1984 08 07
AUGUST 7, 1984
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order by Vice-Chairman Tom Schoenecker on August 7,
1984 at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Tom
Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Joe Warneke and Mike Rosenwald.
Charles Robbins, Mike Lynch and Richie Hemping were absent. Lori
Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present.
CARVER BEACH PARK (PLAYGROUND): Karen Vavrichek was present to
follow up on her tot lot improvement request from the June 5th
meeting. Ms. Vavrichek submitted a letter from the neighbors around
the park area stating the specific equipment they would like to see
installed at the park. The request included:
- A maxi-whirl (merry-go-round type appartus)
$ 619.
- A woodland climber (a wood structured jungle-gym) $2,609.
- 2 nursery seat swings ($38 each) 76.
-A tricky tire raft (a rubber tire climbing apparatus) 419.
Tom Schoenecker stated that he visited the Carver Beach Park since
the last meeting and found the following:
- Slide: Too high for young children
Swings: The ground needs to be filled in beneath the
seats and none are available for toddlers
- Monkey Bars: Good conditions
- Teeter Totter: Needs to be sanded and painted or replaced
- Sandbox: Needs to be cleaned
The Commissioners requested staff to review the equipment and
make necessary repairs, see if its possible to move the slide so
that it faces north as it gets too hot in its present location,
and to plant some trees in the play area.
MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS PARK: Jim Thompson of the Minnewashta
Heights area asked if trees that had been removed could be
replaced and if volleyball poles could be installed.
Tom Schoenecker opened discussion stating
would be suitable for volleyball poles is
for ice skating, thus creating a conflict.
removable poles.
The Commissioners requested staff to transplant trees from the .
tree farm to replace the ones taken out. They also asked staff
to explore the possibility of putting up volleyball poles, either
permanent or removable, without conflicting with the skating rink.
that the flat area that
flooded in the winter
Brian Foltz suggested
AUGUST 7, 1984
CARVER BEACH: The first part of the discussion was whether the
park sign for Carver Beach should be reinstated on the capital
improvement budget or not. Brian Foltz indicated that it was a
city policy to identify the parks with signs.
The topic of landscaping the upper part of the park was discussed
again and the commission was hesitant to do away with the
existing parking area. Brian Foltz suggested that the Commission
meet early at the next meeting and go out to Carver Beach so they
all know exactly what they are dealing with. All commissioners
FALL PROGRAMMING: Lori Sietsema elaborated on her efforts to
jointly sponsor fall programs as discussed in her memo.
PARK DEDICATION FEES: It was noted that over half of the dedica-
tion fees were collected in the North Lotus Lake area. The
Commissioners requested a brief information update of the North
Lotus Lake Park site.
1. Lake Ann Park:
- Shelter Near Ballfields ($8,050): The Commissioners
questioned the need for a shelter at this time. Due
to the land acquisition project they would recommend
spending the money on additional ballfields. However,
because they do not know the cost of a ballfield, they
asked staff to advise them on an amount to request.
This request would be called park improvements.
- Park Rules Sign ($1,000): The Commissioners agreed to
add this request to the budget as no sign presently
- Beach Clean Up, Goose Problem ($500): The Commissioners
added this request to the budget in light of the geese
gathering on the beach and creating problems.
- Spectator Bleachers ($3,000):
agreed that it would be better
around the ballfields so there
rather than purchasing them.
- picnic Tables ($800) and Playground Equipment Addition
($3,500): The Commissioners agreed to these requests as
The Commissioners
to terrace the hillsides
are built-in bleachers
AUGUST 7, 1984
2. Minnewashta Heights Park:
picnic Tables ($250)
- Miscellaneous Landscaping ($1,000)
The Commissioners agreed with this request as presented.
3. Carver Beach Park (Playground:
- Tot Lot Replacement ($3,000)
- picnic Tables ($125)
The Commissioners raised the tot lot request from
$3,000 to $3,800.
4. Carver Beach Park:
- picnic Tables ($125)
- Landscaping Former Parking Area ($400)
- Park Sign ($600)
The commissioners agreed not to act on this section
until they have reviewed the park.
Greenwood Shores Park:
- picnic Tables ($250)
The Commissioners agreed to raise this request from
$250 to $350 as the tables will need to be chained
6. Detailed Plans for Lake Ann Park Expansion ($1,800)
7 Detailed Plans for North Lotus Lake Park ($1,500)
8. Bandimere Heights Park:
- Small Tot Lot ($2500): The Commissioners agreed to
leave this request as listed and requested staff to
investigate the actual need for a tot lot in Bandimere
9. City Center Park:
- Spectator Stands ($2,000)
The Commission agreed to add ballfield improvements to
this request as the fields look as if they need it.
The Park and Recreation Commission will vote on the amended
Capital Improvement Budget at their next meeting.
AUGUST 7, 1984
MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by
Mike Rosenwald to approve the June 5, 1984 minutes as presented.
Motion unanimously approved.
FUTURE MEETINGS: A discussion on possible future meetings was
held. The Commissioners are interested in touring the City parks
more often and also touring other city parks. They discussed the
possibility of holding meetings in neighborhood parks and
inviting the homeowners associations.
NEWSLETTER: Brian Foltz suggested that the spring newsletter
include an insert that describes where each park is, what it
offers, and a list of the city park rules and ordinances.
LAKE ANN PARK SUMMER REVIEW: Brian Foltz requested staff prepare
a Lake Ann Summer review for the next meeting, including the
number of park stickers sold, park passes sold and the number of
participants in the programs.
PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE: Mike Rosenwald questioned how the
park dedication ordinance worked. The Commission requested staff
to include a brief summary at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Joe Warneke and seconded by Mike Rosenwald
to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved.
10:20 p.m.
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator