Email from Jon Horn-Preliminary Plat, Temporary Construction Easement & Administrative Lot Split 10-19-09 Meuwissen. Kim From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Aanenson, Kate Monday, October 19, 2009 3:19 PM Meuwissen, Kim FW: Chanhassen Preliminary Plat Information 33761-PRE-PLA T.pdf; 33761-construct-ease Layout1 (1 ).pdf; 33761-ADMIN-2 Split 20x30 (1 ).pdf Here is that attachment for the plat. From: jon. horn@kimley-horn.com [mailto :jon. horn@kimley-horn. com] Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 2:54 PM To: Gerhardt, Todd; Oehme, Paul; Aanenson, Kate; Hokkanen, Laurie; LSimich@swtransit.org; Scott. Froemming@walkerparking.com; jdricelawchan@qwestoffice.net; rrosow@grjn.com; Knutson, Roger Cc: Chadd.Larson@kimley-horn.com Subject: Chanhassen Preliminary Plat Information Attached for everyone's information and review are the following documents for the Chanhassen Transit Station: 1. Preliminary Plat Changes have been made consistent with the discussions of our meeting on October 8th and some subsequent telephone conversations. The large Bloomberg parcel north of the SW parcel has remained in the plat and it has been split into two lots at the request of Bloomberg. The SW parcel (lot 1, Block 1) has been expanded to the west to include the area that was previously identified as the joint access easement. The plat does not include any proposed roadway right-of-way on Outlot A and lot 2, Block 1, Frontier Cinema Addition since we have assumed that this will be established separately by an easement. 2. Temporary Construction Easement Exhibit This shows the temporary easement area that will be needed from Bloomberg for the construction of the proposed improvements. The ownership of some of the temporary easement area will be transferred to SW and the City when the plat is filed and the land transfers are completed. The limits of the westerly portion of the temporary construction easement have been revised to include the existing public utility easement that will be vacated prior to the completion of the plat. 3. Administrative Lot Split Exhibit This shows the portion of the existing Bloomberg parcel west of the plat boundary (Outlot A, Frontier Cinema Addition) that will need to be split to be included within the plat. Please let me know if you have questions or we can provide any additional information. Jon B. Horn, PE Kimley-Horn and Associates,lnc. 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 345N St. Paul, MN 55114 Phone: (651) 643-0406 Fax: (651) 645-5116 1