1984 04 10
APRIL 10, 1984
Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping, Joe Warneke,
Charlie Robbins and Torn Schoenecker.
Mike Lynch
Don Ashworth, City Manager; Bill Monk, City Engineer;
and Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Intern
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Robbins and
seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the January 19, 1984
Park and Recreation Commission minutes as presented. Motion
unanimously approved.
INTRODUCTIONS: Don Ashworth introduced Lori Sietsema to the
Commission. He explained that Lori is an intern from Mankato
State University. She will be working with the various park and
recreation organizations to help coordinate a comprehensive
recreation program for the City of Chanhassen.
Don Ashworth also introduced Bi~l Falsone, the newly elected presi-
dent of the Chanhassen Athletic'Association (CAA). He gave a
brief summary of the status of the CAA and said that they are
currently assessing their role i~ the community.
MIKE ROSENWALD, INTERVIEW: Mike Rosenwald was introduced by Don
Ashworth. Mr. Rosenwald is interested in filling the vacant seat
on the Park and Recreation commission. He began discussion by
identifying the reasons he is interested in becoming a member. He
is interested in parks, has an athletic family and has lived in
Chanhassen for 7 years and would like to become more involved.
To acquaint Mr. Rosenwald with the position, the Commission
generally discussed the Five Year Plan and Budget, the Land Develop-
ment Ordinance and the length of the term. Commissioner
Schoenecker explained that the main thrust of the Commission in
the recent past has been land acquisition. Commissioner Foltz
stated that the Commissioners must listen to their neighbors for
what the needs and wants of the community are.
Commissioner Robbins asked Mr. Rosenwald how he envisioned develop-
ment. Mr. Rosenwald stated that development and acquisition of
parks and recreation facilities should take place before the area
is overcrowded with other development.
Don Ashworth stated that should Mr. Rosenwald be appointed,
Greenwood Shores would not be represented on the commission.
Comments by the Commission on this statement was no one from
Greenwood Shores had applied and that the advertisement was not
stated that way.
A motion was made by Commissioner Hemping and seconded by
commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council appoint
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
April 10, 1984
Page 2
Mike Rosenwald to the Commission to fill the unexpired term of
Jack Mauritz which expires on December 31, 1985. Motion unani-
mously approved.
Rosenwald was also present to request approval for operating a
vending trailer at Lake Ann Park. Commissioner's discussion
included questions on operating times, days and dates, posting
hours, limiting licenses to one vendor per year, including
liability insurance in the agreement.
Mr. Rosenwald has tenatively set the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m., Monday through Saturday. He will be in operation from May
26th through September 3rd and has agreed to post those hours.
The Commissioners agreed that, given the size of Lake Ann Park,
only one vendor would be allowed to operate at anyone time.
Mr. Rosenwald agreed not to operate during the Fire Department's
Annual Softball Tournament on June 1-3.
Commissioner Foltz expressed concern regarding the liability
insurance and noted that it was not mentioned in the agreement.
A motion as made by Commissioner Robbins and seconded by
Commissioner Hemping to recommend to the City Council that Mr.
Rosenwald's request be approved with the addition of including
liability insurance as a part of the agreement. Motion unani-
mously approved.
Don Ashworth stated that he will have the City Attorney review the
agreement before it is submitted for signatures.
ASSOCIATION: Bill Monk, City Engineer was present to discuss a
request from the Chaparral Homeowner's Association for installing
a half-court basketball court in Meadow Green Park. Mr. Monk
stated that they are currently playing basketball in the street
which is a safety hazard. He stated that the the basketball court
is a part of the future plan for this park and is estimated to
cost between $800 and $2000.
A suggestion was made that the Homeowner's Association pay part of
the cost or contribute labor. This suggestion was not well
received as it may bring unnecessary criticism and there are funds
in the budget. Another point brought up was that this park
already has some developed activities while other parks, such as
Herman Field, have none. commissioner Foltz maintained that this
project was already part of the plan and it was just a matter of
moving up the time schedule. Commissioner Foltz summed up the
discussion by stating that it is a multi-use facility, there is an
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Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
April 10, 1984
it Page 3
existing safety hazard, the facility is a part of the park plan
and that the money is budgeted.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins to recommend to the City Council that a half-
court basketball facility be installed in Meadow Green Park.
Motion unanimously approved.
requested permission for their annual softball tournament to be
held on June 1, 2, and 3. They are also requesting that the gate
fee be waived for that weekend.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Warneke to recommend approval of the Fire
Department's request as submitted. Motion unanimously approved.
PARKWAy;-DUANE BARTH~ Bill Mon~ presented the sketch plan and
indicated the proposed park dedication land. Although this prop-
erty is in an area that is in need of future neighborhood
recreation facilities, the Comprehensive Plan indicates that the
land dedication would be more appropriately located in the area
of Red Cedar Point. Also, the land is situated so as to provide
minimal recreational use.
A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by
Commissioner Schoenecker to collect park dedication fees with
each building permit in lieu of accepting the land. Motion una-
nimously approved.
McRostie, representing Van Doren Hazard Stallings was in atten- ,
dance to present the Lake Ann Boat Access Plan. The presentation
included a circle drive that would give access to remote picnic
areas as well as being a scenic drive. The plan also included
more parking for picnickers and a parking lot for cars with
trailers near the access. This layout gives minimal interference
to the shoreline walkway. Future expansion of the existing
parking lot near the beach was also shown.
Discussion included making the road accessible to Tract E, which
is yet to be acquired, and the future need for more trailer
parking. Ms. McRostie indicated that there would not be a problem
with either request.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council approve
the plan presented with provisions made for additional trailer
parking in the future and providing road access to the east.
Motion unanimously approved.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
April 10, 1984
page 4
review of the Lake Ann expansion plan. Commissioner Foltz asked
how much un allocated money was in the Park Acquisition and
Development account. Mr. Ashworth estimated $160,000, but noted
that spending the balance would make the City ineligible for
future grants.
Commissioner Schoenecker discussed that the price had gone down
on the property, expressing that if the time to buy is now, then
steps should be taken to move forward.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council authorize
the City Manager (or designated representative) to begin nego-
tiations with the bank to purchase Tract E, on a multi-year
basis. Motion unanimously approved.
started discussion by pointing out that the LAWCON grant applica-
tion submission date has been moved up to April 30, 1984. He
asked that the Commission state what they feel are priority items
to be applied for.
Several items were brought up, such as Herman Field and a City
trail system, but were not considered this year due to the lack
of time to prepare the plans. These items may well be considered
in future grant submittals.
A motion was made by commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins to recommend that the City Council approve
submittal of separate LAWCON grant aplications for 1) develop-
ment of Lake Ann Park expansion; 2) Lake Ann Park multi-use
shelter building; and 3) lights on Field No.1 at Lake Ann Park.
Motion unanimously approved.
The City Engineer noted that some level of consultant assistance
will be required in preparing these grant submittals. These
costs will be kept to a minimum and will be borne by the Park
Acquisition and Development Fund (No. 410).
Lotus Lake Boat Access: No current progress has been
made. -project envisioned as a joint City/Developer pro-
ject given mutual benefits. city sketch plans/costs are
complete for the sketch plan hearing phase before the
Planning Commission and City Council. However, the devel-
oper (Bloomberg) has not made application for final
development plan including lot sizes, density, etc.
Appraisals for the land swap for the boat access are
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
April 10, 1984
Page 5
complete and have been submitted to the State for appro-
val. Various other documents are needed, i.e. Corps of
Engineers permit, Environmental Worksheet, etc. These
items are typically completed after the sketch plan
review stage. Given potential neighborhood
concern/questions, these applications/worksheets are in
the process of being completed.
Lake Ann Capital Improvements: Primary projects were
discussed earlier in the meeting.
Softball Program: Bill Monk gave a brief update of what
is happening in the softball program this year. Softball
has expanded to 3 leagues this year and 3 evenings of
play at Lake Ann Park. The Meadow Green Park fields are
ready and in use. Interest in softball is growing.
Summer Programs: Lor~ Sietsema gave a brief summary of
the summer programs iri 'Chanhassen. Programs are offered
to Chanhassen by CAA, and Chaska and Minnetonka Community
Schools. CAA summer programs including T-Ball, Pee Wee
and Babe Ruth Baseball and Soccer are all offered in
Chanhassen. Chaska offers a playground program at .
Chanhassen Elementary and, Minnetonka provides the beach
program at Lake Ann and a playground program at Carver Beach
Park. Both Chaska and Minnetonka offer many more
programs to residents and these should not b~ minimized,
however they are not offered in Chanhassen.
Lori stated that she would be working with these organi-
zations to provide a well-rounded program that will more
effectively meet Chanhassen's recreational needs.
Items that Lori is currently working on are: softball
leagues, tennis lessons at Chanhassen Elementary School,
and an Easter Egg Hunt/Kite Flying Contest event. Future
ideas include: informal mixed softball league,
volleyball league, special events for the 4th of July,
and rental garden plots.
REGULAR MEETINGS: Commissioner Foltz indicated that he would
like to see the Commission meet regularly on the first Tuesday of
each month.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by
Commissioner Robbins to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously
TIME: 10:30 p.m.
Lori Sietsema, Secretary