1985 03 05
March 5, 1985
Brian Foltz, Tom Schoenecker, Joe Warneke, Mike Rosenwald,
Wallace McKay and Charles Robbins.
Mike Lynch
:A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Brian Foltz.
Robbins moved, seconded by Warneke, to approve the minutes of
February 5, 1985 meeting as written. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Schroeder Property
Lori Sietsema presented the proposed subdivision on the Schroeder
property. sietsema showed that the parcel designated as a
drainage easement on the sketch plan, is shown in the
Comprehensive Plan as park/open space. She also said that she .
was able to walk the site and found it to be a good location for
a trail easement.
Schoenecker moved, seconded by Robbins, to recommend acceptance
of park dedication fees in lieu of park land. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Schoenecker also moved to recommend that the City Council acquire
a trail easement identical to the drainage easement as shown on
the sketch plan dated February 12, 1985. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Hidden Valley
Lori Sietsema presented the proposed Hidden Valley subdivision.
Sietsema pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan shows that a
linear strip of land across the southern portion of the proposed
development is designated park/open space. This linear strip is
intended to be a trail to connect Rice Marsh Lake Park and Lake
Susan Park.
sietsema also pointed out that the sketch plan shows a sewer
easement along the southern end of the plan. She advised recom-
mending that the city acquire a 25 foot trail easement along the
southern edge of the sewer easement. .
Rosenwald said that he preferred winding trails rather than
straight and thought the trail easement should follow the
northern edge of 75 foot wetland setback. McKay agreed pointing
out that at one point the sewer easement crosses a cul-de-sac.
Park and Recreation Minutes
March 5, 1985
Page 2
Robbins indicated concern for the additional numbers that will be
using Rice Marsh Lake Park. He said that the park is already
fairly heavily used by Chanhassen Estates residents. He asked if
the proposed development would over tax the park.
Foltz asked staff to find out what the acceptable standard ratio
is for acres of park land per number of people.
Robbins moved, seconded by Rosenwald, to table the Hidden Valley
Sketch Plan review until the April meeting. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Easter Egg Hunt
Lori Sietsema asked that the Commissioners make themselves
available on April 6th to help with the Chanhassen Park and
Recreation 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
The Commissioners agree to leave that date open and asked that
more detailed information be sent to them closer to the date.
. Gate Sign
The Commission asked that a sign be posted at the Lake Ann Park
gate house that states the park fees.
Rosenwald moved, seconded by Warneke, to adjourn the meeting at
8:45 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
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Lori Sietsema
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