this - C)(~.. 4/ .. . .' L.:L-lC-0' <.. .. tl~ ~ Notary Public I STATE OF~iNESOTA ) , ) ss COUNTY 0"" ~-) rl;~$gSS~~~~~~';:.'~;~;;;;;"# J .~ !t''''~~"'' NOTARY PUBLIC ":I:;:;~:OTA .. . \ ~~(~rf Hr=f\;N-=PIN CO' ..~'( :. "\..~ i. '-. 1.: ........'..: ~ . . .:->.:.':.: ."~Y .~~~~.~~S.j~~ .E~x:~r:~ ~O~l~.l ~ . ~,::O ~ .:- - ........,.... .... ~ I'Jl~The fO~?;;g instrument was acknowledged before me this v day of .. 'LLot" , 1984 by Thomas M. and Joan E. Rime as his/her free aet and deed. '/-~~- /"),~ / -~'-'V G . ~./ i ~..- . Notary Public " ._~ E fA,. DAVISON \ ....-..., LESLI . MINNESOTA 1 #" ,..\ 01 ARY PUBLIC' [tte~\'.i NHENN. 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L.J,..l ';" ~ .. ,..:;. ,.......... "- l~\~,' .1'.'1'U " ~ -', ""'..' ..... . ,.... 1.- ~ ... ",.~ :.: /. t. .~~ ~ f ~ , ~;~ ., I :, <{ . .: .'. ' 0... '. ..; ,:i 8 ..... ::' .' _.~',' ~.: g .. . ': I I f ,~ . . .' ;:'::.;."'~ tt.:.:~ . :', '.. '.' l' ~: ." .. i /'PtJINT Or 8c$/NN, / PF PARC!L A / 780.00 ! . , ,to. '1130.01 U,'04'.a-W / <. - S()urh /in8 qf N, w: n ,,/ # H/. n ,,/ 5 400 f I..t . ~ ......... . TH IS IS IHE FA 8 eEL j T ,4 L StJ Slip w$ 'ill f i lye Ii E!,'5 . f E G 8 ES5 ,'FL...4IV/) S')lO..v}./ AS i'IIRGiL.... ~ ,4 SE M~NT Ph.", .; , '" ,... ".. ~ 1"'1 / "".,..-, A ~ I ~ I /r--r-/" I / r-/\f) . . . r:.:-~ ." iT ~ .... ..... ....~..... ! i ". , \ i ! ". i ......../ ".~-,_.._>,. ,,' ../ .... ..'\" .. ~" .' . ..~ .; LAKE SUSAN HILLS WEST PUD GENERAL DESCRIPTIO~ FOR PIJ~I.IC HE,"RI~ir;S Qlli That part of Government Lot 2, Secti.)n "': ';'JYetrll::lf!nt t'H ). Section 14, the Southwest Quarter of t~~ \q~~~~3~: 1uar:er of Section 14 and the Northeast Quarter of S~C~l~n ~). all i~ Township 116 North, Range 23, Carver Count" ~1nn~5ot4 l'ln~ southerly of Chanhassen Lakes Busines9 Plrk. accorJ1ng t~ the -----~-~ -,-~ ~~ft~^ftF ..iri r.~rYer Coun~4nd lyinR northwesterly CfA . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 22, 1987 ~ SUBJ: 1987 Goose Removal Report The Goose Removal project has been completed for the 1987 season. Dr. Cooper and his team removed 112 geese from Chanhassen in areas around Lake Ann, LaKe Lucy and Lake Minnewashta. The pro- ject went very well and we will be looking at continuing this program in 1988. . Attached is a detailed report by Dr. Cooper. This item has been included tor your information and requires no action. . F~~,::=:-. -==> ISil UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES JUL I 3 1387 College of Forestry CITY OF CHANHASSE.'j . Department of Fisheries & Wildlife 200 Hodson Hall 1980 Folwell Avenue SI. Paul, Minnesota 55108 9 July 1987 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: Attached is a summary of Canada goose removal for the Twin Cities in 1987. We captured and removed 112 birds (71 young and 41 adults) from two Chanhassen sites in three drives. Detailed information on each site is also included. Based on a rate of $700/drive, the total is $2,100. Please make the check payable to James A. Cooper--Canada Goose Project. . Thanks. Sincerely yours, ~4..~., Dr. James A. Cooper Associate Professor, \Vildlife (612-624-1223 ) - . . SUMMARY OF CANADA GOOSE POPULATION MANAGEMENT IN THE CITY OF CHANHASEN, MINNESOTA 9 JULY 1987 Breeding Canada geese and their young were captured and removed from three sites in Chanhassen in 1986 and two sites in 1987. Trapping locations, dates, and results are as follows: 1986 Location Date Captured and Removed Adults Immatures Lake Lucy 25 June 9 13 Lake Ann 2 July 2 24 Lake Minnewashta 25 June 44 52 Lake Minnewashta 8 July 11 15 Total 66 104 . 1987 Location Date Captured and Removed Adults Immatures Lake Lucy 18 June 22 25 Lake Minnewashta 18 June 12 31 Lake Minnewashta 9 July 7 15 Total 41 71 The adult geese were shipped to Oklahoma and released by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife; the goslings were released by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in southern and southeastern Minnesota. The reduction of 35% is lower than expected. There were apparently more young non-breeding geese associated with these sites than normal. Based of the 1987 results, a reduction of 60-70% (50 to 70 birds total) below the 1986 level is projected for 1988, and 80-90% (17 to 34 birds) by 1990. . ... CI'.) ~ ~ E-c ~ U :z ~ ~ E-c ~ ::c E-c :; o l:l:: ~ Q ~ E-c < U o ~ CI'.) :z < l:l:: E-c ~ CI'.) ~ ~ ~ < Q < :z < u ~ o l:l::t-- ~QO ~~ :; ~ ... :z< QE-c :z0 <~ :z:z o:z ~~ E-c:; < U o ~ ~ 1~8 fiJ< !~ :>:c ~ ~-~-~-t--t--O~O~~t---~~O~~~~ ~~---~QO--~-N__~ _~~_~ N __ ~~~~~~N~~~~~~~~N-NO~~~ -~ NNt-- N~ ~ __ O~Ot--~t--~-N~N_t--_t--~~~~~N~ ~N - N~~ N~~_ ~ N~_~ - >- t: u g ~ Po:: ..... ~ CI'.) < ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~Z ~ ~Z~~ Cl'.)CI'.)O ~ g~~s < >~>~ Cl'.)CI'.)~9 9 ~g~~9 > 9 <ffi~ffi;o<I~~~<~<~~~~~<~<~ ~~8~ ~ ~~u~~~~~ffi~u~~~u @~~~ @ a~;@~@~~@~;@~@; e ..... ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ 0 >- E-< ! ~~~ ~ ~ 0 ~~CI'.) ~ u~ ~ ~ 88~ ~ ~B ~8 ~ g~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~5 CI'.)~ ~~~ ~ o~ ~8~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~!~~8~~~;~~~~~~~~i~~~~ ~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . t-- ~ o - ~ ~ ~ ~ - t-- . CI'.) ~ E-< ..... CI'.) N N ~ ~ . SITE l~gANN::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CITY CHANHASSEN ," ::::::::::::::::: ,: ,_I . LOCATION NORTH OF HWY 7--TAKE PARK ENTRANCE ROAD -- CHECK ON SWIMMING BEACH REMOV ALORBANDING [~~~9Y~~:.....:.::..:-- 1 CONTACT_PERSONS Lori Sietsema (612-937-1900) CHANHASSEN POLICE (448-2111 ) ESTIMATED_YOUNG [2:::::.::::::::::::::::.. ::::.:...::.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::l ESTIMATED_BREEDERS 10 I ESTIMATED_NONBREEDERS 10 . ..nn n n nn.n. I TOTAL_BIRDS 10 I DATE_PLANNED [~.~T~:::~/~f::::::::::::::::::_.-:::_:.:::-:..:::::::"] DATE_DRIVE L:::........::::::::::::::::::::::....:.......:::..:.::.::::.:.:::::::::::1 NUMBER_OF _DRIVES D . YOUNG_MALES_CAUGHT ( :.n. n . ..:::::: .:. . .... ..n. j YOUNG_FEMALES_CAUGHT t"""""" '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' """""""1 ADULT_MALES_CAUGHT ADUL T _FEMALES_CAUGHT C..............................-...................:::::::::.:..:..:...] BROOD_PATCH_FEMALES [ J NONBREEDING_MALES I I NONBREEDING_FEMALES [...__._.......:.:.::::::..:...........................:_:_: j TOTAl_:~~:f:~Ei:~~--U._~ ~l ESTIMATED_BIRDS_NOT_CAPTURE r.::::: n..:::: ::::::':_.. j . .. OKlAHOMA r COMMENTS NO BIRDS THERE ON 6/18/87 . _~ S~~ CJ-,htL ~~ ~ ~~ U1 m I S>~ . I . . ~:~ 1~~t2,~~~~:::,,,:::,,:.===:,::::,:,,,,,,,,::,:,:::::,:::::::::::,:::::::::,,,,,,::::,,:::::::,:, ,.: .:_ -.. .. :,,:......1 . LOCATION NORTH OF HWY 7 ON WEST OF UTICA LANE (TAKE POWERS ROAD NORTH) REMOV ALORBANDING IREMOV AL ..........:...........::::........:.] CONTACT_PERSONS Lori Sietsema (612-937-1900) CHANHASSEN POLICE (448-2111 )--HOMEOWNER NORTHEAST-- 6850 UTICA AND JIM BERRING 7000 UTICA LANE (474-5767) ESTIMATED_YOUNG [25. n :...: ...:......::..:::.::::...:...:::..::.:::.:: ::"] ESTIMATED_BREEDERS 118 I ESTIMATED_NONBREEDERS (6 ...::. :::............................n......n.... .. 1 TOTAL_BIRDS 149 I DATE_PLANNED [~?5:~!:~f::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] DATE_DRIVE l~/T~:!.:~:?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] NUMBER_OF _DRIVES D . YOUNG_MALES_CAUGHT L ..:..:::::::. . ] YOUNG_FEMAlES_CAUGHT \. ....... . ......... ...,:.... \ ADULT_MALES_CAUGHT ..13 ... .. ADUL T _FEMALES_CAUGHT I~............:....:....::..:.:....................:.::..:........:...:] BROOD_PATCH_FEMALES[7 J NONBREEDING_MALES I I NONBREEDING_FEMAlES I?. .............. ......n n.. .....n ... n. ..n... ...... J TOTAL_:~~:~:~EI:~i;..:.- . ..==~=~ ESTIMATED_BIRDS_NOT_CAPTURE [9.:...::.:. :::"::::::::::.:: . .....:::::.::J . OKLAHOMA 15 i COMMENTS TRAP SITE IN NE CORNER CONTACT MARY KNUDTEN 6850 UTICA TERRACE 474-5603. ~~~~vtL~ CfY\ t{ ~ . . . ~~~~ r~3~t~~:::~ '::""""':,, . ":'"'''' . ,:, "",."'::'",:,,, ~~: m =::,,":::::,: I . LOCATION WEST OF PLAINS BLVD AND SOUTH (1 MILE) HWY 7--TAKE 101 -- GET KEY FROM LORI AT CHANHASSEN CITY HALL --BIRDS MAY BE ON RICE MARSH LAKE TO EAST REMOV ALORBANDING [REMOV Ai........................:::. :::::l CONTACT_PERSONS Lori Sietsema (612-937-1900) CHANHASSEN POLICE (448-2111 ) ESTIMATED_YOUNG [!:...:::.:.. :::..:.:.: :: . :..:: ::::::..] ESTIMATED_BREEDERS 14 I ESTIMATED_NONBREEDERS L .....: :::.................... .......... ...... .: ... I TOTAL_BIRDS 111 I DATE_PLANNED [.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J DATE_DRIVE L:::::.::..........::..::...:::.::.::...:::::::...:::.::.::.::::::::::.:::J NUMBER_OF _DRIVES D . YOUNG_MALES_CAUGHT r . .......:..................:... : j YOUNG_FEMAlES_CAUGHT I, . :':' "'" \ ADULT_MALES_CAUGHT . _ ADUL T _FEMALES_CAUGHT r....:....:...:......:............................:..........:.........:] BROOD _PATCH_FEMALES r. j NONBREEDING_MAlES I 1 NONBREEDING_FEMALES 1... ........ ....................................:: ....J TOTAL-:~~:L~:~EI;~~.=== ::-..~~ ESTIMATED_BIRDS_NOT_CAPTURE [: .... :.::::::::::: .........J . OKLAHOMA I I COMMENTS DISCUSSED WITH LORI RECOMMENDED NOT TO BOTHER WITH THESE BIRDS IF THEY CURRENTLY WERE NOT A PROBLEM. SHE INDICATED THAT WE SHOULD NOT CAPTURE THIS YEAR. . . . ~:~ Ir$~~~~~AsH~:::::::::::::::::~,::::::::::",:" ::: :::== ~::,,::: ::::.... n=:=] . LOCATION NORTH OF HWY 7 AND WEST OF HAZELTINE BLVD. CAPTURED ON RED CEDER POINT AND IRONWOOD AVE FIRST HOUSE ON LEFT REMOV ALORBANDING IREMOYA~----------------:- :.] CONTACT_PERSONS Lori Sietsema (612-937-1900) CHANHASSEN POLICE (448-2111) (ON POINT) CHARLES ANDING 3631 S. CEDAR DR. 474-8303,(NW)SALL Y HEBEISON 474-0494 ESTIMATED_YOUNG I ---- -- : -:--------- - -: - ] ESTIMATED_BREEDERS I 1 ESTIMA TED_NONBREEDERS 1_ .._ ___.. : ......:......................................... .........1 TOTAL_BIRDS 175 I DATE_PLANNED [~?5:~!~f_::::.:::::.:.:.......:..::.:::::..:::::::::] DATE_DRIVE 1$)T$)~f~.!/9._:~/~-_~:::_::::-::::::::J NUMBER_OF _DRIVES D . YOUNG_MALES_CAUGHT 1._..:.:.::_ :::..................:oc..:.:.. :......::.:..': :'::.'.:'..:] YOUNG_FEMALES_CAUGHT r -- : .un -\ ADUL T _MALES_CAUGHT 1 3 ADULT _FEMALES_CAUGHT If_~:::::--:-:: -:::--:::- --: -:--- :--::-----::::.:-:: -- -:--:- - J BROOD_PATCH_FEMALESJ13 J NONBREEDING_MALES 10 I NONBREEDING_FEMALES IQ.:.....:.:.::.::..::... .. __.. ..__..___....:.__..l TOTAL-:~~:L::~EI~~:;:~~~m.~;=:_..-..:=.\ ESTIMATED_BIRDS_NOT_CAPTURE n:::::'.:: .:.__....::: __......::'., ...l . OKlAHOMA rS I COMMENTS 1 NON-BREEDER FLYING WAS NOT CAUGHT ON 18 JUNE. 8 JULY 22 BIRDS FOUND--REMOVED ON 9 JULY. ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: RICH ZWEIG 474-1873 ALSO HOME OWNER ON NW . CORNER. . . . q8 CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 22, 1987 ~ SUBJ: Council Action on Park/Trail Items The City Council has acted on a number of Planning cases with park requirements as follows: South Bay . The Council acted to accept park dedication fees and to request trail easements along Highway 5 and the east property line as recommended. Peaceful Hills The Council acted to accept fees in lieu of land; to retain the Peaceful Lane paper right-of-way for trail purposes; to use the reservoir site for passive recreation; and to accept trail fees; as recommended. Kurvers Point The Council acted to accept park fees in lieu of land; request trall easement along Hwy. 101; request trail construction along Kurvers Point Drive; and allow 100% in trail dedication fees; as recommended. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH ct, . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Safety Director~ FROM: Jim Chaffee, Public DATE: July 21, 1987 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park The parking on the grass at Lake Ann Park has been troubling public safety throughout the early summer. It would appear that the problem is one of consistency and a clear understanding by the public of where parking on the grass is allowed. Let me explain. To enforce the no parking on the grass near the improved parking areas would cause problems when parking on the grass is allowed in the overflow lot. Additionally, we talked about the parking on grass enforcement when there are open spots down by the beach. This is most often the case during softball games and tournaments. This is not an equitable solution when, in fact, the lot by the beach may have been full when the ball games start, but a group by the beach clears out afterwards. . I would feel more comfortable enforcing the parking on grass problem under the following conditions: 1. A prominant sign at the entrance to Lake Ann Park stating "No parking on grass allowed except in overflow lot. Violators will be ticketed!" 2. A sign at the entrance to the overflow parking stating "Parking on grass permitted in this area only". 3. Public Safety regularly and consistently enforces the grass parking. This does not address the large function parking problems. Please keep in mind, however, that permission to park on the grass is not negotiable. It is an all or nothing situation to avoid conflicts. If you have any questions, please let me know. . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH qC 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 24, 1987 SUBJ: Valhalla Avenue Vacation Request . Attached please find a memo from Barbara Dacy to the City Council requesting the vacation of a portion of right-of-way at Valhalla Avenue and Pleasant View Road. The City Council reviewed this item and referred it to the Park and Recreation Commission for a recommendation (see attached City Council minutes dated July 6, 1987>. Staff has looked at the options the City can take with this item and consideration must be given to the legal status. I have for- warded the information to Roger Knutson, the City Attorney, and his recorr~endation is pending, as the primary issue is the City's legal position. In talking with the Mr. Knutson, he has assured me that his research and conclusions can be completed for inclusion on the August 11th agenda. No action is reuqired at this time. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN P.C. DATE: ~ 10 C.C. DATE: July 6, 1987 CASE NO: 87-4 Vacation ~ Prepared by: Dacy/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request to Vacate a Portion of Pleasant View Road/ Valhalla Drive ~ Z <t U :J a.. a.. <( LOCATION: Between Lot 58 and Lot 23, Pleasant View Addition Adjacent to Lotus Lake APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential ACREAGE: 6,400 square feet N/A N- RSF; single family s- RSF; single family E- RSF; single family W- Lotus Lake .~'iion ry ef1"';' .~r,1lnl'~lr':i.~" DENSITY: ~,,"d,:r<:?u ~ ___.___ Mt'dj!ieL--__ ,__ RajNt~..:__.. ..... _._ OatP_~,k.b2_ residence Dete :::~:~:il;:,C,! :0 ','" ,;,,1'1~: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: ~ ~ W I- - en -. .--.-. ..--- residence rr~te Sil~':;i(i'.,J co \ "'Li 7/.6J.i:'-.2__.. residence WATER AND SEWER: Municipal sewer line within area to be vacated. PHYSICAL CHARAC.: Site slopes steeply toward the lake from Pleasant View Road 2000 LAND USE PLAN: . . . Valhalla Vacation July 6, 1987 Page 2 BACKGROUND This portion of right-of-way in question was dedicated on the Pleasant View Addition plat in 1910. Pleasant View Road in this area was originally known as Lake Street and was later changed to , Pleasant View Road. A vacation request was filed for the subject property in 1978. However, upon recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission to deny the request, the Council did not approve the vacation request {see Attachments #1, 2, & 3}. The City Council at the May 18, 1987, meeting acted to install no parking signs in the vicinity of the subject area. ANALYSIS Although the subject area does contain a city sewer main, the City can retain adequate control for maintenance via an easement. Because there is no intended plans to improve this portion of right-of-way and because the city has completed its process to create a public access to Lotus Lake, it is not necessary to retain the existing right-of-way. The city has received a number of phone calls from property owners residing along Indian Hill Road. Some have reported that they have used the area for a number of years to gain access to the lake. There also appears to be three owners of Lot 58 which directly abuts the area to be vacated immediately to the west. Under state statute, the vacation proceeding is only to remove the city's interest in maintaining the site. The area will be divided in half, each will become part of the land immediately abutting the area to be vacated. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve Vacation Request #87-4 subject to retaining the utility easement as depicted on the survey stamped "Received June 30, 1987". ATTACHMENTS 1. City Council minutes dated August 7, 1978. 2. Park and Recreation Commission minutes dated April 4, 1978. 3. Planning Co!nmission minutes dated March 8, 1978. 4. Copy of location of utility line. '" council Meeting August 7, 1978 -3- ~isused. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. '0 negative votes. Motion carried. . I LOTUS LAKE ESTATES - REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION: Len Swedlund was present requesting reconsideration of action taken July 17, 1978, whereby outlot B would be under public ownership. Mr. Swedlund suggested that outlot B remain in private ownership under a homeowners association with an easement for a public trail across Outlot B. councilman Neveaux moved to reconsider in light of Mr. Swedlund's letter of July 31, 1978. Motion seconded by Councilman Waritz. The following voted in favor: Councilmen Pearson, Waritz, and Neveaux. Mayor Hobbs and Councilman Geving voted no. Motion carried. I I i councilman Neveaux moved to amend Resolution #78-31 to allow for private ownership through a homeowners association of Outlot B with a public trailway easement across Outlot B. Staff will prepare the necessary document for resubmission to the Council. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The fOllowing voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. ~VIEW HOUSE MOVING PERMIT, ROMAN SINNEN, 535 LAKOTA LANE: The Council considered. this item on September6.r 1977., and approved a perI!li t to move in three modular units and' combine them into one single family home. Since that time the City has received a petition questioning whether or not those units were in line with the original conditions of the Council. Staff has contacted Mr. Carl Norlander, Inspector, Building Code Division, . tate of Minnesota. Mr. Norlander inspected the site and reviewed the plans. It was his finding that that structure with the changes that are proposed to be made will meet the residential building code standards. Mr. Norlander will forward a letter to the City verifying the above. No action was taken. SUBDIVISION REQUEST, FRANK METZIG, 6400 CHANHASSEN ROAD: Mr. Metzig is requesting approval to subdivide 350' x 211' into three lots. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval. i I: Councilman Pearson moved to approve the subdivision request of Mr. Frank Metzig for property at 6400 Chanhassen Road. Motion seconded by Councilman Waritz. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. ,~:: . : . I' i. I: VARIANCE REQUEST, DOWNTOWN BUILDING MORATORIUM, ROOS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING AND REZONING/PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Roman Roos was present requesting approved to construct two 11,000 square foot professional ~ medical/dental office buildings on property located-4pproximately230 ; feet west of the intersection of Laredo Drive and West 78th Street on the south side of West 78th Street. } . ! Councilman Neveaux moved to accept the Planning Commission, the Planner and City Manager's recommendations to grant a variance to Ordinance 47-K for Planning Case P-55l Chanhassen Professional Building. Motion I econded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor ~.I '.'. ~obbs, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, Neveaux, and Waritz. No negative Votes.- Motion carried. i " i ,I jji . . . ." ~4C/ ~ . . ~lanning Commission Meeting March 8, 1978 " \. -16- The City Planner felt the lot lines could be:extended to the rear property line as there are no plans for a public park in this area. The Park and Recreation Commission will "look at-the plan and make commen- Members commented on t~8 ?lacement of the duplexes. Roman'Roos - I have no real problems where you-place the doubles other than along Highway 7. 1 think doubles are the comingthing.- As far as the placement alonq the amenity-area or-interspersed, -I like the idea of interspersing them myself. Jerry Neher - I think-the plan-is a vast-improvement over what we first looked at;- As "far as doubles are concerned I have no problem with them or where he puts them. Hud Hollenback - I think we ought to give some consideration to the beach access-and hopefully have those part of the covenants~ I-would like to see a-little better mixture of the duplexes than having them all on one street or the majority of them on one'street.- . Les Bridger - I would like to see the doubles a little more scattered about the plan.. Conceptually I like the idea of the!!; having the availability of more of the amenities in the area. I would-really like-to see them scattered about more than having a row of duplexes. Dick 1-1atthews - I would like to see them on - the -largest lots. I wouldn't particularly care where they are located just so that they were placed because a double is going to be at least half again aS,big as a single family dwelling, I'would guess.' The developer was instructed to proceed to preliminary plat and make application for a conditional use permit for the beach lot. ALLEN Gfu~Y BEACH LOT: John Kosmas and Allen Gray were present to discuss a proposed private beach lot to be used by residents of Sunny Slope Addition on Riley-Lake. The lot is 50 feet wide and will have a parking area and a structure which would include a wet bar, changing area and view of the-lake. It was agreed to eliminate the parking area and move the building closer to the road. Dick Matthews moved to hold a public hearing on April 12, 1978, at 7:45 p.m. to consider the issuance of a conditional use permit for a beach lot. Motion seconded by HudHollenback and unanimously approved. VALHALLA STREET VACATION: The city has received a petition to vacate Valhalla in the Pleasant View/Horseshoe Curve area. This short street ends at Lotus Lake. The City Planner cautioned that the city should protect its drainage and sewer rights in the area. Wilfred Goran and Jim O'Brien were present. - Members commented on the proposed street vacation. . Les Bridger - I see no problems with it as long as we abl.de by the Planner's recommendations that the city's easements be taken into consideration. Jerry Neher - I have no probl~~. Bud Hollenback - It's not being used by anybody for launc~ing boats? Is it a public ~ccess7 ..... :,., :\.0 ~<n fIJ, N c:t ~. :c: M . . ~6 f;lV'i ;,-,: ~ ro: m. . ~ ~! p '0: :1 ~ II d ~ c; ~ ~ ~ ~ : i Z ~ H :i., piLla ch~ /7 -I if . >:~~ '.;jj;_:'h ~;i' ~ ,\::~l: ,(J 7 'c;. , I" ., I' ", ,,;i::;'.~'---_-:"- ~~. 'Jiu</; "., ........ ..';);i':;~.i',1.:,:;.:'.;.'::/.~~~~o~~:6~7:;;' , " \ 'J.' , (/ \. )' I"':' \:~;: ) " ,<,..',: ....., " '!;:i!:;'::~.;;:':' ;;;.,:.... ~rrxOF CHAN~~~~i' ;'::'. ,\ " ,-':.' \ .I t \ ." " ".', Ill, '"" "h': ", i ' , . : '. ' .;'.\J.k..b.b' ,',~<,/fj' ,;....~ j .)/' .',',',\\\" r :.' ',I.';:' ~.,. ,':~A' I ;', ,,:,:;:,.;., . ,,'.' ." . ,t';,',"";. .' ";~'-</ " .",., .". .' ,i..'" '." 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' .' . ,. . ,.", I,: ", , ~.' , ",' I,:, ",! -:": . . 4-t/l-?'7--'-- .f. 28] ~ OJANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 6, 1987 . I . Acting Mayor Geving called the meeting to order. '!he meeting was opened with the Pledge to th: Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Boyt, Councilman Horn, Councilman Geving and Councilman Johnson. Mayor Hamil ton was absent. STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Barbara Dacy, Jo Ann Olsen, Gary Warren and Todd Gerhardt APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Horn moved, Councilman Johnson seconded to approve the agenda as amenderl with the following additions: Councilman Boyt wanted to add discussion about Park and Rec and discussion about building inSPeCtion. Don Ashworth had an update on the sprinkling ban. All voted in favor of the agenda as amended and motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Geving staterl that h: did not see any formal letter asking for phasing of park dedication fees for Gary Brown's Mini- Storage and in the future h: would like to see these requests in letter so they become part of the packet. , Councilman Horn moved, Acting Mayor Geving seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recormnendations: a. Conditional Use Permit for a Telephone Equipment Building, Lot 7, Block 1, Chanhassen Hills, Northwestern Bell Telephone. . ~h b. Request to suWivide 12.5 acres into three single family lots, located on Galpin Blvd., 1/2 mile north of 'IH 5, David Stockdale. c. Final Plat Approval, Jeurissen Addition e. Planning Comnission Minutes dated June 24, 1987 f. Approval of phasing park dedication fees, Gary Brown Mini-Storage. All voted in favor and motion carried. VISITORS PRESENTATIONS: There were no visitor presentations at this meeting. PUBLIC HFARING: REQUEST TO VACATE A PORTION OF PLFASANT VIEW ROAD/VALHALIA DRIVE, CITY OF CHANHASSEN. - - - - - Public Present: , Name Address Kevin Pieper Gary & Jane Kendrick 541 Indian Hill Road 550 Indian Hill Road . 1 282 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 . Lima Werdel 550 Imian Hill Road r Frances O'Brien 450 Iod ian Hi 11 Road Russ & Vickie Knowles 501 Imian Hill Road Rojina's 4813 Indian Hill Road Dan Hectorne 490 Imian Hill Road Harriet O'Brian 500 Pleasant View Road John & Kathleen Von Walter 510 Pleasant View Road Alfonso Correa 520 Pleasant View Road Ron & Lee Harrieux 6605 Horseshoe CUrve Alan W. Linhart 6575 Pleasant View Way Susan Conrad 6625 Horseshoe CUrve Don Snede 489 Pleasant View Road Margie Karjalathi 7413 Frontier Trail (President, Lotus Lake Homeowners Association) Kirsten Pauly 480 Indian Hill Road . . Barbara Dacy: The parcel is located at-the bend of the road along Pleasant View Road. This area was originally platted as a street right-of-way as a part of the original Pleasant View Addition platted in 1910. Pleasant View Road in here used to be known as Lake Street am Valhalla Avenue runs in this fashion, Indian Hill Road is up over here. There was a request in 1978 to vacate this portion. The Council at that time did not approve that vacation request. The City currently has a city sewer main located through this area. However, that can be maintained by obtainin;J an easement over the area. One of the reasons that the original vacation request wasn't approved, and the past Minutes were included in your packet, is that the City was still in the process of looking at an overall pub~ic access plan for Lotus Lake. Obviously since that time the City has opened a new plblic boat access at the south end of Lotus Lake. This portion of the right-of-way is very steep. It is not part of the road right-of-way any longer. Last year three wooden fence posts were installed along here to prevent vehicular access down through this area. Because there is no plblic interest in maintaining this right-of-way as a street nor as a fire access to the lake, there is an existing hydrant in the area, Staff is recommending approval of vacatin;J this. I think it should be made clear that State Law dictates that when municipalities vacate right-of- way that one half of the portion to be vacated becomes part of the lot immediatley adjacent to on the one side and the other side becomes part of the lot on the other side. That is State Law. There is no sale of the property involved. It's merely what's required by State Statute. Therefore, again Staff is recommendin;J approval of the vacation request subject to retainin;J a utility easement so that we can maintain the sewer line. Kirsten Pauly: I guess some of my questions were answered but the City current owns the property now? Barbara Dacy: Yes maam. Kirsten Pauly: And they don't have to sell it at a fair price? Barbara Dacy: No, as I stated earlier, the State Statute dictates that it really becomes part of the adjacent land. 2 l b 283 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 ..- I Kirsten Pauly: Okay, and it's no longer felt that a fire lane is needed there under the situation of this summer where there's been City bans on water usage because of the dangerously low reserves? . Barbara Dacy: The City is in the process of constructing a water reservoir site along Powers Blvd. that will help alleviate that pressure. Kirsten Pauly: When will that be finished, construction of that? Gary Warren: '!his time next year. Kirsten Pauly: Maybe this should be brought up this time next year? Don Ashworth: We would not use Lotus rake for our source of water so it would not be used as a part of the municipal water system. Kirsten Pauly: No, I don't intend to bring that into play but if you have dangerously low reserves and there was a fire up on Indian Hill Road and that fire hydrant or whatever, may be used as a fire lane at this point in time is still pertinent. Acting Mayor Geving: We would keep that easement for the fire lane. We would retain that right. J Kirsten Pauly: So it would strictly be, the ownership would transfer to the two neighboring and you would maintain utility easements? . Acting Mayor Geving: '!hat's corr::ct. Dan Hectorne: I live on Indian Hill Road and there are a number of households on Indian Hill Road that granted, I understand the City's position as far as if they did decide to vacate it would go to the two owners on each side but I think the land could be better used by the locate residents inside the area that do not have lake property. What I'm suggesting is a small lake association of residents in the area who are not directly on the lake who could maintain the property. Easement would be no problem at all and I think what we would like to do is set up our own restrictions such that it would be easy like no boat dockage or anything like that but to set it up so that we could have a swimming area for the children in the area and possibly trim the trees. '!here's a big dead tree in the area that we would like to cut down. Cut it back, trim it arrl set it up as a small Park for the people in the area. I think that would be the best use of the land in the area and then if people did want to ag;>roach or launch their boats on the other side of the lake they could do so and then dock there but not as an overnight location. Acting Mayor Geving: Have you considered the extent of the homeowners association Dan? Who would be included in your proposal? , Dan Hectorne: We haven't met. This was kirrl of a quick deal for quite a few of us. We haven't had a chance to meet. We realize this was the first meeting so basically this was a preliminary discussion. Hope nothing will be settled tonight. R>ssib1y at a later date we could present something to the . 3 ~84 . . . City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Council. Basically what we want to do is have something that's nice in the area. Dress it up but not make it that there is boat dockage. So the people could just walk down there and use the facilities but not maintain any boats who do not have lake property. r Acting Mayor Geving: Very good. It's a use I hadn't thought of before. Don Snede: I live at 489 Pleasant View. the right of the area in question. I live on the lot which would be at Acting Mayor Geving: Okay so you're on Lot 23? Don Snede: Yes. Basically my viewpoint is that I don't think the community would be disserviced by vacating the property because there's a public access. There is a park presently being built up Pleasant View which is maybe 1,000 feet up the road. The corner is a dangerous corner. There are several accidents. We've had our yard run into. '!he house up the street has been run into by a vehicle am a fence on another house has been run into so the pattern of pedestrian traffic in that area I don't think is very good because of the way the road is. So I don't think the neighborhocxl would be disadvantaged. I don't think the community would be disadvantaged and I think in terms of considering a lake association is sort of contrary to if the City vacates the property. I don't know what the laws are but in any result I think it would be best served by vacating it. Acting Mayor Geving: Ibw long have you lived in that home there Don? I think you're a new owner aren't you? L ~ Don Snede: Yes I am. I've lived there since February of 1986. Acting Mayor Geving: I know that you weren't the awlicant that came in earlier"and requested the vacation approximately 7 or 8 years ago. Don Snede: Yes, that was Mr. Borne. It was my understaming that the property was taken for a fire lane and the City wanted ci ty sewer put in place, they had made the same motion so that it would be vacated am my concern as a public access the lake but I believe the public access for the comnunity am the parks will be serviced by another route. Acting Mayor Geving: You lived in that area last year. Did you see a lot of public use by people during the wintertime with people who might want to bring a snowmobile or fish house down that ravine? Don Snede: I don't remember seeing anybcxly taking a fish house down there but before the three posts were put up, there was traffic that would go through there to access the lake which I don't know if the publ ic access is open in the winter. 1Igain, I think my concern is the traffic. '!he traffic and the way the streets... Acting Mayor Geving: So if this was vacated you would accept the adjacent proprty? b 4 285 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 I Don Snede: Yes. . Acting Mayor Geving: '!he reason I ask that, I assume there are also taxes that would be paid as though it were lakeshore lam that you would be acquiring and pay upon footage rate on. '!here's also a negative connected with this. Don Snede: What would happen is the parties that live there would restore it back to the original plat so it wouldn't be a split between houses. Margie Karhalahti: I'm here representing Lotus Lake Homeowners Association. I just have a question. Is that lot large eoough to have a beachlot on it? I don't believe that it is according to the ordinance. Acting Mayor Geving: I would like to refer this to our Staff but I'm sure that it isn't. Barbara Dacy: Right, our beachlot standards require 200 feet. For installation of a dock it's 30,000 square feet of area. J Linda Werdel: We would like to keep it the way it is. We've been there on an average of 18 years between all seven houses up on Imian Hill Road. It's just been nice the way it is. We can have the City laws, quiet by 10:00. '!he maintenance, everyone has to agree on the Hill to keep maintenance up. Someone has it this month. Someone has it that month. We talked a little bi t . about it, a few of the neighbors. L Acting Mayor Geving: You have talked among yourselves about the possibility of keeping it as a city area am maintaining it youselves? Linda Werdel: Right, keeping it the way it is but the people on the Imian Hill" Road will maintain it am abide by the rules. Mary Robinson: I grew up on Indian Hill Road and I've lived there for 25 years and I feel Lotus Lake is part of me. We've gone down there swimming everyday all summer long. '!hat's where I learned how to swim and now I walk my children down there and I let them wade in the water am I just hate to see the land being taken away from us. Acting Mayor Geving: You use it quite a bit ooweven though... Mary Robinson: SUre, I've gone down there a lot this summer and we've always mowed. We rake the weeds out of the area. We pick up the glass am cans down there that have washed up on shore. ~ Acting Mayor Geving: Where do you live Mary? <A1 this map over here. Mary lbbinson: I live on 480 Indian Hill Road. '!bat's where I grew up. Alot of us feelt his way. Acting Mayor Geving: So as far as you're concerned, this is your access to . Lotus Lake? 5 286 1 . . City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Mary Robinson: It is. We've used it for years. , Acting Mayor Geving: It's kim of a neighborhood type of area. John Von Walter: I live two doors fran the fire lane am it would be half of Lot 22. Originally, in 1910, I guess that was taken, 20 feet from our lakeshore am 30 from the next door neighbors am then the balance from Lot 23 for a fire lane. I think now the City Planners and Council have provided for adequate Park am beach am lake access on the lake. Even now, approximately 1,000 feet to the top of that is going to be a wonderful park with a beach am access. The fire lane is not only being used by people on Imian Hill, it's people allover the cities. St. Paul, Minneapolis and unless it's returned or vacatei to the two abutting properties, there's no way for the city to control it or the neighborhood to control it. You can't be down there asking everyday where do you live am what are you doing there. It's not big enough to put floats out for a swimming area. 'Ihere are no restroom facilities. There are changing am dressing facilities. There's no way to monitor that it's used 24 hours a day. It's on the absolute worst curve on one of tre most perilous roads in Chanhassen. I saw a boy riding up on a bike from that lakeshore get hit by a car on top of the hill wren he came out. There are just too many things that can't be controllei as an outlot, as a beachlot. 'Ihe only way it can be controlled for the peace of the neighborhood is through ownership by the abutting owners. Acting Mayor Geving: Barbara, would Mr. Von Walters be the other recipient of half of the lot? . Barbara Dacy: . . ..:'l. . No, I belleve lt'S Harrlet O'Brlan. Acting Mayor Geving: Arx1 on your map is that Lot 20, 21 am 22? Are there three owners? Barbara Dacy: Mrs. O'Brian might be here tonight. She owns the east half of 22 am the easterly portion of 58. 58 does have three ownerships am I believe Mr. Von Walter, you also own a portion of Lot 58 but Mrs. O'Brian owns the most easterly portion of it. Acting Mayor Geving: She would be the one to receive the other half? John Von Walter: I guess I would like to say that the only viable solution is to return it to the abutting properties. Any other solution will continually come back to haunt the city am tie up it's resources am county resources. I have never called the Sheriff on anybody but I know the Sheriff has been over there plenty of times. Having been a police officer for 9 years I know those nuisance calls, a lot of times while you're answering one of those, somebody else that really needs help isn't getting it. I think the only solution is for vacation and return it to the tax rolls and make it a city asset rather than a city liability or a neighborhood liability. Jim O'Brian: I'm the homestead owner of Lot 22 and a portion of Lot 58 that is in question. I guess John said most of what I had to say am that is that Valhalla Avenue was dedicated years ago as a fire lane and it has not been . 6 , It . 287 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 used as that for many, many years now. '!here are three obvious options that the City can approach this with. Number one is status quo which would be to do nothing and over the past 7 or 8 years this status quo position that the City has maintainErl on it has more or less invitErl the collection of junk and debris on this property. It has invitErl unauthorizErl usage of the premises. People try to launch boats down there. People do park watercraft. There are parties where entertaining goes on on those premises. '!he second option of course would be to make it p.lblic. I suggest that making this area p.lblic, putting up swimming docks and this sort of thing, invites much the same sort of use. ContinuErl partying would be hard for the City, really this is an isolated area, would be hard for the City to control that. If it's not hard for them to control it, why isn't it controllErl now? The City, as John said, is providing adequate or is making for plans or is in the process of providing adequate access to the lake for people who do not own lakeshore. I do not feel that using a fire road for access by non-lakeshore owners, either on, off or away from the lake, is something that the City neErls to concern itself with. My suggestion is the only viable solution is to return the property to the property owners or to that section of property from whence it originatErl years ago and that would be to vacate that property. Russ Knowles: I've livErl in the area since 1976. When I movErl out there in 1976 I thought that I had public access to the lake which I found out later I didn't so I callErl and talkErl to the City Comissioner I think was in 1977 and I was given permission to use that fire lane right-of-way and maintain it, cut brush down and since I've been there since 1976 the existing landowners adjoining this piece of property never once lifted their hand to do the maintaining. I kept a 12 foot aluminum boat down there. That was the only time I launched a boat and I hand carried that down there and tied it to a big old elm tree. wild parties, if me and my son going down there is having a wild party, he's only 6 years old. You can tell my lot line is not too far off the corner of that property. It's actually right on the corner of that S curve. Like I said, I've been there since 1976 and we've used it every year until this year is the first year I haven't mowErl it because it just to be too much of a hassle. Kathleen Von Walter: Just to make this short and sweet. I think the issue is one of legally and morally the city does not have the right to give that land that they took from these lots in 1910 to a group of people who are not involvErl in it. There is plenty of access. There are going to be two beaches on the lake. '!here is lake access for boats. It can not be controlled there. Kevin Pieper: I have a question about where this new park or where this new beach access will be located? Barbara Dacy: '!he South Lotus Lake boat access is opened and is located across from Chanhassen Meadows Apartments. Kevin Pieper: Several people have eluded to a new beach and a new park facility in the area. Barbara Dacy: North Lotus Lake Park will be located down as Pleasant View Road bends north, it's just off the map here, it's over in this area am 7 ~M~ City Council Meeting - July 6, ~987 Pleasant View Road comes over and bends to the north from Fox Hollow to the east. Current park plans are just imicatirg a soccer field, a ballfield am tennis courts at this time. There will be trails down to the beach and so on but there is not to be a' p.lblic access to launch boats. That's to be confined to the South Lotus Lake access. , Acting Mayor Geving: Is there going to be a swimning beach there? Don Ashworth: I can not recall the plan. It's very shallow there. Barbara Dacy: In any case, there is Carver Beach Park on the west side. That obviously has swimnirg access. Acting Mayor Geving: The reason I ask that question, I'm a little bit familiar with that area. It's very swampy up there on the north em so it might be difficult. Kevin Pieper: You mentioned the Carver Beach facility. That's fine. There's a swimmirg area there but there's no place for parking. To put in an area am say we're going to vacate this parcel but we're giving you this fine beach area somewhere else am effectively you may be starving us our anyway. You'll never be able to provide us access. You won't be able to walk there because we have small children am we won't be able to park there so where is our access to Lotus Lake? We pay property taxes in the area too. We've come to ~ accept this as a part of livirg in the area. Just walking down to the lake and to see the lake from our homes and not be able to have any access whatsoever is a bit frustrating to all of us eSPeCially since we've used it . over and over the years. I have to agree that, I don't think there is any parties going on there. I haven't seen them. If someone having one beer down there or launching a canoe, I don't think that's a problem. As far as traffic across that roadway, there are only seven families up there. I don't think you're talking a problem with traffic. Even if it did represent a problem, you should control that intersection anyway. There's lilacs aroum Lot 23 that are definitely a traffic hazard. You can't safely make a left turn off of Pleasant View Road eastboum onto Indian Hill. Harriet O'Brian: Mr. O'Brian and I own Lot 22. This summer there have been no wild parties. Last summer I cleaned up beer cans am glass. I SPeCifically know who was at the party. They were on our dock and our property am they lived on Imian Hill Road. After the party I cleaned up glass, beer cans and things like that. I went down and asked them to please get off of our dock am our property. This year there has been no problem. I think the pressure has been on. I don't know if that's the reason or not. What bothers me the most is there are small children in the area am the use of alcohol down there has been a problem up until this year. Gary Kendrick: I've been curious, is there a problem there in that area or what is the Council meeting about? Acting Mayor Geving: I can only tell you that the City petitioned for this particular i tern. There are no peti tioners that requesterl this i tern be vacated. It was brought to our attention that we've had a number of problems . 8 ,. . t . 289 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 in the area on that lot with people parking on Pleasant View Road and using that lot. The narrowness of the road itself I think is the reason that it was brought to the city's attention but the homeowners, Mr. O'Brian and Mr. Snede, they did not peti tion for this vacation. The City brought this before the Council. Gary Kendrick: I've lived there for quite a few years and I have never had any complaints or knew of any complaints on whether there's parties going on or not. I was under the understanding that we could use it all the time. Acting Mayor Geving: As long as it's been city property, nobody has given a lot of attention to it. It's grown up with weeds and like someone said, they've been maintaining it and I drive by there occasionally myself and look at it and feel that as long as it's city property People can use it. It's public property. Gary Kendrick: '!hat's the way I've always felt. It's kind of very discret about it in using it, I've used it every year at least once or twice and haven't seen any problems with it so I'm just kind of curious why some People were upset about it. John Von Walter: 510 Pleasant View Road and I've lived there since 1976. I think a lot of the People, all of the People on Indian Hill Road aren't there to see what goes on. '!hey come, they use it, they go. Somebody else comes, uses it and goes. Somebody else comes, uses it and goes arrl as neighbors on nearly abutting properties, it's constantly being used by somebody. Yearly, almost monthly you see People chang ing into swimsuits with a dressing room. You see nude swimming. Q:>ing tocl1e bathroom without restroom facilities. Public drinking arrl intoxication, foul language. I've seen use of drugs. Litter and debris that gets thrown in the lake and on the adjacent lakeshores. Kids .come down there in the winter arrl because they know it's public they throw rocks and glass on the ice. It washes up to the adjacent lakeshore. This last weekerrl between us arrl a neighbor further to the north, five children cut their feet in the lake, one of which had to be hospitalized. It's just you have to be there to see it arrl feel it. I have no quarrel with the people on Indian Hill Road. I don't even know who these people are that are using it. Dan Hectorne: I would just like to say that the road problems there aren't caused by the city larrl. The road problems are caused because of the si tuation of the road. '!hat's been some of the comments that you brought up here. Like I said, I think whether you're on Lake Minnetonka or Lotus Lake or Christmas Lake, you're going to have debris on certain areas of the lake no matter what. When you put in your public access on the south errl of the lake, you anticipate those kinds of problems and you're going to anticipate those kirrls of problems with your new access. Carver side or north errl side arrl basically it comes down to everybody has to police their own area and be good citizens arrl we would just like that opportunity. Acting Mayor Geving moved, Councilman Horn seconded to close public hearing. All voted in favor arrl motion carried. 9 00'0 -/ .(...,,- i-,_J" City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Councilman Johnson: I personally feel that this is too dangerous of a corner to have a public beach at. It's just totally elorgated. You shouldn't encourage children to be walking along that street. I've seen people driving in there awful crazy. I do not like the public beach. Olr Public Safety Director, I take it there were quite a few public safety issues brought up, I don't know if he's had a chance to look at this or if his office. Acting Mayor Geving: We'll get to him in a moment. Councilman Johnson: That's some input I would like to hear if you've got any. I'm personally for the vacation primarily because I do not think it's a beach for a beach lot. I would be willirg to hear the Park and Ree's opinion on this though also. I think if we're thinking of making it a city beach, it can't be a recreational beachlot for these homeowners because it doesn't even come close to any kind of ordinance. I would have a hard time, Park and Ree would have to convince me that this is a good place for a public park. That's all my comnents. Councilman Horn: I pretty much concur with what Jay had to say. As far as I'm concerned, we shouldn't have p..1blic beach lots. I think all the lam around the lake should be under private ownership or public ownership so it can be maintained properly. We have some of th:m unfortunately am some are run well and some aren't but as a general rule I think they are the biggest problem we have on the lake today so I would be for vacatirg it. Councilman Boyt: I'm going to cast a little different direction in this. I think sort of following on something we heard at Greenwood Shores a month or so ago. I think people do pull together around a neighborhood park. I think the community is moving towards trying to get more neighborhood parks established and I think almost by default this has become a neighborhood park. Then on the other ham, people raised a lot of issues that I've heard the last few months and again tonight about how do we control it? Jim Chaffee has, I think develoPed a pretty effective program here this summer to work more acti vely on controlling the public parks. I don't know that this has ever been officially considered a p..1blic Park. It probably hasn't. I think the dilemma is that public property needs protection. Private property has built in protection. You own it, you stick with it and you go out am maintain it. Since someone said 1910 this has been basically public property so on one hand we have a problem and we've had in many other Parks previous to this summer with controlling people who are definitely small in number but certainly leave their impact when they come in and have a party at the wrorg hour or leave things that someone else has to clean up so we have that problem. en the other hand we have a neighborhood group that is saying give us a chance to do something about that. I'm sure, I'm confident that the City can not give this property to a neighborhood association. However, I think we could sort of established and adopt a park program here and have the neighborhood basically agree to take care of this Park. It would still be a p..1blic Park. It would be open to members of the publ ic whether they were from St. Paul or across the street but I would think that the neighborhood would say we can maintain that park and they are willing to do that recognizing that this park can not have a dock there. Could not do basically anythirg other than have a beach there but if that's what they want, I think they should have a chance to do that and I 10 ,- t . , (I It 291 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 think we should hold off on this until they have shown that they can't handle that responsibility. Acting Mayor Geving: . I would like to ask the Public Safety Director, Mr. Jim Chaffee for his input and I would like to have him resporrl to specifically two items. Maybe three. Che, tell us what problems you've experienced in this area? You must understand Mr. Chaffee has only been with the City a short time but he has been here since the boating, docking, swinuning season has started so he's aware of what's happens there. Relate to us your experiences there Jim and secondly, relate to us, if we leave this in the form of a beach lot that others can use, how it might be controlled. Thirdly, give us your recommendation. Jim Chaffee: '!he first two are easy, the third I don't know. Councilman Geving I'll answer the first question is what problems have I faced since I've been on board here since April 9th. I have heard all the complaints but I think they stem from last year. To date I don't think we've had any complaints, at least to my knowledge, of any parties. At least wild parties. Any nude swinuning. I think we pretty much nipped that in the bud. Maybe because of all the public attention that his particular lot has been receiving lately. I can speak for facts. I have been out there many, many times myself to view the area. '!here is a definite traffic problem in that area. I can also speak for the fact that we did impourrl two boats from that little portion of the lot right before Memorial Day so somebody was using it for boat launching. That's just since I've been here arrl then I've heard all the stories that went along with last year and the raucous that that was creating. There is no way that anyone can park in that area. Absolutely not. Since the times that I've been out there, I've parked with my four way flashers on as far off the roadway as I possibly could and I've prayed that my car wouldn't have gotten hi t just from the people going around those corners. I have some solutions for that. I don't have any solutions per se for that particular lot. I can understand the concerns from the people on Indian Hill because I think the two boats we took were from those people up there but the problems are there. I guess my experience has been directly toward the traffic area and not necessarily toward the loud parties and what have you on the use of that lot. Now you asked what we could do if it was left as public property. proactively, not a lot. We're really cutting it thin. Reactively, we certainly can respond to any calls that we get from the neighbors if there are any kirrls of complaints of the boozing, the drugs, the nude swinuning, going to the bathroom with facilities. I guess that's the best where I can leave it. Acting Mayor Geving: Could you guarantee that there would be adequate partrolling from time to time with an officer driving through the area to check on that kind of acti vi ty? So at least during the evening hours a patrolman sometime would make that swing along Pleasant View Road and look at the property? Jim Chaffee: I can guarantee that my officer will but he doesn't work full time. I can ask the deputies to. For whatever guarantee that is worth, we can do what we can. 11 292 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Acting Mayor Geving: (kay, then thirdly what is your reconunendation? I have . to put you on tIE spot on this because it's crucial to our vote. 1 Barbara Dacy: Also, the City Attorney should evaluate the vacation. Acting Mayor Geving: I understarrl that am I already koow what he's going to say so I would like to hear from Jim. Councilman Boyt: I think it's unfair to put Jim on the spot with having listened to this we've all had the benefit of the background. Acting Mayor Geving: Okay, that's fine. I'm going to make my own decision. I think that I was the one back in 1978 that disapproved and denied the vacation request am I did so because at that time we didn't know that we were going to put in a boat facility at the south end of Lotus Lake. We needed to get to the lake for people in the wintertime. We heard from people who wanted to put their fish houses onto the lake. Some of them did it down through this area. We needed also to get access to the sewer area on the lake for our city crews and at that time I wasn't really happy with the person who owned Lot 23. I'm not speaking as a private imividual now. I'm speaking as a councilman who I thought that he was more or less denying a lot of people the right to enjoy that lot. I've heard from a number of people tonight that use this area actively and daily and I really believe that there is an opportunity even though someone said that there's a problem, I bel ieve that there is an opportunity here for some people to utilize an area that they might not be able to utilize otherwise. Ms. Robertson, Lirrla Werdel am others that conunented about bringing their children there and they've been doing it for years. Obviously we can make one of~ three decisions. We could deny this application which we started by the way for the city. We could approve it. Vacate the property or we could leave it as is. We've heard from the council members and I can tell you that this issue will require a four-fifths vote. There are only four people here tonight. The vote will fail am I can tell you that I would vote for leaving it as a public beach under one condition. That it be left only as a swinuning beach. There would be no docks on it. It's not an applicable beach as far as the Park and Rec people are concerned. It doesn't meet any of our requirements for a beach but after hearing the public tonight I guess I would like to see this left in it's present state for approximately one year until next spring. This gives us the entire boating season. 1he swinuning season for this year. For the residents to prove themselves to us that the debris and the parties am the control that Jim Chaffee mentioned can be done and that we could leave this area as it is at least through this swinuning season and boating season. There will be no docking of boats there. It's strictly a recreational area. 1hat's how I feel about it. We could vote on this if you like but the vote will obviously fail. It can not pass so the status quo will be maintained. End of issue. Councilman Boyt: I would like to ask as part of your condition Dale that the homeowners in fact get together a group that they note the appropriate people in the city as to who the president is going to be am that basically by doing that they are agreeing to trying to maintain this. It's a public area but I think that's very important. Otherwise I think we're wasting our time. 12 . .. , it . 293 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Acting Mayor Geving: I'm looking to Dan Hectorne and the homeowners in that area. Lima, Mary, whoever else presenterl themselves before us tonight, to show to the Council that they can maintain this property and keep it umer control for this year. We'll all be here next year so we'll determine one way or the other but for tonight's IXlrposes I think we can give you the fair shot of leaving it the way it is for this season. Don Ashworth: 'lhere should be a vote on this item and potentially your suggestion to go through one year, you may want to handle that as a separate motion or combine it, whatever. Acting Mayor Geving: I would like to make the motion to deny the vacation request am at the same time make this a continuerl a IXlblic beach for this season until approximately March of 1988 at which time the City Council will determine whether or not we will vacate this officially back to the other homeowners. Counci!man Boyt: I' 11 second it. Councilman Horn: You say you will maintain this as a public beach. I didn't realize it was a IXlblic beach. Acting Mayor Geving: ~, but maintain it as a public area. Q'le that the citizens of the community can use. Whoever wants to use it, it's IXlblic. It's public to the people of our community. If they want to come down there wi th their children am swim that's fine. Counci!man Horn: 'I Or other communlties. Acting Mayor Geving: We have no control. They can come to anyone of our parks. It's a public area so that's the extent of my motion. Councilman Johnson: I personally would prefer to, rather than deny it at this point to table it and refer it to the Park and Rec Commission because they're the experts on park am recreational am they should be the ones reviewing this issue and providing us with a recommendation now that new light has been shone upon this. This will effectively delay it several months by itself. The Park and Rec probably can't get it on until at least the August agenda. Acting Mayor Geving: Let's put it this way. No matter what we do, there will not be a four-fifths vote on this issue to deny or to accept the petition because it is obvious that there are two council members that will vote against it so I withdraw my motion and will table this and move it to the Park and Recreation for further consideration. Acting Mayor Geving moved, Councilman Boyt seconded to table the request to vacate a portion of Pleasant View Road/Valhalla Drive am refer it to the Park and Recreation Comm ission for further consideration. All voted in favor of tabling the item am motion carried. 13 294 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Acting Mayor c:eving: l'bw does everyone understand what we did. It's basically status quo as it currently is until we get input from the Park am Rec and if it should be brought back to the Council with their recommendation we'll probably have another meeting on it. Counci lman Johnson: Status quo isn't for a public beach. Acting Mayor c:eving: It's city property that's available for PeOple to utilize. Councilman Johnson: But not docking boats. Don Snede: Does this mean then that this space can be utilizeD by anybody? Acting Mayor c:eving: It belongs to the City of Chanhassen. Don Snede: But I'm saying, anyone can use this space? Acting Mayor c:eving: If they use it in a manner that doesn't deface it or it's not illegal. They can walk down to the beach am enjoy the area, yes. Don Snede: Are you saying that it can be used by anybody for just swimming or swimning and picnicking or swimning, picnicking and boating or what? Acting Mayor c:eving: That's the thing. There will be no boating I can tell you that. Don Snede: . ~ Okay, so there's no boat~ng. Is there picnicking? Acting Mayor c:eving: There is no provision for picnicking down there at the present. time. Councilman Boyt: What I would suggest is that if you would get your neighborhooo group together am go to the Park and Rec meeting. As Jay am Dale have pointed out, those are the PeOple we have asked to look into these issues. I think if you have recommemations about how you want to see this public piece of land used, you need to bring it to them but from an ordinance stampoint, you can't have a dock. That's one thiIl1 we can rule out am say it just can not happen. You can't launch boats there if they require any sort of boat launching equipment. Public: Can you beach boats there? Acting Mayor c:eving: No. Don Snede: So basically the City Council is saying right now that anybody can utilize it as a swimning beach solely? Acting Mayor c:eving: Right now we're going to have to get some input from the Park and Rec PeOple as to what they will recommerrl to us. I don't know when that is going to take place. They meet twice a month and probably will be mid-August before they meet again. 14 , . . , , .. 295 City Council Meeting - July 6, 1987 Barbara Dacy: We will notify the public. '!here's a sign-up sheet by Nann that hopefully tOOy will have signed. Kirsten Pauly: Can I ask a question? In the interim between the Park meeting can we mow tOO area without getting into trouble? Acting Mayor Geving: I don't have any problan with that. Clean it up. Susan Conrad: I have a problem with that. I don't think that tOO private sector has the right to clear cut. Acting Mayor Geving: '!hey're not clear cutting. 'lhey're picking up bottles, cans. Harriet O'Brian: '!hat's what they're doing. '!hey're clear cutting the land down there with lawn mowers. Acting Mayor Geving: I don't know that it is. Susan Conrad: They are. It's just like in Carver Beach. Acting Mayor Geving: <kay, I'm going to close this issue and it remains as if it were yesterday. We will give some direction to Mr. Chaffee as to what we see is an appropriate activity down there. Councilman Horn: Should this item come back to us, would you research the area of ownership. It appears to me that there are three owners of Lot 58. " Barbara Dacy: Yes. NORTH LOTUS LAKE FIRST ADDITION SEWER, WATER AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Gary Warren: North Lotus Lake project involves a combination of private improvements and city park project all be done under a public improvement project. The Council authorize:d the taking of bids am we receive:d response from a number of very qualified contractors. Low bidder being Widmer Construction Co., St. Bonifacius, Minnesota who has been am is doing work within the City and is a reputable contractor. '!he low bid was $141,685.80 versus the engineer's estimate which was approximately $3,300.00 above that so we feel very comfortable with Widmer Construction and therefore are making the recommendation that tOOy be awarde:d the North Lotus Lake First Addition improvanent project #87-10. Resolution #87-66: Councilman Horn moved, Councilman Johnson seconded that the North Lotus Lake First Addition Improvement Project 87-10 be awarde:d to Widmer, Inc. of St. Bonifacius in the amount of $141,685.80. All voted in favor am motion carrie:d. 15 JulT 18, 1987 Pc lif; 0 rl -,{rei ,1 f)((luYt V]-i '/ ' :' ,-:' v (~ I' . ! /<I.'-, /(1 . - I" To: The Hayor of Chanhaasen The Me&bers of the Chanhaesen City Council The Meabers ot the ChanhaSS8D Parks and Recreation Co.zi ttee . Re: City Property, Valhalla AT8Due Ladies and Gentle.en: On MondaT, July 6, 1981, the City Council vas presented with a petition, brought by the City ot ChanhaaHn and endorsed by the City Administrator, for the Tacation of the property held at Valhalla Avenueo The CitY' Council listened to public cQ1lllllent, determined that additional consider- ation should be giTen to the alternatiTe ot creatina a neighborhood aainta1ned recreational public sv1Dlm1ng beach and sent the issue to Park8 and Recreation for cOlllllent. At the City Council meeting held May 18, 1987, "No Parking" and "lio Public Beach" signs were approved for postini at this propertl', referred to aa Valhalla Avenue. We, as residents of the Lotus Lake neiihborhood, are contused by these two council meetings. While we are in tavor ot vacation by the city to the abutting land owners and restoration to the tax rolls, we are also cognizant of the City's need to fully consider other alternatiTea. In determining the appropriateness ot other alternatives, we ask you to give consideration to the follOwing: 10 EcologiCal Issues Valhalla Avenue runs down hill through Pleasant View Road to the property in question where the incline steepens downward to the lake. It the property was "clearcut" (.owed down to the lake shore ) water draining into the lake which haa crossed a roadway and is accordingly JIOT1ng sediaent, road salt, cas, oil and other automobile exhaust residue, would move directly to the lake without beneli t ot this natural til tering system. Given this, a catch basin and a tl&lllll&ble waste system would be re- quired to protect the lake. The adjacent landowners haTe main- tained the property by allow1n~ it to overgrow and thus enhance the protection ot the lake tram direct runotf and drainaie. 2. Public Safety The location ot this propertT is on am already' hazardous blind "S" turn on Pleasant View Road. The only way the property can be accessed, without walking on priyate property, is by waJlri.,g in the street. This would require the creation ot a public walkway in the street. The roadwar wUl not allow a crosswalk perpendi- cular to the direction of traftic -- rather, it would haTe to be in the street and parallel to the direction ot traftic. Signs . would haTe to be added to the street to adY1se motorists ot a pedestrian traffic area. . Jul,. 18, 1961 CitY' Property, Valhalla Avenue Pai:e Two . 3. Other Public Beach Concerns . i. The Director of Public SafetY' made public c~ent at the JulY' 6, 1987 aeeting, that the area offers' no waY' to create or otherwise have available public parking. This would, b,. "Default" prevent the creation of a public beach, &8 it would only be accessible bY' persons 1b 0 could valle to it. In eseence, the question should be addressed &8 to whether a public beach or a "quasi" lake association vas being created. iddition&l1y, concerns should also be addressed to the question of illegal parldng and the implications of that regarding the street adjacent to the propertY' in eutestion. B. Maintainance. The Cit,. Council has stated its openness to hearing a neighborhood maintained facility proposal. The issues necessary to be addressed regardini this are: 1. Litter and trash -- receptacles and pickup 2. Open hours - defined and monitored -- a gate should be considered ) .C. 3. Buoy aarkings -- detini tion of swimla1ng area 4. Toilet tacili ties -- appropriate tor site and maintained S. Monitoring facilities in general, 10ile the persons usine the s1 te live ava,. tr01ll it and the persons not using it living adjacent to it. The concern i8 who would reall,. bear the burden of moni torinl abuses ot the site. Adjacent Land. The a djacent land owners are entitled to have a butter, tence and shrubs, established bet.en the1r property and the site. This would protect their property trOll abuse bY' those using the site. . D. Rules. The clear e.tablis11Jlent ot rules related to boat storace and beaching, picnicing and other related aspects would be necessary. Appropriate recourse tor tailure to abide by the rules would be required as otherwise no JaCtivation to conf01"ll to them would exist. 4. !he Propert,. The property in question is 80 teet by 80 teet. This size does not appear feasible or otherwise adequate to provide a n1a beach, especiallY' when considered in conjunction with other Yiewpoints expressed herein. Given its size, a lillitation ot users at any given tiAe should be considered. . July 18, 1987 Ci ty Propert7, Valhalla ATenue Page Three . We, the undersigned residents of the Lotus Lake neighborhood, concur and al;l"ee with the opinions and viewpoints expressed herein. We recommend that the city of Chanhassen proceed with the vacation of this property, to the abutting landowners, and obtain the restoration of ~s property to the tax roles. ~~. d t AYt_ &~ ~U-P _' ~. ~ ~ ? h__~ h~ ~~()(Jl?fQN;fQ$/J.IIJ" ?'&i ,d~v~ ~ 6(. /' ~~6 0 / , ,~, 1 , ~ :) ,~.{y (: Li 1}1ti./;~ , ,. ".~ /.' \' /, '(. ~ (;'6: /-j /ILiJ.-~>L/.tt i-v/t L- ~ ~. ~(~- "~~dd~ ~~ ~ 5'53/7 (l ~ IWl o (;6b~ Ji. ~ ~SSJ . ftannt r/ltU~<j ~rft)6 !l!2&J.Nu {itt?{/' lJ0t65~ -I?1 f/ep I(~ I'd f J R ~ ()/LU ~ I>. f r -, -. H ~.- -=-h ,,_ Cu-f"ve.- ~D/)7 t>;~tIt' ~ ~\47 I ~ ~I~"'" 0...... C ~~'" h",-c:b~ I (Y) I IU" ~ ~~Cl..A.~ -::;'5'31? ~(,j 01 ~ ~ /Jdaw,,- a,dw'~ b1/UA,/~ &~2/ YJ~_& 6' ~ U-~ ,/~5:5':;' ratitJ,~o &u f{11.~ t)b\5 H~\0~~ b6~S o/J~ (!~ ~ C.~~/YhI7S53/ ~ ,_Q~n-- ~ 0455-- ~"-><- {p~q 7 t/Df.u;i,~ CA. C-~_.~ /,ee.-y. YkI1-t .~"'S~ )7- fLA{(,..~s~~ ntN"SS3'7 ~0-'j'l:v-o--V Dbb,,^--, \Q\.\)C\ \ ~"*'~ ~. ~I\C\J~V\. ~}v\ -/ Ju1,. 18, 1987 Cit,. Propert,., Valhalla Avenue Page Four . c4rAJ/~-w-Tl [))~ / i J,~-?~ y~ iJ. z.~ /)/ fYh.,,~/ ~. 50s 3/7 <3~Cl ~O'UJ/ res 'If. - ~ ~~-"3 /7 ~ 'In ,~ 6 ~ ~.vL" 5n) ~ 7J~ / {. 1\ ~ ~J:::Jt ~~ ~~/ ..>'S317 ~ fiflj S-~J>17 '1 ; ~~ VtJ. 2,~k Rc( ~~~ 5JS/"7 520 p~v~~C! ,'rK-.S3;3r; ~ttn'~-f .s-ia Il ~'TJsAAJT Vi ~~ /dJ Ci:.MIUII"" SS~ 1-1...0 r S \- 31' 1] IhY/ c;,)J/i; !5ID ~~'IJI/M){2. ~?1L.. 5'61/ .;; C 1 t7 Property, Valballa AT8nue l!fLJld h:(JIU ~575 O~44d 71u~uJtr ~~ ~553/7 ~ tJ~....; - aS75~V~(u C.(~...~.t" "'4 ~ r-} 1J1p. 55:V 7 '( ~; 'IS1 . c.lJ 0~O'l~~ ) ~,.s-S-3/7 ! ~ 0 rzry~v--- '12 C( flc-A~~t (/,€/v /2..) t k c...-lc.. ~ < --c- ^^ -. <;'""$ '5 t 7 ~~~ ~~~~ -< ~ 3331'7 !5CW-vJ ~ 540 ~ ~~ -o~ /Pd...- ~ S'~31? ~'~&A- . PI 0tra ~~~~ l~ I'd. . . I yY\ 1\l S~'~, 7 UL~~ ~~.J17 ~~J~. & 00 c2.kt:U.~ ~ ((d (!j,W~ 7n~ ~6"31 i-- ~~\'\lJW b!so +>lo.~~~ l)l9.u.:>~' ~~\.\\DLS~\'-; ~\l\. 5531, X -.(c:~ f:-{~~ r)~~ . t.~'J..7 p;.r.e-'~ $'~l ~~ G6~S-Ho~ ~--- At7t 5"5"3/7 .I b~l~~~ S"s's- J ( -A-~ ~~6 3 ~ ~. ":;-$,3 ./ '/ ~ c,(pr;,~ I/~ c / fl7J A/ - S- ~.I"'; dtE /~. bb~(~~ . ~ I ft1Y1 .)~-317 . , ./ :'l \1.) . . -.) C} . ( ( Ci~y Council Meeting - May 18, 1987 REQUEST FOR NO PARKING SIGNS ON PLEASANT VIEW ROAD. Barbara Dacy: '!his item the CouncU has two requested items for action. Ole is the no parking signs. It is also requesterl that the Council direct Staff to prepare a Not a Public Beach sign so we can install it along the lakeshore. I guess this points up the problems that we've been having at this area, this morning I had a call from an adjacent property owner stating that again that area was being userl as a launch site this past weekem. Also that some people were parking along that area. '!hey read the packet and have requested that instead of just 'installing signs along the south side that the City install no parking signs at that location on both the north and south side. Mayor Hamil ton: That's such a narrow road, I don't know, if you have one car parked on one side, you almost can't get through anyway. Barbara Dacy: The homeowners in the area have submitterl pictures am I have talked to some of the officers who have gone out there responding to calls. Mayor Hamil ton: I'm not questioning that. I'm just saying, both sides is fine with me because there shouldn't be any parking on that whole length of street. All of Pleasant View should be no parking. The whole road. Doesn't that piece of property go down? I was surprised to see that they were using that for a launch. My gosh, you must have a 4-wheel drive vehicle to get your boat in there. Councilman Geving: It's straight down. We have no need for that property anymore do we? ~ Barbara Dacy: No. We are going to need a sewer easement but to retain ownership is not needed. Councilman Horn: I think rather than us screwing around with it, we should just deed it back to the property owners. Councilman Geving: I fought that for a long time and we actually turned that down as a vacation request at one time. We did have a neerl to maintain that area as an easement but I think to resolve the problem like this, it's an attractive nuisance because it's there am no one seems to own it people are going to abuse it and if it fell into the hands of a private person where they could patrol it am keep people out of there, I think it might resolve our problems forever on that piece of property. I've changed my mine a lot on this particular peice because I'm familiar with it and I wouldn't be owosed to vacating this. ~ , Councilman Boyt: Are we saying that, granted this is not a very nice piece of property but we're saying that the City really can construct no use for this piece of property? Barbara Dacy: Yes. Councilman Boyt: '!hat we aren't interested in putting a picnic table out there or anything of that sort? b 16 ~ , .0 ~ ~ .r .J .\,. :;..:...1 OJ ":"\ - .~ \: 'J " 1 . I ( "'iti i.,OQj ( City Council Meeting - May 18, 1987 Barbara Dacy: No. . Councilman Boyt: When we vacate this property, do we then create the possibility for Lot 58 to sub:Hvide into two lots? Barbara Dacy: Each lot would have to have 213,13133 square feet and I don't think that they would meet that. Councilman Geving: I don't think 58 could ever be built on. Barbara Dacy: It's too short so we would not approve a subdivision of that lot. Councilman Boyt: I can accept it if it's not going to be built. b Councilman Geving: Another factor too is that whoever did own it would pay taxes on it. Barbara Dacy: I could analyze that further as part of the vacation process. Al Klingelhutz: The only comment I have is if you dedicate it back to the property owners, across the street they are all going to have riparian rights to be able to put a dock out to the lake. Counci lman Horn: '!hey do now don't they? . Councilman Geving: Why do you say that AI? Are you saying Al that the property line runs across the road to the lake? Is that true in that case? Al Klingelhutz: I'm not sure if it's true in this case or not. Councilman Geving: I think lots further down have rights on the lake but not this one. Al Klingelhutz: I thought the lots across the road all went right down to the lake. Councilman Geving: Reicker's lots always did but I don't know about this particular one. The original petition to vacate this was based upon the owner of Lot 23. '!hey wanted to vacate it and we would split it between the owners of Lot 58 and 23. That was what the original petition was. All Klingelhutz: I just assume that all the lots across the road would benefit from that vaCation. Councilman Geving: I think you've got a good idea and we should check that out. Mayor Hamilton: Perhaps all of that should be given to Lot 23. Counilman Horn: I think they have riparian rights. They put a dock down there now. . 17 L',.U .~,. . ..' . ,I , \, \. . . .' c ( City Council Meeting - May 18, 1987 Barbara Dacy: right-of-way. r 23 is riprian and there is a dock on 58 but it's a platted I know the people up the street use it but it's not... Councilman Geving: I don't think it's private property though and I think that's part of the conservation easement. Mayor Hamilton: Why not give it all to 23? Barbara Dacy: I would have to check wi th the plats ani so on. If the right- of-way was all platted within one plat than it can only go back to the abutting to that plat. I can't recall if it was split. It looks like it's all part of the Pleasant View Addition so I think 58 would get half and 23 would get the other half. Don Ashworth: '!hat would be part of the hearing that would be coming up in June. I would hold off on that portion of the motion. What we're looking for is some temporary measures that can occur in advance of this public hearing. So we're looking for the authorization... ,", r Barbara Dacy: To be honest with the Council, deeding it over to private ownership will help the situation as far as the trespassing but I think the parking situation is going to continue no matter what. I really think action on the no parking signs is going to be a definite help in this. Councilman Horn: We try to solve some of these problems with no parking signs. [ Mayor Hamilton: I think you have to agree that Pleasant View, certainly if there is anyplace where there should be no parking it should be on Pleasant View on both sides of the street. Councilman Horn moved, Cbuncilman Geving seconded authorize holding of a public hearing on lot vacation. All voted in favor ani motion carried. Councilman Horn: Have the property owners along there been notified or contacted about this? I see that the request came not from them but from the Lotus Lake Homeowners Associations. Barbara Dacy: '!he Lotus Lake Homeowners Association did submit that letter. I have been talking to the owners of Lot 23 and Lot 22 ani other owners in the area have wanted to remain anonymous because of neighborhood incidents. So yes, it is a request of -'those specific people around there. Councilman Horn: All of them? Barbara Dacy: The ones that we mentioned yes. Councilman Horn: Just 22 and 23? b Barbara Dacy: '!hose are the ones who have spoken to me directly and they have 18 ., . .r .. ;\!' \'i. ~) " T J ~ :; . -.,r..li.. " ( ( , City Council Meeting - May 18, 1987 stated that they are representing other people in the neighborhood. That they did not want to sign a petition. . Mayor Hamilton: If it's a temporary measure and once we deed the property back to the landowners we will be able to remove the signs am keep things on a normal pace so you won't have to worry about signs and the neighbors won't have to complain about them. Councilman Johnson: I have trouble if people on Lots 19 and 20 haven't been talked to. I believe I know the people at 19 have a little rock area off of the side of the road right in front of their house that you can pull onto and it's basically completely off the road am you would be putting a no parking sign right there. Mayor Hamilton: You wouldn't put a sign in their place where they park off the road. They can park there. Barbara Dacy: I think what Schlenk does is they tend to locate the signs at the property line and are fairly good at locating these things so they wouldn't run in with the property owners. I can specifically call Lots 19 and 20 but it's easily worked out. Councilman Geving: I think that's really important. Either we send them an official letter telling them why we're doing this or we call them and tell them and I think maybe a letter is more important. Then they have something in writing that they can hang on to. . Mayor Hamilton: Send a letter about tonight's action saying the signs to be put up in front of their property am if they have concerns about it they should call city hall. If you get a lot of calls, then maybe we better re- think what we're doing here if they have a good reason. Councilman Boyt: In that letter I think you should mention that the signage is intended to be temporary. Councilman Johnson: Is this part of your motion then Tom that this is temporary no parking signage? Is there a specific length that we're going to put on this? Mayor Hamilton: It's temporary until we deed the property back to some property owners and they can then take care of the problem themselves by putting up a barrier of some sort or put land minds in there or something else. ~ Councilman Johnson: I think you'll still have a parking problem in there. Councilman Geving: No you won't. There would be no reason for those people ever to go down there and park on that street. Mayor Ham i1 ton: There's never been no parking signs on Pleasant View am we never had a parking problem there because it's so narrow. This is just to alleviate this problem right now. . 19 ~n Li~. ;,. . \. \ , 4 ~ , " r'" '. . -.... .~ "( .~ ;1. . . ( ( City Council Meeting - May 18, 1987 Mayor Hamilton moved, Councilman Geving seconded to authorize the placement of 00 parkirg signs on both sides of Pleasant View Road in the vicinity of Lots 19 continue along Pleasant View Road to Lot 22, Lot 23 and Lot 6. Also, to install a Not a Public Beach sign aOO a warning that violators wi 11 be prosecuted. All voted in favor and motion carried. r APPROVAL OF WAIVER, WEST VILIAGE HEIGHTS BUILDING PERMIT CONDITIONS. Gary Warren: West Village Heights is located here just north of us here on Kerber Blvd.. Basically it's part of the preliminary platterl process. We restricted the subdivision from receiving building permits because we're in the process of running trunk sewer along West 78th Street aOO we also have plans and specifications for picking up the sewer and water from there and running it north up to this property so to protect our interest here, that we didn't have a subdivision ready to be occupied and not have services available to it we restricted that from happening until we had actually physically awarded the contract for construction. '!he applicant, Mr. Jacobson who. was here tonight expresserl a concern in his planning that he needed three months from construction start to occupancy. Basically we're off by a month and he requesterl if there wasn't some alternative to allow him to sign a waiver per se to allow him at least that we award the buiding permit. I talked with the attorney. A waiver is attacherl and basically we feel comfortable that upon execution that we would be able to award a building permit to Mr. Jacobson and still have ourselves protected in the event that a contract wasn't awarded or if we had some difficulty in getting some utilities there so that's the waiver that you have for consideration. l Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamilton seconded for approval of the waiver for West Village Heights Building Permit CoOOitions. All voterl in favor am motion carried. FINAL PIAT APPROVAL, T-BAR-K ESTATES. Jo Ann Olsen: '!he applicant is requesting that the condition of approval from the City Council that the three lots share one driveway, that be expanded to two driveway accesses onto Lyman Blvd. and also Staff is recommending to the Park and Recreation Commission that a park trail be dedicaterl along Lyman ,Blvd. and also a 12 foot easement be dedicated along the 886 contour. Mayor Hamilton: Weren't there three lots there? Jo Ann Olsen: Yes. . Mayor Hamilton: So they are requesting two driveways for three lots basically? Jo Ann Olsen: Right. '!he City Council conditioned it on one driveway and that they were all shared by a frontage road. The applicant is requesting that Lot 1 have it's own driveway and Lots 2 and 3 share a driveway. L 213 CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.o. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: July 27, 1987 SUBJ: Lotus Lake Boat Access I am request~ng authorization to cut back the hours that the Lotus Lake Boat Access is monitored by a park attendant. The attendants have kept a log of how many boats are using the lake and the parking has not filled to the 12 car capacity on a . weekday. Todd Hoffman has written a summary of the usage patterns (attached). According to his records, having an attendant on duty is unnecessary. With your authorization, I will schedule a park attendant for the site as recommended by Todd: Friday Saturday/Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Assistant ~ DATE: July 21, 1987 SUBJ: Lotus Lake Boat Access Usage Patterns In an attempt to document usage pa'tterns at the Lotus Lake Boat Access, park monitors were instructed to record the following data for each access user: . License plate number of vehicle Type of boat being used Description of users Time of day when access filled to capacity Records were kept beginning May 16 and 17, 1987, the weekend of opening fishing. Some monitors are more attentive in keeping complete records than others, but with the data received and through conversation with the park monitors, an accurate portrayal of the landing's activity can be reached. The landing has never filled to its 10 vehicle capacity on a weeday. This is not to say that more than 10 vehicles have not used the landing on a weekday, just not at the same time. On weekends, ho~~ever, the landing fills to capacity on a regualr basis. Park monitors are on duty from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 ~.m. on weekends and their records indicate that mid-morning and mid- afternoon are the most likely times for the landing to be full. This analysis does not consider holidays in defining weekday or weekend. Holidays should always be given special attention in the area of staffing. Another consideration to look at is how weather conditions determine usage patterns. High wind and rain almost always indicate low usage. Overcast days also hold down usage, especially in the pleasure craft category. Records show that the majority of boat types are pleasure or fishing, each about 45% with the other 10% comprised of sailboats and canoes. . It is my recommendation that the access be staffed on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays only. Hours of operation would remain 6:'00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., seven days a week with gate atten- dants on duty from 12:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Fridays and from 6:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. I include Fridays in the days to be staffed since they are consistently busier than other weekdays and have the potential to create overflow conditions.