1984 11 13 Agenda . AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1984, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE Approval of Minutes 1. Minutes of September 4, 1984 2. Minutes of October 11, 1984 3. Minutes of October 14, 1984 Updates 4. Carver Beach (Mini Beach) 5. Lake Ann Park Beach 6 . 1985 LAWCON Grant Applications City Council action on 1985 budget 7 . 8. Piper Ridge subdivision New Business 9. Hilloway Subdivision 10. Park and Recreation commission Vacancy 11. Electro-Craft request for waiver of Park Dedication fees - This item is attached for your information. No action by the commission is required. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator *If you are unable to attend, please give me a call at 937-1900. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 or A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mike Lynch. The . I, PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 P AG E 4 MINUTES: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Park and Recreation Commission October 11, 1984 Page 2 Randy Herman asked how much use a passive recreational area would get next to a recreational field. Tom Schoenecker said there would be a lot of use as the residents in the area use it now. Chairman Lynch stated that he felt that the City owned enough passive land and that due to the financial condition of the park fund and the city needs, he would not be in favor of this request. Mike Rosenwald agreed stating he did not feel we needed more park land in that area when we have not developed what is already there. Tom Schoenecker maintained that the Commission owed it to the residents to give this request proper consideration. He felt the Commission should view the property and determine the land value. Barbara Gainer, a Minnewashta resident who works at the Arboretum, said she felt the property was Arboretum quality. James Gainer agreed and said there was more involved than dollars and that the best use of the property would be to leave it as it is. The Commissioners discussed times to go out to view the property. Bill Monk said that an appraisal could be pursued if they felt the property was worth acquiring. Randy Herman said that if the residents liked the property they could find the same type of property four-fold in Minnewashta Regional Park. The Commissioners agreed to meet at Tom Schoenecker's home, 2820 Sandpiper Trail at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. 3 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING ~ OCTOBER 14, 1984 The Park and Recreation Commission met at Tom Schoenecker's home at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 14. commissioners present were: Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Tom Schoenecker, Joe Warneke, and Mike Rosenwald. Commissioners absent were: Charlie Robbins and Richie Hemping. Also present were Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Horn and Geving. Staff present were Lori Sietsema and Bill Monk. Randy Herman and several Minnewashta area residents were also present. PIPER RIDGE SUBDIVISION, RANDY HERMAN PROPERTY: A walk through the property was led by Tom Schoenecker before the meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chairman Lynch. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker to recommend that the City Council have the Randy Herman property appraised to determine whether the City should pursue purchasing it for additional parkland. ~ Discussion of the motion began with Mike Lynch stating that he too would like to see an appraisal, but was concerned about the cost. He also said that adding the land to Herman Field to make it one continuous park would be difficult because of the swamp. Tom Schoenecker felt the swamp would help separate the active and passive areas. Brian Foltz said he was not interested in having an appraisal done as the City does not need the land at any cost. Mike Rosenwald agreed and added that we do have an easement through the subdivision to Herman Field. Joe Warneke said that they were all empathetic, however he did not feel the commission could justify the purchase or the appraisal. He added that the applicant's feelings should be considered. Tom Schoenecker maintained that because we do not know the value of the land, we should have the appraisal done. It may be appraised at $1,000 to $2,000 an acre and should not pass it up at that price. Mike Lynch stated that we would not get the land at that price even if it were appraised that low because we have an unwilling seller and condemnation procedures are expensive. He added that there was no practical way we could purchase the property. ~ Mike Lynch called for a second on Tom Schoenecker's motion and none was given. The vote failed for lack of a second. Mike Lynch made a motion to recommend that the City Councl amend the Land Use Plan of Planning Case 84-2 Subdivision from park/Open Space to Residential. The motion was seconded by Brian Park and Recreation Commission October 14, 1984 Page 2 Foltz. Those in favor were: Warneke and Mike Rosenwald. motion carried. Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Joe Tom Schoenecker voted no. The a motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. TIME: 6:35 p.m. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH I-J. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 17.1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator f\ ,J RE: Update - Carver Beach Mini Beach . At the Commission's request, staff has reviewed the possibility of temporarily covering the existing parking area at Carver Beach. Grass will not grow on that spot without at least 6 inches of topsoil. To prevent the topsoil from washing away, the top layer of crushed rock would have to be dug out. This could be done, however, the parking lot would not be left unharmed for future use. It is the staff's opinion that a decision has to be made from one of three choices: 1. Landscpaing the upper area, doing away with the existing parking loti 2. Open parking area and landscaping the surrounding areai 3. Leave the area as it is. I will point out that City Council has not been very receptive on the idea of doing away with the parking lot. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 September 14, 1984 Ms. Phyllis Pope 680 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Pope: The Park and Recreation Commission has been reviewing the Carver Beach Mini Beach since the June 5th meeting. The Commissioners do not feel it is right to do away with the parking area per- manently as that would make the park a private facility on public land. However, they are not ready to recommend reopening the parking area until the City has its own police force that can . adequately patrol the area. Staff is presently looking into a temporary top soil covering for the parking area that will enhance the appearance of the park until the parking lot is reopened. If it is not possible to cover the parking area without doing damage, I believe the Commissioners will recommend leaving it as is until it is reopened. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 937-1900. Sincerely, ~A{ Jat&.rvuJ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:v . . . . Sept. 24, 1984 Lori Sietsema Chanhassen Park and Recreation Dept. Dear Lori, Thank you for your letter responding to my concerns regarding the park in Carver Beach. I hope that the commissioners decision to try to recover the parking lot works out as that would be a very satisfactory solution to an unsightly area. However that does not resolve another concern of mine, the accumulation of negative and unsightly signs in that parking lot. Since the commission has erected so many lovely signs in other parks t I see no reason not to have one in the park at Carver Beach. Perhaps all the rules and restrictions could be then combined into one Sign to minimumize the negative impact on people coming into the park. Thank you for your interest in my concerns. Please let me know what sort of action will be taken. ;; ~r(IJ;~ ,/) \~ ~~~ E~::~~.-:::~ SEP 2 :-; '1984 (_oiTY O!=" CHANHAS;;;:: ! CITY 0 F CHARHASSER 5 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 15, 1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator RE: Lake Ann Park Stickers and Beach Program The Commissioners requested a detailed count of how many Lake Ann Park stickers were sold. $ 4.00 Resident stickers 431 46 17 . $ 8.00 Non-resident/employee stickers $25.00 Non-resident/non-employee $ 0.00 Senior Citizen stickers 6 -500 We received $2700 from Frank Beddor Jr. for 450 park stickers. The money went toward the July 4th celebration and fireworks display. Attached is a statement from Minnetonka Community Schools for the cost of the swimming program and lifeguards at Lake Ann, and the tennis program. . . INNETONKA COMMUNITY SERVICES 261 school avenue excelsior, minnesota 55331-1987 phone (612) 474-5405 September 19, 1984 Don Ashworth City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Don: . The recap of costs to the City of Chanhassen for our cooperative summer recreation program is as follows: ITEM INCOME DISBURSEMENTS Playground 116. 00 800.00 Tennis* 4464.00 4061. 00 Beach Director* -0- 265.00 Swim Lessons 1064.00 645.08 Lifeguards -0- 7327.03 NET Total (684.00) 80.60 (265.00) 418.92 (7327.03) $7776.50 *Income and costs divided by participating communities. The total cost to the CITY OF CHANHASSEN is $7776.50. Please make check payable to Minnetonka Community Services. Thank you for your cooperation. If you wish a more detailed program report, please let me know. . Sincerely, ~~ Jones, Jr. ~t~: tf'::Ci:~-. ~ZD JLJ:bj SEP ~ ' 1984 'iTY 0'" CH!'~i'H-IASS;::;l CITY OF CHANHASSEH o . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordD~ator September 14, 1984 ~ 1985 LAWCON/LCMR Applications DATE: SUBJ: Attached is a copy of the letter we received from Louis Jambois of the Department of Energy and Economic Development. Mr. Jambois has informed us that our grant applications have been denied. Also attached please find a list of how all of the applications considered ranked. Our submittals for a park shelter and for . field development were ranked number 25 and 26 out of 30. . , , . . . " .,,~;~~'\ ~~\.-~1) MINNESOTA \~~W! Departm~nt of Energy 'and EconomIc Development Community Development Division 296-5005 , ,,:'0 .-\mcric~n Center 150 E:lSt Kellogg Bou/t.:vard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 August 23, 1984 William Monk PUblic Works Director 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: FY'85 LAWCON ILCMR Application Lake Ann Park City of Chanhassen, Carver County Dear Mr. Monk: The initial review of applications for 1985 State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCl\lR) grants-in-aid and Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) has been completed. This review was made in accordance ",lith state and administrative rules and federal law. Representatives from this office and the regional development commission serving your area participated in the review. Factors taken into consideration in the review and subsequent ranking included the outstanding natural resource values of the project, its ability to provide multipurpose recreational opportunities, the scarcity of similar facilities within the general vicinity, and the consistency of the project with the findings of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Competition for the limited funds was very intense. Of the 210 applications (valued at nearly $18 million) received this year, only 29 can be recommended for $2.2 million in available funds. Unfortunately, your application did not rank high enough to be recommended for further grant consideration this year. As you may know, funds for recreation projects are derived from appropriations made by the U.S. Congress through the LAWCON program and by the State' Legislature through the LCMR. Unfortunately, there are not enough dollars available to fund all applications. A list of those projects recommended for FY 1985 financial assistance is available upon request. l-{C:C::'~':~~ J\U G :~ ii 1984 r.,-.. l .l Y O!=' CHANHASS~;'I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~\,~J :VIr. :'IIonk -2- August 23, 1984 If you desire additional information regarding your current application or would like assistance on a future application, please contact the Parks and Recreation Grants Section of this office at (612) 296-4703. We thank you for your interest in these programs and are sorry that your application did not rank high enough for further consideration this year. s~n/)elY~, ._.~ ~ ~"~>;==,.fi---- Louis F. Ja,.mtiois, Supervisor Parks & Recreation Grants Unit LFJ :pb LAWCON II /22-CP . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 1 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM October 10.1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori C. Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Re: 1985 Budget A public hearing was held October 1, 1985 on the 1984 Municiple Budget. The Budget was approved by the City Council as proposed. You will receive a copy of the budget summary as soon as they are available. . . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH '6. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 12, 1984 ~ TO: Barbara Dacy, City Planner FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator RE : Piper Ridge Subdivision The Park and Recreation commission met on Thursday, October 11 to discuss the Piper Ridge Subdivision land use amendment request. At the meeting, residents from the Minnewashta area were present to request that the commission decline recommendation for the land use change. The residents also requested that the com- mission recommend to the City Council that the property be purchased from Mr. Herman for additional park land. . After much discussion the commission decided that they were not prepared to make a recommendation without viewing the property in question. Because this item is up for review at the October 15th City Council meeting, the commission will be meeting at 5:30 Sunday evening at Commissioner Schoenecker's home to view the property, (which is just across the street from his home). A staff update will be distributed at Monday evening's meeting. STAFF UPDATE (10/15/84) The Park and Recreation Commission met on Sunday, October 14 at the Piper Ridge subdivision site. After walking through the property, a meeting was called to order at 6:25. Tom Schoenecker made a motion to recommend that the City Council have the Randy Herman property appraised to determine whether the city should pursue purchasing it for additional parkland. Discussion followed the motion and it was determined that the cost of an appraisal/possible condemnation would be too high. There was no second given to the motion. . Mike Lynch make a motion to recommend that the City Council amend the Land Use plan of plat #84-2 from park/Open Space to Residential. The motion was seconded by Brian Foltz. All in ~ favor were Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, Brian Foltz and Joe Jib Warneke. Tom Schoenecker was oppoed. The motion carried. {J CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 1. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~~ DATE: October 4, 1984 SUBJ: Hilloway Corporation Proposed Subdivision The Hilloway Corp. has proposed a subdivision including 23 lots located north of Frontier Trail on the west shore of Lotus Lake. The Park and Recreation Commission is requested to determine whether parkland or park dedication fees should be accepted. The subdivision is located within the service areas of both Meadow Green Park and Western Hills Park. It is just outside of the Carver Beach Neighborhood Park and Carver Beach Mini-Beach service areas. It is staff's recommendation to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. . . . City of Ch:lnhassen Ccmnunity Developrent Depart:Irent 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Ibx.147 . Chanhassen, MN" 5531 i (612) 937-1900 Date: <Xtober 1, 1984 To: Develq:ment Plan Referral Agencies Fran: Chanhassen Canmunity Developnent Department By: B3..rbara Dacy, City Planner Subject: see Planning Case No: #84-21 SUbdivision The above described application for approval of a land develq:rnent" proposal was filed with the Chanhassen Ccmm.mity Developnent Department on Septerrber 21, 1984 . In order for us to have the benefit of as much infomation as possible cmceming this application, we w:Juld like your agency to review the enclosed develq:xnent plans insofar as is applicable to your agency, and make any ccrrrrents you might have on this proposal. We are particularly interested in matters which affect the public health, safety and general welfare. Specifically, we '.'<'Ould appreciate your ccmnents and recanmendations conceming the impact of this proposal on traffic circulation, existing and proposed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for acquiring public lands or easements for park sites, street extensions or irnprove.m=nts, and utilities. Where specific needs or problems J,. exist, we ~uld li.."I(e to have a. written report to this effect fran the agency concemed so that we can make a reccmrendation to the Planning Carmission and City Council encarrpassing these needs. This application is scheduled for consideration by the Chanhassen Planning Carrnission on <Xtober 10, 1984 . at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall. In order for the Corrmunity Developrrent DepartJnent to prepare a thorough review of this application for the Ccmni.ssion and Council, we w:Juld appreciate receiving your ccmnents .as soon as possible. . You my also appear at the Planning Ccmni.ssion rreetingif you so desire. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. Er.closed: pronosed Develoar.ent Plans DISTRIBurIO~ : ~City Engineer ~ 2. Ci ty Attorney ~ ~City Park Director 4. Fire Dcpart:rr.ent 5. Count"j Engineer Riley Purgatory " /' ~ yatershcd Dist. Engineer ua:.........MN Dept of Natural Resource c.::r; Soil Conservation Service ~ Ccrnpany 8. MN Dept. of Transportation (t-.W Bell r United) 9. u.s. Arrrrj Corps of Engineers tJz; ~c Comp.1.ny ~Minnegasco (NS or l-IN Valley Co-op) r. File: Camumity Developrent Departltent Form No. 81-10 h:jency Referral 7/1/81 ag 0- ~ fit ::( r- C\\, )> biG -J~ ",~ .,~. 1> N- 1Jl0" () )> f--f'?~~ tS:~ ~ ;~~ l.iH ~, Cw ""'!: ., ~=~~ t~~~' ;,: ~;: ,,":. c ~ ~.,;. ~:~~ ~~ ~ !~ , , ..~ : . '" ~:~Y,:-"~":"'.> '>""'_' .~. ;"j:",\ --<:~'.~' . i .- \ ~ '(',.... '. ~, t ,\, , '.r"W--'~ ': / -.;./ ! '. !" ''i .. \::~ . ", ~ "'-. " "',~...:;: ~....... '. .--..- ." .::'u,,: _'0">"""-. " ~,' , \~, '\ '.. ~, '.. \, ~ l \ -.:",\ \ ';"''':.,>-.-..>,. " . " t ....... L--- -- Cl- ,,,., ,.....;(: ......."''''~' &l.....,.- <'> ~ I~ -"'y"'(~ '-,,.... - "- "'=.. < f' ~~ ;~~ ~ '-t ~;'t <.^ "" ~ '" ~." -;; - / (~ ,/ i,' ; ~ ! .,' / r~ / "~i' ,.. : ,,// ,p":'!"/1 I I-{ r):/ rfff/?i ! /~~~<,>~)fWI r /_+~ "rt". .:), I ; \ : ,/,: .'r.11 \ \ '. -17t~:jl~ ," ..Yr,.. I '!il.. < " ,/ '(\-1 nil. I }ff I urio . '.u.( I. L,.'~. j'" <T; <; t:t:-";t~ ,f" >:1 ':'ii~ i: ~ ;iI,,'" r '1 ',~J1' 0 '" ~ " , 1, ; I, 1;;:0 , .' I " '::~::2J ~ i J',~ 'i." (~ '/\':;(.1 >.. \, ~J 'I '~. ~_ 'if _', "",~ j,"'i. .c,,-J j c~ (\. '.' f":,,~<-~ ~ I '~o- ~\ 1 f' il:;. #:\~r .s, ,l, , -,-Z ' ...,j"h";"l ~l=__j_~ : /+--~ I jl)~ 1~5 1:)1 I) l ;:2 ",://1,/ )> .......'.,,/ 1/ Z ! ..,/ \!!I . ',.J"JI Y ( /\ ,-'" ...., - ....-.. 11: .- ..-.....-, a r- (.'\-......4~() r-30 . ( . !P; ~', ~ ~<("ic..' ~ ~r-e ().- 0 I I ~j- ~ / .... l '- ~ ( CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA ~ Neighborhood Parks D Service Area ~- ~ --. - .:.. ~ l--J ;:;..... --- -- -..-.-- '. ..... ~ ~---..~-...----- '"~ -~~~.'."~~~~,-.-.-.~~,... --~_______:_....-.-....--..-.------""".~..e...rv....~-_ ... -- ,.' ---.. --_. ~-~. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH /0 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 7, 1984 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy As you know, Commissioner Richie Hemping has resigned from the Commission due to her move out of the City. I have published an article regarding the vacancy in both the Carver County Herald and the Lake Minnetonka Sailor. I have received four inquiries about the vacancy and have sent them applications for the position. . At this time the Commission should discuss what qualifications may be required to fill the position. After the last vacancy was filled, some Commissioners expressed the importance of every area of the City being represented. I am hoping that the Commission can interview candidates and make a recommendation to the City Council at the December meeting. -1P . . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 10, 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Press Release Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission vacancy The City of Chanhassen is accepting applications to fill a vacan- cy on the Park and Recreation Commission. This commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council on matters relating to park development and acquisition and recreational programs. For more information, call Lori Sietsema at 937-1900. . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH I \ , . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Barbara Dacy, City Planner DATE: September 20, 1984 SUBJ: Request for Waiver of Park Dedication Fees, Electro-Craft Corporation Electo-Craft Corporation is formally petitioning the City Council at the October 1, 1984 meeting to waive the park dedication fees of $1,035 per acre as required by Section 4.09 {2} of Ordinance No. 14. The attached letter dated August 20, 1984 from the applicant's attorney outlines the reasons for this request. To summarize, the applicant states that 23 acres of the site are "wetlands" and that much of the site will not be built upon. . They also note that while much of the industrial zoned land in Chanhassen lies within a tax increment district, this particular site is not. A "contribution in kind" is therefore being made in lieu of park dedication fees. As explained in the attached, Electro-Craft develops, manufac- tures, and sells high performance motors and related products. They intend to purchase the 72 acre site located at the southwest corner of the Audubon Road - Highway 5 intersection now owned by Minnegasco, Inc. Forty acres of the site (the northern portion) is now designated as "Industrial" on the adopted Land Use Plan. Electro-Craft has filed an application which will be considered by Council at the October 1 meeting, to amend the land use plan to designate 22 acres of the site as industrial and to change the . location of the MUSA boundary to include the additional acreage. A rezoning request from R-la (Agricultural Residence) to P-4 {Planned Industrial Development} has also been filed for the site and that action will be heard by Council the same evening. It is my understanding that Council has not acted on a request for waiver of park dedication fees. The Council has the following options: 1. Referral to the City Park and Recreation Commission for their October 2, 1984 meeting. 2. Waiver of the entire fee. . . , -. ----.,: .- ) ( " z a. -J oq ~ I I L_ j ....... ~ -""----- i I I j I I , . I '. P~8l' 8(,~<!.:TlZO (!..,&rFf - S{~ 1 ?f.Y</-3 I I ,. LAKE A,VN (/) a::: lLJ 3: o a. ~ --, I - ~ // --- ~ ~ J I i ,---" ---...-- ~ Lcx:!A-Tl ~ MA--r ~L- ~ o ClJ .:J o ""' I ( AMOS S. OEINAF:tO SIDNEY LORBER SIDNey BARROWS HAROl..C O. F'IE:L.O. .JR ALLEN I SAEt<S THOMAS 0 r:"EINB'!RG MORRIS M. SHERMAN GEORGE REILI. Y OAVIO N cox STEPHEN R PF'L.AUM CHARLES A. MAYS NANCY C. DREHER L.OWEL.L. ,J. NOTEBOOM GEORGE 1='". MCGUNNIGL.E. .JR F'REORIC T. ROSENBLATT BYRON E. STARNS STEVEN O. DERUYTER ALAN..J WIL.ENSKY STEPHEN .J. DAVIDSON STEPHEN R. LITMAN DAVID C. ZAL.K EDWARD M. MOERSF'EL.OER ROBERT LEWIS BARROWS HUGH M. MAYNARD MICHAEL A. NEKICH MARTHA C. BRAND ~IItO"ESSION.L eORIIII'ORATION5 LAW O".".ICES ,JAMES V ROTH ROBERT L D~MAY M. ~ATRICIA SCHAF"F"ER ANGELA M. BOHMANN Roe'tRT O. ARKIN ROBERT P -HAVIS ,JAMES G. BUL.L.ARO .JOSEPt-I M F"INLEY LAWRENCE.J. F'IELO .JONI MARIE KEL.LY RIC.......i:rO RAPSON MARK 5 WE'TZ GEORGE e. WYETH NANCY A WEL.SH LOWEL.L. v. STORTZ M....RY BEN,JA""'IN TREVOR .J. BRAOF"ORO GOSS OOUGLAS B. GREENSWAG . LEONARD, STREET AND DEI NARD A ~ARTNERSHIP INCL.UOING PROF"ESSIONAL. CORPOR....TlONS 1200 NATIONAL CITY BANK BUILDING 510 MAROUETTE AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS, "MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE AND TELECOPIER (612) 339-1200 August 20, 1984 GEORGE B. LEONARO (1872-1956) ARTHUR L.. H. STREET (1877-1961) BENEOICT OEINARO (lB99-1969) IRENE SCOTT OAVIO N. HAYNES O. RANOAL.L. BOYER OF" COUNSEL BY MESSENGER Mr. Scott Martin CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Electro-Craft Corporation Project Dear Mr. Martin: . Enclosed is the "Land Development Application" sub- mitted by Electro-Craft Corporation (as Applicant) and Minne- gasco, Inc. (as Fee Owner), together with a check for the filing fees of $350. Please place this matter on the agenda for the Planning Commission meeting of September 12, 1984, and send out all necessary notices. As you are aware, Electro-Craft is requesting that the 72-acre property located at the southwest corner of the inter- section of Highway 5 and Audubon Road be rezoned from R-IA (Agricultural Residence) to P-4 (Planned Industrial) and that the City's Land Use Plan be amended accordingly. These steps are necessary in order to permit Electro-Craft to complete the purchase of and to build upon the site. Attached to the Application are exhibits containing a description of the applicant, a statement of the reasons for the requests, a legal description of the land, a map of the site, and an abstract identifying all property owners within 350 feet of the property. If the City needs any further in- formation, please contact me immediately. As you know, we are hopeful that this Application can be approved by the Planning Commission on September 12 and by the City Council on October 1, so that it can go to the Metropolitan Council in time for its meeting of October 25. . ~eNTfr3 ,t-.. ~ \ ~ <t ..;:. ~ . ! 51 2 ~' or, _ W' .; h ~ _ _ __~ + 1. ! . ~ r ... ,I r -r--r--r' n-r~ ':J '" '. ',UT - or- ' , I I -, I ...lL1.I. - - - 1 - --. \ I " L ~ ::. ~ ..~ .~; \ ......: ~1II1111111 T = U) ~i ~ ~~ =~ ~~ : - J'- :><. -~ ~ l- Q~ -.{\'2~ _ .-1 ')-~ )-:=1> ~ () ~ . -- ~ .t \ll \L c:L ~\-::) ~ ,~<tt ..\f' I ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~~ \=- ~~ ~-(\L - ~ E r ' I . ~. '~I\ ~ ~ : -- t~~ ! \ ~ - . '~,. ~ t~.:-.' "'" I ~ ~ ~ :- ~i~ \ ~ :.; .-tr-~ 1 ~; I'~.,r,,:. ' ~. '..,........--: - . . ,"'" : i c I J ~ -.E I /-u) If-., ~ ~ Eli / I ~ I ... I /....i oJ r--..J- = ~-~_~ ~ I ~ I ___ ~l ~ -" ~ ~ (~ ~ t E , ~ /-- . \:1~ ~.; ~ ~ fl, I ~ / -- ~~-f.:.-~_~ ~ ! ~ E /~ V \5 ~ l.{. - ~ 'I. '. ; = d -j !r~ If-i I ' ~:: I \ \ I . ,~_~ ~ ~ 1" I . ~:"~I V, . It I J ! ~ . ~ H~tJJ I ~- " I = fA ~ !'" ...II...t u ~ itu.. .",". ' ,~, t I I I J, =_- I I '.11....... II.l....... :..11. .... 1. . - ~ ::.....:'...':. . / ,! !: 5 ~ \l\ ~ : ~ ~,,\ ~ E_~_~~ ~ w ~~ ~ \ . : - ~ - ..... i - N' !.- ~:~;i.: "-.'..:. i ----.~~i) 1 i~ ~; ~~~ _~ ~ .:::-........ >.::..: : .::.... ," . ~ ~ ~ 3 ~~;;;:;.i ._],n~ -'~ ......'~ 5(1; 3 ~ ,I,' ~ '~~ : ,:Y: ,a'I~:i ~ -S) '" c .... \rl \J. I ':fh}::':I:;QIT![ ... g ~ ~ t::) . ~ ;;r -' 1"'- ~ --- 5_-' \ \ ~L.. ~ ~~ ~ r ~ =_ ~ I, J' k- ~ ~~~r\' I >&.. L ~ ~ --. I - - J-~ muumuu ~ t, -~~~ I I! " 1 ~ ,}...~~~ - I -k.-~-'~;/111' :::.~~.. ~ '_ ~ ~. - ~ j :. ! I '-L pV /' ~.~~ t-~;.~tt ---;___ ; , I~ I, i /// ./~_'~~jr~t u...'5'~ J ~ ~ ..' I . ~--------- ----. . j ,) I 1// /.Ji- ~ ~;:'~);: . <. -:Z')-'- ,- 1'--"" , --- . -, ~ I....' -J.. .~ I ~,' 'ji i " i ~) I ~}fl ~:%% ~/ ell ! i << ~ ~ i ~ r ~ ~"; " y : ~I ! -''/ //.;:'/:7 ~~' - i ~ ~ J~_~- J .~! 1 ' '/' .,'.J'" I' h~~~?' :- ~ I !Q.--, - ?= ~ ; ~2; ~ .,.. -- ~. I ~J: '.:::s>.C ~ 1 i}!{~:' .!Z~ ~ /' .~ ~ i: i ~ ~~ I~~~ I I Tar.r;.:U.::-;:x.-;~.AJ//;:::/"; ~ I : I If-rr.7'\e I..LAII'::!"J ,...1- ~ ~ '" -- --, "I ry-., ---- - . . . EXHIBIT A Electro-Craft Corporation is engaged primarily in the development, manufacture, and sale of high performance direct current electric servo motors, motor controls, electronic control systems, and related products. Such products are used for precise control of motion, position, and speed (~, as components in computer peripheral equipment). The corporate headquarters of Electro-Craft are located at present in Hopkins, Minnesota. The Hopkins facility also includes research and development activities and manufacturing operations. In addition, Electro-Craft operates manufacturing plants in Amery, Wisconsin, and Winnebago, Minnesota, and has a division in California which manufactures encoders. . . . A-~V:T~ . . . C:< Council Meeting October 1, 1984 -8- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY S'roRAGE OF A MARKETING SALES 'lRAILER, KERR CCMPANIES, sOiJiiH OF AMER'ICAN LEX;ION PROPERTY : -Robert Martinson, Project Manager, Kerr Canpanies was present. Mayor Hamilton rcoved to approve to approve a conditional use permit to allow tem- porary storage of a marketing sales trailer subject to the following conditions: 1. '!he trailer must be rerroved fran the site if application for developnent approval has not been made by Novenber 30, 1984. 2. If application is made and approved and construction started, the trailer must be rerroved by September 1, 1985. 3. If the trailer is rcoved on site, its location be approved by the Planning staff. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. '!he following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwcmen Swenson and Watson, Councilmen Geving and Horn. No negative votes. M:>tion carried. r MErES AND roUNDS SUBDIVISION, 8280 GALPIN BLVD: Dennis Moore was present requesting approval to subdivide a 26 acre parcel into a 12 acre parcel and a 14 acre parcel. Councilman Horn rcoved to approve the metes and bounds subdivision dividing a 26 acre parcel into a 12 acre parcel and a 14 acre parcel, Planning Case #84-15. M:>tion seconded by Councilman Geving. '!he following voted in favor: Mayor Hamil ton, Councilwcm:m SWenson and Watson, Councilmen Geving and Horn. No negative votes. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PIAT APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION RmUEST, FOX HO~ SEO)ND ADDITION: The purpose of this requestis to replat two lots and outlot C fran the Fax Hollow Subdivision including the Otto Flan property. L Councilman Horn roved to approve the preliminary and final plat request for the replat of lots in Fox Hollow PRO and the Otto Flom property, Planning Case #84-16. Motion seconded by Councilwcxnan Watson. '!he following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwanan Watson, Councilmen Geving and Horn. Councilwanan Swenson voted no. M:>tion carried. ELEX:TRO-cRAFT OORPORATION, E:OU'IHWEST OORNER OF HIGHWAY 5 AND AIDUOON ROAD: !AND USE PIAN AMENDMENT FRCM AGRICULTURAL 'IO- INDUSTRIAL: - Barbara ~ - '!he existing site is split in half by the urban service area. What staff is proposing is that as you know if you want to alter the MUSA area an equal exchange has to occur in land acreage. '!he Piper Ridge request will be up for Council consideration on October 15th and what was being proposed is that this par- cel plus the Piper Ridge Subdivision will be proposed for the exclusion of Hillside Oaks Subdivision. '!he proposed amendment would extend the industrial area by approximately 700 feet and staff is recarmending approval of the land use designa- tion change and the MUSA boundary because it can be served by gravity flow sewer and whereas Hillside Oaks cannot. Bill M:>nk - '!he owners of Hillside Oaks were contacted also. Mr. Klingelhutz had no problem with what is proposed because it's consistent with his plat. Jim MarteS - I am Vice President of Finance of Electro-craft. Electro-craft was incorporated back in 1960 and I came on board in 1963. We were about a $2 million dollar canpany back in 1963 and for fiscal 1985 we are projecting annual sales of around $65 million. OUr corporate headquarters right now is in Hopkins. We are outgrowing the facility. We are a hightech manufacturer of servo notors and systems. Primarily we serve the canputer industry, industrial autanation industry, medical service fields, that type of thing. We are highly specializerl rcotor systems house. In Hopkins we employ a little over 300 people with an annual payroll of a little over $5 million. k CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 18, 1984 Mr. James Mertes Electro-Craft Corporation 1600 Second Street Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Mertes: In accordance with the City Council's action of October 1, 1984, both the Mayor and I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss further the park dedication fees as required under City ordinances. The City Council's action of October 1st clearly indicates the City's desire to develop a solution which meets your concerns. . This solution must also be equitable recognizing that our ordi- nances have been in place for many years and consistently applied as new developments have come into our community. Two points raised by yourself during the October 1st meeting may provide the basis for a solution meeting both of our needs, i.e: - One of Electro-Craft's attractions to the site is the large wetland/open area that exists in the southerly por- tion of the property. This area would be preserved by Electro-Craft for passive and active recreational purposes for company employees; and - Electro-Craft had not desired to purchase as large a parcel as is currently being considered. Given the topography of the site, the best location for first and second phase construction would be on the higher, middle portion of the property. The effect of the construction would be to create a "campus" image from Highway 5. Although the image would be desirable, it is unlikely that Electro-Craft would consider sale or further development of the northerly portion of the property. As noted in my report to the City Council for the October 1st meeting, I believe the committment of Electro-Craft to preserve the southerly one-third of the site meets the spirit and intent . of City ordinances and, accordingly, should not be included in . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN /2- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: November 9, 1984 SUBJ: Maple Ridge Subdivision Review This subdivision review is brought before the Park and Recreation Commission for a recommendation on whether park dedication fees should be required or parkland. . The Maple Ridge Subdivision is located west of Lake Minnewashta and east of Lake St. Joe. The proposal includes 13 residential lots with a walkway easement running along the southern and southeastern border to the lake (see attached). This is not a beachlot, but an easement that provides access to the lake for the residents and will be the responsibility of the neighborhood association. The Comprehensive Plan shows the area west of Lake Minnewashta as park deficient. However, this parcel is not designated park/open space on the 1990 Land Use Plan. The area around Lake St. Joe has been identified for that purpose. It is staff's recommendation to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. . o...(\d LA'-se ();(\ 2 .. A o o o .. 8 '" ... B 0 0 C 0 8 8 ~ 0 8 0 0 ~ 0 ~ :::. ;:; 0 0 0 0 0 '" 0 ~ ; ::: ~ ;;, 1 . ":' '" I o o . S~:: 6300 6400 6~00--u - 6600 6700 6100 6900 7000 1100 7200 7300 :~::::::::: U t:::::;:::: ",,,,,,,,,, '400 1~00 1600 7100 jJo. .~". ST~TE . 180(' 19oo ~ ~~=~~~t~~~~~~~~~t: ~~~~~~~~~~~=::~~:~=~:l~~:~:~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~::::::::::::::; ------------- ------------- ~ ------------- ------------ \ ------------- ------------- ", ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------- -- - - -- -- - - - -- _:_:_:_:_:_:_:_::-:_:_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- .;.., .t.." 16 8000 8100 8200 \. 8100 , , , "'."''''.SSI '" r>r- ("....S_. ,,/ 1400 (If. I~OO '" 8600 " ~ " . ~ N . . I '-' 0 ~ .' " y ~ ,. ,., " " ~ ~ '!. " -. ;, .. ""'\\' ~ ~ City of - - --. '" D " " I ~~ g{ H~_Y, NO. IJtJIID ~ Z :J 8 I ...~l... ~ ~ .~' ..t~.. ." , \- , '\ , r-63 . * Zone 6 Residential areas within Zone 6 are effectively cut off from existing parks by major roadways on the north and south, Lake Minnewashta on the east and by the Chanhassen city limits to the west. Within this area, 134 housing units exist and with sewer service available, it is estimated that another 575-850 units are possi,ble in the future. At the present time, there are no existing public park facilities of any type within the area. In reviewing the needs of Zone 6, the most significant deficiency is the lack of neighborhood park facilities. Tennis courts, ball diamonds, open areas and picnic grounds are non-existent. There- fore, future acquisitions should accommodate such activities. Regarding possible locations for future park sites, two areas stand out. Leaches Resort, located north of the Red Cedar Point neigh- borhood, would be an excellent addition to the City's park system should it become available in the future. Another alternative would be to develop a site around Lake St. Joe. Irregardless of which site, is eventually acquired, it is important that the selected property contain sufficient dry, upland area to accommodate the active pursuits previously mentioned. . As future residential infill occurs. the city should be prepared through dedication and/or purchase, to acquire an appropriate parcel of land. Lake Access Chanhassen has a longstanding goal of providing a public access on each lake within the city. The community contains all or part of ten lakes which are legally public waters and, as such, should be accessible. Because it is impossible for everyone to live on a lake, the establishment of public accesses is imperative if the entire community is to enjoy the amenities associated with lakes. The following examination of each of Chanhassen1s lakes discusses existing accesses as well as possible future additions. As the city acquires land and access points in the future, close coordi- nation should occur between the Lake Study Committee, Park and Recreation Commission, City Council, and local lakeshore owners to assure that adequate facilities are installed which minimize environmental intrusions and maximize the rights of all ~oncerned. '. Lake Minnewashta: Lake Minnewashta, which is Chanhassen's largest lake, has one privately owned access at Leaches Resort and inade- quate public access adjacent to it. The existing public access consists of a street right-af-way and is inadequate because of a ~ack of parking anti mdr1.;uvering room. Be(Juse of development and land ownership in the area, the improvement of the site is not feasible in the near future. r-61 .:-' .- " CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA 1*1 Existing Parks and Service Area :" Park Deficiency Areas ~- -- . --- _.- ----- - - ~--. -.. ,--. - .' '-:.: ~~\lY'~' \ ~~'~ ~~ ~u._ \ I . ,C~ ~ ~ \ ~ .../'~ 8 .1 --r; ~ \ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ "'!~ \.~ ~, ~ ~ )( ;.' \\ \ ~ \ ~ ~ /-r I ~ + \ ~ \ ~~ ~ . : 1 ~ i) \ ~ ~\ ~% \ \ 0'" l' \ ,.... 0 : I~ \ ~ \ \ ~~a) v* \ ....._~o \' \ \ - 11 ,~ ,,~ '- \ - I . ), ~1 ~ ~ ~ 11 \ -, I L I ) ~\ \\' ~ & j ,~\ tI) I I j ~ \ ~,... ~ :\~ 'f i\s ~ . I~/ " /' ,~~ .... '~l~ \ ~ I \( '-fo~-). / j , \ \ !\. ~;.\. ~ x~ ~ /\" ~ r':i f J J \ \ " 1 ~""-^~a,1 \~ f~"<: r~~ t~. . :l:~" \ ~\I '~'" ) I r-"-~~l,""rt-'~~~~~~~ ~,~ '~~~ ~". ...; , ~'\~~'~I'~~~~" \~' \.. ~ LL C) it ~.:.,' ...... "",~~...., ' - j ~ 0"" ~~\: "~. pel .......:~........, "\ --..J g~ U), {.l:', \"'0 ..... ~S".... ',\ .. 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