1984 09 04 Agenda . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1984, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Site Review: Carver Beach Mini-Beach. Meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. to drive out to the site. Approval of the August 7th minutes.~ 1990 Land Use Plan Amendment, Piper Ridge Development.* Crystal Springs Pond Subdivision Review.* Approve Capital Improvement Budget.* Chaska-District l12-Chanhassen Joint Agreement. Don Ashworth will be present. Update Reports: a. Lake Ann park* b. Park Ordinance* * See attached reports Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator __J '- /) CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 3, . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 28, 1984 SUBJ: Land Use Amendment Request On June 5th the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed a sub- division sketch plan on Randolph Herman's property. The Park and Recreation Commission recommended accepting park dedication fees instead of parkland. This property is located next to Herman Field and is considered . Parks/Open Space in the 1990 Land Use Plan. The developer is requesting that the 1990 Land Use Plan be amended so as to exclude this property. Since this property is not publicly owned or proposed to be publicly owned, staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council to amend the comprehensive Plan to exclude this piece of property as designated parks/open space. . . City of Ch.:lnha.ssen Ccmnunity Developrent Depilrt:Irent 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 . Chanhassen, MN 5531 i (612) 937-1900 3, Date: August 27, 1984 To: Develq:rr.ent Plan Referral Agencies Fran: Ch3.nhassen Ccmnunity Developnent Depart::ment By: Barbara Dacy, City Planner Subject: Land Use Plan Amendment Request by Randy Hennan to change the 1990 Land Use Plan tran .parks/open b1>ace to Resl.dentl.al lJ::M DenSl.ty (/.3;'! acres) located south ot tiandpl.per Lane and M1.nnewashta ~s Drl.ve adJacent to Minnewashta Regl.Onal Park. Planning Case No: #84-2 Land Use Plan Amendment The al::ove described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Camnmity Developnent Department on August 22, 1984 . In order for us to have the benefit of as Im.1ch infonnation as possible concerning this application, we w:Juld like your agency to review the enclosed develq:m:nt plans insofar as is applicable to your agency, and make any cc::nnents you might have an this proposal. We are particularly interested in matters whic..'1 affect the public health, safety and general v,'elfare. Specifically, we \vould appreciate your ccmrents and reccmnendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, . street extensions or :irrproverrents, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we w:Juld like to have a written report to this effect fran the agency concerned so that \Ye can make a reccmrendation to the Planning Carmission and City Council encanpassing these needs. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Carmission on Septenber 12, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. In order for the CQmnmity Developrrent Department to prepare a thorough review of this application for the Camri.ssion and Council, we w:Juld appreciate receiving your carrments by no later than September 4, 1984 You my also appear at the Planning Ccmni.ssion meeting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. Enclosed: Pro~sed Develo;:!r.ent Plans DISTRIBurION: 1. City Engineer 2. Ci ty Attorney V- City P<rrk Director 4. Fire DepartIr.en t 5. Count'j Engineer 6. Watershed Dist. Engineer 7. Soil Conservation Service 8. MN Dept. of Transportation 9. U.S. Arrrrj Corps of Engineers 10. Minnegasco 11. l-rn Dept. of Natural Resource 12. Telephone Ccmpany (Mv Eell or United) 13. Electric CompUny (NSP or HN Valley Co-op) . File: Cannunity DevelOfll"'rlt DepartIrent .' Form No. 81-10 hjency Referral 7/1/81 , ,l\).. ~ . . . . . ........-..................~....-... -.-.-.- .' VI ~ . ~ .. City of CHANHASSE:N 1990 land Use Plan * " ~ \\ ~. , -6 I , . . EJ Residential-Rural Density [I] Residential- Low Density EJ Residential-Medium Density ~ Residential- High Density m Commercial ~ Industrial ~ Campus Business ~ Parks/Open Space ~ Public/Semi-Public D Agriculture E3 MUSA Line - Metro Council 8 MUSA Line-Chanhassen ~ Hwy 212 Alignments rn Hwy 169 Alignments " . .. . c:: 4....101..: . N " I'. '.' ..- .' . .0'-" .~. ~ .- -- .- .. .. .- ~",J .. .- .- ()C -- .- _. .- .- . , r~ '4.-., .~ " . P .6v) 9 .. '. . -- * This is not a zoning map. "'...~ a , " I ,',()( ',"'00 ~C6d.N !:Ef' **For explanation of MUSA lines and highway alignments, see plan text. ~~.. . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 4~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park & Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 28, 1984 SUBJ: Sketch Plan Review, crystal Springs Pond Crystal Springs pond, a proposed subdivision, was recently removed from the Comprehensive Plan as parks/Open Space. This property lies south of West Junior High and East of Highway 41. . It is the staff's recommendation to accept the park dedication fee instead of parkland as the lot size is 2i acres and the close proximity to Minnewashta Regional Park. The 1990 Land Use Plan proposes a walkway/trail corridor from Lake Ann to Minnewashta Regional Park. At a later date, the corridor will be relocated in order to align with the park entrance as orig- inally intended. . City of Chanhassen Camnmity Developnent Department 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 4. Date: August 8, 1984 . To: Developnent Plan Referral Agencies By: BaJ:bara !lacy, City Plann~ ,- Sketch Plan Review: Proposed 10 lot residential suJ:xlivision located east of Highway 41, just south of Mi.rifietonka West j.r:--Hlgh-SChooI (see attached locatlon map) . Frcm: Chanhassen Canmunity Developnent DepartJnent Subject: Planning Case No: Subdivision #84-14 The alxNe described application for approval of a land developnent proposal was filed \ath the Chanhassen Catirnmity Developnent Department onAugust 7, r984 In order for us to have the benefit of as :much infonnation as possible cancem.ing this application, we T,o,Ould like your agency to review the enclosed develo:pnent plans insofar as is applicable to your agency, and make any CCItttents you might have on this proposal. We are particularly interested in matters which affect the public health, safety and gen~al welfare. ' Specifically, we would appreciate your cc:mnents and recarmendations concerning the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, stenn water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park site>>s street extensions or improverrents, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems exist, we T,o,Ould like to have a written report to this effect fran the agency concerned that we can make a recamrendatibn te the Planning Carmission and City Council encanpassing these needs. . This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Ccmnission on Wednesday, August 22, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. In order for the Ccmnunity Development Departm:mt to prepare a thorough review of this application for the Carmission and Council, we would appreciate receiving your ccmnents by no later thanAugust 15, 1984. You may also appear at the Planning Carmission m:eting if you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. Enclosed: Proposed DeveloT:ment Plans DISTRIBurrON: Atllimehaha Creek and Riley "Purgato:ry Creek ~ Yatershed Dist. Engineer ~ Soil Conservation Service 8<"" MN Dept. of Transportation , ~~ S. Anny Corps of Engineers ~ Minnegasco ~ City Engineer 2. City Attorney i<"""City Park Director ~...$:ire Depa..rb'r.ent V County Engineer File: Camtunity Developnent Depart:m;mt . Fonn No. 81-10 Agency Referral 7/1/81 o o o o o o o (J) \.; o o o o l'- 'C\l~ o c I() o o ~ o o ,.., C'd"'" U'1\ f}' ~ ~~ >> ... '....; : -. > ) . 1 w. 67 PR01'Oseb I c.~'1""AL.. S'Ptt,'A)lD 1>tJNl> $l.l.b\V1SI~ I I ~ ~ fI @ DRIV E @ . ~ z a. -J c:f (!) '-- .-- 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Revised by Park and Recreation Commission on August 7, 1984 * Indicates Change 1. Lake Ann Park --Park Improvement - Geese Clean Up - picnic tables (6) - Signs - Bl.&_I.........sTex-v'CLLe2- '&~~~ 'C5~S 2. Minnewashta Heights Park $18,00 a I~O- 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 - picnic tables (2) - Miscellaneous Landscaping 250.00 1,000.00 3. Carver Beach Park (Playground) - Tot Lot replacement - Picnic table 3,800.00 125.00 4. Carver Beach (Beach) - Picnic table - Landscaping upper portion - Park sign 125.00 400 . 00 600.00 5. Greenwood Shores - picnic tables (2) 350.00 6. Detailed plans for Lake Ann Park Expansion 1,800.00 1,500.00 7. Detailed plans of North Lotus Lake Park 8. Bandimere Heights - Small tot lot 2,500.00 9. City Center Park - Field Improvements - Spectator Bleacher Stands (2) 10. Lake Susan 1,000.00* 2,000.00 - Tot Lot - Tables & Benches (carryover) 1,500.00* 800.00* Total $35',050.00 1\. C 'n.CL(JCq,-v-o--l- - Bo-""::.e '00...\\ <H-e\a. ~"",~ili~E-\'y,eV"o t \2 JOe:a. - s. . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEH ~, 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORA1~DUM TO: Mayor and city Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: August 20, 1984 SUBJ: Community Services Agreement - District #112 . Meeting community recreational needs cannot be completed solely by one organization. Today, our schools provide a forum for a full range of continuing education and community education programs. Similarly, our cities also provide physical facilities and expertise to enhance learning, recreational and leisure time activities. Who can best provide a lead agency role changes depending upon the program activity. The important fact is that no one organization can exist in a vaccum and without the help of the other. Discussions regarding this concept started nearly one year ago between representatives of our school districts, City of Chaska, and City of Chanhassen. A draft agreement is in the process of being completed. I believe the agreement is workable and I would like to discuss such Monday evening. Basically, the agreement would: - Establish a direct responsibility for scheduling and coor- dinating activities at the Chanhassen Elementary School by the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Director. Various com- munity school and local programs would be carried out at the school to further the open school concept. . - The City of Chaska's Park and Recreation Director would carry out a similar role within that community. In addi- tion, those active recreational programs (mens and womens basketball, volleyball, broomball, etc.) which currently exist as Chaska programs, would be expanded to Chanhassen residents. Registration/scheduling/etc. would be carried out primarily by Chaska in coordination with Chanhassen. - Community Schools would maintain an umbrella position in coordinating local activities carried out on school premises. CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 10..-. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 28, 1984 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Update Lake Ann Park opened June 1st and will close on September 3rd. To date, the City has sold 926 seasonal passes and 1711 daily entrance passes. We have taken in $11,172.25 (as of July 31, 1984), which includes season pass sales, daily entrance fees, group picnics and passes sold to the area businesses. Lake Ann Park had a beach swimming program this year. 11 classes . were held and attracted 71 participants. Most of these classes were filled. The beach program was contracted through Minnetonka Community Schools who also provided us with lifeguards daily. . " . . . . \ " /'/. - r/ t: 16 ORDINANCE NO. 14A AN ORDINANCE WHICH RECOGNIZES THE NEED FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, ESTABLISHES STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT GUIDELINES FOR- SUCH, AND PROVIDES METHODS OF ACQUISITION AND DEVELOP~.ENT . THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Findings and Policy Declarati0n. 1.01. Rapid Community Growth. The City of Chanhassen,desires to be prepared for future growth with respect to population, housing and general land development. 1.02. Public Facilities Unable to Kee~ Pace with Community Growth. The City has been and is develop1ng and constructing public facilities and providing public services to meet the needs of the community's growing population, and these services and facilities must be able to keep pace with the ever growing need. J.O]. Council Policy Concern for Overall Land Development. Faced with the potential for major physical, social and fiscal problems caused by rapid and unprecedented growth in relation to park open space and its development within the community, and being concerned with existing, as well as future overall quality and character of land development within the City, the City Council has undertaken a program to develop a policy statement which will act to guide the acquisition and development of neighborhood parks through- out the City by providing a policy which explains the obligation and requirements that will be expected of all housing development within the community. 1.04. Policy Intention. It is the intention of the City Council to develop and implement a park open space acquisition and develop- ment policy which assigns a function of neighborhood park acquisition and development responsibility to all housing dwelling units. 1.05. Reasonableness of Policy. Such policy intent is considered reasonable to protect ~~e public interest and welfare of the community~ and to secure a better planned environment for all neighborhoods throughout the City~ and to establish a viable neighborhood park acquisition and development program that is relative and meaningful to the people who live throughout the City. 1.06. Policy Clarificat1on. This policy is intended and designed to focus upon providing a publicly adopted strategy \vhich will cause all housing developments to bear an obligation to the acquisition and develooment of "neighborhood parks". Such clarification is needed so as to indicate that the only function and purpose to which this policy applies shall be to acquire park space and develop such park. -1- . . lb ". Payment of said cash charge may be deferred in whole or in part, ~ the option of the City Council, until the time of issuance of residential building permits, in which case said cash charge shall. be pro-rated and collected from the building permit applicant, at the time of issuance of said building permit, according to the following for,mula: Pro-Rated Payment Due upon Issuance of Each Building Permit: AD x ~C + DC ) DU 2.04. Neighborhood Park Charge on Existing Plats and Subdivisions. A cash payment to be reserved for neighborhood park purposes shall be paid to ~~e City prior to the issuance of a building permit for new residential construction on all unplatted land and on all lands subdivided or platted prior to the enactment of this ordinance. This cash payment shall not be required, however, in the case of building permits for the mere alteration or remodelling of existing residential structures. The amount of said cash payment shall be determined by the following formula: Neighborhood Park Charge: Population/DU 200 x (AD + DC) . 2.05. Definitions. Por purposes of this ordinance, certain terms and words are defined as follows: "AC" is the estimated average cost of land per acre for park purposes as established by annual resolution of the City Council. This figure shall be the estimated average cost to acquire an acre.of land for neighborhood park purposes and shall recognize that land acquisition costs will vary greatly in d~fferent areas of the City. "DC" is the estimated average cost per acre of developing raw land into neighborhood parks, as established by annual resolution of the City Council. "DU" is the number of dwelling units proposed in any development to which this charge would be applicable. "PNV" is the fair market value of plat as of the date of approval of the final plat. "AD" is "Acre Demand" computed according to the following formula: DU x Population/DU 200 . -3- J''' . . . 1b 4.02.' Assessment Guidelines. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as limiting the development of public parks as a public improvement under Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes. 4.03. Establishment of Park Acquisition and Development Fund. The City Manager is hereby directed to establish a Neighborhood Park Acquisition and Development Fund, to be used only for: 1. Depositing park charges collected pursuant to this ordinance; 2. Depositing charitable contributions and other inter- governmental revenues received for neighborhood parks; 3. Disbursements of neighborhood park land acquisition and development costs. 4.04. Disposition of Park Acquisition and Development Funds. It is the intention of this ordinance that whenever possible and reasonable, but not mandatory, funds collected from developers and/or, residences of any particular development or particular neighborhood should be designated and used ,to serve that particular neighborhood. 4.05. Gifts or Donations. Land offered to the City as a gift or donation for neighborhood parks but not related to any specific development project may only be accepted when such gift or donation 'of land conforms to one of the following: 1. Such donation or gift of land is not provided as a means to defray the costs of an existing or future neighbor- hood park charge. However, the City may accept gift or donation lands when within an area design~ted as a neighbor- hood park location. Or upon acceptance by the City, the , land donated or received by gift may be sold by the City in order to purchase a designated neighborhood park site area. 2. Such donations or land gifts should not be less than one acre in size. 3. If such donation or land gift is to defray the costs of an existing or future neighborhood park charge, then such should be accepted only under the following conditions: a. Such land or lands must be within an area designated for a neighborhood park. b. Financial arrangements must be made either in the form of cash or additional lands in accordance with t.'1is policy. c. The existing characteristics of any land donated specifically for park land use must be clearly con- sis~ent with that intended use. 4.06. Negotiable Services-In-Kind. Where land is available and development olans adopted, neighborhood park charges for facilities may be-accepted in the form of services-in-kind rendered by the develooer through his contractors. Such services might include grading, landscaping, installation of utilities, or other services essential to implementation of the park plan. The value of such -5- r-.- .,','''''.''' _- _,-.-.... ".. 7r--..''''~'''''-'--''''' -......,r-__....~.__ ..."....-. - ..,....,._---.--.; .-._......~~ ~~""..._---~~ , , . ..-:----..;.....- ,. 1b Section 7. Repealer. This Ordinance repeals Ordinance 14, A~~ Ordinance requiring the dedication of Land for Public Recreation Use or Cash Payment In Lieu Thereof, adopted December 4, 1967. Passed and adopted by the City Council this 16th:c1ay of May , 1977,. Attest: '- ~ ~ ~.~ {M~:l1 City Clerk Manager ~ ~ ", ..,. '--."-"~ .~-.. .... .-............_...._............. 0:--.--....-...........-.--...-.;...... n_....._ .._ . . . ,.1 I - ,.', lb ".' CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. l4-B AN ORDIN&~CE AMENDING SECTIONS 1.04, 1.06, 1.07, 6.01 AND 6.02 OF. ORDINANCE NO. l4-A, THE CHANHASSEN NEIGHBORHOOD PARK CHARGE ORDINANCE, AND ADDING THERETO SECTION 4.09. THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Sections 1.04, 1.06, 1.07, 6.01, and 6.02 of Ordinance ,No. 14-A, the Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinance, adopted May 16, 1977, are hereby amended to read as follows: 1.04. Policy Intention. It is the intention of the City Council to develop and implement a park open space acquisition and development policy which assigns a function of neighborhood park acquisition and development responsibility to all housing dwelling units and commercial and industrial uses. 1.06. Policy Clarification. This policy is intended and " designed to focus upon providing a publicly adopted strategy which will cause all housing developments and commercial and industrial uses to bear an obligation to the acquisition and development of "neighborhood parks." Such clarification is needed so as to indicate that the only function and purpose to which this policy applies shall be to acquire park space and develop such park areas in such a manner so that they are solely planned, designed, constructed with facilities, and programmed with neighborhood services. This policy application in no way applies to or satisfies the acquisition or development of "Community," "District," or "Regional" parks. Nor does this policy apply to the maintenance of existing neighborhood parks or such neighborhood parks which may be acquired or developed by this policy. ' 1.07. Policy Consistent \'li th Overall Communi tyDevelopment Plans. It is necessary and consistent with the overall community development plans of this City to provide Neighborhoo( Parks, and it is further in the interest of the health, welfare andsafety of the people of the City of Chanhassen that the City promulgate and establish a Neighborhood Park Acquisition and Development Program; that such a program is equitable and -1- ~ / .' .' , "" , RHL 12/26/79 lb CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA . ORDINANCE NO. l4-C AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4.09 OF ORDINANCE 14-A, THE CHANHASSEN NEIGHBORHOOD PARK CHARGE ORDINANCE AND ADDING THERETO SECTION 6.03, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND SECTION 7.03 (e) OF ORDINANCE 33, THE CHANHASSEN SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 4.09, Commercial Industrial Park Charge, of Ordinance l4-A, the Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinance, adopted May 16, 1977, as amended by Ordinance l4-B on August 6, 1979, is hereby further amended to read as follows: 4.09 Commercial, Office or Industrial Recreational Area Land Dedication or Charge 1. Land Dedication. It is hereby found and declared that it is reasonable to require that a reasonable amount of the gross acreage of the undeveloped land proposed to be subdivided for commercial, office or industrial . uses be dedicated to the public for public use as recreational areas. 2. Recreational Area Charge. At the option of the City, in lieu of land dedication, all lots, tracts or parcels of land, whether platted or unplatted, to be utilized for commercial, office or industrial uses shall be subject to a recreational area charge of $875 per net developable acre which is hereby determined to be a reasonable percentage of the current fair market value of undeveloped land within the City to be so utilized. All recreational area charges shall be paid upon. issuance of the building permit for the commercial, office or industrial use. 3. Annual Review. The recreational area charge established by Section 2 hereof shall be reviewed annually by the City Council at a regular scheduled meeting during February of each year, and may be revised by Council resolution. The standard to be employed by the Council in making any such revision shall be the changes, on an annual basis, in the Construction Cost Index published by the Engineering News Record, or any equivalent commonly employed price index. . .' . '. . '7b 4. Credits. In the event the City Council elects to accept dedications of land for public use as recrea- tional areas in a commercial, office or industrial subdivision, the Council may grant credits against the recreational area charges applicable to said sub- division in such amounts as the Council in its dis- cretion may deem appropriate. 5. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: a. "Recreational areas: are those areas as defined in the Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. b. "Undeveloped land" is defined as a lot, tract or parcel of land which can be readily utilized for commercial, office or industrial use. c. "Fair market value" as it relates to land to be subdivided is defined as the market value of the lot as of the date of final plat approval, not including the value of public improvements serving the lot. "Fair market value" as it relates to unplatted land is defined as the market value, not including the value of public improvements, of the tract or parcel of land as of the date a building permit application is submitted to the City Council for approval pursuant to Section 9.06 of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. Section 2. Section 6 of Ordinance l4-A, The Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinance, adopted May 16, 1977, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section to read as follows: 6.03 Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance. No provision of this ordinance shall be construed to repeal, modify or in any manner restrict the provisions of the Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. Section 3. Section 4, Definitions, of Ordinance 33, The Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance, adopted February 17, 1969 is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 4.01 to read as follows: 4.01 Restatement. The term "Active Recreational Areas" is hereby restated to read "Recreational Areas" as said term relates to the Chanhassen Subdivision and Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinances. -2- , r / .i . Jp Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council this 7th day of January , 1980. ( ~~~\CTh- MAYOR Published in Carver County Herald on the l6thday of 1980. -3- --~.,~. _...._--~-- ...---.-- - City January . , . . . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION DATE: January 18, 1982 82-03 RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY COUNCILMAN: Horn SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN: Neveaux REQUIRED ANNUAL RESOLUTION OUTLINING NEIGHBORHOOD PARK COSTS FOR ACQUIRING AND DEVELOPING AN AVERAGE ACRE FOR SUCH USE WHEREAS, Ordinance 14-A and 14-C, as amended heretofore, is a duly adopted ordinance for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, said ordinances require that the City Council shall act to adopt by resolution, the average acre acquisition cost and the average acre development cost for neighborhood parts through the entire city, and a "Recreational Area Charge" for commercial/office/ industrial lands; and WHEREAS, such average costs are upon determination to be utilized in the formula as outlined in Ordinance 14-A, as amended, for determining each dwelling unit park charge for each year and updating of such charges can most reasonably occur by use of the construction cost index; and WHEREAS, the City has evaluated all of its incurred costs for neighborhood parks relative to acquisition and development for the past years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby establishes the following average acre costs for 1982 to be utilized in the park charge formula outlined in Ordinance 14-A: Average Acre Acquisition Cost: Average Acre Development Cost: $ 7,048.12 $13,215.62 FURTHER, IT IS RESOLVED, That these designated 1982 average acre neighborhood park acquisition and development costs shall result in the following neighborhood park charge for each dwelling unit described in Ordinance 14-A as amended: DWELLING UNIT TYPE PERSONS/UNIT CHARGE Single Family detached dwelling Double Family attached dwelling 3.3/unit 3.3/unit $415.00 $415.00