1985 08 09
Park & Recreation Commission Meeting
August 6, 1985
Commissioners Present: Tom Schoenecker
Wallace McKay
Mike Rosenwald
Joe Warneke
Charlie Robbins
Commissioners Absent: Mike Lynch
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by acting chairman, Tom Schoenecker.
McKay moved to recommend approval of the Park and Recreation
Commission minutes of June 4, 1985 as submitted. The motion,
seconded by Robbins, passed unanimously.
Interviews for the Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy
Curt Robinson was the first candidate to be interviewed.
Schoenecker began by explaining that the Park and Recreation
Commission acts as an advisory board and is appointed by the City .
Council. He said that the Commission does not have the power to
make any decisions, they simply review park and recreation
related items and make recommendations.
Warneke asked Mr. Robinson if he had an opinion on the current
park system that prodded him into applying for this position.
Mr. Robinson said no, not really. However, he said, he was con-
cerned that there are not any regulation size Little League
Baseball fields or Soccer fields in the city. He said he
thought he should come in to help do something about this problem
instead of sitting at home complaining about it. Schoenecker
commented that the Commission has addressed this issue recently
and will again in the near future.
McKay asked if Mr. Robinson had a philosophy on community repre-
sentation. Mr. Robinson said no, he had not given it any
Schoenecker asked what his attitude on passive recreation versus
active recreation was. Mr. Robinson said he was unsure except
that he was aware that the City lacked baseball and soccer faci-
lities for the youth.
McKay asked about his experience in the CAA. Mr. Robinson said
he had held almost all of the offices on the CAA board inclu-
deing; Treasurer, Ways and Means Director, Public Relations .
Director, and advisory.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 6, 1985
Page 2
Carol Wierzbicki was the second applicant to be interviewed.
Schoenecker, again, began by explaining the advisory capacity of
the Commission. He also explained that the position is a two
year term, however, many of the Commissioners have renewed their
position a couple of times.
When asked why she was interested in the position, Ms. Wierzbicki
said she had wanted to get involved in the Chanhassen Community.
Rosenwald asked what her special interests were. Ms.
Wierzbicki said she liked the outdoors and had been the editor of
a hunting and fishing publication.
Robbins asked if she was more interested in passive recreational
parks or active recreational parks. She said she personally
enjoyed passive, nature-type parks more.
After both of the candidates left, the acting chairman called for
discussion. Schoenecker said that it would be desirable to have
either of the candidates on the Commission. Ms. Wierzbicki's
biggest drawback is her short residency.
Warneke said that is would be a nice change to have a woman on
the Commission. However, Mr. Robinson's background is more fami-
liar to us.
Robbins said that he knows Mr. Robinson personally and that he is
a hard worker.
McKay indicated that it is important to have variety on board,
and to not have seven people who think alike. He said it would
be good to have a young person on the Commission as well. A
balance is needed to better serve the community. He said that
Ms. Wierzbicki struck him as a very bright, young person who would
bring a new aspect to the group. He also said that Mr.
Robinson's CAA involvement also carries a great deal of weight.
Rosenwald said that he has dealt with Mr. Robinson through CAA
and was impressed by his ability to organize.
Sietsema reminded the Commission that as time goes on the
Commission will be required to deal more with recreational con-
cerns and programming. She said that they should take this into
consideration when making this decision.
McKay made a motion, seconded by Robbins, to recommend that the
Council appoint Curt Robinson to serve on the Park and Recreation
Commission. The motion carried unanimously.
Park and Recreation Commisssion Minutes
August 6, 1985
Page 3
New Business
The Commission requested to discuss the goose problem at Lake Ann
Park and the construction of terraced bleachers at the next Park
and Recreation Commission meeting in September.
The Commission also requested to change the next meeting date
from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday in September. The
next Park and Recreation meeting is scheduled for September 10,
Warneke made a motion, seconded by Rosenwald, to adjourn the
meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
f!p~i )~~
Lori Sietsema
Date Prepared: August 22, 1985