1985 09 10 Agenda . . . AG END A PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1985, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE ,\' A; l ~t r 7{'? *1. Approval of Minutes. 2. ~ *3. Welcome to Curt Robinson. . 1-.; I. - -I ,)\ .-, -;::- _,:7 t{~ i"p-\U- '"'t:' (v.. ~J \ "-v-- ~ \,' cc.\. 1985 Budgeted Projects. *4. 1986 Capital Improvement Program. 5. North Lotus Lake Park Plan. 6. Goose Control Problem. *7. 1986 LCMR Grant, Update. * Attachments If you are unable to attend the meeting, please call me at 937-1900 as soon as possible. !~ ( Park & Recreation Commission Meeting August 6, 1985 Minutes . Commissioners Present: Tom Schoenecker Wallace McKay Mike Rosenwald Joe Warneke Charlie Robbins Commissioners Absent: Mike Lynch A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by acting chairman, Tom Schoenecker. Minutes McKay moved to recommend approval of the Park and Recreation Commission minutes of June 4, 1985 as submitted. The motion, seconded by Robbins, passed unanimously. Interviews for the Park and Recreation Commission Vacancy Curt Robinson was the first candidate to be interviewed. Schoenecker began by explaining that the Park and Recreation Commission acts as an advisory board and is appointed by the City . Council. He said that the Commission does not have the power to make any decisions, they simply review park and recreation related items and make recommendations. Warneke asked Mr. Robinson if he had an oplnlon on the current park system that prodded him into applying for this position. Mr. Robinson said no, not really. However, he said, he was con- cerned that there are not any regulation size Little League Baseball fields or Soccer fields in the city. He said he thought he should come in to help do something about this problem instead of sitting at home complaining about it. Schoenecker commented that the Commission has addressed this issue recently and will again in the near future. McKay asked if Mr. Robinson had a philosophy on community repre- sentation. Mr. Robinson said no, he had not given it any thought. Schoenecker asked what his attitude on passive recreation versus active recreation was. Mr. Robinson said he was unsure except that he was aware that the City lacked baseball and soccer faci- lities for the youth. McKay asked about his experience in the CAA. Mr. Robinson said he had held almost all of the offices on the CAA board inclu- deing; Treasurer, Ways and Means Director, Public Relations . Director, and advisory. . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes August 6, 1985 Page 2 Carol Wierzbicki was the second applicant to be interviewed. Schoenecker, again, began by explaining the advisory capacity of the Commission. He also explained that the position is a two year term, however, many of the Commissioners have renewed their position a couple of times. When asked why she was interested in the position, Ms. Wierzbicki said she had wanted to get involved in the Chanhassen Community. Rosenwald asked what her special interests were. Ms. Wierzbicki said she liked the outdoors and had been the editor of a hunting and fishing publication. Robbins asked if she was more interested in passive recreational parks or active recreational parks. She said she personally enjoyed passive, nature-type parks more. After both of the candidates left, the acting chairman called for discussion. Schoenecker said that it would be desirable to have either of the candidates on the Commission. Ms. Wierzbicki's biggest drawback is her short residency. Warneke said that is would be a nice change to have a woman on the Commission. However, Mr. Robinson's background is more fami- liar to us. Robbins said that he knows Mr. Robinson personally and that he is a hard worker. McKay indicated that it is important to have variety on board, and to not have seven people who think alike. He said it would be good to have a young person on the Commission as well. A balance is needed to better serve the community. He said that Ms. Wierzbicki struck him as a very bright, young person who would bring a new aspect to the group. He also said that Mr. Robinson's CAA involvement also carries a great deal of weight. Rosenwald said that he has dealt with Mr. Robinson through CAA and was impressed by his ability to organize. Sietsema reminded the Commission that as time goes on the Commission will be required to deal more with recreational con- cerns and programming. She said that they should take this into consideration when making this decision. McKay made a motion, seconded by Robbins, to recommend that the Council appoint Curt Robinson to serve on the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion carried unanimously. Park and Recreation Commisssion Minutes August 6, 1985 Page 3 New Business The Commission requested to discuss the goose problem at Lake Ann Park and the construction of terraced bleachers at the next Park and Recreation Commission meeting in September. The Commission also requested to change the next meeting date from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday in September. The next Park and Recreation meeting is scheduled for September 10, 1985. Warneke made a motion, seconded by Rosenwald, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, fp_i jtM~ Lori Sietsema LS/ls Date Prepared: August 22, 1985 . . . CITY OF 3 CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 5, 1985 SUBJ: 1985 Capital Improvement Program The 1986 Budget preparation process is upon us. Before we begin looking at the 1986 Capital Improvement Program, we must see where we are with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program. . Attached is a copy of the 1985 Capital Improvement Program and the status of each project. Please be prepared to discuss the following projects: ,,1,./ <, "C' ') , \,V v- v' /' Park Improvement Terraced Bleachers'? Lake Ann Park: "1 $10,000 3,000 Bandimere Heights: , '. -\' , ,,~(' .....( . l \ ,,'- "I ,:;L ,l /. ,.".~.'1 'to " x ' Small Tot Lot/v)' ( /< l";~~" ~ tr 2,500 City Center Park: Field Improvements/1 1,000 The commi~s~0~~u1t decide if they still want to do these pro- jects and, if so, recommend that the City Council authorize staff to proceed. . CITY OF eHARHASSER Lt . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: September 5, 1985 SUBJ: 1986 Capital Improvement Program The 1986 budget is in the preparation stages. On Monday, September 9th the City Council will meet to discuss the overall budget. There will be approximately $35,000 to $38,000 budgeted for park improvements. I am requesting that the Park and Recreation Commission think . about park and recreational needs in advance of the meeting so that we may prioritize items on Tuesday night. Please keep in mind that we do not have to allocate the whole $35,000 to park projects. Once this money is budgeted to the Capital Improvement Program, we will not lose it if it is not spent. In other words, it can be carried over from year to year, building up the fund. Some of the things the Commission may want to consider are: - Dock at Lake Susan - Restock the Tree Farm - Initial Grading at North Lotus Lake . ~~T~T~@lfB:, ~~DEPARTMENT OF ~PHONENO. 445-9393 o NATURAL RESOURCES // FilE NO. Jon Parker Area Wildlife Manager 223 Holmes St., im.10l Shakopee, MN 55379 June 13, 1985 Don Ashworth, Ci ty Manager Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 55317 Dear Don: ~ I am sorry to say that you probably have, and almost certainly will have, a problem with excessive Canada goose populations on residentially developed lakes in your fair city. Today I received a call fro. Marilyn 'l\trner of Minnewashta Heights. She counted over 100 geese, with a high proportion of goslings, on lawns near her property. She wants to get rid of them. She says llany of her neighbors agree with her. I'm certain, however, that some of her neighbors are probably feeding them, have made "pets" of them, and don't want anything done to control the population. Hence, we have an incipient sociobiolog1cal problem. To make a long story short, the DNR takes the position that goose population control is largely a local problem. We, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, will give the necessary permits and technical assistance after the local authorities come up with a long range plan for goose populations withongoing management being fUnded by local citizens. We would provide assistance in the planning process. I instructed Ms. Turner to contact other lakeshore property owners and to try to reach a concensus on desired population levels. I told her to contact her City Councillll8.n and your office for coordination with IIIR. This may sound like a rather trivial or hlllllOrous problem. I aSS1lre you that it usually turns into an emotional issue which can divide colllllW1i.ties and consume large amounts of city and DNR staff time and tax dollars. I belleve that early action will save us all trouble in the long run. Please call or write me for assistance. It is too late to do anything this ...er. 0Ilr goal should be to have a strategy in place by mid-winter and to take action next SUIlIler. cc: Roger Johnson, lieg. Wildlife SUpervisor Dick Wetzel, usrws, Wil41ife Assistance Office Dr. James Cooper, University of Minnesota RECi:;-..-;::i) ~ JUN 14 1985 CITY OF CHANHASSEf\1 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~@ CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~1 '. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator September 3, 1985 1986 LAWCON/LCMR Grant Applications ~ The Department of Energy and Economic Development has informed me that one of our 1986 LAWCON/LCMR Grant applications, ballfield lighting at Lake Ann Park, has ranked high enough for further consideration. Basically, this means we are required to make final application for official approval by the Legislative Committee on Minnesota Resources. There were 22 applicants for the Athletic Field Development Grant . Program in the metro area. Chanhassen's ballfield lighting pro- ject ranked #1 and the ballfield/soccer development project, unfortunately, was ranked #15. There were 26 applicants for the LCMR/LAWCON "Traditional" Grant Program in the metro region, 3 of which were approved for further consideration. Chanhassen's Park Shelter project for Lake Ann Park was ranked #6. John VonDeLinde of the Parks and Recreation Grants Unit strongly suggested that we make application for the park shelter again next year as he feels it is a good project. DATE: SUB J: The Ballfield Lighting Project has been approved for LCMR funds only (not LAWCON) which is a 50/50 grant. Although the project has been approved at this preliminary level, it has not been approved at the same cost as we had estimated. The Park and Recreation Grants Unit received over 200 applications for grants, of which 13 applicants have been tentatively approved. VonDeLinde indicated that to enable more applicants to receive grants, project costs had to be cut back. Basically, what this means is that the State (LCMR) will cover 50% of our expenses for this project up to $27,750 instead of $31,350. In discussing this with mark Koegler, we may be able to scale down the project to keep our share of the costs down. Mark Koegler of Van Doren Hazard Stallings is to be commended on his work on the applications. VonDeLinde has indicated that the format of our applications were very comprehensible and attractive. . . . . Mr. Don Ashworth September 3, 1985 Page 2 A part of the final application process requires that the City execute a resolution which authorizes filing of the final appli- cation and execution of grant agreements. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA . DATE: RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION AND EXECUTION OF GRANT PROJECT AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP OPEN SPACE UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE STATE NATURAL RESOURCE FUND - LAKE ANN PARK BALLFIELD LIGHTING PROJECT WHEREAS, the State Natural Resources Fund providse for the making of grants to assist local governments in the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen desires to develop certain land known as Lake Ann Park, which land is to be held and used for permanent open space; and WHEREAS, in order for the proposed project to be eligible for approval, there must be proof that it is part of a comprehensive outdoor recreation plan and five year action program <capital improvement); and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of developing said interest(s) shall be $55,500; and . WHEREAS, upon project approval, the City of Chanhassen must enter into formal grant project agreements with the state for the specific purpose of developing Lake Ann Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Chanhasssen: 1. That an application be made to the State of Minnesota, Department of Energy and Economic Development, Parks and Recreation Grants Section, for a grant from the Natural Resources Fund for an amount presently estimated at $27,750 and the applicant will pay the balance of the cost from other funds available to it. 2. That the Mayor and City Manager are directed to execute and file: a) such application and the 5-year action program with the State of Minnesota, Department of Energy and Economic Development, Parks and Recreation Grants Section and provide additional information and furnish such documents as may be required by said Department; and b) to act as the authorized correspondents of the appli- cant. 3. That the proposed development is in accordance with plans .. for the allocation of land for open space uses and that should said grant be made, the applicant will develop and . . . ATTEST: retain said land for use designated in said application and approved by the Department of Energy and Economic Development. 4. That the united States of America and the State of Minnesota be and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the applicant with the regulations of the Department of Interior, effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504; Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity. 5. That the City of Chanhassen enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Energy and Ecbnomic Development, Parks and Recreation Grants Section, to pro- vide such grants as are specified in paragraph 1, above, for the years 1986-1988. 6. That the Mayor and/or City Manager are authorized and directed to execute such agreement and any supplemental agreements thereof. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this day of , 1985. Don Ashworth, City Clerk/Manager Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor YES NO ABSENT :~ r ~. ~j' D MINNESOTA f E ~:.j~!'i/i epartm~nt 0 nergy '-and Econotnlc Development ( . Office of the Commissioner (612) 296-6424 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard 51. Paul, Minnesota 55101 August 20. 1985 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen. MN 55317 RE: FY'86 LAWCONfLCMR Application Lightning fLake Ann Park City of Chanhassen. Carver County Dear Ms. Sietsema: This letter is intended to provide you with information about the ranking of your FY 1986 preliminary application for a park and recreation grant. I am pleased to inform you that your application ranked high enough to be considered further. Federal grants will be awarded from a FY'86 appropriation from the Land and Water conservation Fund (LAWCON). State grants will be awarded from a fund provided by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR). . Please note that this does not mean that your application is approved. Consequently. do not begin any spending on this project. ANY WORK DONE. MONEY SPENT. OR OBLIGATIONS INCURRED FOR ACQUISITION OR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES BEFORE APPROVAL OF THE FINAL APPLICATION BY LCMR CANNOT LEGALLY BE PAID WITH GRANT FUNDS OR USED AS THE LOCAL SHARE. The next step is for you to prepare a final application. The final application will be submitted by us to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources and Legislative Advisory Commission for state consideration and if federal funds are involved. to the National Park Service (NPS) for federal approval. or disapproval. of your application. In order to assist you in preparation of your final application. a meeting has been scheduled. The date and location of the meeting is given on the attached notice. Attendance at this meeting is very important and all applicants are strongly urged to attend. At this meeting. we will discuss the items to be included in your final application and the amount of the application. . . ". .- - p-~.. ..-- l'~ ":'''-'__ . ~;..) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~@ hU G :2:3 1955 liTY O~ CHANHASSE;\J . . . ~: -....., ( ( "J~~~ . t.% .~~ ~~~lg MINNESOTA \i~~J~~j Department of Energy 'and Economic Development Community Development Division 296-5005 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard Sr. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Augus t 20, 1985 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: FY'86 LAWCON/LCMR Application picnic Shelter/Recreation Building, Trails and Fishing Dock - Lake Ann Park City of Chanhassen, Carver County Dear Ms. Sietsema: The initial review of applications for 1986 State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) grants- in-aid and Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) has been completed. This review was made in accordance with state and administrative rules and federal law. Representatives from this office conducted the review. Factors taken into consideration in the review and subsequent ranking were derived from the findings of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Those factors included site suitability, location/accessibility, park design, interorganizational cooperation, comprehensive planning, and demographics. Competition for the limited funds was very intense. Of the 200 applications (valued at over $16 million) received this year, only 13 can be recommended for $1.2 million in available funds. Unfortunately, your application did not rank high enough to be recommended for further grant consideration this year. As you may know, funds for recreation projects are derived from appropriations made by the U.S. Congress through the LAWCON program and by the State Legislature through the LCMR. Unfortunately, there are not enough dollars available to fund all applications. A list of those projects recommended for FY 1985 financial assistance is available upon request. If you desire additional information regarding your current application or would like assistance on a future application, please contact the Parks and Recreation Grants Section of this office at (612) 296-4703. L~~~-':=:~. .:::; r,,,~ <;, .~ ',:jCc'" dl),l,,-,'.k-.:J AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ....,@ CITY OF CHANHA~~:~: (- A-i~~"'''' ' .~.". .0......0...' > ',0' ilf" f~~\li'~ MINNESOTA \~{) Department of Energy 'and Economic Development r t . Community Development Division 296-5005 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 August 20, 1985 Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: FY I 86 LAWCON/LCMR Application Baseball Diamond/Soccer Field - Lake Ann Park City of Chanhassen, Carver County Dear Ms. Sietsema: The initial review of applications for 1986 State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) grants- in-aid and Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) has been completed. This review was made in accordance with state and administrative rules and federal law. Representatives from this office conducted the review. Factors taken into consideration in the review and subsequent ranking were derived from the findings of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Those factors included site suitability, location/accessibility, park design, interorganizationa1 cooperation, comprehensive planning, and demographics. . Competition for the limited funds was very intense. Of the 200 applications (valued at over $16 million) received this year, only 13 can be recommended for $1.2 million in available funds. Unfortunately, your application did not rank high enough to be recommended for further grant consideration this year. As you may know, funds for recreation projects are derived from appropriations made by the U.S. Congress through the LAWCON program and by the State Legislature through the LCMR. Unfortunately, there are not enough dollars available to fund all applications. A list of those projects recommended for FY 1985 financial assistance is available upon request. If you desire additional information regarding your current application or would like assistance on a future application, please contact the Parks and Recreation Grants Section of this office at (612) 296-4703. . ,- -." ,,--- -----~- . ' L',,~~--.. - AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~@ r 1 I ~ .)., {; ~ 5 "-\U ''oJ .-.J >...IV ,TfY o~ CHANHASS~'