1984 01 19 .i~ \ 4'" r ~# \, ~HANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 19, 1984 Members Present: Brian Foltz, M~h, Richie Hemping, Joe Warneke, Charlie Robbins . Absent: Tom Schoenecker Guests Presents: Don Ashworth, City Manager; Tom Klingelhutz, TomKay Builders Organizational Items - Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Chairman Lynch noted that he preferred that the chair move be- tween members. Secondly, Commissioner Schoenecker had called to state that he will not be able to attend as regularly as desired in the next few months. He asked not to be reappointed as Vice-Chair. After discussion, Joe Warneke moved that Mike Lynch be appointed Chairman and Brian Foltz Vice-Chairman. Richie Hempie seconded the motion. Ayes - all. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Charles Robbins that the minutes of September 14, 1983 be approved as presented. Ayes - all. Commissioner Resignation: The Commissioners accepted the resignation of Jack Mauritz with regret. The Commissioners noted that Mr. Mauritz had been invaluable given his experience in the park and recreation arena. Chairman Lynch noted that he planned to send a personal letter to Mr. Mauritz relaying his regret and appreciation. Commissioners asked that City staff write a letter to Mr. Mauritz in behalf of the commission as well. . A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Joe Warneke to accept Mr. Mauritz's resignation and authorize staff to advertise the vacancy. Ayes - all. Commissioner Foltz noted that previous policy had been to attempt to seek members from different geographical areas. He stated that, if possible, the advertisement should reflect the policy position of the commission. Other commissioners concurred but noted that, should no applications be received from the Greenwood Shores/Carver Beach/southern portion of the community that a selection would still be recommended. Review Pheasant Hill Sketch Plan, Lake Lucy Road: Tom Klingelhutz was present to discuss the proposed Pheasant Hill development. Commissioners had received the Planning report as reviewed by the Planning Commission/City Council, including update reports. Also reviewed were sections of the Comprehensive Plan relating to neighborhood parks within this area. The City Manager noted that staff has discussed park needs with Mr. Klingelhutz. This area is designated in the Comprehensive Plan as a park deficient area. However, Mr. Klingelhutz's property . has severe terrain differentials. It may be feasibile to secure Park and Recreation Commission Minutes January 19, 1984 P ag e 2 e enough land for tot lot activities; however, finding sufficient land area for ballfields/skating rink does not appear possible. Active sports areas are located at Minnetonka Junior High. After discussion, Charles Robbins moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that park charges be collected as a part of the building permit for the Pheasant Hill Addition. Tot lots should be designed into the plat to the greatest extent possible. Motion seconded by Brian Foltz. Ayes - all. Community Recreation Facilities Committee (CRFC), status Report: The City Manager submitted copies of the CRFC minutes from April, 1983 through the current time. The minutes were used as a foun- dation to reflect the activities of the CRFC as well as to note goals/objectives. The Manager noted that Commissioner Warneke had been invited to the meeting of December 30, 1983 to review park and recreation needs as they may relate to a community center. The second por- tion of the questions from CRFC to Commissioner Warneke related to the role of the Park and Recreation Commission if the com- munity center became a reality. Don Ashworth invited Park and Recreation Commission members to read the CRFC minutes of e December 30th to better understand questions posed by CRFC. At this point, we do not know if the community center will become a reality or not. If it does become a reality, a question still remains as to whether it would be privately managed (for the City) or staffed by city personnel. The answers to these questions could significantly effect the Park and Recreation Commission. At the current time, the Park Commission is pri- marily a provider of park facilities, i.e. planning, acquiring, and improving park facilities. Programming is primarily left to other organizations. However, many of these organizations, such as CAA, have grown to the point where administration of programs is becoming beyond the capabilities of a voluntary organization. Staffing of a community center would, typically, include person- nel trained in scheduling/program administration. Typically, programming activities would be reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission for recommendation to the City Council. The role of our Park and Recreation Commission should continue as a point of discussion as decisions are made regarding the com- munity center. No action was taken. 1984 Fees: e a. Lake Ann Gate Fees: The City Manager noted that the Council has maintained a lower yearly fee than had been recom- mended by the Park Commission. No change in position was antici- pated for 1984. However, the Manager would be notifying the . . . Bark and Recreation Commission Minutes \ <January 19,1984 !? ag e 3 Council of two points which were brought out during the course of this past year - l} several calls/letters were received complaining that no yearly pass fee was established for non- residents. Several of the persons concerned noted that they had previously lived in Chanhassen and were dismayed with their abil- ity to maintain contacts with friends and relatives in Chanhassen through park activities: and 2} businesses such as United Mailing and Instant Web have contacted the City asking that some provision be made for passes for their employees. Requests from employees were primarily related to minor usage privi- leges {lunch breaks, swimming before/after shift changes, etc.} Commissioners expressed concern as to whether offering a yearly pass "to persons living or working within the City" would place additional pressure on Lake Ann. The Manager noted that a survey of business employee home sites had been completed earlier in the year. A majority of business employees live outside the city and, in many cases, live more than 20 miles away. Although park usage could increase before/after work, it is doubtful that these employees would travel to Chanhassen for weekend activities - the timeframe of greatest usage for residents. Commissioners noted that they continue to believe that the yearly pass fee was low in comparison to the daily pass fee. After discussion, Commissioner Robbins moved that the Park and Recreation Commission reCOllli~end that the 1984 yearly gate fee be: that the yearly pass fee be at $10.00 for persons working (one year experimental program) or living within the City. Such recommendation was being made to insure that our local policies were comparable to those of surrounding cOlnmunities: that the fee for a second car within one family should be ! of the yearly rate: that the daily rate of $4.00 should continue: that a non-resident fee be set at $25.00 per year: and that a Senior Citizen rate be established at ! of the yearly or daily amount. -Motion seconded by Commissioner Warneke. Ayes - all. b. Park Dedication Fees: Commissioners noted increase has not occurred for the past two years. increases are more desirable than one major jump. increase of a minor amount is warranted. that an Incremental Therefore, an Commissioner Lynch moved that the 1984 Park Dedication Fees be set at a level of 5% higher than established in 1982. Motion seconded by Commissioner Warneke. Ayes - all. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes January 19, 1984 Page 4 e 1984 Projects that May Include Volunteer Participation: Given the lateness of the evening, Chairman Lynch asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. The report from the City Engineer was briefly reviewed. The Manager noted that many voluntary pro- jects can be more time consuming than the total hours required to complete the job. Other projects, such as those requiring vehicles and equipment, pose certain legal liabilities. It is suggested that commissioners, knowing their own neighborhoods, prepare a list of projects with the idea that total staff/voluntary commitments could be tabulated and prioritized. e Chairman Lynch stated that the thrust of his request to have this item on the agenda was to identify as many community projects as possible. Once identified, the commission could set about to find persons, companies or organizations who would like to spon- sor completion of the project. In many instances, the project to be completed would not necessarily require the organizing of voluntary groups to complete the work: such having the inherent problems referred to by Mr. Monk. Instead, I can see projects undertaken by the Lions, neighborhood groups, or companies where they would contract to complete work beyond the capabilities of their members. For example, completing the plumbing at the Lake Susan Park Shelter building could be completed by a neighborhood group who might seek contributions from adjoining companies. Monies received would then be used to solicit bids and contract the work needed to be completed. In many instances, citizens/ companies/organizations have access to persons who can obtain materials/contractors at lower costs. Once completed, to standards set by the City, some form of plaque should be placed at the site recognizing the firm/organization completing the work. Commissioners concurred that the proposal presented by Chairman Lynch should be further pursued and asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. Administrative Items The Manager generally discussed the following administrative items in an information format: a. 1984 Budget b. South Lotus Lake Boat Access, Status Report c. 1984 LAWCON Applications d. Part Time Park and Recreation position, Update Report e. 1984 Construction Projects, Lake Ann: 1. Sealcoating Streets and Parking Lots 2. Bituminious Concrete Resurfacing of Tennis Court e Robbins moved, seconded by Schoenecker to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Don Ashworth, City Manager