1984 04 10 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1984, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE IN MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM Call to Order 1. Approve the January 19, 1984 Minutes. 2. Introductions: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Intern Bill Falsone, CAA President 3. Interview Mike Rosenwald for Vacancy on Commission. 4. Request for Concession Stand at Lake Ann Park, Mike Rosenwald. 5. Request for Installation of a Half-Court Basketball Facility, Chaparral Homeowners Association. 4IIt 6. Request from Chanhassen Fire Dept. for Annual Softball Tournament. 7. Sketch Plan Review, 15 Single Family Units, 7251 Minnewashta Parkway, Duane Barth 8. Review Layout, Lake Ann Boat Access, 1983 LAWCON Grant. 9. Lake Ann Expansion, Land Acquisition. 10. Review 1984/85 LAWCON Grant Application projects. 11. Update Reports: - Lotus Lake Boat Access - Lake Ann Capital Improvements - Softball Program - Summer Programs Adjournment If you are unable to attend, please contact Karen Engelhardt at 937-1900. . C~\ .....-- r i, '. ~HANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 19, 1984 Members Present: Brian Foltz, M~h, Richie Hemping, Joe Warneke, Charlie Robbins . Absent: Tom Schoenecker Guests Presents: Don Ashworth, City Manager~ Torn Klingelhutz, TomKay Builders Organizational Items - Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Chairman Lynch noted that he preferred that the chair move be- tween members. Secondly, Commissioner Schoenecker had called to state that he will not be able to attend as regularly as desired in the next few months. He asked not to be reappointed as Vice-Chair. After discussion, Joe Warneke moved that Mike Lynch be appointed Chairman and Brian Foltz Vice-Chairman. Richie Hempie seconded the motion. Ayes - all. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Charles Robbins that the minutes of September 14, 1983 be approved as presented. Ayes - all. Commissioner Resignation: The Commissioners accepted the resignation of Jack Mauritz with regret. The Commissioners noted that Mr. Mauritz had been invaluable given his experience in the park and recreation arena. Chairman Lynch noted that he planned to send a personal letter to Mr. Mauritz relaying his regret and appreciation. Commissioners asked that City staff write a letter to Mr. Mauritz in behalf of the commission as well. . A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Joe Warneke to accept Mr. Mauritz's resignation and authorize staff to advertise the vacancy. Ayes - all. Commissioner Foltz noted that previous policy had been to attempt to seek members from different geographical areas. He stated that, if possible, the advertisement should reflect the policy position of the commission. Other commissioners concurred but noted that, should no applications be received from the Greenwood Shores/Carver Beach/southern portion of the community that a selection would still be recommended. Review Pheasant Hill Sketch Plan, Lake Lucy Road: Tom Klingelhutz was present to discuss the proposed Pheasant Hill development. Commissioners had received the Planning report as reviewed by the Planning Commission/City Council, including update reports. Also reviewed were sections of the Comprehensive Plan relating to neighborhood parks within this area. The City Manager noted that staff has discussed park needs with Mr. Klingelhutz. This area is designated in the Comprehensive Plan as a park deficient area. However, Mr. Klingelhutz's property . has severe terrain differentials. It may be feasibile to secure . . . P.~rk and Recreation Commission Minutes \ <January 19,1984 !? ag e 3 Council of two points which were brought out during the course of this past year - 1) several calls/letters were received complaining that no yearly pass fee was established for non- residents. Several of the persons concerned noted that they had previously lived in Chanhassen and were dismayed with their abil- ity to maintain contacts with friends and relatives in Chanhassen through park activities; and 2) businesses such as United Mailing and Instant Web have contacted the City asking that some provision be made for passes for their employees. Requests from employees were primarily related to minor usage privi- leges (lunch breaks, swimming before/after shift changes, etc.) Commissioners expressed concern as to whether offering a yearly pass "to persons living or working within the City" would place additional pressure on Lake Ann. The Manager noted that a survey of business employee home sites had been completed earlier in the year. A majority of business employees live outside the city and, in many cases, live more than 20 miles away. Although park usage could increase before/after work, it is doubtful that th~ie employees would travel to Chanhassen for weekend activities _ the timeframe of greatest usage for residents. Commissioners noted that they continue to believe that the yearly pass fee was low in comparison to the daily pass fee. After discussion, Commissioner Robbins moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the 1984 yearly gate fee be: that the yearly pass fee be at $10.00 for persons working (one year experimental program) or living within the City. Such recommendation was being made to insure that our local policies were comparable to those of surrounding cOlnmunities; that the fee for a second car within one family should be ! of the yearly rate; that the daily rate of $4.00 should continue; that a non-resident fee be set at $25.00 per year; and that a Senior Citizen rate be established at ! of the yearly or daily amount. -Motion seconded by Commissioner Warneke. Ayes - all. b. Park Dedication Fees: Commissioners noted increase has not occurred for the past two years. increases are more desirable than one major jump. increase of a minor amount is warranted. that an Incremental Therefore, an Commissioner Lynch moved that the 1984 Park Dedication Fees be set at a level of 5% higher than established in 1982. Motion seconded by Commissioner Warneke. Ayes - all. f' CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,;2. -- . \ 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX -147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . March 1, 1984 Ms. Lori Sietsema 402 Clark Street Mankato, MN 56001 Re: Internship, City of Chanhassen Dear Lor i : This letter is to confirm your appointment as a six mortth Park and Recreation Intern for the City of Chanhassen. I believe you will find the position extremely challenging. Although the position is one of an internship (meeting degree accreditation standards), the potential will exist for the posi- tion to become a full time position. This will solely depend _ . upon your work performance and our ability to establish such as a full time position as a part of the 1985 budgetary process. Benefits would accrue during the internship in a similar manner as any other employee including retirement, health, etc. The monthly pay during the internship will be $950/month. To help defray your moving costs, a payment of up to $200 will be made. Receipts for your moving expenses must be maintained to obtain reimbursement. The starting date for the position has been set at March 21, 1984. As stated before, I believe you will find the position exciting and challenging. Chanhassen has organizations such as the Chaska Community Schools, Minnetonka Community Schools, and Chanhassen Athletic Association providing services within our community. Given the size of our community, it is becoming more and more difficult for organizations, such as these, to organize and administer the increasing number of programs which are being requested. Hopefully, through your appointment, we will be able to provide help to these types of organizations so that they may be more effective. As noted by the Engineer, we have several capital improvement projects currently in process and, again, I believe you will find helping to complete these a rewarding experience. . . CITY,OF CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: April 6, 1984 f SUBJ: 1984 Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA) Officers Bill Falsone, 1984 President of CAA, has been invited to this meeting. Bill has been encouraged to bring any other (CAA) offi- cers to our meeting (copy of 1984 officer listing attached). . This item is solely a discussion/courtesy item to allow Park and Recreation Commission Members to meet representatives of the Athletic Association. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ ~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: AprilS, 1984 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy At the January 19th meeting staff was directed to advertise the commission vacancy created by Jack Mauritz's resignation. After advertising several times in the Carver County Herald, only one application was received. Mike Rosenwald will be present on Tuesday evening for an interview (see attached application). If the Commission feels that Mr. Rosenwald should be selected to fill this vacancy, a motion recommneding such should be forwarded . to the City Council. The term for this position will expire on December 31, 1985. . ( CITY OF CBANBASSEN '-I - . TO: Park and 'Recreation Commission 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 -r:>~ f\. - P 11::: "'-~ e. ( -c" J...C' 4A tJ cJ 1Il....{ ~- - I~ ~.J..'\,<'"'S L f: ~ ,v'- ~. ~ko-1 ~6L-'v{. Ie ,...Ow ( . ( oc" k;. ,':' f;" ~ '\ I MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 1984 L SUBJ: Vending License Request, Lake Ann Park, Mike Rosenwald As can be seen from the attached letter, Mike Rosenwald ,is requesting permission to operate a concession trailer at Lake Ann Park this summer. Mr. Rosenwald will be present on Tuesday evening to discuss his proposal in more detail. In talking with him earlier this week, he stated that he will be deleting the sale of hot dogs from his request as the Minnesota Dept. of Health requires hot and cold running water to serve such. He stated he will basically be selling packaged snacks and soft drinks. . Attached is a copy of the Park and Recreation Commission minutes of July 12, 1983 wherein the Commission considered a similar request last year as well as the agreement that was approved at that time. staff recommends that only one vendor be licensed to operate in Lake Ann Park at anyone time. However, the Commission may wish to consider an additional vendor request should it be substan- tially different in scope. Approval of the request in accordance with the guidelines stated in the agreement is recommended. However, the City Attorney should review the agreement to insure that all major items have been considered. J 1\(' --n(F.~ ~'1~ i' ., ; v ~t' '-.......',. \ . ( --- I. .{..)O (L\) \..-^-- , . . ~JI{ > (\ ','~ ~ ' . t~.J \. , . ': '...}..-.- /.' -'_" ,,;-\...C_L- 'j ,,' . ( . ' ., r i ... .... t '-" \;.'. i. , (( ~ I . ,)'; , <( r i ~.. .j , .. , ..... t ./ {. ~-~ !// . "" ~ co / ( <..--'1-1, \\' . ~. '...l.,J f' ) \.; II~ A '-<,'(\-.) V\ . '" ,''-... " /',- -~- L.' . " "'.:':.--/ -- --~7~,<(,:"-4-- ;--....~(~ /'" r:-:.. c.~ ~ ..... >K c~ l;";J1' Park and Recreation Commission Minutes July 12, 1983 .;~ At 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, the Park Commission met with Pat Murphy, the Carver County Public Works Director and several mem- bers of his staff at the new Minnewashta Regional Park. . Pat and his staff provided detailed information about some of the development taking place within the park. The regional park opened on Memorial Day of this year and is expected to remain open through September. A new beach, small picnic area1 parking lot and boat access have been installed for public use ~his year. -Pat Murphy and Mike Liddicoat, Park Planning Engineer, explained .that the park is currently in phase one of a four phase plan which is estimated for completion in approximately twelve years. Phase one consists of the acquisition of land for the park and is nearly complete. The park is estimated to be 336 acres in size. A park blueprint was provided for the Park Commission to review. Some of the activities shown by this plan included several picnic areas, a walking trail with scenic over looks, a bicycle trail, an active play area, two boat accesses, amphitheater and camping area. Also discussed was the proposed access to the park from Highway 41. The Park Commission meeting with Pat Murphy ended with a brief tour of the regional park's major developed areas. Chairman Mike Lynch called the meeting to order at 9:00 p.m. The following members were present: Mike Lynch, Tom Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Joe Warneke, Richie Hemping, and Charlie Robbins. Jack Mauritz was absent. . Approval of Minutes B. Foltz moved, seconded by J. Warneke to approve the minutes of June 7, 1983 as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried. M. Lynch raised a question on the City's ability to transfer existing grant funds to the recently proposed boat access on the south end of Lotus Lake. T. Schoenecker said that all indica- tions were that the funds would transfer although nothing has been finalized. For Vendor To Use Lake Ann Park Mrs. Renae Mamer was present at the Park Commission meeting to request permission to set up a concession stand in Lake Ann Park. It was suggested that Mr. & Mrs. Marner have liability insurance and that they should have a written document showing proof of insurance. Several other concerns were expressed by the Park Commission. The Park Commission decided that the vendor should keep regular hours and that they should submit some kind of a schedule to that effect. Also, the trailer's generator . -.--.------.,-- -:-----------_._------~ --~ '. . . ( "- ( AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of July, 1983, between the City of Chanhassen, hereinafter called "City", and Mr. James Marner, 30 Ehlers Avenue, Chaska, Minnesota, -hereinafter referred to as the "Concessionaire": WHEREAS, said Concessionaire desires to operate a private mobile food concession wagon in Lake Ann Park during the 1983 summer season: and WHEREAS, the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council have recommended that the City contract with the Concessionaire to allow the same: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. That said Concessionaire may operate a mobile food con- cession wagon in Lake Ann Park. 2. That 8% of the Concessionaire's net profit shall be paid to the City to reimburse the City for costs in connection with said use of Lake Ann Park by the Concessionaire for the first month, and 10% per month thereafter. Concesionaire shall provide weekly reports of business profits to the City Manager and shall pay said fee to the City on the 1st day of each month for the previous month during the term of this contract. 3. That Concessionaire shall have a current license from the State Board of Health to prepare and sell food from said con- cession and said license shall be prominently posted on con- cession. wagon. 4. That Concessionaire shall pick up refuse within a reason- able area surrounding the concession wagon on a daily basis. 5. That Concessionaire shall not dispense any items of food or drink in glass containers from said concession wagon. 6. That Concessionaire shall maintain regular business hours as weather permits for the convenience of park users. Hours of operation shall be posted on the concession wagon in full view of the public, however, said concession wagon shall not open sooner than 9:00 a.m. nor close later than 10:On p.m. daily. \ 7. That the concession wagon shall be located only in areas of Lake Ann Park authorized and approved by the City Manager and Concessionaire shall not drive on the lawn when the grounds are wet and damage to the sod may occur. 8. The Concessionaire agrees not to sell tobacco or beer. CITY. OF CHANHASSEN .5 ;::::-- . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: April 16, 1984 SUBJ: Request for Half-Court Basketball Facility at Meadow Green Park A request has been submitted by the President of the Chaparral Homeowners Association concerning the installation of a half- court basketball facility at Meadow Green Park. Installation of . such a facility has always been planned, however, its installa- tion (along with the tennis courts) was not scheduled to occur until the area was fully developed. Due to the slowdown in the area's development, the Association is requesting installation of at least the basketball set-up at this time. This would require an amendment to the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget. Depending on how much of the work might be completed in-house, costs could run between $800 and $2,000. Whether the Commission wishes to consider such a request or post- pone action until preparation of 1985 budget is totally discre- tionary. A layout sketch of the park will be available at Tuesday's meeting to assist in review of this item. ~~ . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH ~ - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: AprilS, 1984 SUBJ: Softball Tournament Request, Chanhassen Fire Department Attached is a letter from the Fire Department regarding,their annual softball tournament. They are requesting the use of all three ball diamonds at Lake Ann Park on June 1, 2, and 3, as well as having the gate fee waived for that weekend. As this request is consistent with previous years, staff recom- mends approval as submitted. . (J_: (,,-() Ii ,- '~-' .(~\ .A , . .X- , -, ( ,..) L\... ~J l- ---'I; C c\ ~ ~ . (' MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MARCH 8, 1983 . Vice-Chairman Torn Schoenecker called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Torn Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping and Joe Warneke. Mike Lynch arrived late and Jack Mauritz excused himself to attend the Environmental Protection Co~nittee meeting. MINUTES: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Joe Warneke to approve the minutes of the February 1, 1983 meeting. Motion unanimously approved. LAKE SUSAN CONCEPT PLAN: The Commission reviewed the new concept plan for Lake Susan Park. After much discussion, a motion was made by Torn Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz to accept the new Lake Susan Concept Plan as presented on March 8, 1983. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to send copies to various agencies (DNR, etc.) for their review and response. The Commission will review their responses at a future meeting. * (~ ~ FIREMEN'S ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURNfu~ENT: A motion was made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Brian Foltz to approve the Firemen's Softball Tournament for June 3, 4, and 5 and to waive the park entry fee for that weekend. Motion unanimously approved. . LP~E ANN EXPANSION: After a good deal of discussion, a motion was-made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Joe Warneke to recommend that city staff explore the possibility of purchasing Parcel E of Registered Land Survey #88 from the present owner and to straighten out the eastern boundary of the tract. This motion was made in light of a staff report that the owners of proposed expansion property are, supposedly, in default on their loan and the property is now under the ownership of the 1st National Bank of St. Paul. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Richie Hemping to adjourn the meeting meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Francis Callahan Acting Secretary ) . c . * (,,:.. . . MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MARCH 8, 1983 Vice-Chairman Torn Schoenecker called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Tom Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping and Joe Warneke. Mike Lynch arrived late and Jack Mauritz excused himself to attend the Environmental Protection Corruni t tee meeting. ;-' MINUTES: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Joe Warneke to approve the minutes of the February 1, 1983 meeting. Motion unanimously approved. LAKE SUSAN CONCEPT PLAN: The Commission reviewed the new concept plan for Lake Susan Park. After much discussion, a motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz to accept the new Lake Susan Concept Plan as presented on March 8, 1983. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to send copies to various agencies (DNR, etc.) for their review and response. The Commission will review their responses at a future meeting. FIREMEN'S ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURN&~ENT: A motion was made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Brian Foltz to approve the Firemen's Softball Tournament for June 3, 4, and 5 and to waive the park entry fee for that weekend. Motion unanimously approved. LAKE ANN EXPANSION: After a good deal of discussion, a motion was made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Joe Warneke to recommend that city staff explore the possibility of purchasing Parcel E of Registered Land Survey #88 from the present owner and to straighten out the eastern boundary of the tract. This motion was made in light of a staff report that the owners of proposed expansion property are, supposedly, in default on their loan and the property is now under the ownership of the 1st National Bank of St. Paul. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Richie Hemping to adjourn the meeting meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Francis Callahan Acting Secretary CITY:OF CHAHHASSEH 7, - . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bob Waibel, City Planner DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: Sketch Plan Review, 15 Single Family Units, 725l'Minnewashta Parkway, Duane Barth. This item is being submitted for Park and Recreation Commission review for park dedication requirements. For your convenience, the portions of the staff report referring to Park and Recreation consideration have been asterisked. . . . . . Staff Report Barth Sketch Plan Review Page 2 Adjacent Land Use North: Single family residence and vacant land; zoned R-l. South: Single family residence; zoned R-l. East: Single family residence and Lake Minnewashta; zoned R-l. West: Single family residence and vacant land; zoned R-IA. 1990 Land Use Plan a. Land Use The property is planned for low den- sity residential development. b. Transportation The 1980 and 1990 Transportation plan designates Minpewashta Parkway as a collector street. Zoning History February, 1972: The property was zoned R-l, Single Family Residence District as part of the adoption of Zoning Ordinance 47. Applicable Regulations Section 5, Subdivision Ordinance 33: Sketch plans may be submitted for informal discussion between the applicant and the Planning Commission. Shoreland Management Ordinance No. 65: Residential lots lying within 1000 feet of the ordinary high water mark of a Recreational Development Waters shall be at least 15,000 square feet in area. Section 7.04, subsection 9, Recreational Beachlot Ordinance 47-AH: Recreational beachlots shall have a depth of at least 100 feet landward of the ordinary high water mark and shall be a minimum of 100 feet in width to have the allowance for a dock. SPECIAL INFORMATION Public Utilities Sanitary sewer and water service is available to serve the property. Staff Report Barth Sketch Plan Review P ag e 4 . and at a point 100 feet landward from the ordinary high water mark of not less than 4 lineal feet for each dwelling unit which has appur- tenant rights of access to the beachlot and that-each beachlot have a minimum depth of 100 feet. The proposed beachlot is deficient of the lot depth requirement by 47 feet, however, it exceeds the minimum width requirement by approximately 130 feet. Due to terrain con- ditions, the only reasonable area for expansion of the beachlot to conform with the depth requirements would 'be in the vicinity of the southeastern corner of Lot 10. In accordance with the Recreational Beachlot Ordinance, this beachlot would be allowed only one dock provided it was readjusted to be compliant with the minimal dimensional standards of 100' x 100'. The applicant is advised that for circumstances unique to the property, a variance to the strict application of the beachlot ordinance require- ments could be considered. Lot 8 has a very narrow frontage at the building setbadk line of only 20 feet. One alternative to making this frontage more compliant with the ordinance standard of 90 feet would be to extend the cul-de-sac further to the east however the drawbacks to from this alternative are that the cul-de-sac length would be further exceeding ordinance stan- dards and impervious street surface area would be increased. Since the overall development has densities consistent with the subdivision . ordinance regulations and since this lot has its developable area remote from the cul-de-sac, a reduction in the lot frontage require- ment can be considered in this case. The City Engineer has indicated that the proposed roadway can be constructed to meet minimum grade requirements. Due to terrain constraints, staff finds that the street system in the form of cul- de-sac as proposed is acceptable and the dedication of right-of-way to surrounding properties would serve no useful purpose. Although the property in question is in an area in need of future * neighborhood recreation facilities, the Comprehensive Plan indicates that land dedication for such purposes would be more appropriately located in the area north of Red Cedar Point or in the vicinity of Lake st. Joe. Therefore park dedication fees at the time of building permits for individual lots is being recommended. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission should make known their overall sentiments concerning land use, density and transportation circulation. More specifically, the Planning Commission should advise staff of their concerns on whether the Shoreland Management Ordinance should be amended to incorporate an average lot size criteria as opposed to the minimum lot size criteria, alternatives for the beachlot configuration . and the acceptability of a reduced lot frontage for Lot 8. I .f- L I -j 6300- -- - 6\ 6900 1000---- I I \?~ I '100 '000 " <0 o "500--- I I .1 \ , I :~ ' , , , , " ;z a: ~, '600 7251 Minnewashta Pkwy. I '~oo- - 'qOO - - ~ I 1 I ~I , -~ I I J cPD --\ I 5T A T't. Hi ,. AY .~oo- ~-- ~ lloo- 100- % iL -' '" '" .. POlliO 30\)-- 000- CHANHASSEN OF CHASKA 500--- <;00_.__ -" L'YMAN BLVD ", I I 0 8 0 : I I I I 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 ~ Sl 0 :. ... 0 0 2 .. .. .. .... ... . ... ... ... ... Cl o o ... o o .. ... I I I '" <> ,;; , o (') .. ... I o o P- H 8700-, I R.}CO- I (, o =: ~ ~ 1..~ .., ~~~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 9tOO. .~..- .,~~~.~.. ~- ."........ . .,~ .~ .... '. .....~ ... -.., .:". ~ .~.. ..-.....'. .i.~~~~~.~: ..~. ~~~'-"..:, ...::~. ,...~... .. 9~CC-.."""1 .'~ . BASE MAP Attachment #1 ~, .. .r_ I I ( i I r=-- l~ ! .. --r- d! \) \ I \ \ CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 8. ~, . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: AprilS, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Boat Access In 1983 Chanhassen was awarded a LAWCON grant for installation of an entrance drive, parking area, and boat access to Lake Ann Park. Total project costs were estimated at $90,000 with grant funding being approved by the state at a 50% level. At this point in the process, the City must submit a project design and start work on detailed engineering design. A pro- ject design is attached for the Commission's review and will be more fully presented and described at Tuesday's meeting. . Following this presentation, a motion recommending the presented layout or some variation thereof for City Council ~!aeI1ftion is in order. ~pv~v~ . . CITY. OF CBANBASSEN q 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 :--. MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Expansion The Park Commission/planning Commission/City Council have agreed to a long range expansion plan for Lake Ann Park (copy attached). To accomplish the plan, three separate land acquisitions were required: . - A 4.04 acre strip (Parcel C) connecting Greenwood Shores to Lake Ann - donation of property accomplished in 1981 - A 11.4 acre parcel (Parcel D) northeast of the existing park property. This parcel was designated for a boat access and picnicking. This parcel was purchased in 1981 at a cost of $110,000.+ Payment occurred through a grant received from the State. Parcel C was used as the City's "contributing share" and, as a result, no local costs were incurred through the acquisition. . - A 20 acre parcel <Parcel E) lying east of Lake Ann Park and designated for active park and recreation expansion needs. The City had reached agreement with the developer of Lake Ann Planned Residential Development to deed this 20 acres to the City as a part of platting requirements. Rising interest rates literally shut down all housing projects within the Twin City area during 1982 and 1983. Lake Ann PRD never proceeded and ownership of the property reverted back to the mortgagee, First National Bank of st. Paul. First National Bank has been actively marketing the approximate 200 acre Lake Ann PRD property. This 200 acre parcel has been partially platted to include the 20 acre parcel desired by the City, a separate 20 acre parcel lying directly east of the City's prop- erty (Parcel I) and the remaining 160 acres (minus various right- of-way dedications). As this total parcel does represent three separate developable parcels, First National Bank is free to market the prop-erty either as an entire tract or as three Park and Recreation Commission April 6, 1984 P ag e 3 . expansion parcel. This office cannot recommend such as this would reduce fund balances below desired levels and jeopardize our ability to enter into matching grant programs within the next 2 to 3 year period of time. The other alternative would be to seek a multi-year (5 to 10 year) purchase of the property from~First National Bank. This alternative is attractive in maintaining cash balances while allowing future development charges to pay for current year costs. I would ask that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council that City staff be authorized to negotiate with First National Bank of st. Paul for a multi-year purchase of the park expansion property (20 acre parcel). Initial offers are proposed at $6,500 per acre with such authori- zation not to exceed $7,000 per acre. . !,A.,I) J~ k t-- cce,;u ( ,.) C C--r r'l ['> 0 C'-' -. 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I :i.';~ G -&:- '1",. A.. - Enjinltr; - Surv/ -7 "0 :~ ~ .~ 6' ~... ~._..;. . 'f>.~' ~.rr4l'~ . ~.1, 35. ..::.-.!:......-..,,- ~ "~--:...:.~:-;. . - . -<:;- -." ~:~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~' - ~ ~ ...-; \II 80v ." 4: :;; ,. . ; co . % ..' Ci ..., 4"_ ::::::' 't.i ~ ~- I~ ~ "i'^ .... ~~~ : ci~ 'o~ Ll);,.., 0" \.50 13- i 1"'~ .... "'f-. ~ '- ,,~ a '7( " ~ c! -; - '.. C) . ",J tj ~ '.r- r" , .~. . .:" ..., .. ... ~ ':t,' ..~~. CITY. OF CHANHASSEN , /i I .J'. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: 1985 LAWCON Grants The MN Department of Economic Development has moved up the sub- mission date for 1985 LAWCON grant applications to April 30. To meet this deadline the Commission will be required to recommend specific projects for Council review on April 16. Due to the Manager's recommendation in the previous item, I . believe the development of the expansion of Lake Ann Park should be given high priority as a potential grant application. This expansion would at minimum include site grading and installation of three ball fields. Other potential ~ant submittal items include: , (,,-<'-' IV- I~ b t-:u-.-... ~', 0 v.- , *- Lake An~ p~r k shelter bUild, ing. for, multi-purpose beac..h/pl.cnl.c area. - . " ,- 'V~ , ' . - Lights on Field No. 1 at Lake Ann Park. use in It should be noted that Chanhassen does not stand much of a chance to secure more than one grant in anyone year. However, several submittals may be made individually and may actually increase the City's chances of securing that one grant given the State's multiple criteria review process. .' .. ,r' wI ,_ ~/ . _ f//\')" .~,~' ( l}- rC\~Q \ , ( /v{ J- e i./' CAS ,':> .'<- , I ,'-, \ ~:(JV(UI\,.0 (Ie I il , : I ,,) t.. " 1 ,~J_ .( f.AleJ . -',', <: 't" ,,~\,-,l_'- " -I . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 'I. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: Update Reports Brief reports from City staff will be verbally presented to the Commission at Tuesday's meeting on the following items: - Lotus Lake Boat Access. , ~c - Lake Ann Capital Improvements including bituminous)( ~\ ;~~ A. ~0 sealcoating ,~ennis. cou.rt resurf. ac. ing, fishing dock l.~ ~ installation and park shelter cons,truction. \, "~ I?'. \ ~ 1984 Softba Il/Ba. e;;;;:lr,,~J;r';:;;':" '" '1" . , r, \), """~'i>b) v r ,tY'tJ'- - Other scheduled summer programs being planned. \ J) .. 'j Q..~{ ~\(/ . . '\ . INFORMATIONAL ITEMS . . . . . -.--- " -- \. l., I I Y i, U ,... CHANHASSE~j '--t- f'/~ 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 -" -'- January 26, 1984 Mr. Jack Mauritz 6930 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jack: , it was with regret that the City Council accepted your resignation from the Park and Recreation Commission. We have no means to adequately express our appreciation for the dedication and deep concern you have shown to our City, except to say thank you. We recognize that you also have a responsibility to yourself, your family, and your career: and we wish you the very best. We would hope that, at some future date, you will once again find yourself in a position to serve on a citizens advisory committee. . ~:/~A.' L Tomas L. H milton, Mayor a -- / ~._,-?/ rl- (LlJ~~~-)r-; rol Watson, Councilwoman ~~r:vrA f ~ Clark Horn, Councilman r G:2u~,,____ pa~i~a Swenson, Councilwoman ./~ I~ ~ ... / ./~ /(/ ~.:t;r ~L~'.4~<'''''~ BaTe Geving, councilm~ CC:kje )/< ~ . ~ -d II Louncil Meeting February 13, 1984 -3- pARK DEDICATION FEES: The Park and Recreation Commission recommended the founcil raise the fees by 5% over the 1982 fees for 1984. councilwoman Watson moved that the park dedication fees remain the same. 1982 and 1983. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Swenson and Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. ZONING ORDINANCE ~DMENT, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS: ihe following sectlons were amended: Section 1, 22.01 Creation and Membership. There is hereby~created a Board of Adjustments and Appeals which shall consist of three r~gular members and one alternate member, all of whom are to be annually appointed by the City Council. Section 1, 22.02 (3) The Board shall not be empowered to hear requests for lot width, depth, and lot area variances in conjunction with the sub- division of land. Section 1, 22.04 Appeals. Where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administra- tive officer in the enforcement of this ordinance, appeals shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the date of the issuance of such order, requirement, decision or determination. Section 1, 22.05 (5) Council Action. The City touncil may reverse, affirm or modify, wholly or partly, the decision appealed from the Board and to tAat cRd the City CouRcil shall havc all thc powcrs of thc 80ard. The Council shall decide all appeals within thirty (30) days after the date. the required hearing thereon. - Councilwoman Swenson moved to place in final reading an Ordinance Amending Section 22 (Board of Adjustments and Appeals; Variances) of Ordinance 47 as amended and entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance 47" and as amended February 13, 1984. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Watson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Swenson and Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. REVIEW DATA REQUIRED FOR SUBDIVISIONS NOT SERVED BY CITY SEWER AND WATER: Councilman-Horn - I may-not have had t~same understanding tha~veryone else had when we set up the "subdivision" in the unsewered area. As I understood this thing, the main thing that we were allowing was single residences in that area. I never envisioned the subdivision in the unsewered area. I see this thing treated as a subdivision request and I look at the division of a single parcel to place a home on in a much dif- ferent perspective than I look at "subdivisions". I am not quite sure we are all on t~e same track on this thing. ..- Councilwoman Swenson - I thought of that too Clark. The only thing that made me think of it was the problem that we ran into with Coey when he wanted to divide his property on Lake Lucy into three lots. I assume that that was what prompted this. Bill Monk - We have had two or three other ones since that time. Staff has always-dSsumed that this 2i acres went with subdivision and not just Wi. individual, a breakup of one lot into two lots. If that's not what the Council meant then we had better back up. . . . ,,' (, Mayor and Council February 13, 1984 P ag e 2 In 1983 the necessity for a two step increase in gate fees was anticipated. The summer youth programs were scheduled to be deleted at both the federal and state levels. By late spring, both the federal and state governments reversed their earlier positions and funded scaled down versions of the summer youth programs. These programs have traditionally provided a means by which young people (especially those from economically disadvan- taged families) can obtain work at a relatively small cost to the federal/state governments. The number of youths hired by Chanhassen under either of these two programs was reduced from previous years, but did not represent the total reduction earlier seen. Youth employment programs are anticipated for 1984 and, therefore, the necessity for the second phase increase of gate fee increases should not be required. Please note the discussion of the Park Commission regarding the change in policy for yearly passes for persons working or living within the City of Chanhassen. As noted in the Park and Recreation Commission minutes, the charge had been requested by local businesses. B. Park Dedication Fees: The following recommendation was made by the Park and Recreation Commission on January 19, 1984: "Commissioners noted that an increase has not occurred for the past two years. Incremental increases are more desirable than one major jump. Therefore, an increase of a minor amount is warranted. Commissioner Lynch moved that the 1984 Park Dedication Fees be set at a level of 5% higher than established in 1982. Motion seconded by Commissioner Warneke. Ayes - all." The 1982 and 1983 park dedication charges were as follows: Dwelling Unit ~ Single Family Detached Dwelling Double Family Attached Dwelling Persons/Unit Charge 3. 3/ un i t 3.3/unit $415.00 $415.00 Multiple & Townhouse Dwellings Efficiency Dwelling 1 Bedroom Dwelling 2 Bedroom Dwelling 3 Bedroom Dwelling 4 Bedroom Dwelling 1. 1/ un i t 1.4/unit 2.5/unit 3.3/unit 3.3/unit $110.00 $200.00 $330.00 $405.00 $425.00 Commercial/Industrial Property $1,035/acre P;~ CITY(, OF CHANHASSEN (" to - A-J"2,O . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937.1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: City Manager, Don Ashworth DATE: January 19, 1984 SUBJ: 1984 Fees: a.Lake Ann Gate Fees b. Park Dedication Fees The City Council/Park and Recreation Commission action on both of these items is included from this past year. I do not"foresee the City Council approving a significant change for either of these two fee schedules for 1984. The City Council's position . last year appeared to be most adamant in terms of gate fees. As the park charge fee was set to the 1982 level, in 1983, some minor percent increase may be warranted for 1984. The fund balance of the Park Acquisition and Development Fund (fund into which park charges are receipted) is very favorable. New commercial/industrial construction (during the past two to three years) accounts for the continuing increase in available funds. Recognizing the fact that a good portion of the park development monies are being derived from commercial/ industrial users, a park gate fee change should be considered for employees of local businesses. I am anticipating a request from at least one of our local businesses to that effect. ' " . . . CITYc'OF CHANHASSEN 11~ A~!2-0 _ 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM :-' TO: City Manager, Don Ashworth FROM: 1 () Park and Recreation Director, Fran Callahan ' DATE: May 9, 1983 SUBJ: 1983 Lake Ann Gate Fees The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the fee schedule at Lake Ann Park at their regular meeting of May 3. In order to reach the projected revenues for 1983 and due to concerns regarding the lack of state and federal funding, the Commission recommends the following two options: Option 1 Resident Fee Non-Resident Fee Gate Fee $10.00 25.00 5.00 Option 2 Resident Fee Non -Res iden t Fee Gate Fee. $10.00 25.00 4.00 Manager's Comments: Please note the sections of the attached Park Commission meeting where ,. I discussed this item with the Park Commission. ~. ~ . ., Hark and Recreation( . ...mmission Minutes Page 2 \ ( The City Manager was present as a follow-up to meeting with the Commission last month. The subject of both meetings were to detail work assignments/program status in light of the ter- mination of the Park Director's position on May 15, 1983. The Manager noted that Fran Callahan had completed most of the work associated with the major summer programs, i.e. scheduling, umpire services, field assignments, registrations, etc. The Manager has met with each of the participating groups, i.e. CAA, Men's Over 30 Softball, new Commercial/Industrial Leaguer etc. to assure that communication problems were minimized. Contact per- sons at City Hall have been assigned based on type of work to be completed and contact persons/responsibility assignments of user groups (CAA) defined, i.e. who determines "rain-outs", notifica- tion of such, umpire contacts, verification of umpires working, etc. The summer youth employment program is still questionable. The federal employment program appears to be intact (name has been changed). However, given wage standards within the Chanhassen area, few youth have been hired under the federal program. Most Chanhassen youths employed by the city have been funded through the Governor's Youth Employment Program which is still questionable. The 1983 Budget does include additional monies for temporary salaries (assumed that the Governor's Program would not be continued). However, to obtain these monies, the 1983 Budget also projected that the second half of the increase instituted by the City Council, one year ago, would be approved. The previous yearly pass fee was $3.00 and was raised to $4.00 last year - such producing an approximate $2,000 increase in revenues. At that time, the Council stated that the full increase would be phased over a two year period. If this increase is approved, by the Council, an additional $2,000 increase in revenues might be anti- cipated. This $2,000 increase is needed to insure the 1983 budget stays in balance. However, both the commission and council should be aware of the difficulty of. projecting this type of revenue not knowing the number of warm days which will be incurred (1982 had exceptionally warm days at traditionally high volume times) and the fact that the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park will be open this summer potentially diverting local traf- fic. In 1982, we saw a number of vehicles not enter because of the increase in daily fees to $4.00. An increse in daily fees, to $5.00, maybe self defeating. Given the bargain fee for a yearly pass, it would be recommended that this fee be increased to $6.00 and leave the daily fee at $4.00. The commission may wish to recommend a higher fee schedule then being recommended by staff. Other items discussed by the Manager included the advertisement for a Park Secretary/Programmer for approximately 12 hours per week. It was hoped that this position would take Park Commission minutes (Sherma Coombs has stated her desire not to work this . . .