1984 12 04 Agenda e e e AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1984, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Herman Field Concept Plan Review - Lauri McRostie will attend to present the plan. 2 Interview applicants for the Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy: a. Jim Hofer -This application will be presented at the meeting b. Wallace McKay -This application is attached 3. Approve minutes of the November 16, 1984 Meeting. 4. Lake Ann Revenue Report. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 2- e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 October 30, 1984 Mr. Wallace McKay 6321 Dogwood Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. McKay: Enclosed please find an application for the Park and Recreation Commission. Please fill out the form and return it to City Hall at your convenience. The next Park and Recreation Commission meeting is scheduled for November 13th. The Commission will be discussing the vacancy and when they plan to have it filled. Applications will not be ~ reviewed until the December meeting. ~ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 937-1900. Sincerely, ~JL~ ~~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k Enclosure e e CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 November 14, 1984 Dear Neighborhood Association President: The City of Chanhassen is now accepting applications to fill a vacany on the Park and Recreation commission. This Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council on matters relating to parkland acquisition, development and recreational programs. The Commission is looking for someone who is interested in what happens to Chanhassen parks and what types of programs are offered. They are interested in someone who has fresh ideas and is willing to bring those ideas forth as a representative of the residents of Chanhassen. e If you, or anyone you know, are interested in applying for this position, please call me at 937-1900 for an application. I must receive your completed application by November 30th. Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall Please pass this information along to your members and let me know of anyone who might be interested. Thank you. Sincerely, ~( ~1Jt/rru0 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k e DATE: \ L.W ~'1 " e APPLICATIO~ FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION Position desired: _~AA.k'T ~(. \-h:) f' ~ IZ G fl^1'\.A , Alternate: Name: ::r i ~ Address: :5 L.- ?-O , ~/..,~C-h~. Date of Birth (Optional) 17b-r~ 12.. e. f...hr tJ j 4-00: E"t d" L S I ~ ~s'J ~ Business Phone: 'i'2-8 06 -8 'D Home Phone: '-{ 1 1.-( s6 '5 S- How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? .r1~ '1'f High~st Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any: "6.S, B4~j;:.;LH r'\. ~ I"^~ /"- ( /~i" ( , , Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as \..-t!/t>~C\ G~. .M~1ec2- ?a.cJ) UC-4,'''N ~:J h j/(""v-o.~ LN-~(A L; YL~N ~,IVIO ~~lt' .HA,J\.{t"~~ ~8"J'j 't-,.~ S .^11,J~(l.1h-Jt') ~ -r",,'/./e.~12r L~)tl~ of duties. \vell) : -- Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and h?~ors or., . reco<jnitions received, if any): 4.~~/2..I'~ j7Ui}-uc.'{...,~"'; 'f- 7:~~~'1 6../V~L 5.ou<Y-: ~ ~r:\)It2.~~(L~ D ~ I 'IF.. L~~h!=",'-to C?J:I'. " L/cl",~ ~0'\'2- c:pp., ,e..~,v~. t:0etZ-K,5 6k p j Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications: :+~,eo€~~ iN LiJ lL ~~I~""'~' AwD T2..ec..r2e?4--Cf,;,..; . UJ"t"-L.:'} ~ L'"Ll.-('.~R. ~~ !J-,./D c"'"4 1 In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission. ?:J ~ture e DATE: tvo u EfV\~El.-> .5'1 14\ i e' APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COr~1ISSION Posi tion desired: ~'f'~ ~~l!c.""!/j>,,\.\o..... (\1'\1\'\ ,,'t IO\;;;> Alternate: Name: W A-LL~c..E. ~ TW'\(' t.'-1 \ Do," '-o:l6-~ ~ Date of Birth (Optional) 5'-1'i.1.~ Address: L. 1 '2. \ A-lJE. t;:''lt c..~ tc) " M~ S& :f'll Home Phone: 47 't - o-~ 1 \ Business Phone: 41 '{ - S't'O I How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? (~1~\~S High~st Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any: M ft + U~c~'6~t'''\, /) f M\"/I)~()t~ . , Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion of duties. If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as well) : 'b\l...Eh..\O.... b~ ~o1 ,~~ ~Sll'll1 c.:~.s: MllV~E\:bl\)~~ 7u~Lit. .khd:lU - l..S ~et\~s s;E", 111 c:~ / us: t.....uc. t, o~"L .:\dJ \"t~s 11\) l>1~~I~ -- ~\nl~ \Io.ir. ~ c.,,"O\,lI\)!s.. lV-^"'''~6y..\~\\.... ~ l.4!'....ic '~ t-1';'~c..E ' C.N~V'~L\" e 1>u ...c."'~ \ i>-<. { Foe.l Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and honors or recosnitions received, if any): k6C.W.'''O~ L ~"/l.l~.s \ . L.S. v~ + ~tuoftJ... MtrOlbE'O A ~r~c:'\",\..~.,. ~~~.s(";~ ,<:oW ~\ ~\...\Il'" ~,~E\.. ~"\Jf, '2>'.IIe..l ~AJ ''''~O'''f''''\\.'=- ~o....G".~ Co",('/\.,tt'\~~ "j S1'j\TE .. <.0....-- Ll&,)6'- ~ too <t~~"'l!u....\,.,,~~ of "1"~ lY\'''N4~w~~ J;c..I.o&~ Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications: .J 1I~1Ie. ~...1. ~ 11ft T~",lfo ,I\}l~~t I~ o \,)\ ..100 lNQ. HtI.E ~~~c.l Se'1- o,~ ~ b al cl~it.....,i MHO ,c. . lli\' F l ~"Ik', ,. ~ ',l.l \. Ltc. ~ .i\I\)E. Co",t,.,'au't,.... -To .,.he: ~,,"'~ Ec.l"6I\-t-,ti"" GII\....d~o..,... . In filing this application, I unaerstand that a commitment of my time, energy interest and participation Hill be involved, and am prepared to make such a commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission. e RECt::i"" -i:;:iJ ~~-- \. 'f..--L ~gna ture \ NOV - 6 1984 CITY OF CHANHASSEN -'" --' PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1984 A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, 1984 by Chairman Mike Lynch. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Joe Warneke, Charlie RObbins, Mike Rosenwald e MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Schoenecker STAFF PRESENT: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator MINUTES: A motion was made by Charlie Robbins and seconded by Brian Foltz to approve the September 4, 1984 minutes. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Joe Warneke and seconded by Charlie Robbins to approve the October 11, 1984 minutes. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Mike Rosenwald to approve the October 14, 1984 minutes. Motion unanimously approved. UPDATES: e CARVER BEACH MINI-BEACH: The Commissioners agreed to make no recommendation to change the upper parking lot area until Chanhassen has its own police force. LAKE ANN BEACH: Brian Foltz questioned the number of stickers sold as-they seemed low. He also asked whether the Senior Citizens know they can get free stickers. If not, we should advertise this more. Brian Foltz was concerned about the beach and tennis program being self-supporting. Mike Lynch answered by saying that the Council has rejected higher fees in the past. Charlie Robbins said that it was his understanding that the beach program was self-supporting. Brian Foltz pointed out that the lifeguards are the biggest expense and thought that the gate fees should cover it. Lori Sietsema stated that the figures in the update were only the number of stickers sold and did not include daily entrance fees. These figures would cover the total expense of the beach and ten- nis program. Mike Rosenwald suggested moving the gate attendant hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. This would e e e e PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1984 PAGE 2 enable the City to charge the people who use the park after regu- lar working hours. Mike Lynch asked staff to poll other communities and ask them what they charge softball teams to play in their leagues. The Commission would be interested to see if Chanhassen is com- parable. If we are low, maybe we could raise the fee as a way to cover park expenses. LAWCON GRANT APPLICATION UPDATES: No discussion. CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON 1985 BUDGET: No discussion. - -- PIPER RIDGE SUBDIVISION: No discussion. NEW BUSINESS: HILLOWAY SUBDIVISION: Brian Foltz moved to recommend accepting park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. The motion was seconded by Mike Rosenwald and unanimously approved. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION VACANCY: Mike Lynch pointed out that the Greenwood Shores area is not represented on the Commission. commissioners agreed that they will be ready to interview candidates at the next meeting. Brian Foltz asked that interviews be the first item on the agenda. ELECTRO-CRAFT: No discussion. MAPLE RIDGE SUBDIVISION: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Charlie Robbins to accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Charlie Robbins and seconded by Brian Foltz to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. TIME: 8:45 p.m. Lori Sietsema park and Recreation Coordinator C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH 1-f e 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: Lake Ann expenditures and revenue Below is a list of the total revenue and expenditures for the Lake Ann beach program and Lake Ann gate. REVENUE Swim lesson fees Daily gate fees Total stickers* TOTAL 1984 $ 1064.00 8569.25 4953.00 14586.25 1983 $ 1096.00 13810.00 2180.00 17086.00 e EXPENDITURES Beach Director Swim lessons Lifeguards Gate attendants TOTAL 1984 $ 265.00 645.08 7327.03 442.33 8679.44 1983 $ 264.00 549.00 8009. 71 1115.06 9937.77 *This amount has changed so drastically from last year due to Instant Web's purchase of $2700 worth of park stickers. e