1986 03 04 Agenda
TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1986, 7:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes. .... U,";
3. Updates:
a. Lake Lucy Highlands, Bill Monk /.
b. Warneke Resignation
c. Park Ordinance Review
4. Herman Field
New Business
5. Master Park Plan: North Lotus Lake Park.
6. Interviews for Park and Recreation Commission Vacancies:
- Mary Johnson
- Mike Schachter Ie
- Susan Boyt
- Kathy Friedlander _1: Cl'
- Ri chard Comer
- Jim Mady
7. 1986 Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees.
8. MRPA Request to Adopt Resolution Supporting Grant Programs.
9. Chanhassen Hills: Planned Residential Development Review.
-10. Chanhassen Vista: subdivision Review.
11. Request to waive Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees, June 14, 1986.
12. Fourth of July Celebration Options.
13. Adjournment.
JANUARY 7, 1986
The Park and Recreation Commisison meeting was called to order at
7:35 p.m. by Chairman Mike Lynch. commissioners present were:
Mike Lynch, Wallace McKay, Joe Warneke, Mike Rosenwald and Curt
Robinson. commissioner Charlie Robbins was absent.
MINUTES: The Commission reviewed the minutes of the December 3,
1985 meeting. McKay moved, seconded by Warneke to approve the
minutes as presented. Motion unanimously approved.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Warneke said that before officers were
elected, he wanted to announce that he will be resigning from the
Park and Recreation commission. He said that he has been
involved with "Project 21" at the school and that it was his
first priority. He said he has enjoyed working with the
Commission, but feels he must cut back some of his obligations.
He said he would send a letter to the Chairman to formally
announce his resignation.
Lynch said that he was sorry to see him go and wished him the
best in his future endeavors.
McKay moved to elect Lynch as the 1986 Chairman of the Park and
Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and
carried unanimously.
Rosenwald moved to elect McKay for the 1986 Vice-Chairman of the
Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Lynch
and carried unanimously.
PARK ORDINANCE REVIEW: Sietsema said that the Park Ordinance had
not been reviewed by the Commission for a number of years and
felt that it would be beneficial for the Commission to do so.
The Commission reviewed the ordinance and found it to be sound.
They did ask staff to find out if guide animals were considered
pets in Section 23. They also questioned what the City's policy
will be regarding ice houses being launched from public accesses.
Sietsema stated that she would check on both issues and get back
to the Commission at the next meeting.
BLUFF CREEK GREEN: Sietsema presented the proposed plan for the
Bluff Creek Green Subdivision. She said that the plan involved
subdividing 59.2 acres into 20 single family lots. She said that
because property borders the golf course, the average lot size is
2.9 acres. The COmprehensive Plan does not identify any por-
tion of this area as potential park/open space and she recom-
mends accepting park fees in lieu of park land.
McKay said that he felt the Commission should have a philosophy
and a policy when reviewing these proposals. He said that the
Commission needed guidelines so that each proposal could be
JANUARY 7, 1986
reviewed in a similar fashion. McKay requested that at each
meeting a different park be reviewed so that the Commission could
be aware of its history, location, past development, and plan for
future development.
Sietsema said that she felt the Comprehensive Plan may outline
the City's park and recreation philosphy and that it may be
beneficial to review it as well.
McKay said that now would be the time to acquire park land in the
Bluff Creek area - before it is in high demand for development.
He said that this proposal may not have anything the City may want
to acquire, but we should not totally dismiss the idea of park
land in that area simply because of the larger lot sizes.
Lynch said that because of the topography, park land in this sub-
division would probably not be most desirable.
Lynch moved to recommend that the City accept park dedication
fees in lieu of park land from the Bluff Creek Green developers.
Rosenwald seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Lynch requested that a review of the comprehensive Plan and the
City parks be put on the agendas for future meetings. He also
asked that the next agenda include an update on the goose control
Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. The motion,
seconded by McKay, carried unanimously.
Prepared by Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
on January 9, 1986.
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer
DATE: January 30, 1986
SUBJ: Lake Lucy Highlands
On January 13 the City Council reviewed the Lake Lucy Highlands
plat, including the Park and Recreation Commission recommendation
to secure an easement along the ordinary high water mark of Lake
Lucy. As noted in the attached materials, the developer was not
in agreement with the condition based on its affect on three par-
cels and he questioned the ultimate plans for extension of the
trail given the physical restrictions and existing development
around the lake.
Although the Council minutes are not completed for attachment,
the Council reviewed this issue and sided with the developer's
argument as long as a trail/bikeway system was incorporated into
the Lake Lucy Road street section as a part of the improvement
project report currently in progress. That report is near
completion and does include a major bikeway/trail system as part
of the street design between Powers and Galpin Blvds.
Consideration of a final report draft for the Lake Lucy Road
street improvements is anticipated within 30 days.
As a final comment, the City Council directed a staff represen-
tative to attend the next commission meeting to explain the
details of the Council action. Also, that staff work towards
submitting more complete reports to the Commissions so recommen-
dations to the Council are based on a final staff analysis that
does not need additional review and input.
(612) 937-1900
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: December 11, 1985 ~~~
SUBJ: Lake Lucy Highlands
On December 2nd the City Council requested that the Park and
Recreation Commission review the Lake Lucy Highlands Subdivision
subject to review by the Park and Recreation Commission.
The Park and Recreation Commission met on December 3rd to discuss
this item. Outlot A in the proposed subdivision is shown as
possible park/open space and Mr. Steller has suggested that the
City purchase this property. Although the Comprehensive Plan
shows this area as a park deficient area, the Commission felt
that Outlot A was not desirable park land as one-half or more of
the property was wet. The Commission did, however, discuss the
need for a trail easement that could be incorporated into a city-
wide trail system.
The Commission also discussed the proposed new Lake Lucy Road and
felt that a walkway/bikeway should be included in that construc-
tion plan for the new road.
The Park and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to recommend
that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land
and to request a trail easement along the normal Lake Lucy high
water mark. In addition, the Commission recommended that the
City obtain a trail easement along the proposed new Lake Lucy
(612) 937-1900
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TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
r:~tc ~..:!Tl;::::::.j t: C'Ji1P';I~ ;'" .
FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer
DATE: January 6, 1986
T.~ iJ:te ~u~.-:-.:;:..'': ':. '.1...1
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SUBJ: Lake Lucy Highlands Final Plat and Development Contract
A copy of the final plat and development contract for Lake
Lucy Highlands are attached for City Council consideration.
There are several aspects of the documents that require addi-
tional explanation prior to final approval. Those items are as
- Since the preliminary plat was approved, the City has been
notified by MnDOT's State Aid office that a 25 foot "clear
zone" is required for rural section streets from the edge
of the bituminous surface to the right-of-way line. This
requires a minimum width of 74 feet for right-of-way
instead of the City's standard 60 feet. The developer has
included this increased right-of-way on the final plat as
submitted, however, it must be noted that several of the
lots fall under the 2.5 acre requirement as shown in the
follow area breakdown:
Lot 1, Block 1 2.56 Acres
Lot 2, Block 1 2.50 Acres
Lot 3, Block 1 . 2.50 Acres
Lot 4, Block 1 2.43 Acres
Lot 5, Block 1 3.97 Acres
Lot 6, Block 1 4.47 Acres
Lot 7, Block 1 4.46 Acres
Lot 8, Block 1 2.46 Acres
Lot 9, Block 1 2.47 Acres
Lot 10, Block 1 2.47 Acres
Lot 11, Block 1 2.52 Acres
Lot 12, Block- 1 6.32 Acres
Lot 13, Block 1 7.82 Acres
Lot 1, Block 2 2.45 Acres
Lot 2, Block 2 2.50 Acres
Lot 3, Block 2 4.34 Acres
Mr. Don Ashworth
January 6, 1986
Page 2
Lot 4, Block 2
Lot 5, Block 2
Lot 6, Block 2
6.22 Acres
10.07 Acres
3.063 Acres
Outlot A
7.07 Acres
Since the excessive right-of-way requirement is intended as
an area free of any and all structures, this office views
the resulting lot area variances required as negligible in
impact and totally justified. For that reason, the developer
has not been asked to adjust the interior lot lines.
- The development contract contains no letter of credit pro-
visions as this project is reliant upon use of municipal
state aid funds and the developer's portion is minimal in
terms of the overall project. This is somewhat unusual
when compared to strictly private development projects, but
is consistent with past policy.
- In past MSA projects the City has purchased right-of-way.
However, in this instance, the developer wishes to proceed
with platting the property and not be delayed by the State
Aid acquisition process which could take upwards of six
months to complete. For that reason, an alternate method
of right-of-way compensation is included in Section 3.01 of
the development contract. Basically, the developer plats
the right-of-way and is credited its value through the
assessment process. Again, this is somewhat unusual,
however, it should work well for all parties involved.
- Lastly, no section has yet been included in the contract
concerning the Park and Recreation Commission recommen-
dation for a trail easement (see attached minutes) across
Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block 2 and Outlot A, pending Council
action. This trail easement would parallel the survey/
utility easement lines shown on the plat document and would
be in addition to the trail/bikeway being engineered into
the Lake Lucy Road design. The developer will be in atten-
dance on Monday night to voice his disagreement with this
portion of the Park Commission recommendation. Basically,
Mr. Steller feels the affect of such a trail will have an
adverse impact on the full use of the lots, especially
Outlot A which will be literally bisected. Also, the ulti-
mate e~tension of the trail around the lake is questioned
given existing development at numerous locations around
Lake Lucy.
At this point, this office is recommending approval of the final
plat and development contract for Lake Lucy Highlands as sub-
mitted, given Council resolution of the trail issue.
. ."
Manaqer's Comment: This office generally supports pedestrian
trailway recommendations. However, given the slopes, marshes,
and existing development surrounding this lake, I do not believe
that it is possible to achieve a feasible trail system adjacent
to Lake Lucy. Incorporation of a trail/walkway system adjacent
to the roadway (as proposed) will better serve the community.
Approval of the contract as attached ~s recommended. _
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(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: January 27, 1986
SUBJ: Joe Warneke's Resignation
Attached please find Joe Warneke's letter of resignation. I have
forwarded this letter to you simply as a formality, as Mr.
Warneke offered his resignation at the last meeting.
Since our last meeting, the City Council acted to accept Mr.
Warneke's resignation. They have asked staff to write him a
letter thanking him for his service and also to award him with a
Certificate of Appreciation.
We now have two vacancies and I have advertised them in the
papers a number of times. To date, I have only received one
application (attached) from Mary Johnson. Ms. Johnson was unable
to attend the February meeting so I have scheduled her interview
for the March meeting.
January 13, 19c6
Mr. Michael Lynch
Chairman, Park & Rec Co~~.
C/O City of Chanhassen
Chanhassen, Mn 55317
Dear Mike,
I herewith submit my resignation from the Park anc Recreation
Commission. Other interests and demands have precluced my
spending as much time as I would like 0:1 Park anc Rec information
and activities.
I appreciate the confide:1ce placed in me by allowing me to serve
on the commission these past years. It has been a learning
Joseph Harneke
JAN 1 5 1986
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator,
DATE: January 31, 1986 ' ~~
SUBJ: Questions on Park Ordinance
The Park and Recreation Commission had two questions after
reviewing the Park Ordinance at the last meeting. These
questions were in regard to guide dogs and to the city's policy
on ice fishing houses.
The Park Ordinance states that no pets are allowed in the city's
parks. However, guide dogs are not considered pets as long as
they are in harness. Minnesota state law (White Cane Law) states
that guide dogs are to be allowed anywhere that people are, including
restaurants, hospital rooms, parks, etc.
The City has not developed a policy regarding fishing houses.
The Park Ordinance states, "No such ice fishing house shall be
permitted within any park or upon the ice of any park waters
except upon written authorization of the City Clerk."
The LAWCON/LCMR Grants Office encourages the winter use of the
boat accesses. However, they said that if an environmental or
utility problem arose, the city would have the authority to
regulate the use.
It is staff's feeling that public boat accesses should be left
open for public use, as we promote recreation during all seasons.
The Commission may want to amend the Park Ordinance to clarify
this issue once the boat accesses on Lake Ann and Lotus Lake are
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
January 30, 1986
North Lotus Lake Park Master Plans
The Park and Recreation Commission directed staff to pursue the
development of a Master Park Plan for North Lotus Lake Park. At
that time the Commission identified a number of facilities that
would be most desirable including softball diamonds, regulation
size soccer field, tennis courts, ice skating rink, trails,
sliding hill and parking area.
Mark Koegler will be at the Commission meeting to present the
attached Master Park Plan. Although our layout options are
limited due to the topography of the site, Mark will discuss
variations to this plan.
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinato~
February 25, 1986 jo;~
Park and Recreation Commission Interviews
The Commission will be interviewing candidates for the Park and
Recreation Commission vacancies. Six people have applied:
Mary Johnson
Mike Schachterle
Susan Boyt
Kathy Friedlander
Richard Comer
Jim Mady
Since only two of the six may be chosen, it is important to
consider what areas of interest should be represented on the
Commission. Some may be: community Education (both districts),
CAA, Jaycee's, business community and schools. In addition, it
should be kept in mind that the Park and Recreation Commission
must serve the entire community of Chanhassen, therefore
Commissioners should be interested not only in the area that they
live, but in the City as a whole.
staff Update (3-12-86): The park and Recreation Commission
interviewed five of the six applicants, as one of them withdrew
her application. The Commission was impressed with all appli-
cants and were sorry to have to turn any away.
However due to their enthusiasm and community spirit, the
cammission has recommended that Susan Boyt and Jim Mady be
appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission.
Posi tion desired: P,^,..l ~eeLre.,^- {. ~ C....... joY\. . Al terna te :
Name: \...to-....J, In hV1~O/'\.J Date of Birth (Optional) ~/2~/(//
Address: 1~.lS Fr"f\.t~,. TrOl..l(
Home Phone: 9.J <( - VT36 Business Phone: 7.3. v- VSd <f'
-2 uearS
Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any:
&r~L 0-1 J~_[~;?C e.-
How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen?
Iljl'ee - (/"td. d 10JC-CdJ /---
Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion of duties.
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as well) :
~.IL~t}v,.) "J_ 0",-=",) O"gr~~_~ #7/f~-T~
~.-j2.r~fI /77d/to/e~1 b.~n1.-;&r/LJ(!.ltz:L_ ~4e...s. ott/~
L./k /f'?dA,,--/e--ne,z-/ crf cia //1t/e..r/h1t2/l-7, ~,utA",9'S--
. / ~ / ~
J rtr J:/ ) IY r-e /1';; r /}'7 t:7 Nt k /'"l t7 /7 C e...- -r -j L- rz.a /Z. c. uz /..J '
Activities and affiliations (Include elective
recognitions received, if any): ier
Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications: /JIdH1?/" 0-+ J;~..-
(lJzJdlt'..A o.c/'~~ /;... LJu,.J..~ rec.. L'r-u,..-r,rn.I //~. -Ik '#M-I '- hr,; j,PI';r Er..il./~ t...:. /~
, '/ I '
("MV~;/L ~'YJ.:..;;,.;... ,1- Adh/;;/M)"'r ,,,,t. ~t'1">/~~7 brhv-e ~.t'S4Q ~~
J(jz,-J4""i <~ II~ -I'- C~4"~t.~ ,. ;e.rv:,#~ ,j ~L., /(!>a.. -k..a;( ,(:-./" .
.. 1',
In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy
interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a
commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission.
'/?'2 . OJ cr---=
JAN :) 0 1986
(.;11 Y ur (;rlANHASSE~'\
Febrnary 2, 1986
Position desired: Park and Recreation
Public Safety
Mike Schachterle
Date of Birth (Optional)2-13-45
Address: 6350 DORwood Avenue
Home Phone: 474-4316
Business Phone:
How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen?
6 years
Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any:
Graduate of North Iowa ColleRe 1969 A.A.
Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion of duties.
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as well) :
Realtor. Real Estate Appraiser, with KlinRelhutz-Cravens Realtors
Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and honors or
recognitions received, if any):
Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications:
1 have always wanted to serve on a pUblic commission, and 1 feel
At thi~ ~~A~~ nf my lifp T ~An mAke the ~nmmirm~n~ nf my timp fnr
public !lervi~~
P1AA!le fine'! my ee'!l1t::'At::inn ann t"A,eer infnrmAtinn Ar~A,.h~rl,
In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy
interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a
commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission.
RECE::,- ;i::.Cl
fEB - 3 1986
.',. ...
MI(;H~ :;~H^CHTf,RLf.
(612) 47~)16
, .
Extensive experience in Investment securities and commodities - cash and
futures markets. Skilled in handling individual and commerclai accounts of up
to $'00,000. Experience in trading grain and livestock, metals, foreign
currency, interest rates and petroleum. Three years experience In financial
research. knowledgeable in analyzing and forecasting Federal Reserve
Operations, monetary and reserve aggregates, U.s. Treasury debt management
operations, and credit and capital market developments. Excellent ability to
draw out the Implications of economic and financial developments for daily
trading tactics and long-run asset and liability strategies. Effective in
working with individuals at aU social/economic levels. Succes~fully
establlshed and developed a commodities futures tra~ing firm.
Key areas of profldency Include:
· Risk/Reward Ratio Decision Making.
· Speculating and hedging In investment securities and commodities.
PRESIDENT/ACCOUNiE~CtmVE" 00/80-4/85)' North .Central
Commodities, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. '
· Founded the company to handle individual ana commerdal ac:eounis In the
trading of commoditiy futures. . . ..
· Floor trading experience'in eomm.odity futures contracts In Chicago.
· Trained eight commodity bro)cers who have achieved excellent $UCcess.
· Opened branch in Orange City, Iowa, with two brokersl .'
* Supervised ei~ht Drokers and two clerica workers.
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (3/77-10/80) Merrill Lynch COf!lmodities,. .
Minneapolls, Minnesota. Merrill Lynch Pierce ~e.nner..jI_Sm.!th..::.
· Worked with Individual and corporate accounts.
· Successful in managing accounts of up to $.500,000.
STATE MANAGER -- Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa (1972-1976) Callan
Publishing, Minneap;)lis, Minntrsota. Law Enforcement Association Publi~hers.
· Served asAlloc:. representative and sales advertising/sales manager fo~
groups including: Minnesota Sheriffs ASSOCiation, Wisconsin Chiefs of
Pollee &rid Police Officers, Iowa Chiefs of Police and PQlice Officer..
· Traveled extensively throughout 3 states.
* Man.~ed twelve association repre.entatives.
Tel&, Ross, KJenert & Chica, Inc., MIMeapolis .
· Sold investment securJtles.
- .
DEPUTY SHERIFF (6/66-6/68) Worth Count)', Northwood, Iowa.
· Criminal Investi&ation and Civil Law Procedure.
- Active Duty (9/"'-3/66)
Air Reserve (3/66-9/7I)
- Honorable Discharge
. . - .-.... .:-:~.~.~~ ,.-, .-:-'-t.;, '.
.... ':'.: '. .. .
. ,
. '
Mason Clt)' Iowa U,,'l: PoUce CoaDand'School Univ. Of low. l.y67
· Peace Officer. Cr1atna1 lftve.~i&.~ion
UnlvenIty of low., Iowa City Univ. of Iowa June 1966
- Crimina. Law
Passed Registered Representative ex..... March. .978.
National AssocIation Security Dealers. ~lc:ense eurrent.. Serl.. 7
Passed Reslstered Representative exam, March .978.
New York Stodc'l!xchMge. LIcense anent. .
Licensed with Commodity Fuhres T~ Commission, AssocIate Person.
Licensed with National Futures AssocIatlc:in, Assoc:1ate Person end Princ:ipal.
Licen..d Life In.uranc.. Property C..ualty. ~e.ota
MiMeapolls Grain Exchange (former member) ,
MiMeapolis Grain Shippers Association (former mem~)
Mid America Commodity Exchange. Chicago .<former member)
New Orleans Commodlty Exchange (former member). ,
Date of Birth: February 13. .,.,
Marital Status: Married
A va11able upon request.
position desired: fD~rt:~ tPe~
Name: ,5u fzl.., "11. gD! r
Address: 72-0 if ,Kt (J W n. f':i rl' / e--
Home Phone: Cj 23 7 '0(., C:, (
Date of Birth (Optional)
cho 11 hr-L-S" l' i-)
Business Phone:
How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? ) ~' ~.....,
Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any:
~gs -({afl1A ~I
Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as
1h:,M -e tu. c::i t -e r .....:2. ,L~ 7Z j z;- Z
of duties.
well) :
Activities and affiliations (InC1U~elective offices and
recognitions received, if any): r!. 11 J, a 5~t) (Claw -:In
C-AanJV-t55tol'1 ~!d:6 7/;5a2.
h7rs or
Reasons for seeking this position and special
It)Ot.t lei l %e -tv k ,/? l/oJlJec/ in O/,€eL
)/("7U~ O<tL4J (rot/I"des h.ea./txr
(1 t'JtUJf..l (~ " I 7'
In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy
interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a
commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission.
1kcd- ~nd:0
~ ell l/ I '1 <.L.I {r;/1 .n -f'
~M1-<'~~1 8~
./ S~gnature
March 3, 1986
Chanhassen Park & Recreation
Dear Board Members:
It has come to our attention that due to an
opening on your board, Sue Boyt is a candidate for
How fortunate we all are to have such a~
enthusiastic and well qualified fellow neighbor so
highly interested in the future of our community
desiring this position.
Although Sue and family are new members of Chanhassen,
one year to be exact, she has already taken the position
of secretary for the Chanhassen Athletic Association
with the utmost enthusiasm. She also volunteers
numerous hours to the elementary school. Her daughter
Sarah is in kindergarten and son Tucker in first grade.
She is also involved on the social planning committee
for Sunrise Hills. She was also one of the instigators
for Future Women of America in Chanhassen. This is a
newly developed non-profit group supporting needy children,
the elderly or whatever and whenever there's a need for
a support group in Chanhassen.
Seldom do we meet someone with such zest carrying
such a positive attitude toward future goals concerning
all of us. Sue would be a major asset on your board.
Beware of her enthusiasm ... it's highly contageous.
Steve & Marilyn Holter
7201 Frontier Trail
I support Sue Boyt in her desire to serve IS I .ember of the Park Ind
Ree.eltion Commission. Further, I request that the Commission members
endorse her appointment to the commission in their recommendation to
the City Council.
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posi tiO;Ydre~ired: fur,~ ~cs..<Zl
Name: ~ Fri eAf.1Lf\{fC1 . Date of Birth (Optional)(j-/J -S?-!
Address: /~c)\ ffCV\X\ec \r (l\{CJ/d\(L~,[;0 tltv'\. s;"3/ 7
q)L( -(0 d \Y
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
Ho,,, Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen? ~ (r-c{A_-<~
Attained, plus, degrees, ~f
Current employm nt: (Give position, employer and brief discussion
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as
H01iJA1\Cf lurL- -.3 Ck~lcL( C/lA) l1t84 W - :l '/..2- - /
of duties.
Activi~i~s and af~iliat~ons (IncC1de(~lec~i~~_offfPes an~honoJr old
recogn~t~ons rece~ved, ~f any): U (}( p:,'\rL Ch II/U 0',/1'; - VU/l
~PO~'f pc{ ~rJ~hY'e~ Oi1L%lA~' (~y)C '- lJo::L) ~:CpjL ; ,
-- [//;5
and special
In filing this appl"
interest and particx ion will be involve ,
commitment in the event I am appointed
a commitment of
nd am prepared
above Commission.
Feb 22 1986
posi tion desired: PARKS AND RECREATION.
Richard H. Comer
Date of Birth (Optional) Age 59
Address: 3800 Red Cedar Point Drive, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331
Home Phone: 474-8105 Business Phone: 553-4525
Hmo.' Long Have Y,:,u Lived in Chanhassen? 33 years.
Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any:
University of Minn. School of Business Administration, BBA
Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion of duties.
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as well):
Cost Accountant with Control Data Corp. Plymouth, Minn. 20 years.
Production Control with various Mpls Companys for 7 years,
Commercial Banking, and Savings and loan Operations for 12 Years.
Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and honors or
recognitions received, if any): Minnp.tonka r.nmmtlnity SPTv;rp Board. 1980 -83
PTA Treasurer, Minnewashta Church Offices. Loves Wind-Surfing and Flying.
Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications:
The neighbors asked me to represent this side of the La~e on the Commission.
Curious to find out how the operation functions.
In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy.
interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a
commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission.
Ri::C':':- .-:::::1
'-i~# rbOYltvt
fEB 251986
cra.oF. CHANHASSC::l
February 25, 1986
Position desired: Park & Rec Commissioner
James J. Mady
7338 Frontier Trail
Date of Birth (Optional)12/03/53
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
How Long Have You Lived in Chanhassen?
2 yrs 9 months
Highest Level of Education Attained, plus degrees, ~f any:
Bachelor of Science in Accounting, 1976, Univ of Minnesota
Current employment: (Give position, employer and brief discussion of duties.
If employment is relatively recent, discuss previous employment as well):
Comptroller, J.A Price Agency, Inc. property & casualty
insurance agency. Duties: Accounting, office supervision
Previous: Controller & Treasurer North American Hunting
Club, Inc.
Activities and affiliations (Include elective offices and honors or
recognitions received, if any): Current President & past Treasurer Chan
Jaycees, Co~~ittee Chairman Minnesota Wildlife Heritage Foundation's
Minnesota Deer Classic, President Sunrise Hills Homeowners Assoc.
Reasons for seeking this position and special qualifications:
Desire to expand my involvement in the community beyond
my involvement with the Jaycees.
In filing this application, I understand that a commitment of my time, energy
interest and participation will be involved, and am prepared to make such a .
commitment in the event I am appointed to the above Commission.
RE:C;::- :::::>
FEB 261986
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
January 30, 1986
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
1986 Lake Ann Park Fee Structure
Each year the Park and Recreation Commission reviews the fee
structure for Lake Ann Park season stickers and daily entrance
Attachment #1 shows the fee structure
shown, the rates changed considerably
shown the Lake Ann receipts from 1984
impact of the change.
for the past 3 years. As
last year. Below I have
and 1985, to show the
Although a number of variables could be considered (weather, 4th
of July, etc.), I believe the rate change did not dramatically
affect our normal income. Therefore, this office is recommending
that the Lake Ann Park fee structure remain the same as 1985:
Daily Entrance Fee
$ 3.00
Boat Access Only
Senior citizens
1983 1984 1985
Daily Gate Fee 4.00 4.00 3.00
Bus 10.00 10.00
Seasonal St ickers :
Resident 4.00 4.00 5.00
Non-Resident 25.00 25.00 10.00
*Employee Non-Resident 25.00 8.00
**Senior Citizens Free Free
In 1985 Non-Resident employees were put into the resident
ca tegory .
** This item was not considered in 1983.
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinatOj\.?;'y'~_=:UI7IJ~
January 31, 1986 -~~.
MRPA Request to Adopt a Resolution Supporting Grant Programs
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association has requested that
cities adopt a resolution supporting park and recreation grant
programs and commissions (see attachment). This resolution will
show the City's support for these grant programs and legislative
commissions that are committed to providing recreational activi-
ties and facilities at all levels.
The City of Chanhassen has been the recipient of a number of
LAWCON (federal) and LCMR (state) grants, thus enabling us to
acquire and develop much of our park land. Therefore, staff
recommends that the City adopt this resolution supporting
recreation grant programs and the commissions that help determine
park and recreation needs in the United States.
Staff Update (March 11, 1986):
The Park and Recreation COmmission agreed with staff that the
City should support the President's Commission on Americans
Outdoors, the commission on Minnesotans Outdoors and park and
recreation grant programs. The COmmission recommended that the
City demonstrate this support by adopting a resolution as
outlined by the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association._~
(il ~~I
001 ~~I
l jfij) ]1 III. the minnesata
~ ~ reEreatian & park
February 14, 1986
Ms. Lori Sietsema
Park & Recreation Coordinator
Chanhassen Park & Rec Dept.
690 Coulter Drive
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RE: Commission on Minnesotans OUtdoors (COMO), President's Coaaission on
AIIericans OUtdoors (PCAO)
Dear Ms. Sietsema:
I am notifying you of an excellent opportunity that has been made available to
everyone who is interested in recreation facilities. On January 28, 1985,
President Reagan established the President's Commission on Americans OUtdoors
(PCAO) for the purpose of stUdying the quantity and quality of recreation
opportunities in the nation and to determine how the nation will deal with
recreation issues in the year 2000. The Commission on Minnesotans OUtdoors
(COMO) was established by Lt. Governor Marlene Johnson to provide information to
PCAO by answering the questions: 1) In 2000, what will Minnesotans want to do
outdoors? and 2) How can we be sure they have the appropriate places to do it?
The MRPA Legislative Committee applauds the efforts of these two commissions
because they help focus attention on important recreation issues and because
they are inviting everyone with an interest in recreation to testify or submit
written testimony. Private individuals, local governments, and a variety of
interest groups have been given the best opportunity to affect federal and state
recreation policy in over 20 years I
As a recent recipient of local LAWCON/LCMR grant dollars, you probably recognize
the value of federal and state recreation facility financial assistance. If
this is the case, it is important that you notify COMO of your opinions. There
are two ways to do this. The first is to testify at one of the remaining three
COMO public hearings. These hearings are:
Moorhead City Hall,500CenterAvenue
Moorhead, Minnesota 56560
4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
4-16-86 Earle Brown Center, University
1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. P.O. Box 186 .
Phone: 420-6915
of Minnesota 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
9401 Fernbrook Lane. Maple Grove, MN 55369
800-862-3659 Hi::C:::::-::::::;
t:EB '; legs
Ms. Sietsema 2
February 14, 1986
4-23-86 Minneapolis (location to be announced)
For further information, call (612) 297-3355
4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The second option involves the enclosed resolution. The purpose of the
resolution is two-fold: 1) to promote the concept of COMO and PCAO, emphasizing
the role local governments must play by providing testimony for the Commissions;
and (2) to demonstrate wide-based support for local and regional recreation
grant programs. This sample resolution could be used as a base for presentation
to your local unit of government for their passage. The executed resolution
should be forwarded to COMO, as well as your state legislators and congressmen.
Please feel free to customize the resolution to more accurately address local
The Congress and state legislature are monitoring the PCAO and COMO proceedings.
Because a lack of participation on the part of local governments will likely be
viewed as a lack of interest, it is very important that local communities become
involved. The development of these commissions offers a unique opportunity.
Please plan to get involved by either testifying at one of the remaining COMO
hearings and/or forwarding your local government resolution to your legislators,
congressmen, and COMO, at your earliest convenience.
COMO's address is listed below:
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors
Box 51
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55146
Thank you for your continued support.
Since re'!y, ..&)
/ ) ,.
. k(-~----" . L&.-
/ 6-c.~
patticia Cullen, Chair
Legislative Committee, MRPA
XI/6-CP & CP1
A resolution supporting the Presidents Commission on American Outdoors (PCAO), the
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors (COMO), and the revitalization of Minnesota's
local and Regional Recreation grant programs.
Whereas, PCAO and COMO will study publ ic and private outdoor recreation patterns; and
Wh.r..~, PCAO and COMO will prepare findings and recommendations to the President and
Congress and the Governor and Legislature; and
Where.., PCAO and COMO are requesting input from traditional recreation providers; and
Wher..., has a history dedicated to acquiring and
developing parks and open space facilities in the public interest; and
Wh.r..., without the assistance of the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund
(LAWCON), the State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Fund (LCMR) and the
Regional Recreation Open Space Capital Grants Program, many of the existing recreation
amenities would not have been possible; and
Wher..., there is a continuing need to expand and improve outdoor recreation .
opportunities in and to plan for the recreation opportunities
of generations to come; and
Wherea., the LAWCON, LCMR, and the Region Recreation Open Space Capital grant programs
provide additional benefits to local communities by strengthening the statewide
tourism market, by creating local jobs, by promoting volunteerism, and by conserving
our natural heritage; and
Now Therefor. Be It Re.olved that the
of hereby recommends that the recently
created Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors and the state's Commission on
Minnesotans Outdoors strongly consider, in their findings, the present and future need
to expand local and regional outdoor recreation opportunities in Minnesota and through-
out the Nation.
Be It Further Resolved that
recommends a strengthening and revitalized commitment by the United States and State
of Minnesota to financially assist local governments in their efforts to continue
developing the recreation estate by creating a dedicated trust fund for that purpose.
Box 51 500 Lafayette Rd. SI. Paul, MN 55146
March 7, 1986
Kate Hanson, 612/297-3355
Recreation Commission Draws Widespread Interest
Hearings of the Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors are drawing
participation from a broad cross-section of state recreation
professionals, resource managers and the public.
Sixty individuals testified on state and national recreation needs
at hearings in Duluth and Mankato. Written testimony has been received
from more than 40 individuals and organizations. Response from the Twin
Cities area has been so great that an additional hearing was scheduled
to accommodate requests to testify.
The eight-member commission, chaired by Lt. Governor Marlene
Johnson, is conducting a major reassessment of recreation needs.
Commission findings, with recommendations on action to meet future
recreation needs, will be reported to state and national recreation
policy-makers and funding bodies. A similar assessment is being
conducted by recreation commissions in numerous other states and at the
national level, through a Presidential Commission on Americans Outdoors.
A study of this scope has not been undertaken since the early
1960s, when a commission headed by Lawrence Rockefeller evaluated the
nation's recreation needs. Recommendations of the Rockefeller
Commission, and companion commissions working at the state level, shaped
policy that has guided recreation management for the last 20 years.
"Many things have changed since the early 1960s," says Johnson. "We
hope that those testifying will give special attention to social changes
and other factors that will affect outdoor recreation needs between now
and the year 2000." \:,"::":"....., ,::;:;:;
I'MR 1 '7 1986
('ITV Of CHAI~nA~~c.i~
Members: Beverly Anderson
Lieutenant Governor Marlene Johnson, Chair
Robert Dunn Mary Kenny William Kirchner Alan Page
Wayne Olson Rod Searle
Box 51 500 Lafayette Rd. 51. Paul, MN 55146
Ilarc h, 1986
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your interest in the Commission on Minnesotans
Outdoors. We look forward to hearing your views and ideas
concerning outdoor recreation in Minnesota.
Enclosed you will find more detailed information on the Commission and
the type of testimony we seek. To accommodate all testimony, we ask
that you limit your comments to no more than five minutes. If five
minutes is not sufficient to communicate your ideas, you may also submit
written testimony.
Please take note of a second Twin Cities hearing, scheduled from 4 - 7
p.m. April 23 at Normandale Community College, 9700 France Avenue South,
Bloomington. If this date and location would be more convenient for
you, please contact John Pauley (612/297-4591) or Kate Hanson
(612/297 -3355).
Again, thank you for your interest and participation.
t:/ /i/~L-
Kate Hanson
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors
Weulenant Governor Marlene Johnson, Chair
Members: Beverly Anderson Robert Dunn Mary Kenny William Kirchner Alan Page Wayne Olson Rod Searle
Highway 36
Larpenteur Avenue
Directions: From 1-94 go north on
Snelling to Commonwealth Avenue
and the entrance to the state
fairgrounds. Go through the
fairgrounds on Commonwealth to
Randall and turn right on Randall
and go approximately two blocks
north to the Center.
From 1-35 take Highway 36 exit and
turn south on Cleveland to
Larpenteur. Go left on Larpenteur to
Gortner, turn right on Gortner and
go to Buford. Turn left on Buford to
the parking area.
51. Poul
Student Center
6. _ Handicapped access
-+ - and parking
.. CI...room Office
. Building
two way
McN.ol HolI
Earle Brown
Continuing Education
Commonwealth Avenue
)f -411eIlUe
Earle Brown
Education Center
1890 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
(612) 376-1870
Randall Avenue
perking DI
State Fairgrounds
Fairgrounds Entrance
Why Was the CClllllission Fol"IIIed?
The COIIIIission on Minnesotans Outdoors was fOl'1lll!d to reassess the status
of outdoor recreation in the state and the nation. This effort is being
carried out in conjunction with that of a national Connission on
Ailericans Outdoors, fOl"lled by President Reagan. Counterparts to the
Minnesota COIIIIission have been establfshed in llany other states.
How is the COIIIIission Gathering Information?
Five public hearings are being hel d throughout Minnesota to solicit
pUblic testimony on _rging recreation issues and future recreation
needs. In February,the COIIIIlission heard testimony in Duluth and
Hankato. .Additional tlearings will be held in MoOrtl8lll-.(April 8), St.
Paul (April 16) and B100lllington (April 23).
Who Should Testify at COIIIlIission Hearings?
The CllIIIIission is seek ing testillOny from all Minnesotans with an
interest in outdoor recreation--lIll!n and women, persons of all ages and
ethnic backgrounds. Those testifying include:
.. Citizens -'to use the state's parks, campgrounds, trails, lakes,
streams and other recreation resources
· Groups with diverse outdoors interests, such as hunting and fishing
cl ubs, environmental organizations, recreational vehicl e cl ubs, and
organizations serving youth, senior citizens, WOllen, Ilinorities,
and the disabl ed
.. Persons invol ved in recreation ...nagement, tourism and economic
development, recreation research
What Kind of Testimony is the COIIIIIission Seeking?
The tOlllllission is seeking testillOny on:
· Recreation needs between now and the year 2000: How are supply of
and demand for recreation opportunities being influenced by social
and economic factors such as changes in family structure, increased
leisure tillll!, activity preferences and funding restrictions?
.. Actions that can be taken to ensure future needs will be Ilet.
What Will be Done with the COIIIllission's Findings?
On the basis of hearing testillOny, the COIIIIlission will Nke
rec_ndations on how we can ensure future outdoor recreation needs are
met. The COIIIIission's findings will be directed to state policy-...king
and funding bodies (such as the Minnesota Legislature and the
Legislative COIIIIission on Minnesota Resources) and to the President's
COIII1ission on Ailericans Outdoors.
How Sionificant is the ReassesSllent?
Rec_ndations of the C_ission on Minnesotans Outdoors and the
COIIIIission on Ailericans Outdoors could have a significant effect on
future recreaticn developlllent, unagement a"d fun(lfn". The'last
assessllll!nt of this scope, conducted in the early 1961)s, laid groundwork
for establfs'-ent of the National Wilderness Preservation System, Wild
and Scenic Rivers System, Land and Water Conservation Fund and Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation. In Minnesota, it led to the Outdoor Recreation Act,
a lllatching grant program for local parks, and Resource 2000 (a lllajor
state bonding program for recreation area acquisition and developllll!nt).
How Can You Partie ipate?
Share your ideas and concerns regarding outdoor recreation at one of the
COIl1:Iission's public hearings. To arrange to testify, just phone
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors
Outdoor Recreation Fact Sheet
State and federal government have invested $400 million in
outdoor recreation acquisition and development in Minnesota
since 1965.
* $54 million from Land and Water Conservation Fund
* $120 million from LCMR ($60 million to state projects,
$60 million to local projects)
* $100 million from Resource 2000
* $50 million from Dingell-Johnson/Pitman-Roberts
* $100 million from state bonding for metro parks
and open space
Urban/Rural Needs: A recent public opinion poll, conducted as part of
the statewide recreation planning process, found little distinction
in the number and kinds of requests for more recreation facilities
from metropolitan and outstate areas.
Public-Private Cooperation:
* Recreation facility development in Minnesota is based on
public-private partnership.
* Nearly 2/3 of campsites in Minnesota are privately owned.
* 40 percent of water access sites are provided through the private
sector (i.e. through resorts).
* The state is the primary supplier of wildlife areas and land
Economic Impacts of Outdoor Recreation/Tourism:
* Outdoor recreationists in Minnesota spend over $2 billion on
outdoor recreation each year. Approximately 1/2 of this
amount can be associated with fishing and hunting.
* Statewide, outdoor recreation accounts for 16 percent of all
tourism dollars spent in Minnesota. In some regions, it accounts
for a larger share; for example, 2/3 of all tourism income in the
Arrowhead region is associated with outdoor recreation.
~he most recent Harris Poll found that the average adult
U.S. citizen had 18.5 hours of leisure time per week.
* In Minnesota, 10 percent of adults' leisure time is spent in
outdoor recreation (about 100 hours/year).
* 3/4 of outdoor recreation use occurs in summer.
* 70 percent of outdoor recreation in Minnesota occurs within 30
miles of home.
* The lakes regions are the principal destination of Minnesotans
and out-of-state residents who travel away from home for the
purpose of outdoor recreation.
* One forecast shows that between 1980 and the year 2000, total time
spent by Minnesotans in outdoor recreation will increase 10
percent. In the lakes regions, this increase will be even greater.
* As our population ages, the amount of time individuals spend in
outdoor recreation decreases, and outdoor recreation becomes less a
daily actiVity and more a vacation actiVity.
MARCH 4, 1986
After reading the staff report, Lynch asked if staff had anything
to add. Sietsema said that it is the Commission on Minnesotans
Outdoors and the President's Commission on Amnericans Outdoors
that will be setting park and recreation priorities in this
country. She said that these are issues that will affect parks
and recreation even at local levels. Sietsema said that the City
has received a number of park acquisition and development grants
in the past and that support should be given to insure that these
grants continue to be available to communities in the future.
Robbins moved to recommend the adoption of a resolution sup-
porting the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors, the
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors, and the revitalization of
Minnesota's local and regional grant programs as outlined by
MRPA. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unani-
March 17, 1986
WHEREAS, PCAO and COMO will study public and private outdoor
recreation patterns~ and
WHEREAS, PCAO and COMO will prepare findings .and recommen-
dations to the President and Congress and the Governor and
Legislature~ and
WHEREAS, PCAO and COMO are requesting input from traditional
recreation providers~ and
WHEREAS, Chanhassen has a history dedicated to acquiring and
developing parks and open space facilities in the public
interest~ and
WHEREAS, without the assistance of the Federal Land and Water
Conservation Fund (LAWCON), the State Legislative Commission on
Minnesota Resources Fund (LCMR) and the Regional Recreation Open
Space Capital Grants Program, many of the existing recreation
amenities would not have been possible~ and
WHEREAS, there is a continuing need to expand and improve
outdoor recreation opportunities in Chanhassen and to plan for
the recreation opportunities of generations to come~ and
WHEREAS, the LAWCON, LCMR, and the Region Recreation Open
Space Capital grant programs provide additional benefits to local
communities by strengthening the statewide tourism market, by
creating local jobS, by promoting volunteerism, and by conserving
our natural heritage~ and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen
hereby recommends that the recently created President's Commission
on Americans Outdoors and the State's Commission on Minnesotans
Outdoors strongly consider, in their findings, the present and
future need to expand local and regional outdoor recreation
opportunities in Minnesota and throughout the Nation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Chanhassen recommends
a strengthening and revitalized commitment by the United States
and State of Minnesota to financially assist local governments in
their efforts to continue developing the recreation estate by
creating a dedicated trust fund for that purpose.
17th day of
Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City COuncil this
, 1986.
Don {.Qr~h.
Harni Hon
. y Manager
. ~ "
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: January 31, 1986
SUBJ: MRPA Request to Adopt a Resolution Supporting Grant Programs
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association has requested that
cities adopt a resolution supporting park and recreation grant
programs and commissions (see attachment). This resolution will
show the City's support for these grant programs and legislative
commissions that are committed to providing recreational activi-
ties and facilities at all levels.
The City of Chanhassen has been the recipient of a number of
LAWCON (federal) and LCMR (state) grants, thus enabling us to
acquire and develop much of our park land. Therefore, staff
recommends that the City adopt this resolution supporting
recreation grant programs and the commissions that help determine
park and recreation needs in the United States.
Box 51 500 Lafayette Rd. 51. Paul, MN 55146
January 1986
Dear Friend:
In November 1985, the State of Minnesota appointed a Commission on Minnesotans
Outdoors. This Commission, formed by Governor Rudy Perpich to assist the
Presidential Commission on Americans Outdoors, will review the state of
Minnesota's and the nation's recreation resources. It will make
recommendations to ensure that Minnesotans and Americans will have the
recreation resources needed in the year 2000.
The issues at hand are i~ortant for the future of Minnesota. How we deal
with our needs will influence our quality of life as well as our recreation
economy. As chair of Minnesota's Commission, I am seeking advice from you and
other highly qualified citizen! and organizations about the status of outdoor
recreation today and about our needs for the future.
I urge you to share your ideas and comments relative to two major questions:
1l What will Minnesotans want to do outdoors in the year 2000? 2l How can
we be sure there will be adequate opportunities to do these things?
We will hold four hearings around the state to solicit testimony from
Minnesotans of all age groups and ethnic backgrounds representing different
outdoor interests. Hearings will be held between 4 and 7 p.m. in the
following communities: Duluth, February 4; Mankato, February 11; Moorhead,
April 2; Minneapolis/St. Paul, April 9, 1985. If possible, please provide a
written copy of your remarks for the record. But most importantly, plan to
join us to share your ideas in person.
In organizing your thoughts, please give particular attention to the following
*Should the federal government be contributing to outdoor recreation
programs and facilities in Minnesota? Why?
*How can we do a better Job of acquiring and developing state and local
lands for recreation purposes in our state?
*How can state and local government improve the operation and maintenance
of outdoor recreation facilities?
*Are there needs and opportunities for new recreation programs, and
are there existing recreation programs that are no longer necessary?
Enclosed is a stamped, self-addressed postcard. Please complete and return
the card, indicating which hearing you will be able to attend. We are making
arrangelents for a hearing site in each city, and pro~t return of this card
will allow us to plan carefully. Detailed information on meeting sites and
agendas will be forthcoming.
We hope you will Join in this cooperative effort to help shape the future of
recreation in Minnesota and in our nation. I look forward to meeting you and
hearing your ideas.
Marlene Johnson
lieutenant Governor, State of Minnesota
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Lieutenant Governor Marlene Johnson. Chair
Members: Beverly Anderson Robert Dunn Mary Kenny WiHiam Kirchner Alan Page Wayne Olson Rod Searle
Other Commission members are: Beverly Anderson, Minneapolis, biomedical
researcher at 3M Company and an outdoors enthusiast; Robert Dunn,
Princeton, former state senator and former chair of the Waste Management
Board; Mary Kenny, Bloomington, executive director of the Minnesota
Council of State Parks; William Kirchner, Richfield, chair of
the Richfield Bank and Trust Company and former state senator; Alan
Page, Minneapolis, special assistant to the attorney general; Wayne
Olson, St. Paul, attorney and former commissioner of the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources; and Rod Searle, Waseca, a former
speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives.
Individuals interested in additional information or wishing to testify
at any of the hearings should call Kate Hanson, Coordinator of the
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors; phone 612-296-6157.
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llrnlnt )1 rII. the minnesata
I ~ reEre~tian & park
January 1985
Dear friend/member of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association;
Attached you will find a draft resolution pertaining to local
and regional recreation grant programs, and several commissions
that have recently been established.
As a background, the President's Commission on American
Outdoors (PCAO) was established on January 28, 1985 for the purpose
of studying the qua~tity and quality of recreation opportunities
in the nation, and to determine how the nation will deal with
recreation issues through the year 2000. The Commission on
Min~esota Re~ources (COMR) was established by Lt. Governor Marlene
Johnson November 20, 1985. It will provide information to PCAO
by answering: 1) In 2000, what will Minnesotans want to do outdoors?
and 2) How can we be sure they have the appropriate places to do it?
The purpose of the resolution is two-fold: to demonstrate
wide-based support for local and regional recreation grant programs;
and to promote the concept of the two commissions, emphasizing the
role the re=reation co~~unity must play by testifying at the
commission hearings. This sample resolution should be used as a
base, presented to your local units of government for their passage,
and forwarded to your MN state and federal legislators. Feel free
to add points to the resolution that will lend a more "local"
emphasis. Be sure to pass the resolution on to other organizations
or professionals asking for their support. The more support shown
for these grant programs and the commissions at the legislature,
the better chance for the recreation community to input into
state and federal policy-making. The development of the commissions
offers the recreation community a unique opportunity---after passing
this resolution at your local level, be sure to follow through
with forwarding the information to legislators, and to COMR.
Thank you for your support
Minnesota Recreation & Park
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association · P.O. Box 186 · 9401 Fernbrook Lane · Maple Grove, MN 55369
A resolution supporting the Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors (PCAO), the
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors (COMO), and the revitalization of Minnesota's
local and regional recreation grant programs.
Whereas, PCAO and COMO will study public and private outdoor recreation patterns;
Whereas, PCAO and COMO will prepare findings and recommendations to the President
and Congress and the Governor and Legislature; and
Whereas, PCAO and COMO are requesting input from traditional recreation providers;
Whereas, (local government name) has a history dedicated to acquiring and
developing parks and open space facilities in the public interest, and
Whereas, without the assistance of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund
(LAWCON), the State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Fund (LCMR) and ,
the Regional Recreation Open Space Capital Grants Program, many of the existing
recreation amenities would not have been possible; and
Whereas, there is a continuing need to expand and improve outdoor recreation
opportunities in (local government name) and to plan for the recreation
opportunities of generations to come; and
Whereas, the LAWCON, LCMR, and the Regional Recreation Open Space Capital grants
programs provide additional benefits to local communities by strengthening the
statewide tourism market, by creating local jobs, by promoting volunteerism, and by
conserving our natural heritage.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the (city council or county board) of
(local qovernment name) hereby recommends that the recently
created Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors and the state's Commission on
Minnesotans Outdoors strongly consider, in their findings, the present and future need
to expand local and regional outdoor recreation opportunities in Minnesota and
throughout the Nation.
Be It Further Resolved that (local government name)
recommends a strengthening and revitalized commitment by the United States and State
of Minnesota to financially assist local governments in their efforts to continue
developing the recreation estate by creating a dedicated trust fund for that purpose.
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) is a non-profit
organization committed to the philosophy that excellent parks, recreation
and leisure services enhance the quality of life for all citizens.
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association is deeply concerned about
the status of recreational and leisure activities in the 1980's and
beyond. Foremost among these concerns is that quality recreational
opportunities are available to ALL people, and that park facilities be
maintained at a high quality level. More specifically, the Minnesota
Recreation and Park Association either endorses, or urges the most
serious consideration of the following issues:
National Issues
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association will look to the National
Recreation and Park Association to review and promulgate national
legislation and to advise of the affect the legislation will have on
Minnesota in matters dealing with parks, recreation and leisure services.
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association will provide support to
pertinent legislation having a benefit to its members and the citizens.
of Minnesota and many promulgate legislation on state and national
Therapeutic Recreation Issues
MRPA will monitor proposed budgetary cutbacks and proposed regulation
changes at the state and national level that will affect the provision
of recreation services to special populations.
MRPA will monitor regulation changes and budgeting cutbacks in program
areas that indirectly affect therapeutic recreation program and services,
such as e~igibility requrements for financial assistance, quality of
life issues, status of vocational rehabilitation programs, P.L. 94-142.
MRPA will support state legislation which minimizes financial cutbacks
to special populations and which will promote quality of life for
special populations.
MRPA will monitor the progress and effects of the federal legislation
known as the Community and Family Living Ammendments Act of 1985.
LCMR Outdoor Recreation Grants
The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) grant program
is currently the only state program that is designed to provide
assistance to all local governments for the acquisition and development
of a wide variety of outdoor recreation facilities.
. ,
Public Employment Labor Relations Act:
Temporary or Seasonal Employees
The 1983 Legislature amended the Public Employment Labor Relations Act so
that a temporary or seasonal public employee who is employed for more than
67 days during a calendar year will be subject to exclusive union represen-
tation. As a result of the amendment, public employers could be required
to negotiate the terms and conditions of employment for those seasonal
employees working more than 67 days in a calendar year. Previous legisla-
tion allowed a temporary or seasonal employee to work for 100 days before
being subject to exclusive union representation.
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association has many concerns relative to the
impact of this change. Layoffs of temporary or seasonal employees may be
made prematurely, to the detriment of both employer and employee. Secondly,
the types of compensation and benefits which unions may seek for temporary
or seasonal employees could be detrimental to public employers' budgets,
resulting in the employment of less people. Finally, the exclusion for
students under age 22 may result in temporary or seasonal public jobs only
being offered to those in this category, excluding nonstudents or students
above age 22. The Legislature should amend the Public Employee Labor
Relations Act so that temporary or seasonal employees under PELRA could work
for 120 (not 67) days before being subject to exclusive union representation.
ACTION: MRPA will inform legislators on the effects of PELRA on local
park and recreation programs and will work with other associations
and groups on recommendations for change.
Unemployment Compensation
In 1976, unemployment compensation laws were substantially improved by the
elimination of eligibility for those individuals who voluntarily quit or
are dismissed for cause. However requalification is provided once the
claimant has earned four times the weekly benefit for which he would other-
wise be eligible. This requalification is too low and should be increased.
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association believes that individuals who
knowingly accept temporary employment of specific limited durations or
provisional employment not exceeding six months and whose employment is
thus ended, should be disqualified for certain benefits. The employers
involved should not be saddled with unemployment compensation costs for
individuals who accept, and perhaps even plan for .the termination of such
employment. The MRPA recommends that the law be ammended.
Action: "MRPA will inform legislators about the effects of the current
unemployment compensation on park and recreation programs, and
will support associations/groups working to ammend the law as
state above.
Cross-Country Ski License/Trail Funding
In 1983, the Legislature passed Chapter 325, which requires cross-country
skiers to buy a license when skiing on any non-federal public trail
developed, maintained or promoted with state grant-in-aid monies. After two
seasons, problems inherent in the implementation of this program have
combined to weaken support among recreation and park professionals. Lack of
monetary incentive to justify administration, promotion and enforcement of
the license has led to only marginal compliance.
The Minnesota Recreation and Park Associaiton acknowledges the need for
additional funding for the acquisition, development and maintenance of
cross-country ski trails and supports the concept of a user fee as a
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l rfiiii1! )1 rT"l. the minnesata
i ~ rerreatian & park
January 1985
Dear friend/member of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association;
Attached you will find a draft resolution pertaining to local
and regional recreation grant programs, and several commissions
that have recently been established.
As a background, the President's Commission on American
Outdoors (PCAO) was established on January 28, 1985 for the purpose
of studying the qua~tity and quality of recreation opportunities
in the nation, and to determine how the nation will deal with
recreation issues through the year 2000. The Commission on
Min~esota Resources (COMR) was established by Lt. Governor Marlene
Johnson November 20, 1965. It will provide information to PCAO
by answering: 1) In 2000, what will Minnesotans want to do outdoors?
and 2) How can we be sure they have the appropriate places to do it?
The purpose of the resolution is two-fold: to demonstrate
wide-based support for local and regional recreation grant programs;
and to promote the concept of the two commissions, emphasizing the
role the recreation corr~unity must play by testifying at the
commission hearings. This sample resolution should be used as a
base, presented to your local units of government for their passage,
and forwarded to your MN state and federal legislators. Feel free
to add points to the resolution that will lend a more "local"
emphasis. Be sure to pass the resolution on to other organizations
or professionals asking for their support. The more support shown
for these grant programs and the commissions at the legislature,
the better chance for the recreation community to input into
state and federal policy-making. The development of the commissions
offers the recreation community a unique opportunity---after passing
this resolution at your local level, be sure to follow through
with forwarding the information to legislators, and to COMR.
Thank you for your support
Minnesota Recreation & Park
Minnesota Recreation and Park Association · P.O. Box 186 · 9401 Fernbrook Lane. Maple Grove, MN 55369
A resolution supporting the Presidents Commission on American Outdoors (PCAO), the
Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors (COMO), and the revitalization of Minnesota's
local and Regional Recreation grant programs.
Whereas, PCAO and COMO will study public and private outdoor recreation patterns; and
Wher..~, PCAO and COMO will prepare findings and recommendations to the President and
Congress and the Governor and Legislature; and
Where.., PCAO and COMO are requesting input from traditional recreation providers; and
Where.s, has a history dedicated to acquiring and
developing parks and open space facilities in the public interest; and
Wh.r..., without the assistance of the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund
(LAWCON), the State Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Fund (LCMR) and the
Regional Recreation Open Space Capital Grants Program, many of the existing recreation
amenities would not have been possible; and
Where.s, there is a
opportunities in
of generations to come; and
continuing need to expand and improve outdoor recreation
and to plan for the recreation opportunities
Whereas, the LAWCON, LCMR, and the Region Recreation Open Space Capital grant programs
provide additional benefits to local communities by strengthening the statewide
tourism market, by creating local jobs, by promoting volunteerism, and by conserving
our natural heritage; and
Now Th.refor. B. It R..olved that the
of hereby recommends that the recently
created Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors and the state's Commission on
Minnesotans Outdoors strongly consider, in their findings, the present and future need
to expand local and regional outdoor recreation opportunities in Minnesota and through-
out the Nation.
B. It Furth.r Resolved that
recommends a strengthening and revitalized commitment by the United States and State
of Minnesota to financially assist local governments in their efforts to continue
developing the recreation estate by creating a dedicated trust fund for that purpose.
(612) 937-1900
DATE: February 27, 1986
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
RE: Chanhassen Hills Sketch Plan Review
The Park and Recreation Commission will be reviewing a sketch
plan for Chanhassen Hills, formerly called Lake Susan South.
The sketch plan for this property was reviewed in October
however, due to the realignment of Highway 212, it has changed
At the time of reviewal, the Commission made a number of recom-
mendations regarding park/open space (see attached minutes).
This new plan has not addressed any of those recommendations.
The Commission will need to review the new plan and submit a
The plan includes park/open space on the northern and western
boundaries of the property. This is unbuildable land as it is
quite hilly and is wet in the low lying areas. The Comprehensive
plan identifies this as a park deficient area having no active
use park land serving it.
It was originally concluded that a large neighborhood park (20
acres), which would also serve the developments to the east and
west, would be needed. However, due to the separation of these
developments by the road systems, Highways 212 and 101 and County
Road 17, these areas may be better served by smaller parks within
each development.
A trail system within this development
As shown in the Comprehensive plan, an
side of Lake Susan should be obtained.
through the development leading to the
three roadways should be considered.
is also very important.
easement along the south
Also, trails going
lake corridor and to the
It is this offices recommendation that the Park and Recreation
Commission identify a five to ten acre parcel within the Chanhassen
Hills development that would be conducive for active use. In
addition, the Commission should identify trail easements
throughout the development that would connect this neighborhood
to the roads and the Lake Susan .trail corridor.
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(expansion, as outlined in Mr. Koegler's letter dated September
16, 1985. The motion passed unanimously.
\~ LAKE SUSAN SOUTH, SKETCH PLAN REVIEW: Sietsema presented the
~ sketch plan for the development of Lake Susan South (located just
south of Lake Susan) to the east of County Road 17. She said the
developer was preparing a plan to be taken to the Planning
commission that identified the land adjacent to the lake as
potential park/open space. Sitesema said that she had walked
this area and found it to be extremely hilly and wet in the low
lying areas.
The Lake Susan South area is a park deficient area, Sietsema
stated. Although the tract along the lake is identified as
park/open space in the comprehensive Plan, the City may not want
the entire portion the developer is offering, due to the limited
use potential. Sietsema recommended that the City request a
trail easement along the lake as shown in the Comprehensive Plan,
and to request a parcel of land be dedicated that would be more
conducive for active use.
Sietsema also pointed out that one of the City's priorities is to
develop its bike and trail system, therefore we should request
easements for sidewalks or trails throughout this development.
Schoenecker questioned the need for sidewalks throughout the
development and asked if we could have a main trail system
that would connect the major streets in the development to the
existing streets.
Rosenwald said that a trail through the development would be
desirable, but not on the street side of the houses.
Warneke suggested a trail easement circling the development
instead of going through it.
Schoenecker said he was not sure if the Park and Recreation
Commission wanted to start a policy requiring developers to put
in sidewalks. Warneke added that we do not want to scare develop-
ers away with too many requirements.
Schoenecker moved to recommend that the City request a trail
easement along Lake Susan, as shown in the Comprehensive Plan.
He also moved to recommend that a trail easement through the
development be requested which would link up to any future trail
system and to major highways. In addition, he recommended that
the City request that at least 20 acres of park land be dedicated
that would be accessible to major streets and accessible to the
Lake Susan trail corridor, thus crediting park dedication fees.
The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously.
WINTER BROCHURE: Sietsema asked the commission what they would
like to see in the Park and Recreation Winter Brochure. Items
discussed included: figure skating, 3-man basketball, cross
country ski lessons, moonlight cross-country ski event, ice
fishing contest, snow softball tournament, fishing fly tying
lessons, square dance lessons, bridge tournament, duplicate
bridge club.
LAKE ANN BLEACHERS: Sietsema said that the 1985 Capital
Improvement Budget included terraced bleachers on Field #2 at
Lake Ann Park. She said that the Commission may want to review
this project as there will be lights going in on Field #1 and
that field should have bleachers too. She said that it would be
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February 25, 1986
The City Of Channhassan
RE: Parking Fee At Lake Anne
To Whom It May Concern:
We are writing in regards to the parking fee at Lake Anne.
We understand that there is a ~ parking fee per car for the
usage of the lake. We are going to be married on June !4thJ1986
at the park located on Lake Anne and we are wondering ~f there
is any possible way we can have that parking fee waved for our
guests and the wedding party for that day?
The ceremony itself will be at 2:00 PM and afterwards
immediately following the ceremony we will have a small
dinner reception that will last at the latest around 4:00
or 4:30 PM.
We are hoping that the parking fee can be put aside
for that few hours so we don't have to 44ve our guests
paying to accompany us on our day of happiness. We hope
something can be arranged to help us :out.
Thank You For Your Time And Hopefully Your Help!
Brent W..lsh
Terry Latzke
RECL::- ;;::;:)
FEB 26 1986