1985 02 05 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 1985 . ~ The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Commission Chairperson Michael Lynch. MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Lynch, Tom Schoenecker, Joe Warneke, Wallace McKay and Mike Rosenwald. MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Robbins and Brian Foltz APPROVAL OF MINUTES Schoenecker moved, seconded by Lynch, to approve the minutes of December 4, 1984 meeting as written. All voted in favor and the motion carried. WELCOME NEW MEMBER ~ Chairperson Lynch welcomed Wallace McKay to the Commission and asked if he had any quesitons on any of the items to be discussed. Mr. McKay stated that he had a chance to meet with Lori Sietsema before the meeting and obtained some background on the items. . ELECTIONS Schoenecker moved, seconded by Warneke, to nominate Michael Lynch for Chairperson for 1985 and Brian Foltz for Vice-Chairperson. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ATTENDANCE POLICY Staff expressed concern about the number of absences of Charlie Robbins in 1984. Lynch remarked that each of the Commissioners have other responsibilities and there are times when it is impossible to attend some meetings. Lynch also noted, as stated in Mr. Ashworth's memorandum, each Commissioner is required to attend at least 75% of the meetings. Lynch asked staff to write to Mr. Robbins inquiring if he is still interested in being on the Park and Recreation commission and also to enclose a copy of Mr. Ashworth's memorandum. LAKE ANN LAWCON BOAT ACCESS AGREEMENTS Schoenecker asked how the hours of operation would be affected by the LAWCON requirements. Lori Sietsema stated that in the past, the Sheriff's Department has opened the park gates at approximately . 7:00 a.m. and closed them at 10:00 p.m. Staff would simply ask them to open the gates by 6:00 a.m. to meet the sixteen hour a day requirement. ~ . ~ . Park and Recreation Minutes February 5, 1985 Page 2 Schoenecker moved, seconded by Warneke, to recommend authoriza- tion of signatures on the LAWCON Boat Access Agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried. LAKE ANN SEASON PASS FEES Lynch gave a brief background on how the fee structure had evolved. Due to last minute information from John VonDeLinde, Grants program Coordinator, a memorandum was distributed outlining LAWCON limitations on park fees. Those fee requirements included: - No boat access use fee may be charged in addition to a park entrance fee - Non-resident boat access users may not be charged more than resident boat access users - Non-resident park entrance fees can not be more than double the resident fees The memo also included a new staff recommendation on the fee structure. Lori Sietsema explained that the Park and Recreation philosophy on parks is to make them as accessible as possible for the public. Lowering the park entrance fee would make the park more inviting. From an administrative standpoint, one price seasonal pass would be preferrable, as the alternative would be to create a new season pass for non-residents who wish only to use the boat access. Schoenecker pointed out that if the same number of season passes sold in 1984 were sold at the proposed $6 each, more money would be generated. Lynch and Rosenwald stated they did not agree that the resident and non-resident season passes be the same price. They also indicated that lowering the daily gate fee would not be accept- able as it may be a loss of income to the City. Schoenecker moved, seconded by Rosenwald, to recommend the City Council change the Lake Ann Park fees as follows: Resident Season Pass Non-Resident Season Pass Non-Resident Boat Access Only Daily Gate Fee Senior Citizens $ 6.00 $12.00 $ 6.00 $ 4.00 Free In addition, the definition of resident would include persons living or working in Chanhassen. , Park and Recreation Minutes February 5, 1985 Page 3 . HERMAN FIELD Schoenecker took the Herman Field Concept Plan to the Minnewashta Homeowner's Association and found much enthusiasm. Their biggest fear was the possibility of adolescence using it for beer parties. Lynch asked about the walking right-of-way along the north side of the park. Lori Sietsema said that there was not a right-of-way at this time but it could be pursued. The Commission requested that staff proceed with acquiring a walking right-of-way along the north side of the park. Lynch asked for cost breakdowns for grading of the road, parking area and the ball field. He also asked for prices on materials to build the play equipment and picnic tables. Lynch moved, seconded by Rosenwald, to recommend City Council approve the Herman Field Concept plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried. . , LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL FIELD The Commission reviewed the options given by staff as to the loca- tion of a little league field. It was agreed that the little league field should be located at Lake Ann Park on the newly acquired parkland. ELECTRO-CRAFT Lynch moved, seconded by Warneke, to recommend Don Ashworth's arrangement as stated in his memorandum to the Mayor and City Council dated February 4, 1985. Motion unanimously approved. WEST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Warneke asked if there was a need for tennis courts in the West Jr. High School area. Lynch expressed his concern that if the tennis courts were refurbished by the City, would the school guarantee the city control over them for the life of the courts. McKay indicated that the life of a tennis court is 5-7 years and that junior high aged children are not served with that program in . school anymore. He did not know if the school would agree to give the city a guarantee. Lynch asked staff to write a letter to Mr. Hardy stating that there are tennis courts at Chanhassen Elementary and one at Lake . \ . '-- . park and Recreation Minutes February 5, 1985 Page 4 Ann Park, just two to three miles away. Based on the use of those courts we will be making a decision as to whether there is the need for resurfacing the courts at West Junior High. SOFTBALL TEAM FEES The Commission reviewed softball team fees and asked that they be set as recommended by staff. PARK DEDICATION FEES The Commission discussed the park dedication fee structure, noting that it has not been raised since 1982. Had the fees been adjusted each year according to the Construction Cost Index, they would have been 17.3% higher last year and scheduled to decrease 2.6% for 1985. Mike Rosenwald moved, seconded by Mike Lynch to recommend raising the park dedication fee as follows for 1985 (an approximate 8.5% increase: Dwelling Type: Single Family Detached Double Family Detached $ 450. 450. Multiple & Townhouse: Efficiency 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 120. 215. 360. 440. .460. Industrial 1,120. FIRE DISPLAY COMPANY QUOTES The Commission reviewed quotes from Banner and Gopher Fireworks Display companies. Tom Schoenecker moved, seconded by Mike Lynch recommending that City Council accept Banner Fireworks Display Company's quote if Frank Beddor makes a contribution similar to the one made last year. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Mike Lynch moved, seconded by Tom Schoenecker, to recommend approval of Van Doren Hazard Stallings Development Contract for the planning of Herman Field, Lake Ann Park and Lotus Lake (in anticipation of a LAWCON grant) Tom Schoenecker moved, seconded by Mike Rosenwald, to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Lori Sietsema