1986 02 04 Agenda . . . I~U'" /7) r.' 'l' !." \ r\ ; ,'{ ()L.'v~. '--. '" ' i j AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1986, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes. 3. Master Plan: North Lotus Lake Park. 4. 1986 Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees. 5 u.S. Olympic Committee Request to Use Lake Ann Park. 6. MRPA Request to Adopt Resolution Supporting Grant Programs. 7. Update: City Council Action on Recent Park and Recreation Related Items a. Lake Lucy Highlands b. Warneke Resignation 8. Update: Commission Questions Regarding Park Ordinance. /~ Fourth of July Fireworks quotes. 10. Comprehensive Plan and Lake Ann Park review. '\ ~ ,'>/"- \ PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1986 . The Park and Recreation Commisison meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Mike Lynch. Commissioners present were: Mike Lynch, Wallace McKay, Joe Warneke, Mike Rosenwald and Curt Robinson. Commissioner Charlie Robbins was absent. MINUTES: The Commission reviewed the minutes of the December 3, 1985 meeting. McKay moved, seconded by Warneke to approve the minutes as presented. Motion unanimously approved. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Warneke said that before officers were elected, he wanted to announce that he will be resigning from the Park and Recreation Commission. He said that he has been involved with "Project 21" at the school and that it was his first priority. He said he has enjoyed working with the Commission, but feels he must cut back some of his obligations. He said he would send a letter to the Chairman to formally announce his resignation. Lynch said that he was sorry to see him go and wished him the best in his future endeavors. ( McKay moved to elect Lynch as the 1986 Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. . Rosenwald moved to elect McKay for the 1986 Vice-Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Lynch and carried unanimously. PARK ORDINANCE REVIEW: Sietsema said that the Park Ordinance had not been reviewed by the Commission for a number of years and felt that it would be beneficial for the Commission to do so. The Commission reviewed the ordinance and found it to be sound. They did ask staff to find out if guide animals were considered pets in Section 23. They also questioned what the City's pOlicy will be regarding ice houses being launched from public accesses. Sietsema stated that she would check on both issues and get back to the Commission at the next meeting. BLUFF CREEK GREEN: Sietsema presented the proposed plan for the Bluff Creek Green Subdivision. She said that the plan involved subdividing 59.2 acres into 20 single family lots. She said that because property borders the golf course, the average lot size is 2.9 acres. The Comprehensive Plan does not identify any por- tion of this area as potential park/open space and she recom- mends accepting park fees in lieu of park land. - McKay said that he felt the Commission should have a philosophy and a policy when reviewing these proposals. He said that the Commission needed guidelines so that each proposal could be . e . le PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1986 PAGE 2 reviewed in a similar fashion. McKay requested that at each meeting a different park be reviewed so that the Commission could be aware of its history, location, past development, and plan for future development. Sietsema said that she felt the Comprehensive Plan may outline the City's park and recreation philosphy and that it may be beneficial to review it as well. McKay said that now would be the time to acquire park land in the Bluff Creek area - before it is in high demand for development. He said that this proposal may not have anything the City may want to acquire, but we should not totally dismiss the idea of park land in that area simply because of the larger lot sizes. Lynch said that because of the topography, park land in this sub- division would probably not be most desirable. Lynch moved to recommend that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land from the Bluff Creek Green developers. Rosenwald seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Lynch requested that a review of the Comprehensive Plan and the City parks be put on the agendas for future meetings. He also asked that the next agenda include an update on the goose control problem. Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. The motion, seconded by McKay, carried unanimously. Prepared by Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator on January 9, 1986. CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH ~. . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: January 30, 1986 SUB J: North Lotus Lake Park Master Plans The Park and Recreation Commission directed staff to pursue the development of a Master Park Plan for North Lotus Lake Park. At that time the Commission identified a number of facilities that would be most desirable including softball diamonds, regulation . size soccer field, tennis courts, ice skating rink, trails, sliding hill and parking area. Mark Koegler will be at the Commission meeting to present the attached Master Park Plan. Although our layout options are limited due to the topography of the site, Mark will discuss variations to this plan. . CITY OF 1./ CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreatio~dinator DATE: January 30, 1986 SUB J : 1986 Lake Ann Park Fee Structure Each year the Park and Recreation Commission reviews the fee structure for Lake Ann Park season stickers and daily entrance fees. . Attachment #1 shows the fee structure shown, the rates changed considerably shown the Lake Ann receipts from 1984 impact of the change. for the past 3 years. As last year. Below I have and 1985, to show the 1984 1985 Daily Seasonal $8,594 2,253 $8,049 2,301 Although a number of variables could be considered (weather, 4th of July, etc.), I believe the rate change did not dramatically affect our normal income. Therefore, this office is recommending that the Lake Ann Park fee structure remain the same as 1985: Daily Entrance Fee Bus $ 3.00 10.00 Seasonal: Resident Non-Resident Boat Access Only Senior Citizens 5.00 10.00 5.00 -0- . ATTACHMENT #1 1983 1984 1985 Daily Gate Fee 4.00 4.00 3.00 Bus 10.00 10.00 Seasonal Stickers: Resident 4.00 4.00 5.00 Non-Resident 25.00 25.00 10.00 *Ernployee Non-Resident 25 .00 8.00 **Senior Citizens Free Free * In 1985 Non-Resident employees were put into the resident category. ** This item was not considered in 1983. . . . A C ITV 0 F CIARIASSER ~' . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 30, 1986 SUBJ: u.S. Olympic Committee Request to Use Lake Ann Park Charlie Dobson of the U.S. Olympic Committee has submitted a written request (attached) to hold a softball tournment at Lake Ann Park the weekend of June 27, 28 and 29. They are also requesting a permit to sell beer at the park, similar to what is done at the Firemen's Tournament and on the Fourth of July. . The U.S. Olympic Committee is a non-profit organization of volun- teers. The softball tournament is a fund raiser for this organi- zation expecting to make about $5,000. The event involves a men's softball tournament of about 24 teams and a women's tournment of about 8 teams. On Sunday they plan to have a "celebrity game". Mr. Dobson expects there will be 200 to 400 people there at any given time during the tournament. However, he said that the celebrity game usually draws around 1000 people. Mr. Dobson said that they have off duty police officers and security people volunteering at all times to direct traffic and to police the area. He said he would be very happy to work with our Public Safety Director, Jim Castleberry. I have informed Mr. Dobson that there is a $3.00 entrance fee for each car entering the park. He did not request that the fee be waived, however, he did ask if some break could be given to the players so they would not be required to pay $3.00 each day of the tournament. . It is this office's recommendation that the City approve the U.S. Olympic Committee's request to hold a softball tournament at Lake Ann Park on June 27, 28 and 29 and that a special weekend pass be issued to tournament participants requiring a one time entrance fee be paid. I would also recommend approval of a liquor license for the sale of beer that weekend, provided they meet the City's liquor requirements. In addition, this office recommends that the U.S. Olympic committee must meet the Public Safety Director's requirements regarding policing and traffic control. ~ " Q1lJP UNITED OLYMPIC HOUSE: ROBERTJ.BJORKLUND Minnesota State Chairman Suite 400 100 So. 5th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 342-2220 PHILLIP J. McELROY Minnesota State Co-Chairman STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 1750 EAST BOULDER STREET, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80909-5760 Tel. (303) 632-5551 Telex 45-2424 Cable "AMOL YMPIC CSP" . X PAN AMERICAN GAMES. Indianapolis, Indiana, August 7-23,1987 XV OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES, Calgary, Canada, February 13-28, 1988 GAMES OF THE XXIV OLYMPIAD, Seoul, Korea, September 17-0ctober 2,1988 January 27, 1986 Lori Sietsema 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: This letter is to request use of the Chanhassen Softball facilities for the weekend of June 27, 28, and 29. The tournament will consist of approximately 24 men's and 8 women's teams. We would also like to request a permit for beer sales! . All proceeds from this tournament are contributed to the United States Olympic Committee. If you should have any questions, please contact me. My work number is 835-0611. You can also contact Dick Bjorklund at 342-2220. Si ncerely, ~~ Charlie Dobson CD/dn RC:Ci::-,;.~ . JAN 3 0 1986 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CONTRIBUTIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES . CITY OF CHANHASSEN / '..0 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 31, 1986 SUBJ: MRPA Request to Adopt a Resolution Supporting Grant Programs . The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association has requested that cities adopt a resolution supporting park and recreation grant programs and commissions (see attachment). This resolution will show the City's support for these grant programs and legislative commissions that are committed to providing recreational activi- ties and facilities at all levels. The City of Chanhassen has been the recipient of a number of LAWCON (federal) and LCMR (state) grants, thus enabling us to acquire and develop much of our park land. Therefore, staff recommends that the City adopt this resolution supporting recreation grant programs and the commissions that help determine park and recreation needs in the United States. . '-'- CITY OF CHAHHASSEH '30- ". . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5~317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: January 30, 1986 SUBJ: Lake Lucy Highlands , \ On January 13 the City Council reviewed the Lake Lucy Highlands plat, including the Park and Recreation Commission recommendation to secure an easement along the ordinary high water mark of Lake Lucy. As noted in the attached materials, the developer was not in agreement with the condition based on its affect on three par- cels and he questioned the ultimate plans for extension of the trail given the physical restrictions and existing development around the lake. . Although the Council minutes are not completed for attachment, the Council reviewed this issue and sided with the developer's argument as long as a trail/bikeway system was incorporated into the Lake Lucy Road street section as a part of the improvement project report currently in progress. That report is near completion and does include a major bikeway/trail system as part of the street design between Powers and Galpin Blvds. Consideration of a final report draft for the Lake Lucy Road street improvements is anticipated within 30 days. As a final comment, the City Council directed a staff represen- tative to attend the next Commission meeting to explain the details of the Council action. Also, that staff work towards submitting more complete reports to the Commissions so recommen- dations to the Council are based on a final staff analysis that does not need additional review and input. -Jm~v'-- 4!" . CITY OF '3b CRARRASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: January 27, 1986 SUBJ: Joe Warneke's Resignation Attached please find Joe Warneke's letter of resignation. I have forwarded this letter to you simply as a formality, as Mr. Warneke offered his resignation at the last meeting. I'. Since our last meeting, the City Council acted to accept Mr. Warneke's resignation. They have asked staff to write him a letter thanking him for his service and also to award him with a Certificate of Appreciation. We now have two vacancies and I have advertised them in the papers a number of times. To date, I have only received one application (attached) from Mary Johnson. Ms. Johnson was unable to attend the February meeting so I have scheduled her interview for the March meeting. Je CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 3(., . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator. DATE: January 31, 1986 ..;>o.jt.,{ v SUBJ: Questions on Park Ordinance The Park and Recreation Commission had two questions after reviewing the Park Ordinance at the last meeting. These questions were in regard to guide dogs and to the city's policy on ice fishing houses. The Park Ordinance states that no pets are allowed in the city's . parks. However, guide dogs are not considered pets as long as they are in harness. Minnesota state law (White Cane Law) states that guide dogs are to be allowed anywhere that people are, including restaurants, hospital rooms, parks, etc. The City has not developed a policy regarding fishing houses. The Park Ordinance states, "No such ice fishing house shall be permitted within any park or upon the ice of any park waters except upon written authorization of the City Clerk." The LAWCON/LCMR Grants Office encourages the winter use of the boat accesses. However, they said that if an environmental or utility problem arose, the city would have the authority to regulate the use. It is staff's feeling that public boat accesses should be left open for public use, as we promote recreation during all seasons. The Commission may want to amend the Park Ordinance to clarify this issue once the boat accesses on Lake Ann and Lotus Lake are open. " , .