1984 06 05 Agenda . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Park and Recreation Commission Agenda Tuesday, June 5, 1984 1. Park Acquisition and Development Requests a. Karen Vavirchek will be present to make her request. *b. Phyllis Pope *2. Cedar Crest Subdivision review 3. Leach's Resort - Don Ashworth, City Manager, will be present for discussion. *4. Land Use Plan change for Minnewashta Regional Park *5. Hendrickson et al Subdivision review . 6. Lori's update - a. Softball b. July 4 c. Soccer field *d. Lake Susan Landscaping bid e. Grant projects f. Lake Ann Beach open *g. Recreation Programs ";'7. City Council Update * see inserts . n r;CU/il(~' 19~1 , j)&~(YWY1'\ ~ ~YcuJ0 ~d (j I., j(\L, lcxxc'D W ~ L~~f2JY>c)4 me at~k~ . .(J\o\cJ.VYY\"u \.-()ct:i,,-- 'O^,--iL CJi k~t" PC.(.'lt. 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G)~ c 23 0 /~II c),-_LjLE::>~7_ C: vS( Yu nJc-( 11< i _c,-z.o \"L) I. ' -J l Y U-:IY\..O... b;\.., ~ 8 .~ C{ ";' I/. /.-f A DJ: , ? pI10/Lk.J ~~1/ - ~/ Y' 5'. VP)t.j - ;Ylf 17i -7<'~), Lf/Cf -?oS7- //'11/-9c5~ / 4/7 (- J Z ,/~ (/ 7(., / ~ 5. 0';; (! ~--f 7 <j - ~- (: '3 -3 '71L/- 5-~- v1 . 4i'-..\-- ctQ1 <(7V- Sf?? '?ly- '7 }3_3 if 7 ~ - c... i C1 C6 . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 10, 1984 it Page 3 existing safety hazard, the facility is a part of the park plan and that the money is budgeted. A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Robbins to recommend to the City Council that a half- court basketball facility be installed in Meadow Green Park. Motion unanimously approved. FIREMEN'S ANNUAL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: The Fire Department has requested permission for their annual softball tournament to be held on June 1, 2, and 3. They are also requesting that the gate fee be waived for that weekend. A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to recommend approval of the Fire Department's request as submitted. Motion unanimously approved. It SKETCH PLAN REVIEW, 15 -SINGLE FAMILY UNITS, 7251 MINNEWASHTA PARKWAy;-DUANE BARTH~ Bill Mon~ presented the sketch plan and indicated the proposed park dedication land. Although this prop- erty is in an area that is in need of future neighborhood recreation facilities, the Comprehensive Plan indicates that the land dedication would be more appropriately located in the area of Red Cedar Point. Also, the land is situated so as to provide minimal recreational use. A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by Commissioner Schoenecker to collect park dedication fees with each building permit in lieu of accepting the land. Motion una- nimously approved. REVIEW LAYOUT, LAKE ANN BOAT ACCESS, 1983 LAWCON GRANT: Laurie McRostie, representing Van Doren Hazard Stallings was in atten- , dance to present the Lake Ann Boat Access Plan. The presentation included a circle drive that would give access to remote picnic areas as well as being a scenic drive. The plan also included more parking for picnickers and a parking lot for cars with trailers near the access. This layout gives minimal interference to the shoreline walkway. Future expansion of the existing parking lot near the beach was also shown. Discussion included making the road accessible to Tract E, which is yet to be acquired, and the future need for more trailer parking. Ms. McRostie indicated that there would not be a problem with either request. (..... . A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council approve the plan presented with provisions made for additional trailer parking in the future and providing road access to the east. Motion unanimously approved. ( Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 10, 1984 Page 5 . complete and have been submitted to the State for appro- val. Various other documents are needed, i.e. Corps of Engineers permit, Environmental Worksheet, etc. These items are typically completed after the sketch plan review stage. Given potential neighborhood concern/questions, these applications/worksheets are in the process of being completed. Lake Ann Capital Improvements: Primary projects were discussed earlier in the meeting. r" Softball Program: Bill Monk gave a brief update of what is happening in the softball program this year. Softball has expanded to 3 leagues this year and 3 evenings of play at Lake Ann Park. The Meadow Green Park fields are ready and in use. Interest in softball is growing. Summer Programs: Lor~ Sietsema gave a brief summary of the summer programs iri 'Chanhassen. programs are offered to Chanhassen by CAA, and Chaska and Minnetonka community Schools. CAA summer programs including T-Ball, Pee Wee and Babe Ruth Baseball and Soccer are all offered in Chanhassen. Chaska offers a playground program at . Chanhassen Elementary and, Minnetonka provides the beach program at Lake Ann and a playground program at Carver Beach Park. Both Chaska and Minnetonka offer many more programs to residents and these should not be minimized, however they are not offered in Chanhassen. . Lori stated that she would be working with these organi- zations to provide a well-rounded program that will more effectively meet Chanhassen's recreational needs. Items that Lori is currently working on are: softball leagues, tennis lessons at Chanhassen Elementary School, and an Easter Egg Hunt/Kite Flying Contest event. Future ideas include: informal mixed softball league, volleyball league, special events for the 4th of July, and rental garden plots. REGULAR MEETINGS: Commissioner Foltz indicated that he would like to See the Commission meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month. A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Robbins to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. / TIME: 10:30 p.m. . Lori Sietsema, Secretary PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1984 Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping, Joe Warneke, Charlie Robbins and Tom Schoenecker. . r~ MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, City Manager; Bill Monk, City Engineer; and Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Intern APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Robbins and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the January 19, 1984 Park and Recreation Commission minutes as presented. Motion unanimously approved. INTRODUCTIONS: Don Ashworth introduced Lori Sietsema to the Commission. He explained that Lori is an intern from Mankato State University. She will be working with the various park and recreation organizations to help coordinate a comprehensive recreation program for the City of Chanhassen. Don Ashworth also introduced Bi~l Falsone, the newly elected presi- dent of the Chanhassen Athletic'Association (CAA). He gave a brief summary of the status of the CAA and said that they are currently assessing their role i~ the community. , ': MIKE ROSENWALD, INTERVIEW: Mike Rosenwald was introduced by Don Ashworth. Mr. Rosenwald is interested in filling the vacant seat on the Park and Recreation Commission. He began discussion by identifying the reasons he is interested in becoming a member. He is interested in parks, has an athletic family and has lived in Chanhassen for 7 years and would like to become more involved. . To acquaint Mr. Rosenwald with the position, the Commission generally discussed the Five Year Plan and Budget, the Land Develop- ment Ordinance and the length of the term. Commissioner Schoenecker explained that the main thrust of the Commission in the recent past has been land acquisition. Commissioner Foltz stated that the Commissioners must listen to their neighbors for what the needs and wants of the community are. Commissioner Robbins asked Mr. Rosenwald how he envisioned develop- ment. Mr. Rosenwald stated that development and acquisition of parks and recreation facilities should take place before the area is overcrowded with other development. Don Ashworth stated that should Mr. Rosenwald be appointed, Greenwood Shores would not be represented on the Commission. Comments by the Commission on this statement was no one from Greenwood Shores had applied and that the advertisement was not stated that way. . ( A motion was made by Commissioner Hemping and seconded by Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council appoint C OJ\.L>-Uu \0cMJe. loUL~d. o.X C.OJLl~r &Q()1. ~~cd 'lY\d (lIez. ~\~ ~r. Cc Vvv fu..Ld cst- \. 5~~e tf'~es d.~U0~~d . 3.E~~ s;" Yr:xJ.rV;~/'f c.fu-Q ~ . ~ 8,clltl~~ ~oncDM.r{'.-S. ~ffi Q.MJA-- ~~-k ~ ' wct=L 0l60~ Vl.uJ<s. f)amL ud~ss ! ~ or t.._ /). - "" f!'\p.A1 ~~ &. s / 1.31 ~ UJV1.JU.J '-fA~ <f{ t./-71- -~9 g<j . . . j I ~. , CITY OF CBANBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMO: TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: May 31, 1984 FROM: Lori C. Sietsema RE: Carver Beach . Phyllis Pope contacted city Hall recently to express her concern for the appearance of Carver Beach. She feels that the barren parking area full of "No Parking- signs is an eyesore. She would like to see shrubs and grass put there in place of the parking lot. This would deter people from parking there as there would be no parking lot, thus they could do away with the "No Parking" signs in the park. Ms. Pope added that the beach area was very nice, but from the road the park is not aesthetically pleasing. I must point out, however, that once the parking area is filled with dirt and landscaped, it cannot be used for parking again. . J- CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMO TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: May 31, 1984 FROM: Lori C. Sietsema RE: Cedar Crest Development Review - ,'Y The proposed Cedar Crest development is located in the Northwest corner of the city, East of Herman Field and West of Minnewashta Regional Park. (See attachment 11) The comprehensive plan shows that Herman Field is to be developed with baseball diamonds, picnic area, tennis courts, parking, etc. (see attachment 12). The Minnewashta Regional Park plan shows . development of trails and vistas on its northern edge. It is the Staff's recommendation to accept the park dedication fee instead of parkland as there is enough parkland already acquired in the area to meet the citizens' needs. The Park and Rec reation commission may want to consider a 20 foot pedestrian access easement to Herman Field through this development. . e Date: City of Ch:u1hassen Camtunity Develq::m:nt Depa.rt::m:nt 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 5531 i (612) 937-1900 May 23, 1984 To: Developnent Plan Referral Agencies By: Scott A. Martin, comrnunit~ Development Director Subject: Sketch Plan Review: Proposed 16 Lot Residential Subdivision located south of Sandp~per Lane and Minnewashta Woods Drive in Chanhassen (see attached locat~on map) Chanhassen Canmunity Developnent Department Fran: Planning Case No: 84-8 Subdivision The al::ove described application for approval of a land developnent" proposal was filed wit..~ the Chanhassen Cownmity Develq:rnent Depart::Irent on May 22, 1984 In order for us to have the benefit of as ItU.1ch infonnation as possible conceming this application, we \'wOuld like your agency to review the enclosed develq;:ment plans insofar as is applicable to your agency, and make any ccmnents you might have on this proposal. We are particularly interested in matters which affect. the public health, safety and general welfare. __ .. Specifically, we \'JOuld appreciate your ccmrents and reccmnendations conceming the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, e street extensions or irrprovem:nts, and utilities. wbere specific needs or problems exist, we \'wOuld l.i'<.e to have a written report to this effect fran the agency concemed so that we can make a recanrcendation to the Planning Ccmni.ssion and City Council encat;lassing these needs. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Camlission on June 13, 1984 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. In order for the Cornnunity Developrre.nt Department to prepare a thorough review of this application for the Ccmni.ssion and Council, we \'wOuld appreciate receiving your carments by no later than June 4-, 1984 . You nuy also appear at the Planning Carmission rreeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is" greatly appreciated: Enc losed : Pro:::xJsed Deve 10 t Plans l. ~ City Engineer City Attorney City Park Director Fire ~partrr.ent Count'1 Engineer r;t ...y~ Watershed Dist. g~ti) Soil Conservation ervice 12. MN Dept. of Transporta tion 1"':":....... U.S. ~ Corps of Engineers ~ Minneg<:lsco DISTRIBurrON: eFi1e: Carrnunity Dcvelopnent Dep.:J.rtm:nt Fonn No. 81-10 k;ency ~ferral 7/1/81 I~ i' )JV ~ ~() . If' rJ L. t ell (II 6 ~ 1) g} ~ ,~ ~0 ~o ..... 3 ;: ~ C'> z~1J:;j ::;! ~ 11 0 ~ ~ n~ rn ~ 1I:I: ~ ~ <~ 3: :$: !II ~ !Z O~ ..... rn o Z ..., -q I' \"\':t."M"~ t. ~,,~~ ::::l \, \)"'()e ~tt '" u VW~()) \ \ r--- \ -- \ - \- ~ \ ----- f".} -.. , I , --, I ___ I ., 1 - -- -- c; ~ ~ ~ '1 ? ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 IJ ~ OtiOi "''''J ,gf' tfJ I ,.-Y f~\1-I pl1p t'~\" " ]ft b~a ;p ;p ~ ~ ~ ~~ rJ ~o; ;'. o 'l p t VJ (II -f'I rl .0 .~d rP 0 & 0 0 I " , , '.' -.J (") f ....IN() rJ f!Ur. 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('-: , .-- ( (':". , ' .; . ~DM~' PIr;t%l &~cep~)_ A H uLh men + ~ ''0" ~ --1L ~ Herman Field " It is recommended that Herman Field which is currently raw land, be developed as a neighborhood park/playfield. As such, this site will serve the surrounding neighborhood and will additionally, provide facilities for use by the entire community. A detailed master plan should be established to guide overall development. l c.ont ~ - I I- I - . . r-44 Il P -1,.--- \ ,,"-,Om p . ICLY\.(p' K c:-e.{ p t ) ./ CDn+. The following facilities are recommended for inclusion in such a plan: (-. 1. Two or three baseball/softball diamonds should offset both existing and future demand levels. only high quality ball diamonds are located in additional facilities are needed. be constructed to Currently, t'he Lake Ann Park and 2. A picnic area including a small shelter should be constructed on the western end of the park. This area consists of a west facing slope which drops to a small impondment area located just off of the site. This natural terrain break will help delineate the passive picnic space from the actively oriented facilities to the east. 3. An effort should be made to provide a convenient link between the residential uses located in northwestern Chanhassen and Herman Field located to the east. Additionally, safe, conven- ient access to the park should be identified for users residing east of Highway 41. 4. Future planning and facility installations in Herman Field should avoid the duplicatio-n-'.of uses found in the Minnewashta Regional Park. In general, regional parks contain facilities not necessarily found in municipal parks. Coordination during the planning phases of both parks should insure that duplica- tion does not occur. (' 5. Restrooms and drinking fountains should be included in an over- all development program. Temporary restrooms can be used until permanent facilities are constructed. 6. Four lighted tennis courts should be constructed on the site. 7. A parking lot which would serve primarily the ball diamonds and tennis courts should be constructed utilizing the existing street right-of-way for access. 8. Since Herman Field is presently a pasture area with little or no vegetation, the implementation of a planting program in conjunction with facility development is particularly important. . 9. Common access between the Minnewashta Regional Park and Herman Field should be avoided in order to enhance the individual identification of the two facilities. Herman Field is designed primarily to serve Chanhassen residents unlike the Minnewashta facility which is oriented toward a regionally based population. ( . -.---- -_._-_.~ . I I I , I " ',() I \ I , \... \ \ _ _ In , .' - - - 4~ \ ~, ':/l \ 0, 0 L.. S' 0 . " g r _0_ , 3 I 9 , .: I ({ . , ~ I ~ 'f",r - I ; ,- -t- - - , # 1 3 , 7' IJ' , l. 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G:i o 1:: z :::>> ::E ::E c C..: -- -- ,....1.--. -'-- .. - JI6, . . .:~::,.......;;'~ ..::::.....:.:. <":~ . 7;~~~~:~..: ...-';-":'-~'.:=- I f:~.. ~.,:~~;:-~-~~;~..';'.~ :.;;,::~,:,::,:::,':;:~'" ~.,,~~~'2-::=~~: ~_~~~~i~~~:j~i.'~ : :.------.-::-: " -,;.,..:" . .,"-: .'< -:~'~1 f~~ Ji,.......".;,'""~ f ~~:_--. ",_,:J J Ii ~; . __o.~~.'';~ ". ....:-''':'':..:.: . . . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (612) 448.3435 EXT. 255 CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 600 EAST FOURTH STREET CHASKA. MINNESOTA 55318 Ma y 3 0 , 1 984 COUNTY Of CAQVEQ Mr. Scott Martin Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive POBox 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Planning Case No. 84-8 Subdivision Dear Scott: Your submittal of May 23, 1984 regarding the proposed development north of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park (LMRP) has been reviewed. This particular parcel of land was retained by Mr. Herman when we purchased the bulk of his property for LMRP. We were aware of its potential for development and the proposed development will have no adverse impact on our park. We have just recently installed a boundary fence which abuts this property on the south. You should be aware that we would not permit a ~ate or fence opening in this area for access to the park for the residents of this subdivision. Sincerely, / i ! .',~ I ~1 / /:: -4:;,.;~: /\ 11/-v./_0/'), , ,.....~ _1/ _ ;- _~ : \ ~t~ick B. Murphy t.J Director of Public Works PBM/cjr e\i'{ OF CHANHASSEN Fr'''''~''\ t~D .JUN ,: 11984 _ ,._ ..ll~'" ,1'1\I"~-'" O;:\it.LOt'I\ild'i~ \..i~.1 0J~.~~kt~. "t ~ ~ ,.. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer (" ~..~ R.,e60(' ~ l>~~( iJ (::.'7\ ... .:1 , . " ..<\ r-61 C-oV\'\ pf e. hen $. lie.. -PI~ (r X Ur"rJ) ~3 ~~+- .- \ ! CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA .,..x.1 Existing Parks and Service Area : Park Deficiency Areas ~- ~;.;... --- -- .----- L .' .", .... --- III r-63 . Zone 6 Residential areas within Zone 6 are effectively cut off from existing parks by major roadways on the north and south, Lake Minnewashta on the east and by the Chanhassen city limits to the west. Within this area, 134 housing units exist and with sewer service available, it is estimated that another 575-850 units are possible in the future. At the present time, there are no existing public park facilities of any type within the area. ~ In reviewing the needs of Zone 6, the most significant deficiency is the lack of neighborhood park facilities. Tennis courts, ball diamonds, open areas and picnic grounds are non-existent. There- fore, future acquisitions should accommodate such activities. . ~ Regarding possible locations for future park sites, two areas stand out. Leaches Resort, located north of the Red Cedar Point neigh- borhood, would be an excellent addition to the City's park system s h 0 U 1 d i t be com e a v ail a b 1 e i nth e f u t UT e . An 0 the r a 1 t e fl' n a t i ve w 0 u 1 d be to develop a site around Lake St. Joe.. Irregardless of which site, is eventually acquired,~i~ is important that the selected property contain sufficient dry~ upland area to accommodate the active pursuits previously mentioned. * As future residential infill occurs. the city should be prepared through dedication and/or purchase, to acquire an appropriate parcel of land. lake Access . . Chanhassen has a longstanding goal of providing a public access on each lake within the city. The community contains all or part of ten lakes which are legally public waters and, as such, should be accessible. Because it is impossible for everyone to live on a lake, the establishment of public accesses is imperative if the entire community is to enjoy the amenities associated with lakes. --.\ . The following examination of each of Chanhassen1s lakes discusses existing accesses as well as possible future additions. As the city acquires land and access points in the future, close coordi- nation should occur between the Lake Study Committee, Park and Recreation Commission, City Council, and local lakeshore owners to assure that adequate facilities are installed which minimize environmental intrusions and maximize the rights of all concerned. Lake Minnewashta: Lake Minnewashta, which is Chanhassen's largest lake, has one privately owned access at Leaches Resort and inade- quate public access adjacent to it. The existing public access consists of a street right-of-way and is inadequate because of a 1ack of parking anJ mdr..:uvering room. Be(c1USe of development and land ownership in the area, the improvement of the site is not feasible in the near future. C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMO TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: May 31, 1984 FROM: Lori C. sietsema RE: Minnewashta Regional Park Plan and Land Use Plan Change On March 19, 1984, the City Council considered a request by the property owner to change the Land Use Plan and Minnewashta Regional Park Plan to exclude the lands, identified as lands that lie west of Highway 41, as park and open space. Carver County has contacted the City and has no problem with this exclusion change. The parcels involved are parcels C, D, and the Southeast Corner of B. . . . M CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMO TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: May 31, 1984 FROM: Lori C. Sietsema RE: Rural Development and Parkland Dedication A subdivision sketch plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for review. The subdivision proposal lies in the southern part of the City, outside the Urban Service Area, North of Pioneer Trail, approximately one-half mile west of Highway 101. Bluff Creek Golf Course lies just south of the site. . This area is shown as deficient of parkland on the Park Deficiency Area Map, taken from the Comprehensive Plan. However, the Comprehensive Plan fails to address the need for parklands in areas of the City lying outside the Urban Service Area. These outlying areas have been neglected due to the long-standing development restrictions that existed while the Plan was being developed. Development is now permitted in these areas, provided the individual lots are no smaller than 2i acres. Thus, the question posed to the Park and Recreation Commission is: Does the PRC want to review rural subdivisions? In this particular case, because of the large lot sizes and the close proximity of the golf course, staff recommends accepting the park dedication fee instead of parkland. . .. "','.', "~^ ;?J." .;\ . . /1,~ .,.\ ..... . ~}trc'~; 'i~- ~;:,;:J;l i')~ fl..''':'\ l.& C'- '..' ..~ (~" .. . -. r-61 ( f' (" CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA .I~x.l Existing Park~ ~nd Service Area ~ " Park Deficiency Areas ~ " ", ,/ . e"\o- ~- --- -- ----- .~. ..S\ ~ o ----=:::: ;m ~R;eL t"~A::S5:?:>fc..... ' :7 - . . _. ..'~'-:r"04'~"'" ~~~@}l)'--'-[g)n@CEll.~~~L$ - - L:::1 . ~N\-f' 11' I f'fVVlDSP ~~N~-iV - '. .0., C7 ~rv)I)6~-'X)\L..c:,C1'\'T^~~ , ' , DO = ~@@o~lh~~~/lJSDl'\- VSfZlPi t';..t..~Iu;"A~... ' ~ = E(..S../tl"\1iQ.-S I OJi'I\aJ"Jlc;..Je t"I~O 1.<XAItO~c:;, D~;r = -Jve;, ~~erIlP '. .' (-, \1?"r:,c:, A~~ ~L- .~ __ _ :1. .~~ W\~E. ~ ~??# ,..___.____1. @~I1\!JIi1JL!S :. .v. ~- -.-., ~ ....- - ... --.- . ....-.-......- ......~._-. _. - -. #.........'r .~ . i 'h'.;b b~dwi~ 1an~ape architect ~t8 tWOjordan minaeeota live ~~ve three five two: JPMENT DEP '-..l..,~ 0':' W ~4ll...l:"::';:';L:...r1 Carrnunity D2veloFfl'Cl1t Departrnent 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Eox 147 . Olzmhassen, MN 5531 i (612) 937-1900 . Da te : May 21, 1984 To: Develq:r..ent Plan Referral Agencies Frcm: d'.3.I1lussen Cc:rrmmity Developnent Depart::rrent By: Subject: The abJve described application for approval of a land developnent prop:>sal was filed'vith the Chanhassen Caw1lll1ity Developnent Departrrent on April 18, 1984 In order for us to have the benefit of as much i.."1fonnation as p:>ssible concerning this application, we tMJuld like your agency to review the enclosed development pla."1s insofar as is applicable to your agen.cy, and make any ccmnents you might have on this proposal. vle are particularly interested in rratters which a;Efect the public health, safev./ and general ".ielfare. ' Sp......""Cifically, we \vuuld appreciate your ccmrents and recarrnendations concaning t..'-le i.rrIpact of this prcposal on traffic circulation, e.'{isting and pro!;X)sed future utility services, stonn water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites street e.":te..'1sions or inproverrents, and utilities. wbere specific needs or problellS ~~ exist, we tMJuld like to have a written rep:>rt to this effect frem the agency concaned s!JII' that we can make a recarrrendation to the Planning Carrn.ission and city Council encanpassing these needs. This application ~s scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning COllimission on ,Tune 13. 1984 at 7: 30 p.m. p.m. in the COW1Cil Chambers at Chanhasse.n Cit.y Hall. In order for the CC.'TITIUI1ity Developrrent Depari::m2nt to prepare a thorcugh review of this application for the Ccmnission and Council, we "'uuld appreciate receiving your CCffi"nents by no later than June 1 , 1984 You my also apr;ear at the Planning Ccmn.ission neeting if you so desire~ Your coop2ration and assistance is greatly appreciatGd. Enclosed: Prc::osed Developr.ent Plans DISTruI3urIO~1 : l. ~ City Engineer City Attorney City Park Director Fire Dcpartr.12n t Ccun ty Engineer ~ \vatershccl Dist. EnginC0r c:ij) Soil Conservation Service ~ MN Dept. of Tr.:msportJ.tion U.S. Army Corps of Engineers @ ~linnegasco : File: Camn.J.l1 it}, Dcve lq:rrcn t Dcp.:lrt:Ire.n t . Form :\0. 81-10 h;ency Referral 7/1/81 : - Date: City or dunh.J.ssen Catmunity Developrent Dep:lrtrnent 690 Coulter Drive P.o. Box 147 . Chanhassen, MN 5531 i (612) 937-1900 May 21, 1984 To: Develcpnent Plan Referral Agencies Fran: Cha11hassen Ccmnunity Developnent Deparbrent By: Subject: The above described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Ccni.mmity Developnent Departrrent on April 18, 1984 In order for us to have the benefit of as much infonration as possible concerning this application, we vx:>uld like your agency to review the enclosed development plans insofar as is applicable to your agency, and rrake any carments you might have on this proposal. We are particularly interested in rratters which atfect the public health, safety and general ""welfare. . Specifically, we w"Ould appreciate your ccmr.ents and reccmnendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, stann water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easerne..l1ts for park sites, _street e.."{tensions or irrproveJ'[1<=>....nts, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we vx:>uld like to have a written report to this effect fram the agency concerned so that we can make a recanrrendation to the Planning Ccmnission and City Council encanpassing these needs. This application ~s scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Ccmnission on ,Tllnp 13.1984 at 7:30 p.m. p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. In order for the Cc.'11TIilllity Developrrent Department to prepare a thorough review of this application for the Ccmnission and Council, we wuuld appreciate receiving your ccrr.ments by no later than Jun e 1, 1 984 You my also appear at the Planning Carmission m=eting if you so desire. Your coop::ration and assistance is greatly appreciated. Enclosed: Pro::osed Develo;:rnent Plans DISTruBurIO~-.J : 1. City Engineer 2. City Attorney 3. City P<lrk Director 4. Fire D0partrr.ent 5. Count'j Engineer 6. Watershed Dist. Engineer II. 7. Soil Conservation Service 12. 8. MN Dept. of Tr.:msportation 9. u.S. Anny Corps of Engineers 13. 10. Minneg<:lSCo .o NN Dept. of Natural Resources Telephone Ccmpany (N~v Bell or Uni tcd) Electric Corrq:xmy (NSP or t-lN Valley Co-op) -File: Carrnunity Developrent DepurtIlEnt Fonn No. 81-10 ~ency Referral 7/1/81 l! . i LYMA'N. II j...L.J ;' BOULEVARD (C.R 18) ........ ..... ......J '", " .1 NoftTR 1"-1Doo' lac.ATlON Mil - ---r-- 41.1 ac,. .,e. oN / Ntk~ 0 . ~:JC 0''' \fIQ' j~ ffi~ ($:)' 1318.SS 'J:'.1I Ji.S'l Ii' 0 N '" ~ ~~ i~ff~ ~ i1~~' ... i~ ~J . ~i~, ~J ?~~~! t~! l! i~~iiI~ ~~ 1~~9 ~\\ ~ti D (j\~ }~ll' ,"0'\\ cj ~ ~~ i ~~.) ~~~0~ . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR LAKE MINNEWASH L PARK, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREB ~at the Planning Commission of the City of Chanhassen esota, will meet at 7:30 p.m., on Wednesday, ay 23, 984 at the City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive, for the purpose of oIding a public hearing to consider amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Parcels C and D of the Minnewashta Regional Park Master Plan from parks/open space to low density residential. More specifically, the area for the proposed plan amendment involves the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 3, Township 116, Range 23 and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 116, Range 23. Area maps showing the proposed Plan Amendment are available . for inspection at City Hall. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. BY ORDER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ,~~L/ Bob Waibel, City Planner (Publish in the Carver County Herald on May 9, 1984). . L..H",J.l......I. ,._. _, _~_.. I _ I ,.. /;~"'V."'I_'VI ,-. ,.-... ~ '....--., r f " l ":.~ i .. . \ . HERMAN FIELD DEVELOPMENT When developed by the City' of Chanhassen, Herman Field will become a neighborhood park/p1ayfie1d, or a park providing intensive active play activities and facilities for local area neighborhoods. As mentioned previously, Herman Field is a twelve acre tract of land bordering Lake Hinnewashta Park innnediate1y north of the conservation zone. Interaction between the two parks could present a conflict in terms of boundary control (or lack of it) and the incompatibility of uses between an area of active recreation and one of passive recrea- tion. Solutions lie in border control via fencing (especially if user fees are implemented at the County Park) and in vegetative screening between the two areas (only if it is necessary to protect the natural atmosphere of the conservation zone). The City and County should work together on these issues when Herman Field is to be developed. , " " 'J. ~ffi1W~ffi1 ~@l1JJ~u)1 ~b\ffi1~~ o - CITY OF CHANHASSEN " I . ,I ~ "--,. ../ . 690 CaUL TER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Action by ~J :.1m;ni~:l"3iOr r" j~ d ~f'$~d ./ TO: Don Ashworth t.~0dljjt" Rrjecld Dat' :late Submitted tc '~mmjssion FROM: Bill Monk DATE: May 31, 1984 ijate :;~~c;td to CounCil SUBJECT: Bids for Lake Susan Park Landscaping '- :." ,ilf"' On May 7, the City Council approved the plan and specifications for the Lake Susan Park Landscaping Project and authorized soli- citation of price quotations from area nurseries. Six businesses were contacted (see attached letters) with two of these sub- I mitting quotes as follows: '. Firm Base Bid Alternate Bid -- Minnesota Valley Landscape, Inc. $6,194.00 $6,032.00 . Natural Green, Inc. 7,763.00 7,763.00 It should be noted that the "Base Bid" included all plants being furnished by the bidder while the~Alternate Bid4included some transplants from the City's tree farm. Also, all nursery items come with a one year guarantee while the transplanted materials do not. It was hoped that more bids would be received, however, the pri- ces quoted are quite acceptable in light of the consultant's $8,000 rough estimate. with this in mind, it is the recommen- dation of this office that the price quotation from Minnesota Valley Landscape, Inc. in the amount of $6,194.00 be accepted as the $162.00 savings realized with the alternate does not offset the loss of guarantee and the City can find other places to use these existing plants. JfJl1t^~L--- . . . . ....~";.....~...,...~-, William Monk Public Works Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 v~ Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 I"\.\I'N Cl'l\'t'o":"" Telephone (612) 291-6359 May 10, 1984 / fy& ~ ''''. f~ ~ ",.... f... c '; J. c,(.. RE: City of Chanhassen LAWCON/LCMR Preliminary Grant Application Lake Ann Park Development Picnic Shelter/Recreation Building Received 04/30/84 Metropolitan Council.Referral File No. 12113-1 Dear Mr. Monk: The Metropolitan Council has received your application for federal funds to accomplish the project described above, This project will be reviewed in accordance with prodecures of the Office of Manaeement and Budget which require that the Council notify potp.TI.ti.a1.ly affected units of government, neighborhood organizations and numRn rights commissiQns and inform them that they have an opport~nity to co~ent upon this project. Should the Council need more i~=ormation before co~pleting the review, the s taff ~...ill ,:.~i te or call yo'.!:: office. Thank you. Sincerely, OC~frI T .~ ~u~~o..:i V -..J ..... -'- -... - RAIe::ral Coordinator JR: C]h cc: Thomas Harren, Minnesota Intergovernmental Review Process Don Ashworth, City Manager, City of Chanhassen Raymond J. Joachim, Metropolitan Council, District 14 RECi::iVi::D MAY 2 1 1984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Ai" =:"':'Ja: ::C=O"~'.;rht\ =.~o;(;.. ~r .~----;;.:_:~:-. ,",,:,--._-~:-"-:.;.' -. ' ol:i:tal) O,q ~ .5 ~ ~ , ~~. ~ Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 291-6. May 10. 1984 .c William Honk Public Works Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen. Minnesota 55317 RE: City of Chanhassen LAWCON/LCMR Preliminary Grant Application Lake Ann Park Development Softball. Access Road and Parking Received 04/30/84 Metronolitan Council Referral File No. 12112-1 . Dear Mr. Monk: ,. .. The Metropolitan Council has received your application for federal funds tc ~ccomplish the proj ect described above. Thi..:> proj ect -vrill be reviewed in accordance with prcdecures of the Offi=a of Management. and Budget which require that the Council nctify poteIlt:.ally affected units of government, neighborhood 'organizations and ~Ullian rights c01!lIIlissions c:nd inform them that they have an opport'~nity to connnent upon this p~oject, Should the Council need more information before completing the ~eview. the staff will ~vrite or cal~ yc~r of=ice. Thank you. Sincerely, ~T~3 J/";hn R- - ~ .: 0 -- .J vL' u....:....:.. \.J. Referral Coordinator JR:ch cc: Thomas Harren, Minnesota Intergovernmental Review Proces Don Ashworth, City Manager, City of Chanhassen Raymond J. Joachim, Metropolitan Council District 14 HECr:.:iVi:::D . MAY 2 1 1984 ....:.. ':'.:'.,.:~ :occr~'.;r"'t" ~~c~c'!-~r CITY OF CHANHASSEN . . . Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 291.6359 Uay 10, 1984 ~ William Monk Public Works Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: City of Chanhassen LAWCON/LC}ffi Preliminary Grant Application Lake Ann Park Development Ball Diamond Lighting Received 04/30/84 Metropolitan Council Referra\. File No. 12111-1 Dear Mr. Monk: The Metropolitan Council has received your applicati0~ for fede~al funds to accomplish the project described above. This project will be reviewed in accordance with prodecures of the Office or Management a~d Budget w~ich require that the Council notify pot~~tial1y affected units of gove~ent, neighbo~hood organizations and tli._Tt!lc:n rights commissions and inform them that ~hev have an opport~~itu to comment upon this project. J.. J Should the Council need more information before co~~~ting the rev~ew, the staff w~ll w~ite or ca~: you~ office. Thank you. Sincerely, ,I / j.ef_:: Rutfo:!:"d Referral Coordina~or JR:ch cc: ;Thomas Harren, l1innesota Intergovernmental Review . Don Asbvorth. City Hanager, City of Chanhassen Raymond J. Joachim, Metropolitan Council District 14 Process H ECr:r-.;i'.::O MAY 21 1984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ..:..'. ~.~~j ,:;:'c.:.r"'.::':~V s:~c__~".... C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH Io~ . . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMO TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: May 31, 1984 FROM: Lori C. Sietsema RE: Recreation Programs I have been working with the Chaska and Minnetonka Community Schools (especially Chaska) on programs. In order for me to plan programs in the Chanhassen area, whether they go through the Chanhassen Community Services or Community Schools, I really see the need for Chanhassen to have a list of goals for which to strive. What do you, as the Park and Recreation Commission, see as essential for a well rounded recreation menu? I realize that this commission has not had to deal too much with programming in the past, however, I really feel that I need your input to know what this City wants. June 30 is the deadline for program items to be put on the Chaska Community Education calendar. Any programs Chanhassen runs, or wants Community Services to run in Chanhassen, has to be in by that date. . I would appreciate any ideas you may have for fall/winter programs as well as a list of goals we should strive for. Attached is a list of programs offered in the Chanhassen area by Minnetonka and Chaska community Services and the CAA. . . . . CM Soccer - offered to all children (not on tryout basis) o grades I & 2 (instructional league) o grades 3 & 4 o grades 5 & 6 o grades 7 & 8 (merged with Chaska) Chaska Community Education Fitness plus (formerly dancercize) LeBody (aerobics) Other recreation programs are open to Chanhassen residents but are not held in Chanhassen. Minnetonka Community Education All their programs are open to all of the Chanhassen residents, but are not held in Chanhassen. C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: June 1, 1984 FROM: Lori C. Sietsema SUBJ: City Council Update This packet contains the information sent to City Council for action and the action that was taken since the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting. 7. City Council update: a. Lake Ann Expansion b. 1984/1985 LAWCON Grants c. Vendor License Request - Mike Rosenwald d. Lake Susan Park Landscaping e. Firemen's Softball Tournament Request f. PRC Vacancy Application g. Lake Ann Boat Access h. Lake Ann Expansion Acquisition (finalization) . . r . '---or< L' . REGULAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MA Y 7, 1984 Acting Mayor Geving called the meeting to order. with the Pledge to the Flag. The meeting was opened Members Present Councilman Horn, Councilwoman Watson, Councilwoman Swenson Mayor Hamilton came late Staff Present Don Ashworth, Bill Monk, Scott Martin Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Intern APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilwoman Watson moved to approve the agenda as presented-With the additions of 201 Program and Zamor Resolution. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Geving, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, and Councilman Horn. No nega- tive votes. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: Agenda: d. First Reading of Sewer and .Water Ordinances. i. Approve Standard Form Development Contracts for Owner and Municipal Installation of Improvements. Councilwoman Swenson moved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager1s recommendations: a. Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request to Allow for Commercial Stables and Riding Academies in the R-1A District as Conditional Use, First Reading. b. Final Plat Review, Hillside Oaks. c. Municipal Improvements Policy, Consultants. e. Re-certification of Assessments for Tax Forfeiture Property, Public Hearing June 4, 1984. ~f. Approve Plans and Specifications for Lake Susan Park LandscaoinQ .e..LuI. . g. Fireworks Display Permit, July 4th, William Naegele. h. Resolution Approving Issuance of Duplicate Bond Coupons. RESOLUTION #84-22. j. Final Plat Review, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Geving, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, and Councilman Horn. No negative votes. Motion carried. The following items were removed from the Consent PUBLIC HEARING, LANDFILL SITES: Al Klingelhutz reminded Council members that a public meeting will be held May 17th at 7:30 p.m. on the Landfill Sites in Carver County. CARVER COUNTY DEPUTY ASSESSOR, SCOTT WINTERS: Don Ashworth introduced Scott Winters to the Council. He is assigned to Chanhassen. Mayor Hamilton came at this point in the meeting. Council Meeting May 7, 1984 -4- A motion was made by Councilman Geving to deny the building permit for T I.ots 490-496, Carver Beach and abate all future assessment and refund all payments. Motion seconded by Mayor Hamilton. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Swenson and Watson, Councilman [ Geving. Councilman Horn voted no. Motion carried. SEWER AND WATER DELINQUENCIES, AUTHORIZE CERTIFICATIONS: RESOLUTION #84-24: Mayor Hamilton moved the adoption of a resolution certifying the following delinquent sewer and water bills to the County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes in 1985: 1-300310 Tract B, RLS #59 $ 466.88 1-300312 Tract B, RLS #59 $1,025.33 1-400618 Lot 2, Block 1, Surise Ridge $1,101.34 Resolution seconded by Councilwoman Swenson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. LAKE ANN BOAT ACCESS: Laurie McRostie, VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings, wa present. -rota 1 estimated project costs are $90,000 with grant funding being approved by the state at 50%. Mayor Hamilton moved that the-preseqted layout be approved for the boat access at Lake Ann Park. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and wenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. fAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVISION, MEADOW GREEN PARK, HALF-COURT !............ ASKETBALL FACILITY: A request has been received from the Chaparral . Homeowners Association for the installation of a half-court basketball facility in Meadow Green Park. This request also includes an offer of up to $500 toward improvement of play facilities in the park., Residents of Chaparral that were in attendance stated their willingness to help with the project. RESOLUTION #84-24A: Mayor Hamilton moved the adoption of a resolution approving the installation of a half-court basketball facility in Meadow Green Park and accept the $500 donation toward that improvement. Resolution seconded by Councilmoman Watson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. LAKE DRIVE EAST FEASIBILITY STUDY AND BASIC FINANCIAL PLAN: RESOLUTION ~25: Mayor Hamilton moved the adoption of a resolution approving the feasibility study and general financing plan. Resolution seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. HIGHWAY 212 CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Mayor Hamilton moved to appoint John Neveaux, Al Klingelhutz, Tom Hamilton and Clark Horn to the Highway 212 Citizen's Advisory Committee. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen 'atson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. .1 0 t i on car r i e d . ....'., ~ ~ . ( . i f .....~~... .. REGULAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNC~ll MEETING MA Y 21, 1984 Mayor Hamilton called the meet~ng to order. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. Members Present Councilman Horn, Councilwoman Watson, Councilwoman Swenson Councilman Geving l' Staff Present Don Ashworth, Bill Monk, Scott Martin, Roger Knutson APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilwo~an Watson moved to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of Discussion on tax forfeited land. Motion seconded by Mayor Hamilton. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. ~ CONSENT AGENDA: The foltowing items were removed from the Consent Agenda: a. Final Reading of Sewer and Water Ordinances. d. Fees for Service kgreement, lake Ann Interceptor. Mayor Hamilton moved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager's recommend-ations:' -'. b. Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request to Allow for the Establishment of Commercial Stables/Riding Academies in the R-1A District. Final Reading. ~c. Lake Ann Park Expansion Acavisition. e. Recertification of Tax forfeiture Properties. f. Authorize Application to State for IRB Entitlement Designation Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Geving and Horn. No negative votes. Motion carried. . ... SIGN PERMIT VARIANCE REQUEST, 501 WEST 79th STREET, PRAIRIE HOUSE ifffiAURANT: ,- -- Councilman Horn - I am just c~rious why this is part of Visitor Presentations-Dn the agenda. Don Ash w 0 r t h - 1ft he a p p.l i cain tis got 0 t h r 0 ugh the P 1 ann i n 9 Commission he would have to make a filing. The issue presented is pri- marily one of an interpretation of the ordinance. The request from the applicant is that his belief ,is that he would like to approach the Council feeling that this signage is in line with the theme for the property. If the Council agrees he could leave the signage as is. If the Council wishes him to have the item heard he would be directed to the Planning Commission to do through the hearing process. It is an odd procedure in this case but it really does become an interpretation as to the intent of the ~ity ~ouncil in passing the Sign Ordinance. Councilman Geving - Would our action delay the signage on the structure? Don Ashworth - The sign is up right now. The question brought up is whether or not that conforms ~d if you look at the ordinance it beco- mes a definition of whether or not it is in violation of the intent of that ordinance. I I I . ~ J ~ .. ~ , ~ 1 I I I I I J I J - CITY. OF CHANHASSEN ,&} J:;:e. .-- -, V'-. . 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 r~ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Expansion I The Park Commission/Planning Commiss,ion/City Council have agreed to a long range expansion plan for Lake Ann Park (copy attached). To accomplish the plan, three sep~rate land acquisitions were required: , - A 4.04 acre strip (Parcel C) connecting Greenwood Shores to Lake Ann - donation of property accomplished in 1981 - A 11.4 acre parcel (Parcel D) northeast of the existing park property. This parcel was designated for a boat access and picnicking. This parcel was purchased in 1981 at a cost of $110,000.+ Payment occurred through a grant received from the State. Parcel C was used as the City's "contributing share" and, as a result, no local costs were incurred through the acquisition. . - A 20 acre parcel (Parcel E) lying east of Lake Ann Park and designated for active park and recreation expansion needs. The City had reached agreement with the developer of Lake Ann Planned Residential Development to deed this 20 acres to the City as a part of platting requirements. . :i1_ Rising interest rates literally shui down all housing projects within the Twin City area during 1982 and 1983. Lake Ann PRD never proceeded and ownership of the property reverted back to the mortgagee, First National Bank of St. Paul. First National Bank has been actively marketing the approximate 200 acre Lake Ann PRO property. This 200 acre parcel has been partially platted to include the 20 acre parcel desired by the City, a separate 20 acre parcel lying directly east of the City's prop- erty (Parcel I) and the remaining 160 acres (minus various right- of-way dedications). As this total parcel does represent three separate developable parcels, First National Bank is free to market the prop-erty either as an entire tract or as three . """ " -,. .... ~".' .......- '" - ~.~--- ~ . Park and Recreation Commission April 6, 1984 Page 2 separate parcels. The 20 acre parcel lying east of the proposed Lake Ann expansion (Parcel I) was sold to Sunnybrook, Inc. The Planning Commission/City Council have approved development plans for a convention center on this site and construction is likely to occur in 1984/85. These facts place significant pre~~ure on the proposed expansion parcel. Should First National Bank sell the 20 acre park expansion property and private development be considered, the City would be forced to acquire the property through condemnation or allow such development to occur. These types of condemnation can become quite expensive in that the purchaser can often demonstrate or hold out for a higher value than would have occurred if a negotiated purchase occurred. . The previous owner of the property and First National Bank of St. Paul have approached the City several times during the past two years attempting to sell the proposed expansion parcel to the City. Initial offers were placed at $10,000 per acre which was shown to equal the actual cost incurred by the developer. Subsequent reducing offers o~urred with the current offer being $7,500 per acre. Without question, First National Bank of St. Paul wishes to work with the City and does not wish to enter into a sale which may place the City in a difficult position. On the other side of the coin, the bank is not in the development busi- ness and has stated that a private sale would be considered if terms could not reached with the City. Two separate factors at play which increase the desirability of moving forward with the acquisition include: - Sewer, water, and street improvements will be extended as a part of the Sunnybrook Development. If the City does not own the proposed expansion parcel, typical assessment stan- dards would force the City to assess this parcel fully. This would not be true if under public ownership, i.e. certain improvements such as sewer and water would not be assessed to the City as no benefit would be received; and . - Active recreational needs are increasing faster than available facilities. Specifically, 14 new industrial/ commercial teams started this past year. Another doubling of this figure will occur in 1984/85 as adult mixed leagues begin. All weekday fields at Lake Ann are booked for 1984. CAA has been moved to Chaparral and those fields are currently booked every evening. Similarly, younger CAA teams have totally used available fields at the Elementary School. The Legion field is overcrowded with concerns from Legion members as to their ability to use their own field. The Park Acquisition and Development Fund currently has a balance which could pay for an outright purchase of the 20 acre park . . - I - I I I J I , I I I I I I I i I Park and Recreation Commission April 6, 1984 Page 3 . expansion parcel. This office cannot recommend such as this would reduce fund balances below desired levels and jeopardize our ability to enter into matching grant programs within the next 2 to 3 year period of time. The other alternative would be to seek a multi-year (5 to 10 year) purchase of the property from First National Bank. This alternative is attractive in maintaining casn balances while allowing future development charges to pay for current year costs. I would ask that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council that City staff be authorized to negotiate with First National Bank of st. Paul for a multi-year purchase of the park expansion property (20 acre parcel). , '. I , . UPDATE: Park & Recreation Action - April ~ 1984 Lake Ann Expansion Don Ashworth gave a brief review of the Lake Ann Expansion plan. Brian Foltz asked how much unallocated money was in the Park Acquisition and Development account. Mr. Ashworth estimated $160,000 but noted that spending the balance would make the city ineligible for future grants. Tom Schoenecker discussed that the price had gone down on the pro- perty, expressing that if the time to buy is now then steps should be taken to move forward. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend to the council that they authorize the city manager (or a designated representative) to start negotiations with the bank to purchase tract E, on a multi-year basis. Charlie Robbins seconded the motion. Ayes=all. . ..;.. "... . ... .4 .-'f~V ...n . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 II MEMORANDUM . . JI 3 . I .' . I I . I .t' I TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: April 6, 1984 SUBJ: 1985 LAWCON Grants .. I The MN Department of Economic~Development has moved up the sub- mission date for 1985 LAWCON grant applications to April 30. To meet this deadline the Commission will be required to recommend specific projects for Council review on April 16. .;' Due to the Manager's recommendation in the previous item, I believe the development of the expansion of Lake Ann Park should be given high priority as a potential grant application. This expansion would at minimum include site grading and installation of three ball fields. " " Other potential grant submittal items include: "," 1 Lake Ann Park shelter building for"multi-purpose use in beach/picn~carea. .........::,,:......~....~- .....,~.-'\~:..~-.'..:...:.. . ....'... ...~ - Lights...,~n.:Fi~ld )16::'.1.~.at 'Lake Ann Park. .:--: ~?~.:~;-.~. :'~.J; ". /:: ,.'.:' .~~\ ':. ;..;'.-.;~ ~;,"... ':.~: ;'~:':',; < '. . ~;O~: . ~. .~. <.,;. ., ;- '::)' or"': :~'. ;:. .:;..~._~ :'c!:. :l~ It should be'noted that Chanhassen does not stand much of a chance to secure more 'than one grant in any one.year= However, several submi ttals may be 'made ':individually and may actually increase the City's chances of securing that one grant given the State's multiple criteria review process. ~. '1 b. - .......""'--.. . UPDATE: Park and Recreation Action - April 10, 1984 1985 LAWCON Grants Bill Monk started discussion by pointing out that the LAWCON grant application submission date has been moved up to April, 30, 1984. He asked that the commission state what they feel are priority items to be applied for. t i I j . 1 1 I 1 , . , , j , Several items were brought up, such as Herman Field and a city trail system but were not considered this year due to lack of time to prepare the plans. These items may well be considered in future grant submittals. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker to recommend that the city council approve submittal of separate LAWCON grant applications for: development of the Lake Ann Park expansion, Lake Ann Park multi-use shelter-building, and lights on field nd.l at Lake Ann Park. Charlie Robbins seconded the motion. Ayes = all. '\. City Engineer's comments: It should be noted that some level of consultant assistance will be required in preparing these grant submittals. These costs will be kept to a minimum and will be . borne by the Park Acquisition and Development Fund (410). Action by Citj' ~r. ~ii':j~::"jt61 Er.ccrss~ ....-- ;,~vd;fi~J Rej~ct~rl DJ!~ OJt. $u~:nitt;d to Cc:r,:r.i;s,c;1 '1/10 If'! U:l:~ Sti":nilt~d :') coJ:'::-;':lf '1/LilL'L_.. . \. CITY OF CHANHASSEN IJtt -., ...... i~_ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: AprilS, 1984 SUBJ: Vending License Request, Lake Ann Park, Mike Rosenwald As can be seen from the attached letter, Mike Rosenwald is requesting permission to operate a concession trailer at Lake Ann Park this summer. Mr. Rosenwald will be present on Tuesday evening to discuss his proposal in more detail. In talking with him earlier this week, he stated that he will be deleting the sale of hot dogs from his request' a.s the Minnesota Dept. of Health requires hot and cold running water to serve such. He stated he will basically be selling packaged snacks and soft drinks. .Attached is a copy of the Park and Recreation Commission minutes of July 12, 1983 wherein the Commission considered a similar request last year as well as the agreement that was approved at that time. Staff recommends that only one vendor be licensed to operate in Lake Ann Park at anyone time. However, the Commission may wish to consider an additional vendor request should it be substan- tially different in scope. Approval of the request in accordance with the guidelines stated in the agreement is recommended. However, the City Attorney should review the agreement to insure that all major items have been considered. UPDATE: Park & Recreation Action - April 10, 1984 Vending license request, Lake Ann, Mike Rosenwald Commissioner's discussion included operating time, days and dates; posting hours; limiting licenses to one vendor per year; including liability insurance in the agreement. . Mr. Rosenwald has tentatively set the hours from 19:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Saturday. He will be in operation from May 26th thru September 3rd and has agreed to post those hours. . The commissioners agreed that, given the size of Lake Ann Park, one vendor would be all that they would allow at one time. Mr. Rosenwald agreed not to be operating during the city's annual softball tournament (Chanhassen Fire Department). Commissioner Foltz expressed his concern about the liability insurance and noted that it was not mentioned in the agreement. Motion: Charlie Robbins moved that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend to the council that Mr. Rosenwald's proposal be accepted with the liability insurance included in the agreement. The motion was seconded by Richie Hemping. Ayes=all. Managers' comments: ..... -. I will have the city attorney review the agreement before it is submitted for signatures. .r\~ ~ fYry..~ . CITY OF ~ CHAHHASSEU-7cJ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 ;..ctian by C;tI l\tjmi:1j:;tjj~-:~, Endul s~u ~ ~l'Jj::;',d MEHORANDUM P.c;ectcd TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Dc!L: [I::.t~ ~~ubr.j:~~:j ~o GJ~:r:liS3ior~ FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer L:tc ~~~j':;;tL: ~ ~,: L0:..;!~::;1 DATE: May 1, 1984 S"17/ilj SUBJ: Lake Susan Park Landscaping plans and specifications for ~the Lake Susan Park Landscaping project consistent with City Council comments of October 17 are attached. The documents are quite straight-forward and approval is recommended. In reviewing this item, two items should be noted: _ It is proposed to take price quotations from area firms instead of implementing the full bidding process due to the limited scope and cost of the proposed project. . - with the recently submitted there is a very good chance be resolved in early 1985. an opportunity to take root improvement petition from Opus, that the park access issue will This will allow the landscaping prior to full park development. Again, approval of the submitted plans and specifications for the Lake Ann Landscaping project is recommended. /)h~ /) '-:::::::7'/ /1 c.... '- ~~ I J t J I J J I I r I I I I I I I a I, !J. .::. · tc,. CITY OF CHANHASSEN - 1~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: AprilS, 1984 SUBJ: Softball Tournament Request, Chanhassen Fire Department Attached is a letter from the Fire Dep~rtment, regarding 'their annual softball tournament-. They are/requesting the use of all three ball diamonds at Lake Ann PCU'k on June 1, 2, and 3, as well as having the gate fee waived for that weekend. As this request is consistent with previous years, staff recom- mends approval as submitted. . UPDATE: . .. Park & Recreation Action - April 10, 1984 Firemen's AnnuaiSoftball 'Tournament . . ~; . . . ~ f~ :: .... '" .' -"" . . . ." . ...~. . . . J A rnotlon was made by Tom Schoenecker to recommend approval of the Firemen's Softball Tournament for June 1,2,& 3 and to waive the park entry fee for that weekend. Joe Warneke seconded the motion. .... .... . Ayes=all. ~ . ~. ... ..' .. ..~-, ., . p' CITY OF CHANHASSEN .-' oJ-. /+ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: April 5, 1984 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy At the January 19th meeting staff was directed to advertise the commission vacancy created by Jack Mauritz's resignation. After advertising several time~ in the Carver County Herald, only one application was received. Mike~~osenwald will be present on Tuesday evening for an interview\see attached application). If the Commission feels that Mr. Rosenwald should be selected to fill this vacancy, a motion recommending such should be forwarded to the City Council. The term for this position will expire on December 31, 1985. . UNAPPROVED EXCERPT OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTE~ (April la, 1984) MIKE ROSENWALD, INTERVIEW: Mike Rosenwald was introduced by Don Ashworth. Mr. Rosenwald is interested in. filling the vacant seat on the Park and Recreation Commission. He began discussion by identifying the reasons he is interested in. becoming a member. He is interested in parks, has an athletic family and has lived in Chanhassen for. 7 years and would like to become more.~i~y~lved. To acquaint Mr. Rosenwald with the position, the commission generally discussed the Five Year Plan.and Budget, the Land Develop- ment Ordinance and the length of the term. Commissioner Schoenecker explained that the main thrust of the Commission in . the recent past has been land acquisition. Commissioner Foltz . stated that the Commissioners must listen to their neighbors for what the needs and wants of the community are. Commissioner Robbins asked Mr. Rosenwald how he envisioned develop- ment. Mr. Rosenwald stated that development and acquisition of parks and recreation facilities should take place before the area is overcrowded with other development. . ," CITY OF CHANHASSEH )(3'-"- - . -/ /. ~ / . . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: April 5, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Boat Access In 1983 Chanhassen was awarded a LAWCON grant for installation of an entrance drive, parking area, and boat access to Lake Ann Park. Total project costs were estimated at $90,000 with grant funding being approved by the state at a 50% level. , At this point in the process, the City must submit a project design and start work on detailed engineering design. A pro- ject design is attached.for the.Commission's review and will be more fully presented and described at Tuesday's meeting. Following this presentation, a motion recommending the presented layout or some variation thereof for City Council consideration is in order. . UNAPPROVED EXCERPT OF PARK AND RECREATION CO~~ISSION MINUTES: ---- ~ril 10, 19842- REVIEW LAYOUT, LAKE ANN BOAT ACCESS, 1983 LAWCON GRANT: Laurie McRostie, representing Van Doren Hazard Stallings was in atten- dance to present the Lake Ann Boat Access Plan. The presentation included a circle drive that would give access to remote picnic areas as well as being a scenic drive. . The plan also included more parking for picnickers and a parking lot for cars. with trailers near the access. This layout gives minimal interference to the shoreline walkway. Future expansion of the existing. parking lot near the beach was also shown. Discussion included making the road accessible to Tract E, which is yet to be acquired, and the future need for more trailer parking. Ms. McRostie indicated that there would not be a problem with either request. A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council approve the plan presented with provisions made for additional trailer parking in the future and providing road access to the east. . Motion unanimously approved. ..' . . ,. ~ ~ APPENDIX 2 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR BOAT LAUNCHES Access Feature Development Guidelines - One space for each 20 acres of lake surface - 750 square feet (15- x 50-) where parking spaces are unmarked - 500 square feet (10. x 50.) where parking spaces are marked - Each ramp 12 feet wide - Not more than 20 parking spaces per ramp - Maximum of four ramps per access site - Water depth of two feet within 20 feet of lake shore - Dimension = 15- x 50- ~, ": 22 feet wi de for two-way traffi c ~ 11 feet wide for one-way traffic - 700 square feet per parking space (exclu- sive of parking space, ramp, turn-around and roadway) for purpose of screening access from residential development 1. Parking space for vehicle with trailer 2. Boat launch ramp 3. Turn-around 4. Roadway 5. Buffer zone Operational Guidelines 1. Open at least 16 hours a day between 4 a.m. and 12 midnight.* 2. No fees charged for launching any craft. 3. Where an access is provided within a park, uniform fees shall be charged to all users, regardless of residence. 4. No special regulations that do not apply equally to riparian boater. *There are a few specialized situations which make adherence to this guideline difficult. Boat launch ramps located within parks. which have established. opening and closing hours. are a case in point. While the 16-hour minimum is still the desired goal. agencies might have problems staffing contact stations earlier and later than the normal operating hours. Where such circumstances exist. the responsible agency must be flexible enough to respond, should the public demand an extension of launching hours. The policy is to negotiate the most reasonable opening and closing time possible with cooperating agencies. Access hour negotiations which result in less than the recommended 16-hour minimum will be accepted, providing that all other criteria are met. However, these sites will be considered inadequate. allowing for the establishment of another site on the affected bodies of water to provide additional hours of use where deemed necessary. .\ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1JrL ----- 74 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 ..:Jcn u., ~:--I .~.~;"t;~'~:r J~."'" Ei:rlo(:;c~ L-/ MEMORANDUM r,~lJJi:l:l'j RejEcle:! TO: Park and Recreation Commission DJt.... DJte ~~:"::-:.'::C: :J C';"TI!il:~~Il):l FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer- ~;,j;,'~;:,~~:..J t:~ l.t,...;::'j DATE: April 16, 1984 ~/ Uf'f ._ SUBJ: Request for Half-Court Basketball Facility at Meadow Green Park A request has been submitted by the President of the Chaparral Homeowners Association concerning the installation of a half- court basketball facility at Meadow Green Park. Installation of . such a facility has always been planned, however, its installa- tion (along with the tennis courts) was not scheduled to occur until the area was fully developed. Due to the slowdown in the area's development, the Association is requesting installation of at least the basketball set-up at this time. This would require an amendment to the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget. Depending on how much of the work might be completed in-house, costs could run between $800 and $2,000. Whether the Commission wishes to consider such a request or post- pone action until preparation of 1985 budget is totally discre- tionary. A layout sketch of the park will be available at Tuesday's meeting to assist in review of this item. ---/dt ,~-<------ UNAPPROVED EXCERPT OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES (April 10, 1984) REQUEST FOR HALF-COURT BASKETBALL FACILITY, CHAPARRAL HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: Bill Monk, City Engineer was present to discuss a request from the Chaparral Homeowner's Association for installing a half-court basketball court in Meadow Green Park. Mr. Monk . stated that they are currently playing basketball in the street which is a safety hazard. He stated that the the basketball court is a part of the future plan for this park and is estimated to cost between $800 and $2000. .." . . . ... ... ,I ~~~ ~rJ1- r~' HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION ""0 ~dparr a.J P.O. Box 224, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317-0224 25 April 1984 vlilliam Monk City Engineer City of Chanhassen Chanhassen Minnesota 55317 Dear Bill You asked for an explanation of the position re Meadow Green Park held by Chaparral Horne Owners Association. It follows. The CHA - along with members of the Cimarron association - is willing to contribute up to $500 toward improvement of play facilities at Meadow Green. Some rationale: + individual homeowners are prohibited by Association rules from installing play devices on their individual properties; + children playing in yards of homes are very likely to run into the streets (while chaSing balls, etc). creating an uncontrollable ,problem with safety; + part of the mon~es we home6wners paid for our properties was designated for deve~opment of community parks. For all these reasons, along with numerous others, it is evident that we have an intense interest - vested interest - in f.Ieadow Green. During our recent telephone conversation, you indicated that the City Council very likely will approve expenditure of up to $2,000 for installation of half a basketball court (blacktopped) and a regulation basket on an appropriate standard. This certainly would go a long way toward developing the desired diversified facilities needed to accommodate the wide age range of youngsters in our community. We appreciate all you have done and propose to do to meet the needs of our youngsters (including some who are more advanced chronologically) and we pledge all the assistance within our means to assist in the venture. 7~~e~ Sandra, Jay Parker Vice P esident Bill - There will be a CIU member at the 7 May Council meeting to speak to the issue, if that is desired.~ Xcc Members, Chanhassen City Council . t~- _. -1\-\ wf ~ . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . {~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: May 21, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Expansion Acquisition (Finalizes Previous City Council Authorization) Per City Council authorization.9f ~pril 6, 1984, this office com- menced negotiations with First Nat.iOllal Bank of St. Paul for the remaining 20 acre parcel completiilg .t,he ultimate expansion plan for Lake Ann Park. Negotiations were. to be attempted between $6,500 to $7,500 per acre with s~ch to: be purchased over a multiple year period (this sentence appears in City Council . member packets only). First National Bank of st. Paul has agreed to a contract for deed purchase at a cost of $6,500 per acre ov~r a five year period at an annual interest rate of .9%. In agreeing to these terms, First National Bank asked for the following: - A qualified bond'counsel opinion as to the tax exempt nature of thishote and that such conforms to Minnesota Statutes ~ ,.~nd . C".', i - A 10 % down ,pay~ent,.'and - Equal semi-annual i~~~allments of principal and interest. >.. ":~. . .", .. , .:.... I was extremely pleased with the' .positio'n presented by First National Bank. The legal opinion being sought can be provided at a very nominal cost from the LeFevere Firm (bond counsel for the City). Terms of the financing agreement (attached) were prepared by Juran and Moody at no cost to the City. This office would recommend approval of a the purchase of Parcel E of RLS No. 88 in terms and conditions as outlined by Juran dated May 4, 1984. resolution authorizing accordance with the and Moody - such being (\? ~."\ \ , ; CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 April 30, 1984 First National Bank of St. Paul Attn: Ms. Jacqueline K. Davison 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: Park Acquisition, Tract E of RLS No. 88, City of Chanhassen Dear Ms. Davison: .'. '.. Acquisition of Parcel E of RI.S No. 88, contlnues to be prerrature.The need for the J;8rcel arises when the parent 100+ acre tract is developed. Purchase or dedication of the 20 acre parcel, when develop;nent occurs on the parent parcel, is preferable as such matches up City resources with expenditures. . I reco;nize that the bank is not in the land developnent business. Secondly, the sale of Parcel E to a private party, not purchasing the parent parcel, could present problems for both the bank and the City. '" Far these reasons, you have asked the City to conslmltlate the purchase at this time. Our cash flow problem has not changed. HCMe\7er, I have sought and received authority from the Chanhassen City Council to detennine if a negotiated purchase can be achieved. The only means by which a purchase could be considered would be if such were c:atpleted. through a loan or cootract for deed. We \\Uuld seek a fi ve year term with equal annual payments. For m.Y cash flow analysis I have assum:d a 9% interest note on the unpaid balance. . Using these figures, a . plrchase price of $130,000 for parcel E would maintain a marginally positive balance wi thin our Park Bend Fund. Should you find this offer acceptable, please contact me. Any offer presented by myself does require final approval by the City Council. ,. . 4. ' .... " I am in hopes that your office will approve the al::x::lV'e presented offer. Soould ~u have any questions regarding such, please feel free to contact me. sz;' ~J OiL~ OalAshworth City Manager . DA:k < I (~ \. Park and Recreation Commission April 6, 1984 Page 2 . separate parcels. The 20 acre parcel lying east of the proposed- Lake Ann expansion (Parcel I) was sold to Sunnybrook, Inc. The Planning Commission/City Council have approved development plans for a convention center on this site and construction is likely to occur in 1984/85. These facts place significant pre&sure on the proposed expansion parcel. Should First National Bank sell the 20 acre park expansion property and private development be considered, the City would be forced to acquire the property through condemnation or allow such development to occur. These types of condemnation can become quite expensive in that the purchaser can often demonstrate or hold out for a higher value than would have occurred if a negotiated purchase occurred. The p~evious owner of the property and First National Bank of st. Paul have approached the City several times during the past two years attempting to sell the proposed expansion parcel to the City. Initial offers~ere placed at- $10,000 per acre 'which was shown to equal the actual cost incurred by the developer. Subsequent reducing offers occbrred with the current offer being $7,500 per acre. Without question,; First National Bank of st. Paul wishes to work with the City and does not wish to enter into a sale which may place the City in a difficult position. On the . other side of the coin, the bank is-not in the development busi- ness and has stated that a private sale would be considered if terms could not reached with the City. Two separate factors at play which increase the desirability of moving forward with the acquisition include: - Sewer, water, and street improvements will be extended as a part of the Sunnybrook Development. If the City does not own the proposed expansion parcel, typical assessment stan- dards would force the City to assess this parcel fully. This would not be true if under public ownership, i.e. certain improvements such as sewer and water would not be assessed to the City as no benefit would be received; and - Active recreational needs are increasing faster than available facilities. Specifically, 14 new industria1/ commercial teams started this past year. Another doubling of this figure will occur in 1984/85 as adult mixed leagues begin. All weekday fields at Lake Ann are booked for 1984. CAA has been moved to Chaparral and those fields are currently booked every evening. Similarly, younger CAA teams have totally used available fields at the Elementary School. The Legion field is overcrowded with concerns from Legion members as to their ability to use their own field. The Park Acquisition and Development Fund currently has a balance which could pay for an outright purchase of the 20 acre park . .. r- . Ie e . . ~..' /1161 .. , .. : . . . , · i i- r ..,) i ..~ . ~ f- - __ : I , : ,: : ! '- . i ,/! I~~~- i /1 /--- : / 1"''--' / I ...... Ii Ip ....., :I I"JORQSE · . ReSiden' i r'p\-~ " .' rea . , ..... I -..-7.......,/ I ! / ---~. r I ---.... ( i ............ 1- --..-: // I ~ I ,.. ._ _. \ r,.r 'SlJr ..I.:..... ~~.t~ :tA:'. A . .;.~ s ~:c.. ~. ~.:.,.: . . ~r"'. ~ "" . .~. -,~. .'~\~. ~ ~.!;!'l' ~ - .~~:~:...:.. :.-:: . ~~;,~::.' "~I ~~: ~. ,",.. ...... .~. . i1if..':~-~'" ::.:~.". .;;!. ..f _' _...... _ ~~{~j.~ ;i~.:'~~~:~ .,.- ::;!:r.:~:...~:~~:.~>. . ~:....:,~.. .. 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'T' ~ 'I ::-:--:-:::i-----...;....\.:.~'-. :: \:.~'-:;~.I.:,:It-:;:'1 I':tl, -- d -==:~=::.t. ___, t~-~ --.,.; ...-J ~ !', =. .\ --=~-=' 3. .....~'T" L -J. ,I . -:;:at --="=., :.: ""'.?J ,- .:.... -~ . .t~.:...'-_.._.._~~~~~.-::~.r~- ::~- "'.. ':, .. ..0 ... .0 ....... ...._~. ~ -: ~. .. .. :..,.... ., ...-~.; {:.!.~Tf~~.~:.~ - '"': '.' ". . . 'r. ."._," ." '.. '--4 1 " \ t- .-,,- ~ \ --\ ~_._.- \ , .. , ~ ' .---- ~ ,~I I : , i L.-l- -...- I , l I :' i I ~ . --...~~- , ! i / ~ Minn. TH 5 ,..-.' -., --...- .. ---' ----.. - "----..-..---.. . _..--.._-_.._..~.._-, I ~--.._ :;Iake ann park illtH "',., ...... "I co . np\lplnnm~nt : ~ north .-'- , CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . . . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 May 17, 1984 LeFevere, Lefler, Kennedy, O'Brien & Drawz Attn: Mr. David Kennedy 200 First Bank Place West Minneapolis, MN 55402 .. Re: Contract for Deed Park Expansion purchase, City of Chanhassen Dear Mr. Kennedy: ..... I would request that your office prepare a resolution authorizing the City Council to purchase a 20 acre tract within the City of Chanhassen for park purposes. The "outline of proposed loan terms", prepared by Juran and Moody is attached. The legal description for the land proposed to be purchased is "Tract E, . Registered Land Survey No. 88". . As will be noted from the attached materials, First National Bank of St. Paul is seeking an opinion from your office as ,to the tax exempt status of this type of contract under Minnesota Statutes. I would also ask for your office to prepare such an opinion. Should you have questions regarding this item, please feel free to contact either myself, Andy Merry or Jackie Davison of the First National Bank of st. Paul (291-5257). Sin21 Don Ashworth City Manager Ck:BO ..7 DA:k . t.- ....,..: --. '.-". .~....-lid ",;.ilI ...... L',~ I'.~ - I- . REGULAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 16, 1984 Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order. the Pledge to the Flag. Members Present The meeting was opened with Councilman Horn, Councilwoman Watson, Councilman Geving Members Absent Councilwoman Swenson Staff Present Don Ashworth, Bill Monk, Scott Martin, Bob Waibel Susan Albee, Planning Commission APPROVAL QI AGENDA: Councilman Horn moved to approve the agenda sented. Motion seconded by Mayor Hamilton. The following voted Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. tive votes. Motion carried. as pre- in favor: No nega- CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Watson moved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager's re~ommendations: a. Approve 1984 P-District Review. Delete Western Hills 1st and 2nd. b. Lake Ann Park Expansion. c. 1984/85 LAWCON Grant Applications. d. Vendor Agreement for Lake Ann Park, Mike Rosenwald. e. Fireman's Softball Tournament. f. Engineering Technician. RESOLUTION #84-20. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Gevyng. No negative votes. Motion carried. MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilwoman Watson to note the March 14, 1984, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. BILLS: Mayor Hamilton moved to approve the bills as presented: checks #021372 through #021444 in the amount of $329,780.06, checks #019914 through #020006 in the amount of $108,141.26, and checks to Data Dispatch, City of White Bear Lake, Port Prior, Albinson's, National Business Systems, George Donnelly, and Donald Ashworth in the amount of $10,453.73. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Watson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. PHEASANT HILL PRO, TOMKAY BUILDERS: Tom and Kay Klingelhutz, Rick and Sally Klingerh~ Mark Koegler, and George Steller were present. Mark Koegler - Some time ago we were before you with a sketch plan. Since that time we tried to implement some changes to that plan. Briefly, to highlight what has changed, the biggest change is the inclusion of the George Steller property which is about 3i acres. In addition to that we have done a number of lot shifts. The total unit count is now 82 where previously it was 92, the gross density is now 2.06 units per acre, pre- viously is was 2.4. The average lot size gone up from about 13,700 to kEGULAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 7, 1984 r; Acting Mayor Geving called the meeting to order. with the Pledge to the Flag. The meeting was opene~ l Members Present Councilman Horn, Councilwoman Watson, Councilwoman Swenson Mayor Hamilton came late L... -~ -'~~ r, ":' Staff Present Don Ashworth, Bill Monk, Scott Martin Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Intern APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilwoman Watson moved to approve the agenda as presented-With the additions of 201 Program and Zamor Resolution. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Geving, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, and Councilman Horn. No nega- tive votes. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: The following items were removed from the Consent 'Agenda: _ d. First Reading of Sewer an~ ~ater Ordinances. i. Approve Standard Form Devef'pment Contracts for Owner and Municipal Installation of Improvements. Councilwoman Swenson moved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: . a. Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request to Allow for Commercial Stables and Riding Academies in the R-1A District as Conditional Use, First Reading. b. Final Plat Review, Hillside Oaks. c. Municipal Improvements Policy, Consultants. e. Re-certification of Assessments for Tax Forfeiture Property, Public Hearing June 4, 1984. ~f. Approve Plans and Specifications for Lake Susan Park Landsr.aoina .eJ..a.D. . g. Fireworks Display Permit, July 4th, William Naegele. h. Resolution Approving Issuance of Duplicate Bond Coupons. RESOLUTION #84-22. j. Final Plat Review, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Acting Mayor Geving, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, and Councilman Horn. No negative votes. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING, LANDFILL SITES: Al Klingelhutz reminded Council members that a public meeting will be held May 17th at 7:30 p.m. on the Landfill Sites in Carver County. CARVER COUNTY DEPUTY ASSESSOR, SCOTT WINTERS: Don Ashworth introduced Scott Winters to the Council. He is assigned to Chanhassen. Mayor Hamilton came at this point in the meeting. . Council Meeting May 7, 1984 -4- A motion was made by Councilman Geving to deny the building permit for ,ts 490-496, ~arver Beach and abate all future assessment and refund yments. Motlon seconded by Mayor Hamilton. The following voted in vor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Swenson and Watson, Councilman Geving. Councilman Horn voted no. Motion carried. all SEWER AND WATER DELINQUENCIES, AUTHORIZE CERTIFICATIONS: RESOLUTION #84-24: Mayor Hamilton moved the adoption of a resolution certifying the following delinquent sewer and water bills to the County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes in 1985: 1-300310 Tract B, RLS #59 $ 466.88 1-300312 Tract B, RLS #59 $1,025.33 1-400618 Lot 2, Block 1, Surise Ridge $1,101.34 Resolution seconded by Councilwoman Swenson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. LAKE ANN BOAT ACCESS: Laurie McRostie, VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings, wa present. -rota 1 estimated project costs are $90,000 with grant funding being approved by the state at 50%. moved that th~prese~ted layout be approved for the boat access at Lake Ann Park. Motion seco.:oded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Mayor HamiTton, Councilwomen Watson and wenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. API TAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REVISION, MEADOW GREEN PARK, HALF-COURT SKETBALL FACILITY: A request has been received from the Chaparral meowners Association for the installation of a half-court basketball acility in Meadow Green Park. This request also includes an offer of up to $500 toward improvement of play facilities in the park., Residents of Chaparral that were in attendance stated their willingness.to help with the project. RESOLUTION #84-24A: Mayor Hamilton moved the adoption of a resolution approving the installation of a half-court basketball facility in Meadow Green Park and accept the $500 donation toward that improvement. Resolution seconded by Councilmoman Watson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. f_ l" LAKE DRIVE EAST FEASIBILITY STUDY AND BASIC FINANCIAL PLAN: RESOLUTION #84-25: Mayor Hamilton-mDved the adoption of a resolution approving the feasibility study and general financing plan. Resolution seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen Watson and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. HIGHWAY 212 CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Mayor Hamilton moved to appoint John Neveaux, Al Klingelhutz, Tom Hamilton and Clark Horn to the Highway 212 Citizen's Advisory Committee. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwomen ~son and Swenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. .ion carried. , .- 1__ I . \ ..-- ~~~ (~ .,l PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (612) 448-3435 EXT. 255 ",.~ r:..... .--". ,;:-1,_ !~. / CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE . 600 EAST FOURTH STREET CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 COUNTY Of CAQVEQ May 10, 1984 Mr. Don Ashworth City Administrator City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Removal of Parcels C & D from the City's Comprehensive Plan - Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Dear Don: We have been informed that the City is considering the removal of Parcels C & D from being a future part of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. This would require amendments to your comprehensive plan as well as our conditional use permit for the park. . Both the County Park Commission and the County Board have reviewed whether el imination of Parcels C & D from the park boundaries would have significant impact on the park and both have concluded that it would not. The enclosed resolution formal izes that conclusion. Please note that the resolution also recommends that if Parcels C & D are removed from the park boundaries, that we move the boundary to Highway 41 (see map). We would then sell the 12 acres that was part of the Herman acquisition which 1 ies east of Highway 41. While this would require Metropol itan Council approval, I would expect that to be easily attainable. I trust that this information will be helpful to your del iberations. If we can provide any additional information, please advise. Sincerely, . -- I .' " / ., . I /... l. ". /... ':.- / , ,.-u__-' . /' / " ./.-:. i T ..l' .' '" . \ .:. .,.,(:......~' . ,",' t ...... /- \.I~\... ,./ '. Patrick B. Murphy Director of Publ ic Works PBH/cjr cc: Mike Liddicoat Fi 1 e R ECE:iV&::u iiiAY 14 1984 . CITY OF CHANHAS5EN AffirmotlL'1' ActIon, Equo! Oppo. tun/Iv Emplover '. '=:OA~=\D Ow; COL~\rr~1 COI~h\1~MS5aOI'JERS CARVER COUNTY , MINNESOTA DATE Hav 8, 1984 nON BY CQI.1HISSIONER Jerome J. Aretz RESOLUTION NO. 35-84 SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER Wallace E. Ess RESOLUTION REGARDING PARCELS "c" AND "D" AT LAKE MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK \ffiEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has expressed its intent to consider removal of the parkland designation from Lake Minnewashta Regional Park parcels "c" and "D" in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and \ffiEREAS, the Carver County Park Commission has reviewed the above action and the status of parcels "c" and "D" in the Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Haster Pl.::m arid has deterrn.i.netl the exclusion of parcels "e" and "U" will have no significant detrimental impact on the remainder of the park, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Carver County Board of Commissioners concur with the Park Commission that the elimination of parcels "c" and "D" will not affect the integrity of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the City of Chanhassen proceeds with its intent to remove the parkland designation from parcels "C" and "D" in its Comprehen- sive Plan that the removal of said designation should also include all Lake Minnewashta park property lying to the east of T.H. #41 so the 12 acres now in County ownership can be disposed of, and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that with the disposition of the parcel "c" and liD" parkland designation, the City of Chanhassen should also consider making similar amendments to the Conditional Use Permit now governing Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. YES ABSENT NO Jerome J. Arpt7 \\'<1.]1;]('('> E. Ess E,1rl F. (;n;1n H,1rol d Trpnnp ,Toe F. Np,qtnn STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER I, Gregory L. Mangold, duly appointed, qualified and acting Executive Secretary to the Carver County Board of Co~~issioners, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the_ foregoing copy of this resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board ot emty Commissioners, Carver County, Hinnesota, at its session held on the 8th day of _ l-l.1y ,19 84 , now on file in the Auditor's office, and have found the ~ame to be a true and correct copy thereof. Dated this 8th day of Hav 19 84 ..^ '- 1./' -- - '1/, ' , .~~,/.\ /, /'.<--1''-'. rei..-- ~ I J' . Executiv.~ 'Secretary Ii .J ~ ~ '" ~ \ ~ v "'" ,~ ~ \J ~ ~ ;: , , . I: ff""-\'i :/(),~, '''-'- ~ \: '_ I: Fl'. :.,....~t;::~ 1\ ,it" :_~:-.J~~s.~~--\.' -:4 L:. ~-.....::,.:~.' J' Y' "V II.... \I\.'.J ,'\/(r-' ""-"-J ~ _.,." =- ~ / . >".\,1. ,,' .a.~.,' ..:;:...:;./, _, . 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I . ;:( >>J .. 8 l' I f -' s tu - ! . .ll . ~ .. .0 "- II: .. O. - .' . . . ... ~ 1_ 'II ~ ' I is 1 '. ~. I: . - "'. I,',' f ;ij I 'i: '. h ~ 0: c( Co -oJ c( Z o a w 0: c( ~ en c( ;: UJ Z Z ~ UJ j .,.:...:..- ,.-.- -' -" . '" . . . ~ . . . I ._.':"~'_ . - . ~ - - 20 - l! , 1 f . ! ;; 1 '~-1' ! ') . BOAT ACCESS Access and Parking - Access to lake onto "Little }1inne," parking to acco-mffiodate-30-car/trailers. ~~EE~!!_~~!Y!~~~ - Self contained restroom next to access. PARCELS "c" & "D" Nature Demonstration and Study - Overall vse similar to that of Conservation Zone~~but-focusIng-heavIly-on-small nature modules such as the pond, hard- wood forest, marsh, old field, gravel pit and informal arboretum area. The Jr. High School complex to the north could assist in development of area by sharing site access and parking in return for their access to the site for general public and school use. Also, it is anticipated that the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum will use the site to conduct satellite nature demonstration and training courses. ~=E!~~_~!~r - A small area set aside for non-intensive active play (similar to those activities planned for the larger active play area). Again, in return for use privilages. area access and parking could be shared with school. " Corridors - A strip or land along the southern boundard of parcel "c" has been-set- aside for the future Chanhassen Linear Trail System and/or proposed extension of Lake Lucr Road. .,--:.. Support Services - Unknown at this time. Further study will be required . foIIowing-acq;:;isition of parcels "c" & "D". OTHER FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES !!~~_~~!~~!~ _ Size and scale yet to be determined: tree nursery to be located in southeastern area of park. ~~~~~~~!!~!~ - Located in former Crowley house, gate control nearby. ~~!~!~~~~~~_~~!!~!~~~ - Located in outbuilding of former Plehal/Cr~lley/ Volk properties. Blanket Picni.cking - Although improved picnic areas have been defined on the-development-plan map, the whole park is available for blanket picnicking. - RELATIONSHIP AMONG USES/PARK CONTROL Active (intensive) recreation in one area, passive recreation in another, boat access in the middle. Access road into and through park designed to allow independent control of all three activity groupings. . ~~~w~~ ~@(v)~LrW ~~~~@