1983 09 14
SEPTEMBER 14, 1983
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation
Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Lynch at 7:30
p.m. The following members were present: Mike Lynch, Tom
Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Joe Warneke, Richie Hemping, and
Charlie Robbins. Jack Mauritz was absent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Brian Foltz moved to approve the minutes of
the July 12, 1983 meeting as submitted. Motion seconded by Tom
Schoenecker with all members voting in favor.
Hazard, and Stallings was in attendance to present the proposed
landscape plan for Lake Susan Park. The overall scope of the
proposal as well as the details of the plan were discussed with
commissioners noting the possibility of using materials from the
tree farm (as a bid alternate) and the use of volunteer groups to
plant the smaller stock.
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz
recommending the City Council approve the landscape plan as sub-
mitted with staff directed to pursue use of tree' farm stock and
volunteer groups. All members voted in favor.
1984 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: A discussion of past efforts and
future directions led to several revisions to the submitted
budget. The first was addition of a fishing dock for Lake Susan
Park in the amount of $1,500. Next was offering a choice to the
residents in the Minnewashta Park area for either expansion o~
the tot lot or park landscaping in an amount not to exceed
$1,200. Lastly, $8,050 was designated for use towards the ini-
tial phase of a park shelter in Lake Ann Park should our 1984
LAWCON application for a park building be denied.
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz
recommending the City Council approve the 1984 Park and
Recreation Capital Improvement Budget as modified in the total
amount of $35,000. All members voted in favor.
- Lake Susan Park Shelter: It was recommended by Mike Lynch
that a picture of the Lake Susan Shelter along with a
description of permissible uses be published in the spring
newsletter as a means of notifying residents that the
facility is open and available for general use.
- Horseshoe pits: Members also recommended that staff explore
the possibility of installing horseshoe pits in several
parks. This is based on resident suggestions and should be
a low cost item.
A motion was made by Joe Warneke and seconded by Charlie Robbins
to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor. Meeting
adjourned at 9:35 p.m.