1986 01 07 Agenda . I . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1986, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of December 3, 1985 Minutes. 3. Election of Officers. 4. Review Attendance Policy. 5. Review Park Ordinance. 6. Proposed Subdivision Review, Bluff Creek Greens. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please call Lori at 937-1900. . . MINUTES PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION DECEMBER 3, 1985 The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman, Mike Lynch. Members Present: Mike Lynch, Tom Schoenecker, Mike Rosenwald, Charlie Robbins, Wallace McKay, Curt Robinson Members Absent: Joe Warneke Minutes: The Commission reviewed the minutes of October 1, 1985. Lynch moved to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. Commissioner Tom Schoenecker's Resignation: The Commission read Schoenecker's letter of resignation. They expressed their regret that he was unable to continue to serve on the Commission and said they had enjoyed working with him. Robinson moved to recommend that the City accept Tom Schoenecker's resignation from the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by McKay and passed unanimously. The Commission also recommended that the City Council authorize staff to pursue applicants to fill the vacant position. Lake Lucy Highlands Proposed Subdivision Review: Sietsema presented the subdivision proposed by Merrill Steller, located on the northwest side of Lake Lucy. Sietsema pointed out Outlot A on the plan and said that the applicant was interested in selling this unbuildable piece to the City for park purposes. She said that property was to be divided into lots no smaller than 2.5 acres and that although this is shown as a park defi- cient area, it was questionable if the need existed. She did recommend, however, that a trail easement along the Lake Lucy shore be requested, as shown in the Land Use Plan. The Commission discussed the proposal stating that the property was not far from Lake Ann Park and felt parkland was not needed in that area. They also agreed that because more than half of Outlot A is wet and it is an unbuildable piece, that it would not be beneficial for the City to acquire it. They said that because a City trail system was a priority at this time that it would be advantageous for the City to obtain a trail easement along the lake shore. Sietsema also recommended that the City request a trail easement along the new Lake Lucy Road, proposed to go through this sub- division. She said that a walkway/bikeway, similar to that on Kerber Boulevard, would add to the City trail system. Schoenecker moved to recommend that the City accept park dedica- tion fees in lieu of parkland in the Lake Lucy Highlands ~ . . . . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 2 Subdivision, that the City request a trail easement along the normal Lake Lucy high water line, and that the City request a trail easement along the new Lake Lucy Road which is proposed in this subdivision. The motion, seconded by Rosenwald, carried unanimously. CHANHASSEN ESTATES/HIDDEN VALLEY RECREATIONAL FACILITY FOLLOWUP: Sietsema stated that at the time of the Hidden Valley site plan review, the Commission was concerned that the existing park land would not be able to support the additional development. At that time the Commission discussed a number of possibilities to add active recreational facilities to the area. Sietsema stated that the City Council did not act on the Commission's recommendation to request a parcel with the new development for active use. She asked the Commission if they felt a followup on this item was necessary. The Commission discussed a number of possibilities, noting that it would be most desirable to have additional facilities centrally located. They discussed the possibility of acquiring a parcel to the west of the Hidden valley development, but felt accessibility would be limited. They discussed adding facilities to the existing park. Sietsema said that a nature walk could be constructed down there, but due to the wetlands, 'a ballfield and tennis court would not be possible. The Commission also discussed the possibility of constructing a tennis court, totlot and volleyball court on the 2t acre site of the old water treat- ment plant. Lynch asked staff to investigate the feasibility of creating a small park on the old water treatment plant site, con- sidering accessibility, streets, etc. McKay asked if reasons or explanations could be given when a Commission's recommendation was not approved. Schoenecker said he felt the Commission would be more effective if a Commission member went to the City Council meetings to back up their recom- mendations. Lynch said that it was his experience that it did not make a difference. Lynch suggested that a letter be sent to the Council asking that an explanation be given when actions were made against the Commission's recommendation. Sietsema said that she would update the Commission on the City Council's actions on park related items and provide them with City Council minutes. The Commission asked staff to obtain DNR specifications and find out the cost of a floating walkway. The Commission also asked staff to find out if the City Engineer felt a walkway along Highway 101 would be feasible. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1985 PAGE 3 . HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PROPOSAL, UPDATE: Sietsema said that the Chanhassen/Chaska Hockey Association (CCHA) has requested City assistance in operating, maintaining and scheduling an indoor ice rink. The CCHA was in the process of constructing the faci- lity and were tentatively planning to open it on December 15th. Sietsema said that due to the time factor involved, this item was presented to the City Council without Commission reviewal. She said that the City Council acted to accept the proposal with the stipulation that the City would have full control once the construction was finished. Robinson objected to the fact that this item bypassed the Park and Recreation Commission. He stated that the project was not that urgent and should have been processed through the proper channels. Robbins said that he was part of the CCHA group and explained that they were late in their planning and their request to the City. He said that things moved more slowly than they had anti- cipated. He said that it was important to get the Council appro- val as soon as possible so that flooding could begin as soon as the construction phase was completed. . ADJOURNMENT: Rosenwald moved, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema December 30, 1985 . 1.. ' .' I CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 4 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coodinator DATE: January 3,.1986 ...iJ SUBJ: Attendance Policy Attached for your information is a memo from the City Manager outlining the attendance policy for City commissions. Also attached is the attendance record of Park and Recreation Commissioners for meetings held in 1986. . It has been my feeling that in the past the Park and Recreation Commission has been one of the more informal commissions. However, it is important that if for any reason you are unable to attend a meeting, you contact the Commission Chairperson. If you are unable to make 75% of the meetings, the Chairperson is required to ask for your resignation. In addition to contacting the Chairperson, I would ask that you call me at 937-1900 so that I know if we have a quorum for each meeting. . ( ( CITYOF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: All City Commission and Committee Chairmen FROM: City Manager, Don Ashworth DATE: August 3, 1982 SUBJ: Attendance Policy - City Commissions and Committees On July 19, 1982 the City Council acted to set an attendance policy which is to be used by all City Commissions and Committees. This policy should be incorporated into the bylaws for commissions operating under existing bylaws or adopted as a policy statement within our various committees. r The attendance policy should ask for the resignation of any mem- ber who misses three consecutive meetings, without notifying the Chairman as to the special circumstances requiring such absence; or, if a member is found to be absent for more than 75% of the meetings during any 12 month period of time. The chairman of the commission/committee is to be responsible for notifying a member of his/her failure to meet this policy with a copy of such notificaiton being forwarded to the City Council. /Jj y;;b C?') ,~ ( / (' ~ . :) f, /J . . . . . . 1985 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE RECORD l.O M l.O M co ~ ..-t ~ ~ l.O 1.0 j j ~ 0'\ ~ i o::r ~ ~ .8 .c: ..-t r-- Ul ~ or-! ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ () & I":l 8 ~ Brian Foltz I A X X I I X -- -RES GNED 6/85 -~- --- I I Mike Lvnch I X A X X A A A A ! X I I Wallace McKav A X X A X X X A A 0 X ~ Charlie Robbins ~ A X X A X X X X ~ X H ~ U X X X A X X A z Mike Rosenwald ~ X ~ X u X X A X I Tom Schoenecker ~ X X X X I X I I T Joe Warneke I X X X X X X X X I A ........ ,.:' - ~ .\ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 59 AN ORDJN^NCE RESl'lUCTING Tllr. usr. or PUI1J.IC , PARKS AND WATERS ADJACENT THERETO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section l. Definitions. a. "Vehicle" includes every device in, upon, or by which any person o. property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway except devices moved exclusively upon stationary rails or tracts. Further, "vehicle" means any bicycle, go-cart, minibike, motorcycle, snow~ mobile, recreational vehicle, all terrain vehicles or self-propelled instruments which carry or may carry an occupant or occupants upon land or water. b. "Parks" shall mean parks, parkways, ice skating rink, playgrounds, puhlic l\Gcn~;!;IW, rocroiltion ficJds, recreation bl.1ildin9!" bOi)CIIIJ~~ ..nr! water surrounded by parks, including but notll1nllud to w..Ilur:: .\tlj.\l~I~lIl to beaches, which are delineated as swimming areas by the placement. of marker buoys. c. "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or association d. "Snowmobile" means any engine driven vehicle of a type which utilizr;:; sled-type runners, or skis, or an endless belt tread or any combination of these or other similar means of contact with the surface upon which it is operated and which is designed to operate over ice or snow. e. "Drugs" shall mean any controlled substance, as defined by Chupter 152 of Minnesota Statutes and successor statutes, the posseSSion. which is a violation of Minnesota Statutes 152.09 and successor statutes. , , . Section 7. Walking on the Grass. No person shall go on foot or otherwise upon the grass or turf of any park where any sign is posted prohibiting such conduct. Section 8. Dumping. Dumping or depositing bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper I boxes I cans or refuse of any kind is prohibited except in the containers provided in the parks. Section 9. Erection of Structures. No person in any park shall construct or erect or bring into any park any build- ing or structure of whatever kind I whether permanent or temporary in ch~wctcr; or run or string any public service utility into I upon or across such l~nds I except upon special written permit issued hereunder. Section 10. Restrooms. No person in any park shall fail to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person over the age of four (4) years shall use the restrooms or washrooms designated for the opposite sex. . Section 11. Throwing of Missiles. No person in any park shall throw or cast any stone or missile carelessly or heedlessly in disregard of the rights or safety of Qthers or in any manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property. Section 12. Camping. No person shall set up tents, shacks, or any other temporary shelter, nor ~.h.-, II ,-\I\Y \Wr:.;OI\ IOllVO in any purk artar cloGing hours ~ny movable structure or :;IIl:~l,d vulllL:lu, :;ucll LI~ a hOll:;uLI.lUUl', L:Lllll}.J(l'..lUul', cctlli}.JWuyOn WI' thu lH:ll, with-- out the written permission of the City Clerk. Section 13. Dangerous Games. No person in any park shall take part in or abet the playing of guIDes invc.lvirl';j thrown or otherwise propelled objects including but not limited to balls, stones, arrows, javelins, model airplanes, horseshoes or darts except in areas specifically designated for such forms of recreation. The playing of rough or dangerous games such as football, baseball, and quoits is prohibited except on the field and courts and areas provided therefor. . - 3 - . . . . . Section 22. Sale of Articles. No person shall sell or offer for sale any article or thing whatsoever in any. park or parkway, but this prohibition shall not apply to sales of refreshments or. other articles by the City of Chanhassen, its agents, its duly licensed concessionaires or persons selling under its written direction. . Section 23. Pets and Animals. No person shall be permitted to take any animal, including but not limited to dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, into any park, and in no case shall any person allow or bring any animal owned or tended by him upon any park property, park waters or upon any skating rink, or in any park building, unless so authorized in writing by the City Clerk. Section 24. Skating Rules and Warming House Rules. a. No person or persons shall do or engage in any of the following acts within skating rinks on ice in any park, except in the course of winter sports or organized events held under the supervision of the staff of the City of Chanhassen or its delegates, viz: Racing or playing of any games which interfere with the general use of the skating rink, the use of sleds, toboggans t hockey . sticks and pucks. This section shall not be construed to pro- hibit the use of hockey sticks and pucks upon rinks constructed or designated as hockey rinks by the City of Chanhassen. b. . No person shall smoke or loiter on any skating rink or on the ice in any park, or within any warming house in any park. Section 25. Use of Loudspeakers. Nu ,1I..:n1UII hi nllY pnrk ::11,,11 U:i11 luud:,pAmkllrt: nllcl puLJllc. nddrlJ:w Ily::llllll:: wllh- out a written permit granted therefor by the City Council. Section 26. Fires. No person shall start any fire in any park, except fires may be made by picnic parties in the park, but only in free-standing barbecue grills or in the places in suid parks provided for the purpose and so designated by the City Clerk. Any person WhO starts any such fire is charged with the duty of completely extinguishing such fire or fires before leaving such park. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or restrict the enforcement of ordinances regulating air pollution control and setting ambient air quality standards. . - 5 - . . . . . . . (d) the park or portions thereof for which such permit is desired; (e) an estimate of the anticipated attendance; (f) any other information which the City Clerk shall find reason- ably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued hereunder. (2) The City Clerk shall issue a permit hereunder when he finds that: (a) the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general 'public enjoyment of the park; (b) that the proposed activity or use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety and recreation. This should not give right to exclusive use of park facilities. (c) that the proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct; (d) that the proposed activity will not entail unusual, extraordinary or burdensome expense for police operation by the City; (e) that the facilities desired have not been reserved for some other use at the day and hour required in the application. (3) Within five (5) days after the receipt of an application, the City Clerk shall apprise an applicant in writing of his reasons for refusing a permit, and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal in writing with- in five (5) days of mailed notice to the City Council, which shall con- sider the application under the standards set forth in subsection 2 hereof and sustain or overrule the City Clerk'~ decision within 14 days. The decision of the City Council shall be final. . (4) A permitee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances fully as though the same were inserted in said permit. (5) The person or persons to whom a permit is issued shull be HilbIe for Llny loss, damage, or injury sustained by any person wherever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued. Within 48 hours of the end of the permit, a permitee shall remove from the park all trash in the nature of boxes, papers, Cilns, bottles, garbage and other refuse and all installations and equipment, and restore the premises to their condition prior to use. (6) No permit shall be issued or continued in effect unless there is in full force and effect a liability insurance policy insued by an in!lurance company authorized to do business in the state of Minnesotil in the amount of $50,000.00 for bodily injury to one person, in the amount - 7 - .. ~ -. . ;-.. c. (8) (9) (10) (l1) Bathing Beach Rules and Regulations for Parks: . (1) No eating, smoking or drinking on sandy beach areas. (2) No person shall throw, cast, deposit, damage, lay I place or scatter in the water or upon any bathing beach any lighted cigars, cigarettes, or any glass bottles, nails, tacks, wires, crockeries, cans or other sharp or cutting substances or any refuse, matter or article or thing of any kind. If any glass is broken, the person responsible for trl€; breaking shall immediately pick up the pieces and place them in 0 trash container. (3) No person in any park shall swim outside of areas which are expressly marked and designated for swimming by the City Council by resolution. Areas so designated shall be posted and marked by the City Public Works Department with appropriate signs. (4) , No perso~ shall swim or bath in the water fronting ~my public bathing beach between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.; during electrical storms or in a dangerous or unauthorized area. (5) No person shall enter the water or onto any public bathing beach unless clothed. .. No person shall change clothes on the beach or in vehicles parked in any park except enclosures provided for the same. (6) (7) No person shall carry on unnecessary conversation with lifeguards; or falsely call for help or assistance, or stand or sit upon or cling to any lifeguard perches or light towers; or, except in an emergency, to into or cling to any lifeguard boat. No person shall conduct himself upon any public beach or in the water in slIch a manner as to jeopardize the safoty or health of hinwcH ..lIld others. No person having, or apparently having, any infectious disease shall be permitted to a public bathing beach or shall be permitted into the water. No child under twelve (12) years of age shall be allowed on the beach unless the child is under the direct supervision of a competent person who shall be not less than sixteen (16) years of age. All lifeguards shall be subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the City Council. .. - 10 - . . . . . . . "r. (12) The duly appointed lifeguards are hereby authorized and empowered to order swimmers out of the bathing beach waters at such times and under such conditions as they deem necessary for public welfare. Section 37. Severability. If any provision or provisions of this ordinance are declared unconstitutional by a competent court, said decisions shall not affect any other part or portion of this ordinance. Section 38. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council this 21st day of Tuly 1975. c _ ATTEST: tJ ((5 4"/)/~ A ?<?",..L ~ cterk-Admjt'is-trator /"7// Q/ JI(l~ ~/~~ L{/ /I ( /{/;~/},V p7/4t_c-~CZ;J MAYOR I' c;;/?/ Published in Tulv Carver County Herald , 1975. on the 31st day of - 11 - CITY OF CRAHRASSEH ~~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 3, 1986 FROM: Park and Recreation Commission Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ Bluff Creek Greens Proposed Subdivision review TO: SUBJ: The Bluff Creek Greens subdivision proposal involves the division of 59.2 acres into 20 single family lots. The property is located off of Creekwood Drive, just south of Bluff Creek Golf Course. . On the Park Deficiency Area Map, the Comprehensive Plan shows that this area is not currently being served by a neighborhood park (see attachment A). However, the Land Use Plan does not designate any of this area as potential park/open space (see attachment B). In view of this, the close proximity of the golf course, and the fact that the average lot size is 2.98 acres, this office recommends that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land. . . . . ~ r-61 {)Jrar:i ~ A, ( I ( CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA .1-:<-1 Existing Parks and Service Area: Park Deficiency Areas -- ~- ..-- -.- ------ - - I.... ~ , A , ! F I , I , I! ~~~iI "5 . i:I"11111 ~111'l1,!lli;llfli:ii -::=:=:=: =: =::::::: :=: =:=:: -: : ~:~ :: ~:=: === ==== == === = === ;!~~ ,. ~ "" 1 ~ \ ../.',: "\ V' - . l City of CHANHASSEN * 1990 Land Use Plan 4 D Residential-Rural Density D Residential- Low Density lli] Residential-Medium Density ~ Residential- High Density m Commercial ~ Industrial ~ Campus Business [;J Parks/Open Space illj Public/Semi-Public D Agriculture E3 MUSA Line - Metro Council 8 MUSA Line - Chanhassen 8 Hwy 212 Alignments ffi Hwy 169 Alignments ~' ~ I .:::- .~.. . .... .-. _._ e.- ... .-: ;.. :: -) :: :. ~. .. .- .- .. :: .,. .. .-. ._ e.- .. . .. .. .. .. .. ~~ e:. 5 6 *This is not a zoning map. a -- . N ..~., Apri119,19, REVISIONS **For explanation of MUS A lines and highway alignments, see plan text. .r:::::::--