1984 08 07 Agenda . . . AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1984, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Approval of June 5, 1984 minutes. 2. Park Acquisition and Development Requests: a. Karen Vavrichek will present her requests b. Jim Thompson* c. Carver Beach Landscaping Request, Continuation of Discussion from Last Meeting* d. Herman Field Concept Plan (requested by Commission)* 3. Fall Programming Update.* 4. 1984 Park Fee Update.* 5. Cooperative Agreement, City of Chanhassen/District 112 Community Education. 6. 1984 Capital Improvement Budget* * See attachments If you are unable to attend this me~ting, please contact Lori Sietsema at 937-1900. f' , PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 . A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Lynch on June 5, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping, Tom Schoenecker, Joe Warneke and Mike Rosenwald. Charles Robbins was absent. Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present. CARVER BEACH PARK: Karen Vavirchek was present to discuss the needs of Carver Beach Park. She presented a letter with her request and 30 signatures from residents of the area who support her. Mrs. Vavirchek's comments included the need for shade trees; the need for new, clean sand as the existing sand has glass in it; and that the playground equipment needs attention. Specifically, the slide and swings are too high for tots, the teeter totter needs painting and has splinters and the monkey bars are loose and wobbly. She continued to state that many people in the area use the park and would benefit from these cahnges. I Chairman Lynch offered to go to Carver Beach Park and look the situation over. He advised Mrs. Vavirchek to come up with a list of things the people of the neighborhood would like to see in the park and send it to Lori Sietsema. This item will be further discussed at the next meeting. In the meantime, the glass should be cleaned out of the sand. . Phyllis Pope, a Carver Beach resident, has also contacted City Hall regarding the unsightliness of Carver Beach and would like to see it landscaped. Chairman Lynch gave a brief history of Carver Beach and its past problems. The Commissioners recalled that a concept plan for this park had been completed and questioned why it was never completed. Commissioner Schoenecker offered to drive to Carver Beach and look it over. It was stated that once landscaping was done over the existing parking area that parking would never again be an option. Commissioner Schoenecker commented that he did not feel it was right to create a private park on public land, which in essence is what would happen if the park was not made accessible to all residents. ( A question was raised about the $600 that was approved for a beach sign for this area in 1983 which was never purchased. Commissioner Schoenecker stated he would look into the matter and report back at the next meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the . f . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 PAGE 2 April 10, 1984 Park and Recreation Commission minutes. Motion unanimously approved. PIPER RIDGE SUBDIVISION: This item appeared as Cedar Crest Addition on the agenda and has since been renamed to Piper Ridge Subdivision. Commissioner Schoenecker opened discussion with a brief review of what currently exists in the area. Because of the park adjacent to the development, Herman Field, the commissioners did not feel that more park land in that area was necessary. However, they noted that they would like to see a pedestrian easment from the cul-de-sac to Herman Field. A motion was made by commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Chairman Lynch to recommend that the City Council accept dedica- tion fees instead of park land conditioned upon the developers providing a pedestrian easement between Lots 5 and 6 or between Lots 6 and 7 from the cul-de-sac to Herman Field. Motion unanimously approved. LEACH'S RESORT, MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY: Leach's Resort is currently for sale. Because the Comprehensive Plan states that the City should consider acquiring this property if it ever became available, it was brought before the Commission. After some brief discussion, the Park and Recreation Commission agreed not to recommend purchase to the City Council. MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK, PARCELS C & D, AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: In March the City Council considered a request to remove Parcels C and D from being a future part of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. This would require amendments to the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan as well as Carver County's Conditional Use Permit for the park. Carver County has no dif- ficulty with these amendments. The Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan identifies a portion of the land in question as part of the trail system. The commissioners noted that if anyone was interested in developing that land they should be made aware of the trail system. A motion was made by Chairman Lynch and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the land use plan change for Parcels C and D and the southeast corner of B; however, the Park and Recreation Commission still identifies the projected Chanhassen trail system as shown on Map 8 in the 1982 Minnewashta Master Plan, unless later relocated. Motion unanimously approved. HENDRICKSON SUBDIVISION, JCB PARTNERSHIP: The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this subdivision in terms of park dedication. As this subdivision has 2, acre lots, Chairman Lynch felt that it was not the type of project to accept a land dona- tion. I PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 PAGE 3 . A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by Commissioner Rosenwald to recommend accepting park dedication fees with each building permit application. Motion unanimously approved. The Commission stated that they would like to continue reviewing all rural subdivision requests in terms of park dedication requirements. UPDATE REPORTS: Lori Sietsema gave updates of what was happening in Chanhassen concerning park and recreation: - Softball is underway with 3 men's leagues and a new Firday night mixed couples league. - The City is planning a 4th of July family celebration at Lake Ann Park. Events being planned include a Couple's Kittenball Tournament, Men's Open Softball Tournament, 3.5 mile run, family games, breakdancing demonstration, band concert in the evening, prize drawings and fireworks display. r - Because of field scheduling conflicts with Minnetonka Community Education, the City created a new soccer field at Minnetonka West Junior High School for a CAA Soccer League. . - Bids for the Lake Susan landscaping project were awarded to Minnesota Valley Landscaping. The work must be completed by July 31, 1984. - Our LAWCON grant applications were received by the Metropolitan Council and are being reviewed. - Lake Ann Beach opened on June 1st. We have 3 people from the County Summer Youth Employment Programs employed as gate attendants and park maintenance workers at no charge to the City. - Lori asked Commissioners for input on fall/winter programming ideas and listed what was currently offered by CAA, Chaska Community Education and Minnetonka Community Education. A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by Chairman Lynch to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. TIME: 9:45 p.m. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . August 7, 1984 Park & Recreation Board City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 To the Park & Recreation Board; The results of the June 5, 1984 meeting was for the neigh- bors of the Carver Beach Park to choose equipment from catalogs. Residents of the Carver Beach Park were notified to meet at Carver Beach Park August 6, 1984 to decide on what play equip- ment they would like. The following list is what was decided among those Dresent. Catalog No. 882 Quality Industries, Inc. . Fage 38 No. 900 Maxi ~~irl --------------- $619.00 Catalog No. 882 Quality Industries, Inc. Page 11 No. 7653 Woodland Climber -------- J2,609.00 Satalog GameTime '84 PafFe 34 No. 8508 Nursery Seat (2) -------- $38.00 ea Catalog GameTime '84 PaGe 67 No. 5789 Tricky Tire Raft -------- $419.00 Total $3,723.00 Thank-you for your time on this matter. "' . s~ OC~~U Karen S. Vavrichek 6801 Nez Perce Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 474-0198 CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH .:iJ Zb. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1984 SUBJ: Minnewashta Heights Park Request Jim Thompson of the Minnewashta Heights area contacted me recently requesting park improvements be done in Minnewashta Heights Park. Recently, diseased trees were removed and Mr. Thompson would lke these to be replaced. He also requested a set . of permanent volleyball poles be installed in the park. According to the City Engineer, Bill Monk, trees could be transplanted from the City tree farm without a problem. Additionally, installation of volleyball poles could be done at a minimal cost if a non-conflict area exists in the park. . :#-u. . C ITV 0 F eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 30, 1984 SUBJ: Carver Beach Landscaping The Park and Recreation Commission discussed the need for landscaping the upper area of Carver Beach. The discussion included the possibility of installing a park sign, planting trees and shrubs, and taking the -no parking" signs out of the park and eliminating the existing parking lot. . Last year City Engineer, Bill Monk presented a park improvement budget including monies to sod over the park lot. The City Council took that portion out of the budget because they were not sure they never wanted parking there again. If the Park and Recreation Commission would like to again propose this project, they would have to include it in the new budget. Attached is a copy of the original site plan of the upper portion of Carver Beach. At the time this plan was presented, $600 was approved for a park sign. Somehow the sign was never ordered or carried over in the budget. If the sign is still desired for Carver Beach, it too must be included in the budget. . #Z,d. CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORAJ.~DUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1984 SUBJ: Herman Field Concept Plan I am currently seeking proposals for a Herman Field Concept Plan. As of yet, I have had no response to my request. As soon as I get the proposals, you will receive an update on the project. . . ::#: 3 . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1984 SUBJ: Fall programming Update I have been working with Tom Redman, Chaska Park and Recreation Director, on fall programming. Together we are hoping to offer the following programs jointly: . Men's football Men's fall volleyball Men's winter volleyball Women's winter volleyball Co-Rec power volleyball Co-Rec standard volleyball Co-Rec broomba11 Youth recreational activities we are considering include: Gymnastics Cheer leading Wrestling Basketball Flag Football These activities would be coordinated with the Chanhassen Athletic Association's programs also, so as not to compete with each others programs. Other areas of probable mutual interest are: pooling of resources in hiring instructors for programs, District 112 Middle School teen leisure programming, and District 112 High School intramural programming. I am looking forward to a program-packed fall schedule! . CITY OF CHARHASSER :ti N. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1984 SUBJ: 1984 Park Dedication Fees, Update Report The Commission requested an update on park dedication fees collected with building permits this year. As of July 1, 1984, the City has collected $22,202. The biggest concentration of . these fees was from the Near Mountain development of Chanhassen. . :tr b. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 {612} 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator DATE: August 2, 1984 SUBJ: 1985 Capital Improvement Budget It's budget time again. Attached is the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget and where we stand on each project to date. Based on 1984 projects and previous comments from the commission and residents, I submit the attached preliminary capital improvement budget for 1985. . I am requesting Commission input for possible additions/deletions to this budget. The commission recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. . . 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 1. Lake Ann Park - Gazebo-type shelter near ballfields $8,050.00 ( Funds carried over from 1984) - picnic tables ( 6) 800.00 - Playground equipment addition 3,500.00 - Spectator Bleacher stands (3 ) 3,000.00 2. Minnewashta Park - picnic tables ( 2) 250.00 - Miscellaneous Landscaping 1,000.00 3 . Carver Beach Park - Tot Lot replacement 3,000.00 - Picnic table 125.00 . 4. Carver Beach - picnic table 125.00 - Landscaping former parking area 400.00 - Park sign 600.00 5. Greenwood Shores - picnic tables ( 2 ) 250.00 6. Detailed plans for Lake Ann Park Expansion 1,800.00 7. Detailed plans of North Lotus Lake Park 1,500.00 8. Bandimere Heights - Sma 11 tot lot 2,500.00 9. City Center Park - Spectator Bleacher Stands ( 2) 2,000.00 . Total $28,900.00 . 1984 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CURRENT STATUS 1. Western Hills: Pavement of walkways To be completed this year 2 . Lake Ann Park: Fishing dock installation Project completed 3 . Lake Ann Park: Lifeguard tower replacement project Completed 4. Lake Ann Park: Park shelter Carryover to 1985 budget 5. Meadow Green Park: 6. Meadow Green Park: 7. Meadow Green Park: 8. Lake Susan Park: . 9. Lake Susan Park: 10. Lake Susan Park: Tot lot Equipment is on order Landscaping To be completed this year Half Court Basketball To be completed this year Landscaping Project still in progress Tables and Benches Carryover to 1985 Fishing dock Dock is here and will be installed next year 11. Minnewashta Heights Park: Re-landscape Ditches Project still underway 12. Minnewashta Heights Park: Tot Lot Enlargement Equipment on order 13. Herman Field: Concept Plan Letters for Proposals are still out 14. General: Tree Farm Reforestation project Complete picnic Tables project Complete . At.i"(~i., (,,",~ ~ -Po..... H & . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM August 9, 1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commissioners FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Enclosed please find a copy of the minutes from the June 5th meeting, a copy of Karen Vavrichek's letter of request, and the minutes from the last meeting of August 7th. If you have any questions please call me at your convenience. . . 1, ,/' PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 . A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Lynch on June 5, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. The following members were present: Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Richie Hemping, Tom Schoenecker, Joe Warneke and Mike Rosenwald. Charles Robbins was absent. Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present. ~ CARVER BEACH PARK: Karen Vavirchek was present to discuss the needs of Carver Beach Park. She presented a letter with her request and 30 signatures from residents of the area who support her. Mrs. Vavirchekrs comments included the need for shade trees; the need for new, clean sand as the existing sand has glass in it; and that the playground equipment needs attention. Specifically, the slide and swings are too high for tots, the teeter totter needs painting and has splinters and the monkey bars are loose and wobbly. She continued to state that many people in the area use the park and would benefit from these cahnges. Chairman Lynch offered to go to Carver Beach Park and look the situation over. He advised Mrs. Vavirchek to come up with a list of things the people of the neighborhood would like to see in the park and send it to Lori Sietsema. This item will be further discussed at the next meeting. In the meantime, the glass should be cleaned out of the sand. . Phyllis Pope, a Carver Beach resident, has also contacted City Hall regarding the unsightliness of Carver Beach and would like to see it landscaped. Chairman Lynch gave a brief history of Carver Beach and its past problems. The Commissioners recalled that a concept plan for this park had been completed and questioned why it was never completed. Commissioner Schoenecker offered to drive to Carver Beach and look it over. It was stated that once landscaping was done over the existing parking area that parking would never again be an option. Commissioner Schoenecker commented that he did not feel it was right to create a private park on public land, which in essence is what would happen if the park was not made accessible to all residents. A question was raised about the $600 that was approved for a beach sign for this area in 1983 which was never purchased. Commissioner Schoenecker stated he would look into the matter and report back at the next meeting. . / APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 PAGE 2 April 10, 1984 Park and Recreation Commission minutes. Motion unanimously approved. PIPER RIDGE SUBDIVISION: This item appeared as Cedar Crest Addition on the agenda and has since been renamed to Piper Ridge Subdivision. Commissioner Schoenecker opened discussion with a brief review of what currently exists in the area. Because of the park adjacent to the development, Herman Field, the Commissioners did not feel that more park land in that area was necessary. However, they noted that they would like to see a pedestrian easment from the cul-de-sac to Herman Field. A motion was made by Commissioner Schoenecker and seconded by Chairman Lynch to recommend that the City Council accept dedica- tion fees instead of park land conditioned upon the developers providing a pedestrian easement between Lots 5 and 6 or between Lots 6 and 7 from the cul-de-sac to Herman Field. Motion unanimously approved. . LEACH'S RESORT, MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY: Leach's Resort is currently for sale. Because the comprehensive Plan states that the City should consider acquiring this property if it ever became available, it was brought before the Commission. After some brief discussion, the Park and Recreation commission agreed not to recommend purchase to the City Council. MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK, PARCELS C & D, AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: In March the City Council considered a request to remove Parcels C and D from being a future part of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. This would require amendments to the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan as well as Carver County's Conditional Use Permit for the park. Carver County has no dif- ficulty with these amendments. The Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan identifies a portion of the land in question as part of the trail system. The commissioners noted that if anyone was interested in developing that land they should be made aware of the trail system. A motion was made by Chairman Lynch and seconded by Commissioner Warneke to approve the land use plan change for Parcels C and D and the soutpeast corner of B; however, the Park and Recreation Commission still identifies the projected Chanhassen trail system as shown on Map 8 in the 1982 Minnewashta Master Plan, unless later relocated. Motion unanimously approved. . HENDRICKSON SUBDIVISION, JCB PARTNERSHIP: The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this subdivision in terms of park dedication. As this subdivision has 2i acre lots, Chairman Lynch felt that it was not the type of project to accept a land dona- tion. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 5, 1984 PAGE 3 . A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by Commissioner Rosenwald to recommend accepting park dedication fees with each building permit application. Motion unanimously approved. The Commission stated that they would like to continue reviewing all rural subdivision requests in terms of park dedication requirements. UPDATE REPORTS: Lori Sietsema gave updates of what was happening in Chanhassen concerning park and recreation: - Softball is underway with 3 men's leagues and a new Firday night mixed couples league. - The City is planning a 4th of July family celebration at Lake Ann Park. Events being planned include a Couple's Kittenball Tournament, Men's Open Softball Tournament, 3.5 mile run, family games, breakdancing demonstration, band concert in the evening, prize drawings and fireworks display. - Because of field scheduling conflicts with Minnetonka Community Education, the City created a new soccer field at . Minnetonka West Junior High School for a CAA Soccer League. - Bids for the Lake Susan landscaping project were awarded to Minnesota Valley Landscaping. The work must be completed by July 31, 1984. - Our LAWCON grant applications were received by the Metropolitan Council and are being reviewed. - Lake Ann Beach opened on June 1st. We have 3 people from the County Summer Youth Employment programs employed as gate attendants and park maintenance workers at no charge to the City. - Lori asked Commissioners for input on fall/winter programming ideas and listed what was currently offered by CAA, Chaska Community Education and Minnetonka Community Education. A motion was made by Commissioner Warneke and seconded by Chairman Lynch to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. TIME: 9:45 p.m. Lori Sietsema park and Recreation Coordinator . . August 'I, 1 S84 Park & Recreation Board City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, ~ill 55317 To the Park & Recreation Board; The results of the June 5, 1984 ~eeting was for the neigh- bors of the Carver Beach Fark to choose equiD~ent from catalogs. Residents of the Carver Beach Park were notifi~d to meet at Carver Beach Park August 6, 1984 to decide on what play equip- ment they would like. The following list is what was decided among those nresent. Catalog no. 882 ~uality Industries, Inc. .. P3~e 38 20. gOO ~axi ~mirl --------------- ~619.CO Catalog IJo. 232 ~uali ty Industri,:s, Ine. P2ge 11 ~o. ~~53 ~.loodland Cli~ber -------- ~i2,SC9.CO 8atalog G2meTi~e '84 Fa~e 34 No. 8508 Nursery Seat (2) -------- 638.00 ea Satalog GameTirre '84 P3~e 67 No. 5789 Tricky Tire Raft -------- J419.00 Total 53,723.00 Thank-you for your time on this matter. "' . s~ OCJJYt~LJ.; Karen S. Vavrichek 6801 Nez Perce- Drive ~h h ~~ ~~~17 v an.assen, lil~ /.// 474-0198 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Tom Schoenecker on August 7, 1984 at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Tom Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Joe Warneke and Mike Rosenwald. Charles Robbins, Mike Lynch and Richie Hemping were absent. Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present. CARVER BEACH PARK (PLAYGROUND): Karen Vavrichek was present to follow up on her tot lot improvement request from the June 5th meeting. Ms. Vavrichek submitted a letter from the neighbors around the park area stating the specific equipment they would like to see installed at the park. The request included: - A maxi-whirl (merry-go-round type appartus) $ 619. - A woodland climber (a wood structured jungle-gym) $2,609. - 2 nursery seat swings ($38 each) 76. -A tricky tire raft (a rubber tire climbing apparatus) 419. Tom Schoenecker stated that he visited the Carver Beach Park since the last meeting and found the following: - Slide: Too high for young children . - Swings: The ground needs to be filled in beneath the seats and none are available for toddlers - Monkey Bars: Good conditions - Teeter Totter: Needs to be sanded and painted or replaced - Sandbox: Needs to be cleaned The Commissioners requested staff to review the equipment and make necessary repairs, see if its possible to move the slide so that it faces north as it gets too hot in its present location, and to plant some trees in the play area. MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS PARK: Jim Thompson of the Minnewashta Heights area asked if trees that had been removed could be replaced and if volleyball poles could be installed. Tom Schoenecker opened discussion stating that the flat area that would be suitable for volleyball poles is flooded in the winter for ice skating, thus creating a conflict. Brian Foltz suggested removable poles. The Commissioners requested staff to transplant trees from the . tree farm to replace the ones taken out. They also asked staff to explore the possibility of putting up volleyball poles, either permanent or removable, without conflicting with the skating rink. . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 PAGE 2 CARVER BEACH: The first part of the discussion was whether the park sign for Carver Beach should be reinstated on the capital improvement budget or not. Brian Foltz indicated that it was a city policy to identify the parks with signs. The topic of landscaping the upper part of the park was discussed again and the commission was hesitant to do away with the existing parking area. Brian Foltz suggested that the Commission meet early at the next meeting and go out to Carver Beach so they all know exactly what they are dealing with. All commissioners agreed. FALL PROGRAMMING: Lori Sietsema elaborated on her efforts to jointly sponsor fall programs as discussed in her memo. PARK DEDICATION FEES: It was noted that over half of the dedica- tion fees were collected in the North Lotus Lake area. The Commissioners requested a brief information update of the North Lotus Lake Park site. 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: 1. Lake Ann Park: - Shelter Near Ballfields ($8,050): The Commissioners questioned the need for a shelter at this time. Due to the land acquisition project they would recommend spending the money on additional ballfields. However, because they do not know the cost of a ballfield, they asked staff to advise them on an amount to request. This request would be called park improvements. - Park Rules Sign ($1,000): The Commissioners agreed to add this request to the budget as no sign presently exists. - Beach Clean Up, Goose Problem ($500): The Commissioners added this request to the budget in light of the geese gathering on the beach and creating problems. The commissioners to terrace the hillsides are built-in bleachers - Spectator Bleachers ($3,000): agreed that it would be better around the ballfields so there rather than purchasing them. - picnic Tables ($800) and Playground Equipment Addition ($3,500): The Commissioners agreed to these requests as listed. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 PAGE 2 . 2. Minnewashta Heights Park: - picnic Tables ($250) - Miscellaneous Landscaping ($1,000) The Commissioners agreed with this request as presented. 3. Carver Beach Park (Playground: - Tot Lot Replacement ($3,000) - picnic Tables ($125) The Commissioners raised the tot lot request from $3,000 to $3,800. 4. Carver Beach Park: - picnic Tables ($125) - Landscaping Former parking Area ($400) - Park Sign ($600) The commissioners agreed not to act on this section until they have reviewed the park. . 5. Greenwood Shores Park: - picnic Tables ($250) The Commissioners agreed to raise this request from $250 to $350 as the tables will need to be chained down. 6. Detailed Plans for Lake Ann Park Expansion ($1,800) 7 Detailed Plans for North Lotus Lake Park ($1,500) 8. Bandimere Heights Park: - Small Tot Lot ($2500): The Commissioners agreed to leave this request as listed and requested staff to investigate the actual need for a tot lot in Bandimere Heights. 9. City Center Park: - Spectator Stands ($2,000) The Commission agreed to add ballfield improvements to this request as the fields look as if they need it. . The Park and Recreation Commission will vote on the amended Capital Improvement Budget at their next meeting. . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 PAGE 4 MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Mike Rosenwald to approve the June 5, 1984 minutes as presented. Motion unanimously approved. FUTURE MEETINGS: A discussion on possible future meetings was held. The Commissioners are interested in touring the city parks more often and also touring other city parks. They discussed the possibility of holding meetings in neighborhood parks and inviting the homeowners associations. NEWSLETTER: Brian Foltz suggested that the spring newsletter include an insert that describes where each park is, what it offers, and a list of the city park rules and ordinances. LAKE ANN PARK SUMMER REVIEW: Brian Foltz requested staff prepare a Lake Ann Summer review for the next meeting, including the number of park stickers sold, park passes sold and the number of participants in the programs. PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE: Mike Rosenwald questioned how the park dedication ordinance worked. The Commission requested staff to include a brief summary at the next meeting. A motion was made by Joe Warneke and seconded by Mike Rosenwald to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. 10:20 p.m. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator I-t. 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET . Revised by Park and Recreation Commission on August 7, 1984 * Indicates Change 1. Lake Ann Park - Park Improvement - Geese Clean Up - picnic tables (6) - Signs - Bleachers $10,000.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 2. Minnewashta Heights Park - picnic tables (2) - Miscellaneous Landscaping 250.00 1,000.00 3. Carver Beach Park (Playground) - Tot Lot replacement - picnic table 3,800.00 125.00 4. Carver Beach (Beach) - Picnic table - Landscaping upper portion - Park sign 125.00 400.00 600.00 . 5. Greenwood Shores - picnic tables (2) 350. 00 6. Detailed plans for Lake Ann Park Expansion 1,800.00 1,500.00 7. Detailed plans of North Lotus Lake Park 8. Bandimere Heights - Small tot lot 2,500.00 9. City Center Park - Field Improvements - Spectator Bleacher Stands (2) 10. Lake Susan 1,000.00* 2,000.00 - Tot Lot - Tables & Benches (carryover) 1,500.00* 800.00* . Total $33,050.00