CC Work Session Minutes 10-12-09City Council Work Session – October 12, 2009 terms convexity, callables and bullets. Greg Sticha stated staff will continue to provide the council with quarterly reports in the correspondence packet. UPDATE ON THE CHANHASSEN STATION PARK AND RIDE. Todd Gerhardt discussed the downtown Chanhassen Station Park and Ride noting Southwest Transit has received grant money. He updated the council on the meetings and agreements that have led to the submittal of site plans for Planning Commission and City Council review in November. The first agreement is a Redevelopment Agreement between Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen. Councilman McDonald asked if all parties were on the same page regarding the definition of redevelopment. Kate Aanenson explained the options available to Bloomberg Companies for redevelopment of their property will have to meet current city code. Councilwoman Ernst asked staff to clarify the incentive to Bloomberg Companies, clarification of the assessment amount and the benefit to the city. Todd Gerhardt explained how the assessment repayment process will work and the associated risks to the City. Councilwoman Ernst asked for further clarification that there will be minimal risk to the City. Mayor Furlong clarified that Bloomberg Companies incentive is to improve their property to receive tax increment financing to offset the assessments. Councilwoman Ernst noted she was struggling with the fact that the park and ride ramp at Southwest Village isn’t full and the need for an additional ramp in the downtown location. Mayor Furlong explained planning for future demand versus current need. Todd Gerhardt reviewed the other three agreements: Cooperative Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Southwest Transit; Purchase Agreement between Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen; and Assessment Agreement between Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen. Councilman McDonald asked about future plans for the historic train depot and clarification of who’s responsible for the maintenance of the private/public road. Councilwoman Ernst asked staff to provide rider projection numbers for the two facilities. Todd Gerhardt reviewed the schedule for Planning Commission and City Council approval with the goal of getting the final approve prior to the end of the year for cash flow benefits to Bloomberg Companies and the Dinner Theater. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2