1987 08 11 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1987, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Valhalla Avenue Vacation Request. 3. Preliminary Plat Review of Phase I, Lake Susan Hills PUD. Although this appears to be a short agenda, please plan to attend as there will be residents in the audience. **************************************************************** The Commlssion will meet at City Hall at 6:45 p.m. for a site visit. Please call Lori if you are unable to attend the meeting or if you will be later than 6:45. **************************************************************** CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 24, 1987 SUBJ: Valhalla Avenue Vacation Request Attached please find a memo from Barbara Dacy to the City Council requesting the vacation of a portion of right-of-way at Valhalla Avenue and Pleasant View Road. The City Council reviewed this item and referred it to the Park and Recreation Commission for a recommendation (see attached City Council minutes dated July 6, 1987) . Staff has looked at the options the City can take with this item and consideration must be given to the legal status. I have for- warded the information to Roger Knutson, the City Attorney, and his recommendation is pending, as the primary issue is the City's legal position. . In talking with the Mr. Knutson, he has assured me that his research and conclusions can be completed for inclusion on the August 11th agenda. No action is reuqired at this time. UPDATE: Attached please find a letter from City Attorney, Roger Knutson, responding to the Valhalla Avenue vacation request. Mr. Knutson clearly states three points: 1. The City can retain the right of way to be used only for street purposes. 2. The City can not sell the street right of way. 3. If the street is vacated, ownership automatically goes to the abutting property owners. In light of this it seems that the Park and Recreation Department does not have the legal right to use this parcel for park/beach purposes. Additionally, it was found that the parcel can not be . retained for private park/beach uses either. . . . Park and Recreation Commission Valhalla Avenue Page 2 As the Valhalla Avenue street right of way is no longer needed for it's originally intended use, it is the reco~nendation of this office to vacate the parcel as requested. Please refer to thr enclosures included in the July 28yh packet. If you are unable to locate such, please let me know. LAW OFFICES GRANNIS, GRANNIS, FARRELL & KNUTSON DAVID 1. GRANNIS - 1874-1961 DAVID 1. GRANNIS, JR. - 1910-1980 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE Box 57 403 NORWEST BANK BUILDING 161 NORTH CONCORD EXCHANGE TELECOPIER: . (612) 455-2359 DAVID 1. HAIlMEYER M. CECIUA RAY ELLIOTT B. KNETSCH MICHAEL J. MAYER VANCE B. GRANNIS VANCE B. GRANNIS, JR. PATRICK A. FARRELL DAVID 1. GRANNIS, III ROGER N. KNUTSON SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55075 TELEPHONE: (612) 455-1661 .'i.~'=~-=:-. ~=~) August 5, 1987 PUG '. . - ,.. -', I '._ / ',-, -'.' C"'I-;-V 01":"(" '.. .' H/lJ'Jht~.-::_., Ms. Lori Sietsema City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, Box Chanhassen, Minnesota 147 55317 RE: Valhalla Avenue Dear Lori: Valhalla Avenue, between Lot 58 and Lot 23, was donated to the public in 1910 on the plat of Pleasant View. Minnesota Statutes ~ 505.01 provides in part "land donated [in a plat] for any public use in any municipality shall be held in the corporate . name in trust for the purpose set forth or intended." The City cannot use land that has been donated to the public for a particular use for a different public use. Headley v. City of Northfield, 35 N.W.2d 606 (Minn. 1949). When land is donated to the City on a plat the City only has the right to use the land for the limited purpose identified on the plat. Headley Supra. The City "holds the qualified or terminable fee title thereto in trust for the people, and it can neither sell such title nor deed it to a private use." State v. Marcks, 36 N.W.2d 594 (Minn. 1949). The City can vacate the street by following the procedure in Minnesota Statutes ~ 412.851. If the street is vacated, the ownership generally goes to the two abutting owners. OPe ATTY. GEN., 396-G-1, Nov. 4, 1947. The City can't sell the vacated street to the abutting owners. OPe ATTY. GEN. 396-G-16, Sept. 9, 1965. Translated to English this means: (1) Valhalla Avenue can only be used for a street, (2) the City can't sell the street, (3) if the street is vacated, ownership automatically transfers to the abutting owners. . . . . Ms. Lori Sietsema - Valhalla Avenue August 5, 1987 Page Two Very truly yours, RNK:srn GRANNIS, RANNIS, SON, P.A. cc: Don Ashworth THOMAS M. SEIFERT 600 Pleasant View Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~-.:. ......1 _.... ~ . ':;'.*,) {I,U G . ~ r , I .__, _' -..J I August 5, 1987 \. .; ': ('" (Hr',"'lo1t'.:'~.. To: The Parks & Recreation Committee of Chanhassen Re: City Property, Vahalla Ave. I read, with great interest and concern, in the South Shore Weekly News about the fire lane access lot that is 3/4 block from my property. For 16 years, I have watched this lot become an increasingly dangerous lot be- cause of various cars and trucks in and out of the neighborhood parking and blocking the flow of traffic. In 1971 it seemed very logical for the city to have access to the lake to add another backup supply of water for fighting fires. In these years no one really used the property much, except for a young person fishing now and then with the land being kept quite natural. After the sewer and water lines and hydrants were put in I thought the city would return the property back to the adjoining property owners so that more tax revenue would be generated, since the need for a back up water supply was not needed. The construction for the sewer and water left the property much more physically accessible and then the usage increased dramatically. The parade of horribles, noted in the newspaper article is certainly correct, and since no one has ever maintained the property the litter problem has become my problem and the other neighbors that adjoin this property. Because of its isolated location and non-maintenance young adults in the neighborhood and more importantly outside the neighborhood have started to use the property. Since the new park is under construction just a few blocks away for non- lakeshore owners, returning this property to the adjoining property owners seems most appropriate and affordable to the city. I see young kids, probably from Near Mountain and Fox Hollow, are already using the shoreline for fishing in the new park under construction, so the switch in usage is certainly possible and even more idylic and pretty than this other fire lane lot. This new parkland beach lot offers a controlled and managed recreation area for the neighborhood. And this glorified fire lane with no parking and no adequate control only gives the neighborhood more problems, that return- ing this property to adjoining owners only make sense. Sincerely, ~t\\.~ Thomas M. Seifert . . . . . . VALLHALA AVENUE Continued Use: Swimming/ Floating Fishing General Enjoyement Proposed Use: Picnicing We Provide Table(s) Possible Flower - Shrub Gardens Launching of Hand Carried Watercraft Homeowners Would Provide: ALL MAINTENAC~ OF PROPERTY INCLUDING Mowing Tree trimming Plantings Allowed Trash Removal - Receptical provided onsite In General , Esta~lish a Mini Neighborhood Park, Maintained by Homeowners For the enjoyment of all. CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 8-11-87 c.e. DATE: CASE NO: 87-3 PUD Prepared by: Sietsema:k . STAFF REPORT PRO}?OSAL: Preliminary Plat of 60.65 acres into 124 single family lots (Phase I of the Lake Susan West PUD). J- .2 <( U :J a.. a.. <( LOCATION: On the east and west sides of Powers Blvd. (CR 17), approximately i mile south of TH 5. APPLICANT: Lake Susan Hills Partnership 7600 Parklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55436 PRES~NT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential ACREAGE: 60.65 acres DENSITY: 2.04 units per acre. Potential Population: 347 EXISTING PARKS: There is a community park located on the north side of Lake Susan. ~ ~ W I- - C/) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows this develop- ment to lie within the MUSA Line. The 1990 Land Use Plan calls for open space along the west side of Lake Susan. The Trail Plan calls for trails along the west side of Lake Susan, both sides of Powers Blvd., and along main streets within the development. The Park Ordinance calls for one acre of park land for every 75 people. The Comprehensive Plan states that neigh- borhood parks should be at least 5 aces in size. . . . Background The City Council reviewed and approved a PUD concept plan for the Lake Susan Hills West development. The Council took all of the Commission's recommendations and made the following requirements regarding parks and trails: * a 9.8 acre parcel at the north end of the development, adjacent to the high density area, * a 5 acre park on the east side of Powers Boulevard, * a 6.7 acre linear strip of land along the west side of Lake Susan, * an 18.2 acre park on the southwest end of the development, * construction of an 8' wide trail segment along the west side of Lake Susan, * construction of an 8' wide trail along one side of Powers Boulevard, unless there is evidence that a trail is needed on both sides, in which case a trail would be constructed on the remaining side, * construction of a 5' concrete trail along the major streets within development and down to the 18 acre parK, * construction of an 8' wide trail along Audobon Road, * and grading of all the parcels dedicated for park land. The Commission will be reviewing each phase of the development as they are submitted. In these reviews, we should make certain that the items listed above are addressed. Phase I involves the division 60.65 acres into 124 single family lots. The acreage involved is located on both sides of Powers Blvd. and should be treated as two separate neighborhoods. The developer has agreed to dedicate the linear strip of land along the west side of Lake Susan, build an 8' trail along that strip, and construct a 5' trail along the street shown crossing Powers Blvd. Park land is to be dedicated in future developments. The concept plan identifies a 60' wide park access off of the main street on the west side of Powers. This access is shown on the preliminary plan as only 10' wide. It is important to maintain a width of no less than 60' to insure the ability to provide parking within this park. Although it was not agreed upon at the concept review, con- sideration should be given for a trail easement between Lots 12 and 13 on the east side of Powers. This will provide an efficient access for future residents to the lake trail. ParK and Recreation Commission August G, 1987 Page 3 Recommendation It is the recommendation of this office to approve the preliminary plan for Phase I of the Lake Susan Hills West PUD with the following conditions: 1. A linear strip along the west side of Lake Susan be dedicated for trail purposes and an 8' wide bituminous trail be constructed upon it. 2. A 5' concrete off-street trail be constructed along the street that crosses Powers Blvd. and runs through both neighborhoods. 3. A 20' trail easement be obtained between Lots 12 and 13 on the east side of Powers Blvd. 4. A park access of at least GO' in width be obtained off of the main street on the west side of Powers Blvd. . . . ~---... ,;i / ~// // / /:. / . /,/' . //. ' //, / //; , / / /./ // '<,/ /' / , ~ "- "'I ~ '- ,) '.J r" v,) ...J I """-J - \ , - Z I J . ....... CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUL 211987 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT. , , , ~~ J I'V ~"'.09'~Z. w - "Zi 16 t. ... o o ~ -@>- I ---..:,,- -------- o o o I\) o o w o o I~ ~ o. ~ ~. ~~ h I ~~' ~ ~~~ g:r-Fi~~!frr~s J ~ !l!!mm I c ~~. ;.,~i ~ ~~ ~i ~; -< ~;~~ ~. ~: ~ ~9: ~p 1 ~ ~ f \ f.' ~ [ g ~ o ~f '.~~;~/~ l; { .. ~. ! ~ ,q'r,_ t ... ~: ~r-~ i o'l, I ~ . i ~ i \ i ! I I i i I i i ! I jJ, c i i I ! I i Z: iO: ('):"tJ 0:0 . !:E 1m ~jJ !CJ) I ! I I I ~.> ~-, i ",;, i.~ i>'-J i i I i i .~ '\:. . '0 " I:..~ : r.: ! , i r. ~ , , I I '.. ! OJI r-~ ~,1 ....:r,: I :, ~ ~ '. . I I I L.. . . ~ ~ ~ . -+ . . . . .::. 3::lltdS N3dO Oll8nd - ,--... : \-... --'. ." - ~," ,'J . :', IA " 1 ~ \. f ~ " ' N "- '" N '" ~ 8 ~ <D ~ ~ "- '" ,<0 ., "" J U'1 C\J to C\J ..... , I 'l ;,) -'-i ~ en .\ ... e ~ ' ~ .'Ui~ ~~." , .. ~o,..;\. .... . 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