1985 12 03 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1985, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of October 1, 1985 Minutes. 3. Accept Resignation from Commissioner Schoenecker. 4. Lake Lucy Highlands Subdivision Review. 5. Chanhassen Estates/Hidden Valley Recreational Facility Follow-up. 6. CCHA Indoor Hockey Rink Proposal, Update Please call Lori at 937-1900 if you are unabl€ to attend. . I MINUTES PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 1, 1985 . Members Present: Curt Robinson Joe Warneke Torn Schoenecker Mike Rosenwald Staff Present: Lori Sietsema Members Absent: Mike Lynch Charlie Robbins Wallace McKay The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Acting Chairman Schoenecker. MINUTES: The Commission reviewed the minutes of September 10, 1985. Warneke moved, seconded by Robinson, to approve the minutes of September 10, 1985 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. MASTER PARK PLANS FOR LAKE ANN EXPANSION AND NORTH LOTUS LAKE PARK: The Commission reviewed staff's recommendation and Mark Koegler's cost estimates for development of park plans. Schoenecker made a motion, seconded by Rosenwald to authorize staff to proceed with Master Park Plans for North Lotus Lake Park and Lake Ann Park expansion, as outlined in Mr. Koegler's letter dated September . 16, 1985. The motion passed unanimously. LAKE SUSAN SOUTH, SKETCH PLAN REVIEW: Sietsema presented the sketch plan for the development of Lake Susan South (located just south of Lake Susan) to the east of County Road 17. She said the developer was preparing a plan to be taken to the Planning Commission that identified the land adjacent to the lake as potential park/open space. Sitesema said that she had walked this area and found it to be extremely hilly and wet in the low lying areas. The Lake Susan South area is a park deficient area, Sietsema stated. Although the tract along the lake is identified as park/open space in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may not want the entire portion the developer is offering, due to the limited use potential. Sietsema recommended that the City request a trail easement along the lake as shown in the Comprehensive Plan, and to request a parcel of land be dedicated that would be more conducive for active use. Sietsema also pointed out that one of the City's priorities is to develop its bike and trail system, therefore we should request easements for sidewalks or trails throughout this development. Schoenecker questioned the need for sidewalks throughout the development and asked if we could have a main trail system that would connect the major streets in the development to the existing streets. . . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1985 PAGE 2 Rosenwald said that a trail through the development would be desirable, but not on the street side of the houses. Warneke suggested a trail easement circling the development instead of going through it. Schoenecker said he was not sure if the Park and Recreation Commission wanted to start a policy requiring developers to put in sidewalks. Warneke added that we do not want to scare develop- ers away with too many requirements. Schoenecker moved to recommend that the City request a trail easement along Lake Susan, as shown in the Comprehensive Plan. He also moved to recommend that a trail easement through the development be requested which would link up to any future trail system and to major highways. In addition, he recommended that the City request that at least 20 acres of park land be dedicated that would be accessible to major streets and accessible to the Lake Susan trai 1 corridor, thus credit ing park dedicat ion fees. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. WINTER BROCHURE: Sietsema asked the Commission what they would like to see in the Park and Recreation Winter Brochure. Items discussed included: figure skating, 3-man basketball, cross country ski lessons, moonlight cross-country ski event, ice fishing contest, snow softball tournament, fishing fly tying lessons, square dance lessons, bridge tournament, duplicate bridge club. LAKE ANN BLEACHERS: Sietsema said that the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget included terraced bleachers on Field #2 at Lake Ann Park. She said that the Commission may want to review this project as there will be lights going in on Field #1 and that field should have bleachers too. She said that it would be most desirable to have the same type of bleachers on each field and it may be cheaper to do it all at the same time. Schoenecker suggested that bleacher plans and specs be done at the same time as the lights so that they are positioned so as not to shine in the spectator's eyes. Robinson moved to recommend that the City postpone the terracing project until 1986 and at that time add Field #1. Warneke seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PARK SHELTER: The Chanhassen American Legion has proposed a plan to construct a park shelter building in the ballfield area at Lake Ann Park. Sietsema presented the plan stating that the Legion would borrow money from the City to cover material costs, repaying them with money earned on their pull tab business. The Legion estimated material costs to be $20,000 with an estimated PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1985 PAGE 3 pay back of $4,000 a year for 5 years. vide all of the labor. The Legion plans to pro- Rosenwald asked if the Legion was expecting sole concessionaire rights with this proposal. Sietsema said that they would not and did not think they expected it. Schoenecker asked what assurance would the City have that the Legion would pay back the money as proposed. Sietsema said a contractual agreement would be made between the two parties. Rosenwald moved to recommend that the City Council accept the Legion's proposal to build a park shelter building, and to work out a loan to cover the cost of materials. The motion was seconded by Robinson and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Rosenwald moved to adjourn the meeting. Warneke seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . . . . . 3 Lotus Lake Betterment Assoc. 7007 Cheyenne Trail Chap~assen, l~ 55317 June 17, 1985 To: r~yor and members of the Cha~~assen City Council S'..1'tject: Pedestrian/biking path The residential building boom has finally arrived in the Chanaessen areal nighway 101 is no longer a sleepy, slow paced little country roadl In fact, rlighway 101 has become a potential disaster for any pedestrian traffic reckless enough to travel alone tne high~ay from Chanhassen to the intersection of Highway 7. ~e, the residents of Colonial Grove, submit that the need is irrnediate, and the time is now, to construct a walking/biking pathway paralleling Highway 101 from Highway 7 to Cha~~assen. Chanhassen should accept, as a minimum, the responsibility of th?t portion from Pleasant View Road to Chanhassen. Let us not procrastinate any longer. Let us not wait until an injury or death prods us into action; let us do what we know is necessary nowl Tnank you, ~/tLt Charles L. Hirt, President EM /C' H . <f -- 1.-":ECl.:~'. -;:::Q JUN 25 1985 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ... .. , Housing Alliance . Lori Sietsema City of Chanhassen P.o. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 November 11, 1985 Dear Lori: As you requested this will be a formal request for the Park Boards Operating Support of the Chanhassen Ice Arena. The arena will be located in the Scene Shop south of th Dinner Theater and will be 2/3 the size of a standard rink. The period of operation of the rink will be from approximately December 10 to March 15. Hours of operation will be 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. Sundays. The plan is to offer free open skating from 3-6:00 p.m. each weekday and for 5 hours on the weekend. Users of the rink during the winter will be open skating, hockey and broom ball. An operating plan is attached. The rink will rent for $20/hour compared to $70-$90 for a full size rink. The rink should be open 12 weeks this season. We propose to trade 20 hours per week for 12 weeks (240 hours) valued at $4,800 for the following Park and Recreation Department support. . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rink attendant - Approximately 500 hours. Cleaning and surfacing - The rink each workday. Scheduling of rink activities. Security Open and close facility each day. Snow removal J We want to stress that this years operation is going to be a start up and learning process. In a normal year we should be operational about 500 hours during the season creating revenue of $10,000 for operations and rent. Once the facility is cleaned out and set up it could be used for other city activities; sporting events such as dryland training for hockey and indoor soccer. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks for your cooperation. NOV 13 1985 )1')' \fJr:!: Hiiijdj!l:~. ~:ii:, ~IHI -, ] I I F j r,; _ \ \ f . r II If' .\ II ) ~ t'l \i 1:1 ';lj)( IIi,. \1 i [illi ','-,,1 11;i -1.-1-1 t I:; Ti.jl'ldl[i)!f'!iL2 ! I'j~~ . Sincerely, I' lit?" L~,'lLl!r l RECE:,Vi::D Bradley . Johnson Vice prea!dent Finance BCJ/jw cc: Janet Brosse CITY OF CHANHASSEN . 1985 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE . I Brian Foltz I A .,.- - /IH '-' 21\,;, }.:....;~Jt' '; ~ ..' ~ -- -, , 1\ ' " ~>,~ ~ /~ . Mike Lynch ::t:o' v , A A f\ V' 'fJ ,'!'y-.; ~ PI v ,:,;",' tI. 'i!4 :,-;{ I,~L.. Wallace McKav (') V K ~' A A V "" L1)q -':~'-i -,,' \ 1../ ,,--- 1-\ Li 'j (~ .C Ii ~, Charlie Robbins t"1 A t.......-/ A " v '\ \'.,' 3~" ",:'k'll ~ v ' >\ v \/ ,~) V k <~~:,q . .--: i:!:;'j Mike Rosenwald t:l V f\ '-...J ./ A ~ \}J 18& - I.s-W V v V \/ ,', P '.!,~.:~ - ,:l':.:~!c I ~ Tom I V V , / Schoenecker (, '" / R~ 'S<-i ~~ . I I t-' V' f) i{ y iJc'~ I' JIl~ v~ " J ~ I, ..n.... I ': ~' .c,~ \"~,.:,.; '~ Joe Warneke I ../ V / / ~ J v.l'1<-\I- l. -l-'~i, I t- , ~ v <:::.. A 11 't:;,,-i .- iF-," .~ " I ..' , ~..> I ...-,' I g ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ E ~ g ~ m' I-' 'g. rt- . . . . CD "<: <: () . . . . 00 U1 U1 ....:J . "f M::- N 0'\ I-' U1 W W ..... f\ - (,';,' ;r v' ~ -'.,.."'''- >- '-' ~