1985 02 05 Agenda . . . AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1985, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Approval of December 4, 1984 Minutes 2. Election of Officers 3. Review of Attendance Policy OLD BUSINESS 4. Agreement Contracts for Lake Ann Boat Access 5. Herman Field Site Plan - Final Review 6. Little League Baseball Field 7. Park Dedication Fees - Electro Craft NEW BUSINESS 8. Minnetonka West Tennis Courts 9. Lake Ann Park Fees 10. Softball: a. 1984 Revenue & Expenditures b. Softball Team Fees Survey 11. Dedication Fees 12. Fireworks Display Co. Quotes 13. Mark Koeglers Park Development Proposal INCLUDED FOR YOUR INFORMATION 14. Park Sign Quotes 15. Park Ordinance 16. 1985 City Directory ,,- Minutes Park and Recreation Commission December 4, 1984 . Commissioners present: Michael Lynch, Brian Foltz, Tom Schoenecker, Michael Rosenwald, Charlie Robbins Commissioners absent: Joeseph Warneke Staff present: Lori Sietsema A regular meeting was called to order by Commissioner Mike Lynch at 7:40. " Herman Field Concept Plan Review Lauri McRosti was present to present the Herman Field concept plan. She began by giving a summary of how the property lies at present, including: topography, soil types, tree coverage, etc. As Lauri presented the plan, she explained that the plan is a "explore" or "play" type active use plan, (as opposed to a tradi- tional active play field). The plan includes a 16 car lot, an enclosed tot lot, a compact chip nature trail, a picnic shelter and area, a board walk over a wet area, discovery features (concrete pipes, boulder play field, timber ramp, rope swing, lookout tower), a small children-size ballfield,asliding hill. I . Charlie Robbins asked about using the park for cross country skiing on the trails. Lauri responded by saying that the park would be very conducive for that kind of activity. Charlie also commented that an indoor natur center would be nice in this type of park. Tom Schoenecker asked if it would be possible to put in a tennis court in this plan as the area residents were expecting one. Lauri said that it would be possible if we took out the ballfield, but the size would be prohibitive to have both. Michael Lynch asked staff to find out if the City currently has a right of way as shown on the north side of the plan, if not, would it be possible to be obtained. Mike also was concerned about park maintenance being able to get to the ballfield to maintain it. Lauri said that she got a rough estimate on the development of the access road which was $18,000 - $20,000. Brian Foltz expressed that it would be nice to pave that road and the parking lot. I The commissioners decided to let Tom Schoenecker take the plan to present at the next Minnewashta Homeowners Association meeting. They will review the plan again at the next meeting with the homeowners comments. . . . . Minutes Park and Recreation Commission December 4, 1984 page 2 Interviews for Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy At the beginning of the interviews Michael Lynch explained exactly what the Commission does and the kinds of projects that they deal with. He emphasized that they only make recommen- dations to City Council, and do not have the authority to make any final decisions. The first applicant to be interviewed was Jim Hofer. Mr. Hofer is new to the community and is interested in becoming involved. He moved to Sterling Heights, in Chanhassen, in May from California. Mr. Hofer has never been on a commission before but was involved in a Jaycee organization that worked clQsely with the city coun- cil. He has a 15 year old son who is interested in outdoor sports. When asked what he thought of a plan like the one for Herman Field, he responded by saying that it encouraged individual active recreational activity as well as leisure activity. He also mentioned that he has noticed a lot of those types of park plans being implemented in the parks in Minnesota. Mr. Hofer assured the commission that he does a minimal amount of traveling and that meetings on the first Tuesday of every month would not be a problem. The second applicant to be interviewed was Mr. Wallace McKay. Mr. MCKay has been a resident of the Minnewashta area of Chanhassen for 24 years. He has been an employee of the Minnetonka School District for 25 years. When asked his thoughts on parks being used for active or passive purposes he said that he liked passive parks. He felt that small neighborhood parks need to serve the surrounding area, and in doing so the area residents take pride in those parks. He added that he would like to see a bike path be completed in the city. Mr. McKay said that he was not on any other commissions and that he did not have an application in for any other commission. He said that he has been mostly involved with school meetings, and, since he is retiring he is looking forward to becoming involved in the community. He also added that he has always been an advo- cate on representing the whole population and not just a section. Mr. McKay said that his three grown children and his grand- children all live in Chanhassen. Before the commission voted on a candidate, they discussed the possibility of having eight commissioners instead of seven. It Minutes park and Recreation Commission December 4, 1984 Page 3 . was decided that since the City Council defined the Commission with seven members that that was the way it should stay. One Commissioner pointed out that there were only seven places for Commissioners to sit. The Commissioners seemed to agree that it is commendable that Mr. Hofer, being such a new resident, is interested in becoming involved. However, due to Mr. McKay's work experience and long residency, he is more qualified for the job. Brian Foltz moved to recommend to City Council that they appoint Mr. Wallace McKay of 6321 Dogwood Avenue to the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion, seconded by Michael Lynch, carried unanimously. - Approval of the Minutes of the November 16, 1984 Meeting Michael Rosenwald moved to accept the minutes of November 16, 1984 as presented. The motion, seconded by Charlie Robbins, carried unanimously. . Lake Ann Revenue Report The commissioners discussed and compared the figures from 1983 to 1984. Because the daily gate fees vary so much, there was discussion on how that area could be handled better. The commissioners asked staff if, at a later meeting before spring, they could discuss softball team fees, gate house pro- cedures, possible car counts,.gate house hours, and publicizing park ordinances, policies, prices, and hours in the City Newsletter. Adjournment Charlie Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion, seconded by Mike Rosenwald, carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator / . CITY OF CHANHASSEN if 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coodinator SUBJ: Attendance policy .~ -Ju. DATE: January 3~ 198~5 Attached for your information is a memo from the City Manager outlining the attendance policy for City commissions. Also attached is the attendance record of Park and Recreation Commissioners for meetings held in 19891 . It has been my feeling that in the past the Park and Recreation Commission has been one of the more informal commissions. However, it is important that if for any reason you are unable to attend a meeting, you contact the Commission Chairperson. If you are unable to make 75% of the meetings, the Chairperson is required to ask for your resignation. In addition to contacting the Chairperson, I would ask that you call me at 937-1900 so that I know if we have a quorum for each meeting. . (' CITYOF CHANHASSEN ,," ...t .'.!) \ f, /J . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: All City Commission and Committee Chairmen FROM: City Manager, Don Ashworth DATE: August 3, 1982 SUBJ: Attendance Policy - City Commissions and Committees On July 19, 1982 the City Council acted to set an attendance policy which is to be used by all City Commissions and Committees. This policy should be incorporated into the bylaws for commissions operating under existing bylaws or adopted as a policy statement within our various committees. The attendance policy should ask for the resignation of any mem- . ber who misses three consecutive meetings, without notifying the Chairman as to the special circumstances requiring such absence; or, if a member is found to be absent for more than 75% of the meetings during any 12 month period of time. The chairman of the commission/committee is to be responsible for notifying a member of his/her failure to meet this policy with a copy of such notificaiton being forwarded to the City Council. . . . . 1984 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE RECORD -- "" \.0 0'\ .--l "" .--l "" .--l l-l .--l .--l 0 r--- Q) l-l l-l ~ .--l .0 l-l l-l Q) Q) ~ l-l L/") +.J S Q) Q) .0 .0 cd .--l Ul Q) .0 .0 S S ~ .r-i Q) 5 +.J 0 0 Q) Q) ..0 s:: ~ s:: 0.. +.J +.J :> u cd ~ ~ Q) u u 0 Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ 0 0 z Cl Michael Lynch X X X X X X X "- Brian Foltz X X X X X X X X Tom Schoenecker X X X X X X X 'I- Joe Warneke X X X X X X X X f. Charlie Robbins X X X X Mike Rosenwald -- -- X X X X X X X 1- CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH * . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: February 1, 1985 coordinav FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation SUBJ: Agreement Contracts for Lake Ann Park Boat Access The Department of Energy and Economic Development has recently informed us that the National Park Service has approved a LAWCON grant for the Lake Ann boat access. Attached is a copy of the state/local agreement. The Park and . Recreation Commission is requested to review this agreement and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding authorization of signatures. I contacted Grants Program Coordinator, John VonDeLinde, to inquire about what stipulations the agreement entails. He stated that the boat ramp must meet DNR specifications, the park must be open 16 hours per day between 4:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m., and no additional fee may be charged for boat trailers. He also said that Lake Ann may remain a non-motorized lake. I do not see this as a major problem and recommend that the Commission recommend authorization of signatures. . CITY OF eBAHBASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1985 TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: LAWCON Grant Requirements After our discussion regarding the LAWCON Grant agreement contracts for the Lake Ann boat access project, I contacted Grants Program Coordinator, John VonDeLinde. John was able to address our questions concerning special boat access use fees, hours of park operation, gate entrance fees, and the Water Surface Management Ordinance. . According to the LAWCON Grant Manual, the park must be open 16 hours a day between 4:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. This presents no change in the current procedure as the park is opened at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m. John indicated that there would no conflict with the Water Surface Management Ordinance which prohibits motorized boats on Lake Ann. be LAWCON stipulations on fees: *no boat access use fee may be charged in addition to a park entrance fee *non-resident boat access users may not be charged more than resident boat access users *non-resident park entrance fees cannot be more than double of the resident fees Although we are allowed to charge non-residents more for park entrance stickers, the current rate of $25.00 is not acceptable as it is more than double the resident fee. To further compli- cate matters, we are not allowed to charge non-resident boat access users a larger fee than resident boat access users which means we must come up with a nondiscriminatory non-resident fee structure for boat access users. . . LAWCON Grant Requirements February 4, 1985 page 2 John will be getting back to me on this matter with some possible solutions after the Metro Waters Access Task Force meeting, sche- duled for Monday, February 11, 1985. . . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH --5 - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Action by Ci~y Mmir.'strator FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation ("\ Coordinator , ~ _ ,17' O""_;/~~/;;' EndcrS3~~_ Moditi::d_____ Rejettej D2tf Date S~~rr.il~ed to (;o,"C"os;on MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: January 31, 1985 SUBJ: Herman Field A final review of the Herman Field concept plan is scheduled for Tuesday's meeting. We will be hearing from Commissioner Schoenecker on the Minnewashta Homeowner's Association reaction to the plan. . In reference to the right-of-way on the north side of the park, the City does not have one at present, but will take appropriate action to acquire one at the request of the Commission. I have shown the plan to Park Maintenance Supervisor, Dale Gregory, who stated the plan was workable from his point of view. Staff Update (2-14-85) The Park and Recreation has recommended that the City Council approve the plan prepared by Van Doren Hazard Stallings. Tom Schoenecker presented the plan at a Minnewashta Homeowner's Association meeting and found enthusiasm and support from its members. I will present the plan to the Council at Monday's meeting and answer any questions you may have. . tp CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission SUBJ: r\ Lori Sietsema, park and Recreation coordinat~ January 31, 1985 - Little League Ballfield FROM: DATE: A few months ago the Park and Recreation Commission asked CAA for some input on a Little League Ballfield. I talked to the CAA president, Bill Falsone, last week and he indicated that CAA feels we are in definite need of one. As to location, he said they would be agreeable to almost any location, but suggested Lake Susan as the best choice. . In talking with City Engineer, Bill Monk, we seem to agree that Lake Susan does not have the room and a Little League Field does not fit into the overall plan of that park. However, we did come up with alternative suggestions: 1. Lake Ann Park: We will be building three new ballfields on the newly acquired land and one could be a Little League field. There may be lights at Lake Ann eventually, which would make this site even more attractive. 2. Chanhassen Elementary: Although we would be able to begin construction sooner at this site, it would take two heavily used softball fields for one Little League field. 3. Meadow Green Park: A Little League field could be built in place of one softball field here, however, this creates a "community" type function at a "neighborhood" park. My feeling at this point is that our softball program, which is growing steadily every year, cannot function with less softball fields. I would recommend suggestion #1 or #2, but only after replacement fields are constructed at Lake Ann Park. I would like to mention at this time that CAA has indicated that . they have approximately $5,000 that they would like to spend on some community recreation facility. They have explored a number . . . Park and Recreation Commission January 31, 1985 Page 2 of options, but have found that $5,000 does not go far. Therefore, they would like to put it toward a development pro- ject, such as the Little League Field or a picnic shelter at Lake Ann Park. They did not say that they had to spend the money this year, but only that they are looking for a project that would take place in the next couple of years. . ~l" ,,~ 'i>c,cf I E '" 15- '" is .. Cl ,2 ...;ii. go .., .s." .,,- ]"5 ""E ~ :I 00- ;"Q '"" " _ t :i ,:]"'3 g'~ '.8 .8- . :; E .. .. Cl ;.2 .! S Q~ "ij < . ~ . ~ . . . . . , , , :. . . , I . m Q. en ~ ~ ::> I%: (!) Z ~ :>-t < ~ ~ ~ < ~ u ~ ~ o t.s -0 c-o "Qi .s::.~';: lJ Gl 2& " '" ~j . '" " Q.~ f r..:l Gl:::5- .... .::..J E ..r:. l: t::J < oE ~ rn ,,<i 0 v E;:;E ~ Cl 0'... :I:.!:~o ... ~"'~ 1&.0 - 0 o ~go en f].5 ~] ~~ i: ~o.] u '" -; ~ ~~.: iii .~ 8~ 0=-0 ; I II c ..- 8!:-5 . 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CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator, ~j ~-r , February 1, 1985 DATE: SUBJ: Park Dedication Fees, Electro-Craft Corporation The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the Electro-Craft Corporation development proposal at the November meeting, but was not requested to make a recommendation. . As you may recall, Electro-Craft has proposed an industrial develop- ment at Highway 5 and Audobon Road. They would be developing a portion of their 72 acre tract. The Corporation has expressed their concern with the park dedication fee of $1035 per acre. City Manager, Don Ashworth and an Electro-Craft representative, James Mertes, have agreed upon an arrangement that would require the Corporation to pay dedication fees for only the portion being developed, as noted in Mr. Ashworth's memo (attached). This office is recommending that the Commission endorse the pro- posal as stated in Mr. Ashworth's memo. . CITY OF eBANBASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: February 4, 1985 5UBJ: Park Charge - Electro-Craft On October 1, 1984, the City Council reviewed the rezoning/Land Use Plan Amendment for Electro-Craft's proposed campus develop- ment at Highway 5 and Audobon Road. The proposal drew overwhelming support from the City Council. During Electro-Craft's presentation, Electro-Craft noted their . concern with the park charge for a development which would only be using a minor portion of the overall acreage during their first two phases of construction. The City Council generally agreed with Electro-Craft and instructed City staff to develop a solution which would be acceptable to Electro-Craft, while still meeting the spirit and intent of the park dedication ordinance. Electro-Craft is supportive of the attached proposal. Basically, the proposal divides the 72 acre tract into four parcels for park charge calculation purposes. At time of development on any of the parcels, a park charge would be required to be paid. The solution provides Electro-Craft with the opportunity to start first phase construction on the most southerly 14 acre parcel. The initial park charge would then be approximately a14,000. When second phase construction was started on the northerly 14 acre tract, a park charge would be due on such. 50 long as Electro-Craft maintained the campus identity, no park charge would be paid on either the northerly 20 acres nor the southerly . 24 acres. If, on the other hand, the northerly 20 acres were sold and/or developed, a park charge would be due at such time. Electro-Craft previously noted that the southerly 24 acres were wetlands and could not be considered for development. I believe the above solution conforms to past practices of the City Council. We have a number of examples of where a developer . started first phase construction on a singular lot and only paid the park charge on the lot where such first phase construction was . . . Mayor and Council February 4, 1985 Page 2 commenced, i.e. Chanhassen Inn, united Mailing, Brown's Standard, etc. When an adjacent lot was purchased or a second phase construction started on such adjacent lot, a secondary park charge was made for the new lot/construction. This same type of allowance is made for all developers. The overall parcel is approved and filed, but the park charge is not collected until a building permit is issued for anyone of the parcels, i.e. New Horizon, Fox Hollow, Near Mountain, etc. The only difference between the proposed solution for Electro-Craft and typical past policy is in the fact that the parcel remains ~s one large parcel rather than individual lots. If Electro-Cra:, would have pre- sented the proposal as a series of lots with the first phase construction started on one of those lots, the problem would not have originated in the first place. However, it is not Electro-Craft's intent to see the property ~old. In fact, the general support given to Electro-Craft's ~_:2 plan came through the campus image which they are attempting tv maintain. As such, subdivision of the property, simply to circumvent the park charge issue, would not be in the best interest of either the City or Electro-Craft. Approval of the park charge calculation formula, as outlined in the Manager's letters of January 17 and January 24, 1985, is recommended. ~~ ~y~ CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 January 24, 1985 Mr. James Mertes Electro-Craft Corporation 1600 Second Street Hopkins, MN 553A~ Dear Mr. Mertes: Per our conversation of this past week, I am attaching a copy of the proposed redraft of my letter of October 18, 1984 (re-dated to January 17, 1985). Changes made include: . - For park calculation purposes, I have divided the entire parcel into four tracts. Payment of the park charge would be required, for each tract, when the building permit was taken for construction on each tract. This provision will allow Electro-Craft to significantly reduce the initial park charge and limit future park charges to solely those areas desired to be developed at that point in time; and - As the above section reduces the current park charge liability by approximately 80%, I have deleted the section regarding spreading of the park charge over a period of years. Please review the attached solution to the park charge issue. If it meets with your interpretation of our conversation of this past week and is acceptable to Electro-Craft, I will place such onto the City Council agenda of February 4, 1985. I will place the item on the consent agenda given the City Council's authori- ~ zation to City staff to develop a solution which would be mutually acceptable. As I believe the proposed solution conforms with the Council's intent, I do not anticipate the neces~ity for a representative of Electro-Craft to be present. Should I be wrong and questions develop on February 4th, I will ask that the item be tabled so as to allow a representative of Electro-Craft to be present on February 18th. . . . . Mr. James Mertes January 24, 1985 Page 2 Again, it has been a sincere pleasure working with you to reach a mutually agreeable solution. Sincerely, II) k. . ~-.I. Don .;.." '1worth City ~..!nager DA:k Q% HW, t\..lo . '5 . ~- ;S ~ co r- ~ i" +/- ZO Aa.f...~ ~ 14- Aa:..E.~ - a ~ ~ ~ + - Q J' \ 4:= . -2 ~ +/- i4-Ac.R't..-S- t'( 0 -}. 10 , "- ~ 1'- () 2 'r ] I ,/ /' /' ~a. / v' /y / 4:-~ // /4i" //- /. t/ - 24- ACi?L? .~ oj \ ...... -\" . I -+-/- 12';:0 ~ ~ro?CAU:., . CITY 0 F eHARHASSER r; 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission .~ Coordinator ~/ FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation DATE: January 30, 1985 SUBJ: Resurfacing of Two Tennis Courts at Minnetonka West Junior High School Mr. James Hardy, 6600 Pipewood Curve, called me last week regarding the two tennis courts at Minnetonka West. I asked him to write a letter stating his request (attached). . I have talked with Jim Jones, Director of Minnetonka Community Services, about this matter. Mr Jones indicated that the school district would not be opposed if the city chose to take on this project. He said that the school did not have any money in the budget to resurface the courts or manpower to maintain them. Thus, the tennis courts would be city's responsibility. The tennis court at Lake Ann Park was resurfaced last summer for about $6,000. A rough estimate of the cost for the resurfacing and new nets would be $10,000. . CITY OF eBANBASSEN 4 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: January 30, 1985 (\ " coordinato~ ?? c, FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Each year the Park and Recreation Commission reviews the fee structure for Lake Ann Park season passes and daily use fees for residents and non-residents. Attached is a list of what the fees have been for the past three . years. I am recommending that the 1984 fee structure remains the same for 1985. The Commission has also requested to review park entrance proce- dures. In the past there has been a gate attendant on duty at the gate entrance from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Although the park is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the gate attendant's hours have been from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. each day. Park users were able to purchase a season pass at City Hall or pay the daily use fee at the gate. The gate attendant charged each car without a season pass the daily use fee and gave them a sequentially numbered daily pass to be displayed in their window. At the end of the day the gate attendant turned in the money collected and reports the numbers of the daily passes sold. . . 1982 1983 1984 Resident Season Sticker 3.00 4.00 4.00 Non-Resident Season Sticker 20.00 25.00 25.00 * Employee Non-Resident Season Sticker 8.00 Daily Gate Fee 4.00 4.00 4.00 * Bus 10.00 * Senior Citizens Free * These items were not addressed in 1982 and 1983. . . '" L r.. " ' () '-r:J . /' vi CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1985 TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager SUBJ: LAWCON Grant Requirements coordina~ FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation After our discussion regarding the LAW CON Grant agreement contracts for the Lake Ann boat access project, I contacted Grants Program Coordinator, John VonDeLinde. John was able to address our questions concerning special boat access use fees, hours of park operation, gate entrance fees, and the Water . Surface Management Ordinance. According to the LAWCON Grant Manual, the park must be open 16 hours a day between 4:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. This presents no change in the current procedure as the park is opened at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m. John indicated that there would be no conflict with the Water Surface Management Ordinance which prohibits motorized boats on Lake Ann. LAWCON stipulations on fees: *no boat access use fee may be charged in addition to a park entrance fee *non-resident boat access users may not be charged more than resident boat access users *non-resident park entrance fees cannot be more than double of the resident fees Although we are allowed to charge non-residents more for park entrance stickers, the current rate of $25.00 is not acceptable as it is more than double the resident fee. To further compli- cate matters, we are not allowed to charge non-resident boat access users a larger fee than resident boat access users which means we must come up with a nondiscriminatory non-resident fee structure for boat access users. . . . . LAWCON Grant Requirements February 4, 1985 Page 2 The following are two options that will satisfy LAWCON Grant requirements: 1. One charge for both resident and non-resident season passes. 2. Keep the fee structure basically the way it currently exists, with the addition of a non-resident boat access only sticker at a reduced rate. This office is recommending option #1 with the following rates: Lake Ann Season Pass Daily Gate Fee Senior Citizens $6.00 2.00 FREE CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH q ().... + h - . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Aclicn by Ci~j Mr:::~,;~': ../' Endc,rscC----- t~hJcl:;.:}----- ,.. MEMORANDUM Rejected D;:tc Date Submi~cd I~ Ce,m,', TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator - Dale S/,-;:-i:ted lc (-, 2/?- s;- / f>S:-_ DATE: February 13, 1985 SUBJ: Lake Ann Park a. LAWCON Agreement, Boat Access b. Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees a. LAWCON Agreement, Lake Ann Park Boat Access: The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the LAWCON Boat Access . agreement and the stipulations listed in my memorandum. The Commission agreed that the City would be able to work within the stipulations and recommended that the City Council authorize signing the agreement. b. Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees: Because the LAWCON Grant Manual specifies that we may not charge non-residents more than double the resident park fee, the City is required to change the non-resident season pass fee. The manual also specifies that non-residents may not be charged more to use the boat access than residents. This only creates a problem for the non-resident who only uses the boat access. The Commission discussed the options that the City has in regard to park fees. Because they feel non-resident park users should be charged more than residents, they chose Option 2 at the following rates: Resident Season Pass Non-Resident Season Pass Non-Resident Season Boat Access Only Pass Daily entrance fee Senior Citizens $ 6.00 12.00 6.00 4.00 Free The Commission also recommended that people who live or work in Chanhassen should be included in the resident category. . CITY OF eBARBASSER qa... ..--- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 1985 TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager coordina~ FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation SUBJ: LAWCON Grant Requirements . After our discussion regarding the LAWCON Grant agreement contracts for the Lake Ann boat access project, I contacted Grants Program Coordinator, John VonDeLinde. John was able to address our questions concerning special boat access use fees, hours of park operation, gate entrance fees, and the Water Surface Management Ordinance. According to the LAWCON Grant Manual, the park must be open 16 hours a day between 4:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. This presents no change in the current procedure as the park is opened at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m. John indicated that there would be no conflict with the Water Surface Management Ordinance which prohibits motorized boats on Lake Ann. LAWCON stipulations on fees: *no boat access use fee may be charged in addition to a park entrance fee *non-resident boat access users may not be charged more than resident boat access users *non-resident park entrance fees cannot be more than doable of the resident fees Although we are allowed to charge non-residents more for park entrance stickers, the current rate of $25.00 is not acceptable as it is more than double the resident fee. To further compli- cate matters, we are not allowed to charge non-resident boat access users a larger fee than resident boat access users which means we must come up with a nondiscriminatory non-resident fee structure for boat access users. . LAWCON Grant Requirements February 4, 1985 Page 2 The following are two options that will satisfy LAWCON Grant requirements: 1. One charge for both resident and non-resident season passes. 2. Keep the fee structure basically the way it currently exists, with the addition of a non-resident boat access only sticker at a reduced rate. This office is recommending option #1. . . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 98 - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 15, 1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator RE: Lake Ann Park Stickers and Beach Program The Commissioners requested a detailed count of how many Lake Ann Park stickers were sold. $ 4.00 Resident stickers 431 I 7 :'-1, . $ 8.00 Non-resident/employee stickers $25.00 Non-resident/non-employee 46 r- f"li7; ",~- $ 0.00 Senior citizen stickers 6 500 We received $2700 from Frank Beddor Jr. for 450 park stickers. The money went toward the July 4th celebration and fireworks display. Attached is a statement from Minnetonka community Schools for the cost of the swimming program and lifeguards at Lake Ann, and the tennis program. (e \. CITY OF CHAHHASSEH tJ ! . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5.5317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1984 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: Lake Ann expenditures and revenue Below is a list of the total revenue and expenditures for the Lake Ann beach program and Lake Ann gate. REVENUE ( 1984 1983 $ 1096.00 13tnO.OO 2180.00 17086.00 . Swim lesson fees Daily gate fees Total stickers* TOTAL $ 1064.00 8569.25 4953.00 14586.25 EXPENDITURES Beach Director Swim lessons Lifeguards Gate attendants TOTAL 1984 $ 265.00 645.08 7327.03 442.33 8679.44 1983 $ 264.00 549.00 8009.71 1115.06 9937.77 *This amount has changed so drastically from last year due to Instant Web's purchase of $2700 worth of park stickers. "- . . . (e Resident Season Sticker 1982 3.00 1983 4.00 Non-Resident Season Sticker 25.00 20.00 * Employee Non-Resident Season Sticker Daily Gate Fee 4.00 4.00 * Bus * Senior citizens * These items were not addressed in 1982 and 1983. 1984 4.00 25.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 Free to.. CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori sietsema, Fark and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: January 31, 1985 / SUBJ: 1984 Softball Program The commission requested to review the revenue and expenditures of the 1984 softball program. Below is a brief summary: Revenue Over 30 Leagues ($140 entry fee) Open & Industrial Leagues ($160 entry fee) July 4th Tournament fees ($40 entry fee) $ 1,685.00 2,880.00 600.00 . $ 5,165.00 Expenditures Bill Cook umpire Service (over 30) Tri-County umpire Service (Open & Indus) Trophies Softball '84 passes (printing) MRPA Sanction Fees MRPA Tournament Fees $ 1,369.00 2,180.00 322.70 46.50 216.00 340.00 $ 4,470.20 . . I () b CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ '- DATE: January 31, 1985 SUBJ: Softball Fees The Park and Recreation Commission requested that I poll other communities on how much they charge each team to play in their leagues. The following is a list of the results: . Bloomington Edina Mounds View Plymouth Minnetonka st. Louis Park New Hope Crystal $200 155 200 220 175 230 340 350 Chanhassen 140 <Men's Over 30 League) 160 <Industrial & Open Leagues) Our softball fees are somewhat low in comparison. However, I do not recommend raising the fee too much in one year. In view of the fact that the daily park entrance fees cover the park program expenditures, I would recommend raising the team fees as follows, only enough to ensure coverage of expenses: Men's Open and Industrial Men's Over 30 Women's League Couples League $175 160 160 150 . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH /1 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Action by CIty Administmor MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Endorsed V ~ Mocilied Rejected Coordinator ~ t': Date ~- Date Submitted to Comrni~siurj FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation DATE: January 29, 1985 Date ~Lt)~i\.ted tJ CcI"; r,c;t SUBJ: Park Dedication Fees :J./:Js-I ?~ Each year the Park and Recreation Commission reviews the park dedication fees and makes a recommendation to City Council to either increase the fee or to keep it at its present level. The City Council is required by Ordinance No. l4-A to review the fees and make adjustments as necessary. Below is a list that shows what the dedication fees have been . since 1980. The fees have generally been based on the Construction Cost Index annual change (see Attachment A), and were changed accordingly in 1981 and 1982. However, land value must also be taken into consideration. While construction costs have risen in the past 5 years, land values have declined, thus can- celling each other out. Resolution No. 82-03 (see Attachment B) sets park dedication fees for single and double family dwellings at $415 per unit. I recommend that these fees stay the same for 1985. Park Dedication Fees Dwelling Unit Type 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Single Family Detached $ 350 375 415 415 415 Double Family Attached 350 375 415 415 415 Multiple & Townhouse: Efficiency 95 100 110 110 110 1 bedroom 120 185 200 200 200 2 bedroom 215 300 330 330 330 3 bedroom 280 370 405 405 405 4 bedroom 340 385 425 425 425 . Industrial 875 940 1035 1035 1035 . . . Attachment A Construction Cost Index Changes Year Percent of Change 7.7% increase 10.2% increase 7.2% increase 10.1% increase 2.6% decrease 12/79 12/80 12/81 12/82 12/80 12/81 12/82 12/83 12/83 - 12/84 * This figure would be used to determine the 1985 fee structure. Update on Park Dedication Fees The Park and Recreation Commission discussed the park dedication fee structure, noting that it has not been raised since 1982. Had the fees been adjusted each year according to the Construction Cost Index, they would have been 17.3% higher last year and scheduled to decrease 2.6% for 1985. The Commission has recommended that the park dedication fees be raised as listed below, which figures to be an approximate 8.5% increase. Dwelling Type Unit Single Family Detached Double Family Detached Multiple & Townhouse Efficiency 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom Industrial $450 $450 $120 $215 $360 $440 $460 $1,120 ,. ../ , . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION January 18, 1982 RESOLUTION NO: 82-03 DATE: MOTION BY COUNCILMAN: Horn SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN: Neveaux REQUIRED ANNUAL RESOLUTION OUTLINING NEIGHBORHOOD PARK COSTS FOR ACQUIRINr .:. 10 DEVELOPING AN AVERAGE ACRE FOR SUCH USE WHEREAS, Ordinance 14-A and 14-C, as amended heretofore, is a duly adopted ordinance for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, said ordinances require that the City Council shall act tc adopt by resolution, the average acre acquisition cost and the average acre development cost for neighborhood parts through the entire city, and a "Recreational Area Charge" for commercial/office/ industrial lands; and WHEREAS, such average costs are upon determination to be utili. r in the formula as outlined in Ordinance 14-A, as amended, for determining each dwelling unit park charge for each year and updating of such charges can most reasonably occur by use of the construction cost index; and WHEREAS, the City has evaluated all of its incurred costs for neighborhood parks relative to acquisition and development for the past years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby establishes the following average acre costs for 1982 to be utilized in the park charge formula outlined in Ordinance 14-A: Average Acre Acquisition Cost: Average Acre Development Cost: $ 7,048.12 $13,215.62 FURTHER, IT IS RESOLVED, That these designated 1982 average acre neighborhood park acquisition and development costs shall result in the following neighborhood park charge for each dwelling unit described in Ordinance 14-A as amended: .' DWELLING UNIT TYPE PERSONS /UNIT "CHARGE Single Family detached dwelling Double Family attached dwelling 3.3/unit 3.3/unit $415.00 $415.00 . . . . .... DWELLING UNIT TYPE PERSONS/UNIT CHARGE Multiple and Townhouse Dwellings Efficiency dwelling 1 bedroom dwelling 2 bedroom dwelling 3 bedroom dwelling 4 bedroom dwelling 1.1/unit 1. 4/unit 2.5/unit 3.3/unit 3.3/unit $110.00 200.00 330.00 405. 00 425.00 FURTHER, it is hereby determined that for 1982, a recreational area charge is set at $1,035 per net developable acre for all commercial/office/industrial properties in accordance with Ordinance 14C. The foregoing charges are effective as to building permits issued on January 19, 1982 and thereafter until changed by further resolution of this Council. Minnesota, this 18th day of January, 1982. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, ATTEST: /f) . ", - ' Don Ashworth, / /. ~;~):-'~ ",'~y ,. - 'j\ . City Manager YES NO ABSENT Mayor Hamilton Councilman Geving Councilman Neveaux Councilman Horn Councilman Swenson Mayor @ ~... v~*,~J~ , Hazard:,,- .. i Stallings 1- ~... J....-............ lJ~~~~~ulJlY~[L ~~~(Q) . 3030 Harbor lane NOllh, . Suits 223 Minneilpolis. Minnesota 55441 612J5~1i50 Date I /- ;29- t;5" Lori ~;f-s( IY'-'-' C-i-7 D+ a~M>5~ h10 Cov/-k.-r D'f';vc.... Ch~M~S~ f1l.., 55311 I Re: .~~(JvfiD'" {--Dsf (r1d.~~ Gentlemen : Enclosed We are sending under separate cover . Remarks: _No exception taken Make corrections Noted Noted ~or your files _Revise and Resubmit _For approval _Approved _Approved as _Rejected RECE:iV~ Very truly yours, JAN 3 1 1985 CITY OF CHANHAS. cCI VAN DOREN- HAZARD - STALLINGS BydpAAA~ //hc ~ ~ 1k~':;'.~~.~~.-.~~...:~(~r~~;:~~~~~:~c~~'7'~~;.:?~'-L'~ ~':A~...~:~;~~:~..~-,.-;, .~~.:~.~, :. d".~~~" ~~.~~~~J:~~;'~~;~;:~' : - . It for 'larket, pl~~ a )ncmg , com- orelgn L Bar- r and losher , Tex. derate Iterials than I says C)bab~y ase m shave ne op- lav. ) v ~S,... . a 5% = says. ,rtland made 1984, 1983's . Port- iation 'es re- 1m m % an- ng to pnce. -edicts s will ed on cts its ld ce- indus- ncien- st five e vul- =rsole, :e sIze ) to a Ick on -efo_ at ck Mou.- 4.9~ ces m plants :~....:..'.. . :~: '" had to cut back on produc- tion because of oversupply," reports Jerry Forbes, mason- ry speaalist, Lone Star In- dustries, Des Plaines, Ill. Forbes is optimistic about a $6-per-ton mcrease for port- land cement in January. "But this increase will onlv balance out a $6 reduction last November and win hold only if demand remams high," he says. Cement is also being hard hit by imports in some sec- tors (see p. 67). "Tradition- any, the portland cement industry had to deal with foreign competition only along the Mexican and Ca- nadian borders," says Moth- ersole. "But today they are facing serious competition from manufacturers as far away as Australia and Spain," he says. One Mid- west producer reports large volumes of Spamsh cement being shipped to the Minne- apolis area. Supply aid. pricing. Sup- ply got the upper hand on demand in the lumber mar- ket in 1984 as more efficient lumber mills vied to win new orders from a sagging resi- dential market. Softwood lumber shipments climbed 7.5% over the year to reach a total of 27.1 billion board ft, according to the National Forest Products Association (NFPA), Washington, D.C. The increase in demand, however, triggered a drama- tic increase in lumber pro- duction that swamped prices. Over the year, for ex- ample, DRI's price index for dimensional pine fen 11 % . "The recession caused no reduction in capacity, and that's been killing prices," says Keith Balter, a DRI for- est products economist. "In fact, this past year mills were producing at record levels," he says. ENR Construction cost forecast for 1985 lndexbase: 1913 ~ 100 eullclillSl cosllnclex Construction cosl index 'lit chg. ~1'lIt chg. Dee. 12/13 Dee. 12/14 ... 12/14 '85 12/15 2417.94 +0.5 2486.10 +2.8 ,.,71.29 +1.5 4325.56 +3.7 Commonleborindex 8363.55 +2.6 8751.58 +4.7 Commonlllborwep,.te(SIhr)_ 15.89 +2.6 16.63 +4.7 8killedlllborlndex--_ 3754.32 +2.2 3915.95 +4.3 Skllledlllborwep,.le($Ihr)_ 20.84 +2.2 21.74 +4.3 -1.8 1601.83 0 o 23.90 0 +3.0 66.18 +3.8 Ibterial. price Index 160 1.83 Structure.,t..l, mill baA. $Icwt _ 23.90 Portlllnd cement, 2O-city eV8., $It on . a.74 Softwood lumber 2ll4', 20 cltiel. -$1mb. 297.55 -5.8 301.30 + 1.3 BUILDING COST INDEX FOR 20 CITIES ,.tIIIn" BeltimOl'l 1Iirminthem 8oI10n ,.Chiceto 'lit chg. ~t'llt chg. Dee. -uJI3 Dee. 12/14 .... UII4 -'15 '12/15 1970.00 +1.9 2060.71 +4.6 2236.11 +1.1 2281.64 '+2.0 2054.54 +1.3 ~1oo.n +2.3 2621.39 +3.8 2687.55 +2.5 2466.42 +1.6 2521.91 -+2.2 "2393.45 -1.6~412.41 +0.8 2554.48 +0.1 "2649.44 +3.7 2188.94 -3.8 2236.81 +2.2 2396.91 -1.8 2445.25 + 2.0 2519.n -0.6 2558.49 + 1.5 -Clnclnneti C1evelend I)ellll, Denver Detroit Ke_ City 1.01 AnsIeIeI Mln_poIiI New OrIHn. .... York 2359.38 -3.5 2392.24 + 1.4 2700.68 +4.4 2792.95 +3.4 2309.85 -3.6 2397.15 +3.8 2175.10 -0.8 2240.12 +3.0 2962.76 +6.1 3055.85 +3.1 2492.34 +2.1 2584.54 -+3.7 2551.44 .f3.1 2601.34 +2.0 2331.13 . +4.4:'2412.00 :+3.5 2756.35 '-2.5 ;2891.31 , +4.9 2317.67 .--0.8 .2399.58 "'+3.5 PhIIIIdeIptll. , Pittlbu'llh .t. LouiI $en Frencilco ...UIe ':coNSTRUCTION COST INDEX FOR 20 cmES '.' '1' dig. ......t'llt chg. Dee:. '12II3Dec. '12114 ..... '12IM .. UlI5 2898.53 -0.4 :3006.43 + 3.7 3158.n +1.7 3240.55 +2.6 3074.83 +3.1 3146.59 . +2.3 4497.40 +7.0 -4715.40 +4.8 4319.75 +2.04408.15 +2.0 Alliin.. ....Irnore Blrminthem 8oIton Chlcego Cinclnneti Clevelllnd 'OelIIII -Denver IMtrolt 4437.58 +0.9 4528.00 +2.0 5073.08 +4.7 5307.12 +4.6 2950.40 -11.6 3064.08 +3.9 3646.45 -1.2 3760.60 +3.1 4331.10 -1.04439.27 +2.5 4200.58 +0.1 4312.42 +2.7 5259.93 +3.9 5484.82 +4.3 -4209.93 -2.6 4323.76 -+2.7 3427.64 -0.5 3555.56 +3.7 5160.95 +5.6 -5448.73+5.6 4437.81 +6.3 ......35 +5.6 4234.49 . +3.8 4366.27 +3.1 4511.37 +4.3 4724.74 +4.7 5049.13 - 1.4 5276.80 +4.5 4546.01 -0.3 "4717.80 +3.8 <<-City Loa A,.... M1111lNpo1i1 New OrIHn. .... York Phlledelphi. Plttlbu'llh at. Loui. . Ben FrenclKo SHUIe flue: 1913 - 100 "This last recession was deeper and longer than most, forcing mills to initiate a number of policies that in- creased thelT efficiency," says AI Goetzl, forest econo- mist, NFPA. "This time around there's been a reluc- tance to curtail production as mills try to make up in quantity what they have lost in price. They're just spitting out lumber like crazy," he says. "Mill closures have been more than offset by the introduction of new, more efficient mills that came on stream just as the recovery was getting under way," says Goetzl. For next year, NFPA forecasts a 3% decline in lumber shipments to 26.3 billion board f1. DRI believes the tendency of supply to overpower de- mand win continue in 1985. Despite an assumption of in- creased housing starts in 1985 of 1.81 mIllion units, DRI is forecasting a further decline in pine pnces of2%. ENR's forecast 1S for lumber prices to fluctuate over the year, ending 1.3% above the current price. "Lumber prices should follow their normal pattern during 1985, ending the year at about the level now prevailing," agrees Mike McEvoy, president of Math- eus Lumber Co., Seattle. Lower log prices in 1985 could put further pressure on lumber prices. In the 1970s, many lumber produc- ers bought standing timber on federal land at the high prevailing prices and some have gone broke as a result. Congress recently released the mills ,from these con- tracts, and the industry now is hoping that this same tim- ber will be reoffered at bar- gain prices. which could be translated into lower lumber prices. _ ENR/December 20, 1984 69 - does .trug- ,. the I ~JH2. I ural 11'10 . , ('uts nill. -killR .,"w- "IIIP ~('(Jr ,,"1\ :'1< ('d ,dul'- ~llIll'r . .,.J III (' \/',11' . "lllg jI.llk- \ ,," "".,. " 1.1111 ,"11,.. "I. .f f~ \ I~ t",." /II( ,., index for spruce lumber prices hit 243 in June. By Au- gust it was down to 151 de- spite continued strength in the residential market. "Softwood lumber has an abundance of supply that should keep prices flat next year," Berg says. "The de- mand we sa~' in 1983 will still be there next year as housing flattens out and improve- ments in the nonresidential sector add another 7% to lumber demand," he says. But DRl predicts that rising pro- duction levels will repeat 1983's price dampening role. Softwood lumber prices should end 1984 about 1 % below current levels, DRl fore- casts. "Next vear looks better than 1983,' but price increases will not match those we saw this summer," says a spoke- man for Edward Hines Lum- ber Co.. Chicago. "We esti- mate that pric~s ~ill climb 4 to 6ro in 1984," he says, add- ing, "At Hines we are taking less pr~~t and selling more volume. "I think there ~ill be a re- turn LO a more sane building em-ironment," agrees Gordon Marks, operations manager, S~'inerton & Walberg Co., San Francisco. Marks expects lumber prices to' rise about 3ro throughout 1984. ENR is forecasting a 1.5% increase in lumber prices next year. First step. Portland cement took its first step into the re- co\ery in 1983 with consump- tion rising 9.3%, according to the Portland Cement Associa- tion (PCA), Skokie, Ill. BUI af- ter tumbling 26.4% in the three pervious years, con- sumption had reached such low le\els thaI this vear's de- m~nd increase failed'to budge pnces. By year end, E:-.iR's 20- city average price for portland cement had slipped 0.2% be- low 1982's le\el. ]\;exI year ponland cement consumpt.ion is predicted by PCA to climb another 10. I %, to 76 million shan toris. This ....:.-~..;.. . ~_..--..a-"....,;... . Indu _: 1113. 100 ENR Construction eost forecast for 1984 Building co.t IncIell Con.truction COlt indell ~ cllg. FONCMt ~ cIlt. 12112 Dee. 12113 . Dee. '13 12113 .. 12/14 - 2405.56 +4.7 2480.51 . +2.3 4109.53 +4.0 4267.51 +3.8 Common labor Inde- 81S..08 + 4.3 .26.32 + 5.8 Comlnon labor --0' rate (S/hr)...:..- 15.49 + 4.2 16.39 +5.8 . Skilled I.bor Indell 3674.72 + 5.7 3876.07 + 5.4 Skilled labor wlSlera" (SlIlr) _ 20.40 + 5.7 21.51 + 5." Met.riel.prlceindell 1630.61 +3.4 1630.61 0 Struc:tur."tHl,miD~Slcw1_ 23.90 0 22.65 -5.2 Portland cement. 2O-cItJ "g.. Slton . 61.88 - 0.2 S5.i4 + 8.8 Softwood lumber 2ll.... 20 ctties, 51mbf 315.88 + 10.8 ..320.66 -+ 1.5 will spur prices 10 their first real ~ains of the '80s next year, and E~R is looking for its 20-city average price to move up 6.6% in 1984. Beyond 1984 portland ce- ment prices should be in a position to make up for lost oppurtunity during the reces- sion. Consumption is estimat- ed b\ PCA to climb to 82 millio'n tons in 1985 and then remain above 85 million tons per year through 1987. In 1978, consumption levels of 83 million tons caused nu- mer()us shortages and sharp movements in price. The union card. The key el- ement in forecasting ENR's cost indexes is the labor com- ponent, which makes up . three-quarters of the con- struction cost index and half of the building cost index. A number of labor contracts.' the 20 cities tracked bv E. extend into 1984, helping add a degree 01 certainty to the forecast. Some 34 skilled trades in 12 cities, or over half the la- bor component for the U.S. average building cost index, have negotiated wages for next year. The average known increase for this group is 4.6%. bringing the average wage, including fringes, to $20.90 per hour. There is a little more uncertain tv for the common labor component of the construction cost index since a smaller number of lo- cals in this group signed long- term contracts. On average, the negotiated increase for la- borers next year is 5.4ro, an hourh increase of 81 cents. E:"IiR expects unemplo\mel1l to remain a major concern of unions again in 1984, which should hold new \\age seltle- ment next year close to nego- tiated. increases. For this unkno.....n variable of the wage _ equation, E'\R is assuming. to 7% increase. The end suIt: a 5.8% increase for com- mon labor and a 5.4'70 hike for skilled labor in F'\R's in- dexes. _ . ~. . BUlLDINQ COST INDEX FDA 20 CITIES . "tlent. . "Itimore Birmingham BoIlon _ Chicago Cincinnati C"YIIand. Dallel Deny... O.t~ .> .. ~ chg. F_t". dig. Dee. 12/12 Dee.. 12/13 '13 12/a . 'Ie 12114 1960.47 + O. 1 1999.83 + 2.0 2211.13 +1.1 2216."2 +0.2 2028.66 +4.9 2024.n -0.2 2526.20 +9.7 2564.56 +2.3 2427.59 + 3.0 2514.10. + 3.6 2432.67 +5.1 2455.18 +1.0 . 2551.01 +3.4 2687.26 +5.3 2275.59 +".0 2325.97 _.+2.2. 2<<0.68 + 10.3 2549.92 +4.5 . . . - .' 25~~:21 +3.2 ~5.03 :. ~=O.4 Kan... City LOI Ang.... Minneapoli. N_ OrleeM .... yortt Philadelphia Pit"burgll St Louie _ SanF~ s.a"" CONSTRUCnoN COST INDEX FOA 20 CITIES' AUanll ---:.._ l!altimore Birmingham Bo.ton ___ CIlicago_. Cincinnati C....1and D.II... D.ny., . Detroit. 24-45.06 + 7.7 2407.6.- -1.5 2586.58 +0.6 2681.09 +3.7 2396.62 +8.1 2480.6.- +3.5 2192.05 +5.4 2161.73 -1.4 2792.67 + 7.3 ~.69 +5.6 2439.99 +7.6 2511.69 +2.9 2473.68 +6.0 2530.51 +2.3 2233.4-4 + 6.3 2302.36 +3.1 2826.13 +0.11 2910.88 +3.0 2335.79 + 1.3 2391.93 +2.4 ~ chg. ForeCat ~ cIlt. Dee. 12112 Dee. 12113 '13' 12113 - 'Ie 12/14 2909.00 -3.9 2926.25+0.6 3107.35 +0.3 3145.54 + 1.2 2983.60 +4.6 3045.51 +2.1 4204.75 + 5.3 4362.82 + 3.8 4235.73 + 3.1 4-466.91 + 5.5 ~98.60 +3.9 "531.68 +3.0 4847.04 +3.8 5246.52 +8.2 -~ 3263.61 + 2.2 3369.10 +3.2 3690.22 +7.1 ;J850.44 +4.3 4375.55 +3.1 4-418.18 + 1.0 Kan... City_ 4195.38 +3.1 "210.60 +0.4 LOIAng....__. 5063.89 +2.6 5280.91 +4.3 Minn.apolil_ 4322.45 + 10.1 4561.112 + 5.5 N.wOrlaan._____._.__ 3444.58 +4.6 3424.26 -0.6 ...wVork____._____ 4887.55 +7.3 5194.80 +6.3 Phll.d.lphia___.___._ 4175.74 +8.2 4-444.88 .+6.4 Pi".burgll_._._ ..__ 4077.51 +4.7 4293.16 +5.3 SI. Loul. _____.___ 4325.69 + 5.3 4499.88 + 4.0 SanFrancilCO_____ 5122.74 +2.6 5327.72 .4.0 s.att.._. ___ 4559.55 + 1.5 4749.08 + 4.2 Sue: 1113. 100 ENROecember 22, 1983 57 . \. :":..;..-~ . CITY 0 F CHANHASSEN )~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Ac:ion by C:ly Administ~3tor FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Endorsed M0diiied Rejeded Date Date Submitted to COr.1m:ssion i.-/ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission DATE: January 31, 1985 Date Surroitted to Council .2./2 ~-/tf~-- SUBJ: Fourth of July Fireworks Quotes I will again be planning the July 4th celebration similar to last year's event at Lake Ann Park. This is the time of year when bands, entertainers and fireworks display companies need to be booked for this day. . Attached are quotes from two fireworks display companies - Gopher and Banner. Gopher Fireworks Display Company's quote includes about 150 aerial shells for $2,500, and Banner Firework's Display Company includes about 300 for $2,733 (not all are the same size). Both also include $300,000 insurance and the personnel to set up and shoot the show. Last year Frank Beddor purchased $2,700 worth of Lake Ann Park stickers for his employees and the money from his donation paid for the fireworks display. I have contacted Mr. Beddor again this year and am in hopes that he will agree to a similar arrangement. In fact, this item is contingent upon the assump- tion that Mr. Beddor will make another contribution. If he should choose not to, I will be bringing this item back to you to consider whether we can afford a fireworks display at all. The Park and Recreation Commission is requested to make a recom- mendation to the City Council on these quotes. Please keep in mind that you are not required to choose the least expensive quote. Due to the high quality of last year's fireworks display, as well as the professional manner in which Banner conducted business, my recommendation is Banner Firework's Display Company for $2,733. We received many positive citizen comments about last year's show. Staff Update (February l!L 1985) . The Commission has recommended that the City Council accept Banner Fireworks Display company's quote if Frank Beddor makes a contribution similar to the one made last year. Page 2 Last year Mr. Beddor divided the $2,700 donation between United Mailing, Instant Web, The Press and victory Envelope. Upon receiving my request for a similar donation, he referred me to each of those corporations. So far, Bill Carlson of Instant Web has agreed to purchase $1,200 worth of season passes. I am still waiting to hear from the other three corporations. ~ . . . , BANNER · FIREWORKS DISPLA Y CO. ROUTE 1 BOX 183 ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA 55398 (612) 389-4060 "..."......... ......~., ,..",...-.. t ::1' '., ..'J./'......: :'" , -. ).._, : ....,......,! .... .~I.: ..,....... ......... ........ '. ..... ",.... J" I', '.j" .... , .-- ..,.. .., ... "' 1" \ I ,'. ..............i " ..' :. .r; ! \,I.'.~ ~ .: ...f':, ;.... ,..... ...... "o\.':'~ ....... :....... . t ....~...... ..: I ..,." \/' , .._......~wt ....~ . .. t 0': ,............. I." 0' '. : ;.' .,...~~.. ~ '. o' II. . '.-.~'. .....: ,.. /,'" ; . t ~.., ...".o\\.'\.' '4', ; .. . ; .A" J':"~~'::\'!'''S'~;';~''~'''''' ~. .. .... I' ':':\ ,: . . ; "I!' ... ..... I" ..\,.-,.......;;...."......:-,,::... ..<~..... ""'~.: '';:-'. .....,.. 4' ; . . : ;',.1 ;(01. ..".. :,...~~.;,.\.J/:f ~".I .: ~\J. to~: : I : t' 'l!'''~' . ,.. .~.~ '. . \ \~. .' -, ,r . . .;;.,' ,\ .' . . :. ",' ',:" ....;........,'1.";....,, ,\. .30.... ~b:'-:""..:' : I,,' ~ t .. :: .1,( /f. I: .....,.,,\:1 ....., \....;>* J' ,:: . '0.. .. . '. 1:.'.1,J .j..;., - "'~" "'1.'" . r' I I'" . " : . e/.,. ......-:-::--...;,:..:\..\.:'. !",Jtt."f"., ......~(; :' ',:: . . . . t.'" _, p' II ...:.:~j.i:'r~";;o,.....~.. J .' t, .- \ \ ..y"\:;' "r' !~.,,,...,;;.;:n:~~.:-!+:~:'1.,.~ ......~. : ~.; ; I:,:.:" t' If;' ,',(.:\0.:..'... .,. ~.::... . .', ".:. :/ (// /: .'/t/:'~\:,\}:~:\ '::~~:..\ i \. l : !; " , : ; : l' ,': :: J ~: \"".\ ,~. ,!.1 \ , ,{ ;, ,. ,. "" t.. ....,l... I" \ . ! . i:' ;.... Ii 1:' !: ! ::: \, \t I : ..... \ .' I' '0 "I t. . I '. .. ~\" ! .: f 1': !~ ;: !! :) ~: 1:. >1'" i /' i ii i I; : ( i; ~ r ~;,'" . I :;:. ,! o.: It.' \", \ : ' . , J f" . ,. .' . . '::. 1/.1 3/85 I: \. .... \:., \\ \ ClliU~S~~ JULY 4, 1985. TOTAL PRICE 2733.00 i ',\ \ I '. \\ , '. . ',;, I ... .. ":', , \ ":', \ ; .' . . ~\ " ~ .~ '. ; ,I. ~, '.' : I ':", ; ~ \'. I ~. \ : ',f' '1 . 'l ~ ~j !~ i !:; :0.: ,',. ", ;\, .,\ .,: ", '.. :~ :i ;~ ') ~f ... ;:1 :'11 :;i '., J:! :.1 j:i : ~ ~ '. . ;; i ~: : i; I '. , j I! : I ~ ", ;:f :: :~ j:;; :',1 ," This show contains 304 aerial shells, insurance, and all personel to set up and shoot the show. 60-.3" TI. SALUTBS. 60- .31i COLOR SHELLS. 6-4" SllUTES.. 6-411 COLOR SHELLS. .3-5\1 SALUTES. .3-511 COLOR SHELLS. 10-411 NAGNUM SALUTES.. 1-811 SALUTE. 1-10tl F.ia.NGY COLOR SHELL.. 48- GOLDEN TAILED CONETS. . 12-4" 8-4" 3-4" 1-4\1 1-411 1-411 1-411 1-41: 1-4" 1-4" . 14-511 10_511 1-5\1 3-511 1-5" 1-511 1-5\1 1-5" 1-511 1-5\1 Fn~liE FANCY ORIEHTAlL SHELLS. FANCY COLOR SHELLS. 2 BiWK. 2 BREAK ORIEHTil.. TOURBILLION. ST..uillURST . 3 BR.&lK. 4 BRUK. SPIDER TO BLUE ST1LRS. COlolET. FAl~CY ORIENTAL SHELLS. FAliCY COLOR SHELLS. 3 BREAK CROSSETT. 2 K-&K. 2 BREAK ORIENTAL. THUNDER & ~INBOw.. HU}J}~.. COhET .' GOLD~~. WILLOW. BUTLE IN CLOUDS. RECEiVi::D JAN 1 7 1985 CITY OF CHANHASSEN .', ::1 IO! fl .~: ::1 fi .::. :..: .;. I~I . . BANNER FIREWORKS DISPLA Y CO. ROUTE 1 BOX 183 ZIMMERMAN, MINNESOTA 55398 (612) 389-4060 1-511 9 TINED REPORTS. 1-511 3 BREAK. 1-511 wtlISTLE & COLOR.. 1-5\1 STARBURST. 1-5" COLOR CHANGING SHELL. 1-511 GREEN ELECT.hIC. 10-611 FAl:;CY ORIENTli. 5-611 FANCY COLOR SHELLS. 1_6u 2 BREj,K ORIE!:T~. 1_611 2 B~K. 1-61\ SHELL OF SHELLS. 1-6\1 HA}l}:Jm., 1-611 GOLDEN TAILED Cmill:TS TO BLUE; STartS. 5-811 FANCY ORIENTAL SHELLS. 5-1011 FA-Hc'Y ORIENTAL SHELLS., 1-1211 FANCY ORIENTAL SHELL. ...".......... ,........, ........-..... /' ., " ,...... ! .: "" :J' ': .... .. .)-.-" ..................l. ........fAl: 1 ......:,...... ........ .....:.:.. '.......... ,..",.......... ~ l', ~.. I Of, .... ....... ..i. ...... 00 00 #' ...-.... .rt r ......(,I;.,!.: ""'~" ;..- t ...............").:_~. ........ .~ '''\ . \ .....T'......... ..... ~.. I......: \/" I -...."",,,..~ t '. .' ... L'~-''''.I'': '(.....: ,~~. '. i: i ,....:.~t,,~.~ >', :. : i I' '''~....;:'-\,'''~'.:''~. ....... I.. ",' ....' 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(].I III .,..u u...U I~ .::.: .::.: 0 .0 "0 > III ::l0'\ III "0 I:: r.... > III +-' u... . u U r- r....r- .,.. .,.. 01 ~ I:: OJ .,.. r- 0 III 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 (].I 0 r.... ..c r....c;:t r-~ ~ ..c .,.. r- (].I = r- Nr- 0:: 0:: U 1.0 ~~ Cl :3 ~N u... U ::E U (/) CO u... 0'\- r-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L.U ~ L.U ~ L.U L.U L.U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~1-4 I 1'4 I I I I I~ ~ I I I " ~ (j CJ \J ({) ~ CITY OF CBAHBASSEH I~ ~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Actic~ by City Administratot Endcrset:: ~ MEMORANDUM MGd:f~eJ TO: Park and Recreation Commission Reject"j Dale Dale Submicta:l to Corr.mi~s;J'l FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ Date !".t rr,;I\'?C Ie C~L:-.L!l DATE: February 1, 1985 2./.2 ~-I R' S' SUBJ: Park Development projects Attached is a letter from Mark Koegler of VanDoren Hazard Stallings landscape architect firm. Mr. Koegler and Laurie McRostie have worked with us on a number of our park development projects. This summer we will be working on the development of Herman Field, the Lake Ann boat access, and in the future possibly Lotus . Lake boat access. As Mr. Koegler mentions in his letter, much of the work at Lake Ann and Herman Field can be done in-house at a lower cost than contracting the jobs out, and he outlines his part in the projects. The Park and Recreation Commission is requested to review his proposal and make recommendations to City Council. I believe Mr. Koegler's proposal is reasonable and would recommend your approval. Staff Update (2-14-85) The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed and discussed the proposal by Van Doren Hazard Stallings. Mark Koegler has been helpful in the development of other parks and knows the City's mood. The Commission has recommended that the City Council approve Mr. Koegler's proposal concerning Herman Field, Lake Ann Park and Lotus Lake (in anticipation of the LAWCON Grant amendment). . ~ Van Doren Hazard Stallings Aidlilecl.. e..uw-s. PIannofs January 18, 1985 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 6121553.1950 Mr. Don Ash\tlorth, Ci ty Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Ash\tlorth: In response to our meetirg in December, I have prepared the followirg camnents pertainirg to the possible level of Van Doren-Hazaro-Stallings involvement in the projects at Heman Field, Lake Ann and Lotus Lake. Heman Field . According to our conversation, the City of Chanhassen would like to implement the design for Hennan Field in-hoose. lDri seitsema would manage the project wi th the help of Dale Gregory and selected smmer interns. !hey stx>uld be able to build the suggested play structure with no problem. The road and parking lot construction would be let to a private contractor. Van Doren-Hazard-Stallings' involverrent might include the following: 1. t>rior to any construction, oor staff alorg with Bill Monk, Lori Seitsema am the selected contractor should rreet on the site to discuss the road and parking lot locations. There is a need to determine if further engineerirg services or surveyirg is required. 2. Van Doren-Hazard-Stallirgs will stake the center line of the entry road and the boundaries of the parking lot and field locate all other facilities. These tasks do not include any land surveyirg and if it is determined that surveyirg is needed, it will involve additional cost. 3. Van Doren-Hazard-Stallings will finalize a grading plan including location of hay bales, etc., for sutmission to the watershed district. 4. A detailed planting design should be prepared for the park emphasizing the areas at the entry arrl near the parkirg lot and picnic shelter. . REce;i"i'::O JAN 211985 CITY OF CHANHASS~ Mr. D:m Ashworth Page TwO January 18, 1985 . 5. Prepare a manual that \<<>Uld serve as a design guide for construction of the suggested play structures and path system. This would include a conceptual plan for the site, the suggested plantirg design and pictures or drawings of standard catalog items or other examples of play structures. 'Ihese \<<>Uld not be detailed drawirgs but simply examples to use for reference. 6. Also, it may be appropriate for Van Ibren-Hazard-Stallirgs to do periodic inspections durirg implerentation, arrl our staff would be available at all times to answer questions. The estimated coot for these services is $900. Lake Ann Last week, Laurie McRostie and I met with John Von de Linde from the Department of Energy and Economic Development, Division of Community Developnent. W9 discussed the present and future status of Lake Ann and Lotus Lake. As an overview, I will recap our discussion on Lake Ann and then discuss our potential future involvement in the project. The Lake Ann project has been approved by all autoorities, arrl the city should have received a contract agreement fram ~ and LCMR. At this time, you . may have already returned a signed agreement to them. The existing plan has been approved and you are not bound to change the design. The small alternative sketch plan yoo received for the boat access and parking lot was only a suggestion. John indicated that the DNR likes to see standard access designs includirg pull throogh parkirg lots on all its lakes. He suggested that there might be another alternative to the current design. W9 expressed the city's concern for a loop road through the picnic area as well as the desire to keep development away fram the lakeshore. John understood and respectoo these concerns. W9 feel that it may be valid to review the existiIlJ des ign to determine if an appropriate hybrid plan can be developed to appease the state while satisfyiIlJ the city's requirements. Van Doren-Hazard-Stallirgs' role in the construction of the Lake Ann project may occur in the followinJ manner: 1. A solution for the boat access and parking lot design will be further explored. W9 woold subnit, upon approval of the city, a final drawirg of the concept. 2. We would provide the city with a detailed gradirg plan for subnission to the watershoo district. . . . . Mr. Ibn Ashworth Page Three January 18, 1985 3. Given the extent and size of the project at Lake Ann, the best course might be to prepare engineering plans and specifications for bids. Survey work would be done for all stakin;) and field locations. W3 may want to further discuss alternatives for the implenentation of Lake Ann. At this point, I would like to reiterate that the Lake Ann project has been canp1etely approvoo am that any design alterations or engineerin;) work would only need to be sutmitted to LCMR for review. The cost for the plan review for Lake Ann would be $400. This does not include costs for any engineering work pending a determination of how the project will be implemented. L.! Itl ,.; \eo'''' ,. Lotus Lake (,(,,,..f pt,oc /' The project at Lotus Lake was also discussed wi~~J~n Von de Linde. This l,pJ project is different from Lake Ann because fingl approvals have not been e~....f I fI' granted. John is still waiting for an amended appraisal fran John Farrell../ l-I'o Once he receives the final appraisal, he will submit it to the DNR for jY~' certification. The certified appraisal will then be sutmitted to LCMR. They must amem the original grant application, deletin;) the acreage fran the north site and adding it to the current south site. This should be canpleted in March, am the mrendoo application would then be sent to the National Park Service for approval. John felt that he w::>uld receive approval fran NPS in April and, at that point, contracts could be written and signed. At that time, the city will be able to sell the land at the north site and purchase the lam in the south. John indicated that the sketch plan he sutmitted to the city for the parkin;) lot and access road at Lotus Lake holds more weight than a suggestion since the grant has not been approved. The Metro waters Access Task Force, of which he is a m9nDer, stron;)ly recanmends that the design include a maximum of two car/trailer parking spaces close to the boat access and the lakeshore. I expressErl the ci ty' s concern for develcpment 00 close to the lakeshore and the possible disenchantment the local residents would have with this type of develcprrent. John understood these concerns, but he felt that approval would be difficult if parking spaces were not added near the boat access. I feel that a canpranise can be workoo out with further exploration of the design. OUr involvement in the Lotus Lake project might include the followin;): 1. A site plan revision will be sutmitted incorporatin;) the city's concerns alon;) with the suggestions of the Metro Waters Access Task Force. 2. A detailed grading plan will be submitted for the city's approval and submission to the watershoo district. Mr. Ibn Ashworth Page Four January 18, 1985 . 3. Prior to implementation at Lotus Lake, engineering plans and specifications should be prepared for bid. As you are aware, access to the park is dependent on the street which is intended to serve the new develcprent on Herb Bloanberg's property. The city will need to clarify the roles and responsibilities for all parties concerning the develcpment of this road. The scope of engineering services in Items 2 and 3 above will be detennined by these decisions. The cost for a site plan revision at Lotus Lake would be $200. Engineering costs can be provided once the scope and direction of the project are detennined. We appreciate this opportunity to provide you with our proposal for professional services for canpletinJ projects at Herman Field, Lake Ann and Lotus Lake. Please review the above carrnents and let us know how you wish to proceect. Please call Ire if yoo have any questions. Sincerely, VAN InREN-HAZARD-STAILIN3S By: 'C. uJoJ--- . R. Mark Koegler Principal Planner RMK/rh cc: Lori Seitsema . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH \'t 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ DATE: February 1, 1985 SUBJ: Park Signs In the 1985 budget, money was set aside for including park and beach rules for Lake Ann a park identification sign at Carver Beach. a parking information sign for City Hall. various park signs and Carver Beach, and Staff has also added . Attached is a quote from Earl F. Anderson and Associates for these signs for your information. I will be ordering these signs so that they may be put up next summer. . EFA EARL F. ANDERSEN AND ASSOC., INC. 9864 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 Toll-Free WATS Une 1-800-862-6026.612-884-7300 . Park and Recreational Equipment . Fitness Systems . Site Furnishings . Leisure Environments . Bleacher/Stadium Seating . Interior/Exterior Signage · Traffic Products . Custom Signs and Markings . Traffic Marking Products I Complete consulting, design, layout and Installation services. . --- QUOTATION Date January 18, 1985 . City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Your Ref. No. Attn: Lori Sietsema Recreation Director . TERMS: Net 30 Days KJ To Be Arranged 0 We are pleased to quote you the following: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL 1 Special Sign "A" 42" x 24" SC/AL White/ 200.00 Blue "Park Courtesy Rules" (Lake Ann) 1 Special Sign "B" 42" x 30" non-reflective 197.33 White/Blue "Beach Rules" (Lake Ann) with special art work. 1 Special Sign "C" 42" x 24" SC/AL White/ 200.00 Blue "Park Courtesy Rules" (Carver Beach) 1 Special Sign "D" 42" x 30" non-reflective 197.33 White/Blue "Beach Rules" (Carver Beach) with special art work. 1 Wooden Routed Sign "Carver Beach, Chanhasse " 329.00 6" x6" Posts, 2" Planking,Wh~te Letters on Russet. (:-;.,.., ""'. ~.. 1 Wooden Routed Sign for City Center (See 315.00 layout) 2" Planking, 6" x 6" Posts, White Letters on Russet. .-, , SUB- TOTAL (Material Only) SALES-TAX FREIGHT TOTAL F.O.B. Factory !!9 Destination 0 WE ARE AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT 0 Shipment approx. 4-6 Weeks after receipt of order. NOTE: This quotation valid fOr~days. Please write for confirmation after that date. By TUNITY EMPLOYE. . . . . ." .. . ", \S- .\ CITY OF C HANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 59 AN ORDIN^NCE RESTRICTING TIlT: USr. or PUI1J.IC PARKS AND WATERS ADJACENT THERETO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF CBANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Definitions. a. "Vehicle" includes every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway except devices moved exclusively upon stationary rails or tracts. Further, "vehicle" means any bicycle, go-cart, minibike, motorcycle, snow-:- mobile, recreational vehicle, all terrain vehicles or self-propelled instruments which carry or may carry an occupant or occupants upon land or water. b. "Parks" shall mean parks, parkways, ice skating rink, playgrounds I puhl ic "GCll~:::nn, rocfOiltion fields, rocreation buildint;:J!j, bOuCtl~H,~ ilnrJ water surrounded by parks, includillg but not limlLed to w.,\tUl':: ."lj.\l~I~lIl to beaches, which are delineated as swimming areas by the placement of marker buoys. c. "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or association d. "Snowmobile" means any engine driven vehicle of a type which utilizr~:; sled-type runners, or skis, or an endless belt tread or any combination of these or other similar means of contact with the surface upon which it is operated and which is designed to operate over ice or snow. e. "Drugs" shall mean any controlled substance, as defined by Chapter lS2 of Minnesota Statutes and successor statutes, the possession of which is a violation of Minnesota Statutes 1 S2. 09 and successor statutes. . . Section 7 . Walking on the Gras s . . No person shall go on foot or otherwise upon the grass or turf of any park where any sign is posted prohibiting such conduct. Section 8. Dumping. Dumping or depositing bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans or refuse of any kind is prohibited except in the containers provided in the parks. Section 9. Erection of Structures. No person in any park shall construct or erect or bring 1nto any park any build- ing or structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary 1n chaructcr; or run or string any public service utility 1nto, upon or across such lands I except upon. special written permit issued hereunder. Section 10. Restrooms. No person in any park shall fail to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person over the age of four (4) years shall use the restrooms or washrooms designated for the opposite sex. Section 11. Throwing of Missiles. . No person in any park shall throw or cast any stone or missile carelessly or heedlessly in disregard of the rights or safety of qthers or in any manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property. Section 12. Camping. No person shall set up tents I shacks I or any other temporary shelter, nor ~:l\..,11 ..I\Y pemol\ llltlve in ullY purk urtor c1or.;ing hours uny movable structure or :i!lt:~idl vu!ill.:lu I ::ueh ':I:J a hOll:,OL1.ll!Uf I C~l1lllJL1....dl01', CUlIIlJWuIj01i 01' thu IH~l;, wi Lh-- out the written permission of the City Clerk. Section 13. Dangerous Games. No person in any park shall take part in or abet the playing of games inv01vi....g thrown or otherwise propelled objects including but not limited to balls, stones, arrows I javelins I model airplanes I horseshoes or darts except in areas speCifically designated for such forms of recreation. The playing of rough or dangerous games such as football, baseball, and quoits is prohibited except on the field and courts and ilreas provided therefor. . - 3 - . . . . . . Section 22. Sale of Articles. No person shall sell or offer for sale any article or thing whatsoever in any park or parkway, but this prohibition shall not apply to sales of refreshments or. other articles by the City of Chanhassen, its agents I 1ts duly licensed concessionaires or persons selling under its written direction. Section 23. Pets and Animals.. No person shall be permitted to take any animal, including but not limited to dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, into any park, and in no case shall any person allow or bring any animal owned or tended by him upon any park property, park waters or upon any skating rink, or in any park building, unless so authorized in writing by the City Clerk. Section 24. Skating Rules and Warming House Rules. a. No person or: persons shall do or engage in any of the following acts within skating rinks on ice in any park, except in the course of winter sports or organized events held under the supervision of the staff of the City of Chanhassen or its delegates, viz: Racing or playing of any games which interfere with the general use of the skating rink, the use of sleds, toboggans, hockey sticks and pucks. This section shall not be construed to pro- hibit the use of hockey sticks and pucks upon rinks constructed or designated as hockey rinks by the City of Chanhassen. b. . No person shall smoke or loiter on any skating rink or on the ice in any park, or within any warming house in any park. Section 25. Use of Loudspeakers. No punloll hi ""Y pwrk ::b."111 l&:ili Illlldnpll."1kllr'C: mid puLJUc oddnw:1 ::y:;l.lllll:. wHh- out a written permit granted therefor by the City Council. Section 26. Fires. No person shall start any fire in any park, except fires may be made by picnic parties in the park, but only in free-standing barbecue grills or in the places in soid parks provided for the purpose and so designated by the City Clerk. Any person whO starts any such fire is charged with the duty of completely extinguishing such fire or fires before leaving 'Such park. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or restrict the enforcement of ordinances regulating air pollution control and setting ambient air quality standards. - 5 - (d) the park or portions thereof for which such permit is desired. (e) an estimate of the anticipated attendance; (f) any other information which the City Clerk shall find reason- ably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued hereunder. (2) The City Clerk shall issue a permit hereunder when he finds that: (a) the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general 'public enjoyment of the park; (b) that the proposed activity or use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety and recreation. This should not give right to exclusive use of park facilities. (c) that the proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; (d) that the proposed activity will not entail unusual, extraordinary or burdensome expense for police operation by the City; (e) that the facilities desired have not been reserved for some other use at the day and hour required in the application. (3) Within five (5) days after the receipt of an application, the City Cler. shall apprise an applicant in writing of his reasons for refusing a per 1 I and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal in writing with- in five (5) days of mailed notice to the City Council, which shall con- sider the application under the standards set forth in subsection 2 hereof and sustain or overrule the City Clerk'~ decision within 14 days. The decision of the City Council shall be final. . (4) A permitee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances fully as though the same were inserted in said permi t. (5) The person or persons to whom a permit is issued shull be liilble for uny loss, damage, or injury sustained by any person wherever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued. Within 48 hours of the end of the permit, a permitee shall remove from the park all trash in the nature of boxes, papers I cans, bottles, garbage and other refuse and all installations and equipment, and restore the premises to their condition prior to use. (6) No permit shall be issued or continued in effect unless there is in full force and effect a liability insurance policy issued by an in!iuwnce compuny authorized to do business in the state of Minnesotil in tile . amount of $50,000.00 for bodily injury to one person, in the amount - 7 - . .' . . . f. No vehicle of any kind shall be permitted on the ice of park waters or nodded skating or hockey rinks, except such vehicles and macnines as operated by the City of Chanhassen for the purposes of maintaining skating rinks and performing necessary work on said ice and provided that the City Council of Chanhassen may by 'resolution or ordinance, authorize the use of certain portion of any such lake for ice raci~g or snowmobiling. g. No person shoal! wash, grease or repair any vehicle on any park, boule- vard or parkway except to perform such repairs as are necessary by an emergency. h. No person shall ride any bicycle upon any trail or sidewalk in such manner as to interfere with any pedestrian thereon. 1. Any unoccupied vehicle found in violation of the provisions of this ordinance may be removed and impounded at owner's expense by any police officer or duly authorized person in accordance with the ordi- .nances of the City of Chanhassen. Section 33. Motorboats. No boat of any kind shall be permitted on the waters of Lake Ann, provided, however, that boats moved exclusively by human power or moved by wind power are permitted. The previous sentence notwithstanding I no boat of any kind shall be per- mitted within areas which are expressly marked and designated for swimming by the City Council. Section 34. Launching of Boats. The launching of boats within a~y park shall be limited to those areas which are expressly marked and designated for such purposes by the City Council by resolu- tion, und shall otherwise be prohibited. Areas so designated shall be posted and l\I<:lrkod by tbl! Glly Puulic Work~; Department with appropriate signs. Section 35. Improper Boat Handling. No person shall navigate, direct or handle any boat in such manner as to annOj frighten or endanger the occupants of other boats of other persons including swimmers. Section 36. Public Swimming. a. The date of the season opening and closing park swimming beaches shall be directed by resolution of the City Council each year. b. Chanhassen public beaches shall be attended by lifeguards who shall work at the hours and times designated"by the City Council. - 9 - .. . '. .. ~. ..1. . . Pt (12) The duly appointed lifeguards are hereby authorized and empowered toA order swimmers out of the bathing beach waters at such times and undP such conditions as they deem necessary for public welfare. Section 37. Severability. If any provision or provisions of this ordinance are declared unconstitutional by a competent court, said decisions shall not affect any other part or portion of this ordinance. Section 38. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council this 21st day of July , 1975. ATTEST: . r/// G/ //(J~ ~/'~' L-{/ /I ( /(f:{./),1.-?' p7 ~_~;;/'C:Z;J MAYOR / ' d7 rJ a14/J)<~ ?<?,JA . cterk-Adm1istrator - Published in Tuly Carver County Hera1d , 1975. on the 31st day of . - 11 - CITY OF CHAlfHASSEIf 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 59317 (612) 937-1900 February 22, 1985 Mr. Charles Robbins 7340 Longview Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Robbins: I recently prepared an annual Park and Recreation attendance record for 1984. This record was presented to the Commission at the February meeting. After reviewing this record, the Commission could not help but notice the number of absences for yourself. . Commission Chairperson, Mike Lynch, asked me to write to you to inform you of the attendance policy. He also requested that I ask you to notify me before the March 5th meeting as to whehter you wish to continue serving as a Park and Recreation Commission member. I have enclosed a copy of a memo from Don Ashworth which outlines the attendance policy. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that personal committments make it impossible for you to continue. Sincerely, '-1;oJU ~ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k Enclosure .