1985 08 06 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1985, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Approve minutes of June 4, 1985. 2. Interview applicants for Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy: a. Curt Robinson b. Carol Ann Wierzbicki Park and Recreation Commission MUnutes June 4, 1985 . Members Present: Members Absent: staff Present: Tom Schoenecker Mike Rosenwald Charlie Robbins Wallace McKay Joe Warneke Mike Lynch Brian Foltz Lori Sietsema Barb Dacy Mark Koegler Tom Schoenecker, acting Chairman, called the meting to order at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Resignation: Lori Sietsema presented a letter written to her from Commissioner Brian Foltz. Schoenecker moved to recommend that City Council accept with regrets Foltz' resignation. The motion, seconded by Charlie Robbins, carried unanimously. Minutes: Wallace McKay moved to recommend the approval of the Park and Recreation minutes from May 7, 1985 as submitted. The motion, seconded by Robbins carried unanimously. South Lotus Lake Park Landscape Plan: . Mark Koegler was present to talk about what is envisioned for the park area. The proposed Bloomberg development is a mixture of single family attached and detached units. Koegler indicated that cooperative grading between the City and Bloomberg would likely take place. Starting with the upper portion of the park, Koegler discussed the landscape plan for the approved park site plan. The parking area in the upper area will serve the entire park, including the boat access with car/trailer parking. It has 10 car spaces and 12 car/trailer spaces. The plan calls for trees planted on a slope to the east of the parking lot. The ballfield is for children's ball games, not adult play. The plan shows Red pine planted along the southern edge, forming a physical barrier between the field and Highway #101 for safety. Koegler added that the construction of this ballfield would come at a later time as it is not part of this LAWCON grant. The plan also showed that large trees could be planted along the entrance road, at the northeast edge of the park. The lower area of the park includes the driveway down to the lake. Koegler explained that the 10% slope of the driveway is not unmanageable and aligns with the entrance to the parking area . above. The boat access involves a one way loop system which includes a drop off area to the picnic area and two car/trailer parking spaces for the elderly and the handicapped. . . . Park & Recreation Minutes June 4, 1985 Page 2 Along the property line to the east of the boat access, the plan calls for the planting of a row of Black Hills Spruce trees that will grow quite close together forming a natural barrier. The plan also shows a bollard and chain fence following the one way loop of the boat access. Koegler stated that he felt that these measures would be sufficient to prevent access to pri- vate property to the east. Koegler also pointed out that there are no facilities to the east of the boat access, drawing the public to the private property. Koegler said that the sewer system and lift station complicates the drainage flow. The plan shows a drainage swale near the boat access to allow filtration to occur before the water runs into the lake. The water will also be retained above to reduce the current flow of water to the east. Charlie Robbins asked what would prevent the residents living in the Bloomberg development from launching a boat at the access and then parking their vehicle at home. Koegler indicated that a number of alternatives to that question were being looked at. One would be to have a park attendant on duty to monitor the number of boats going on the lake, once the parking lot is full the boat access could be closed until a boat came off the lake. Koegler went on to say that because of the lift station in the lower area, the driveway would have to be kept open all winter. The boat access could be opened for fish houses at the beginning of the season and at the end. This would give this park a multi- season use. Robbins commented that he would like to see the driveway curbed to prevent people from parking on the grass up and down the hill. He also asked about people filling the parking area for ballfield use, thus leaving no parking for cars/trailers. Koegler explained that the ballfield would be for neighborhood use only and that it would not be big enough for adult use. Lori Sietsema said that the City would not schedule that field for practices or games. She also said that the car/trailer parking spots would clearly be marked for that use only. Sietsema explained that there is a triangular piece of property, approximately two-thirds of an acre, that is not intended for building purposes. This piece of property abuts City property and the Commission may want to look at obtaining it for park pur- poses. Bloomberg could get a park credit for the land. Schoenecker said that it was not really needed for the kids in the area with the park so close. Sietsema said that this area is a park deficient area and this may be a good location for other Park & Recreation Minutes June 4, 1985 Page 3 . facilities, such as tennis courts, basketball, volleyball, etc. Schoenecker said that he thought that the City should negotiate for the piece of property if we could get it for a good price. Mike Rosenwald asked what would happen if this boat access site was not approved by the City Council. Sietsema said that it may severly limit the City's chances at other LCMR/LAWCON grants in the future. Sietsema also asked the Commission to consider a trail easement that would connect the existing neighborhood to the upper portion of the park. This trail easement would be negotiated with Bloomberg. The Commission may want to recommend that staff be directed to negotiate for this easement. Schoenecker said that he would like to see the easement parallel to Highway #101 so that residents would not be walking along the road. Schoenecker moved to recommend approval of the landscape plan as presented by Mark Koegler, and to recommend authorization of staff to negotiate with Mr. Bloomberg for the triangular piece of . property and a trail easement parallel to Highway #101 from South Shore Drive to the upper portion of South Lotus Lake Park. Rosenwald asked if the City would have to spend park funds for the triangular piece of land. Schoenecker said that a credit would be given toward the park dedication fees to be paid by Bloomberg. Schoenecker changed his motion to include recommending approval of the landscape plan with additional bollards and chain to separate the picnic area from the boat access. Robbins asked if there would be a cyclone fence along the prop- erty line. Koegler said that it was not included in this plan as the natural barrier was more aesthetic, however, the neigh- boring resident may want a fence. He said that he thought this plan would control the problem. Robbins asked if there were bathrooms included in this plan. Koegler said that it was not included in the grant, but it may be something the Commission may want to address in the future. Rosenwald seconded the motion. Wallace McKay expressed concern over the City obtaining the . triangular piece of property. He asked who would benefit. Koegler said that in discussions, the triangular piece was con- sidered for possible park uses, but was not included in the writ- ten grant application. . . . Park & Recreation Minutes June 4, 1985 Page 4 McKay indicated that he would like to make each item in the motion a separate motion. Schoenecker said there was a motion on the floor called for a vote. Nays all, the motion failed. Schoenecker moved to recommend approval of the landscape plan as presented by Mark Koegler with additional bollards and chain separating the boat access and the picnic area. The motion, seconded by Robbins, carried unanimously. Robbins moved to recommend that staff negotiate with Mr. Bloomberg for a trail easement parallel to Highway #101 from Southshore Drive to the upper portion of the park. The motion, seconded by McKay, carried unanimously. Joe Warneke moved to recommend that staff negotiate with Mr. Bloomberg for the acquisition of the triangular piece of property next to the well house on Highway #101. The motion was seconded by Robbins. All in favor were Warneke, Robbins and Schoenecker. McKay and Rosenwald abstained. Warneke moved to recommend that the City Council authorize signa- tures of the South Lotus Lake Park Boat Access Amendment. The motion, seconded by Rosenwald, carried unanimously. Schoenecker recommended that the Commissioners attend the public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Tomac Site Plan Review: Barb Dacy, City Planner, said that the City Council acted last night to change the zoning of this site to Cl. This means that the plat would be revised. Rosenwald moved to table this item until the site plan revisions were in. The motion, seconded by Warneke, carried unanimously. Adjournment: Warneke moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. The motion, seconded by Robbins, carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator CITY OF CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: August 2, 1985 SUBJ: Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy As you know, there is a vacancy on the Park and Recreation Commission due to Brian Foltz's resignation. Notices have been printed in both the Carver County Herald and the Excelsior Sailor regarding the vacancy. Letters were also sent out to the . homeowner association presidents. I have received 2 applications for the position attached}. At the meeting Tuesday evening, the Commission will be interviewing both applicants and are requested to make a recommendation to the City Council. . . . -T ;27 J7tS" DATE: r./V\.h€- / APPLICATIO~ FOR CHANHASSEN COr1rnSSION Position desired: ~'r f( or- /Pee C6 n, i'VI / .f~';o '}1 Alternate: Name: c2- r -j-; ~") t;. 1f:.6/VlSOVL Date of Birth (Optional) 3/~:7 , Address: ,;? 0 ;< W. 77Z1 Sr. Home Phone: 5131- ~ {)fo 9 Business Phone: &'S3 -C/GJI( 7 , Hm., Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? /c2 t/ea;- s I High~st Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, i:f any: (? o/Ieq e ])0' irccec , I - - Current employment: (Give posit~on, employer and brief discussion of duties. If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as ,.,ell) : if (? ~ n i.I v^l7 a. YlT - L~n -Iro / D ~-r--o.... COY'f r - . (7"n rr,,//e r 6+ ~C{re- /1 r-ls UivJJ" Activi~i~s and af~iliat~ons (InCl~ electi~~ices and honors or recoqnltlons recelved, If any): .1'7& -C.er, Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications: C~n c.e,YL fpl -fct- c; /' -I-/~:5' lor Cha..-n ha..sserL IOUTh r sro r- T-.f, . In filing this applicution, I understand that a conunitment of my time, energ~i interest and participation will be involved,-and am prepared to make such a commit:nent in the event I am appointed to the above Commission. . {! -4~~~ IbtZA . Signature - -- Coni.C i., . ~ll~ Qf" ,,1,.: I (. DATE: 2)' Jklf/E /~ Po . APPLICATIO~ .FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION Position desired: ~t'5/77/'/r/ 1/1/--rJ/E t?-II41i/#~'E1'I ~L.c!y ,4/'1p ,.e~. 6t?4L-.t:J . Alternate: N~4~~/C46/c Date of Birth (Optional) ?I?#/~; Name: d-4,(;p L 4111# It '/e:L xtj Ie ~:..-;' Address: ~2(J~ t!4SML:Jc ~455) t!P/lIv'/~5SL)/.' /7/Y' ~53/7 '" 711 {..>' -" Horne Phone: !vI2) ~/7~- 7,J.&7~ Business Phone :UI:;) 4'..3'$/ ~/~/,:Jt~ Ho'.v Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? 3' ~P';t/J"7-/..5 1~~~r.""7;1 77//5 , T .?-/l/cL/ IN J-1/-l?k-I/V'5,ctJL I yr. ) - . High~st Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, i:f any: g,./!, nu,C,A//!.tISM -sm~fllY'!/ /'L~P?.!U~77f7;V I d-c-z':"'~44- ~n2-/ad-#t.6..~ Reasons for seeking tni ~'/U/?/ ~~/d / &?/ll- In filing this ap .icution, I understand that a commitment of my time, cnerg~' interest and par icipation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a commitment in the event I urn appointed to the above Commission. '~ECi:;Y;::D ~~I//t--~ lP:u7dt1/L/' Signa tye . JUN 28 1985 CITY OF CHANHASSEN . CAPABIU11ES WORKS IN PROGRFSS EXPERIENCE 1985.Present 1984-1985 1980-1983 . 1979-1980 1978-1979 EDUCATION . PERSONAL CAROL ANN WIERZBICKI 6206 Cucade ..... ChAnh..IeD, MN 55317 (612) 474.7025 Researching, writing, editing, proofreading The Family Tree Clinic, St. Paul; Public Relations 18sk Force. Woodswomen, Minneapolis; Woodswomen News Editorial Staff. Friends of the Minneapolis Public Ubrary; Newsletter contributor. Proofreader, Honeywell, Southdale Facility, Edina, MN. Heavily involved in direct correcting, light editing and fact checking of techni- cal articles, government proposals, in-house newsletters, tabular material and organization charts. Scriptwriter, Volunteers in Action, Robbinsdale, MN. Organized, researched and wrote slide show presentation, "100 Years of Modem Art: From Manet to Picasso;" selected musical pieces for accompaniment. Freelance Editor, Fins and Feathers Publishing, Minneapolis, MN. Responsible for manuscript editing and rewriting, galley and page proofreading, kicker writing and fact checking for monthly hunting and fishing magazine with 41 separate state editions. Interviewed sources and wrote stories for adjunct publication, "Sportsman's Club Newsletter:' Chairman, Navy Relief Society, Gaeta, Italy. High community visibility position required knowledge of public relations prac- tices and group communications; trained and supervised volunteer staff in dis- persal of emergency funds, budget advice, canned foods and education loans; kept track of volunteer hours and case paperwork. Substitute Teacher, Joshua Barney Elementary School, Gaeta, Italy. Editor, Navy Officer's Wives' newsletter, Gaeta, Italy. Shaped a creative pace for monthly publication geared to a 70-member organi- zation; wrote, edited, typed and distributed product. Assistant Spot Buyer, Foote, Cone and Belding, Chicago, fL. Oversaw contractual and financial aspects of broadcast media buys, analyzed markets, took and accepted 'makegoods,' negotiated rates, effected schedule changes, reconciled client billing problems and ensured schedules were run correctly. Handled major national accounts. Weekend Newswrlter, WWBA-Radio, St. Petersburg, FL. Handled wire copy and routine tragedy calls, taped actualities and on-ca1l special assignments, provided listeners with hourly AM and FM newscasts. Assistant Editor, Dunedin Times, Dunedin, FL. Wrote, edited copy, assembled art, assisted in page layout, operated addresso- graph, involved with public, covered city commission meetings. Promoted to editor January 1979. B.A. in Journalism (Broadcasting), The University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1978. Recipient of John F. Murray Scholarship, 1978. Professional recognition: News-Intern~f-the-Year, The University of Iowa Office of Public Information and University Relations, 1977-1978. Certificate of completion in Broadcast News Production, Modem Media Institute, St. Petersburg, FL, 1976. Languages: conversant in Italian and Spanish. Born February 24, 1957. Married. Excellent Health. Accompanied husband during three-year (1980-1983) overseas assignment in Italy. Willing to travel as right opportunity may require.